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Previous thread!

Amon G. Sus is a homeless young trainer from Unova who recently won an all expenses paid trip to Alola. He's going to meet girls, Pokemon, trainers, and girl trainers. But there is a mystery behind his prize. And he's keen to figure it out.

>In our last episode

Our date with Mallow turned to a battle with the number 2 ranked trainer in all of Alola, Trial Captain Selene. Now we have an appointment to the Battle Carnival in a few hours. In the meantime we are in the middle of a Battle Royale and Darumaka has evolved to Darmanitan!

>team info is here

>Spaghetti Points 10/15

Spaghetti points determine how well our character talks to girls. The lower the number the better. But you can spend them on New Pokemon moves and Evolutions too. So get them but don't horde them.

>Now to the action

Darmanitan looks at his new body excitedly. He looks to you flexing his new arms. "Yeah that's great! Let's see what you got!"

>What do?
Ability: Zen Mode
Psychic (To use this just say you want to. I'll take care of the rest.)
Work Up
Rolled 72 (1d100)

with how many workups we have used Psychic should be about our strongest shot that no enemy here should have much if any resistance to.
Rolled 46 (1d100)


"Darumaka use Headbutt quick!" Instead Darumaka suddenly glows purple and raises his hands on instincts picking up Turtonator telekinetically and throwing him across the ropes. But when Turtonator rebounds... "Turtonator! Use Shell Trap!"

>Beat a 70 or you don't react in time and get blasted point blank with the collision.
Rolled 87 (1d100)

/roll 1d100
/dice 1d100
>Put it in options as dice+100

>Also how do I archive the thread again?

"Darmanitan get out of the way!" Darmanitan leaps out of the way and Turtonator explodes on impact. "Weezing fly to the top and use Sludge Wave!" Weezing does so creating a cone of sludge rain.

>Can't dodge this so roll 1d100 for who's roll we use. And then roll 1d6 for damage. On a 6 we also get poisoned.
Rolled 41 (1d100)

Write "dice+1d100" without the quotation marks in the options field below the name field if you wish to roll

Rolled 3 (1d6)

Rolled 34 (1d100)


Just put in the thread number and whatever title/description/tags you want then hit go
Thanks guys. I will respond either tonight or tomorrow. I've been in go time mode since yesterday. Work catch up.

>Darmanitan HP: 7/14 and since its half...

Darmanitan winces in pain and then his eyes go blank. He stares focused as his body glows and he transforms into Zen Mode! You pull out your Pokedex.

"Darmanitan Zen Mode. Fire and Psychic Type. When wounded, it stops moving. It goes as still as stone to meditate, sharpening its mind and spirit. Through meditation, it calms its raging spirit and hones its psychic powers."

Darmanitan looks different and is even floating above the ground!

>What do?
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Fuck forgot.
Rolled 86 (1d100)

Psychic that weezing into Turtonator. Use it like a bludgeon. And try to get that dual knockout

"Okay then...Weezing use Psychic! Throw him into Turtonator!" Weezing gets thrown hard at Turtonator! "Quick! Shell Trap!" Turtonator's shell glows and on inpact explodes! As Weezing is revealed to have fainted from impact Turtonator's trainer remarks. "Well that was a nice trick but.." then Turtonator faints. Then even before you can react... "Fling!" The nut that Passimian uses as a weapon comes flying at Darmanitan!

>Beat a 70 or it's full impact and Fling would be super effective.
Rolled 96 (1d100)


>Sorry about that. Its been crazy irl. After August I will be in the off season.
>Also VEGETA!!

You manage to call out to Darmanitan in time and he catches the attack with Psychic. "You may be stronger now but now you have whole a new typing! One that's weak against Dark!" Passimian's trainer calls out.

>What do?
Is... is that dude serious? Passimian is a fighting type.... we havse STAB psychic at +3/4

Dude wont make it past two rounds with our zen ape.

Use psychic and end it by getting him out of the Arena.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

Forgot dice.
>Fling is a dark type move and Passimian has more speed so there is some logic to it. But yeah the overconfidence was the vibe I was putting out. Honestly the argument may have held more water in the game itself. But even then it would be a situational thing. That said...

Darmanitan lifts up Passimian but, "Passimian use Protect!" Passimian glows and a sphere of energy blocks it body and cuts off Darmanitan's psychic. "Now lets fight back! Acrobatics!" Passimian flings itself on the rope and launches itself to and fro ricocheting off the ropes! And he launches himself at Darmanitan very quick!

>Beat a 90 to dodge or block this. Passimian is moving very fast.
Rolled 23 (1d100)

Lets go
I'll give it a minute to let other people respond.
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Rolled 26 (1d100)

Big money!
Rolled 78 (1d100)

Rolled 3 (1d4)


Darmanitan gets colided with and takes impact damage! He falls to the ground and...
> 4/14 HP

Darmanitan winces and floats shakily. Its coming down to the wire! Passimian makes a break for his seed on the ground!
>Sorry! Don't know how that happened.

Darmanitan is on its last legs. Its all or nothing!

>What do?
Rolled 93 (1d100)

if he wants that berry so bad he can have it.

Use psychic to smash it in its face and knock it out of the ring with that attack.
Rolled 53 (1d100)

Hopefully we don't poke its eye out with the seed.

Darumaka sends the seed going at breakneck speeds and K.Os Passimian in a single shot! "IT'S OVER! IT'S OVER! THE WINNER IS AMON AND DARMANITAN! WHAT A STUNNING VICTORY!" Darmanitan turns back to his regular form and looks beat up but energetic he grins at you and walks up crying out happily.

>What do you say?
Rolled 24 (1d100)

Give out boy a High Five. He should be big enough for now.

"That was so fucking awesome. You showed em real good whos the boss"
"Good game everyone and Daru great job hanging in there! What you want for dinner?"

Darmanitan smiles. You realize its gonna be tricky keeping him in the alleyway...no that's quitter talk. Your not going back to Unova without enough money for your own place. You return Darmanitan and head to the lobby. The receptionist hands you a small medal. "Here! Its for you. We hand them over to winners. We make them in house. It's relatively easy." It has Darmanitan engraved on it. "Woo! That was great! Your good for a first timer!" Said a...luchador. "M...Masked Royal!" The receptionist said. "That's right...I am...THE MASKED ROYAL!" He does a pose.
>Pic related

>What do

>Ask what's going on
>Be impressed
>Be unimpressed
>Walk away
>Write in
>Be somewhat impressed at his clothing style.
>Ask if he is the champion of this Arena?
>Write in
Roll d100 I don't know which one to do. Both are good.
Why not do both?
Rolled 44 (1d100)

It was late >>6062734
Rolled 68 (1d100)

The champion approaches
>Sorry everyone. Lets do this.

You try to stifle a laugh. "Wow, I gotta admit...Its uh...Actually its pretty impressive." Not sensing your amusement he says, unironically, "Yes it is! My mask is a symbol of my pride as a Pokemon Wrestler! A champion of the Battle Royale!" You perk up. "So you are a champion?" He laughs. "So to speak! There isn't a formal champion but I have won so many of my matches that the title sort of stuck! Woo! Anyways, your that guy who fought Selene aren't you? I overheard that chatter, you must be strong cousin!"

>Play it up
>Downplay your strength
>Sigh and facepalm at having that brought up
>Write in
>>Downplay your strength
best we stay modest dont want overconfidence to be our downfall
Rolled 48 (1d100)

"I just gave her a bit of a black eye instead of letting her steamroll me. I still have much to learn and train. Today was one step to getting there."
Rolled 7 (1d100)

>"I just gave her a bit of a black eye instead of letting her steamroll me. I still have much to learn and train. Today was one step to getting there."

We knew we only survived thanks to stubborn resistance, sacrifices, and a eureka moment of a plan.

"Humble! I dig it cousin! Still Selene is a tough one. Woo! Even I can't beat her when she goes all out! Shame you can't stay in Alola, I'm sure you'd do well the in Alola League proper! Well I just wanted to meet you. Maybe we can battle sometime! What are you gonna do now?"

>Hang out (Wait till its time to meet Stars)
>Check out the sights
>Get some lunch
>Write in
Rolled 20 (1d100)

>Check out the sights and have a snack for on the way
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>>Check out the sights and have a snack for on the way

Arceus take the wheel!

"Sightsee I guess. Get a snack." You say. Masked Royal nods. "If I may make a suggestion, Pokemon Centers in Alola have lovely cafes! I'd give it a shot! Woo! Anyways I better be off." He does a dramatic pose with his Incinaroar and walks off. All the women swoon...Maybe its the muscles or something.

>Take him up on the Pokemon Center offer
>Check out other sights and get a snack later
>Prioritize snacking. First place you see you snack.
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>>Take him up on the Pokemon Center offer

Feed daki, consume sustenance
Rolled 52 (1d100)


You decide to let Darmanitan get a rest and get a snack. When you arrive there is in fact a cafe in the center. You hand your Pokemon off to the Nurse and sit down. "Hello sir! What can I get for you?" The barista asks.

>Roserade Tea
>Berry Lemonade
>Hot Chocolate
Your choice matters. This determines the next girl.
Rolled 2 (1d100)

i have no clue..... so.

Roserade Tea. hot chocolate is too much for a tropical island in the day.
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>>Roserade Tea
I would prefer lemonade since its an island but I don't want to cause a tie.
Nah dude. You roll higher yours gets picked. You take what you wanna take. I took my shit here >>6066964
And only got a 2.
>I shit you not she was the girl in mind for that choice. Sorry I've been absent. National Guard shit had me in the middle of the woods.

"Roserade Tea huh?" You hear a voice from behind you and...oh its Mallow. She's leaning towards you a bit and smiling. "I usually like to spice mine with a mix I made myself. But it's really good either way. How are you Amon?"

>Oh hey...yeah...I gotta go.
>Hey you told everyone about my battle? No one will battle me now!
>Oh hey Mallow.(This is the forgive and forget option.)
Rolled 79 (1d100)

>Oh hey Mallow.(This is the forgive and forget option.)

Mellow hey just practicing for the next fight since Selene will have a counter plan to stop the shadow trick again.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

Oh hey.... you told everyone about the battle. No one wants to train with me now..... but if you wanna talk. Sit down
>>Hey you told everyone about my battle? No one will battle me now!
>Oh hey Mallow.(This is the forgive and forget option.)
I doubt she actually meant to inconvenience us, so while it sucks that we can’t score a good battle, there’s no point in being a little bitch to the poor girl about it. Save the vitriol for Selene’s bullshit feud or whatever it is.
this is supposed to be open to forgive. but not forget.

"Oh really? I guess I played it up a bit. The higher tier trainers on the island are really a league of their own to be honest. I guess people are a bit discouraged since new trainers have rejected doing the island challenge." She sits down.

>You wanna ask her any questions? Or shall we move on?
Rolled 68 (1d100)

"You can make it up to me. Where would be some of those higher tier trainers? Any gathering spots where they meet for training?

and. do you want something to drink as well?"
Rolled 4 (1d100)

Feed on her knawledge

"Either the Battle Royale or the Battle Tree. I know the Battle Carnival is another place. But its more for amateurs. Still I go there from time to time to train my weaker Pokemon...Say...what about a Pokemon battle with me? You like battles a lot. And I am not slouch you know. I'm a Trial Captain for a reason." Mallow says with a determined smile. "And if you win...I will...cook something for you. And you can ask for something if you win!"

>Let's see Spaghetti level is 7...Beat a 70 to peer past your autism for a revelation.

>Also how do you respond?
>no slouch*
>Fucking autocorrect.
>Also if you accept it will be a scripted win so it won't take nearly as long.
Rolled 24 (1d100)

"Your ON!"
pretend to slam cup down. And set it down gently instead when your autism tries to make you concious of this
Rolled 31 (1d100)


Father I crave battle.
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>*Hair flick* " You're just going to be oooo and 2".
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>"What weaker pokemon are you training?"

She sees you pretend slam your cup down. "Oh...uh..." She doesn't know how to react to that. "But yeah! Let's battle! 3 on 3 is ok right?" She asks. "Fine by me." You get your Pokemon. She takes you by the hand and leads you away out of the Pokemon Center.

>Reactions? Or move on?
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>"You got an arena pre-made or are we going for some sightseeing?"
Rolled 54 (1d100)

+1 >>6070817
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>I am finally home for good...for now anyways. I shall update regularly now.

"No! I just wanna find some place with a lot of space is all." Mallow says. Eventually they reach a clearing. "Okay!" She psychs herself up and gets energetic. "Here we go! Go Trevenant!" She sends out a Pokemon you've never seen before. You pull out your Pokedex. "Trevenant, the Elder Tree Pokemon. Grass and Ghost type. This Pokemon is ruthless to those who harm its forest, but kind to those who reside peacefully in it. Using its roots, Trevenant connects itself to trees and monitors every corner of its forest. It uses curses to drive intruders away."

>Send out which Pokemon?
Rolled 37 (1d100)

Croagunk should do well here
>against a ghost/grass type.

Not really. It's a neutral matchup at best, but our only other options are Marill and Foongus. Sap Sipper makes Marill immune to grass type, and bounce hits for super effective against grass, but that's it's only good move against Trevanent. Foongus is in pretty much the same boat.
Sigilith can hit for super effective, but it's weak to ghost as well.

A fresh Darmanitan would be our best option, but it's getting healed in the pokemon center.
Then what poke would you suggest as darman is down?
A fighting poison pokemon with Astonish and Poison sting. And he could learn more attacks.

If you want another pokemon. Then vote for it

So you guys want Darmanitan or Crogunk?
I suppose its best to go Croagunk since there are no further votes.
He's not totally wrong either. But...Mallow is a bit tougher then she looks.

"Okay Trevenant! Forest Curse!" Black vines with a purple glow constrict Croagunk for a moment and then fade away. "Croa?" Croagunk looks around himself. Then looks back at you with a confused expression. He doesn't even appear hurt.
So Croagunk is fighting/poison/grass now. I'm not sure how that will effect the battle.

Let's open up strong with Astonish.

"Use Astonish!" Croagunk's face turns into a scary mask and he gets up close to Trevenant. Trevenant winces in pain and takes a step back. "Use X-Scissor!" Trevenant's claws glow a light green and it gets a slash off on Croagunk that looks like it hurt! "Wait what!?" You say. "Forest Curse gave him Grass Typing as well. So he has an inbuilt weakness to Bug Type attacks! Now use Phantom Force!" Trevenant vanishes. Croagunk looks around. Then looks back to you for guidance.

>What do?
Rolled 43 (1d100)

that Trevenant has gotta be very strong if that X-Scissor still hurt even with resistance. Its not double resistance due tot he grass type.

try and poison with poison sting it as soon as it tries to reemerge. while we wait keep your head on a swivel and get ready to bounce.
I was DM fiating it to have a super effective either way. But on a second look checking Venusaur yeah bug is resisted. Too late though. On the chance this comes up again I will keep it in mind.
Also I will give people a minute to respond...its good to be back.
Fighting and Poison both resist Bug. Adding Grass should still leave Crogunk with x0.5 resist to Bug.
that was acknowledge here >>6073181
you got any input that might help in this fight?

i am not very imaginative today.
Aside from gambling on flinch HAX from Astonish or poison from Poison Sting, we could try to throw off Trevenants accuracy with Mud Slap. It won't deal much damage to a grass type, but it could keep us from getting hit as well, and if Crogunk goes down it still leaves us in a strong position to score a revenge KO.
Throw mud slaps surrounding us to try and make pools of mud to find where trevant is walking? Take a bit to make the mud but we can at least slow down his movement a bit for a window to counter.
That's not really show phantom force works.. The user literally enters another plane of reality.

Croagunk looks around. Suddenly Trevenant behind him. "DUCK CROAGUNK!" Croagunk dodges the strike and and jumps back. "Follow up with Astonish!" Croagunk gets scary faced. "Quick! Horn Leech!" Trevenant's arms glow and it swipes at Croagunk with surprising power.

>Beat a 70 to dodge
Rolled 2 (1d100)

You got this man
Rolled 47 (1d100)

this is not looking good. might have been a mistake. even with Darmatian still injured.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

In with the fail.

Croagunk takes a strike to the chest and gets sent back. Trevenant looks a little less hurt. "That thing's a tank...Gotta think of something..."

>Beat a 80 to get a freebee
Rolled 40 (1d100)

its probablly a bit more on the sluggish side. so we should make speed our ally.
Rolled 57 (1d100)

Rollan’ for freebie, but if we flub it I suggest we fight dirty and go for the Mud Slap. Gotta get its accuracy down because we really can’t keep taking these hits. How does getting new moves work again? I really wouldn’t mind Sucker Punch right about now… Or Venoshock for that matter.
Getting new moves by spending Spaghetti points. Still got a few i think.

Suckerpunch would be pretty nice roght now certainly.

Sadly i rolled already. So no rolling again
Rolled 52 (1d100)

I tried to wait to see if it would get a freebee but if you guys wanna. You have 7 points of Spaghetti left. You can spend 3 to get a new move. And yeah you'd have gotten Sucker Punch for free. That was literally my suggestion.
That would work for me. Get suckerpunch and punch that sucker tree
Last question guys. What move you wanna get rid of?
Ability: Poison Touch
Poison Sting
Drain Punch
Mud Slap
I would say either poison touch or sting as mud, drain, and astonish are too useful in battles to lose.
Touch is the ability. If Sting isn't contested by tomorrow then its the choice.
Poison sting is probably fine to remove.

>Now at 4 points

"Okay Trevenant! Phantom Force!" Suddenly Croagunk shoots a lighting fast punch that collides onto Trevenant with force. "What?..." You say. "Hey! That was Sucker Punch!" Mallow says. Trevenant coughs a bit and looks sick. "Looks like your ability kicked in!" You say. "Okay! Now we can do this... Croagunk keep it moving! Stall him out!" Croagunk bounces a bit and keeps his distance from Trevenant. "Okay Trevenant! Phantom Force!" Trevenant vanishes. Trevenant reappears behind Croagunk but Croagunk is moving too quick to hit. This goes on for a couple of minutes then Trevenant faints. "Oh...Good job Trevenant. Return." She returns him. "Okay! Now for my next Pokemon...hm...Okay. Go Tropius!" She sends out Tropius. You pull out your Pokedex. "Tropius, the Fruit Pokemon. Grass and Flying type. It flies by flapping its broad leaves and gives the sweet, delicious fruit around its neck to children. The bunches of fruit growing around the necks of Tropius in Alola are especially sweet compared to those in other regions."

>Return Croagunk
>Keep at it
Fuck sorry!
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Rolled 11 (1d100)

switch to Sigilyph

and maybe get Airslash by replacing Gust?

What do other people think?
Air Slash is a good one. Going once...
Rolled 35 (1d100)

Croag did enough so time for sigil. Also sure airslash sounds stronger than gust

>Points now at one

"Return! Go Sigilyph!" You send out Sigilyph. Sigilyph sees the enemy Pokemon and looks a bit down. He looks to for reassurance. I guess the loss to Decidueye hit him pretty hard...

>Say something reassuring!
My grandfather has cancer. I refuse to quit the rp but I have been all over the fucking place mentally and its hard sometimes to focus enough to remember to update more. Life is conspiring against me.
Rolled 37 (1d100)

"Sigilyph. Your opponent might be strong. but i know your much tougher and capable"

I am sorry to hear that. Lost my own gradfather to cancer almost a decade ago now. so i know the feelings your going through while they are still alive but sick.
Rolled 67 (1d100)

I don't know how to black out but at least you still have time with him to say goodbye on your terms instead of it being instantly being gone out of nowhere.
just mark the text you want to black out and then press strg+s

then whatever you marked should be surrounded by [ spoiler][ /spoiler]

just without the spaces in the square brackets.
Thanks guys. I'm gonna respond in the morning.

Sigilyph nods. And cries out defiantly. "Okay Tropius use Body Slam!" Tropius charges at Sigilyph full force and slams into him pinning him to the ground. "Use Gust Sigilyph! Max power!" Sigilyph flaps its wings as hard as it can but instead of Gust a large slash of air bursts out sending Tropius back. "Uh oh. Air Slash...two can play at that game though! Tropius! Air Slash!" Tropius sends his own Air Slash out.

>Beat a 80. Sigilyph isn't the most agile.
Rolled 50 (1d100)

Rolled 51 (1d100)

Rolled 69 (1d100)


Sigilyph gets struck head on! "Follow up with Body Slam!"

>React offensively
>React defensively
>Write in
>slash at its wings with Windslash to stop the bodyslam and deal damage at the same time
Rolled 67 (1d100)

Take out their wings, without those they are nothing.

"Air Slash! Hit the wings!" Sigilyph goes full force and sends huge slashes of wind at Tropius's own wings slashing them harshly. "Synthesis!" Mallow calls out. Tropius glows as it begins to heal itself.

>React offensively
>React defensively
>Write in
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>>React offensively
Keep aiming for the wings. Don't let them heal the damage.
Rolled 27 (1d100)

Mate for how small the updates are. Kinda need them at the original rate. Or longer posts. Cause it's taking us forever to get anything done. And the round by round fighting is kinda meh for storyline.

Waiting multiple days for 5 sentences makes me question why I check the thread everyday.

Just my two cents qm.

If you're getting writers block just ask us anons for more write ins or explanations on why we want x or y to happen.
this man.

this is something crucial.

if you cant do it then dont. No need to break your back trying to get something done while your real life seems to be in turmoil
>Sorry. I've been going through depression pretty hard. But if your willing to help I won't say no.

"Air Slash! Hit the wings again!" Sigilyph sends out a flurry of slashes to hit Tropius's wings. Tropius grimaces but powers through the hits and stands its ground. "Tropius Razor Leaf! And charge forward!" It flaps a and sends out a barrage of sharp leaves. "Dodge it!" Sigilyph does it's best but Tropius is getting closer and closer. Sigilyph seems to be getting back in the groove. "Use Air Slash!" You cry out. "Counter with your own and then hit him with another Body Slam!" Tropius uses his own slashes to counter Sigilyph's in the air and gets close enough to slam into him sending him back. "Do you only have the one move?" Mallow calls out teasingly. "Fly Tropius!" Tropius enters the air.

>I will let you guys write out what you want to happen if you like. We don't need to roll anymore in a scripted fight. I'll write out Mallow's reactions.
Rolled 56 (1d100)

>"Do i need more to beat you? Well here we go!"

>Shout for Sigilyph to slah at the ground to kick up dust and disappear, using the dustcloud for cover, before using hypnosis to keep Tropisu still long enough to use another couple Airslashes to try and knock out the Tropius quickly.

i am sorry to hear about your mental health. I am not really qualified to help you, what with how sick your grandpa is and whatever else is going on in your life.

nor is anyone else on this board qualified to immediatly do it over the internet.

What is most important though is that you find and do the things you enjoy. if this is not bringing you joy or is stressing you out a lot then it might be time to take a break and seek some professional help.
…how much of a dick move would it be to use Hypnosis on Tropius mid-divebomb to make it crash? Pokémon are pretty tough, right?
oooooohhhhh. Thats a good one.... yeah. that could work. good idea anon.
We would just have to hit it mid flight.
God damn I love you anons.

And qm it's a good quest. I'm glad we got what we got so far. Do take care of yourself though first and foremost.

I like the creativity.
There is no such thing as a dick more just creativity and victory. Also she joked we only had one move so lets use a new one.

Yeah we aren't qualified to help at all but the best thing I could say is take a breather and a step back to process these things.
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>Thanks everyone. I'm getting better its just stressful.

You think for a moment then smirk. "Use Hypnosis!" Sigilyph sends out glowing waves of energy at Tropius who yawns in response before falling out of the air and slamming on the ground. Tropius faints in response. "Oh...Dang." Mallow says dejected. "You did good Tropius. Get some actual rest now." She returns Tropius and sends out a new Pokemon. "My last chance! Go Tsareena!" You know the drill. "Tsareena, the Fruit Pokemon. Grass type. A master of grand and beautiful kicks, it can knock out even kickboxing champions with a single blow. It is known for being especially aggressive in battle." Sigilyph is looking beat up.

>Tough it out with Sigilyph
>Switch Pokemon
>Tough it out a bit longer.
"You want variety Mallow? Then here we go."

Use Confusion to try and throw its aim off for the first few attacks, bow out after taking another hit.

Switch to Foongus. Try to stun with spores and finish off with Clear Smog while its immobilized.
>Try to stun with spores
Aren’t grass types immune to spore moves? Amon IS pretty new to battling though, so I wouldn’t be super surprised if he had no idea.
could be. not the most familiar with these interactions. Effect spore ability should still have an effect though. and it will be a valuable lesson for our homless boy.
Clear Smog isn't a spore. Will respond later today.

"Use Confusion Sigilyph!" Mallow calls out. "Detect!" Tsareena's eyes flash gold for a second and she leaps and bounces all over the place preventing Sigilyph from getting a good lock on. "Here is a new attack I bet you've never seen! We've just trained it out! Triple Axel!" Tsareena leaps into the air and spins covered in an icy wind as she spin kicks Sigilyph sending him to the ground. Sigilyph is still able to battle but its not looking good. "Good endurance Sigilyph! Return!" You return Sigilyph. "Foongus you got this!" You send out Foongus. "Foongus use Clear Smog!" Foongus uses Clear Smog and sends out a stream of white smoke at Tsareena. "Dodge!" Tsareena runs from the stream and dashes towards Foongus!

>What do?

>Ability: Effect Spore
>Mega Drain
>Stun Spore
>Sweet Scent
>Clear Smog
>Stun Spore

Hit her with it as she rushes in. Then

>Mega Drain
Rolled 64 (1d100)

Lure the Pokemon in with sweet scent.then at point blank range cover your surroundings with clear smog. Trade the hits and hope for effect spore to kick in with either poison or sleep
Rolled 99 (1d100)

Sweet scent to lower her evasion, tank the hit, then follow up with stun spore for bonus accuracy next turn.
Will respond in the morning. Beat from work.

>She's technically immune to Stun Spore but ok...I said Clear Smog was not a spore. Also Effect Spore doesn't work on Grass types for the record. Since technically the Stun Spore guy won I am honoring his roll.

"Sweet Scent!" Foongus creates a sweet smelling breeze that makes Tsareena pause for a moment to smell it. "Now Stun Spore!" Foongus sends an orange cloud of spores at Tsareena. But she doesn't seem to be affected. "Uh...Amon...Stun Spore doesn't effect Grass Types...you knew that right?" Mallow asks confused. Tsareena seems to be confused at your strategy as well.

>What's your response and next action?
Rolled 62 (1d100)

Choke the Tzaareena out with clear Smog while usong the süores and sweet scent together woth the smog to hide.

"Of course i knew that. I am thinking on my feet. Can you say the same? Not with how gobsmacked you are looking right now."
Grin cheekily
Rolled 52 (1d100)

"Uhhh, technically I am not even a trainer so I don't know the basics. But what I do know is improv. Foongus Clear Smog now!"

Note to self read the pokedex entries on types before bed.

Foongus hits Tsareena point blank. Mallow is taken aback. Falling for it. "Okay then...Tsareena use Triple Axel!" Foongus gets assaulted by the triple spin kick and sent flying into a tree. Super effective too. Foongus gets up trying to stand tall but it looks like that really hurt. His effect spores seem to have no effect on Tsareena either given how when they popped off she seems to be fine.

>what do?
Fuck...I fucked up. I ruined the rp. Im sorry everyone. I hope someone responds.
>Calm down and have a short think. Seeing as Tzaareena is in a farther away use that against it.
>"Foongus. Flood this Area with Smog and hide while expanding the fog towards it."
>If she wants to get in here with physical attacks make sure she needs to move through the smog and has to spend time there. Or they can get themselves disqualified by running too far away.

people are probably just busy. i know i was being a Game Master for a 5 hour session and getting to sleep at half past midnight.
Rolled 80 (1d100)

still tired. dice are here
Had overtime and needed a shower after work
>I may have Foongus faint. Realistically I don't see him winning but I'll give it another post if you guys can come up with some really clever thing.

"Foongus hit the area with as much Clear Smog as you can!" Foongus makes a huge Clear Smog area and sends as much of it as it can. Tsareena is stuck in the smog. "Tsareena use High Jump Kick! Get airborne and see if you can spot Foongus!" Tsareena leaps very high in the air and looks around before trying a drop kick down and...crushing a small rock. Tsareena cries out in panic. "Dang...what do we do?" Mallow thinks to herself.
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>"Foongus charge and Clear Smog in the direction of Tsareena's cry!"

Either Tsa's leg is still damaged from the rock and smog hit that she can't dodge well or we get a tackle in as we are running on fumes.

Another +1 on OT. Thanks for picking back up. I guess we kinda let you down qm.
Poor Foongus doesn’t really have a ton to work with beyond spamming Clear Smog. Mega Drain wouldn’t be very effective nor heal us for much, Stun Spore’s a dud in this match up, and don’t think Sweet Scent’s gonna make a difference at this point. Lil buddy put on a surprisingly good showing for what he had, but unless he can sneak in a critical hit due to Tsareena’s circumstances, he’s pretty much out of luck.
Rolled 25 (1d100)

+1 for >>6092303
after the likely loss. spending points now to get something like Sludge Bomb instead of Clear Smog is probably not worth it.
"Well its been a good showing. lets not overextend ourselves anymore na dlet our pokemon get really injured. Another drink at the Caffee back in town while we get our pokemon checked out?"
You didn't let me down. Just had a panic attack I suppose. I'm good. Honest. Will respond tomorrow.
At least Amon now knows about type disadvantage so now we know to avoid throwing foongus on grass fights.

Sweet scent and stun combo would have been good against any other match but we still held on even in a losing fight.
>Sorry winner said tackle...

"Okay Foongus! Charge!" Foongus tries to tackle Tsareena. "Tsareena! Trop Kick!" Tsareena kicks Foongus and when it collides a burst of flower petal shaped energy exits Foongus' body. Foongus faints. "Foongus! You did good buddy! Return!" Amon returns Foongus.

>Which Pokemon next?
FUCK I MISREAD!...In fairness more Clear Smog would have just ended up having Tsareena use Triple Axel to spin out the gas. I had a plan for that...it wasn't a good match up guys. Sorry.
>send out our psychic fire bro.

>and set her on fire.
We will avenge our bro with firey passion!
Rolled 20 (1d100)

"GO Darmatian. Hoped it would not have come to this. But your opponent is weak!"

Start out with Incinerate. Might ignite some of the clear smog that still lingers. While it likely wont be enough to defeat her we can just continue with it till we go to Zen Mode and start blasting her with Psychic.
>Sorry about that bros

You send out Darmanitan. "Time for your debut in a new battle!" Darmanitan bangs its chest. "Hey your Darumaka evolved!" Mallow says eagerly. "Congratulations!" You nod. "Yeah he kicks ass. Speaking of...Darmanitan use Incinerate!" Darmanitan sends out a flurry of flames out its mouth. Thankfully the gas didn't ignite. But even then Mallow cries out "Detect!" And sure enough Tsareena leaps out of the fog unsinged. "Now use High Jump Kick!" Tsareena hits Darmanitan dead on. What how?
Rolled 6 (1d100)

Alright if we still have power in us. Use PSychic. Show her what it means to get thrown around. if she tries high jump kick again use this to stop her attack before it even starts and smash Tzaarena to the ground.
Rolled 61 (1d100)

>pyschic attack
Rolled 2 (1d100)

+1 what anon say take her leg

"Darmanitan use Psychic! Grab her leg!" Darmanitan focuses his mental power on Tsareena's leg and raises her up. Before sending her crashing down. And then doing the same thing over and over. "Triple Axel when you hit the ground!" The slam coincided with a spin which had enough force to break the lock. "High Jump Kick!" Tsareena launches itself at Darmanitan again and kicks it back. "Now use Detect and get out of there!" Its eyes glow yellow as it bounces with surprising speed all around Darmanitan.

>Last move how we finish this?
Rolled 38 (1d100)


Darmatian! Use your ESP with Psychic. Build a sensory barrier with psychic to grab Tzareena as soon as she breaks through the outer edge of your perception and push her knee off course.

Make sure her face connects with your massive fist instead!
Rolled 95 (1d100)

Sounds like a bit of a risk overloading him but sounds good
Hey guys its been hectic. I'll be more free after tomorrow. I can barely stay awake atm. Will respond as soon as I wake up.
night qm don't fall off the bed
I admit we are coming around to the next smut scene. Should we skip it and just say it happened or do you all want it? I'm good either way but its your call.

Darmanitan focuses and...pulls it off swinging Tsareena's leg and making her rotate into his fist! Slamming her. Tsareena is knocked out. "Oh no...Well...good job Tsareena." Mallow returns her. "You know your a great trainer...but its...Its...a little concerning. That last trick was something HE'D pull..." Mallow says. "Then again...he's undefeated for a reason." Mallow sighs. She puts on a smile. "It was a good match! I wasn't just going Trial Captain Mode either. Tsareena was my ace." She hugged herself on your arm. "So what do you want me to cook? I'll make anything you want?" She looks in your eyes your face very close to hers.
i am fine with skipping it. i am here to build our boy into a champion with a secure future.

"Hmmm.... Something filling that is easy to make. you willing to show me? Then i might be able to make it myself when back Home so i can feed my Pokemon better"

Try not to show how insecure you are about 'Home'.

Learning something should be useful for Amon.
Something like roasted fish, a berry jam, or special like a freshly baked pie as that would be something we never had a chance to eat.

skip it since we got to save the spagetti for post smut

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