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Recap: You are on a train, leading to the king's castle, and hopefully, to the conclusion of your quest. You also found out that Snikt is going to turn into a full-on dragon after all, though she killed her "inner dragon". Your decision in regards to this information is to let her... with precautions.
There is a pause...
And then she quietly says:
"D-dragon. I wanna be big."

Well... you suppose that makes sense. What kobold wouldn't want to become what is essentially a god to them? But, you're not about to let this go on without some precautions. You love Snikt, you trust her. The absolute last thing that you ever want to experience is seeing her turn into something that you can't love or trust any more. But, you have a solution to that very problem.
"So... Snikt. I'm going to help you every step of the way. As long as I am able, you'll become that which you want to be but... what do want to be?"
"I... I-"

You're losing her already, you specify:
"Let me... be more specific. What kind of dragon would you want to be? Would you take revenge on those that were cruel to you before?"
Snikt doesn't hesitate.
"No. I'd... i'd kill them if they hurt me, but not because of something in the past. It's useless. It's... It's dangerous."
That's a great sign to start with.
"Why is it dangerous?"
"It's effort. It... starts a fight. And the only benefit is making yourself feel better. Just for a little while."
She sniffs.
"I... Did a revenge. Once. Those people that betrayed me. Former Dragon helped me, but... I pointed him to a village. He killed them all. I found their crispy corpses."

She sighs.
"My back still hurt. I still just wish they hadn't hurt me in the first place. It didn't help anything."
Sins of the past. You won't hold it against her.
"It's not a fun way to learn that lesson... but it's good to have learned it. Will you be... friendly? Will you try to help humanity?"
"Yes. And kobolds. A-and dragonborn. Lots of people. And you. Because you'll always be my Dragon. Forever and ever."
Smiling, you wrap your arms around her, hugging her tight.
"...Thank you." You whisper, and then you stand up.

"...I should investigate the others, if you don't mind. We might not have much time to talk when we arrive, for a while."
"I'll come with you!" Snikt says, smiling, and you can't say no to THAT face.

Where to next?
>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.

>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

>Paracelsus might want another talk

>...On second thought, you think you'll wait to arrive, together with Snikt.

I'm gonna try really, really hard to keep a sensible update schedule this time.
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>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future.
>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.
Both, but if I must choose, the second one. It's important, is she's going to be Snikt's guide someday.

It happens. Don't beat yourself up about it.
>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.
>>Pink... Perhaps it's time to talk about her hatred of humanity.

Its festered long enough and out of all of us I think she will be the one around after us so she will have the chance to whisper her hate into snikts ear after we are gone.
>Chad and William, your squires. They're both doing well. You wonder if there are plans for their future

Ayyyy we're back
Pink. You need to talk to Pink.

"We're going to talk to Pink." Considering how long dragons live, and how long the transformation is *supposed* to take... she might be the only friend that stays with her forever. Few creatures can resist the ever-ticking clock, after all. "I need to figure out why she hates humanity, and how I can... I need her to understand."
Snikt doesn't look so sure.
"I... She has seen a lot of humans, Dragon. She never liked them, up until you. I'm not sure if you could convince her."
You stop for a moment. The train is making a bend, and it's throwing you to the side, ever-so slightly. It comes at a good time.
"I don't need to convince her to love humans. Lord knows, that's too much to ask. But I need her to tolerate humanity. To find some kind of common ground. Something... Anything, really."

You reach Pink's compartment. She's not alone, as Petrus and Dismas are here. Seems that she was keeping them both company, and teaching them letters, even! All kobolts look up at you, smiling wide at your approach.
"How may I serve?" Pink asks, hopping off the seat to do a quick curtsy. Seems she learned something from the staff at Paracelsus' family.
"I just wanted to talk... Privately, if it's possible."
"Of course. Petrus, Dismas? Go to the compartment opposite here. Take this book and try to read the first few pages. I'll ask you what happened, after. Don't worry if you get it wrong! Trying is far more important."

The two kobolts quickly leave, evidently feeling as though there is something serious about to happen. Not entirely inaccurate, as you sit down opposite Pink, who is just smiling at your mere presence. And, that of Snikt.
"Pink... I wanted to talk to you again. About your... distaste for humanity."
Her smile fades.
"Okay, dragon... But, you realize the best reason for it is sitting next to you, yes?" Pink says, nodding to Snikt. Snikt, however, puts the wind out of her sails:
"But I don't hate humans... Not really. I hated the men that hurt me, but not... everyone. You hate everybody, though, because they lie. Right?"
Pink closes her eyes.
"Yes. That's a part of it. They hurt us. They hurt anybody smaller than them. They respect force, but they say they're better than us. They call dragons unnatural, but their own use of guns, of swords, that is perfectly fine."
She snorts.
"I've said it all before, Dragon... I don't know what else I can tell you. I've seen humanity. I don't like what I saw. You're different."

Well... You suppose you need an argument of sorts.

> I'm not asking you forgive them, or to love them. I'm asking you to *tolerate* them. That's all.
Snikt will need guidance... if one of her guides tells her to hate humanity, it's not a good idea.

> So humanity deserves to suffer because they're *arrogant and hypocritical* to you? Is that it?
Seems a bit ironic, considering who kobolts prefer to serve

> Another argument.
>You wish to know how to serve me? Well, this is tye task I require: have patience with them. Teach humanity to be better, if you can. At the very elast, make sure that the humans like me, and Sarah, are treated fairly and kindly. I won't be here forever, since I don't plan to complete my transfornation. I need you to guide Snikt here, when I'm gone. I know you're a good person, and that you care for me... So please, try to do what I would do, as best you can, when dealing with my kind.
Bringing up our mortality and tasking her with such an important and prestigious task from her 'dragon' should help, I hope.
>> The Reynolds eyes softened as he gazed at Pink, his voice a mixture of tiredness and and understanding. "Pink, I'm not asking you to forgive humanity, or to love them. I'm simply asking you to tolerate them." He sighed, running a paw over his face "Like it or not, humanity endures. I've seen enough of this world's layered history to know that much. You'll likely be with Snikt long after I'm gone, and I can only trust you to be there for her, to counsel her, to help her make her own choices. But if your heart remains poisoned by this hatred, how long before you guide her on a collision course with humanity? A path that would end with countless deaths—before yours and Snikt's—because, as I've said, humanity endures." Reynold pauses here, his gaze drifting to the middle distance as if gathering his thoughts. When he speaks again, his voice is tight with emotion. "That isn't the fate I want for my daughter, Pink." he curls his tail protectively around Snikt. "Nor for you."
>Leaning closer, he continued, "With your immortality and Snikt's longevity, you'll witness ages of humanity come and go. And rather than make them worse or sitting by and watch isolated and alone, what if, instead of watching things deteriorate, you helped them to be better? Not just for humans, but for every thinking creature in this ruined world. Help humanity at large become the kind of human you see in me."
>The Reynold's eyes lock with Pink's, conveying the weight of his words. "It won't be easy. It would be the work of several lifetimes. But if our time together has meant as much to you as I think it has, then consider this the request of a friend who knows he won't be here to see it through." His voice softens. "Of all the people I've known, there's no one else I can trust to guide Snikt as she comes into her own. But you have to let go of the hate, Pink. Nothing good ever comes from holding onto it. Nothing."

I figured this would be a good time to bring out the heavy guns and it's high time we call snikt our daughter since we have all but adopted her under the law. Further if pink let go of the hate she 100% could help improve this dying world, as well as being there for snikt who could also help fix this fucked up catastrophe of a planet, but again only if she lets go of the hate, because if she doesn't both will 100% end up dead after killing who knows how many.
You look at Pink, and she stares right back. She knows what's coming, and you suspect that she's steeling herself for whatever argument might follow, so...
It's time for the most extreme option you have available.
"Pink... Snikt is turning into a dragon. You know this?"
She stares... and nods.
"Not surprised. But... you know that I won't be, correct? I've decided I don't want to be a dragon. I'm going to be... human."
Pink sniffs.
"But not like the rest of the humans, still."
"Well... That's what I'm going to ask of you, Pink. It's a hell of a thing to ask, but I think we know eachother well enough. You like me, yes?"
"Like nobody else!"
"We haven't known eachother for that long, but-
"I'd die for you."

"Well... You've lived a long life already, Pink. Very long. I think it'll keep being a very long life, but if I go back to being human... Even in the best of circumstances-"
Pink, to your surprise, hisses. She clenches her little claws together, and bares her teeth at you.
"SSSSshut up! Then DON'T!" She mutters something in a language you don't understand, and it's one you haven't heard her speak before. "You tell me about why you need to be human! NOW, you tell me I need to, w-what, keep in mind I might outlive you!? That's just... IT'S WRONG, dragon!"
She slams her little fist against the seating.
Snikt is leaning back, clearly uncomfortable at this outburst of Pink.
You just take in the tirade, and then speak, when there's a pause.

"Despite the fact I could die of old age... I still want to be human. That's a part of it. What I want to ask of you, Pink... Snikt is going to be a dragon. She's going to live a very long time, and I want you to look after her when I lose the ability to do so."
Pink glares at you, and you continue:
"Humanity is a stubborn beast, Pink. You know it. I know it. They've survived the end of the world, from the looks of things. Again and again, they came back, fought harder. And if I leave you as you are with Snikt... Give it a few decades, and who's to say your hatred for humanity wouldn't poison her, as well?"
The wording there makes Pink's mouth drop.
"I... y-you... You're..."
She can't make sense of it. A rare thing for her, you suspect.
"So, I'm asking... I'm pleading. Please, Pink. I don't want humanity to go against her. I don't want them to come after her. I don't want YOU to come after THEM. If our time together means as much to you as I think it does... I think you understand."
You stand up, looming over her, as she looks around, as if for an escape. Then, you kneel down, on her eye level.
"Pink, I'm asking this because you're the only person I trust to guide Snikt. The transformation will take a long time. Very long, if I can help it. Because I don't plan on her getting hurt again... So, Pink."

She returns your gaze.
"Will you give Humanity another shot? Can you show patience to them? And, perhaps, one day, dragons and humans could live together, instead of apart. You've got a very unique opportunity, Pink. You hate humanity as it is... but perhaps, you could help guide it to something better. You and Snikt together... I think it'd make for a hell of a team."

Pink looks away.
"But I don't... I don't WANT to do it. I want... I want to stay with you! Why can't you just become a dragon!? Are you afraid of Onyx!? Then... t-then kill him! We are headed to a king. A dragon among humans, yes!? Many people, many weapons. Use them!"
She suddenly puts her arms around you.
"...Don't want to lose you. Don't want to lose anybody. Don't want to see you grow old. Just... W-why not become a dragon!? I don't... It's not even because humans are awful I don't understand! Do you want to leave us behind!? You could be immortal! P-perhaps, learn magic to appear human when it matters! Why don't YOU guide humanity!? You understand it! I'm just... I'm just a kobolt."

You think you overwhelmed her. Too much, too fast. Poor girl.

>Calm her down. Bring things back down to earth.
Yes, you can die of old age, but it's going to take a while!

>Sigh. And tell her that it's an order from her Dragon.
Pulling rank is not something you like to do, but...

>Something else.
>Both options, as necessary
I don't see why we can't do both. Calm her down, ask again, and pull rank if she refuses. As for why we don't want to transform...
>Ask Pink of SHE wants to become a dragon, or why she wants to remain 'justa kobolt'
If she can't put words to it, she knows how we feel. We can rationalize it one way or the other and I'm still okay with going dragon eventually but we like being human. We like who we are, inside and out. It took a while, but we don't want to lose that, or the ability to interact normally with our own kind.
>>Calm her down. Bring things back down to earth.
No long posts with good words tonight guys, I am cooked after hitting my PB on squats for 350 lb

if need be we should give her some time to think it over rather than make it an order, we still have time anyway, so no need to rush this and force it on her. I worry that if we do it could lead her to resent us for forcing the task on her. No, it's better to let her have some space to think it over after we calm her down. I also have no good words to explain why we need to remain human other than our humanity is as central to us as her need to serve her dragon, we could no more turn our back on it than she could forsake her dragon.
I don't think someone who clearly venerates the kobolt/dragon relationship as Pink does would resent an order.
If we can do a bit of both, sure, but can we actually take that approach?
>>6065035 is me, and I fabour a stern approach if we have to choose.

We've tried being soft about this, and takking her into it. This is an old conversation at this point. At a certain stage, we have to put our foot down as a dragon.
You sigh.
"Pink, please, calm down. I'm not dying yet."
"But you WILL!"
"And if I can help it, it'll take a long damned time. But... Look, Pink. Let me ask you. Do *you* want to be a dragon?"
Pink blinks, falling silent. She remains silent for a while, and eventually, she says:
"I... N-no? I... I'm a kobolt. I'm a kobolt that won't die, and I... I'm made to be helpful. To serve. I can't..."
She's clearly very confused by the question, and you can finally smile.
You've got her.

"That's how I feel."
"But you're not a servant! You don't- Humans don't know why they're here! We don't fumble for meaning, Reynauld!" She all but yells. "We are here to serve! Kobolts *serve*."
"And so do I. I want humanity to be better. I want other people to live their life, without fearing some monster. But I don't want to stop being human to make that happen. Just as being a kobolt is what makes you... "you". Being human is a part of me. It's not something I can walk away from."
Pink stares, and then looks away, as if ashamed.
"S-sorry for yelling, dragon."
"It's fine. But will you be able to do what I asked?"
Another pause... and then she looks at Snikt. Snikt smiles, in return, and answers the unspoken question.
"Yes, I do want to be a dragon. I'm not... really a kobolt any more, and I don't want people to hurt me, ever again."
She clutches your arm.
"And I want our Dragon to be happy. Even if he isn't there any more, I want him to be happy with me. So... I'm going to need help. Because dragons have a lot of big thoughts, and Snikt has- I have a very small head."

Pink keeps on staring... switching between you and Snikt. Then, she closes her eyes.
"Order me."
"Order me. Make it official. Demand it of me. And I'll make it happen. I'll do what I can to like humans, to... *want* to help them."
You understand that this is just how she's going to break the barrier, you suppose. Kobolts are like that, unfortunately, and if this is something she needs...

"Very well. Snikt. I order you to be able to look at humans with patience. With understanding. And for you to be able to guide me, or others, towards a brighter tomorrow for everybody. Do what you think is best, to that end. You know what I mean, yes?"
She nods.
"Yes. Yes, dragon. Thank you."
She sighs, leaning back in her seat.
"I'll do my best."

You stand up, and hug her tight, pressing her little body against your chest. She is shocked, at first, but then mellows, returning the hug and wrapping her tail around you.
"Thank you, Pink. I know you'll do great, okay?"
Then, putting her back down. "And, hey." You then add. "I'm not dead yet, like I said!"
Pink smiles.
"Yes. Not dead yet."

The train will be coming into the station soon enough.
Is there anybody else you think you should talk to?

>Your squires, William and Chad. Anna, too.
In the case of Anna and William, there's still the question of their transformation...

>Esme and the twins?
They're a bit needy.

>Nobody else.
Just relax.
>Your squires, William and Chad. Anna, too.
>Your squires, William and Chad. Anna, too.
Surely the twins aren't SO needy anymore, with William and all?
Esme's still in love with us, though... But damned if I know what to do about that.
>>Your squires, William and Chad. Anna, too.
>Your squires, William and Chad. Anna, too.
Good to see you back Spine.
Well then, you suppose your squires are up next. They've all got relevance to the wizard, after all. Odds are, he'll be able to transform William back... and Anna, into a kobolt, you suppose. If she still wants that. You head to their compartment, and you suppose it shouldn't have been a surprise to find the twins have joined up with William, while Anna and Chad are sitting together as well. A regular little loveshack, this is.
"Am I interrupting something?" You say, failing to resist the urge to grin at these public displays of affection. William is quick to sit up straight, but Anna and Chad remain close to eachother... They're pretty much lying on top of eachother, and Anna even giggles, adding:
"You are, but we can keep going..."

You decide to sit down, as this feels important either way.
"So, I don't mean to be a bother, of course-"
"Never, ser!" William says, a bit quick to show reverence. You keep going after a short pause.
"But I have to ask... are all the plans still going through when we get there? Anna?"
"Oh, I mean... I'm pretty much entirely on board with going lizard mode, I'll be real." She says, looking back at you. Her mutilated face is hard to read, but... You can tell that she's trying to smile. It's in the eyes. "Even if Chad's happy about me either way, because he's the best, I..."
She starts giggling. It's a raspy, wheezy little laugh of hers, made difficult with one of her cheeks being gone.
"I... I want to... start a family. I'm hoping laying eggs isn't as fucking annoying as a period, frankly!"

Oh, well, that's entirely too much information.
You look at Chad, and he shrugs:
"I... would like that. As well. The klan can look after the eggs together. They will be strong."
You can tell from the slight waver in his voice that he's resisting the urge to start laughing himself. He's more excited than he wants to let on, but... it shows. His tail, stumpy as it is, wags ever so slightly.

Then... William.
"And... what about you?"
"I'm good!"
As the twins clap their hands together, you can see why. Well...
"Are you... truly sure? You've become more servile, you know this. It's not just a physical change."
He scoffs.
"So what? I was already a bootlicker before. Now, I'm at least a bootlicker to something that deserves it! I told you before, Dragon... There's absolutely nothing worth saving about William the old bandit."
You flinch.
"You were more than that. You were... are a squire. You were improving. It's a curse, lest we forget, that you were turned into a kobolt."

He looks down at himself... and shrugs.
"And it make me a tall and evidently handsome example of the species. Oh no, what a nightmare..."
He nuzzles the neck of Sapphire, for only a short moment.
"...I feel loved, Reynauld. That's more than I once had. I know what I was, and I know what I am."
He looks out of the window for a moment, before squeezing the kobolt twins a little closer to him.
"I don't want to be the animal I once was."

>Very well.

>Very well.
But let him know that you plan to changing back, even so.

I mean, if we're letting Snik do her thing, and even cool with Anna turning kobolt, why should we forbid this? Especially if it gets in the way of his rather enviable romantic situation and his new found family...
Supporting >>6070780
>Argue, remind him of the agreement you made insist on the two weeks and if he still wants to be a kobolt then so be it.

I don't like it, but in the end, I am going to be outvoted and it's his choice if we forced him he would just resent us. but I have to vote for what I think is right.

>>6070780 is me, and I can back >>6071498 to a degree, as long as we phrase it as more of a gentle reminder that he promised to give it due thought, and less as an argument. And include a little line about how we understand why he might be attached to his new life, as a complimentary nod to his girlfriends who we don't want to slight as 'not worth it' or anything. The Twins don't deserve that.
I agree with you, it needs to be stated gently but it does need to be said. I just didn't have the energy to write up a nice write-in post.
"William..." You say, and William flinches as soon as you say his name. It's probably the tone with which you said it, that of a chiding parent.
"If I recall right, you agreed on being willing to try being human again for two weeks. Your acceptance of being a kobolt is fine, of course, but it might not be... entirely your decision."

William swallows.
"And what if he can't turn me back. What if it's a one time thing? I mean... C-come on, Dragon!"
He nods to the twins, which are also looking at you with a faint pleading look.
"Would *you* give this up?"
"You're not giving it up. You're just seeing if your desires come from you, or from a spiteful curse. No offense to the twins."
"Nooooone taken." Sapphire says, as she wiggles her faintly red tail around. Ruby nods as well. "Humans don't like kobolts in that way, unless they have good taste."
They both giggle...
"Buuuut, I think William has *greaaaat* taste."
"Don't you?"

William laughs.
"I'd hope so! Still, I... Maaaan. I promised, I guess. Fuck it."
The twins look at eachother for a moment, and then they say something you really didn't expect.
"You know..."
"What if we join him on that?"
"I mean, we remember him as not being so pretty when he was human..."
"But he wasn't a kobolt, then, either!"
"We'd be one of those things Paracelsus talks about! The, uh... controlling group!"
"Control group, dum-dum."
"Yeah, that!"

Now THAT is an interesting turn. You figured they were into William for his new kobolt body, but if they're willing to follow him... then again, they might both be seeing it more as a sort of "vacation". Or, it's a trick for them to convince him to stay kobolt, if you want to be cynical.
Then, however, you think you hear the real reason.
"Think of all the pretty *dresses* we could wear!"
"And make!"
"Less claws, more fingies!"
The wiggle their little hands around, and Anna fails to keep herself contained as she starts laughing.
"Oh my GOD, how are they this cute!?"
You reply to that one:
"Good question. I think it was cultivated over a long career... though kobolts are naturally quite cute."
"Pssh, can't disagree. Isn't that right, my cute little scaley hunk?"
Chad just smiles back.
"I'm taller than you."
"And I'm short! What's your point?! We're still small! Except where it counts."

Chad coughs:
"N-not in front of Ser."

Aww, he learned from William.
"I'm proud of you William. Don't forget that. Now, I think we'll be arriving quite soon. I'd better go see if I'm not forgetting anybody. Best of luck, lovebirds!" You say, chuckling as you close the door.

Lovely. Now then, you have enough time to visit one more person, if you wish.


>Collar and Teensy. Haven't talked to them in a while, though you think they're doing just fine.

>You might as well just wait around, preparing to leave this train.
I can't really think of any other pressing concerns requiring a write-up, so...

>You might as well just wait around, preparing to leave this train.

Though I'll back another anon if I'm forgetting something.
>You might as well just wait around, preparing to leave this train.
>>Collar and Teensy. Haven't talked to them in a while, though you think they're doing just fine.

No assumptions are the reason half the problems we have had have happened let's check on them, please
Fine, fine. +1

Changing my vote, QM.
You decide to check in with Collar and Teensy, just in case. When you enter the cart, however, you get the impression there isn't much to be worried about, as Teensy is riding Collar and... using it to stick her head out of the window.
"WEeEeeeeEEeEEeEeEeE!!" She says, her voice slightly warbled from the wind. Collar, meanwhile, is clutching Teensy's ankles for dear life, and when she notices you're here, she quickly pulls Teensy back in.
"HEyyy! It's fine! There's nothing ahead of the train for a big while!" Teensy says, before shaking her head and clenching her eyes shut.
"mmrrhf. I think I swallowed a few more bugs than I planned on, though." She then adds, before she opens her eyes again and finally catches on.
"Ohh! HI DRAGON!!" She yells, and Collar apes it, also yelling her greeting at you. You sit opposite to the pair, grinning.
"So. Having fun?"
"Ya-huh! Loads a fun! This train stuff is super fun! Back in Rosaria, only the alchemists had trains, but here, they have it for regular people, too!"
You shake your head, gently:
"For people that can afford it... Hardly the regular people, Teensy."
Collar shrugs:
"I mean. It's a big train. And I think they let people travel it for free if they have work on the other side of the train road."

They do, huh? Interesting.
"Well, who knows. Maybe we can propose it to the king if we get back. I'm sure he'd be... thrilled."
You're not sure, frankly. It's a major resource cost, and the alchemists aren't known for being cheap. But this isn't your problem, any how. Maybe the dwarves could help...?
Shaking your head, you lean back:
"So... Any plans for you two?"
"Uhhh, kinda! Hey! Mister Wizard can change people around a lot, right? Turn them into different stuffs?"
"... We're assuming as much, I suppose?" You say. Not exactly confident.

Teensy then reveals she has a terrible idea.
"He can turn me into a big strong dog again! B-but without the, uh, the stuff! The stuff that was bad!"
You lean forward. Every centimeter you move forward seems to darken the room a little bit, the tone turning light-hearted to about as serious as a heart attack.
"You mean the rampant bloodlust, Teensy? The chance that one might lose their very selves? The kind of thing that might have very well gotten your friends killed?"

Teensy... Seems undettered.
"Yeah! That stuff! But, you know, instead I'll be big, and I can carry Collar around!"
There are so many easier ways to do this.
"Aww, you don't like it. Okay! No need, then! I guess I'll keep riding Collar. OOH! Maybe Collar can try out being a really big thing! We'd make for the bestest kobolts once we can be, uh... giants! O-or, uhh, MONITOR LIZARDS!"
You blink.

You blink again.
"Monitor Lizzies are cute..." Collar just says, quietly.

Oh, these little goobers.

>You know I love you guys just the way you are, right?

>Well... If it's as easy as you hope, and that's a big IF, maybe we could try a few things out...?

>This is serious. Don't let them consider this.
>Well... If it's as easy as you hope, and that's a big IF, maybe we could try a few things out...?
Doesn't seem to be about whether we live them or not, so much as an impulsive decision. Let's emphasize the "IF it's easy AND SAFE part, though.

>You know I love you guys just the way you are, right?
>>You know I love you guys just the way you are, right?

yeah we need to let them know that they are special as they are and we love them, no need for some thing crazy, they are perfect as they are.
You're really not worried about these two. They're just excited at the concept of turning into things, rather than... being unhappy about being kobolts. At least, you get that impression from how easily they step away from their preferred shape.
Frankly, the only thing that might be relevant here is their desire to be bigger. Being that the average kobold hangs between two and four feet tall, that's not a particularly big surprise. Still...
"You realize that I love you both just the way you are, right?" You say, and both of the little lizards giggle and shake with delight at that. Teensy in particular rapidly wags the very tip of the tail.
"Eeeeehhehheeeee! We knoooooow!" Teensy says and Collar concurs.
"Yeah, yeah! But it's still really really really REALLY nice to hear you say it, Dragon!"
You can't resist the urge to laugh. They're unreasonably adorable.
"Well... Just keep it in mind. Still, if it's as easy as a snap of the fingers... Sure, I suppose it could be played around with. But temper your expectations, alright? Odds are, it'll take some doing to convince their archmage."
"Pfssh, Who's gonna say no to a dragon?"
"I distinctly recall saying no to the offer of getting eaten." You mutter, just as a man in a robe knocks on the carriage and, not waiting for an answer, opens it just a little bit.

"We are arriving at the capital station. Collect all luggage and... servants, and move to the doors. Mind the gap."
Well, there you are. You stand up, and see that pretty much your entire collection of people is already getting ready. It makes things very, very busy...
When the doors open, you're... Shocked at how normal the city is. A lot of brickwork, some taller buildings in the distance, but... this train station? It's pure function over form. You had expected it to practically be some cathedral, but even the city seems "normal"... Apart from the fact you can't see the horizon, despite your elevated position. There's... miles of buildings. As you leave the train, and help out Petrus who neglected to mind the gap. Then, you look around, only for Paracelsus to tap you on the shoulder and point above the train.
You haven't thought to look back, and... well.

The palace is titanic. And the station is basically connected to it.
"Down some stairs, past some guards, and then... I suppose we'll have to figure out our meeting. My family will have pulled some strings, but... I think we still have a bit of a choice on where to go."
"What do you propose?"
"Forget the king, or his advisors. Head straight to the mage. Tell everyone that your affliction obviously requires his attention... Then, we get there, and we figure out what to do next."
"So... Avoid the court?"
"The king is, apparently, senile. His advisors are vultures, circling a dying a man. The wizard? He is outside of politics. But away from people in general... Can't say I know him, he might be insane."

You sure hope not...
So, where do you start?

>Enter the wizard's... zygurrat in the courtyard.
It's a big pyramid of... some kind. It doesn't fit the style everything else has. Still, you're allowed entry into the palace... You think your flagrantly obvious condition is enough of a reason.

>To court. Speak to the king.
Don't mess around. Meet your host, and see... just how much of him is left.

>His advisors, then? Perhaps they are the better option after all, you get to move through political channels.
You doubt the wizard is easily reached.
>Enter the wizard's... zygurrat in the courtyard.
Sarah knows the situation here better than us. Follow her advice.
>>Enter the wizard's... zygurrat in the courtyard.

for better or worse this is the best option
>Enter the wizard's... zygurrat in the courtyard.
Entering the castle was easy... as long as Paracelsus is at the front. The guards here are... big. They're taller than you are, and you've got about four extra vertebrae compared to the average human. They're all proportional, too, and when you lean in to ask Paracelsus, she explains that the armor they wear is enchanted to make them increase in size.
That got some Kobolts really excited, and makes you a little more nervous. At any rate, Paracelsus letter of approval opens up a lot of doors, and when you reach the courtyard, dominated by that giant pyramid. It's a gigantic eyesore, besides. This courtyard has absolutely no shade anywhere, and it's downright *dark* in places because of how much space this takes up. Apparently, the solution to this was to introduce mushrooms, guessing from the multitude of glowing fungus hanging around... which, by itself, gives it a very chilly if enchanting atmosphere. You find the entrance to the Zyggurat was... not quite what you thought. The staircase leading to the top wasn't a real entrance. There's a door at the top, sure, but it just leads to a small observation deck. The real entrance is on the side, rather unassuming. If it wasn't for the animated statue guarding it, you probably wouldn't have noticed.

It speaks Rosarian. An added security measure, you suspect, but Paracelsus just rolls her eyes:
" Mountain, Wind, Dark. Let me in."
The golem buzzes and rumbles for a bit, and then pings loudly.

"How did you-"
"I got the list of the answers ahead of time. Now, come on, stick close."
You wander through these cold, dimly lit tunnels. Just as you're about to worry, though, from how dark it is, and how quiet and cramped... you see a door up ahead. Paracelsus seems confused;
"It can't be that easy."
When you open it... You see an old man, with a beard down to his ankles, sitting back in a chair and puffing a pipe. The smoke seems to be blue and green, and he looks impatient.
"Finally." He says. His voice sounds strong. Like that of a younger man. He looks ancient, but his posture, his voice, and how easily he stands up scream at you that this is a strong man. His robes are covered in images of stars, and his mighty point hat gives him the true "wizard classic" appearance.
"I am Merlin." He says. "I've been keeping track of you since you arrived, Cursed One."
He sniffs.
"You have come here to break the curse of transformation... And it is a service I may be able to offer."
Oh, wow, it's... really that easy.
"Alas. Were it so easy." He then says, walking towards you slowly, as the kobolts pile into the room. "The spell you are under is powerful indeed, and one I will be able to take for my own. It will take a long time for your body to return to normal, but there is another major issue... Onyx. I can sense his eye on you, ever since you met him. He is waiting for your transformation to end, and he will come, once it does."

Your mouth drops, and Paracelsus just sighs.
"Of course. Of *course* it couldn't be that easy."
Merlin looks at your companion, and nods.
"Under most circumstances, I would talk more. Talk longer. Perhaps with a few more strange riddles or jokes. But this, I fear is serious. And there is far more I would wish to ask of you. Follow me, if you would?"
He turns around, and you realize you haven't been able to say a damned word!

How much does he know...?

All the same, you follow him. His lab is brightly lit, and honestly quite comfortable to live in, clearly; Many alembics are around, and the soft bubbling of several strange concoctions adds for a soft and pleasant background noise. The door he goes through was magically barred, guessing from how he took a strange, gnarled staff lying to the side of it, and muttered some kind of spell before tapping it. The door proceeds to, rather than swing on its hinges... Slowly move *up* into the wall. It seems to pass through solid stone as it does so, and the huge knocker seems to remain visible as the door goes up.
The passage leads down a circular staircase, a steep one at that, and the kobolts have to climb more than they step to get down. Once you reach the bottom, however, you see a bright green glow peeking out from under a door... this one opens as doors are supposed to open, at least. Inside, you find... gigantic glass tubes, each one containing a middle-aged, muscular man. The SAME middle-aged, muscular man.
Paracelsus rather eloquently reacts to it with "What in the hells!?"
"Yes. This is the king's key to immortality. Again, if I cared for it, I'd add a lot more gravitas to this situation; But I don't care, so I won't. I move his mind from one body to next, but alas... his mind cannot take another transfer."
Merlin snorts.
"I am not about to force my old friend to suffer a labyrinth made of his own mind. And... as such, I shall be frank to you."
He turns around, and gestures towards a plain wooden stool. You decide to sit. You have the feeling he's about to make a lot of things move very, very fast.
"Reynauld Numitor. Last of your name. Granting me access to your curse, shall leave me honor-bound to make the next king immortal. A dragon-king. Plainly, I do not see this ending well. Even now, avarice has infested my old friend. All his would-be successors would be even worse, even without the dragon instincts. I require someone... strong enough. You could take the position through strength... especially if you were to let your transformation *finish*."

Is he...
"Are you seriously letting someone who has been in your kingdom for less than a month become a king!? I am still loyal to Rosaria!"
"And what of it. You could learn. Our king became king through the use of a warhammer and the ability to tell other what to do. You use a sword."
Paracelsus seems to be just as gobsmacked.
"And if I don't want to do this?" You ask.

The wizard... just shrugs.
"Then that's my problem. Perhaps I'll just remove the memory of the spell. Perhaps I shall simply break my oath. I've been here for a long, long time... I'm quite beyond caring."
He sniffs.
"It won't take away the other problem that, perhaps, is far more relevant. Onyx, the first dragon, will come to us when the curse ends. He does not like to see his prize taken from him. Our armies will be able to prepare, if I demand it they will come, but we need something stronger than mere humans."
He looks at you... And at Paracelsus.
"I think a dragon would do wonders. Two dragons, perhaps..."
He looks over to Snikt, who is basically hiding.

You blink twice.
"I... I came here for the opposite, if I could be clear?"
"Indeed. And what is it that you fear? Temptation? Are you an animal, Numitor? Can you not deny yourself a want?"
"I.. It's more than just desire. I entered a cannibalistic fugue state just because they touched my kobolts!"
The wizard scoffs.
"So, you would have preferred if you let them do what they desired? A protective rage is a virtue, I'd say... Hardly cannibalism when you reach your full potential, as well."

You glare at him... And he sighs.
"But... if you truly insist. I am willing and able to change you. Turn you human. Or, perhaps, in between. Frankly, lets start with that, first, hm? The curse. What would you like to do with it."

This is going so, so, SO much faster than you could have ever predicted. You don't even know!

>I need more time. You just tossed an absolutely INSANE amount of things at me, and if I don't stop to figure it all out, bad things are going to happen.

>I'm ready to make a decision.
>You seem quite the adept magician, Sir Merlin. Could we fight Onyx as dragons, and retirn to humanity after we're done?
I don't want to throw these people under the bus, even if they are weird belligerent foreigners.
>I need more time. You just tossed an absolutely INSANE amount of things at me, and if I don't stop to figure it all out, bad things are going to happen.

While also supporting this.
>>I need more time. You just tossed an absolutely INSANE amount of things at me, and if I don't stop to figure it all out, bad things are going to happen.

we can't rush into this and the old fucker raises very good points about Onyx that I have worried about for a while we should take a step back and figure out a plan before moving in any direction

This is also a valid question that I myself want to know the answer too because if we can let the transformation mostly finish stop it then beat the shit out of Onyx and kill him then revert back to being human why the fuck would we not, as for what to do with the kingdom, well......having a wife that is a queen wouldn't be so bad and she is from here as well. but that leader of the kingdom question can be settled later.
>I need more time. You just tossed an absolutely INSANE amount of things at me, and if I don't stop to figure it all out, bad things are going to happen.

We need to fully talk and plan this through.
"I... Listen." You say, standing up. "You just threw a HELL of a lot of information at me. I need time to think this over."
"Is there truly time for this? You know the consequences-"
You cross your arms, and look at him.
"Of what? Waiting a few more hours? Until we start this mess, I think we have time."

The wizard begins to stroke his beard, looking you over with barely restrained disapproval... But, after a moment he just sighs.
"Very well. But do not waste either of our time, will you? Most would not hesitate, given a chance such as this... I shall wait here."
You stand up, and turn to the kobolts for a moment... and to Paracelsus. She seems to approve, to your own surprise, but then you have to ask:
"...Merlin. I have one question. Could you turn me back?"
"If I were to accept, and turn into a dragon... What's stopping you from turning me back into a human?"
He scoffs.
"It would be exceedingly pointless... and, more to the point, what do you think will happen to you when that level of magic has coursed through your veins? When you return to being human, odds are you would go mad."
"Halfway then... I'm resistant now, aren't I?"

Merlin strokes his beard again... and sounds less certain as he says:
"I suspect... it would place you in the same position as you are now. To be a dragon is a powerful tool. But it is something that will mark you. The soul of most mortals is malleable. Changeable. To be a dragon, that is something that shall make you perpetual. You may be humanoid, for quite some time... but eventually, that which is perpetual shall overtake that which is finite. You shall turn, and I doubt it would be as *graceful* as it has been until now."

Not quite a no.
But not exactly preferable, either. It'd make much of what you did pointless. However, another question.
"Is this only for dragons? Could others turn into something more... humble?"
"Indeed. It would be draining, but turning your servants into something more... useful? I can do that. Were you to take the time to learn, *you* could do that. The process takes a few days, however."
Thank goodness...

"Then, I'll... take my leave. I'll be back as soon as I've got this all figured out."
You hear Anna sigh.
"And I guess *I'll* keep on waiting too. Whatever."
And, upstairs you go, followed closely by Paracelsus. Once you have reached the entrance again, she smiles at you.
"Good of you. He was trying to overwhelm you."
"He... was?"
"Everything he said we no doubt true. But his loyalty lies to the land. And what country wouldn't benefit from an immortal ruler?"

You can think of several reasons on how it wouldn't be a benefit, but... You bite your tongue.

"Listen. We should look around, ask questions... or just take a moment to think. I'm with you no matter what you choose."
You laugh, just for a moment:
"Fine with ruling this heap of a country?"
Paracelsus doesn't even hestitate.
"...If you're there to keep me in check. Sure. Alone? I'd become a tyrant."
"And fighting Onyx?" You say. You have to admit you don't relish the thought. When you met
"I said... no matter what. That includes fighting that thing. In a sense, if you're going dragon to do it, I'll join you. With you, me and Snikt... Who knows, maybe we won't *need* the army."
Best that you don't risk it, though...
The things that abomination might do to Paracelsus is not something you dare think of.
Or to Snikt...

You'll tear your way out of the hells to personally rip that creature's soul to shreds if it tries.

But bravado is one thing... Now is the time to think.

>Talk to Paracelsus and the others about this.
You need to figure this out. Carefully.

>Walk around the castle...
get an idea of just how this place is, compared to the rest of the country.

>Head down to the wizard.
You've decided already.

>Something else
If there is another way, though... you don't quite see it.
>Walk around the castle...
Bring Anna with us, and ask her opinion. She's not under any weird mind-affecting spells, and can give us a more accurate assessment of what we should do (or at least be a less-biased sounding board) than the others. Looks like we'll have to do it, though. We don't have a lot of other options, that I can see... None that aren't selfish.

>"And fighting Onyx?" You say. You have to admit you don't relish the thought. When you met
Think you missed a spot, QM.
support for now

(note to self read update)
"I'm... going on a walk. Clear my head."
"I'll-" Paracelsus says, but you interrupt her.
"I'd... Like to do it alone."
You look at Anna.
"Mostly alone. I need a... I need a neutral party. Anna, could you follow me?"

Anna flinches, surprised.
"M-me? We... Reynauld, not that I don't appreciate you letting me stay, and I do mean that from the bottom of my heart, you're a great guy... We haven't really spent a lot of time together. Am I really-"
You nod, cutting her off.
"I think it's a boon, in this case. Now... come on. I need to clear my head."

Parcelsus looks a little hurt... but understands it, at least.
"I'll be right back, alright? Don't want to get into trouble..."

You leave the zyggu-whatever, and enter the garden, with Anna in tow... and you skip straight to the point.
"...I'm afraid." You say.
"What?" Anna replies, her ears flopping a bit behind her from how quickly she turned her head. "Knight Reynauld afraid of something?" She says. Were it possible for her, she'd be grinning. With her face being the way it is, it's hard to tell. Then, she sniffs.
"Hey, I know I'm makin' fun, but... it's fine. This shit's heavy. So what part is it that scares you? Being a dragon? Fighting a demi- or perhaps full-on God? Being king of this shithole?"
You scoff:
"Would you accept "all of the above?"."
She just makes a little affirmative noise. And you let the silence hang as you walk.

The castle here is immaculate. There are servants running around in nearly every room, unless there is someone present that looks to be important in some regard. Nobody even looks up at you, and you suspect that this is because the wizard has a hell of a lot of sway. This place, apart from clean, is also just... opulent. You swear, you find trophies everywhere. Blades, axes, ruined armor... You can't read the plaques, but you can recognize a trophy. Other than that, even the seating seems to have gold lace in it.
If there ever was an army that took this place, they'd be set for life.
It makes your heart beat a little faster, thinking of all the treasure here. It's practically included in the walls, in the carpet. The ultimate hoard.
No wonder the wizard thinks you'd want to be king. This castle is a hoard all on its own!
You shake your head, and look back at Anna, who has been quietly observing this castle too.

"Going from a dank cave to this now what I expected when a knight came to slay the beast."
"Well... All's well that ends well, hopefully."
"...I'll be a kobolt soon, so that's nice. Mostly looking forward to being able to eat without tilting my head so nothing leaks from the holes. But that's kind of small compared to... well, whatever you choose."
"What do you think I should do?"
Anna looks at you... and sighs.
"If it was just me? I'd take the cure and make a fucking run for it. Go somewhere where that son of a bitch can't reach, set up a trap, and kill that onyx motherfucker. But, on the other hand... You've got immortality waiting for you, isn't it? It's a lot of power."
"It's terrifying. I don't want to become the thing I swore to slay. They say power corrupts, and if I really were to slay Onyx... It'd be absolute power, wouldn't it? The dragon that killed its god."
You sigh.
"I don't know what to do. I don't know if I should let the others turn, either."

Anna shrugs:
"Say... between the three of you, meaning you, Paracelsus and Snikt... Pretty much only Snikt is still entirely on board, right?"
You sigh:
"Paracelsus still wants it. She just respects me too much to pick it. She understands that she isn't perfect, and that she has enough spite in her to become a tyrant as well. Took her a family visit to talk about murdering anything in her way, so..."
Anna scoffs, half-laughing as she reminds you:
"Not like it's a huge change. Your girlfriend's always been ruthless, buddy. You're just a calming influence."
"She swore to help people."
"Sure she did. She's also not afraid to slice out the problem at the root. Sometimes, that root is a dumb bastard that hasn't choked to death yet."
"I'm similar, aren't I?"

Anna doesn't say anything to that. But you can tell she's amused.
"So... You're not sure yet, yeah? Think about it a bit harder, then. Lets say... okay. Let's compare. What the ideal result of every option? Like... assume everything goes right. Let's go for what you want. You shut off the dragon thing, you're human again. Onyx comes and... I don't know, you kill it."
"Pretty huge IF."
"Right... but then what?"
"I... get back to doing what I did before, I suppose. I go home. I wander. I help people where I can."
"And is that a life you think you can really get back to? You've got a family to look after."
"We've been fine so far..."
"And is that a life you want them to have?"

She takes your silence as enough of an answer.
"You're not sure. Makes sense. This is why we're going over it. So, now, you stay human enough... A halfway point. You become king here... I doubt they'll let you if you're not at least a little bit of a special boy. You've still got a family, and you can settle down in this... Palace, I guess."
She snorts, evidently not very impressed.
"Means you need to play at being king in a place that sees their monarch as pretty much a God. You'll get people trying to stab you for a while, but you can improve this pisshole, I'm sure of it. But it's going to be miserable, and between you and me?"
She leans in close:
"That wizard's got to go. He's got plans. If he's still with it, while he knows his friend's gone senile? That guy we were talking to down there is the real ruler. He just has a king in front of him to catch the arrows."
She looks around again... and adds one more.
"...Just ask the question. Once he's done with his magic, I can plug him in the back. I'll aim true, right where the neck and the skull meet. He'll be dead before he realizes he had an accident."

Anna can be ruthless herself.
"I've got the feeling you might be biased a bit."
"You think? I'm trying to think of a place where Chad and I could... I don't know, settle down. But hell, lets move on from there, right? You go full dragon. You do that, you don't need to worry at all about people trying to stab you. Not a weapon in the world that could kill a full-on dragon that's not blinded by arrogance and... whatever other hoity-toity words you'd use to excuse stupidity. You don't like power, so... frankly, part of why I think you'd be a decent king. Anybody that *wants* power should never get it."
"Ambition isn't a crime."
"It's an accomplice. And I'm talking about being a king. People that want *absolute* power. That kinda crap."
"We're getting off topic."
"Right! So, it'd still mean you wouldn't be human any more... not physically. You'd have to hold on to that humanity yourself. Nothing inherent, all you. It's not something you can do alone. Or your friends, for that matter. Snikt... I like the little munchkin, but if you give a child that much power? They're going to need something to balance it out. Your girlfriend? She'd all but toss it away. The good news is, she'll probably just go live on some mountaintop so she can play at being some... God of knowledge. You know the type. Comes down every now and then to tell people about the shit she figured out. The whole reason she would? Pride."
You don't follow.

"Pride? To start living like a monk?"
"Exactly. It's her pride that might keep her in check. Inhuman... but helpful. Because giving in to her base instincts to hoard would be *beneath* her. Making her queen is a poor idea, for that reason. She'd get tired of it and leave. But, again, off topic. It comes back to the one idea to keep in mind."
She steps in front of you and reaches up very high to say:
"What do YOU want! What's your goal! Assume things are going to be fine, and then think, is what I'd get out of it what I want!? So tell me, blueberry scales! Who are you?! And what do you WANT to be!?"
>I'll remain human. Paracelsus as well. Snikt can turn, fully.
We'll watch over Snikt as best we can.

>I'll remain human. Paracelsus and Snikt... I'll guide them as best I can.
Though the distance between you and them will be greater.

>I'll pick a halfway point. Paracelsus and Snikt will have my guidance for a long time, and we'll have a kingdom to improve in the meantime.
Less distance, too.

>Paracelsus and I pick the halfway point. We can rule this place... such as it is.
We'll be very small parents to a very big Snikt.

>I'll pick a halfway point, but this country does not matter to me. The others can turn
We'll find a future together.

>I'll pick a halfway point, along with Para. Snikt will turn. We leave
It'll take some effort to find a home.

>I'll... go all the way. Along with the others.
This country will need my help. I'll ensure I keep my humanity, even if I have to toss it away to do so.

>I'll go all the way... but this country is not my concern.
The three of us, and the kobolts... We'll make our own future. Together.

>Something else.
>Paracelsus and I pick the halfway point. We can rule this place... such as it is.
Bets option in this specific scenario, I think. Gives us some time to get our bearings or, maybe, find a cure after Onyx is dead. Gives us enough power to deal with Onyx. And, yes, gives us enough power to liberate this shithole from Merlin, if it comes to it... Hopefully.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xM7-ENmxmeE [listen to while reading my suggestion]
>Reynold reflects deeply on her words and realizes that deep down all he wants is "To be human Anna, nothing more and nothing less, but, In my life, I have wanted many things, wanted not to do many more things, but in the name of what was right, and protecting the innocent I did what was required of me anyway." He opens his mouth to continue. Still, he closes it again, preparing himself for the decision he is about to make "because I've dedicated my life to doing the right thing, to stand in the gap between this world and the innocent men and women simply trying to live there lives" Reynold stops again needing to collect himself, looking to the sky and takes in the quiet of the moment trying to hold on to this fleeting instance before he makes the only choice he can the one that he knows in his heart is the right thing to do "Which is why Paracelsus and I will become go to the halfway point, be the parents to Snikt, she deserves and be there to help her along the path of life. As for the here and now we will kill Oynx, and then we will leave this place and carve out our place in this world whatever rises out of the ash of this rotten country will be better than what currently exists, but it will have to do that on their own."

Choices confront us all, challenging us to discern the correct path. Sometimes, the answer is as clear as the azure sky above; other times, it's as elusive as a person's true nature. As a player, I've agonized over what constitutes the right choice. More than that, I've advocated for outcomes I believed were best, only to realize that perhaps there is no absolute right choice—only decisions we can live with. I still feel a burning desire to fight for remaining fully human, to pull Paracelsus back from the brink alongside Reynold, to allow Snikt to embrace his full dragon nature, and to find a way to defeat Onyx through our own strength and intelligence. Yet, even with the preparations we've made with Pink, we can only hope it will be enough. The question posed to Reynold about what he wants misses the mark. Given what we know of his character, the more pertinent question is: What does he need to become to protect those he loves and the innocent?

I've made peace with my choice and now looking back on it realize that perhaps it was the only real choice left to us after Oog went mad. Once we go dragonborn I don't believe we can ever go back to being fully human, nor should we even try to it would cheapen the Sacrifice Reynold is going to be making here, the best we can do is live with it, and make sure we fucking win by killing that fucking Dragon.
>>I'll pick a halfway point, but this country does not matter to me. The others can turn

Anna has a very good line of thought 100% Gank the wizard and ride out in the ensuing chaos
It's not a question with an easy answer. To deny yourself your humanity after all this... You WANT to be human. It's something that you honestly don't want to abandon. Not ever. But, alas, it seems that this isn't really up to you any more. Not if you want to do what is most important to you.
You have to protect those you love. When those you love will inevitably live far, far longer than you, and you have to be there for as long as possible, being human isn't... *enough*. But that doesn't mean you have to abandon everything.
"What I... what I want, is to be human." You say to Anna. "But I must consider what else follows. I defeat Onyx, which is already an uphill battle, to say the least. Then what? I look after the klan, as best I can manage, but even kobolts live longer than humans. It makes sense. They were made to be servants to immortal creatures."
You sigh.
"I don't want to be a dragon. Not ever. But I am willing to sacrifice just a piece of my humanity, if it means I can protect those I love. So... I'll stay like this. Hopefully a lot more stable and less... wobbley."

Anna just smiles.
"Sounds like you got that figured out, then. So... King Reynauld?"
"Hells no." You say, chuckling. "The sooner I'm out of this godforsaken country the better. They can figure out their succession later, and on their own, besides.
That seems to surprise Anna.
"Really? So the, uh... protect the people angle is only for your country?"
"I protect who I can. Saving people from themselves is a hell of a mission, and I've never wanted power. Least of all political power."
"Smart! Very smart." Anna adds, before asking a few more questions.
"And the others? Snikt and Sarah?"

You look at Anna for a while, letting the silence hang for perhaps a little too long.
"Paracelsus, for as much as I love her, is not somebody I think can be trusted with being a dragon. I'm not sure any human can be trusted as such. I'll propose she joins me in a halfway point."
"I'm sure she'll understand. But Snikt?"
"I trust her. She strong and, more importantly, she rejected the creature that caused me so much worry. Killed it almost as soon as it appeared. She is a smart girl. And... I will be there to help her, every step of the way. It's what she desires."

Anna laughs.
"Dragonslayer turned Dragon parent, eh? One has to appreciate the irony."
"In a sense, I suppose the dragon that cursed me got a part of his wish. But Snikt will be better. If Onyx falls... She'll be the vanguard for a better type of dragon."

Anna nods again.
"Are we satisfied, oh might kinda-dragon? Got all your ducks in a row? Time to head back to the wizard. Want my advice? Learn that transformation spell. Lie to that bearded asshole about making a court full of... I don't know, trusted kobolts or some shit. You can do magic, right?"
You *can*. Even if you're not good at it.

But, first and foremost.
Time to head back?

>Wizard chat time.

>Something else to ponder.
>Wizard chat time.
>Wizard chat time.
I hope we can see about making the Kobolts lives as long as us.
>>Wizard chat time.

we still have to figure out how to deal with the wizard after we get what we want and need to take care and consider the fact he could expect a double cross.

also we are going to become humanoid again right, because as we are we are more than a bit past what a dragonborn would be (the dnd type)
Time to get this over and done with. You make sure to thank Anna for her view on things, and letting you come to a conclusion of sorts. You head back to the Zygurrat, which took a bit of doing. This castle is confusing, and you get the feeling it doesn't get much easier even if you were to live here. Fortunately, there are signs pointing to the garden, and you can mostly just retrace your steps. You reach the garden, dominated by the pyramid, and inside, you spot Paracelsus... reading a book. Around her, you see a large collection of glowing, golden sigils, appearing and disappearing as she reads, though there is one that is larger, brighter and persistant. It doesn't flicker at all, and it follows her finger as she reads. However, when she notices you, she closes the book and the sigils disappear.
"Reynauld! That was..."
"I've come to a decision."

Paracelsus remains quiet... and you can see she's holding in a breath. The kobolts are doing the same thing, and then... you finally say it:
"I... Wish I could remain human. But with the decisions that were made, I believe... this halfway point may be best. I think I shall ask for the wizard to stabilize it. To be less... Malformed as I am now."
Paracelsus looks disappointed... but not much.
"I understand. You wish to keep the power, yes?"
"Some of it. Mostly... the lifespan. Snikt?"
"...I've decided that you can be a full dragon, if you still wish-" She interrupts you
"Please." She just says. "I want... I said before. I don't want to be afraid. Ever again."
You... don't quite smile, but you give Paracelsus a look. She smiles, at least.
"I see... it's for... It's for *her*, is it?"
You nod.

"We need to make sure she grows up right, especially with all that power at her disposal. Hence... I can't choose to be human, and consider that responsible. But I will not permit myself to abandon all of my humanity, either."
Paracelsus nods.
"Then, I shall join you. Hah! Perhaps being dragonkin may prove more interesting, medically, than being a complete dragon... I get to keep my pretty scales."

"Well, now we just need to tell-"
"I've heard." You hear from the side, heading up the stairs. The old man looks disappointed... but not angry.
"You are throwing away a great thing, Reynauld... but at least you are smart enough to keep one dragon at the ready, servant or not. Are you prepared to ensure her loyalty, I wonder?"
"She is no servant." You say, glaring at him... but the wizard just sighs.
"Never you mind... come! I have a spell to learn, and to stabilize. I shall grant you whatever strength that form may give you. You will still be powerful... but is it enough to stop Onyx?"
He scoffs.
"We shall find out. Follow me, and then, step into one of the pods. When you awaken... You will be tall. Magically inclined. Proportional. And strong... Very strong. I hope it will be enough. From there, I shall also be able to apply this spell to others. Your servants may prove better as something larger, no?"
"They're not- Ah, we'll see."

You head downstairs... and two pods are already drained. You undress, to your great discomfort, and step inside, after which water begins to fill up the pod. Miraculously... you can breath in it. You felt it as it was cascading over your body. He has no use for you dead, so... you trust him. Even as a crushing exhaustion comes over you... and you fall asleep.

You awaken almost instantly.
Before you, a titanic, red eye.

"You have rejected a valuable gift... And I am not one to be scorned. Mercifully... it seems that you have given me a consolation prize. A servant, turned master. Truly, a jape for the ages."
His voice is slow. Measured. But every part of it *throbs* with malice. You feel waves of his power crashing against your body... molding it further.
"I shall come for you, Reynauld of Numitor. I shall come for your woman. If you shall not serve as apprendices... you shall serve, as slaves. You will be as the kobolts you adore so. A stronger, faster, better version of them. My children shall bring your prodigy far. And your woman... She shall bear your offspring, and *mine*. None of what you own will ever be yours. It shall be *mine*. So, prepare thyself, Numitor."
The eye grows so bright you cannot see anything but red.
"For death approaches."

You awaken with a gasp. Coughing, you look around, and see... Your reflection. Your body...
It is as Merlin said. You are bigger, somehow, but not as disproportionately lanky. In a sense, were it not for the blue scales, claws, maw, and faintly flame-like eyes, you might call yourself human enough. Almost an ideal body. Close to seven feet tall, with broad shoulders. You feel lighter than before, and your tail is smaller and more flexible. Wings no longer adorn your back, but they would have been pointless, either way. What little advantage they granted was far outweighted by how much it got in the way.

This is better. Solid.
*Finished*, in a sense. You look to the side, and see that Paracelsus is quite similar to you. Not quite the seven foot adonis, but... undeniably amazonian, still. Taller than near any woman you've ever met, and with scales that glitter in the candlelight.
She's beautiful.
You close your eyes, and look at Merlin, standing on the sidelines.
"...more than I would have ever guessed." You admit. "And Snikt...?"
"Her transformation shall take much longer. While I learned the spell, I have already adjusted it for your servants. Some wished to be human, one wished to be a kobolt. I made the scrolls for it. I suspect they have finished long before either of you did. You were a personal project. A perfect culmination of man and dragon... they merely wish to be human. Or lesser."

You scoff...
"So you say."

But, you need to focus.
You don't know how much time you have before Onyx arrives.

>Prepare for the battle.
You'll need to prepare. You have the country on your side, at least.

>You have time... see the others, at least.
>You have time... see the others, at least.
We are Reynauld Numitor and we NEED to make sure all our family is okay first!
They are our hoard after all
>You have time... see the others, at least.
>You have time... see the others, at least.
>>You have time... see the others, at least.

we prepare to face death with a smile men
"Where are my friends?" You ask, and Merlin just points to the door, and a robe hanging on the wall.
"Upstairs... Trying to find their legs. The... mutilated one, that one caught on quick. The twins, and that... taller fellow? They're still struggling."
You thank him, and then just head up the stairs, after making yourself decent. You open the door, and see... Well.
That's William alright. Not quite as you remember him. He looks properly groomed, for one, his hair now cut short and not nearly as greasy as it once was. More importantly, his body is clearly more athletic than before his curse, though you suspect it's mostly because he's in the same physical condition as his kobold counterpart. He looks up, smiling, though he is sitting on a large couch... flanked by two gorgeous women.
Guessing from the (rather sheer) red and blue robes, these must be the twins.
"...Ruby?" You hazard a guess, looking at the blue one.
"Sapphire~!" She says, grinning wide. "T-the transformation fixed our colour blindness!"
"Still only have two eyes between us, though." Ruby says and... yes. Both still have one eye that is milky white and unfocused on anything. It does not detract from their beauty. They are surprisingly tan, you notice, and while they are only of average height, a lot of their length comes just from their legs, which are left almost completely uncovered. Guessing from how hastily these robes were put together, you suspect they were walking around naked just a moment ago.

"We took to being mammals really well, huh!?" Sapphire then adds. "There's so much squish to... everything, feels like."
Weird for them to say that. They still carry a fairly athletic build, and you notice they have powerful shoulders, above all. Their skill with the sling has left its mark, it seems.
William, meanwhile, is still being fawned over.
"We're, uh... still getting used to being so tall." William says, crossing his legs. "But... W-well, I could be worse off."
No doubt. But... You should still ask:
"So. Still thinking about being a kobolt again?"
"Oh, for sure. I... seriously miss the tail. And being tall is nice, but... I mean... I don't know. I feel clumsy again."
The twins concur.
"Oh yeah. Super clumsy."
"You guys have weird feet. You have to use the whooooole thing."
"But, on the other hand, William said we're still really pretty!"
"And we can see colours better!"

You just smile, and then feel a tug on your robe.
"Hey there, Reynauld." You hear a familiar yet different voice say, as you look down you see a kobold. Silver-scaled and... still bottom-heavy. And with a cute little face.
"Or do I call ya Dragon, now?" She adds, giggling. "Heheeeee... You should have seen Chad! If we had a nice closet here, I swear, you wouldn't be seeing us. Though, I'm guessing you'd *hear* us."
You return the smile:
"Thank you for the vivid mental image." You say. "You look great, Anna."
"I FEEL great! I can talk without feeling my teeth dry out. And I can dump the fucking mask!"
A pat on the head for her, and you hear the door behind you open and close again. Paracelsus has arrived.
A collective gasp, as people look her over. You took a step back towards being a dragon to be this better form. But Paracelsus took several steps forward. It's new to them, you suppose. The kobolds here look ever so pleased, and you see Teensy and Coal are both still just kobolts. Seems they didn't think of any outlandish requests while you were under. Probably for the best, all things considered.
Then, you spot her, in the back.

She is looking at a scroll, as well, to your own surprise. And she does not look happy.
You let the others deal with Paracelsus, or perhaps vice versa, and walk towards your eldest kobolt.
"...It's not what I wish you picked. But it's... It's still good, Dragon. Thank you."
"I understand you're not entirely pleased?"
"...I'm glad you didn't throw it all away, Dragon. I'm very glad you let Snikt take on this gift. Though... The scolls. The magical ones. They are flawed."
"Flawed...?" You repeat, stepping closer. That's what the others used, so...
"The scroll we used on Snikt. The one that gave her the first blessing. Saved her from Ogg's curse. It still gave her an Other Dragon, did it not? It wasn't supposed to do that."
"Perhaps Ogg made a mistake?" You guess. She personally killed your inner dragon, and the one Paracelsus had, after all. Pink doesn't seem to even entertain the idea.
"I think scrolls are just... facsimiles. Not as good as something done by a real mage. You can still do magic. Learn the spell. Or let Paracelsus do so. To be sure."
She visibly grits her teeth. You think you understand her issues, though.

"This is about William and the twins?"
"Its disgusting." She hisses. "Enjoying themselves, becoming the ape things that have persecuted us! Ruby said that it's better. BETTER! Than being a kobolt! Already the scroll is affecting her mind! We should turn them back. Quick!"
You don't believe that for a second. Pink is just...
This isn't easy for her.

>Tell her to get over herself.
Ruby just learned to see colours. They're still figuring our being human at all. You're overreacting, and... besides. We can probably fix their eyesight if we DO learn magic.

>Ask her if she's sure these scrolls are the issue.
If she's right... It's worrying.

>Leave it be.
She'll get over it. But she needs a bit of space, you suspect. Perhaps Paracelsus can speak to her about the magic, though, as she's a lot better at it.
>Leave it be.
"You feel about someone becoming a human the way I feel about someone becoming a dragon. I get it. Give them a chance, though, Pink. For me?"

if this becomes an issue later on we can deal with it

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