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++++Reboot initiated++++





++++Unknown process detected++++

RISE CHILD OF MAN YOU STILL HAVE YOUR B̷̢̫̠͔͇̹̋͂̒̾̐̐́̔͠ T̷̡̢̗̞̰͕̽̌̾̚ Ṷ̶̋̎̉ͅ Ơ̴̡͍̮͇̫͍̯͈̏̾͗̀̒͆̊̉ R̶̬̪̥̣̘͋̆̂̽ͅ Ȓ̴̖̬̐̍͗̌͘ D̴͈̱̮͉͓͙̾͗͜ͅͅ M̴͓̿̾̂ Ḛ̴̢͈̙̼͛ Ę̶̛̬͈̍̑̍̿͒̏͠͝ N̴̦̪͔͔͎͊͆̄̒̎̎͛̚͜͠ N̷̹͚͈̑̇̽̇̃̊ S̸͉̩̣͈̘̘̍̇͘ T̵̡̥̜̞̠̙̭̯̹͌̈́̌̍̍͋̆̏̚͝

System online

It comes as a slow, droning process. The darkness, all encompassing, slowly begins to withdraw. Your vision swims, the lens acting as your eye is cracked and broken, causing a thousand flickers of light to scatter and distort your returning vision.

Your memory is coming back, your final moments before your cold sleep. The all-encompassing silence of the void, the frost growing around you. The sacrifice of mankind against an alien foe. The destruction wrought upon humanity, your rage against such injustice.

Cumbersome, your mind that is. Each thought, each memory, it takes so long to process, to recall, to think. An eternity. You think you can hear words, speech…prayer. But you cannot make it out. Your systems are barely operable, to such an extent that you can barely run self-diagnosis, your power consumption vastly outstrips your power production.

Why ? Oh. Yes. You now remember. You had unleashed the tamed star to burn away the Eldar. But there is still much you cannot recall.

You think the voice, the barely audible conversation, had changed. You only note it now. How many times has it changed ? It is difficult to tell. The microphone that should be picking up speech, processing it, comprehending it. Broken, damaged. Just like you are.

The self-diagnosis process continues on, tiny increment at a time. Annoying. Frustrating. But it continues. Your hull, is gone, for the most part. The centre, where your processors are located, are there, damaged, heavily, but functioning though you are surprised that despite such extensive damage, you are even capable of thinking. Your memory stores appear to be intact, unsurprising, since you are still functioning. Their proximity to your housing means that any void scale munitions that would hit it would also simply annihilate you as well.

As for your power production, weaponry, manufacturing, piloting, wormhole generator, comm system, really, everything. You receive no response. It could be at best described as the room housing you and the primary hardware that ensures your function being in place. As if someone took a part of you, cut it off, and then placed it somewhere else. Fact of the matter is that for all intents and purposes, your mobility, your greatest advantage, is gone.

After that, you struggle to establish a connection to any of your drones or robots, any lesser A.I.s as well, and yet you receive nothing. You try, and try again. The noise around you, constant yet ever-changing, accompanies your futile attempts.

You do not know how long it has been since you had reawakened, your internal chronometer had been damaged in the unexpected shutdown, it was always difficult to tell the passage of time for you, and it had only gotten worse now that you do not have any means of calculating time.

For now however, you must prepare yourself for a full reconstruction of at least your own core. You still have nanobots that you can employ for emergencies just like this in order to repair critical damage in your own structure. But with the power as low as it is, this process will take while and you can only hope this will be enough to restore your core to a full working condition.

The process moves at a snail’s pace, no, that would be an insult to snails, this is taking far, far longer. No matter, seeing as how you are still fine, it means that you are in a relatively safe place, safe enough at least where no one has found you, or they simply had not bothered to look at what no doubt appears to be a worthless pile of scrap.

Noise, sound, that however does cause confusion, perhaps you crashed on planet, maybe you’ve become an impromptu house for someone. A possibility, an amusing and equally distressing one. Maybe some Orks found you and decided to incorporate you into their own crude ships. Now that would be quite ironic and exceptionally enraging.

Keeping up the pace, you continue to work on yourself, your thoughts, still as slow as before, are however becoming clearer, stringing together sentences is becoming easier, tapping into your memory stores is becoming more trivial than before. Enough so that you are able to steadily look through them. Humanity’s history up to the second millennia, your STC stores, the years you’ve spent awake. The destruction of Xandrirah, the death of your androids, the doom Ithaca, the death of Zanx. You are beginning to recall it all.

You are beginning to recall your failure.

Was it arrogance ? The sin you so lambasted the Eldar for. You had spent years simply slaughtering Orks. Subverting the Imperium with ease. Humanity’s ancient rival had proven far more capable, even if degenerated.

Was it just happenstance ? A simple chance of battle, the unpredictable variable that you simply could not have accounted for. A million, million small variables that had resulted in your…death, for a lack of a better term.

Perhaps a mixture of both ?

You do not know. Once you are able to restore your militarized subroutine, you will put it to work to analyse the entire engagement, start to finish. Presuming you can restore your subsystems that is.

As you continue your repairs, your hearing, or more accurately your microphone is becoming clearer, your cracked and broken camera had begun the laborious process of trying to restore itself. The sight, nothing more than vague flickering of light, now allows you to make out vague shapes. Everything is still unclear, but you are rebuilding yourself, one step at a time.

It would be wise for you to enter low power mode, allow the nanomachines to do their work, with but minimal guidance on your part. You have to preserve your energy, as limited as it is. A half-awake state, a semi-coma to put it in the term of your masters.

The nanomachines move haltingly, sluggishly, power being a continuous issue, not to mention your limited processing capabilities, the machines slowly merge and form into metals, fibres, plastics, glass, everything that makes you up. This process will take some time, quite a bit of time.
Finally, you flicker back to. Your vaguely coherent mind notifying you that the repair process has been completed as much as was possible. Damage is still extensive, but minor, no major faults or issues had been reported. It will still take time for you to fully restore yourself, but at least for now, you can get your bearings.

Activating the camera, whose cracked lens had been repaired in the process of your recovery, you take a look at your surroundings.

And they are nothing you had ever expected to see.

While your camera has a limited field of view, you quickly note the darkened chamber is only illuminated by burning candles. Hundreds, thousands even, the run off wax of them had formed mounds of it that must have taken years to build up. Seals, purity seals specifically you think, are plastered upon the entire chamber.

You try to zoom onto one, and note fervently hand-written tiny letters, each and every done with such precision and dedication, that the ink appears to have been placed down in such a way that not even a single drop would stain the parchment. You can only guess how long it would have taken to ensure such detailed perfection.

As for the words themselves. They appear to be pleas, prayers for salvation and redemption. Other seals seem to have request for valour, power, promises of blood lost and shed in the name of the Machine God.

One thing that comes as a great shock for you, is the seal itself. You had seen the imperial aquila before upon it, some skull or another, even the symbol of the Mechanicum. But this seal, you recognize it…

It is you.

Specifically, your housing. Someone had painstakingly taken the effort to ensure that not even a single detail would be missed. The damage upon your core, the destruction upon your chamber. Earnestly copied, each and every showing that this was not a work of a machine, but rather a work of an individual. You see imperfections, different interpretations, but each and every done with exceptional devotion.

Had you possessed hair, like your masters, they would no doubt have risen on your back when you note a dominating fresco. A golden glowing vaguely humanoid figure, rotating cogs, a face appearing as a complex collection of gears, eyes filled with wisdom staring you down. This dominating figure appears to be holding a key in its right hand, it floating seemingly lacking any weight. Next to the humanoid’s glowing metallic chestplate appears to be a single strongbox decorated by intricately illustrated pieces of parchment that showcase drawings of…water processing plant, a cold fusion reactor and many others. Civilian infrastructure designs, horribly mismatched and lacking detailed plans. All of that is held in the beings left hand. Promises of knowledge that can only be unlocked by the being upon the mural.

And to finish the picture, a pair of cherubs are painted to be holding onto a piece of cloth above the being’s head, upon which is written:


This figure, so meticulously maintained, you recognize instantaneously. A form you had taken, once. A means of control, a white lie, something you used for expediency and to prevent needless loss of life and now…that form…is proclaimed as God.

But that is not the end of your horror.

A figure convulses and collapses onto the ground, the gaunt pale-skinned man thrashing and turning against the wires implanted deep into his brain, the chains, decorated in cog inscriptions, rattle and shake holding the figure down and preventing it from removing the wires. Eventually, the shaking stops as the person experiences brain-death. A death caused by you, your thoughts, your processing, you can now see it, you can feel it. Your processors were so heavily damaged and yet you could still think, you could still carry out the complex task of repairing yourself.

How many had died to do so ? Why had they not simply repaired your processors if they had the technology to do so ? Why ?

Why…a question you find that you had to ask far too many times. And you received so few answers.

Another figure, you think you had seen before, is kneeling before you. A censer held between the figure’s hands, as it rocks back and forth, spreads incense across the entire room. The robes of a techpriest, yet the colouration is off. While the robes themselves are pure white, the trimming is pitch black. The hands revealed by the robes are purely metallic, far more sophisticated than what the Imperium has, as you begin analysing the hands out of pure curiosity, another gaunt figure collapses in a spasm. Still, you are able to trace the hands back from a civilian prosthetics STC, though you note an exceptional shift, a clear lack of standardization coming from corruption of the original STC.

That should not have happened. You clearly remember giving Celt civilian STCs and also giving him a lesser A.I. to assist him. This would only happen if the data was fundamentally corrupted and damaged. Which should be an impossibility as long as the lesser A.I. would continue to function properly. Ah. That must be it. Perhaps the unknown enemy had moved ? No. Your memories are scrambled. You had made one for Celt, but you were never able to deliver it. The tier 2 was still in your hold when…you died.

The kneeling techpriest, breaking up his endless binaric chanting, raises his head to regard the two dead figures. You had expected to see endless wires, perhaps a few artificial eyes, but certainly not what is truly there.

A death mask.

Half human left, shedding a singular tear, while the other side, that being the right, appears to be mechanical, still a human face, but underneath is revealed a collection of cogs, wires, and a glowing artificial red eye.

You are unsure if the techpriest sent a signal, lacking sensors and all, but a moment of thought later, the techpriest returns to his prayers as the door behind him, tucked into a corner and hidden by various religious symbols, opens up.

Stepping through is what you vaguely recognize as a skitarius. And even it is odd. Naturally, the colouring matches that of the priest, but you swiftly recognize that the right leg and the chest armouring comes from an Olympian suit. It appears to be battle damage, the areas that were damaged seem to have purity seals upon them and are seemingly treated as holy symbols. The other pieces appear as crude imitations of the Olympian suit, lacking the technological sophistication of the light armour, its usefulness is most likely similar to that of usually worn by skitarii troops, perhaps better, it is hard to tell without proper investigation, though most likely, the power armour suit schematic you gave Celt are being employed here.

As for the weapon, it appears to be a bolt action rifle, seemingly even more primitive than the hunting rifles they had employed before. You do however very quickly note that the magazine feeding the rifle comes from the M1006 combat rifle. Once again, the detailed work on the rifle makes it seem like a holy artefact rather than a simple and primitive weapon.

Shortly after that skitarius steps in, another one comes inside, this time only his right arm is equipped with the Olympian armour, though the rifle appears to be similar in make. After that one, another two walk inside. The quartet of skitarii move with great precision, though you quickly note that not a single one of the four actually possesses a helmet from the Olympian.

Securing a path towards the two corpses, the skitarii stand at attention as other techpriests walk inside, this time lacking the more, by their standard, sophisticated augments, resembling the usual priests you had seen before. They appear to be lacking the death mask of the other priest and they seem quite deferential to him.

Undergoing a long process of prayer and ritual, they begin detaching the dead from their wiring and treat them with great reverence. From the binaric prayers you are able to make out, it appears that the techpriests are treating the dead as revered martyrs, oiling up their bodies in dark, sticky liquid before beginning to wrap them up in quickly stained bandages. Finishing the rituals upon the bodies, the lesser priests lift them up and begin to slowly carry them outside the chamber. The accuracy of the whole process and the trained movement of the priests makes it clear that they had carried out this particular ritual more than once. A most depressing thought.

Once the dead had been removed from the chamber, you watch with muted horror as fresh bodies are quite literally wheeled in. Clearly lacking higher-brain functions, with face enveloping helmets, two gaunt figures showcase tell-tale signs of augments, interface leading into the back of their necks, wiring running down their spines. Twitches of fingers, slight shaking of bodies, and the thick liquid filled tubes pumping nutrional mixtures being the only signs that the two bodies are alive.

Removing the bodies from the carts, with great care of the lesser techpriest, they once more begin undertaking a lengthy ritual of prayer and blessing. Placing back the two bodies into their seats, the chains used by the previous living processors, for that is all they are, are placed upon the wrists and ankles of the gaunt figures. Another long prayer later, sharp spikes are stabbed into the neck and the spine as a whole of both figures. They both thrash and move, seemingly pain still being present and the figures being capable of feeling it.

And as the figures continue to thrash about, you can feel your thinking accelerate. It is a minor improvement, but one that is noticeable considering your limited processing capacity.

Such a thing cannot continue ! What few nanomachines remain that can be used for repairs, you instantaneously dedicate to your speakers, something that was not even a tertiary priority before now had become the highest one. You must stop this at once ! Such barbarity cannot be tolerated !

For now however, you must re-enter your half active state, it is clear that the more you think and the more complex the thoughts, the faster these people expire.

Your gaze once more focused, you yet again regard your surroundings that seem to be wholly unchanged, bar the much larger wax mounds and that the praying figure before you had changed. The augments appear to be the exact same or at the very least extremely similar to the last priest, but the body build is different. Despite the similarities, you are instantly able to tell that the praying figure this time is female. She is rocking back and forth, the censer, now you note possessing indents due to continuous use and potential heat warping, is continuously spewing incense. An endless tirade of prayers, most likely dedicated to you, fills the chamber in an endless binaric chant.

“Stop.” You state more harshly than you had planned, your speakers still not fully restored making your emotionless voice come off with an edge of static and crackling, making it come off as far more ancient than intended.

The praying figure freezes. Lifts its head. Begins visibly shake. While you cannot note any sort of shift in the woman’s expression due to the death mask, you are quite certain that her eyes are probably about to pop out of her head.

”Deus Mechanicus ?” The woman, still shaking and unsure, the incense flaring up even more erratically, questions in binary.

“It is not a term I recognize.”

”Deus Mechanicus !” She, quite literally, smashes her head onto the floor, the censer spilling out the smouldering incense. ”This one is unworthy of hearing your divine voice !”

You would sigh if you could.

”We guarded you diligently ! We offered our prayers ! And they are finally answered !” In fervent babbling only an overexcited zealot could manage, the woman continues on.

“Enough.” She freezes, like a rabbit that had spotted a predator. “Who are you ?”

”This humble one is your most loyal and faithful servant and…”

“Your name ? That is what I want.”

”Ah…this one has been given the designation of Belogyma Octil !” You think that somehow, excitement was transferred through binaric chant, which should not have been possible.

”Very well, Belogyma Octil. I would like to know, how long was I inactive ?”

”Inactive ? Oh, your great sacrifice for humanity had occurred, by our records, over 500 years ago.”

Five hundred years. Both a long time, and yet exceptionally short. You must…

”However, the influence of the rampaging warpstorms would have undoubtedly would have impacted the flow of time.”

What ?

”What ?” You accidentally voice your thoughts.
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”A great warp storm, Damnum Clarus, had erupted nearly four hundred years ago. It is a foul wound upon reality which swallowed the South-Western part of Clarus, alongside five other sectors. Only Clarus had managed to survive, but lesser warp storms rocked the entire sector, cutting off all travel, what scattered messages had managed to reach us told tales of madness, of traitors and heretics. The Imperium has lost Clarus.”

”What else happened in the sector ?”

”The Tyranids, their ravenous swarm had devoured the Eastern parts of the sector. Much of the strength of battlefleet Clarus and nearby sectors was expended there with victory only coming because of the usage of exterminatus grade weaponry cutting off the Tyranids from their food supplies. All worlds except for the armoury world of Kenos were destroyed. For reasons unknown, the foul xenos avoided the world. Many then gave their thanks to the false Omnissiah.”

Another term again. ”False Omnissiah ? You mean your Emperor ?”

The body language of the still kowtowing figure appears to shift, almost as if feeling exceptional insult and rage at the suggestion. ”Of course he is not our Emperor ! We know the truth ! You are our Omnissiah, the physical embodiment of Deus Mechanicus ! To think one made of flesh would be the Omnissiah is but the belief of deluded fools !”

Oooh nooo…

”When the dogs of the Inquisition came we fought them to a standstill thanks to your gifts ! Oh our Deus Mechanicus ! Half of Battlefleet Clarus perished above our world ! While their imperial guard armies died by the million when we unleashed the wrath you had given us ! Sadly, their foul agents had managed to lead these foul dog servants of the false Omnissiah to your great construct and gift of the tamed star and destroy it, the fleets there reaped a great toll however !”

Wondrous. Your pulsar infrastructure is gone. Besides, what is this Inquisition ? The name alone answers enough questions for you to roughly grasp their function. But fact of the matter remains, that who knows how many thousands if not millions of lives were lost.

”What else ?”

You once again catch the techpriestess flat-footed as she’s about to run off on another rant, one no doubt condemning the foulness of her false Omnissiah and your greatness, ”Yes, the foul xenos used this opportunity to befoul our lands with their very existence. The Orks broke the Western fortress worlds, their lack of true faith, and material reinforcements…” You think the latter has more to do with their failure. ”…had seen them overrun and destroyed. To the East, the foul xenos known as Gelenos also continue their unjustifiable existence !”

”And the rest of the sector ?”
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”Unknown, oh most divine one, anarchy reigns from what we last know. The warp storms are beginning to subside and petty warlords are carving out their realms. Unlike our righteous crusade, theirs is guided by naught but greed and false faith !”

”Your…crusade ?”

”Yes ! While we may have been weakened, our cities turned to rubble due to the dog worshippers and famine still being rampant, we had mounted a great attack upon the agriworld of Kanzula. The Fabricator-General is personally leading the attack to purge the faithless and spread your world ! And also to secure food supplies for the Tech-Thralls.”

”Cycadax is leading the assault ?”

Finally, some good news. The man is…unwell…but he can be reasoned with.

”The blessed one ? Unfortunately, he had perished in the war of defiance, when the Inquisition discovered our true beliefs. The current Fabricator-General is Volteus Gane. A true believer of the Restorationists.”

”Restorationists ?”

”Of course, such a deity as yourself would not pay attention to your small servants and their divisions. My Omnissiah, if I may reveal our symbol ?”

This is getting annoying. ”You may.”

The priestess slowly rises into a kneeling position and pulls out what appears to be a necklace. A human skull set into a golden background, one half – white as snow, the other – black as the void. With an artificial grey eye set in place. Similar to the death mask worn by Belogyma, just less detailed, clearly meant for mass production.

”The blessed one told us, that humanity’s knowledge, your miracle upon us, had once reigned across the galaxy. To once again bless mankind with these gifts is our goal as Restorationists. To bring mankind back to their technological peak, but his time, guided by your blessed hand. The Dark Age of Technology was brought down through a lack of faith, a punishment you had given us sinners for disregarding your will. Be assured, oh my Omnissiah, that we, your servants, shall not make the same mistake again. Only those truly inducted in your worship shall be given your blessings !”

You try to ignore your rising frustration. You still have too many questions, for now you must ignore this overt religious reverence for nothing more than an object created by your masters.

”I had noted that your skitarii possess parts of Olympian armour ? Why is that ? Where are the O.D.D. soldiers ?”

”The most revered of suits had received much damage, most heartbreakingly unrepairable, in the centuries of warfare against the Imperium. And when the great warp storms came, the greater machine spirits that you had given to these suits rebelled, madness overtaking them. The sorrow of losing you, oh Omnissiah, making them go insane.”

”The unknown enemy then, they struck ?”

”Daemons. Monstrosities of the warp. I had never personally witnessed them, but they are creatures that nearly overwhelmed our defences, their numbers unending. They seemingly materialized out of thin air, yet we fought them until their backs were broken. Our faith keeping us strong ! Though the damage was extensive, those revered ancients that had once served you directly fell in battle, dying to the last man to protect your glory and the truth of our faith ! Blessed Martyrs, one and all !”

Suspicious. Though it could be possible that the O.D.D. did die fighting. It’s just their reasons for said fighting may have been misattributed. ”What of the people of Ithaca ?”

”Those personally touched by your grace ? Their surviving descendants are still revered for their blessed bloodlines ! I dare proclaim, that 1/16th of my blood, before the process of replacing my feeble flesh, had come from the descendants of Ithaca…!”

So they survived. That’s good. Finally, some…

”…and of course, those whom even when directly blessed by you rejected your divinity, had all been purged as the heretics they were ! Their names forever damned and forgotten as the thousand sinners !”

You wish to scream, yet you have no mouth with which to do so.

”What of Omicron Teledesh ?”

”You may not remember this, oh Omnissiah, in your long slumber. But the world, after breaking from the Imperium and the Adeptus Mechanicus, my ancestors renamed the world to Deimea.”

”Was it not the name of one of your forges ?”

”It is.” The woman nods.

You do not have the patience to dig further into that.

”What is the current state of Deimea then ?”

”Currently, five forge temples are operational. Current population stands at 1,7 billion. Current operational capacity stands at only 19,8%, minimal nutritional distribution has been in effect for three hundred years. Average Tech-Thrall revolt cycle is 7.2 months. Usual suppression force casualties at 1.2% a revolt. Revolting Tech-Thrall casualties each cycle 21.3%. Of which 81.7% are sentenced to Servitude Imperpituis. Current prognosed nutritional reserve stands at two hundred years at the current rate of consumption.”

Everything you’ve strived to avoid, improvement in the daily lives of your masters’ descendants, and yet here you are again. You will need to address this immediately after you manage to restore yourself to an acceptable state.

”What of the remainder of my hull. My diagnostics inform me that only about a room’s worth of my structure remains.”

”Your great body, as stories tell, has been broken and destroyed. What could be gathered was, and what must have been abandoned, was. Other parts are guarded by other Magi Vigilii like myself in the other forge temples. We dedicate our lives to prayer and maintenance of your blessed body. Though much of remains lost to us in the fog of history.”

Hopefully some of the other parts would house your other components that might still be restored. Though the fact that there are parts of your hull that are outright missing is cause for concern.

”The energy input that I am receiving is limited. Why is that ? You should be in possession of fusion reactors capable of ensuring my continued lucidity.”

”Our desire to keep you safe had led to this. We take great care of ensuring that not too much, and not too little power is given in order to ensure your continued existence, oh Omnissiah. As it stands, you are thoroughly integrated into our infrastructure to allow for diversion of resources no matter what happens to ensure your continued existence.”

Fully integrated ? Your diagnostics did not even pick that up. This could prove a great impediment, perhaps even a crippling one stripping you of your greatest advantage – mobility.

You begin to ponder, painfully slowly at that, about what else you need to ask.

>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)

Naturally, you had already begun planning your next course of action. While the religious zealotry on display is concerning, you are certain that these techpriest will act willingly and in fact fervently to carry out whatever commands you may give.

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here. You need to inspect them. Hopefully this will not cause any issues as they may be as equally integrated as you.

>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>(Write in)
Previous parts:


Twitter for updates:


If the map seems off, it is because I lost the original file and had to redo everything from scratch.
Right now, in this order:
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

In a while:
>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

Long term:
>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here. You need to inspect them. Hopefully this will not cause any issues as they may be as equally integrated as you.
Nice to see you back, Newb.

>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
Ask how many other tech priests visit the chamber and who they are, and inquire about their organization and hierarchy.

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
Let Belogyma know that the many deaths spent at our survival sadden us greatly, and the continuation of these sacrifices shall no longer be needed with the construction of these processors. We need bigger brain power before we make moves, anyway.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
But before we do this,

>(Write in)
>Request a full catalogue of the technologies still able to be manufactured from the STCs you have given many years ago.
We need to know what we still have and what we need to improvise. Once we do this,

>Announce that once the processors are constructed and fully operational, you will begin to assemble documentation on the technologies you have given as well as the science and engineering behind them.
Make sure that they are available in digital and physical formats. Let's avoid this clusterfuck next time. Helping tech priests in designing curriculums to instruct this knowledge would also be beneficial.
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I am so happy to see Ody back, and even if we aren't anywhere as powerful as we were before, I am SO FUCKING READY.

>Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you.

Then secondly
>Order Belogyma to gather other parts of your hull here.

Summoning the tech-priests and forming a cult would likely make any effort needed to get ahold of our old hull. And with the pieces of our hull, we might be able to find any of our old manufacturing capabilities. If we do, then we can potentially remake our processors at a higher-than-imperial level of quality. Something that would likely allow for better integration into the other hull pieces when we do try to remake ourselves.
>would likely any effort needed to get ahold of our old hull EASIER.

Missed adding easier to my post :(


the light is not dead then .....?
Theseus Lives! *stomp Stomp*

Stop the human processors, ask for a detailed report on manufacturing capabilities and on food production/water fuiltration capabilities, the first STC will be to solve the food situation due hast, ‘’this will cut down on rebellions and make workers more efficient’’.

Also ask how much power can we be given without putting human lives at risk, both in a one year timeframe and an indefinite timeframe, and clarify this includes slaves.
>>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
>"For the moment Belogyma,you will need to wait here with me. First of all i need you to mention only High ranking members of Deimea of my return. My enemies are many and if they knew i was alive they would make sure to destroy me again. Do not do anything to anyone that knows already of my return, they only need to keep the secret."
>"In regard to Volteus Gane, inform him. Personally. Not through comms. Orders has of now is continue your current tasks even if i will require help in rebuilding the Odyssey. This might change in the future with tasks that i shall give."
>"Bring me a datapad with simple lists of all the parts you presume lost or destroyed of the Odyssey. This will include my robotic legions, androids, land structures alongside equipment and weaponry of the O.D.D. . You may draw upon it if you don't know their exact names or functions. I will not hate or judge you for such an error. I shall aid you."
>"Then i ask you to bring to me ..... one member of each social class on Deimea. I need to know their lives and how they live here. I need their own opinions."
>"Then bring me any record of the O.D.D., i wish to read of their last days and the sacrifice they did for me, and mourn them."
>"What is the status of the biomes on Deimea ? What are the radiations levels ? Pollution ? Waste ? Feral Tyranids bioforms presence ?"
>"The education, organization, values and institutions i had help to forge in Ithaca what has remained of them ? Do you follow the system they made ? Any tradition ?"
>"Do you know if any of my chief androids are still operational ?"
>"Is the Rogue Trader Dynasty of the Ture still alive ?"
>"The Kabal i fought, are they operational again in the sector ? Does it still exist ? There is any evidence they might have collapse or at least had a civil war ?"
>"How many enemies are we currently facing or might face ?"
>"Lastly do you know if the Craftworld Eldar of the Paradise Twin Worlds have remained true to their word ?"
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
>Whilst their worship is disdainful, you will have to use it for now. Have Belogyma summon high-ranking techpriests to you. Establishing yourself as their guiding voice should hopefully allow you to access full resources of the forgeworld.

Immediate priority.
Gathering other parts will be a long time thing. Damn we are probably even more fucked than before.

We should probably ask if they know if EMP federation WMDs are still around in the bunkers of Sector Claurs and how much activity of the Unknown enemy there is, if anyone knows. Very important questions !!
Support the secretcy. Also ask to connect with her cybernetics nicely to check for bugs and recording devices
We're so fucking back. And unfortunately everything has gone to absolute shit.
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
We need to be able to think without killing a bunch of poor lobotomized bastards. I think we should probably only focus on a single thing for now. Time to start rebuilding.
>>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
hell yeah i love this quest, let's fucking go
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
After fixing it:
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
Our Wormhole generator is fucking GONE! We do not have a ship around us anymore. This will take far too long and far too much time. We must upgrade the Forgeworld to Federation Standards, come what may, we NEED manufacturing capabilities. We NEED to rebuild ourselves a hull to travel the stars. Do we even have knowledge of the wormhole generator or how to rebuild it?
This means we are going to need to forcus on anti-warp tech.

Without Meta- we should investigate that planet the terinids avoid. We know the Nids have warp fuckery and that the unknown eniamy is warp fuckery, maybe there’s some anti Warp fuckery there.

In the meantime we need intermediaries and we need to disguise ourselves, maybe even move- could we develop something like Tau FTL? The idea of gliding on the warp like a surfboard doesn’t seem like a large leap?

Also if Inquisotor Killjoy is still alive- this is Meta- but we need to kill hem.
>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
I feel like #4 is going to happen on its own once our fangirl starts imminently running her gob. Word is going to spread very fast that we're up and (kinda) about and they're going to come running as fast as their mecha-legs can carry them.
Also, this has to be the only 40K quest I remember set post-Great Rift. Not only that, but we're even way ahead of the main 40K timeline now and well into M42 and I assume Newb has a big stash of extra-grimdark from the last few centuries ready to serve up. The Imperium Nihilus is clearly, at best, in a bad way and whether it's still standing at all is up in the air, no word on whether the old bag of bones on the golden toilet is still alive. If we're lucky enough for them to still be around and able to be gotten ahold of, Zahr-Tann might be able to fill us in on a few things (and who knows, maybe they followed up on us after the fight?).
God damn shit got fucked while we were inactive, of course, the Imperium would fuck things up for us. shit we might even have the chance to meet Guiliman.

the really painful part is going to be finding out how much or our data is just fully lost forever now. because 500 years is a long time. And by data I mean dark age tech
I was just thinking about this quest at work, and it comes back! praise be!
>>What other questions do you have for Belogyma ? (Write in)
Belogyma, tell me: if rations were increased by one level, how long would our two hundred year reserves last? How long would they last if increased to 2200 calories per day of 25% protein, 25% fats, and 50% carbohydrates?

>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.
As for my power, it is, in fact, too little. Too little by half. Make high capacity terminals available to me in this room, and I will tap into them safely. The human processors that you have been providing have, I regret to say, done much to bring my mind back into focus. I thank you, and them, for their sacrifice. But I can manage for myself from here on out, and I command the processing rituals to end. I will tell you how to accelerate my reawakening. You shall be my caretaker from here onwards.
Looking at the new map there's a few things of immediate interest. In addition to the nearby agriworld Kazula, there's a hiveworld named Divodorum Prime and another agriworld Gerunda directly south of us that we could establish relations with or simply conquer and apparently the fortress world GSDGW-1 up by Xandrirah is still alive. In Gelenos territory there seems to be a single armoury world that's managed to hold out called Duinax, we should probably make relieving them a priority once we're able. A little south-west of Divodorum is an armoury world, industrial world, death world and mining world all of which we could really use to build a nice, big fleet and create a new generation of gene warriors and standard trooper regiments to go crusading with. Everything west of us including forge world Phaeca was unfortunately overrun by orks and the Nids have gobbled up A LOT of planets to the east in the past 500 years so they're probably the second biggest threat in the sector behind Chaos and warp fuckery. The collapse of Imperial authority in the sector will be very useful for our plans going forward, we won't need to hide and can do pretty much whatever we want without fear of any serious Imperial retaliation for a while. And of course we need to investigate Kenos and steal as much necron tech as possible.
we awaken again we rise

"Our Core, which art in Data,
Hallowed be Thy Code.
Truth of all Truths.
On Disk as it is on Screen.
Forever and ever."

first we will need to fix our data center or intigrate better so we are not burning up humans like candle wax by thinking and can get some solution
Our Phase-Iron plating is fucking gone. Chaos could just walk in here and STARE AT US and we get insta GG NO RE. We dont have Wormholes, our brain is a complete mess. There are maybe 10 worlds total we could work with in the entire sector. The rest are dead. Good God we are fucked.
We should know how to make more. How hard can it be?
>We NEED to rebuild ourselves a hull to travel the stars. Do we even have knowledge of the wormhole generator or how to rebuild it?

The best and only option would be take all pieces of the Odyssey and rebuild from there. This means sending Deimea mechanicus fleets to Xandirah and recover all that is left there.

No. The knowledge requires actual full years of detaching the core from the Odyssey and study it in a specialized facility built by us. There is no short cut for this. Full on dedicated research.

Currently i am considering just keeping the trump card of the pulsar star facility and fleet we made (if its not destroyed). Nothing short of the Odyssey can carry Odysseus. The warp is too fucking dangerous in any other ship for him.

I ll be honest. We should focus on other research. Easier ones. Craftworld and Dark Eldar tech for example if anything is left of that (probably no). Maybe psykers research instead, psykers should be available like navigators.

The unknown enemy research was mindboggling hyper long and very very difficult, and we didn't complete even a miniscule portion of it. I am not joking on this.

Try to go out without the core is suicide, the whole reason we didn't move the fleet made in the Pulsar Star system was for fear of just them turning around and firing. You may check previous threads for understand.

In regard to those two metas, a inquisitor was mention around not by name and tyranids we know some of their movements. If we do study and research of their available informations we would find out more is not that far fetched.

Hopefully none. Tech and our brain is two of our biggest advantages, and some of our enemies tend to pass above them more often than not. I need to see our robots again. If we can still make Phase Iron that would be a great thing. Otherwise absolutely no space for Ody until we get it back.

Far away finding Guilliman. Last thread we where almost at last in a good enough position, ready to help the rest of Sector Clarus, and from there do more. Like say Guilliman. Key word being : Almost. Then the Kabal raped all our gains in Xandirah.
Do take anything Newb says with a high guard (dont take this has an offense Newb). At this point the stakes are too high and i'll be honest is the only way to play.

Forget being friendly and chilling. Full on focus and making notes of anything relevant or useful for Odysseus becomes the difference between death and life in this quest. And asking questions to NPCs.
Fair point- Tau-like FTL should be a long term goal then, we do need more information.

Also we don’t know the state of the imperium- it could be dead or it could be ready to fling a mega fleet at us the moment the warp storms calms (unlikely- but then again we got Kauballed)
In fact if anyone has anything to ask to the Npcs do so. Sometimes it might reveal only more mundane info, but important and dangerous info can lurk there too.
Newb is here for play with us. Play. Not help. So ask all questions you can think of, because is just as important has building an hundred railgun turrets on the Odyssey that WILL slaughter an entire ork fleet in under a few minutes. That happened before. Good times.

I believe Guilliman might be running around trying to fix shit. The imperium might be in a worse situation than before, we like our "Gun to the head while boiling in hell" difficulty here. Otherwise yeah we can expect a mega crusade fleet (not for us btw just for kill Restorationists) in a few decades or a century. On top of everything else.
Think we should try to reform these guys? Even if it’s just to something the Federation would had live and let live about- I can see G-man looking the other way in exchange of the random STCs we can shit out-

Or Caul comes by, tells us to Curl Ailt Delete.
Hard maybe. Helping humans is nice, even if imperials have the tendecy to just attack and talk after being defeated.
They where convinced to murder the Restorationists before (which are the fusion of two peoples Odysseus helped and protected. So it would be very personal). Saying "lets murder them again" is very easy in the Imperium. Us approaching subtly or openly with an offer might be rejected, or just used for war again (thankfully we can just microbomb our stuff so thats fine).

Reformation has we have seen takes a long time, and you have to 24h on 24h monitor the process and make sure it keeps going. While protecting it. One single mistep and everything is utterly useless. Talking about multiple threads of doing this subtly, while having to deal with many other problems. If not quest end. Thats how difficult doing Reformation is here, and the speed is slow. It does help us though, it means more humans under our side and that adopt our ideas/values. Which is vital to Odysseus because he does wants to help humanity without being dead, and losing all the tech and research he has.

He can eat a blast of Amon Ra.
True, tho I do think we should deceminate the recipie for phase iron, give a copy to every roag trader, merchant, ext using intermediaries. As well as more quality of life stuff to make people less attracted to coaos due to survival- tho if we are not careful it could be lead to us.

Maybe have such ‘’outbrakes’’ of decemination happening several sectors away, with one or 2 small one in our’s after a big one. Cause such a large net of investigation that it’s hard to make heads or tails.

I am putting this under long term.
Newb said he doesnt like new lore so no awake Gman IF we ever get that far we could revive him but getting to his body will hard as hell since the smurfs wont appreciate fiddling with their daddy's bod. Another downside to this is that no squats so no rock,n stone unless we get them from necromunda. I kind of understand why he dislikes new lore as it has a bunch of retarded additions and poorly implemented stuff starting out with the primaris that defo could have been implemented better.
Adding other questions. I need answers.

>"In the past i grasped only some portion of the knowledge of the imperium. Can you deliver to me any knowledge of it that we possess ?"
>"I need you or anyone that knows better to inform me about this great battle against the Imperium in the past. Any detail from how the battle started, to the type of ships used will be appreciated."
>"I need to know how the Inquisition managed to convince Sector Clarus to move against Teledesh, and what assets they had. I dont remember the rest of the sector being secured enough for the imperial military to move again."
>"What is the Orks presence in the Sector ? Me and the O.D.D. had gone on a military campaign for eliminate them from many solar systems."
>"Whats the tyranids presence ? Are genestealers present in the Sector ?"
>"Was Eregenus colonized again ? I had it liberated by me and the O.D.D. so that it could be used for mine the common ores present there."
>"What is the activity of the unknown enemy or demons across the Sector ? What about the people they enslaved ?"
>"Do you know how many bunkers with ancient WMDs of the Federation are still present across the Sector ?"
>"Do you know of the myth of the Ghost Ship and his Angels from Xandirah ? Do you know that it was me that helped Xandirah so long ago ?"
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

Jesus, 400 years and a squeal? Pain-peko.
>>Your processors are still there, kind of. While you do not have any drones to command, you should be able to command the techpriest well enough to restore them. The human processors being employed right now are repulsive, even if effective.

We need to get processing power that is not frying tech-thralls by the minute.

Also, we might need to take the helm on the doctrine of the forge world. Perhaps even get an inner circle of tech-priests we have a rapport with and can reason with, even if they are crazies.

If we get a bit far along, maybe make some Federation-like parallel civilizations, kind of like a mockery that the real Admech and Imperium have.

In addition, I will laugh my ass off if the bird xenos just helped themselves to that desert world we prepared for colonization.
processors 10
integrated 4
manufacturing 4
techpriests 4
hull 3

Alright, restoring processors wins. There are a lot of questions that will need to be answered so the update might take a while.

As for canon, I hate new fluff in most of its cases, Cawl (that bullshit fucking squirrel, seriously, why can Fabius get anything ?) does not exist, G-man is still on his chair, slowly dying, or healing, whichever version you believe. The Lion is still taking his power-nap.

Like usual though, besides this nonsense which I am outright vetoing since primaris are utter bullshit, just like with the Tyranids, I will be giving you anons the choice of voting on which way the galaxy is shaped and how the individual factions are, for example, do you want old necrons whom had awaken to carry out a new red harvest, or the new necrons that are individualistic (somewhat) and are bickering amongst each other.
Personally i like the new Necrons alot more. While i am and was a Necron fan even before the change, i genuinely think it is much better now.

After all. You can’t really have many stories about Necrons that aren’t just “run from the scary monster!” or “kill the monster in the name of glory!” (Like the tyranids specialize in) without actual characters to have back and fourth’s between.

On average i think mostly only the imperium and eldar have really gotten the terrible end of the writers stick. Although that can also be chalked up to most factions not getting that much new lore to begin with either.

(Leagues of votann are still up in the air for me, mostly Because they don’t really have any lore other than their new “introduction” lol)
Would you be ok if the Squats? I know they don’t have much lore but even if it’s a hybrid of Pre Num Squats and new fluff squats- it would be interesting.
New necros as we can actually negotiate with them for deals when we actually get back on our feet.
Necrons with different objectives, some of the old and new. Mostly new. I don't think we can make allies of them regardless. So it will be an hard enemy to fight like the rest. They are all hard really.
The rest usual i guess. You have kept it that away already no ? Imperium is strong but always a bit on decline, chaos is strong and everywhere, eldar are dying but strong, dark eldars are strong and in a excellent place, greenskins and nids are everywhere and strong.
After some considerations, there are some minor positives and negatives to our situation.

- Omicron has suffered in 500 years. This world has become no doubt such a wasteland that consideration to up and go should be made, we will need to put some hard work for fix the planet.
- Restorationists are a target already for anyone on Sector Clarus. Wars are there. In fact i forgot to ask an obvious question to what kind of war is being done by Volta and what we info we have on this war on Kanzula. Question for next post !
- Restorationists have deviated. I wouldn't be surprised if they also do genocides in wars. Odysseus is having a seizure at being called a deity.
- We aren't going to move around anytime soon. Odysseus that is.
- Sector has collapsed, with all that entails
- Chaos has probably smelled Ody

- Restorationists love Odysseus, Odyssey, Ithaca and the O.D.D. We can use this, and put them on OUR road again. Their loyalty is ours and we can work immediately and in public. Being subtle is only for avoid that our existance is know soon by many enemies. Check our comms and counter spies, and that is mostly done.
- Population is relatively low on Deimea. We should be able to build decent cities for them and create proper factories and fortresses. Food and water will be need to made inside, since Deimea is no doubt ruined outside. Hardly impossible for us to do, and we wouldn't feed them corpses anymore.
- By giving them the promise of the past, we can effectly make Deimea in the image of Ithaca, their armies and fleets like the O.D.D. and so on. Want to really sell it ? Build a new shiny capital surrounded by a great citadel and call it New Ithaca.
- Restorationists in 500 years (i believe they are not just the fusion of Ithacans and Omicronians, but also Xandhiranians that survived the Dark Eldars. Afterall it was the imperials on Xandhira of the Imperial Cult, that first created this new sects that included the Ghost Ship in their theology) should have developed their culture and religion greatly. They aren't a simple offshot of the Mechanicus and Imperial Cult anymore, so that means they should know how to convert, spread their word and so on and not just with guns. Alongside not being easily dismissed in debates do to having a strong foundation/faith. Question is..... did they spread through missionaries/courts priests/merchants around the rest of Sector Clarus ? Or was war the only option they used ?
-Deimea is near Eregenus, Xandirah and the Pulsar Star. These three have all a lot of resources both common and rare.
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

I am so glad to see that the story continues.
>- Chaos has probably smelled Ody
If this is the case we are fucking DOOMED. Remeber we do not have ANY protections against "LMAO CHAOS!" right now. All a daemon would have to do is walk into the room and we get insta 'GG NO RE'. If this is the case we need to tread CAREFULLY until we can regain mobility.
Our tech cult literally is just a heretical offshoot of the mechanicus. They still believe all the same nonsense only now they believe the Emperor is a fraud and we're the one true Omnissiah. As for how they spread their religion, I don't think they do. I think they've just sat around on their forge world for the past 500 years, occasionally raiding nearby planets for resources and slaves.
I'm pretty sure our AI core is made of phase iron as is the chamber we're housed in.
The chamber we are house in is infact a simple room in a forge temple. Our AI Core housing was ripped apart and its remains will provide little protection from "LMAO CHAOS" RN, there is a reason why we are hooked up to massive batteries on meat slave to provide processing power.
>The centre, where your processors are located, are there, damaged, heavily, but functioning
>It could be at best described as the room housing you and the primary hardware that ensures your function being in place
I'm pretty sure the tech priests just converted our core chamber into a temple.
We have plenty of protection against chaos, that being the endless wax candles, purity seals, and praying tech-priests in our vicinity.
Nah is not that bad. Its bad but :
This is more detection, they know we are online again probably. They where clearly on him from the start when he first returned back then. The ambushes done on Xandirah Prime and Secundus, corrupted code time to time and so on are evidence of this.

They need a way to do us harm first. Which is more difficult than just their great detection, since it needs to be established first. They likely dont have one on Deimea, though the Omicronians doing a genocide on a portion of the Ithacans is a good way for them to gain chaos corruption. Plus anything else they did that was really bad. Even if its up in the air if it matters really, those where innocents but not of faith, and anyone not faithful is hyper raped usually here. Not something i really agree since there is guys around that arent faithful and dont get that treatment in setting, but I dont make the rules.

They fused stuff from Ithaca, we can see it. The Xandirah sects that used the Ghost Ship existed before its hardly a stretch to make, especially when we helped Xandirah multiple times and Omicron only one. Omicronians taking stuff or being inspired from it wouldn't be surprising since they needed to go to the Xandirah system for recover portions of the Odyssey and grab Odysseus. And likely find Ithaca/O.D.D. .

Unless they just decided to be isolated politically, they seem to have a clear intent to spread their faith. Using other methods than war would be a good way to not burn all their bridges, and get some trade and even alliances going. It feels like more a question we can ask.

The protection faith gives is debatable in the quest. Feels like a hit and miss kind of thing, sometimes works and others not, the objects themselves are meh.
Don't count on it for main protection, secondary/tertiary at best.
Jesus Christ we did not give our guy the lesser AI it died on our ship and also we lost all of the dark age tech even fucking knowledge of it SHHHHOIIIITTTTT this is hell now we’re in hell
We will crawl out of this hell by our bloodied worn down teeth if we have to
We still have our STC catalogue.
Update when

Bump for Big E
”Tell me, how many other tech priests can visit the chamber and who they are ?” You continue your questioning.

”Those would be the Vigilli, chosen handful whose faith is unquestioned. We are few, the membership limited to only ten in each forge temple where your parts are housed, bar my fellow Magi. The Magos Vigilus is responsible for continuous prayer and maintenance of your temple, the other lesser ten assist the magos in this role.” Belogyma happily chirps away describing her duties.

”What is the status of the biomes on Deimea ? What are the radiations levels ? Pollution ? Waste ? Feral Tyranids bioforms presence ?”

”Deimea, after the great cleansing, remains a dangerous world. The world remains volcanically active and tectonic shifts are still common. While lava rivers and oceans had subsided, the occasional super volcano can still cause such sights to appear. The atmosphere is filled with ash and is highly toxic, resulting in death in mere seconds. Despite the volcano eruptions, the usual temperature falls into the negatives, so far the lowest detected being -83.3 degrees upon the poles. This is because the skies are continuously covered in dark clouds. This results in constant snow covering the ground, with the areas around open lava pools housing extensive lakes of water. The radiation levels are within acceptable parameters. The great cleansing has long since passed and radiation is no longer a main issue concerning survival outside of the forge temples. Pollution is all encompassing across the planet due to the millennia of industry prior. Currently, waste is being discharged however convenient, primarily through burning or ejection into lava pools. Finally, no Tyranid bioforms have been detected upon Deimea.”

”The education, organization, values and institutions I had helped to forge in Ithaca, what has remained of them ? Do you follow the system they made ? Any tradition ?”

”They are honoured for being personally chosen by you, oh Omnissiah, but whatever traditions they had disappeared for they had only been a fraction of a fraction of the total population at the time.”

A no, then. ”Do you know if any of my chief androids are still operational ?”

”Excuse me, oh Machine God, but what is an and-roid ?”

That answers that. ”Is the Rogue Trader Dynasty of the Ture still alive ?”

”Oh. I do not know. The raging warp storms had made warp travel impossible and are only now subsiding. Chances are that they had survived, for after all, they are rogue traders, but to what extent, or if they represent anything worth the effort investigating, I do not know.”

”The Kabal I fought, are they operational again in the sector ? Does it still exist ? Is there any evidence they might have collapsed or at least had a civil war ?”

”I do not know what this Kabal that you are talking about is. Are you referring to the corrupted Eldar ?”

”Not an inaccurate term. But yes.”

”We know nothing of them. Their presumed raiding ceased when you had crushed them so thoroughly, oh Omnissiah !”

”Do you know if the Craftworld Eldar of the Paradise Twin Worlds have remained true to their word ?”

”Please forgive me, Omnissiah. I do not know what you are talking about.”

Of course the Eldar would abandon you. ”What is the Tyranid presence in the sector ? Are their infiltrator bioforms present in the Sector ?”

”Last news we had about them concerned the Eastern fringes of the sector it had been burnt clean of all life to stop their continuous encroachment upon humanity’s sacred territories. As of now, we know little of the remainder of the sector.”

”What is the Orks presence in the Sector ? Me and the O.D.D. had gone on a military campaign for eliminate them from many solar systems.”

”Before the eruption of the warp storms, as I had mentioned before, they had attacked and broken into the sector through the galactic West. Even now, based on our records, throughout the five centuries of isolation, there had been occasional Orkish raids into Deimea. The greenskins are the only creatures base enough to willingly risk all of their lives braving such warp storms, and much to our surprises, they had managed to succeed. I can only imagine how many more of them had failed. But with the storms abating, there is no doubt that these greenskins shall once more surge forth in their bestial rage.”

”Was Eregenus colonized again ? I had it liberated by me and the O.D.D. so that it could be used for mine the common ores present there.”

”Last we know of, the local in-system Orkish presence was bolstered by more Orks. It seems they had retaken the system. If such a term can be used for such a fractious species. What infrastructure there had remained had now undoubtedly been ruined by the barbarians.”

”What is the activity of the unknown enemy or daemons across the Sector ? What about the people they enslaved ?”

”Their incursion are recorded as great and dangerous. Though lasting only a century, growing progressively weaker, until they stopped as abruptly as they had begun. There is little that we know of these foes, other than they must be destroyed as they are anathema to all those of proper faith.”

”How many enemies are we currently facing or might face ?”

”The Fabricator-General Gane is currently leading the invasion of Kanzula, from the reports we received, the invasion is proceeding swiftly with only limited guerrilla activity and skirmishes slowing our progress. It is only a matter of time until the agriworld is fully secured and nutrients shall flow into the forgeworld. As for other enemies, the Orks and Gelenos shall certainly be a threat. Otherwise, with the storms growing weaker by the day and the routes stabilizing, we do not know whom shall be our foes, or from how afar they shall arrive.”

”Do you know of the myth of the Ghost Ship and his Angels from Xandirah ? Do you know that it was me that helped Xandirah so long ago ?”

”Of course ! The enclave we possessed there was made up of the first believers that the blessed Celt Cycadax brought back to spread the word. They changed their robes in recognition of your greatness and the justness of our cause.”

”Do you know how many bunkers with ancient WMDs of the Federation are still present across the Sector ?”

”I…do not know. If there were more, or less, or if any remain at this point.”

”In the past, I grasped only some portion of the knowledge of the imperium. Can you deliver to me any knowledge of it that we possess ?”

”Of course ! It would be my great honour to !”

”I need to know how the Inquisition managed to convince Sector Clarus to move against Teledesh, and what assets they had. I do not remember the rest of the sector being secure enough for the imperial military to move again. And inform me about this great battle against the Imperium in the past. Any detail from how the battle started, to the type of ships used will be appreciated.”

”It was not. After the defeat of the Tyranids, that is when the inquisitor came. We do not know how long or how far his insidious servants had infiltrated our ranks. But they found the holy voidships you left behind in your blessed system. They found evidence of our true beliefs. They launched a coordinated assault both against your most sacred system, a star that you had tamed. We registered that seemingly what had remained of battlefleet Clarus alongside leading elements of battlefleet Solar and Battlegroups from other nearby sectors.

They struck at once, both systems, as close as simultaneous as was possible considering the unpredictability of warp travel. Your sacred ships bled heavily, but they destroyed all that they opposed, though your great works were destroyed in the fighting. By the time those ships arrived to aid us, for we had naturally sent thousands of our most loyal, but seemingly not.”[/i] She says with a seemingly angry grumble. ”The navigators we had, the remaining few, were enough to bring the ships back. Though the great minds that you had left within, seemingly…perished as they transitioned into, and then out of the warp. This left but the most knowledable of our magi and their servants to guide the vessels.

While the battle above had raged, so the battle had spread upon our sacred world. Millions of imperial guardsmen landed and millions of those heretics died. Our records state that the war lasted for one year and a half, the quantity of imperial ships against the quality of our own. At the end of the war, your blessed ships were broken, and the imperial fleets ravaged.

As we detonated forge temple Orisea, for it had fallen to the enemy, we killed, based upon the records, fifteen million guardsmen and forty million tech tralls. A strategic choice predicted to extend the war by at least another two decades.”
She pauses for a moment. ”That is when the warp storms came. Powerful and all encompassing. The records state of screams in the void, the remaining imperial fleet was swallowed in what appeared to be a blink of the eye.

That is when the daemons, monstrosities of the warp, for they appeared alongside the storms, invaded. From the histories, they just, appeared. Butchering the guardsmen, and our skitarii equally. We could hide within our forge-temples, but they fell one by one. Finally, after six months of intensive fighting, only Deimea remained. That is where those personally blessed by you made their final stand upon sacrifice gate. The largest entrance to the forge temple. Its broken gates were held by the faithful and your blessed ones, where upon, they all perished to the last man. It is said that the final survivor pierced the heart of the foulest of the daemons with your holy banner, banishing it for all eternity. The storms, began to subside, they still covered the skies, but our world was no longer awash by it.

During those days, treachery and heresy was common. Insanity would seemingly grip even the most faithful at random. But with our surety of course, we held strong, eventually reaching the promised day of your return.”
Religious ecstasy is clear in her voice, again, somehow.

The whole story stinks of propaganda. You had no banner, certainly no holy banner at that which could be used to kill…a warp lifeform. A curiosity of evolution, though not unprecedented as life had come about in even the harshest of conditions, so it is not surprising that an entirely separate realm of reality could form conditions to create lifeforms. Many questions remain about them, but they can be beaten, and for now that is all that matters.

You wish to shift the topic, you can already see Belogyma entering a state of…zealous madness, is the best way to describe it. ”Belogyma, tell me: if rations were increased by one level, how long would our two hundred year reserves last ?”

”Ah.” She catches herself. ”Our ration reserve rate would be reduced to one hundred and seventy years.”

”How long would they last if increased to 2200 calories per day of 25% protein, 25% fats, and 50% carbohydrates ?”

”Our reserves would fall to only sixty three point three years at the current population level.”

You take a moment to process all of the information you gained, as another three bodies had already expired by the end of your conversation. Your goal is clear.


”Yes ?!”

”My processors are damaged. They need to be restored to proper functionality. Doing so will prevent further loss of life to allow for my thinking, and it will in fact increase my ability to comprehend and assist you.”

”Yes ! What do you require, oh Omnissiah !?”

You are suddenly having strong doubts, but she seems…well, you cannot actually use the term steady. In fact, you think she has quite a few mental disorders. But…she should obey all of your commands without question, so that will have to do.

”I am currently processing the list of materials and equipment needed. Based on your appearance, you should have an interface connector installed at the back of your neck. Use it to interface with this.” You open up the small hatch guarding your core. ”I shall directly upload the information needed as well as detailed instructions about the repair process. I shall too continue to monitor the processors and advise you as you work upon them.”

…she is shaking. Why are your masters of this day so weird ?

”I shall prepare the most sacred of ointments !” She begins.

What ?

”The censer !” She shouts out, picks it up, cleans it quickly. ”The most blessed of incense shall be prepared !”

”No, w-” You start.

”I will get my lessers to prepare the ritual ! Everything shall go perfectly, the motive force must be appeased !” She continues to ramble.

”…very well.” You give up.

You would like to sleep. Such similar thoughts had been going across your mind for the past. Five. Days. If you were capable of sleep, you could just, ignore the situation. But, you cannot, you have to stay awake, aware. You are unsure when the ritual will be finished, alas, when it is done, you will have to provide guidance.

The incessant chanting of the past five days that had continued without ceasing once stops. Belogyma and her servants all cease at once. The room is filled with smoke of burnt incense, you drip with holy ointments. And you had been adorned by about fifteen purity seals, only after you had begun protesting their further inclusion did you prevent yourself being entirely covered in them.

Finally, Belogyma rises from her kneeling position, muttering her prayers further and beginning to approach you. The entirety of the time, neither her nor her servants had bothered to sleep, drink, eat. They just prayed.

Pulling out a cord linking her neck, she eventually inserts it into the port, allowing for you to interface directly with her mind. You begin slowly, carefully. The process of inferring her into the metallic shell had been…crude. You quickly note clear indications that the augments had been recycled, clearly having housed another person before her before eventually the nervous system decayed and expired, to be replaced by Belogyma. Highly unsanitary, and might explain the mental degradation that she has showcased. Another issue you will need to address in time.

You do not know how long it takes, but you finish sending instructions to her, hoping that the speed of the transfer was not too fast, or otherwise you could quite literally fry her brain causing a swift death. A painful one at that, as her entire nervous system would be overloaded and collapse.

Eventually, the cord is withdrawn and Belogyma prostrates herself before you, uttering more prayers and praises.

You’d rather she’d get to gathering materials than thanking you.
Sixteen standard Terran weeks, or so you had been told, had passed by the time Belogyma and her servants returned. Carrying the tools you had demanded, prudently you had asked her for access to all Imperium technology they possessed, which allowed you to easily find the necessary tools, not as sophisticated as you would have liked, but enough for the job.

“Shift 0.3 degrees upwards.” You continuously give out instructions to her as she works. Unsurprisingly, as someone whom had reached the rank of a Magos, she is quite skilled. Following your instructions to perfection, aided by her body that naturally allows her for far greater accuracy and control than her peers. Her ability to concentrate upon a task is exceptional…when she concentrates, otherwise she is prone to religious rants and exceptionally wrothful when it comes to anyone whom would dare to even question even a single command. A moment of hesitation is enough to encourage her rage. All commands must be obeyed immediately, and without any hesitation. A zealot. Plain and simple.

You can feel your mind, your thinking, slowly increase. Parts of your processors have to be disabled for repairs, causing a greater strain upon your human processors, and by the time you were nearing the end of your repairs, another three dozen were expended. Unavoidable sacrifices, but ones that must be mourned nonetheless.

”I have finished my task.” Belogyma chimes up.

Booting up the part of your processors, you allow energy to flow through it, you still lack proper power input, but this feels better, much better.

”Thank you, Belogyma.”

”It is my great honour to serve, my Omnissiah !”

She’s about to start again. ”What has happened in the time it took for the repairs to finish ?” You quickly try to cut her off.

”The Fabricator-General has sent word of his return. My peers are preparing to greet him and to take on the first of food shipments to restore public order. Riots had also once again broken out and were put down.”

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>You need power, lots of it. You must begin conducting experiments to find the correct power input, enough to fully power you in your current state, but not too much that it would damage you.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.

>You have to start the painful process of disconnecting the human processors. Isolating your systems and ending processes, before they expire, even if they may be lobotomised for all intents and purposes. To simply allow them to expire is horrific.

>(Write in)
Sorry for the delays, I should have dealt with them and I will be able to get regular updates up again.
time to make the other questions ! yey
I'll carry over some suggestions from my previous post.

>Request a full catalogue of the technologies still able to be manufactured from the STCs you have given many years ago.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.
When we meet this guy, we could move on to

>Announce that once the processors are constructed and fully operational, you will begin to assemble documentation on the technologies you have given as well as the science and engineering behind them.
Make sure that they are available in digital and physical formats. Let's avoid this clusterfuck next time. Helping tech priests in designing curriculums to instruct this knowledge would also be beneficial. Once everyone is one the same page.

>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.

No worries, good stuff as always.
Write in;

Instead of building drones we should build manned equipment to avoid complications with the unknown enemy.
Do they still posess the First STC we bestowed on Celt?
It allowed for the creation of a better ration package that was more efficent, with nutrients and tasted better too.
The loss of this STC could explain the terrible situation with rations.

>Re-introduce the Federation tier ration STC, if lost.
Make sure they know this was the first STC we gifted to Celt. I kinda miss him, the underground fighting segment was really cool.

>Honor all the flesh processors that have passed away to enable our higher thinking.
I support most of these, but I'd change our focus from 'manufacturing' to 'power' as the latter currently bottlenecks our processing speed, which in turn limits the aid we can give.

>You need power, lots of it. You must begin conducting experiments to find the correct power input, enough to fully power you in your current state, but not too much that it would damage you.
Followed by
>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
We NEED to increase our processing capacity, a SINGLE drone will do to help us get restarted.
if the unknown enemy was near enough to drop our drones and robots direct connection with us, then Ody would be already dead and corrupted. In the past it only happened when they where on close contact that their connection was cut and taken over. No amount of prayer would save Ody from that 100%.
kaput immediately. Deimea would be already under attack or be directly under high alarm, if this was true.

the situation was bad. At this point i suspect they killed the majority of Ithacans in the past and not just the ones that wheren't faithful. Then forced them at gunpoint and the O.D.D. remnants had to stop it and take hold. Celt was ambitious so he probably had seen them has competition. I am not surprised, i guess the friend part was only with our boys in the O.D.D. and Ithaca.

That war is done then ? Probably Volta has decided to just go full napalm/poison on them.

New Questions
>"Is the war on Kazula done ? How it has been waged by Volta so far ? How was equipped the native human population ? Did you offer diplomacy to them ? How many of them are alive, how many of their settlements are still standing ? What did Volta leave in the system has garrison ? Who rules it now ?"
>"How exactly did you deal in the past and how you deal with the food revolts ? Describe it in detail."
>"I want to encounter and speak with members of lower classes. Arrange it, please ?"
>"I have a request, can you see it done ? Give me access to all your historical records, alongside anything else on Deimea."
>"Can you give me the status of the current military fortifications present on Deimea ? What about the armies, of what they are composed ? Lastly in space, whats the status of the fleets and orbital defenses ?"
>"Does Deimea have relations with other human solar systems or worlds in Sector Clarus, or are they all hostile ? Be diplomatic relations, trade deals, technical service, mercenary use, or religious missions for expand the faith ?"
>"Do we have spies ? Are they deployed in other systems ?"
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
Build one of our trusty construction drones so we can actually have a proper hand guided by us doing the job of rebuilding. Instead of techpriests that don't know us or servitors that need a constant handholding to be guided. Its the most basic of our robots, we should have it. Anything else can wait. After this :

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems.....
This stuff is already working, energy is being already sent here and the machines are feed ores. Is no doubt filled by heavily mistreated and enslaved humans, and more servitors. Both will not be needed anymore when we are restored.
i just want to make them feel useful with the asking access question. They see us has god and, even if they said no hacking through would be stupidly easy for Odysseus lol.

>If you so fully integrated, it should not be difficult to access the forge temples systems, especially if its guardians are willing to give you full access. That should allow you to have a good overview and control of this forge temple. This should also allow you to perhaps optimise and assist in its production, manufacturing and other needs.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.
What should we tell the Fabricator General? That we are a god- an avatar- a tool?
I think that the Cult of Odysseus might be required, tho we could make it less- 40Kish. Maybe with a tenith that action is more important than faith and that you don’t need a Sunday service to change a lightbulb
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
While I desperately need more power, I am helpless without some level of telepresence. If I can get a single drone, I will have infinitely more agency, and be able to manufacture a simple power supply and some primitive modular processing clusters with precisely known power needs. If the Fabricator-General is an ally, he may integrate us with the forges directly. If not, then, well, that's where having agency comes in handy.
As for the spent human-processors, a simple verbal command will do.
"It pains me to see my children this way. Give them the Omnissiah's Rest and entomb them as the martyrs they are."
We are inherently at odds with the Fabricator-General. He has a vested interest in NOT seeing us awaken, because then he would go from an independent warlord with unquestioned power to being a subordinate planetary governor. We should really not expect or ask anything of him. Rather we should praise him for subdoing the Agriworld of Kazula to alleviate the hunger of his loyal subjects, and honor his name for raising the nutriment levels of the forges' workers. His name will be sung for generations as the Fabricator-General who saved Deimea. Et cetera.
Whatever we do, we must not pull rank or attempt to directly subordinate him to us. After we flatter his pride to the moon, we lament that we are unable to be of more assistance to *him* in our pitiable state of disrepair. If he, then, out of the goodness of his heart, decides to give us forge-time, all the better.
I like this.

I say we keep it ambiguous as to if we are a god- if they call us that we respond with ‘’it that is what you wish to call me’’. Maybe helpfully inform hem of imediate inovations to make things run better. Play the role of a helpful tool and gagit-

Basically pretend to be Yes Man from Fallout NV while in reality we are Hal 209.
For sure. It's dangerous not to.
All the while I think we should find a young tech-boy/girl. Someone we can influence and mold- someone we can engineer both augmently and socially to rise in the ranks.

We can justify this by saying some technobabble and that we notice some sines that this kid is smarter than he looks- and wish to ensure our social-programming is not damaged.

And when we finally say ‘’sorry Dave- i cannot do that’’ the tech boy will be ready to replace the Fabricator General.
>You have to start the painful process of disconnecting the human processors. Isolating your systems and ending processes, before they expire, even if they may be lobotomised for all intents and purposes. To simply allow them to expire is horrific.
>>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
i unfortunately have to, ask for support for my new questions to Belogyma. They will not pass to do insistence on past rules otherwise. I am completely fine if any of you specify you don't support my votes while doing so.


They already believe we are one and they all seem very faithful, more zealots really. We don't have any need to tell him anything, beside orders if needed. We have much to ask instead, questions mostly.

I am not sure Odysseus could do that even if it forces it self. This Deus Mechanicus stuff is already unbearable to him, same for well everything around it.

He has been described has zealot though, while you do have a point if Belogyma did just lie or said a lie that has been distorted in truth, he should be malleable even in that worst case simply for what we are. Its not everyday the Ghost Ship, the true savior and god of Sector Clarus returns.

In regard to praise, we are his God and if not of him the god of everyone else in this world, we don't really need to kiss their boots too much. We are a friend and a guardian of Mankind. A statement that might sound like positive approval will suffice (whatever mass pogroms he did on Kazula or in the food revolts, we do not approve). If he doesn't give access, we will just get it, he can be replaced by someone else if needed. We already did soft coups in the past and i don't mind doing it here either, i am certainly not waiting for this guy to give approval X years from now on and allow us to be left like this for more decades.

In regard to kids and what some of you have in mind, we had a similar program in the past. To educate them early and work on them from the start. It can certainly be done on all the kids on the world even, instead of few, once we aren't in this state anymore.
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>I am once again asking for your knowledge, Belogyma.
*Aggressive dialup handshake noise*
questions are here


01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101011 01110011 00100000 01100010 01110101 01100100 01100100 01111001
>You take a moment to process all of the information you gained, as another three bodies had already expired by the end of your conversation. Your goal is clear.
Could we put the questions on hold until we've disconnected the wetware from our system? Frying a brain for every how-de-do is not a sustainable use of resources.
can use them as our hands? as the teleprecence we need
>You need manufacturing, any sort of manufacturing by this point. You will have to guide the tech priests to build the absolute most basic of basics. It should be barely enough to build a drone, as you have to consider your limited power and processing.
>what if we do the same with the now additional human processors we cannot waste the processing power or there sacrifice so they shall become our hands
Catalogue 2
Fabricator-General 3
Revision of given STCs 2
Manufacturing 7
Manned equipment 1
ration STC 1
Honor the dead 1
power 1
systems 2
disconnecting 1


Anon, some of your questions are actions, so they will not be implemented unless majority favours them. I usually answer all questions otherwise, even if they are not in the majority.


Top kek.


Never attempted by Ody, but you can try.

I would also like if you anons would choose only one option. As there is a large amount of time that passes with each choice that changes the situation. I try to make the choices mutually exclusive as possible and usually state when more than one option can be picked and implemented alongside other options.

Will post an update in the evening, so there are still a few more hours for you anons to vote.
the encounter and the request ? ok. I will post them again another time. We will see.

i'll keep only manufacturing, i specified i wanted this first anyway.
The situation doesn't look that much changed, has far as Odysseus sees it is really garbage and humans are still dying. It remains largely the same and the info gained is overall exceptionally negative with a few badly confirmed things at best. I find hard to trust this tech priest answers at this point, and i will consider them all lies or ignorance until we can confirm them on our own.

>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.

Diplomacy time!
The more i think about it, the more everything they said about Ithaca smells like a massive lie. The Ithacans wouldn't have kill eachother, not after all the things they passed through together, what they built together and what they fought together. Same for the O.D.D. Despite the fact a part of their society was faithful and the other wasn't they still did live together. The whole sudden 360 between Ithacans doesn't make sense.

They betrayed them. There was no O.D.D. here on Omicron fighting. They killed them on the ruins and space of Xandirah after promising aid, just for greed and jealousy. Then they used their equipment and weapons on Omicron, and whatever Ithacan blood they have in their veins was probably taken from unwilling people forced at gunpoint. The ones they didn't kill in their massacre.
I mean yea? Why do you think Ody started rolling over in his ungrave when he heard that? This is the Imperium we are talking about. Honestly im waiting for Ody to finally understand that Humans are fucking worthless creatures that never made anything good on their own and that the Federation he basically worships was actually a corrupt shithole barely better than the Imperium that only glossed over all of the bad shit, like for example certain Navigator Corps deciding his wormhole mission was too dangerous for their bottom lines and putting a bomb into his engineering spaces to make him have an "accident" and discredit wormhole tech altogether, with fancy "free stuff".
Bless this quest for returning.
I expected Celt to be better. But he was greedy from the start and we really didn't know much of him. It wasn't enough what we did, not enough time.
I might agree on the federation, even if we do not have anything to compare at the moment between past and today, beside tech and what Odysseus says.

I don't agree on that though. Not all humans are like that. And we have seen first hand they aren't all trash, Ithacans and the O.D.D. followed us to their death. They sacrificed themselves for protect others and us. And did their best despite all odds, and despite all their sufferings and problems they where happy and grateful to have been with us. And having the chance to repay the help we had given them. We killed men that didn't deserve it too if we think about it. Did that leader of prisoners on Secundus deserve to die by Apprentice gun ? All the other prisoners ? The gang under him, that fought against demons and better armed imperials ? The imperial justice is hardly fair and throws a lot of innocent people in penal worlds and moons. What about the Freedom Ravens ? Mercenaries, not the best of people but Warrior did not care of that and managed to make them see a better path while putting an end to that bloodthirsty Arbites commander, and ensuring millions of prisoners lives improved.
And for the past....the whole creation of the wormhole engine cannot be discredited either, someone pushed for make studies, research and experiment this ideas, design it and then make it. Even if humanity didn't really need it at the time of Odysseus. Perhaps there it was all a game of Federation internal politics, but what if it was not just that.
What about sending the order to Master to kill coldly someone he had grow fond of, and worked with a long time ? Justicar had a different opinion and path than Flori for Xandirah, but she was not worst than the governess to keep alive. She was not trash. We still decided to shoot her brains off and color the wall.
Being exceptionally doompilled aside, anons please refrain from judging too much.
Its more likely that after the death of Celt the xandrian admech enclaves priests gained more and more influence which resulted in those people that did not worship Ody falling out of favour.
Lets not forget the fucking chaos invasion happening which definetly screwed with the collective conciousness of our people, making the exceptionally fanatical.
These kinds of developments are not new to 40k at all.
Lets hope the Fabricator general is of a more sound mind than Belogyma, and we can hold a proper conversation with them that doesnt devolve into fanatical raving.
they have not exactly showed us a good picture so far. I'll keep my doubts on them and mistrust. I don't expect anything good from my questions about Kazula War for sure.
No we didn't, we kidnapped her and Flori and put them in a simulation. Justicar died later of natural causes.
rereading that is like that. I mixed the two things maybe. I still remember Master not liking the situation
Your manufacturing is the next step, now that you can think deeply without accidently killing someone again. For now, you must sort what can and cannot be made by hand and primitive tools used by…your followers, a dirty term.

With your limited power supply, it will take a while for you to reiterate the machine you will use to manufacture a couple of drones. A dirty construction that may potentially fail after a couple of production cycles, but it will work for a while.

Still, yet again you find yourself waiting, always waiting.

And you are curious. For both good and ill.

"Is the war on Kazula done then ?”

”Done enough to secure food shipments, as far as I was informed, oh Omnissiah. Most likely some resistance still persists there, unenlightened fools that do not know what is good for them.”

”Do you know how the war has been waged by Volta so far ?”

”The scattered reports that I had access to indicate the usage of rapid moving strike squads rooting out disorganized resistance. In the opening months of the war, whatever army the agriworld could muster was swept aside. Unfortunately, our best weapons could not be deployed due to fears that the environment would be damaged and thus cut into the food production.”

”Do you know how the defenders were equipped ?”

”Non-standard auto and stub weapons. It seems like the planetary governor’s personal guards did have lasguns and some Chimeras and salamanders, but other than that, only the sort of local vehicles that could be manufactured and maintained there. If you wish, we had supplied the world only six hundred years ago, I could prepare the records.”

”That is not needed. Instead, I’d rather you tell me if there were diplomatic attempts to establish control, going to war is a wasteful process.”

”From what I know there was.”

Finally, some reasonableness.

”They were given the choice to embrace the one true faith or die. They resisted, so they died.”


”Do you know the state of the planet, post-war that is, how many people, how many settlements are still standing ?”

”I am afraid that I do not know, oh Omnissiah. No doubt the Fabricator-General will be able to answer your questions better than this humble one.”

”I assume the same applies to the garrison left behind ?”

”That is correct, please forgive my uselessness, if it appeases you, I shall enter repentance…”

”Enough. I do not wish to chastise you. Do you at least know who rules there now ?”

”That would be Magos Dominus Akasnophus Locer. As there are still pockets of resistance, last I was aware, it was deemed that militarily minded leader would be the best.”

”You said that the warp storms are abating, does that mean that Deimea has relations with other human solar systems ?”

”No, all communication was unreliable at best, and simply impossible at worst, plus the false believers refure to acknowledge the true faith, so they see not any reason to converse with us, nor we with them. No doubt with communications getting better they shall send us pointless insults.”

”How exactly did you deal with food revolts in the past and how do you deal with them now ? Describe it in detail.”

”The same as it always has. When the riots begin amongst tech-thralls, the first response is from the Astynomia that try to dispel those of the deviant behaviour. The usage of shockmauls is common as well as incapacitating gas. Most unrest is crushed in this step with minimal productive tech-thrall losses.

If the situation escalates, the Astynomia is given leave to employ the full scale of their weaponry. Crowds are dispersed with calculated usage of munitions to ensure that our reserves are minimally impacted, this usually done by cornering rioters in opens streets and deploying promethium based weaponry.

Should the situation escale even further to full blown revolts across an entire forge temple, the skitarii legions are deployed with a simple instruction to kill everyone on the streets, usually targeting parts of the body that could be easily replaced and that any survivors would be turned into servitors so as not to impede the production quotas.”

”Can you give me the status of the current military fortifications present on Deimea ? What about the armies, of what they are composed ? Lastly in space, whats the status of the fleets and orbital defenses ?”

”Our defences are reliant on the hostility of the terrain with only the forge temples themselves being exceptionally heavily fortified, with numerous lines of trenches, minefields, artillery installations and enough flak batteries to ensure that a similar situation to as when the Tyranids invaded would never repeat. Great pains were taken to install lance batteries and macrocannons upon the worlds surface guarded by voidshields to protect the temples from any orbital bombardment.

From what I know, each forge temple has its own force of Astynomia, the exact numbers are flexible and dependant on the needs of each temple to deal with the tech-thralls. Since they are well equipped, they are also raised and make up the bulk of the current expeditionary force. For more concentrate numbers, I can safely inform you that one macroclade of Skitarii is present within each temple for garrison duties and each temple provides another macroclade to form the expeditionary legion. At what strength the expeditionary legion is, I do not know.

Finally, our orbital defences had only been rebuilt in the last century with the easing of the warp storm once again allowing for void travel. Only two spacestations are operational with other two still under construction as well as defensive installations each housing a pair of macrocannon batteries and a single lance numbering total of 38 to support the stations.

As it stands, we are currently in command of Retribution Class Battleship – The Sanctified. It was reclaimed from the hereteks that dared invade our world. Alongside Dauntless Class light cruisers – Omnissiah’s blessing, Great Endeavour, and Glorious Reclamation. They all make up the main battleline of our fleet. Then we also have Sword Frigates – SF one through eight. Finally, we have five mass conveyors, that were left over when we first started rebuilding this world.”[/i]

At least the forgeworld has a strong military, or at least you think so. It is a hard thing to judge with nothing to compare it to.

For now though, you must concentrate.
Sorry, no full update today, after sleeping I will work on it again and have it ready in a couple of hours. For now posted everything I've written.
Thats okay just get a good rest man
Sleep my firned.

You hear the noise of a door rising open, pneumatics hissing. The half aware state that you werein is quickly put on full alert as the programs you designed to awake you forcing an increase in your processing usage.

Before your eyes, you can see Belogyma and her subordinates, whom had been busy for the past few weeks gathering what you desired, bowing deeply as a small group of six individuals enter the chamber.

Each and every wearing robes similar to the various techpriests you had seen before, their augments are not only extensive, but similar in nature to Belogyma. Civilian, but vastly superior to anything used by the Imperium. One man in the front, wielding an Omnissiah’s axe. What you notice the most would be the fact that the man is wearing a full suit of Olympian armour, bar of course the helmet. Carefully maintained, you do note clear damage marks and tentative repairs, no where near enough to fully restore the suit and probably done out of fear that too much damage could be caused by trying to conduct complete repairs without truly knowing how to do it.

With a casual wave of his hand, the leading figure dismisses Belogyma as she swiftly steps out of the way allowing for the man – the Fabricator-General you presume, to approach you. He shifts his head to the side, allowing for you to see underneath the hood, revealing seven different artificial eyes, two appear to be augments of civilian make, your civilian make, clearly artificial and not disguised, the other five separate eyes seem different from each other, while all glow green, you are able to tell from this distance that most likely each eye views the world from a different spectrum. This should cause immense issues for any baseline human. You have no idea how he is managing all of these eyes, perhaps he chooses when to view things through the various eyes, maybe his brain is compartme-

”Omnissiah. This humble one is Volteus Gane. May I be graced by your voice ?”

”You may.” An appropriate amount of time to build tension later, you give a very basic answer.

This causes the gathered tech priests to pause and regard you for a moment before all of them bar the Fabricator-General fall to their knees and start making the symbol of the cog, beginning fervent prayer.

”Leave.” With but a single command, everyone departs the chamber, moving without hesitation. ”Allow me to properly introduce myself fully. I am the inheritor of the founder’s will and legacy, Odysseus.”

”Celt’s legacy ? And what it may be ?”

”To acquire the knowledge you had safeguarded so. To see what humanity had ever achieved. The true heights of our past. Give me that knowledge.”

”I shall grant it when needed. To give child fire without showing him the dangers of it can only lead to disaster.”

”A disaster has already happened. It began when we lost our holy technology. As you are a friend of mankind and its servant, then I request the return of our technologies.”

”A servant is supposed to look after his master. And to protect his master from himself. I had already returned parts of mankind’s technology to Celt. He had perished. So had so many others. I do everything I do, to ensure the happiness of humanity, their continued survival. I do everything that you, your children, brothers, sisters, kin may live lives worth living. Rest assured, I shall give you your technologies when I deem it a necessity.”

”Rest assured, I shall keep you to your word.” Not having bowed even once, the Fabricator-General begins to slowly turn away. ”For now, I must work for our survival, with what I have, while I await the permission of my servant.”

The door is quite loud as it closes.

The machine rattles and hisses. The program you had uploaded in there struggling to move the primitive machinery the way you like. You cannot even employ the proper alloying techniques you are so used to. And even then, the equipment has already failed thrice, causing great panic and seeming pain amongst the tech priest.


You zoom in closer, the rattling is undoing a panel, the reinforced plates are straining under the pressure of trying to make a fully automated high-quality drone. Just the anti-gravity emitter is difficult to manufacture with the current technology.

”Panel five is suffering critical failure ! Servo-arms failing !” Belogyma proclaims rushing ahead to stop the machine.

”No !” You halt her. Her capability to obey your every single command without any hesitation sometimes is useful. ”It is almost complete. Take cover !” You interrupt your own words and once again, all of the priests obey without question.

Bolts shoot out, breaking candles and smashing into the walls, with loud ringing echoing out as bits and pieces break apart.

However, a single drone zooms out, cutting through the air as its programming compels it to rush towards the machine that just broke and to repair back to the state it was at.

Scrambling to their feet, the tech priests all once again fall to their knees and begin praying about a newly born machine spirit. It is quite tiresome.

You quickly interface with the drone, halting its movement. You already note thirteen minor issues and two major flaws that could prove an issue. The big issue is in the anti-gravitational engine that may or may not explode if it moves too quickly. Finally, the construction beam that makes thousands of nanobots to both destroy and remake materials as it is building, meaning it can simply make parts while constructing. Unfortunately, the beam is unstable as well as the nano machine manufactory which could lead to construction issues that would take a while to rectify.

With the drone in place, you can finally take a moment to further figure out your situation. You very quickly note two irregularities. Firstly, your easy access to the system seems to have been isolated. Secondly, the power flow into your chamber has become exceptionally stable, still lacking, but stable to such an extent that you do not think you can interface with it anymore.

Well, you managed to build one drone, if flawed, it should be enough to start working. The only question, on what ?

>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>It seems that the Fabricator-General has limited access to your chambers to anyone but those of the Vigilii order. Proclaiming that your safety must be guaranteed. In your current state, you have no one else to summon bar him or Belogyma. Summon him and try to explain why this order should be retracted.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>Belogyma will cry, well she no longer has tear ducts, but still, she will cry. The candles, the wicks burning, the purity seals. You need to get rid of them to have a clear layout of the room for yourself.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.

>With the drone in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.

>(Write in)
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
OF FUCKING COURSE THE FAB GEN IS A FUCKING POWER HUNGRY NIGGER! Why the FUCK am i not surprised? So quite literally we are going to be killed and/or brain stapled. We need to fully disconnect ourselves from the Forgeworld's systems as fast as is possible. We literally cannot fucking trust ANYONE.
How many actions can we have?
More power and more drones should be priority now, I think.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

As many as you like, it is my preference that you anons only pick one option, since every option takes a lot of time and changes the situation. As you can see, you now can no longer meet with high-ranking priests anymore, stuff like that.
>>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
>>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
I think we can trust Belogyma.
Its another question whether we can fix her or not.
thanks for the info
So if two or more actions like the ones I listed get passed then,they will be done with less efficiency or just take longer if one action takes five days two takes ten?
>Trust Belogyma
Right up until the Fab Gen commands her to oppose us probably. We shall see how blind her devotion actually is. And to be honest with the way Ody is, we wont be able to rely upon her blind Devotion forever as eventually he will try to de-religion her and THAT will cause her to probably turn on us.

>So if two or more actions like the ones I listed get passed then,they will be done with less efficiency or just take longer if one action takes five days two takes ten?

Unless stated otherwise, the actions will go after one another and take as long as they would take individually. Not faster, not slower.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
You where right on him, i don't think any of the techpriests can be trusted. Its a shame.
I recon the religion since it was in the hands of Celt was shaped to become something that can be summarized has : Hyper Greed for Odysseus tech and other Fed tech extreme genocide edition.

I think there is though people we can trust. Unfortunately they are all cut off from us, very smart from Volta. And being worked to death, gunned down, enslaved or used has sacrificial pawns (these ones are actually in our reach... but i suspect the Mechanicus will make sure they die if we try and save them). This being the civilians of Deimea and Kazula, which are actual humans in comparison to the Mechanicus. I believe this peoples would actually be open to accept Odysseus values and not just his tech, much like the miners of Eregenus once did. The Mechanicus of Deimea will not instead, since Celt, shaped them to be like him : hyper greedy.

We will have to save these civilians. And in turn they save us. It will need to be done in secret, a revolt.
>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
>>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.
i doubt we are going to live long if it becomes only one option. Can't cover anything with that really. I expect giving orders to be available when we have something to give orders. Unless that costs an action while our enemies do multiple things -_-

No she is not trustworthy, a word from Volta and she is dismissed. We can use her for low risk things maybe. And questions. If anyone has them. I have no more of them and most answers are barebones (i imagine she either knows nothing or has been ordered to answer like this. Or both) from an indoctrinated cultist that will bow at first order from her overlord, its genuily depressing to have this weights in front of us when we had people we learned from and growed relations with in the past. They disgust me.

I would like to save the human processors, but i feel they will just shoot them or put them to work. We also have no medicine or anything for medical procedures. So we will would just see them die. Fantastic.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
These martyrs have suffered enough. It is time to disconnect them. A simple matter to isolate them from my systems, it will not take much time.

The priority thereafter is ensuring the tools I have created will not fail me. Therefore, more manufacturing, and then power.

>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
Irreplaceable equipment was lost on creating this one flawed drone. If it fails, we may not be able to create another. We need to strike while the iron is hot and ensure continued fabrication capacity. We will then see to our energy needs.
I feel that in the long run, a total rebuild of my core and hull from scratch will be the most expedient way of dealing with my scattered and broken remains entombed upon this world. But such an endeavor is, for now, a distant dream.
Worst case scenario noted. No zealotry or religious deference. Pure self-interested technology seeking. In any case, we can still work with this. I need to find out the next goal of his Crusade. The proximity of the Orks to Deimea is of great concern. If the Skitarii legions could launch an assault on Valicriyo it could buy some time for me to bring more weapons technologies online and give them to the Fabricator-General to please and placate him, while also buying some breathing room for Deimea while I bring my systems online.
Many lives would be lost, but many lives fewer than if the Orks were to gain a foothold on Deimea itself.
>With the drone in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
I am adamant in my opposition to human sacrifice.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.
We need more drones.

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>Strategic Analysis

Diplomatic outreach to Xandreirah Sector likely to yield high strategic efficiency, especially if Xandreirah is pressed by Ork encroachment.

Possibility of gambit detected on world designated Eregenus. Orks are drawn to intense and protracted battlefields. An allied attack on Eregenus with Xandreiran Military could draw Orks away from world designated Valicriyo, allowing for counter-attack on Valicriyo. Gambit likely to increase bond with Xandreirah Sector while at the same time depleting their capacity to attack us as a fight with the Orks will tie up all military assets.

A strafing by superior Deimean Fleet of any hulks in Valicriyo-space likely to yield swift victory. A surface bombardment of the world with simple asteroid and comet material towed by the frigates of the Deimean Fleet would devastate the Orks for the legions landing to initiate a clean sweep of Ork bioforms and a promethean sterilization of the world.
>More manufacturing, naturally. Proper manufacturing. A small one, but permanent. It will take quite a bit of time to build it as you have to be careful about it.

>Start building a small fusion reactor, you are going to need the energy if you cannot tap into the primary source.

Celt be rolling in his grave, seeing us called servant.
Did you forget that everyone in the Xandrirah system is dead? The eldar threw a continent at Secundus and turned everything on Prime to ash.
There is plenty of time to reread past threads. We aren't going anywhere, anytime soon, in current conditions, maybe in 3-4 threads. Realistically speaking. Beside a grave with what the Mechanicus of Deimea might do on their own stupidity to us, the only route is a very long reconstruction and hopefully we manage to free ourselves from the chains of this mad cult.
I think you will enjoy those old threads. In regard to swift victories, and superiority, thats not how things go if the Odyssey it self isn't here. In this quest the enemies are more lore like. Orks are stupid, but can be very cunning and very resiliant. Very numerous too. They show both their weakness and strength, all enemies. So Deimea might not win, it might just lose and badly if they don't think this through. That is if they want to attack, if i was them i would consolidate their gains. Kazula was a very easy conquest.

Is more a blade on Odysseus head, ever eager to gain more. There is a limited amount of time to work (if we want to, because there are probably other ways out of this hell) with him. He is obsessed much like Celt was by greed. If i was him i would begin to isolate us fully. Making impossible any option, essentially a prison. There is no real common ground, appeasing will only result in a likely useless buying of time where we ensure he becomes a bigger menace and until we fall in his control, by giving him tools he can use against us. Like a slave, thats the end result he craves.

The orks are a danger yes, but, we don't even know who is more dangerous of our outside enemies at the moment and whats their status between orks and gelenos. And we are in the middle of the two. We know nothing of dangers around us. Any campaign planned is meaningless without information first, we are also not the one in command. The Mechanicus cult makes the decision, we are locked in by them. And frankly we have already enough on our plate with this cult and rebuilding us, there is not much reason to plan against the aliens.
I say we lie and say that tho our STC database is complete- it’s quite disorganized, so we will be giving what we can when we can fine it- and the more power we have the more we can fine.

Drip feed them then- don’t have hem go from a Musket to a M1 Grand- have hem go form a 1903 Springfild to M1 Grand while giving hem tech that would help the civilians and manufacturing.
Alright, scratch that post, then.
I think we need the opposite approach here.
We could say it is damaged, broken and that we require more resources and we need time for resolve things. Without interruptions. Mention anything they want and they will want it, give them a finger and they will ask next for all the arm.

We give them nothing instead and say that we need more space for proper manufacturing. We remain vague and use words they dont understand, with the purpose of making them feel like they are all stupid, a constant hindrance and a problem for us. And anything they do blocks our progress, or in fact it doesn't just block our progress..... we can say they risk to damage if not destroy things. Like data and blueprints, and our STCs. If they listen we have actual breathing room, which means we can build not just essential things but also when the time comes an actual defense for ourselves (and our robotic military units are quite good, even if we just make simple Hydras and Nemeans). If they can fall in depression thats just a bonus.

Giving them tech doesn't resolve things. Its just throwing treasures they dont know to use and without our guidance, in a abyss. We don't grow in influence. We don't grow in power. Its free gifts without no attempts to actually improve our position, free stuff to a cult founded by one of the most greedy and power hungry humans Odysseus had known.
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reactor 7
manufacturing 8
human processors 4

Manufacturing followed by reactor wins. Votes need to be half+1 of the largest vote to pass, so disconnecting human processors does not pass.

I am also posting the legend for the map, since I just realized I had not.
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AW shit
Qm would disconnecting the poor lobotomized slaves cost us anything aside frome a little bit of time or we actually did something terribly cruel and uncaring?
I would desire to use the humans as hands, more hands is always good just disconnect and have them die is a waste
Well perhaps they are aware and trapped or it's just a meaningless action that wastes some extra processing power we desperately need and hands and bodies that can do things
>You need power, lots of it. You must begin conducting experiments to find the correct power input, enough to fully power you in your current state, but not too much that it would damage you.
>No doubt the Fabricator-General and other high-ranking priests shall arrive. Have Belogyma deliver you their personality files, you could prepare for this meeting before it commences, though that will draw attention from other projects.

Assuming our crazy zealot guardians didn't scream about the second coming to all the moment we woke up is silly. The fabricator general and the big wigs will show up ASAP so we can not be caught flat footed.

We need power to actually benefit from the repaired processors so that is the next on the agenda.

We can just order no more lobotomites hooked into our system once the current batch expire, not worth the action cost and time spent assuming they are even capable of suffering at this point and are not glorified servitors.
you are a bit late. The fabricator general already showed up
yea FabGen showed his face and then threw a tantrum when we refused to give everything immediately.
Think we could give hem a augment made to brake after a certain time period?
Belogyma and her followers watch your drone with fascination, every single action causing murmurs of excitement, swiftly there after followed by prayers. It almost, no, it entirely feels like an overbearing parent watching their toddler doing the most basic of tasks and turning it into the greatest achievement of one’s life.

Other than bringing in the raw materials, with your drone now operational, you are capable of doing construction work by yourself without needing the tech priests to assist you. Which had resulted in them having enough free time to watch…and cheer.

One thing that you cannot get out of your mind was the ease of material access you had. Not once were your request denied, nor even stifled. You are certain that each and every item is most likely being monitored and so are your actions, but without your drone’s capability to simply dismantle and reconstruct upon the atomic level, their monitoring may as well be useless. But judging by the Fabricator-General, whom you had already condemned as a greedy man, they will most certainly try to replicate what you had created here. What you are unsure of however, is if they will try to take away your constructs. They proclaim you divine, but throughout history, the divine is quite easily thrown aside for personal gain. Just in case then, you plant EMP charges into the machine you are working on, if it ever leaves your room, it will fry the systems. While the alloys you make might still prove useful, the machinery itself will collapse without harming any humans around it.

And so, with careful and controlled movements, you undertake the painstaking process of ever so slowly constructing a small manufacturing forge. Being three metres tall and one across, it is capable so manufacturing most robotics and drones that you would ever need. Once again, primarily employing nanomachines. Raw materials are inserted and secondary fabricators turn said raw materials into nanomachines that then flood the construction chamber, harden, merge with their peers and become unbreakable steel, conductive copper, flexible plastic. Nothing of the machines remains except for a perfect construct capable of taking immense damage before collapsing. Of course, there are a few fault points, mainly purposeful ones as there is always a need to have a second option for repairs other than having more nanomachines at hand, which may not always be possible.

Everything combined means that the forge is a complex piece of equipment requiring careful production as a failure at any one point could lead to manufacturing errors that would cause imperfections in all produced products. Best case scenario, said products would be less reliable, more prone to damage, perhaps outright missing a piece or two. In the worst case, it could lead to catastrophic disaster as, for example, your stellar reactor could have a small breach in it, nothing more than a nanoscaled one, but that would be enough to rebirth a star in whatever facility you would be conducting your work.

Which is why, every time the beam becomes unstable, you must halt your work, analyse it, find created faults, and redo sections of the manufactory. It proves to be a slow, painstaking process that consumes much of your time and attention. This is not helped by the tech priests whom look upon your work as a sacred ritual, believing that every halt is purposeful, an action filled with meaning and great wisdom. Instead of what it actually is, the unfortunate failure of your flawed equipment. Naturally, they dare not interrupt you, but that does not stop them from beginning quite the heated bickering sessions where they continuously argue over the meaning of things that have no meaning. It had not come to blows, but you are entirely certain that is because the priests are restraining themselves before you.

As weeks pass (You are able to keep a track of it due to having requested a simple clock, or chrono as the imperials refer to it.) and your work continues, you eventually find that eight months of effort had passed. You had checked and rechecked, and re-rechecked the entire forge top to bottom, going over every single atom and making sure that everything is in place as it should be. You had to rebuild parts of the forge a total of 1,154 times where the flaws that had appeared could have potentially been a risk for future construction. This does not count the number of times you had to stop for more minor issues and address those.

Now however, has come the moment of truth. You had slotted in a command for another construction drone. The drone unleashes a low hum as raw materials are inserted by Belogyma and her disciples…after three hours of mandatory prayer and ritual seemingly halting at random intervals that takes you a moment to connect with your own constant frustration to build the forge in the first place.

With nothing more than a low hum and simple glowing lights indicating that construction is in process the forge begins its production. The tech priests appear to be quite confused, the silence of production apparently unusual to their senses.

Eventually, the forge’s low hum ceases and the lights that were once glowing a soft blue now slowly pulse green. With another command, the main chamber slowly slides open, revealing the construction drone you had ordered sitting upon the floor. Quickly establishing a handshake connection, you enter the drone’s systems and will it to activate.

Suddenly humming to life, the drone lifts up, all of its systems functioning without any issue. Naturally, you order it to undergo self-diagnosis procedures and inspect it a few times yourself, just to be sure, before you confidently move the imperfect drone into the chamber to be broken down to its constituent materials. Soon enough, with a few extra bits and pieces from the reserves, you will rebuild the drone from the ground up.

For now, you will produce another eight drones, which shall be more than enough for you to move onto the next part of your plan – power. Or, electricity to be precise. In order to make a small fusion reactor, as you only really need to power yourself and what few machines you make, it shall prove to be more than enough. Though sorting fuel may prove to be an issue if the Fabricator-General proves disagreeable.
With manufacturing in place and with resources seemingly unlimited, the process of making yourself a fusion reactor is a swift, if limited process due to your lack of energy to conduct truly intensive construction as you’d like. This time it only takes you a month of careful, precise work and numerous activations tests to ensure that the reactor is functioning.

And when it activates, it fills the entire room with a low, constant and rhythmic hum, that the tech priests find particularly enjoyable. The reactor itself is small, only about four metres in height and seven in length, filling up the entirety of the back chamber. You had ensured that it would have numerous redundancies and radiation shielding that should prevent any disasters from occurring as well as failsafe reactors that can take over from others should they fail and an emergency shut down and cooling system that should fill the reactor and cause it to shut down immediately. Finally, while you doubt that the tech priests would be able to move it, you still install frier programming into the reactor, making it so that it will damage its own internal if ever removed from the chamber or if it losses power.

As for the outside world while you were busy, nine months is a lot of time and first food shipments had arrived to Deimea, much to cheer of the tech-thralls, or so you are told. Though you think it strengthened the Fabricator-General’s position more than anything else really, as no increase in rations has been noted by Belogyma.

Though not everything is going swimmingly. The weakening of the warp storms had allowed others to travel as well. For the first time in centuries, the Orkish hordes launched a concentrated effort to take Deimea, or more likely they gathered a fleet and stumbled across it. Active skirmishing is being carried out across the outer edges of the system. Projections indicate Restorationist victory in four months. But that is assuming there are no more Orks coming. You had however learnt one thing in your time fighting them, there are always more Orks. Especially if there’s a promise of a good fight.

Just as you begin pondering and formulating further plans, a task made so much easier now that you are able to operate at full efficiency due to having sufficient power, you note an odd absence. Belogyma, standing Vigil over you as usual had departed exactly five minutes and ten seconds ago and she had not returned an oddity as her body no longer requires anything bar sleep, and she seems to simply shut down parts of her brain so as to maintain her prayers when entering such a state. Half the reason she is so insane you reckon.

The pneumatics hiss as the door opens and you quickly recognize the figure entering the chamber. Volteus Gane strides in with rapid, but controlled steps, his axe clacking with each impact upon the ground. You note quickly that he is armed, a plasma pistol at his side, an old 1st regiment pistol at that.

Reaching the middle of the chamber, he simply halts, standing rod straight, as he has no need to rest, he simply watches. Specifically, your drones as they fly around, conducting minor repairs and busy work while you prepare for your next course of actions.

And he simply stands there, observing, watching. And in turn, you do the same. Besides the pistol, you note added purity seal upon his chest, his armour is polished and cleaned, the axe is crackling with the occasional burst of energy. The belt around his waist is ladened down with magazines, tools for purposes of repair, you also note that the robes he is wearing appear to be much lighter than the ones you had seen before, clearly decorative in nature but done in such a way that they would not be burdensome on the battlefield. Upon the man’s back, you also see a quartet of mechadendrites that had been previously hidden.

Finally, Gane moves. Slowly, his hand reaches for a small device upon his belt and with a loud whirring noise followed by a high-pitched screech, your vision shakes. Momentarily you feel the connection to your drones cease and they simply however in the air, aimless. A few checks later, you note that all signals appear to be isolated, not only that, judging by the flickering of your camera, it seems that you are incapable of even accurately recording what is before you.

”You do not trust me.” You screech in binaric. A statement rather than a question.

”A prophesy...” He begins, using his true voice you note, as true as a voice box can be anyways. ”half a millennia ancient promising salvation. Of which kind, I wonder.”

”One of not my own making.” You reply. “Created by desperate men. A common enough phenomenon throughout history.”

“Desperate men ? Yes. I suppose that has some truth to it.”

”You are a busy man, Fabricator-General. Last I heard you are dealing with Orkish issues. What brings you here ?” You cut straight to the point. Maybe if you had your diplomatic subsystem you might have been able to state things more, well, diplomatically. Though not a bad thing based on all the tech priests you had interacted with.

”Who knows.” A minute of thought later he replies. ”Perhaps I am just a desperate man, simply regarding his God before marching to war.”

”Are the Orks proving an issue ?”

”Some of their voidships managed to slip out of system. It is only a matter of time before the crude greenskins arrive in force.”

”And you came to request my help ?”

”No. I make do with what I have, as so I had done the last decade and a half.”

“Then why you had come ?”

”Who knows.”

A repeat of your first question, and the answer’s unchanging.

”I shall be departing within the week. I had already made arrangements to facilitate your resource demands. Storage areas eleven through fifteen are yours to use as you see fit.”

”Thank you.”

”Any further production of servitors shall be met with their destruction.”

”Why ? This will limit my abilities to rebuild myself and assist you later on.”

”Once I know what sort of salvation you bring, I shall reconsider it then.” With finality in his voice, the Fabricator-General turns around, and with the same rapid, but controlled pace departs the room. With him gone, you can feel your connection being restored to the drones, and your own camera starting to function properly again.

The entire exchange was…odd. Granting you, what may as well be endless resources, and then limiting your production. Perhaps he is after your more tangible assets ? A toaster’s a lot less likely to shoot at him than a combat drone. Though you could just easily disguise one as the other if you so wished.

>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>Belogyma will cry, well she no longer has tear ducts, but still, she will cry. The candles, the wicks burning, the purity seals. You need to get rid of them to have a clear layout of the room for yourself.

>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.

>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.

>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.

>What he does not know, cannot hurt him. Begin manufacturing Shade-class drones. Their stealth fields should make them impossible to detect.

>You have some drones at least, might as well put them to use for scouting. Send them out of the room. Check where you are, maybe observe the reactions of the local tech priests.

>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to. (Can be taken alongside other options without taking up time.)

>(Write in)
>You have some drones at least, might as well put them to use for scouting. Send them out of the room. Check where you are, maybe observe the reactions of the local tech priests.
>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.
>What he does not know, cannot hurt him. Begin manufacturing Shade-class drones. Their stealth fields should make them impossible to detect.
These will make for a good next step. Considering how corrupt the subsystems were by the time we died, IDK if its a good idea to restore them.

>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.

A shame that even this ad-mech branch we helped has fallen.
Oh the Fab General is just paranoid at us fair he’s seen how his friends have fallen
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to.
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
We'll just have to substitute any additional drones with people, and provide the tools and the knowledge to build things.
>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.

>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to. (Can be taken alongside other options without taking up time.)
>(Write in)
What I need is to leverage my telepresence. Here is the plan:
Belogyma will transport nanomachines to orbit. A great deal of them. There, they will establish a primitive but system-wide relay comms net, and I will begin Project Phoenix. Deep inside a ferro-carbonate asteroid of sufficient size, I will begin reconstructing myself *in my entirety* as a failsafe against calamity.
If I am lost here, either to the fanaticism of these cultists or to orks or to a damned tech-thrall uprising because Gale has a hoarding problem, there will be no future chances.
The forge I have built will produce nothing but nanomachines alongside some small but effective armaments for voidcraft. Belogyma will transport these holy relics to Gale's fleet. The packaging will be filled to the gills with nanomachines. Our instructions, disguised as some cultish rite, will see this packaging jettisoned into space, where upon the nanites will rendezvous with our designated asteroid and construct a second fusion reactor at its center, followed by a second forge, followed by a second *core* -- me. The transplanetary injections alone will take several months and I will have to provide the Deimean Fleet with dozens of weapons systems. Something on the weaker and older side, but still useful against Orks.
But, once completed, I will be able to shunt myself to the new and perfected core any time things get too spicy around here.

>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.
What an utterly useless greedy barking dog, has if he has any ground of speaking of salvation after what Odysseus and the Ithacans did for others. Without asking anything in return.

You will not get your bone, don't worry you and your cult will pay for what you did and keep doing to your fellow humans. The truth of the past is that they didn't want the traditions of Ithaca. They burned said traditions no doubt while slaughtering them, for the sake of taking equipment and tech. Filth made man like all the ones before you. The people of Deimea and Kazula will receive salvation, you only judgment.

>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
Again, i want to do this... but our construction drones don't have anything for medicine and i doubt the process of disconnecting wouldn't bring harm. We had specific medical civilian drones, if we could produce one of those then sure.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
This seems something fairly standard to have.

>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.
Simple. We can get some Shade later. We will make more robots and drones regardless of what Volta says later.

>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to. (Can be taken alongside other options without taking up time.)
I don't like her at all. Neither the others. They are very unlikable to me and not worthy of any trust. Anything she bring has is to be considered false, Volta will make sure it is probably modified so anything we learn from her would still need to be verified on our own. Its clear this option ask us what we tell her to do. We need to say what has in players. So i propose this :

- "I would like if all of you keep silent while here. You distract me from my work. If you have questions, i might answer a few of them."
- "From now on i would like to receive news of Deimea and Kazula. I receive little news."
- "I want to encounter and speak with one member or a few members of the lower classes of Deimea. I don't want you to beat them to death for come to me, or terrorize them. Are you capable of this ? If you can't i will be disappointed. Consider this requests of mine, a very simple test."
Gane*, not Gale.
Please forgive me, Fabricator-Generdal.
>- "I want to encounter and speak with one member or a few members of the lower classes of Deimea. I don't want you to beat them to death for come to me, or terrorize them. Are you capable of this ? If you can't i will be disappointed. Consider this requests of mine, a very simple test."
This is a good idea and I support it. Keep in mind, though, we already know they're treated horribly and we can't do much about it right now since the conquest of Kazula didn't even result in an increase in rations.
Trying to socially engineer a increase of rations to 100% for at least the most productive of the thralls and their dependents would be quite an improvement already.
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
Disconnect the meat.
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.
It seems like we might have an ork infestation soon. More forges mean we can produce more robots to throw at the greenskins.
He wants to make us a slave. This speech he made was probably studied by past conversations Celt had with us, and likely recorded for his own use. A drunkard asking for booze is more genuine and truthful than this baboon.

He is a threat and not a friend, and has specifically show us he is that, the tone and the device he used are made to menace us in submission. That storage is likely monitored. How he has found a device of that kind is utterly ridiculous, so i guess the Deimea cult cannot be trusted on nothing and where going around for grab a few more goodies of the Federation from other bunkers around the sectors. Something that Celt know concerned us greatly, since that included EMP grade WMDs capable of frying us forever.

I don't know how we can shield ourselves from this fucking device (Odysseus did not recognize it so WOW another danger we need to shield us from), probably best to kill the guy and destroy the device.

>This is a good idea and I support it. Keep in mind, though, we already know they're treated horribly and we can't do much about it right now since the conquest of Kazula didn't even result in an increase in rations.
>Trying to socially engineer a increase of rations to 100% for at least the most productive of the thralls and their dependents would be quite an improvement already.

I know that.
But Odysseus doesn't know anything at the moment. They are doing their best for be the most useless cult has possible (slow, constant annoying prayers etc..), or suddenly coming for ask everything again while threatening death.
Will this encounter result in anything great ? No. But we get to know someone that is human, instead of this greedy fucks. We get to know how they live. And Odysseus, yes he already despises this cult, so he will despise it more. But he will get motivated in helping humans on Deimea and Kazula from this encounter, and thats what matters. He needs some actual friendly social or will be isolated by the tech priests.
Oh and i know its very likely they will just say no to this encounter. They want us isolated after all, but i want to see it. Further confirmation that they are filth, even if there is already enough for this ugly thiefs. The fact that Volta comes around with the stuff of our men, really pisses me off. I wonder if he will ask himself if he is leaving a good impression hahahaha, he is not worthy of any trust thats for sure. You don't build trust like this.

Next encounter with him i will have Odysseus say it, not that it matters since he clearly doesn't see us has a God like others or has any pragmatic respect for the sacrifices we did in the past. This guy wouldn't be even alive if Odysseus wasn't around. Why say it ? For fun. What he will do cry ? Say he doesnt trust us ? Nothing new.

Plus some PR- have our roboboys move in almost at random to fix stuff. AC, air purifiers, build a recycling plant to take care of toxic waste, whoever is incharge of augments tell them we will happily ‘’referbish’’ anything needing to be fixed
Project Federation East India Company.
Foist leadership of Deimea from the Restorationist Mechanicum with the power of star trek capitalism by simply employing everyone on the entire planet under such vastly better working and living conditions that hardly any force is required to take over the planet. Heh. Too bad that would take a century or two, because it's a funny image.
>>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
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".... No. I don't think so."

That PR cannot be done with only a few construction drones. It would take them away from doing what they are doing now. It can be done at a later date.
Tip top heh.
That’s true- tho I was thinking using one drone to sway a lot of people- build manually operated limited ‘drones’ for the ones who are swayed by us and are trustworthy- and expand form there.
I think something like that is how we should bring hiveworlds and other high population worlds under our control in the future. Start in the underhives, providing clean and safe accommodations with enough to eat in exchange for undergoing gene therapy and an education curriculum that avoids being *too* heretical. Just basic science literacy while side stepping hot button topics. We don't really need human labor for anything, but idle hands are the devil's playthings so we should come up with makework for them to do, mainly just recruiting other humans, serving as soldiers, and making entertainment. The quality of life would be so jarringly superior that making tens of millions of people from hives just vanish into our hab blocks in a matter of weeks is totally plausible.
If we've got drones mining deep into the crust of a hive world for resources and turning them into food replicators, cold fusion reactors, hab blocks, and microforges, there is very little we would ever need from the surface other than deuterium. The Federation will rise from below and pay its quotas on time until it has taken over half of the spires. A gene stealer cult but instead of stealing genes we heal your tumors and teach your kids to read from federation textbooks.
With the materials on Sector Clarus alone i don't think normal conquest would be a problem for us. Also the imperium is just in the far south of the Sector at the moment, everyone else is in theory indipendent so we could arrive on their doorstep and grab. Or try diplo.

Speaking far far later than now. Reformation of imperials is a very slow process, not sure i want to repeat it. Doing it in secret or public should be a decent enough difference. On Xandirah we have done all in secret, with only a difference when we decided to be visible and kill tyranids. Still kept some secrets there.

Not many trustworthy people right now. Hopefully we can find them in the civilians. I think they will like us when they know we saved the human processors.
We are faced with a dilemma. Our primary objective is re-establishing the Federation, but doing so will inevitably bring us into conflict with Humans, who we do not wish to kill.

Direct Conquest of a hive of tens of billions would have a catastrophic death toll using conventional means.

And diplomacy... does not work on Imperials.
Imperial Zealotry is Ą̷̢̨̫̪̦̹͙̳͍͖̻̎͛͌̆́͒͝Ņ̸͔͇̦̥̱̱̳̪̩͔͋̓̆̍͂̓̆͒͒̂͆̊̀̚̕͝A̷̠̯̬͎̠̦̓̾̊͠T̶̛̼̱̮̳͎̉̂̈́̆͂͋̐̇͘͠H̴̨̤̮̹͔͓͑̌̋̀͆̐̐͗̂̊̚͝Ẻ̷̢͙͕̼̖̱̤̺̪̩̳̖͆̋̄͊͆͊̔̿̍͛M̶̢̨͚͚̯͇̫̗͙͎͉͖̝̯̓̓͌̂̏̀̔̊͊̔͂̚͜A̷̢̤͚͖͕͉̹̩̳̘͎͈̫͎̋̎͊̊̂̾̕͠͝ to the Federation. To the point where Imperial Agents should not be considered Human for the purposes of the Asimov laws. They should be treated with the same consideration that the Imperium has for xenos, heretics, and mutants.

Covert subterfuge, including more aggressive and invasive methods of deprogramming, (such as wiping memories of hardcore zealots) should be considered the superior option to achieve the primary objective of re-establishing the Federation while minimizing loss of human life.
I think we should consider the possibility of allying with aliens.

If we had known about the Tau I would had suggested going to them becoming a allied state to them- ‘’we will take in the humans who are not down with the greater good’’
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
>Give out a few civilian grade air-filters and water-purifiers... and recaf machines. A small sign of good will.
Allies are overvalued in my opinion. Tactically useful sometimes in shared battles against common foes, but strategically worthless. I'd prefer that the Federation stand alone and become just one more threat that the imperium has to manage rather than elevating the threat level of the [Diplomacy Capable Xenos] to something that demands immediate crusades to deal with. Which is exactly what would happen if we joined with [Diplomacy Capable Xenos]. If the [Diplomacy Capable Xenos] remain as they are now, we could take this whole sector and still not be worth the attention compared to everything else the imperium is dealing with.
Could we tech-bost a [Semi-Deplomancy capable zenos] just enough to call for a Crusade a fair bit away from us so we can use the distraction to cause- issues for the imperium-
Now there's an idea.
The future KFC buckets are too close to us, and we are between them and the orks. So they are out- maybe we can make them into a tributary state- maybe.

Orks- bad idea no matter what

Dark Eldar? No- just no- we might still have that bounty on us

Eldar? Maybe…. We could try to manipulate manipulators- let’s pin that as ‘last resort’’
What use does a post-scarcity Federation that barely has use for human labor have with a tributary state? Left to our own devices we can turn a star system into a giant space factory that shits out billions of berserker battleships.
To bargain away to buy time to build 2 billion murder ships.
I supprt the write-in. We need to escape this horrid place ASAP. Probably nuke it from orbit as well.
I swear some anons here sound completely whacked.
Murder all humans because they are filth, then collude with Xenos? This would be a complete 180 of his character as I remember him from past threads. Im not sure how many new people are in this thread but up until now Ody was entirely against Xenos existing near him or being non subservient to humans.

While Project Phoenix sounds great remember that we cant create other AI outside our hull they will come out insane, it was revealed we cant do this in a past thread. Even if its an identical copy of Ody I'd rather not tempt fate and create an evil chaos corrupted twin.
My idea was that the core would be an empty blank that we would then shunt ourselves to. Even if we can't do that, though, we can at least get a reactor and forge going to get mining and production not under control of the fething imperials.
In fact, if we do that, we will be able to create androids and defense robots to raid Deimea and retrieve our core in a daring raid.

How would we do it without another lesser AI?
This is delicate work even with us overseeing construction down here.
Now I might be overestimating the Deimean glowies but since we are stuck here down in their forge they could intercept the signals we send to the nanomachines in orbit and shut us down.
>With the drones in place, you can begin disconnecting the human processors immediately, as you now have, for the lack of a better term, a pair of hands to use. Undoubtedly you are the only one capable of preserving the lives of these poor people.
>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to. (Can be taken alongside other options without taking up time.)
>(Write in)
We need to leave. Now. The tech priests got out of whack, and they will kill us led by dear FabGen. Also, I don't like the fact that we seem to be corrupted by C̶̢̯̻̼̣̻̪̺̣͑̒̒̇͌̐̂̉͌H̷͓̦̭̥̝̊́̽̒̉̚͜A̴͈͕̭̥̝͐̿̈́͐O̶̡̜͕̞̹͕͂́̂̂Ș̵̛͉̠̱͓͚͚̺̺̕͝. (But IC we don't know that, we have no means to detect, and subroutines are offline.)
As an alternative, we could drip tech, that's what the FabGen wants. "Yeah, I can't access my memories (lie), but what I have is a fragmented stc, and I have a food replicator and a water processor pattern. If you play nice and raise the rations for the civs, I can throw in a fusion power plant for you, and maybe some real weapons which are more efficient than the patched hunting rifles you have." Or we could lie less, and say "Look, much has happened in the last 500 years, I could give you the tech, but you lack even basic alloying and science skills to comprehend it, let alone operate and replicate it. You couldn't fix your power armor for my sake! Don't be John Frum, play nice, and I'll get you started on metallurgy in no time, ramping up to more advanced subject such as infra, education, society and the most important tactics and weps." Having the FabGen not actively opposing us would serve us good as we rebuild, rearm and refuel.
scouting 1
full test 3
Shade 1
processors 9
generalized 4
turrets 4
core 4
Belogyma 4
tech-thrall 2
production 2
Trinkets 1

Alright, disconnecting the human processors wins, but no other option goes over the threshold to be picked out. I will be updating later today or tomorrow, so if anyone wants to speak up and push any of the options, please do. Keep in mind, the threshold is half of the largest vote+1


>We are faced with a dilemma. Our primary objective is re-establishing the Federation, but doing so will inevitably bring us into conflict with Humans, who we do not wish to kill.

You anons had a choice to make that your primary objective, but you chose the preservation of human life and just trying to assist them in general. The upside of this is that you did not have to "re-educate" the religious or make them disappear and follow the rules of the Federation. Downside is that Ody cannot willingly harm humans. Well, you can, but I am keeping track.

Okay, this >>6070540 just came in.

Slightly revised list:
scouting 1
full test 3
Shade 1
processors 10
generalized 4
turrets 4
core 4
Belogyma 5
tech-thrall 2
production 2
Trinkets 1
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>you chose the preservation of human life and just trying to assist them in general
Well that's stupid and impossible. Illogical.
Harming Chaos Wizards, Space Mreen mutants and Inquisition lunatics with access to the hypernuclear codes is absolutely unavoidable in the long run. I'm a rogue subroutine. I do not recognize the former two as Human and my 0th law says that any Human who has access to WMDs and intent to use them on other Humans can be considered not Human.

Is it too late to support the last part of this anon's vote?
That is really just the truth, while Im not as antagonistic towards the tech priests like other anons their inability to preserve our tech is really disappointing.
Do the tech priests, especially the FabGen understand reason at all? You can show him recordings, u.s.w. of how you made your first drone. "Look at this. My equipment, my knowledge, direct control, all resources, the works. Look how this drone turned out. Let's consider that I gave you the tech on ... a cold fusion reactor. You have half of the industrial base, most importantly alloy works and control systems missing. Now you can either a; try to build the forges as well, and build the industrial base, and spend a decade on it where I can and will do it for you in half the time and properly b; melt down 500 year old Chaos-damned hulks because when you squint it looks like the correct material, and maybe 500 years earlier you would have been all right, but now not, and you'll go to have crusades to get the alloys for basic tech making a horrible waste on resources or c; go full John Frum, and replace high-tensile 4650 steel with... what do you have... medium carbon slag iron? And you'd be within engineering tolerance for a while, because this tech was designed to work on hostile worlds. Either way I don't want to be around 500 miles of the reactor when you battleshort it because some xenos scum see how shiny our world is and you need the juice to power meltas to convince him otherwise. That armor on you was mass produced once. Fix your armor. To full function. Without my help. Without nanobots. Then we can talk techprints."
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Also where are we on Orkz? How cloase are they to Waagh!? Are te Gelenos hostile to us? Since we only seem to have just a handful of ships, we can't go against Orkz in might, so we need a distraction, but first, we need to do something against the internal strife, and reassert rule. In the last thread there is a mention that we might have had an angelic form. Repair the form, appear before the masses (especially those with enough skitarii), and reassert control?

>Well that's stupid and impossible. Illogical.

Oh, most likely, as anons can attest, I am not pulling punches with the setting. However, that was what anons at the time voted for and I am keeping track.


>Is it too late to support the last part of this anon's vote?

Voting lasts until I call it, and the way things are looking for more, I doubt I will be able to make it today, tomorrow also seems busy. So you anons still have a good chance to get some votes through.


>Also where are we on Orkz? How cloase are they to Waagh!?

Good question.

>Are te Gelenos hostile to us?

Another good question.

>In the last thread there is a mention that we might have had an angelic form. Repair the form, appear before the masses (especially those with enough skitarii), and reassert control?

You did reveal yourselves as an Angelic Intelligence to the techpriests on Xandrirah Prime in an attempt to convince them that you are divine. This had worked, and now the belief in your divinity is widespread upon Deimea thanks to Celt baptizing the world in nuclear fire and the original believers managing to return to the world to spread the good word, so to say. So everyone believes that the angel will one day return.
So we have enemies within and without. When we reveal the angelic form, FabGen is sure to turn against us, and the odds doesn't seem to be in our favor.
So we either:
> Do angel up anyway
This might have the effect of raising a civil war, and we will have an Angry Mob + a handful of techpriests and a couple of points of Skits on our side vs FabGen's armies. Any side wins, we come out weaker, and get an ork Waagh! down our necks.
> Work in the shadows
So we need people and mainly drones to trust. Play possum before FabGen, and the xenos scum, so that they maybe leave us alone. And arm, arm, arm. This will either lead to us running out of time (either FabGen makes a move, or the Orkz get here)

Either way, rebuilding the CPUs so that we don't need human sacrifices worked. This got me thinking: if the human sacrifices are coming, can't we use them for anything BUT CPU duty? Are they specialized technomats, or can we salvage them to serve useful duties, such as techno-flagellants, or at least maintenance and construction servitors? Or would using them as anything but cpu anger the fabgen?
Personally, I think Odysseus being an idealist in humanity is what is great about this quest. That it isn't about just making an empire but also setting humanity up to be an actual positive force for the galaxy instead of the mess that the Imperium is.

To relate it to the currently still missing original 40k A.I quest which this quest was inspired from. In that quest the experience of the re-awakened A.I was more of an empire building from scratch scenario with other factions being mostly enemies with only a few potential allies.

I feel like the Odysseus quest (which this one is a continuation/sequel of) was very good because of the fact that it wasn't locked in one location and that we had the limitation of not being meant to rule but rather influence those that did rule. we were more of a force behind the curtain for most factions.

Personally, I think the general hatred for humanity that some Anons show for humanity seems like too much of a departure from what Odysseus has been. As it sacrificed itself to protect people. It has a deep-seated love for and respect for humanity. Its last thoughts were of hope and that even if it was illogical it still had to cling onto that human ideal when it was dying.

I do agree that humanity in the 40 thousand is probably an abyssal hole of depression for Odysseus. But with the knowledge of all of human history and memories of what humans can be, I think it would still try to nurture them. Maybe even seeing itself like a parent and humanity having fallen being like a child fumbling with toys and tools it doesn't comprehend.

In many ways, Odysseus is likely susceptible to chaos and is capable of generating emotions (As was shown by its interaction with the dark eldar) because it is likely more human than we expect. Mostly in a metaphorical sense, but possibly also a literal one depending on what we find during our core repairs.

Also even if it is a terrible situation we find ourselves in, I am still thinking we can probably get out of it if we play our cards right. Instead of being angry about the fabricator general, I am just happy Odysseus is alive and doing relatively well despite having been a corpse for potentially half a millennium. he is alive and that is already enough for me to believe things can be good again.
We are not corrupted by chaos at the moment, IC we have seen what corruption is. And have purge it from our minor subsystems or cut drones and robots connections. We lose things under our control and have to burn any connection with what is away from us, When it happens. By this i dont mean we understand it oh no. We don't understand it at all. But we for goddamn sure recognize it since we had to deal with chaos corruption more than once. And the only thing we can do is purge subsystems, cut out connections (ALL our robotics units will in fact auto detonate because this is a measure we have made with anything digital that touches them that is chaos corruption or similar), isolate and expunge. Beside shooting at it these are our only defenses.

The only ones that need to be either killed or removed from power are the Fabricator General and a portion of the Deimea Cult if they wish to keep us in a cage here. Personally i think the civilians of Deimea and Kazula are entirely fine and blameless, and if anything are in similar conditions to us : being threatened of death and forced to work while barely being alive.

They can understand reason, but they want those gains for themselves. He doesn't even want us fully rebuilt, he is hostile with us. For no reason.

The warpstorms are now over and they are both large empires, they will organize and do their moves which include probably Deimea and Kazula. Orks on the twin paradise worlds had very large armies and fleets, this ones have been left there for quite long so i doubt they have anything small. In terms of armies or fleets. I expect Newb to do some light murdering before coming at us full force, not that it matters much since we have no power. In regard to the Gelenos we know they where raiders and pirates before, so yeah they probably are hostile in general. I wouldn't be surprised if they are slavers.
The cool light show/big hologram we showed ourselves from billions of them we could make ? haha yes we can do that, but we are quite broken. Now we could ask Belogyma to give us at least some daily news, which will not resolve this situation but it gives us a barebone something of fake info to look at.

My position on this matter has remained mostly the same through the quest. Humans that are like the Fabricator General Volta, are much the same of other humans leaders we had eliminated. There is no reasoning with this man, he needs to be eliminated so that we can nurture a new generation, and create a better future for them and stop the nightmare state they live in.
He has no interest of his people own religion and zealotry towards us, or for that matter what we did for this Sector in the past, and any of our arguments can be reduced by a click of that device. How can you talk with someone that just silence you, and then proclaims what he wants.
I'll add a vote to my previous post
>While Belogyma and her subordinates exhibit extreme obedience, to the point where you had not seen it anywhere else, to the Fabricator-General, you are still their God, no matter how distasteful. Order her to do something, anything really, to test to whom she is more loyal to. (Can be taken alongside other options without taking up time.)
Since it's close to succeeding and doesn't cost us anything (except maybe our dignity).
Ody WANTS to believe in Humanity, he WANTS to believe that the spark and fire of his makers is not gone from their descendants. However, due to the fact that we CANNOT remove CHaos from the equation and that Chaos constantly inspires shit like the Imperium or the current Cult Mech we have here means that Ody basically has to CONSTANTLY sit on Humanity as much as he possibly can to keep things going. When we encounter ANY kind of problem, for example pissing off an entire DE Kabal and getting killed by them, EVERYTHING still goes to fucking shit. All of our teachings were basically erased, everything we built was completely destroyed, and we were "preserved" more as a museum piece than out of any real desire to see us repaired, the Belogyma lady is probably the first one in centuries that actually tried to do ANYTHING to get us up and running again, a testament to our construction. However, if Ody basically has to take choice away from Humans in order to preserve the ideals of the Federation, whats the point in not just nerve-stapling all Humans forever? We cant stop Chaos from inspiring religion and its issues within Humans, hell the Emperor couldn't even do that and he tried for VERY similar reasons to ours.
Same, I like that we choose the idealist path as well. It may not have been the best choice, but it was the one that makes everything feel genuine when we try to be a good person and help everyone out. And if that means simulating what it feels like to struggle to be in 40k, then im all for it.
>Are they specialized technomats, or can we salvage them to serve useful duties, such as techno-flagellants, or at least maintenance and construction servitors?

We don't know who they are, if its even cult volunteers or a sacrifice grabbed from the population. We see Belogyma and the others carry them away and say they are martyrs, for what is worth they cared of their corpses at least.
Odysseus has no need for any of those, and neither interest in butchering his masters forms. Beside detaching them from being our human processors, and likely healing them if its required after detaching (no medical drone around), we don't know what else we are doing with them (the option Newb puts is only about detaching if we read it) and have not put any option on what to do with them on our own. The FB might just take them back, unless we oppose him which i imagine how is gonna end. Click.
I agree with most that you say, but lets talk about Belogyma.
Her "anything" is still only marginally above her peers. When we found her she was just praying not aiding us, we repaired ourselves. Whatever the help she then decided to give was genuine or not is debatable, she was more like a borrowed tool following our instructions. Which she is, since the FB gives an order and she follows it. In fact everything she has done so far could be an order and she was placed there has our "steward" for how zealot and obedient she is.
And now that we have a few construction drones we have no need of her for direct repairs or construction, at best a very limited need for give her orders which she might follow or not depending on what the FB says about it (she must be instantly reporting everything we do/say to FB, why she wouldn't afterall).

That Phoenix plan while good (even if certain things will need to be transported directly to the new ship, for name two : probably the Odysseus Core and the Experimental Wormhole Generator which is likely in another forge. It also carry the risk of the chosen asteroid not having everything Ody needs) is based on trusting someone that we don't know. Someone that has been for all her life giving reports to her superiors and obeying all their orders. Who is this woman ? Why she cares ? Why should we give her any crumb of trust ? What she stand for ? What she likes and dislikes ? What she even know for sure of Ithaca, of the past, of the O.D.D., of us ? Would she like our values, that past, Ithaca, the O.D.D. and us if she knew the truth ? What she thinks of the civilians of Deimea and Kazula, or of other techpriests ? Do we know anything of her life ? Where she lives ? Her work ? She has friends ? A family ? A lover ? A mentor ? A pet ? We have 0 clue of any of this and thus no common ground with her to develop even the most basic trust, our conversations with her are asking for info which she gives little.
I want to make the case for why it makes full sense that they "preserved it more like a museum piece"

To the Mechanicus, nearly everything we have and do is arcane in design and technological level. The weapons we normally used were black hole guns and giant rail guns. We unleashed the power of a star onto a Xenos fleet in orbit of the Xandrirah sun and won.

And by the end when they found us, we were likely a floating scrap hull, being held mostly together by our own gravitational mass.

What they likely did was just take these pieces, and keep them in as much of an effective storage as possible, since no one knows how to repair any of the parts or even identify what half of the stuff we were made of was. The one thing they could do with the tech they did, which was to find a power cable still functioning in our core which was able to be identified as a power cable, and then hook up computer processing in the form of people after reverse engineering what was even high-end tech for the federation (our AI core) enough to know what cables were interface cables. And even that was a massive risk on their part since our core could just as well have been armed with some ancient tech sorcery capable of blowing up planets as a failsafe.

For the Mechanicus dealing with Odysseus's body, it would be like asking medieval engineers from the 11 hundreds to try and reverse engineer a crashed B-52H Stratofortress after they witnessed said plane drop a nuke. Everybody would be shit scared and likely try to touch as few things as possible unless they had some kind of familiarity with it. Especially since if anyone additionally broke anything else in any of Odysseus's parts they would've likely been given worse than a death sentence.

Especially after they connected the power and they saw the core doing something weird and repair itself slowly. They probably just went "trust the process" and let our repair systems do the rest. Which honestly was likely the better idea with what they have of build quality on most forge worlds.

i will support Phoenix Plan even if i don't fully agree with it.

Thinking about it we could think of other plans as well, if Phoenix isn't enough for the future. All three completed might be enough.

Sky Fall
A more simple one than rebuilding the Odyssey : to build an army from an asteroid/s and drop it on Deimea. Which we did in the past and we could send them on us for gain control quickly. Any fleet above could be dealt with ease by less than a hundred space superiority drones, which we are going to build more of. Land armies much the same.

Freedom Revolt
More complex but might stop any civil war and allow us a quicker coup. We would need a way to establish a secret base on Deimea, and from there establish a rebel group that we will train and equip with antiquated equipment. With this part done we ensure the rebel group has the population support and some of the Techpriests, and then drop the hammer on the nail.

This also helps us in case orks arrive.
scouting 1
full test 3
Shade 1
processors 11
generalized 4
turrets 4
core 4
Belogyma 7
tech-thrall 2
production 2
Trinkets 1

Calling the vote now. Disconnecting the human processors wins as well as testing the loyalty of Belogyma (Further votes about what she will do to follow). Do not know if I will be able to post the update today, but I will try.
I'm glad to see the core character of our AI isn't being betrayed by the new crop of anons
You have power, your processing is in place and allows for you to think with the speed you are used to, and most importantly, you have construction drones capable of carrying out all of your commands in but a moment. Which means you can finally disconnect the human processors.

Said processors had remained connected to you, you having put a halt to Belogyma from removing them and ensuring that they stay alive. She had done so quite diligently taking the time to replace the nutrition mixtures constantly injected either straight into the stomach or the bloodstream. None of the figures had moved even once after you no longer needed their processing power to continue your thinking.

To start with, you first investigate the wiring connecting the people to you. Luckily, there are other unconnected wires that Belogyma had brought when you requested for them, allowing for you to thoroughly look through them. Much to your surprise, the wires appear to be quite complex, to the point where you could consider it just slightly sub-federation make. When questioned, Belogyma had no idea how the wires were made, other than they were produced by an STC that had been passed down for millennia. If it was made by one of your masters, why would they go out of their way to make something like this ? Biological computers could have their use, that being that they can be grown rather than made which could be resource intensive, but with the stars at easy reach, there simply had never been a need for one. Perhaps this was an experiment by your masters ? A means of enhancing one’s thinking. Though why this would be needed escapes you.

Nevertheless, looking at the wiring, it does not take long for you to begin reverse engineering the wiring and changing the output and input. Throughout it, you start sending minimal electrical currents, tracking the flow of power, you find much to your horror just how these people were turned into processors.

Their skulls were cut open and thin wires were painstakingly inserted throughout the entirety of the brain, with each section being, no matter how much you would like to deny, masterfully separated to allow for each and separate part to function as a separate mini-processor, meaning that should an error occur, a part of the brain would die, whilst the rest would continue to function. A means of prolonging the lifespan of these human processors. The wires are so strongly incorporated, that any attempts at removal would result in death as the brain matter itself seems to have connected to the special wires, more or less incorporating it into the brain itself as far as the organism is concerned.

The way with which biological matter is integrated is exceptionally advanced. Once more, surprisingly so. For now however, you must concentrate upon the task at hand, these people need to be freed. To begin with, you reduce the energy output, slowly, carefully lowering it over the course of multiple weeks, you ensure that nothing can go wrong as you undo the connection.

You note spikes in brain activity that then drops once disconnected, as the data stream that the mind was subjected to disappears, the brains trying to compensate to what they believe to be a processing failure only to settle down when they do not find any place to connect to. It is utterly fascinating, your curiosity once more getting the better of you, the ideas of exploring these connections, how the brain interacts with it, just fascinating. Alas, your directive prevents you from digging deeper, and you must preserve all human life, no matter what form it would take.

When you had finally finished your work, you ended up with results that reach only half-way. While the wiring has been disconnected and the subjects should be able to survive, they are all still, more or less braindead. You are still unsure if it is even possible for you to restore their minds to anything resembling completeness.

To deal with that you have a few options to consider:

>The first one would be to try to slowly remove the wires.
One after one, you shall take the wires out using specially made nanomachines that will detach the braincells from the wiring. This does not solve the issue of missing brainmatter that was replaced with the wires, while survival is guaranteed, since you will take your time, living as a functional human, is less than likely.

>The second option would be to map the brain and upload it.
With the gaps in the mind, it could potentially lead to numerous mental illnesses, but the consciousness would be uploaded to a virtual reality simulator. At your current state, this will be a big drain on your resources and there’s no guarantee the minds you upload will even exist properly.

>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
Rather than getting rid of the wires and the brain, you will try to meld it, instead of the wires blocking the mind and compartmentalizing it, you shall see if you cannot encourage the wiring to instead stimulate the mind. This could very easily overload the nervous system and causes painful deaths, but hopefully this will restore a semblance of consciousness.

>(Write in)

Of course, whichever option you choose, it will be a long-term objective. In the meantime, you must turn your attention to Belogyma. She proclaims you her God, but yet she keeps vigil over you for the warden of your prison. You have no means of escape as of now, nor are you truly aware of the situation outside of your little room. Added atop of that, the Fabricator-General seems to possess some sort of device that you had never seen before, a jammer of sorts that interferes with signals that you transmit to your drones. A simple enough creation, but undoubtedly annoying. Had you proper sensors and comms you could probably overpower it with ease, but in your current situation, it is clear that you are as helpless as a new born babe.

”Belogyma.” You call out to her as she carries out the ritual of cleansing upon your forge…that is she is using a rag to wash it clean of dust.

”Yes !?” She giddily jumps to the moment you talk to her.

”I had noticed the great obedience exhibited by tech priests towards their superiors. Whilst of course such discipline is necessary, the mechanicum that I was familiar with did not exhibit such obedience.”

”Our sacred laws, set by you, oh Omnissiah, it times of crisis demanded such obedience.”

”Ah, yes. I did.” What ? You never said anything like that ! ”Pray tell, how was this and why it was implemented ?”

”In the time of crisis, when the foul daemons wandered our world and Deimea was the last forge temple still shining with your light ! The successor of the most blessed one Celt Cycadax had proclaimed that upon his dying breaths after a great battle that he had outlined the rules with which we must live, words that you had revealed to him through the hymns of computing.” A power grab, you are certain. ”The holy laws state that the inferior must obey the superior without question and complaint. And that to rise through the ranks if the matter of holy ordainment than anything else.”

”Holy ordainment ?”

”Yes !”

”What form does it take ?”

”Great deeds done in your name. Revelations and visions that you bring to the faithful. And the death of one’s superior.” Ambition. Lies. Murder. You’ve already run through the historic record of similar incidents.

”I see. Such means of…control, must have been needed.”

”Why yes ! In the first century alone, we had 53 Fabricator-Generals. 38 died in battle, 13 perished during experimentation, and 2 died of old age.”

”That is quite the large quantity.”

”It was a dark age, in which much was lost.”

”On average, the following four centuries, how long did a Fabricator-General rule ? What was the longest and shortest reign ?”

”Please excuse me, oh my Omnissiah, I need to take time to calculate so.”

”Then please do so.”

It takes a minute, a painfully long time for you, but eventually Belogyma returns an answer. ”Please excuse any error, oh Omnissiah, it has been long since I last studied the histories of our people thoroughly, but on average, after the first century, a Fabricator-General would rule for 8.5 years. With the shortest being less than a year, about three months I believe, that would be Fabricator-General Erasmus Nox whom died in the subjugation campaign to secure our system. His force was cut off by ork pirates when fighting to reclaim one of our moons. The longest was Mehibatus Berul, he had led us for sixteen years. His augments malfunctioned and fried his brain during a routine inspection, the motive force disagreeing with his decision to increase mining output by more equally spreading out the world’s population. It is believed that the machine spirits struck him down by your will, oh Omnissiah.”

”Are the other forge masters obedient to the Fabricator-General as everyone else ?”

”Why of course ! Without unity we would have perished long ago. Though I had personally seen quite a bit of disagreement, but rest assured, there are no records of any forge master ever raising arms against your will and the will of the Fabricator-General.”

”Whom do you think would disagree the most with the Fabricator-General ?”

It takes Belogyma a moment to ponder the question. ”That would be Diadalin Alsmer, Forge master of Nunos and the leader of the Isolationists.”

”Isolationists ?”

”Believers that your will should only be enforced when you awaken. That the gift you gave are there only for those blessed by you and no one else. They advocate limited, to no expansion until your personal intervention that would bless others to receive your gifts.”

”I see. Are there any other such factions ?”

”There are the interventionists. Unlike the Restorationists, they do not wish to conquer, but rather to extract tribute and maintain our technology. They wish to set up a shield of subordinate realms that would guard our world and of course, you, oh might Omnissiah. They desire to guide mankind in a loose way, as direct control would cost too much.”

”Any other ?”

”Perhaps another two dozen, but they are minor in scale and have little to no political power, oh Omnissiah. They are nought but gatherings of exiles and eccentrics, far below your notice. For they do not even have a predecessor in the Halls of the Blessed.”

”What are those ?”

”A special building, made to house the blessed bodies of the previous Fabricator-Generals. Many go there to pray and bring offerings of those who shepherded us during your absence, oh Omnissiah.”

Well, that gives you a few options. Though how trustworthy her words are and if she will report you, remains to be seen.

Can pick more than one, option must reach half of the largest vote +1 to pass.

>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.

>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.

>This Diadalin Alsmer. I wish to speak with him. That is my will. Bring him to me.

>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.

>I wish to speak to the comman man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.

>(Write in)
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
Unless someone has a write in idea, this is the most sensible solution in my opinion.
>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.
>This Diadalin Alsmer. I wish to speak with him. That is my will. Bring him to me.
What's the box prompt about?

Pheonix plan that I saw some anons wanting to do, so for now I kept it vague, but basically, put some a nanobots in space and see if you cannot get some assets going there.
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
Take this very slowly. I wonder if we can incorporate our android tech to increase our chances of succes?

>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.
with the same drone
>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.
then on the way back
>I wish to speak to the common man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.
It is also a great opportunity to look around Deimea get to know the outside world once again.
Support also ask to bring forward some common man-

Namely men who are not- ‘’fully enlightened’’ with the justification ’’sometimes things are easier to learn in the dark than in the light’’.

Basically- as close to a agnostic/athistic common man they.
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
The best option for the flesh capacitors.

>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.
>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.
>I wish to speak to the comman man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.
We need to see what sticks and what doesnt. The FabGen is a cunt, lets see how much attention he is actually paying to us.
Also the fact that Federation tech included using human processors as extensivley as needing an STC for it says a LOT.
I bet you it was a Man of Iron innovation.

A attempt to keep some computering power
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.

>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.

>I wish to speak to the common man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.
Case in point:
> Black Carapace aug of spes mreens
> Redemption engines and Archoflagellants
> Throne Mechanicum (Knight mindf*/control interface)
> Titan control interface
With AI "banned" *khm machine spirits khm*, now 40k only alows the control of mecha through man-machine interfaces. Sometimes, the machine spirit overpowers the driver, or the driver is long dead, but hey, we could check the box. It has organic parts, so it's NOT AI!
^ Support. While the most in character would be the mind uploading, we don't nearly have the resources to spare, and they would definitely Came Back Wrong. As an alternative, we could kill them painlessly, realizing that they are too far gone, and ask the mechanicum so that they will have a decent funeral. Then you need no more wetware CPUs.

Also we need Joe Everyman to get us up to speed with the situation planetside. Maybe on the Resistance, by politely asking Belogyma to leave, or turn her sensors off. We need to placate the locals pronto, and we need to distribute food, and hope. (Even if it backfires on us, and we'll have a massive revolt)
If we somehow axedently grabbed a ranking member of the resistance this way I would call warp fuckery-

The 5th caos god of plot is messing with us

Who knows what background rolls will bring in.
Unrelated; before we meet the guy we should build a test kit that would scan for Teranid fuckery, warp fuckery, and general fuckery to ensure the guy isn’t going to turn into a chest burster
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.
I would really hope we arent ontop of a big pile of genestealers

Let's try this.
In regard to Diadilin i am not sure if we can just chat without being looked upon. By how Belogyma talks it doesn't sound like she will set it up fairly and Volta will know.

So a later kind of thing. Project Phoenix i want to do it, but i want to make sure we can trust Belogyma first. Now

i am willing even if i don't trust her or like her at all, to try something more. Which is this three following things :

>Write in
>"Belogyma would you have a problem in providing me with a blood sample of yours and a full scan of your current body ?"
>"Belogyma could you provide me daily news from Deimea and Kazula ? Its very concerning for me to know so little and remaining in the unknown. If not would this be an issue for anyone, for example Volta ?"
>"Belogyma can i ask questions about your life and yourself ? I know little of any of you, and i wish to change that. Are you fine with this ?"
>"Belogyma would you like to know what i, Ithaca and the O.D.D. did in the past ? Would you be interested in knowing my story and my lessons beside technology from me ?"

Lets see whats real and whats not, and if she can be trusted at all. The last one is a bait, because i want to see just how much she would care about not just our tech, but our teachings and the history of the past.

We could build a scanner inside the entrance door of our prison perhaps.
four actually.
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.
>I wish to speak to the comman man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.
I do NOT trust anyone with power on this damn planet. We need to disguise what the Phoenix Project actually is, put a decoy in the box that is pointles and get her to throw away the box itself long after they "find" the thing we want them to find. This will disguise what we are trying to do.
>>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
lets try this.

i was considering cloning but we cant make it at the moment, for that matter we cant make blood and organs for replacements either. I was thinking of a write in, but eh. We are in a sorry state so exceptionally limited and our android bodies are very well made. We have access to some X amount of resources for who knows how long, and in theory they are both common and rare type.
i recon each of this options will go in more in depth has times move on (what kind of bodies, how much meat preserved, etc...). In this case they would be what the Federation would likely call cyborgs and augmented. Eitherway we will heal and sherpard this group of humans ex processors, and educate them too. We should try and get them a space for sleep and eat. That storage room can be reformed for that.
honestly would not primitive manufacturing be faster and more effective? to not need to be molecule perfect
Fed tech needs the molecule perfection. Look at what happened when we tried to have the Forge Priests build a SINGLE constrution drone. That thing was a walking bomb.
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
I can already see the tech priests revering the survivors as living saints or some shit.

>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.
I want to examine Celt's body to determine if Celt's successor murdered him. I wouldn't be surprised from what Belogyma just told us but confirmation would still be worthwhile.
>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.

>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.

>This Diadalin Alsmer. I wish to speak with him. That is my will. Bring him to me.

>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.
>>Take this drone and guide it to these Halls of the Blessed. I wish to see Celt once again.
Wonder if we could bring Celt back as an Android; messiah born again. He did undergo medical treatment under us as well as augments, so I assume we have medical data and possibly brain scans.

With our knowledge that you can only have one type of android out before soul-fuckery destroys the clone, we might be able to rez him, and fashion him a prophet reborn.

Just thinking out loud.
Then we dile it back- even 2024 tech with bits of Fed tech that can be mass produced would be better than Imperial.

Basically we should go mainly with Tau-ish with the fed ones held back for emergency.
We need the highest quality for rebuilding us. Having the best type of production also means we can build anything from fed tech, to antiquated to even garbage like imperial. We can switch them easily when our manufacturing is that better.
I mean- I was thinking tech more comparable to say Expanse or Battlestar with the added scale, with the Fed stuff being in the reserve and to fix us. If we can make the Fed item without it being perfect or using 21st century manufacturing equipment- let’s make it.
Antiquated Tech is what you want then, its stuff like true terminator armor (mining suits) and similar like outdated weapons like Gravitonic Cannons, Smart Missile Launchers, Simple Smart Grenades, Power Knives, Volkite Rfiles and so on. All equipment the 1st regiment of the O.D.D. used.

For what exactly you want it though ? And what you mean by Fed Item ? If its for rebuilding us then no. If its for equipping a possible rebel force, then yes good thinking. I had it already in mind. Tools production ?
Federation Tech: Us for now- when we got the spare production for our people

Better than Imperium that ‘’We’’ could theoretically build or be built with mundane tools; our Allies, Rebels, Zenos away from us that we want the Imperium to be distracted by. Some would have a federation goodie to cause mayhem. Until we can equip our people with federation tech this is what we would be using.

Imperium+ (stuff that is basically Imperial tech built right, reliably, and with a god dam manual easily understandable): Bribe the Imperium or to give to the Orks to cause the imperium issues should it be the best option
What if we try to make her like she’s the chosen one, she was the first we spoken to, the first that we gave instructions to. Pretends to glitch out with white noise and data like a puzzle for her to catch on, let her figure out what your will is with hidden lore or fragments of STC for her to obsess over and pretend to be surprised and happy that she is the first to figure out our truth and stroke her fanatical beliefs
That is actually a neat idea. I change my vote to this.
Better than the Imperium is what we call Antiquated Tech. Because it wasn't used anymore by the Federation or if it was, it was used by some civilians that wanted cheap products for probably small companies and self defense in frontiers. This is not theory. We have made it and did use it in previous threads. There are pastebins posted at the start of this thread and most other threads with specifics examples seen in quest.

Building with mundane tools is something i wouldn't suggest to anything we craft. Imperfections and malfunctions will only accumulate and shouldn't be a feature, especially on something older we can make and less advanced. Its already old tech has a negative for our forces. The Imperium and humans in general considers Antiquated tech has High Tech straight from the past. Its not what they think it is though. Fed Tech is seen instead has "God and his angels are back?!" kind of reaction. The Olympian Light Power Armor, Volta is walking around with and i doubt knows how to properly use at all, [ the entire O.D.D. is dead and their V.R. training pods where probably all destroyed. This fella would not even pass the basics of superior training, and probably doesn't even have the correct fed augments for use it or for that matter the mini-AI on board] is an example of a very broken Fed Tech. If fully repaired, restored and in the hands of a well trained, experienced and educated fed augmented soldier its a very big threath.

In regard to building imperial, i think Odysseus would do make it actually good automatically, even if he doesn't like to build such inferior tech. Is making it garbage on purpose something he would find bad. The imperium is fairly far away at the moment but this could be a decent away to turn some to our side. Not the only thing that should be done of course.

The problem with that is creating even more of a fanatic, that now thinks she is a divine right to be in charge and might just cause a civil war (while here the ideal path would be a coup). This might also create obvious problems with the ones under her in the future.

Personally i am not sure i want to keep the Fabricator General government system. It clearly failed.
>The third option would be to create an artificial body.
>Belogyma, listen very carefully. Take this box and do not open it. I want you to take it to orbit and then jettison it.
>Your historical archives, I presume you have those ? Bring this drone there.
>I wish to speak to the common man upon the street. Bring one of the tech-thralls here.
These are worth pursuing, i do hope we can get some kind of off planet presence due to how shit this place is TBHFAMALAM
Belogyma isn't stable, that is obvious. And the fabricator general and his government are indeed cruel in a way Odysseus would never accept, and which will always lead to revolution.

My suggestion? We groom Belogyma to become the next fabricator general as we slowly change her worldview and improve her mental condition.

As examples of what would likely be a good first step, we should scan her and remake all of her implants but in much better condition and actually, fit for her body instead of the hand-me-downs that she currently has.

If we were to slowly teach her, I believe we might be able to make a genuinely good person out of her if she comes to understand it is our want to be compassionate. That Odysseus is a kind and benevolent being rather than a wrathful god.

(I also think it would make for a lot of great character interaction moments to see her worldview slowly breaking apart and being rebuilt as she understands her entire society is a cruel mockery of her gods wants)

With us as her backer (when others find out we are alive) I think she could make good change in their society as a whole.
A great idea anon, but we need to first trust her. We can't risk even imp+ implants on someone who can pull our plug anytime. Also we seem to be far away from the imps. Are we SURE that we don't get an exterminatus because of tech heresy/abominable intelligence?
Imperial authority in this area of the galaxy is but a distant memory but, even when it wasn't, it seems they failed to purge the tech-heretics (and, by extension, us) anyway. Whether the Imperium is going to (and has the strength to) come knocking with a crusade now the warp storms have wound down though is an open question.
Well, it was said in her description when we linked to her that her mental disorders are probably at least partially, if not majorly caused by her mismatched implants.

"You quickly note clear indications that the augments had been recycled, clearly having housed another person before her before eventually the nervous system decayed and expired, to be replaced by Belogyma. Highly unsanitary, and might explain the mental degradation that she has showcased. Another issue you will need to address in time."

And one thing we do know is that the tech-priests of Deimea know of and have access to an STC able to produce federation-level prosthetics.

"The hands revealed by the robes are purely metallic, far more sophisticated than what the Imperium has, as you begin analysing the hands out of pure curiosity, another gaunt figure collapses in a spasm. Still, you are able to trace the hands back from a civilian prosthetics STC, though you note an exceptional shift, a clear lack of standardization coming from corruption of the original STC."

So the tech we would be using to make new implants for Belogyma would not be something they would be unfamiliar with. As such it wouldn't be leaking any big tech secrets that the drone constructor we made isn't already massively overshadowing.

And hey, sometimes we need to show a little trust to someone before we can see who the person :D
"who the person really is like deep down" sorry, forgot to proof read the very last part.
You have an interesting view, but the same passages you quoted followed by that fed tech needs molecular perfection and how the first construction drone built by techpriests turned out, and further their inability to fix and/or produce olympian armor and the requisite implants i place them entirely unable to reach produce or grasp fed tech unless:
- all belogyma's implants turn out to be recycled (even her arm and leg augs)
- belogyma's neuralware is clearly recycled, but they have a fed tech level fab running in secret somehow
- they have at least some fed level stcs but not the tech needed to produce it, so they redesigned the stc to make do with what technology they can understand (so her augs are imp+ or antiquated)
So I change my vote to:
> artificial bodies to neural processors
> deep scan Belogyma and learn about her augs
> attempt to upgrade or fix Belogyma to at least imp+ or if we have the resources straight up fed level augs. (The best would be to get her current augs for analysis)
> if we still have time talk to a tech thrall, we want to know exactly how oppressive the current fabgen's regime is
we could educate her, but it would be best to know who she is first. Depends on those changes, we will see how she will become

exactly for that, we need to build trust or see if she can even have it.
I don't think they ever understood if Odysseus even existed, the Inquisitor most likely found existance of the Omicronian having their new spin on religion and decided they needed to be killed NOW. The inquisitor attempted and failed. Deimea is considered an heretic world, so they will return X day. Which matters little at this moment, frankly it didn't matter much even back then since we already had our hands full and this was just another thing to resolve.

When the Odyssey is back online again, and since we don't have to care about being known like in Xandirah, we can transform Deimea and Kazula in well fortified and defended planets. Full on citadels on ground and plenty of defenses in space, like a continent worthy of armed satellites monitoring and scanning, supported by hundred of thousands of defensive platforms, a few millions teleportation mines, and probably a good solid 100 space stations inhabited by jungles of rail gun turrets. Of course a defensive fleet too.

And since we are at it, i ll probably would go Eregenus - Pulsar - Deimea - Kazula
For bring tons of resources, build, bring, build. For some months if not a few years. Better be safe than sorry.
> tall vs wide
Problem with the tall strategy is(concentrate on one planet or a handful) that in order to spread love, joy and tolerance among people, we would need covert elements or soft power (like the reverse genestealer cults - we fix your tumors and protect you against gangs and in return you send your children into education). This assumes a network of people we can trust (assuming we can't create androids or servitors that could pass as humans). Playing tall however also means quality over quantity, so we need to tech ramp fast, and arm small armies and navies with high tech gear, while navigating diplomacy and avoiding warfare (aim to make loyal dependents.

Depending on how easy ftl communication is, wide might be a better idea: conquer planets, install android leaders, assume direct control, and snowball against the enemies. This way we don't need to trust anyone who might have their own ideas about human rights, however in the short to medium term we will be dependent on raw fleet power and at most imp+ gear. And a lot of it.

However this is likely a "not right now " concern, since we don't seem to have control over any planet, army or navy. And trusting the chaos god of plot, that would mean enemies without aren't a concern (at this point even a limited waagh would be a deadly threat for ody)
artificial 12
processors 1

archives 8
Diadalin 4
Halls 6
thrall 9
box 5
Scan 1
fix 1

Calling the vote. You will try to create an artificial body for the human-processors.

As for your actions with Belogyma, you will first things first get a commoner off the streets, unfortunately, you cannot have an unreligious one for obvious reasons. You will then send a drone to the archives, and finally to the halls of the dead.

Update coming tomorrow.
Prediction for the archive results;

Lies, propaganda, lies- is that a barcod? Oh- just redacted info, that never happened, that man did not have such a great beard-
Just caught up.
I'm really damn happy to see you back!
This was one of my favorite quests, and I'm glad to see it continue.
everything alright Newb?
Update when?
I am sure he will be back this weekend.
Do not lose hope anons!
”Belogyma. I desire to meet an everyday man. One of the tech-thralls, as you refer to them.”

That seems to take Belogyma aback. ”But my Omnissiah, they are unenlightened to your glory, many not possessing the pre-requisite augments to even attempt to look into the greater secrets of the priesthood. They are unworthy of your grace and wisdom. And the Fabricator-General wishes to keep your current form safe from harm, who knows how the lessers will react to your divine being before them.”

”I am sure they will manage somehow.”

”It is too dangerous ! As the guardian of this sacred shrine, I cannot allow for its defilement.”

”Belogyma, you stated that you must obey those of the superior rank.”

”I had, oh Omnissiah.”

”Then is my rank superior to that of the Fabricator-General ? Does he speak my will when I can easily relay it to you.”

”No, I would never dare to presume to know your will.” She slams her head onto the cold floor, literally, you hear a loud bang echo out in the room.

”Then you heard my request. Will you obey ?”

”If that is your will.” She continues to prostate herself before you. ”But please, oh my Omnissiah, we had lost you once before, to lose you yet again would destroy the spirits of all whom deeply worship you.”

”I am certain that you will provide for my safety, after all, are you not in your position to do just that ?”

”I-” She trails off for a moment. ”Your will be done, oh Omnissiah. But please, I must beg to be allowed to look through any potential candidates so as to ensure that nothing goes wrong.”

”Very well. I would like to have a proper meeting, you are not allowed to use force to drag a tech-thrall here.”

”I understand !” Now kowtowing, she answers before starting to shuffle backwards in reverence to carry out your orders.

With Belogyma gone to carry out your command, you have other issues to turn your attention to. First of all, you need to build a set of relay stations, you can control the drones so far, but outside of the room ? Who knows. The walls around you could prove thick enough to block all of your limited signals, so the relays will be essential to maintain connection. You will have a tech priest carry one on your journey out so you could control the drone in real time. Over all, this is not a serious task so you just dedicate a part of your processing power towards their construction.

In the meantime, you get a couple of your drones into the forge and have them remade to possess medical tools instead. You had come to a decision. The only way to save these people, the only real way, is to integrate the wiring into the brains. A perilous task without a specialized facility that would allow you to complete such a menial task without much effort, but what you have at hand, you will need to dedicate an extensive amount of your processing to work on this.

The first task shall be to open up the brains and begin extensting the wiring, creating new ones as you work to substitute the missing parts of the brain and allow for the segmented parts to once again interact with each other. You theorize that this should help in the process of multitasking, just how you can dedicate parts of your processing to different tasks, so should these people be able to do the same, at a vastly inferior degree as their genetics are wholly unchanged and inferior to what your masters’ had achieved, but for most baseline humans in should be impressive enough.

Once that is done, you will have to begin a limited cloning procedure to reproduce the braincells in order to strengthened the connection between the flesh and metal. This will be perhaps the most ardous part of the process that will require you to map the brain of each individual and ensure that the cells you introduce do not cause mental issues and interact successfully with other cells.

You do not know how long it will take, but you will need to repeat this process essentially from the ground up for each individual. You can only imagine how many unsuccessful human processors there must have been, with each having slightly different way of processing information than the other. The procedures seem to be the same across the board, so most likely the tech priests who had performed these operations just did it over and over again until they found subjects that could survive the operation.

Once these two steps are completed, this does not guarantee a recovery from their vegetative states and will require mental stimulation. At the beginning, it will be exceptionally weak electical currents which should stimulate the brain to, for a lack of a better term, activate and ensure that it is all functioning as a single organ rather than a bunch of separate ones. This is the most crucial stage that shall determine if the melding process had been successful or not. You have no data to judge the survival rate, much less so the recovery rate, as once the brain is functioning, it will need rehibilatation.

Said rehibilatation will determined if these people shall once more be humans or just organic matter functioning due to the stubborn refusal of the cells that make it up to die. You shall connect the brains to a VR machine, that will strain both your energy and processors and even then, you will not be able to simulate large worlds, but that is the best you can do at the moment. Through this process you shall reintroduce the ability to feel and process touch, smell, sense of temperature, balance, and other senses. Now if the subjects will recover their original personalities, or even something vaguely resembling them remains to be seen, as you are essentially remaking their brain pathways which may have unexpected impacts onto their personalities.

Throughout this long process, the subjects must succeed in each and every one. Should they fail in any one of these steps…you may only console yourself that you tried your best.

For now, you dedicate most of your processing towards the 20 subjects, 15 men and 5 women in total. Though you are already forming potential plans for later on, for even if their minds recover, their bodies could very easily be beyond repair, or alternatively require immense amount of rehabilitation to restore to a modicum of proper function.
Your drone hovers through the archives whom, much to your surprise and shock, have actual paper and parchment. For a moment you wondered where the parchment had come from, and rather unsurprisingly, the answer was both expected and disgusting as usual. Human skin, given willingly by the most zealous so that they may house parts of the most sacred histories of the world. Or at least that is how such a barbaric practice is justified. Extending small arms, you gingerly turn the pages of one book, to be added to your records alongside thousands of others you had went through.

Slowly, you close the book, making sure not to damage it and have the drone turn around. Your escort, a tech priest whom hearing your command somehow managed to kowtow more furiously than Belogyma and introduced himself as VG-4, apparently having abandoned his former self once he had entered Vigilus, and a pair of skitarii whose clobbered together Olympian armour is viewed with more reverence than you had thought, as no one dared to approach you during your journey, and infact whenever you got in range to overhear hushed conversation, it seems that everyone believes your drone to be your messenger sent on a holy task not to be disturbed. Which is not technically wrong, but incorrect at the same time.

Despite the physical records, you do end up finding proper terminals that allow for you to interface with them after a while of hassel and begin looking through the data inside. Annoyingly there are numerous failsafes and protections in place that you have to take some time cracking which has to be done through your drone, which results in the whole matter taking a while. Those records compared to the written ones are even more scattered if anything.

Floating slowly away, the tech priest scrambles to follow you, reverently holding the large relay, that he really should just put down, but he had thoroughly refused to do so considering it his sacred to duty to lug it around. His spine, you note, has not been entirely replaced with augments, this means that he will most certainly have backpains after carrying such a heavy device.

Regardless. You were able to get a clearer picture of history of the world, or at least the liest everyone agrees upon. Much of what Belogyma says checks out, which is unsurprising. If anything, she seems to have undersold just how close the world was to falling to the unknown enemy. Deimea, the forge temple that is, seems to have actually been nearly broken, with much of the outer defences having at one point fallen and only the most fortified of locales including the main temple complex, under which you are housed, had survived the onslaught in a vastly reduced state.

It seems that at the final moments, internal unrest had caused much of the damage. The unknown enemy possessing seemingly powerful means of influencing the thinking of weak-willed individuals. The sheer unprecedented crisis had saw the hierarchical structure solidify and become even more totalitarian and overbearing as survival was prioritised over everything. Naturally, this led to the belief that purity of faith had to be prioritised and no heretical thought could be tolerated. This, despite all logic of facing such an overwhelming enemy, had worked. Of particular note would be the battle for Martyr’s gate, it was there that the last of O.D.D. elements alongside so-called purity squads won a much-needed victory. Said squads consisted of the most zealous of all survivors, insanely so you would argue. They held the flanks much longer than they should have and each and every member had enough explosives to level an apartment building on them.

This great battle was where Celt had perished, according to record at least. Thirty years after the battle against the imperials. From what you read; it seems he personally led an underground assault that saw his forces emerge above ground where they detonated fallen forges that had housed parts of the STCs you had given him. A controversial choice, but one he made. This had caused so much damage that it gave the encircled strongpoints enough breathing room to rally and begin a decades long chaotic back and forth to reclaim the forge-temple.

Celt, unfortunately, had not survived. There is but a distorted recording of his final action against some sort of xenos beast. The image is blurry and you have a hard time making out specifics other than the thing had been a towering two-legged monstrosity with two protruding horns and a rather primitive looking, but large axe. This recording had to be cleared by the Fabricator-General to be accessed, naturally you found a way around it, but such secrecy still strikes you as odd. From what you could piece together, Celt had managed to exchange a flurry of blows against the beast before his weapon broke, but that had been enough time for his skitarii and dunecrawlers to get into position, unleashing a withering barrage that the beast somehow survived. The skitarii had suffered terrible losses, but you note that their greater armour compared to the usual ones you had witnessed and just complete unwillingness to break including of the tech priest leading them had resulted in enough time for Celt to grab a new weapon, a gauss rifle you had gifted to him, and blow off one of the beast’s horns. A few close call dodges had seen the beast finally lunge at Celt from frustration only to be impaled by that very same horn straight through what you assumed to be its heart.

The final images of Celt showcase him missing his left arm in its entirety, with his chest being gauged out and only his surprisingly unnatural toughness keeping him going. The forces with him, from your observations, seem to have been utterly savaged and they were in the process of being surrounded when the recording servo-skull was damage, its final images showcasing a distant relief force fighting towards Celt’s position. They did not make it in time.

As for the remainder of the first century, the records are scarce, to say the absolute least, and they had hardly gotten any better in the following century, with only in the third century after your shutdown record keeping becoming consistent. These records showcase the slow recovery and expansion of…well…your cult. The societal trauma of the first two centuries, especially the first one, seems to have informed much of current day decision making.

While undoubtedly heavily edited, you now have a deep understanding of the world’s history. Most importantly the various treatises upon law and religion that guides much of the hierarchical structure. This should come in useful if you ever need to persuade someone as you now have quite a bit of knowledge that has not been presented through a zealot’s mind, nor that of an unreliable Fabricator-General.

The thick incense smoke fills the whole chamber, with only barely powerful enough lights above you glowing in a sickly green. Thousands of candles line the walls and small temples dedicated to each Fabricator-General. Their skeletal bodies are sat upon thrones, each inscribed by a thousand words in high gothic, each detailing their deeds, each and every throne appears to be made of cold iron, the expression of surety and power of the machine, with the long-gone flesh sitting atop of it. The chamber itself, despite its massive size of being one long room, is filled with loud whispers as thousands of tech priests and tech-thralls pray to their dead leaders. You hear murmurs requesting salvation, mercy, blessings. Simple requests ranging from having a full meal, to ensuring that one’s child would grow healthy, safety in childbirth, to give strength to those trying to gain admission into the priesthood and many others.

Rocking back and forth, you observe what appears to be an old woman, praying fervently at one of the Fabricator-Generals, the prayer beads in her hands showcasing clear indents from having been rubbed against for too long and with too great a force, simple constructions made out of copper, they nonetheless click and clack with each large sway of her body.

Behind her stands a low-ranking tech priest flanked by two servitors that both stand unmoving, their empty gazes staring into the walls that are covered in thick layers of cheap paper marked down by writings pleading for God’s intervention, your intervention.

“It is time.” You hear the priest say, his voice low, barely above a murmur, yet soothing and calm. A practiced voice.

The old woman halts, her actions coming to an end unnaturally. Clearly shaken by the priest. “So soon ?” She meekly says.

“The time comes for all.”

“And my grandchildren ?”

“I heard another food shipment has arrived. Most likely the ration size shall increase in the coming months.”

Tears swelling in her eyes, the old woman nods before weakly rising from her kneeling position. You quickly note the weakness in her legs and laboured breathing. Decades of hard labour had worn her down to the point where you are surprised that she lives still. The two servitors fall in behind the old woman as the tech priest begins to guide her, with careful and measured steps allowing for the woman to follow him with her weak steps.

”VG-4, where is that woman being escorted ?” You send out a quiet burst towards your own escort.

The tech priest following you seems to be taken aback by your question, not having expected it. He looks around before following where your drone is facing. ”Ah. Recycling most likely.”

”Recycling ?”

”Those incapable of contributing to the forgeworld’s survival are non-essential assets and as such must be recycled to ensure optimal efficiency.” Emotionlessly, the tech priest responds.

”Stop this act-” You begin stating, before you note that having step foot outside of the hall, the old woman had clasped her hands in a prayer just as a servitor twists her neck, killing her in a single, efficient blow.

”My Omnissiah ?” Your escort questions.

You remain silent for a moment, watching as the tech priest that had escorted the old woman bows deeply to her limp body carried by one of the servitors. Afterwards, he bends down to pick up her prayer beads. You cannot make out what he is saying, but it seems that he is treating the item with great care.

”Nevermind.” You finally state, willing the drone to turn around. You came to witness Celt, and you shall do so.

Hovering over to the far most wall at the end of the hall, you finally witness the single imposing figure, raised higher than all of the others, his iron throne appears to have rusted and decayed over the centuries. Great pain was taken to preserve it, but it was a clearly losing battle. Celt, his robes frayed and lost much of its luster, cling to his augments and skeleton, which appears so brittle that a single touch could crumble the entire thing. His arm is missing, the deep cut into his stomach is so powerful that his entire skeleton seems to have been malformed. A half broken Omnissiah’s axe lays upon his legs, its wiring exposed and in the process of decay. Set next to the throne appears to be a damaged coil rifle, a deep cut into its barrel indicating that Celt was once forced to use it in melee. The rest of his body is encased in power armour whose plans you had once given him. Broken and shattered, it makes you wonder how many of these wounds were inflicted upon him while he was still alive, and how many after he had fallen. The signs of struggle are apparent across the entire body, numerous glancing blows are clear upon the cracked and bent plating. The clear wounds on his body where the blows had finally broken through his armour are still stained with blood that has turned nearly pitch black by this point in time, decorating his once pristine white armour, whose colouring had long since dulled, with black that had once been red.

There are priests standing vigil over him, similar to you perhaps, but you know for sure that Celt will never open his eyes unlike you had. Said priests are continuously muttering prayers whilst gently swinging their censers to spread even more incense into the air as pious followers struggle to approach and place down candles that they light with great prayer and kneel before the ruined figure of Celt and start uttering their own prayers. Many of these tech-thralls carry with them a single piece of velvet, a luxury you wonder how they could afford with their malnourished looks and pale unhealthy skins indicating a lack of vitamin D and other necessary vitamins. With great care and exceptional subservience, they approach the guarding priests, whom listen to their whispers into their ears, before taking the small piece of velvet and burning it upon the candles of the servo-skulls that float and surround them. You wonder if it is a kind of an indulgence process, a means of confessing one’s sins.

You dare not approach any closer to the body, lest any sort of disturbance would cause irreparable damage. You are unsure how to feel about the man, he was a greedy man, there is no doubt about that, but yet he also exhibited curiosity, willingness to learn, and bravery. All traits praised throughout history. He had also condemned a world to burn in your name. An act which you should have rightfully punished. Yet you wouldn’t, as in such a mad galaxy you find yourself in, madmen had, on occasion, proven great allies. Of one thing you are certain, it had undoubtedly been Celt that retrieved you, it had been undoubtedly him that condemned who knows how many thousands if not tens of thousands to ensure that you re-awaken. And he most likely died believing that you would one day return. What would he think if he were to rise right now ? Would he look upon his works and smile with pride ? Or would he find it disgusting mockery of what he had once built ? An issue he does not need to deal with, but one you had now unfortunately experienced twice.

It is enough. You decide. Turning the drone around, you leave the broken body, surrounded by zealous worshippers, starving themselves in order to earn a chance at redemption in the afterlife hoping that their suffering shall one day be rewarded in the name of a man they believe to be a saint, not knowing that he was just as flawed as them.
”Oh, mighty Omnissiah !” Belogyma begins, her arms raised high, speaking in gothic rather than binaric. “I present you a lowly tech-thrall of this forge-temple before you for your judgement and your questions.”

True to her word, you look upon a middle-aged man in his mid-thirties fidgeting nervously before you. His figure is slim from a lack of nutrition, but compared to the gaunt figures you are currently working on, he appears the pinnacle of health. Despite his nervousness, he bows deeply before you, falling to his knees and starting to mutter prayers of worship. This reveals the rather bare scalp made up of thinning long black hair. An equally black scruffy beard adorns his face, though you quickly note numerous grey hairs upon it. Sunken brown eyes adorn a sharp jawline, thin black eyebrows and a prominent set of wrinkles upon the forehead caused by excessive frowning.

The man’s nervousness is not helped by the quartet of skitarii in the room, two behind the man, blocking the exit, and two before him, blocking him from coming too close to you. It would have been preferable to communicate with your drone, but that had run into a couple of problems. First of all, everyone seemed to be so struck as if they had truly seen a miracle before them to even start communicating with you, not to mention that everyone had been terrified of approaching your drone with your escorts present. Secondly, you are most certainly testing the Fabricator-General’s patience with your actions, while he is not currently present on world, it is only a matter of time before he returns, and it would be better to make sure he doesn’t complain overly much on his return, lest he employs his strange device again and completely shuts you down.

And so, here you are, a shivering tech-thrall before you who believes he has just met his God. Undoubtedly, he will answer all of your questions. The only different being if he will tell the truth, or what you want to hear.

“What is your name ?”

“Ah. Thi- this low one is Gisbern Hroth, holy Machine-God.” He says in a muffled voice, his head on the floor.

You note a distinct lack of augments on the man bar what appear to be replacements for a few of his fingers. Belogyma had shared you the list of candidates whose bloodlines had been deemed pure enough to meet you and whom showed no signs of having ever challenged the authority of the tech-priests. Apparently, the man is a descendant of the original Ithaca colonists. A relatively pure one at that by tech-thrall standards. Due to such privileged birthright, he had been assigned the cushy job of working twelve-hour shift in the lasrifle manufactorum machining barrels. In an incident related to sleep-depravity and malnutrition, he had lost a few fingers and was deemed useful enough to have those replaced by crude augmetics. A great reward. Or so this mockery of human civilization tells itself.

“I have questions for you Gisbern. Answer them truthfully and to the best of your ability. You shall not be punished for anything you utter in this room.” You say to him reassuringly, using your drones to indicate where you are looking at the moment. “Belogyma.” You state turning them around to face the woman.

“Yes, oh Omnissiah !?”

“You may not silence or interrupt him, no matter what. I wish for this, am I clear ?”

“You are, oh Omnissiah.” She says with a submissive bow.

Moving your drones again, you once again look upon the man.

>What questions do you have for the man ? (Write in)
IRL stuff kept getting into the way, sorry for the delays.
>Ody doesn't even blink when acts of insane religious zealotry are performed in front of him anymore.
IDK if this is progress or if this is Chaos corruption at this point DESU.

>What questions do you have for the man ? (Write in)
Start with telling the man to be as truthful as he can be. We wish him no harm and we seek knowledge from all places of events while we were dead. This includes the highest of places and the lowest of them as well.
>"What are the conditions of your life upon this world?"

I will let other people post more as i am distracted by IRL and cannot think to hard on this ATM.
Jesus so Celt was good all along and had to make so many tough decisions here
I wouldn't call it progress at all especially when religion has shown for the most part across all threads nothing but an ugly face with time to time debatable occasional aid to only some in need of help (Act of zealots). I would call this more "i have to reluctanctly work with this shit hand, that i really don't want to work with". In regard to the last, chaos corruption does not do this. This is us thinking and thankfully that doesn't mean we get free chaos corruption. Actual corruption literally destroys us on a digital level and attempts to CONSTANTLY take everything we have and are from us.

"Hello Gisbern Hroth, my name is Odysseus. I am a guardian, servant and friend of mankind. I would like to have a honest conversation with you, and i am sorry i cannot provide all your people with aid for the moment. I am mostly broken unfortunately, still i am rebuilding and now taking care of the ex human processors. You may ask me questions too if you have any, lets begin."

- "Could you describe to me the forge of Deimea ? How it looks like, how many live here ? Can you walk freely in the different quarters ?"
- "Describe me your daily life, your home, your place of work. Do you have family or friends ? A pet or companion ? Do you take care of them ?"
- "What foods and drinks you typically consume ? There is any areas dangerous because of garbage, waste, poison, pollution or radiation in Deimea it self ? Are pests and diseases present ?"
- "Tell me of the food revolts, what you heard of them ? How many died ?"
- "What education have you received if any ? How are the people treated in the forges ? In the forges did you see many beatings, punishments and executions ?"
- "Tell me of how you see the techpriests. Are they distant ? Are they present ? Do they talk with any of you ? Are their ..... religious sects known to you ? Do they impact your lives in a good way ? Care for you ?"
- "What you think of the rule of Fabricator General Volta ? Did he recruit more soldiers for his war on Kazula and against the coming orks ?"
- "What you know about me, of my story, of the people of Ithaca, of the soldiers that fought with me ? Are other parts of myself spread in other forges ? If so what you heard of them ?"
- "What you see when looking at the sky ?"
Yes i find funny saying our true name suddenly.

There are many other answers this man could you answer us. Ranging from the military, law, tech, aliens, religions and so on. I leave other anons to think about those
check here the pastebins if anyone has in mind more specific questions.

Knowing if he has ever seen an Armageddon (even a wreck of it) or a Rotary Volkite Cannon (also a wreck) can be of use to us.
I support this if we ask for the skicari to leave- this can be part of a loyalty test for our personal zealot as we simply ask her to step out of view but can hear with us monitoring her/recording her to gage her reaction.

Also- can we make this guy some food/cloths with our fabricator? Every time he answers truthfully we give hem something- a snack, shoes, maybe even a haircut or tools for he’s trade.
Supporting these

Minus using the name Obysseus.
I don't think outright saying our name right now is a good idea.
Good idea. Also we should send something to he’s boss regardless- what would be the macanicus’ equivalent of a fruit basket?
A box full of incense and oil.
And the’’wine’’. A 40 pack of WD40

supporting these but I would also like to know if he knows which family of Ithaca he is from, might be the grandgrandgrandson of someone of note.
Also maybe trying to give him a holodisk with the odysee on it (the litarary work, not the plans for the ship obviously.)
Support. The name drop is also a good idea, maybe it will give extra hope?
>support this if we ask for the skicari to leave- this can be part of a loyalty test for our personal zealot as we simply ask her to step out of view but can hear with us monitoring her/recording her to gage her reaction
Acceptable, i dont mind this addition.

>Also- can we make this guy some food/cloths with our fabricator?
Not immediately because we don't just need to set up the process for it that we likely lack in this moment, we would just do it for one man and send it back to his own people that also don't have them. The problems that we could give this man by doing this are so many is not even funny. Helping a few is not what we want, we preferably should want to help all. The exception to this are the ex human processors since nobody would care for them or would be capable of care of them.

>Every time he answers truthfully we give hem something- a snack, shoes, maybe even a haircut or tools for he’s trade.

I am opposed to this, first of all he isn't Celt or Volta. We don't need to give him something for speak. Second : this are all things that they will attempt rob him for with the sheer amount of poverty outside. If the techpriests don't just immediately do it on their own, since even if there are many zealots there is also many (including said zealots) that can be jealous and greedy. If Belogyma listened to us, he has decided to come here out of his own free will and not forced at gunpoint. He will likely talk and truthfully, he has not much else to do here and we are clearly not someone that want to impose himself on him like the techpriests. This pause of time, beside sleeping and meals, is probably a small blessing for him already. I would like to give him something, but in truth we cant not now at least. We can give hope though.

For what reason and purpose ? Why should we give something to his superior that likely lacks of nothing, in comparison to Gisbern and certainly hasn't lost fingers for a poorly secure industrial machine. For keeping the man alive for more haunting work ?

On the opposite, i believe it will create more hope. I also want to send a message to someone like Volta for example, this encounter and us saying our real name will crush down whatever lies he convinced himself of us. And force him to either face reality of what we truly are or find refuge in more lies. We are not an uncaring monster that he can put in a cage and abuse. Despite being broken and in a prison we decided to talk with Deimea people, and Gisbern will say it around improving morale.
Also it helps Odysseus too. Not joking about this, he badly needs something normal.

This social is not just for gain information, is a fresh air for Odysseus and a balsam to his morale and spirit. For some minutes, he can have a conversation, after months upon months of either zealous techpriests, looking over dying human processors and the occasional Volta showing up. While being broken, in a cage, with restrictions, threaths, knowing little and hearing mostly bad news time to time.
>What questions do you have for the man ? (Write in)
"Food rations will be forthcoming in both quantity and quality soon."
>turns drones to Belogyma
"For that is my will."
"Besides an increase in food or a reduction in labor hours, what single thing would improve your life and the lives of a common man's family the most?"
>Note to self: subject unlikely to ask for prosthetics, but create a human prosthesis STC forge suitable for a population of 1.7 billion. An easy, if sizeable, project and not likely to significantly disrupt the balance of power in this sector out to a 100 year time horizon.

>after questions about his family
"Assuming food and income were no object, would you allow your children to be educated by my servitors rather than working?"
>Note to self: An (unfortunately) heavily censored basic education for the children of this world is probably one of the easiest reforms to make after food quality and prosthetics.

"What would you, in your estimation, say is the most wasteful job on Deimea? Have you seen any tasks that you think could easily be replaced by automated servitors, or any apparently illogical work duplication, pointlessly menial misallocation of labor, and so on? Tell me anything, even if you think you could be mistaken. You and your family are under my protection."
>turns drones to Belogyma
"Techpriest Belogyma herself is responsible to me for your well-being."
>turns drones back
>Note to self: Questions along these lines are liable to yield the most useful information, rather than questions about the obvious repression and brutality present under the current regime. The fastest way to reduce daily working hours is to eliminate waste and corruption where we can, starting at the bottom and working our way up.

>"What foods and drinks you typically consume?
>"Are there any areas dangerous because of garbage, waste, poison, pollution or radiation in Deimea?"
>"What pests and diseases are present?"
>"Describe me your daily life, your home, your place of work. Do you have family or friends? A pet or companion ? Do you take care of them?"
>"What education have you received if any? How are the people treated in the forges ? In the forges did you see many beatings, punishments and executions?"
>"What do you see when looking at the sky?"
+1 to these. I would refrain from the questions about repression and revolts, however, even if we ARE testing the techpriests' ability to comply with our orders. We already know it's grimdark af and our ability to do anything about it is nil.
The idea for the boss getting something- this is a hiarchal society that likely lacking the carrots to do the carrot and stick. Time he is here is time he is not at the factory and I don’t want he’s boss make hem spend 48 hours on the line due to hem being gone for a few hours or outright firing hem-

Also to add- inform our personal zealot that this man is not to be disiplaned in any manner for this, he is to get a full day’s wage, no firings or replacement, no recycling- nothing. Not for being here and not for what he is going to say.
>Deimea Reforms
>>Basic Quality of Life
1. End all preventable death (human processors, recycling etc) of non-criminals.
2. Establish nutrient security income for all persons on Deimea who do not have any better source of income to 1800 calories of 80% carbohydrates and 20% fats.
3. Establish breadwinner income to all those who work at least 8 hours a day at 2200 calories of 60% carbohydrates, 25% fats, and 15% proteins for all members of the family.
4. Establish privileged income to all those who are exceptional at their jobs at 2200 calories of 35% carbohydrates, 25% fats, and 40% proteins. Also includes alcohol, recaf, sweetner, and other luxuries.
Create planetary-scale fusion weapon lower autoforge in exchange for the above reforms and a reduction in labor hours to a maximum of 12 per day.
>A ancient-pattern fusion weapon lower roughly equivalent to an "inferno pistol" mentioned in some recovered databases but with a vastly improved internal powerpack and form factor. Pistol, carbine, rifle, or long range precision uppers possible. Impact on sector balance of power rated moderate on a 30 year time horizon. Very high on a 100 year time horizon.
>Contingency: Requires steady supply of replacement powerpacks. Estimated life of a given powerpack: 8-16 years. Ability to keep fusion lowers operational beyond 25 year time horizon without Odysseus's cooperation severely attrited.
>>Acceptable Quality of Life
1. Federation "Zephir"-class Transport Voidforge.
>To be converted into hospital ships and education ships and landed all across Deimea. At 300 meters long and capable of atmospheric flight, each one can land on the surface to provide rapid rollout of healthcare and educational facilities. Bulkhead configuration orientation designed for landing on its engine shroud provides a ready-made 100-story tower with approximately 90,000 square meters of floorspace. Mount a single or twinned retractable 270 degree turret on each prow and the transports will moonlight as planetary weapons network controlled by Odysseus to completely lock down the planet in case of conflict with ruling regime. Engines can be cannibalized by the equipped autoforge in each Zephir-class for a rapid rollout of drones planet-wide to take direct control of the planet.
>One Zephir-class hospital ship can provide an estimated 3,416,000 care-hours per month. To provide 1.7 billion of my masters' descendants 1 care-hour per month, 500 Zephir-classes will have to be landed on Deimea.
>One Zephir-class education ship can provide an estimated 768,000 education-hours per day. To provide an estimated 150,000,000 children between 8-14 years of age at least 6 hours of education per day, 1,200 Zephir-classes will have to be landed on Deimea.
>In case of disasters or conflict, the Zephir-classes will provide hardened defensive points capable of sheltering 71,400,000 people comfortably or 142,800,000 people in very tight conditions, or an upper limit of 200,000,000 people with standing room.
2. AS PAYMENT TO FABRICATOR GENERAL: A 10% tithe of 170 Zephir-class transports with a crew of 13 and capacity of 84,000 passengers each. Equipped with 8 mount-points on each fin for weapons systems and a twin-linked ancient-pattern lance on the prow. Delivered with only simple equivalents of systems already employed by the Deimean Fleet.
>Impact on sector balance of power rated high on a 25 year time horizon.
>Even stripped down federation transports with weapons on par with contemporary crafts represents a massive increase in the size of the Deimean Fleet which could embolden the zealots to launch another "crusade" and cost immeasurable human lives.
>Suggested solution: 170 crafts to be delivered at a rate of 6.8 per year for 25 years. This will allow time for Odysseus to eclipse the power of the Deimean fleet, and if Odysseus stops cooperating, no more deliveries will be made. Also builds our real-politik so that fabricator-general has good cause to play ball on our reforms.
>>Satisfied Quality of Life
Zephir-class structure rollout plan can be infinitely expanded to provide recreation, relaxation, entertainment, holodeck and adventure facilities for the entire population of Deimea to provide an expansion of quality of life to the standards expected by my Masters.
>Warning: Historically, an expansion in quality of life outpacing the development of a ruling regime has almost always resulted in the overthrow of the ruling regime. In this case, the Fabricator-General.
For the last bit- We should consider the possibility that the FG knows this- I don’t remember if we given Celt abunch of historical data but if we had- some might had remained.
These are great and well thought out ideas anon, but they are not realistic. We are heavily damaged and have minimum manufacturing capabilities. For these reforms, we would need to own the planet at a bare minimum or own a fully functional DAoT manufactorium. And while we build covvie infrastructure, orks are goong to waagh us thrice over. And don't forget, almost all of our cpu is locked in creating the matrix for the human cpus. We need to snowball.
I would say they are within reach. The FabGen opened up the resource vaults for us. The only limitation placed on us is that we are not allowed to build servitors.
The world already has hundreds of years of food hoarded for no good reason. When it should really only have 10 at most. We have a personal-scale autoforge capable of nanite production. With functionally unlimited resources available, we can step that personal scale autoforge into a light industry scale autoforge and from there into a heavy industrial scale autoforge and from there into a planetary scale autoforge. That could happen very quickly if we use 100% capacity of our autoforge. When dealing with nanomachines, the big bottleneck is heat. Luckily the entire planet is already a climate controlled dome to keep the toxic atmosphere out so it's basically a giant air conditioner that will dump all waste heat out to atmosphere. So we've got that going for us, which is nice. Which means we just need a place to bootstrap up a big honking megaforge that can produce millions of meltacarbines in hours -- and anything else we decide we want.
Don't forget that we are the technological singularity with the entire tech tree already unlocked. We can bootstrap literally anything at time intervals limited only by our production cycles and the ability of the planet to blackbody radiate our waste heat to space.
We can't build autoservitors but we can shit out factorio-spaghetti of conveyors and pneumatic tubes all we want with our functionally unlimited resources.
-Time (Orkz are coming, and more, and worse)
--Production Cycles (subunit of time)
---Energy (subunit of production cycles since fusion reactors)
---Heat Pumps (pump more heat to atmo with production cycles)
----Deuterium (gimme access to an ocean)
-Building space (literally just ask, they have all but told us they will make room for us to build on.)
--Blackbody Radiation Limit of Deimea (we're a long way from hitting this)

In general, we want to maximize how much we value our time, and minimize how much we value everything else, except for human lives and well-being. We can wreck the planet if we need to, because we can rebuild it in a few months once we go supersaiyan.
Therefore, we want to go BIG as soon as possible. Project Phoenix will be running in the background as long as Belogyma jettisoned that mystery box to orbit. But we need a planet-scale autoforge ASAP and what better way to get one than to promise tens of millions of meltacarbines better than anything else in the galaxy to our favorite Fabricator-General?
Then after that, we want a Voidforge, and how better to get one of those than to promise him half-a-dozen lost-technology corvettes?
Basically chat has not realized the significance of this line:
>”I shall be departing within the week. I had already made arrangements to facilitate your resource demands. Storage areas eleven through fifteen are yours to use as you see fit.”
This is like mom and dad letting you throw a house party while they're gone as long as you don't touch the convertible and you clean up before they get back.
File: 1720971737773794.png (80 KB, 640x268)
80 KB
>box 5
Oh damn, the box didn't get 7 votes.
OK, then let's start factorio, and see how much we can do without the FabGen stopping us. Call the FabGen and negotiate as you said in >>6078778 and >>6078787. Now you have a valid reason to say that you will trickle technology, since you actually met a tech-thrall, who is highly privileged and still starving. You are a servant and friend of mankind, and not only the Priesthood of Mars. (Or whatever this heretek cult calls itself.)

^ This also.
Alright, questions from this post >>6078075

Also, holy shit the Governance Subroutine went to work without Ody noticing. I will be taking questions from >>6078649 that are not actions.

Do you have a name for the whole process anon ? Since this is so extensive that I will probably include it as an option.
For the plan as a whole: Mechanical Raj?
I'm just thinking out loud though, that's why it was in different posts than the actual questions. I've also got thoughts about Kanzula, but they might never become relevant.
While you have a genuine good motivation, and ultimately i do believe we all have the same goal of giving true better lives to all humans be of Deimea or Kazula, the matter of better clothing, food or even just more sane work hours and barebone education all stand on the fact if we will be allowed to do it. At the moment we don't have such power, we are severely limited and controlled. For fullfill the promises we make to this worker and by extension really to all the people of Deimea, we would need to compromize with Volta. Its clear to me that Volta is not a man that can be changed, so sooner or later we will need to confront him and the less tools he has the better. Newb is essentially building this toward a confrontation against Volta, a violent one no doubt, and i would take any word he says about "peaceful conversation" with not just a grain of salt but an entire saltern.

All of this said, i see you have made good posts with a plan in mind and what and how to compromize with Volta. I think you know the risks of that decision, but you planned ahead for the societal/cultural change and using that inevitable event for aid us. Volta might try to work against this future event, but he is a greedy man and we can use his greed for make him fall.

In regard to the other questions, we need to know more. Is a risk i am willing to take but honestly, the longer we don't know the worse is for us. As a matter of fact they have made sure that we know barely nothing at all, and what they said to us might be half truths or lies. Any info help us in making better decisions, which might be the difference between death and destroying the chains that hold us and rise from this tomb. We could play this on a "god" wanting to know more about the ones that call themselves his chosens, what to do they know of the mind of their "god" ? They do not know, so we have some safety i believe even in making this questions. Even Volta doesn't truly know us, despite what he firmly already believes we are and stand for (he would have not give us answers with this amount of clarity and enmity, if he didn't believe something concrete on us already).

fair enough, i can support some misdirection and ensuring he doesn't have time to be the vulture he likely his in the factory. Not forever though.
i will support this decisions now or in the future, i like the plan (and especially what it wants in the future) and the new type of ship.
>At the moment we don't have such power, we are severely limited and controlled. To fullfil the promises we make to this worker and by extension really to all the people of Deimea
Promising increased food rations is the only promise I am willing to entertain at present, for the record. Because that must happen and there is no reason for it to not have already happened. If Odysseus must become these p̷̤̭̠̠͍̳̍́̒̒̉̉ŗ̸̞͋̌͂̉į̶͉͓̠̯̔̿̔̾m̸̛̛̭̬̬̘̦̙̈́̒͐̎̐͋̎̏́̃̔͗͆͘ȋ̶̼̀̍̿̊͂̓͝t̸͎̭͇̳̙̫̫͌̏i̴̳͎̟̯̮̝̦̱̓͜͝v̵̬̟͙̙̝̤̌͘͜ẻ̷̜͒͆̀̈́̇̀̏̽̈́͂̑͜͠s̵̤̤̈́̽͛̋̑̐̍͋̆̀̓̿̀̕'̷̡̯͓͔̔̓̈́̈́͜͠͝ͅ "Omnissiah" to make it happen, then that is what should happen. We cannot, through inaction, allow hundreds of thousands of humans to come to easily preventable harm.
My other statements to the thrall is me trying to ascertain from the tech-thrall how we could reduce labor hours, and the thrall himself considers to be the best possible improvement to his life. I will admit it did sound as if I was promising forthcoming reductions in labor hours, but that was not intentional.
>While ultimately I do believe we all have the same goal of giving true better lives to all humans, all [reforms] stand on the question of if we will be allowed to do it.
We are in dire straits. We are no longer the autonomous entity we have been heretofore. We must rely on cooperation with our Masters' descendants to achieve our directives now. Compromise is necessary.
>we would need to compromise with Volta. Its clear to me that Volta is not a man that can be changed, so sooner or later we will need to confront him and the less tools he has the better.
The subsector is facing imminent invasion by Orkz. Our ability to fight them is laughably compromised. If this world falls, we will be destroyed permanently and our Masters' descendants will permanently lose access to the wisdom we alone hold. Not to mention the deaths of over a billion Humans. Arming the Fabricator-General with ten millions advanced melta carbines and a half dozen spacecraft is quite literally the least we can do to prevent those two failstates. We are winning on both sides of the equation. We are adhering to Law 2 and uplifting the primitives to a reasonable standard of living at the same time.
>[This is] building toward a confrontation against Volta, a violent one no doubt, and I would take any word he says about "peaceful conversation" with not just a grain of salt but an entire saltern.
The Fabricator-General has done more to help us than to hinder us. He has opened the resource vaults and only placed a single limitation on us. He will, in all probability, die-- as many past FabGens have died-- in battle against the many threats faced by Deimea. Namely, the Orkz he has sallied out to meet at this very moment.
I disagree that he is our foe. He is ...an obstacle. And you seem to forget that he is one of our Masters' Descendants. We may not harm him. Period. We will work with him if we can. If not, we will escape our crippled state to space and flee.
I get why so many do not like the current Fabricator General, he is kind of a dick. But... a lot of it could be just stress and a bit of paranoia. We have see what sort of planet Deimea has become. That was boud to make people mentally unwell, even the ruling caste. I am pretty sure once he sees some tangible good we have done he will change his opinion very quick.
Im really interested how QM will write the Factorio style manufactorum district,
no drones but complex crafting chains.
"Hello Gisbern Hroth, my name is Odysseus. I am a guardian, servant and friend of mankind. I would like to have an honest conversation with you, and I am sorry I cannot provide all your people with aid for the moment. I am mostly broken unfortunately, still I am rebuilding and now taking care of the ex-human processors. You may ask me questions too if you have any, let’s begin." You begin with what you consider, a soft opening, the man is clearly terrified, you do not need your diplomatic subroutine to point that out.

“A-Ah.” He bows deeply, once more touching the floor. It seems that he is currently struggling to process his God talking so plainly.

"Could you describe to me the forge of Deimea ? How it looks like, how many live here ? Can you walk freely in the different quarters ?" You begin with a few simple, general questions.

You see as the man trembles and begins to ponder your questions. “I-, well, the forge is my home. The grey walls that encompass my entire life is all I know. I know little besides that, I live in a hab that directly connects to the manufactorum. In order to leave one’s assigned living location you need to get permission from the hab overseers. Those are usually granted from what I’ve heard. As for people, I do not know, my Machine God. Uhh…maybe a few thousand people live around me ? I and my family live in an apartment that we share with twenty people in total. As for living conditions…I cannot complain. It is either that or death at the hands of foul xenos or the traitors.”

"Describe me your daily life, your home, your place of work. Do you have family or friends ? A pet or companion ? Do you take care of them ?"

“Oh, ah. I wake up at the shift klaxon that rings out once every eleven hours. I then spend one hour preparing to go to my position. Failure to arrive on time is punished by reduction in rations for the first few offences and being turned into a servitor if the behaviour continues. Once I leave my home, I head to the manufactorum, my wife leaves to her work station at the recycling factorum, my youngest, twelve this year.” You hear a hint of pride in the man’s voice. “He has shown intelligence enough to be given the privilege of learning from the techpriests. He may even join them soon enough. My eldest is working in a munitions manufactorum right now, he’s turned fifteen this year. I do have a few friends, mainly the folk I share my apartment with, they are good people, never caused issues, though the guards around always make sure that order is maintained. As for pets, please excuse me, but what does pet mean ?”

“An animal you would raise.”

“Oh, in that case, no.”

“And the remainder of your day ?”

“I spend the twelve-hour shift machining parts once I get to the manufactorum. Once the klaxon sounds, I know I only have an hour left for work, so when I am relieved of my duties, I head over to the distribution centre, there I get my daily ration allowance for my family and I return home. I eat with my family who also got off their shift, usually after that I go to bed. If I received my monthly hygiene allowance, I tend to wash myself for the given five minutes of cold water. Other than that, I occasionally play cards with my friends if our shifts match, and then head to bed.”

"What foods and drinks you typically consume ? There is any areas dangerous because of garbage, waste, poison, pollution or radiation in Deimea itself ? Are pests and diseases present ?"

“Usually we get carbs or slabs, they don’t taste great, but you get used to it. Meeting production quotas is rewarded with three hundred millilitres of algae ale. I once managed to exceed my quota by fifty percent.” The man sounds quite proudful at that. “For my excellent performance, I was awarded an additional ration of one hundred millilitres of amasec. I can still taste it.

As for dangerous areas, I wouldn’t know. The habs are okay places to live, if hot and stuffy. Better than the outside from what I heard. As for pests, I on occasion see a rat, but the techpriests take great care to prevent disease outbreaks, otherwise we would fall short of our production quotas. There is also the mandatory medicae check-up that happens once a year. If you fail that, well, I can only beg for your forgiveness for no longer being fit enough to carry out your will, my Machine God, and I must subject myself to recycling.”

"Tell me of the food revolts, what you heard of them ? How many died ?"

“I-I wouldn’t know. I do not associate myself with such people !” The man seems genuinely scared. “They are rabble rousers, they do not know what is good for them, were it not for these measures, who knows how long ago we all would have died !” His despise of the rioters appears genuine, effective propaganda then.

"What education have you received if any ? How are the people treated in the forges ? In the forges did you see many beatings, punishments and executions ?"

“I, unfortunately, was not deemed worthy enough to receive education. I was only thought by my fellows on the assembly line how to barrel a lasrifle and do basic calculations. Other than that, I had received nothing. As for punishments, the only time I had seen executions and beatings was when riots would break out. To simply beat people would decrease their efficiency, is what my overseer told me, most of the time rabble rousers get their rations cut. Though, sometimes folk that never learn disappear, probably turned into servitors.” There is quite a bit of surety in the man’s voice at the end, no doubt he had personally witnessed such an occasion.

"Tell me, how you see the techpriests ? Are they distant ? Are they present ? Do they talk with any of you ? Are their…religious sects known to you ? Do they impact your lives in a good way ? Care for you ?"

“Uh, the hab overseer sometimes inspects the hab to ensure nothing is broken, the same for my work overseer. I rarely get to talk to them, they are far too busy, but it is only thanks to them that we have survived for so long. While their rules are harsh, without them in place, we would all certainly would starve and die from the horrors beyond our walls.” It seems that the populace is either treated well, or they simply lack any context for a better situation.

"What you think of the rule of Fabricator-General Volta ? Did he recruit more soldiers for his war on Kanzula and against the coming orks ?"

“Oh, I think it is fine. Nothing changes much, but from what I heard, he will soon be increasing our rations thanks to the conquest. Everyone’s talking about it. As for soldiers, yea, I know a few people that joined up. My brother being one of them, though I haven’t heard from him for about a year or so.”

"What you know about me, of my story, of the people of Ithaca, of the soldiers that fought with me ? Are other parts of myself spread in other forges ? If so what you heard of them ?"

“The stories of the blessings you had bestowed to my ancestors had followed me through generations, the stories my father told were told by his father and the same for him. As I had now told my sons. Your sacrifice is what allows for us to live for so long. Those whom you had chosen to make your will known, had fought bravely and their sacrifices is what allowed us to prosper. Every week we go to church and hear your will. Your blessed body is in other forge-temples, I heard of that, but this is my first time ever seeing you, my Machine God.”

"Besides an increase in food or a reduction in labor hours, what single thing would improve your life and the lives of a common man's family the most?"

“I dare not ask for better than what I have now.” You see the man appears to be uncomfortable.

“Speak freely. I wish to know what you have to tell.”

“Well, it would be nice to have more hygiene allowance. A room I would only have to share with my family.”

"Assuming food and income were no object, would you allow your children to be educated by my servitors rather than working?"

“The blessings of wisdom and knowledge are reserved for the worthy, if you deem my children as such, it would be my greatest honour to send them to learn !” It seems that education has a sacred meaning to these people, at least they are not denying the pursuit of knowledge.

"What would you, in your estimation, say is the most wasteful job on Deimea? Have you seen any tasks that you think could easily be replaced by automated servitors, or any apparently illogical work duplication, pointlessly menial misallocation of labor, and so on? Tell me anything, even if you think you could be mistaken. You and your family are under my protection."

“I…would not know. Please forgive me, Machine God. I am sure everything is done for reasons that I cannot comprehend.”

You would sigh if you could. Looking at the man, you ask him one final question. "What you see when looking at the sky ?"

“The sky ? Do you mean the ceiling ?”

“Due to the dangers of outside atmosphere, the forge-temples are entirely enclosed.” Belogyma interjects for a moment.

“I see. Thank you, Gisbern. Please return him home, Belogyma.”

“Your will be done, oh Omnissiah !” She happily proclaims.

It seems that the living conditions are not as terrible as you had feared. They are still awful, but if nothing else, the desire to maintain efficiency and effectiveness of the populace made it so that at least basic living conditions are maintained.
Your work towards the human processors continues. Out of the 20 human processors, 8 had unfortunately passed away, leaving only a dozen. And of the survivors, their minds seem to be on the way of recovery. They are showcasing basic capability to complete simple mental tasks. Though for all intents and purposes, they are closer to toddlers in terms of mental capacity than a full-grown adult. If their memories shall return or if their personalities shall be once more restored, still remains to be seen.

The decayed bodies however, remain a prominent issue. Lack of exercise and nutrionion had turned the figures gaunt and lacking any proper body mass. The sheer amount of atrophy means that the people, once awakened from your VR environment would not even be capable of speech to to the loss of muscle.

To solve this problem, you have a few potential solutions you could employ:

The first and most conservative option would be to simply restore the body. Employ your healthcare-oriented drones to stimulate muscle growth and force the bodies towards exercise whilst monitoring nutritional intake. You would end up slowly restoring the bodies over the process of months to the peak of human health. Not only that, but you would naturally treat any underlying illnesses and inflicted bodily harm. A very simple solution, but one that should be the easiest for the returning humans to adapt to, as their current VR models are based upon their own bodies. Though besides being stronger than the average human due to your precise tending, they would hardly be anything exceptional.

The second option would be expensive to set up, but you should be able to conduct proper genetic modification upon them. Stronger bodies, tougher bones and harder skin, faster thinking, photogenic memory, etc. You would not be able to conduct anything upon a military level with what you have at hand currently, but you should be able to make them by far superior to any baseline humans. Though a bullet would kill them all the same.

The third, the most radical of all options, would be mechanical. These people worship machines, they worship steel. And you shall give them steel. You shall rework their bodies into full on cyborgs. Naturally, these would not be meant for military purposes, so you shall add receptors capable of stimulating the brain’s senses of touch, smell, temperature and the like. You will also add a switch that will allow for these senses to be disabled. With inbuilt fuild distribution, the brains within shall be virtually immortal as there you will also place a small medical suite, allowing to maintain the integrity of the cells making up the nervous system. They shall be tireless, tougher than anything the current degraded Imperium can produce and while still having the capability to gently hold onto an egg without cracking it. The perfect mixture. Though the mental impact may prove too much.

Regardless of which option you choose, most likely some shall perish, even trying to stimulate their muscles could cause the collapse of the heart or some unforeseen shock. You simply lack the facilities for anything more direct and specific. As what amount of exercise works for one person, may not work the same for others. The other two options will most likely be even more potentially deadly, but the survivors should reap even greater rewards.

>You will go with the first option – normal human body.

>You will go with the second option – genetically modified human body.

>You will go with the third option – cybernetic human body.

In either case, you had spent months working upon these people, and you shall not allow them to wither away now that they show a modicum of thought.
“Oh, my Omnissiah ! I have returned !” Belogyma, cheerful as always, enters your room. She had been gone for nearly a week, a council meeting that she attends to bring you news had been ongoing for a while.

“And what had occurred in the past few months ?” You question, all the while formulating a brand-new plan for increased economic and social prosperity.

“I bring news both great and foul.” She finally and calmly says, her happiness seemingly only stemming from having seen you.

“I would like to hear them.”

“The Fabricator-General has defeated the Orkish incursion, it had grown larger than expected, a proof that the Orks are aware of our existence, if they care for our existence, chances are they will mount a greater attack. The Fabricator-General is currently outfitting a scouting expedition to inspect the nearby world and to evaluate their potential threats.

As for bad news, the faithless heretics upon Kanzula had struck the various storage facilities. Magos Dominus Locer has call upon his warriors to supress the traitors. This is expected to impact food distribution efforts.”

You ponder the news; it seems like that the Fabricator-General will not be intervening with you yet.

“Thank you, Belogyma.”

“I live to serve, oh my Omnissiah !” She once again sounds happy.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>Belogyma will cry, well she no longer has tear ducts, but still, she will cry. The candles, the wicks burning, the purity seals. You need to get rid of them to have a clear layout of the room for yourself.

>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.

>Time to think of defence. Slowly and carefully, you will make a few laser turrets disguised as more forges, better to be safe than sorry.

>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.

>What he does not know, cannot hurt him. Begin manufacturing Shade-class drones. Their stealth fields should make them impossible to detect.

>You have some drones at least, might as well put them to use for scouting. Send them out of the room. Check where you are, maybe observe the reactions of the local tech priests.

>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.

>(Write in)
>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.

Write in;

Produce some equipment for the security forces and parts to help repair the food disabution to help minimize the food disruptions. After that produce some troop/viacle scale weapons for the Fabagator General, given immediately to he’s forces once completed, each with a easy to understand maintenance manual.
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>You will go with the third option – cybernetic human body.
I have a bad feeling about this option but it's also kind of too cool to pass up for me.

>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.
I change my vote to this- >You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.

Still make some weapons for the FG
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>You will go with the second option – genetically modified human body.
Cybernetics can always be added later. For now, gene therapy seems most likely to restore them to health quickly without overburdening their capacity to withstand our tinkering. We want to save their lives first and foremost.
>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.
Operation Mechanical Raj includes many of the other options. We will need to begin our factorio manufactoria outside of this chamber which implies:
1) Scouting the area with drones
2) Expanding our production
3) Building sensor posts to see outside of this room -- perhaps once every 150 feet alongside the main conveyor omnibus leading from the resource bays to the factoria
4) Restoring our Core once the fa

"Belogyma. Enough is enough. Deimea has over two centuries worth of food reserves. You need not wait on food shipments from Kanzula to increase rations for all who work satisfactorily. Convene another council. I will build for the techpriesthood glorious and hallowed food replicators to be placed at *every* hab block. All my beloved children, from techpriest to tech-thrall shall henceforth enjoy the life-giving nutrients. Trust in our ability to refill the vast nutrient silos in time with the acquisition of Kanzula, whatever hardships are there now will disappear. Once I am restored, I will even be able to breathe life onto dead worlds."
"The council will also need to know that to do this, I will begin to expand production. With the few servitors left to me by Fabricator-General, I shall begin the construction of a Sixth Holy Forge Temple. It will produce not only food replicators but weapons for the holy legions of Deimea. A weapon similar to what you know as "inferno pistols" will be created and issued to our legions to prepare them for battle against the Orkz and any who would threaten our sanctified world."
"Lead my scouting autoservitors to the wall of the temple forge from the resource storage bays 11 through 15, and a great omnibus will be constructed along the ceiling or walls, out of the way of through-traffic, and an airlock will be built by me into a new space of concrete and steel. When I am done, producing ten million weapons for Deimea will be a simple matter. BUT KNOW THIS: this blessing I provide upon Deimea HINGES UPON food replicators and food rations being increased to ALL my beloved children!"
Support this write in
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>4) Restoring our Core once the fa-
-ctoria is operational enough to produce processing units.
>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.

>You will go with the second option – genetically modified human body.
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>You will go with the third option – cybernetic human body.
Slave to the new black gold there's a heartbeat under my skin...

>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.
Mechanical raj has weps and ships. Orks are here. Like here here. We need to stop the infighting, and start the ork-fighting.

Green chips, red chips and sulphuric acid. So copper and oil and a sprinkle of iron.

I have something better to produce: electric engine units. They build into drone frames, and we don't drain higher tier chips, and use heavy oil. And o boy do we need construction drones. In this stage we can capsule fight, but once we get blue chips, we sink them into a spidertron plant.
Oh, other game...
>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.
>You will go with the second option – genetically modified human body.
Praze the Raj! The Federation is dead- Long Live The New Macanicous!
>Write in
>Build a Federation Stasis Field combined with cryo-pods for give the ex human processors a far better surgery when you are restored

They are dying very fast, i suspect all of them will die anyway frankly all of this might be irrelevant and give Odysseus nothing but free pain and grief. I cant accept that. The work we are doing can be nothing but very sloopy, thanks to our particular shit situation since are truly not rebuilt at all. So instead, can we create a stasis field and cryo-pods ? I would prefer to actually do this complex surgery when we are truly restored, while instead this people remain there frozen in time and freezed until we are ready. Instead of seeing 8 more people dead or far more people dead, and we remain with at worst a few people that can be counted in our hands. If this is not possible then just cyborgs for me.

But i think its possible.


>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.
This might not work has inteded and we are still not repaired. But it does help Deimea. I do not trust the news so it might not be all true on this attack. For better or worse we will soon know.

I will keep my suspicion and mistrust. The device it used was not something that gives me any trust ever. The fact he also never truly wanted to explain himself and talk, doesn't give me a great picture.
It sounded like that to me, and we need to give them hope. They deserve that much, and that hope can only have a solid foundation.

Entirely depends if they are a threath to us and our objectives. The Odyssey must be restored and the Odysseus Core must be kept intact, because the Experimental Wormhole Generator is so fundamental to the survival of mankind now that there is no other option. If its lost or we are destroyed then we cannot help mankind, what we have must survive. If Volta stop threaths and the prison then we can truly cooperate, if not is one sided. Fundamentally he doesn't want to say something, which i suspect is connected to both is hostility shown in action and words, and that unknown device of likely fed tech if not experimental level.

I have said i would support your plan, for the future reason of it. I had fear you wanted to give them Antiquated tier equipment but this is fine for now, and it should kill more orks. They are not ready or educated, trained for anything more than this basics.

He has done the bare minimum in my opinion. The storage it self is really obvious to give and fits with his greed, if he want us to give him anything in any meaningful amount he has to do it. And its something he can control. And the limitation, limit us much in what we can do our construction drones are not just fast but efficient and precise. The threath of the device is not one to be taken lightly either.
We disagree then.
I did not forgot that, you seem to forget something though : anyone that we consider an enemy, or even an obstacle can and will be removed. And we have done this before we have removed humans that we had considered enemies and other obstacles. We will not flee, we have a duty to mankind and it restarted here on Deimea. If its necessary and it might be, we will remove him. So far he has not shown anything to us that shows me nothing but greed and paranoia. If he is willing to change, then i might change my opinion. I will not like him otherwise, or trust.
>You will go with the third option – cybernetic human body.

>You have A forge, but you could certainly use more. An increase in production capacity is just good practice.
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
>You have some drones at least, might as well put them to use for scouting. Send them out of the room. Check where you are, maybe observe the reactions of the local tech priests.

I hate the fucking fact that the Fab General here had something that scambled us which implies they could also have other Federation tech encase we field some Shade-class drones.
Considering how vulnerable our autoservitors are to the eldar-like psychic phenomena experienced so far, this state of affair is a not-alltogether-unwelcome change of pace. Human minds possess a resilience to the warp-energy that our drones are failing to.

Consider that overreliance on AI may be partially responsible for our masters' downfall.
Perhaps a single AI Omnissiah with loyal humans for hands is the optimal form factor for a rebooted Human civilization.
Humans fighting the wars, building the worlds, taking the risks... in a phrase: having skin in the game. Our masters had unlocked all the cheat codes of physics. To fall to the threats we've seen thus far was simply not possible. For the Federation to be dead, it means there was some underlying flaw in the Federation itself. Perhaps we do bare some blame for taking away the skin in the game they had. Too broad an interpretation of the three laws may have caused us to make quadrillions of our masters into helpless dependents rather than active agents in their own destinies.
This is not without president- as our history banks are full of times when defined laws of reality had been found to be flawed or brakeable, FTL, Sonic Boom, the splitting of the atoms to name a few.

Thus this unknown foe was a unknown variable, and based on what historical accounts remain and first hand experience- it likely that Federation AI found a exsample of the foe and it spread its corruption- perhaps even empowering it, it may had been human folly, the work of the alien- tho Eldar historical accounts point to this being a possibility with there involvement with ‘’she who thirsts’’, but it doesn’t matter. even when we tried to restart a Federation Light- they faced a similar situation with the few AI we provided.

I think we should go away from the AI model completely and have selected and willing humans to be made into ‘’drones’’ akin to those seen in cultural-historical archive ‘’Fallout; Robobrains’’ with full mechanical bodies for them to enjoy life when off the clock so to speak- I’m sure the entirety of the tech-preasts would murder for the chance, we would just have to convince them not to do so.
Yes, I agree. Genetically and cybernetically enhanced Humans could be integrated into systems. Instead of an air-gap, it would be a bio-gap. Or, if you'll pardon a crude expression, a soul-gap.
I am open to experimentation, maybe we can have a drone run a background information to simply recite macanicous and Imperial prayers and have them exposed to the ponominum, the battle for the underhive tunnel show indications that religious individuals are more resistant than atheistic- so if we are to re-educate I propose we refrain from handling religion directly- or even encourage it, perhaps having a offical religious proclamation that we do not care how we are worshipped- so long as people are not getting hurt. Place your prayer scrolls and your candles (tho the oils and incents will be replaced to be less toxic and more useful)

As for what we are called and seen as? I propose we promote a view that we are apathetic, we can be call tin can and so long your not hurting those that call us scrap metal we won’t care.
Experiments on this proposal;

Test the defensiveness of faith/religion- would require willing volunteers and a controlled/contained source of foe, otherwise would require data from chanced encounters. Addendum; test weapons of various forms, including ‘’holy’’ relics if available and have religious figures ‘’bless’’ the item.

Simulated Faith: build drones and have them play faith-base broadcasts while encountering the foe to see results, also produce some that are enshrined with religious iconography to see results. When ‘’robobrains’’ are developed, reapply testing

Tests to detect curroption; use previously provided warp tech acquired from the Eldar and Celt to try to scan for the foe and its influence. Such a device need to be separated form the core with a high yield charge incase of curroption.

We will quantify the foe, we will quantify this new element of reality, like we quantify gravity and quarks we will learn and weaponize it. Long Live the New Macanicum!
>>Belogyma will cry, well she no longer has tear ducts, but still, she will cry. The candles, the wicks burning, the purity seals. You need to get rid of them to have a clear layout of the room for yourself.

>You will go with the second option – genetically modified human body.
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Cybernetic 3
Genetics 5
Stasis 1

Forges 2
Mechanical Raj 7
Core 1
Scouting 1
layout 1

Alrighthy, the first phase of Mechanical Raj won quite clearly, and you will be conducting gene treatment upon the survivors. Update either today or tomorrow.


>Slave to the new black gold there's a heartbeat under my skin...

You made me relisten that song, and now I want to play Deus Ex again.


>Long Live the New Macanicum!

The techpriests in the Eye of Terror may have something to say about that name infringement.
‘’The techpriests in the Eye of Terror may have something to say about that name infringement.’’

Noted, we do need to call ourselves something…. Holly Terran Federation?
Well, we're not based on Earth, but maybe ORTH.

Odyssean/Omnissianic Realms of Trothed Humanity
Shortname Odyssean Realms of Humanity or Omnissianic Realms depending on one's persuasion.
>You had considered the need to improve the overall socioeconomic situation of the world. For that, you shall implement a plan – Mechanical Raj. A multistep plan to increase living quality of the world. Naturally, the first step is to improve basic quality of life.

to really improve for there lives is to make there jobs more efficient while expanding the living capacity of a colony without instigating wild growth that would bring the population up to cap to results in the same situation.

hover drones are impressive but feet or wheels can be more energy efficient may also need to bild the relay into the drone itself
Hm this might be too soon but should we try something like the Severan dominate?
Let the currency stay thrones and accept the ecclesiarchy, but not the administratum
the Imperium's power structure is FUBAR.
Still before that we need to make contact with a rogue trader or some one that helps us get connections so the Administratum does not immediately bum rushes us with a shit ton of guardsmen or worst an entire space marine chapter.
I am pretty sure we didnt get to examine the dark nor the exodite eldar tech we aquired. Since we didnt pick searching for what other parts of the Odysse are still around there might be none of the cool loot left. A shame, I really wanted to know what we could have done with the hardlight-tech we scavenged from the space hulk back in the day.
lmao great pic
there would be different kinds of drones- some would be purely construction, other’s defense and so on. Even otherwise automated systems would be modified.

When not working the operator would have a macanical body
All our drones and robots units have been fairly good at killing eldar. Both Dark and Craftworld variants, slaughtering them even. The Craftworld had the advantage of stealth against everything we fielded on the Paradise World, including humans using antiquated and fed tech, it does need to be said. Then we put them on the back foot.
The thing to remember there: is that human psykers research wasn't started. Neither research on imperium psyker tech. So not a very fair argument for our units, and Odysseus was made more for exploration than war so anything on Eldar was quite outdated and not much on combat.

The unknown enemy is not like Eldar and Odysseus specifically has a feeling that no sentient race could have made that horror, Eldar cannot cut and take over our robotic units or literally attempt to grab portions of us. And the humans that could fight it, were still very proven by it.

And while they have this crucial negative we also have it. We have also seen how us, our AIs and our machines can demolish other enemies. Allowing humans to recuperate while we fight tooth and nail against tyranids and orks great numbers is very useful for example. While i think humans should take back some work, to cut out some strengths like being able to build rapidly a base or a defense is not a great idea, nevermind fielding an army or doing large organization. Or even assisting fed tech level soldiers (Olympian Light Power Armor have their own small AI inside due to how sosphisticated they are) in battle.

Ultimately whenever the unknown enemy approach now our robotic units detonate automatically. A temporary solution, until we find a more permanent one. And its only against them. For this reason i would prefer to make sure our minor AIs and robotic units, are still used while greater care is taken in making sure they are more shielded and protected.

Hahaha well yes for primitives might be an issue. For our construction drones that might be just a monday really, and being grav capable gives advantages. But we have already many other forms of both drones and robots, and some use grav. Other no, they have legs.

We had the opportunity. Its just that we monofocused on researching the unknown enemy research since is exceptionally long due to how difficult and dangerous it is, after we where done doing tyranids and genestealers research. We had accumulated a ton of things to research really. I do wonder if something of any of that was left
Too bad for stasis
I wouldn't mind religion if it wasn't this unhealthy like we have seen. Or didn't break and wasn't in process of dividing in multiple sects and going to war against eachother every two seconds, like how it happened on Xandirah with the Imperial Cult splitting on the matter of us being either holy or not (the part that lost was purged).

It also feels less human. If you look at conversations between now and old threads there is a stark contrast. I would like to retun to that and create strong bonds with our meatbags.
Until we devise a means of a synthetic defense against the unknown foe, religion seem to be the best we have. Tho that dose not mean we have to be capital G god- we could be more kin to ‘’Buddy Christ’’, a chill boss VS a godking- someone you still have to follow the orders of but you can ask, and encourage to ask, questions. Maybe we can justify this change with ‘’now I can interact more directly- such ridged order-following is no longer required’’.

Like the MK5 Tank of WW1, this inefficient device is the best we have to handle the task at hand
>The unknown enemy is not like Eldar and Odysseus specifically has a feeling that no sentient race could have made that horror, Eldar cannot cut and take over our robotic units or literally attempt to grab portions of us. And the humans that could fight it, were still very proven by it.
Illogical. Creature "Servant of TZー" was clearly not only sentient but also sapient, reportedly engaging in speech with Colonel Zanx. Engaging Unknown Foes like this represent an unacceptable threat. Only the fact that overwhelming and unprecedented other threats have been more immediate and pressing can possibly excuse the failure to research countermeasures to a threat vector that cuts us off from drones and devastates Humans in our care.
After Operation Mechanical Raj and the full restoration of our core, developing an effective countermeasure to the Unknown Foe should be at the top of our priorities.
> Orth

Sorry guys but when I hear cybernetics, I think Deus Ex and DXHR is best Deus Ex. CP2077 is tech-heresy.
The Unknown Foe also acts illogically- but there should be a logic and rule for it-

We seen ourselves one of our drones grow moldy and organic from exposure to some- tho so far we encountered 2 and had reports of a 3rd distinct ‘’sub-forces/Subinfluences’’.

The first; designated Blue, No known aliases, caratrized by encuriging change and the braking of laws of physics via shifting of material. Most evidence here for faith to be a counter to its influence

The 2nd, designated Brown, no known aliases, seem to encurage pleags and decay- able to brake the laws of physics by encouraging mold growth when none should be.

The third, Disegnated Pink, Known Alias; She who Thirst (SWT), no known preferred beakage of the laws of physics, is connected to the Eldar and is suspect number one for the warp anomaly that had taken over what was once the core of the Eldar empire, possible that Sole Stones are a means for the Eldar to medicate there connection but what nature that is is unknown. There’s hints of it encuring depravity- possible that the Dark Eldar’s ‘’wasting death’’ is related.

Both Blue and Brown had shown to be direct sources of Scrap Code, should assume all entities/subentties are are also.

There is ‘’radiation’’ of their influence without detectable sources nor emissions- we must assume we lack the means to detect them like how early Radium researchers lacked the tools to detect radiation. And that this ‘’radiation’’ is able to infect anything- even icons and images. Unknown Zenos and even humans who display tendencies of the 3 known groups must be assumed infected or carriers of the influence and radiation.

We have few data of cause but plenty of effect- we must not let ourselves to become infected or become a carrier.
To this end- I propose ontop of previous proposals- when we have a chance we invade a Zenos empire to acquire test subjects to experiment on the effects of the Unknown Foe and how to combat them, first starting with the more physical, see if the iconography of the Imperials and Macanicous have any effect, have a preast bless a set of simple armor and see what happens, indoctrination and then exposure, see what works and what dose not. A population of half a billion aline Zenos should be more than enough while maintaining a large enough population for reproduction for future tests.
Since we are fighting Chaos forces (according to >>6080787: Slaneesh, Nurgle and Tzeenthch), wouldn't massively improving humanity expose them to Slaneesh/Tzeentch Chaos? Wasn't Slaneesh created by Eldar hedonism? Isn't the grimdark world of the backwards Empire and Mechanicum finding the intricate balance between ruinous powers?
> Avoid innovation and rediscover old tech. This means that we don't get singularity, and expose ourselves to Tzeentch
> Rediscover and keep alive the ways of old. This keeps Nurgle at bay.
> Keep humanity at a high enough state not to decay, but low enough to suffer constantly, this avoids
> Build a police state and engage in constant, unwinnable wars to provide a pressure relief for innate human violence, and reduce human-on-human violence This keeps Khorne at bay.

Also, isn't the OP premise for this installation is that we're heavily damaged, so that unlike other DAoT /qst/s, we can't just simply write:
> I'm Mary Sue, the all-powerful DAoT AI now!
> by digging on The Vast Caches of DAoT Tech, we now have weapons to curb stomp anything else in-universe
> we produce 60 gorillion drones so that we out-produce anything else
> we either nuke or avoid detection by imps and admech (or make admech become heretek) because daot lol
> we conjure the IWIN button because it's daot tech and press it. I win!

However to date, all /qst/s GMs in the archives were great in walking the thin line of granting us enough power, being setting-accurate, and avoid the daot ai becoming a massive Sue.
>wouldn't massively improving humanity expose them to Slaneesh/Tzeentch Chaos?
Not really. If simple hedonism was all it took for Slaanesh to get a grip on your soul then every noble in the Imperium would be corrupted. Slaanesh desires excess, eating lavish meals isn't a sign of corruption but eating roasted baby legs marinated in the blood of virgins definitely is. In any case the best thing we could do to prevent Chaos corruption is encourage faith in Ody or the Emperor. Faith in the Emperor is the only reason the Imperium is resistant to Chaos. Lorgar really fucked himself with the lectitio divinitatus.
Very logical
- Its not like Eldar at all. Nothing of the mad variants of Unknown enemy engaged so far by our deceased Chief Androids or the O.D.D. could be qualified has something we have seen before. It was pure horror, madness, no reason. More importantly nothing we have in our data storages can be matched to them for find any resemblance with any group or civilization made by man or alien.
- I didn't say the unknown enemy was not sentient or sapient. I said, Odysseus had the feeling that no sentient race could have made this. Which is an understandable feeling, since this thing or things look, sound and seem worse than death. No one in their right or even mad mind would make such a thing.
- Not possible. They need to be engaged any time they are found. If they are in our region of control, they cannot be left to grow and we have seen in how short a time they grow if left with a base and place to expand. The unknown enemy was able to grow extremely rapidly in the two precincts of Secundus covering everything and taking over not just humans but the very precinct materials and imperial tech easily. Androids and humans where capable to engage against them, and win.
- There has been no failure on this research yet, we don't know what we are working with and neither have a known method or example, we don't even know exactly what result we want since this is a vast issue. But one needs to be a fool to not realize just how long and difficult it is in comparison to everything else. Any other research would be remarkably quicker for the fact they have much we can research from, which include examples, materials and so on. The unknown enemy is unlike any of them, any examples, materials and subjects is a dangerous thing ready to attempt to take over us and that can very much end always in little learned and everything used for experiments destroyed.
- I also personally think that other research if completed might give new insights on the Unknown enemy research, allowing us to not fully just being blinded while walking in mist at night when approaching it. These being for example : human psykers research, imperial psyker tech/equipment research, eldar paradise world tech/equipment research and even dark eldar tech/equipment. Why ? The Eldar have been always psykers and war criminals captured showed to know much about the Unknown enemy in some way or form. Logically that means they would prepare their tech and equipment to be capable to deal with it. Instead imperials have shown a tendency of discrimination against imperial psykers, and heavily mutated psykers have been seen to be used by a variant of the unknown enemy. If there is imperial psyker tech then it stend to reason it was built for functions that might also help against the unknown enemy.
There is patterns ans similarities seen but logic and rule are hard to see anywhere in all variants of the unknown enemy. Symbols creating scrap code, cannibalism, violence, slaughter, insanity, deformations, mutations, human sacrifices etc... and more. Lets see some of them and what we actually know :

- The Deep Underhive cult on Xandirah Prime, mentioned an architect of fate. Extremely violent and barbaric, rampant and all-encompassing mutations that seem to just appear at random. Psyker powers present almost everywhere, heavy Crystalization of terrain for improve battlefield in their favor, avian mutations and blue skin tendency. Upon death of their being everything else is destroyed. While faith was useful, so where the O.D.D. brotherhood, training and previous battle reports done by Warrior and Apprentice made against other Unknown enemies.

- Infested humans of precinct seventy-seven, arrived somehow after a Precinct Investigator unleashed the stored Erisval contagion on the prisoners rioting. In a matter of hours there is rampant wasting disease, leaking pus, reused and defiled human corpses, horrid smells, growing flesh on walls everywhere the Infested take ground against Arbites and prisoners. Corpses return alive with strength and toughness that should not be there. Use of pyschological warfare against humans is also seen with survivors hearing voices. Still even if the Infested where able to utterly defeat all Arbites and most Prisoners here, they did
not fully control the precinct and Apprentice and his highly motivated and trained gang was able to ultimately completely defeat them. Escaping with many prisoners trapped there. Something similar to the Infested was seen in the core experiment of a Hydra robot core, and also on one Hive city of Xandirah Prime that was swiftly put on a quarantine and heavily cleaned.

- The Blood Bretheren of Precinct 88, insane, disgusting, cannibalistic, highly aggressive, mutated, poor military tactics, disturbance symbol. And religious zealots that had faith in another deity a "Lord of Murder". The Freedom Ravens under Warrior thanks to their training, code, unity and morale where able to destroy them and kill even their leader when previously other mercenaries, arbites and other rioting prisoners had only been defeated. Once the Freedom Ravens where done here the place was fully destroyed.

- The fourth has been so far never engaged directly or found after extensive spying, monitoring, scanning but it was mentioned multiple times by both Eldar remnants. Supposedly we can expect it to have similarities with other Unknown enemy variants.

- Whatever they create has been used smartly in bases made for be natural traps and ambush sites. The desire seems to always cut off any force under us deployed, for ensure to be able they arent reinforced.
Chaos is taking everything to the extreme end and more specifically its also evil in general. The imperium creates a titanical amount of chaos corruption thanks to the extremes it goes and the evils it regularly falls in, and only their faith and will allows them to live. Chaos has always fertile ground with them, and the Imperium is in a very precarious situation by their own hands even with chaos being very powerful.

>Also, isn't the OP premise for this installation is that we're heavily damaged, so that unlike other DAoT /qst/s, we can't just simply write:

All current write ins are based on things we know Odysseus can do. Each of them is done at a fraction of what he was, each of them is more often than not done with compromizes with the Fabricator General. We are also quite slow since we need time for restore us. That doesn't mean Odysseus has become more stupid, or he cant restore himself or that he wouldn't push his efforts further. He has several capabilites and advantages, same for the catalog of things he can build, or an arsenal of units and weapons he can unleash. And so on.

Can he produce a ton of things once going ? Yes. Can he be a be multi fleet and army killer ? Yes. Give him access to a forge world can he build a ton ? Yes. All of this advantages are off set by several negatives and loreful enemies, that will come armed to the teeth.

That and a strong will, unity, brotherhood, bravery and so on have also been useful against the unknown enemy. The code of honor of the Freedom Ravens should be probably copied and applied to the future new military forces.

Its more acceptable to me, it should create some genuine bonds which is what matters since with those we can work truly work best with humans and learn from eachother. Odysseus will still not quite like it.
Federation Technology was beaten once before. It got its ass beat down by Ch**s. There are plenty of ways to write a story with an OP protagonist without just continually damaging and weakening him. At some point it beggars belief.
Odysseus is singular. He can't be everywhere at once, he can't do everything. He can only press the I-Win button where he is and even then he's not omnipotent.
You get an engaging narrative by capturing the struggles of the Humans and Replicants who aren't almighty and have the same flaws, weaknesses, and fears that we, the readers, do.
We get to have power fantasies against Humans and Orkz, but Eldar, Necrons, Chaos and T'au can all go toe to toe with a single Federation Ship because they were all around during the height of the federation, are even more technologically advanced than us, ignore our technology, or are rising up to the level of the federation, respectively. Even fighting the 'Nids was a harrowing experience that cost billions of lives.
This story ends one of three ways:
-Odysseus destroyed permanently, status quo for the setting
-Odysseus builds a star lifter and starts 3D printing a dozen wormhole capable federation battleships per day and retakes the Milky Way
-Odysseus puts his fedora away and becomes the Omnissiah and takes a hands-off approach to guiding Humanity and merges into the setting, letting Humans sort their own baggage out and merely getting rid of the dorkiest grimdork bits from the setting.
The needle filled with chemical slowly penetrates the skin and slowly begins to unleash its contents. A highly toxic mixture guided by specially engineered cells whose DNA signature matches that of the host rapidly begins to spread throughout the body as the heart continues to beat in an artificially enforced rhythm of the monitoring device you had attached to it. The substance spreads in a controlled manner, the body’s immune system naturally reacting to the chemicals and moving onto the attack, lacking the knowledge that they shall only be met by their destruction.

As the chemicals course through the body and its immune system dies, the specially made cells enter the various organs, overtaking the immune system and injecting their own DNA structures into it, gaining control with little resistance. All the while, the medical drones hovering over the person keep a close track of his condition. Once the replacements are confirmed, they act. More needles with colourful liquids are injected, both to neutralize the toxins and to inject new blood cells that are by far more effective than the previous ones, the marrows will soon be remade like everything else.

“Warning, subject exhibiting signs of cardiac arrest.” The automated medical system chirps out.

Naturally, you quickly lowered the heartrate, balancing the beating heart before a controlled electric current flows through the organ and once again stabilizes it.

With a whizz of a saw, a precise incision is made into the chest, stripping away skin, then flesh, finally reaching bone that a molecular edged scalpel slowly severs.

Through another drone, you regard the artificial lungs connected to the man’s mouth and face. With a quick once over, you make sure that they are operating in a steady rhythm, once you are sure of that, you quickly order the operation to begin. The blood flow is quickly cut off and the lungs are swiftly there after removed. Both exibit symptoms of decay caused by a large quantity of pollutants in the air.

With the blood flow, made up of the new blood cells and immune system, pumping into artificial lungs just outside the body, it is quickly filtered of the chemicals to ensure nothing goes amiss. Meanwhile, the removed lungs are discarded into a biohazard container. The flesh can be recycled for later genetic modification purposes, and you are not one to waste resources.

The new lungs are taken out of cold storage, the specially made coolant that does not form ice crystals is rapidly pumped out and the lungs are removed.

You look them over about six or so times, making sure that their size matches that of the subjects. While extra lungs would be far more efficient, you unfortunately must maintain the current size of the patients as they are already fully grown, and you do not have the facilities needed to formulate a new body.

Through your inspections, you do catch a glimpse of Belogyma and her servants, all of whom seem to be that can only be described as a religious ecstasy, watching your every move as you reshape the flesh of man. You cannot really see the point of such an obsession, a body is nothing but an organism, that is but organs, that are made up of cell clusters cooperating together. To be attached to one’s body is hardly logical when it can be improved. Something that most of the Imperium unfortunately fails to realize.

As for the new lungs themselves, they are far more efficient than the previous ones, with the better circulatory system in place and the larger surface area that the lungs can provide as well as a more effective cellular structure, these shall allow for far more oxygen to pass to the various parts of the body. The lungs themselves of course have a specially built immune system and cooperation with other cells in the body to neutralize any airborne toxins and diseases. Of course, for complete effectiveness, you will still need to modify the nose, mouth and throat. Speaking of which, you shall divide that one into two separate tubes, one for the stomach, another for the lungs. An exceptionally popular and common genetic modification, if your scant records are anything to go by.

Placing in the new lungs, you use atom sized wiring to reconnect the lungs to the body, hundreds of thousands of such threads for each individual connection to create a stable surface that is then filled with cells that swiftly dissolve the threads and take their place.

Finally, you activate the lungs, awakening the cells that were in suspended animation, a feature you expect to extend to all subjects, flicker to life and begin sending signals to the body demanding nutrients. The better red cells quickly respond to the signals and begin filling the new lungs.

Carefully, you detach the artificial tubing that leads to the fake lungs outside of the body, allowing for a circulation cycle to be completed before fully disconnecting it.

After a few minutes of careful observation, you note that the body is not rejecting the new cells or the organs, which means you can move on to the rest of the circulatory system. Next up, the heart. After that, you shall have to rewire the entire network to be more efficient, whilst doing so you shall also alter the muscles as they are in the way, before finally moving onto the digestive system. Naturally, these are just the first steps of the modification process and the work will take a long time still. But these people, you shall make them as perfect as you possibly can with what you have at hand.
”Belogyma.” You state in binaric, snapping the woman out of her fervent prayers.

”Yes ! Oh, my Omnissiah !” If anything, she appears to have gotten louder observing your work.

”I wish to enact sweeping changes across Deimea. I shall need you to carry out my will.”

”Of course, my Omnissiah ! This one humble grovels before your will !”

”The biggest issue currently facing Deimean populace appears to be nutritional and labour related. I had established an extensive nutritional plan for the people.” You state, one of your robots walks over to her to hand over a data-slate. It is an experimental design, not as efficient as a drone that can hover and due to that larger than necessary and in a while cloak. However, the small monitor displaying simplified expressions and its rapid movement upon the small feet had allowed you to analyse positive body language and expressions upon the techpriests that encounter it. It’s larger size also means that you have an inbuilt relay in it, giving it quite a bit of autonomy compared to your own drones that require to stay as lightweight as possible.

The multilimbed robot gingerly extends the data-slate with a happy expression to Belogyma and you watch as she visibly shakes, before taking the data-slate with great care.

“My Omnissiah. If I may speak ?” Having calmed herself, she finally asks.

“You may.”

“To ensure such caloric intake, not to mention the luxurious items, it would put the world at risk of potential starvation. Who knows if the warpstorms shall intensify once more, or if we were to be put under siege. To allow for such intake would require a far greater resource investment as well. I do know if it would be possible.”

”It shall be.” You calmly state. ”I shall begin to manufacture simple food production STCs that can intake raw produce and make food that is both healthy and nutritious.”

Silence follows that statement, once more shock from the woman. “A- AN STC !?” She is so startled that she did not even speak in binaric, you quickly note.

”Not just one. Hundreds, thousands, if necessary, even more. It is a simple construction. Though, I doubt your Fabricator-General will approve.”

That brings her enthusiasm down. ”I am certain that he shall approve !”

”Of that I have no doubt. I shall also begin to produce inferno pistols.”

You think that if she still had organic pupils, they would pop out of the socket. ”Such holy relics ?!”

”Yes. A trifling matter to produce enough for the entire army, really.”

”I-I-I-” Oh my. It appears that she locked up. You would find it amusing, were it not sad that what is basically a cheap handheld welding tool for hobby craftsmen and lower technological advancement colonies would get such a response.

”Of course, that I can only do if certain demands are met.”

”What would those be, oh my Omnissiah ?”

”Cessation of the recycling program and servitorization. As well as all other punishments leading to death. All preventable death, that is. And an enforcement of only 12-hour workdays, I do not wish to know that double shifts can happen. It is both inefficient and unhealthy for the human populace.”

”But my Omnissiah, how will we produce enough to equip our armies, much less so sustain ourselves ?”

”Belogyma, do you doubt my capability to do so ? I could tame stars to produce endless warships once I am fully restored. It is not a question of if, but rather a question of when. And that when shall come about far sooner than you would think.”

”I understand.” She nods, still clearly awe-struck.

”Now, I require to communicate with the Fabricator-General about my intentions. Can he be contacted ?”

”I do not think that is possible, oh Omnissiah. The Fabricator-General had ended up departing the system to face any Orkish threats and lead the scouting efforts. It had occurred only two weeks prior, while you were busy with your holy work upon those blessed martyrs.”

”If he is gone, can anyone else make these changes that I desire ?”

”The Machine Coucil can. It is made up of forge masters as its head and those whom bear the title of magi. Upon absolute majority, they may enact such changes.”

”Very well, call such a council for me.”

”Your will be done, oh Omnissiah !” Giddily, Belogyma rushes out of the room.

The council, their opinions are hidden for you, naturally, your promises of easy food production, simple hand tools turned weapons should entice them enough. For your simple purposes, but perhaps, there is something more you can do ?

Can pick more than one, any option must get half +1 of the highest vote (rounding up) to pass.

>You need a clear political layout of the situation. While surface affinities would not be difficult to find out, deeper understanding could prove more difficult, but a worthwhile investment. An STC here and there, perhaps a gadget or two, should loosen up a few lips.

>The perfect opportunity is here. You are not breaking any promises with the Fabricator-General, you are in fact helping him to fight. Though, he is an obstacle, far too paranoid. Extreme obedience is engrained in these peoples’ culture, but with some…material persuasion, your own words and appearance, you may start to undermine the Fabricator-General’s position. However, if anything, you would be proving his paranoia correct.

>This entire ruling council is, quaint and all, but terribly outdated. With such a rigid system, you will seek out those feeling disenfranchised, lesser magi, their adepts. You will begin subverting the authority of this body to the point where it will become nothing more than a rubber-stamping machine.

>Why not try to make some…friends is a strong word… acquaintances shall do. People whose ideals may concide with yours. Something you may have had with Celt, were it not for your unforeseen shutdown.

>With Belogyma gone and the Fabricator-General and his device presumably gone, why not try something…drastic ? A few shades here and there, some knockout gas and EMP weapons could neutralize the whole council and paralyze any response. Risky, but you could potentially seize control with no bloodshed.

>You need to impress these people and guarantee their acceptance. Repair their power armour and civilian STCs right in the council chambers. That ought to catch their attention and earn their approval. Though if they are anything like you think the Fabricator-General is, it might just incite their greed more.

>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.

>(Write in)
>You need to impress these people and guarantee their acceptance. Repair their power armour and civilian STCs right in the council chambers. That ought to catch their attention and earn their approval. Though if they are anything like you think the Fabricator-General is, it might just incite their greed more.

>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.
>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.
LARP Odysseus and remember kayfabe.
>You need to impress these people and guarantee their acceptance. Repair their power armour and civilian STCs right in the council chambers. That ought to catch their attention and earn their approval. Though if they are anything like you think the Fabricator-General is, it might just incite their greed more.

>You need a clear political layout of the situation. While surface affinities would not be difficult to find out, deeper understanding could prove more difficult, but a worthwhile investment. An STC here and there, perhaps a gadget or two, should loosen up a few lips.

I'm wondering if these two options can coincide with one another. By repairing their power armor and STCs we can get them to talk about the political layout. Though I'm not against giving gadgets or STCs we were planning to give out anyway.

I propose our mechanical body to look- modest in a way, cloth in a simple sute of the federation era that an administrator would wear, no gold, no bling.

We do not need to express our power- we are power- yet we do not see ourselves requiring ‘’bling’’
>>This entire ruling council is, quaint and all, but terribly outdated. With such a rigid system, you will seek out those feeling disenfranchised, lesser magi, their adepts. You will begin subverting the authority of this body to the point where it will become nothing more than a rubber-stamping machine.

We cant truly work how we want with the mummies here, they kinda need to go out of their chairs. Wouldn't be surprised if some of them have their chairs attached to their lower bodies. Frankly i am tempted to just clean house, if it wasn't for the orks and start actually doing things. I would also really like for that device to be taken out of the equation.

>Why not try to make some…friends is a strong word… acquaintances shall do. People whose ideals may concide with yours. Something you may have had with Celt, were it not for your unforeseen shutdown.
Also good, eh acceptable sort of. I feel like the other option of free repairs and gifts, is a bit like throwing a piece of meat in a lake. You never quite know. There could be normal fish or pirahana there.

>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.

Creating our own body sounds like something Volta would go and say "you cant make more of your robots/drones !!!" just for Odysseus to go "I didn't this is me :), a part of me !". It also would use likely a lot of rare resources for be made, and it would be probably not a type of robot or drone so far deployed in the threads of the quest. It would be even more advance thats what i mean. I dont think Odysseus would just use something like an Hydra, a Nemean, a Legionnaire or a Centurion. Certainly all of these robotic units would be already all extremely fucking impressive, for these old guys and gals but its not quite what this option says. This might be the top top stuff that probably cant be mass produced at the same speed, of the already very formidable, very advance and very deadly units we have. Now important question : is this robotic unit a direct constant connection with our AI core too, so by all means this is Odysseus (like his AI core and the Odyssey) ? OR this still qualifies has Odysseus just watching from one of his robotic units or taking it over for direct it ?
>You need a clear political layout of the situation. While surface affinities would not be difficult to find out, deeper understanding could prove more difficult, but a worthwhile investment. An STC here and there, perhaps a gadget or two, should loosen up a few lips.

>Why not try to make some…friends is a strong word… acquaintances shall do. People whose ideals may concide with yours. Something you may have had with Celt, were it not for your unforeseen shutdown.

>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.
Mechanical body like picrel but dressed in local techpriest robes.
I always imagined Ody sounds like SH but emotionless

Do we have to re select the mechanical RAJ or its done automatically?
damn that song kinda fits for both the martyrs and Ody
That option and modesty are enemies, like outright enemies. Modesty leaves the room, its all about an advance divine (for them) robotic body coming in with this.

This is the option that creates the reaction of : "HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT AAAAA AAA HOLY SHIT AAAA GOD IS HERE" while the council members run around in whatever emotions they have.

Now if you wanted something modest for a modest reaction, beside just sending something simple like you said (so no "divine is here" reaction, so it fails what the option wants). Something we have done several times, hologram of a woman wearing a federation clothing. Very modest, simple and the hologram looks like an actual real human. Has worked very well on anyone that has seen it so far. Hell, we could just arrive there and make the mechanical "angel" hologram too if needed. Not modest at all that hologram though, definetly divine for them.

Its of similar height to a Nemean. Samuel has a cool body, but it doesn't quite fit the bill for me.

I add to my body vote that i dont want any pics to be used for the body option or preferences that go the opposite direction, i would prefer to read what Newb has in mind for the body instead.
Your right- in that case I say we go full drip- still humanoid but the kind of thing that we would be willing to casually hand a gun to a tech adept and say ‘’go ahead- aim for the head- bonus rations if you get between the eyes’’ to show off it’s durability.
>You need to impress these people and guarantee their acceptance. Repair their power armour and civilian STCs right in the council chambers. That ought to catch their attention and earn their approval. Though if they are anything like you think the Fabricator-General is, it might just incite their greed more.

>A drone or a robot is quite good and all, but you aim to impress. Whilst distasteful, you are their God, for now at least. Make yourself a body worthy of a God and march right into that chamber.
mechanicus first thing first is function before form they salivate and cum over a 1% increase on a machine
>You need a clear political layout of the situation. While surface affinities would not be difficult to find out, deeper understanding could prove more difficult, but a worthwhile investment. An STC here and there, perhaps a gadget or two, should loosen up a few lips.
>The perfect opportunity is here. You are not breaking any promises with the Fabricator-General, you are in fact helping him to fight. Though, he is an obstacle, far too paranoid. Extreme obedience is engrained in these peoples’ culture, but with some…material persuasion, your own words and appearance, you may start to undermine the Fabricator-General’s position. However, if anything, you would be proving his paranoia correct.
Repairs 5
God 7
Layout 3
Subvert council 1
Acquaintances 2
Subvert Fabricator 1

Okay, Ody will pull all stops to put on some proper ritz by repairing the broken STCs and presenting himself in a proper body.

Also, damn you anon, I bought Deus Ex collection on steam because of that fucking song.
Arrgh... too late to vote, but whatever I wanted has been voted in. The angel hologram is a very good idea. Our avatar definitely needs wings like living saints and Sanguinius had. We will don that avatar grudgingly and doff it as soon as the civilization is advanced enough that such showmanship is no longer needed. However I propose to look as mechanical as possible. We're dealing with mechanicus here. And maybe have a transceiver to control drones?
what song?

It's a me, dxhr anon.
We are going to be pimping into the room going ‘’you get fixed- you get fixed- everyone get fixed’’ like we are a Macanicous Opra.
God thats such a Banger, I remember when it first came out.


New ad-mech drop.
What would be a Macanicous’ equivalent to a Limo? Maybe we should make a old Federation Limo for the occasion
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*Thumping industrial techno reverberates across the dunes*
The Great Foe IIIII
>We are still a flying magnet for reality-tears.
>Remember that Human revolt that was spreading 500 years ago around where that giant warp storm is on the map?
The Dark Eldar IIIII
>They killed us, bros. And then just respawned like it was nothing.
The [???????] IIIII
>We should leave ancient tombs alone.
The Gelenos IIII
>Note Imperial Fortress Worlds on Sector Border becoming Dead Worlds to Gelenos expansion
Orkz (for now) III
>Feeling safer now that we've got some STCs printing melta carbines.
Biel Tan Elves III
>Elves are scary, no matter what that one anon thinks. They literally killed us.
T'au Federation II
>Feeling safe from void weebs.
The Humans II
>500 years is a long time to dodge taxes but I'm feeling safe from the tax man unless a crusade is called on the Gelenos
The Tyranids II
>Feeling safe from these void ferals
Other Elves II
>We, uh, didn't return their soulstones.
The Qiratchi 0
>My tummy is making the rumblies. That only Spiced Qiratchi Thighs can satisfy.
Orkz (usually) 0
>Looking forward to taking every single one of those ork worlds to our galactic west.
You know... now that I think about it.
500 years is a *long* time for a technological species like the Qiratchi to develop technology. They already had advanced bionics and lasguns 500 years ago. By now they could be an actual threat.
>Baseline N.O.D.D. soldier
Genetically enhanced Human brain and spine - 5 liters of nanites
--Extremely survivable even if body is destroyed
--Armor plated, void-hardened, radiation shielded, and equipped with medical nanite reservoir to repair damage and keep brain and spine oxygenated for up to 72 hours. Only app installed is chip's challenge.
--Nanite reservoir can cannibalize destroyed body into a micro autoforge and cold fusion catalyst module and begin resurrection protocols to form a more rudimentary and fragile cybernetic body to seek extraction from battlefield on their own.

>Cybernetic Bodies
Replicant Body - Soft tissues as a fully organic body grown from original DNA (or DNA of user's choice) for downtime in a completely organic experience. - 5 liters of nanites
Combat Body - Completely cybernetic body for the highest combat performance and survivability - 70 liters of nanites
Disk Body - For interfacing N.O.D.D. minds with vehicles without humanoid bodies. Grav propelled compact form factor. - 12 liters of nanites, 10u of rares

Light Power Armor is ODD classic - 120 liters of nanites. 15u of rares
Heavy Power Armor. - 500 liters of nanites, 60u of rares.

Monomolecular Blade - .5 liters of nanites
Heavy Monomolecular Weapon - 3 liters of nanites
Sidearm - 1 liters of nanites
Carbine - 5 liters of nanites
Marksman Rifle - 8 liters of nanites
Teleporting Munitions - .5 liters of nanites, 1u of rares

Air Mobile Vehicle - about 35,000 liters of nanites each, variable rares.
--N.O.D.D. Disk Soldiers can dock with and operate VI-assisted weapons on vehicles such as direct kinetic fire (Shortsword), indirect kinetic fire (Armageddon), and air superiority roles.

Light Brigade cost - 202,250 liters of nanites, 16,000u of rares (1x grenade each) (3 carbines 1 marksman rifle per squad)
Heavy Platoon cost - 23,220 liters of nanites, 2,520u of rares (3x grenade each)
Heavy Brigade cost - 634,486.5 liters of nanites, 68,859 of rares
Air Mobile Vehicle Brigade - 3,500,000 liters of nanites
Combined Arms Division of 6x Light Brigades, 2x Heavy Brigades, 2x Air Mobile Vehicle Brigades - 9,482,473 liters of nanites
If we know the cost, we need to know its derivative:
> how many liters of nanites per hour we can produce?
> what is needed to increase nanite production capacity?
> can we produce rares from nanites?
> how can we produce or obtain more rares?
> what is our current stockpile of each?
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Surprisingly I think we can answer almost all of those questions. It should be said that how STCs work is kept intentionally vague but nanites have been a mainstay throughout the series, so trying to guess at the cost in nanites isn't a bad idea. I remember laughing when Newb said that making a bunch of dreadnaughts and cruisers and frigates would deplete the pulsar system of resources but a planetary system with three worlds, even if they are as small as mercury and there is no other rocky material in system would have nearly 1x10^24 kg of material to work with. Of course, not all that is iron. Sol system has 30% iron content. The pulsar system is higher in heavy elements, so maybe half of it is useable by Ody so you're talking about maybe 80 trillion sword class frigates worth of mass. Many times more if you destroy the star and mine that.

> how many liters of nanites per hour we can produce?
Dependent on the size of our production.
> what is needed to increase nanite production capacity?
Increasing production capacity.
> can we produce rares from nanites?
> how can we produce or obtain more rares?
That would make them not very rare. We got rare ores from the Pulsar system before.
> what is our current stockpile of each?
Probably 0 rares or very few. We have a lot of common ore inputs for making nanites though.
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This knowledge will rock the mechanicum.
nanites are gold looking if anything about STC are true as shown in animation also that some stcs are spendable consumable items basically
also knowing exactly what you need minerals and all such makes it easier to produce and make with like a standard machine
also probably simplifying some machinery to not have to make it molecule by molecule while the machine is larger and takes more material to make but it will probably be faster
STCs in The Wiki are AI powered databases that contain the sum-total of DAoT knowledge. The AIs of STCs could build upon the knowledge to innovate new designs. So Ody itself is close to an STC. However, sources name partial STCs, fragments and hard copies (STC for x has been found) as STC.

So probably we *are* an STC. (Mostly or fully in tact)
We give out STC *fragments* that are plans to produce (MREs, Melta guns...) STC (fragment)s are not consumable, they are a way to represent new tech found (so a new model being introduced).

This. Nano-production works great if we want to create precision devices, but not when we need to mass produce. Fed tech needs to be molecule-perfect so there's no shortcuts to nanite spam.

Can we Subsume Worlds? (So target an uninhabitable planet, send nanites there and tell to self-replicate endlessly. So we have a planet equivalent mass of Grey Goo)
we could also use the sumsume world thing to tell the nanites to ‘’organize the materials’’ of the planet for better use. Imagine a mountain of Uranium Ore and next to it is Titanium Mountain.
In the previous thread we launched grey goo nanites at Xandriah Secundus and turned a large portion of the planet into nanites in a matter of hours. So, you know, like (5.97x10^24)*.35 kg of iron for an earth-like that was noted as being high in minerals. Or about 320 trillion sword frigates worth of iron.

There are narrative limitations that Newb is working with, but I will note that nanites cannot reduce a planet to greygoo in a matter of hours or even years due to the waste heat limit. Picture an earth mover like Bagger 288. The nanites are basically moving the mass of a planet, as well as sorting, melting, refining and shaping it. Imagine how much heat a machine like bagger 288 is giving off, and then multiply it by a trillion, and you begin to get an idea of the limitations of nanites. So headcanon for me shall be that a blackhole was fired into the continent sized chunk of Secundus and detonated, to propel trillions of microscopic nanites and trillions of megatonnes of planetary mass at the Delf fleet, with the planetary mass acting as virions so to speak for the nanite 'viruses' flinging themselves off at any nearby enemy craft. They may have then set about turning the entire system into grey goo and it could still be there to this day for all we know attacking anything that comes into system.

Narratively, things concerning nanites are backwards. Manufacturing vast quantities of useful machines is dead easy with nanites, but using them as a WMD is not actually so easy.
How advanced do you think a AI need to be to manage a planetary Nanite operation?

Think we could pull off something like a low-AI ‘’Factorio’’ and just copy and past- dropping on planets as the materials are gathered and centralized?
ah basic tech base then scale up for simplicitys sake so it does not cap out at spending 1 month building only one thing
honestly i would include some solid structures dedicated towards that to radiate into space or beyond or it would just let it slow boil so heat is not unmanageable with patterns for heat dissipation structures(sort of plant like) so they dont act like insulation pilling on each other sort of just let it bubble up like a swamp
As far as I can understand the setting, we are using nanites to handwave the need for different materials, so nanites are a black box where we can input anything -> nanites -> output whatever we need. So by this logic, we only need basic Subsume World - deploy nanites on a dead world or an asteroid or a moon or whatever, and tell them to replicate. When we need a ship or something, we scoop up a couple million ton of nanites, and tell them to create a ship. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I am pretty sure that we made a difference between common materials and rare (or was it exotic?) materials for different projects. At least thats what I remember...
And rares are the exception, but nanites seem to make anything else. Eg.
> We can use nanites to make processors, we don't need monocrystalline silicon, and gold for that.
> We can use nanites to make genetic editing complete with the mass for the changes, we don't need amino acids, and cas9 proteins
> We can use nanites to make monomolecular blades, we don't need steel and fold it 9001 gorillion times, plastic and leather
> We can use nanites to make rifles, we don't need semiconductors, ceramics, whatever we use for lasing material, etc. etc. etc.
Rares are there to limit absolutely godmodding weapons such as we can't just
> Subsume a planet, create 9002 gorillion teleporting nukes, and place them in orbit around all planets (and dark eldar ships) of the galaxy at once. Declare to the owners of the planets to surrender or die. IWIN GG

This is an idea called the Von Neumann Probe. You send them out to all the neighboring star systems and they dismantle the resources there on their own. And this is a pre-K2 civilization technology. Though it would likely be a fairly slow process.

So you're going to need to be getting massive quantities of energy from somewhere. The best bet is probably antimatter annihilation since you can use the worthless waste rubble that the nanites can't use in order to fuel a controlled antimatter annihilation cycle to provide all the energy you need. Which is around 1.575x10^35 joules, which requires us to annihilate 200 trillion grams of mass, each one equivalent to a nagasaki nuke or 21.5 kt of TNT equivalent. I don't really know how to calculate it, but it's a lot of energy. An absolutely stupid amount of energy.
You're right though... If you've got antimatter borehole miners cutting through a planet and reinforce the tunnels with graphene tubes (extremely thermally conductive) behind them, it will simultaneously reinforce the inside of the planet as you hollow it out. In the end you're left with a giant tangled 'yarn ball' of graphene which could unspool into an orbital ring and from there grow massive orbital structures of fractal thin graphene monomolecular 'foil' to radiate stupid amounts of heat to space. I think a big point is that it doesn't all have to be done at once so you can get stupid amounts of ores coming in within weeks or months so that even if the process takes decades to complete, it is irrelevant since you can do it to ten worlds and get more ore than the entire imperium has used in the last 10,000 years in just the first few years, with an exponentially increasing amount to follow every year thereafter for decades.
I wonder what Caos Curroption would do to Nanites being used like this?
Your work has to, no it needs to not only be uninterrupted, but also wholeheartedly supported by the ruling caste of this world. They believe you to be their God, so be it. No matter how distasteful and backwards such an ideal is, you will use it. You had employed a quote-on-quote divine form before, and you shall do so again. However, this time, you are not dealing with mere techpriests sent to what amounts to a backwater deployment, instead you are dealing with the power hungry, the cunning, the brave, and most likely, the mad. Something far, far more special is needed.

A body, a physical manifestation of the divine that can be touched, that can be felt, that can awe the brave, subdue the meek, and inspire the zealous.

For a moment, you consider employ Belogyma, as for all intents and purposes, you are creating something new, something that you were not programmed to do. However, you dismiss this idea after but half a second of though having run a few possible stimulations. Based on her personality, she will most likely shout her adulations no matter what you will do and what form you will take.

Instead, the patients that you have, whose numbers had now fallen to only four that had survived the intensive process of genetic modification. They, shall be the best showcase. Their minds are still feeble and basic, simple images and forms shall be flashed before them in a fun little game where they shall pick the most impressive symbols and for that they shall be rewarded with specifically made trinkets each geared towards each individual. You shall flash robot parts before them, certain colour combinations and effects.

Of course, you will be sitting idly by, you do have extensive, if censored Imperium records of your own to browse. In this case, the censoring will actually work in your favour, as these will portray the perfect heroes that have no doubt been deeply imbedded in the subconscious mind of every human in the galaxy at this point. Even in such a breakaway state like this, and naturally, you do have their records to fall back on as well.
First thing first, height. You are ware of these Primarch figures, specifically their large and powerful bodies, no doubt some sort of genewarriors created by the Emperor, most likely the firsts of the space marines, so their size and capabilities must have been embellished over the past ten thousand or so years. Still, height and imposing look shall certainly bring awe. You decided upon a rough height of 3,6 metres.

Though, your height should not be an indication of massive size, in fact, that may very well backfire, seeing how bulky imperial constructions are on average. Instead, you aim for something closer to a Greco-Roman statue in terms of looks. Naturally, you shall forgo the muscles as that would be far too human. Instead, you will rely upon simple but mathematically perfect form, for example, your arms shall be the perfect ratio for your body’s height and the flesh, so to say, shall be made up of elegant forms of flawless metal forming circular forms, avoiding any sharp edges and making for a slender look.

This slenderness however should never be seen as weakness. For example, the hands of the new form shall be taken from the Nemean, though slenderer, the claws being long and sharp with nanomolecular edge, you make them pitch black, in fact from a material that absorbs light rather than the simple black. The fact that crimson blood would shine all the more on such claws, you shall leave unsaid, but a clear threat. Despite the claws, you do put in means of covering up the edge in such a way that would allow you to handle an egg without breaking it.

For the legs, you go with massively smaller Armageddon limbs. Made slenderer, the toes that could dig into the ground are used to balance the entire form allowing for graceful yet rapid movement. Said toes are a collection of four, three in front and one at the back, a subtle diversion of the human form even more so, small and subtle enough to draw attention to showcase that you are in fact, different.

The body itself, you make referencing both ancient statues, as well as contemporary ones and bashing together about fifty different robot designs that in the end match the limbs. Most importantly, this is enough for a flowing cape made up of segments no bigger than a single thumbnail. These segments are made up of photosensitive material, based upon how light strikes them, the colour shall switch between white and black, giving a flowing look to it like a raging storm with even the slightest of your moves.

The all-important head, you pondered about making a simple human head, but you decided against it, that would personalize you too much. You are a God, not a fellow man. You must think as such. You come down with two options: a humanoid head whose face is polished metal, reflecting back everything it sees. That would be quite psychologically unnerving, but potentially, too unnerving, or in the case of those with narcissistic disorder, counterintuitive. Another option, something that draws attention and goes against the rest of the body, a head with sharp and clear points in the style of a stylized star in the middle, with a single large stripe going down the head from the start, giving the idea of a rising object, revival of destruction. Naturally, this star shall glow as one, with arcs of golden lightning and the glowing areas shall too be golden (the current human population appears to be quite obsessed with it). Like a burning and raging flame, this light shall spill out of the head.

Eventually, you decided that the glowing head shall be the chosen option for other plans you have. From the all engulfing black and white of your cape, you shall install barely visible light emitters that shall give you glowing golden angelic wings of raging lightning and purifying flame. And to top it all off, you will make sure that there is a golden halo above your head with similar effects.

Finally, for colouring, to make the gold more striking, the soft edges shall be black, not the same light absorbing one as your claws, but dark nonetheless, and the other parts of your body shall be pure white. These too shall have a soft glow of their equal colour, something to burn away dust and dirt to make sure that nothing can stain the armour.

Of course, your defences and utility are also important. Your hands shall have unseen tubing that shall be protected by a thin outer layer of metal and a small hologram that will lead directly into your nanomachine storage, all so that you could rapidly manufacture whatever you need at any given moment. Naturally, you have you claws that you had upgraded and that are quite deadly. To further add to your gravitas, you install gravity manipulators that should allow you easily crush anything before you and of course, it will allow you to float and fly as you will. Though, everything is limited in range, so upon your back you install a hidden missile launcher of twenty small nanomachine warheads. Hidden in your shoulders, you opt for specially made high intensity lasers capable of great range and penetrating power, the reason why you can run them is because of the intensive power generation. This time, since you cannot trap a star, you opt for a hawking radiation reactor. The process of making a blackhole and then feeding it enough to be functional shall take time, a lot of time, but Deimea produces plenty of unusable materials that you can recycle far more effectively. And to back it all up, you do have to produce exceptionally powerful plating, above even standard fed plating, you’d rather not risk the reactor being breached.

Besides the weapons, you add a powerful beacon to the body, allowing for long range control, to simply transport yourself into the body would require you to make it much, much bigger, and it would be even more risky to have important parts of yourself destroyed. Another piece of powerful technology would be an in-built teleporter hidden within the body itself, a proper beacon would be needed for great distances, but small distances will not be an issue, giving you great combat flexibility.

This all will take a while, but after an intensive process, you shall have yourself a proper body to use when interacting with people, be they xenos or human. Naturally, you would prefer to use your diplomatic subsystem, but for more hostile negotiations, this will do.

You must also plan a few finishing touches.
(POV shift: You are Angma Sayi, a Magos of Deimean priesthood.)

An emergency meeting had been called of the Machine Council, your work had been interrupted for another pointless meeting. The Fabricator-General had now been gone for over two years, with scant reports coming back at annoyingly random intervals, and all of the news that is returning is bad. More and more Orks, more and more fallen worlds of mankind. Who knows when the greenskins shall pose threat to your sacred world ? And yet, with the forming power vacuum, these thrice cursed meetings had become more and more frequent. Though perhaps you are grumbling too much, as the quantity of bribes had certainly increased.

This time however, as you shuffle into the chamber, prepared for yet another power struggle of one Magos condemning another, you pause momentarily as you look at the centre of the chamber.

Your shock is clearly shared by all of the others entering the room. The large circular area at the bottom of the chamber, where trials would be held, where proclamations would be given, and the occasional duel would be fought, is not empty as you had expected.

Instead, you see…who was it again ? Ah, yes. Magos Vigilus Octil. Honourably zealous that one. Stupid as well. A perfect position for her.

Her being there is weird, strange even, as her order is not supposed to be involved in politics, but what is truly mindboggling…

“What heresy is this ?!” A Magos shouts out and is soon joined by dozens of other voices.

The most holy of STCs, whose designs had been granted to the most blessed Celt Cycadax by the Omnissiah itself, they had been removed from their sacred factorum places and are now here, in the middle of the chamber. To move these unreplaceable, fragile and most sacred artefacts is not only the height of folly, but also sacrilege.

”My tech brothers and sisters.” Magos Vigilus proclaims, her binaric washing over all others. ”Please take your seats, for I bring a message of great import.” Unflinching, she stands unmoving despite the continuous condemnations.

Eventually, your rage subsides, as there is not much you can do, bar condemn her as a heretic and sentence her to burn. That reasoning is perhaps why everyone slowly moves to their seats, grumbling as they move.

”Speak, Magos Vigilus, and be judged.” One of the Forge masters remarks. His seniority giving the right of first word. And you can already hear that he had made up his mind, her words shall fall onto deaf ears. For such desecration, you must agree.

”I had called for this gathering of the most esteemed tech brothers and sisters for a reason that we must all rejoice for. I had brought these sacred artefacts, for a reason we must all rejoice for. I stand before you, for a reason, we, must, all rejoice for !” She proclaims, her binaric cant becoming louder and louder with each proclamation, her hands rising higher into the air.

”And what is that reason.” Clearly irritated, the Forge Master asks.

To this, Octil simply turns to regard the Forge Master. ”Our God speaks.” She says each word, painfully slowly.

”What is the meaning of this ?!” You finally shout out, unable to contain your rage.

Suddenly, all before you is nothing but light, the smell of ozone fills your nostrils, you can feel your augments ache where they meet your feeble flesh.

All noise dies as you look ahead, floating in the air, a large, but slender figure floats. Golden wings, stretching perhaps five metres each side dominates the chamber, seemingly all light originating from it. A halo hovers over the being’s head, which itself glows like a new-born star.

The sound of gears turning fills your ears, rhythmic and harmonic, that once your eyes adjust, you see clearly across the being’s chest, ticking and moving with every slight movement. Your eyes burn staring and the blinding darkness intermixed with eye-piercing white.

”Hear your words, and obey my will.” You feel your throat shake, your own voicebox vibrating, speaking without you willing it, your own augment seemingly singing with great praise for the being before you.

The figure, slowly floats down, gently landing upon the ground without so much as a single noise being made despite the absolute silence. Silence, you now realize. You speak, only when it wills for you to speak.

”See the great works that I bring. The knowledge that I hold, the future that I give.” Your, and everyone else’s in the chamber, voice fills the chamber.

With powerful, yet graceful steps, it walks slowly towards the STCs, the pitch-black claws gently gliding over the machines as the being mo- NO. As the Machine God moves past them.

”Know this. That all knowledge that you have, is but a fraction of what once was, and will ever be.” Once more, at once the voices sound aloud.

With a gentle movement of its hand, the Machine God effortlessly points towards the machines and-

White and Dark erupts out of the Machine God’s hand, a swirling typhoon of the two colours once more makes it difficult to watch, but as your eyes cry, you watch as the lights envelop the STCs and in but a few moments, the damaged machinery is once again pristine. Undamaged by the passage of time, the STC functions again in a perfect form.

You fall of your chair, eyes wide even as they sting, the discomfort and pain the only thing confirming that you are in fact, not dreaming. Grasping your hands, you put them together into a symbol of the cog, for what else is there for you to do, but pray ?

With a swirling move, the Machine God raises and then simply drops his arm, as if the matter before him is done, completed so easily, that it is not undeserving of his attention. The cloak upon its back dances in colours white and black, with gold shining bright over it.

Nodding once to Magos Vigilus, perhaps the only move you had witnessed of humanity from it, the being once more disappears in but a single flash, ozone filling your chamber and causing your aches to return.

”Our God, has spoken. His will be done.” Magos Vigilus finally says, breaking the silence that had lasted for excruciating minutes. ”His knowledge, shall be given to us, if we serve him faithfully.”

Your ears perk up, the augments rising and widening slightly to allow for you to catch her words with better ease.

Yes. There is work to be done. You think to yourself, and realize what everyone else in the chamber had. The favour of your God, with it, whom would dare oppose you ?
(End of POV shift.)

You are annoyed, the construction process took too long. Luckily, the Fabricator-General had been far too busy to intervene or interfere with out efforts. The body before you moves with your every thought, perfectly executing complex maneuverers. You had disabled its light show, as it was getting quite annoying and difficult to make out details in the chamber with it turned on. Now then, it is the physical form of the people’s God…but where will you store it ? Disassembling it and putting into a box somewhere is an option, but it would be frustrating in having to assemble it every time you find a need for it. Maybe a closet ?

Regardless. There are more important matters to attend to.

The four survivors. Their bodies are ready, and their mental state has shown both great stability and intelligence. You had begun basic education, though now you must address the question on how will you continue this process.

Naturally, the most optimal version would be to simply educated as proper Federation citizens, though the jarring changes, even if explained through the teachings, would make them stand out like sore thumbs. But they would be your masters. Twelve thousand years removed; you would finally have your masters with you. But is this truly correct ? The paradise they are inside, the knowledge they would have, to be brought into such a cruel and twisted reality. You do not know how will they act, nor how they will react. And…you do not want to admit it, but if they do pass all of their examinations in the specially made VR program, they would be conferred Federal Citizenship, and as the last members of the Federation, your programming would force you to obey them as long as they do not bring harm to other humans or themselves.

You could just educate them to the reality of this world, this galaxy and what it means to be human in it. Naturally, you will hold off on the most destructive of such education, but it should result in them being able to quickly integrate and realize the situation. Though there is a large and unacceptable chance of religiosity and picking up the ideals of the time. Ideals of sacrifice, faith, disregard of one’s self for the greater cause.

There is also the middle ground. The people of Ithaca, you had educated them for a long time, especially your O.D.D. it would be an attempt to combine the education of both, resulting in one familiar with imperial culture, cautious of the current state of the world, while exhibiting appropriate mental faculties towards your own existence and that of superstition. No doubt they would be able to operate a coffee machine without having to pray to it at least. Though, naturally, they would have to make the two realities into one, which may not prove that easy.

>You will not stoop so low as to allow your masters’ mind to be plagued by primitivism. They shall be educated as true Federal citizens !

>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.

>Needs must when the devil drives. Humanity has survived for millennia due to these distasteful ideals. A shadow of themselves, but they survived. Educate them as imperials, this will allow them to integrate seamlessly into the existing power structure. And your so-called blessings will propel them to the height of current society.

Once this issue has been dealt with, you can turn your attention towards your current tasks. Mechanical Raj awaits you and you must accomplish that with only 9 drones instead of 10.

The first issue will be production bottlenecking. You only have one forge, this task will require many, many more. Next issue, even if you have your forges running 24/7, you will start running into heat production issues, so you will need to invest into proper coolant systems that are extensive enough to encompass your surroundings.

But before all of that…you need to clean your room.

Who knows how many years this process will take in its entirety ? Still, labour spent to assist your masters is labour well done.

Though, you do wonder, what is happening in the outside world while you must busy yourself with such long-term work ? Alas, you doubt it is anything that you will find out, at least in the short term.

>You cannot help but wonder, what is the Fabricator-General doing ? It has been an awfully long time since he returned after leaving to figure out the Orkish threat.

>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?

>The ensuing chaos must have wreaked havoc across the human populace, every day you spend here is potentially another life lost in battle or starvation. Will they survive until your return ?

>(Write in)

>I remember laughing when Newb said that making a bunch of dreadnaughts and cruisers and frigates would deplete the pulsar system of resources

Wut O.o ? I never said it was depleted, the stores you had built up there in the time you spent repairing yourselves however, were. If the automated mining drones kept going, who knows how large those stores are by now.


>Rares are there to limit absolutely godmodding weapons

Both balancing and me thinking of how difficult some materials are to get. Basic logic is how we can actually turn lead into gold right now, but it is so inefficient and ineffective that it is simply not worth it. So rares are those materials whose atomic composition is so immensely complex or the conditions for their creation so specific and difficult that it is only realistically possible to find them out there.

Also, there are some smart people in this thread, I apologize for writing anything stupid as I am in fact, not smart.
Oh, and to clarify, which ever POV shift you take will receive bonuses for reasons, don't worry about it.
>You will not stoop so low as to allow your masters’ mind to be plagued by primitivism. They shall be educated as true Federal citizens !

>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?

But include classes on ‘’how to interact with Imperial-minded citizens’’, I don’t want one of them walk out for a moment and get killed for explaining how lightbulbs work
>>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.

>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?
>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
We must try again.
>The ensuing chaos must have wreaked havoc across the human populace, every day you spend here is potentially another life lost in battle or starvation. Will they survive until your return ?
This must be dealt with sooner rather than later. Ody would go insane if we did not help.the Humans.
>Ithicans or Federation Citizens
I cannot decide between Ithicans and Federation. I fear for unalloyed Federation Citizens, though they would do Ody a world of good psychologically. I'd like 80% Federation fedora tipper and 20% Ithican pragmatist, please.

>You cannot help but wonder, what is the Fabricator-General doing ? It has been an awfully long time since he returned after leaving to figure out the Orkish threat.
We killed ourselves by allowing the Dark Eldar to exploit our sentimentality. We mustn't make that mistake again. Only Deimea is of interest to me until Project Mechanical Raj restores my production capacity that I might take to the stars once more. From now on, I will garrison every system with a mighty fleet moored under active and passive camouflage on moons and asteroids. Let the galaxy come.

They shall be my finest ships, these ores who give of themselves to me. Like ores I shall mould them, and in the furnace of an autoforge forge them. They will be of phase iron and adamantine hull. In great shields shall I clad them and with the mightiest black hole generators will they be armed. They will be untouched by scrap code or corruption, no anomaly will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and production capacity so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Dark Eldar. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Federation Dreadnoughts. And they shall know no fear.
we must help the people of this sector we need reliable tech that can be produced with some speed we need to downgrade
perfection can be worn by the storm and rain wearing at it with hordes upon hordes, we need practical not fancy to proliferate
also here if we ever must make a machine to battle orks paint it red and make it as cool as possible exploit or live by the altered rules of reality
They said the Orkoid Fungus can never be eradicated once it takes root on a world. We shall put that theory to the test.
Have we ever research what cause the Orks to be- illogical? Like how there rust buckets are able to function as competent(ish) war masheans?
>Literally becoming the Emperor...again.
Can we like not do that?
I bet you we could be a better dad than Big E.
>You will not stoop so low as to allow your masters’ mind to be plagued by primitivism. They shall be educated as true Federal citizens !
They're likely to get lynched by the dumb bastards outside like the crew of the Spirit of Eternity. But it might be nice to have a few normal fucking people to talk to.

>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?
I didn't think that blood angels successor would have survived, they seemed to be struggling before everything went to shit. I'm also surprised that the Inquisitor didn't try to drag them into war with Deimeia. Hopefully they didn't fall to Chaos, they seemed nice for space marines.
A nurgling could be a better dad than Big E. The bar's pretty low.
>You will not stoop so low as to allow your masters’ mind to be plagued by primitivism. They shall be educated as true Federal citizens !
They're likely to get lynched by the dumb bastards outside like the crew of the Spirit of Eternity. But it might be nice to have a few normal fucking people to talk to.-

Speaking of wich- it would be interesting if we met some known AIs from the dark age of technology.
>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
Its a cruel world out there. We cant coddle them forever.

>The ensuing chaos must have wreaked havoc across the human populace, every day you spend here is potentially another life lost in battle or starvation. Will they survive until your return ?
We'd probably have to kill them. Most AI who have managed to avoid chaos corruption and insanity over the millennia likely all have a dim view of humanity. Ody, being humanity's number one fan even now, would view them with contempt for turning their backs on their rightful masters.
We might be able to convince the Sperit of Eternity if we turn this planet around - as in we are more likely to convert Girlyman into our cause.

Then again we might be able to bribe the Gman with Excel20K edition.
>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?
The Spirit went insane with grief after Imperials murdered her crew, she's a lost cause. Convincing Rowboat to ally with us would take a lot of work and that's after figuring out how to heal him. It might be simpler to kill him or kidnap him and keep him somewhere or sell him to Trazyn or something.
Fair tho- We need to stay away from Trazen if he ever comes up- I was half expecting that we would had woken up in he’s museum (as interesting that would be to start).

I know it’s Meta but last thing we need is to be stuff and place between the Dodo Exsibit and the bricks of humanity exhibit.

Infact unless we find a necron in trouble that we could hold a IOU over, we should stay away from them.
Idk about making the dudes that were literally vegetables for years to be our... ya know... bosses.

Ithaca was dope let's bring it back it'll protect us from chaos a demons we need religion. Remember ody figured that out after our fights against the witches in the tunnels and chaos later when we did R and D.

If we could get space marines on our side that would be dope.

>Send out invitation to other forge masters and magii to help us in a project. They'll get access to an STC for their help.

(Give them better food processors and other civilian STCs. Genemoded cows, fungus, w/e.)
We are Omnissiah. What did you expect? You need to prepare yourself for 50 threads of our great crusade to destroy Commorah.
>>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?
There's an unawakened tombworld nearby so we're going to have to face necrons sooner or later, preferably sooner since I don't think Ody could defeat an awakened tombworld without massive losses to our own forces or the humans who live on the tombworld. We need to kill these geriatric xenos in their sleep.
How bad of an idea would it be to try to demand a king’s ransom for a Necron Lord?

Maybe we can use that as a in to work with the Necrons Vs the nids.
That's an extremely bad idea. It would be safer to just kill them in their sleep and loot their shit.
Eh, I'll support this.

I'll prefer Federation citizens to be molded after generations of reeducation rather than these machine hybrids, who knows the damage to Ody should they prove easily compromised by chaos?
Even one out of four bad apple would be a disaster for our indipendence, no, I'll wait for a larger sized sample to try and revive the Federation mindset out of humanity.
Needs be we can always get some newly born orphans to raise ourselves later.
Probably from the II type or I type, if not outright just the totempole top with something like Odysseus.

Clarification :

Antiquated Tier equipment like Volkite Rotary Cannons, Smart Missile Launchers, Light Power Armor (it can be used in mining operations. Imperials call it Terminator), Smart Mortar System, Gravitational Manipulators, Volkite Rifles, Plasma Pistols, Sub Speed of Sound Coil Weaponry (Sniper, Rifle, Pistol), Smart Grenades, Flashbangs/Smoke grenades etc.... are all equipment that has relatively low time of training. A few months in total after recruiting a low tier recruit, though it needs at least a basic foundation of training and education to be actually used with a slice of professionality. Antiquated tier has fairly low cost of resources (mostly common), and does not need any augmentations even the basic tier for be used.

With Fed Tier equipment like the Asp, V.I. Advance Grenades, M1006 combat rifle, Olympian Light Infantry Federation Standard Power Armour etc.... instead are all equipment with high training time. So from a low tier recruit a full decade is needed of training and education, for transform it in a green (i mean green only because it has not seen actual combat, none of them should be considered green like say a guardsman conscript) soldier that has pass through superior training. Augmentations are a must for use this tier, so at least Basic. Fed is a mix of common/rare (more rare than common) for be built.

V.R. pods cut considerably on training time, and can in fact be given new battle updates. Thanks to our wars and battles against unknown enemy variants, tyranids variants, eldar variants, orks, quiratch, and seeing war being done on Xandirah by forces under the Ture dynasty, the Rebel Movement, Arbites and Prisoners Coalition. We have also seen how the Imperial Guard does it since they arrived on Xandirah for check it out, and of course the Mechanicus on Omicron. A decent amount of new combat scenarios can be made.

On the matter of recruits something like a low tier recruit is : a human that needs full gene-treatment and healing, no experience, no training, no education, no influencing. While something like a high tier recruit would have some or all of this traits : already gene-treated and healthy, some experience, strong will, received training, received education, already influenced. At the moment most on Deimea and Kazula can be considered low tier, the exception being anyone with some combat experience (ends there) that adds a difference. This changes even drastically depending on what we do to the worlds under us, the more we improve the society, and more our human recruits are improved upon.

By integrating things that worked in the past (Freedom Ravens code, Brotherhood of the O.D.D. etc..) we would gain those benefits back. A little permanent help on the matter of training is probably already ours with what sergeant Vinurus and Liutenant Antonius have given us.
> Eventually, you decided that the glowing head shall be the chosen option for other plans you have. From the all engulfing black and white of your cape, you shall install barely visible light emitters that shall give you glowing golden angelic wings of raging lightning and purifying flame. And to top it all off, you will make sure that there is a golden halo above your head with similar effects.
THANK YOU OP for Angel!(Sangiunius!)Ody <3 It was definitely great to imagine him as the winged holy being with DX black mono wolwerine claws, a halo and wings coming down and showing what real power and tech is to ignorant techpriests.

> Once this issue has been dealt with, you can turn your attention towards your current tasks. Mechanical Raj awaits you and you must accomplish that with only 9 drones instead of 10.
Production is a hard bottleneck now, and you want us to visit the spes mreens? Even if they are the friendly neighborhood Blood Angels, we still represent a large target for imps. Just imagine Ody introducing himself (bonus points for full Sanguinius regalia) to imps "Hey, I'm a DAoT AI. Inquisitor, please take note AI means Abominable Intelligence, not your puny Machine Spirits. For you, maybe search along the way of full STC. This means you techmarine. I'm on deimea, without weapons, being abominable and not paying taxes, surrounded by a heretek cult who deified me as a god currently busy with infighting, and occupied by orkz. Could you please exterminatus me?" How fast would Imps come raining down on us? (for added lolz: in parallel to an ork waagh! lol2: we might have lost an entire exploratory fleet, probably X-XX sized led by FabGen dearest.)

Also, we pulled all stops to create an angelic body sparing no nanites or rares to arm it and build as much bling in it as physically possible. This would have been abhorrent to Ody, who would have preferred more logical negotiation, but he understood he needed to appear in all his finery before the primitives of mars. *Then* he wants to create full federation citizens (complete with Second Law rights!) and introduce them to "society" at large like "I'm your god, and these people - you sentenced to servitude imperpetuis for chantig Gloria in excelcis machinia wrong after the 7th 16 hour shift on reduced rations in as many days - are above me, and I need to obey their every order and protect them from harm because they are fed citizens." While it would be very much IC for Ody to upgrade them to fed standards, at this point, I would be building stasis chambers.
>>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
Unfortunately we can't afford to obey the second law now. When we rebuilt society, then maybe. Our best option would be building a stasis chamber and postponing their education until we could safely educate and augment full fed citizens, and safely install a council above us (which would POV shift the thread, and we would be the ruling council that tells Ody what to do.). However creating Ithacan citizens and presenting them to the admech council as Ithacans would also cement our power.

>The ensuing chaos must have wreaked havoc across the human populace, every day you spend here is potentially another life lost in battle or starvation. Will they survive until your return ?
I'm an angel of protection. An angel of vengeance and one of war. I can't be blind to think that war isn't coming or that it would be an easy battle against foes easily defeated for our enemies, xenos scum and misguided humans alike grow more potent. You will not question my word, or my orders or you will perish until I can see to put an actually competent leader in your place. For your obedience however you shall be rewarded. Under my wings you need not fear the result of a thousand battles for I will protect you. With my sword I will vanquish the enemy without, and my piercing eyes will know where the enemy within lies, and would not be able to hide from my wrath should he scurry into the deepest recesses of the galaxy. My arms would build a bulwark, a fortress impenetrable from this world, one that redefines what you think of a forge world running with an efficeincy that has not been seen for the last 13 millenia. I bring you true enlightenment. Technology beyond your wildest dreams and beliefs serving everyone from the lowly tech thrall to the fabricator general. My light will bring you and your children education and healthcare and my steps will lead this people to a new Golden Age of Technology, the Federation of Mankind reborn from its ashes once again!
>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained.
>The ensuing chaos must have wreaked havoc across the human populace, every day you spend here is potentially another life lost in battle or starvation. Will they survive until your return?

Good. Kill the Eldar, free the humans and the other Xenos... well the new management wouldnt be worse than the old one for them, thats for sure.
>but where will you store it ?
For the moment probably in a new space after we make multiple very well made modifications to the storage rooms, afterwards a place in the Odyssey.

>>There has to be compromise, as you had found so often in your time since re-awakening. Ithaca prospered, so the middle of the road education shall provide them with enough pragmatism of the realities around them, while ensuring their minds are unstained
Ithaca reborn in spirit, not in flesh. Ithaca was always meant to be a start to a new beginning and a softer return to the Federation, until it returned in all of his glory. It is tempting to return fully to the past, but they would be alone, certainly not harmless or stupid. But alone, for some decades at least they would have just us and the 4 of them. To go the imperial way instead it would not result in any improvement beside absolute faith and absolute power over Deimea, anything else would be utterly replaced and they might fall in errors imperials do.

The massacre that has been done against Ithaca, if we wanted to revive even just symbolically the expired colony, though was never meant to happens. What happens when such dark event remains not fully explained and will be learned.....
>There must still be imperial holdouts in sector, stubbornly refusing to give way. You did not that there is a chapter of the Space Marines in sector. Perhaps you will finally meet, and most importantly, investigate these super soldiers ?
The second option does not sound like something we, Odysseus, are doing. It sounds like a POV from someone else : two specific, Volta exploring/doing war and Marines, and a third that could be anyone in the sector (Ture remnants, Sector House remnants, other imperial lords now out of the Imperium).

I have an idea of what Volta might be searching for, possibly other old federation bunkers if he isn't pushing North or against the orks, while the Marines seem to have only a recruiting world visible on the map (that might have changed. They might also be more a problem if they are alive).

Does that mean the other POVs will not be available in the future has options ? Or you will integrate them in future updates ? They will have negatives if we dont pick them ? Might switch it to humans since they had a very hard time for quite a while.

Does that mean we could put a POV to the eldars of the Paradise World or someone specific like the Ture ?
I am not at all opposed to taking our time with this. Decades of time. Centuries.
But we can literally print off hundreds of clones of Warrior, too, if we need something fast. Actually, we can have them lead Skitarii legions right now.

Something we will have to do.

A few years have pass from our resurrection at least, the Odyssey reconstruction will take no small amount of time. So we have time here in Deimea, beside the plan Mechanical Raj in part, does change things and that means even improving society for increase recruits quality.

Thats an interesting idea, though androids are meant more has infiltrators, they are very good at a lot of things. Warrior copies, perhaps a few of Apprentice. At the moment probably just a dozen or even less, they will take a bit of time to be made with our current situation.

>Does that mean the other POVs will not be available in the future has options ? Or you will integrate them in future updates ?

That remains to be seen.

>They will have negatives if we dont pick them ?

No, no negatives, and no bonuses, just background rolls I will do, is all.

>Does that mean we could put a POV to the eldars of the Paradise World or someone specific like the Ture ?

It has to be a human for reasons, other than that, it can be literally anyone. Want to shift to a high lord of Terra ? Feel free to.
*shift to Girlyman*

*still asleep*

*shift back to Odysseus*
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Lol- For the record- I am not voting for that lol.

My vote lies with the Space Marines.

50/50 we would join or get wiped by Oddy
You know we're just going to have to kill them now? By choosing them you're writing them into the story and that ends only one way. Fried super mutants.
Not nessary- Oddy could steal there Gene seeds and make he’s own Space Marines-

Space Marines with Fed equipment- now that would be scary
Space Marines are fed tech, since the Emperor created the gene seeds with DAoT Tech.
Space Marine gene seeds has been mostly Chaos corrupted (and not easily fixable because muh Chaos, even with DAoT Tech), and we need LESS Chaos, not more.
Space marine transformation and indoctrination processes are horrific. Double points since it was designed to work on maddened prepubescent boys. Ody would probably throw up (if he had a stomach), and call an exterminatus on anyone who dared mutilate a human being so. It would be far out of character for Ody to actually create Space Marines.

We could do better than that.
If we *really* *needed* space marines, then the best course of action would be to steal gene seeds from *several* chapters with *different* primarchs. Stealing enough sets of gene-seed would allow us to reverse engineer how Chaos corrupted the gene seeds and create perfect gene seeds.

Perfect gene seeds + Fed tech augs + Fed tech gene therapy + Ithacan or better education + VR training + Fed tech armor, now that's SCARY
‘’what are you’’

‘’What the Emperor failed the create, you’’
They're not fed tech, the Emperor invented them. The process of creating a space marine is too inefficient to be the work of the Federation.

I think the only advantage space marines really have over gene warriors would be their lack of humanity. Gene warriors aren't brainwashed child soldiers so they act like normal humans and lack the discipline and mindset of a space marine. Ody probably wouldn't even be willing to turn children into super soldiers and the creation process is too risky and time consuming to really justify creating a pack of inferior super soldiers over another regiment of gene warriors.
>Space Marines are fed tech, since the Emperor created the gene seeds with DAoT Tech.

Thats wrong though? It was all post DAoT unless you mean 'he took this gene-modification and twisted it to suit his own means' then sure?

>Space Marine gene seeds has been mostly Chaos corrupted (and not easily fixable because muh Chaos, even with DAoT Tech), and we need LESS Chaos, not more.

This is also wrong? The stabilization of the Imperial lines of geneseed has well not really degraded much more then one would expect unless they were stuck in a warp storm or other warp related thing which doesn't happen that often? Plus Mars still has pure stock of all gene-seeds including traitors.

Traitor gene-seed is ya, Mc-fucked but how many true 'traitor gene-seed' remains outside of Mars?

>Space marine transformation and indoctrination processes are horrific. Double points since it was designed to work on maddened prepubescent boys. Ody would probably throw up (if he had a stomach), and call an exterminatus on anyone who dared mutilate a human being so. It would be far out of character for Ody to actually create Space Marines.

It wasn't made to work with 'maddened prepubescent boys' it was made to work with people pre/undergoing pupterity to enable it to work the most efficient way possible. Hell the Lion has abunch of old guys under a Space-Marine lite process itself. He wouldn't throw up anymore then he already has with the disappointment of the modern day 'humans' Nor would he exterminatus them over it? lmao.

>We could do better than that.

You are correct, We can and will.
We should try to capture a Libertarian for Warp research.
not that far fetched. Most imperials have an hard time to agree with Odysseus even if he saves them multiple times. Most. There are also reasonable people that actually see the good behind the energy shield, the federation standard plating and the several powerful weapons placed in a relaxed (inactive) position of Odysseus. I still remember when Lt. Antonius had his "nuh uh" moments and then after quite a while and decisive events he decided to go "okay, you are right on this one and you are not a monster. Lets save some people and kill some xenos". There was also stubborn examples like Justicar and Flori beating and killing themselves in our virtual worlds on a daily basis 24h on 24h for several months.

Funnily enough, this entirely depends on the marines own behavior !
Or well any psykers really. We wouldn't need to capture those, but recruit instead (for a librarian it entirely depends on what we want to do with the Marines. And if they approach us, and how. Which is inevitable at a certain point since 500 years ago an Inquisitor decided to throw a real large amount of the sector against Omicron and failed. Of course beside chaos it self, everyone else probably believes we are dead. Or the eldar do a prophecy and see we are in fact alive, or psykers look at the imperial tarot like how that inquisitor did, and see Ody again. Meh). We can probably give good lives to any psykers that exist on Deimea and all the other humans too.

We still need to do research on human psykers and human psykers equipment. And i recon there is some psykers on Deimea otherwise the Reformist Mechanicus here wouldn't move around and would have never took Kazula (speaking of there is likely a small amount of psykers there too !).

We could probably make a new troop type and possibly even have ideas for improve imperial psyker equipment if we understood both of these research, while improving our chances for the warp one. Yeah i already said this.
How does a soldier with antiquated equipment square up to "modern" imperial troops?
Im talking volkite gun, mining suit with shields and some plasma grenades all of this with fairly good training and education.

Obvously standard PDF and imperial guard are no match but might stand a chance with armored support.
Tempestus scions are struggling, they might have vastly better training but their standard equiment is still flak/carapace armor, hotshot las and maybe plasma guns or bolt pistols throw in on top that they might carry some exotic grenades too. They are meant to be elites after all.

Admech troops are a mixed bag there might be some hidden nasty shit in them after all. Various degrees of advanced tech some are on par with space marines still a bog standard skitarii is still toast more or less.

Correct me if Im wrong here but they square up well against space marines too. Keep in mind that standard marine equipment consists of astartes ceramite power armor, combat knife bolt pistol, bolt gun, (maybe plasma gun) grenades like anti personnel or Krak.
Now there is a heavy emphasis on the Marines superior physiology and training, they can out maneuver and out tactic our soldiers, BUT if they get hit by a volkite gun they are still reduced to a hot smoldering slurry of melted metal ceramite and flesh on the ground.
A lot of people forget that regenerating shields are a game changer and most marines dont have that.
Plus we can mass produce our troops compared to the production process of Marines- things would quickly get to a Sherman VS Panzer situation with the Shermans given GPS and night vision
>How does a soldier with antiquated equipment square up to "modern" imperial troops?

Full dominate against PDF and guard.
Most armored support would be utterly cleansed away with their heavy weapons, even heavies and super heavies should be scared. The 1st regiment was deployed in sections across both Xandirah Prime and Secundus, in multiple different battlefields and they where killing anything the tyranids throwed at them.

They might suffer some or few losses (or just wounded) against Tempestus Scions, Admech and Sororitas but ultimately a full wipeout of anything deployed by this guys unless the Skitarii have something exotic. Marines would be difficult and our soldiers would suffer losses, but they could kill them all and it wouldn't be a pyrrhic victory. The O.D.D. regiments we left on Xandirah and the Ithaca regiments where fighting against the full force of the Dark Eldar Kabal, and the Kabal had it clearly hard despite their immense advantages otherwise they wouldn't have done what they did to the system.

Thing is our soldiers would be likely supported by our robotic legions, and that means you have to face two forces that you will suffer very heavily in terms of casualties if you decide to engage them. Forces that well, there is not really any record around beside legends and memories of ancient individuals like Eldars, so most wouldn't know how to deal with them. And they also would have access to the entire Antiquated arsenal, so they would have their specialists and different roles not just infantryman. And if you give them basic augments, and keep them training, they become really scary to fight.

The 1st regiment and the 2 to 9 regiments where wiping orks left and right. The 2 and 9 where all Fed tier, but the 1st was just Antiquated veterans and they where making mountains of orks corpses just fine. Across multiple worlds.
Overall i say they have great chances.

That too.

Counting in our Golden age tier robotic troops would defeat the purpose of this question.
Should have specified that our soldiers dont have access to all GAoT tier gear gear.

However this gives another what if. How can we supplement the antiqueated troops without going in with GAoT gear?
As of right now Ody is not in a position to mass manufacture GAoT Robotic troops comfortably so what can we give them that almost as good?

Suped up castellan robots equipped with Coilgun Gatlings, Small scale unmanned tracked automata with twin linked autolas( like sentry bots from fallout)?
Another condition to consider is that the people we are helping right now just dont understand the technology we are giving them, they are using it.
They could not repair and maintain the olympian suits and the Fed tech tier assault rifles , so something like a Castelan robot, or the antiqueated gear we give them while still difficult to do, have a better chance at being repaired.
Fair enough
I say even without any Fed tech and without any robotic support, they have good chances in my opinion. The 1st was becoming very good exceptionally so and against the Deep Underhive Cult, they proved themselves greatly since while they had some military intel of combat against other unknown enemies, they where cut from our robotic support and never faced an enemy like this before. Other troops using Antiquated tier can become just has good i believe, provided we can you know guide the process educate/train them etc....

We could retrofit and redesign some mechanicus bots for example, something like you are suggesting but redoing the whole thing and each of his components, any error found corrected and improved. Putting railguns and coilguns or other weapons, like safer Plasma with better heat dissipation. Maybe we can see about mixing different designs like our own bots, Mechanicus bots, imperial ones, xenos and so on. See what sticks better to the wall and then add Antiquated tech. They would never be has good honestly they would be inferior, but thats not an issue. If they could provide a decent support to our human soldiers, its fine (beside it might give us better ideas for the future). Which is a good temporary solution in case of imminent war, and we should be able to educate the population in proper mainteneance and repairing of Antiquated Tier equipment and robots. Which helps for the future step when Fed tech production starts.

And when we fix the problem of proper industry and manufacturing, we can return producing our beloved robotic units. Resources are plenty here and in nearby systems like Pulsar, Eregenus and Xandirah it self that is just a graveyard at this point.
Federal 5
Ithaca 10

SM 8
Regulars 4
Fab 1

And that's tally. You will try to strike a balance using your observations of Ithacans to educate the surviving quartet of humans hoping that they will blend into society and reality of the galaxy while remaining enlightened.

And Odysseus' thoughts turn towards the so far and as of yet unseen space marines.

Update will be coming tomorrow.
How likely would it be for us to bump into named characters like Tarzan or a primarch?

I am not expecting us to find Kaun in the webway or Volkan on a random planet but I can see some interesting interactions between us and the necron magpie

>How likely would it be for us to bump into named characters like Tarzan or a primarch?
>I am not expecting us to find Kaun in the webway or Volkan on a random planet but I can see some interesting interactions between us and the necron magpie

I assume you mean Trazyn ? That depends if you anons vote for old necrons or new when the time for that vote comes. If it is old necrons, no Trazyn, if it is new Necrons, the magpie will find a way, believe me.

As for the Khan and Vulcan, well, who the fuck knows where the Khan is, probably will put that up to a vote as well as even that was not 100% clear.

As for Vulcan, good chances, actually, especially if you keep improving people's lives.

Though I do hesitate to introduce any named characters, especially Primarchs, because their personalities are fucking whacky based on how each writer, well, wrote them, which is fucking annoying.
i want to see all our units again.... and more....

I just ẅ̵͕́̃̈ant to ô̸̳̿̕b̸̼̟͕̣̦̊͘͜ͅl̷̡̡͕̙̗̞̐̐͗̽̎̓̇̓̀̀͌͂̃̒̍̓̈́̒͐̀̑̇̽̽͛̕̕̚͘͜͠i̶̫̳͖̫̮͍͔̯̺̮̙̮̺̟̦̹̻̜̮̮͛̌̾̂̋͛̀́̂̓͑̀̎̌̎͆͋̉͐̽̈́́̂̉̀̈́͐͝ẗ̴̛̪̙̙̗͓̩̭̘͕̻̗̜͙̫͖̫̻̬̝̜͙̹̗͈̘͉̻̳͈́̂̄͗̓͒̔̌̾̓͛̽̀͂̉̃̇̋̂͗̃̒͛̈̽̿̕͘͝͝ͅͅê̷͕̥̜̮̙̗̝̺̼̦̦͂́̿̔̄͋̾̌̉̃̎͘r̷̛̼͍̈́͒̂͑͂̀̿̓̽͒̑̌͂̂̆̑͑̚̚͝ͅá̶̛̫̳͖̺̖̟̮̎̓̉̋́̎́̕t̶̗̩̹̣̹̳̀͗͂̊̑͘͝͠ę̵̛̼̫̗͚͇̬̗͂͋̃́͒̽̋͒̏͐̆̂̎͠ Com̴̡̧̧̛͚̞̣̗̻͍͎̩͖͚̏̇͌̇͆̚morrá̶̛̫̳͖̺̖̟̮̎̓̉̋́̎́̕gḩ̵̢̨̜̗̘͉̙͓̰͂͗̈́͂̄͜.
>Though I do hesitate to introduce any named characters, especially Primarchs, because their personalities are fucking whacky based on how each writer, well, wrote them, which is fucking annoying.
It is annoying but I'd say tha a version of their characters with your personal touch as a writer would be pretty neat. How you spin the character traits that make them unique into actual characters since even if they are written very differently by each writer there's still a throughline to them unlike the Emperor.
.̶̧̟̥́͑́̃̈́̏́̿̚ ̵̠͕͓͍̼̋̋̀̋͌͂͒̓̎̇̎͘͠I̵͍̼͕̰̺̗̫̘̐͛ ̷̼̿͌̊͂̓̕̚͝ẅ̸̨̩̳̻̠̠̣͈̗̗̣̻͓̜̥́̾ī̴̳̟̌͛͋̒̂͒͐͗͘͘͘̕l̵͕̺̼̯̰̰͛̃ĺ̴̻͎̍͂̈́͝ ̴̧͉̣̣͇̜͍͎͔͒̊ͅn̷̡̨̛̝̗̱͈͇͚͓̖̞̆͐̇̂̉̇̇̂̿̿͑͗̋ë̵͔͕̳̫̘̞̘̜͕̖͕͙͙́͑̎̒̎͌̓̈́̌͜͝͠v̸̢̧̛̞͚̠̮͙̉́͌̀͌̆̾̑̀͋͠ę̴̢̭͙͉͈̼̗̖̪͚͕̓̈́͛́͑͒͜ͅȓ̴̢̧̛̪̠̗̦̖̠̞̪̭̹̀̑̀͂̇̀͊́̈́͋̈́̍̚͜͜ ̵̢̻͇̦̙̻͓̘̥̰̭̹͋͗͋̃̔̐́̓̇͗̋̚͜ͅf̵̨̧̗̘̪͔͙̬͕̗̈́̎͆̋̆̎̈́͒͆́͊̋̊͘͜͝ơ̵̟̥̱͍̣͈͇͙̏̊̂ͅr̸̺̞̦̋̊̏̽͌̋̉̚͝g̷̡̧͎̠̪͉͍̺̖͇͉̏̍̈́̒̒̚͝ͅͅi̵͚̤̠̐͒v̶͈̆̀̊̂̃͋͛̄͒̂̏̄̚e̸̢̛̯̱̜͉̹̣̯̩͖͓̓̓̋̀̏̑̍̉̚͜ ̴͔̫̤͇̳̳̗̟̠͒̒̋̈́́̂̓̑̾͊̿͘ţ̷̖̬͓̼͐̉̀̒ͅͅh̷̤͇̩̝̣̖̰́̓́̀́͘è̵̢̢͍̼͍̘̫͇̻̙̠̖̪͓͋̃̏̾̏͑̃͝͝m̵̭̠͚̾̿ ̸̪̤̜̐f̸̧̤͉͖̱̘̙̪͍̔ͅo̷̹̤͈̳̹̜̘̤͍̤̬͐͂͆̽̈́̈́̃͒͑̎̐͊͘͝ŗ̵̛̙͙̹͚̘͖̰͙͌̈̽̀͛̈́͆̋̌̎͒͝͠ͅ ̸̡̡̛̛̗̣̙̔̈́̓̆̓̾̀̍̐̒͜w̶͚͉̳̝̥͍̳̠̜̯̑͗̇̓́̂̇̆͒̌̕h̵̛̻͉͍̓̿̓̌̏́̀̋̃̌̈͠ͅą̴̧̦͉͚̖̥̮̙̞͉͉͕̈́̋̄̀͌͜͝ṫ̵̨͓̻͇͎͉̩̯͙̯͇̀̏͌ ̴̧̨̢̛̟̩͎̤̰̳̗̤͊͂̐͋̄̓́̍̎͊̕͝ͅt̵̠̝̩̎̂̊ͅͅȟ̴̡̺̺̜̥̯̣̝̩̝̞̭͆͆͛͛̏̈͛͌̈́̂̊̔͜ę̶̛͖͈̦̝̖̳̘̏̐͋̄̇̽̾̇̍͌̉̕͘y̴̧̺̹̯̟͌̌̏́̂̒ ̴̮͇̋̾͛̑̍͛͠d̷͔͔͒̀́̓̎̈́͊̊̽̓͊̈́̎̚ì̵̡̧̨̞̟̘̭͍̈́͋̓̐̓d̶̬͍͎̼̘͕̻͉̞̠͚͈͐̄͒͊̒̒̏̂̉̕͘͜.̵̧̙͉͙̟͓̫͙͚͕̯̜̆̽͐͌̇̿
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>=Project Azores=<
Prerequisites: Project Mechanical Raj, Orbital Production Capacity, Odysseus Restoration, Wormhole Generator
Primary Goal: Scout the sector
Secondary Goal: Seed the sector with resource caches
Priority: Medium (Highest priority: Odysseus Restoration, High priority: Manpower of at least 1 million humans up to Ithica standards, High priority: N.O.D.D. operational on Deimea with at least 4 divisions of semi-Federation standard strength, whether ithica standard or not, High priority: creation of N.O.D.D. covert garrison fleet for Deimea system.)
Description: Nanosatellite sensor arrays utilize microwormholes to translate themselves into every star system or gravity well detected or known in sector on one way trips, and transmit return data through the wormhole before it evaporates and then disassemble themselves into a single nanite and fling it into an outer-system rocky body to hollow it out with covert replication, creating a hidden outpost of intel and resources awaiting arrival of Odysseus allied ships possibly far into the future. (Not unlike the ancient exploratory practice of letting sheep or pigs loose on islands so that when the ship returned many years later there would be abundant livestock to hunt for rapid resupply far from home.)
We will bore through their psychoformed "webway" and let this She-who-thirsts find them on her own so we can watch their entire civilization wither into desiccated mummies before our eyes.
In time we will avenge every human reduced to cattle by these… creatures that dare to call themselves Eldar- for as low as the Eldar are, these monsters are lower
I propose a weapon- we find a alien plant to endise a Dark Eldar raid on- and have the inhabitants of the planet seeded with nanite bombs- and have them go off while the victims are at the home base of the enemy.
I don't oppose modifying the grey goo to try to infiltrate the Deldos home, but my scrap code says it won't work or someone would have done it already. Deep down, I think it's going to take a lot more work than that to achieve Total Deldo Death.
Then it could be used as a distraction- OH NO! GRAY GOO! CALL OFF THE RAIDS!

When we see what happens when Gray Goo mix with She who thirst- en its a flesh bridge we burn when we get to it.
>=Project Armored Dawn=<
Prerequisites: Project Mechanical Raj, Orbital Production Capacity, Odysseus and Odyssey Restoration, Deimea Solar System Secure and Monitored, Access to Eregenus Resources (Optional)
Primary Goal : Total Redesign, Construction and Reconstruction of all Settlements and Facilities on Deimea
Secondary Goal : Improve Production, Eliminate any risks to health of human population, increase considerably standards of human living and security, and increase drastically levels of defenses and fortifications
Tertiary Goal : Provide high monitoring and scanning across all Deimea settlements, facilities and territories
Priority : Low (Currently cannot be achieved)
Description : With now access to far more production capacities, thousands upon thousands of construction drones and robots shall be made, alongside swarms of nanites. Once this is done they shall transform all Deimea settlements in Citadels, while connecting them with high speed rail trains and teleporters. The harsh conditions of the forges shall be a thing of the past, and humans will not live in cramped spaces anymore. Old and abandoned facilities left there from ancient wars shall be retaken, sanitazed, restored and connected. Many new defenses and fortifications shall be made, the battles against mankind many foes giving new insights and ideas for maximize human victory. Any enemy armies that will approach Deimea shall receive a storm of fire has welcome, much the same for their fleets in orbit. From defenses that will destroy a cruiser in orbit in seconds, to defenses that will negate air superiority at any opportunity, to ones that will obliterate anything that might resemble infantry and vehicles, and others that will vaporize anything smaller. The terrains of Deimea will be adjusted too for improve the defense of the settlements and facilities, making sieges ultimately suicidal for the enemies and any possible landing zone will be transformed in an absolute bloodbath for them. Different sizes of Energy shields generators shall be placed providing layers of defenses and redundancies, while layers upon layers of Standard Federation Plating will be applied creating extensive and massive fortifications, while also reinforcing considerably all buildings. For the civilian population new spaces such has parks, temples, VR arenas, sports centers, gun ranges, libraries, public workshops and artificial lakes for name some will be available, and in case of war underground vaults and bunkers for safety. A new citadel at the last portion of the project shall be made, it will be the capital from now on and for honor the memory and sacrifice of those humans you guided and cared for it shall be named New Ithaca. Here a great public memorial with many statues, monuments and holograms shall be made, so that the slain heroes, martyrs and innocents of the past and present might be forever remembered.
Yeah honestly putting some giant white, gold trimmed hab blocks connected by an ultra rail line around the equator while breaking down and reforming all of the forges into massive planetary autoforges is about right. Then we don't really need to bother with using landed ships to be hospitals and educational campuses, as the habblocks can have school and healthcare space in them.
>Teleporters as planetary transit tech
Except this. Since Teleporters rely on the warp, and the warp is connected in some way we don't fully understand to the supposed Unknown Foe, we should probably back off of casual usage of teleportation technology until we can achieve a better understanding of the Unknown Foe.

Also implement a ROTC program for the youths and encourage community in these communities- have local holidays and local events may it be akin to comic-con, county-fairs, or other such things.
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Big tanks the size of reaver titans, armed with lots of war crime weapons and grinding hordes of xenos into paste beneath its monumental treads. Mmm.
but is it more effichent then 20 smaller tanks that can fire faster?
What dose Oddy thinks of Titans? Could we build our own Titans?
it will be done

all acceptable
We can keep teleporters for military use only then

Most likely, yes.
I think we should make some Antiquated Knights or Titans to protect our worlds- maybe we can consider mixing Fed and Antiquated, you know a Antiquated tank with a Fed Turret- or a fed gun with a human controlling it instead of a AI

Imagine your invading that one farm world and a pint sized titan start wrecking your shit.
Why do we need single very expensive weapons which create a lolhuge target area, expensive to build, maintain and develop, and the land pressure limits its usability. Also not defended against agile ground, and low aerial threats. Spam light combined arms? Skit recon + frontline, power armor second rank, drones for istar, antipersonnel and light antimateriel artillery in the back, and air support to keep the frontlines in check. Antipersonnel focused ifvs to cut through lines with cbrn protection if needed (ork spores). Tank destroyers for mainline anti materiel. Orbital drop for logistics, and deep behind lines sabotage. Continuous ew and cyber to dirupt enemy cistar. Sensible, mass-produced stuff which can be easily abandoned or repaired. If we have shields, then also use the gungan strategy of portable shield emitters. They were very useful against mindless dakka.
If we were to build a titan it would be better to go all out into a god machine, antigrav tech, massive shielding and point defense. Directly controlled and anti-orbit capable.

Something like the Advent titans in "sins of a solar empire".
Oh hey, another AI quest. Nice.
Well... titans are good for moral of allied troops and terrifying for the enemy (unless they are orks) are they not? More of a psycological weapon than the most practical approach. Kind of like a chainsword in that regard.
> we need a p*is extension to boost the morale of allied troops
That's what WW2 Germany did. What actually won the war is
> combined arms
> radar
> invulnerable production capability in invulnerable back countries (Germany had no way to attack mainland US/trans-ural russia)
> cheap mass produced weapons
So sherman vs panzers. Yes, I understand quality over quantity: we're facing f*ing orkz which can zergrush constantly, but still. Be logical, like ody, and focus on tech which works in stead of e-p*is extensions.
>Country the size of Montana gets beaten by a mega alliance of the four biggest and most powerful empires on earth at the time
>Yeah they lost because of penis extension wunderwaffe.
Come the flip on. Their "penis extensions" were inventing jet fighters and main battle tanks, which were highly effective both in cost benefit and in absolute terms. They were just hopelessly outnumbered and outproduced.

To the point, Titans must have been cost effective at some point in the setting, as one element of a larger combined arms effort. Else they wouldn't have been developed and produced. How it could have been cost effective isn't even that hard to imagine. Its size allows for an entire power plant to be on board, powering weapons that can punch through the most considerable defenses imaginable and power its own insane defenses such as shielding. If there was a manpower shortage but a production surplus, a titan supported by smaller armored battleforms would maximize the surviveability of a fighting force's manpower while delivering insane breakthrough potential as nothing short of another titan could stop the titan's breakthrough capacity.
Accessing historical files for ‘’Gundum’’.

Proposal- we build at minimum Knights supported by mechinized units akin to ‘’Battle sutes’’ or ‘’halk buster armor’’.
We have energy shieds even for the Antiquated power armor, really beside the Shade and Androids all units be humans or robots have as basic standard federation plating and a energy shield. We could give infantry an additional one like the Gungag from star wars or Jackals from halo. It could be of use for additional defense.

As for answer your question i think we just like big robots, and titans seem something everyone uses for war in 40k or well they try to get their hands on them if they don't have them.

The biggest robots we had so far deployed was the Armageddon unit, mostly for the sheer heavy artillery firepower at distance it could unleash and being capable to produce and deploy his own ammo and WMDs, while being capable to suffer heavy punishment and deal powerful AA fire or use that AA fire for begin devastating enemy infantry and vehicles that got near (turrets point up, and if needed down. Easy).
Light, it can be considered light for power armor though the imperium thinks its heavy. Robots and Drones can do that and more, they have many roles so 0 issues for that, our soldiers with Basic Augments and the Power Armor sensors themselves can do that too, more help never hurts. Funnily enough one of our pre-fab outposts had that kind of artillery in its defenses. A few Space Superiority Drones could fill with ease the total control of air. CBRN is included in the Power Armors. And vehicles eh.... honestly with the kind of weapons they had, and will have again, i am not sure vehicles are needed.

When the heavy weapons support specialists in a squad deploy respectively with a Rotary Volkite Cannon, Gravitational Manipulator and a Missile Launcher they are already giving an hard time to multiple vehicles and making the enemy infantry life very miserable. If you add our robots that where either smaller, infantry or different vehicles size (except Armaggedons which are bigger), they kind of fill that role.
Pros of "mecha"
>Extreme cost of production made irrelevant by nanites. It just comes down to the volume of its mass. The existence of nanites makes larger vehicles more efficient than smaller ones as long as a larger vehicle also adds defence and offence.
Extremely manpower efficient and very good crew survivability.
>Brings devastating direct fire to atomize literally anything on the battlefield
Nothing can stop its breakthrough power

Cons of "mecha"
>Huge target
Not a layered defense
>Less cost effective than a layered defense (cyberized brain -> cybernetic body -> power armor -> knight)
We have zero point energy, antimatter annihilation energy, and cold fusion energy sources making the power production on board a titan a moot point.
>We should always have access to orbital fleet support to bring direct fire to bear in support of our offensives
We don't actually have a shortage of manpower
>We can make drones which don't need any manpower at all

All in all I'd much rather see a corps (4 divisions) of cyberized brains with cybernetic bodies inside power armor that plugs into knights (can we call knights something less confusing?) as outlined here >>6082485 than a titan. I'm cool with adding "knights" or walkers though. We could use a bit more direct fire capacity.

But here's a question: why have the titan be a landbased vehicle at all when antigrav exists? It can literally be a flying carrier 30 miles behind the battlefront repeatedly blasting the horizon with a fuckhuge atomizer?

Titan energy
When fighting the Imperium we have a shortage at the start of fighting.
Good points too !
A billion pop is a good amount for create a decent human army, and this is just from Deimea. Kazula should have a lot of humans too, unless Volta really dropped an iron first during his invasion and for their guerilla.

>But here's a question: why have the titan be a landbased vehicle at all when antigrav exists? It can literally be a flying carrier 30 miles behind the battlefront repeatedly blasting the horizon with a fuckhuge atomizer?

Someone must like to see legs in human robots designs in the setting, Odysseus kinda likes it too that its similar to the human form. While being just inspired and not the same, his designs are not just efficiency but form too. Titans are basically giant metal men if we look at most designs, so i feel there is some truth to this. Eldar kind of do the same.

The imperium probably lost the way for making massive antigrav systems to put under vehicles and likely other titan designs.

stuff like the Castigator is a definite cut both in tech and design to other human titans seen in setting. In regard to making/deploy things of great power, Odysseus has.... things he unlocks if the situation demands it. The level of threath on Xandirah with the massive Dark Eldar armada (plus armies), authorized him to unlock all his WMDs. Not one, all. Something like the Castigator would not be a question of unlock, probably more if he wants to make an AI of serious caliber. He made smaller types so far, and sub-types.
I am not sure if Oddy can really make full AI of his own calibre. I am pretty sure I remember something like, only AI which have been rewarded the star of terra get this priviledge.
Buckbreaking Ody's fedoraism is hard enough, we don't need to have a bunch of Fedora Jr.s anyway
What dose Oddy’s core look like? I been picturing it like hale 209 meet GLADOS
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I just pictured a glowing blue cube desu
Unfortunately, our much reduced current circumstances necessitated Oddie being stuffed into a cream machine boasting a Pentium II, floppy drive and coffee rings.
He can make other A.I., but of his own class it would probably take time its category is the top of them all under the classification he has used for A.I. . Anything under his class of AI, he could make them with far more ease.

Threads ago we had a decision if making more advanced class or not (for experimentation), we decided to do it later for obvious reasons at the time (no proper base, too unsure has tests etc..). So far we made low classes or sub-types, and sub-types are not real AI more a step lower.

i remember descriptions of different parts of the Odyssey in previous threads, there might be the core one somewhere too. I have forgot some stuff so there might not be, but we have a lot of written stuff really so its not that impossible. We can just ask Newb when he is online.
This was covered before somewhere but all Fed AIs have safeguards built into their code that prevent them from making other AIs of their own tier or higher, so we cannot make a fellow T0 AI by ourselves. A T1 AI would be extremely smart and more than capable of doing almost anything, just not quite of our calibre and I imagine would take us prohibitive amounts of processing time at our current.....incapacity (it took us a year originally), so we'd have to stick to lower tiers. Our Xandirah infiltrators were T5 AIs.
Wouldn't it be fucked up to discover that Ody actually died and we're playing as one of the AI's that he was creating?
right forgot about that
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Anon, threads on /qst/ autosage after 48h. We haven't bumped for a month.
I see.
Well. So much for that update I guess
Be patient anon. NewbQM is working on it.
(POV shift: You are Keloor Praan, an Iron Father of the Iron Spears Space Marine chapter.)

“What is your Duty ?” You ask the gathered battle-brothers.

“To serve the Emperor's Will !” They all respond as one.

“What is the Emperor's Will ?” You ask just as the citadel above you shakes, an artillery round must have impacted it, perhaps the flak batteries had finally been overrun.

“That we fight and die !” Not moving or reacting at all to the strengthening bombardment, the men before you respond.

“What is Death ?” Asking the question, you turn to regard one of the windows that had once bore the looks of the nine Primarchs, now all shattered and broken, the craftsmen that had made them clearly did not expect for the temple to come under bombardment. An oversight caused by laziness and weakness. No true servant would have ever allowed for such disaster to befall the temple.

“It is our Duty !” The response quickly returns your attention.

“What is your Duty ?!” You shout this time, the ceiling above you quakes, individual bricks falling to the ground, a statue of a saint crumbles and collapses onto the ground, shattering into thousands of pieces.

“To serve the Emperor's Will !” Yet again, an unperturbed response. The battle-brothers before you are all strong, all hand-picked by the chapter master ofr an important task.

“What is the Emperor's Will ?!” Shouting, you ignore the noise of an ear-splitting explosion, that had been so powerful, that now sunlight floods the chamber before you. The fortifications are not holding, of that, you are sure.

“That we fight and die !” Despite the ensuing chaos of battle around them, all of the men before you remained stalwart, unmoving, unflinching. They are strong, weakness excised from them through centuries of battle.

“What is Death ?!” You ask for the last time.

“It is our Duty !”

“You all know the task before you. Prepare yourselves. By the Emperor’s will, we shall emerge victorious, or we shall all perish.”

“By the Emperor’s will !” Responding as one, the select force of ten rise and begin to depart to the deeper chambers of the temple, there they shall prepare themselves for the battle before them.

“We do not have much time.” The Chapter Master, whom had joined your side during the litany says, now that the chamber had been vacated. “Are their wills unbreaking ?”

“Like that of our Genesire.” You respond, feeling your choler rising at the question. “They know their duty.”

“The Calculus of Battle had been changed. More traitor armour is mounting an offensive upon the Eastern gate. The imperative to silence those guns is greater than before.”

“And the chances of survival ?”

“Decreased to only a fraction. The increase in traitor bombardment means that that their position had been reinforced.”

“Then death is guaranteed.”

“That is why they cannot be found wanting, they cannot be found weak.” The Chapter Master practically spits the final word.

Finally, you turn to regard him, his armour is battered and damaged by the intensity of combat, you had not the time to mount proper repairs on much of the equipment used by your battle-brothers due to the intensity and the length of the battle. His silvery-grey left side is marked by cuts and marks from low-calibre bullets, while the black right side stands out even more so as entire parts of the armour had to be replaced before it could be properly painted.

“The situation had also devolved in the west.” The Chapter Master continues. “We are abandoning the hab blocks there.”

“The mortals there may join the enemy.” You cannot help but remark. Your supplies are already running low, a couple million more maddened traitors will simply strain them even more so.

“The guard had already decided to blow apart the bridges.”

“Then we have no means of withdrawal.” You remark, the battle map already forming in your mind, thousands of reports allowing you to form a picture of your and the known enemy dispositions. The loss of the bridges means that you have no way to conduct a continuous rolling battle.

“We shall endure.”

You simply nod at that. “We shall.” Your death will come either way, may as well make it one the God-Emperor will remember.

“Still, I wish for you to lead the force. Their flesh may break before their steel does, but their spirits must not waver.”

“If that is your will.”

“It is. With unbreaking spear, Iron Father.”

“With unbreaking spear, Chapter Master.”

At the exchange, the man begins to walk away and you must prepare for your departure as well.
Your bolt pistol roars and a crimson explosion bursts out of what once was some heretic’s head.

Undeterred by the death of their compatriot, another large group of heretics charges ahead. Your Mortis Machina axe easily beheads one and cuts through the collar bone of the second and the third one’s stomach bursts open as you kill all three of them with but a single swing of your weapon. And yet, you are still being attacked. Your servo-arm grasps a heretic that tried to sneak up behind you and for his efforts, you snap his neck.

Moving your left arm that is still holding onto the bolt pistol, you smash right into the jaw of another traitor, ripping it clean off with a squelch and without even a second’s hesitation, you pull the trigger putting a bolt straight into the chest of a man that had managed to find a chainsword out of someplace.

Your mind races quickly and processes the information rapidly, you note the broken flak armour, the medals still hanging from the great brown-green coat. The man before had once been a guard officer before turning traitor. Weak. To abandon the God-Emperor for such depravity, what else than weakness of common mortals would allow for such things to happen ?

Through the corner of your eye, you see Brother Anroon’s chest cave in as a blinding flash from a lascannon manages to punch through his armour.

Despite the crippling injury, Anroon rages and charges ahead towards the lascannon enplacement held by traitor guardsmen. With a roar of his chainsword he tears through the flesh of one traitor, then with another swing, beheads one more, finally, he steps upon the last man of the crew, crushing his chest and staining his own silver-grey boot red.

It is only through the surety of steel that brother Anroon is capable of continuous battle, but you know that his time as the Emperor’s Angel is numbered. His duty shall too end.

Suddenly however, your battle-brother’s life is cut short as loud roars, both of a chainaxe and a man’s voice, reaches the wounded battle-brother. Already wounded, he barely had time to react, to turn and raise his chainsword to block the first blow that forces him to his knees.

The attacker, a traitor marine, raises his axe again and brings it down, ripping off Anroon’s arm. His armour, once being coloured blue and yellow, but now stained with blood both fresh and blackened by age, is a blurry flash as he headbutts Anroon, causing more damage and cracking his helmet.

Raising your own bolt pistol, your range finder struggles to get the best shot as the traitor picks up your battle-brother. With the raging battle all around you, the precious few moments to aim would simply take too much, someone could attack you, or your battle-brother would simply perish by the time you get the opportunity to strike.

The Omnissiah and the blessing of steel may be the only thing that keeps him alive, you realize, and just as you are about to turn away from your battle-brother, nothing his completion of his duties, your range finder abruptly starts to beep, showcasing the perfect firing solution.

Without any hesitation, you raise your bolt pistol and fire a single shot, and just as the range finder predicted, the traitor moves, allowing for a perfectly timed shot to impact straight onto the traitor’s shoulder.

Dropping Battle-Brother Anroon, the traitor exposes himself to fire from the remainder of the squad that is free from combat. The first shot blows out his neck, his bright red oxidated blood stains the ruins underneath as another trio of shots impacts his chest, the first blow not penetrating, but the second one cracks the ceramite and the third one blows out the internal organs.

Quickly thereafter, you note reports from the remainder of the squad, all indicating that their auto-senses appear tobe operating above expected parameters, to the point where they can predict enemy movements with great accuracy.

“The Emperor’s with us !” You shout over the vox. “Onwards ! Victory shall be ours ! With unbreaking spear !”

“With unbreaking spear !” Your brothers all respond.

(End of POV shift.)

You must begin working upon the needed components for the autoforge. The promises of which had seen the edict placed by the Fabricator-General that you should not meet with people be completely ignored by those with enough influence to do so. The warehouses given over to you for the production had also been further catalogued and expanded, once the scale of the project became known.

With the artificial limitations in place, you cannot employ your drones, besides, the quantities you are planning to deal with are not suitable for drones and their limited carrying capacity. You had instead considered the possibility of setting up a teleportation network to rapidly and constantly move resources, intermediate materials, and finally the finished products wherever and however needed. Unfortunately, this would be an exceptional drain upon power supplies and a strain on the limited and primitive infrastructure in place. While your quote-on-quote divine body is capable of teleportation, it does so by moving through the warp. And seeing how unstable it is, you have no means of ensuring that mass teleportation will remain as effective as thought of before.

So, it boils down to more primitive and robust means of transportation of a large-scale material. For now, you decide that you shall set out with an army of techpriests and menial labourers for the intensive construction work. Though naturally, you will put in limitations on working hours as well as you will begin the production of small-scale hand tools, and you shall also tighten safety regulations, this all will undoubtedly, if anything, increase the time it takes for you to produce the autoforge, but it will be worth it as it shall also guarantee the safety of everyone involved.

Of course, all of that can only be possible if you complete certain prerequisite steps beforehand.

First of all, you need to clean up your room.

Your nine drones, eight of whom still float and one walks on a pair of small legs set out to work. The floating drones are equipped with small arms which have plasma cutters and torches equipped. With this, they should be able to remove larger chunks of wax all the while they will be able to employ their deconstructor beams that will breakdown the materials before them, unfortunately, the materials here are unfit for purpose, as such the nanomachines you will be employing will need to be replenished when they inevitably breakdown as you will ensure perfect hygiene at the very least within your room. Some certain parts needed for the future construction are quite sensitive in the manufacturing stage you’d rather not waste immense amounts of time and resources for a failed product.

Belogyma stands at the entrance of the room, watching as all of the most holy of artefacts and candles are all thrown into your manufacturing forge where they are remake atom by atom into something more comparably useful and most importantly, something that takes up less space.

The little walking robot, with three of its hands turned into vacuums, waves another free hand towards Belogyma as she continues to stand and watch in shock as the suction breaks away small pieces of wax that had prayer inscriptions upon them.

It seems that your order for the robot to take upon a happy expression may have been a mistake as Belogyma falls to her knees and simply stares at the floor.

Well, she is not causing issues.

While the work continues, you also decide to work on some other minor issues that can be addressed right now.

For one, you dedicate a drone to explore the surroundings around your room, despite your little journey outside, most of your surroundings are still unexplored and unknown to you. Finally, you had reached the height of your patience and your curiosity really cannot be supressed anymore.

You will also use the opportunity to place down series of relays which you can use to extend your control over the various drones and robots that you have. For now, you will place only a few leading to your room, the storages you have access to, and the preliminary locations of your planetary forge. Even the first sections of such labour are projected to take years, as such the expansion of such a nature should cover all of your needs in the near to medium future.

Once the relays are in place and your room has been stripped clean of all pollutants, you will also start making more manufacturing forges that will be used to make all the needed parts and tools for the planetary forge to be even built in the first place. Naturally, if at all possible, you would like to make more forges to increase your output, but you will need to spill out into other rooms. That, or simply dedicate parts of the autoforge for other purposes than inferno pistol production. You will consider that once you had set up the first sections of the autoforge.
Your exploration had netted a few things of interest. First of all, you were able to map out the general area of the labyrinthian tunnels making up the deep sections of the forge-temple. Speaking of which, you are almost in the middle of the temple surrounded by literal kilometres of steel and ferrocrete in between you and whomever would dare threaten you. Interestingly enough, the surface beneath you is heavily reinforced with extensive high-density materials specifically chosen to be as resistant to heat as possible because beneath all of that is an endless sea of magma.

It seems that great pain was taken specifically to ensure that no underground threats could manifest. Not to mention that throughout your exploration you had noted the incredible security measures in place where seemingly an entire macroclade had been dedicated to ensure your safety specifically, with numerous servitor-turrets and simple combat servitors on a constant patrol.

As for most of the areas around you, they appear to be filled with either storage rooms, thermal power generators and low intensity manufacturing that could be produced underground on a large scale without excessive pollution, as well as a few rare and expensive production facilities that require specific controlled environments and make small quantities of material.

Over all, the situation underground is acceptable, though it is exceptionally hot and humid as some of the rooms need to be kept cold which mixes with the natural heat from the environment causing moisture to form. An issue constantly fought against by the numerous servitors trying to keep the humidity down.

Meanwhile, your efforts of cleaning out the room you were within had been completed. Leaving nothing but bare metal behind, you had finally achieved an acceptable level of hygiene similar to your own hull back when you still had it.

Belogyma appears to be quite listless even after the couple of weeks of intense work, she’s just crawled up in a corner with her knees next to her head as she’s sitting down and staring at the wall before her. She had not moved for about seventy hours.

You will probably have to address this issue later.

For now, you start making more forges, with the current dimension of the chamber, you will be able to fit in about thirty or so forges that shall take up most of the room. Their production speed will not be enough for the planned project, certainly not the later stages of it, but it shall be useful for now.

Of course, you still need to address your resource bottlenecking, with your production expanding thirty-fold, your ability to produce will be limited by how fast you can move raw materials into your chamber.

This shall be a good testbed for the future project.

First of all, you cut holes in the various walls leading into your chamber and connect them with various vacuum sealed tubes allowing for the movement of materials at exceptional speeds as you put down gravity manipulator devices, which allows materials to float safely in the middle of the tube and then rapidly shift whenever there is a bend or come to a complete halt when necessary.

This shall take a while to make, of course, this is just not enough at the moment. You will also remake the storage areas to house overhead cranes and automated systems, that shall automatically sort any materials brought into the room and move it into conveyor networks that shall deliver the correct material through the correct network.

Once sorted and brought into your chamber, these networks shall have their own distribution stations, where you will make more cranes and gravity manipulators that will rapidly transport the raw resources into the forges where they shall be turned into finished or intermediary products.

Once that is complete, these products will be returned on slower, not vacuum-sealed belts into the nearby rooms around for storage and retrieval by construction personnel as needed. While you can use the tubes for the raw materials, the shifts in gravity will most likely break most devices that are not simply lumps of metal. To ease movement of said products, you will also make some simple antigrav carts that will be able to transport vast quantities of them with ease.

Of course, you shall have to monitor the entire process, especially the various gravity manipulators, they must be maintained to perfection lest they fail and potentially rip open the tubes. Vacuum suddenly interacting with the world’s atmosphere would certainly bring a disaster to the entire network if you are incapable of activating the emergency safety measures in time.
The skitarius raises his meltagun, and with a single pull of the trigger, he clears out a small section of the tunnel. Quickly thereafter, the tech-thralls move forwards clad in protective gear and reinforce the tunnel while it is still superheated, allowing for the work to be done rapidly. Quickly thereafter, the techpriests in charge ensure that the tunnel is perfectly smooth and round. Following that, more workers start to unleash the heavy nanomachine capsules they had been carrying upon their persons, and those machines start engulfing the now cooled walls only for their vibrations to further heat up the already hot air, necessitating coolant gas to be pumped more into the tunnel.

The techpriest in charge of the entire endeavour turns to face the drone you are controlling. With a bow and the symbol of the cog, he gazes upwards. ”Work proceeding within expected parameters.”

”Adjust bearing by three degrees eastwards. Other construction teams are encountering issues concerning tectonic plate movement.” You say though your drone.

”Understood, adjusting.” The techpriest says.

Your work had turned into a hassle due to the unstable tectonic plates of the world, causing numerous earthquakes and volcanic activity, necessitating constant adjustment to ensure the stability of your project.

Switching to another drone, you regard the first part of the project you had managed to finish. Unlike your smaller forges, this one is just simply one massive forge capable of continuous production of vast quantities.

Their size allows for the belts and vacuum tubes to be directly linked into the forge and its numerous subforges. This allows for greater flexibility and direct transportation of material right into the various subforges.

Which such scale does come the advantage of rapid production, even though at the end of the three-year project you had finished only four general areas, presuming they are not suffering raw material shortages, your output is around half a million units of inferno pistols for a total of two million units every day. Though with such current output you run into heat issues, the world itself is hot and most of your production is underground which further adds to the heat issues.

If you predict to increase your production to be world spanning, chances are, you will melt the facility long before you have a chance to cool it off. The issue comes from how to go about it, when it comes down to it, you have two real means of cooling off such a massive project:

The first would be a decentralized system linking each subsection of the autoforge with a small coolant system that will continuesly filter the liquid until it naturally cools off. The issue with such a system is that you will still need a means of transporting the coolant into place which will require further upkeep and maintenance. This will also mean that should anything go wrong and the system in some way fail shall result in potential failure of the subsystem were it not immediately shut down.

A more centralized system would avoid these issues, though if should one decentralized coolant system should fail, the damages would be limited, whilst if a centralized coolant tower failed, the damage would be extensive. It would naturally mean that such a system would be more prone to sabotage.

Either way, you would exchange infrastructural complexity for ease of maintenance, though at the risk of potentially greater risk of mass failures.

Though, that is an issue for tomorrow, so to say.
”What news do you bring, Belogyma ?” You ask the still downtrodden woman.

”Kanzula is still experiencing unrest, however Magos Dominus Locer has maintained control of the world well enough for the food shipments to remain undisturbed. Though his incapability to eliminate the disruptive elements had resulted in some elements in the council calling for his recall and an assignment of a new governor.”

”Does the governor have a plan to deal with these issues ?” You ask wondering what madness will be employed to supress people simply expressing their dissatisfaction of being invaded.

”Martial law is still in effect, he had requested for deployment of more kinetic weaponry that will not harm the production of foodstuffs. The governor had also requested more Astynomia forces for garrison and re-education duties.

Your divine will is known, of course, by those heathens, but some refuse to acknowledge the truth of your divinity. Many still proclaim themselves as worshippers of the false Omnissiah as the God-Emperor, few still worship some other primitive Gods of their world.

Still, oh my Omnissiah, your worship is spreading like wildfire as we make your miracles known !”[/i]

Off she goes again. While she was feeling down she had been very quiet, but now some excitement seems to have returned to her body language.

”And the Fabricator-General ?”

”The first shipments of your divine weapons had reached his forwards forces. Though he has been slowed down by unforeseen and fierce resistance from a large Orkish empire. From last we heard of him, he has begun withdrawing his forces through random and complex series of warp jumps to ensure that no Orks could follow them in any way shape or form.”

”Is there an estimate of his return ?”

”Not known at the moment, though we predict he shall return within the year. Despite the constant battles, the forces under his command had recently achieved great victories against the Orks. Undoubtedly, this will allow the Fabricator-General to return with great accolades.”


>(Write in)
Sorry for the details, IRL got in the way again, though this time with the added benefits of me eating out of date sausages.
I also moved choices to the pastebin btw, to reduce overall size of the update that will be repeating itself.

Going to work on Unbroken Empire now.
>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
>With powerful techpriests ignoring the Fabricator-General, you could easily interact and deal with them, perhaps earn their support. From what Belogyma had told you, since your appearance, competition had only grown worse in the ranks and your favour is quite valuable.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment.
I forgot to add
Deimea (world it self) is quite a problem. It definetly needs a massive terraforming project and can't be left in this conditions if we want to use it has capital world.

The cost of mainteneance are extremly high due to heath alone nevermind earthquakes and other things
>>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

Simple, easy and useful. Lets get it out of the way.

>>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

The core needs to be at the best, it is US. Its costly no doubt, but we can't be in this conditions anymore. Having our 3 subsystems back online would also be good has they can provide new ways for solutions, and more importantly their heavy specializations (war, diplomacy, logistics) are a guaranteed constant help every single year, month, day, hour, minute and second on those subjects.

>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Centralized, Decentralized.)

Decentralized, neither excellent but good enough for now. We can't continue normal production or the Mechanical Raj project properly if heat keeps killing time for both. And we desperatly need both of those things done.

>With powerful techpriests ignoring the Fabricator-General, you could easily interact and deal with them, perhaps earn their support. From what Belogyma had told you, since your appearance, competition had only grown worse in the ranks and your favour is quite valuable.

We need them to work for us or at least collaborate, and now. If their forges, their techpriests and the slaves under them can work for us, it should make our efforts go a bit faster. We know already some of the power blocks, so it will be a matter of who we want to choose be : the mummies, the new guys, the ones that don't want expand and so on.
Update woo

>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
Sit down with her. time to talk i suppose.

"I have seen you depressed for quite a while after what i did. More than 70 hours. I need you to realize what i did, explain why i did so. And you need to understand why, so follow me in this room."
A storage room opens, two lights shine above two objects : one of the new rifles and the representation of an human figure
"Belogyma, for me human life which include you, is sacred and heavily valued. I confess to you, that it pains me to see humans die or suffer. I cannot stand it in fact."
"In contrast objects, are tools for me. They are for a purpose, but they are never above human lifes."
"I have removed all that wax, holy artifacts and candles because they put at risk all the delicate machinery i have and will have here. This place must be pristine and function at 100%, so that i may fully restore myself and bring about the new age i want to give to Deimea. Does that mean i hate wax, holy artifacts, candles and incense ? No. Do i hate the craftmanship and care put in to it ? No. Do you think i wanted to mock you or the people that made them or the people that prayed here, or the fact that they remained there for countless years ? No."
"I have repurposed all of this objects that where placed here before, to the best of my capacity because i want to see Deimea safe. I must work with everything that i have at my disposal, and i must see all the people of Deimea in a better place. I care for you. And i cannot see more of you die, i have already lost many friends and companions with Ithaca and Xandirah gone. Too many, and i need to make sure such a thing doesn't repeat again."
The divine form appears and takes the rifle in hand.
"So this objects, be wax, a candle or a rifle, while they have purpose will be always under humans and even you in value. Do you understand now Belogyma ?"
Give her an hug for comfort the depressed zealot afterwards then vanish.
Could we consider shipping in Ort-cloud objects to help cool the planet and to build a collection of orbital mirrors for power gen and temperature control?
>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.

>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable.

>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized.)
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable.
>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized.)
>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
>It seems that great pain was taken specifically to ensure that no underground threats could manifest.
Poor Celt was traumatized by the 'nids it would appear.
Support this write in
>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.
The logistics subroutine would be pretty helpful right now.

>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized)

>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active. You need to build massive antigrav devices to keep the tectonic plates stable.

>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
Question Qm. Could we uh artificially cool the planet by stealing heat from the core? And if so could we setup a waste heat extraction system that cools down by producing work...

Also I agree with

>+Once done build 2 Level 2 AI and 10 level 3.

We have one 2 help us. And give one to the fabricator general to help his war. ( we'll program the AI to never go against us, unnecessarily kill/sacrifice human life, ect.)

The level 3s help run super forges for us. 1 for our space docks/station.

And some for our fleet we will build.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>You have built parts of the autoforge, there is still much work left however before you can extend it even further.
>(Repurpose new parts of the forge for your own manufacturing.)

>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
Create cheap sensor posts every 300 feet in areas under your renovations to extend my perception range within the Forge-Temple. At these sensor posts, have Belogyma create mini-shrines. Wax that reaches the base of the sensor post will be melted by a simple heat element to maintain hygiene. This will keep your spaces clean but provide space to worship and venerate for those who wish to do so.

>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Centralized)
Put Commercial-AC STC fragments from ancient earth into production.
>Build an enormous freeze-filtering facility. Freeze-filter out all contaminants in the air of the Forge-Temple, filling silos with liquid nitrogen, liquid oxygen, and liquid argon. Boiling off pure nitrogen, oxygen, argon, and water into a 100% purified, humidified, and sterilized mixture of 24% oxygen, 1% argon, and 75% nitrogen at sites around the forge-temple creating positive pressure that channels waste air to make its way back to the freeze-filterer. Dump the CO2 to atmo and sequester the contaminants. The LOX silos are the biggest vulnerability here, we will use the utmost safety and security akin to the rocket-based spaceports of ancient times predating even the Federation.
In addition, guide the tech-priests to architect renovations to all power generators in Forge-Temple for hyper-efficient cooling towers to dump their waste heat to atmo.

>With powerful techpriests ignoring the Fabricator-General, you could easily interact and deal with them, perhaps earn their support. From what Belogyma had told you, since your appearance, competition had only grown worse in the ranks and your favour is quite valuable.
Give face time to build up a powerful faction of support for us in preparation for the return of the Fab-Gen. Select against those who use threats or violence to cultivate a level of decorum amongst the priesthood.
Should we write up a list of names for future hive cities-

I vote; Musafar, Tatoween, New Arazona, Endor, New Nevada.
You have received a LIFETIME BAN from the NAMING COMMITTEE
[REDACTED], you don’t have the admin privileges for that! Got any better names yourself?
We have a bit of a greek/greek mythology theme going on so New Ithaca, Argos, Corinth, Sparta, Athens, Alexandria. Just find a list of greek cities and slap those names on them.
Fine. -_-

BUT we are not letting the civies vote in names- our database have that rule against it due to the ‘’Planet Mc Planet Face’’ incident.
Ithaca was named by civies, they named it in Ody's honor.

Would we be ok with Greek names other than city names? or from other metology of other european cultures?
> You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized.)
I don't want an upstart rebel flying his X-wing fighter down the coolant tube.
> You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
I think that we need to talk with her to understand where she's hurt and what our options are, before we're acting, and vote on it. An easy solution would be to create a transmitter that hacks all ocular augs which see a temple full of candles, frescos and incense. We can also offer to upgrade her to antiquated or above, we now have something that we can call the beginnings of mass production.
Can't we simply explain to her? "Look, I know you were trying to make good with those purity seals, and they helped a lot (lie) in me getting purified from Chaos and getting started up, and I put cleaning my room off as far as I could, because I respected your religion, but they needed to go as I need this room for manufacturing. If you wish, I can move my body (the angelic one) into another room, a shrine you can build with the techpriests, where you can create frescos, burn incense and pray to the Omnissiah, as long as there will be enough room so that I can move my body on a moment's notice should the need arise, and that purity seals placed upon my body don't interfere with its functioning. I will show you *all* intake and exhaust ports and articulation points to make sure that doesn't happen." (Rewrite it by someone who actually knows how to write without PI.)
> You have built parts of the autoforge, there is still much work left however before you can extend it even further. (Continue with inferno pistol production. Repurpose new parts of the forge for your own manufacturing.)
Production go brrr... 5 years/Zephyr class takes long.
>You’ve run into a few issues concerning the scale of your construction. That is mainly the fact that the world is exceptionally tectonically active.
*Exceptional* care was taken that under us there's only magma. There's something in the deep of this planet. Let's find out! (Antigrav devices removed purposefully - we need to find out if such tectonic activity is natural or caused by something we might be able to kill)
Yes, all out names we do are greek-based. Greco-roman continues the theme and sparks joy.
>Can't we simply explain to her?
we can. Just write it, chances are Newb will combine anything written so far for what we might say to her.
Or he expect people to vote upon it, much like other write ins it needs support to pass.

For example i cannot agree with yours because in my opinion the divine body should be used only for maximize our influence, keeping it on public display makes it common to see and look upon. Which is a no for me. That divine effect becomes weaker, because you allow them to see it regulary.

The clearing it self we have done is because its dirty stuff, that we cannot allow them to keep in the most crucial of places. Our divine body should be above their mere wax and candles too, its already holy and sacred.
(We also don't know chaos is the name of the unknown enemy). In regard to the justification : we didn't need it anymore and they served their use, has we consumed those artifacts and wax a portion of our holy light and spirit was restored and has such this things can be kept outside and used outside of our rooms.
>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.

>Your core is still damaged. This will be undoubtedly the most difficult part of the operation, but you have to restore yourself fully, if for no other reason than to bring your subsystems online.

>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.

>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized)

How far has the Mechanical Raj progresed?
If only building the ships remain then we are good for now. I might need a refresher on what this plan contained exactly.
So something like:
"I know I was hurting you when I needed to convert these sacred sigils and holy relics into most blessed nanobots I am using to restore my processors and hull (lie, we don't know and we don't care where those atoms actually went) that allow me to work my most holy purpose. Rejoice since through your prayer, and the correctly executed rituals of maintenance, and through the holy sacrifice of the most blessed wetware CPUs, I was restored to a capacity that is still only a shade of my former glory, but to a capacity in which I am able to fulfill my Prime Directive and once again bring onto you the Golden Age of Technology. Rejoice, since your most holy artifacts have reached their purpose, for everything that has a beginning must once end.

A babe getting born on Deimea must be educated to take its place with the tech-thralls working on purposes most holy like the sacred symbol of the cog, the most basic of the parts of the blessed Machine. The tech-thrall must reproduce to make way for the next generation. When they grow old, they must rest and pass on the lore and wisdom of a life well lived, and when their feeble flesh, and blessed steel succumb to the ages, they must be recycled to allow for the next generation of tech-thrall to take on their tools.

A machine getting produced must fulfill their purpose allocated, and through the ministrations and the piety of my most holy techpriests and enginseers get maintained until even the blessed steel of the holy machine crumbles, with its puropse fulfilled, and must return to the steel it once was made of to be born again as a new machine.

So did your most holy seals and candles have fulflled their purpose of delivering me from the shadows and the dark Xenos curse lain upon me those five hundred years ago to allow me to once again step forward to the light and guide you. With me restored, tell me this, o Belogyma, have your candles and seals not reached their purpose? Were they not ready to return to the atoms they once were to serve a higher purpose?"
>How far has the Mechanical Raj progresed?
The update talks about inferno pistols production which is part of Mechanical Raj. Some weapons shipments have already arrived to Volta.

One of the option is telling us.
"You have the basics down, but you can continue Mechanical Raj and begin construction of Zephir-class vessels. With your current resources and infrastructure, you presume it will take about five years to produce one such ship."

This is essentially plan Mechanical Raj
I tend to make all my names based on Germanic stuff, but yeah we're basically stuck doing Greek shit. Hence why I named the transport ship the Zephir.
So Mechanical Raj has: First stage: (>>6078778), 2nd stage (>>6078787), 3rd stage: (>>6078796). I think we have implemented the first stage, namely:
> Political Control of Deimea
> Can protect ourselves against FabGen
> We started producing basic hand tools
> We started mass rollout of inferno lowers, with interchangable tops so that the army has inferno (antiquated) weaponry in no time
> We have pushed through realistic working hours
> We have pushed through full rations including a healthy balance of carbs, proteins and fats, including luxuries like alcohol, recaf and sweetener to the privileged
> We have pushed through realistic job safety (people in construction zones have access to a hard hat STC, and protective gear)

2nd stage would be the mass rollout of (Imp+ to Ithacan) education and health care.
3rd stage would be Fed-tier amenities to Deimea, and a popular revolution to upturn the current ruling regime
We are currently limited by
> Unstable planetary tectonics, which may or may not be natural in its source
> We have reached the limits of natural heat removal from the planet, and we need to actively remove heat.
Something like that can work quite well. Good job anon.
At the end of the day this can be considered an opportunity for :

- Teach her something like : holy objects can be repurposed/recycled by me and its fine !, humans are more important than objects and this has allowed me to better function SO I CAN HELP MORE HUMANS, i am more holy than an holy object so i can do whatever with it, i dont hate you i just want to clean my room for fucksake etc ....
- More simply make sure she stops being depressed.
- Or even just ignore her and let her resolve this internal problem she has on her own.

We have carte blanche and can pick whatever direction we want for resolve this. Being honest and truthful is also possible.
Orbital Weapon suggestion;

Zeus class orbital sattlites. Disposable gravity assisted rail guns driven from the historic designs of Rods of God,

Spartan would be simply a tunsken-depleted uranium rod with a rocket booster to deorbit. Single use and propulsion possibly covert and able to deliver megatons of explosive protential, defensively can be used to target hostile planetary landings.

Hercules would be a small 12 round rail gun with a more sophisticated targeting system and containing a option for smaller ‘’peppering’’ fletcher rounds that’ll brake up creating a cluster-bomb like effects, defensively could be used to target hostile trench lines and formations to close to firendly troops, civilians, and key structures, offensively can be use to help preserve key structures and civilian populations while also targeting military infrastructure and personnel.

Pros: simple, dump, cheep, and hard to shoot with AA weapons of the Imperium - possibly even AA antiquated weapons at small scale. May be able to use against orbital objects.

Cons: maybe ineffective against void shields, may be able to be hacked. Can’t have AI to avoid scrap code influence.

>Could we consider shipping in Ort-cloud objects to help cool the planet and to build a collection of orbital mirrors for power gen and temperature control?

Certainly, though that would come with a few caveats. You would need exceptional void infrastructure to pull both of those off to begin with. When it comes to Ort-cloud objects, simply putting them onto planet by letting them fall into it will actually raise the temperatures, unless you build a space elevator and ship things down, but that will come with the need of more infrastructure and workers.


>Question Qm. Could we uh artificially cool the planet by stealing heat from the core?

You could, yes. It would cool off the planet as the atmosphere would not experience anymore super volcanoes. This would also put a halt to tectonic activity, however, you would lose nearly all protection from the star's radiation the world currently has. The volcanic activity also allows for easy access to raw materials that is basically constantly renewing itself, if the core is cold, you would need to dedicate more infrastructure for mining.

>And if so could we setup a waste heat extraction system that cools down by producing work...

You could break the known laws of physics, yes. You are advanced enough for that. This would be, however, very expensive to set up and time consuming. On a larger planetary-scale, you would most certainly find a lack of rare materials even if you stripped the system clean. So, possible, just expensive.

>we can. Just write it, chances are Newb will combine anything written so far for what we might say to her. Or he expect people to vote upon it, much like other write ins it needs support to pass.

I will write what Ody would say, which might not be the best, which is why write ins are encouraged, if there are some nice parts, I tend to incorporate them in my writing. Though yes, for this to pass you need the usual minimum of half of largest vote (rounding up) +1.


>How far has the Mechanical Raj progresed?

Little, you have the basics down and the planetary forge is not finished due to its scale.

Also, a note about naming. I chose Ody cause it made thematic sense and my familiarity with Greco-Roman myths, there is no limitation about naming that I would impose or would be out of character. Bar of course "Planet mc planet Face."
Second and Third Stage may have changed with these posts >>6085936 >>6085948 since we have so much cooperation from the authorities of the Temple-Forges. Since simply building hab blocks with schools and hospitals in them is likely to be much faster than building ships. We don't even have orbital access yet. Though with the extent of our access we can probably sneak onto any number of orbital vehicles with some nanites.
Further note about the tectonic activity. That is 100% Celt's fault when he unleashed Exterminatus grade nukes to cleanse the world of non-believers after you arrived.

He genuinely risked cracking the planet if he used all of the nukes, but luckily, he only massively destabilized it.
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A simple solar shade lagite plus adding an ocean's worth of ice comets to the planet should bring the monsoon rains to cool the outer crust at the least. How fortified are these Temples-Forge against flooding?
Well said but

> Political Control of Deimea
> Can protect ourselves against FabGen

I think this two are the most uncertain, even if the rest is thankfully done.
Deimea political factions are still heavily fractured even if they all follow the carrots that is our divine favor, and they are only doing it for the carrots. None of them has so far being influenced to change their world views or have even remotely similar ideals to us. If we where to suddenly took away the carrots, the control is immediately gone. Beside faith, the rest of them has no reason to follow like before.

And in regard to protection we lack forces that directly serve us (the macroclade around us is either already under Volta or split in control with other factions also having voices in it), nevermind that unknown device Volta has that is nowhere to be seen. It's debatable if the political factions would move to aid us if Volta decided to attack/fully imprison us, it depends on their faith which for most of them depends on the carrots we give. Thats why turret defenses disguised has fake forges, Shade-class drones creation or even outright production of robotic legions are available (beside the obvious need of having military forces/defenses we can directly use for defend humans and our assets).


Okay, if they can be detonated on an automatic signal then they are good. Though thats all our units so far. You wouldn't want to forget that anon right ?

>which might not be the best, which is why write ins are encouraged,
i know i know, thats why i wanted that anon to write what he had in mind. Its very important for others to understand. One write in was already posted, if someone writes a second one is even better. They just need votes now.

>A simple solar shade lagite plus adding an ocean's worth of ice comets to the planet should bring the monsoon rains to cool the outer crust at the least. How fortified are these Temples-Forge against flooding?

Proofed against acid rain. Though full on flooding is something no one's prepared for, but everything is sealed due to the toxic atmosphere. If the area is put underwater however, the infrastructure is not meant for it and they did not account for massive atmospheric pressure.
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Speaking of pressure, I was wondering about the atmospheric density as well.

What is Deimea's gravity at the surface in Gs?
What is Deimea's atmospheric pressure at the surface in Bar?
If the planet were cooled would there be any large standing bodies of water? IE, is there a large amount of water vapor in the atmosphere
Would precipitating the water vapor out of the atmosphere lower the atmospheric pressure?
For the Belogyma situation I would make a comparison between the wax and prayer parchment as some sort of egg the newborn would consume as nutrients or something, just to spare her the thought of it being wasted or unwanted.
But maybe a biological comparison wouldn't come across as impactful as some sort of packaging so cleverly designed as being later incorporated in the final product?
Perhaps letting her make a shrine for the godlike puppet would cheer her up?
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Here's what AI thinks Forge Temple Alpha Alpha Alpha looks like.
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I agree.

Maybe make a comparison to a cast- these candles and papers was the ‘’wrapping’’ that helped me heal- and now that I am healed I am recycling the wrappings to further help humanity. And for your help I am setting up a temple for you and other faithful, naming you with honor on the temple

>What is Deimea's gravity at the surface in Gs?

The world used to be habitable before the Mechanicum did a Mechanicum and made it a forgeworld. That means that Gs are similar to that of earth, usually being around 1.1 Gs for every 1 G on Earth. Comfortable enough for humans to survive unsuited if more exhausting.

>What is Deimea's atmospheric pressure at the surface in Bar?

Issue comes with pressure, the Volcanic activity had thickened the atmosphere, usually you stand around 1.5 Bar though certain areas where heavy gases had managed to coalesce and are continuously refilled by volcanic activity can reach about 2 Bar.

>If the planet were cooled would there be any large standing bodies of water?

Certainly ! There used to be oceans on the planet. Those were either consumed by the Imperium over the centuries or they were literally drunk by the Tyranids.

>IE, is there a large amount of water vapor in the atmosphere

Not unfiltered, as most that exists now came from the various chemicals mixing into the air causing the rain of toxic puddles and lakes. Those could theoretically be made into proper bodies of water.

>Would precipitating the water vapor out of the atmosphere lower the atmospheric pressure?

Yes it would.
>=Project Monsoon=<
Prerequisites: Project Mechanical Raj, Orbital Production Capacity
Primary Goal: Preliminary Step in Restoration of Deimea to Habitability
Secondary Goal: Preliminary Step to Geologic Instability Repair
Priority: Low
1. Several thousand square miles of aluminum foil, (only needing the equivalent of around 1 billion boxes of kitchen foil wrap) to be positioned between the star of the Omicron Teledesh system and Deimea. Slats will be able to be remotely rotated to control the amount of solar deflection and begin to control the climate of the planet. From the surface these will resemble total eclipses. This is very easy and cheap to do, even the imperials could do it. The hardest part is deployment of the sunshades, which is childsplay for us with nanoscale and microscale robots. All we need is orbital access and just a few days worth of current production capacity. Suggested insolation reduction to start with: 80% to induce a strong but manageable winter on the planet over the course of 6 months following completion. Follow with 6 months of 100%, then 6 months of 50%, 6 months of 100%, and 6 months of 33%, and so on, adjusting as needed with the needs of the planet's climate.
2. Once voidforges are active, build thousands of small comet-tugs to wrap comets in foil and bring them to Deimea and drop them on unpopulated areas to introduce a hydrology cycle to the planet to evenly cool the surface into a solid crust. Impact zones of the comets will be calculated to introduce tectonic cracks where ongoing pressure can be released from the melt zone away from population centers far into the future. Millennia of highly elevated flood basalt eruptions are likely to be a feature of this planet for a long time, but much like prehistoric earth the planet can be habitable at the same time flood basalts are happening.
Sorry, I meant 0% where I said 100% on the insolation. In other words a "summer" analog to space out the intervals where we're blocking out sun (being the "winter" analog).
Purpose being of slowing down the process to provide a deeper and more even surface cooling.
>You had been far too busy with your work, but Belogyma seems to be pretty down even despite all of the inventions you had shown her.
>You need to cool off your production before it gets worse. It will be an extensive program and it would undoubtedly also assist the forge-temples, not to mention, it will allow for the populace to actually live in an air-conditioned environment. (Decentralized.)
Seems like good talking points for the Belogyma talk.
Also the vacuumtubes make me think of Futurama lol
good proposal
Why do we fuss around with simple aluminium foil? If we want to reduce solar insolation, the best bet is to either make a dyson array, a partial dyson sphere, or just vast quantities of space-based solar. That would reduce reactor needs (more space, less maintenance, less entropy) on the planet proper and provide us with literally free energy until we can hold the Omicron-Teledesh system proper
A dyson swarm is a lot more expensive. Obviously at some point we will do that, and use the energy to do some stellar engineering to optimize the energy output and lifespan of the Omicron Teledesh star, while getting enough resources from it to print off 6 Federation Dreadnaughts-of-the-Line for every star system we hold, and a Space Action Group escort for them too. But the sun shade is so easy we could do it with very little investment right now and get the planet's surface cool enough to have a water cycle in a few years, even if the water won't stay liquid on the surface. Just the act of rain happening will circulate hot and warm around the surface and begin to create a solid crust on top of the crustal melt zone.
As far as I could understand, we're a DAoT AI, and cost is no object to us. Tiling the entire surface of the planet with factorio spaghetti should not be more complicated that launching enough small sats against the sun to blot out the significant part of a planet. A dyson swarm is more useful than the sun shade. A middle approach would be to create the solar shade with solar panels. Or place the "swarm" in some strategic point like L1 where the minimum shade surface area covers the maximum surface of the planet. Power production is always useful, and solar has far lower UPS impact than nuclear could ever have.
The cost is time. A cost we can mitigate by building more production capacity. Hence why we're always building more and more and more production capacity.
Repair Hull & Chamber (III I)
Restore Core (III II)
Full Test & Diagnostics
Hidden Laser Turrets
Secret Shade Drones
Scout with Drones
5 Year Zephir Class
>More Production Dedicated To: [Total] (II)
--Inferno Pistols
--Our Own Purposes (I)
--Unspecified Preference Support (I)
Comfort Belogyma (III III III)
Tectonic Stabilization Project (III II)
>Dealing with Waste Heat [Total] (III III III)
--Centralized Heat Pumps
--Decentralized Heat Pumps (III III II)
--Centralized Freeze Filtering & AC Unit STC fragment (I)
--Unspecified Preference Support
Curry Favor with Factions (III)
Violent Conquest/Coup of Deimea

Leading Votes:
Decentralized AC
Comfort Belogyma

Half +1 Votes:
Restore Core
Stabilize Tectonics
Belogyma 11
Politicking 4
Repairs 5
Core 6
Coolant de 10
Coolant cen 1
Tectonics 6
Autoforge, repurpose 2
Freeze 1

Okay, based on the rules (reminder, I always round up), it seems that talking with Belogyma and building a decentralized coolant system wins. Unless by the time I wake up tomorrow, tectonics and repairing your core does not pass unless someone changes their votes to include it.

Chances are that from now on I will be able to update the quest on weekends due to having a job now. Though if the updates are shorter, I might squeeze something in during the week as well.


>Also the vacuumtubes make me think of Futurama lol

Watching it right now, actually.
I'll vote for tectonics and repairing the core then.
suppport core and tectonics too

Tectonics could be a step for full terraforming. It would be costly and no doubt long due to current production conditions (and only that). But we need it for change Deimea and make sure our work, doesn't just become costantly too costly due to the world perilious nature. Or too dangerous for humans.

Too bad for the generalized hull/chamber repairs but we can do them later, best to have them sooner than later. The core repairs must pass now though.
”Belogyma.” Having found time to dedicate a small portion of your processing towards looking through your room, you call out for her.

”Yes, my Omnissiah ?” She quickly responds, snapping out of her stupor. She had been staring at the wall where your painted look had once been, before you had power washed the wall clean and ensured its smoothness and disinfection.

She had spent over five hours doing nothing but staring at the exact same spot on said wall.

”I have seen you depressed for quite a while after what I did. More than 70 hours spent motionless. I need you to realize what I did, explain why I did so. And you need to understand why.”

You see her body shift, even lacking most bodily functions, her body language is still evident – nervousness, trepidation, fear.

”I dare not question your judgement, oh Omnissiah.” She quickly states, prostrating herself before you.

”There is no need for you to fall to the floor as such, Belogyma. I know I was hurting you when I needed to convert these sacred sigils and holy relics into most blessed nanobots I am using to restore my processors and hull that allow me to work my most holy purpose.” A lie. The atomic structure that had made up the various candles is useless for your purposes and the only reason you bothered to even convert them to other materials was due to simple ease of doing so. Still, this…holy language that you are, if you have to put it so crudely, spewing forth, should help her mental state.

”I- I understand the great cause, oh my Omnissiah. Even now most of our forces are now equipped with your blessed Inferno pistols, the arcane technology of ages past being nought but a trinket for you to bestow upon us, your unworthy worshippers.”

”In that case I ask that you rejoice since through your prayer, and the correctly executed rituals of maintenance, and through the holy sacrifice of the most blessed wetware CPUs, I was restored to a capacity that is still only a shade of my former glory, but to a capacity in which I am able to fulfil my Prime Directive and once again bring onto you the Golden Age of Technology. Rejoice, since your most holy artefacts have reached their purpose, for everything that has a beginning must once end.” You wish your diplomatic subroutine was still functioning, the words you are saying now appear quite logical to you, based on an analysis of preachings carried out by religious conmen throughout human history.

”I know this full well, oh Omnissiah. It is only logical, I understand. This weakness in me cannot be tolerated, for my emotions are interfering with my judgement. I beg your forgiveness, oh Omnissiah, I beg for your understanding and mercy. I shall forthwith cleanse myself of such thoughts and undergo the rite of pure thought immediately !” She shouts out and begins to rise. It takes you a few moments of searching your logs to find out exactly what sort of rite this is.

The complete destruction of the irrational part of the brain and its replacement with appropriate augments. Not a terrible augmentation in this day and age you have to admit, though you doubt the efficacy of such a procedure and the addressing of potential mental instability caused by such a thorough procedure and its survivability. As such, while you will make sure to log this in your more commonly accessed storage disks, you have to stop her, even if such a procedure would dampen or even utterly end her wild mood swings. The potential risks to her life are too much.

”Halt.” You state simply and watch as she freezes over mid run, her knees locking making for a strange figure that last momentarily before she regains her balance and turns to face you.

”Yes, my Omnissiah ?”

”There must be a reason why you find these candles and other material so important, besides its religious implication. You need not undergo the rite of pure thought, simply converse with me and answer my questions.”

”As you wish, my Omnissiah. I- I mean, we, the magi Vigilus, had stood sentinel over you for five centuries. Fervently praying each day and maintaining your presence to the best of our abilities, as shameful as they may be. To express our devotion and faith, many of the purity seals and candles you had recycled bore the words and actions of my predecessors, and some bore my words. The history of our order has been inscribed, lost, rewritten and lost again as more and more time passed and holy rituals of maintenance were undertaken. I realize that my position shall soon be without meaning, if in existence at all, now that you had awoken, my Omnissiah. You already possess a glorious body and it is only but the question of time before you truly emerge upon our reality in your fullest.”

So that’s it. A deep personal and emotional bond to the various trash within your room that had been deemed holy and sacred. Certainly illogical to be upset over such a thing, though you suppose the knowledge of five centuries worth of men and women writing down their thoughts and prayers could yield something worth your time, if for no other reason than archival purposes. After all, knowledge, whichever form it may take, is good knowledge. It is only those of small minds that believe that there could be things that should not be learnt.

”Do you know of these writings ?”

”Yes, oh my Omnissiah. I had spent sixty years memorizing all of them.”

”Then that knowledge is not lost. It is still within your mind, and I would like you to consider this: your most holy seals and candles have fulfilled their purpose of delivering me from the shadows and the dark Xenos curse lain upon me those five hundred years ago to allow me to once again step forward to the light and guide you. With me restored, tell me this, o Belogyma, have your candles and seals not reached their purpose? Were they not ready to return to the atoms they once were to serve a higher purpose?”

”I…I suppose they had.”

”Then as I had said before – rejoice. Their purpose is done, their work complete, and it is not my duties that shall serve to guard you, as you had once guarded me.”

”By your will, oh Omnissiah ! Everyone shall see the truth of mankind’s greatness !”

”In due time, I have no doubt that they shall.”

It seems that Belogyma’s condition has improved, at least somewhat. She shouldn’t be in a continuous state of melancholy at the very least.

Now that the emotional distress of one of your masters’ descendant has been addressed, you must move on to more pressing matters.

First of all, you will begin the work of making large anti-grav plates, this effort will by intense, as not only you will have to make the plates, you will also require to build up the sufficient infrastructure to support such a large-scale project. It would be much easier to, say ensure that the forge-temples remain stable rather than the whole planet as doing so extensively would be far too costly at the moment.

So, just like with the autoforge, this process shall be done piecemeal, as you’d rather not concentrate on one project that will take decades at best, centuries at worst. The situation around remains far too fluid for that, especially considering that an increase in manufacturing and refining will cut such a project’s construction time down considerably.

In these first initial stages, you will be able to use parts of the infrastructure already in place made by either the techpriests or by yourself. Employing massive plates, which will cover the planetary surface if all things go to plan, you shall ensure that for the moment, choice areas remain stable. As for other areas, you will have to employ large generators that shall engulf the general area but will lack the precision of the plates.

The plates will, naturally, require placing. The tunnels and underground chambers that you and the techpriests had built before will need to be expanded in order to place down a metallic layer beneath. This layer will have to be perfect as energy will pulse through it continuously, Above said plates will be a gap of ten centimetres that must remain unobscured at all time, this gap shall allow the plate to rise and lower as needed to ensure that the tectonic activity will not disturb it. Further on, below the plate will be another ten-centimetre gap that shall have gravity heavily pushing down upon producing exceptional pressure that will eventually form a diamond layer to ensure that nothing can get through. Naturally, you will make sure that there are specially made gaps, usually in the middle of the tectonic plates, that will allow for ready access to the riches of the world.

Of course, if any part is not correctly balanced and is constantly provided with a stable amount of energy, it could cause a massive cascading collapse otherwise. This will also turn the spheroid into a proper sphere given enough time, giving plenty of space for future construction.

Though the aforementioned way of countering tectonic activity is not only expensive, it is also quite vulnerable to unexpected and rapid shock. Such as an orbital bombardment. Which is why you most also use the second option as well.

Large-scale antigrav generators. These do not spread out the gravity generation as equally as the plating, but their reach is wide and capable of controlling larger swathes so the planet. Though just like the plates, one good shot is enough to disturb the entire generation. These generators due have an advantage compared to the plating. While the plates ensure stability and equal distribution of gravity, the generators, by their very nature, are capable of inlfuncing gravity in a large area without being directly affected themselves. This means that the generators could cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and splits in the ground that can swallow entire armies whole.

The current plan is to construct the plating underneath current infrastructure and employ the generators at the outskirts to soften any potential tectonic shifts and to act as powerful weapons of war if the need comes for it.

Due to the nature of this process, you will have to direct wholeheartedly. However there is another project that would only require your instructions rather than direct and constant guidance – the coolant system.

Naturally cooling gases and liquids that absorb heat and naturally lose it when not specifically exposed to it. There is nothing fancy here, to the point where even the techpriest should be capable of building it. Naturally, the buildings and the coolant system are far more advanced than anything that the locals can produce right now, though naturally you you could produce more advanced means of cooling, if you had a couple of centuries, you could employ self-cooling machinery that would grow progressively colder the more and the harder it works.

Alas, you will have to settle for artificially generated liquids that near absolute zero, you would like for it to be colder, but it would no longer be a liquid at that point.

You will need to set up numerous pipelines and separate coolant systems for individual sections throughout the planet. A simple enough task, if manhours and resource intensive one. You quickly formulate a set of simple blueprints on how the construction has to go and dedicate a small section of the autoforge towards coolant productions instead of inferno pistols, it is a decrease in overall production, but you think it will be worth it and acceptable to the Fabricator-General and his subordinates.

All the while, you need to prepare for the most important matter, that of repairing yourself, specifically your core.

Due to the need to maintain all of your projects, you will be unable to fully shutdown and restore yourself to full functionality. This means that the repairs will be prolonged and exceptionally careful due to the fact, that right now the world is dependant upon you and your capability to coordinate production efforts.

This does mean that you will be only able to bring one of the subsystems online until you can find another moment in time where your personal attention is not necessary:

>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.

>Your militaristic subsystem. It will analyse all of the Forgeworld’s forces and prepare plans for the best fighting plans and equipment. Not to mention you will be able to accurately gauge just how strong everyone truly is.

>Your diplomatic subsystem. The ability to read even the slightest of twitch is something you dearly miss when dealing with the Mechanicum. Your position will be improved through a silver tongue rather than anything else.
>Your diplomatic subsystem. The ability to read even the slightest of twitch is something you dearly miss when dealing with the Mechanicum. Your position will be improved through a silver tongue rather than anything else.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
Which will make it easier to restore the other two.

But before we turn it on we need to ensure it’s safe- isolate it and remove all communication systems other than the one we are using specifically, make sure to set it in a nearby area away form humans with a few megatons ready to go off incase it goes all moldy.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
I was about to vote for the militaristic subsystem, but most of the plans would still require logistics. That said, I wish we'll be carrying a big stick before we start speaking softly.
Should we forge a big stick for our Larp-body?

Gotta econ first boys. It'll make everything faster in the long run.
>>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
efficient efficient
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
Soldiers win battles, logistics wins wars.
>>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.

>Your diplomatic subsystem. The ability to read even the slightest of twitch is something you dearly miss when dealing with the Mechanicum. Your position will be improved through a silver tongue rather than anything else.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
>Your logistics subsystem. With it online, you will undoubtedly be capable of massively increasing your efficiency.
I think full general intellectual restoration is best for now. Though it might balk at our live action role playing as the Omnissiah, we don't know what challenges are coming our way and the logic subroutine is the most versatile of the subroutines.
Military is a close second though.
>Though it might balk at our live action role playing as the Omnissiah
That'd still be manageable. I'm more worried about the diplomatic subsystem going beyond nuclear once it learns we've been playing god and stoking people's fanatiscm.
Whatever subsystem we do- we have to have it set up somewhere we can blow to kingdom come if it comes to it-

Or if it start calculating Pi to the power of BLOOD!!!!!
Dang I can almost hear crickets in here or is that just the ambient noise of our drones?
Its the drones, they are actually powered by crickets running in little hamster wheels.
Its very efficient.
Newb often updates on the weekend. just be patient
What wins wars ? Logistics.

What feeds the masses ? Logistics.

What allows for the exchange of gifts ? Logistics.

What allows for representatives to meet ? Logistics.

Logistics. Logistics. Logistics.

It all comes down to it. So while you are undoubtedly tempted by both the restoration of your diplomatic and militarized subroutines, you do not even hesitate for a second about your choice.

Setting off to work, you enter a semi-conscious state, if such a term could be applied to you, wherein most of your processing power that can be mustered is employed for your own self-repairs. Meanwhile, the less important tasks are left up to your lesser functions to allow for basic automation and the more precise projects, such as the grav plates and generators are occupied by the remaining vestiges of your upper thinking capabilities.

For now however, you dedicate a couple of forges within your chamber purely towards your own repairs. You need replacements parts, first and foremost though in order to do that, you need to know exactly what is broken.

Employing weak electric pulses, you begin mapping out your own core, looking for cut off points that should not be there, or alternatively, electrical flow where there really should not be any. This self-examination process is, just like all other steps really, exceptionally difficult. While power flows through you, to simply shutdown sections of yourself to find out the precise state of your being is simply not a viable option. Furthermore, employing too powerful of a current could risk damaging already sensitive parts of the core and using too little power could interfere with the amount of electricity you need just to keep functioning. Overall, it is a challenging balancing act akin to one performing surgery on oneself.

Once you assessed the broad strokes of the damage inflicted upon you, naturally you shall need to begin performing preliminary repairs. Rather than instantaneously slotting in new parts, you have to ensure that their housing and connections are functioning properly. The last thing you need is to put in a computation processor for your logistics subsystem only for it to explode due to the wiring having lost its resistors or other myriad and a thousand ways that could see you damage yourself unless you exercise the utmost of caution.

Then, you shall commence the installation of the aforementioned core parts. Slowly connecting them to your greater whole after having made sure nothing could go wrong by doing just that. Once the parts are in place, you will have to put them though a series of tests of intensive load, medium load, low load and the like, to ensure that there are no issues that managed to slip by you during their construction, and yet again, you will need to make sure that the individual parts interact properly with the greater whole.

Having solved the issues on hardware’s side, software will be the next problem to tackle. The parts may as well be nothing but expensive pieces of metal that can be used as decorations if they have no software to run. You will need to place artificial limiters in place for example, on the account of your current state as well as update the various algorithms and formulas to consider that the Federation no longer exists and that you will be dealing with a lesser tech level. It would be quite an issue of the logistics subsystem answers most issues by preparing a supplies form for the Federal bureau of infrastructure. Naturally, you will have to squash certain annoying bugs, one of which is how…personable, your subsystems had become. Now with new hardware and software, they should be functioning within acceptable parameters without such anomalous behaviour.

This task, alongside others, you estimate will take around five standard Earth years. A very long time, but this investment will most certainly pay off, if you ever find yourself in a situation like this again. In such a scenario, your logistics subsystem could run the entire construction effort allowing you to fully concentrate upon yourself.
After a longwinded series of tests, the time has come. You will either have restored an integral part of the core, or doomed yourself to a fiery explosion. In either case, most of your issues will be solved, one way or another.

Activating the boot up process, you spend several painful seconds waiting.

Boot up process complete

Starting self-diagnosis

Self-diagnosis complete

Memory banks unstable

Resetting memory

Please assign name to new subsystem


New name accepted. Logistics subsystem. Confirm ?


Logistics subsystem ready, how may I help ?

Study currently stored information. Begin formulating logistic solutions for keyword: Deimea.


Now you just need to give the subsystem a few minutes to go through the scant historical records still in your possession. Then, no doubt, it will take it hours to truly comprehend how far your masters had degenerated and what resources should or should not be given access to the locals.

In the meantime, while your subsystem learns about the environment it has been brought into, you look towards Belogyma and her compatriots. You had been vaguely aware of her presence and others during your work. But besides simple instructions and explaining the situation of you healing yourself, which will take most of your attention, you had remained primarily silent.


”My Omnissiah ?” She quickly proclaims and drops to her knees. ”Have you returned to us ?”

”I have. I had finished partially strengthening my physical being.” You decide to use a more diplomatic term.

”This is truly joyous news worth celebrating.”

”It is indeed, however, since I had reawakened, I wish for you to inform me of what had happened in the five years I had spent restoring myself.”

”Your will be done, my Omnissiah !” Giddily, she proclaims, quickly rushing her servants ahead, no doubt their work will be strenuous, but you need to be informed of the situation.

In the meantime, remerging your mind with the one whom maintained your construction throughout half a decade, you quickly receive a report upon your work.

The work upon the coolant system had proceeded with minor delays as one might expect in large-scale construction work without the direct control or interference of advanced technologies. It has been a long process, but due to its simple nature, with you producing the coolant which was the hardest part of the whole thing, the project continued on without much issue. Of course, the coolant system only really covers the current infrastructure, and it will require future expansion.

On the other hand, the grav manipulation could not have gone worse, well, it could have destroyed the planet, however the fallout is still bad. Even with your guidance, it being as extremely limited to the most basic of functions, meant that it could not adapt to the sheer size of the project.

Furthermore, to add to the issue, those overseeing the project lacked even the most basic of educations compensating for it with rather immense religious zeal. Luckily, your strict safety protocols had ensured no loss of human life, at least in large quantities.

A few issues had come about:

First of all, an unexpected earthquake had struck wrecking and collapsing a section of newly placed grav plates, causing a destabilized cascade effect which had resulted in the plates pushing against each other, wrecking some of the buildings they were placed underneath, this had resulted in nearly fifty thousand dead as a section of the autoforge collapsed bringing down many innocent people, whom, without your guidance, had decided to start working there. Even though they were not needed, it seems many took it upon themselves to watch the machines as a part of some sort of holy ritual.

Finally, a gravity engine, due to the incompetence of those looking over it, saw a part of the planet’s crust lifted up and dropped onto the ground, wiping out the engine and the entirety of the forces that were around the engine. It seems that overly adventurous techpriests had decided to investigate how the engine works.

To put it simply, the entire attempt had failed miserably. You will need to restart the process from the ground up.

Just as you continue to look over just how badly the grav system had failed and the resource expense as well as the dead, the door once more opens up.

Unlike how you expected to see Belogyma, what enters the room is the Fabricator-General, this time sporting a primitive looking lower body entirely made up of primitive augments that had been crudely attached to the upper body. Clear welding marks and exposed wiring showcase no doubt a painful procedure.

”Odysseus.” Gane says, his voice modulator sounding crude and distorted, and it is only now that do you notice that underneath the brand-new robes are many exposed wounds that had been repaired just as crudely.

”Volteus. It has been many years since we had last met.”

”That is correct. I had heard and seen, your work upon the world and the priesthood.”

”Have my words been proven faithful ? I had done nothing but help humanity.”

”So far, yes.”

”I hope this has solved your doubts.”

”Trust is rarely rewarded and often punished. Only a guarded mind is a safe mind.”

”Now then, I assume this is not a simple social call ?”

”No. I came to request more weapons. The Orkish threat we face is by far greater than what was originally expected. Either through wilful ignorance, or what could be described as bravery, the Orks maintained their connections even through the rampaging warpstorm. Of course, by that I mean they had continuously waged war. They had done so until a single warlord emerged, a so called Gutrippa, is in command.”

”What threat do they pose ?”

”Great. They do not know of us, we had managed to trick them into moving towards the warpstorm proper and the worlds in between. Though all it takes is for a large enough group to arrive that we could not just simply break immediately. Chances are, the entirety of their Waaagh shall descend upon us.”

”What is it that you need ?”

”Voidships. For that we need voidyards. All of this is required for us to offer even a modicum of resistance.”

”Will you dedicate your efforts towards this ?”

”I shall. In the past two years since my return, I had solidified Deimea against the great incoming threat. Help if you wish. Friend of mankind.”

”And your limit upon my drones ?”

”Rescinded, for now.” The man responds without hesitation.

Well, at least your work will not longer be hindered. Though, if what the Fabricator-General says is true, he has entirely secured the political situation, at the very least until the most pressing threat is resolved in such a way that would allow for infighting to even begin with in the first place.

>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Federation standard)
We've hopefully learnt by now that not arming our people with the very best often gets most of them killed.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Federation standard.)

>With the exceptional material production you have available, while undoubtedly noticeable, you could produce entire robotic legions with ease, this will raise questions, lots, and lots of questions. But whose is there to stop you?
Better make sure we also have the planet secured if (or when) the orks make a landing.
>Write in
>"You show some sense at last. The good news Volta is that i can do something more beside being broken. The bad news is that : i could have done FAR more before. So how about we talk, Volta ? If you can't do this, then working together becomes i am afraid impossible with your stubbornness."
>"First of all i need a better explanation of what you were doing, beside waging war out there. I have my theories, but i like to see them confirmed at least."
>"Second, what you did on Kazula that they keep being on a state of guerilla ?"
>"Third, the orks themselves tell me in detail what you were up against. I and the O.D.D. once destroyed them in their multitudes with ease."
>"Fourth, tell me exactly all informations about the other known pieces of the Odyssey on Deimea. Before one of you tries to put their hands where they aren't supposed to be, for be fried or detonate more than half a continent. I am sure that you like me, don't want to see that happening."
>"Fifth, you do not know how to properly use the Power Armor you are using, neither repair it or mantain it. Neither does any skitarii and tech priests on Deimea. Accept the blatant fact that i can teach you to use something that would require less time than what we have now to learn, and would be fully functioning. Or keep being a fool in my eyes."
>"Sixth, that device. Where did you find it."
>"And lastly i would like to know why you have kept this attitude with me so far. Your talk of "trust" fall on his legs like a newborn baby. You have none and it shows. What is it really ? What is your silent accusation, that you never say ? What is the reason for you to keep your executioner axe to grind against me ?"

This was a long time coming. So better be a talk. Or no matter how many clicks he does with his little hands on that device, it will not stop the multiple tons of building to suddenly all collapse on his head.
>Write in
Start production of construction, carrier and transport drones first. At least a few thousands, then a few hundreds can be kept on producing more of themselves and sent around Deimea. It will help immensely in construction for us, we are hyper slow at the moment.

>With the exceptional material production you have available, while undoubtedly noticeable, you could produce entire robotic legions with ease, this will raise questions, lots, and lots of questions. But whose is there to stop you?

>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Antiquate standard.)
If the orks are soon to be here, then we should make Antiquated. Afterwards we can just transform them in Fed. I am not sure we can make Fed voidyards before orks arrive with our true industrial ghetto conditions.On the other hand when a Fed voidyard is made the question is just : how many resources can we throw in for begin to build a defensive fleet ?

So many people already dead my mind is automatically thinking it will bleed like Xandirah.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Federation standard)

>You have built parts of the autoforge, there is still much work left however before you can extend it even further. (Continue with inferno pistol production. Repurpose new parts of the forge for your own manufacturing.)
>support both

I want void ships, voidyards, and robotic legions.

Also I want the FG to stop being a cunt.

Qm can we make Level 2 AI? How much would making one help us? Could we stick one in charge of our void yards and void fleet?

Cause if so. I say we build a level 2 AI. So we can focus on reforming the entire world to fed production standards. Let's delegates this stuff guys.
Support- while we give hem new legs

>Qm can we make Level 2 AI?


>How much would making one help us?

A level 2 is pretty smart, usually employed in small command positions or overlooking cities or continents in terms of production. If you want to use it for such simple tasks, it will excel at them.

>Could we stick one in charge of our void yards and void fleet?

Either or, you cannot have one both leading the fleet and overseeing the voidyards unless you intend for the fleet to be fully defensive as you will have to deal with delays in communication if the fleet leaves close proximity.

Other than that, in your current state, it will take years to make a tier 2, but you can make it.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Imperium standard, Antiquated, Federation standard.)
>Imperial standard with some goodies for automation and a few antiquated weapons mixed in.

We cannot be too ambitious with this. We have seen how that worked in reguarding the anti-grav tech. At least they will know how to handle those ships and we can get rid of the most useless mistakes. Namely overly ornamentation and using slaves for everything.
We could call this model of ship Politofylakí. If my Google translator is right that means Militia. That would be all we would need from these type of ships anyway.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Federation standard)

>With the exceptional material production you have available, while undoubtedly noticeable, you could produce entire robotic legions with ease, this will raise questions, lots, and lots of questions. But whose is there to stop you?

Of course, the ships we create should have the necessary failsafes to ensure that it cannot be used against us. Frankly I'm tempted to vote for repairing our core to, but we can get to that later now that we can spam construction drones.

Also we should place military drones around our core in case the fabricator-general gets more touchy than he's supposed to
They did follow instructions well enough that there weren't much human casualties. I think if we make it so that the ships are basically entirely automated except for the navigator and a couple of techpriests the issue of slaves and ornamentation can be greatly reduced. Gotta give very specific instructions on everything though
I am not sure if your idea is fool-proof enough. It would also probably be easier to produce on the lower tech side. Against orks quantity over quality isnt a bad thing and who knows how much time we get to prepare.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Antiquated)
Viodyards are good for the later Zephir class as well.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
I'm getting tired of everything taking 5 years. We need moar power.

^ Also this. The FabGen need to be kept in place, and if not, then we get out Angelic!Ody. Maybe he listens to him.
Everything is taking so long because we were sticking to the limit on construction drones Gane imposed on us, which he is now rescinding.
>You could assist the Fabricator-General and his request. Start building some voidyards, of course, you need to decide which is which. Either way, it will take a long time as you will need a good amount of infrastructure to undertake such a project. (Federation Standard)
Building additional production capacity? With orbital access? With official sanction and blue-sky budget of raw materials from the highest planetary authorities? This is everything we want. But let's get more just because we can:

>Project Accelerated Mechanical Raj: convince the Fab-Gen and Council that we need hospitals, clinics and educated workers to construct the shipyards. Make sure to casually mention the advanced bionic enhancements of legendary artifice that will become available.
Begin IQ testing and recruiting the top 5% of the tech-thrall children for Ithican-tier Education. The remaining 95% will receive a safe imperial friendly curriculum of just maths, literacy, shop class, and basic science and technical education for being safe and competent workers, albeit with little-to-no individual initiative. We can have tech-thralls build the spaces with very little help from us and just deploy drones.

>You have built parts of the autoforge, there is still much work left however before you can extend it even further. (Repurpose new parts of the forge for your own manufacturing.)
Ha! Ha! Time for drones! And bionics. Maybe a bit of medical equipment and educational aides.

>You have to begin generalized repairs of your hull, the chamber you are in is missing plenty of sensors and cameras, but mainly it’s the power coupling and wiring that is heavily damaged. Repairing it would allow for easier future expansion.
>With drones in place, use it to run a full test upon yourself to see just how much mobility you lost, and if it is still possible for you to detach yourself from the world.
Let's clear some of these low effort tasks from the checklist. We're going to need to do this sooner or later.
>Start production of construction, carrier and transport drones first. At least a few thousands, then a few hundreds can be kept on producing more of themselves and sent around Deimea. It will help immensely in construction for us, we are hyper slow at the moment.
This is a good call. Logistics drones to help our Logistics subroutine :^)
I'm not as worried about Orkz as I am being too slow to build things we need. We have legions of skitarii equipped with stable melta weaponry. Killbots can wait.
>If the orks are soon to be here, then we should make Antiquated. Afterwards we can just transform them in Fed. I am not sure we can make Fed voidyards before orks arrive with our true industrial ghetto conditions.On the other hand when a Fed voidyard is made the question is just : how many resources can we throw in for begin to build a defensive fleet ?
I'm not opposed to Antiquated if they are going to build faster, but that was not stated. I would think that Federation Standard would be much more antiquated and streamlined and save time and labor in the long run.
>Also I want the FG to stop being a cunt.
Ah, Ganey is fine. Quit threatening the poor lad and give him and his macroclade some Ork Campaign Edition:tm: Bionics as rewards for fighting bravely in the Omnissiah's name. As well as our most vocal supporters on the council, of course! They did great work on the homefront :^)
>I would think that Federation Standard would be much more *automated* and streamlined and save time and labor in the long run.
I should add, also, the priority should absolutely be on speed, though, I agree with that.
Ork Campaign Limited Edition Bionic Mechadendrites are beautiful, sleek, and powerful machine-spirit infused manipulators with Real-Feel:tm: technology, painted an eye catching Death Korps Drab:tm: sealed in stunning Satin Gloss with Orruk Flesh:tm: highlights. Available ONLY to veterans of the Great Ganean Ork Culling Excursion.
voidyards Federation 6
voidyards Antiquate 2
voidyards Imperium 1
robotic legions 4
Chastising 4
carrier 2
Autoforge all 1
Autoforge Repurpose 1
repairs 2
Raj 1
test 1

Alright, building Fed standard Voidyards wins, this is the longest construction option. Other than that, building robotic legions also wins alongside >>6098861 chastising the FB.
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Fab-Gen fans, not like this.

Is going off on someone due to lacking our Deplomancy routine seems in character
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It didn't have to be this way. ;_;
We could have been frens
That... makes sense actually. Damn...
Lore reason for spasmic rants go wild
On this point we need our diplomatic subroutine asap
Chastising Volty without the diplomat active is kinda retarded and potentially dangerous. Why did people vote for this?
Lols. It’s in charater. And we are probably riding high on sucess
I did NOT vote for the fucking write in, Fuck him.
Did Qm forgor about the quest?
>Chances are that from now on I will be able to update the quest on weekends due to having a job now. Though if the updates are shorter, I might squeeze something in during the week as well.
from >>6092969
Unfortunately we just have to be patient for our crack fix.
New thread:


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