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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Disappearing%20Hogwarts
Character Sheets: https://pastebin.com/bi5pZS6n
Twitter: https://twitter.com/head_qm


Spells fly around you, your friends try to crawl away from the battle, their hands still tied, their mouths still gagged. You dive behind the archway in space that is the way out, dragging Arty with you.

“Weasley!” You shout at Mr. Red, who is on the floor, his face on his hands. “You wanna know what happened to your niece? You wanna know what happened to Lily? He killed her! He tortured and killed her! I never lied! He’s Salazar Slytherin, and if he gets to that basin he’ll become more powerful than Voldemort ever was!”

You struggle against Arty’s bindings as you shout, but he doesn’t seem to hear you, holding his head with force, as if trying to claw his way into his own skull, as if under tremendous pain.

“It’s- It’s not real!” He shouts, shaking. “It- It never happened!”

“It happened! It happened and time changed! But here you can remember!”

“I- I can’t-”

Brighton slams a rock over his head and he crumples on the floor.


He picks up Mr. Red’s wand and runs to you, looking like he’s also in pain. He waves it at Arty’s bindings, but only the tiniest cut appears on them, wordless spellcasting with someone else’s wand being far too difficult in his condition. He pushes the wand into your hands and you manage to cast the spell well enough to release him.

“My head,” he says as he pulls the gag out of his mouth, voice strained. “Feels like it’s going to crack open.”

“Mine is not so good either,” Arty says. “But it’s bearable. I… I remember Lily. I remember her! And her memories are trying to push through the old ones.”

“I… I used to play with her,” Brighton says. “When we were kids. We weren’t best friends but-”

“The more memories you had with her the worse it is,” you say, suddenly understanding. You had been protected from the change by Ancient Magic when the shift happened, so your mind had time to fit both timelines together with some elegance, and even you had your moments of disorientation. Theirs was suddenly being forcefully flooded with their original memories. “No wonder her uncle was like that. Can you two fight?”

“Yep,” Longbottom nods, voice strained. “Just need a wand.”

You look around, searching for the man who had your wand, and also for Linda and Apollo. You find them taking cover behind one of the great glass-like stones, which from the amount of blasts they’ve taken are anything but glass, desperately trying to find a way of cutting the magical knot-less ropes that bind them.


Mr. Blue is several meters away, fighting Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver with the help of Mr. Gray. Salazar is behind him, trying to find a way to safely reach the Elixir of Life by Arthur, and getting repeatedly cut off by Mr. Purple’s blasts.

You close your eyes, focus on the form in Mr. Blue’s pocket and shout, trying to force your will through the unfamiliar wand in your hand.


Your wand flies off Mr. Blue’s robes, falling on the grass, and a second accio lands it on your hands. You can’t fetch your friends’s wands because of anti-summoning enchantments, but it is better than nothing. You toss Brighton the wand and he does the same.

“Destroy their damn wands!” Scorpius shouts.

“What!?” Mr. Blue shouts, surprised. That sort of thing just wasn’t done. To break someone’s wand was almost unthinkable, almost akin to attacking their very magic.

Now, Alistair!” Salazar rages. “Or do you wish for more enemies to fight?”

Alistair, or whoever Mr. Blue is, dives behind one of the transparent stones and you hear a sickening sound of wood cracking and snapping. By your side, Brighton is gripping Mr. Red’s wand, along with his own, fury in his eyes. Arty just looks shocked, mouth gaping open.

You take Mr. Red´s wand from Brighton’s hands and shove it on Arty’s. You can’t afford the luxury of shock.

“Arty, take this. Arty. Arty!” You snap your fingers in front of of her until she reacts.

“He- He broke my wand!” She says in a pitch so high it almost hurts your ears.

“And we’ll make him pay for that, then use the Elder Wand to fix it once we’re out of here, ok? But now we need to fight.

She looks at you for a moment, scared, then a determined look falls on her face and she nods.

“You lead, I’ll follow.”

> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> “Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> “The three of us, together. We can do it.”
> Other (Write in)

You peek again at the battle raging on on the fields of Avalon, only to see Scorpius leap through a barrage of spells and fall on a roll by the basin filled with glowing white liquid.

“Buy me time, you two!” Salazar shouts as the Elixir of Life begins to levitate from its bowl.

What do you do?

> Rush Salazar, you can’t risk him creating a body for himself
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
> Other (Write in)
> “The three of us, together. We can do it.”

> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men

You're back! Good to see this again!
Nice, we're back
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
We need all our allies freed or we're doomed
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
I'd rather have Purple and Silver win over Salazar any day. We need to tell them Salazar needs to be ALIVE or he'll body jump. Scorpius is still in there, and if he dies then Malfoy kills us all. Salazar could Diffindo his neck or something to kill himself to dodge us if we don't disable him as much as possible. Blue will need all the Skele-Gro in the world by the time we are done with his bones for breaking Arty's wand.
>“Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men

holy shit, so hype to have you back HeadQM!
hope everything is going well for you
And we're back!

> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
Not like he knows how the process works exactly anyway.
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> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”

>Brighton, cover her and don't die!

Arty is pretty skilled, but she just doesn't have the magic output to do much with a wand which isn't hers. We were barely able to accio ours back, and we are more powerful than her. She should have to juice to cut some ropes, however.

Apollo just has the raw power to push through using a different wand.

We are beating the fuck out of Mr. Blue for doing something so terrible to our future wife, taking away something so important to her.

>Accio our pouch

We are out of wiggenweld, but we should still have erudus, girding in there. An alchemist flashbang and an erumpent. A maxima too, probably.

Time to guzzle wizard drugs and start tossing hand grenades.

Lets fucking gooooo.
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> Rush Salazar, you can’t risk him creating a body for himself
Binged this quest after checking the archive, incredibly good work. Glad it's back.
> “Go free Linda and your brother! Give him the wand, tell him to join us, then hide!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
> “Stand behind the door, give us supporting fire!”
> The process takes some time. Join Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver in eliminating the other two men
remember how unstable the elixir is, we just need to get it away from him which we have plenty of time to do
99.9% percent that Potter is on his way as well. If we can keep Salazar away long enough, we will likely end up with him rushing in. Downside, is of course he will end up recalling his daughter due to the Ancient Magic stuff down here. While he would likely be disabled at least as long as Mr. Red, which could give us a chance to fight back I imagine he would bring Hermione and Ron, since they are his close friends.They would likely be disabled too, but the spooks and cops that would escort them would not be.

We are in a precarious situation, since it is us and our teenage friends vs. Scorpy vs. the hired guns and soon vs. Potter and his friends.

We ourselves have a couple of reasons to not want to have the elixir destroyed. Bringing Taylor back, giving Arty back a normal lifespan and magic power, trying to create a body for Helga and maybe Rowena and Godrick. Our central motivation of seeking Ancient power.

A clusterfuck and I love it.
don't forget the elixir can fucking explode iirc

As far as you know, only if hit by the Killing Curse


“Go!” You shout at Arty. “Free those two! Give Apollo the wand and hide!”

“I can fight!” She says, giving you an angry look.

You don’t have time to argue. You wish you could make a different call. You wish she had more power, because Merlin knows she can fight harder than anyone else among your friends. But right now, her raw power would just make her an easy target at best and a liability. You wish you had the time to find the words to explain that to her in a way that wouldn’t hurt her feelings.

But spells are flying and time is short, so you just kiss her instead.

“Please, Arty,” you say, breaking the kiss.

She frowns at you, not happy, but nods.

“Now!” You and Brighton jump out of cover, dashing towards where Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver are fighting. But something inside you shakes and your legs, already injured from the previous chamber, lose their footing. Brighton turns to help you, but you just wave him away. “Go, I’m fine!”

He goes, and you stand up, only to be struck again, as if your heart was trying to hammer its way out of your chest. You can feel it, the Beast throwing its entire body against the gates inside your soul, trying to break through.


“I’m- I’m trying to stop it, but I don’t know what I can do! I- I can’t see what I’m doing!”

You force yourself to stand up and bear the blows. If only you could get the Elixir, you could make yourself a body able to endure it, or better yet, create Helga a body, and pass the Gate on to her. But there are at least three dark wizards between you and it, and one of those is the creator of your House.

You wave your wand trying to summon your pouch, but it is firmly attached to Mr. Blue’s hips. So you do the only thing you can do: You join the fight.

Mr. Blue and Mr. Gray are fighting with everything they have, and they have an advantage. They don’t need to win. They don’t need to to defeat their enemies. They just need to hold on long enough for their master to build himself a body and destroy everyone in his path.

So they summon shield after shield, barrier after barrier, they slow and deflect, conjuring glimmering walls of force and impenetrable blockades. And Mr. Purple and Mr. Silver tear them down one by one, with unrelenting fury, making it clear you are sorely outmatched in a fight of adults with auror-level skills.

You join them and Brighton, clutching at your aching chest.

> Roll 3d100+30 (+45 from Battle Rolls, -25 from the Beast and injuries, +10 from Brighton’s help). Bo3, DC 100
Rolled 76, 12, 61 + 30 = 179 (3d100 + 30)

Alright, I phrased that poorly. Should have been roll A d100+x. I'll consider just the first roll of yours, let us let other people roll (who knows what a potential 100 can bring)
Rolled 45 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

>DC 100
OK maybe not that much with that included. This guy >>6059497 already won it with 76+30=106, right? I'll still roll anyway
OP's holding out for a crit.
>DC 100
jesus christ, HeadQM, you came with a vengance, didnt you?
aight...WITNESS ME BROTHERS! plz no bully
I see. Well I hope Elliot can drop a line to Mr. Purple telling him we'd rather anybody but Salazar get the elixir, for obvious reasons. Or maybe to Mr. Silver, I dunno. Either way we're their backup, so they need to put up with our shit
I'm witnessing you failing, faggot. You capitalized the D of dice or something?
Rolled 95 + 30 (1d100 + 30)

>forgot to roll
no, i forgot to add the "dice" part
like i was saying: WITNESS ME!
It's no nat 100, but it's close enough ain't it? That better count for how this next scene plays out
I have witnessed. Forever shiny and chrome.

Purple is the one who tossed Linda up against the wall by the neck. Guy who wants a new body as well, given he is now 50 shades of fucked up, due to the prophecy blood splash and Anput taking his leg. I doubt he is stable. But I suppose the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I wonder if we get to roll an army roll next turn, assuming Arty doesn't die, and we get our friends back. Apollo should probably be able to get his own wand back with an accio then toss Red's wand to Linda so she can do something...
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witnessed dear lord

late to the party, but super happy to see this quest brought back. Reading about Elliot and Arty again makes my heart happy.
Fighting side by side with the man who had just moments ago tried to kill Linda hadn’t been in your plans, but the enemy of your enemy… is still your enemy, nothing more, nothing less than that. Your goals align for now so your wands point the same direction, but you have no doubts that he wouldn’t even spare a glance if you were to be struck down.

Mr. Purple fights like a madman, almost reminding you of how Crouch fights, though Crouch had a precision this man doesn’t. But at the same time, Mr. Purple doesn’t have a gimped wand.

Etrura Minka!” He shouts and a three bolts of not-killing-curse green fly out of his wand and shatter a barrier, but another one is raised in an instant. “Dritta! Get out of my way, you traitorous whores!”

But the promise of ridiculous gold seems to be quite enough to keep Mr. Blue and Mr.Gray fighting just as hard as Mr. Purple is, as they stand their ground. You and Brighton help, firing spell after spell, trying to overload the barriers without success. The constant jolts coming from your chest don’t help. Behind them, the glimmering liquid slowly starts to take the form of a glowing human as Salazar slowly builds his new body.

But you need to make progress.

“Brighton! Diffindo!

“What, Hallaster? Bombarda!

“You saw my fights, right? You remember the name of the Sword in the Stone?”

Confusion momentarily replaces the battlerage in his face, before going back to anger. “Yeah! And it’s still bloody stupid!”

You wait for the Beast to slam against you before shouting, “Now!”

Wingardium Leviosa!

You fly up in the air, peeking up and over their barriers before shouting “Flamare Perpetua!” and a line of fire appears by Blue and Gray, climbing up their robes. They struggle to put it out, and as you fall back down Purple and Silver keep on breaking shields that are no longer being remade.

“Elliot!” Apollo arrives, unbound and sending sending off blasts as powerful as yours using Mr. Red’s wand. “I… It is difficult to transfigure using this wand, I can’t do it properly. But I can still cast spells. I can… I can try casting Laggan, or even Mufulgur, if you want. It should take a lot of their barriers down. I have the power for it.”

The two wizards finally manage to put out their fire and once more begin building their shields, though there is less between you and them than before.

> Have Apollo cast Laggan (Chance to have no effect)
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
> Keep fighting as you were, trying to break down their barriers with lesser spells
> Other (Write in)
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
Rolled 65 (1d100)

> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)

Rolling for future good luck as well.
>Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
more chaos could also work in our favor if it affects them
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
We need Brighton or somebody to Stupefy him to save his ass
>he wouldn’t even spare a glance if you were to be struck down
He needs Elliot up for the elixir. Also funny he's calling his former allies traitorous whores when he's the one that did a monologue at Salazar to start with
> Have Apollo cast Laggan (Chance to have no effect)
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>We need Brighton or somebody to Stupefy him to save his ass

Indeed. Another thing, Rennervate does not work down here so Apollo is going to be out of the fight after this no matter which kind of spell he uses. He is already exhausted from fighting Dumbledor's skelly and while he is a powerhouse, he is trying to destroy the shields of a pair of pretty skilled adult wizards who are giving another pair trouble. A Laggan would presumably make him pass out even if he cracked Blue and Gray's shields.

One thing I am curious about is why our "allies" aren't tossing out AKs, given they are more than happy to kill their former comrades. These guys are hired killers. Presumably, they should be able to cast it.


If we can't grab the pouch... we do likely have some of our signature sauce in there. Thing that helped us win our first battle.

>Accio the cork from our Garroting Gas potion. Hard to focus on defense when you have a live CS canister in your pocket going off.

If that won't work,

> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)

We can also toss Apollo's wand over to Linda or Arty after Apollo needs to get stunned/passes out.
> Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
Great thinking using the pouch remotely. Who had it again? Blue?
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He has the others wands and the pouch, I think. I don't know if you can mess with stuff in an expanded space like our pouch, but we know our potions do not have anti accio charms on them, since we got a wiggenweld jerked from our hand by Salazar when we were trying to heal our friends.

Also, and I know I am on an accio binge... but Mr. Purple has a prosthetic leg right now which was just whipped up. What are the chances the dude who made it bothered to make it summoning proof? Might be a decent way to fuck him up since we are going to need to take him down if we can stop Salazar.
>Have Apollo cast Mulfulgur (Certainty of effect, but can get out of control)
Oh thats an idea. Would be funny if we can just get round the shield by yanking his leg out from under him. Maybe if we do it strong enough we could tear it right off, lol.
if it was transfigurated you can Finite it
issue with that is whether you can finite it through the shield
Presumably we will need to fight Purple at a point soon, so either Finite or just ripping his peg leg off would be funny as hell. I would suggest accio'ing it then depulso it into his face since he hurt Linda, and she would likely appreciate ripping a dude's leg off and hitting him with it.
You look at the glimmering wall for a moment, before knowing what you have to do. You can’t afford the chance of having Apollo spend his energy without any effect. Even if it is riskier, you need his impact, you need his force.

“Lightning,” you say. “Bring it down, Apollo.”

“Hallaster, are you out of your mind!?” Brighton shouts. “The moment that barrier falls they’re going to target him!”

“They’ll have more to worry about than that! Just focus on knocking him out once he’s through! Now, Apollo!”

Mulfulgur!” The blond boy bellows, and there is thunder. Lighting and ozone fills the air, pouring out of Mr. Red’s wand, the bolt striking the barrier with a deafening shriek, smaller strands of energy leaping from the main body of the electrical beam, scorching the grass and the rocks around Apollo.

The barriers glow, absorbing the entirety of the energy Apollo pours out. The glow becomes a blinding light, lightning burning Apollo’s sleeves, his wand vibrating wildly as he pours, no, as the spell takes all the power it can from him. Mr. Blue and Gray look wide-eyed as their barrier explodes, sending all of you to the ground and the great and deadly lighting aiming wildly in any direction, leaving a scorch mark on the illusion around you.

Mr. Gray stands on one knee and takes aim at you through the now clear battlefield, you jump out of the way of Apollo’s spell at the same time as Brighton desperately shouts “Fuck! Stupefy!”, and you shout “Accio bottle!” and pull!

Somewhere in a folded space you can’t see, a bottle suddenly lurches forward, crashing through other glass bottles and smashing against the insides of your pouch. This wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem, if the bottle you had chosen with your mind’s eye hadn’t purposefully been one filled with Erumpent potion.

The pouch attached to Mr. Blue’s hip suddenly explodes and he is launched halfway across Avalon as Salazar watches from the small bubble of shields he’s crafted around himself, from where he still shapes the Elixir of Life.

Mr. Purple laughs madly, before falling upon Mr. Gray with fury, Mr. Silver right behind him.


“Linda!” you shout, quickly scrambling to get Apollo out of the way of the battle, tossing the girl the wand. Arty runs towards you, pulling her brother’s unconscious body to safety. “Rowena hasn’t happened to say hello yet, has she?”


“Then we need to-”

There is a roar, halfway breast, halfway… fire. Blood drains from your face as you look at where Mr. Blue had fallen and see him, side and hip busted open from the blast, wand raised towards a great beast made of blood-red fire.

“Heh,” he laughs, spitting blood and flipping the middle-finger to Mr. Purple who now stands over the body of a very much dead Mr. Gray. “Fuck you, Oleg. See you in hell.”

And the fiendfyre jumps to attack, leaving destruction in its wake.

> Try to help Mr. Purple and Mr. Gray overpower the fiendfyre
> Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
> Other (Write in)
>Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
the potion may take time, but we dont know HOW much, they can kill each other for all we care, the potion has to be a priority now
man, its getting intense!
>Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
y'know, this might be our first kill of the quest. we've really come so far!
if it does, then it took longer than what i honestly expected
>Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
We need him away from the elixir
>from where he still shapes the Elixir of Life
Will the new body we get just end up being Salazar's then? Or is there still time to fix it?
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Hahahaha I love wizard hand grenades. I have no idea if fucking with a potion in the pouch was always going to be the plan or if it happened because I suggested it, but that was funny as fuck. I thought about wizard war crimes but that WAS more amusing. Given I cackled like mad, I suppose I am Mr. Purple brained.

Fuck you Blue. Asshole. I am hoping he was keeping our friend's wands on the other hip.

So going to need to wake up more, see if I can come up with something clever. But since Mr. Gray is very dead now, that is a spare wand now, so we could get it and toss it toward Arty because I don't like her not having one even if she wont be able to use it well. Linda should be able to accio her own wand back as well given being half exploded and focusing on his Fiendfyre is likely taking up his focus.

He isn't dead quite yet since he is still feeding power into his spell. The most sure way to stop the Fiendfyre is to get close enough we can finish the job. It took 3 of the Professors last time we needed to deal with this magic, and while I am sure Purple and Silver are skilled, not sure if they are that skilled.

And as far as kill counts go, yeah our boy does need to catch up some. Linda is at 3 so far.

We are the one who got the Merlin knowledge stuck in our brain so I hope this is how I hope Salazar's body turns out if we can't make it quite in time. Picrel.
fiendfyre can very famously kill its user and still keep going. our pals will have to figure something out, we are on the clock
> Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
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> Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves

>Linda! Accio your own wand! Toss Weasley's toward Arty and Apollo. This fucker will bleed out in a few seconds!

Guess I will go ahead and vote.

I wish Blue had gotten a worse end since he broke our love's wand, but oh well. Being half exploded is good enough. We can take our anger out on Purple, since he did hurt our best living friend. Not sure who roughed up Apollo, though I bet it was once more Purple, since he tried to hurt one of the others in Citrine and got his leg removed by Anput.
those wands are splinters dude. Arty can get Blue's though
> Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
> Attempt to break through Salazar’s defenses while Purple and Gray deal with the fiendfyre by themselves
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Don't know if they got blown up with our potions; I doubt Elliot would have blown up his pouch if he knew they were there. Unclear if Blue started snapping the other's wands too or just made it to Arty's.

In other news... what are we going to do about Weasley. He remembers Lily now and will tell Potter. Him learning too much is a lose condition. Him learning about his super dead, tortured daughter has been suggested as a lose condition, since even without the Repository or an ability to give himself a body like Merlin, he would still likely try and bring her back, hurt the world in doing so.

Assuming don't all just die... should we just kill Mr. Red? Lotta spells flying around down here, including one now that managed to damage a portion of Hogwarts. Lot of dead wizards already and going to be a couple more soon.

Easy to make it seem like he just got unlucky when the other minions Salazar had turned on one another.
if their wands got destroyed they'd have had a reaction like Arty
they said destroy their wands, plural. they are probably on the ground though because why carry split wands around
...and the only wand that actually got snapped was Arty's, if the others were destroyed it wouldn'tr have only mentioned hers
if the others didn't get snapped then why didn't apollo get his then. why are you guys this obtuse
did you forget us being weakened by not using our own wands and all the other shit going on? it's only now that we have the chance to get them, if they weren't blown up
>Him learning too much is a lose condition
That was only to Last Light. Anything after that has explicitly been said to be fair game, though of course there's consequences for telling or not telling him.
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We do not know if it was only till then, Helga is of the opinion that that is still the case. Apollo commented on the train at Christmas that Potter would tear apart the world if he knew what happened to Lily, possibly because that is what he would do if Arty got killed and forced to sexually abuse herself for a decade.

Granted Apollo is the guy who wanted to dismember Scorpius and cut his tongue out to deal with him... but we have played the game assuming that Harry knowing too much, especially about Lily is Bad with a capital B. Like game ending Bad.

But we don't really know. Will find out, I suppose after all the stuff with us lighting a cross on the school grounds for gay, black, jewish kids shakes out.
Mitigating factor: we are also a a gay-black-jew in this analogy. We're... Like that guy who founded 8-chan out of self-loathing only we did it for a legitimately noble cause.

Oh no, did we inspire a bunch of wizard hate crimes by magic neo-nazis who thought Snake Hitler was back?
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We probably did. It seemed we inspired at least a fuck ton of prisoners to start chanting out shit that Voldemort had defeated death to the point we got the most famous man in the world and the magic president there in person to check on stuff.

May have helped Crouch escape as well, if one of my crazy ideas is correct...

I don't think we managed to start the wizard third world war, but we most defiantly started some shit.

Perhaps we can spin this as all part of our master plan, to make any remaining death eaters out themselves.

There is regardless a large part of the wizard population of North Western Europe that Disapperated to foreign lands with their children and loved ones.

Have a cute pic of how Arty is going to end up when all of this is done.
Artemis Pertinger would never. Our waifu is an untermeschen, after all.
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Nein! She is both cute and funny! Arty is best girl and therefor the Übermenschen of our snake boy heart. Her and Apollo also both have extremely north-western Euro features.

It is also a touch funny that we kind of have the trope of "the brown guy" dies first, what with Taylor getting killed. We only have one none white friend left, and we barely interact with Talon.

It is a bit off-topic but at one point I also had a weird idea. Arty and Apollo both share a few features sure, their nose and some freckles, and she said they are twins, but there are "Irish twins" which are just siblings born in the same year because mom got knocked up right after the birth of the 1st kid. Arty and Apollo were born about 8 months apart, so that is a legit timeframe if the waifu was born premature, explaining her early childhood developmental issues. Along with being deprived of O2 by Apollo accidentally and likely having poor nutrition growing up.

They also had a single mom in a very poor living situation, so maybe she was a prostitute who just happened to have a pair of magical kids from different dads.

99% sure I am just over thinking that but it would be kind of funny.
Blue broke all of them, I'm afraid


The blood-red fire drips from the spell made creature as it attacks Mr. Purple and Mr Gray, the two wizards doing everything in their power to control the crimson blaze. And while they struggle, you have a chance to face the man inside Scorpius’s head.

“Salazar! Leave it! It’s over, you lost!” You shout, pointing your wand at him, Brighton and Linda at your side. With one hand he shapes the Elixir of Life, with the other he holds his wand pointed at you, maintaining his barriers.

Yet doing both seems to be taking his toll on him. Both his eyes are bloodshot and as he grins, you can see his teeth are bloodied, almost as if he’d been gritting them so hard his gums bled. As his eyes meet yours, you can still feel Scorpius fighting behind them, screaming and clawing from inside his own head to try and stop the creature puppeteering him.

Yet that doesn't make Salazar any less dangerous.

“Ah, little Elliot! You really think you can stop me? I can assure you, I have no intention of keeping this body for much longer. He might not be as naturally gifted as Lily, but I can push it as hard as I want,” he says from behind his shields. “I can push it until it [i]breaks[/i]. If we fight, I do not see myself losing.”

“You didn’t see yourself losing at Last Light either, did you?” You ask, spitting out the words. “Now put the Elixir back in the basin.”

“Or what, little Elliot? What will you do if I don’t? Better yet, what will you do if I [i]do[/i]? Will you just let me walk out of here? I’m curious to hear your offer.”


“He’s stalling, Hallaster!” Brighton warns. But you can’t just kill him with a barrage of bombardas. Not only it would just make him flee to another host, but it would also kill Scorpius, who was probably just as innocent as Lily had been. So you hesitate.

“Just give the word, Elliot,” Linda says, venom in her voice. “And I have a spell no barrier in the world can stop.”

“[i]No![/i]” You shout. “If the Killing Curse hits the Elixir it will-”

“It will level out your dear London, yes. I made it very clear to my men they shouldn’t use it here, and you should probably do the same, little Elliot. You wouldn’t want that to happen, would you? And besides, whatever would you kill poor Scorpius for?” He grins wider. “He never did anything wrong. How foul of you to threaten him like that.”

“Hallaster! Are we doing this or what?” Brighton shouts, wand ready. “He uses that Elixir and my grandparents-”

“Your grandparents are [i]dead[/i], kid,” he says, mocking, cruel. “They died forty years ago, and all that they left were empty husks. There is not enough magic in the world to save them, and not you nor whatever nonsense little Elliot put in your head will ever change that. Not all the magic in the world. They died in a shitty dungeon, being tortured, begging for it to stop and screaming like [i]fucking dogs[/i].”

“Hallaster… Kill him for me, would you?”

“Brighton, no!”


Salazar’s shield shatters, Brighton falls unconscious from the effort, and you fight as if the fate of the world depends on it, because it very well does.

> Roll a d100+50 (+45 from battle rolls, -5 from injuries, +10 from Linda’s help). Beat 2 out of 3
Rolled 69 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

Rolled 93 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

Damn you for getting me so invested QM
Rolled 53 + 50 (1d100 + 50)

Rolled 22, 57, 82 + 65 = 226 (3d100 + 65)


119 143 103
And Salazar...
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Double fucking dammit.

I guess hopefully we get another round.
>22 + 65 = 87
Beat by our 119
>57 + 65 = 122
Beat by our 143
>82 + 65 = 147
Beats our 103

Check your math, we got 2 of 3 beat of his, we won
If you order the two sets in increasing order instead, all our dice beat all of his
I used this in the beginning but dropped this system a while ago, now it's just comparisons in order they're rolled.

Anon is right, you won this round
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I suppose I need to not do math in my head after being up all night and still having groggy eyes from waking up.

Fuck them up Lord Hallaster!
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Reread that >>6063322, niggers
>this round
We're still not done
it's still a huge advantage over him
>wake up to an update and rolls for a fight
>small jumpscare over those rolls
>turns out we won
i dont remember when you dropped the old system but holy shit!
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Oh I know. We managed to win the 1st round when we fought Salazar at Last Light and Taylor still ended up dying.

Got to take the small victories though.

But it being us and Linda doing the fighting once more is pretty kino. Revenge for Taylor, rematch of the century.

I do hope Arty ends up getting to do something. Though hopefully it won't be having to rush in to grab Linda's stolen wand because she is fucking dead.

>>wake up to an update and rolls for a fight

I swear, this quest is like an alarm clock. I end up waking right before or after an update way too often, despite the odd schedule I have.

Anyway, picrel.
his death likely wouldn't have been preventable unless we got perfect rolls, even with all 3 of us we were outmatched against "Lily"
We actually got kinda close to winning, its just Lily who was doomed. But Taylor dying did save us from the Beast attack which could have been worse.
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Salazar would have needed to roll pretty bad, even with Helga helping us for us to completely clear that without someone getting hurt, at least. She also could have ended up being the one injured in the beginning, since that was completely random, which would have possible given her a malus.

It might have been Linda who took the AK, since that was a coin flip as well. I am honestly happy she was the one to live. She is more fun and her abandoning her old persona then getting some of it back gave us good moments in the quest.

QM did imply there was a chance of us getting out of there with her just being a mind broken husk, but he wasn't sure what he would do with that. I am not sure either, really.
I for one think Taylor living would be equally as compelling. Where Linda has to deal with her persona issues, Taylor might have lost himself further in the book lores and esoteric wizard arcana and had to work with Elliot to balance himself or pull out of being lost in the sauce
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Taylor going nuts from the forbidden wisdom would have been interesting. Maybe I like Linda/Raven more is because most of my friends are girls, and I also have a minor fetish for goth/emo/alternative girls, and she is kinky. Considered her waifu material before Arty was introduced.
There is no Helga to help you, there is no Beast to stop you. For a moment, it is just you and Linda, fighting side by side. Wands in sync, like you practiced a thousand times in Battle Class, combos of one and two and three, tactics and movement. It doesn’t flow as naturally as you fight with Arty, with whom you fought a madman many times, but six years of friendship makes for some damn good partnership.

You throw a spell, she parries another. You block, she fires. And she casts spells through her fury and through her tears. Bit by bit, you tear Salazar’s shields, who fights with a speed Scorpius never had. You can see as his arms and fingers bend in unnatural ways to complete the spells fast enough, wasting away his current body as he battles to create a new one. With wand in one hand and even using the Elixir itself as a shield with the other, he throws spells. With Avalon burning around him, he still fights. As the heat becomes unbearable, as smoke fills the room, he sweats.

And as, slowly but surely, it becomes clear that there is not enough time in the world for Salazar Slytherin to finish his Great Work before the crimson flames engulf the room, his smile turns into a snarl.

Confringo!” You shout, and a blast cracks his barriers.

Reducto!” Raven screams. Another explosion, the cracks spread into an intricate web covering his magic.

And, like one single entity, you both cast together in perfect unison.


His protection breaks into a million pieces as he’s slammed backwards against the basin, his wand falling off his hand and into the grass. With his left hand, he flings the Elixir of Life in front of himself, in a moment unmaking his entire work to create a criss-crossing barrier separating the both of you.

“Gah, you persistent little snake!” He shouts, gasping for breath. “You really don’t know when to quit, don’t you?”

“Sorry,” you say, grinning, your wand never dropping. “Hufflepuff is also the house of persistence, and the Sorting Hat came this close to putting me there.”

“Bah! Foolish boy. Foolish Hufflepuff,” he spits, blood dripping from his mouth. “Very well, then little Elliot. You won. But then let the Founder of your House teach you a lesson in how to be Slytherin. No matter how, no matter where, no matter how certain the conquest or easy the task, little Elliot,” He raises his hands, and there is a fierce look in his eyes. “Always, always, have a plan b.”

He pulls, and the barrier of Life contracts and shoots straight through his chest, his mouth opening in a silent scream. And the liquid glow that comes out the other side hangs in the air for just a moment, just enough for you to see within its light the image of a monkey-ish wizard with a long beard, before it dives directly into-


- the body of Arthur Pendragon.
I'll post the second part of the update in an hour or so.
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If he permanently sticks to Arthur's body which has been vacant for this entire time, then that means if we kill him he might die permanently without being released to bodyjack somebody else? I'm assuming that the bodyjacking is related to them being already with other bodies to begin with, so an empty one being taken like this means he's locked in like everybody else.
I think we know too little about brain-ghosts to determine if this is true or not.
I assume if we had gone balls deep in stopping Salazar from using the Elixir, to the detriment of everybody else around us in the scene including our allies, then we would have succeeded in maybe doing something with the Elixir to make a new body or whatever. As it stands, I think that possibility was so out there to be zero. Salazar was always going to pull this shit with the way things were going throughout the chaos
>we win the rolls
>he still gets a body
i cant with this fucking guy! cant we trap his soul in a rock somehow and then throw that rock deep in a volcano or something?
He didn't get to use the elixir to make a perfect new body; he had to settle for the consolation prize of Arthur's. Now we just need to beat The Once and Future King in combat and we can use the elixir instead.

Cakewalk, right? Hahaha. Haaaaa.
we just gotta win one more round, that's how it works
anyways, we should be able to do just that with Ancient Magic since Isidora was able to rip the pain out of souls and put it in goblin silver
There is an explosion of power that pushes you backwards and you fall, almost rolling into the crimson flames. Glowing like a sun, the body of Arthur rises from its resting place. Slowly, it dims until you can look at it, and with a wave of his hand the fiendfyre is put out, leaving only the grass.

“Ah… How I missed being ALIVE!” The face you had seen, kind and brave and tired, now grins at you with a cruelty that does not fit it. “How I missed being a god!

He raises his hand and Scorpius’s wand flies towards it. Then he flicks it, and one of the great stones of not-glass is thrown against the wall, shattering on impact.

“No… You-”

Avada Ke-

The Once and Future king flicks his wand once more and Raven’s spell gets silenced, her mouth firmly locked in place, along with yours. With another, all your wands get thrown from your hands and you scramble for cover, searching desperately for Arty but not finding her.

“Ah, little Elliot,” Salazar says, landing back on the floor. “Finally, everything is as it should be. Me, with all the power in the world, and you, scrambling for your wand. We could have gotten here months ago, but you just had to make this difficult, didn’t you?”

You run, desperately trying to reach for your wand, but your feet leave the floor. You struggle in the air as you are levitated in front of him. By your side, Raven, Mr. Purple, an unconscious Brighton and the brutalized body of Scorpius Malfoy. For a moment you hope, you hope that Arty has managed to run out through the door but-

“Let me go, you brute!”

Her form comes through, kicking and screaming, along with a still unconscious Apollo and Mr. Red. Another flick, and her lips snap shut, though you can still hear her cursing with her mouth closed.

“You know, little Elliot? For the past few months, I’ve been thinking about how I could punish you for being such an insufferable brat. I thought about just killing you. I thought about doing like they did to this idiot’s grandparents and torturing you until you’ve gone crazy. I thought about taking both of your friends in front of you, then torturing them into insanity while you watch.” He paces from one side to the other as he speaks, a cruel smile never leaving his face. “Those are all classics. But you know what, little Elliot? I think I just came up with a new idea!”

He stops in front of you and holds you by the chin, forcing you to look into eyes that should never have been his. When he speaks, he doesn’t just speak to you, but to Helga as well, and his voice is low and threatening.


“I’m going to take all of you, and I’m going to toss you in there. I’m going to toss you into that dark place from where nothing can escape. Into that place made of horror. And then, I’m going to scour this earth and destroy every single time-turner on it, to make sure you never, ever, escape from there. And even though I spent eternity in there… It will pale in comparison to what it will feel like to you.”

“You are a monster, Salazar,” Helga says, but through her defiant words you can hear her fear. “And someone will kill you. If not us, then someone. And this time, you won’t come back!”

“That would be very scary if, say, coming from someone like one of the Founders,” he laughs. “But coming from a poor little spirit trapped inside the head of a foolish little boy who thinks he’ll find Atlantis when he can’t even find a way to save his best friend from death… Well, I’m afraid it doesn’t really pack the same punch.”

He turns around and picks the sword Arthur held in his hands when he rested. Excalibur shines in beautiful silver.

“But I do have to thank you, I suppose. It was you three killing me that made me remember my name. Made me remember what I could do. Suddenly, convincing young Malfoy here to do my bidding was easy, all I had to do was make him talk to a couple of snakes and he bowed to me.” The smile disappears for a moment. “Things got more difficult as he started doubting, but I managed to find a way to make it work, in the end.”

He stops, then smiles again.

“Would you look at that, I’m monologuing once more. A flaw of our House, little Elliot. I died last time because of it. I don’t intend to allow it to happen a second time. So, let us get to business, shall we? Let me take a look at that pretty little Gate inside your soul.”

He stretches out his hand towards you, and… you move. No, your soul moves. You can feel it, you are it, and you feel as you stretch and bend away from your body. Arty screams, wide-eyed, and you look down to see yourself coming out of your body’s chest.

And, in the middle of your semi-translucent form, there is a dark cut, stitched together, bleeding out darkness through its seams.

“There it is.”

He reaches into you with his wand, into your very being, and from there he pulls out the Gate, your soul rebounding back inside your body.

And, during that moment of weakness where the Gate is neither here or there, is when the Beast launches its entire body against it and smashes through. Out of the Darkness, through Reality, and directly into Salazar.


“AAAAH!” He roars in pain, dropping Excalibur to the floor as he clutches his head. “No! What are you- YouAHHHRGH!”

You and your friends are launched backwards as Salazar twists and bends in pain, his eyes flickering between human and utter darkness. The earth shakes. Reality trembles as a second voice speaks.

H e l l o S a l a z a r

H o w N i c e T o M e e t Y o u

O l d F r i e n d

H e r e

A t T h e E n d O f A l l T h i n g s

You can feel reality break around you, your soul, the souls of your friends, shaking so intensely you can see them vibrating out of their bodies. Light drains into him, space curves towards him as the very fabric of existence is sucked into that Darkness beyond Darkness, as Salazar screams in pain and despair.

“No! You can’t! The world is mine! MINE!”

His fingers, all of them, bend backwards with a horrifying crack, and he howls.

T h i s W o r l d W i l l E n d

A n d Y o u

W i l l E n d W i t h I t

You search for your wand, but it is gone, lost somewhere. You search for something, anything that will help you, but there is nothing, the same force that pulls reality in pushing you against the wall. You reach out for Arty and she holds your hand.

“No! NO! I won’t let you!”

Y o u C a n n o t S t o p M e

Salazar looks at you, and his eyes widen.

“No… I can’t.” He says as his eyes bleed and his skin starts to tear, as if being clawed at from the inside. “But Atlantis can.”

He spins in place and, with a clap and a thunder, Salazar Slytherin and the Beast from the Darkness Behind the Veil disappear.


You collapse on the floor as the air returns to your lungs. You feel… empty, dread sinking deep into your stomach.

“Did… did we lose?” Linda asks.

You open your mouth but you don’t know what to tell her. So Helga does it for you.

“I… I do not know. But I think Salazar may have saved us. Not on purpose but… He apparated somewhere, and he took the Beast with him. Yet I do not feel him in this world.”

“Do you think… Do you think he went to Atlantis?”

“A place erased from time,” you say, sighing, you mind still trying to recover from what just happened. “Maybe. You can only apparate to places you know but… Merlin knew Atlantis, and he was inside Salazar.”

“So it’s over, right?” Arty asks, hopeful. “That’s it, they’re gone, just like Atlantis… Right?”

You want to say that she’s right. You want to say they’re gone forever, that Salazar just rid the world of the beast. That you can go home and rest.

And perhaps you can, for now. But you know that it is not for long. You know it in your bones that the Beast will return, and that it won’t take long. The Merlin inside it won’t allow it to take long.

“Elliot, I… I can still feel it! By Excalibur!” Helga says, voice filled with surprise and… perhaps happiness.


Your eyes widen when you see it, and you run to the basin, ignoring the ancient magical sword fallen by its side, because it doesn’t matter right now. At the bottom of the basin… is a little remnant of Elixir.

“He… He didn’t use everything,” you realize. “Since he used Arthur, he didn’t have to use it to create a body so-”

“We can use it! We can use it to create one!”

“Will- Will it be normal? Will it have magic?”

“Yes, yes! It won’t be able to use Ancient Magic like he could but we could use it to create one and put a soul into it!”

And you realize that you have a choice. You can feel her words are true, through your connection you can feel the possibility contained within the liquid. You could use it to create a new body for Helga. One where she can see, one where she can exist outside of your head. Or…

“Could… Could we…”

Helga’s happiness dims. She hesitates. And then she relents, because she is a Hufflepuff, true and true.

“We could. We could use it to build a body for Arty. A body that would have as much magic as anyone her age. A body that would live for as long as any other wizard. We…” And there is pain in her voice, a pain that tells you that she will accept whatever choice you make, even if it hurts her. “We could do that. But whatever we do, we must do it now. It has been disturbed, and it will vanish if we do not use it.”

> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
> Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
>It won’t be able to use Ancient Magic like he could
> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
>Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
Helga had her own life. Long ago. She had chances thay Arty never had. She understands.
And...we still need Helga. With us. She can heal without the beast constantly attacking. And frankly, we can't explain a Helga to potter.
But first
>Keep eyes and wands on Mr. Purple and any other of the mystery mercs still alive
Do NOT let them interfere!
> Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
Helga grew old, older than most muggles get even today. She had kids. She established a school, and a house, and a lineage that lasted over a thousand years. I love her, and I'm so sorry we blinded here, but this has to go to Arty, if it can't be used on the Longbottoms.
Ugh fine you preachers

Changing my vote from >>6064553 to
>Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
Also retain >>6064555, as Mr. Purple is still conscious. He is the sole external witness to these events, whule the remaining alive mercs like Mr. Red and any others alive still saw some of these. We have EVIDENCE and WITNESSES
>we have to chose
i want to help Helga because she has been a true one for the entire time...
but we just cannont say not to our witchfu...im sorry Helga, it REALLY pains me to do this to you after all you have gone through but...
>Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body

besides, perhaps we could get another chance at it? surely she wont be stuck with us forever, she will get her chance soon, after all she has gone thorugh, waiting a bit more couldnt possibly be that much longer
>> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
Arty's got time, we'll save her eventually. Helga's done a lot for us, she deserves it.
> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
No hope for the Brightons? Oh well.

I almost want to use it on Arty, but I think Helga is the better choice. We're going to need her help (if only so Potter doesn't instagib us when we next see him), and there's always Atlantis.
no she doesnt, thats the whole point of this, at her current state she has a decade and a half at best.
Plenty of time.
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>“No… I can’t.” He says as his eyes bleed and his skin starts to tear, as if being clawed at from the inside. “But Atlantis can.”

You fucker. Time to find Atlantis, I suppose. Since at least one of the Hufflepuff women in our life need it.

Have to think about this. Arty is the waifu, our love. But if she got asked, she would tell us to give it to Helga 100% of the time. She is too self-sacrificing. Helga is literally the first Hufflepuff. She would give the body to Arty every time

Helga has protected us from the Beast who knows how many times and with the Dementor got fucked up enough we had to help with her wounds. She is now blind, assuming the stuff with the prophecy blood was a permeant thing.

Arty... even if there is another great work there, in Atlantis, we don't know if we can use it to make her a body which will last, one we could make a life with. Have kids with who won't have to bury their mom when they are still children.

But Helga... she had a full life. Maybe not as long as she should have had because Merlin is a dick, but... Arty's is just starting. So...

> Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
>Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
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I can feel my dreams of Vampire Arty fade out of reality like Lily. Speaking of, I'm praying Salazar finds a way to diavolos ex machina out of his doom, else we might have to call our quest Disappearing Hogwarts: Three Houses
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Vampire's in this setting are gay and stupid, from what I know.

I do have a fic where Arty likes to have her blood tasted or have Elliot taste a bit of her own because she got a couple of romance novels from Linda and our mom. We end up taking her to a Hot Topic to get us a few things after letting her lick up a bit of our blood the night before. Let her embrace her teen vampire romance phase.
I dont give a shit. Head gave Harry a fucking gun, canon is for losers.
well why havent you posted that one already? cmon!
also still waiting for the rowena x raven one
>> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
Helga getting a body will probably get us out of some bad situations in the foreseeable future
Still not 100% happy with it and I keep getting distracted with other ideas that I start. Will try and finish up at least one today. Raven/Rowena might need to wait until we see how her personality is, but I have enough done I refuse to just leave it unfinished.

Regardless of which choice wins, need to remember Excalibur is right freaking there. King Hallaster is a go. Also, a spare wand for when we have to fight Purple and Silver in a second. Hopefully they should be pretty tired from all the fighting and containing the Feindfyre.

I also feel so bad for Helga. That last choice was one of the hardest in the quest for me, to the point I might change my vote, even though I obviously love Arty.

If Arty wins, despite her already being the cutest, I vote to make her hair fluffy like picrel and of course still keep her tiny at any rate.

Wonder what would have happened if we got a crit on that last roll? Enough Merlin juice to make 2 bodies? I assume Salazar would still get away, since it gives us the motivation for the next chapter and to go and fulfill our dream of discovering somewhere truly Lost, truly Ancient.
> Use the Elixir of Life to give Helga a new body
We did blind her.
>> Use the Elixir of Life to give Arty a new body
we have over a century to find another way of giving Helga her own body
You should feel worse. Was killing Lily not bad enough for you? How many good women have to suffer for your lowkey lolifaggotry?

Also, here's some food for thought. Brain demons fill the gap in teenagers souls where they are yet to grow. But what happens when the hosts get older?
We didn't choose to kill/sacrifice Lily, though. We only declined to date her.
alright, awesome, take your time m8, as long as i know its there, i can wait.
excited to see the other one too
honestly this. Alive Helga will have a lot more use with dealing with Hogwarts/Potter than Arty does.

There's way too much at stake. Especially with Lily back in the picture again. Potter is about to confirm his daughter is wiped from time. Choosing Arty is not gonna be a good look in the larger context. Brighton is also gonna be double pissed.

Also ideally she gets her eyes back.
i think brighton would understand it being unfair to only save one of grandparents while leaving the other still a husk
its not like there's time to go grab them all the way from st mungo's anyways
we have Salazar's mercs to verify our story through the intense interrogation they'll receive
ok but does that clear us not ending the world, i feel like everyone's forgetting that little detail
If Potter regains his memories of Lily, he'll also understand why we had to do what we did.

If we choose Helga for perceived usefulness, especially after having Arty run rather than fight, she'll resent us.
yeah, we are not doing that. she'd sooner think that having helga trapped in cuckchair purgatory is not worth getting less tired in a fight
we have at least a century to find another way of getting Helga a new body, Arty only has a decade or two left and we're unlikely to have another chance like this
*in that time
says who, we found avalon at 16 years old. there are already canon options to give her longevity too. it seems pretty cruel to me, if arty doesn't win nothing changes and she still keeps her agency and gets her pussy ate at least but if helga loses now she doesn't even get to read a book while elliot gets laid
we don't even know if the blindness is permanent unless QM said it somewhere before and i forgot, and the longevity options don't fix her body or her magic
if it hasn't come back yet that's pretty clearly permanent. yeah, maybe that's something wizards can fix but how would that work for a ghost. and that doesn't even address the lack of agency. don't "idk" this because all the likelihood points towards "no"
Linda is already dealing with it.

Both Silver and Blue appear to have been consumed by the Flames, only Mr. Red and Purple remain.

> spoiler
His original plan was potentially to take the Fifth Founder's body if he couldn't get his own. With there being no Lailoken, however, Arthur was as good a replacement as any.

If you had lost the fight, he would have used it all up, and there wouldn't have been Elixir left for not even a single body (and if you had lost particularly horribly, someone could have died, of course)


There have been a lot of votes, but it is an important decision both for the story and for Elliot. I'll give it another day before I close the votes (also, I have stuff to do.)

Here's how the votes stand for now, and let me know if I missed something.


Neck in neck, as all choices in this quest must be.

I do wonder, if Arty wins and Helga is permanently blind... we know the mind spirits can body jack. Can we just give her one of our eyes? We know she can share our sense of taste, she just used our voice some. Could we give her part of our sight? It would just be a consolation prize, but it would be better than nothing and show we do care.

Might be a bit longer. Just got back from having to put the cat I have had for 17 years down. Might just go to bed for the night.
fukcing hell, yeah i know how that feels, take all the time you need m8
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>Might be a bit longer. Just got back from having to put the cat I have had for 17 years down. Might just go to bed for the night.
What I want to know is how he even knows enough about using the elixir to do this backup plan. Didn't Elliot only know how to use the elixir for its intended purpose solely because of the knowledge infusion from the trials?
I get the feeling that Salazar either thinks he knows more than he actually does, or he's winging it and pretending like it was all part of his master plan. For all we know Arthur might have majority control and will end up using Salazar's knowledge and magic to take his vengeance upon Merlin for leaving him in an unwanted half-life for so long.
he has Merli's memories, and Arthur's gone dude, dead and past the pearly gates.
Not gone enough, if you ask him.
Wouldn't mind giving Helga an eye, no matter what ends up happening.
I can back this, too.
what a shitty apology gift

i'm hoping she'll just take Arty's old body. a violation of privacy yeah, but her current existence is already one anyways
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Having two "Artys" running around would be pretty amusing. Has the possibility for hijinks and giving Potter a migraine. Need to make sure we don't accidentally kiss the wrong one in the halls. Does give me more material for smut though.

He was a good little dude. Used to climb onto my shoulder and sit there when he was a kitten. Surprised he lasted so long, since he got FIV in a fight like a decade ago; oldest cat the vet had ever seen with it. Rest in Power Iscariot Jones.
>more material for smut though
Threesome with Helga as Arty and Arty as Arty
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Yeah. Also just Arty on "Arty". If it is just your own body, it is really just masturbation after all. Arty and "Arty" coming to an agreement, and "Arty" substituting, swapping out and us fucking her by accident. Us having to put different colored collars on them so we don't get bamboozled.

Double Arty is kind of a goldmine.
What is this, Seekers of the Esoteric?
i think the plan of giving Arty's original body to Helga could work, we just need to transfer her before moving Arty into her new body
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Nah, I am not that good of a writer.

As long as the waifu is alright with her having a copy running around, we could try. Arty did say she would have been okay with hosting one of the founders if it was a lady, and she is probably kind enough to do it for Helga, even if it would be kind of awkward.

Helga would have the fucked up magic output and the frail body, but we are heading to Atlantis next, so we can probably get her a new body there, hopefully. Even if not, getting her like 20 more years of life is decent. We can just say Arty always had her "twin" sister and that people just never noticed, I suppose.

Granted we do have like 12 more hours of voting so might not even be an issue.
>Nah, I am not that good of a writer.
I just meant because of the cloned waifus and threesomes. Seekers' writing isn't that good anyway.
Honestly I'm fine with giving Helga Arty's old body as well. Just anything but leaving her in our head mutilated.
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>tfw Arty's body accidentally is Helga's initial form in our head due to intrusive thoughts during shaping
>tfw Helga is in Arty's body
>tfw confused boners and complicated feelings
us not going that route made things much less awkward
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That would be funny as fuck.

Also... yall recall we could have initially manifested "Faith" looking like Arty. I am sure she would have changed closer to what the real Helga looked like after figuring out who she was but... well there is a timeline where we had and Arty looking brain ghost, had her morph to something more like an aged up, big titty version of her, became allies but not dating the real Arty, then picked Helga for the body.

So we end up with our head mate in a body that looks suspiciously like her, but is taller and better endowed. So we would have had the founder of her house mogging Arty. Kek.

Always happy we picked Arty but that would be amusing.
I'm sorry for your loss, anon. May he find peace and battle in Valhalla, where all cats go to gorge on fat rats and milk

That... is not impossible. And a very good idea which I hadn't thought about


Very well then, closing the votes with Arty winning by one vote
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He will. He was a fierce mouser in his youth and managed to bring in a bird less than a week before his health failed. I appreciate it. Dogs may go to Heaven, but cats most definitely go to Valhalla.

I will double down my support for seeing if Arty would allow Helga to use her old body. I know it is like giving her a 1999 Ford Focus vs a new G Wagon but it is better than nothing. Will mean I have to rewrite a couple of fics, but oh well. Double Arty has given me ideas for fun stuff.
You close your eyes for a moment. You lost when you met Salazar in Last Light. You had survived the encounter, but you had lost, and only survived because of the anger inside Linda, and it had left deep scars in both your bodies and your minds. You had lost here too, because Salazar had escaped, the Beast had escaped, and who knew what sort of chaos your little heist for the Deathly Hallows had caused.

You had lost twice. You refuse to lose again.

“What is that?” Arty asks, peering over the basin.

You don’t have the words to explain. So you just kiss her instead.

“If you could change anything about the way you look,” you ask. “Is there anything you’d change?”

She looks confused by the question, but smiles. “Well… Maybe an extra inch, just so I can kiss you without you having to bend down.”

You nod. “Yeah, I can do that.”

You lift your wand and touch its tip against the liquid people would kill millions to put their hands on. You close your eyes, and begin to transfigure.

Free transfiguration with liquids is nearly impossible, you know. There is not enough cohesion in them for the magic to stick, it just flows away before you can do anything with it. Not in this case, however. The moment the connection is created between you and it, you understand its form, shape and purpose. You put your wand away, no longer necessary for you to mold it, the simple arcane connection being enough.

You stretch your hand towards Arty and she holds on, watching what you’re doing with curiosity. Through that touch, you know what to create.

The Elixir expands, stretches into a glowing torso. Slowly, you transform it further, the torso gains glowing arms, legs, a head and hair, and you finish in a face with a small button nose. It stands in front of you and Arty, just slightly taller than her, just tall enough that you don’t have to physically bend down to kiss her.

The pressure of Ancient Magic in the room around you fades, it’s Great Work done.

“Wha-what is that?”

“That, Ms. Artemis Pertinger,” you say, smiling at your creation, tears welling up in your eyes. “Is a body. A body created with the same Elixir of Life Merlin used to recreate himself for thousands of years. A body that is healthy, just like anyone else’s. A body that will live for just as long as any of us would. A body that is powerful, or as powerful as any wizard or witch would normally be. All it needs… Is a soul to live inside it.”

And for a moment, she still looks confused. For a moment, she doesn’t get it. Then her eyes slowly open wide, her lips quiver gently.

“You- you mean- you mean I-”

You hold her face in your hands. “I told you, Arty. I told you I’d find a place of power. It… It isn’t quite the immortality I promised you but… It gives us another century and a half to search for it.”

And she cries. She cries and hugs you so tight it hurts.


“You keep giving me gifts I can’t pay back,” she says, voice muffled by your chest. “You dummy.”

“You already promised me whatever years you had left,” you say, kissing the top of her head. “I intend to collect for as long as you’ll let me.”

“Are you sure? I mean, you could… you could use it to heal your scars…”

“Arty, the moment I stepped foot in here, the moment I realized what it could do, I knew this was what it was meant for. It was always meant for you.”

She looks up at you and stands at the tip of her toes. For the last time, you bend down to kiss her.

“Any other changes you want me to make? There’s still time.”

She shakes her head.

“No. It’s perfect. It’s me.”

With your arm around her shoulders, she reaches out towards her own form, and it reaches out towards her. Their hands touch and Arty closes her eyes. Her breathing slows down and you can feel, not with your senses but with your soul, as something leaves the form you’re holding on to and the other one becomes Fixed In Place, no longer a transfigured thing but a Thing in and of itself. Arty falls limp in your arms and you hold her, gently putting her down on the grass. The glowing form rises up and shines brightly, a burst of magic rushing over you, then it gently floats back down. The glow dims, and you have the foresight to pull the cloak off your robes and wrap it around her before the glow diminishes enough for her naked shape to be visible.

Her feet touch the grass once more and she stops shining, revealing… Arty. She stands on the tip of her toes and kisses you.

“I love you, Elliot Hallaster,” she says, the same bright blue eyes you’ve grown to love staring at you, her face identical to the last freckle. “And you’re going to have to put up with me for the rest of our lives.”

“I wouldn’t want it any other way.”

She looks down at the body on the floor.

“It’s still alive. That’s… disturbing. What do we do with it? Uh, with me?”

“That’s what I was going to ask you. I… I know someone who needs a body,” you say, grinning. “Would you mind terribly if there was another hufflepuff running around that had auburn hair and freckles?”

Arty’s mouth opens wide in shock.


“I know, I know. I… I shouldn’t have asked.”

“No, I mean, uh, I guess? It’s going to be strange, and Apollo is going to have a stroke but… Is it going to be something permanent or-”

“I don’t know. As far as I know this is the last place that can create a body like this. So, maybe.” You grin. “Or maybe not. I’ve found one place of power. I’m sure I can find another.”

“I would never doubt you.”

You turn serious again.

“But are you sure, Arty? It’s still your body, even if you don’t live in it anymore.”


She nods. “It’s not how I saw the rest of my life going but… She saved your life plenty of times. She deserves a body of her own.”

“Elliot, you don’t need to do this,” Helga says in your mind. “Neither of you. I’m-”

“Not fine, Helga. And it’s my fault. I can’t give you a body in perfect conditions, you know Arty’s old problems as well as I do. But it is a body. A body where you can live. A body where you can see. Please, Helga. There is no Gate for you to watch over anymore. The Beast is Salazar’s problem now, and it may very well be that we’ll all die tomorrow because of what happened here today. I love your company in my head but… You deserve better. Today, just today… We can all get what we want.”

Inside your head, you feel her hug you.

“Thank you, Elliot Hallaster. I am honored to have been with you. I don’t know how long it will take for me to settle inside her enough to control it but… See you then.”

And then, for the first time in many months... There is silence inside your head.


In the next few minutes, you deal with the fallout of what has happened. Linda had been smart enough to remember Mr. Purple was still a threat and had stunned him while you had been too busy with the Elixir. Excalibur was now in your belt, in a transfigured sheath. Arty had been running around dragging Mr. Red and Apollo’s bodies away from harm during the fight, so they were fine, and she was now wearing some transfigured clothes.

Your pouch was fucking gone, destroyed in the blast.

“I can’t believe it!” Arty shouts, mad. “I finally got proper magic and… Look at this!”

In her hands, she holds the remains of three broken wands. You grin.

“You know, I don’t think you have to worry too much about that. The Elixir is gone, the cycle is complete, which means… Ah, there it is.”

You look at the door you came in through, and it is different. It no longer leads to the red room with blood. Instead, it is white as marble, with a symbol of a line within a circle within a triangle. Below the symbol are a stone, a wand and a cloak.

You take the cloak and put it on, just because you can.

You take the stone, and put it into your pocket, because you are not going to mess with it.

You take the wand and strike a pose.

“How do I look?”

“Stunning,” she says.

You toss her the Elder Wand.

“Here you go, miss. It should fix your broken wand without an issue.”


She holds the knotted gray wand of unknown wood with curiosity and a tinge of worry, then…

Reparo!” She shouts, and the three wands join back together, as if they had never been broken. She picks her own wand and cuts the air with it, leaving a trail of sparks.

“I… I don’t feel tired anymore,” and you can see tears welling up in her eyes again, but you know they are happy tears. “I don’t feel tired, Elliot!”

“Welcome to the world of wizards, Arty. Not every spell needs to be exhausting.” You look at her, admiring her own wand, and can’t help but wonder what the tiny Hufflepuff fury will do now that she’s on even ground with everyone else.

You have no doubts the other fifth years would be really happy she quit battle class, because she’d wipe the floor with them.

“Linda, you ok?” You ask, approaching her by the several unconscious bodies lined up on the floor.

“Miffed that Salazar got away, but… We’re still alive. And you’ve got two girlfriends now. I’m pretty sure that’s a fantasy every man has.”

“You know, not everyone has your fetishes, Rae.”

“So you’re telling me that if they offered, you’d say no?”


“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret. So what’s next? Atlantis?”

“Maybe. Or maybe not. Who knows? I… I don’t have the brain to think about it, right now. It’s a problem for future Elliot. For today, I just want to rest.”

Mr. Red, Mr. Purple, Apollo, Brighton, Helga and Scorpius all get levitated and you ready yourself to leave.

“You know that a shitstorm is waiting for us outside, right?” Linda asks. “There is no rest outside this door.”

“Yeah, I know.”

“Any plans?”

“Not really. Whatever happens, happens. We’ll deal with it, together.”

“Together,” Arty says beside you a fierce smile on her face and an energy you’ve never seen her have.

You nod, take a deep breath, then push the door open.

It leads you back to the St. Mungo’s basement. There is some sort of dark artifact creating a shield around the entrance, clearly put there by Salazar. The shield is currently stopping a small army of aurors from entering Avalon, all of which have their wands pointing in your direction.

Leading them is Harry James Potter, looking very much furious. He has his wand in one hand and his gun in the other.

“Elliot Hallaster, Linda Cobris, Brighton Longbottom, Artemis Pertinger, Apollo Pertinger, you are all under arrest for theft, conspiracy, grave robbing, dark arts, the kidnapping of Taylor Cycad and the summoning of the Dark Mark. Scorpius Malfoy, you are under arrest for the murder of Draco Malfoy. Drop your wands and come quietly,” he says, steel in his voice. “Or we will use lethal force, Elliot.”

- End of Act 3 -
Aaaand scene!

I wish I had managed to finish this act on the previous thread, but life got in the way. I'll probably continue act 4 in this same thread in not too long (I'll ping in qtg and twitter when I do).

A few points I wanted to say is that a) the idea of accioing the potion inside the potion got you a free win without a roll because I thought it was clever and b) I honestly hadn't thought about giving Arty's old body to Helga, that was a pretty cool idea. I'll have to adjust my plans for the future accordingly, but it should give rise to some cool interactions between the characters (and an aneurysm to Apollo, most likely).

Anyway, hope you enjoyed it so far! Let me know if you have any questions, ideas or feedback!
This thread was, as always, a blast. Thanks for running! I am so hyped for the confrontation with Potter, with all cards on the table, and the hunt for... Atlantis? or maybe Hyperboria, Lemuria, Eden, Shambala, or some other such place?
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after all the bullshit we have gone through, dealing with the magic popo should be a piece of cake
>*actually knocks on wood while typing this*

just one thing...should Potter say:
“Elliot Hallaster, Linda Cobris, Brighton Longbottom, Apollo Pertinger, Artemis Pertinger and....Artemis Pertinger?"
>Draco got jumped
GOD! DAMN! My condolences, Scorpy. DING DONG, THE BITCH IS DEAD!
>I honestly hadn't thought about giving Arty's old body to Helga, that was a pretty cool idea
Holy shit, this is my second greatest contribution after "Fuck it up, Lord Hallaster."
When the idea came to me I thought "Wow, this is such an obvious solution to our dillema! Head you clever snake, I've seen right through your riddles."
I want to tell Harry EVERYTHING Elliot knows and has found out, from the very first post of this quest up until now. I want to spill absolutely everything and let him judge this shitshow. He'll fail.
When Mr. Purple wakes up he WILL try to apparate and run the moment he sees he's out alive. We need him in an anti-apparate setting before we can wake him. Cannot risk him waking before then; he is a VITAL witness to back us up about the Avalon clusterfuck. I don't know why the aurors cannot simply apparate past the shield and into the laboratory
How and where did Salazar- nevermind he got the epic black shield artifact from Malfoy family treasure trove, of course. And here we anons were thinking Potter would be behind us, or disguised as one of the masked mercs. Why wouldn't king shit snakeman plan for lightning scar boy offscreen? We were played for fools yet again.
Surely we were smart enough to take Purple's wand after he got stunned; normal wizards need their wands to Disapperate. We also have Weasley who is concussed but knows about Lily... which does mean we have to do a lot of explaining. Like a lot. Like why we have that technically makes us the king of Britain. Why there are two Arty's

We didn't get a free time reset this adventure...but we did get Double Mint Arty, which is pretty good. And we do know Helga has wanted to fuck us... jerked off in our head... that OG Arty is far too kind... might have the fucking twins situation, possibly.

>Holy shit, this is my second greatest contribution after "Fuck it up, Lord Hallaster."
>When the idea came to me I thought "Wow, this is such an obvious solution to our dillema! Head you clever snake, I've seen right through your riddles."

I do love fuck 'em up Lord Hallaster, so thank you very much. Technically it might be King Hallaster now, given we have Excalibur.

>“And you’re going to have to put up with me for the rest of our lives.”

So we are 100% getting her an engagement ring when this shit calms down, when we get out of wizard lock up.

>“I… I don’t feel tired anymore,” and you can see tears welling up in her eyes again, but you know they are happy tears. “I don’t feel tired, Elliot!”

Arty was already terrifying but... I do not think Hogwarts is ready for someone who has worked as hard as her for so long, worked with so little, and now has all the resources she needs to be a powerful with. Scary, considering she could push herself to magical exhaustion willingly before. We are going to need to work twice as hard to keep up with our slightly less tiny Fury. It is also adorable that her justification for wanting an extra inch was just to be able to kiss us more easily.

It is also cute we used "Rae" for Raven/Linda since that is Rowena's nickname too. Having a diminutive for her is cute!

I also assume we took the three goons that our friends stunned back in the pool out with us as well.

Gotta track down Atlantis first. Aside from being stupid powerful now, Salazar does have our nuke button. We can go after Lemuria next. I also think Atlantis may very well be in orbit or possibly the moon. Would fit our ripping the stars from the sky prophesy.

Maybe not everything but a whole lot. Explaining why we have a copy of our girlfriend and the most famous sword in British history now, among other things, heh. Going to very fun.
>not everything
I want a full sequence of him reacting to everything. I love shit like that in media
>normal wizards need their wands to Disapperate
Good call
>the king of Britain
I never want to get rid of Excalibur. That stays with Elliot until the end of the quest
>fucking twins situation
They haven't gone all the way in the quest yet, smut fics aside. This might be what pushes both over the edge, including Helga
>100% getting her an engagement ring
And propose loudly and publicly in the Great Hall so the entirety of the people of Hogwarts know and record it for posterity?
>the three goons that our friends stunned back in the pool
Oh right I forgot about those. More evidence especially with whatever visions they saw from the blood pool
>Scorpius Malfoy, you are under arrest for the murder of Draco Malfoy.
what the fuck?
>Oh right I forgot about those. More evidence especially with whatever visions they saw from the blood pool

Those never made it there, they just got knocked out and like piled against the wall while we took a dip in the big pensive pool. I am sure they can corroborate that Scorpyzar led them there with the promise of money, if nothing else.

Pretty impressed by our friends, and yeah Brighton is one now given he risked his life to help, managed to take down that many dudes while we were in the pool given how many there were and how out classed they were.

Salazar made him murder Draco to get to their store of dark artifacts. Likely because Draco locked down Malfoy manor too as soon as the Dark Mark on his arm started moving and Salazar needed to get out.
>“Elliot Hallaster, Linda Cobris, Brighton Longbottom, Apollo Pertinger, Artemis Pertinger and....Artemis Pertinger?"
I mean, there are a lot of bodies back there, it will take a couple of minutes for him to notice a repeat.

You can be sure Potter has every single anti-fuckoff enchantment set on this place, most of all given that he knows you all have his toe-ring of teleportation

> I also assume we took the three goons that our friends stunned back in the pool out with us as well.
Those fuckers are gone, you didn't exactly have a way of going back there. Those in the mind-pool however... Good fucking question on how the fuck they're getting out of there.

> Pretty impressed by our friends, and yeah Brighton is one now given he risked his life to help, managed to take down that many dudes while we were in the pool given how many there were and how out classed they were.
They got the jump on them, given that Salazar didn't know how far you had gotten and was rushing.

> Salazar made him murder Draco to get to their store of dark artifacts. Likely because Draco locked down Malfoy manor too as soon as the Dark Mark on his arm started moving and Salazar needed to get out.
Bingo. For all his issues, Draco was a not awful person who was doing his best to honor his house and the fact that his son had received Salazar Slytherin in his head, but he had moral limits. Salazar didn't like that, and Scorpius not wanting to do what needed to be done was what made him assume direct control. Similar to what happened to Lily, but more bodily violent since Scorpius was a much more mentally healthy person.

>Those in the mind-pool however... Good fucking question on how the fuck they're getting out of there.

Hahaha. Serves 'em right for fucking with King Hallaster and the crew.

>They got the jump on them, given that Salazar didn't know how far you had gotten and was rushing.

Still pretty impressive since these guys were fully grown wizards who were pretty skilled. Linda is a badass given she took down two more with her hands literally tied and her legs all fucked up by prophesy blood. On that note I hope the healers can fix all us up.


Yeah, RIP Draco. I mean, fuck you for trying to mind read us, but you were keeping Scorpyzar in check. I suppose, we are indirectly responsible for another death now.

On the other hand, we are indirectly responsible for saving the new Lord Malfoy's life... so that might be useful in the future.
>literally tied and her legs all fucked up by prophesy blood.

Tied behind her back. Fuck me.
Draco's death was unavoidable, if not now he'd have been killed by Salazar eventually for hindering his goals
I mean it's was a great side effect of our gambit.

We got all the aurors busy, locked down the malfoys, etc etc.
The stakes were high enough to make it worth it.

The fact Draco was unable to suppress scorpius was a bad side effect. Plus is scorpius can also vouch for the situation.

Given the other wizards involved, we can probably talk with potter more earnestly with others being able to serve as checks against him.
we can also talk much more freely now that The Beast is currently no longer an issue
Is it finally time to occupy the Room of Requirement with Arty and Helga?
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>scorpius can also vouch for the situation.

>we can also talk much more freely

Yeah, the fact the world no longer ends if we die is a pretty good thing. The fact everyone doesn't just die if we get shot in the head gives us more wiggle room. Having Malfoy alive and a Weasley alive gives us some credibility. Having two Arty's will take some explaining... but screw it. Mr. Purple will likely reveal the IDs of the other guys, for a lesser sentence, and I imagine they are all wanted for one thing or another, aside from Weasley.

Yes. The time is now.
I will vote against sexing Helga.
you know it. except not really because the qm pretty much vetoed it
Tbf, the fact we've done so much for them has a lot of ethical and power dynamic issues that probably need to be communicated for everyone's sake.

Like if we did cheat on Arty, what is the balance between that and ending an effective death sentence.
Conversely, if we asked Helga to do unethical things, she has a body for the first time in millenia.

Like we won't do things, but ffs it's a bit fucked innit? Helga actually is possibly liable to pressure Arty into something and it wouldn't be completely out of character.
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>has a lot of ethical and power dynamic issues

It really does. Like when Helga wakes up, her and Arty probably need to have a discussion. I mean naturally Helga will need to do certain things like using the restroom, showering, getting dressed that involve seeing or getting to Arty's private area's but they will need to talk about masturbation, having sex. Is it okay for Helga to date someone, possibly enter a sexual relation using Arty's body? Might be a couple of months or a couple of years till we can get Helga one completely her own after all. Might be a lifetime.

I have no doubt Arty will give her full permission, given how kind she is, but might be an... interesting talk.

Elliot is also going to probably still have lingering sexual attraction to the old body, just because that is the exact form he fell in love with, even if the personality was just as big of a part. Helga is going to have differing fashion sense and what not and will be a hair shorter, but a bit of attraction would still be there.

I think in the quest, not my shitty fics, the worst that would happen is accidentally kissing the wrong Arty in the hall or something. But who knows?
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Thought of a couple of things since I really like to re-read that final scene.

Arty, she might not have been ever able to learn Apparition if we hadn't given her a body that can use magic normally. That is great considering the kind of life her and Elliot are going to lead.

She might be able to cast a Patronus now, given she is more powerful and just had probably the single happiest moment of her life. That would be cool, since the time when we officially chose her when she was at her lowest, when she learned that even cheating with our potion she couldn't manage it; that she wasn't happy enough to use that emotion like a sword against the Dark. Hell, we might manage to as well, since we just gave a life to the wife, and it is probably one of the happiest times of Elliot's life too. When we give Arty an engagement ring soon, it will also be good fuel for that spell as well.

Apollo will be eternally loyal to us after this. Especially after he and his sister talk, and she confesses that he had stolen her magic and life in the womb. Going to be a lot of crying on both ends when he also reveals he smothered her in the crib and possibly made her issues worse, and she tells him she still loves him.

Brighton is going to be sad that we couldn't use the Elixir to fix Frank and Alice and will still be a prat, but he is now full in on our adventures since Atlantis very well might have another means.

We are indeed going to have to tell Potter an awful lot about our adventures, though I am not sure about exactly how much. Red is going to tell him about Lily, so can't keep that a secret anymore I believe, but maybe we can keep a few secrets. Fitzgerald's library should be one, since it gives us a way out of the castle when we are good at Apparition and is our only source of info that might lead us to where Salazar is at.

As far HelgArty is concerned, we are going to need to secure a wand for her when she wakes up. I suppose go to Ollivander's and see what works. It might just need to be a copy of Arty's or might need to be like Helga's original. Her previous wand might be still around as well. Salazar's was if you go by and if you accept the lore concerning Ilvermorny.

Just some thoughts I had while we wait to see exactly how bad the fall out from this will be. Might come up with some other shit soon.

The curse is fucking real, even if you are just thinking of running a quest. I have had to put down a cat and had to pull a gun on a dude to stop a carjacking/robbery just last night after writing up an opening prompt and doing some planning for an Ilvermorny quest. God apparently hates this hobby.
>Fitzgerald's library
That stays in our pocket until an ultra-crisis, good call
>Her previous wand might be still around as well. Salazar's was
Interesting to explore that avenue
>The curse is fucking real
Some people do in fact learn the hard way
Capcha R2222
Brighton will probably understand
>The curse is fucking real, even if you are just thinking of running a quest. I have had to put down a cat and had to pull a gun on a dude to stop a carjacking/robbery just last night after writing up an opening prompt and doing some planning for an Ilvermorny quest. God apparently hates this hobby.
holy shit
>the curse is real
that explains why i got my job time and payment cut in half not long after i started running my own quest...holy shit
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It is fine. I didn't end up in lock up for killing a guy or anything. I was just running to the store literally for some smokes and maybe a tallboy of beer and wasn't even going to carry a gun or a knife until I got this weird feeling, so I tossed them on. Sketchy guy came in right after me then came out while I was getting my seatbelt situated in my beater, didn't buy anything since there was still a small line after I checked out, and he had nothing from the store in his hands. Walked around the side of the beater SUV I keep to carry shit. Thought he was just heading around to one of the other cars, since the lot was pretty full with people doing beer runs, but just felt like something was off, so just had my gun partially drawn, then the back passenger side gets opened, and he started getting in. Told him this is the very much wrong car. He got out quick after trying to sit down and ran over to a very different vehicle parked like 30 feet off to my side and got in the side.

Moral of the story kids is trust your instincts, have situational awareness, and always stay strapped.

Bro that fucking sucks. I hope you are doing alright and you can possibly find a less shit employer soon.

I will now stop bringing IRL shit into a quest about wizard highschool.
> Brighton
He'll be mad, but when we tell him there was barely any left, and he realized we got arrested literally as soon as we left and the elixir never would have made it to them, he'll get it. He;s a shit, but he's not STUPID.

Tell him about Lily. Don't tell him about the library until we know how he reacts to that.

>the curse
Shit just happens, man. I've had a lot of things go down since I started QMing, but in retrospect also before I started QMing. You just notice it more and attribute it to the curse when you know about it.
>until I got this weird feeling
That's somebody planting the idea in your head, trying to help save your life.
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Did the job. At least saved my wallet. So thank you, who ever made me a hair more paranoid than I already am.
>you know it. except not really because the qm pretty much vetoed it
No double dipping, anons. Elliot is a one girl kinda guy.

Fucking hell anon. Glad to know you're still alive and haven't fucking shot someone.

Yeah, I'm trying to structure how to create the vote on what to tell him and what not to tell him. Can't quite see how to do it without it becoming incredibly messy and difficult to count, so suggestions are welcome.

Besides the library, is there anything else you'd like to keep from Potter in the undoubtedly ensuing interrogation? This isn't a vote, just to get some ideas and see where people's minds are at
He better know that the Ministry are responsible for this incident by dumping the Time Turners into the darkness behind the veil. If they had not done that, the 4 founders + Merlin would not have returned and Merlin as the Beast would have stayed banished with them. Elliot also only learned to cast the Dark Mark as a massive distraction to get to Avalon in time. All that Elliot has done behind Potter's back has been to thwart Salazar and the Beast and to protect his friends. He did all he could within his means and pushed as far as he was able.

Oh wait he's going to be told literally everything alongside these, except about the Library? Then yeah I see no problems with this. I don't think there's anything else we really need to hide from him? I don't have any ideas coming to me. I hope he'll understand the importance of Avalon and Ancient Magic for that Merlin cycle.
supporting this
we gotta make Potter understand that we arent just fucking around, everything we have done has been to stop shit he wasnt even remotely aware
We may wish to hide some of what we know about Ancient magic still, perhaps. Also the Merlin knowledge in our brain regarding how to use a Great Work. Could also hide the fact we have two of the books from the restricted section, even though we have notes from Moste Potent and Stars in the Dark is pretty useless to us now.

Kind of struggling with what else, since we can't hide Lily being dead AF due to Mr. Red being aroudtold yall we should have just killed him down there, needing to explain what happened to Taylor. That you CAN make a new body and stick a soul in it. What with there being a second Arty now and all. Can't hide the founders, really.

So aside from the library, I am not sure what else is important enough to hide.

>Fucking hell anon. Glad to know you're still alive and haven't fucking shot someone.

It is all good. Thank you though.

>No double dipping, anons. Elliot is a one girl kinda guy.

In my brain, there is a small amount of double-dipping. There are a lot of ideas, really, and before the quest ends I hope to get them all out.
>told yall we should have just killed him down there,

Fuck, I am slipping up.
Right, good one. We do NOT tell him
>ancient Library under Hogwarts
We can simply return Stars in the Dark and Moste Potent Poisons to the Restricted Section since they also have no further use. Alternatively we just give them both to Potter and tell him the former was what Taylor used to help us locate Last Light before he died, for maximum sad impact.

Should we tell him the Merlin knowledge we have in Elliot's brain about Avalon and the Great Work? I doubt it'll matter because the only Ancient Magic body right now is Arty's new one I believe. We might need that in the next hundred years or so to repeat the Avalon cycle, but that's post-quest epilogue shit.
>the only Ancient Magic body right now is Arty's new one I believe.
there isn't, you need the full dose of elixir for that, lailoken said as much
Then Avalon is cold and offline forevermore unless another way to get full Ancient Magic is possible. It's over...
it takes two hundred years for avalon to become operational again which is above the average lifespan of a wizard. we were never getting double dips in it normally and it doesn't matter, we weren't gonna stop at just avalon anyways
I doubt Arty's new body can deal with Ancient Magic yet. HelgArty can probably still see it like we could, when she was in us. Maybe fuck with some stuff like she did when we released all the power in Isadora's repository, but likely not more. The other two founders will likely be able to do about the same when they manifest in our friends. Will likely be useful when we make it to Atlantis, since no idea if Elliot can still do shit like see the runes we did on Merlins' windowsill in the Tower.

Yes. Except the over part...

>it doesn't matter, we weren't gonna stop at just avalon anyways

That is the Lord Hallaster attitude I like to see! Or King Hallaster now, I suppose.

Do we get Royal privileges now that we have the sword?
> Can't quite see how to do it without it becoming incredibly messy and difficult to count, so suggestions are welcome.
When I do similar votes in my quest, I just make a list of things we could tell him, tell anons to vote for however many they want to share (or to add more), and have the final explanation include anything with 50 (or more than 50) percent of the anons supporting it.
the details of Salazar torturing Lily
Honestly, I'm inclined to tell him to use Legilimency on us finally.
There's really no reason to torment Potter with the particular details of his daughter's abuse, agreed.
Yeah, just imply it was some serious horrific shit and let his mind fill in the rest himself. Any guess he comes up with is more than likely something Salazar did make her do
But knowing Occulmency means Legilimency can't work, right? Couldn't we copy ALL those memories and put them in a Pensieve? He has the same one Dumbledore used, we can just borrow that with him in the room with us can't we?
we aren't exactly master occlumens
Won't he easily discover the Library that way too?
So I'd rather not do that. I want to hold onto the Library as an ace for later when Elliot finally learns how to Apparate properly

Agreed. Potter is a dick but he really doesn't need to know about his kid sexually and possibly physically abusing her self in exact details.

Can only really detect surface thoughts, I think it was stated. Might reveal the library.

He is going to want to know where the fuck we got the info to find Avalon. We could possibly say, Scorpius revealed what we needed to put it all together at one point to bait us into stealing the Hallows for him. He kind of did, what with being so desperate for the Stone.

One thing we do NOT reveal or hint at is that Raven used the green death to take out LilyZar, since doing that to another human is basically a one way ticket to Nurmengard. We also cannot reveal Arty and Apollo used the Torture curse while their caretaker was dying. He doesn't need to know the gang is one Unforgivable away from completing the set. As we said, he doesn't need more reasons to think we are all evil.

Might think of some other stuff before QM calls for a real list.
i think he'd understand a child unknowingly using the torture curse on an abusive caretaker, he likely already knows anyway so i doubt we'd even need to tell him
>“And you’ll be the one who has to talk about it. I’m not sure if mine is worse.”

>“Talking is pretty difficult…” She says, biting her lower lip. “But maybe not in front of Potter.”

>“Merlin, no. He doesn’t need any more reason to think we’re all evil. But with me, with us… You don’t need to hide it.”

I don't think he knows or at least she doesn't think he knows. Apollo used instinctive magic so it isn't like they could check and Cruciatus doesn't leave marks, so best as I can guess she didn't mention it. House also "burned down" she did it and I know it, our little pyro so no evidence. It took a while for the ministry to track the twins down, so I don't even know if there was much to tell how that fucker died. They obviously know magic was involved, and I am sure they said it was when Arty was being beat bloody, but no reason to risk it.
If anyone would sympathize with an abusive childhood making you align with aspects of dark wizardry, it's the kid raised in a cupboard by the Dursleys who almost got sorted into Slytherin and used to be able to talk to snakes, and who named one of his kids after Snape.
don't forget him unintentionally locking his cousin in a snake cage
True enough but it is also not something for us to reveal. It is her story, something for her to talk about. It happened on the worst day of her life. It is her darkest memory.

Harry understands childhood abuse and Arty's is arguably worse than his but finding out that the girlfriend of a guy who he thinks is the next Dark Lord figured out the name and intent needed for it when she was 8, told it to her severely emotionally abused and slightly autistic brother and liked seeing the dude suffer? Still did when she saw it again? That should be off the table, especially considering Apollo was the one who fucked up Dumbledore's corpse and cracked his grave.

Honestly, everything we saw when we lived through our friend's worst memories should be a no-go. They are personal, and it is a betrayal of the trust they have in us to talk about them, and all of them paint the gang in a bad light.

WE know all the gang are good people, even if Brighton is a prat, but we are in some deep shit. Need to show we are good; revealing what we know for the most part, the circumstances behind our actions, the motive for them is good but not giving out info that makes us look like nascent Dark wizards is also crucial.
This is good along with not telling him the Library or Lily's exact abuse
think the only one that's actually part of the storyline is Arty's, the others were experienced completely seperately
I suppose we should also not mention that us friendzoning Potter's kid being, you know, the thing that finally let Salazar break her should be a no-go as well.

So how is this for a list:

The shit we learned in our friend's heads

Raven using AK on Lily

The Library and where we exactly learned about where Avalon is, and or saying ScorpyZar baited us here and to steal the Hallows

How Linda killed two dudes down here

Exact nature of what Salazar did to Lily, just say that her broke her down over a decade and a half till he could take over

Shit we should tell him:

Basically every thing else

That Helga fucking Hufflepuff told us that Potter should not raise his sword against this threat while she had Merlin's prophetic powers and that is why we had to deceive him

Why there is now Double Mint Arty

There are some more specifics, but I think it should be covered by everything.
I agree with pretty much everything except we can't really hide what Linda did since Purple is here to testify, and idk how do we explain how we survived salazar the first time besides "then I got back up and pwnd him"

and it goes without saying but we don't have retell the parts of the story where he was there watching
>or saying ScorpyZar baited us here and to steal the Hallows
he's going to find out about that one from Scorpius, might as well tell him ourselves
we don't need to say Linda killed Lily, just say she disappeared the same way Taylor did which forced Salazar out
only way he'd be able to find out that bit's not completely true is if he goes into our minds since all evidence of the fight now exists only in our memories
still makes the part about lily being deleted from history but nobody else kinda iffy. i wonder if Raven even gives a fuck. we are already getting arrested so...
I say just tell him about the unforgivables too. Harry Imperio'd people before back when he was a fugitive
that part was retconned here, get on with the program
you want us to get shot for telling him we technically killed his daughter?
i just don't think lying about it will help our case. also, i was told that wasn't our fault
Here's the thing. You can either ask him to use legilemency and direct him to what you want him to know at a reasonable challenge, or you can have him spring it on you randomly when he gets fed up and try to direct it with much greater difficulty and possibly with truth serum in our bloodstream.
Potter knows we aren't a skilled occlumens. So best to let him have at it rather than have him stack the deck on us.
I think if we make it clear she was already gone, we can get away with saying we had to fight Salazar to the death otherwise he would get the ball of ancient magic or kill us which would have killed every one because of the Beast. Make it clear that we tried to not do it, which is 100% true anyway, but she was too much. That we lost our best friend and Raven lost her lover, that Elliot was on the ground, and she made the hard choice to take her shot when she had the chance and used literally any other spell than AK to kill "Lily".

If nothing else, we 100% leave out how Raven mutilated the body post mortem when we still thought Lily could get a proper funeral.

If we have to saw shit about Arty and Apollo, just leave it at they killed the dude and burned down the house.

You have to be a psychopath to ever use one of the Unforgivables on a person, which is why they are unforgivable in the 1st place.

We do not want him thinking that way about our team. More than he already does, anyway. I think we can leave out a good number of little things and still convince him we aren't full of shit, especially with so many corroborating stories. We convinced Brighton, though we did have Frank and Alice to back us up.

In other news, I feel terrible for Agusta. Brighton never even knew his grandparent when they were sane and was destroyed by learning their recovery wasn't a recovery at all. Agusta did so... yeah.
>If nothing else, we 100% leave out how Raven mutilated the body post mortem when we still thought Lily could get a proper funeral.
that didn't actually happen, it was only in the memory place
that very much did happen
She diffindo'd her after death till she was too tired to do it anymore, then tore into Lily's face and neck with her nails to the point Lily's throat was destroyed. Go look back at the end of thread 2.
>that didn't actually happen
that was explicitly explained in detail dude, that VERY MUCH happened
I thought as >>6069024 said, that didn't happen in the initial event, but only in Raven/Linda's traumatic reliving of the event as a waking nightmare within Avalon?

Oooh, right. Well, at least it wasn't as bad as smashing her skull apart with a rock in the imaginary redo.
guess i forgot it actually happened then, it was almost a year
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>wasn't as bad as smashing her skull apart with a rock in the imaginary redo.

Eh... I meant maybe technically.

It is fine, bro. I have reread like this whole thing probably like 3 times and I still get some shit incorrect.
>Those fuckers are gone, you didn't exactly have a way of going back there. Those in the mind-pool however... Good fucking question on how the fuck they're getting out of there.
Could simply put all 3 hallows in the door then rush through the entire gauntlet again, assuming it takes a good long while for the system to purge and reset the trials. It's a straight linear path to the end. Run through the rooms and retrieve the bodies and corpses on the way to the Avalon chamber, then exit the warp gate back to the emerald flame door in the basement. Problem solved. Harry can do all that himself
Pretty sure only way for the trial rooms to reappear is resetting this place with Ancient Magic, soooo... yeah those dudes are fucked.

Oh well, they were just merc's.
Another thing to think about some guys, unrelated to the vote, is how we are going to manage to fuck Salazar up when we find him. His body might not be quite as strong as intended since not all of the Elixir was used, but it can use Ancient magic and what not.

Hope we can get Potter on our side and bring an army of Aurors and other powerful wizards with us? Hope HelgArty and the other Founders can help us? Excalibur? I mean we have other issues, like being Britain's most wanted and even finding the place, but it never hurts to think ahead. Maybe there is some Chekhov's gun we haven't considered.
I think our next major matter once we've secured our freedom will be figuring out how to find and stop Beast!Salazar.
>His body might not be quite as strong as intended since not all of the Elixir was used, but it can use Ancient magic and what not.
i don't know where you are getting this, his body is King Arthur's and it was fixed up by Merlin himself like over a thousand years ago. I'd be more worried about the End of Time honestly, I've brainstormed a few ideas and threads to follow so I'll try to put'em together in an somewhat easy to follow post soon.
we WERE Britain's most wanted, we aren't anymore since they were already waiting for us
>Britain's most wanted
Bitch we're rightful KING of Britain now. We obtained Excalibur + sheath from King Arthur's corpse. Godric Gryffindor's gonna be either jealous of Elliot, or hype over yet another cool magic sword wielder like him
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>I'd be more worried about the End of Time

That is also a concern. And if Arthur's body had been as good as Salazar wanted, the one that he was crafting, going into at the beginning wouldn't have been plan B.

That is true, heh.

>KING of Britain

Once more, I wonder if we could invoke that privilege, maybe pardon all our friends. Gonna have to change one of the catchphrases to "fuck 'em up King Hallaster", kek.

>Godric Gryffindor's gonna be either jealous of Elliot, or hype over yet another cool magic sword wielder like him

Mage knight is a go.

That... that gives me an idea. Elliot has no idea how to use a sword other than pointy end forward, but Godric is coming back in Brighton. Brighton's dad was the last user of Godric's sword... we have the potential for magic sword training with Godric. Brighton getting to borrow/have his sword would be pretty kino, since he IS our rival. He needs a power up too.

We are going to need to double down on battle training as well, since Helga isn't there to help us anymore. We probably are the most skilled student still, but why let someone take that title. Also need to keep up with Arty since she can now use magic normally and will be a tiny terror. Arty might not have quite as much magic just because we are older, but she is about as skilled as our boy and is a harder worker, can push herself more.

Time for a SlytherPuff power couple, hahaha.
It wasn't as good as he wanted because it didn't look like him. That's it.
Makes sense. Salazar sees like a vain man.
He's also a fucking idiot, if he just jumped bodies at the start of the fight he would have wiped the floor with us and still have time to make his ideal body. But then his hubris would get him caught by Merlin/Beast anyways, and we would have the full basin to take away all the stakes with Ancient Magic so, you can see why things had to go the way they did.
switching bodies isn't that simple when the body isn't empty
sometimes it feels eveyone here is illiterate on purpose to annoy me
there was also nobody there for him to swap into even if was that easy
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its like i'm living in another world
did you forget this stuff being clearly explained?
anon, when I said "jumped bodies" back there I didn't mean it literally as in bodyjacking our party or the mercs, I meant just doing what he did at the end and taking Arthur's body while he had Blue and Gray covering his ass. Do I make myself clear?
so i was thinking about...
we are getting summer break soon, something something travel with Arty to see creatures or go back home with mom and pops, but...What do we do with HelgArty?
is she coming with us? staying at Hogwarts?
also, do we tell mom and pops about HelgArty IF she is coming with us?
we could just lie about her being Arty's sister
*in context of telling our parents about her
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That is kind of what I was thinking. Make some BS up about her being sick or out on some foreign exchange thing at Christmas so she didn't come then.

It will just get seen through by mom but eh.

We could also just say it is magic stuff we aren't allowed to talk about and leave it at that I suppose.

It kind of wouldn't be fair just to take Arty and Leave HelgArty behind. Elliot can sleep on the couch or with Apollo while the Artys share a room. Ooooor, I wonder if we can fit 3 people onto Elliot's bed?

Could also just tell them a limited version of the truth, and their son did what no one in the world thought possible. Have to probably leave out any specifics, since the ministry will likely tell us all to shut up about Avalon. In the end Potter and the headmistress are going to end up knowing about the Arty/Helga situation at minimum by the time this is over anyway.

One thing, the Arty's are really going to have to try and hold off doing anything too sketchy, since our best friend wants to summon demons and it is possible Potter might think that at least one of the bodies actually has a demon spirit or something since there is no way to completely verify Helga is Helga. Verituserum and stuff would only show that she is very sure she is Hufflepuff Prime and it isn't like she has the specific memories to back up her claim.

We already did the impossible, who's to say Elliot and the gang didn't figure out how to bring demon into the world?

Potter carrying a holy water potion and small muggle bible from now on just in case would be funny.
>Could also just tell them a limited version of the truth
im down for this, best to not lie mom and dad about anything, who knows if they will ever come clutch some day
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>Ooooor, I wonder if we can fit 3 people onto Elliot's bed?
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Out of the options I kind of considered, that one is probably the best, though we will have to leave out quite a bit or be creative with how we explain some stuff like Potter has been with us. I honestly would not be surprised if the ministry makes the whole gang make Unbreakable Oaths to not reveal shit about Avalon and some other things, aside to specific people, however.

We can cross that bridge when we get to it though.

Another thought, I do want to want us to propose, get engaged to Arty at the end of the school year. Tell her we are getting married when she graduates. Given some of the stuff we have said, Elliot and her have told each other they are going to spend the rest of their lives together anyway and Elliot just chose to give her a new body instead of healing himself or using for Helga and Arty did us a huge favor by letting Helga occupy her old form as well.

Hey! Not like that. Just so we can make an Arty sandwich with Elliot and HelgArty as the bread. It would be cute and pure!

But I have written a little of that in to my shitty fics. Just haven't felt like working on them much lately.
I wonder if Helga is going to grow her hair out and dye it once she wakes up, so it is more like her real form, or if she would have issues messing with how Arty's old body looks. This is gonna be very fun, so who ever suggest she jump in there, thank you. Might give QM a stroke having to deal with, however.
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Something else I considered because I was rereading our fight at Last Light.

I am a bit sad our wand didn't get another boost like when we destroyed one of the big metal knight guys, considering we did manage to straight up kill a dude with our potion trick and beat back Scorpy, and both of them are adult wizards, technically in Scorpius' case but still, who out classed us. We didn't manage to take Salazar down but we did get the best of him when trying to get to him.

Oh well. I just really want some extra juice, since we don't have the Helga cheat button any more.

Wonder if Helga is going to be able to push Arty's body like Salazar did for extra power or if she would even consider it? Also, curious if she can manipulate shit like she did with the Repository to release its power. And if Elliot can still see Ancient magic; Harry was able to get back into the Chamber of Secrets even after Voldy's soul fragment was gone so I am hoping yes. Seems useful where we are going next.
You sit in a featureless room with no windows. There are runes glowing all around the walls and you have been instructed that they will explode if you come near them. You know nothing about this room, other than it is deep in the Department of Mysteries and that you’ve been here for several hours now.

Well, good. At least you had time for a nap.

They took your wand, both the normal one and the Elder one, along with the Cloak and the Stone, which you already expected.

Excalibur, however, seems to refuse to leave your side. You haven’t quite tried using it yet, haven't had the time, really, but once this whole thing is done you are excited to figure out if it can do anything special other than teleporting back to your hip when no one is looking.

You feel… well, not peace, exactly. You don’t think you’ll be able to truly feel peace until both Salazar and the Beast are done for. But there is a sense of finality. There is a sense that you did your part, at least for now. You no longer have a ghost in your head, no longer have a Gate of darkness inside you. You could just… leave. Just leave it be. Just go on, live out your life on some lost beach in Australia with Arty, somewhere with lots of sun and light until the world ends.

You could do that.

You know that you’re choosing not to. You know that, whenever the Beast returns, you’ll once again join the fight. But you don’t have to. You could take yourself out of the narrative, out of the story. You could just let Potter deal with it.

And you know that, when the time comes, you’ll choose not to, and the fact that it is your choice means the world.

The door finally opens and Potter walks in. He has a gun on one hand, his wand on the other.

“Elliot Hallaster.” He simply looks at you with an unreadable explosion. “Explain.”

“I assume you have spoken with the others, professor,” you say. “Haven’t they told you already?”

“Your friends have been… less than cooperative.”



“I don’t know what you could possibly mean, professor!”

“There are two of you, Miss Pertinger!”

“Are there? Gosh, I must have forgotten to take my anti-duplication potion! Fortunately, I know a great potion maker who can help!”


“I ain’t telling you shit until I see my father, Potter.”

“Brighton, this isn’t some school detention!”

“Yeah, no, I noticed that once the aurors started stunning us. Go bother Hallaster, will you?”


“Apollo, for your sister’s sake. Help me understand what is going on.”

“You know that if I can’t get the answers, they’ll send the Unspeakables, right?”

“Very well. If you insist.”


“Well, I really don’t think these are proper accommodations for the King’s right hand!”

“Possession of Excalibur, if that’s what it really is, does not make Hallaster king, miss Cobris.”

“Really? That makes sense. I always thought strange women lying in ponds distributing swords was no basis for a system of government. Who knew I was right all along?”


“You command great loyalty from them, Elliot,” Potter says. “Loyalty like I have seen in few places.”

“They are good friends. But you have Scorpius. A Weasley, I believe. And whoever that other guy was.”

“Scorpius is still recovering from whatever happened in that place. Oleg Karkaroff is saying many strange things, plenty that doesn’t make sense. Weasley… Is being dealt with.”

“Karkaroff? Son of the old Durmstrang headmaster.”

“Bastard son from his days in England, born and raised here, turned dark wizard. Aurors had been hunting him and his crew for a while.”

“How did you miss that it was Weasley who attacked us that night? You cut off his arm.”

“Elliot…” He rubs the bridge of his nose, clearly tired from a long, long night. He doesn’t seem as mad as he seems tired. “Understand that I am being allowed this interrogation as a courtesy. If I do not get results, the Unspeakables will come, and they will do whatever they need to get information from you. I will not stop them. If you want you and your friends to stay unharmed, you need to tell me what in Merlin’s name is going on. The Dark Mark was seen over Hogwarts. The leader of the Most Ancient and Noble House Malfoy has been killed by his own son. Dumbledore’s tomb has been sacked. A thing that no Unspeakable can even begin to understand was found beneath Britain’s biggest hospital with mad inscriptions about Life Eternal and the Elixir of Life!”


“At this very moment, aurors are getting ready. We’ve managed to stall the newspapers and all owls in and out of Hogwarts, we’ve managed to stall panic, but if we don’t have an explanation by the end of the day, we won’t be able to hold it back anymore. There will be panic, there will be chaos. And I need to know if it is justified. I need to know if I need to get the Minister to tell everyone to stay in their homes, lock their doors and protect their children.”

“I need to know if the Third Wizarding War has started, Elliot. And I am giving you a final chance to tell me willingly.”

You look at him, thinking. Could you trust him? Not with the knowledge, but with not bringing about the end of the world as “Faith” had once prophesied him to do? And how much should you tell him?

In your vote, please say which parts you WANT to tell him and what parts you absolutely DON’T want to tell him. Anything not mentioned in your vote will be considered a “no strong feelings either way”. I've put what the discussions above decided were touchy or important points, but feel free to add anything else

> About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
> That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
> The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
> How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
> How Linda killed two people in Avalon
> Other (Write in)
Don't say:
> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
Anything else I think its fine
>About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
Yes, to explain why we absolutely could not tell him before.
>That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
Yes, as Weasley will tell it eventually.
>Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
No. He doesn't need to know, just that Salazar was in control.
>How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
>The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
>The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
>About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
>How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
>The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
>How Linda killed two people in Avalon
Yes, because the other non-friend survivors will reveal it.
>Other (The details of Taylor's Disappearance and Death)
Share this.
Addendum - also share that the prophecy Potter overheard was likely referring to The Beast that, until now, was also dwelling inside of us. And share that the Beast is the origin of our scars. And that, under no circumstances, should Potter seek out the Beast or Salazar unless he wants to fulfill Faith's prophecy.
Tell him:
>>> About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
>> That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
>> The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
>> How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
>> About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
Don't tell him:
>> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
>> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
>> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
>> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
>> How Linda killed two people in Avalon
>Yes, because the other non-friend survivors will reveal it.
don't think they're in any state to be talking about it
They will eventually.

>About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
Do tell.

>That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
Do tell.

>Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
Tell him he was responsible for "whatever happened to her" nothing more, nothing less.

>How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse

>The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
Not point in hidding this anymore with HelgArty around, if anything, this could prove as an asset for us later.

>The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
i forgot what this is, if this is the place where we can apparate, then no.

>About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
Just like with HelgArty, no point in hidding it, this could also work as protection for them, highly doubt Potter or anyone would risk "killing" the founders of Hogwarts.

>How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
Yes, gotta remove as many charges as we can, this will push it to him and help us come cleaner.

>The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
Not in a million years.

>How Linda killed two people in Avalon
No and if anybody says that she did, say she got Imperio´d or something.

>Other (Write in)
what >>6071563 said, About Taylor.
and (Just to break the ice a bit and help him calm down) that we go now by "King Hallaster" but Potter has special permission to just keep calling us like always.
>> About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
>> The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
>> About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
>> How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
>> About the suspicion The Beat is still out there (and probably Salazar too) nd how this all came to be
and finally
>> That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter

>> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
>> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
>> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
>> How Linda killed two people in Avalon

>> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
only bring it up if directly questioned about it
Prophecies are weird and often misleading. The Beast being the most obvious trigger for apocalypsis ironically makes it less likely to be it. So, uh, I wouldn't say all that too confidently.

What I do wanna say whenever he dares to criticize Elliot for his recklessness and shortsightedness when he got baited by Salazar, point out that him being baited by Voldemort into his incursion to the Deparment we are in doomed the world by proxy when they broke all those Time Turners so you know, rocks and glass houses.

>and (Just to break the ice a bit and help him calm down) that we go now by "King Hallaster" but Potter has special permission to just keep calling us like always.
I'm gonna be honest, King just doesn't have the same ring as Lord, I'd rather not
>I'm gonna be honest, King just doesn't have the same ring as Lord, I'd rather not
We can go "King Lord Hallaster" or "Lord King Hallaster"
maybe not while we're being interrogated in a rom that's rigged to explode
Now you made it worse.
eh, you worry too much
we'll have plenty of time for it after we make it out of this room in one piece without any extra holes
This. Potter can't even be mad, really, that we didn't voluntarily throw our loyal Right hand under the bus apropos of nothing.
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Hahaha magic sword can pop back to us through every fucking anti Apparation/Portkey jinx they could toss on the place. I suppose it has some pretty potent Ancient Magic woven into it. I love it. Can't wait to see what else it can do. Hell, it might even be Atlantean in origin and Merlin just jacked it.

I love our friends. Even Brighton now, I suppose.


I will support:

Along with:

>Telling him how powerful Salazar is and that he will return, likely with a number of allies, since people are attracted to power. To prepare but that he must not be the one to strike him down, that from what we can guess, that is our destiny.

>The circumstances behind DoubleMint Arty, if it isn't baked into explaining the founders

>The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
>i forgot what this is, if this is the place where we can apparate, then no.

Yeah that is the one. Place which may also have info on how to find Atlantis.
Might figure something else out later to tell him that will help our case or realize we shouldn't tell him something.

Hype as fuck.

I suppose we should also ask mom and dad for some extra cash to buy a new expanding pouch when this is done. Maybe a new belt to carry our sword since it doesn't want to leave us.
King Elliot I of Wizarding Britain or Lord Hallaster, as situationally appropriate.

When we get out we should knight all our allies, kek. We would need a couple more, if you count our lieutenants, HelgArty, and Taylor, to make a recreation of the Knights of the Round Table but that would be funny.
supporting this
YES to Potter knowing
> About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
> That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
> The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
> About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
> How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
>The details of Taylor's Disappearance and Death
>Our preferred pronouns are now "His Royal Majesty"

NO to Potter knowing
> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads

Oh boy, here we go. Also fuck yeah we own Excalibur.

Also, something I've thought about, should we tell Potter about the other Atlantean artefacts like the Mirror and Grail(s)?
>Also, something I've thought about, should we tell Potter about the other Atlantean artefacts like the Mirror and Grail(s)?

Nah, not really relevant right now. And we do need a couple of secrets to keep up our sleeves. Not sure how exactly but he might be able to do something dumb with the info.

I also feel like the Mirror might be our ticket to Atlantis since according to Rowena's notes it was meant to be part of a system, we know stuff can go into it, and the only other place a part of that system might be is in the ruins of Atlantis. Possible we could use it to get there. Any other Mirrors may have survived, since Elliot's impression was the thing couldn't be destroyed till the Universe itself ended.
Well the mirror itself is older than Atlantis isn't it? I remember Merlin thinking it was more powerful then the others when he summoned it when Atlantis fell.
He did call the other shit he had sitting around him which he stole trinkets, but he did summon it to him from Atlantis after they nuked themselves. There might be a second one there. Just an idea. Not enough info but maybe something to keep in mind. Feel like something that powerful is probably relevant.
Something I thought of, Oleg is probably going to mention Linda knocked 2 of his gang into the blood. We should be ready to say that he was already furious about his leg and that as far as you know those two were just knocked into it by the prophesy knot blowing up or panicked when the got splashed and fell in, if we don't mention what our friend did. Say he just wanted justification to hurt one of us.

We might have to fess up to exploding Mr. Blue, but it was life or death at that point, so Potter would likely get it. He probably noticed we dont have our signature pouch. Could also just say it was consumed by the Fiendfyre along with the guy who had it.

Might also ask if our friends received medical care yet since Apollo and Linda got splashed and a Wiggenweld wouldn't fix it all the way and Apollo got his wand arm kind of messed up from Mulfulgar. Wonder if Apollo will end up with cool lichtenberg scars from that. Show we are caring and care for them, paint us in a slightly better light.

Possibly also mention that they snapped almost all our wands, to paint these guys in an even worse light and only the Elder Wand let Arty fix them.

I also wonder if our friends hit with the blood got any glimpses of the future like a couple of the goon squad did.

When we get another pouch, we probably need to anti-summoning charm our potions in the future as well, since I don't want our trick used against us.

And with that, time for bed, finally. Might think of more stuff, have it come to me in a dream. Excellent update QM, so thank you.
> About "Faith's" warnings against telling him everything
> That Salazar's first host was Potter's daughter
> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse (only after Salazar killed Taylor)
> The real identity of the spirits in people's heads
> About the spirits inside the Longbottoms, and that they're now inside Brighton and Linda
> How Salazar baited you to Avalon to steal the Hallows
> How Linda killed two people in Avalon
> The details of Taylor's Disappearance and Death
> About the suspicion The Beast is still out there (and probably Salazar too) and how this all came to be with the Time Turners and the Veil
> Avalon's purpose and functions and how it relates to St. Mungo's
> Telling him how powerful Salazar is and that he will return, likely with a number of allies, since people are attracted to power. To prepare but that he must not be the one to strike him down, that from what we can guess, that is our destiny.

> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
Imply. Potter will most likely think correct assumptions, but it's better he do it than Elliot explain it in horrific detail
> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
> The knowledge about how exactly to operate Avalon and the Elixir as implanted by Merlin's systems inside

> Is it King Hallaster now? Lord King Hallaster? These titles are starting to be tough. What's his opinion?
Shit, remove
>Linda AK'd Lily
>Linda killed 2 people in Avalon
But ONLY if the evidence/accounts come up for the 2 Avalon kills, confirm it grudgingly because we didn't wanna throw her under the bus and still don't
I assume we'll be telling him basically everything else in between, like Last Light and Avalon? I doubt he'll be keen to know the nonessentials, like exactly what kind of "purposes" Elliot and Arty have had in occupying the Room of Requirement for hours every day and night, for example.
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>"purposes" Elliot and Arty have had in occupying the Room of Requirement for hours every day and night, for example.

Lol. Yeah, I doubt he wants to hear the details of a couple of kids making potions, making out, and napping with each other. Especially when one looks like she could be 12 or 13. I do wonder if Arty will have a growth spurt now that she has a normal body. I hope not because her being a waif of a wife is cute.

I do assume we will include any salient points in the explanation, save for the stuff regarding what we leave out. The Repository and Avalon are both useless now, after all. Wonder if we will mention the three stunned dudes who are going to starve to death down there in the room with the big ass Pensive. Kind of funny, since apparently like most of the gang has either directly or indirectly killed someone at this point.

BTW picrel is taller than Arty, even with her extra inch.
No to
> The existance and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily (just say he broke her down)
> How Raven killed Lily with the Killing Curse
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
being left down there is probably a better fate for them that whatever would happen to them after we tell Potter about all this shit
Kek. True. To be fair, they will probably all kill one another before they starve or dehydrate. Or shit maybe they will just be preserved by the Ancient Magic down there.
Blood gas calories and nutrients. They can possibly still be recovered?

Also with ravens wand snapped, they'll never discover the avada kedava
>They can possibly still be recovered?

Wow knows. I would just say they are fucked, but maybe there is some Ancient Magic BS that will preserve them like Arthur's body was preserved. Time dilation or something. Who knows.

>ravens wand snapped

Arty repaired all the team's wand with the Elder wand when she got her new body:

>“Reparo!” She shouts, and the three wands join back together, as if they had never been broken. She picks her own wand and cuts the air with it, leaving a trail of sparks.

All our wands are fine, Arty fixed them. It was sweet to let Arty to be the one to repair them even though Elliot or Linda could have done it just as well so she got to help more, see her healthy magic output, and since she was the most distraught her wand was broken.

I have no clue how long Prior Incantato can theoretically go back, wiki says just the last spell used and Linda used AK ages ago on LilyZar and didn't manage to get one out at ArthurZar before he started fucking us up even though she tried.
Who knows*

But the only way to access the part where they are trapped in now is to reset Avalon it seems, so we need Ancient Magic. Maybe we will find a way to use it in Atlantis and become God King Elliot.

They are probably fucked though.
Still working on the update. Potter's reaction is making this... difficult to write. I should be finished with it later today, hopefully.
You better do the events of the quest justice. I want Potter REELING from all the insanity and revelations that have been going on under his nose. I want him getting flashbacks to his own series.
take your time m8, you doing gods work here
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>You better do the events of the quest justice.

Head is one of the best QMs running right now. I think he will do just fine. He knows we crave the chaos and insanity and showing Potter up since he only saved the world one time a year. We have done it twice just in our 6th year. We also did the impossible by saving Arty from an early death, to say nothing of the shit with the founders.

>Look what Potter needs to mimic even a fraction of our awesome and crazy Arty

>Potter's reaction is making this... difficult to write.

Hahaha. It will be sad when he learns about Lily but seeing him blown out because Elliot was right about everything, is the opposite of a Dark wizard and is the new savior of magical Britain as well as its rightful king will be worth it.
Baited Breath given how messy this whole thing is.
Yep. QM is cooking and I do not envy him, considering I would not even know how to start with Elliot explaining all this shit
I do. It's called "start with thread 1"

I am trying to edit this shit down to something below a novel but a part of me keeps on adding all the stuff Elliot went through instead of just saying "and you tell him everything that happened throughout the semester" and this shit ain't easy
I suggest pacing it? Have one part, then a brief interlude or reaction moment where we players can vote to ask him stuff in turn maybe. Then you post the next part of the "Elliot tells it all" sequence, repeat until we finish telling him everything
I mean, I have no issue reading that much...
me neither, hell, i say the more the merrier!

>Exposure to Ancient Magic gives us Deadpool like mete-awarness

>"Start with thread 1, faggot.", you say, confident Potter won't shoot.

>The last thing we hears is a plosive bang before nearly half an inch of lead and copper evacuates out brain

>*record scratch*

>"Yeah, thats me, Elliot Hallaster. Now you might be wondering how I am telling you this then. Well... that is an even longer story than the one I should have told the boy who lived, but it goes like this...

Cue a DHQ spin off.
no mahvehl cringe shit here please
You know what, forget what I said in >>6073752, please just give us a 3-6K word update to keep us fed until tomorrow?
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I can support this. But I have faith in QM, regardless. And yeah, we obviously like to read this stuff, given we are all 7 threads deep meaning god knows how many words, not even counting discussion.
Gave up on the first 15k characters, deleted it all, then wrote another 12k instead.


You sigh. It is time.

“Very well, professor. I hope you’ll understand why I couldn’t tell you sooner.” You hesitate, thinking about where to start. “In the beginning of the school year, a Gryffindor girl asked to meet me. She was fierce, strong, incredible. She was a Prefect, the Head Girl and the seeker of the Quidditch team. Her name was Lily, after the mother of the Boy Who Lived.”

He raises his eyebrow at that, then frowns, but doesn’t question. It is a well known fact that the number of Harrys, Ronalds and Hermiones had rocketed after the war. It wasn’t a stretch to suggest someone would name their daughter after their savior’s mom.

Would it soften the blow if you hid it until the very end? Would it make it easier, if you only told him who she really was after the end? You don’t know, but you hope it will at least make him open to your story until the end.

“She, much like you, didn’t remember me and you had told you as much. I thought I was going on a date, but she instead brought me to you.”

Hugo brought you to me, because I asked him to.”

“I know you think he did. Anyway, you told me that only you two didn’t remember me, Hogwarts had never heard of me, etcetera. I wasn’t really worried about it, after all nothing really bad happens at Hogwarts, at least not after Voldemort died. But then I had a dream.”

You tell him about Faith and her warnings, the Beast inside you, and of Last Light. You tell him why prophecies are no longer made.

“You hid things from me because a dream told you so?”

“And you led people to save your friend’s father because you dreamt you were a snake attacking him.”

“I hardly think that is equivalent, Elliot.”

“It wasn’t just a dream, professor. It felt real. And it made enough sense that I wouldn’t risk it. And besides… She gave me power. Do you remember my first battle? That was her. Our connection was weak at first but it grew stronger. She helped me-”

“Like many evil spirits and creatures are known to do, for a hefty price.”

“-but the connection was tenuous. It wasn’t always there. Meanwhile, me and Lily became friends, training together for Battle Class. She was… very forward. Until one day, just as she was saying goodbye from a training session, our eyes crossed and I heard a voice inside her head.”

You tell him about how you two had fought, how she had won and Obliviated you.


“I am aware that people who have been obliviated aren’t meant to remember the events erased from their minds, professor. Bear with me. In any case, soon me, Raven and Taylor started suspecting that Merlin’s Last Light had something to do with his Interdict…”

You tell him how Lily, being the Head Girl with access to the Restricted Session, had gotten you Stars in the Dark, on the condition you’d take her with you.


“You know, when my wife and I decided to read a cursed book, we were just first and second years,” he notes when you tell him what Taylor had done. “I assumed you would have learned from our stupidity.”

“When does anyone actually learn from other people’s mistakes?”

“Fair enough. So, was that enough to tell you where to go? December first, was that in Julian or Gregorian?”

“Julian. A fact we failed to realize until it was almost too late. If not for Faith yanking me from my sleep, we’d have lost it all." You tell him everything you went through to finally discover where the right star was located, and from which window to look. "We had planned to spend the weeks before December first gathering supplies and making potions. Now we were doing it with only our wands.”

“You always check your calendars, Elliot!”

“I know that now!

You tell him of your journey into the lake, into the room with the ruined paintings, the mad dash through the dark goblin-creatures.

“She cast the Killing Curse?”

“So did you.”

“At a spider.”

“She did it at a giant blob trying to kill her. I’m sure you have aurors in the force who have done the same at people trying to kill them.”

“Full grown adults with years of experience.”

“She was eighteen, and had more experience than you, as it turns out. In any case, we managed to find the room with the armors. Raven was injured, so we rested, healed her as best we could, then got ready to fight.”

“I saw the remains. Well done, it couldn’t have been easy.”

“It wasn’t. We almost died plenty of times. And then… we opened the door. Behind it there was a… repository. A repository of ancient, Ancient Magic. The same kind of thing that built Hogwarts.”

You tell him what you know of it, how it had been created, how the goblin silver had purified it. You tell him how the man inside Lily had revealed himself. How he had given you your memories back, just to torment you. How it had been manipulating Lily for a while, and how it had grown strong enough to take direct control.

“And he was the same kind of creature as you had in your head?”

“Indeed. Faith wasn’t nearly strong enough to do that but… I figure she’d have been able to do it eventually.”

“Oh, is that not a problem anymore? Ah. Ah. Was Miss Pertinger agreeable to somehow having 'Faith' take over a clone of her?”

“You’re getting ahead of the story, but yes. Hufflepuff, remember? In any case, we fought. We fought, and she, well, he was good. Me, Taylor and Raven together couldn’t beat him, and we fought hard. But there is no shield to block the killing curse, and Taylor fell. I… I couldn’t do anything to help him. So I just kept on fighting through the tears, but even then, it wasn’t enough.”


“So Mr. Cycad really is dead.”

You nod. “Yeah. I… I wish- I wish I could have… I couldn’t save him.” You wipe away the tears that still come. “Do you have one moment you wish you could do differently, professor? One moment? That one is mine. I… I just thank Merlin that I took the time to apologize to him for letting Raven get hurt. I’m just glad that… That he didn’t die hating me.”

You swallow your tears. They are not for now. You’ll see him again, you’re sure of it.

“The man inside Lily cut my arm off,” you say, pointing to your shoulder. “ Right here, with a Sectumsempra. That’s where I got the spell from, by the way. And then he took a moment to gloat before killing me. And Raven took that moment to hit him with a diffindo to the neck.”

“You’re saying Ms. Cobris killed someone.”

“I am. I wish she didn’t have to. I wish that if anyone had to kill, that I could have taken that burden, because she hates herself for doing it. But it was either that or let him get all that power. You should have seen it, professor. It was like a silver sun under the school. He would have the world at his feet with flick of his wand, and that is to say nothing of what he’d have done if he had managed to take the Beast’s power.”

“Raven healed me as best she could, but the horrors of that day still weren’t done.”

You tell him how the Beast had broken you, how Raven had fixed you, leaving you covered with scars. You tell him of the origin of the Beast, with the time-turners and the Veil, and he seems to frown particularly hard at that.

“You didn’t know that was how they had gotten rid of it?” You ask.

“Of course I did. I just don’t know how you could have known it.”

You simply shrug. He was bound to not believe all you told him, so it wasn’t a surprise. You can only hope that by the end he sees the truth. Finally, you tell him how you had released the energy of the repository into Hogwarts.

“I did think the castle had been particularly malleable as of late. I’ll admit your story fits surprisingly well with many things that happened, Elliot. Except for the fact, of course, that this Lily is an invention of yours and that you still have two arms. Unless you somehow destroyed their bodies-”

“I didn’t. I… I didn’t have to. Because I left that place with their bodies, then I went to fetch you. And I discovered that the Ancient Magic of that place had protected me from what was happening outside. You see, it turns out that that vile man had been so entrenched into her soul, to such a level that when she died he… He snapped her thread. He erased her existence. Time shifted, just a bit. It couldn’t really change too much, you see. It couldn’t undo Taylor’s death, or Lily’s, so their bodies simply disappeared. It twisted what was already there, to make reality make sense without her.”


“It changed pictures and memories to erase her. Made Hugo be the one to call me to your office. Made Falere be the Head Girl. Made the seventh year only have three armies. Gave me back my arm, even if covered with scars. Me and Linda, we can remember both realities. Difficult to adjust at first but we got better at it.”

“So I am to believe that this thing you say happened did happen, but time itself erased all evidence of it? Believe that this girl no one has ever seen was the true culprit behind everything?”

“I suppose I can’t prove it. Not really. But you’re wrong, professor. You have seen her. You have seen her the same place I did.” You brace for the impact. “She was tall, a good six inches taller than me. Redhead, of course, cheeks covered with freckles. Muscular, strong from years of training with the best, and with scars to prove it. She was Lily Luna Potter, daughter of the Boy who Lived, and time itself couldn’t stop your love for her from making the Mirror show her back to you.”

Potter’s eyes suddenly become very, very dangerous.

”Elliot,” he says, rising from his seat with ice in his voice. “If you think-”

“Does the Potter household have a vacant room that doesn’t seem to have much purpose? One right in the spot you’d put another bedroom if you had another kid? Do pictures of you with your family seem just a bit too wide, as if there was space in there for someone else? Have you told your other two children how to open the family vault where you kept the Stone of Resurrection? She was the one who stole it from there, you know? I got it from her body, and it was too much of a Thing of Power for time to move.”

Potter stops. You can see his eyes, the same look he has when he’s thinking, the look he has when he’s reasoning through your life, trying to understand your situation. Except this time he looks inwards.

“I couldn’t have known how she’d look in your vision of the Mirror, professor. Not unless I had seen her before, or unless I looked into your mind. And something tells me you have a mind of steel, that not even Voldemort would have been able to penetrate.”

He stumbles backwards, almost falling over his chair, pointing his wand at you. For the first time since you’ve ever seen him use it, it is unsteady. It reminds you of Brighton, not too many days ago.

“You- you're wrong.”

“I’m sorry, professor. I wish there had been a way-”

“Shut up!” There is fear in his voice. Horror. He wavers, like if he’d been hit by a dizzying spell. “I- I only have two children-”

“You can ask Weasley, if you want. In Avalon there was Ancient Magic. He remembered. It was painful but-”

Silencio!” He shouts, and your voice becomes stuck in your throat.

Then the runes around you, the runes created to stop people from casting spells, react to the casting of a spell and explode.



You wake up some indeterminate amount of time later. There is someone treating your wounds, but you don’t recognize neither their uniform nor the style of the private infirmary you’re in.

“Ow.” You say simply.

“Elliot Hallaster,” says a familiar voice beside you. “Your story caused quite a commotion.”

“Minister,” you say, wincing. “I suppose you were listening to everything?”

“Obviously,” Hermione says. “And many others too. I have a team trying to verify several of the many impossible things you said, and one trying to discover who came up with the brilliant idea of throwing a cluster of time turners into the Veil.”

“Don’t do anything to them. They couldn’t have known.”

“I’ll… take your advice into account,” she says, with the tone of someone who absolutely won’t.

“Where is Potter?”

“Dealing. If even half of what you’ve said is true, then you were a fool to not bring it to us.”

“Really? I hadn’t even gotten to the bad part yet.” You sigh, looking at the leather straps binding your hands to the bed. “Are these really necessary?”

“We still haven’t figured out how to take the sword away from you, so yes.” She massages the bridge of her nose. “Elliot, do you understand the situation you’ve put me in?”

“I have some notion. Could I point out that you probably caused a lot of grief to Fudge and Scrimgeour too? I was also trying to save the world, you know?”

“So you say.”

“I’m sorry, Minister but… why are you here? Not that I don’t appreciate the honor, but-”

“I’m assessing if I should unleash the Unspeakables on you.”

Your throat suddenly becomes very dry.

“Ah. I see.”

“Harry thought I shouldn’t. I am not sure if his opinion on this matter is still valid.”

“Have you… reached a conclusion?”

“Not yet. You seem to be cooperating but, who knows. Your story is pretty farfetched, even for a wizard. Occam's Razor suggests that time being rewritten and reality being adjusted would take considerably more complexity than literally any other explanation. Yet there are things no other theory can plausibly explain.”

“While I ponder, Elliot, is there anything you’d like to ask me?”

> Write in
>How are the others? My friends, your brother in law, Scorpios? Are they okay?
>Does this make me the rightful king? Point to Excalibur.
supporting this >>6073896
>So, who was the Weasley? My money is on Percy.
i thought fudge got killed by voldemort

Support, for now. Might come up with more.

I like that we caused Potter to kind of have a break down and do something as dumb as explode him and Elliot. Kind of saw that coming, aside from the explosion part.

Should we let her know she should probably be preparing not for Wizard War 3 but for the return of a mad man with god like powers?
+1 this too
Probably should make a mention regarding the situation with the beast.

Also that the situation with Lilly + The beast inside made handling the situation particularly tenuous.

We'd already lost Taylor by this point, does it really look like we're having a fun time doing things we WANT to do?
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>Gave up on the first 15k characters, deleted it all, then wrote another 12k instead.
Support, and,

>What do you know of Ancient Places and Avalon, Minister?

Also, sidenote, we still don't know why Harry didn't remember us and we should probably keep that in mind.
True. Letting her and the guards I am sure are invisible in the room know we are no longer an existential threat, a walking time bomb might be good. We could also see if she just wants to pick up where Harry left off to speed this up some, since he got fucked up, and it might take a while for him to deal with all this.

Could also just let her know that the sword has Ancient Magic and that it is kind of a waste of time to try and get it away from us.

>don't know why Harry didn't remember us

Also true. We have theories but it is best to keep that in mind, if we talk much to Hermione.
some other questions i came up with
>what time is it? Boy ho boy, I can't wait to see the light of day
>how did the boobytrapped cell not kill me?
I have a few guesses but it'd be nice to confirm
Spill the beans on your guesses.
Either the runes just weren't strong enough to kill (maybe on purpose, maybe because a big explosion could compromise the building's integrity) or Harry realized his mistake half a second after the fact and put up a wordless barrier to soften up the blow.

Or Excalibur magic, one of those three.

I doubt she'll share sensitive information on Ancient Places or the like with us.
>Excalibur magic

That is my favorite of the three. Makes sense that it would have some enchantment to protect the uses from spells, if Merlin gave it to his close friend. I am betting it might also have some on it to cut through defensive spells.
She'll have to if we're the rightful heir to excalibur and we're also the only one with Merlins will imprinted.
If she thought e were actually the rightful Wizard King of England and that she had a duty to us, we wouldn't be in restraints right now.
He actually survived the war, according to the wiki. He was just ousted from office after the fifth book.

It happens. Not often, but it does happen.


“How are the others? My friends?”

“They’re alive, in cells as well guarded as yours. Except for the… second Artemis. She’s in a coma.”

“It’ll probably take some time for Helga to be able to control it. I’m sure she’ll be fine.”



“Spoilers.” You grin and wink. “Now, say, wouldn’t this thing make me King of England?”

She conjures a book from her robes, ancient looking.

“Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England,” she says, hiding the book again. “Keywords being ‘this’. I had to pull out the old records to be sure. And I’m afraid to say we did have the stone in our reliquary.”

“With the keyword being ‘did’?”

“Clever boy. Fiendfyre solves many things and, in one way or the other, the passage of power happens to be one of them.”

Well, damn. Cleverest witch of her time indeed.

“How about the other three? Are they well? Scorpius, Oleg and, uh, your brother-in-law?”

“Scorpius is under heavy medical care, and they expect him to survive. Though what mental trauma he went through is difficult to say. He still isn’t in a condition to talk. Oleg is ranting something about Sa…” She drifts off, then narrows her eyes. “Did you say the name of the other Artemis was Helga?”

“Why, yes Minister. I did.”

“Motherf-” She stops when she sees you looking, frowning with an irritated face. “Right. Of course. I thought it had been the ramblings of a madman. Now if I decide to believe him it means I have to deal with Slytherin Prime too.”

“Told you I wasn’t lying. And the other one?”

“Bill is doing fine physically, other than sounding like he’s been struck by the most powerful confundus I’ve ever seen, babbling about lilies. The healers expect him to make a full recovery before we send him to Nurmengard… Next family meeting is going to be a complicated one.”

“Uh, sorry.”

“Not your fault. At least he’s still alive.”

“Speaking of alive, I’m surprised that explosion on the cell didn’t kill me.”

She raises an eyebrow. “We’re not monsters, Elliot. And, besides, we wouldn’t want to kill one of our own accidentally. It is meant to incapacitate. A mix of explosions, stunners, and some other spells you’re not allowed to know.”

There is a knock on the door, and a man peeks in.

“Minister? We found him.”


“There is a problem.”

She sighs. “A moment, Elliot.”

“Wait! Uh, did you decide if you’re going to set out the unspeakables on me?”

She just smiles and winks. “Spoilers.”



She returns not too long after.

“Well, Harry is back,” she says with a forced smile. “He is ready to continue listening to you. I believe you are finished, doctor.”

The doctor finishes passing an ointment on one of your wounds, clearly still not done with the smaller ones, but he relents, spewing something about how rest is the best medicine as you leave.

You pass a bigger area of the infirmary, then go through corridors of identical stone, past a room that seems very much exploded, then into a bigger room. In there, Potter is having his right hand fixed by a healer, bone sticking out. Ronald Weasley is there by him with a serious face, and so is the Mirror of Erised.

“Professor, what happened!?”

“I broke it punching a Mirror.” His voice is cold fury, an atomic bomb on the edge of explosion. His eyes never move away from the reflective surface. “You may continue your story. I believe you were telling me how Time ripped my daughter away from me?”

“Professor, I don’t think-”

Now, Elliot.”

The tone in his voice is enough to make you fear him. There is nothing of Deputy Headmaster Potter in it. There is none of the Boy Who Lived’s warmth.

You look at Ron, asking permission, and he hesitates, but nods.

So you tell him how Scorpius had revealed himself to have the bastard inside his head. How Potter taking you to the Chamber of Secrets had made you think about who Faith could possibly have been.

“Helga Hufflepuff?” He says, a hint of amusement seeping into his irritated tone. “Then the man who killed my daughter was?”

“It was Salazar, sir.”

“How curious. I believe I have a sword that I would like to put to his neck.”

“It won’t do any good, sir. He left Scorpius not too long ago.”

You keep on telling him of your search for the Fifth Founder, skipping only the existence of Fitzgerald’s library but talking on and on, hoping his anger will calm. But it never does. When you tell him how you found Avalon and met the Longbottoms… he laughs.

“Ha! The Four Founders, all back together. How touching.”

And it feels wrong. The Potter you knew would never have found it amusing that the parents of his friends were dying faster, even if it was because Godric and Ravenclaw were inside them.

It is like talking to a version of Potter who has been exposed to a Dementor for too long, drained of all light, only simmering rage left inside him.


You tell him how Lailoken, Merlin, the Fifth Founder and the Beast are all one and the same, and how he had sacrificed the Founders to create the Interdict with the use of the Cup of Sorrows. How you had convinced Brighton to join you, passed Godric and Rowena to him and Linda. How you had believed the plans you found of the great drill to break through Avalon, a lie created by Salazar. How you had learned the Death Mark from Crouch, to distract him and any other aurors while you stole the remaining Deathly Hallows and journeyed into Avalon.

Ron seems surprised by the part where you were taught by a Death Eater, but doesn't say anything.

You leave out the bit where you had joined your friends inside their worst days. He doesn’t need to know that. You tell him of the trials inside Avalon, how you lost and recovered your memories, facing Arthur. How you saw the last day of Atlantis through the eyes of Merlin, Gilgamesh’s son. How Salazar ambushed you, forcing Scorpius’ body to do its bidding to the point it was killing him. You tell him your path through Nigredo, Albedo, Citrinitas and Rubedo, finally reaching Avalon.

How you had managed to stop him from regaining his old body, but not from taking Arthur’s.

“He overpowered us all in an instant. Then he pulled on my soul and ripped the Gate from inside it. And that’s when the Beast attacked.”

You tell him how you thought you had lost everything. How Salazar saved you all by taking the Beast away somewhere, somewhere it couldn’t hurt you for now. How there was some Elixir remaining. How you created a new body for Arty and gave her old one to Helga.

“And that was it, professor. The Death Mark was only a distraction. There is no Voldemort returning. But you asked me if the Minister should be readying an army… She damn well should. Because either Salazar or the Beast will return, and we’ll need to fight them with all our strengths.”

He narrows his eyes.

“I see. So you believe he will return?”

“I have no doubts. It’s Salazar Slytherin. It’s Merlin. One of them will find a way.”

“Do you believe there are other places like that, Elliot? Places where Ancient Magic overflows so much it can pierce the mind?”

“I… I don’t know, sir. There were two, so there is bound to be more, I think. But where they are, I don’t know.”

“A measured response. If they exist, why, it would probably take decades to find them without something to guide us there. That was how you found the Repository and Avalon, was it not?” The healer finishes with his hand and quickly leaves. ”And if I wish to acquire some of the magic which powers those old wonders, what do you think would be the fastest way?”

“Professor, I- I don’t think that’s a good ide-”

“I believe you will find, Elliot, that I do not care what you think.”


“I honestly don’t know, professor! They’re things that are left from the past, who knows where they are!?”

“You do, I believe,” he says, with almost disgust. “And I also believe you are still holding on to the stupid warnings of a ghost in your head that claimed she was Helga Hufflepuff. You hid plenty from me throughout the year. Things which, had I known, could have saved my daughter. Things which could have saved your friend. And I believe you are still hiding them.”

“Please, professor! Don’t… Don’t do this to yourself. Ravenclaw said she thought the Mirror was created as an instrument of torture, because it showed us things that could never be,” you say, reaching out to him. “Please don’t torture yourself, professor.”

He finally looks away from his reflection, massaging his healed hand, then takes a step back.

“What do you see in the Mirror, Elliot?”

You approach the impossible surface, and as you stand in front of it-

His hand slams against your shoulder, squeezing hard. “Let’s go somewhere more private.”

“Harry, no!” Ron shouts, but it’s too late. You feel a jerk somewhere behind your navel and your feet leave the air as Potter snaps the small metal band on his toe-ring, activating the hidden portkey.

Through the hand on your shoulder, you are dragged in a howl of wind and swirling color, Potter at your side. Your feet slam onto the ground and your legs give way, you fall forwards as his hand lets go of your shoulder.

You don’t have much time to look around at the nicely decorated living room you’re in as Potter grabs you by the hair and forces you to look at him, his fury no longer contained.

Where. Can I remember. MY DAUGHTER?”

And he comes down onto your occlumency barriers like hammer upon glass.

> Roll a d100 + 10. Bo3. DC… Well, far more than 110. But let’s see how well you do.
Rolled 9 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

On the bright side, if he gets to see all the shit we were hiding from him out of this, we do have valid justifications for each
>Salazar's abuse of Lily
Did he really need to know the full specifics and extents of the abuse? Was simple implication not enough?
>Linda AK on Lily
Salazar just killed her lover in front of her on top of everything else in Last Light, and we refused to throw Linda under the bus
>Fitzgerald's Library
Necessary to Apparate out in secret in case we need to go after Salazar/Merlin again, otherwise fully isolated and unknown with no external vulnerability like Room of Requirement
>Linda killing two guys in Avalon
See Linda AK on Lily
>Linda Arty Apollo visions
Personal to them that he doesn't need to know, plus not throwing them under the bus

I hope that once he gets everything out of Elliot's head that he is forced to realize Elliot was telling the full truth
>Avalon knowledge from Merlin
He can't do shit with it because no Ancient Magic body exists right now and Avalon was already used up just recently
Rolled 28 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>that DC
Rolled 74 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

Yeah, figured this would happen eventually.
>“How curious. I believe I have a sword that I would like to put to his neck.”
Damn it HeadQM! That was a prime moment for Elliot to gesture to Excalibur and say "What a coincidence. So do I."
Rolled 22 + 10 (1d100 + 10)

>Gilgamesh’s son
Also, I somehow missed or forgot this. Holy crap.
>we got served an instant lose
not cool, HeadQM, not cool at all
I think it;s pretty cool, actually. Harry Potter should not be someone a half-trained high-schooler can resist without aid.
Maybe for a brief moment, the fact we were resisting him to protect our friends reminds him of what he did for Ron and Hermione so many times in the past? I bet this is why Helga did not want Potter knowing everything. He'd go full balls to the wall revenge quest, which is exactly what he's doing now
>You hid plenty from me throughout the year. Things which, had I known, could have saved my daughter. Things which could have saved your friend. And I believe you are still hiding them.
He's wrong, isn't he? He's putting the blame and fury on Elliot. There was no way for anybody to remove Salazar from Lily without this same shit happening outside the Repository due to Time's correction. There's nothing Elliot knows that could help him because we're just as much in the dark as he is. The only thing he's right about is we could have saved Taylor if we played better or fought smarter with write-ins perhaps. But nothing we knew could have stopped AK or the will of the dicerolls. Elliot and us anons did the best we could with what we were given every single step of this quest, and I hope Harry gets that into his fucking chosen one skull
yeah, nah, he is just pissed because somebody shat on his cereal (dead daughter)
We needed a fucking crit. Jesus.

Maybe this will at least hide Rave using AK.

What a way to wake up from a nap.

That would be pretty awesome.
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Here we go...
so, whats happening? he is digging everything we didnt tell him before, right?
what is he gonna do after that? imprison us for hidding information? get phisicaly with us after he sees everything lily went through?
Well, all he's really digging for is stuff related to Lilly. As long as we're focused on Lilly, he'll primarily just see Lilly things.

Which in turn means seeing how she was tortured and how we kept trying to help her. Also Salazar tormenting her. And the fact these actions are why he'd have ended all of time, given he'd do anything for his daughter. This in turn would result in the beast being able end time through us. No gate, no problem
>No gate, no problem
ooh how´d i wish that were true anon, but this is HeadQM we talking about, he´ll find a way to FUCK us in the ass because we didnt see how potter knowing this will cause a domino effect that will end up with us getting FUCKED, mark my words
He'd have figured it out eventually I'm sure. Short of permanently silencing Bill I don't think there's much we could have done on that front.
I did actually bring that possibility up at one point you know.
Hopefully not everything, since it invalidated the whole process of choosing what to tell him the moment mentioning Lily was a shoe in. Hopefully the stuff related to her and where to find Ancient power.

>get phisicaly with us after he sees everything lily went through?

Shit he might shoot us and this turns into Arty Quest. One of my fears is that he sees Linda has killed 3 people and defaced his daughter's body and decides to use it as blackmail to make Elliot help him find Atlantis or another place of power.

We all knew, I thought that this was probably going to happen to a greater or lesser extent. We were pretty much backed into a corner, but it was safer now than before at least, since the repository is gone, Avalon is gone, and Elliot no longer has the Beast.
You were warned Potter was a threat. Also, trust the process anon. I didn't ask what you were going to hide from him for nothing. The question is what you’ll be able to keep on hiding.


Good. Enough for a small victory.


Stone! Stone! Stone! Be stone!

But it is useless. Potter blasts through your mental defenses, pouring into you like a raging beast. You scream as he forces his mind into yours with a fury your teacher had never done before. He goes into things you don’t want him to see, into the private darkness you hid from him and from everyone else.

Into every crevice, he spreads, trying to find… something. Anything. There is no purpose to his attack, searching aimlessly for whatever he can get, any chance or possibility to show that you were lying, that you knew a way for him to remember his daughter again.

You can’t resist him, not with so little time of Occlumency, not when he’s attacking you so ferociously. But perhaps you can hide something.

What will you manage to hide from him? (Pick one)

> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily
> All of Linda’s kills, including Lily
> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
>trust the process anon.
oh, i do, so far you have not disappointed at all, its just...damn, such a kick in the balls

>pick one
fuck, i want to protect the library, but protecting linda has to be a priority, she has been an MVP when it comes to those fights.
i pic
> All of Linda’s kills, including Lily
> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's library

Dunno if we want him doubling down on that hunt
>> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads

Anons, in his current state Potter can ABSOLUTELY not see that Linda fantasized about smashing open his dead daughter's head with a big rock.
I mean, that wasn't his daughter at that point. That was Salazar.
Do you think he cares about that distinction right now? The man is in a straight tizzy just now. he is not well. He will 100% not respond well to finding that imagery in our noggin.
>The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
Okay, so let's look at the consequences
> Exactly what Salazar did to Lily
Useless to hide this from him, he's going to instagib Salazar when he sees him anyway.

> All of Linda’s kills, including Lily
This'll paint a target on Linda's back for the immediate future, Potter's going to want some revenge. Maybe Hermione and the Ministry can protect her. Maybe. He'll probably hate her either way.

> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
Gives him an in to more Atlantis knowledge and potentially shuts down our one secure spot. Pretty valuable.

> The visions you had inside Linda, Arty and Apollo's heads
Yeah. Arty and Apollo don't matter here so much, Linda again is the problem.

Tough one. Either we trade painting a target on Linda for awhile or the location of the library. We can probably negotiate with Potter to let us keep the library as our own, and maybe Hermione can keep Linda safe. Or maybe he'll lock us out of the library or murder Linda. Yeah. Tough one.
He sees Fitzgerald's Library, he gets confirmation Elliot was holding out on him regarding Ancient Magic info sources. This will keep him holding his grudge at Elliot completely ignoring everything else he said being truthful
He sees Linda's kills, he might start holding a grudge against Linda BUT there's a chance Ron and Hermione can pull him back to reason in that.

My vote is
> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library

Ironically I think him seeing everything Salazar did to Lily first and THEN him seeing Linda AK Salazar-as-Lily might dull the blow
>searching aimlessly for whatever he can get, any chance or possibility to show that you were lying, that you knew a way for him to remember his daughter again.
THIS right here is the key that indicates to me Fitzgerald's Library is the best option against him. He finds out about that place, he'll immediately want to kill Elliot right here and now. Elliot does not know anywhere anybody can remember Lily, and will not until he figures stuff out in the library - but Potter will NOT CARE about that detail.
That's a pretty good point, actually.

I'll change my vote from >>6075611 to
> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
>The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
>The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
Fellas I really want Elliot to punch Potter in the face as hard as he possibly can at some point. He deserves it after all this
don't stop there, pull the fucking excalibur and hit him with the pommel
>Elliot and Potter lose control and just start brawling in the middle of nowhere
Will they swordfight later? Excalibur vs Godric's sword?
yes to all of this, hell, i´ll take immediately losing after getting a sucker punch and breaking his nose, bitch deserves it
Sigh. Gonna need to think about this one.
> All of Linda’s kills, including Lily

Option D is probably the smartest, but even as fucking unhidged as he is, the Unspeakables will torture her till she talks and she will get life in prison. Nope, can't do that to our best friend.

Option A is going to make him go even crazier.

C Gives him dirt on us all, especially Arty and Apollo. Can't do much but torment them with it since they were children, though. He will loath Linda.
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Well, still a long time but looks like we are getting our remaining best friend's wand snapped and tossed in a jail cell forever. At least she will have Rowena and some real dark witches for company.

Epic jail break next heist? Not even Potter got someone out of Azkaban, so once more we shall mogg his pathetic achievements. We do kind of have an inside man there... Kind of thinking his little island might not exist, really, its just an expanded space in his isolation cell. Think Raven will have some sick prison tats by the time we get her out?

Also was thinking about where Salazar is, where Atlantis is. Helga said she couldn't feel him in the world any longer. Could also mean where ever he retreated to, the Beast won already and is now in control but I doubt it. I have like 3.5 ideas where it could be.

1. Extradimension space. My guess is inside the Mirror since that was all that remained in the crater of Atlantis or beyond the Veil, where the Beast lives, protected somehow.

2. In high orbit, like at a Lagrange point.

3. The fucking moon, Dark Side specifically. Which if correct would make Taylor laugh.
Then we STEAL the Elder Wand just to Reparo Linda's wand again, then casually put the Elder Wand back
Might need to take that thing to Ollivander's to get fixed. The Elder Wand is probably going in Potter's hand since he is going to be on a 1 man rampage now. Now if we can beat him up or kill him, maybe after SalazArthur soften him up... well King Hallaster does need a legendary wand to go with his legendary sword.

They might, possibly, give her some clemency since she is under 18, but not sure if Harry would accept it, way he is right now.

But surely to god they are not letting him continue teaching, right? The shit he knows, the state he is in, absconding with a witness during an interrogation and mind raped them. I mean he is a big deal but he is not an auror any longer.
>give her some clemency since she is under 18
sadly, in the wizarding world, you are concidered an adult at 17 anon, hell, i think harry himself became part of the magic popo at that age
>> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
She was 16 when she used AK, so even if it is 17, she was still a minor when it happened.

And thinking about this... all this shit is going to be really fucking hard to explain at a trial. Like say she admits to using it to kill someone. Who is she going to tell them it was? Potter's kid that no one remembers he had? Sounds more like a ticket up to 4th floor of St. Mungo's in a straightjacked.

So I guess we really are not getting one, no matter what they decide.
doubt there would be a trial, they'd want to keep all this shit secret
Throat punch then rack him so hard we feel something pop. Maybe more, depending on what he does to our friends and how retarded his actions get.
>> The existence and location of Fitzgerald's Library
I have more written, but not finished and not reviewed and I have to wake up early tomorrow for work. So I’ll leave you with this bit and watch from a distance.


He squeezes the information out of you, thrashing through your mind. But not fully. You can feel your memories, in a way you couldn’t before. Perhaps it is because your mind has recently been subjected to some extreme experiences in Avalon which allowed you to see yourself in a different way, or perhaps because it has changed you in a way you can’t explain. Or perhaps that is just what it is like being an occlumens under attack, who knows? Whatever the reason is, you manage to hide away a single piece of information, sequestering it to a corner of your mind Potter can’t reach.

What would he do if he had access to old Headmaster Niamh Fitzgerald’s secret library? You can see it, though you are no seer. Potter taking all the books, pouring over them until he finds something, something that will allow him to see his daughter, something that will allow him to suffer for her. What powers would the Boy-who-lived manage to achieve with artifacts of old? With the secrets buried within books no one has read for centuries?

No, that is too great a risk. Perhaps you have already doomed the world to the end Helga had predicted so long ago, but perhaps you have avoided it by keeping quiet so far. And if you have, giving this to Potter very much feels like stepping into doom once more.

So you hide it away. You hide away the very thing that could give what he is looking for. You keep it secret as he sees everything else you hid from him, watching your life in reverse, first Avalon, then Rubedo, Citrinitas, Albedo, Nigredo and what you had seen inside your friend’s heads. Meeting the Longbottoms, dealing with Scorpius. He sees you release the power of the repository, he sees you be tortured by the beast, he sees Linda kill Lily with a flash of green.

He sees you fight her. He sees her kill Taylor. He sees you on your knees, her wand pointing at you.

He sees, like you had, through Lily’s eyes, what Salazar had done to her.

And through the connection between your minds, you can feel as something inside Harry James Potter breaks.


He wavers, and you manage to reach out to Excalibur and swing it at him. He stumbles backwards, clutching his bloodied stomach. There is no pain on his face.

There are only tears and hopelessness.

He lets out a scream, of horror, of grief, the wail of a father holding his dead child in his arms, a howl holding all the sorrow of the world. Then he turns, and runs.

You fall to your knees, breathing deeply, then nod at the glowing silver dog that had appeared some time during the period Potter was digging inside your head and had politely waited until you were available. Ronald Weasley’s voice comes from it.

“Elliot! Where are you? Where has he taken you!?”

“I… I don’t know. A safehouse, if you know where his safehouses are. He… he fled. I think I’m safe for now. Send me a patronus in a minute, I’ll look out, see if I can figure out where I am.”

You stand up with some difficulty, then look around. It is a large, pretty house, though some vases had been broken in your scuffle. You slowly approach the window, hoping to see some street sign or something.

As you look out, there is a sudden sense of vertigo, almost as if the air has been taken out of your lungs, and you need to lean on the wall to stop yourself from falling.

After all… Of all the possible places, of all the possible houses Potter could have chosen to build his safehouse…

What are the chances that the one he’d chosen for his most secret of portkeys just happened to be a couple blocks away from the one where you had lived your entire childhood?
You literally asked for it asshole. I knew hiding the library was the right choice. I think it's time for Elliot to go home and sleep all this madness off
This poor man just has misery follow him everywhere. But hey, we tried to let him down easy.
>you can feel as something inside Harry James Potter breaks

That doesn't sound good. Not good at all really.

>reach out to Excalibur and swing it at him. He stumbles backwards, clutching his bloodied stomach

Hey at least we finally got a hit in on the guy.

And it is very interesting we are this close to home. Like wtf. Surely this will not be relevant again in the future.
>we can walk up to home
should we? not that it matters since this will keep going tomorrow, but damn, after all the bullshit we´ve gone through? a nice bowl of homey chicken soup sounds like water from the fountain of youth right now....
the fountain of youth, could that be another object of power that exist?
Yeah some major fuckery is afoot. Probably connected to why he and Lily couldn't remember us at the start of the quest. I'm guessing another time fuckery thing happened before the quest started and their own memories (and ours, maybe?) got wiped?
We still don't know how real Elliot is in the scheme of things.
Well let's look at the rules over being wiped from time. What we know so far is that Ancient Magic lets you overcome any retroactive memory loss, as in the case with Lily, and if you're wiped from the timeline only being in an Ancient Place can make you exempt from that memory loss. However, there's two things weird with us: For one, only Potter and Lily didn't remember us while everyone else did, and second we actually do exist, we haven't been wiped from anything but Potter and Lily's minds. In Lily's case it was the opposite, she got wiped from existence and everyone but we and Linda forgot her.

I'd have to read up on how Lily got wiped again, but if I had to hazard a guess, Potter and Lily somehow did the opposite of what happened to Lily at Last Light, they must have done something in an Ancient Place that "Created" us just before the quest started, but were insulated from the effects by being in an Ancient Place. I think. Hogwarts is an Ancient Place and doesn't recognise us. Or would they also have the false memories?

Anyway, it's kind of a moot point here because Lily got wiped and Potter can't remember anything about her including what they might have gotten up to before the quest started. And I don't even know what they could possibly have done to "create" us(if I'm correct, which I might not be) since by the sound of things it's easier to remove something from the timeline than insert it wholesale. Or they did something that made them forget who we are? No, but then Hogwarts wouldn't have a reason to be blind to us either.

Anyway, something weird is afoot and I'm certain it was set in motion by Lily and Potter.
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It most assuredly does. Atlantis can't be the only lost civilization, the Arthurian BS the only lost history... if it is Elliot has almost completed his life's work before he can even buy hard alcohol. I am positive there is much more to discover, and with the fountain, we can realize the dream we saw in the mirror.

I mean he is real, as in he has all the parts described earlier, all 8 of them, the question is for how long have we been real. Our soul for example is real enough that we literally saw it when it was pulled from us and was able to host the Beasts Gate and Helga. On that note, I find it interesting that the gate was described as a stitched up wound.

On another note, the first time we talk to Helga is during like the 2nd week of school. We know it takes a while for anyone not Salazar to manifest, even as incomplete as she was at the time. Which mean what ever happened to get her in us happened during summer break, weeks before the school year began.

I feel like we are getting the pieces to make some good guesses but are lacking just like one big one to put it together. His safe house being walking distance from our house and us having to have been here when we got Helga and the Gate, since it would have had to be before school began, can't be a coincidence. Helga did say that along with affinity for the spirit, being close helps. I also assume the spirits can only inhabit magic folk. So here we have a place Potter and possibly Lily could have been in the timeframe we got Helga, we are likely the only wizard child in miles and do have affinaty for Hufflepuff Prime... Hmmm.
And, regardless of whether we head to our house to say hi/bye to mom and dad in case we get black bagged I hope we tell Ron's next patronus Harry is injured and will likely be heading somewhere for medical treatment. I don't think a wiggenweld can fix nearly getting disemboweled by its self. Or maybe it can? Maybe also mention he is going to be even crazier than before and to be extremely cautious.
forget the sword wound, he just had his life ruined and he has a gun, put him on suicide watch
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That... is a good point. We did feel something break in him and instead of fighting back after we shanked him like you would imagine, he just ran away. He just found out, because we hid the Library, that the one guy with experience in this area he knows of has no clue where another place of ancient power could be. I mean, he has reasons to live: his wife, his sons, friends, his job, ect. But I could see him being suicidal for a bit. Might want to keep the Stone away from Potter.

Elliot having to talk him off the ledge because Atlantis might have something would be pretty funny.
good thing we buried it
>guy who was in a coma for the last three threads
he never knew that we had buried it before we left for avalon, so it'd take him a little bit of time to get ahold of it if even if he's seen our memory of it
>guy who hasn't even read the thread he's in
forgot about that

W-what? I meant it was good we choose to hide that one thing from his mindfucking us. Yeah we locked the door instead of leaving it half open but if he had mind read us he would know how to open it. And even if not, if he found out it existed, a 16-year-old figured out how to open it, he could have as well.

Any way.

Potter is, I realized, speedrunning the stages of grief. Denial, anger, bargaining, and is up to depression now. Hopefully he can make it to the finish line of accepting she is gone/never was.

Kinda funny since Elliot is still stuck on bargaining regarding Taylor's death. But, we did fix Arty so who knows. If you look at it, Elliot's obsession with bringing the dead back and letting the people he loves live forever really isn't healthy, but he is a sheltered 16-year-old boy who was told he is "special" by fact he is magic. It is good characterization.
we did just learn that reviving the dead IS theoretically possible
>speedrunning the stages of grief
He doesn't know to skip straight to acceptance like we do here from 4chan
It doesn't have to be everybody. Just him and Arty, right? Did Elliot ever have a chosen one humbling moment yet?

We learned a body can be brought back, assuming it was preserved like Merlin seemes to have done to Arthur's. If we could make a new one for Taylor and channel his soul and mind back into it, it might work. Maybe.


I mean Last Light and losing Taylor, being tricked by Salazar, accidentally blinding Helga, "losing" in Avalon... we kinda lose more than we win by far. Not sure how much more humbling we can take. One thing I would like to see is Elliot absolutely losing his shit, Potter style. Will Helga even be able to see in Arty's old body, given her very spirit/soul was blinded?
i dont think whatever happens to your soul physically translates to your body, they are separete entities, no reason for a "blind" soul to not be able to see in a "new" body
Think you are right, but it would be fucked up funny. She won't wake up for a while, but we do need to think about getting her a wand when she is up.
the big thing for that is figuring out how to even get his soul
Need to figure out if the Stone actually summons them, or just some kind of shade. 1st thread, Potter wanted to use the stone to "chat" with Dumbledor to figure out what to do about Elliot. His parents and Sirius were able to protect him from dementors in the 7th book as well. So more than just an illusion at least.

But it was also stated Elliot would rip the stars from Heaven and according to Rowena's diary, the Atlanteans believed the souls of the dead became stars... so we may be able to find a way to make that prediction come true.

We are also going to Atlantis, presumably, so they might have a way to bring a soul back down.
>so we may be able to find a way to make that prediction come true.
Or Potter will, he was there too remember.
He couldn't open the prophecy, because he wasn't in it. Why he needed to have us come down there with him, since only the people mentioned in the thing can use it.
Was that it? I thought it was if you weren't in a Prophecy you'd die or lose your mind, which Potter wasn't willing to risk, so he brought us along to trigger it because he was 99% sure it was about us.
>“Professor, what happens if… if I’m not on the prophecy?”

>“Depends if they have set up the normal enchantments. If they haven’t, nothing. If they have, St. Mungus.”

Seems that if you try and aren't part of the prophecy, the Unspeakables normally set up protections on it.

You might be right, but Voldy needed Harry to be the one to look at his own prophecy so he could hear it so IDK.

So yeah, maybe Potter was the one who will end the world, while Elliot will rip the stars from heaven.
Ron appears outside a few seconds later as you’re still reeling from the view.


“I’m- I’m here!”

You hear him rushing up the stairs, sweeping the room with his wand as he arrives.

“Thank Merlin you’re alright. What happened? Where is Harry?”

“He… he ran away. I… I didn’t tell you the truth about what Salazar did to Lily. It was more. A lot… A [i]lot [/i]more. He… Doesn’t matter. Potter looked inside my head searching for somewhere he could get Ancient Magic to remember her and when he saw what Salazar had done to his daughter… He lost it. He fled. I don’t know where. He’s injured, I managed to get him with Excalibur.”

He stops, looking at you with sad eyes.

“I see. My patronus can’t reach him. I sent a few men to watch his house.”

“They’re dead men.”

“They have orders not to engage without backup.” He sighs. “Sorry for taking so long. I had to check a few houses before getting to this one. Didn’t know he still used it after this many years. Come, let me take you back to the Ministry… And I’m sorry for what Harry did. He’s better than that.”


You are kept in a cell for a few days. It’s not a bad cell, quite comfortable, really. Has a few books for you to read, space for you to stretch your legs and a day-night cycle you’re sure is not real, even if it does feel like it. Every now and then, some people come to try and see if they can separate Excalibur from you, or at least hide it somehow, but it seems impervious to anything but the Cloak of Invisibility. It only vanishes when you cast disillusionment on yourself or drink an invisibility potion, but never disappears by itself. You can leave it up to a few meters away, but any more than that it reappears either by your hip or your back, wherever you had placed it last, floating in the air as if held by an invisible scabbard and harmless until you slash it with intent.

And though it is fun to swing Excalibur around, you miss your friends. You miss Arty. You can’t stand not knowing how they are, and now you don’t even have Helga to keep you company.

It is shortly after dinner time that Granger enters your cell.

“Hello, Elliot.”

“Hello, Minister. How are my friends?”

“They're fine, in cells much like yours even though the Most Ancient and Noble House of Neville is demanding we release their heir. We made sure they’re comfortable. [i]Helga[/i] woke up, by the way. She seems fine.” She sighs. “Do you have any idea of the position you’ve put me in, Elliot?”

“You’ve asked me that before.”

“Have I? Good, because the situation hasn’t improved with Harry going missing.”

“You still haven’t found him?”

“No. Ginny is gone, too. His kids have no idea where they are. We have aurors looking for him, but I don’t expect they’ll have much success. And the biggest problem at the moment is… That we can’t find any holes in your story.”


“Oleg’s story lines up with what Scorpius managed to stutter out. Bill confirms that Lily existed. None of them show any signs of mental tampering. The Unspekeables confirm an enormous magical structure underneath St. Mungo’s, though they don’t know what it is meant to do, nor how to get the men stuck inside of it out. Our best interrogators eventually managed to make your friends talk a bit after a few drops of Veritaserum - don’t look at me like that, this is far past the point where I should care about your privacy - And when I brought my mother-in-law to look into the Mirror… She asked me if I knew who the ‘strong girl’ was.”


“And that means… that you were probably telling the truth. That you probably [i]did[/i] save the world. It would be hypocritical of me to think you’re too young to do it. And that means that the world is still in danger while Salazar and the Thing that Merlin became are still out there.”

You look at her, hopeful.

“Listen to this, Elliot, and listen well. [i]If[/i] you saved the world, it doesn't change the fact that people died because you were careless. Because you are not as clever as you think you are. This issue is with us now, and we’ll deal with it. Your job is to stand out of our way, keep quiet and warn us if you have any other mind visitors or anything of the kind. Do you understand?”

You nod.

“Helga, Rowena and Godric are in your friends' heads, that we cannot change, not without placing it on some other poor victim’s body. So we won’t, not until we learn more about it. It should go without saying that neither of them should try, or do, or be in any way involved, or in the vicinity of, anything that is even remotely dangerous. They may be a resource of incredible importance, and to lose them would be catastrophic. We will require them to return here for regular checkups and possible questioning to see if they possess any secrets that can be of use. Do you also understand this?”

You nod again.

“Good. As far as the world is concerned, Oleg Karkaroff found a dark artifact which gave him some forgotten knowledge about the location of Excalibur, then reached out to the Malfoys, pretending to want to get rid of it. When they received him into their home, he attacked them. In the ensuing fight, Draco Malfoy was killed and Scorpius Malfoy was hit by a terrible curse. Oleg used polyjuice with Draco’s hair to enter Hogwarts with his henchmen under the guise of a surprise inspection by the Board of Directors. There, they stole the Cloak and the Wand, kidnapped five students who had been out in the grounds skipping curfew and cast the Dark Mark over the Forbidden Forest to attract the Ministry’s aurors.”


“They went to St. Mungo’s where Oleg discovered Excalibur was located, but were seen by auror Bill Weasley. In the ensuing fight, Bill lost an arm, many of Oleg’s men died and Excalibur ended up binding itself to one of the five students. The students were retrieved safe and sound, and, in a surprise bit of good news, it was discovered that the family of muggles of whom Oleg stole the dark artifact had an adopted daughter who happened to be the lost sister of two of the kidnapped students, who are now happily reunited. The five students and the recovered sister will return to Hogwarts soon, and Harry James Potter shall be leaving the post of Deputy Headmaster temporarily to join forces with the Ministry to investigate the origin of the artifact which caused this whole affair. The men and women of the Department of Mysteries are hard at work figuring out how to separate Excalibur from the boy so it can be appropriately preserved.”

“Did you get all that, Elliot?”

You ask her to repeat, and she does.

“Good. I will emphasize, Elliot, that the sheer amount of luck that brought you this far is staggering. That no one else has died is a feat of chance itself, and the amount of maneuvering that it took to cover this insanity up would make the best muggle politicians jealous, and I wouldn’t have been able to pull it off without the help of a still hospitalized Scorpius ordering the Daily Prophet to keep quiet. If there is a next time, I won’t be able to do it again. So do everyone a favor and do not play the hero. Do not think this is a play where you will face the villain without preparations and somehow win with the power of friendship. If you see something related to this, send me an owl and I’ll deal with it personally. Leave this to the professionals, do you understand? For everyone’s sake. And know that I will be watching [i]closely[/i].”

She stands up and turns to leave, and you can’t help but ask.

“When you three saved the world… Who wrote the news?”

She turns and smiles. “You’re a smart boy, Elliot, even if you’re not as smart as you think. But you should be able to figure it out.”

And as she leaves and the door closes, you never see as a beautiful blue beetle scurries from inside her robes to her shoulder, where she pets it amicably.


“Elliot!” You hear moments before an auburn-haired bludger flies into your chest. “They’re letting us go!”

“Yes they are. And we are meant to stay very, very quiet about what really happened under St. Mungo’s.”

“I told you it was a stupid plan,” says Brighton. “We could have done it without the bloody Dark Mark.”

“Worked, didn’t it?”

“A lot of things work. Doesn’t mean they aren’t stupid.”

"Says the person who pushed a horse on a sword brige."


“Are you alright, Elliot?” Linda asks. “Or, should I say, are you alright, [i]my king[/i]?”

“Unfortunately that only applies if the sword is pulled from a very specific stone, which the Minister guarantees me has been destroyed. Also, Caliburn, Excalibur, technically two different things, remember?”

"Only if you're a nerd."

“The real question is,” asks a voice identical to the one of the girl in your arms, though her tone is different. “How will you know which one of us is which?”

“There is a reason I haven’t kissed her yet. Let’s see…” You put one Arty beside the other, then smile and kiss the taller one. “This one is the right one. And hi, Helga. Good to see you. Everything alright?”

She squints. “I might have to wear glasses but other than that… Everything is perfect.”

Apollo approaches, looking extremely uncomfortable.

“I… I don’t like it.”

“Sorry, Pollo.” Arty leaves your arms and hugs him. “It’s strange for me too.” She glances at Helga, then winces a bit. “[i]Really[/i] strange. But we’ll get used to it. Maybe she could paint her hair, or something!”

He looks at Arty, then Helga, then Arty… Then just gives an angry groan and struts away. But not before looking at you, nodding and... smiling.

“It’ll be a time for transition for all of us, that's for sure.”

Helga turns to Linda and Brighton. “Any news of Rowena and Godric?”

“I can feel [i]something[/i], but it’s slight. I figure it won’t be long.”

“Me too. Then I’ll show Hallaster how a real commander fights.”

“I don’t think there’ll be anymore battles,” Linda says. “Potter’s gone.”

“That’s some bullcrap. Hope we won’t have another seven years with a new teacher every year.”

“You think Potter would curse the position?”

“If anyone can, I’m pretty sure it’s him.”

“Wait,” Helga squints again. “I have to get a new wand. I- I have to get [i]sorted![/i]”

And so, with you all joking about how she’s definitely getting into Slytherin, you all enter the car the Ministry prepared to take you to Hogwarts, with a quick detour to Ollivanders. And, though you can barely believe it after all you’ve been through… Life is just about to return to normal. Or as normal as it can be, at least.

Perhaps not for long, but for now that is enough. You laugh with your friends and all is well.


You’re sure your arrival at Hogwarts will be filled with people freaking out about what happened and asking to see Excalibur, but, perhaps, you can plan something to do this week once you finally manage to avoid people asking about your "kidnapping" (Pick ONE):

> Just enjoy life (How?)
> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
> Study with Linda, Arty or Apollo (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)
> Study another subject (+1 to another subject)
> Other (Write in)
>Just enjoy life (How?)
By hanging with our friends AND teaching Helga about the modern world and probably the muggle world too.
she may have been inside us for a while, but it sone thing to see it and another to LIVE it
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>had an adopted daughter who happened to be the lost sister of two of the kidnapped students

That is the best you could come up with? You aren't as smart as you think, Granger.

>“Wait,” Helga squints again. “I have to get a new wand. I- I have to get [i]sorted![/i]”

That is adorable and the glasses will help. I also figure she will grow her hair out like she had it in life. Also her getting sorted into Slytherin would be the funniest shit. Any house but the one she founded, really.

So Potter and Ginny going AWOL is kind of scary AF.

> Just enjoy life (How?)
Date with Arty, going around the school with Helga and teaching her how the world works now, playing some wargames with Linda, building shit and talking with Apollo... trim some hedges or something with Brighton. Maybe go see if there is a horse we can kill together as a bonding experience. Set up our own battle classes.

Suppose we need to ask Apollo and Arty, separately, if they want help talking with the other about what we saw down there. Let them know Potter saw and as bad as we might feel about mind breaking him that was fucked of him.

Since it looks like no more lessons from Crouch, for now, I propose we set up our own improptu training with our friends, maybe some others. Try and hone what he taught us and Arty. Maybe have her and Elliot going against multiple people at once, teaching the others muggle fighting, get Linda a bit more fit, ect.

Will think of more stuff. But I couldn't stop grinning the entire time I was reading this.
+1. We've earned a bit of slice-of-life. Plus, Top Witch told us to cool our heels.

...Maybe also
>Check on the secret library
Just to be safe.
>Check on the secret library
>Just to be safe.


Should be fine, and we will need to start researching Atlantis soon, so might as well be safe.
We should also see about getting a sheath for Excalibur which because we are a nerd and canonically know about the Fate series we will name Avalon, and a new pouch since our old one went out like a hero.
>space for you to stretch your legs

>Check on the secret library
Just to be safe.

Also we really didn't ask Ron about Harry's hideout? Wonder what's up with that. Surely it's not the Dursley's?
We are NOT checking on the library quite yet. There is no way in hell the feds aren't tracking us in any feasible way they can.

> Study with Linda, Arty or Apollo (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)

It's time to learn about Helga
+1. experience the wonders of modern food
Support. And no going to the library. Too much heat on us.
> Just enjoy life (How?)
Reconnect with our friends.
Also, no to the library, no way in hell it won't be tracked.
+1 all that shit
FUCK going to the library, hell no that's retarded right now

Yeah makes sense. No library for now. Besides we are just enjoying life right now.
+1, comfy slice of life PLEASE. Begging for another Christmas special rn
You know, now that Helga is no longer in our head, I am sad we never got to go maximum Hallaster with our complete BM bonus, her +25, and a couple of potions, and maybe Arty helping. Just saying, blowing the fuck out of someone with that would have been hype as fuck, like a +90 total.
well, Helga may be gone from our head, but now we have a meanacing girlfriend who can stand on equal level to us by sheer will force alone, if there is anyone we can train to get stronger with, its her.
we can make each other stronger in a constant loop of training eachother, constantly surpasing the other to make us stronger
The first training they need to do is in the Room of Requirement alone at night and for hours after that insane Avalon shit
Agreed. Didn't Arty say something about "we'll see" before we went? We already got to finger her and got a handie in the forest, so hey making progress.

Agreed. Arty is going to be scary as fuck now. Us and her vs the other 3 would be fun, since we work like a well oiled machine.

I hope Elliot and Arty starting their own Battle tutoring gets some traction. We could end up with our own version of Dumbledore's Army.

I am also curious if Arty tried now, if she could manifest a Patronus.

Very pumped for the post Avalon stuff, almost as much as when we were going there.

>Very pumped for the post Avalon stuff, almost as much as when we were going there.
Good. I expect this act to be full of fluff and miscellaneous adventures before we’re back to Death and Gloom territory. Five acts seems like a nice number, don’t you think?

Also, I’d like to say that the absolute naming coincidence that happens in this update was not in any way planned and was entirely handed off to me by fate.


The car rushes down the morning streets of London with Ron on the passenger seat, squeezing between other cars and spaces it shouldn’t fit. After a quick stop at the Leaky Cauldron for a hop at Ollivanders (“It has been a long time since I’ve sold a wand for someone your age, Ms. Pertinger”) and at a store to buy a scabbard for Excalibur (“But it only cuts when I’m wielding it, Mr. Weasley!”, “I don’t care!”), and another to get Helga some glasses (“Her eyes look perfect, I really don’t know how her sight is [i]this bad.[/i]”) then a stop at McDonalds after you pester Ron enough about it (“It doesn’t matter that I’m no longer head of my House, I’m teaching the house elves how to make french fries and that’s final!”) you are dropped off outside the gates of Hogwarts, where a very grim Headmistress is waiting for you.

As you’re about to leave the car, Ron stops you. He hands each of you a Galleon.

“Here. You know how Dumbledore’s Army communicated, right? Same thing. Transfigure the coin and one with us will warm up and change. For urgent or secret matters [i]only.[/i] You can use an owl if it isn’t urgent.” He reaches out to unlock the door then stops. He turns to you and smiles. “Look, I’m sure Hermione gave you a hard time. I have no doubts McGonagall will give you an even harder time. But you six are alright in my book.”

“Lady Hufflepuff I’m sorry that you’ll have to go through classes when you know more than any of us, but it is probably the easiest way of handling it while keeping all of you safe. For all its issues, Hogwarts still [i]is[/i] the safest place around.”

“Thank you,” she says, kindly. “But magic has changed a lot since my time, and I can’t control Ancient Magic with this form. I forgot much of my old life and I have a lot to learn once again. The Minister offered me other options but… I believe this is for the best.”

He nods, and unlocks the door. “Go. The Headmistress has been informed of what has really transpired, and so has Neville, though they are the only ones. I believe I don’t need to say that you are not to tell anyone the truth, but I’m doing it anyway. So no telling your friends. We don’t want panic to spread until we're ready for it.”

You spill towards the gates until the Headmistress is in front of you. She has a severe and piercing look on her face.


“If I were to take points from your houses equivalent to the colossal size of what you’ve done, Gryffindor would win the House Cup for the next decade! If I were to give you enough detentions to punish you for the offense you’ve given to this school, you wouldn’t have time to finish our curriculum until your children arrived to help you share that burden!” Her voice rises up to a pitch which could [i]almost[/i] be called undignified, but then it becomes mellow, almost ashamed. “And I have also been told you have done things greater than almost any student in Hogwarts, such as if I were to appropriately distribute House points, Gryffindor would not have a chance to win for a century. That all of you have suffered greatly when under Hogwarts care, under [i]my[/i] care. That I could not be told of the danger makes no difference, and for that I apologize. I shall try my best to mend whatever hurt I can, my students.”

“And to you, Helga Hufflepuff,” she turns to the slightly shorter version of Arty. “You have my thanks for keeping them safe. If there is anything I can do to make your stay with us more bearable, you need but ask.”

“Just treat me as any other student, Headmaster, and I’ll be happy,” Helga says, smiling and adjusting her brand new half-moon glasses. “Though I might have some ideas for new recipes to add to our menu.”

“I shall let the house elves know. There is just a matter of technicality.”

From her robes, she pulls out-

“My old hat!” Brighton shouts. Then stops. Then frowns. “Not [i]my[/i] hat, that’s for sure.”

“Your Godric is showing,” Helga says, happily. She puts on the Sorting Hat, and there are several long seconds of silence before it bellows “Hufflepuff!”

“Why did it take that long?” Arty asks, confused.

“I had to convince it to not shout ‘Headmistress!’. Would not have led to anything good, I believe. Shall we go?”


With the Headmistress in front of you, you stop first by Neville’s office, who grabs his son into a hug with tears. You then drop off Arty, Helga and Apollo by their common room.

Helga approaches the barrels and with a cheery tune knocks on them while saying “Me! Me! Me me me!”

The room opens to an absolutely packed room filled with Hufflepuffs ready to receive the twins and the new Helga Pertinger with an enthusiasm even Apollo’s glare can’t destroy. Then, it is off to the dungeons. Once you arrive, Minerva nods to indicate she wishes to speak with you alone and Linda enters an equally packed room of curious Slytherins.

“I’m sorry, Elliot. For everything you went through. Potter should never have done what he did. To put you against a Death Eater! If I knew-”

“He was right, Headmistress. The battles, even training against Crouch,” You say, interrupting her. “If he hadn’t done that… I wouldn’t have survived the battles I needed to fight. And there will be more. Maybe in a month, a year or decade, Salazar or Merlin will return. We’ll need soldiers, then.”


“But not children.”

“I don’t think we’ll have the luxury of choosing,” you say, simply. Then, slightly embarrassed. “I’m sorry for summoning the Death Mark over your school.”

“Yes, I would have preferred another way to distract us. I believe you may have reduced my life for five years from stress alone, but I shall consider it payback for what I put you through in that chess match. Now go, young Slytherin. Your house awaits you, no doubt filled with questions you can’t answer. Feel free to invoke my name in any excuse you wish to create.”

So you turn and enter your Common Room, and there is only a [i]slight [/i]hint of sadism as you and Linda torture your classmates by making references to things that didn’t happen, tell contradictory stories that make no sense and just generally feed the entirety of Hogwarts’ rumor mill for the next semester while watching them squirm trying to put everything together.


The next day is spent getting swarmed by people of all years, and you can barely move between classes without a gaggle of people begging you for any scrap of information about what had happened. You can only thank the fact that you are remarkably patient, or you’d already have put Excalibur to good use.

It is only at dinner time when McGonagall starts taking out points left and right that things start calming down and a messenger manages to reach you with a letter with a known handwriting.

“11pm, astronomy tower”

So you go to meet your auburn-haired girlfriend under the stars. It is cold, and you can see her shivering a bit, her breath making smoke as she breathes.


“Thanks. I… I’d forgotten that now I can do that without getting tired.” She kisses you. “And thank you. For… For everything.”

You wrap your arms around her. “There is nothing to thank me for, Arty. There is nothing in this world that would stop me from helping you.”

“I don’t doubt it. Right now, I can believe everything you said. I can believe we’ll find a way into unknown places, encounter forgotten realms. Thule, Ker Ys, the Isles of the Blessed… Even find a way to live forever, if you really set your mind to it. Right now, I don’t have a single doubt that you will.”

She steps away from you, and on her face is the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. And it isn’t forced, like ones you’ve seen her give when she spoke about how little time she has to live. It is true and beautiful.

She raises her wand.


“Maybe it won't last, maybe it will fade, but today… The spell feels [i]right.[/i]” She fills her lung with air and her wand moves once, twice, thrice, in the exact right positions. And she bellows the spell, and much like her smile, it is true and beautiful. “[i]EXPECTO PATRONUM![/i]”

A small sun of silver light shoots out of her wand, crossing the skies over Hogwarts, hopping over towers and ceilings before opening its wings and flying over you. It goes around and around the tower, until it hops to a halt in front of you. It looks like a bunny, if bunnies were a meter tall, had antlers, wings and sharp fangs coming out of their mouths.

It stands on its hindlegs, almost as if showing off, before winking out.

“Wha- what was that?” you ask. There are tears in your eyes, though you don’t know why.

“A wolpertinger” She says, putting down her wand. “I… I thought they were extinct.”

“I guess they’re pretty difficult to get rid off,” you say, hugging her from behind and resting your chin on top of her head. “Much like another Pertinger I know.”

“That’s right. You are not getting rid of me so soon. Whatever time I have left, Elliot Hallaster… It’s yours.” She turns in your arms until she’s facing you. “And this time, I’m not even crying as I say it.”


“I swear, if another person asks me why [i]I[/i] didn’t jump in to bind with Excalibur, I’m going to start hitting people and by Merlin I don’t know if I’ll ever stop.”

“Hey, Linda.”

“Don’t you ‘Hey, Linda’ me! Next time, try not to bind yourself with an ancient sword that we don’t know how it works!”


“No you aren’t, this is [i]exactly[/i] what you wanted to happen ever since I said Merlin was resting in Avalon.”

“You know what? I’m not even going to deny it.”

There are some seconds of silence as she fumes.

“I want to do something.”


“I don’t know. [i]Something[/i]. Ravenclaw is starting to wake up, I want to do something stupid before I have someone judging me all the time.”

“Linda, we [i]just[/i] broke enough rules to put us in literal prison!”

“Hey, I said stupid, not illegal!”

“Fine. But I thought you were excited at the, uh, possibilities that having Rowena in your mind affords you.”

She gives you a lecherous grin.

“Yeah, but [i]those[/i] possibilities can only happen if she is as messed up in the head as I am.”

“You’re all talk and no bite, you know that, right?”

“A hypocrite through and through, that’s me. Now, what are we doing? I need ideas.”

> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
> Get the crew from Avalon and go camping at night in the forest, so you can talk about stuff while eating far too much
> Ask for help from a seventh-year to apparate you two to London to have some fun the muggle way! (How?)
> Other (Write in)
Ah shit, I'm posting from somewhere else with a different IP so my formatting isn't taking.

Well, just pretend everything is properly formatted, will you?
>Five acts seems like a nice number, don’t you think?

No! Infinite acts! DHQ forever! I will tean up with Kektus to find you and chain you to your writing desk and poke you with sticks to get more updates out.

>And she bellows the spell, and much like her smile, it is true and beautiful. “[i]EXPECTO PATRONUM![/i]”

Called it.

> Get the crew from Avalon and go camping at night in the forest, so you can talk about stuff while eating far too much

Bring plenty of firewhiskey.
>Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!

You know, I'm wondering how Ollivander feels about a wand that he no doubt had tucked away for decades upon decades, probably one made by his grandfather rather than him, choosing "Helga Pertinger". Unless, queerly, it was a newer wand that chose her.
...Now I'm wondering what happened to Helga's original wand.
>...Now I'm wondering what happened to Helga's original wand.

Me too. Salazar's was still around in the 1600s so hers might still be out there. That could be a fun little side quest. But yeah, Ollivander probably knows something is up with "Helga Pertinger".

I wonder, is she going to have to start as a 1st year or something? She probably still remembers the spells we knew when she was in our head so I doubt it.
I though about it and fuck it, we won't be seeing our Raiders as much until we organize our own battle training class

Change to:

> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
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>Wol Pertinger for Artemis Pertinger

Oh you clever bitch, just noticed that. Hahahahaha.
i kinda wanted to go camping and have a nice heart to hert with our team...but i think one final alcohol filled raiders party seems more appropiate
we started this mess with a party, seems poetic we also end it with a party

>I will tean up with Kektus to find you and chain you to your writing desk and poke you with sticks to get more updates out.
mah man, tell me where and when and we can plan a hit
I went to the Yale University bookstore and bought and read a copy of "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." I suffered a great deal in the process. The writing was dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs." I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times.

> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
Kek. That made me chuckle anon.
One thing before I stop shitting up the thread and go work on my crappy fanfics or do lawn work. Are we still going to be able to get Occulemency tutoring now? Potter was paying if I recall and we obviously need some work since we were barely able to protect the one secret that was really important and Linda for all her natural talent was still affected by truth serum. Think McGonagall will foot the bill so we can keep going?

I also wonder what is going to come of Crouch having the corrupt prison guard lady write something on his dad's grave.
> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
>> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
I thought her surname sounded familiar.

> Without Potter, there are no more Armies. Gather the Raiders for one last alcohol-filled party!
Safest bet.
Literally just googled "mythical bunnies" to see if there was anything more fun to give her than just a bunny and was like, "Well, I'll be damned."

Ah, I remember reading that review a long time ago. Don't worry anon, I shall now include it every few posts, just to piss you off.
>Literally just googled "mythical bunnies"

Sure you did. I am on to your 5d chess game QM.

I looked up that last name a while back and it may be a derivative of another, one who's motto is "Courage through adversity." which is very fitting
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Hey, I just thought about something after reading the Christmas special again. So the Basalisk could move around as it wished because it was tied to Salazar's credentials.

We now have Helga in an independent body. She is still recognized by Hogwarts, given the sorting hat wanted to sort her into be the Headmistress position, and she can open the door to her common room by saying "Me! Me! Me me me!" instead of "Hel-ga Huff-le-puff". Know what that means? We now have a living skeleton key in her. The restricted section is no longer restricted. She can go basically any place she wants I bet.

This is bound to be useful.

I might reach out to Indonesian gentleman and see if he can do a slight modification to picrel, give her glasses and turn the spider into a muffin, so we have HelgArty art. Maybe.
“Are you sure about this? I don’t want to steal your lightning.”

“Come on, Elliot. The Raiders wouldn’t have gotten to where they are now without you. If I started losing one after the other, I’d be dethroned. If you lost one after the other, you’d make an inspiring speech and somehow get everyone back on your side.” She shakes her head. “The Raiders are yours, and I’m happy to be part of them. Besides, I’m sure that at least for this party everyone will ignore that Excalibur only makes you king if you pull it from the right stone.”


“Shut up, nerd.”


“Ladies and Gentlemen! King Hallaster!”

A room of fifteen Raiders (plus guests) shouts your name, “King Hallaster! King Hallaster! King Hallaster!” and, as you enter the room with a red cape, armor, golden crown and Excalibur in your hands, you can briefly understand why Salazar wants to bend the world to his will so much. This shit feels incredible, even if it is just make believe.

“My dear friends, colleagues, soldiers, generals and even enemies,” you say, nodding towards where Riley is standing right next to Apollo, and inching closer every time you glance in their direction. You had invited Brighton, of course, and he had told you to get lost and call him when you wanted to “train with that sword of yours“. “Let it be known that King Hallaster does not tell lies! Did I not tell you we’d find things Old and Lost? Did I not tell you we’d reach places of myth and legend? Well, here it is, the spoils of our search, centuries in the making! Excalibur!”

You lift the sword up in the air. It is simple in its making: A blue grip with a yellow gem at the pommel, gold hand guards with a slight curve upwards adorned with two chimeras. The silver blade seems to have an almost supernatural glow, though you had tested it in the dark and seen nothing. But that is not what makes it Excalibur. Instead it is the… certainty. It has an unfathomable presence as a Thing, one that makes you sure even someone who has never heard of its name or of Arthur would call it by the same name once they saw it.

Excalibur. Of all swords ever called that name (and there have been many copycats), this is the only to which the name was not given, but birthed by the steel itself.

And as your army cheers your name at the sight of the sword, you remember Arthur. You haven’t met him, not really, but you know it is him who is loaning you his sword. Unlike the Elder Wand, it feels comfortable in your hand, as if it knew why it was there.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to give your owner the rest he deserves,” you say it in your mind. “But I’ll try my best to do it.”

And, because you are sure Arthur has done the same at some point in his life, you quickly call for vast quantities of alcohol and food to be served.



“I can’t believe Elend is paying for all this again,” Talon says.

“Elliot asked,” Elend nods, taking a sip of something he wasn’t sharing with all of you and which looked far more refined than simple firewhisky.

“I did not!” You say, offended. “I asked how you had convinced the house elves to help with the other ones without telling the teachers and then you insisted on throwing money at me!”

“Well, you know, the only thing better than being the king is being the king’s friend. And now the king is both my friend and owes me three favors.”

“Cool,” Talon says. “Can I owe you a favor, Elend? Just a couple million gallons, nothing too big.”

“Unfortunately I know you’d use it in a well thought way, and I reserve my money exclusively for frivolous endeavors.”

“For which we thank you, honey,” Amalia says, arm wrapped around his. “But how about you, commander? Will you miss being Raven Everdark?”

“Oh, I’m sure she’ll have places to shine again,” Linda says. “Maybe the next Defence teacher will like the idea and create new armies.”

“No way, only Potter is that crazy. Besides, who knows how long Potter will stay away. Maybe we’ll get him back before next year.”

“I don’t think he’d abandon the post of Deputy Headmaster if it was something short, Talon. I think it is pretty obvious that there’s something pretty big going on if he intends to stay away for that long.”

And there is a moment of silence as Talon, Elend and Amalia look at you and Linda, expectantly.

“Well, I mean, we could tell them,” Linda says, but there is a smile on her face.

“But then I’d have to get blood all over my brand new sword!”

“I mean, we could just kill them with our wands.”

“But it wouldn’t look as cool.”

“You do have a point. How fast can you brew some polishing potion?”

“I think that if I got started now I could finish before the end of the night.”

“Well, the good thing is that you won’t have to hire a jester for your court,” Elend says. “Honestly, how Excalibur decided to follow you baffles me.”

“Well, it might have something to do with me saving the world six or seven times.”


“Maybe. But would you bet your fortune on it?”

Elend ponders it for a bit, then looks at the sword at your hip. “Nah, I’d rather keep it.”



You walk around a bit, making sure everything is going well with the Room of Requirement. It wasn't ideal (and it took getting everyone here blindfolded) but it was the only place where you could pull this off without being caught. You spend a while mingling with your old troops, who still (as they should) defer to Linda despite the crown and sword, and eventually end up by the Pertinger trio, who are talking to Riley, who, if analyzing the narrow distance she keeps trying to put between her and Apollo, would very much prefer for it to be called the Pertinger quadruple.

“So, I was told you were serving on the last ones,” Riley asks Arty. “Did the kidnapping scare make you rethink the life of a waitress? I mean, I’d get out of it too, if I could.”

“No way, I like working! But Elliot didn’t let me work on this one.“

“I’m not letting my girlfriend serve tables on the party I’m pretending to be king! What kind of royalty would that make me? Besides, we got someone who can do the job well enough.”

As if on cue, the dark-haired girl stops by with a tray of drinks.

“Who is she, by the way? I don’t recognize her.” Riley asks, then looks shocked for a moment. “Elliot! You didn’t bring someone from outside, did you?”

“Of course not! Hogwarts protections wouldn’t allow that to happen, at least not with some well made polyjuice, which I still haven’t gotten around making. No, it’s just a seventh year who wanted to make some money, didn’t want to be recognized and was willing to go through some simple human transfiguration to do so.”

“You could just have asked me. I’m a sixth-year who needs money. I promise I wouldn’t tell Falere. I mean, this girl must be really strapped for galleons if she’s willing to put a disguise like that to work here.”

You briefly glance at your waitress, who had the very important reason of not being caught as the Head Girl serving alcohol to a bunch of minors at a party after curfew for choosing to go through Apollo’s treatment.

“Well, some people have different needs, I guess.”

“I guess. And Elend does have a friendly way of throwing money at people’s faces, doesn’t he?”

“He offered to pay for a live band to perform before I offered to hex him into next week if he did that,” you frown. “Honestly surprised Hugo didn’t get him to be on his army.”

“Oh, he tried, but he figured out pretty quickly that Elend had enough money to tell anyone to fuck off, and no qualms about doing it to the son of the Minister if said son is enough of a twat.” She turns to Helga, using the opportunity to shift ever so slightly closer to Apollo. “How about you, Helga? How are you adapting? I know it’s only been a few days, but how are you dealing with knowing magic exists?”


“Oh, you know. Easy to adapt to good things.” And, in a whisper so low only you can hear. “But having to get tired to casts spells is already getting old.”

“What was that?”

“Oh, nothing. But everyone in Hufflepuff is friendly, so they’re helping me a lot. And the food is fantastic! Whoever came up with this place’s menu must have been a brilliant cook!”

To which both you, Arty and Linda need to cough to avoid choking on your drink.

Somewhere off to the side, music starts playing from a radio and you soon drag Arty to dance. She’s wearing the dress you bought her for christmas, along with the Raider's tophat, moustache and monocle, all of which still look stunning on her. After a few songs, you look to the side and see Riley swaying gently by Apollo, who is standing awkwardly between her and Helga, who seems to be busy just enjoying the food.

Perhaps you could do something about those three, or something else related to the party. (Choose any number of actions or conversations you want to have with people (to be limited by the QM's creativity, will and free time to write))

> Try to convince Apollo to dance with Riley
> Try to get a Hufflepuff to bring her into a conversation group so she can mingle
> Set up a little friendly tournament to see if anyone can beat King Hallaster in battle
> Other (Write in)
>Try to convince Apollo to dance with Riley
do this by making him think that its not so much about being a romantic association, but a strategic planning to help him have more contacs that could be useful for him and maybe some romantic stuff isnt as bad as he think it is once he gets used to it
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Fuck you... I really want a tournement. I want Helga to get to integrate. I want to be a good brother in law to Apollo.

Wait. Idea. A tournament, yes, but not of magical skill. Of dancing. And have Arty convince Apollo he must compete.

>Announce a dancing tournement, to be judged by impartial non participents against the King of the Raiders, the king of Dance and his Queen. Get Helga to dance with Linda as her partner. Should anyone defeat us, they and their partner shall be knighted.

>Announce a dancing tournement, to be judged by impartial non participents against the King of the Raiders, the king of Dance and his Queen. Get Helga to dance with Linda as her partner. Should anyone defeat us, they and their partner shall be knighted.
>Have Arty convince Apollo he must compete
and thus...
>Convince Apollo to dance with Riley
If this wins... we could also ask for a brave man to appear to dance with the long-lost child of our magical heritage or some such so Helga gets to meet someone new, IDK. I would almost want to be very Hufflepuff and throw it in her favor, just so people go up and want to talk with her.
The founder of Friendship House doesn't need our help to make friends.
Eh, helping her mingle was one of the options. I just don't want her to feel left out. Helga is fun. The comment about the food made me snicker.


I think he is just shy in front of others. It is implied Riley at least kissed him or some such in the back room of the Hogshead Inn, since he knew about their floo-place.
If we end up knighting anyone we should just knight all that participates at the end, how is this:

Sir Buckthorn, the Generous
Dame Hearth, the Wise
Dame Snyde, the Bold
Sir Pertinger, the Strong
Dame Everdark, the Clever
Dame Pertinger, the Kind Helga
Sir Batt, the Friendly
Queen Pertinger, the Dutiful Arty
“Would you like to cause a bit of chaos tonight?” You ask as you swing from side to side with Arty.

“I helped you cast the Dark Mark over Hogwarts,” she says, wrapping her arms around your shoulders. “Of course the answer is yes.”

“Good,” you tap her tophat and transfigure it into a crown. “Come with me, I have an idea.”

You go to the radio and wait for it to reach the end of the current song before making it stop.

“Ladies and gentlemen! I figure what this party is missing is a contest! A chance for someone to prove their might against King Hallaster and his…” You look Arty, allowing her to finish the sentence. After all, you never said you were going to cause chaos on other people only towards other people

“... Queen.” She says, blushing furiously and glaring at you.

“Yeah, and his queen,” you say, with a smirk which brings in a hail of “Woo!”s from the crowd. “But I figure it wouldn’t be fair to put any of you against the raw power of Excalibur, so instead… We shall dance! Pick your partner or I’ll pick them for you!”

You wink at Arty and turn the radio back on, and soon you two are going around the crowd pushing people who aren’t already together, or nodding for those who already have found their pair. Until, of course, you end up in front of Apollo and Riley, who seems to be squirming in place to find the courage to ask him to dance.

“You two would make a nice dancing pair, I guess.”

“Uh, I- I don’t-”

“Come on, Pollo!” Arty says, taking his hand and putting it on Riley’s. Oh, look at that, seems blushing furiously is a family trait. “You can improvise! Riley can lead, can’t you?”

“Ah, yes! Yes, of course I can!”

“See? You’ll be fine. Show me what you can do!” She says, and pushes them towards the middle of the room with the other couples.

“You shouldn’t do that,” Helga says. “People have their own time for things.”

“Maybe, but Apollo has the emotional initiative of a brick wall and Riley doesn’t remember words when she’s near him. They deserve a push. And speaking of pushes,” you wave at Linda, who comes over from where she is by an already dancing Elend and Amalia. “Linda, here’s your pair.”

“Wha-” Helga says, surprised. “I didn’t agree to this!”

“Go on, Puffpuff! You deserve to have some fun besides eating every single appetizer we have available. You’ve been inside me for long enough to pick up some things!”

“Elliot, you do realize this means a formal battle between the leader of the most prestigious artifact hunting organization of this century and a mere washed out king?” Linda asks.“You will be destroyed.”


“Destroyed? Now, say, if someone like Raven Everdark were to make this threat I would feel scared, but Linda Cobris? I heard from a trustworthy source that if she lost a single battle her soldiers would abandon her.”

A fierce look downs on her face.

“Oh, you’re on, Elliot,” says General Everdark, grabbing Helga’s hand and dragging her along.

“Wait, I said I didn’t agree to thiiiiis!”

“You know, with everyone dancing, there will be no impartial judge,” Arty says.

“And? It’s more fun this way. Now, ready to dance until you’re tired?”

“You know, that takes a lot longer now.”

“So you say. Let’s put that to the test?”

And so you do.


The next long while involves you going from song to song, style to style. Arty doesn’t dance as well as you do, but with the amount of fighting you've done she’s learned how to follow your cue. A few of the couples, usually those that were put together against their will, drop out first. Then you sort of form a rhythm with the other “contestants”, each pair going to the middle of the room, dancing for a while and receiving applause from the ones outside. Once all pairs have gone, the one who has received the least enthusiastic claps just naturally leave the circle.

For your surprise, Apollo isn’t the first to drop, mostly because the Hufflepuffs in your army do a lot of cheering for a dance move that can only be called “The Stiff” with Riley trying her goddamn hardest to get him to move. He lasts a few rounds, and you even see a hint of a smile in the meantime, but he does sound relieved when it ends, with Riley beaming a smile at you. Next to drop are Amalia and Elend, who does well with anything classic but is absolutely clueless on how to dance anything composed in the last twenty years.

More couples go, until Talon drops from where he’s dancing with the waitress who seems very embarrassed but having fun, leaving only...

“I told you you’d go down, King Hallaster!” Raven says.

“I still think-” Helga pants, utterly covered in sweat. “That this is highly inappropriate!”

Even though Helga is having a hard time coping with old-Arty’s limited energy, she still dances on. It is a weird dance that doesn’t quite fit with the music. Strangely, she’s not the one being led in this dance, at least not completely. Raven’s movements are also different than what you’d expect. You’ve rarely seen her dance, but her movements seem almost… too graceful.


“Hey! That’s cheating!”

“I don’t know what you could possibly mean, King Hallaster!”

“Mind-ghost skill-boost bullshit…” You hiss under your breath. It seems unlikely Ravenclaw had woken up fully yet, but Linda had said she’d been stirring. Could this be some sort of unconscious reaction from her? Did mind-ghosts even have unconscious reactions? And, more importantly, if they did… Did that mean Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had danced with each other before?

You file that away for further investigation some other day. Right now you have to enforce your dancing dominion over your old friend.

>Roll a d100+40. Beat 2 out of 3
Rolled 49 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

I doubt yuri was acceptable in their time
I forgot the +40, I hope this still counts
Rolled 89 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

you know the drill, Lord Hallaster
Wizard society is a bit different than the Muggle one of the time, though. Plus in ye olden times there were often less stringent standards applied to women in this regard than to men.
Rolled 2 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

rolls have already been rolled, but just in case...
surprisingly a lot of gay shit happened in medieval rimes
hoooohohoho! good thing the dice were already rolled! DAMN!
i just noticed, i think its time to update the character sheets, most, if not all the characters have gone through big changes since the last thread
>Did that mean Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff had danced with each other before?

I knew they were lesbians for each other! Helga spent way too long looking over our shoulder at Arty's Christmas gift, after all.


Almost as high as our damn battle rolls. Sorry not sorry Everdark. This is the lighthearted fun we needed.

And yeah, we only get decent rolls for the things that don't matter. Also sweaty HelgArty. Imagine the smell, kek.
Rolled 51 + 40 (1d100 + 40)

Rolling for fun because this update made me smile.

Also have some AI slop Arty.
Rolled 61, 18, 81 + 25 = 185 (3d100 + 25)


89 114 129

Now let's see how Raven and Helga do...
sorry girls, we are the king and queen for a reason.
King Hallaster and Queen Pertinger-Hallaster keep winning. Hahahaha, this entire thing made me smile. Also, once more I knew Helga was bicurious!

Also may be almost done with a what-if for a magical tourney. Yes I know I suggested the dancing but d-d-duels are fun to.
Here yall go. A what-if concerning a magic tourney because I loved that idea as well.

https://rentry dot co/zwny9p3x
woah! a short but sweet one! loved it!
still waiting on THAT one
Sorry man. I have been depressed lately, so it is hard to work on these, since I don't want them to be super angsty. It will materialize. I will probably get some inspiration or something and finish it up in one night as opposed to doing like 1 page a day.

As always, thank you for reading! You and like the other 2 people who read my crap are a big part of why I do it.
ahh, understandable, take as much time as you need, i´ve waited longer for less, focus on yourself first and hope everything gets better soon for you!
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Thank you, buddy. The most annoying thing is I don't really have anything to be depressed about. It just happens. I will probably work on "that one" after dinner and a few drinks and there is another I think is about ready, just need to check to make sure I accounted for Helga having a body now, since I had to edit.
Not to rain on everyone's parade but wasn't Ravenclaw with Merlin/Lalilowhatever? And she had a kid with someone else too if not them.
yeah, remind me how that went
you mean the gray laidy? Rowena´s daughter is the gray lady, AKA Helena Ravenclaw, she was killed by the Bloody Baron
I'm not sure what you're getting at, anon. Helga got soemwhat 'deaged' by her amnesia, and was capable of finding Elliot attractive at one point despite having been canonically married, and her husband is LONG dead. Rowena dumped Merlin's ass when his contemporary incarnation of Lailoken got a taste for adultery. Neither is spoken for any longer.

What this guy said. And was Helga married? There are people who claim to be her descendants but that is all I can find.

Also funny though; Arty getting mad because Helga is making her old body fat, kek.
Fuck this made me smile from ear to ear. God damn it HeadQM, stop making me feel (warm and fuzzy) things!!
Enjoy the warm fuzzies while you can, bro. We still have a deranged Potter, Merlin-Beast, and ArthurZar to deal with.

Also fuck AI for not knowing what half-moon glasses are.
oh boy, you got hooked on the AI thing, didnt you?
Just a little. I may have found a good set of prompts for Arty/Helga so I may be sitting on like 2 dozen images of them.
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Here is a post Avalon thing with Arty/Elliot!

And for the like two people who read these, no, there is no real timeline. Best to consider that each of these takes place in a parallel though similar set of worlds, mostly.

https://rentry dot co /npzw3xkt
>another fanfic
dont mind if i do! thank you for these fanficanon!
You are welcome. I have a number that are half finished or need editing because we gave Helga Arty's old body, And I want to clear them out before I focus on Rowena/Raven.
Here have another. Had to go back and account for Helga having a body, but it does have like 2 sex scenes, thigh jobs, vampirism, and what I think are cute bonding moments. 14000 words, so enjoy.

Been working on this for like 2 months.

https://rentry dot co/93uqfzdk
welp, i just read all of it before even starting with my work, pretty fucking nice stuff, nicely done
wasnt expecting the vampirism and the nipple piercings, not sure how to feel about that one
but overall one of your best so far.
Thank you. Im glad you enjoyed it. Been working on it for a while and just needed to push myself to give it an ending. I like piercings... and yet another easy way to tell Arty and Helga apart, ha.

Some of this stuff is based on my own experiences, and yeah, I had a girlfriend in high school/college who was kinda into blood play, among other kinks. It was kind of cute back then, kek.
Stats-wise it is still mostly the same for Elliot, except for losing a few points in Potions because of Ninmue. But Arty and Helga definitely need an update.

Good fun, but right now… well, you’ll see.

Hope you get better soon, anon! And as Elliot would tell you (and Arty too, if she knew the profession existed) there is no shame in talking to someone if you need it. I haven’t done anything to get this cold I’m going through, doesn’t mean I’m not going to the doctor if it gets worse. Sometimes bodies just get shitty and need to be looked at.


There are very few times where you and Arty get to show off the physical skills you acquired fighting an utterly deranged Death Eater. But the muscles are there, and the energy and strength you gained these last few months pay off. Arty has never been difficult to lift up with her small form, but now when a classic song comes in, you can easily lift her above your head and spin with her in your arms as she laughs.

And she dances and dances, and it doesn’t slow down. Unlike last time when you danced in the Three Broomsticks, there are no ballads or gentle songs. It is energy-filled track after track, and she keeps on going effortlessly as you make her spin and and swing. It is almost sad to see how filled with energy she is, remembering how long she spent not having it. But there is no time for feeling sad about the past as she rocks your world (and steps on your toes a few times, but you don’t mind.)

In the end, that is what breaks Raven and Helga. She just doesn’t have the energy to keep going and starts stumbling her moves, until she falls on Raven’s arms gasping for breath. The audience takes that as a sign of surrender and explodes in cheers and claps, and you and Arty keep on dancing, for just another song.

“I knew we’d win,” you say, ignoring the crowd watching you expectantly.

“I… I still can’t believe how much easier things are.”

“Welcome to the world the rest of us live in. You’ll love it here.” You glance around. “I think they’re expecting the King and Queen of this ball to kiss.”

“Wouldn’t want to keep them waiting, would we?” And she stands on the tip of her toes and kisses you, to which the audience appropriately cheers.

Linda appears behind you two and lifts yours and Arty’s arms, as if she were the judge of a boxing match.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I think I can say without a doubt, the King and Queen of this party!” Once the clapping dies down, she asks. “Any orders, my king?”

“For anyone that can still drink, more drinks! For anyone that can still eat, more food! And for anyone that can still dance,” you flick your wand towards the radio, increasing the volume. “More music!”


And you and Arty dance until your feet hurt, until she’s tired, until you have to fight to keep up with her, because she has never let a little tiredness stop her and she has no intention of letting it do so anytime soon.


Slowly, people leave the room through one-way secret passageways back to their common rooms which conveniently appear once they’re thinking about going to bed. You wave them goodbye between dances when you stop to drink some water or recharge energies, and do notice that Apollo seems to have gone missing at about the same time as Riley.

Finally, Helga and Linda are the only ones left.

“You two aren’t stopping any time soon, are you?”


“But I will admit I’m regretting not having my pouch with girding potions right about now,” you say.

“Too much hufflepuff for you to handle, king Hallaster?” Helga asks.

”I had you in my head for months. I can deal with Hufflepuffs.”

“Well, I’m going to sleep because I now have to worry about classes.”

“So am I,” Linda nods. “Elliot can sleep through double potions tomorrow, I can’t.”

“What do you have, Arty?” You ask her as you spin her around.

“A bottle of Girding potion that you brewed me a while ago.“

“I thought I had said that was only for when you really needed it.”

“If you think we’re not staying awake until I need a potion to stay awake through tomorrow’s classes, king Hallaster, you are about to be sorely disappointed.”

“With all this dancing, I’m going to be sore either way.”

Arty laughs, and you pull her close to kiss her again.

“Yeah, I’m leaving you two lovebirds along.”

“Me too. Have fun.”

“Do you need help getting to your common room?”

“Elliot… I built this place!”

“Ah, right. Easy to forget it, sometimes.”

She waves at you, pulls a painting open and slides down the tunnel behind it. Linda does something similar right after.

You look at Arty and see her biting her lower lip.

“You’re not done with the night, are you?”

“Nope. Just… nervous about the rest of it.”


“Remember what I said before we went to Avalon?”

It takes you a while to put things together. “Before Avalon” feels like an eternity ago.

“Oh.. Oh… You said that… we’d see?”


“Arty, you know that-”

“I know. You don’t need to worry. I’m not doing this because you gave me a new body. I’m not doing this to repay you or anything silly like that. I already had this idea before you gave me the biggest gift a girl can get, and I’m not letting a trip to Avalon, a few extra near-death experiences and an almost end of the world change it.”

“You sure?”

She kisses you. “I’m sure.” Then she pushes you away. She tosses away her monocle, mustache and hat, which had detransfigured from a crown a while ago. “But before we can get to that… We need to decide who is going to do what.”


“What do you mean?”

She points her wand at you, taking a battle stance.

“You win, I get to do something to you. I win,” and there’s the blushing you were expecting. “You get to do… a thing… to me. Seems fair, doesn’t it?”

“Arty…” You say, voice slightly strained. “If your thought is going in the same direction as mine, right now-”

“It is.”

“I don’t think I can count it as a loss no matter what happens.”

She giggles, but stays red. “I’ll admit, I’m shaking in my boots. I kept on going between drinking to get courage and not drinking so I wouldn’t embarrass myself.”

“And? What did you choose in the end?”

“Potter himself told me I didn’t need more courage… But I’m still pretty embarrassed either way. And you? Are you sober, boyfriend?”

“I’ve learned it is best for the host to stay alert in these things, if only to deal with Prefects.”

She waves her wand in a flourish.

“So… En guarde? Unless you… unless you want to wait, or do it another day or-”

You fire a stunner over her right ear.

“Not in a million years, miss Pertinger. Now show me what your new body can really do.”

She giggles. “Hey! Let’s not get ahead of ourselves! That is for another day! Stupefy!

> Roll a d100+45. Beat 2 out of 3
Rolled 27 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

oh fuck! is it happening?! its happening!
somebody! we need the good rolls, NOW!
Rolled 69 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

King Hallaster!

Thank you bro. I am going to some therapy/counseling and have antidepressants that seem to work decently, shit just crops up some times.

New fic in a minute.
>New fic in a minute.
dude! fucking how?! you are a machine!
wished i were this efficient with work and my quest, damn!
Rolled 25 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

terrible rolls, watch this
fuck...well, i mean, we still win either way, but i guess we'll have to wait to get our turn, gg everyone

im only watching you rolling the worst one, m8
Rolled 32, 56, 46 + 50 = 184 (3d100 + 50)


72 114 70

Oof, rough numbers, most of all with her new bonus now that she's at her full strength.
I have been slowly working on these for a while. This one is for the teen pregnancy-fag. No seggs just cute stuff.

https://rentry dot co/ppprxat5

I don't know if I want Arty to win or us... I did get the sex number.

A plus fucking 50? Please stop QM, my dick can only get so hard.
>her metaphorical dick is bigger than ours
not sure if aroused or scared...holy shit
man, poor Elliot has it rough when it comes to dick related rolls...maybe he could use Brandon´s rolls for this
Kek. Our GF being stronger than us... well, she worked hard as fuck for that plus 50. Best girl. We have a good dueling partner.
I think we're stopping short of that, based on what Arty said.
>Nat 69
Elliot is fighting dirty.
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I am thing we either get a blowjob or to eat her pussy... given what we have done before. And now I have inspiration for a new shitty fic.
done reading it, easily the cutest one you´ve done so far
Once more, thank you for reading my shit. I think with those 2 out of the way the only once I have more than a page or two for is the Rowena/Raven one, so I will probably try to polish that one-off this weekend if I can get some inspiration for an ending. I do kind of want to write something about Arty beating Elliot like he is a dirty rug now, some light femdom, though...

Also have the opening prompts for an Ilvermorney quest done, for when DHQ and your quest are done.
>Arty beating Elliot like he is a dirty rug now, some light femdom, though...

oh dude thats awesome! i´ll definitely play whenever you are ready to start that!
Thank you, heh. I will likely wait till this quest and yours are done before trying my hand at a quest, since we don't really need 3 Harry Potter quests at the same time. Too much of a good thing and all that.

I also have a double Arty fic in the works, Helga riding Elliot's face while Arty rides something lower and involving aphrodisiac tea, along with one with Arty just being kind of sad but, yeah, only a couple pages each on those so far. Will wait to see how bad Arty kicks our ass to start on the femdom one.
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Headbutt her pussy!
You shoot your first spell before Arty shouts “Wait!” and you stop so fast you almost fall forwards.

“Uh, sorry, but I didn’t want to fight in this dress, because you gave it to me and I love it and I don’t want to tear it!”

“Arty, we can just reparo it later.”

“But that's mean to the dress! Give me a second!” She runs behind a closet that appeared on a corner while you weren’t looking, then comes back a minute later in normal, if weirdly fitting, robes. “Now we can fight!”

In moments bolts of light are flying around the room. You keep to basic spells, of course, not wanting to risk getting diffindo-ed in the neck during what is a… very strange form of flirting, maybe? You don’t really know what this thing you’re doing is, but the prize… You really want it, no matter what Arty has planned.

But you are used to fighting with Arty, not against her, and she comes at you without hesitation. Every training with Lily, with her army, with you, with Potter and with Crouch, it all comes to her as she casts spell after spell. Stunner after block after disarming strike, she rains her new powers on you without a moment of hesitation, without stopping.

For the first time in her life, Artemis Pertinger fights without fear of running out of energy, and she is beautiful.

“Stop gawking at me and fight back!”

“Sorry! Even in normal robes you’re stunning!”

“You’re not going to win this by making me blush!”

“But it did work!”

You pick up your pace, fighting with the same energy she is, and once you’re at her level, she ups it, and then she does it again. What starts as a spar becomes a full out brawl, as you force each other to jump behind tables for cover, roll and dodge. Soon, you two are fighting as if you were back on Crouch’s island, not stopping to measure just how much effort you’re putting into beating your tiny Hufflepuff girlfriend.

And the embarrassing thing is, she’s winning. Who would know that giving the hardest working person you know normal levels of power would turn her into a ferocious fighting machine?

You dive behind a few chairs, looking around for your next move when-


The chairs explode behind you and you’re sent flying forwards, falling into a roll before pulling up a shield.

“Hey, I thought we weren’t using dangerous spells!” You shout, coughing and clutching your ribs.

“They’re not dangerous if you don’t get hit! Flamare Perpetua!” A line of fire rises up from the ground and you dive away again, wiping away your sweat.

“Alright, you want to play rough? Let’s play rough!” And inside your mind, by pure instinct at a time of need, you say, “Helga, can you- ah crap.”

> Roll a d100+45. Beat 2 out of 3
Rolled 80 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

Don't fuck up, Lord Hallaster
Rolled 17 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

oh Arty, what are you playing at here?
fucking hell...
Rolled 18 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

are you guys throwing on purpose
does it look like we have control over the dice?!
it is a well known fact that when it comes to non-life threatening rolls, the luck of Elliot is absolute dog shit
Rolled 92, 74, 98 + 50 = 314 (3d100 + 50)

125 62 63

King Hallaster really blowing it out of the park here. It isn't impossible for her to lose this second round, though...

Also, Elliot throwing this on purpose would be amusing, though I suspect Arty wouldn't like it.
Fucking hell

Well, I suppose that femdom fic is next on the list.

Holy shit, blown out by our tiny Queen.
>It isn't impossible for her to lose this second round, though...
even you knew that was a load of bullshit the second you typed that down, defeat was guaranteed, SPECIALLY with a +50, like, cmon...
the dice choose someone to give shit rolls, which became us after Hugo stopped being part of the quest
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Rolled 96 + 45 (1d100 + 45)

It is well known King Hallaster can only roll well for shit that doesn't matter like dancing or cooking unless he is protecting Arty. We were doomed from the start.

I guess we should have recruited Hugo instead of Brighton.

Dice for fun.
see? the roll no longer counts and now he gets an amazing roll
we are legit cursed
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Still wouldn't have mattered. Arty is stronger than a 7th year with god genes and years of training. Guess we are wearing the skirt in the relationship, considering we are "only" as good as Lily.
You are all big crybabies, no wonder the dice gods hate you
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I am perfectly happy losing THIS roll. Giving the waifu a new body was the best decision of the quest.
In the moment it takes your mind to realize there’s no Helga to help you anymore, Arty is already casting more spells. You block and spin, jumping behind a fallen table before shouting “Depulso!” and launching it at her. It’s her time to dive away, but as she does she shouts “Accio!” and something flies off from behind you, clipping you in the shoulder and almost dropping you to the floor.

The fight goes on, you and her giving your best and having fun doing it. It hurts, sometimes, but just like the dancing a while ago you two are great at it together. There is fire, eventually, and smoke, and plenty of things get broken in the way, and you’re pretty sure both of you twisted your ankles at some point. But you’re both laughing. Exhausted, but laughing.

It all finally comes to a close when you cast a stupefy that you’re already far too tired to try casting, Arty falls into a roll and as you try to sluggishly cast another bolt-

Thwack! "Ow!"

A shoe hits you right in the forehead and your wand slips from your hand with the impact.

Levicorpus!” Both your feet are pulled from underneath you and you hang in the air, your wand on the floor and too far away for you to do anything about it.

Panting, Arty slowly approaches you, one foot missing a shoe.

“I won,” she says, simply.

“You did. And I was really trying to win, too. Starting to think I should have made myself a body, no Hufflepuff should have this much power.”

“Well, king Hallaster, do you know what that means? Losing to your… to your Queen?”

“I don’t know, but… I’m happy to find out.”

She flicks her wand letting you fall to the floor, then straddles you. She kisses you, pressing her forehead against yours.

“It means we get to take a shower… Then ask the room to become something more comfortable. Then… We’ll see.”

“Are we sure we need a shower? Showers take time and I’m… very anxious to see what we’ll see.”

“Elliot! I’m sweating buckets! That was a proper workout!” She sniffs under her own arm, then makes a disgusted face. “Ew! No! We’re showering! I don’t want to- no! There is no part of this that is happening without a shower!”

“Whatever you say, ma’am. You’re the winner, after all.”


There is a shower, which you do suggest could be shared, but she refuses, telling you to be patient. When you return, properly washed and clean, you find her waiting for you with her hair still wet, leaning against the wall by a large bed, once more in her yellow and black dress.

“You know, I really like that dress,” you say, approaching.

“Do you?” She wraps her arms around you, looking up into your eyes. “What do you like about it?”


“I like its colors, Hufflepuff like you. I like how well it fits, because you are in it. I like how it shows your body that you usually hide in oversized robes. I like it because every time I’ve seen it worn, it was by someone who I’m in love with,” you wait until you see the red, “and someone who I can always make blush.”

“Do you… do you know what I was thinking about doing?”

“I think I do. I’ll admit I only have theoretical knowledge about it, but… I can’t be sure until you tell me what, exactly, you want me to do.”

“I- That’s mean! Girls can’t talk about that kind of thing!”

“Oh, so they can just heavily suggest it, is that right?”

“Pretty much.”

“Well, I’m sorry, Ms. Pertinger, but I wouldn’t want to do anything wrong. You see, I just lost a combat against a dreadfully powerful and skilled opponent, and wouldn’t want to anger her by doing the wrong thing.”

She glares at you.

“You are a prat, did you know that?”

”I try my best.”

“And if I tell you and you think it’s disgusting?”


“Sorry! I’m just really nervous about it, ok!? It’s not like I’ve ever done this before!”

“Right, so… I’m here, Arty. I’m yours. Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do it and I promise that if anything embarrassing happens, and I’m sure it will happen because we’re two idiots doing this for the first time together, I’ll never tell another soul. I won’t even mention it to you ever again if you don’t want me to. Does that help?”

“It… It does. I mean, I knew all that but… Thanks.” She buries her face in your chest. “I thought I’d lose that fight and that this would have been easier.”

“Then you shouldn’t have fought so damn hard!”

“And let you win!? No way! You, uh, you didn’t let me, right?”

“I wish I had, it would be easier on my ego. But no. It was fair and square, I promise. I mean, if I had my potions maybe things could have gone differently, but I spent them all saving the world.”

“You did do that. Still, would have made things easier for me if you had been in charge.”

“I can be in charge, if you want me to.”

“No way, no how, sir! I won, so… So I’ll lead.”

You kiss her and let your hands wander to interesting places.

“Then lead away.”


The rest of the night, or actually morning since the party and the fighting had gone so late it was already early, is spent discovering new sounds you can get her to make. It is awkward and strange and it takes a while for you to understand what you’re working with while trying to remember anything and everything you’ve ever heard on the subject, but in the end you realize it is much like Potions. Someone else’s notes will only take you so far. The real secret is in listening to the brew in front of you, how it bubbles and sputters, how it boils and twists.


And Arty moaning your name is something very easy to listen to.

Once that is done, and done again, she insists on repaying the favor, which is an entirely different set of discoveries. You remember a conversation you once had with Taylor, what felt like an eternity ago, and though Arty doesn’t have gills, she makes up for it with the same enthusiasm as she has for everything in her life.

And, when all is over, the two of you collapse in bed and only wake up after lunchtime.

“Hey,” she says, with messy bed hair.

“Hey. So… Was last night good or embarrassing?”

“Both. But mostly good. And me? Did I do… good?”

“You were perfect, Arty. But I think both of us have more to learn.”

“Oh, we certainly do. But not today. I think we’ve already done plenty of things we shouldn’t do today.”

“Then, tomorrow?”

She bites her lip, smiling. “Whenever we can.”

You lazily clean up and dress up, already putting the day’s classes as lost. You have no doubt that you’re going to get some detention or lose some points for flunking a whole day, but hopefully you’ve gotten some goodwill from the teachers for being “kidnapped” that they won’t be too harsh.

When you two are ready to go, you stand in front of the door, looking at each other, stalling before going back to the real world.

“You think we’ll have a few normal months before, you know, the end of the world comes knocking again?”

“I hope so. I have more untowards things I want to do to you, Ms. Pertinger.”

“And I think I have some more untowards things I want done to me, Mr. Hallaster. But that’s not what I asked.” Her tone becomes serious for a moment. “What do you think will happen?”

“Fire and doom? Who knows?” You shrug. “Right now I’m more worried about Potter, but at the same time… I don’t really have any other plans. I spent the rest of the year studying Last Light and then the Fifth Founder, and now… There are no obvious clues. I don’t know where we’re going.”

“That’s a bit terrifying, isn’t it?”

“Open fields ahead. No road to follow, only any direction we choose. But as long as you’re with me, I’m not scared. We’ll fight and win. Together.”

“And then? Once we win?”

“We write a book telling our story and live off the royalties.”

“In a home with a white picket fence?”

“I was thinking more in line of a castle on the moon, but a little home with a picket fence is good too.”

“I didn’t say ‘little’. I want a big home, with lots of rooms and a big garden the kids can run on.”


“Kids. A lot of kids. Do you have a problem with that?”

“Nope. But I don’t think you get kids doing what we did today.”

She elbows you in the ribs.


Slowly, Elliot! There’s no need to rush things. I’m not planning on doing my N.E.W.T.s with a big belly! Or fighting Merlin with one, in fact. So you better settle down. That’s, you know, for the future. We have time. You gave me time. And now that we have it… I plan on enjoying every moment of it.”

She’s right, of course. The prospect of having actual kids any time soon is utterly terrifying, and you want several more years before even thinking about it in any way other than jokingly. But the idea is enough to light your heart on fire and spread warmth throughout your whole body.

And the image you had seen in the Mirror, of Arty surrounded by kids, by your kids, suddenly doesn’t seem so impossible. Almost achievable, almost there. Not now, but eventually. If not a thousand years with her, a hundred. If not every single one of your friends, then those who are still here.

Not perfection, but enough.

A frail reality, but closer than anything else. You, Arty and a bunch of kids, growing old by each other. That wouldn’t be that bad, would it?

You think… you think you could be happy with that.

And at the same time… There is Atlantis. There is Merlin and Salazar. The Beast and the End of the World. And, whether fate reserves one or the other for you, there’s still a lot of work to be done either way.

“And I plan on enjoying those moments with you, Arty. But now we should stop stalling, before people start thinking we got kidnapped again.”

And you two walk back to Hogwarts together, to get mercilessly teased by Linda and avoid being in the general vicinity of Apollo, just in case.


The rest of the week passes and the hush-hush of you having been kidnapped and somehow getting Excalibur slowly dies down as the next week rolls over and past. You have more apparating classes and get an extra couple of sessions to compensate for the ones you missed. You actually start to improve, now managing to get most of your body through it at once.

The Three Broomsticks gets a sudden influx of visitors wanting to get a glimpse of you and your sword, so you avoid it for a while. With Potter gone, Defence classes get replaced by far more theoretical ones lectured by Professor Gorski while McGonagall searches for someone to properly replace him.

For now, there is peace. What will you do with your free time? (Pick two)

> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
> Study with Linda, Arty, Apollo, Brighton or Helga (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)
> Study another subject (+1 to another subject)
> Research a new topic (What?)
> Other (Write in)
didnt we lose stats? maybe it could be a good idea to recover those points back, what was it? potions?
also, just a question for clarity´s sake
was that sex or just very thorough fooling around?
You lost a few points in potions, yes

The second one
ahh that clears all doubts i had, in that case
>Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
That was very fucking cute, QM. Made me smile the whole time. I might have more to say after I properly wake up from a nap and it is no longer like 95 degrees outside.

> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)

> Send an Owl to mom and Dad, ask for an advance on your allowance to get a new pouch. Send a pic with your cool new sword.
>pick two
i forgot the second one!
i'll support this >>6083802
getting our pouch back seems like a very good investment
I think next week we should elect to train with our sword with Brighton/Godric. I wonder if Mcgonagall will let the Founder of Gryffindor have his old blade back. Brighton's dad did use it to great effect fighting the giant snake, family tradition, heh.

Also adding some pussy eating to another fic I have a couple of pages on.
should probably wait until we know Godric's woken up from the mind-coma
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He was taking Brighton voice when he saw the Sorting Hat and I don't think Brighton himself gives a shit about sword fighting. We can ask Linda/Raven how awake her mind ghost is, next week. She was able to respond to Helga because they are gay for one another. Or Bi at least.

Also don't forget to vote.

For thos that care, here is a short one. Still need to work on the Raven/Rowena one and Elliot getting the shit beat out of him.

https://rentry dot co/rwe56cs2
short but sweet, cute
> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
> Research a new topic (What?)
Ancient WIZARD history, from before Britain? Surely they have their own, magically-inclined accounts of things like... The Bronze Age Collapse, maybe?
Thank you. Got some inspiration from our gacious QM. I have found I just like Arty and Elliot being cute together rater than fucking like animals. I will get around to that but Arty is more of a slow burn girl, after all.
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Here yall go. What it says on the tin. Worst timeline. Wrote most of it before Helga got a new body and Avalon was over during the hiatus so ignore any inconsistencies. No sex, just an alt fic but Arty does break our boy's nose.

https://rentry dot co/awsi4ez9
One more, which I intended to post for National Depression/Mental Health Awarness month.

https://rentry dot co/v33yvgx8

Yes I am a machine I suppose. +500000 characters not counting spaces.
Total, not this fic.
>2 fics while i was sleeping
please anon, slow down! i can only read so fast
WorstTimeline was made a while back
What he said. Most of the shit I have posted was like 95% done... just needed an ending or polishing to account for new developments.

I think that is all of them cleared out for now. might have one or two half written ones aside from the futa shit, just gonna see where my writing takes me.
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Here is one more, since we did have like a 2 month hiatus and if it is under 10 pages I can usually get one of these out in a couple of nights, aside from the polishing. Unless it is THAT one which I just cant get inspiration for. Might need to browse /d/, which I am sure Raven has been to.

Arty talking about her childhood some and fears.

Also implied urine play in the future.

Also if begging mom and dad for money is a free action, I wouldn't mind talking with Apollo and Arty about what happened when they were kiddos, in quest.

https://rentry dot co/sptrvc79
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>Also implied urine play in the future.
yeah, i was not a fan of it either, but i do find interesting the idea of them exploring fetishes even if they end up not liking them, sounds like a nice way to bond
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I doubt I will ever write that stuff since I have... experimented with it and it was neither my thing or girlfriends. But we were dumb teens and like


said just trying different shit, to see what stuck. Also how we found out she liked bdsm but with out the S and M. If I ever wrote about it it would likely be one pargraph of trying for a bit and deciding nah.
>Would you still love me if I was a giant bee, Elliot?

>What the fuck, Arty.

>Not that good at human Transfiguration, I suppose. But would you?

>I am finteing this now.
i knew i shouldnt have told you about that AI...
Too late now. Someone in the first or second thread should have also never told me to give writing some smut a shot. Now yall are stuck with me.
>Also if begging mom and dad for money is a free action, I wouldn't mind talking with Apollo and Arty about what happened when they were kiddos, in quest.

It'll take an action to do that, because if you plan on talking to both of them about it, that is going to be one hell of a conversation, and I'll have to make a secondary vote to know how the hell you're going to approach the topic (Namely, are you going to get them both and tell Arty that Apollo tried to kill her when she was a kid, will you approach just Apollo and try to convince him to tell her, will you not mention it, etc)

Also, apologies for the spotty updates. It's been a busy few days, but I expect things to be better on the second half of the week.


“Dear Mom and Dad,” you write. “Through a very complicated, fortunate and coincidental series of events, I have come into the possession of Excalibur. Also, I have lost my pouch. Could I have an early allowance?”

You frown. No, this would never get past your mom. You crumple it and start again. You couldn’t just tell them the full truth but… Maybe a piece of the lie Granger told the world?

“Hey mom, hey dad. I have some news. A lot of things happened in the past few weeks, things that I can’t tell you about. Serious things that involved people like Harry Potter and the Ministry of Magic. No, none of it was my fault, but I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up getting swept up into things. Everything ended up well enough, and I’m not in any trouble, so if mom is freaking out about that, she can relax. I still have the same number of scars as ever.”

“But there were some interesting things that happened because of the things that I can’t tell you about. First, I met King Arthur. Great guy, could use a rest. Second, as you can see in the picture, I got Excalibur, and the best wizards in the Ministry don’t know how to get it to stop being at my hip. Dad, yes, I am appropriately losing my shit over it. Also, yes, I know where Camelot really was and I’m going to make you wait until Easter break to tell you. Mom, no, it doesn’t mean I’m king of Britain, I checked. You’ll have to wait until Easter break to learn about it too. It’s just a month away, I’m sure you can wait. Also, can Arty, Apollo and their sister Helga come for Easter, too?”

“Anyway, that is all very interesting and I can’t wait to ignore all your questions that I can’t answer, but I also unfortunately lost my pouch in the process of getting my new Sword with capital ‘s’, so I’m asking my wonderful, understanding and caring parents for a slight advancement on my allowance so I can buy another one.”

“Love you, Eliiot.”

Yes, that would do nicely. You take a quick stroll to the owlery and send it away shortly before the sun sets.


As any proper wizard establishment, Gringotts is not open at all hours, of course. They may make exceptions if you are a particularly powerful or rich client, such as a Malfoy for example, but for common folk? They open at 6am sharp, not a second earlier.

It is also known that even though from London to the particular splash of Scotland Hogwarts happens to inhabit is a distance of over 600 kilometers, owls somehow manage to cross that space in a little under 4 hours.

It is 10:03am of the following day, in the middle of Transfiguration, when a ragged owl interrupts class furiously tapping the window with such fervor that Professor Irakay takes pity on it and lets it deliver its galleon-filled package.

“Dear son,” the attached letter reads. “I think it is fair to say it is a good thing you have survived whatever has happened to you unscathed, because we both intend on strangling you with our bare hands whenever you arrive for giving us whatever scare you gave us and is not telling us about. Your dad had a conniption and I had to physically stop him from going to King’s Cross and demanding passage to Hogwarts and from going to the University and start rewriting a few history books. He also just wants to know if Camelot was in Colchester, because he has thirty quid on a bet from twenty years ago resting on it.”

“In any case, I am still your mother, be you King of Britain or not, and I can smell your lies from here. I expect a full report before deciding if you’ll be grounded for the rest of your life, and don’t forget that my entire profession is about finding out lies, so I’ll know if you tell me any.”

“Also, of course they can come. I didn’t know they had a sister! I expect you’ll also have a perfectly reasonable explanation for why none of you mentioned her existence earlier. Be safe out there. Love, Mom and Dad.”

“Ps: Remember, I don’t want grandkids before you’re out of Hogwarts. Pps: If you do turn out to be king, I expect a castle as a birthday present. Your dad expects Arthur’s crown, but says he’ll understand if you can’t get it. I won’t. I want my castle.”

People ask why you can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day and you just tell them it’s because of your new pouch, because you really don’t know how else to explain it.



Studying Potions after Ninmue is… strange. It feels like retreading old ground but still not knowing where you are going. Like a constant feeling of deja-vu where you’re almost always about to guess what comes next, but can never actually do it.

But it does remind you of a conversation you once had with Potter, where you suggested telling him everything then erasing his memories. He’s told you that it wouldn’t work because once he knew, once the connections were there, recreating them would be easy. And he’s right. You’re not sure if with any other subject other than your beloved potions this would have been true, but relearning what you once forgot is simpler than doing it the first time.

> Gained: +3 to Potions rolls. New total: +21


I’m giving the letter + pouch as a freebie, so the second action is to study

> Ancient WIZARD history, from before Britain?

I’m not really sure what to make out of that. There was Atlantis, then a great period of chaos and lost, muddy history that eventually coalesced into what is currently known. Some of it is well documented, some isn’t. Before Atlantis… well, most of that probably got wiped along with the city. So here are a few topics that sort of align with that general idea.

> If Atlantis was the source of magic users, where did all other wizards come from?
> There are other great cities of myth. Were they as real as Atlantis? What happened to them/what were they doing when Atlantis fell?
> How did Britain go from whatever was here before the Ministry to the current state of affairs?
> A specific historical event, as seen by the wizards (Which one?) (If is is something Elliot wouldn’t have difficulty finding, you can just ask and I’ll answer without using an action)
> Other (Write in)
perhaps we could ask the Hogwarts ghosts? more specifically, The Gray Lady and The Bloody Baron, out of all the ghosts, they are probably the oldest and closer to the creation of Hogwarts since one is the daugther of Ravencal prime and other other the killer of said daughter.
If there is anyone who knows about ancient history, is most likely them, also Binns
>Also, apologies for the spotty updates.

You give us free entertainment, good entertainment at that so never worry about taking a couple of days to post.

>if you plan on talking to both of them about it

If we elect to, speaking with both in private first, making sure they are okay with us being there when they talk about their worst days would be smart. Assuring Apollo that Arty will still love him despite nearly killing her. Assuring Arty that both you and her brother still lover her despite figuring out the curse, enjoying seeing their care taker suffer.

We are also going to need to figure out something to tell mom about Helga, unless we just decide to come clean. Or that they never knew of her due to how young they were when they were seperated might work but Mom has worked with abused kids and probably realizes they would not have been split up.

Also just a fun updoot. Made me smile.

> There are other great cities of myth. Were they as real as Atlantis? What happened to them/what were they doing when Atlantis fell?
>> There are other great cities of myth. Were they as real as Atlantis? What happened to them/what were they doing when Atlantis fell?
Shangri-La, El Dorado, Valhalla, Lemuria, Hyperborea... the possibilities are endless.
Disregard western mythos, research:
>The Cintāmaṇi stone of eastern mythology, said to be equal to the Philosopher's Stone yet blessed with a different set of abilities - such as granting wishes. Is it real? What do asian wizards have to say on the matter?
You know... we could also research the greatest wizard of all time, Yakub.

We could also research a few more ancient swords. There was something about either Joyeuse or Durandle in the news IRL a while back.

I have a 7 page shit post story concering elliot killing Yakub but I could almost feel the mods staring me down when I posted it in /qtg/ during the hiatus and don't want to court a ban.

We could ask Pevees maybe. He literally came with the castle and might also be another ID of Fastidio. Binns might be good, even if he is young by ghost standards, just because his history boner was strong enough to keep teaching even after death.
>another ID of Fastidio
Is this a reference to what I think it is? Here, of all places?
>something about either Joyeuse or Durandle in the news IRL
Some african scum stole Roland's Durandal I believe

Backing >>6085259 about Arty and Apollo approach
Backing >>6085251 about Gray Lady and Bloody Baron (what would happen if Linda/Rowena go talk to them?) as well as Professor Binns.
Backing >>6085381 about Peeves. I want to see his reaction to Elliot namedropping Fastidio
And backing >>6085323 because I want to get interesting
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>what would happen if Linda/Rowena go talk to them?

That could be... intresting when she wakes up enough. Her and Helena didn't part on the best of terms, after all and Rowena is waking up enough to be kind of gay for Helga.

If we do end up talking with the wifelette and her brother, I fully expect to get slightly misty eyes.

And I would not be suprised if Fastidio and Peeves are either the same guy or maybe "related" given both terms can basically mean annoying.

>Some african scum stole Roland's Durandal I believe

Yeah that is what I thought. They really cant help themselves, can they?
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I do just want to say... I kneel QM.

Your stuff is cuter and sexier than what I can do for now. Arty wanting a big house with a little white picket fence gave me a heart boner. Implying they are going to be "sparing" whenever they can is very hot. If you ever write out completely what they do, it is going straight on a USB, in case my hard drives ever shit themselves again. Just reread the "spar" and yeah. Good shit. Arty being embaressed that she probably smelled down there was adorkable, given most 16 year old virgins are not going to really care when they get to eat a girl out for the first time.
Personally I just want to know...
>What does wizard history say about the Bronze Age Collapse and the Sea People?
I personally suspect it may tie into...
> If Atlantis was the source of magic users, where did all other wizards come from?
So I can support that in a pinch.
> There are other great cities of myth. Were they as real as Atlantis? What happened to them/what were they doing when Atlantis fell?

>The Cintāmaṇi stone of eastern mythology, said to be equal to the Philosopher's Stone yet blessed with a different set of abilities - such as granting wishes. Is it real? What do asian wizards have to say on the matter?

> If Atlantis was the source of magic users, where did all other wizards come from?

Y’all don’t make it easy do you? Alright, I can roll with this tie.


You don't find Linda in the common room in the morning. Instead, you find her only at breakfast, where she's sitting at the furthest corner of the Slytherin table, watching longingly at a table over where a ghost hovers over the students.

“Hey, everything alright?”

“She stole from her, you know? The diadem. It wasn't magical, it wasn't powerful. It was just a pretty thing she liked, a pretty thing Lailoken gave to her when they were just beginning to date. Something that reminded her of when life was simpler. And then it got her daughter killed.”

“The… Gray Lady? Ah. Rowena woke up?”

“She did. We spoke in my dream, that’s as much as she can do now. She says… she says Helena reminded her too much of Lailoken. That she didn't treat her gently because of that, that Helena hated her for it. And every time Salazar let her peek in the Mirror, she’d see Helena loving her, when they were drifting further apart every day. She said she hated that Mirror.”

“She can’t talk through you yet?”

“No. I offered to talk to her but she didn’t want me to, not yet. Not sure if at all.”

“Well, she’ll grow stronger and then you’ll be able to be part of a touching family reunion, which I’m sure you’ll [i]love.[/i]”

“Ugh, don’t talk to me about that.”

A pair of arms wrap around you.

“Hey, what are you two doing here all gloomy?”

“Linda is peeking at the Gray Lady for Rowena.” You look up and kiss Arty. “She’s started to see her in her dreams.”

“Oh, that’s lovely!” Comes an identical voice. “I can’t wait to talk to her again.”

“Can’t you do it already, Helga? Through your mind-connection thingy? Also, hey Apollo,” you nod to both of them.

“Not until she’s fully awake. Remember it took me until Last Light for me to be able to talk to you, and channeling the energy in the Repository helped. It’ll take a while for them to be ready.”

“Are you five clowns really going to stand around spewing super secret crap out in the open or should we take this somewhere not stupid?” Brighton arrives, looking around. “I have shit to say.”

“Alright, alright. Let’s go to Niamh's place. We can talk there and research.”



“This collection is ridiculous,” Brighton says. “The books I can recognize alone would take a Malfoy’s fortune to find in the black market, not to mention the ones I don’t.”

“I’m aware. Which I expect makes it clear you shouldn’t tell anyone about it. Not your dad, not the Notts.”

“Yeah, yeah, get off my back.” He waves you off and flips open a random book. “Fuck, what even [i]is [/i]this language?”

“Ancient Sanskrit. Bloody difficult to learn from what I hear. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?”

“Godric spoke to me, in my dreams. It was strange, having someone else there.”

“Did he say anything useful?”

“Yeah. He told me the location of the Chamber of Answers, which is guarded by an ancient Chimera and has a massive statue of himself as decoration.”

You simply stare at him.

“He told me he’d like to spar against Excalibur when he’s fit. And that doesn’t know where Salazar has gone.”

“Yeah, I figured. I don’t suppose they have some incredibly precious knowledge that would take us directly to the cradle of magic, or something like that, would he?”

“He says that his memories aren’t that precise. He remembers the great beats and moments of his life, but the specifics are clouded.”

“Rowena said the same thing,” Linda nods. “Maybe they will come back with time, but she fears… She fears a lot of it may be lost for good.”

“Well, wouldn’t want to make our lives too easy, would we? Well, that’s a shame.”

“And she apologizes. For not seeing that the drill was a fake.”

You shake your head. “She had no way of knowing. She didn’t know our magical capabilities, what new knowledge he had found. Besides, Salazar did it with the help of the Malfoys. They’d have hired the best of the best to forge it.”

“And now we have their help, right?”

“The [i]Ministry[/i] has their help. We don’t.”

“Then why are we here?” Apollo asks. “They have it under control.”

“They do…” you say, hesitantly.

“But Elliot thinks he’s smarter than them and that he can find out something that they can’t,” Linda says.

“I wouldn’t put it [i]quite[/i] like that.”

“No, I think she has you pegged, Hallaster.”

“You’re here too, aren’t you, Brighton?”

“Yes, but the difference is that I [i]am[/i] smarter than them.”

You just roll your eyes.

“Look, the Ministry has a way of doing things, and that way involves bugs that track you and Unspeakables. And guess what, it didn’t help them. Maybe we can find out something to help, or maybe we can find something that will be useful later. Or maybe we just learn something new about the world no one else knows, something that isn’t useful but unique. That would be cool too.”

“I don’t think that would require a six-person taskforce, so I’ll just be taking advantage of this library to research something interesting instead of whatever it is you have planned. Cool? Cool.”

Brighton struts off somewhere, always eager to remind you why you two didn't start the year as friends in the first place.


“So he didn’t magically stop being a prat,” Arty says.

“He’s a young man who’s having a lot of things happen to him,” Helga says, softly. “Give him time. Godric had his painful days growing up too. As I am sure you know, teenagers are awfully moody. Don’t forget he did listen to you when it mattered.”

“Anyway, what are we researching today?” Linda asks.

“Well, it’s about the rest of the world. We know Atlantis was real, but there were other legendary magical cities. There were other mythical places. We can [i]assume[/i] that every reference to magical, life giving stones all falls back to what Merlin created, but was it? And how? And why? I mean, the myths had to come from somewhere, and it makes sense that europeans know of Atlantis because it was close by, but the hindus had Dvarika for centuries before the cultures met. El Dorado and Cíbola in South America, the Jade Mountain in China, Biringan in the Philippines, and who knows how many others.”

“Stories about Atlantis couldn’t have gotten from Gibraltar to all of these places. So there must have been other people. Other people with the same blood, the same magic. The people whose descendents maybe went on to build the other magical schools, for example. And the question is… What happened to [i]them[/i]? Did they all nuke themselves out of time? Did they just not talk to each other and never noticed the other major powers of the world had suddenly gone missing?”

“Maybe Atlantis was the last one,” Linda says. “Maybe there was a war and the Atlanteans were the only ones left.”

“Maybe,” you nod. “Maybe the plural of ‘wizard’ really was ‘war’. But if that’s the case then we need to know about it. Either to stop it from happening to us… Or to go find their weapons and use them against Salazar. So let’s look at the similarities, and try to find Atlantis’ lost brothers and sisters.”

> Roll a d100+25 (+5 for each person helping you)
Forgot to say Best of 3, but it is a best of 3
Rolled 74 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

Rolled 92 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

wooh! nice roll!
lets see how this goes...
Rolled 44 + 25 (1d100 + 25)

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I have witnessed. Forever shiny and chrome my man.

Rae... being uncomfortable with her only child is kind of sad. I understand, however. When they meet once more... it will be nice.

Brighton still being a cunt is great. I can't wait to d-d-duel him and Godric can fight us, and we blow him out.

The call back to Lily trying to read a book in ancient Sanskrit is nice. Might be important since Cocksucker was making her do it.

Helga being super kind is good. Brighton reminds me a lot of Hawk from Cobra Kai, in the early seasons. I hope he is still kind of a prat in the end but the good kind. We still need a rival.

The people whose descendants maybe went on to build the other magical schools

Will remind yall Salazar's old wand is under a Snakewood tree in Ilvermorny and the founder of that place was a descendant of his.
This is about the best Brighton I can get out of AI, because it does not know what a fucking faux-hawk is.
i always thought of him as a bit...chubbier, not fat, just bigger
AI apparently likes pretty boys. And yeah, movie Neville was a bit over weight but they did do him a touch dirty. I assume his kid is bigger, but has also learned to toss a punch. Probably kinda fit.

And I am very curious, now that he is an ally, what exactly his relationship with the Nott sisters is? Is he just like asexual? I mean most dudes with twins on their elbows would be ecstatic if they were 17.

I also want to know what his specialty is. Likewise, I assume DADA, given he wants to live up to dad and has claimed to know about dark creatures.
>what exactly his relationship with the Nott sisters is? Is he just like asexual? I mean most dudes with twins on their elbows would be ecstatic if they were 17.
I want him to get a good one in on Elliot eventually. One day there's Brighton with the Nott sisters hanging on him, and there across from them is Elliot with Arty and Helga hanging on him. And Brighton calls Elliot so jealous of his twins that Elliot went and got himself a pair of his own. It'd be a funny scene
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If Arty and Helga want to play a prank... both of them giving him a smooch on the cheek in front of the Nott girls and Brighton would be pretty fucking fun. If it doesn't happen in quest, I suppose I have no choice. I have written worse...
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Hope this one is sweeter. Sweet like our girl is down there.

https://rentry dot co/o8q9ch8a
Remind me again writefag, you got a place to put all this stuff into?
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Aside from a USB and a couple of hard drives, not yet. Will find somewhere. If you need another, just ask and I will toss them out, even if my first couple are kinda rough.

Gonna put them all some place. Thought I might get done but more inspiration and life going right for a while, even if I got a spider bite doing yardwork has given me ideas.
just in case, i´ve been saving all of them in my laptop, so far (and if i havent missed any) with this one you just posted, you have writen 20 fanfics so far
I think my formatting won’t work because I’m posting from somewhere else, but let’s see.


With the wealth of information in Niamh’s Library, it is difficult to find anything in particular. The books [i]seem [/i]to be organized in [i]some [/i]way, but it is difficult to understand [i]how[/i]. But you and your friends get around to it, picking up books in the languages you know and marking dictionaries you need to fetch for the next time.

“You know I’m a Hufflepuff, right?” Arty says, eventually. “We’re not made to pour over books for hours on end. You need more Ravenclaw friends.”

“I thought you were all about hard work and effort. This is hard work.”

“Hard work a small army of Ravenclaws could do much more efficiently.”

“I mean, we could invite Amalia, or Brighton’s girlfriends-”

“They’re not my girlfriends.”

“Or Brighton’s not-girlfriends, but I feel the chance of anyone who hasn’t been to Avalon spilling the beans and we ending up in the Daily Prophet is a bit too large for us to handle.” You shuffle closer to where she’s lying on a sofa holding a book over her face. “So, what have you found?”

“I mean… Stories about magical cities have always existed but it’s difficult to get a time where they happened. I mean, when you saw Atlantis, there didn’t happen to be a calendar with the year printed in bold letters somewhere that would give us some notion of when to look, was there?”

“Unfortunately, I don’t think those quite existed yet. But Merlin said that the Greek would appear ‘in many, many moons, more moons that you have days’. The Greek sort of appeared in 1200 BC according to the best muggle historians, so if we assume Merlin’s mom was in her fifties, assume each Moon means a month, take the amount of days in fifty years, that would be…” You squint as you try to make the calculation in your head.

“One thousand, five hundred and twenty years,” Brighton says from somewhere. “And change.”

“Yeah, that. So at least five thousand years ago, and he did say ‘many, many more moons’. Maybe that was hyperbole, maybe it wasn’t. Nimue mentioned Merlin stopping the world from being destroyed four thousand years ago, and I figure that’s at least a more certain number.” You see Apollo standing up and going to a large old globe, one which still had very wrongfully drawn continents, probably from the early fifteenth hundreds. He stares at it intently. “What are you doing, Apollo?”

He doesn’t answer, instead pulling his wand and transfiguring a piece of paper nearby. Slowly, he creates a network of a few dozen metal lines around the globe, crisscrossing in several directions.

You raise an eyebrow.

“Ley lines? They’re not real. I mean, wizards found no evidence to-”


“No. It’s something else. This author from the ninth century says they are rotating [i]something [/i]lines of power, which some other old city used to travel around.” He shows you a book covered in ancient and inscrutable runes, pointing at one in specific. “I don’t know what that rune means.”

You don’t know any of the other runes in the page, but you recognise the one he’s pointing to instantly. “Oh, that means [i]wohsi.[/i]” You stop. Your brain gives a very strange feeling. “Wait, what?”

“Are you having a stroke, Hallaster?”

“[i]Wohsi[/i]. You know, the thing you can [i]cafru oyt on[/i].” Your brain gives another strange feeling. What are you even talking about?

“Is this book cursed?” Arty asks, looking worried.

“[i]Depulso![/i]” Linda shouts.

The book flies off your hands. You are still very confused. You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. What in Merlin’s name…

“Pollo, you touched the book too. Are you alright?”

“I… I think I am. I don’t feel anything wrong with me.”

“We should probably get him to the infirmary,” Helga says. “Best to do it quickly if it was really a curse.”


“He seems fine. I can’t detect anything affecting him,” Madam Pomfrey says, gently waving her wand around. “What did you say he was doing?”

“We were exploring the Room of Requirement,” Linda says without a moment of hesitation. “We asked for the oldest things it had and started looking through, just out of curiosity, then he started saying nonsense with a strange voice.”

“Well, whatever it was, it is gone now. Maybe some minor Confundus charm to prevent people from using something there. Let me know if you still feel any confusion or strange effects again. Also, as usual, I would recommend not meddling with old things hidden in the castle, Mr. Hallaster, but I know my advice would go unheeded given the sword in your hip. As such, I can only ask that you keep on only getting [i]yourself[/i] cursed when dealing with such things.”

You are quickly hurried off the infirmary, your friends right behind you.

“Sorry about that,” you say. “I was just so sure… What did I even say, again?”

“That the rune meant ‘wosi, the thing you can cafruit on’.” Apollo says.

“That doesn’t sound right. Well, whatever it was, I think I’m alright now. We’ll be more careful with those books in the future.”

And yet, even as you walk back to your dormitory, you can’t help but think you might have stumbled into something important, even if you don’t quite know what.



The owl arrives late at night.

“First off, don’t be surprised when this letter bursts into flames after you’re done reading it. Perfectly normal procedure,” it reads, signed by Ronald Weasley. “I just wanted to let you know that your [i]secondary teacher [/i]was found dead in his cell this afternoon. His heart gave out, probably from all the commotion your little stunt over the forest caused. I don’t know if you care, but I figured I should let you know. We told who he was to Minerva, but kept it from the Longbottoms. Seemed unnecessary to burden them with that. If you wish to share that information with them, it is your call.”

It harmlessly bursts into flame the moment your eyes reach the last letter.

Well, that was it then. Crouch was dead, after a life in Azkaban and another in some other cold hole in the ground. He was a crazy bastard, but also one hell of a teacher. You are certain you couldn’t have survived Avalon without him, so a part of you feels a bit sad that he’s gone.

Then you remember he tortured Brighton’s grandparents into insanity, and that sadness goes away.

A loss for your learning opportunities, but not one anyone will feel deeply sad about.


Things finally calm down enough that you risk going to the Three Broomsticks again, where Hannah stops any remaining curious visitors from approaching you. Curiously, Brighton sits with you.

“I think this is the first time I see you here.”

“I’ve had enough of this place during my childhood.” He stops, looking around, then points to a corner of the pub where two children are playing, their parents not too far away. “I remember playing with Lily right there while our parents talked. You think she already had… [i]him[/i] in her head?”

“She was four when he got to her, maybe five. So probably, yeah.”

“I keep thinking I should have seen something was wrong,” he says, then interrupts you when you open your mouth, raising a hand. “Yeah, I know. I’m smart enough to know when my heart is telling something my head should ignore. If Potter didn’t see it, I had no chance.”

“Have you two told her?”

“Tell mom about Avalon? Nah. No reason to. We thought about telling gran-gran but… Well, don’t know if her heart could take it. Dad’s been trying to convince her to stop looking for healers for my grandparents but… She’s a tough old lady.”

“She did seem like it.”

He raises an eyebrow. “You met her?”

“When I was in St. Mungo’s. She was there visiting your parents and we talked.” You take a swig of your butterbeer. “She was the one who told me about your stuffed puffskein.”

He chokes on his drink and coughs a bit before recovering.

“Blasted old witch.”

“I don’t think she’d like hearing you say that about her.”

“She says worse.”


You two watch the bar in silence while Linda trounces Apollo in wizard chess, Helga watching with curiosity and commenting on how the rules had changed from her time. Eventually, you can’t help but ask.

“What’s up with you and the Notts?”

“What about me and the Notts?”

“I mean… Are you three a thing? I could never figure it out.”

“The fuck are you talking about, Hallaster? Were you, Linda and Taylor a thing?”

“Well, no, but-”

“Then shut the fuck up. They’re sisters for Merlin's sake. Not everyone needs to be a thing.”

You raise your hands in defeat. “Alright, alright, no need to get touchy about it. Sorry.”

“A [i]thing[/i],” he murmurs under his breath. “Can you believe that? Slytherin prat.”

“Hey, I apologized, ok?”

The hours pass, Arty going by every now and then between serving tables. Maybe this isn’t the right place, but you start thinking about Crouch. It wouldn’t do Brighton any good to know, it would just be opening up a wound to try closing it again but… He deserves to, right? You’re not sure what is the proper thing to do.

> Tell him Crouch was your teacher, and that he’s dead now
> No need to bring old pains to the surface. He's always known Crouch is dead, he doesn't nee to know he was alive a day ago
> Tell him Crouch was your teacher, and that he’s dead now
Elliot and Arty almost killed him themselves by the end of the lessons
>> Tell him Crouch was your teacher, and that he’s dead now
he's so not dead
well, first of all, that fucker is VERY much not dead...i dont want to tell him because i can smell the drama happening 2 days from now...but...
> No need to bring old pains to the surface. He's always known Crouch is dead, he doesn't nee to know he was alive a day ago
if we tell him he is dead now and later WHEN he comes back for our asses, Brighton is gonna be VERY pissed with us for giving him wrong information
no no he's smart, in his heart of hearts he'll know he's not dead and we'll be ready
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> Tell him Crouch was your teacher, and that he’s dead now

Bonding moment with him. But since he died from being so happy about The Dark Mark... our own battle classes are on the table.

Crouch was our teacher... Brighton needs to decide i if he wants to follow us, smart enough to so. And we are smart enough to figure out the runes. I will look at them, when I really awake.
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Jesus. I have a couple more in the works.... but this stuff has helped clear my head. So good on it.

Might try the opening prompt of the quest i was thinking of later today. Need to grab a glass of wine before I try. I am kinda embarrassed and need people's input to tell where it will go. I have an idea but we ended up with best girl just because QM needed some tiny girl to be bullied. So who knows?
> Tell him Crouch was your teacher, and that he’s dead now
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Gonna love the new Harry Potter shit being filled with nigs I suppose. Emma will always be Hermione, in my mind. Nothing against blacks, my best drug dealer was one.

I suppose I must post Elliot Hallaster vs. The Wrath of Yakub once more. Give me a minute, gonna make it even more racist, out of spite.
I know this is 4chan, but let's try keeping the racism at a minimum, anon.
That one made me kek hard
>Elliot Hallaster vs. The Wrath of Yakub
You have my undivided attention.
Courting a ban and QM disliking me, but here we go. Please realize it is like an 8 page shit post. I do actually have black and Hispanic friends, just been on the internet for a long time.

I somehow made it worse if you want a laugh after work.

https://rentry dot co/m2ct6k9b
Truly the fanfic of all time and definite proof that 4chan is the gift that keeps on giving.
Thank you for the chuckle, anon.

>captcha JK P0X
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I am very happy you got a laugh out of something I wrote in an afternoon on a Sunday while day drinking and on painkillers.
>mods fucked up and purged like 75% of all boards
>/qst/ is intact
>purged like 75% of all boards
quick rundown?
simply put, mods fucked up
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The fuck... holy crap. /int/ and /b/ have issues but... Well, recall they briefly auto banned our dear QM for something at Christmas. I just got a breif error, too.
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Also, I hope you are proud, Kektus. I now simp for Merula and have started Merula-posting in the cutie-G. Merulapuff is better, fight me.
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oh hell yeah. the more Merufans the better.
>Merupuff is better
she is cute, but you posted the wrong Merupuff
Don't mind them being a touch thick, even if I am more of a petite/waif man. You have gotten me to download Open Mystery, even if I have not played it yet. Check out OMG just for the art every couple of days, quite a bit of which makes me smile.

If I ever write a what if far in the future for Apollo and Riley... well, I suppose they are having 4 daughters. Might either post either a preview of Rowena/Raven or the OP for Ilvermorny Quest tonight since I am feeling good and had a nice dinner when I went to Mom's.

Also thinking of carving a DHQ pumpkin for Halloween, if we are still around by then, and showing it off.
ooh dude! that sounds awesome, make sure you to let us know when you start your quest! im 100% playing it

>checked /OMG/
you are always welcome there, make sure to ask for me or Griffin if you ever have problems running OM
Here you go. Fuck the character limit.

oh shit! kets gooo! the wizarding quest family grows!
btw i just updated mine
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I will vote and read in a second. 4chan seemed to be crapping itself so I took a nap before posting. Also gotta hit up QTG with this. Gonna try for one update a day unless my work schedule changes.
being wiped is a better fate for /b/ than its current state
>Fuck the character limit.
Truer words have never been spoken


You spend a while at the table before asking. You figure that if worse comes to worse, he can either run back to the castle before everyone else or disappear back into the private parts of the Three Broomsticks.

“Hey, could we talk outside?”

Brighton gives you a strange look, but follows as you stand up. March’s air is bringing warmth with it, but it is still cold enough you need to rub your hands to keep them warm outside, so you make a small show of walking to warm your legs before stopping by an isolated overlook from where you can see the Remus Lupin Werewolf Aid Center, both of you still sipping on a bottle of butterbeer.

“Spill it, Hallaster.”

“Right. I… Do you remember what I told all of you? About the tutor Potter had found me?”

“The one that taught you the Dark Mark? Yeah.” He looks at you, first questioningly, then his face turns to understanding, then… Peace. “Ah. Let me guess, Rodolphus Lestrange? One of the four who tortured my grandparents into insanity? Oh, come on, don’t look that surprised there were only so many ways this conversation could possibly go once you started with that. The other three are dead, so that’s the only Death Eater that you’d feel awkward about.”

“Sorry, forgot that you were smart. But no, not Lestrange. Crouch.

“Crouch?” He raises an eyebrow. “Huh. Potter was sure full of surprises. Don’t think my dad would be happy to hear that. How did he escape a Dementor’s Kiss?”

“Beats me,” you shrug. “They never told me what happened. I just wanted to tell you that I got a letter yesterday. He died in his cell. Heart attack. I figured you should know, both that he taught me and that he’s dead for real this time. We went through Avalon together, and you fought hard to make sure we got through. I didn’t want to hide anything from you. Probably going to tell the others later once Apollo is far from anything I don’t want destroyed, but you should be the first one to know.”

He nods, taking a sip of his bottle.

“I get it. Thanks for the heads up. Not sure if I’m going to tell Dad. If he’s dead now, well, it doesn't change much.”

“I thought the same thing about telling you. But I figured you’d have a… stronger reaction to it.”

“Nah. I saw what happened in Avalon. You were fighting hell. You did what you had to do, and you didn’t hurt anyone. I can respect that, at least. And about it being Crouch…” he sighs. “I’m pissed off about Potter not telling us, and about him letting Crouch see even a speck of daylight but, well, my grandparents wouldn’t have lost to anyone. Those four were Voldemort’s strongest, and that’s the only reason they fell. If you were to learn from anyone… I’m sure you couldn’t have asked for a more ruthless teacher.”

“You have no idea. That arsehole hit hard, man.”


He laughs. “No less hard than you deserve. You had a Founder in your head and been training with a Death Eater and you still struggled against me? Ridiculous. I mean, I know I am awesome, but you really need to do better, Hallaster.”

“Hey, I only began training with him after I beat you. Beforehand it was pure Hallaster grit. And the Founder in my head, yes, but that bit of power I spent trying to find a way to beat the Headmistress, not you.

“Psh, sure. I’ll try to remember that next time we fight and I am the one with the Founder in my head.”

“Want to spar? I’m pretty sure both of us have powerful magical swords at our disposal.”

“Except that mine happens to have killed a basilisk, so a single cut can kill you.”

“Ah-ah-ah, it did not!Potter said Tom Riddle’s shadow killed the basilisk, and as such no basilisk venom for you. Your sword is just as harmful as mine. Though I wouldn't mind testing that assumption beforehand, of course.”

“Then game on, Hallaster. Just… don’t mention it to any girls in Ravenclaw.”

“What? Why?”

“Some of them, from a very specific type of mindset… have started writing things about two rivals from different houses, locked in battle, who were forced to work together to overcome an evil wizard who kidnapped them, and in adversity they found friendship, and perhaps something more.” As he speaks, your stomach sinks. “Do I need to elaborate, Hallaster?”

“Oh Merlin.”

“Yeah. I had the Notts find and destroy every copy of it they could get their hands on, but I am sure a few survived.”

“They were distributing copies? I’ll… I’ll talk to Amalia, see if she knows something and offer her a few galleons to poison them.”

“Good. Just don’t let them hear we’re planning murder together. That’s bound to spread some rumors.”


Another week, another choice. Now halfway through March, the Easter Holiday is just four weeks away. After that, a month of revisions followed by a brutal week of exams. But you have time until then. What will you do this week? (Pick two)

> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
> Study with Linda, Arty, Apollo, Brighton or Helga (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)
> Study another subject (+1 to another subject)
> Research a new topic (What?)
> Talk to the Pertingers about their childhood (How?)
> Spar with Brighton
> Other (Write in)
>Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
i´ll pick these until we are back to our previous numbers
>Study with Helga
perhaps she is out of our head for now, but we could still find use to strengthen our bond, maybe help her remember a bit more stuff? she could teach us something if she manages to remember something useful
>the Hogwarts fujos ship Brelliot
Kek! Amazing. Checks out. They'd be a cute coupel if you were into that thing. A distaff Brighton would have been tsundere waifu material for sure.

> Study with Linda, Arty, Apollo, Brighton or Helga (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)
Got do do it, after that.
> Study your Potion books
We have fujos writing stuff about us and Brighton. I laughed terribly hard at that. And that we will be crossing swords soon... Kek.

> Talk to the Pertingers about their childhood (How?)

Ask each of them if they are ready. Want to talk of nearly killing their sister, of teaching their brother a terrible curse. If we can... perhaps a tiny bottle of firewhskey. Lots of tissues too.

> Study with Linda, Arty, Apollo, Brighton or Helga (pick one, +2 to chosen person’s expertise)

Helga Motherfucking Hufflepuff.
>Talk to Professor Flitwick about filling in the absence left by the army battles with his favored hobby - Dueling. You'd love to be part of a more formal and regular dueling team.
> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
> Spar with Brighton
> Study your Potion books (+2 to Potions)
Also when did Brighton get Gryffindor's Sword? Or is that something Neville just kept?
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IDK. There has always been a replica in the Headmasters office, and Neville pulled the real on out of a literal hat. I guess he kept it?
>Talk to Professor Flitwick about filling in the absence left by the army battles with his favored hobby - Dueling. You'd love to be part of a more formal and regular dueling team.
>Spar with Brighton
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Alright. So Crouch is 100% alive. Recall how tough wizards are? He war what, 50? Fairly active given he fought with Elliot and Arty 4 days a week. The cure to cancer is one potion away. Never showed any signs of having heart trouble. And as we have seen, the HP adults have no issue lying. He escaped with the corrupt prison guard's help.
potter did already tell us a lot of what's in the books isn't actually what happened here
To the like 2 guys who read this, her is like 2 pages of Helga and Arty, I wrote on a whim and cold pills.

https://rentry dot co/5oiyaw96
Oh, I assumed we all realized that OOC.
oh sweet! more fanfics are always welcomed!
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I think IC Elliot suspects his tutor is still around. OOC, Crouchy-boy is way too fun to just kill off screan.

Enjoy. I have a longer one with her, Arty, and Elliot I am working with so we will see, as our waifu would put it.
curious if anyone will actually write the canon elliotxbrighton gay fanfic
I have heard the call and while very straight... I shall try once I get over my cold; try to write rivals crossing "Swords". RavenXRowena comes first because futa is hardkek.... but as our adorable girlfriend might say, "we will see".
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>No update since monday

If this goes on, I will have no choice but to begin mourning that the curse has won out against HeadQM. Organize a digital wake.

This is a joke, I realize you have a life outside giving faggots on a Lemurian potion making site free entertainment.
slow days are the worst, but the updates are always worth it.
i also have to update my quest, job hunting is fucking hell for quests...
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I hope you have all the luck in the world, my man. I fucking hate looking for a new jobs. It once took something like 2 months for a hospital to give me an interview. Got the position on the spot but screw that.
we went much longer than this with no updates, the wait was worth it
I live, bitch. The updates are shorter recently because work is being rough, unfortunately. Hopefully I’ll get back to writing bigger ones soon.


You approach professor Flitwick as the last Monday class ends, the small teacher looking up at you with kind eyes. As head of Ravenclaw, you are sure he knows that a lot of what he’s been told about you is nonsense, but he seems to be taking it in stride.

“Yes, young Elliot?”

“Professor, I just wanted to ask… With Potter gone, our activities have been lacking the, well, stimulus that they had before. So I was wondering if maybe it would be possible to restart the old Duelling Club. I know there’d be a lot of people who would love to learn from a champion like you, sir.”

“Ah, the flattery of Slytherins is truly a thing of wonder, isn’t it?” He asks, chuckling. “Yet its beauty is that even when noticed, it is not fully ineffective. Yes, this year the students have been more interested in battle after Potter’s class, so it is not impossible that we could bring it back, after all these years. Though hopefully without someone discovering they are a parselmouth during it, eh?”

“I shall think about it, young Elliot,” he says. “But I will probably have to consult with Gawain if he’d be on board with it.”

“Who, sir?”

“Haven’t you read today’s papers, Elliot? Gawain Robards, the old Head Auror. Contentious figure, ran the department during the war, in which he was useless, but learned from the experience and became quite competent, I assure you. We just announced he’s to be your new Defence teacher, I believe he arrives next week. Who knows, maybe he’ll agree to the idea. Fitting, don’t you think? Potter replaced him as Head Auror, now he replaces Harry as teacher.”

“Well, Potter will be a tough act to follow,” you say, honestly. “I wish him luck. Hopefully he’s keen on the idea, I’d love to be part of a more formal and regular dueling team.”

“Ah, I do suppose the role you and Longbottom took was an exhausting one. But don’t discard dueling as easier on the brain, young Elliot. I can assure you a good duel is just as mentally exhausting as it is physically. The tactics, the counterplay, the fighting!” He squeals excitedly. “Ah, almost makes me want to go back into it. But unfortunately dueling is a young man’s game, and I’ve seen far too many winters to go back to it.”

“Those men you and the others saved me from in the forest would disagree.”

“Ah, and that is the part professional dueling will never teach you, and Potter’s classes did: How to play dirty. And that, young Elliot, only gets easier with age.”



Once again, you dive deep into your potion books, relearning what you had once known. To relearn the subtleties of potionmaking, new ways of seeing the beauty of the softly simmering cauldron with its shimmering fumes, the delicate power of liquids that creep through human veins, bewitching the mind, ensnaring the senses… and saving your ass from evil wizards, every now and then.

You finish the old Moste Potente Potions for the second time, and dive once more into Snape’s old book, retracing your steps through his notes. It is enthralling, trying to figure out his way of thought. I mean, yes, stirring thrice clockwise instead of five times anti-clockwise for an Ageing Potion did make sense but… why? Even as you finally reach the very last page you’ve read before, you still don’t know why these things make sense. They just do, much like, yes, obviously you need to switch and flick your wand to make things fly. Except that while your brain knows it, you yourself don’t.

One day, you swear. One day you’re going to understand what Snape understood.

> Gained: +3 to Potions rolls. New total: +24


The Room of Requirement has turned itself into a small medieval arena, sunlight pouring in through windows that clearly have no way of connecting to the outside, showing just a misty yellow when you look through them. Your friends watch from the stands as you fight. You and Brighton have spent the last half an hour training with wooden swords, and by mutual agreement of two teenagers who really want to put the magical swords they have just gained access to the test, it was time to try it for real.

“You still haven’t told me how you’re going to get your hands on it,” you say. “I doubt the Headmistress will loan it to you.”

“Like this,” he says, opening a trunk by the side of the arena and pulling out a silver sword, its handle encrusted with rubies.

What!? That’s bullshit! Helga! Could you have done that and never told me!?”

“Sorry!” She shouts from the stands. “My great magical possession keyed to the castle was destroyed by Harry Potter!”

“Didn’t even need to be through the Room, really, but, ah, it will put it back where it belongs once we’re done.” Brighton grips his sword. “So, Hallaster. Ready?”

“To get killed by a Basilisk-venom enhanced sword? Fuck no! You test that crap on something before we fight!”

It takes a while and an unfortunate rat being gently nicked by the sword (under protests from Arty, who immediately heals it) but you finally pull Excalibur from its scabbard.

“Hey girl,” you say, gently. “Let’s not kill him, alright? This is just for fun.”

And, somehow, you feel the sword nod and remind you that it is only as powerful as its wielder, even though you never hear it say a word.

> Roll a d100+65 (+45 from Battle Rolls, +20 from Excalibur). Beat 2 out of 3 against Brighton
Rolled 34 + 65 (1d100 + 65)

>semi-sentient sword
oh boy! cmon baby! gives us a good one
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Rolled 15 + 65 (1d100 + 65)

oh, we are fucked...
>Godric with his sword
>"I am growing stronger"
Rolled 83 + 65 (1d100 + 65)

shameful display anons, watch this
Rolled 46, 34, 4 + 25 = 109 (3d100 + 25)


99 80 148

Those are some rough numbers, anons. Let's see if Brighton wins this one, or if he'll use Godric already.
71 59 29

Right, so he's definitely using Godric now. So with a +20 that turns into...

91 79 49

Which is still a full on loss. Whelp, very well.
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>we won despite being one of the biggest fumbles we've had
it shows neither of us really know how to properly use a sword...but hey, a win is a win, we take those
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Rolled 28 + 65 (1d100 + 65)

Kek. Maximum kek. Well we were sure to win since we have our wifelette there to make wet with our skills, he just hurt an animal, and distressed her, ect.

Wonder if we will discover some Excalibur's other powers from blowing him out in a single round other than the ability to teleport and become not sharp enough to be driven into a stone? Hopefully we don't hit the prat so hard in the head he becomes retarded, since he still needs to apologize for stealing Arty's cauldron. Wait... can we make that a bet? He gets to have us do something if he wins, If we win he gives her a sincere apology, lets Apollo sock him in the gut once?

The sword having some intelligence makes sense, even if it was originally Caliburn when Arthur pulled it from a rock, before Nimue reforged it.


Sorry Goddy our "Sword" is bigger than yours.

Fuck 'em up King Hallaster. Godric may have been a Lord but we are the only King. Rolling for fun. He got to learn what it was like to fight LilyZar.
>99 vs 91
Close but not that close
>80 vs 79
>148 vs 49
lol he fucked up
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So in the end he put up a decent fight but in the end our super cool sword either guided us some or we pull out a trick Uncle Crouch showed us perhaps? Looking forward to this greatly.

Can you imagine if we still had Helga's +25 and a couple of potions? Haha Sword Saint Hallaster. I wonder if this spar will bump our battle rolls?
>You finish the old Moste Potente Potions for the second time, and dive once more into Snape’s old book, retracing your steps through his notes. It is enthralling, trying to figure out his way of thought. I mean, yes, stirring thrice clockwise instead of five times anti-clockwise for an Ageing Potion did make sense but… why? Even as you finally reach the very last page you’ve read before, you still don’t know why these things make sense. They just do, much like, yes, obviously you need to switch and flick your wand to make things fly. Except that while your brain knows it, you yourself don’t.
We get a narration echoing the first time we (and Elliott) had that revelation, since we're relearning it and making the same realization anew! Nice touch, QM.

+1 to the bet idea.
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Since we hopefully have a bit of time, should we keep focusing on potions for a couple of weeks? It was our thing up until we proved to be a good leader, and a protégé at battle magic and fighting.

Also QM, how long is Easter break? We need to get Helga an Easter basket with plenty of muggle delicacies like Peeps, chocolate bunnies, jelly beans, and Cadbury Cream Eggs. She is going to make Arty's old body plump before we are done with her. Also I suggest lamb with herbs for our family feast, some fried potatoes, maybe. Helga should be able to show off her skills with the racks of lamb.
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Also... we could pull a prank on our old headmate. Dip a raw real egg in chocolate, wrap it in a carefully unfolded Cadbury wrapper and watch her bight into it, heh. Could also convince Arty we have to spend the night outside to keep an eye out for a giant Easter bunny sneaking into the yard to hide eggs... lots of fun choices.
supporting, we need our fun times with our newest member
>But don’t discard dueling as easier on the brain, young Elliot. I can assure you a good duel is just as mentally exhausting as it is physically. The tactics, the counterplay, the fighting!” He squeals excitedly. “Ah, almost makes me want to go back into it. But unfortunately dueling is a young man’s game, and I’ve seen far too many winters to go back to it.
Flitwick is right. I too have not played Yugioh for many years now. I think with how the game has become over the years, that I am better off for it
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Nice get. Will it be time to d-d-duel? I was always an MTG man and before that Pokemon TCG.

Flitwick is cute, even if very scary in the end.
Two weeks, from the 13th of April to the 26th. Right now is the week of the 16th of March (Loosely, and if I didn’t miscount or something. If anyone happens to go back and try counting weeks and see I’m off by a few weeks… Blame it on wibbly wobbly timey wimey, or something like that.)

I... What? Surely I couldn't have...

*goes back, checks the archive*

Yes, anon. I have definitely done this on purpose and was not at all my subconsciousness being far smarter than I could ever have been. I mean, look at this:


Did I have any memory that eight fucking months ago I wrote this shit, and at exactly the same Potions score? Fuck no. As most I had a "Did I write this before? Nah." I swear to Merlin, sometimes my brain scares the crap out of me. At least it proves I am consistent, if anything.


Fighting with a sword is far different than fighting with a wand, of course, but a lot of the same principles apply. The awareness of your surroundings, the speed and reaction time, the muscles you’ve built up, the reading of your opponent’s moves. A lot of it transfers over, no matter if you’re fighting with a magical stick, your fists or a sharp piece of metal.

If Brighton had a wand, things would surely have been different. You are no Potter, after all, who can disarm an opposing wizard with a shoe. If you were against a competent opponent who could fire spells at you, you’d probably have been stunned before crossing the distance. But Brighton also has a sword, just like you.

Well, not just like you. Yours is better.

It seems to know where you want to go, and move there faster than it should, stopping exactly where you want it to. Any counterweight that would destabilize you seems to be negated, except for when you want it to happen so you can use it to power your next move.

It wouldn’t win a battle by itself, but damn if it didn't help.

You two are fighting without armor, in the manner people fought before wands, when magic was but a few uncontrolled bursts of energy. At that time, people used shorter swords, but you two make do with what you have, which sort of turns your battle into a strange mix of clumsier fencing and dancing, made even clumsier by the fact that none of you actually want to kill each other.

Both of you have your swords stretched forwards, only the tips touching. You tap against his, moving it out of the way, and he brings it back with force, trying to fling your blade sideways, but Excalibur refuses to move so Godric’s sword simply slides off to the side. You advance and he takes a step backwards, then lunges forwards at you.


The metal clashes once, twice, trice and you jump back, swinging wide but hitting only air as Brighton leans back to dodge your sword. You circle each other, then Excalibur goes forward, Griffindor parrying it, but you strike again and again, forcing Longbottom backwards. He ducks, raising the steel to send your blade away from his head, then comes back up with force. He advances, one, two, three, four strikes, but his speed is easy to read when compared to Crouch, or even Arty, and you manage to slip away pulling his foot with yours, sending him tumbling forward with a shallow cut on his ribs.

He narrows his eyes. You grin, but look at him questioningly as if asking if he’s alright. His eyes grow black and you stop grinning.

He comes at you again and you block, swinging your sword over your head before bringing it down on him. He blocks too, and you clash again, closing the distance. Faster, stronger than before. You twist into his reach, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him forward, trying to hit him with the pommel. He dodges, but with you still holding his arm, his blade is behind you and in no position to strike. Instead, he reaches with his free hand, holding the flat of the weapon and pulling it towards him, dragging you along, almost toppling you over. You reel back, stepping on his foot and using his pain to pull yourself back and elbow him in the face.

He falls, rolling on the floor away from you before jumping back on his feet. He wipes blood off his mouth.

He swings high, you block low, you strike up, he blocks down but just a little too late, your metal cutting at his leg, but not too much, as you’d requested. He groans in pain and advances, striking and trying to hold your arm as you’d done to him, but you see it coming and pull it back, twisting your wrist towards him just in time for him to run the side of his forehead against the edge of the blade.

You know it's not fatal, but it still bleeds a lot.


“Stop! Brighton is hurt!” Arty shouts.

“I’m fine!” He shouts, going at you again. A clash, and another one, two, three, with even greater strength and fury and-

His eyes go back to normal and he stumbles, the sudden lack of energy and force making him lose his balance, and you use the opportunity to swing your feet under him. He falls on his back with a painful thwack.

You stand over him, pointing Excalibur at his face.

“So, surrender?”

“You are going to teach me everything Crouch taught you,” he says, gasping for air. “And then I’m going to kick your ass like you deserve, Hallaster.”

> Brighton earns +2 to his Battle Rolls! New Total: +27



“Hey,” Arty says, sneaking under your arm after breakfast on Friday. “So, I was thinking it has been a long while since we went out for a date.”

“What? You mean Avalon wasn’t good enough for you?”

“I meant a date where no one shot deadly spells at us. And it is your turn to pick a date for us.”

”Wait, is it?”

“Well, I don’t actually remember who picked last, but I assume it was me because I have twelve inches on Charms for Monday and need to find a reason to procrastinate now that I can afford to do that, and my boyfriend inviting me for a date is a good one.”

“Ah, I see. Well, then, any suggestions?”

“Lunch? I have Friday after lunch free.”

“That’s when I had Defence. We’re in luck. But I was thinking more in the realm of where.

“That’s your problem to solve, dear boyfriend. My job was to come up with the idea.”

“That doesn’t seem very fair.”

“Really?” She bites her lower lip. “What if I throw in a battle like the one we had in the Room of Requirement a few days ago? Does that make it fair?”

Your eyes go wide. You two still hadn’t done anything else, and you really didn’t know how exactly to approach the subject without seeming crass. You weren’t really sure if that was even possible for a boy. “Ah. Yes. Yes! That does seem remarkably fair now that you mention it. Though… maybe we could skip the battle and go right to the resolution at the end?”

She giggles, then stands on the tip of her toes to kiss you.

“We’ll see. Until lunch!”

Then she skips off to her class, leaving you in a great position to go through Transfiguration.

What will you do on your date?

> For once, just a normal lunch at the Remus Lupin Werewolf Aid Center
> Buy the ingredients, ask the Room to turn into a kitchen and cook together
> Go for a picnic somewhere (Where?)
> Other (Write in)
>Brighton earns +2 to his Battle Rolls! New Total: +27
what about us tho? we did beat him afterall
> Go for a picnic somewhere (Where?)
lets make one of those fanfics official, lets go to the forest, maybe not the forbiden forest, but a nice, big, green space just for us!
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>> Buy the ingredients, ask the Room to turn into a kitchen and cook together
this sounds fun. homely.
gif related
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>what about us tho? we did beat him afterall

Well we do have almost twice his battle roll. He is the student and we are the master. We also learned Exey can shift her weight around, adjusts inertia, guides us some, and responds to our intent. Nifty.

> Go for a picnic somewhere (Where?)
Somewhere secluded near Hogsmead. Bring a couple of quilts. But Arty did say once she would make the food for the next time, so hold her to it. And if this is when we finally fuck, a cute picnic would be appropriate, considering that was our first real date. Even if her food is somewhat crappy, there is something else of hers we can eat, something of Elliot's she can drink if she is thirsty.

Since QM has decided to go with the strong implications and fade to black, I WILL be writing a more explicit version of what we do as a non-canon description, even if I have used that premise before, heh.

We could kind of combine them since as I said our witchfu said she would fix the food next time we had a picnic.

But also
>Cook some Muggle food first
We have a favorite recipe? Maybe something ethnic (probably South Asian) like an English lad might get at a local curry joint? Bet that would be fairly novel for someone brought up Magic.
Damn 2 gets in a row. Assuming we go on what ever we do this weekend, I should be able to get something short and very lewd out.

Please go post in Silver Knight when it comes back since we get bonuses for gets, haha.

Might post a preview of a one with submissive BDSM Arty tonight, even if I haven't quite gotten to her going over her boyfriends knees and getting her cute little butt spanked till she cries, throat fucked, or held down by the back of her neck and fucked dumb yet.

If picnic does win,yeah something Arty may not have had, something not in the school would be good. And cupcakes for our little Cupplepuff, of course.

As I have said in the past, yall know we are going to pay for all this fun normal life stuff, probably after Easter break and having the Pertinger "triplets" at our house for Christmas special part 2.
>> Go for a picnic somewhere (Where?)
+1 the picnic
>Both of you have your swords stretched forwards, only the tips touching
No... the fujoshi...!
>tips of her toes

Did... we not make her tall enough?
I guess lots of people don't think taller is attractive, but it definitely helps in physical interaction like fighting or climbing.
She asked not to be that tall, we made her like an inch taller, she still has to stretch a bit
Tall enough to kiss without Elliot bending over too much, short enough for him to carry and bend her over instead
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Just some thoughts. It is amazing that the two best students in Battle magic in the school, in all likeliness, are dating. We are literally a power couple. Oh yeah, the girl's brother is huge and has like 2x the power he should, even if he lacks his tiny sisters training.

Our girlfriend who is like 1 year younger than us and is 4'8 is stronger/more skilled than us which is both hot and scary. A small woman who will always look like she is 13 is fun but will fuck you up, mate, is great. Also she mentioned throwing our duel, and while it is implied that refers to sexy times, it is possible she also meant it in the real sense and her real bonus is higher than +50, fighting for real.

We might have created a monster, heh. A true Hufflepuff Fury.

Interested in seeing a battle between Arty and Apollo now though I don't think Apollo would pull the shit out he has with us against his twin unless she really insisted.

Can't wait to see Linda/Raven's relationship with Rowena, see her channel her for the 1st time.

All she wanted was an inch, just so Elliot didn't have to bend over to kiss her, which was sweet. She is apparently okay with being a midget forever, likes the way she looks, likes herself. OOC, part of why some of us went for her was because she is small, looked defenseless and one of the cuter scenes was her having to drag a box over to kiss us for the first time... though she is anything but defenseless now with her full power considering she pushed our shit in. Tiny but will mess you up is a fun contrast. I have personally been with girls smaller and taller than me and either is fine though I prefer the former.

Just the tip, just the tip I swear! Guys do it all the time accidentally in the urinals! Kek.
>bend her over instead

Once we get to that point, I fully expect much of our free time to be spent finding new and exciting bits of furniture to bend her over.
>ask room of requirement for a room filled with furniture and props like it's a video game's model display debug room
>go around with her finding new things to bend her over on
I shall/have and probably write it in one of my shitty fics.

Also even before training our all off we had little issue picking her up and holding her up. I checked out a height weight thing for girls for writing about her a while back and she only likely only weighs between 78 and 85 pounds, so yeah... easy to manhandle while she handles her her man's little man.

Girls get self-conscious about being too tall the same way guys get self-conscious about being manlets. Beauty standards are a bitch.
“I asked the elves for food this time,” you say as you approach her by the outer doors, showing her the basket. “Because my girlfriend gave me almost no time to prepare for our date.”

“Sorry, I was busy learning how to procrastinate. What are we doing?”

“Well, I figured we could go for a picnic somewhere in the Non-forbidden forest. Find somewhere nice and beautiful.”

“And secluded?” She asks with a grin.

“... Only if you want it.”

“Uh-huh. Oh no, mister. I did the embarrassing part last time and even a part of it this time! You tell me what you want us to do, boyfriend, or we shall do nothing at all.”

“Well… If you insist.” You are still standing by the door, and though there is no one close, the walls have ears. So instead you get closer and whisper in her ear exactly what you want her to do to you, and what you want to do to her. When you pull back, her blush is not entirely from embarrassment. She turns and begins walking through the gardens towards the forest.

“Well… If that’s what you want to do, we’ll probably have to do it before eating. Wouldn’t want to, uh, have any accidents with the food… you know?”

“Wha- Oh. Yeah, that… that doesn’t seem fun for anyone involved.”

“Well, you try having something poking the back of your throat to see if you don’t feel like throwing up. I wonder if there is a potion for that.”

“An Anti-nausea Potion of some kind? Or maybe a variation of a Cough Potion to soothe the throat?”

She looks at you outraged. “I was joking, Elliot!”

“Uh, sorry? I mean, it is an interesting question if you’re a potioneer and-”

“No, no talk of bringing potions into this! Boys, can you believe it!?”

Someone comes in the opposite direction and you two stay quiet while they pass. You decide to change the subject before you say something stupid.

“So, how is the new hobby of procrastinating?”

“It’s going fantastic. I can actually afford to not pay attention to what Flitwick is saying and be able to cast the spell just fine! It just- It just comes naturally, you know? It’s just… easy.” For a moment she sounds tired. No, that’s not it. She sounds like someone who got rid of a great weight and is finally able to relax. “You know what I did yesterday, after dinner?”


Nothing. I didn’t study. I didn’t train. I didn’t review transfiguration for the fifth time. I just played with Anna’s cat, then took a nap, then finished reading a book I started reading in second year but never had time to finish. And then I slept for nine straight hours.”

You two walk into the trees with her still talking about everything she hadn't done on the previous days.

“I mean Potions and History of Magic are still a pain because there’s no wand-waving but at least now I have energy to pay attention to it! You need to start teaching me Potions again, by the way, and I can teach you Care of Magical Beasts, too.”

“I wouldn’t say no to that. Your OWLs are coming, wouldn’t want you to get a Troll in one of them. I remember mine, they sucked, but I think you’ll do just fine. As long as I tutor you in Potions, I mean.”

“Is that you suggesting more naughty things under the guise of studying Potions, like everyone in Hufflepuff thinks we did, or are you taking a jab at my cooking skills?”

“Which one does not get me in trouble?”

She elbows you in the ribs and you laugh.

Finally, you reach a clearing. It wasn’t luck that guided you here, but memory. This is the same place you’d stumbled upon Thanny the first time you had wandered with Arty into the forest, the first time she’d spoken to you about her childhood and cried on your chest.

It seemed a good place for a first date now that she no longer needs to worry about all the things she carried in the past. Well, she still carries one of those burdens, but that will also pass with time, you’re sure of it.

You put down the basket, stretch out the quilt on the floor… then close the gap between you. You kiss her, then move on to kissing her neck.

“You know, It was really, really difficult to stop thinking about the Room of Requirement this week.”

“It wasn’t easy for- unf- me either. Took a lot of effort… not to get you alone after that fight against Brighton.”

“Really?” You say, chuckling slightly as you make her squirm. “Then why didn’t you?”

“It didn’t seem proper… You really want to do this now?”

“You’re the one who said we should do it before eating. And about being proper… How about we forget about that? At least around each other.”

“I can do that.” Her hands move towards your chest, then slide downwards, into your pants. It’s your time to gasp. “But… Not all the way, ok?”

“I would to- oh Merlin- I’d love to know… when.”


“That’s a word for it.” You move your hands to attack, one at her breast, another in an imitation of what she is doing to you. “Because if you told me go…”

“You’d go?” She whispers in your ear, and it takes every ounce of strength inside you to not do something stupid. “You’d go all the way?”

Merlin yes.”

“Then know this, Elliot -ah- Hallaster. I have a plan. But that takes us waiting for a while. Can you do that?”

“For you? I’d wait for as long -fuck- as you want. But I would like to mention there may be an apocalypse coming.”


She giggles, but it turns into a moan half-way. “Then if the apocalypse comes, we’ll do it your way. If it doesn’t, we’ll do mine, ok? Now, you wouldn’t happen to have a variation of the Cough Potion with you, would you? I could really use one for what I’m about to do.”


Rationally, you know that the chance of anyone stumbling into this particular piece of the forest at this particular time is minimal. Unfortunately, the rational part of your brain isn’t really the one operating as Arty does things to you and you need to hold on to the grass to not let your hands force things further than she can take and cause a potential disaster requiring several castings of Scourgify and several hours of apologies. Being constantly looking around for wanderers does make you last longer against her assault, but not much longer.

She takes her time learning you, and once she is done you take your time learning her. At one point a thestral wanders into the clearing attracted by the food, but she has her eyes closed and you scare it away with a flick of your wand before her moans do.

Once both of you have *ahem* said grace, you dive into the food, which is as good as it always is. She talks about her classes and all the ways things have been easier for her, and even though she’s taking time for herself now, she’s still working hard as hell. And you can’t help but smile, seeing her talk about her new life.

If anything else, if you were to lose all your powers and never again be able to cast a single spell, you think you’d be content knowing that you had given her this. That you had given her these smiles, this hope.

And as you two eat, you think about her past, about what you’d seen of her in Avalon. Perhaps you should talk about it now. Or perhaps you should let it rest. Maybe she’ll talk about it when she wants to.

> Ask her about her past (What?)
> Let it go for now
I will take us a just us getting a hummer and getting to make Arty come as a consolation prize to not just fucking her stupid... for now, QM.

> Ask her about her past (What?)

Their time on the streets. How the old house burned down. How they reacted to what they did after the moment faded. How it was like to live without being able to cast magic with ease for so long. And assure Arty, no matter what she tells us we will still love her; if we bring up a sad memory, that we promise to give her a thousand happy one in return. And that if she isn't ready, she never has to tell us a thing. That Merlin was a monster for making you see what she and Apollo did back then when they were not ready to reveal it... and maybe mention the two of them should have a talk.

It would be appropriate if this ended in a few tears.
I'm personally against grilling her on our nice little date.
> Let it go for now
>> Let it go for now

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Spoil sports! We already missed out on the drama from helping her find out what happened with her parents at christmas! I need angst, it feeds me!

I will kind of add, though I am sure Elliot would by default, to ask if she feels like talking first. Let it be her choice.

Also happy Labor Day to everyone, QM especially if he got the day off. I hope the only labor you have is eating and drinking.
Juuuust to be safe, I'll close the votes here because the update is just missing a final review before I can post it, but I'll have dinner first and don't want this to suddenly become a tie
You two eat until you’re full, then lay on the quilt to rest. She snuggles under your arm and the two of you watch the leafy canopy above and the clouds passing through the blue sky.

“Arty… If I asked you about your childhood, would you be ok with answering?”

She takes a while to answer.

“It wasn’t pleasant, but I don’t know if there’s much to tell. Well, not more than what you’ve seen already.” She looks up at you. “But if you want to know, you can ask.”

“You sure?”

She nods. “It’s fine. It feels like so long ago. A third of my life. Sometimes it's like a bad dream. But it can’t hurt me, not anymore. Go on, you can ask.”

“What happened after you two… left home?”

“We ran. Then we heard a loud explosion. Best I figure, Apollo had thrown him against the oven so hard it broke a gas pipe. When the gas got to something with electricity… Boom. Then we ran some more, and when the adrenaline ran out, oh boy. We began crying and losing our minds. Wasn’t pretty. We didn’t know what we had done, but we knew it was bad. We thought we’d go to jail if the police found us. It sounds silly now.”

“It wasn’t. You couldn’t know. I had some accidental magic when I was a kid and it terrified me. Didn’t tell my parents either, and they are good parents. In this version of the world, I think it may have been how I got into the place that gave me these scars,” you wiggle your scarred fingers in the air, the ones you hadn’t covered since Avalon. “And the accidental magic I did was just silly stuff. I can’t even begin to imagine what I would have done if that was the first bit of magic I saw.”

“If things had been different, if we hadn’t hidden from the police, maybe we could have gotten adopted again. I think things would have been easier. But we thought we had demons in us, so we didn’t want adults in uniforms finding us.”

“Demons?” You ask, half amused. “You went to church?”

“No, but once we watched a part of a horror movie when he left the tv on and passed out drunk, and the girl in it was possessed by one. We figured we had demons in us. Not that we knew what they actually were or how to get rid of them, but the lady in the movie lifted someone without touching them, and we did the same, so we thought it must be the same thing.”

“Linda would have a field day with that.”

“She would,” Arty agrees, grinning. ”Then there was a bunch of time of us being hungry, sleeping in uncomfortable places and running away from anyone who could help. And then one day, a huge owl, gray and brown, with these beautiful orange eyes appeared. It landed by us, and I remember it being so cold. And it just… Opened its wings and covered us with them, as if they were a blanket. Warmed us until its owner found us. I think… I think that was the moment I fell in love with magical creatures, even if I didn’t know what they were.”


“Apollo tried fighting the wizard who came to check on the owl but, well, we both got put to sleep when we started fighting. When we woke up, Potter met us at his charity. He asked if Apollo could read, and then gave him the letter the owl had been carrying, which told him he was a wizard and offered a place in his charity for us. He had this kind smile on his face, this look that made me trust him. He looked like… like he understood. Like he really understood us. And he explained what we were and that we would study in this huge castle and all these wonderful things and… And it was easy to forget. So easy to never say anything about the evil man who raised us. But I couldn’t forget it, not really, and ten-year-old me thought… She thought this would end, eventually. That it would go away when they found out what we had done.”

“And so you decided you wouldn’t depend on it?”

“I mean, it wasn’t a full decision. I never thought those thoughts, it's just the sort of thing that makes sense that went on inside my head, back then. Maybe I had some other reason, but that’s how I tell myself that it happened, when I look back on it. Does that make sense?”

“It does. Muggles know memory isn’t the most reliable thing. A child’s memory is even more so. What surprises me is that they took this long to find you two. You’d figure Potter would try to get kids earlier, given what he went through.”

“I asked him that, once. I asked him why he’d taken so long to find us. Turns out they came looking for Apollo on the next day, when they saw his name appear on the Book of Acceptance but… All they found was a smoldering house, and an officer that told them there had been no survivors. Their spells told them the same thing. Doesn’t happen often that Muggleborns cause a deadly accident when they find their magic, but it does happen. It wasn’t until months later when they were visiting another student that they saw on the news that ‘the two children from the terrible fire were still missing’ and realized their mistake.”

“But anyway, eventually Apollo went to Hogwarts and I stayed for another year in the charity. Then my first year came and the teachers noticed I wasn’t doing so well. They sent me out to St. Mungo’s and… Well, you know what happened. McGonagall herself gave me the news, and I think she was holding back tears as she did. I remember crying on her lap for a long long time. And then I decided… I decided that I had cried too much.” As she says that, she’s smiling weakly. “That too much magic or too little magic, I was going to go through it anyway and have fun along the way.“

“And you did.” You hug her tightly and kiss her forehead. “No one can say you didn’t. What did you tell Apollo?”


“Nothing, really. I mean what could I say? Hey, you stole my power and my life? You’re probably going to be one of the most powerful wizards of this generation and I’ll only outpower Squibs? You’re going to live three centuries and I’m going to die at thirty?” She shakes her head. “No. It would only hurt him, and I didn’t have the words to say it. I mean, he knows there was something wrong with me, but he never asked. I think… I think deep down he knew something had happened between us. I think… I think he was too afraid to ask.”

Or maybe he never asked because he thought he knew the answer.

You want to tell her that. You want to let her know. But you don’t, because Apollo had asked you so, and it isn’t your secret to tell.

“Thank you,” you say. “For telling me all that.”

“Thank you for listening. It was.. Good. Talking about it, I mean.”

“People underestimate the power of just talking to someone who will listen. Wizards most of all. But I will admit, I was expecting some tears.”

“No, not anymore. Thanks to you, not anymore.” She shimmies up and kisses you. “You helped cure those fears. Doesn’t mean I don’t still hate him for how he treated us, but now that I have time… It doesn’t hurt that much, because the childhood he stole from me isn’t a third of my whole life anymore. It is still there, but now I know I have far more ahead of me than behind, and I can live with that.”

She stands up and shakes her head with force, as if dispelling the melancholy that had wrapped itself around you two. She offers her hand to help you up with an earnest smile, filled with energy.

“Now come on! I think I saw a spider scuttling over there and I want to know if she knows Arahuios!”



Monday arrives and Gawain Robards, the new Defence teacher, is introduced to the school. He’s an older man, white hair brushed backwards, heavy beard with a few wisps of black still remaining. He seems to be constantly scanning the room, always looking around, always chewing on his tongue or on what appears to be some type of hard candy he always carries with him. Minerva tells all of you his accolades, then he briefly introduces himself with a hoarse “Good to be here. See you in class,” before sitting at the head table.

His first class on the following day is interesting, as he does appear to know what he’s talking about. His voice sounds like a meatgrinder, with the occasional bone thrown in when he crock-crocks on his candy, but the content is solid. He spends the first half asking where you were in your studies, then the next half complementing those questions with stories about Dark creatures and wizards from decades years ago.

Finally, he wraps up the lesson.

“I believe that is all for today. Hopefully in the next class we shall put your wands to the test, huh? I’ve been hearing a lot about what Potter has put you through and it sounds interesting, interesting indeed. In fact, both students that led the army, come to my office once the class has cleared out.”

You and Linda look at each other, then go towards him once the class is done. He asks Linda to follow him first, then she exits a few minutes later with a curious look on her face, telling you to enter. Once you do, you notice the office has been completely redecorated, Potter’s stuff nowhere to be seen. Robards is leaning on his table, toying with his wand.

When he looks at you, however, he has a different expression than the one he had during class. It looks far less… sane.

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, hasn’t it?" He asks, licking his lips. "I thought you abandoned me, little birdie.”

Little… birdie?


Oh no.

> Write in
>ten-year-old me

Wasn't he was like 8 when they 86'd their caregiver, per what she said thread 1? 2 fucking years. Makes me hate Potter even more.

Well then. I guess this isn't the first time he has pulled this trick. Let me think of a decent way of getting us out of here with out being obliviated. Also Linda is 100% imperio'd.
No, that was just me swapping my dates, She stayed with the charity until she was 10 (well, technically she still is with the charity, but only during vacations) but got there when she was nine-ish.
i think this time we can warn Potter of this, the earliest the better, fuck this guy

>Write in
slowly head towards the door and try to escape
>Smirk at him.
>"I should be the one telling you that."
>Shake his hand. Keep up the facade.
>"But I figured you'd be alive. A bastard like you doesn't die easy."
Some quick thoughts:

Knew something like this was going to happen, just not this soon.

I suppose we got lazy and stopped carrying our sneak-o-scope or he either has a way to fool them, or does not mean us harm, right now.

Like I said Linda can no longer be trusted. He has her imperio'd. Depending on if we get out of this unobliviated, he will probably threaten to have her kill herself or use the killing curse against someone to keep us from reporting him

He should not know Arty is as strong as she is now, we need to try and conceal that if we can to hold as a trump card

The door 100% is sealed behind us

We are not out fighting Crouch with a real wand from the now super dead prison guard lady

If we can, we need to try and leave some clues to rediscover he is BCJ incase of obliviation, if anyone has some good ideas. Maybe break our portkey toe ring so we question where we would have been in danger enough to do so

We might be able to talk our way out of this since we did infact use the dark mark, greet him like an old friend. Keep him interested enough to not mind wipe us

There is a small chance Potter is responsible for this. He visited with BCJ and left with an unidentified package her did not bring in. This might have been one of his bs contingencies. He might have even had Crouch imperio'd the whole time and that is why he was confident he wouldn't kill one or both of us and sent him here when he disappeared

Ah, gotcha. Also fuck you we were supposed to have down time damn it. Should have called this; I even said I hope our new professor isn't fucking evil at one point!

He already has his wand out and we know how good he is; even with a gimped wand his bonus is higher than Arty's +50

We might be able to have her get a message out with her patronus, say something like don't you want to say hi to our beloved tutor, my little wolpertinger and hopes she gets the message while we stand infront of her to take any spells long enough to say Crouch DADA of something
you know what? yeah, you are right, changing my vote >>6095749 to support this one
So for now:

>Occulemency barries to full power!

>Bring out the Dark Lord Hallaster that could cast the mark

>Snap toering to leave a clue that something is wrong if obliviated

>Approch slightly keeping out hand away from wand. Sign for Arty to stay back behind us put our body slighly infront of her.

>Greet him warmly, asked if he missed his 2 favorite students that much. Imply it was worth it to be held by the ministry for a few days for what we gained. Ask if the same trick really does work twice

Arty knows just how dangerous a situation we are in, knows we might have to make sacrifices

If Crouch needs convincing, I have a couple of ideas to help convince him:

Asking if he can give us and Arty the Voldy Tat

Implying Arty has been much less feisty, more cooperative since we got back, had a chance to use a certain spell on her. Much easier to convince. If we absolutely have to, we can order her to do something she would never ever do to show it is real

Thats what I got for now, might change if someone smarter comes up with a plan.

This is my current real plan, if you like it. The other was mostly observations.
>"No. Way. Crouch you creepy bastard..."
>"How does someone fake his death three times over? This bloody country is doomed..."
>"You may have noticed Potter is not overseeing my education anymore. In fact, we are no longer on speaking terms."
Don't think being antagonistic will be beneficial, but who knows? He might find it funny.

Linda keeps getting the short end of the stick. Lets see. Nearly bleed out and got a big ass scar in the Repository. Lost her lover. Lost her patronus. Lost the 1 match she commanded in battle class. Mind fucked by Veela. Broke her ankle in Avalon. Burned by boiling blood all along her legs. Now Imerio'd by an insane Death Eater to be used either as insurance or a mole in the gang. I am convinced QM hates her.

If Linda is Imperio'd like I am positive she is, I wonder if Rowena can help break it. That might have been the flaw in Crouch's plan, that he didn't know about Ravenclaw.

Wait. Wait a god damn nigger second. Arty isn't here I misread due to holiday drinking. What if... what if this isn't fucking BCJ. What if this is fucking Potter polyjuiced as Robard pretending to be Crouch! He knew the dude, replaced him as Head Auror. He came back to grab all his shit which is why the office is cleared out. How would Crouch even know about Linda being our friend? That she led an Army briefly? Potter knows Crouch well, knows his mannerisms, what he called us. This is fucking Potter! It is a double bluff!


Changing to:

>Occulmency barriers full power

>"Hello, Professor. Hows the stomach.

Check this shit.
thats actually an interesting scenario...it COULD be potter since the fucker isnt here...
the thing is, if he imperio´d Linda, he fucked up big time, i dont think can be using an unforgivable just like that.
i´ll support this plan of action so far.
after this tho, we need to figure out a way to break the curse, maybe McGoo could help? she is the next one in line, if anybody can help its her, but we need to do it in one go, if we fail, whatever orders she has might change and could get her hurt and thats implying if this is actually potter in disguise, if it turns out to be crouch, it needs to become a priority

Right now Linda is being made to go and either grab Arty to bring here or stun her and put and wand to her throat to threaten us regardless if it is really Crouch or Potter I think. If that is right, who ever it is might have fucked up considering how good Arty is in her new body. I hope she is good enough and notices Linda being off.

I swear to fuck if my insane idea is right...
we are cool with him like that
also come the fuck on, you keep throwing shit at the wall with these schizo shadowruns and its no less embarrassing after all these months, where's your fucking common sense.

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It is fun is where it is at. Throw enough shit at a wall and some will stick. Like Arty having a reduced life span, who Faith was, where Avalon was.

Filter me if you hate fun.
I've considered it, but you're right too often to mute.
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Thank you. I have been wrong plenty, but it is fun to consider these kinds of twists; HeadQM did say he was going to make them even more convoluted, so...
there's knowing how to catch foreshadowing and then there's the ao3 reject shit like this and all the omniscient evil merlin interpretation you flooded us with for two threads that was evidently idiotic, absolutely and thoroughly proven so since, and wasn't stated nearly enough how exceedingly imbecilic it was. no filtering will make me forget it so i'll make it everyone's problem
well, somebody got their cereal shat on...
here is my crazy theory
its Salazar who finally managed to come back, nobody else but him jas called us "little" besides him, he either got a new body or got crouch´s body somehow and is now trying to go incognito after disappearing from azkaban
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Support. This is why we're a Slytherin.

I doubt it's Potter. He could just make us disappear using the cloak, he wouldn't go through so much effort just to meet us like this.
Also, now's probably a good time to drop on him that we lied about Voldy, but we have one better. Salazar Slytherin himself.
I would assume that the cloak was still with the ministry, since it is obviously important to Avalon given we stole it, and they were trying to figure out WTF was down there, but maybe Hermione's nepotism made her give it back.

This is the same guy who is a dickhead every thread. I normally just ignore him.

Meh. Crouch has always done the little birdie thing.

>now's probably a good time to drop on him that we lied about Voldy

Yeah, that probably would be bad. Not sure if he even cares about Salazar. Seems he was obsessed just with Voldemort.
problem: we have no fucking idea where Potter is, same with everyone else
Well, you have a few weeks before easter, then easter holidays, then exams, then end of year, all which would severely limit your possible interaction time with him. So it was either this or him showing up at the Hallaster doorstep :^)

> I suppose we got lazy and stopped carrying our sneak-o-scope
The sneakoscope? The expensive sneakoscope that you kept in your pouch? The pouch that exploded because you accioed an explosive potion inside it?

Yeah, no, that bitch is gone.

> Maybe break our portkey toe ring
Taken by the ministry when they arrested you


I'll leave the vote out for another day, just in case people have other ideas.
>So it was either this or him showing up at the Hallaster
fine, but we better not see his ass anywhere near our comfy time with our GF and her weird twins
>The sneakoscope? The expensive sneakoscope that you kept in your pouch? The pouch that exploded because you accioed an explosive potion inside it?

I forgot. Assumed we normally carried it in a pocket.

>Taken by the ministry when they arrested you

Makes sense I suppose.
Figured we'd keep our expensive stuff separate from the bombs, but so it goes.
When you have a bag of holding of course you're gonna hold everything in the bag of holding
A valuable lesson for the future I suppose. I almost regret suggesting nuking our bag, but it was cool and took a strong wizard down with no rolls, which is always good in a quest with rolls like ours.

Will change accusing him of really being potter to

>Occulemency barries to full power!

>Bring out the Dark Lord Hallaster that could cast the mark

>Greet him warmly, asked if he missed his 2 favorite students enough to come see us. Imply it was worth it to be held by the ministry for a few days for what we gained. Ask if the same trick really does work twice
You breathe out, then in. As the air fills your lungs, like putting on a cloak, the Hallaster that had cast the Dark Mark over the forest returns. The Hallaster that had killed someone and used that feeling to taint the skies over Hogwarts grins, pleased.

“I knew they were lying when they said you were dead.” You lean on the door frame, crossing your arms. “Though I never expected the same trick to work twice.“

You feel Excalibur on your hips, sneering at your thoughts disapprovingly. ”Calm down, girl,” you think at her. “It’s only a lie. Only a lie so we can get out of here unharmed.”

“Not the same trick, little birdie.” He shakes the small can of rock-candy he eats every now and then. “This ain’t your everyday polyjuice. Though I’ll admit, I only have enough for a couple of months. Could use a talented potioneer to make me some more, but fortunately I hear you’re quite skilled at it.”

“I am. But I don’t know anything strong enough to bypass the protections of Hogwarts.”

“But I do. All you have to worry about is getting me some normal polyjuice and I can take care of the rest. And in the meantime, I can teach you magic like you’ve never seen. And once you learn that… We can bring the Dark Lord back to the land of the living, together!”

It takes you a moment to decide on what the dark version of you would answer.

“I would love to learn, professor, and I have much to tell you about the things I’ve learned outside of your classes. But I am afraid Voldemort is dead. Potter killed him.”

HE DID NOT!” He shouts with fury, and for a moment his form wavers slightly, his skin shifting in place before returning to normal as he retracts and regains control of himself. “He lied. Lied to the world. The Dark Lord would not be so easily defeated. I know it. I saw it. I held a piece of him in my hands, before it was taken from me. I heard his whispers. Have faith, little birdie. With our help, he will return, and once he does, the world will know ruin.”

Could… Could Crouch be telling the truth? Much of what you know about Potter’s story is fake, but Voldemort not being dead? Could that be possible? But then again, he did say a “piece of him”, so perhaps a Horcrux had survived? Could that be what Potter had used to convince him to train you? But if Potter possessed such a thing, then why hadn’t he destroyed it? And how had he dared to give such a thing to a Death Eater?


And it is Dark Lord Hallaster who responds, his line of reasoning clear and cold as ice.

Lord Voldemort was an extremely powerful wizard.

Harry Potter was also an extremely powerful wizard.

Lord Voldemort knew too many secrets that could only be passed from one living mind to the other.

Harry Potter also knew too many secrets that could only be passed from one living mind to the other.

And while there were certainly many sources of knowledge in this world, the most obvious one was the most likely. Lord Voldemort, stuck in a Horcrux, unable to escape. Unable to run. Open to whatever Potter wanted to subject him to. And once all that knowledge was drained, Potter had no reason to not loan it to someone under lock and key.

The normal version of you tries to find another explanation, but he isn’t in control right now and there is no time to switch seats.

“I- I see. That is great news, professor! To be part of a quest to bring Lord Voldemort to power… There is no greater ambition I could think of.”

“I am glad that you see it my way. But speaking of quests… That is a fine looking sword on your hips, little birdie.”

“A gift from my journey into the depths of St. Mungos. Some dark wizards I was tracking found its location, but discovered only a teenager could bind himself to it. I offered, along with a way of distracting every single auror in Britain.”

“And where are they now?”

“Dead. Excalibur killed most of them before I managed to put it under control, the other ones were killed by aurors. It still tries to kill me sometimes. It’s telling me to kill you right now.”

The sword shifts in your belt, disapprovingly, and you apologize to it.

“I once wore the skin of a man who was always screaming about Constant Vigilance. Looks like that’s the case for you, at least until we find a way to break it.”

“I don’t plan on shattering Excalibur, professor,” you say, frowning.

“I wasn’t talking about breaking its steel, boy. It has a mind, doesn’t it? Or something like it, at least. Wouldn’t be the first magical artifact I corrupt.” A dark smile comes over the face of Gawain. “They have a way of screaming that no human can quite imitate.”

You place a hand on the hilt of the sword, telling it you’d not allow that to happen. Yet it seems revulsed by the mere presence of the man in front of you. It tells you you can take him from this distance, that her blade can reach him before he casts a spell.


“Perhaps some other time. It has secrets I still wish to pursue myself. Now, professor, how oh how did you manage to get out of wherever they were keeping you? And with them thinking you are dead, and for the second time at that.”

“I had some help. Your Dark Mark caused quite a commotion, little birdie. Lots of Death Eaters went wild, and in the confusion I found an ally. That ally got me something I needed, and once I had that, I escaped. The specifics, I am afraid, I’ll hold on until we know each other better, you, me and the ‘friend’ you mentioned during our battle once. The one that made your eyes go black. In fact, I would like to speak to them now.”

Ah crap.

> They are unavailable. I can only reach out to them occasionally, then they need to regain their strength.
> They are the ones keeping Excalibur’s wishes at bay. If they appear to talk to you, I will lose control.
> We have parted ways. It was a temporary alliance, and it ran its course to the end.
> Write in

Feel free to add any other information to complement the lie, if Crouch happens to ask about it (who are they, how are they connected to you, etc). The difficulty of the incoming roll will depend on how well filled out the holes in your story are.
>"We have parted ways. It was a temporary alliance, and it ran its course to the end."
If he ask why or how:
>"Same way those Aurors died, through Excalibur´s magic, after my search was completed, "IT" held no more use for me and he was getting tiresome"
Very intriguing take if Voldy is still alive in captive horcrux with all his knowledge learned by Potter

>Out alliance was not so steady as I had thought, and they betrayed me in St Mungo. Something I should have expected, given his name was Salazar Slytherin.

Give him as much of the truth as possible so it's harder to sift out the lie.
also, SPECIFICALLY call it a HE, that way we can throw him off even more and keep our girls safer
>And while there were certainly many sources of knowledge in this world, the most obvious one was the most likely. Lord Voldemort, stuck in a Horcrux, unable to escape. Unable to run. Open to whatever Potter wanted to subject him to. And once all that knowledge was drained, Potter had no reason to not loan it to someone under lock and key.

Holy fuck Harry. Did not expect Voldy in a box and Harry mind raping and torturing the guy.


> We have parted ways. It was a temporary alliance, and it ran its course to the end. I do plan on meeting with him once more, in the future. To take back what I have lent him once he leads to what I seek; the power to conquer death. I did give him a little something to keep him busy and out of my hair for a while. I will miss the power I recieved but I have so much more now. Look at where I am now, after all. Most of those who suspected me? Dead. Potter fled. A teacher with goal like mine. The most powerful sword in the world on my hip

If he asks, we can say he claimed to a shade of Salazar though we never fully believed him

I gave them a portion of my soul to inhabit, in exchange for his strength and knowledge he somehow posessed

Tell him we honesty do not know how he came to be a part of us, we could have pushed him out, but he proved his worth when he led me to one wonder now drained and dead

What other holes do you think he might try and punch in our story?

Also if we make it out of here first goal is to finite Linda, Arty, everyone.

Hype as fuck to learn some Dark Arts with Arty. Dark Lord Hallaster is a go, I repeat is a go.
>Hype as fuck to learn some Dark Arts with Arty. Dark Lord Hallaster is a go, I repeat is a go.
Aside from the fact Excalibur might well rebel against us, I also think the longer we wait to stop Crouch the greater danger we're in, including and especially Helga. Crouch is going to start suspecting we're fucking with him when he sees we have a spare Arty and hears she's new, and appeared at the same time as our sword. We need to play along just long enough to come up with a way to expose and destroy him.
you are giving him WAY too much information with that little monologue, we have to keep it short and simple, do not mention salazar, do not mention souls, its too fucking risky
I think if we get out of here quick excalibur should be okay. My worry is he has already set up some insurance against us betraying him immediately. Linda is likely imperio'd and is out doing god knows right now. My thought are that if we don't know what contingencies he has in place, we are ending up with someone hurt and him out doing who know what.

In theory all we need to do get to McGonagall while he is busy, with as many of our friends right there, while he is teaching next and tell her. But I feel like that would be too simple.

We do have the coin we can just call the cops. That literally might be the solution, instead of tringing to do everything ourselves.

>do not mention salazar, do not mention souls, its too fucking risky

If he asks to fill in some holes what should we tell him? Just straight up BS?
No, otherwise he's going to see right through us and wonder why we're lying to him. We need to give him something that's as close to the truth as possible just redirecting his suspicion. All we have to do is pretend that we were doing the things Lucius was doing and unless Crouch corners the man himself he'll have no way to know we're lying. If he catches us out in a lie everyone's in danger, if he believes us completely then everyone is still in danger but we'll be at Crouch's back.
>Just straight up BS?
doesnt have to be BS, just not THAT MUCH info, we could maybe say 1 real thing, but thats it, the more he knows about us and everything we are going through, the more dangerous he becomes to us.
Even with our improved Arty, he will still be a massive risk, he fucked us up before in a constant 2v1 with a gimped wand, now that he is free and most likely with a truly powerful wand, there is no telling what he will do.

like >>6097663 we need to give him SOMETHING but not too much, just how i suggested about the swird killing the aurors and being a HE, juuuust enough info to be believable and thats it
My thoughts exactly. We have to give him something, something interesting since it was his curiosity that helped us learn the mark; we can be frugal, those were just suggestions after all.

And the more I think about it calling ron seems like the way out of this. We have to panic button for situations just like this one.
Anons, you are also forgetting that he may know something about the black eye phonomena because he may have just seen it happen with Linda. I doubt she got Imperio'd without a fight.

I kinda hope she goes after Arty first just because I feel like Arty would sense something off and is talented enough to maybe win if she got jumped. Don't want her to because...Arty.

That or Brighton since he doesn't really like her and would be more likely to be on guard.

I love Crouch and hate his ass. Sending Linda out to start passing the curse along while we are occupied is very smart. Also imperio is full on BS is there is no limit on how far it can be passed on; the death eaters should have been able to win just with that alone if it has no real limits. If he had done this first go around, Voldy would be ruling the world.
I want to just note, Raven/Linda is this quests real lightning rod of doom. Bad shit just keeps happening to her again and again. This is like the 7th bad thing that has happened to her in game. QM hates her.

>Stop, stop, she's already dead!
hopefully it will all get better for her soon
If the only thing better than being the king is being the king’s friend, then the only thing worse than being the hero is being the hero's sidekick, anon. I don't make the rules (But I do honestly love Linda, she's just happens to fall in the shittiest positions, or be the only one to have the right frame of mind to do what it takes, like pushing two dudes into a boiling lake of blood)


“Unfortunately my 'friend' and I have parted ways, professor. It was a temporary alliance, which I put to use to impress you, but it has run its course. I’m afraid my only friends remaining are ones of flesh and bone, like Linda, which I suspect is under some horrible curse. Imperio, perhaps?”

“Nothing quite that drastic, little birdie,” he answers with that strange forced smile, as if he doesn’t quite know how to do it. “The wards would catch an Imperio, even if it was a professor using it. Potter always thought I’d found a way around them, but there are a few of my tricks he never discovered. But don’t worry, I wouldn’t hurt your toy. I just looked around her head, made sure she didn’t suspect you, tweaked the places where she did. Now enough about her. What was it, the thing inside you? I’ve never seen anything make someone’s eyes go dark quite like that.”

He’d looked inside Linda’s head? Ah crap. Still, you couldn’t break character. Whatever he’d seen, it couldn’t have been much. Not enough for him to know you weren’t the dark wizard you claimed to be.

“I don’t know. Touched something I shouldn’t have in an old muggle store selling old things. Next thing I know, I have a voice in my head. A voice that wanted something more powerful to live on than its previous home, something like Excalibur, for example. Except that it never quite considered that it could lose that fight.” You laugh, coldly. “I don’t know if Excalibur killed it or if it just ran away, but I know it isn’t in the sword, and it isn’t inside my head anymore either. Pity. I miss the power it gave me, though I did loathe not being alone inside my head.”

“It spoke to you?”

“Somewhat. It was weak, came and went. I figured it could have been a horcrux, maybe, though I couldn’t fathom how it would pass from whatever it was stored in to me. Whatever its nature, it refused to tell me.”

“No, horcruxes don’t do that. They take time to corrupt and control. And they certainly can’t talk to the one they’re in, Potter can attest to that. So it was something else. Not a ghost or apparition, but still something unliving.” He looks thoughtful for a moment. “Or perhaps… Well, there is time to think about it.”


“Yes, I suppose you have more knowledge about Dark Arts than I do, professor. I would love to know if you do have any ideas of what it could be. Now, I would also love to stay and discuss our future endeavors, but I have an appointment that would be suspicious if I missed. Fortunately for you, I was already thinking of making polyjuice for myself, so I have the ingredients at hand. I’ve never brewed it myself, though I’m looking forward to the opportunity.”

“Good, little birdie. Go. We shall discuss more tomorrow, and then your training shall begin. If you wish to bring any of your little pets with you, well, I could always help you break them, if you haven’t already.”

You nod respectfully and exit the room, walking away at a steady, controlled pace that wouldn’t alarm anyone watching you.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Crouch, here, in Hogwarts, with Merlin knows what spell on Linda. You should probably contact the Ministry immediately with the coin in your pocket, right? But at the same time… You’d never learned so much about fighting as you did with him, and who knew what sort of knowledge he had. And if he was right about Voldemort, and if Dark Lord Hallaster had been right about how Potter had acquired his power…

Lord Voldemort had received a lot of knowledge from the Basilisk, knowledge he couldn’t use because he couldn’t control Ancient Magic. But you know three people who possibly can. Helga can’t conjure it herself, but she can manipulate it, like in Last Light. Linda and Brighton, with Godric and Rowena inside them, maybe could too. If you were to not say anything, keep on lying to him until he led you to one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes… maybe you could get that knowledge, knowledge that has been lost for millenia.

Knowledge that could help you beat Salazar and the Beast.

What will you do?

> Use the coin to warn the Ministry, then race to find Linda so they can help her as soon as they arrive and to stop her from potentially doing something for Crouch
> Use the coin to warn the Ministry, but don’t go after Linda. Pretend nothing is happening as to not potentially warn him
> Keep it quiet for now, but find Linda and attempt to undo whatever spell he put on her yourself
> Keep quiet and leave Linda be. Removing the spell could make him doubt you and lose his help, and he said it wasn’t that drastic of a spell
> Other (Write in)

You shall roll for whether Crouch believes you or not after I lock in the votes, so… Have fun.
Aaaand I lost my trip a while ago and didnt't even realize it
ooh, HeadQM, you mother fucker...
i would LLLLLLOVE to learn more stuff, but fucking around with Crouch is too much, if he managed to sneak INTO Hogwarts undetected, then im sure nobody is gonna be able to help us if he find us out.
and also, using Linda lika that just for our sake about learning feels like a really shitty thing to do from our part.

i'll go with:
> Use the coin to warn the Ministry, then race to find Linda so they can help her as soon as they arrive and to stop her from potentially doing something for Crouch

if he got inside her head, then you know for a fact she is a ticking time bomb and i dont wanna lose one of our more valuable assets and friend
> Keep it quiet for now, but find Linda and attempt to undo whatever spell he put on her yourself
>Use the coin AFTER you've found and secured her

We can't lose another one. Not after Taylor...

Can't be an actual Dark Lord without being a shithead, sadly. It's in the job description.
Okay, so good news is she is not going around Imperio'ing our friends. Probably. Bad news is she has some curse thing on her. We are not a curse breaker, and I doubt a finite is going to cut it.

>Find Linda, go to the Room and ask to see her wand for a moment. Incarcero her and try and figuer out how fucked up she is. Let her know that Crouch is here if we determine she is okay. Ask her if she wants us to contact the ministry to get the curse, spell what ever undone. If she is okay being used like this, tell her we can potentially learn and gain power, power enough to defeat Salazar. If she has mind stuff that could affect her, she should also have Rae soon to help counter it.

She is the best at Occulemency out of all our friends, hopefully she was able to hide the library, the coins, ect.

Time to gamble.
>> Use the coin to warn the Ministry, then race to find Linda so they can help her as soon as they arrive and to stop her from potentially doing something for Crouch
fuck, this one sounds good, changing my vote to this
I'll close the votes in 6-ish hours, then ask for a roll. Don't forget to lock in your choice by then
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Sacrifice any goats, chickens, unsealed classic figurines you have for luck with this roll guys.
>Keep it quiet for now, but find Linda and attempt to undo whatever spell he put on her yourself
I wonder if Excalibur can cut a curse without harming the person?
>Find Linda, go to the Room and ask to see her wand for a moment. Incarcero her and try and figuer out how fucked up she is. Let her know that Crouch is here if we determine she is okay. Ask her if she wants us to contact the ministry to get the curse, spell what ever undone. If she is okay being used like this, tell her we can potentially learn and gain power, power enough to defeat Salazar. If she has mind stuff that could affect her, she should also have Rae soon to help counter it.

> Keep it quiet for now, but find Linda and attempt to undo whatever spell he put on her yourself

> Use the coin to warn the Ministry, then race to find Linda so they can help her as soon as they arrive and to stop her from potentially doing something for Crouch

Very well, closing in the votes. Now, please...

> Roll a d100. Bo3. DC ???
Rolled 91 (1d100)

Still think we should see if Excalibur's ancient magic can cleave through curses.
Rolled 17 (1d100)

Here goes...

Good start, though. And good idea with Excalibur, btw.. Supporting.
Rolled 63 (1d100)

nice job anon, lets see if we can make it better, tho i doubt it
Rolled 59 (1d100)

Bretty good. I knew taking a nap and not rolling was the wise move.

For Funsies.
You quickly walk through the halls searching for Linda, trying to find her first in the halls around the Defence Class, then the Slytherin common room, then the Room of Requirement, but she’s nowhere to be found. You’re already racing from place to place when you see Arty and Helga heading to Transfiguration.

“Hey, what’s with the look?” Arty asks, looking worried.

“Can you send a Patronus to Linda? Like, right now. Tell her to meet me in the Room.”

“Uh, ok.”

“Wait!” You drag them to an isolated corner around a corridor. “Ok, now. Don’t want to call too much attention, at least on our side. You haven’t cast it in front of anyone else, have you?”

“No. What’s going on, Elliot?”

“I can tell you in the Room. Now, Patronus.”

She looks at you strangely, but nods and summons her great mythical bunny. “Go to Linda and ask her to meet me in the Room. Tell her I think I found a weird muggle artifact that neither me or Elliot know what it is, and we need her opinion.”

The wolpertinger jumps and disappears in a flash. A few seconds later it reappears.

“Can this wait until tomorrow?” It asks in Linda’s voice. “I have a headache and it doesn’t want to go away.”

She casts the spell again. “Elliot says he’ll brew you something for the headache, but that he thinks this is pretty big, and could help us with that thing we're researching.”

“Unf. Fine, but if I get there and it’s nothing I’m hexing both of you.”


Crouch?” Arty asks as you pace from one side to the other of the Room of Requirement. “I thought you said he was dead!”

“Yeah, that’s what the Ministry told me. Turns out they’re wrong. He’s here, and pretending to be the Defense teacher again. And he hexed Linda with something.”

“We need to tell the Ministry,” Helga says, pulling out her coin from her pocket. “They can-”

“No! Don’t!”

“Elliot, what are you talking about? That’s exactly the sort of thing they gave us these coins for!”

“I know but… Crouch was the best Battle Magic teacher me and Arty ever had. He knows too much, and he knows… he may know where Voldemort’s Horcruxes are.”

“They haven’t been all destroyed?”

“Crouch said Voldemort was still alive. He said he’d held a part of Voldemort, before it was taken from him. And if Voldemort is still somewhere out there… Then all the knowledge he learned from Salazar’s monster is in there with him. All the knowledge he used to become that powerful, but also all the knowledge of Ancient Magic he couldn’t use, but that you, Godric and Rowena can.”

“Elliot, you can’t be serious!” Helga says. ”He’s a Death Eater! He tortured Brighton’s grandparents to insanity! We can’t just leave him in a school filled with children!”

“Look, I don’t like it either but-”


“You three better have a really cool artifact here,” Linda says, massaging her temples and squinting in pain. “Because my head is killing me.”

You glance at Arty and she nods at you.

Petrificus Totalus!” She shouts, at the same time you shout “Incarcerous!”

Linda, who is not at all expecting to be involved in a battle, gets hit by both spells and falls to the floor, stiff as a board and wrapped in ropes.

“Sorry! I promise we have a good reason for this and that we’re not going to hurt you!” You say, rushing to her side and pulling her wand from her robes and away from her. Her eyes look frantically at you as you flick your wand again. “Finite!”

“Elliot, what the fuck!” She shouts the moment her mouth is no longer frozen.

“Sorry. I’m afraid someone hexed you. We… don’t quite know what they did, and we don’t know if… if you’re yourself still.”

“What are you talking about!? Of course I’m myself! Get me out of this thing!”

“It’s Crouch, Linda,” you say in a lower tone. “He isn’t dead, the Ministry was wrong. He’s alive, and he’s here, disguised as the Defense professor again.”

She stops struggling.


“Yeah, I know.”

“When did your headache start?” Helga asks, opening a nearby closet and pulling a mattress from it. She grimaces as she casts Wingardium Leviosa to float Linda to somewhere more comfortable.

“Right… right after I left Robards office. Oh shit. Have you called the ministry?”

“No. Elliot has a bright idea,” Helga says, not holding back the sarcasm.

You tell them of your conversation with Crouch.

“That… doesn’t seem like Potter’s style,” Linda says, slowly. “He doesn’t seem like the type of guy who would keep Voldemort alive just for knowledge and power.”

“Maybe. Maybe there is some other explanation. But Crouch seemed pretty certain that he held a piece of him. And if Voldemort still exists-”

“You could get the basilisk’s secrets from him,” Linda completes before you finish the thought. “But you can’t do that if you call the Ministry on him. And you think that if tomorrow I suddenly show up without whatever curse he cast on me he’ll get suspicious. So if we want to get this information… you need me to stay the way I am.”


“Yeah. But going through with it isn’t my call. I won’t be the one with who knows what spell on them. I could tell you that you are the best Occlumens between us, or that you have Ravenclaw in your head and that she’ll soon be strong enough to help you through whatever it is he cast on you, but…” You shake your head. “I don’t even know if I should be asking you this. I don’t know if you’re in a condition to answer. But if you want me to call the Ministry right now, I will. If you want me to cast the strongest Finite I can, I will. And if you tell me this is ok and I can go ahead… I still don’t know if I’d do it, because it makes my skin crawl.”

Linda lies in silence thinking for a long, long time. When she speaks again, her voice is meek, almost ashamed.

“It… it would be the brave thing, wouldn’t it? It would be the brave thing to do. It would be the cunning thing. The smart thing. The right thing. It would be, right?”

You gently brush her cheek with your hand. “I’m not asking you what the right thing is. I’m asking what you want, Linda. Not a reason. Not a justification. Don’t think about anyone else. What do you want to do?”

“I… I don’t want to deal with dark arts anymore.”


“On it.”

You hug Linda as Helga transfigures the coin.

“I’m sorry,” you whisper, gently passing your fingers through her dark hair. Though she can'd hug you back, you can feel her lean into the hug. ”I’m sorry I asked.”

A glowing otter appears a few seconds later, speaking in the voice of Hermione Granger.

“Stay in the Room. The Headmistress is warned. We are coming.”

So you stay. You stay with Linda waiting. It takes a few minutes for the otter reappear, telling you to open the door, and when you do the Minister herself walks in with two healers in tow.

“I have three strike teams attacking Crouch at the same time,” she tells you. “One through the windows, another through the door to his office, and another through the floo network. Another one is waiting to join them, if necessary.”

“Will she be alright?”

“They’re the best healers I had on short notice. Once I receive word Crouch is down, we’ll take her to St. Mungo’s.”

“That was not a yes.”

“If she’d been struck by anything too dark, the school’s wards would have been triggered.”

“That’s still not a yes.”

She does not reply to that.

The healers do their jobs, and after a while Granger pulls a mirror from her pocket, looks into it, then nods.

“They’re done.”


“Dead. And this time it is true.”

“Are you sure?


“Well, I can only guarantee you he no longer possesses a third of his torso, that he’s no longer breathing and that we will incinerate his body with fiendfyre shortly. Whether he had a Horcrux, I do not know for certain, but I suspect Voldemort didn't share the secrets of his immortality with him. When dealing with dark wizards, I have found having them killed thrice usually does the trick.”

“Voldemort only took two.”

“Not if you count Harry stabbing his diary.”


You two stand in silence, watching the healers work as Arty and Helga watch from closeby.

“The magical wizarding world isn’t doing right by you, is it, Elliot?”

“Didn’t do right by you for seven years, ma’am. I figure I’m still turning out a five-year profit before things started going to hell.”

She laughs.

“At least you’re taking this in stride.”

“I have to. If I don’t… they won’t have someone to take the brunt of it for them. And they, Linda most of all, can’t take much more.”

“And you can?”

“I have Arty.”

“Not a yes.”

“As long as I have her, I have something to go back to.”

“Ah, young love. And old, too, for some people. It does help you face the world. But take it from someone who had a long time to come to terms with being hunted… Give it time. I know sometimes it can feel exhausting, but time fixes all things. Yet it still doesn’t justify you getting hurt.” She turns to you, voice weary. “I don’t know what else I can do to make your life safe, Elliot. I figured I had it covered. I figure I have it covered now, but clearly I have underestimated the tenacity of the problems in your life. I’m sure McGonagall is kicking herself for allowing him close to you, and that I’m going to have to convince her to not resign, with promises that it was my fault, not hers.”

“Too many children died in the last war,” she continues. “ And I promised to myself I wouldn’t let anything like that happen again. I don’t want to have to go tell your parents their son is not coming home, Elliot. So if there is any other danger that you know that can come to you, any harm that you can think of, anything I can do to make you safer, all you have to do is say. And the same is true for Linda. You have faced enough. I have some limits to my powers, but I’ll try to do whatever I can, since clearly not even Hogwarts’ walls keep you away from danger.”

Do you ask or say anything to her?

> Write in
Eh, it is probably for the best in the end. I do hope we can find someone to keep training us since I feel like we are going to need it.

Will try and think of something useful to ask later.
>Is it true? That Voldemort still has an existing Horcrux? That Potter gave it to him for a time? Crouch was pretty positive it was real, and it could be used possibly to help Helga relearn to manipulate ancient magic

>Any chance you could help out with me and Arty at least continuing to recieve combat lessons, since there is still danger out there, obviously. What about occulemency? That is what let us fool him long enough to contact you

>Any chance I can get a sample of the polyjuice candy he was using, to figuer it out

>Ask about getting the portkey toe rings back, just in case. We are a lightning rod of doom after all

>Any new phrophesies yet?

>Is the real Robard dead?

>Any news about Potter? Any stiring that might be Salazar or Merlin or what ever it has become. I plan on letting the professionals handle it but he has a grudge against me and Helga.

>Make sure she knows Crouch had help from the inside
Shoot. Missed the vote, hoped we'd have a chance to exploit Crouch and his knowledge. Oh well. Probably wouldn't have gone over well with everyone else anyway.

Anyway, the vote.

>Will you be able to protect me from Potter?
The answer is clearly no even if she tried but it's good to lay ground for the possibility. We need allies.
Well? What did the 91 >>6099667 accomplish here?
Yeah, kinda sucked he got killed off-screen since he was interesting, and we don't have a chance to learn and or get a chance to maybe find a horcrux now but it was Linda's to decide given she is the one who got mindfucked and cursed. Oh well, back to relaxing fun times!

I do hope we can get a tutor and occulemency out of her though.

Probably let them get the jump on him because he didn't suspect we would betray him.
He didn't prepare for a betrayal and escape with Winky

Also, I would like to say not telling anything to Linda and just let her be cursed could have secured Crouch, but would probably have been very much an end to her willingness to be near you.
>He didn't prepare for a betrayal
Dark wizards exactly like the sith. They get complacent around their own fellow edgelords and never for once suspect a supposed-fellow serial backstabber would ever backstab them
>an end to her willingness to be near you. What was the DC on that roll?
Friends > Dank Knowledge 100% confirmed once again. We made the RIGHT choice this time. I like how Elliot still stayed honest and explained his reasoning but gave the ultimate open and final choice to Linda herself. That entire sequence with her was very well written in my opinion. She's been through hell since Last Light and it still hasn't ended
+1 to all of these
It may have been the moral decision, I don't know if it was the right one. We're going to need every advantage we can get in the future. Oh well, we should try to leverage Hermione for everything we can get our hands on while we have her. Oh, we still don't know what the safehouse Potter had near our house was for, we should ask about that too.
>Tell me what really happened to Voldemort, if you know, and how Potter got so powerful.
Ask for the unedited version of the Boy Who Lived, given the fact that we're proper stuck in the middle of all this.

We're not going to go hunting for it, but at this point it'll drag us into it. Better to be prepared than not.
Supporting these.
Did we properly disclose just what Harry saw?

Because I don't think Hermione understands just how bad what he saw was. His daughter not only died but has been erased from time. This is after she was taken over by the spirit of slytherin, who tortured her emotionally and physically from the inside out.

Might even worth being pensived in order to walk through it with her. She of all people understands just what Potter is capable of, especially when he's literally fighting against the universe itself for his daughter.

We also didn't get to ask about the safehouse potter had near our parents.
I like the Pensieve idea

>Might even worth being pensived in order to walk through it with her

We just really want to torture the OG cast.

Making sure she knows how bad it was, and that Potter will do evil shit for a chance to remember her is good, but I really don't think Elliot wants to show the magic president an underage girl doing that to herself and relive it.
likely necessary for her to be able to fully understand
What >>6100976 said
I do also want to show her everything from Elliot's point of view like Avalon and the plan to seize the Hallows and everything in Last Light and other important shit EXCEPT THE FUCKING FITZGERALD LIBRARY
I think thsi is a bad idea, as Minister Granger has demonstrated her willingness to intervene and interfere not just on our behalf but against us, when she thinks it's what's best. Our immediate interests may not always be so aligned.
we're obviously not going to show her EVERYTHING, just what's necessary for her to stop Potter from doing something retarded
Our immediate interests are training ourselves up so we can take the next dark wizard that pops by and making sure Potter isn't going do something even stupider than what he's already done. We'll need Granger on side for both.

I can agree about pondering why the fuck his safe house was like 2 blocks from our house. Was it possible before we got wiped from his memory that he discovered something that made him want to keep an eye on us and that is why the Beast targeted him and Lily first?

Also everything we can get from Granger. At this point she has to trust us some. Saved the world twice, gave up the power of what was left of the elixer to help Arty, turned in Crouch, ect.
Just one more thing before I get into my own writing cage. When Linda/Raven gets out of St. Mungos, we really need to spend some time with her, hang out. She has had so much shit happen to her and still stuck with us, believes in Elliot. We even said back in Avalon we should have been spending more time with her, noticed how bad she was still messed up.
i support this.
maybe we bring Arty and Helga along, give her a "me" day. she really deserves it
Yeah, it's weird. I don't get how Potter is supposed to be involved in the whole thing. We get wiped from Lily's memory because she's got Salazar in her head, but why Potter's? Everyone's accounted for, except maybe Merlin, but he's in the Beast. So far when time's changed it's affected everyone, not a handful of people.
Yeah Potter is kind of an anomaly or a key to getting everything. I kind of always assumed the Beast lashed out, removing connections before Helga could fight it off and hit the Potters and Hogwarts because they were the biggest threat + needing some writing conceit, but the fact that he has a safe house in walking distance from our parent's kinda threw that off. It can't be a coincidence. Or maybe it can and is a red herring?
The only thing I can think of is that Potter + Lily did something that caused the release of the spirits/set the quest in motion but I have no clue what that might be or how. Plus Salazar being a presence from Lily's childhood, and you'd think he'd know something about it and gloat. Or maybe that was retroactive.
Maybe Voldemort really was a big enough deal to have an Ancient Magic-level brain ghost (or something similar) in Potter, albeit presumably broken/subordinated to Potter's will?
I, uh, got a little carried away with answering the very first question, so here are 10k characters on this half update that had no reason to be this long.


“I have questions, more than anything.”

“I figured. There is plenty I cannot tell you.”

“Really? Even after all I know?”

She smiles sadly. “There will come a time, Elliot, where you’ll have the chance to tell your story. Hopefully by then you will have learned to hide just how close things came to disaster. You’ll learn how to hide the darkest parts, the things that will truly terrify people, not in a horror story kind of way, but in a ‘this could have killed me then, and could still kill me now, if only a single part of an extremely complex system fails’ kind of way. People think they want to know the truth, but the truth would make them never stop screaming.”

“I don’t think you trust people enough, Minister.”

“And I think you’re a few decades too young to make that claim.”

“So I guess you wouldn’t tell me if I asked if one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes survived?”

She smirks.

“That would be a way of putting it.”

“Really? Then-”

“You can’t. There is no way to get knowledge from them in their current state. There never will be.”

“Are… are you sure?”

She stands in silence. The healers nod at her.

“As far as we can tell, a botched memory charm,” the most senior of them says. “He peeked into her head, didn’t know what he was looking for, saw a good enough occlumens barrier and took that for truth. Then he tried to change the fake memories he saw, then cast confundus on her using those fake memories as support. It was a tangled mess, which is why she had the headache, and it would have been problematic if it had been allowed to settle. Fortunately we got to her early. She should be all good, but we’ll take her to St. Mungo’s for a more thorough inspection, though I don’t expect we’ll find anything.”

“Very well, gentleman. The Headmistress’ office should have a working fireplace we can use.”

You all begin heading towards the third floor, but you pull Arty aside.

“Hey, can I ask you a favor?”

“Yeah, what?”

“I’m going with Linda to St. Mungo’s just to be sure everything is alright. Could you stay and make sure, you know, that our teacher being a Death Eater isn’t going to make everyone explode? Mainly Brighton?”

“You said he was alright with knowing it.”

“Yeah, when he thought Crouch was dead.”

“Fine. I’m honestly surprised I still haven’t gotten a bear from Pollo, I should probably check on him too.” Arty turns to Granger. “Was the rest of the school warned?”


“As warned as it could be without alerting Crouch. The students shouldn’t know exactly what happened, which means they probably do. The paintings enjoy gossiping, though I would ask you to refrain from revealing his identity if that hasn’t already been made public.”

“Right. Ok, I’ll stay. You’ll be ok?” She asks you.

“Yeah. I’ll take Helga with me, I think she’ll appreciate seeing somewhere new. And while you're here... Could you plan something for us to do with Linda? I think she'll need her friends close once she comes back.”

You finally reach the gargoyle on the third floor and Arty leaves with a goodbye kiss as you go up the revolving spiral staircase. Minerva isn’t there, probably dealing with the dead Death Eater in her school, and after a flash of green you are all in St. Mungos. The healers take Linda to an ample private room and cast arrays of detection spells as you watch from some distance.

“Founder, I apologize, but may I have Elliot for a moment?”

Helga looks confused for a moment, but nods. Hermione takes you to a side room, opens her personal pouch and pulls out a two-seat broomstick.

“Let me warn you, Elliot. This will not be a comfortable trip. But it will answer some of your questions.”

She takes your hands and apparates. You are immediately freezing, covered in water and shivering and half drowning.

“You could have let me board the broom first!” You shout as you climb on the side seat. It doesn’t help with you being soaked, as it is pouring rain.

“Nope, you want to come here, you have to get soaked! It’s tradition!”

“Where is here?” You ask through clattering teeth, pointing at the wide open ocean around and the sky covered in tempestuous clouds. “Middle of nowhere? Fuck, it’s cold. Thermos!

“No, Mr. Hallaster. We’re going to a cave. One whose previous inhabitants you met once, I believe.” She pulls a necklace from her robes, and you see it has a number of baubles, coins and just stuff in general. She takes one, points at it and focuses for a moment. You can see words form on its surface before she puts it back in her robes. “There, now they’re warned we’re coming and won’t shoot us off the air.”

She flies you through some minutes of endless water. You have no idea how she knows where she’s going since all directions seem the same to you, but soon you see something flash red three times over the water. She seems pleased and dives in that direction. She isn’t a skilled flier, but you suppose she doesn’t have to be.

You land on a crack on a piece of rock that stands no more than half a meter over the waves, where a man waits for you.

“Minister,” he nods. “Wasn’t expecting anyone for at least another couple of months. Much less with a visit.”

“I need to show him the pit.”

“Not to question you, Minister, but he looks a bit… young to see such things.”

“He’s seen worse.”


The man steps out of the way and lets you through. You finally reach somewhere dry, making your way down a long, long cavern.

“Tell me, Elliot. How much happiness can a person take?”

“Uh… What?” You ask, unprepared. She repeats the question and you still don’t know how to answer. “Well, it depends on the person, I guess. Some people are happier than others, but-”

“No, you misunderstand me. I’m not talking of total happiness. I’m talking about happiness per second.”

You blink. “What?

“The Department of Mysteries has many areas,” she says, walking ahead of you with her wand lit up, for there is no other source of light. “And they study many things. One such thing is the nature of the soul, its properties. Well, at least before I put an end to that section because it bordered on the darkest of magics. But one thing they found was that the more of a feeling you feel, the more it is necessary to cause more of that feeling. They aren’t sure if it has a superior limit, but the growth of necessary things that cause a feeling to feeling actually felt is exponential.”

“I… Ok?” You are starting to feel stupid, because you have no idea of where either you or this conversation is going.

“You are muggleborn, aren’t you? Think of it like speed with relativity. The faster you are, the more energy it takes to accelerate you. But you see, this limit is defined by how many points of contact a soul has with the thing which causes the feeling. For most cases, it is one, you. But, for example, some twins potentially have the capacity to feel more happiness with less total stimulus, because their souls can be tied to the other twin, so if both twins are feeling the same input of happiness, and assuming their souls are entirely intertwined, which they never are but let us suppose as much for the sake of argument, that would mean they could feel twice as much happiness with much less. It is like racing a car alone, but then when your brother turns on their car and starts moving, you go that much faster.”

How this woman hadn’t been sorted into Ravenclaw is beyond you, because most of what she’s saying goes right over your head.

You two reach a great underground lake of perfectly still water.

“I think Harry took all the inferi out of here but… I still don’t want to risk it.”

The two of you gently make your way around the lake, until she stops and reaches into the air. An old chain materializes in her hand and she pulls it. An old boat lifts up from the water.

“Careful now,” she says, stepping in. “Don’t touch the water.”

Making absolutely sure to not step into the water, you get onto the boat, which glides over the surface of the lake without barely any waves. As you approach the center of the island, it starts getting cold. Too cold.

“Do you understand my point, Elliot?”

“I… think I do?”


“Then do me a favor. Change your occlumency barriers. Pretend, for a moment, that you are Lord Voldemort. That you do not care about other people or their lives. That you are terrified of dying. What would be the first thing you’d do?”

Dark Lord Hallaster answers, “I’d make a horcrux.”

“Very well. But what if your horcrux was destroyed? Surely you couldn’t risk that, could you.”

“No, I’d make more.”

“How many more?”

You stop. There is a rising doubt.

“That… would depend on the cost.”

“Surely the cost of running out of horcruxes is greater than whatever the cost of making one more, no?”

The cold coming from the island penetrates your spell. It seems to come from inside you.

“Yeah. I mean. I’d make more. Plenty more.”

The boat stops as it hits frozen water. You two get out of the boat and walk a short way towards the island. There you find a ladder going down. You two descend, she goes first.

“Right. Of course you would. You would make more. If someone was bothering you and you killed them, why, you’d make one. If you fought someone in a duel and cut off their head, you’d make one. If you grew ever more insane to the point where a wand was no longer personal enough, that you’d capture your enemies alive to cut them with a knife… you’d make one for every single one that died in your hands. Because why not?”

You reach the bottom of the ladder, where a massive pit opens on the floor ahead of you. It is made of true iron, forged by goblins. It must be at least a hundred meters wide and another hundred deep, though you can’t see the bottom, only feel the horror coming from within it.

Hermione casts a light and it falls down upon it, revealing the source of the cold: an uncountable horde of dementors, huddled around hundreds of baubles, pebbles and trinkets.

“There weren’t just seven,” she says, and her voice is colder than ice. “Two hundred and fifty six. That’s how many we managed to track down so far after this many years. We suppose there are at least twice as many out there.”

And the horror of what she’d said before washes over you.

“And each of them…”

“An access point to his soul, from which they can feed on his despair, each as if it is a different person. A soul that never withers. That never dies. That never stops suffering. Yeah. He wanted immortality. We wanted a way of keeping our dementors busy. Both of us got what we wanted, in the end.”

You search for words, but there are none.

“You asked if I was sure there was no way of getting information out of him,” she says. “Well, there’s your answer. There is the truth we don’t tell people because it is too terrible to accept. That the only thing protecting them from dementors is Tom Marvolo Riddle, and that everything he knew, was and could be, is long, long gone, lost below those cloaked horrors.”
Also, we've almost dropping out of the board, so next update will probably be in a new thread. Here's the archive, don't forget to vote!

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Holy shit. Darkest fucking timeline. Tortured forever by voids in the world; fucking hell, voldy. Will have to think about this a touch. Guess we know what happened to the dementors at least. This is beyond top secret, so I suppose Hermione trusts us to a degree...
Holy shit, only whatever void the beast has been trapped in all this time could be worst than this place.
i guess we can trust her more than any other adult at this point, maybe we should tell her about Lily...
She should know the basics already. Potter had a daughter, was overtaken by Salazar through emotional, psychological, and self-inflicted physical abuse. Erased from time. She was watching while we were interrogated, so all she doesn't know would be the specifics.
and that Potter went mad from grief when he saw, and we told Ron that it was pretty pretty bad, yeah I think she'll take our word for it and decline the offer
>I suppose Hermione trusts us to a degree...

Or she's going to kill us.

...Haha, just kidding. KIDDING! Right??
Damn. We should probably warn her about Merlin. Maybe not tell her about Atlantis, I'm not sure. We definitely need to get it into her head that we're dealing with someone worse than Voldy here.
what are you guys on about, we already spilled the beans about most of everything
In generals, not in specifics.

And some of those specifics matter more than one would think.
there's being thorough and there's talking in circles and oversharing. unless you can point out those specifics with an explanation then nah, i think they don't
I don't think we've shared anything about Atlantis and I think that's a good move. Other than that I can't think of anything specific we haven't told them.
we had a whole vote about what do we NOT wanna share. that wasn't in consideration. we can only assume that we did them about atlantis
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I swear, if we get pushed into the dementor pit...

But this is a fucked up thing to do, even to Voldemort. Does show that ratting on Crouch was good I suppose, since the big thing, Helga relearning ancient magic stuff, wasn't going to work. Also, Linda doesn't hate us. Wooooo.

Do hope we still get to ask for battle magic and occulemency training.
>There is the truth we don’t tell people because it is too terrible to accept.
Those Who Walk Away From Omelas as well as many other fictional stories say this is not a new concept. There must be at least a few myths out there like this scenario. Hell, the titan Atlas of greek myth is holding the entire sky up as punishment... which just begs the question of where the sky was before some big guy (for you) was pinned under it?
Would Emma Watson sparta kick a 16 year old autist into a nega-happiness pit?
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Hot. I would let HP era Emma kick me where ever and into what every she wanted. And Elliot doesn't have the 'tism, I think. He is a dork, but that is about it.

Lots of things we take for granted are literally held up by a pin, IRL. Never think about healthcare and how it works, for example.
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>HP era Emma
>that picture
What year was that taken? What age do you mean?
I mean, when she was like in year 6 or 7. That is one of the few Hermione pics I have. Though, if the minister looks like Watson does nowadays, she can go kick rocks and thats it.
don't think anyone can really do anything with just the knowledge that Atlantis was real
>page 11
we dying at any moment now, new thread?
I'll create one once the next update is done and announce on /qtg/
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Nifty. Getting one more in for last post. Picrel is you bossman.
actually, before the thread dies and since this is pretty much the only way to get a reliably contact with you, i noticed that you voted in my quest for the ravenclaw riddle thingy, have you been reading/lurkin both my and the ilvermorny quests? any opinions so far?
really curious about your thoughts about them
I still need to finish catching up (on Ilvermony too), so I'll answer you on your thread once I'm up to date
fair enough, take your time.
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Thank you for taking a look at my shit my man or my girl, don't want to assume. Even if it doesn't end up being for you I appreciate it.

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