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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is an unofficial, unacknowledged, downright despised spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. By all means, familiarity with Tuffle Quest recommended but not required, however this spinoff will also feature topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


Relaying the events of the past month to us in the format of Film Reeled Flashbacks, Peppa recounts some incidents, first one where she kept getting hit in the head with balls. First volleyballs, then a medicine ball! And Erasa laughed at her! Rude!

There was also evidence of a break-in to Peppa's locker in the girls locker-room, but the evidence left behind on the uniform strongly indicated that a boy was the culprit in the worst of ways. Peppa had to remove herself from the locker room immediately, and the feel of it reminded her of her past experience with the bodysnatcher Baby and his grey goo, which haunts her still.

Peppa then went to the Infirmary, and caught up on things with her cousin, the Ox Princess Izumi Mahogany, Izzy for short! From their talk, Peppa learned that Izzy's parents got her permission to skip PE so she could study, and that part of her new tutor's study method involved a special vitamin candy. A big part of why this candy is special is that on top of giving you laser focus, if the name "Izumi" is said in full it also has the effect of overflowing you with anxiety and chills until an injury is inflicted upon your body.

During all of this, the Inspecter is trying to pin down a means and motive for the culprit of Gohan's brutalizing, but has no leads so far. As for who was behind the theft of Peppa's chocolate, there is speculation that it could be a jealous crush behind it, but there's also too much supernatural bobbityboo involved in the theft for it to be that simple. As to who is responsible for Izumi's situation... honestly, Izzy and her family? But yeah that tutor of hers could do with some looking into.

Anyways when we last left off, Peppa was walking home from school and ran into a killer cyborg boy who is on a revenge quest! And as for his target...
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It’s Basilea.

>Common Knowledge! BASILEA
>Peppa's rival, a demon princess who time traveled from the future to beat up Peppa when she was much younger. Kinda lame! But she stuck around, and over the years, she has grown taller and stronger... and still managed to lose every fight she's been in! Had some moderate success in the Tag Tourney from Fu carrying her. Went to jail for trying to blow up all dragon balls, and once freed she mostly goes on random adventures due to having a lack of direction and goals, and does not have much of a home in the future to return back to. The Future Version of Peppa killed her dog or something, it was left vague but Basilea still wears an animal skin she's fond of.

Peppa asks the cyborg boy, “And why are you looking for the monster?”

“That monster killed my family.”

Peppa stubs her toe on a root, and pauses her gait. “She did?”

“Yes. A real dick about it too."

"..." She turns to the boy, her eyes shadowed by her bangs, “I’m sorry.”

The boy shakes his head. “Don’t be, the only one who has to be sorry is the monster.”

“Well, I wish you luck with finding her.” With that, Peppa turns away once more.

She hears that the boy has stopped following after her. Good. She had really wanted some alone time this evening, hence the walk.

But to her confusion, she hears a metallic clack, then the sound of a woosh. A metal hand comes down and grips her shoulder in a vice.

“Oh, you’ll wish me more than luck finding her.”


Peppa inspects the robot hand connected by a cable, going to the boy’s mega buster arm. She clicks her tongue. “Rude.”

The boy wags a finger at her. “Now, when This Great Mercenary was describing the monster, not once did he describe a woman. No one would think This Great Mercenary was describing a woman, but you did.”

Peppa’s face twists. “...you’re a what-now?”

The boy grins. “If This Great Mercenary told you, he’d have to kill you!” He braces himself, and his chains start pulling.

Peppa plants the power pole in the ground, and stands tall. “You just did!”

The boy tugs with his arm. “Huh, I did?”

Peppa tugs back. “Yes!”

“Guess that means you’re dead,” the boy reasons out... then grins. He shrugs, the chain going slack. “But This Granter of Mercy will spare you in exchange for you telling me where I can find the monster.”

Peppa tugs at the metal hand, but it only tightens its grip in response. She tries to fry it with ki, makes it uncomfortably warm. Telekinesis doesn't work, the electromagnetism can subvert it. The claw's going nowhere for now, and she's still iffy on teleporting.

>Quick Recap: The last couple of times Peppa tried to use Instant Transmission, it didn't go well. Without the right headspace for it, she almost phased out of existence the first go around, and the second time she collided heads with her girlfriend and made her late for school, all that was missing in that was a slice of toast in their mouths.
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The option that was picked last vote:
>Point him in Basilea's direction, it's the consequences of her own actions after all.

Peppa considers her self-sworn rival, Basilea. How she's known her over the years. All the murder attempts that Peppa bonked her for. The progress Peppa has made in getting the both of them past smack-talk and I'll-get-you-next-times. All those rants where she called Peppa a carpet-muncher.

...Basilea does love wearing that animal hide, perhaps she was worried Peppa would want a nibble?

And now this boy is out to get revenge on the demon princess, who forcibly made Peppa’s acquaintance by traveling through time to bully her when she was younger.

Now, Peppa isn't the kind to stand by and let the cycle of revenge continue without stepping in, so she says,

"She lives in the dungeons of Castle Kress, which is by Fiend Village.”

“Cool!” the boy gratefully cheers… then tilts his head. He gets out a world map, and he pores over it. He looks back up at Peppa. “Where is that?”

Peppa offers, “I can lead you there if you want!"

...she isn't the kind to stand by and let it spin its wheels in the mud, apparently.

"This Great Mercenary thanks you kindly!" He bows his head, and doesn't release his grip, but it loosens. "Thank you, Master Monkey!"

Peppa rolls her eyes, but she continues, rubbing her thumb and fingers together, "And in exchange for Master Monkey's services, The Great Mercenary will provide coin for a meal on along the way."

"Coin?" The boy looks back at her, bemused. He tilts his head. “I don’t have any coins on me?”

Peppa frowns, then smiles politely. "You get paid for mercenary work, no?"

“Ah, you want me to pay for something!” he says in realization, before jostling her chain with a teasing smirk. “Really now, why not say it simple? This Youngster sees no need to speak in such antiquated talk.”

That’s funny, Peppa sees less need to be around This Youngster the more he talks.

He presents a credit card, and thumbs his nose with the good hand. “The Old Man provides my pay. The only thing I need to do is make a killing!”

Peppa squints at the boy, weighing him. “And how old are- no. How many have you killed?”

The boy considers her question. Then, his megabuster whirs its machinery. With a bell-like chime, his current construct poofs away into smoke. From the megabuster, an instrument with many pointed teeth pops out of it with a -snikt-, and he brings it up. He uses it to comb his hair, and while looking up and away from her, he says, “Oh, about two dozen.”

Disbelief paints Peppa’s features. “Is that a fact?”

He finishes combing his hair down into a respectable bowl cut, then musses it back to spiky again. “Yep!”

Suppressing the urge to roll her eyes, “And were they bad people?”

The boy’s comb turns back into a hand and he holds up a finger, declaring, “As the Old Man would say, ‘People want them dead, don’t worry about it.’”
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He gives a thumbs-up, and waves it in an arc, pointing at himself. “This Killing Machine is on the side of justice!”

Oh jeez, Peppa laments. This was totally a kid, a kid with cybernetic enhancements, but still a kid. Granted, she also did a lot of stuff as a kid, but she also had adult supervision every time. The least she can do is keep an eye on this to make sure it doesn’t escalate further, or de-escalate as suddenly as Basilea’s current mood deems fit.

“Then Master Monkey will make sure This Youngster stays on the straight and narrow path, directly to the monster!”

The boy joins his metal fist and organic palm together, and bows his head. “Appreciable, Master Monkey!”

Aw, he’s trying out the biggerer words! Peppa curtsies with a hand at her tail, “Indeed, Master Monkey’s services come at a very appreciable price!”

“Price? Oh, yeah...” The boy regards her, then laughs. “HA HA HA, and why should I pay? Master Monkey forgets, she is at the mercy of this Merciless, uh, Machine!” He swings his fist as a reminder.

Peppa smiles back at him. She sweeps a hand along the fabric on her shoulder, smoothing out the ruffles.

He looks from her to his mechanical hand, newly sprouted from his megabuster at the wrist.


He springs it at Peppa again only for her to bring her Power Pole down on it with a -CLANG-, grounding it. The boy tugs it back, but can’t budge it out of her pin.

The Great Mercenary objects in yokel twang, “That’s no fair, you can’t do that! Redo!”

Wanting to reply in a tongue that will cater to her foe’s sensibilities, Peppa blows a raspberry at him.

Offended, the boy growls, his skin welling up pink.

Peppa does a double take. No really, it’s literally welling up pink!

When the pigment change reaches the top of his head, a keening whistle sounds as steam shoots from his bionic ear. Whatever the nature of his breathing mechanism, the cyborg stops it, and the whistle cuts off. His body audibly thrums though he stands there perfectly still.

Peppa’s instincts say his current state is one big opening for her to abuse, but if he’s taut like a bowstring, he’s ready to go off at any time. That reasoning is a big part of why the Kamehameha gets used still, though telegraphed as much as an attack can be it’s still adaptable enough to be used as a response to any move the foe makes for however long the user can keep it powered.

Now, should she take him down with a ki blast? But then she wouldn’t have both hands on the Power Pole. Though, that’s probably a moot point since he can free himself easily by changing gears with his megabuster. That’s a nifty trick, like turning a laser sword off and on again. In that case she can dodge whatever it is he wants to hit her with in the time it takes the megabuster’s loadout to adjust. Then again, he is standing there, menacingly, but he’s still a stationary target whose focus is locked directly on her. Perhaps with some telekinesis, she can rock him like a-
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“HRRRAAAGGGHHH!!!!!” The Boy tugs, and his hand, each finger firmly grasped into the ground, lifts and breaks the ground from beneath Peppa’s feet.

“Whoa!” Having lost her balance for just a moment, Peppa adjusts and flips back in the air a few times. She lands, and curses. She thought about it too hard and got the rug pulled out from under her with simple brute strength. “Hoo… okay, guess I should take off the kid gloves?”

The kid holds some remainder of stone in his hand, and with a flex it’s pebbles and dust no longer occupying the space his fist inhabits. He walks toward Peppa, silent but thrumming.

Peppa nods to herself as the kid draws near. Still, can’t rightly bring herself to any lethal options, her opponent being a kid, so she brings up the Power Pole. “Power Pole Extend!”

She swings it down, but is surprised again when he drops low, her extending staff whiffing down to the ground uninterrupted, and then extending back to poke the tree behind her, pinning her in place for a precious instant. “Ah phooey.”

Anticipating the punishment coming her way, Peppa’s body reflexively forces itself to relax, muscles going loose, but still able to adapt with fluid motions in response to the oncoming assault. But despite all her martial arts knowhow, her head still squeezes her eyes shut and grits her teeth.


…she pries an eye open to peer down at her foe, prostrated on the ground in front of her.

The cyborg can’t do anything but pant for air as superheated exhaust vents out of his machinery… and from the seams where it is joined to his flesh.

“Ohmygoodness,” Peppa hisses, kneeling down by him. She’s no healer like Izzy or her mom, but she can at least spare him some energy to give his body a fighting chance before it tires out.


Frantic, Peppa mutters, “C’mon, you can’t die yet, This Mercenary is still a Youngster, there’s still a ways to go to be a Great one, huh? Don’t even know your name!”

After a minute of helping him out, his breathing slows. Peppa feels a slight pulse, and breathes out a sigh of relief.

A human hand grips her wrist.

She smacks the boy’s hand off on reflex and gets in a defensive stance, but again the boy grabs her, and gets ahold of her boot.

Peppa grouses, “Kid, c’mon! Don’t you know when to quit-”

He hits his head to the ground, and politely asks,


Peppa lifts the boy up by his jacket, “'Please please please' What?!”
“Please lead me to her,” the boy says, his pupils pinpricks, both the robotic and the organic. “I’ll pay you. I need to find her, then I will crush her. This Great Mercenary gives his word, and his coin.” He holds the card up.

Peppa takes the card.

The boy smiles.

Peppa smiles back. “Nah, she’d win.”

The smile on his face twitches, then he snarls. “Nuh uh!”

Peppa’s retort is to drop him, and he drops.
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The boy eventually gets back to his feet with only one arm, but his other is still overheated and deadweight. “No for real, I can-”

Peppa gives him a shove, sending the boy off balance really easily. “Your arm’s off.”

The boy grits his teeth, and the servos in his arm whir futilely. He raises a finger, “Just needs some cooling off, one moment please!”

He then runs over to the stream, and hops in. After a few seconds, he hops out of the water, does some flips, and lands, a perfect repeat performance! He puffs air and water out of his nose, and triumphantly says, “See? Good as new-”

He looks around the clearing, and sees no one. “Hey! Where’d you go!?”

Birds fly off at the shout, making the tree branches above jostle the teeniest bit.

Water splooshes down on him from above.


Sputtering, he looks up, and sees Peppa reclining on a tree branch above, grooming her tail.

“So slow~!” she taunts. She waves the card, “You want me to pick you up something, you know, since you can’t keep up?”

He shoots his hand up to grab her, only for her to flip off the branch his robotic hand grips and crushes. She then lands her feet on the arm’s cable and starts sliding down it. His first thought is to retract his arm, but that would just bring her closer faster! So instead he waves his arm around to shake her off.

The unsteady ground going round and round sends Peppa spiraling! …with her descent down the rail uninterrupted. Whooping and laughing, she’d have to say that all in all, it’s better than any of the rides at Dreamland.

With that not working either, he settles on a third thing (which really should be his go to): he disperses his arm and aims his megabuster at Peppa.

But way too late! Peppa kicks his megabuster away, and brings her hands up to her face.

It is a gesture the boy recognizes, having seen The Old Man do it once (and then nothing for a whole day!) so he squeezes his eyes shut. He then notes, with alarms blaring throughout his head, that his robot eye cannot close. He can only bring his hand up to shield his vision, the rest of his body one big opening. Now she'll say something like "Solar Flare!" or "Taiyouken!" or-

“Nghuuuuuuu! Rerorerorerorerorero~!”

...lowering his guard, he takes in the sight of a cross-eyed Peppa sticking her tongue out and waving her fingers at him.

“Why you, you!” he raises his megabuster, and sprouts a fist, which he shakes at her. “Why ya tryin' so hard to make a fool of me!?”

Peppa scratches her cheek, and looks away. “Not that hard."

He grabs at the card in her other hand, but she reflexively backhands his fingers. He winces, blowing on his fingers, then hisses out, “Thief!”

“The assassin is calling me a thief,” Peppa notes dryly. She shakes her head, then responds, “Don’t worry, I’ll give this back after we get some grub.”
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“Then that means you’ll-” the boy hopefully cheers as he goes to grab her again, but meets only air where he saw her just a moment ago. Then, the collar of his jacket is pulled up, and his body follows.

“One thing at a time,” Peppa chastises the dangling cyborg. “Come along nicely now, don’t wanna drop you!”

He fusses a bit, but is cut off by a swerve in Peppa’s airpath that just barely pulls him out of the way of a branch, the kind that would give him reason to double up on the robot eyes.

She leans down and tells him, “But that could change, you know?”

The boy gulps, and nods.


The Inspecter whistles at the scene. “You toyed with a kid to show off how outclassed he was in every way.” She crosses her arms, then tilts her head. “The rude but kind approach, huh?”

Peppa shrugs. “Better to made a fool for a day than dying a fool the next.”

The Inspecter brings up their own mechanical hand and uses it to ruffle Peppa’s hair. “Nice, super quotable!”

Peppa smacks their hand away. “Hands to yourself, I’m over it!”

“Ah, my bad! Eheh…” The Inspecter, who is secretly three of Peppa’s Mom in a trenchcoat, considers what they’ve just seen in that little flashback, displayed up on a silver screen in Peppa’s lounge, the “Ruban Rouge.”

The Inquiring Aspect of Maple Son-Mahogany takes the helm of the totem, and asks, “So that encounter you had with the cyborg boy on the way home from school,” she begins, thinking on how to continue… then just goes ahead and says it, “Does it have anything to do with… Anything?”

Peppa regards her, then smiles and nods. “Good question!”

The Scolding Aspect pipes up from the Inspecter’s torso, “Don’t waste our time, young lady! Show us stuff that will explain how Gohan got maimed!”

Peppa narrows her eyes. “One, I don’t know how it happened. And again, so much stuff has happened the past month and I don’t know how it all fits together or what I overlooked and who knows, maybe he’s the key to all of this!” She gestures to the screen, which features a slow-motion replay of that sweet flip from the river.

The Doting Aspect of Maple leap-frogs from the bottom to the top of their totem, an act which is not noticed by Peppa due to the trenchcoat and their hat and a hefty amount of suspended disbelief. Now forming the head of the Inspecter, she twirls her fake moustache and nods assuringly. “That makes sense, so sorry for lashing out! I’ll be sure to keep an eye out. Won’t I?”

Her torso and legs sway in deference.

Peppa also nods gratefully, in large part to having seen much stranger things recently.

The Inquiring Aspect asks from the shirt, “So what else happened with the cyborg boy? Did he go fight Basilea?”

“...” A knowing smirk gets on Peppa’s face. “You’ll see.” She presses a play button on a remote, which anachronistically enables the movie projector to start up again.


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>Well, we got some air behind us
>And we got some more to clear
>But we can’t right now ‘cause my gut is screamin’
>“Hey, get some grub in here!”

[Peppa flies through the evening skies, her passenger in tow. The cyborg boy grouses and a speech bubble featuring Basilea’s face pops up. Peppa retorts with another speech bubble that overlaps his, with a Red X on Basilea’s mug and then, next to it, a skull with the boy’s hairdo and robotic eye. But the speech bubble rumbles, and Peppa holds a hand to her stomach with a blush and much chagrin.]
>Seein’ no WcDonalds nor diners
>Just a lot of barren land
>For a hungee girl lugging a digital dummy
>Danglin’ from a robot hand
[Peppa surveys the horizon, and can’t see any nearby settlements but ghost towns. The boy activates his megabuster to do something, and dissipates his hand. He then drops through the skies until Peppa catches him. Now holding onto her with his human arm, the boy’s megabuster projects a holographic display of the globe, with the data: “EARTH - 70% WASTELAND, NEAREST REST STOP 500 KLICKS THATAWAY.” Both of them do a :I face.]
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>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way!
>Climbing every frap-py mountain
>All to find one single damn cafe!
[The two of them get blasted by a blizzard, and the two of them look in the direction it came from to see a cursed mountaintop, more a glacier than anything. The words “IF SHE BREATHES,” echo in their minds, and both frown. Peppa charges a Kamehameha one-handedly, and the boy charges a Super Dodonpa. “SHE A TH-” A flash, and the mountaintop is nowhere to be seen, but there is a nice and fluffy snowcloud where it was. The two continue on their way, though unbeknownst to them: from the rubble below, a slope pops up, indicating that Mt. Glass Ceiling will return.]
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>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way!
>And I'd rather be speedin’'
>But I need him breathin’ so he can cover the pay
[Peppa flies at supersonic for a bit, but her passenger looks much worse for wear, what with his skin flapping and organic eye rolled up into his head. Peppa slows her pace, and thinks. A thought bubble appears to show a Yardrat teleporting, but then there’s another visual of Peppa and the boy cracking to pieces comes up and phasing out of existence respectively. She shakes her head, and descends to fly alongside a pair of birds. Their birdsong wakes the boy up, who then frantically whips his head around in shock and clings to Peppa once he sees the ground below.]
>I'm makin' my way,
>I'm makin' my way~

[Peppa snickers at his panicky reaction, and the boy pouts… but then he too joins in, and the two share a laugh. Peppa catches her breath, then catches wind of an aroma. Even the cyborg can smell something. Drool seeps from their mouths. They sniff around the air, and manage to hone in on the wavy line that all aromas have and this particular one possesses. They zoom along the trail, but then!]
glad to see you back after months, OP
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A voice rings out across the wilderness: “HEEEAAALP!”

Glad to be back, anon! And hey now, only a month and a half, y'know! So relaxing- er, uh, I mean, I'm now back and ready to do stuff, look forward to it!

So, many posts and paragraphs and a musical number later, I feel it must be stated plainly that this quest will not have much in the way of rolls to determine the outcome of an action scene (so far as the current flashback arc goes at any rate, but that miiight change if there's a cool reason), and the minor interactions in dialogue or what a character decides to have for lunch will be up to the QM's discretion. The Players do get to decide on the broad strokes, like which course the PC took in the flashback, and can have them ask questions.

Peppa zooms toward that cry of distress, and the boy’s robotic eye flares up with a red sheen. Coincidentally enough, their warpath lines up perfectly with the source of the aroma!

They spot a woman fleeing for her life from some wolves, while carrying a bag of herbs and spices. And to even Peppa’s eyes, that woman, wearing a chef hat, is starting to resemble a drumstick!

>A. Peppa and the Cyborg Boy fight off every predator in the surrounding area!
>B. Peppa sics the Cyborg Boy on the wolves while she makes sure the lady is okay.
C. Just let the lady in a chef hat with a bag of ingredients run off while you're hungry, lol, with wolves chasing her even, lmao
>C. Write-in
>D. Update Notes (write-in)
>A. Peppa and the Cyborg Boy fight off every predator in the surrounding area!
glad to see you back, OP
>B. Peppa sics the Cyborg Boy on the wolves while she makes sure the lady is okay.
>C. "Feed me."
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“AAAH!” the lady cries, yet still lugging the delicious smelling bag with her.

Peppa thinks to herself, “Jeez lady, just leave it behind!” but then her stomach growls at her, and goes, "Yeah yeah. Egads, Whatsa Meesa Sayin?"

She touches down on the Earth gently, and the cyborg boy lands with a THUD that shakes the ground. The pursuing beasts take note of this, and slow their pace as they circle these intruders.

Peppa takes in a good whiff of the aroma, and smirks. “Can’t say I blame y’all too much. But, lady’s got to make a living!” She spins the Power Pole above her head while breathing deep, then finally thrusts the Pole forward with a “HA!” A small tornado forms, then grows bigger and bigger. It engulfs half the predators, and swoops them up into the air. The whirlwind flies through the forest, and stops at a nearby lake. The cyclone dissipates, with its passengers hurled into the water.

Peppa stands triumphant. “Ha, a huff and a puff is all it took to blow them away. Sucks to suck!”

The cyborg boy points out, “Uh, not all of them. I’d say you only got half?” The rest of the wolves growl at him, looking for an opening.

Peppa tilts her head. “Yeah? That’s your half.”

“My half!?” he exclaims, waving with his human arm while keeping his megabuster primed to fire. Then, he musters up some bravado, thumbing his nose. “I mean, This Great Mercenary can kill a wolf with a turn of the hand, but this many is a little-”

“This many is a little, kid,” Peppa cuts him off, tone hard. “Beating up a pack of wolves is a feat jobber side characters are easily capable of. If this is too much, you can forget about Basilea.”

“...” the boy glares at her, then at the wolves. He hisses, then his machinery hisses as he launches himself forward.

Peppa turns away from the scuffle, ignoring the growls, snaps, clangs, whirs, and pewpewpews. She walks up to the lady, who is still clutching the bag to herself and darting her eyes around warily.

“You’re safe now,” Peppa tells her.

The lady regards Peppa, then the fracas. “But he's still fighting them off?”

“Oh, he’ll be fine,” Peppa says. Not from confidence in his abilities or apathy at his plight; with her ability to sense ki she has awareness of the fight’s flow even though her back is turned. Oh, one of those wolves just got grabbed and whipped around to hit the others, neat!

“Alright then? Ahaha…” the lady takes her chef hat off, and lets her auburn hair breathe. She also sets down the sack, taking care not to set it down on the side with a torn hole in it.

“Ah, let me get that for you.” Peppa points, and sutures the tear with the Clothes Beam. There, that should prevent any more predators catching wind of it.

The lady looks at her bag, and then at Peppa. Quicker than even Peppa can react, she sweeps Peppa off the ground!

“THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!” the lady expresses as she nuzzles into Peppa.
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Much like a cat, Peppa pries the lady’s face away from her with an unbarred hand, and chokes out, “Don’t-mention-it!”

“Oh! Now where are my manners?” The lady sets her down and puts her hat back on. “I have to scrounge up a reward for you!”

Peppa goes to shake her head, but there's too much drool in her mouth.

That aroma returns as the lady searches in the bag, and Peppa swallows her foolish words back down. The cook lady also pops a capsule and out poofs a food cart.

While in the midst of getting her cutlery and stove ready, the lady asks, “Have you eaten?”

Peppa swallows, and says as controlled as she can, "No?"

“Right!” the lady says as she starts dicing some greens and oiling the pan. “You vegetarian? Any food restrictions?”

“I’m half-saiyan, and I still can’t beat my dad’s all-you-can-eat record.”

The lady gasps, dropping the diced herbs into the pan. “You’re a sayin’ you’re a Saiyan?”

“...yeah, that's right." Peppa admits with a sigh. There goes her meal ticket, no way it was valid when she’s fixing to hear the same song she’s been hearing at other diners-

“Well well well, seems I’ll have to pull out all the stops!”

Eh. Eh? Peppa blinks, then looks up at the lady.

The lady- no. The Cook cracks her knuckles, and stretches her arms. Then, she pulls out a pair of stools from the cart, and tosses them before Peppa. “Please sit, I’ll have your orders out in a jiffy.”

Well now, this is a welcome turn! Peppa nods gratefully, and takes her seat with gusto!

An aura swells about the Cook and her kitchen! Then a manic grin manifests on her face. “Ahaha!”

Within minutes, a meal is prepared for Peppa. Five bowls of rice as big as her, with sauteed vegetables, strips of grilled meat, and sauce with that aromatic spice mixed into it that sent the whole wilderness in a tizzy.

Peppa claps her hands together, and nods her head to the Cook. “Thanks for the food!”

The Cook says with a smile, “Happy to serve!” Then, she glances at Peppa’s food. “Oh, sorry, I thought I filled that bowl-”

She looks up and witnesses Peppa upending the second bowl into her mouth, the food getting sucked in as if her mouth is an open airlock.

The Cook gapes at this, then grins once more. “Ahaha, a worthy opponent! Don’t worry, seconds are on the way~!”

The cyborg boy walks up and climbs the stool, having managed to chase off the wolves without overexerting his machinery, showing that is a halfway capable fighter. He then orders chicken tendi- tenders with orange soda and some ice cream! But when he gets his helping, he scoffs at the sight of veggies on his plate. “This Great Mercenary eats only what he’s ordered!”

Peppa whaps him with her tail, and in between bowls, she orders, “Eat your veggies.”

The boy does as he’s told, and then admits that they’re fine. He doesn’t complain when given a second helping.

Once Peppa has gotten to the point where she’s chewing her food, the Cook makes an observation. “Sorry to butt in, but do you have allergies after all?”

While flipping the stir-fry with her other hand, the Cook comments, “You’re crying.”


Peppa blinks, her vision now blurry. She wipes at her face, and admits, “No! No, I’m fine. It’s just, this reminds me of my mom’s cooking.”

Her face falling in sympathy, the Cook nods. “...I see. And when was the last time your mom made you something?”

“A long time,” Peppa says mournfully. “Near two weeks ago.”

Even the cyborg boy gawks at this, having lost his own family, and he awkwardly pats Peppa on the back.

“Oof, I’m sorry for your loss,” the Cook remarks, having an easier time eyeing the meat than how to tiptoe through this. “What was the cause?”

“I burnt down our kitchen."

https://youtu.be/-Rmyq0ET2Mg Her company is taken aback, to say the least!

"Though, maybe burnt doesn't cover the full scope of it? It was an ugly sight." Peppa continues, mournfully, “And she’s still working on renovating it, and even though she made me some packed lunches the capsules they’re in have gone missing from my bag.”

“Huh? Oh! Uh, I see?” The relieved Cook puts together another bowl, which Peppa accepts. “Well, if you want I can give you some lessons on how to cook some time. Won’t be free though, I’ll need some help getting ingredients!”

“Heh, equivalent exchange,” Peppa remarks.

The Cook quirks her brow, then nods. “Yup, definitely Maple’s kid.”

Peppa sputters. “You know my mom?” she asks, then considers. Her mom was World Champ a few times, kicked Demon King Piccolo in the face on live TV, and had the most panned blockbuster of all time made in her honor. “Er, sorry, I guess everyone knows my mom?”

The Cook nods, “Maple Son-Mahogany, my teacher and disciple in one.”

“Okay, not many know her like that!” Peppa sets her bowl down. “I’m Son Peppa, Maple’s daughter. May I know who you are?”

The Cook holds her hat to her chest, and curtseys her apron. “Cookie, pleased to meet you!”

“Cookie?” the boy repeats, then leans back, thinking about something or other.

Peppa smiles at her host. “Sure thing! Though, could’ve been in better circumstances. Good thing the wolves didn’t get to you.”

Cookie sighs. “Oh, that’s just my luck. Always did seem to attract predators…”

Peppa points out, “Well, you seem like you could have taken them?"

Cookie crosses her arms. “Oh?”

Peppa crosses her own. “From what I can tell, you’re plenty strong. Strong enough to take care of yourself out here at the very least."

“Say what?” the boy asks, a bit jealous of his accomplishment being diminished. “She doesn’t look that strong, and she was running away from those wolves earlier!”

Peppa helpfully points out, “Running away from a pack of wolves, while carrying a heavy sack with her." Less helpfully was all the poking him in the head while explaining.

"Quit it!" He waves Peppa off, squints at Cookie with his human eye. "That's stupid. Who would stick their neck out for something like that?"

"Anyone with sense!"

Cookie nods enthusiastically.
pausing to sleep, continuing tomorrow
what ? couldn't she just drop it and fight them, then ?
“But that don't make a lick of- cough," the boy cuts himself off to clear his throat, and continues in a more robotic, “That makes no sense. If she was able to fight them off, then she would have. But instead she had to rely on the help of This Here Violent Savior! ...and Master Monkey!"

“Yeah, that sure was a fright!” Cookie admits, wringing her chef hat. “Nothing worse than losing out on a day’s work of gathering ingredients, ahaha... Thanks for rushing in when you did!” She bows in gratitude.

“You’re welcome!" Peppa chirps before going back to eating.

"...you're welcome?" The confused boy can't compute, so he whispers to Peppa, "I don't get it?"

Still eating, Peppa responds telepathically, "She would have lost her stuff in the fighting. Just look at that mess you made back there." Behind her, she can sense a bunch of felled trees, the smoking remnants of bushes, and some sizable divets in the earth where life is absent.

"Whoa!" the boy gasps, pointing a metal finger in shock. "A ventriloquist!"

"Heh!" Peppa snorts. "Then that makes you the dummy!"


Picking up a remaining bowl, Peppa asks, “So how did you meet my mom?”

Cookie smiles as she polishes a dish, recalling, “Well, that's a good story-"

https://youtu.be/4wS3du72Ti0 The dishes on the cart clatter.

Peppa sniffs at the air. The scent of her meal is still there, so maybe a predator was drawn to it, but there's also a stench. A stench she hasn't smelt since...

Cookie spots something, and gulps. "For another time, ahaha!" She sets to packing up her stuff at a rapid pace.

Peppa doesn't sense any living thing nearby. A shame that there could be plenty of exceptions.

The boy tugs at Peppa's tail, thankfully with his human hand. "Uh, Master Monkey?"

"Ow! Mind my tail, you!" She tenderly pries his hand off, then turns to see the new arrival.
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A dinosaur looms over the cart. It sniffs at the air, then snorts, shooting out gouts of evil mist.



Peppa turns back to her remaining food bowl, and sets her chopsticks down. With a sigh, she excuses herself from her seat, and stands tall in the face of this predator.

https://youtu.be/g3rIFjCVawc The dinosaur's roar is near deafening, and with it spews out more of that mist!

Only for the wave to be deflected with the spin of her power pole.

Peppa and the Devil Tyranno regard each other for an instant, looking for an opening.

>A. Peppa's feeling the pain of losing her meal, and it's brought a thought on. "Hey kid, wanna see something cool?" Turn into a Super Saiyan, handle it yourself.
>B. "Hey kid, here's another notch for your belt. Don't worry, I'll stick by you this time. Should be easy, my mom defeated one of these when she was 8." No train, no gain!
>C. Write-in
Borrowing this: https://pastebin.com/CthBLkBC Son Peppa's movelist.
>D. Show me your moves! (write-in a technique you want to use)
>E. Update notes (note something)
>B. "Hey kid, here's another notch for your belt. Don't worry, I'll stick by you this time. Should be easy, my mom defeated one of these when she was 8." No train, no gain!
missed this yesterday, zam
Thanks for voting, big zam! Not to worry, it matched my pace! oof, I should probably pick up the pace then! Updating asap.

So with akun, that's 4 votes for B. Writing!
"Extend." The Power Pole shoots up into the dinosaur's mouth, causing it to choke.

The Devil Tyranno's first instinct is to cough, sending more of that mist into the air, then it thrashes to get leverage.

Now, despite Son Peppa's many accomplishments, such as wrestling a planet into submission then throwing it at another planet, it wasn't so simple as sheer brute strength. Like in that instance, she teleported the Machine Mutant planet to another planet, and then had to wrestle General Rilldo, the machine mutant controlling the surface of M-2, up in the air and away from the ground to distract him while the worlds got to colliding, and even then she had to let go and let him retreat to do some damage control. (That was a fun day! Well, the first half of it. The actions taken by Basilea, Baby, and Bro put a damper on things.)

Point is, she's strong, power levels and all that yadda yadda, but a tyrannosaur biting down with the jaw strength of several tons can make things a bit tricky to handle for a girl weighing no more than [redacted] and standing 3 feet tall!

She could turn into a super saiyan to fix that, buuuuut what would that tell her newly acquired second-hand unofficial hanger-on apprentice-for-a-day? To brute force all his obstacles and run out of juice? Nah, she could totally take this thing out with brains instead of brawn, make it a learning experience!

And the best learning is done hands-on! "Hey kid, here's another notch for your belt!"

"Eh?" He balks. "Uh, this target seems like a tall order! The kind The Old Man usually handles..."

Peppa grits her teeth, her feet digging into the ground from the Devil Tyranno biting down on the Power Pole with its insane bite strength and getting leverage with the rest of its body. "Wow, that just might be how you can defeat the ol' basilisk!"

"Huh? Defeat Basilea? How?"

"Easy!" Peppa snaps. "All that bawking like a chicken will kill her dead!"

"...What?!" He fires back, "I'm no chicken, I don't get the joke!"

Peppa roars, "I, Figured! Short of it is, you're gonna be the wussiest wuss of the wusses at this rate, so best you run on home, kid!"

"Grrh!" he grunts, then charges his megabuster. "This Great Mercenary is no chicken, no wuss, and no mere kid! But This Youngster will kill that monster, and any monster in the way! Starting with this one!"

Still struggling with a dinosaur, Peppa gives him a smile. "Any day now!"

The Devil Tyranno tugs, and flings Peppa up into the air with the pole. Peppa can fly, so she catches herself pretty much instantly. The Devil Tyranno spits the Power Pole out, and opens its jaw. Not just waiting for its prey to come back down, it breathes in some air to get some breath, then readies its bad breath to fire up at Peppa-

"DODONPA!" A beam of yellow energy fires up and hits the Devil Tyranno in the lower jaw, snapping it shut!

The dinosaur coughs and sputters.

"Nice!" Peppa cheers, and levitates a smaller Power Pole back to her.
cyborg boy sure likes taking his sweet time
Peppa touches down by him. "Don't worry, I'll stick by you this time!"

"No foolin'?" the boy asks, then looks back to the beast, whose killing intent is directed at the both of them. He considers, "Master Monkey, perhaps standing like this isn't the best move!"


"If you go and get it mad by hitting it, I can fire at it while it's distracted!"

"...mm, hmm!" Peppa gives an approving nod to her charge for having more in his head than scrap metal, then whacks the dinosaur in the face again, pole vaulting herself to the side. Peppa shouts at the ticked off dinosaur, "Over here, thunder thighs!" before thrusting at it with the Power Pole.

The Devil Tyranno snarls, focusing its anger on her! Its aura sparks up with electricity, the crackling sounding much like a rattlesnake.

"It's charging something!" Peppa announces for the kid's benefit. "Eh, should be easy, my mom defeated one of these when she was 8!"

"!!!" The dinosaur's eyes go wide at that, and it stomps its foot. The lightning in its aura launches with a whipcrack towards Peppa!

Peppa dodges, the bolt going past her to strike the ground, and in that instant she sees another Dodonpa shooting towards the dino's head only for the world to flash!


Peppa is thrown forward from the blast of a shockwave, and tumbles up in the air, unbalanced! She would get balanced if she could, but her ears are ringing mighty fierce.

A tail whips through the air, and swats her down like a fly, but not before zapping her for good measure!

"Master Monkey!"


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Now acquainted with the taste of dirt, scratch that, dirt AND blood, Peppa looks up to see the Devil Tyranno, not standing where it was before that thunderclap, but behind where she was. It teleported in the guise of launching ranged attack! ...admittedly rad.

The Devil Tyranno looms over her, and brings a foot up above.

Peppa snaps her dislocated arm back into place ("owie"), and says up to the dinosaur, "Now I know what you're thinking: Should I crush her? And the answer- Whoa what's this now!?" Of all things, Peppa gets an actual psychic vision flashing into her mind!

East Frypania, born and raised, on the game trails was where you spent most of your days! When all of a sudden there's this little thing with juicy thighs that's just asking for a chomp! Not your fault her mother never taught her to wander into another clan's territory, but you suppose you can take the time teach her the ultimate lesson! What clan did she hail from anyway, lessee.. she's got a crest, armor plating, wings flapping behind her that cover up her tail? Hmm, that's a thinker, you'll have to give whatever you don't eat a good study, perhaps prop the remains up in a display for future generations?

Oh hey, two other things have responded to her call, are they of the same clan? No, they don't have any telltale signs of kinship with your prey, in fact they look like mammals, smaller than the usual! Not even worth the effort to snap up- hey don't point at me, so rude!


The world goes white and painful!


"-the answer did surprise me! Eheh," Peppa finishes. What are the odds? But all in all, it wasn't as bad a grudge as it could have been. She couldn't even count how many Paozusaurus Eggs she's eaten over the course of her life for one thing.

The Devil Tyranno gives her a death glare, the scar on its forehead throbbing. Then it roars, its aura billowing out like a pyroclastic flow from that spot, and it brings its foot down! It rears its head back, belting out, "RAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHH!!!"
>Peppa dodges, the bolt going past her to strike the ground, and in that instant she sees another Dodonpa shooting towards the dino's head only for the world to flash!
was that shockwave generated by the dodonpa ? if so I'm surprised the dino was resistent enough to attack us while we were pushed by it
If you've ever seen Chronicles of Riddick, it's kinda like the bad guy's teleporting move but with lightning and explosions.
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Instead of being crushed underfoot, Peppa feels the sensation of death's sweet embrace...

Peppa wipes a tear. "And then I died."

"No you didn't!" Scolding chops the air.

Ah, not death's sweet embrace, just Cookie's again!

Before that foot came down, the Cook had darted by and swept Peppa up!

Peppa smiles gratefully. "Thanks for the save!"

Cookie does give her a glance, but doesn't stop running.

"..." Peppa pats her awkwardly. "You can put me down now?"

Cookie looks over her shoulder back at the Devil Tyranno, and sees it breathing a cone of that evil mist towards the cyborg boy. The grass it billows over goes dark and the flowers become nasty looking weeds.

In response to this, not having time to dodge, the boy inhales as much clean air as he can and stops his breathing, his bionics thrumming with stored potential.

Then the Devil Tyranno tail-whips him and he goes tumbling across the ground, landing in a curl.

"!" Peppa grunts, fixing to speed over to save him, but Cookie stops her. "Let me go!"

Cookie shakes her head, "Not without this." She hands Peppa a bag of flour.

>Peppa obtained Bag of Flour x1!

Peppa nods, and asks, "Huh???"

Cookie instructs her, "Throw the flour at it when it does that lightning trick."

Peppa squints at her then the bag, then over at the Devil Tyranno when she hears it roar in outrage at her continued survival. "Okay?"

Cookie nods, and darts away again.

Although, she did have other options than the flour, or even the Power Pole. So, she decides to gives the dinosaur a blast from the past! She points a finger-gun, a bead of energy at the tip of it. "Geist Magnum!"

She fires it, and in response, the Devil Tyranno's aura flares with electricity, and several bolts shoot out in many directions! A Flash, and the Devil Tyranno is not where it was, then a Clap, and Peppa leaps out of the way from its snapping jaws in the nick of time, and telekinetically grabs the bag of flour before it gets trampled.

Peppa flies up into the air with the bag of flour, and the Devil Tyranno roars at her. Then, that crackling starts up again, its aura hissing like a mane of angry snakes. In the corner of her vision, Peppa spots Cookie dragging the boy off to safety, and nods.

Time to piss off the dinosaur some more, so she pulls down her eye with a middle finger, and sticks her tongue out at the dinosaur. "How much you wanna bet I got longer arms, you fossil-fuel spewing clod?"

It doesn't care for that.

It rears its head back, and then forward, sending a whiplash of lightning up toward Peppa! And once it reaches her, the Devil Tyranno will appear and immediately bite down to end this in one blow...

Then the lightning meets some clouded air, not the moist kind conducive to lightning, but the dry kind conducive to combustion.


The Devil Tyranno's journey through its lightning trick not only stops way short of Peppa, and but it also ends in flames!
continuing tomorrow, thanks for reading!
>The Devil Tyranno's journey through its lightning trick not only stops way short of Peppa, and but it also ends in flames!
so he travelled through the lightining ? interesting
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Down out of the dust explosion, the thunder lizard comes a tumbling down through the air, and hits the ground with an earthshaking THUD.

With her companions well out of the way, Peppa allows herself to drop through the air, opting instead to pour all her energy into one big attack! "Ka, me, ha, me..."



The Devil Tyranno has just barely picked itself up off the ground, shaking its head to get the world to stop spinning. The next instant, a torrent of energy makes it eat dirt once more, as though the hand of judgment is pressing down on it. Letting out one last roar that is more a yelp than anything, another dose of that painful brightness sends the shocked reptile down the way of the dodo.

Peppa looks down at where her foe was, and only sees a crater. "That takes care of that."

"Does it, though?"

Peppa turns to see a new arrival, floating right beside her- "Teach!"

>Common Knowledge: CHUU LEE
>Chuu Lee was Maple's apprentice for a time, World Champion in her own right, and then Peppa's instructor. Having a talent for ki sensing from a young age, she has since honed her gifts to engineer several techniques that utilize internal and external energy, the negative and positive, the aggressive and defensive. A lot of Peppa's repertoire borrows heavily from Chuu Lee's. Also her aura is all rainbow-y, super pretty! She currently works as a Park Ranger.

Though happy to see her teacher in so long, Peppa asks, "What made you decide to drop by? Like, not that I don't appreciate the assistance, but I didn't even need to transform for this one."

"I got a call from Cookie," she explains. Chuu Lee observes the smoking crater. "She said you were fighting a beast that was breathing out unnatural mist."

"You know her too- eh, another time." Peppa waves a hand, "It wasn't really much of a gimmick, the sparks it gave off were a bit more interesting. Used them to teleport."

"This could be another case of an animal going berserk from traces of the Black Water Mist that the cure didn't reach," Chuu Lee reasons, then closes her eyes. "Do you feel that down there?"

Peppa raises an eyebrow, but reaches out with her senses. Ain't nothing alive down there. "No."

Chuu Lee nods. "Did you feel anything from it since the fight began?"

"...no, nada. I wonder why that- oh!"

>Common Knowledge: DESTRON GAS
>There have been many incidents where the Earth has been covered in airborne mists, some that turn everyone evil, others that infect with parasites. But this gas, it has the power to bring back the grudgeful dead.

She gives her student a nod of approval for catching her drift, then gets into a fighting stance. "I'm afraid this fight still has a bit to go, young green pepper."

Peppa raises her guard as well, but pouts. "C'mon, that nickname again? Thought I graduated!"

Chuu Lee fixes to respond, only to be cut off when a bolt of red lightning shoots up from the crater.

Where Chuu Lee was, the Devil Tyranno is. The snap of its jaws produces a thunderclap of its own to go with the one it produced with its flash step.

The sight of it is enough to make Peppa cry out "Teach!" Only, she would if she just had sight to rely on.

Prepared this time around, she weathers the shockwaves with a psychic barrier. Then, she fires a Geist Magnum at that scar on its forehead.

The blast strikes true this time, making the dinosaur's head snap up and its eyes wide with fright. Then, it focuses its anger on Peppa and charges up another lash-

And all that leaves it wide open for Teach's "DYNAMIC ENTRY!"

The kick from above sends the confused reptile back into the ground below, and Chuu Lee blows at the two raised fingers she used for Instant Transmission.

"Might need an excavation crew for that one," Chuu Lee remarks. Then, she floats over to Peppa, and explains, "So with a ghost warrior like this, infected by Destron, it's a bit tougher to deal with than blowing it to smithereens."

"How did you deal with it last time?"

She scratches her head. "Well, when we destroyed that Hatchiyack thing it seemed to make the ghost warriors go back to where they came from. But with the destron that was spread across Earth at the time, it still lingered in several areas and infected them. So when we run into those cases, we have to get their spirits to acknowledge their demise."

Peppa tilts her head. "And blowing them to bits doesn't do that?"

Chuu Lee waves a hand, shaking her head. "Nope. The only way to do that is to get them to experience their death the exact same way. Some psychics we've consulted can find it out from their subconscious, others could make them experience it again."

Peppa blinks. "Psychic powers can make people relive that sort of trauma?" she asks, suddenly feeling super grateful that her mom schooled her in mental defenses. Even Babidi couldn't break through her wall of Pokémon knowledge.

Chuu Lee looks down at the crater again. "Do you think you could find out its demise with your abilities?"

"I did see a vision earlier, where my mom shot it in the head, we could try- oh!" She smacks her own forehead. "I just tried that, didn't work!"

Chuu Lee snaps her fingers frustration... then snaps them again, pointing at Peppa. "You had a vision of it?"

"Yeah? wait, Yeah! I did, maybe I could see how it died! Just need to probe into its mind but I don't see how that would help."


"Why not?" Chuu Lee asks.

Peppa rolls her eyes and huffs, "Mindreading's a no-go. I mean, really, violating a being's most personal sanctuary? Only villains do that."

The dinosaur roars up at the two of you from below.

Chuu Lee squints at Peppa in confusion (a habit that Peppa picked up from her for sure), then says, "Peppa, it's a ghost hellbent on eating you."

"And?" She twiddles a lock of her hair into a coil.

This has Chuu Lee blinking like an owl for a bit.

Peppa snarls in outrage that her mentor and former babysitter isn't seeing eye to eye with her on this. "Look! I get it would be so easy to solve this with mindreading, but I don't wanna stoop to that level," she explains, gesticulating a hand in a circle with her argument.

Over the years, Chuu Lee has never been this taken aback by Peppa's antics. She reasons out, "We're trying to send it back to hell tho? There's already several violations at work here. I... think we can sweep mindreading under the rug?"

Peppa grinds her teeth, then twirls her power pole as she fidgets. "It's still not right, I don't have permission-"

"Son Peppa!" Chuu Lee places a hand on the girl's unharmed shoulder. "By the power invested to me as a Park Ranger, in order to save lives, I hereby give you permission to go read the ghost's mind so we can help it rest in peace!"


Peppa nods slowly. "That... sounds... reasonable... but..."

Chuu Lee gasps. "Peppa, your nose is bleeding!"

"My head hurts," Peppa groans while she rubs at her temples in a circular motion.

"Stop using it then!" Chuu Lee instructs. "Your heart knows what's best, so just follow that!"

Stop using your head? Listen to your heart? Sounds like some bullshit.

Below, the Devil Tyranno pierces through the Earth, and roars!

>A. Very well, go read its mind then, mind rapist.
>B. If she wants its mind read so bad, recommend she handle it.
>C. Could try burying it for good, introduce this lizard a little something called Ki Mines!
>D. Write-in
>E. Update notes
>A. Very well, go read its mind then, mind rapist.
Doctor Ray Peat talks about this
OP ?
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Reading its mind is the logical thing. It’s even the environmentally friendly thing! So why does it feel like the scummiest thing?

But she nods to her teacher. “Okie doki- hueehhhh, ecchhh,” she begins to heave.

The most intense struggle to occur in this entire fight starts up as Peppa has to fight back down the largest meal she’s had in days.

Wide-eyed, Chuu Lee looks between her student and the dinosaur below. She squints for a bit, then comes to a decision. She places a hand on Peppa, then fingers on her own forehead,


The two of them float through that subspace for an instant or a lifetime, where nothing matters as solid, liquid, gas or plasma; the only states of relevance being “is” and “isn’t.”

Chuu Lee is scoping out a landmark to get back to, is locking onto Cookie’s aura, and is suddenly taken aback by the status of her student.

Peppa isn’t all there at the moment. Her teacher’s hand phases through her shoulder that isn’t, the food is expelled from an upset stomach that isn’t, heck even her clothes can’t clothe a body that isn’t.

Chuu Lee is reaching out to get ahold of Peppa, but it has an effect similar to swirling oil across water. Chuu Lee is panicking.

Now, Peppa has successfully used Instant Transmission many times before, and has gone through this warp with passengers in tow even. However, for those uninitiated passengers they may as well be statues, dull to the experience. Unfortunately, Peppa is keen to all her experiences here, outward… and inward.

So the short of it is that as unbalanced and spiraling as she is, she simply isn’t able to get ahold of herself.

Chuu Lee is a bit better at maintaining that balance, and is going over all the know-how she’s accumulated for something to help with this. Lessee, all are one, nothing is permanent, discord yet harmony- oh hey what’s that?

The teacher plucks something of her student's that is still there.

Peppa snaps back into a being that is! Wincing in pain from her hair being tugged, but she is. She brings her hands up to Chuu Lee’s own, and boundaries are put back in place.

A wave of relief washes over Chuu Lee’s own spirit, and she lets go of her student’s coveted token. No need to hold on to her with the two of them back on sweet terra firma.

With her body still running the course of that prior bout of nausea, Peppa topples onto the ground, and throws up some stomach acid with traces of her lost meal’s flavor. She feels a hand on her ponytail once more, this time holding it up and away, and another rubbing soothing circles along her back.

Once she’s recovered her breath, teacher and student begin, ““I’m sorry, that’s never happened before- ack, could have phrased that better- wait what did you say- ummm…”” They squint at each other in befuddlement.

…despite it all, the two of them break out into snickering.

Chuu Lee ponders, “Heehee, wager that’s from our spirits syncing up just then?”
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Peppa shakes her head. “Nah, not just then. More like, ‘Monkey see Teach, Monkey learn Teach.’”

Chuu Lee rolls her eyes in good humor, then considers her pupil. She points out, “Hmm, right now? More like ‘Monkey show everything, World see everything.’”

Peppa quirks an eyebrow, then considers herself. “...gah!"


Chuu Lee chuckles as her student scrambles to cover herself. “Looks like the green pepper is turning red after all!”

“Shush!” snaps a disheveled Peppa who is working something out with her tail’s coverage, then she remembers the Clothes Beam is a thing (in fact it’s probably the most crucial thing for any female combatant looking to cut a halfway respectable figure in the setting of Dragon Ball what with how many shirts get shredded). “At least I’ve practiced plenty with it lately,” she mutters while she materializes some clothes onto her person.

Chuu Lee examines the new clothes, a hand to her mouth. “That's... better?"

"Hm?" A tad confused, Peppa looks at her outfit, to see if she made any slip-ups. No, none that she can see. Just a regular gym shirt and bloomers- She facepalms, then beams up an outfit for combat. "Sorry, my head's a bit fu- fogged up lately. But I'm good to go now!" she declares, punching a fist to her palm.

A befuddled Chuu Lee scratches her cheek. "Oookay? Actually, I've been meaning to talk with you about-"


A nearby tree has been struck with lightning, sundered in twain, set aflame, blown to bits, then stomped on. The newly unearthed Devil Tyranno makes its appearance, this time with a bit more features, and is that another head?!


"Let's put a pin in that, did this thing have that many bones before?" Chuu Lee asks, already leapt back and up into the sky.

Next to her, Peppa shrugs. "I think maybe it got buried next to some other skeletons, and their bones got tacked onto it just because?"

The Devil Tyranno spews black mist up at them from its skeleton head, but it doesn't reach them? Oh, and then, it sucks all the mist back up and its ghostly head sparks up with electricity. The skeletal head spews the mist out in one breath, and the ghostly head ignites it!

The fireball screams up through the sky at Peppa and Chuu Lee (literally, it grows a fanged maw and everything!) and the two of them dart in separate directions. When the fireball misses both targets, it puffs up its cheeks, then puffs out another fireball that also has a face. The two slightly smaller fireballs give chase to their respective targets!

All in all, this whole experience is very confusing for Son Peppa. Dinosaurs aren't anything special, they're just big lizards that used to look way prettier before they lost all their feathers due to climate change ages ago. What do they have to do with oil, thunder, and skeletons?
that's a clever way to put more than one image in a doot. also is that the same dino we were fighting ? did we return to the same place ?
Works great with 4chanX! Yeah, though it's like if the Ship of Theseus got more hull added on. Chuu Lee locked onto Cookie, and landed a ways away from her.


An attendant observes an hourglass. The grains of sand are sifting through as they should, but every time a sizable amount of it piles up at the bottom-

A skeletal claw shoots up out of it, and a head soon follows. It shrieks out, "Rawr!"

Then, it gazes around to see it is contained inside a glass prison, and it rages! It bumps against the side, and flips the hour glass right around! This action buries it, and its grudge for the time being.

The attendant nods at this, as he has done for the last few decades. That little robot girl no-selling his master's mass extinction attack really threw everything for a loop, but it's been manageable-


The fairly surprised attendant's eyes observe as a crack forms in the hourglass. This time, apart from all the other times this rebellion against extinction has run its course, his timekeeper is actually straining!


A hand pops out of the cracks like newborn hatchling, but a quick rewind and the totem is repaired, but still threatening to burst.

The oracle fish goes "that's an omen," then goes back to reading its newspaper.

He relays to his master that the spacetime continuum is acting up, and in response his master subconsciously murmurs "five more minutes." In the Arcosian standard, of course.

The attendant sighs. If whatever this is is left to fester, he can already see plainly the rude awakening his master will have and henceforth all of creation will be in for. Best give Chronoa a ring.

Yeah, Peppa can't make boney heads or spiny tails of why this thing has the powers it does, but still has this annoyingly lingering feeling that she should be able to?

...well, there is one way to find out for sure, straight from the zombie's mouths! She communicates with her teacher, "I'm going in. Can't teleport, so cover me please!"


Peppa flies in, the bomb still hot on her heels, and the Devil Tyranno snaps its heads towards her.

It spews out more of that evil mist which seems to be only as combustible as convenience demands, but Peppa has a defense against it! She gathers ki around herself, motioning it into a drill, and pierces through the smog!

But in the slipstream behind her, the bomb catches up, and opens its maw in sick triumph as it prepares to detonate on impact- only to be yeeted away and dissipated in a stream of energy! Two great swirls of rainbow energy dance alongside the other in the air, each of them formerly a bomb but redirected into a lightshow, with Chuu Lee standing in the nexus of it all with her arms outstretched. She brings them in, focusing her stance, the energy swirls together likewise.
The sight of it is mesmerizing! And more importantly, distracting!

The Devil Tyranno's attention is pointed at Chuu Lee dead-on, and loses track of the pesky Peppa.

As for Peppa, before taking this plunge she knew full well that the hard part wouldn't be getting to the dinosaur past its attacks, no, it would be getting over this funk she was in. Objectively, she knew the best course of action, but she also had several arguments that it was the worst course, all with reasoning that she agreed with down to her core. But the thing was, none of those arguments suggested a better course, so the die was cast.

But as she was going through this turbulence, a funny thing happened. When she started drilling through the dinosaur's barrage, her nausea lightened up. And when she gazed upon the lightshow lollipop that her teacher made, that also helped, strangely enough.

Anyhoo, she spirals down below the Devil Tyranno's skeletal jaw, uppercuts up through it, the force of that sending it up to the ghostly head, and with a wind-magicked kamehameha, she blows the ghostly head down to the skeletal one. Once the two collide and combine, she places her hands on it, and dives in.

Will continue tomorrow, thanks for reading and commenting!

That run-in with the tiny terror left the dinosaur equal amounts scarred and scurred, so it packed its bags and shipped itself to an island (The crew on that ship was a bit salty but very filling, though the Tyranno took care not to overindulge. It made sure to leave the captain’s arm steering the wheel!) On that island it was the biggest thing around, having its pick of cattle, odd thing that they were just lazing about in pins. Then one day it got thirsty, and set to quenching its thirst at a brackish waterhole.

(“Perhaps it died from drinking saltwater? Maybe scurvy?”)

The dinosaur heard splashing, and looked up to see a big shark leaping out of the water. Hm, six and a half fathoms in length, could be trouble- “MAPLE SMASH OVERGROWN FISH!”

Scratch that, the sea creature wasn’t leaping out of the water, it was knocked right out of it with a punch to the face! …from none other than that pugnacious pygmy, bane of its existence! Oh no she just looked this way, gotta run!

(“Ran away again? You overgrown chicken.”)

After that second encounter, the dinosaur went back to the mainland, where it stayed for many years. There were a few odd events, such as when it ran into the weird raptor chick with the big thighs again, who had since shed her armor plating and crest and took on the guise of a mammal somehow? It probably hunted by way of deception, and sure enough, her much smaller size was quite deceiving, the way she threw the Tyranno!

("Auntie Chi-Chi threw it? Maybe I could get ahold of its tail, and then it's 'So Long-eh B-'"

The dinosaur soared through the air without grace at another, much fatter, mammal. That mammal somehow cut its tail off, and the Tyranno had to flee for its life before those crazy mammals made a meal of it! It was humiliating, but a sober reminder that even something as big as it could still be prey if it got careless.

(“...so, it didn’t die from getting cut up?”)

The dinosaur made its way across the lands back to its original game trails, and stayed in its own lane. It had had its fill of adventures, thank you! It contented itself to be a dinosaur living in dinosaur lands for many years, but then one night… a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad night!

The Tyranno is fleeing for its life from a bigger predator, some strange variant of mammal that is somehow both much taller than it, and stronger! Using instincts it had to pick back up from when it was merely venturing out of the nest, the dinosaur laments that there’s objectively no use. The predator is gaining on it, and when it gains it will feast, as the Tyranno had done many a time. And scurrying away only worked out when it had something to scurry back to, like its mother. Now it will truly be ousted as the king of these parts, and its flesh will fuel the victor- “WAAAAAHHH!”

(“Yep, that’s me. I’m wondering how I ended this situation? …am I gonna have to eat it?”)

The Tyranno is still running as fast as it can, but doesn’t sense its chaser giving chase. It turns its head once its a luxury it can afford, and spots the giant mammal being dragged away. Great balls of fire, there’s something bigger. There’s always something bigger- rawr?

The giant mammal is dragged back to another one of similar size, and as for who dragged the ape, and is now swatting the ape while it cowers in a ball? Who else could it be but that diminutive devil again!

(“Do it Mom, shooot her!”)

What reason could there be for this? Is that mammal showing its might to the others to get them in line? But they’re not even kin, what purpose is there in- wait a sec.

The Tyranno sneaks as well as it can downwind of the mammals, and sniffs the air. This scent… L'Oréal Kids “No Tears” shampoo on the great apes’ heads and the tiny one’s hands. They’re kin. And that means that, much in the same way its own mother had curtailed it from wasting its time on unworthy prey, it too had been rendered that same dismissal.

The Tyranno walks away, then once it’s at a safe distance, lets out a howl. At having its pride wounded, at having its world go topsy-turvy, at not being strong enough, lots of reasons!

(“Will you make with the demise already? C’mon, I have places to be!”)

As the full moon diminished and a new day dawned, it swore it would fix all of it.


The Tyranno began its training, first going on a diet where it caught prey and released them, only eating when it needed to. Turns out, unfertilized eggs provided plenty of protein to carry it through the day, and since the dinosaur couldn’t work out fire and frying pans, it settled on drinking the yolks.

(“Starving to death? Salmonella poisoning?”)

As an apex predator, it was fairly tall. But its prey could fly. The Tyranno began climbing the tallest mountains. It was slow going at first, suffering many falls, but then it began to see where the best places to strike with its steps were, and ascended the mountains that way. These thundering steps caused landslides and avalanches, but the dinosaur tackled those as well, and came out on top. It would not be buried and forgotten!

(“I very much wish it would be.”)
wait, so we triggered a training montage for the thing ? is that why it's deadset on us ?
On each successful ascent to a summit, it would then observe the world below. Its hypervision was good for snatching prey up in the snap of a jaw, but this form of hunting would need a more predictive sort of aiming. It would spot its new selection of prey flying up in the air, and then it would have to determine where it would next be. When it figured that out, it would leap down, curling its limbs up and steering its descent with its tail, and swoop down to snatch large avians and even winged reptiles out of the air! Then, it would crash down into the Earth like a meteor!

(“Fingers crossed for ‘Fall Damage,’ big money big money-”)

Black fluid spurts up in a geyser from a new hole in the Earth, and the dinosaur stumbles up over the edge of the crater, its prey lifeless in its jaws. Then, spotting the flames its impact generated, the dinosaur does some mental math and works out the principles of friction and combustion and oil, the last of which it can generate with a gland it has so far never used. This lets it add fried eggs to its diet!



The dinosaur climbs the tallest mountain one day, and gets struck by lightning a bunch of times. But as a result, it acquires the ability to zip through the air as lightning! Why, you say? Uh… some magical mumbo jumbo, don’t @ me.

And on one of its hunts, dropping in on some prey and going through a weird cloud of black mist to do it also made it evil!

(“Like it wasn’t before?!?”)

So then it starts killing everything it catches without even bothering to eat what it's killed!

("ok that's pretty evil")

And now, having trained its speed, its fighting, its awareness of its reach and limits, its ability to sense out prey, the weird powers it picked up by chance, and feeling pretty mean up on that mist, the Tyranno- no, the Devil Tyranno is nearly ready to have its meal, revenge! There’s just one more summit it needs to conquer.

The Devil Tyranno finishes its breakfast, and nods at its calendar, which says “ARM DAY.”

There is a big weight bench, which has a barbell that is a log with big rocks on it. The dinosaur gets into position, and lifts the weights up with all its might!

“Rawr!” it roars out in triumph.

Unfortunately, its arms run out of strength pretty much immediately, and the bar comes down on its throat. Despite its struggles, the Devil Tyranno, the king risen from hell, cannot get its neck free. It gasps up oil, shoots off sparks that fizzle out in the dirt, and crashes its tail against the ground, but it’s no use. Before its reign of terror could even get off the ground, the Devil Tyranno perished under the weight of its ambitions.

Peppa opens her eyes, and leaps back from the Devil Tyranno. Good thing too, had she done it a moment later, she would have been fried from its electricity.
The Devil Tyranno prepares to fire up another meteor bomb at her, only to get blasted by an energy wave all the colors of the rainbow!
Peppa touches down next to Chuu Lee, who finishes firing the kamehameha. All that’s left of their opponent is a cloud of dust, for the moment.

Chuu Lee wipes away some sweat, and asks, “Did you find it? …what’s so funny?”


Peppa is trying really hard to contain it, but her body is convulsing with giggles. No, no, that’s not good! She ought to have respect for the dead and her opponents! Don’t laugh, snrk, it’s really rude! Pfft, hehe, so shameful! As shameful as dying like that, even! …ahahahaha!

Peppa punches her belly to quiet down the laughter, and through clenched teeth (a grin more like), wheezes out, “...it bit off more than it could chew!”

Given Teach’s confused look, Peppa decides to elaborate. Let’s see, how was it done? She put her hands on its head to glean, so she can also share it like that? She experimentally puts her hand on her Teach’s forehead, and transmits the vision to her.

Chuu Lee blinks a few times, placing a hand to her mouth in consideration. Then, she nods.

She turns away from Peppa for a bit to deal with a sudden coughing fit that has her body aquiver, and her student nods in equal parts understanding and attentiveness. What a great way for a mentor figure to maintain their image!

Speaking of, she had someone learning the ropes from her earlier. Wonder where he went to? Although, really looked like he was out cold earlier. Maybe it’s for the best he got carried off-

Cookie touches down by the two of them in a crouch, still carrying the cyborg kid. She sets him down, a bit winded, and asks through her panting, “Is it over, aha, ha?”

Peppa and Chuu Lee go to respond, https://youtu.be/Ux1MPZOPgmk but then the Devil Tyranno lunges from the cloud with its jaws fixing to crumble Cookie!


A red eye flares to life, and the boy shoves the Cook aside and raises his fully charged megabuster. “DODONPA.”


Now, the Dodonpa, the Crane School’s technique, is meant to be a lot narrower in scope than the Kamehameha. Where the Turtle School’s Kamehameha is meant to blow away everything with overwhelming power, the Dodonpa is meant to kill quickly with one lethal shot.

The Dodonpa that was fired that day asked the question, “¿Por que no los dos?”


A great column of energy shines through the air in one instant, and is gone the next. The superheated air left in the column’s wake has curious effects on the weather, sending the clouds into chaos. Luckily, it also sends the mist that the Devil Tyranno had dissipated into a ways away as well.

Peppa looks to the sky, then to the horizon. Only a sliver of the sun is left. Time to end this.

>A. End things off with Teach!
>B. Wrap it up with your student-for-a-day!
>C. Write-in
>D. Update Notes
>B. Wrap it up with your student-for-a-day!
dude literally trying to lift, what a sad affair
>B. Wrap it up with your student-for-a-day!

>Lifting without a spotter
what a bonehead

The obvious choice was to finish it off with Teach, who Peppa had spent a good portion of her life learning from, sparring with, and fighting alongside. It was definitely the option she could rely on the most.

And so, she asks her teacher, "I think I've got it from here. Can you help Cookie out of here?"

Chuu Lee nods, and helps Cookie up off the ground, and then reaches for the boy, but Peppa's hand stops her.

Peppa scratches her cheek. "Actually, I want his helping hand for this. Still teaching him the ropes."

Chuu Lee gapes at her. "You have a student?"

Peppa makes a so-so gesture. "Not quite, definitely not learning him any techniques. Just, there is a few things I wanna cram into his head while it's still attached to the rest of his body."

Chuu Lee quirks an eyebrow, then shrugs if off. "Making sure your students keep their heads on straight is the biggest part of teaching, way bigger than learning them techniques." She recalls something, and chuckles. "Takes me back to when I tripped off my roof and your mom zapped up a pile of pillows to catch me. First lessons we had then were on how to fly! ...but really more on how not to fall."

Peppa smiles. "Yeah, something like that."

Chuu Lee considers her student. "I'll be honest, there's still a lot I need you to explain to me. There's what Videl's been saying, and seeing you in that funk back there shaved some years off my life. I'm worried about you."

Peppa narrows her eyes, mind too flummoxed to make a response to that. What was Videl saying? And what does she need to explain? And there's no need to worry about her, she has this handled! "Teach, I-"

Chuu Lee places a hand on her head, and ruffles her hair. "But you're looking out for someone else, and that means you've got your priorities straight. I trust you to see this through, so please trust I'll be there for you."

Peppa squirms abashedly in this mushiness. "Mrgrgr, I trust you!"

Chuu Lee withdraws her hand, winks and gives a two-fingered salute, then teleports off with Cookie.

Thanks to the wonders of telepathy, that whole conversation took place in five seconds!

She tugs the cyborg boy up off the ground, and asks him, "Can you move your arm?"

He nods, and moves his bionic arm around. The cannon's emitter is still gleaming with heat, similar to a car's cigarette lighter. "Yessum, but it'll be awhile before This Machine can fire another one of those."

"Can you switch it over to that extendable arm?"

He focuses, and his arm cannon morphs into a metal hand. "Sure can, but it don't look like it'll be up for delicate work anytime soon. Burning red and all."

Peppa gazes at the gleaming robot hand. "It's burning red..." She swallows her drool, and more seriously says, "Master Monkey has a job for This Youngster!" Well, she said that as seriously as she could?
Thanks for playing! Hopefully, I'll have enough free time to update tomorrow.
waiting warmly
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Peppa transmits the plan to the boy's mind, and an instant later he nods.


The dark mist swirls about in a cone, and then it forms into a twister heading their way and consuming all because why wouldn't it?

The kid gets some distance from Peppa with a quick use of his extend-o-arm to grapple away, and Peppa spins her Power Pole to send out another twister. The opposing forces of air currents stop the mist in its tracks! Then the cloud sparks up...

A streak of lightning bursts forth, and shoots right through Peppa!

Materialized onto the ground yet again, the Devil Tyranno snorts in triumph. Though the technique was used for teleportation so far, a foe struck by its lightning... would meet the same fate as all things that got struck by lightning!

It chortles at its own one-liner. Hot damn, was it on fire today! Even a smidge literally, but it's not like it will do any damage. Ever since the... roar? Er, ever since always, it was invincible! It reveled in the scent of things it had once feared but had now conquered. Ozone had once meant to duck and cover, the smoke had been an indicator to flee, and that fruity shampoo it smelled all those years ago? It was now little more than incense for the dead, as odd a choice for it as watermelon was.

At the thought of watermelons, the Devil Tyranno ponders: did it burst her like one? It leans its half-skull half-ghost head over to leer at her remains. It sees that the girl's body is still whole, and still standing, but stock still. And flipping the bird, so rude! Why I oughta-

Before it can finish that thought, the girl vanishes before the Devil Tyranno's eyes. It blinks a few times. "Huh!?" it grunts, slack-jawed. Did it disintegrate her-

With her foe proper distracted by her After-Image, Peppa stands atop the Devil Tyranno's skeletal shoulder, suppressing her power for the moment, but focusing. Then she holds her fist to an inch away from its jaw. In an instant, her power spikes, and she brings her fist the rest of the way and then some!

Tyrannosaurs are speculated to have the toughest jaw strengths, but with this one's chompers fairly relaxed, its lower jaw got sent flying off from the rest of its body. And even with the zombie's indifference for pain, the concussive force of the jab to its chin still rattled what passed for its mind.

In the instant after the jab, a still-focused Peppa flips off of the unsteady platform, with an unusually intense whirl of air as she does. She lands on the ground, and her monkey tail flexes.

Once it blinks away the little birdies flying around its head, the Devil Tyranno sees the one standing defiantly before it, so small and still so uninformed on her place in the natural order of things: Crushed Underfoot.

Peppa dodges the beast's stomp and leaps up into the air, her Power Pole extended in her arms! She brings it up to its neck-

The Devil Tyranno puts a stop to her assault with one hand.
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The Devil Tyranno glares at its presumptuous attacker. She could sneak all she liked, but in a direct assault she didn't have reach, not up against its new and improved arms. Oh sure, her power wasn't anything to sniff at, they were in a deadlock, but the Devil Tyranno had more tricks at its disposal... though until its jaw rematerialized, biting was regrettably off the table.

Even still, forming a bomb while she was in its grasp and firing it at her point blank is a marvelous alternative! It gathers up mist in its throat, then snaps its gaze aside when it senses danger!

A tree flies through the air towards it, on fire! Right, there was more than just her to kill. Still, for a being accustomed to killing in a flash of lightning, the tree was laughably slow! The Devil Tyranno brings up its other hand to catch it.

...it doesn't see its other hand. It reaches for it in confusion, an action rich with irony. It glances down at the ground to see its arm on the ground, cleanly cut at the shoulder, and only when it poofs away into mist does the penny drop. It looks up at the blazing tree it cannot catch, spots that metallic mammal hopping off it before it strikes with sound of a chain rattling. Well, no matter, it has weathered boulders, a tree isn't anything to lose its head over-


The tree's flames ignite the mist in the Devil Tyranno's exposed throat, combusting them prematurely. The eruption sends the rest of its upper teeth flying, and the Devil Tyranno loses its balance.

Peppa presses her advantage, sending the Devil Tyranno toppling onto its back. Just a bit more!

But from the smoking head below her, malice flares up from its eyes, and the surrounding mist begins to converge on the Devil Tyranno's broken form. And annoyingly enough, the arm holding Peppa at bay is still fully operational!

Peppa grits her teeth as the thing's fully-formed head rises towards her with its open maw and reaches for her with its other hand. ...then, she grins.

Around the Devil Tyranno's neck is a chain, a chain being tightened by a robot hand inching its way along it until there is no slack. Behind the dinosaur, the boy holds onto the other end of the chain, welled up pink and thrumming.

The boy stands there till a ding goes off, then he tugs.


The Devil Tyranno suddenly feels the sensation of 100,000 horses pulling it back all at once, and is jerked down to the ground!

Its bad breath wheezes out past Peppa and over the boy, useless as an attack. Thinking quickly, it reaches for the boy with its spare arm, but in another bitter irony, the Devil Tyranno is unused its arm's new length, and overshoots the boy with its reach.

But it won't get time to adjust. Peppa presses down, and the arm that was holding her back? It's losing strength. The Devil Tyranno is forced to bring its other arm up to hold her back.

But it doesn't make a bit of difference. Its arms are inert.
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The Devil Tyranno thrashes, but can't get out of this. It tries to bite down on whatever it can, which is nothing. Its aura sparks up with lightning, which only gives its cyborg assailant more juice. And the impossible force of this puny runt is coming down on it more than any mountain ever had!

The dinosaur feels many things: anger, shame, fear, and most importantly of all... déjà vu.


Its struggles come to an end. "Sigh..."

With that, its entire mass loses form and vice versa, a mere mirage fading away with the mists and malice it clung onto.

Peppa catches herself with the Power Pole before she can fall into whatever lingering badness is left in that fog, but as it clears up, seems the evilness went with it. She lowers herself to the ground along with her formerly ten-foot pole, and wipes her brow. She wasn't tired by any means, but fighting while keeping her power in reserve like that? It's in the same boat as having to use different muscles that aren't part of your daily routine.

The cyborg boy retracts his robot hand, then picks up some dirt with his human one. He tosses it where the dinosaur was, and says "happy trails."

...huh. Peppa asks him, "Isn't that kinda rude?"

He blinks. "Pardon?"

"Like, you're kicking dirt on their remains."

He nods, "Correct, it is common courtesy- ooh!" He pauses when he spots something under the dirt he just tossed, then blow dries it away. He holds up a gold crown. "Good catch, Master Monkey!"

"Um, I guess- hey wait a sec!" Peppa recognizes that crown he's holding. "Kid, whatever you do, don't put that on!"

The kid laughs. "I am no kid. From now on, I will be a killer, and a king! You may call me," he pauses dramatically to don the crown, and points his thumb at himself, a gesture which always leads to great things in Dragon Ball! And so, he declares himself, "Killer King!"

"..." Peppa gulps, and takes a few steps back.

He laughs. "Hahaha! Is Master Monkey in awe of my majesty! I admit I do look pretty spiffy if I do say so myself-"


Before he gloats any further the boy is struck with a bolt of lightning straight from the heavens, and Peppa witnesses the silhouette of what remains of his skeleton beside all the cybernetics.

"BZZZZZZZZZT!" buzzes the boy through clenched teeth. But instead of taking the crown off, he knocks on the bionic side of his skull till his eye lights up again, and opts to shake his electrified metal fist up at the sky. "You ain't gettin' this back, y'hear! This Great Mercenary earned it, finders kee-"

Lightning strikes him again, and his fist whirs around uncontrollably while his body goes slack. Then, it strikes him again, and he continues with reacquired liveliness, "-keep yur dang crown then, got dino goo on it anyhow!"

The boy finally takes the crown off of his head, and tosses it up into the sky.

A bolt of lightning shoots down towards the crown, but before it can reach, "Dodonpa."

The crown snaps in two.
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The two pieces of the crown are zapped away by the lightning, and the kid blows smoke off his megabuster.

To say the least, Peppa is surprised.


He turns to Peppa, grinning cockily. "This Youngster does not know about y'all, but when it comes to getting struck down by the heavens for stepping out of line? This Y- no," He jabs a metal thumb at his face, a lance of voltage gleaming along the metal. "Your Granddad's built different."

Peppa blinks, then cringes. "Granddad?"

He grins, and clenches his metal fist, more electricity gathering in it. A chime rings out, and it morphs into a megabuster again. "Your tutelage has been helpful, Master Monkey, but there is no more to learn from you. My path is clear: It is to find those with power, and take it for myself. To eat them." He produces a ball of lightning with the megabuster.

Frowning, Peppa asks, "That's your take-away from this?"

Sporting an evil grin, "Yes, this battle has given me a new ability, stolen from the gods themselves. And it has made me stronger. Maybe even stronger than the gods!"



Another bolt of lightning strikes the boy, which causes his own ball of lightning to detonate and blow up in his face. Face all pitch-colored, he audibly blinks twice, then falls onto his back.


"...ugh." Peppa shakes her head, then looks up to the heavens with her palms together. "I think he got the message! And if he didn't, I'll give him a refresher! So uh, let's call it at that for now, k?"

Clouds rumble up above, but no more lightning comes down. Does look like it might rain soon. Good thing too, that fight had caused some fires.

Chuu Lee pops in with Cookie. She smiles at Peppa, "How'd it go with looking after your charge?"

Peppa presents the crispy cyborg, still twitching. "...he's a supercharge!"

A quick explanation later, and the most sympathy the boy gets from them is Cookie wiping the soot from his face.

Chuu Lee sighs, shaking her head. "Stuff like that really makes me think how good I have it with Tommy."

>Common Knowledge! TOMMY LEE
>Tommy's a kid who Gohan found one day, also the same day Gohan stopped a mass murderer from murdering en masse. Anyhoo, Tommy used to have no parents and no working eyeballs, but Chuu Lee stepped up for the first one and Mini Buu remedied the second one.

She sighs wistfully at the thought of her son. "He's so grateful for every thing he gets to experience, it's such a good reminder to not take anything for granted and to cherish everything we have!"

"Oh yeah, Tommy! Sure loves colors, ahaha!" Cookie looks up from her scrubbing. "So how'd it work out with him wanting to dye his hair blue?"

Chuu Lee's smile freezes, then her head lowers. "Uh... yeah."
Ending here for tonight, thanks for reading!
>Then she holds her fist to an inch away from its jaw. In an instant, her power spikes, and she brings her fist the rest of the way and then some!
1 inch punch mencioned, nice
so magi's alladin is supposed to be tommy ? kek. on a side note, it's funny how ranma basically only has fanart of his waifu form, kek.

Cookie rolls her eyes, then sets to scuffing out the kid's bionics with a scouring pad. "That kid's gonna run you ragged at this rate, ahaha!"

Pouting, Chuu Lee defends herself, "Hey, you just try denying him when he’s..." She pauses in recollection, a smile worming its way onto her face comprised of half shame and half squee. She sighs, "When he’s staring up at you with the cutest eyes you've ever seen!"

This excuse gets a laugh from Cookie, which to be fair wasn't particularly hard. "Oh please, not like he's been needing those to play you! C'mon hon, you gotta work up a resistance at some point!"

Aside, Peppa puts a hand to her mouth to cover up the big smirk that’s from hearing that yes, her Teach is still a big sucker!

Even still, Chuu Lee boasts, "Hey now, I managed to put up a fight this time!"

Cookie raises an eyebrow at the new mother, also while pouring a bucket on the cyborg below to rinse the suds off.

Chuu Lee raises a finger, other hand on her hip. "This time, I told him to go ask his father!"


"And, here!" Lapis Lee hands the dart gun to his young son, and admires his work.

The kid has sunglasses on and a toothpick in his mouth, and hefts the gun up unsteadily.

Tommy asks his dad (while pointing the barrel of the gun at his face), "Do I look cool?"

“Are you kidding?” Lapis scoffs. "You’re like the raddest kid ever! C'mon, let's get a picture, your mom's gonna flip!"


"The kid's gonna have a tattoo before you know it," Cookie laments, and Peppa nods.

"Only Temporary!" Chuu Lee says on reflex.

"Mmhmm," Cookie 'agrees' as she goes about blow-drying the boy with his own super strength blow-dryer.

Peppa shrugs, "Ehhh, dying your hair isn't that bad. I figure he probably got inspired from seeing yours, Teach!"

Chuu Lee was nodding till midway through her student's show of support, and is now ruthlessly tugging at the girl's cheeks. "Who's dying today, Peppaaa?"

Fearing her face will contort this way forevermore should the stretching continue, Peppa hastily corrects herself, "My mithtake, your red hair ith thuper natural, Teach! Thorry 'bout that!"

Cookie points up at the display of chastisement, cheering, "Yes, more of that, ahaha! Try that with Tommy's cheeks the next time he's dreaming!"

Chuu Lee drops the monkeygirl like a sack of potatoes as she considers that. "...I don't know if I could. Whenever there's something he wants, I want to give it to him!" Chuu Lee denies. "Like his favorite meals, his own paints, a theme park-"

"A theme park!?" Cookie asks, misaiming the blow-dryer and blowing her own hat off.

Chuu Lee scratches the back of her neck. "Eh, nothing big, we just cordoned off a small bit of the reserve, put up some decorations and filled it with petting zoo animals. ...actually earns a pretty zenny!"
"Oh hey, he paints?" Peppa asks, having caught the hat from the sky and twirling it on her finger.

Chuu Lee winks at her. "Yup, one of his favorite things to do! Maybe sometime you do some painting with him, when you babysit?"

"Babysit?" Peppa asks, considering.


Her mom's philosophy rings in her head: "When there's an opportunity to strike a deal, strike first, strike hard, no mercy!"

An evil glint in her eye, Peppa nods. "Perhaps I could, in exchange for-"

"In exchange for all the babysitting I did over the years, you'll do it?" Chuu Lee asks, eyes sparkling and voice warm with gratitude.

An insurmountable amount of obligation overwhelming her greed, a cowed Peppa gulps, and utters, "...eh, uh, yes ma'am."

Chuu Lee hugs her gratefully! "Aw Peppa, you're a peach!" coos her mom's first disciple.

"Heheh, yeah I guess?" Peppa smiles abashedly, the student also a big sucker.

Below, Cookie comments, "That peach didn't fall far at all, did it?" and giggles. Big mistake. A hand comes down on the Cook's shoulder, and she turns to see Chuu Lee squatting beside her.

Chuu Lee smiles at her, and kindly inquires, "Hey, your daughter's old enough to babysit too, isn't she? Oh, that takes me back to all the times I looked after her!"

Peppa graciously places Cookie's chef hat back on her head, and dusts off a speck of dirt. "You have a daughter? But you look so young!" she coos, then gives Cookie the ol' Tuffle eyes. "I really would like to meet her sometime, and we could work out an alternating schedule?"

In response to such kind offers, Cookie sports an :I face. Then, she sighs, and holds up the boy's megabuster, which is crackling with voltage. "I'm going to wake him up now, so I'll be needing the both of you to clear away, you hear?" That gets the vultures off her, ahaha!
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The tazing jolts the boy awake, and he flips up off the ground. When he lands, he declares himself, "An emissary from hell, Killer King!"

"Ain't no one calling you that, kid." Peppa waves her hand dismissively, then thinks. "...say, what is your name?"

"Heh!" The boy cheekily thumbs his nose. "If This #1 Mercenary told you, he'd have to kill you!"

...not the best business model for commissioned work. Peppa rolls her eyes, going, "Fine then, I'll live my whole life not knowing."

Chuu Lee asks him, "Do you have parents? Someone we could call to pick you up?" She looks around at the wilderness. "Uh, who we can drop you off with?"

The boy huffs. "My parents are dead."


He holds up his mechanical fist, gripped tight and trembling with rage. "Killed by a monster."

Chuu Lee and Cookie go "Aw!" in sympathy at the boy's plight.

Peppa can relate, having lost her mom once and her dad for over a year now. But the thing is, death is curable. So she asks the boy, "Are you looking for the dragon balls to bring them back?"

The boy looks to her, even focusing his bionic eye on her. Confused, he asks, "The whatsits to do what with?"

...she gathers her breath and her patience, then explains the concept of dragon balls to him.

The boy nods along attentively through the whole explanation, and when it ends he goes, "Huh, neat." He thinks, then asks, "And the dragon will resurrect those who have been dead no more than a year?"

Peppa answers that with, "Yes- uh, maybe... I think so?" It all got mad confusing to keep up with.

The boy snaps his human fingers, cursing out, "Nuts!" He sighs. "Been over a year."

And now it's Peppa's turn to go "Aw!" Then, she backpedals, "Hey now, cool your motor coils, I could be wrong! Like, it's all magic, y'know? Sure, there are 'limits' to it, but those can be broken. I'm sure if you gather the dragon balls, it will work out! Yeah!"

The robot boy lets out a robotic hum, then figures, "If it does work that way, that means my parents can wait warmly while I go get revenge!"

Yeesh, here's hoping they won't be left waiting till HFIL freezes over. ...not that they're in HFIL? She really didn't mean to cast all that shade on their shades- ack, the metaphor went and slipped outta her grasp, hate it when that happens!

Peppa looks to her teacher for her take on this, and just gets a ‘what are ya gonna do?’ shrug from her. C’mon, say something!

Feeling slight pressure, Chuu Lee takes her hat off and clutches it to her chest, then gives the sentiment, “Um, may they rest in peace till then!”

Then, Chuu Lee does something Peppa has never seen from her before. Her Teach leans down to scoop some dirt, and then tosses it into the breeze. …and then Cookie does the same!

Peppa watches the dirt scatter like ashes and dust, very confused.

Then the boy elbows her with his human elbow, “See? Your Granddad told you it was common courtesy!”
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Peppa attempts to noogie him, and the leftover static in his hair shocks her for the trouble. “Yow! No, you’re not, and no, it’s not!”

The boy raises a metallic finger with a zappy strand lingering on it near her tail, making its hairs stand on end. When she’s a good distance away, he declares, “Tis so!”

Before things can hit DEFCON 1 on a “Nuh uh / Yuh huh” war, Peppa remembers that she’s a few years older than the boy and therefore more sensible. She asks her Teach, “What is that tradition?”

Chuu Lee claps the dirt from her palm, and explains, “It’s kinda like when you toss some dirt in at a burial to bid the dead goodbye, but if you can’t make the funeral to pay your respects, you entrust the wind to carry it to the rest of the way.”

“Is that an Earthling tradition?”

The boy unhelpfully goes, “Duh!” and gets flicked in the robo-eye for his trouble.

Cookie shakes her head. “It’s a local tradition, Land of Korin in particular. The wind there acted mighty strange, you could toss letters on the wind and people would get them.”

Chuu Lee nods. “Yeah, that place was really windy. At first I thought it was Mt. Rumble being all tall and stormy that was causing it, and then I thought it was Korin and his magic clouds, but it turns out that all the winds in the world go through God’s Palace way up above Korin’s Tower!”

While her Teach is busy expositing stuff that might be relevant later, Peppa is busy lording this win over the boy. “Hahaha! Turns out it was local, you yokel!” she pokes fun at him, also literally pokes him in the cheek a lot, cheekily!

The pouting boy turns away from her, and sets to combing his hair again (it keeps spiking up tho). He rebuttals, “Um, uh, no! Lots of places do it, Korin Land needn’t be the only one.”

Cookie considers. “Yeah, there’s a good chance it could have spread to other towns. Especially since all us siblings had to scatter to the winds, home was practically a rabbit’s den.”

The boy considers the Cook and her words, then his megabuster’s bulb blinks onto flashlight mode and also an egg timer goes off.

He nods at her, and declares, “Alrighty! Welp, time for us to hit the trail, plenty dark out and it’s fixin’ to storm. And it’s past This Youngster’s bedtime, got a big day tomorrow, that monster’s not gonna slay herself!” He walks over to Peppa, and grabs her hand. “Let us depart, Master Monkey!”

Peppa squints at the boy. “Something wrong?”

“Hahaha, no!” he laughs, then hisses, “Please can we go?”

Peppa looks to the dark sky, small streaks of lightning the only illumination from above. “It’s late, and it’s a Tuesday. Sorry kid, maybe some other time.”

“But!” The boy tugs her hand, and waves his metal one. “You promised me you’d help me!”

Peppa points out, “I said I would in exchange for a meal.”

He points over at Cookie. “I got you a meal-”

“Cookie gave us a free meal in exchange for fighting those wolves," Peppa considers. "And... I suppose I do owe you for your part in it. Half-way, at least."

She scratches her head, and admits, "But I can’t take you to her now, and I still think you have a ways to go till you’re ready to face her.” and not die in one hit.

The boy shrugs. “The Old Man did send me out to wander the lands to get experience, and get groceries, but my Gran’s got the last one handled so-”

Chuu Lee interjects, “So you do have grandparents we can call?”

Peppa says to her, “Nah, it’s his master, a Crane School guy. Think he was called, 'Mercenary Cow Pie Pie'?”

“It’s Tao Pai Pai!” the cyborg boy shouts at Peppa, then immediately realizes he's stepped in it. He raises his megabuster skyward, and politely requests, “Um! Forget you heard that!" A folding fan pops out of his gun, bearing the word "Please?”

She can do that. “Yeah, good ol’ Cow Pie Pie!”

The boy growls, but lets it drop for now and instead asks, “So how are you going to help me?”

Peppa turns on her scouter. “Give me your name and number, and we’ll keep in touch.”

The boy nods, and hands her a business card from a tin in his pocket. “Here, The Old Man got these made for me, pretty cool, huh?"

Peppa looks at the business card. “...this just says ‘#1 Assassin’ on it.”

The boy nods smugly. “Indeed it does, name and number all right there!”

She crumples the useless card in front of the brat’s face to his great shock, and drops it to be snatched up in the breeze.

While the kid chases after his treasured trash, Peppa asks Chuu Lee, “You think you could look after him?”

“Well, I guess I could?” Chuu Lee ponders, deep in thought and looking over a stack of official-looking papers. “Tommy has been asking if he could have a sibling-”

Cookie smacks the papers out of Chuu Lee’s hands, sending them flying. “Girl, no!” she scolds.

Chuu Lee reaches a hand out to the papers, but lets it drop. “Fiiiiine.” She looks back to Peppa, “But yeah, we can work something out. Does he work well with animals?”

Peppa nods with gusto. “Of the things I’ve seen him capable of, handling animals was definitely it.”

Off to the side, the boy catches his card, then trips over a branch and the card goes flying off again.

”I see.”

With the kid well out of earshot distance unless his bionic ear has something to say about that, Peppa admits, “I don’t see him doing well if he catches up to Basilea. It’d be like if a dog caught up to a car, only the car is Basilea and she has a penchant for wearing furs."

Chuu Lee blows some air, and figures, "Well, if he’s that set on it, there’s not a whole lot that can be done to dissuade him from his murder quest," Chuu Lee remarks, then tilts her head, tapping her chin. "I mean, besides Juvie, but I don't think they're equipped to deal with cyborgs?"
you really like mother/earthbound, don't you op ?
The use of leitmotifs in vidya music, the shared leitmotifs different soundtracks will tie things together, the atmosphere that permeates from it... It all inspires me, gives shape to an epic that I need to get out of my brain and on the internet.

So yeah, Mother 3 music plays around Mother 3 boy. Have not played Mother 3, but that won't bring the spoilers back unspoiled.

Anyhoo, hang tight. Rest of this post coming up soon!
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Wringing her hat in her hands, Cookie gives her take, “I don’t feel good about this. Kids going off on their own to seek out monsters? I mean, whole reason I’m out here is to get my own before,” she winces as a bad thought strikes her, and spits out, “before she does it.”

“Huh?” Chuu Lee looks to her friend, concerned.

“Before who does what now?” asks Peppa.

“...” The lady bites her lip, then relents with a shrug. She reaches into her hat for something, and asks, “Sooooo, have y’all seen my Muffin?”

“your what” “Cookie, c’mon”

The Cook finally finds and pulls out a picture. “My daughter!”

Peppa squints at the picture.

Wary Chuu Lee asks her, “Uh, something up, Peppa?” in the way one does when there's a right answer and then there's a right answer.

Too focused on the picture to pick up on subtext, Peppa points to it. “Is she holding a purse or a lunchbox?”

"Hm? Oh!" Cookie explains, smiling as she reminisces, “Yeah, that's her lunchbox, ahaha. Begged and begged me for a pink one. Ah, it's from her first day of school, pretty old for a picture. She's around your age actually! I should know, the two of you were present when me and Maple first met!"

Peppa nods. Tilts her head. "Huh?"

Chuu Lee asks more articulately, "What's with the pic? And what do you mean 'have we seen her'?"


She frowns. "Should've had a newer one handy for something like this but I guess the whole problem was that I thought everything was okay and then it wasn't and it's going to get a whole lot worse if I don't find her and she's gonna take all of what I said and didn't tell her but really shoulda and she'll go off and I don't know what-”

Before she can go any further, Chuu Lee grasps her shoulders. "I implore you to calm yourself."

Cookie hyperventilates through teeth for a bit, then takes some controlled huffs. "Uuu... okay..."

"Now, what's happened with Muffin?"

“...” Cookie reaches into her hat again to pull out a note, and hands it to Chuu Lee.

While Chuu Lee reads the note, Peppa peers at the hat. Is it a purse too?

Chuu Lee gasps. “She ran away.”

Cookie nods, taking the paper back.

Peppa floats up to see it for herself, but notices some fresh droplets on the paper more than anything, and holds up her hand to see if the rain’s started. …oh! Feeling silly, Peppa has the Power Pole extend, plants it in the ground, then Clothes Beams a big umbrella to shield the three of them. There!

Cookie angles her head up to where her face is visible and sporting a shining service smile, with her eyes like ^_^. “Sorry ‘bout that, Chewie! Gonna have to offer you a raincheck on the babysitting, ahaha…”

Chuu Lee hugs her childhood friend. “Oh shush! You should’ve let me know sooner!”

…she wipes her face off, and hugs back. “...sooner? You mean before you stuck your foot in it, ahaha?” She giggles weakly, her body shuddering in tandem.
Chuu Lee pats her friend on the back. “Yeah, yeah.”

Oh, she was crying then. Peppa walks out from under the umbrella to give them some space, and that’s when the rain chooses to come on pouring down. She walks back beneath the umbrella, dripping.

Chuu Lee chides playfully, “Also, don’t know if you knew, but I do have the power to sense the energy of living beings, so we could use that to find her.”

“Ahaha, sorry, somehow forgot about Chewie the Bloodhound’s insane hide-and-seek record!” She sniffs. “But I tried that too. Can’t sense her anywhere.”

Chuu Lee grimaces. Then she asks, tone a bit lighter, “Ah, Maple taught you how?”

“Yeah, in exchange for teaching her to eyeball measurements, ahaha, ah...”

With one hand, she strokes her friend’s back soothingly, and with the other, Chuu Lee snaps her fingers. “She beat me to the punch again!” Then, more seriously, she asks, “Well if sensing her energy doesn’t work, we could use magic. Could ask Fortuneteller Baba?”

Cookie shakes her head. “Puff was looking into it just a bit ago to find his own kid, poor thing got spirited away by demons. The fee’s eleven million, up front.”

Peppa taps her chin. Eleven million? Doesn’t seem like terribly much. The 100,000 zenni allowance her Mom gave her last week didn’t go very far at all with how hungry she was by the end of it.

“Puff’s kid ran off too?!?” Her teacher gripes. “And yeesh, eleven million? There goes your life savings. Winning the World Tourney only got me one million!”

Peppa nearly loses her balance from that statement. She won 100 million from winning a World Tourney, but then recalls it was the one hosted by X.S. Cash. To get a better sense about the worth of things, Peppa asks her Teach mind-to-mind, “So eleven million is a lot?”

Chuu Lee blinks, then stares at her in disbelief. ”Seriously- you are serious, hm. So, let’s put it like this, say you’re buying your first car. That would cost around one million to pay off.”

“But I can fly and telepor-” In response to a stern look from Teacher, she switches tracks. ”Okay, ‘first car,’ so it’s an amount of money that high schoolers have by the time they graduate and need a car? From a summer job, yeah?”

Her teacher receives that transmitted thought, lets it pinball around her brain for a bit, and then allows it to be digested. When it goes through, Chuu Lee gets a troubled, uncomfortable look, the kind one has when they have to explain to a child that sometimes not all the puppies in a litter make it. Then she squints, hooks onto something, and looks to her student with a desperate hope, ”The upfront payment, yeah! That’s worth a summer job’s wages, maybe?”

Peppa nods in understanding. “So one million cash, up front! Since credit cards are untrustworthy, which I learned from all the times my mom told me, ‘You can’t be trusted with it.”’

Her teacher mutters, “Oh peas and rice. Peppa, not mad but I'm gonna need radio silence for a bit."
“...!” Peppa is taken aback, but nods. Left to her own thoughts, she looks over at the cyborg boy, who is covered in mud and is attempting to rinse the business card with rainwater. Apparently the #1 Assassin gets a credit card to go with his business card. Some kids just get all the luck! Well, on top of the replacement body parts, and the lack of parents.

And with dad missing in action and mom fixing the kitchen, she’s gotta figure out how to solve her food problems for the time being. Cookie was a godsend, but it’s not like she can pull an Inoshikacho trick and engineer more wild animal attacks to happen to cooks who will repay her in food. ...well, she could, family pet’s a sabretooth, but people would get mad at her if they found out. And it doesn’t solve the bigger issue.

At the rate she’s eating through it, all her cash is going to get frittered away, and damn could she really go for some apple fritters- FOCUS! Until she’s married to Cocoa and can enjoy a luxurious ride on the movie star’s trophy wife gravy train, she’s gotta find part-time work. Something that will pay her a lot of cash in a small amount of time.

As she ponders on what she could do, she leans on the Power Pole. In her fidgeting, she climbs up the pole, reclines to the point she’s upside down while her leg is stretched to the max up above, then curls it around the pole. She slides down along it in a spin, then rights her balance to have her torso horizontal and land on her feet. Flicking her tail side to side along with her hips, her gaze lights up, and examining the pole as if it’s her first time seeing it, she has an epiphany! Right there, a surefire way to make lots of cash!

But then a hand grips her tail firmly, but only enough to grasp and pull her up. Peppa still feels the strength in all her limbs diminish, but she doesn’t cry out, not even at the sight of her teacher’s terrifying face.

“Peppa. What are you doing?” Chuu Lee asked calmly.

Peppa beams at her, and says, “I was just thinking how I could make lots of money, uh, to help Cookie out, and I figured out a way to do it!”

Cookie puts a hand to her mouth and Chuu Lee brings up a trembling fist.

Tone motherly, temple flaring, Teach asks her, “And what is it?”

Peppa gestures to the Power Pole. “Firefighting!”

“Pfft, ahahahaha!” Cookie bursts out, then doubles over in laughter. "This girl's a riot!"

Chuu Lee releases her student and massages the bridge of her nose. “Aiyaa…”

Cookie wipes away a tear, grinning wide. “Thanks for the suggestion, but I’ve dipped my toe into 'firefighting,' and it doesn't pay as much as you would think. And if you're not careful you'll end up with a muffin top like me!"

"'Muffin top'? Firefighting makes you fat?"

Chuu Lee smacks her friend on the arm. "Cookie, no. Besides, Peppa's not liable to do her own home cooking."

Cookie rolls her eyes. "Way worse, Chewie! ...so, I take it that she is the kind to eat out?"

Peppa objects, "I only destroyed the kitchen one time!"
Pausing here, continuing tomorrow.

>poor thing got spirited away by demons.
>“Puff’s kid ran off too?!?”
Ah, these lines contradict each other.

Now, they read,
> poor thing got spirited away.
>“Puff’s kid is missing too?!?”

>Chuu Lee smacks her friend on the arm. "Cookie, no. Besides, Peppa's not liable to do her own home cooking."
>Cookie rolls her eyes. "Oh, bite me, Chewie. Speaking of which, I take it then she'll be the kind to eat out?"
works better.

Thanks for reading! Should be able to get to the vote tomorrow.
that was a nice gift. man, it's nice to be reminded that I like Ms. Fortune's design. also funny gif and Peppa idea. Maybe some cunnysseur will help her with her cash problems someday.
The two women share a glance, and see mirrored understanding that those double entendres have completely wooshed right over the monkey in their midst. …time to keep doing more of them!


Cookie waves a hand. “I wouldn’t worry about it, it’s natural for every child to wreck their mother’s kitchen just the one time!”

Chuu Lee hums, and points out, “I doubt Miss Eclair ever had that problem with the amount of kids she had running around.”

Cookie huffs. “Mama is a force of nature unto herself. With the whole lot of us living under that roof, I’m surprised it never blew off into the sky.” Some thunder rumbles in the distance, and she gazes up at the rainstorm, smiling. “Kinda do miss how rowdy it got. Had to get out of there for sure, but always saw myself ending up with more mouths to feed. Even if Muffin does eat enough to make up the difference- ah, don’t tell her I said that. …actually, do tell her, might make her mad enough to come tell me otherwise?”

Chuu Lee pats her on the back. “Sure, sure. And hey, if you do want to fill out a table like that, you could always try making a new batch.”

Cookie snickers, shaking her head. “Nah, just the one time was enough baking for me. For real, you dodged a bullet when yours fell into your lap instead of the other way around.” Then, she glances at Peppa, and smirks. “And I’m definitely in the same camp as Peppa. Eating out suits my tastes better.”

Very confused, Peppa asks, “But aren’t you a cook?”

Cookie’s cheeks puff out in amusement at the girl’s earnestness, and she covers it up as clearing her throat. “Ahem, well, it’s like that saying, the cobbler’s children have no shoes-”

The growl of a Saiyan's stomach cuts her off. Running her hands along her tail sheepishly, Peppa apologizes, “Eheh, sorry. Was just thinking peach cobbler sounds really good right now.”

“Ahaha, sorry, I don’t have the ingredients on me!" The Cook explains, "Anyhow, what I'm getting towards is that a lady cook like me can appreciate what the other ones got cooking more than if I settled for my own side dishes.”

Chuu Lee coughs at that, cheeks near as red as her hair, and figures it’s time to pull the rip-cord on this. “And just what sorts of side dishes would those be?”


Blushing, Cookie holds her hands to her face and sighs wistfully. “Oh, I’ve always been partial to a shortstack! Just imagining the feel of all that springy cake in my palm, warm enough to melt butter, and then I give it a smack to see it jiggle,” she licks her lips, and continues, “Then, that’s when I cover everything in syrup and dive in-”

A truly cherry Chuu Lee taps out on her friend’s back. “Whoa-ho-ho-kay, Cookie, that’s enough! Picture painted, I give, I give!”

Peppa wipes some drool that seeped from her mouth. “Mmm~! Yeah, my Mom’s are great. You should ask her to treat you sometime!”
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Though rubbing the spot where Chuu Lee tapped, Cookie still sports a similarly drooling smile. “It has been a while since I’ve gotten a good look at Maple’s bakery. Tell me, is she still with that, whatshisname, Sum Geeko? Zen Gecko? Sun Wu- oh forget it, is she sing- er, available to- Yeow!”

Chuu Lee’s got her by the ear, and chides her friend, “Too thirsty.” Then, she whispers some stuff to Cookie, whose eyes go wide.


Once she’s released, Cookie bows her head to Peppa, having to get pretty low to do it. “Sorry, nevermind about that."

“Oh? Uh, okay?” Peppa says.

This conversation has been very hard to follow for Son Peppa. After all the words that have been thrown around, it seems to be a very mundane conversation about running a kitchen, wanting more diners at the table, and then a cook saying she’s written off baking but still wants to see her mom’s bakery (which Peppa probably took out with the meatery in a domino collapse). So a good part of her has tuned out, but the Saiyan part keeps getting pinged at every mention of food, and that last one did a number on her with the thought that it’ll be some time before she eats her mother’s pancakes again. Like, a week?


“Actually, in the last few weeks it’s hit me that eating out is very expensive. Thanks a bunch for treating me today! But at this point, I think I [i]need[/i] to take you up on those cooking lessons. I mean, it’s not like I don’t want to make a meal for my wife- er, future wife, current girlfriend, I’m just not very good at it yet.”

“Awww, how sweet!” Cookie beams at her, then turns to Chuu Lee, deadpan. “Another reason I had to get out of that house, talk like that would have Mama tan our hides ‘till we knew how to play House right.’ Woman was super gung-ho about taking her way of life and passing it down, and hearing the Eclair version of the Talk?”

She pauses to shudder, and continues with her lip curled, “I always remember back to when I had to come home with my muffin top, and sure she was all ‘oh sweetie I’m sorry’ and ‘you’ll always have a home here’ but I could hear her whistling about it in the other rooms, and she’d swear it was because of something else, and then I’d hear what sounded like honest-to-goodness skipping and I'd round the corner and find her more flushed then them fancy-pants toilets. She'd tell me, in between bouts of catchin' her breath, that my siblings were horsing around and galloped off, just missed ‘em! And then she couldn’t help but gush about how exciting it would be to hear the pitter-patter of her first grandkid added to it.”

Peppa’s suspicion spikes. “Wait, by ‘muffin top’ do you mean you were-”

Acting fast, Cookie pulls out a muffin from her hat, no hair on it, and gives it to Peppa.

Her mouth too full of banana nut bread to continue, Peppa's train of thought is successfully shunted for the time being.
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Chuu Lee sighs, and crosses her arms. “Can’t say my mom’s ever pressured me to get a kid, though it was probably more we couldn’t afford it. Oh, back when I won the tourney and brought the cash home to Mom, guess who caught wind of it and showed up?” She scowls. “Dear ol’ Dad.”

Cookie grimaces. “Ah, that scam artist? There was talk of a lynching if he ever came back. Pop-Pop wanted to use him as bait for fishing, said it’d be the best they’d ever get out of the worm.” She blinks, and apologizes to Chuu Lee, “Uh, no offense! ahaha...”

Chuu Lee shrugs. “I’d say that’s too flattering, even worms know better than to shit where they-” She notices her still somewhat impressionable student listening to her every word, and winces. “Nevermind, this talk’s way too intense to have in front of a ki- koff, koff, present company.”

Having long ago learned that saying “I’m not a kid” is something kids do, Peppa doesn't press the issue.


Rather, this topic was much easier to keep up with, having struck a chord with her and all. She looks up at the two adult women. “So if a family member has done something unforgivable, you can distance yourself from them?"


Both women look down at her, considering their next words carefully.

Chuu Lee squints. “I… suppose?”

Cookie shrugs. "Eh, I wouldn't say I won't forgive my mama, we still gather up on holidays. In fact, first place I trekked to lookin' for my Muffin was under Grandma's skirts, lady dotes on her grandkids like nothing else."

Peppa hums. "So you can overlook something if it's been a while and you don't see each other that much?"

Chuu Lee taps her arm, then decides upon, "I would say that the person formerly known as my father had already put that distance between us, and after we had accepted it would always be that way, once it became valuable to be around us that's when he changed his tune." She mutters darkly, "You only get what you give."

Peppa nods. "So if someone places boundaries and their family member doesn't respect them, they blew it."


"Peppa," Chuu Lee asks, "What's going on? Your family alright?"

"Huh? Uh, no, just asking."

Cookie remarks, "My Muffin was 'just asking' about a lot of things, before she ran off."

"I'm not," Peppa says, putting her hands up.

Chuu Lee asks her, "Are you having trouble at home?"

"No? I mean, the kitchen is still being renovated, but so long as I can get to my room smoothly, it's all good."

"You head straight to your room?" Cookie asks, a hand to her mouth.

"Yeah, but it's boring to stay in there, so I either take the long way home or hit up any buffet that hasn't caught on to doing tail-searches"

Chuu Lee asks, "Does your brother tag along?"

Using some acting lessons she picked up from Cocoa, Peppa pleasantly replies, "No, around this time he's usually spending time in the company of one of his girlfriends."

"Girlfriendsss? Gohan? Wha-" Chuu Lee's eyes go wide. "Peppa, your aura's flared up!"

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"Oh shoot!" This never happens! Like, if she went all the way to Super Saiyan 3 unawares, that would devastate the Earth itself!

As it is, the umbrella has blown away, and raindrops are fizzling out in the air around her. She consciously attempts to unclench her back muscles. Even so, her tail still whips against the ground with her aura flaring out from it, cutting a small fissure into the Earth just like she had with the Devil Tyranno's arm. To put a stop to that, she grips her tail tightly, which finally causes her body to loosen up! And as the strength leaves her muscles, so does her sense of balance.

Before she hits the wet ground, Teach catches her with a hand. "You okay?"

She answers, "I'm okay."

In response, Chuu Lee kneels by her, and looks her in the eye.

...she looks down at the ground.


After a bit, she hears Chuu Lee say, "Videl was saying you had trouble controlling your strength."

Her tail twitches. "She did?" She tilts her head up, ^_^. "What else did she say?"

"..." Her teacher's hand probes her muscles. "Saying her name's got you wound up tight again."

"Tsk." She shrugs off her teacher's huddle, and steps away. "Fine, we're not on good terms. Same with bro."


Ah, that's a good question. The very one she used to pester Teach with! And now her karma's come to collect.

She bites her lip. A bunch of things flash through her head that feel right to say, but each one is dismissed as they would all definitely come off as whiny and paint her in a bad light. Ha, as if she's not in a bad light already? Talk started with Teach saying what Videl said, and why else would Videl bring it up? Videl, heck even Gohan, have for sure spilled on how she maimed her cousin. And from all of what Teach has witnessed of her just now: unable to teleport, incontinent with power than can rip continents a new super volcano, and she can't even stand up straight. "Nah, don't worry about all that, everything's peachy keen!" Pffffbbbt.

Ooh, to better her image she could throw her cousin under the bus by dishing on her injuries and how she got them, that'll totally solve the problem! Ptooie. Hell, even if Izzy was already hurt when she got shoved, the truth is that Peppa did shove her. Like what you'd see in a gag, "oh come off it you!" But maybe, just maybe, shoving someone with the very arms she used to wrestle a planet is too much?

So yeah, some of the light casting shade on her isn't totally undeserved, Gohan and Videl have every right to think the worst of her.

...but do they have the right to hurt her like they've been doing?

And for all that the lady kneeling by her and asking her to explain herself is Peppa's Teach, she is just as much Videl's Teach and Gohan's Teach.


Rain's pouring down. The longer she takes deciding, the quicker she'll catch a cold.
Vote Vote Vote! if you please

>A. Tell Chuu Lee about Gohan's homophobic aspersions and Videl and Erasa dropping that medicine ball on her.
>B. Tell Chuu Lee about how she injured her cousin because violence is in her top 3 things to do when she's mad.
>C. There's no point in explaining her side of the story. Chuu Lee's already heard enough from her other students.
>D. Write-in?
Vote still open? Let's do
>A. Tell Chuu Lee about Gohan's homophobic aspersions and Videl and Erasa dropping that medicine ball on her.
man, I don't remember gohan throwing fagphobic remarks of all things. Dunno if I didn't notice at the time or just forgo.
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“We’re fighting because I-” she begins, then has to pause as the back of her throat is too dry. After swallowing, her mouth is still very bitter. Well, who needs it? “They hate me because I hurt Izzy.”

“...” She can’t really make out her teacher’s expression, too dark and wet for that.

She rubs her upper arm. “I didn’t know I was going to hurt her that badly, but I shoved her, and there was bleeding. She bled.”

“So… you didn’t mean to hurt her?”

Peppa feels a life-line in that question, but the whole crux of the dilemma is that things that she hadn’t intended to happen do so regardless.

And besides, “Yeah… no. I wanted to hurt her a little bit. She said something that really bothered me…” She thinks back on what exactly it was her cousin had said, and though it kinda fell by the wayside in the panic that ensued, what she can recall isn’t anything that would warrant assault. “It doesn’t matter. I got angry and acted on that impulse.”


Finally, her teacher makes her stance clear: “That’s not good.”

Nearly losing her balance again, Peppa scowls at that sentiment. “Of course it isn’t! I don’t need you to tell me that.”

“You’re right, you don’t,” her teacher nods along. ”So I take it you’ve already said you’re sorry to Izzy, right?”

Peppa flares her nostrils indignantly. “I did, as soon as I could, after I got how bad I messed up.”

Still nodding, her teacher taps her head. “I see, I see. And that smart noggin of yours won’t let itself boil over like that again, right?”

“Right-” Peppa wants to agree, but she can’t, not completely. “I don’t know. If someone makes me really mad, I just wanna punt them into the sky like they’re Team Rocket.”

“...” A sigh is heard from her teacher. ”When people go flying off into the sky, if they don’t have a way to stop their fall, it won’t be pretty when they hit the ground.”

Despite herself, Peppa smirks wryly. ”Yeah, unless you’re tough enough the ground gets hit by you instead.”

“Yeah.” Her teacher looks off to the side. “Concepts like that, drilled into the head of every child, ‘falling down can kill you,’ ‘when people die they’re dead forever,’ ‘the supernatural is only the stuff of fairy-tales.’ The world we live in doesn’t really go by that logic. There’s been plenty of times you’ve had to settle things with violence, and you did it all at a younger age than when I learned how to fly.”

Peppa blinks. Her tail, her Saiyan tail, flicks some rainwater off, only to meet some raindrops. “...so, what? Is what I did, are you saying it was expected of me?”

“Lord, no!” Her teacher vigorously shakes her head. “It’s super disappointing. I expect much better of you!”

There’s the words that Peppa had been dreading since this talk started, but strangely enough, they act as a balm of sorts. “...thanks, Teach.”
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“What I’m getting at is that we have to remember that not everyone is capable of what we can pull off, so we need to watch out.” She shifts her head from side to side, and faux-whispers to Peppa. ”And here’s my secret, if someone’s making you mad, just remember they can’t even fly, and all of a sudden you don’t have to prove anything to them!”

Peppa snorts at that.

Chuu Lee raises a finger. “One thing though: your cousin. She is for sure someone who can fly, heck, she can hit the ground hard and walk it off. Girl tied with you at the Tag Tourney. And I remember she got plenty of licks keeping up with you running around as kids. So how did it get to where you shoved her so hard she bled?”

“...” Well then. Videl and Gohan definitely weren’t fans, but what the heck, let’s see how their Teach likes it? “I can’t say. That is, I won’t.”

“...I mean, from what I’ve heard, she didn’t go flying. If you shoved someone seriously, they’d do that. Even your cousin, caught unawares?”

Peppa’s face curls. “And what all have you heard? and who’dja hear it from.”

…ah, that last part was supposed to stay in her thoughts. Telepathy does have its downsides.


Chuu Lee places a hand on her shoulder, nurturingly. “Your brother and Videl said you took off to look after your cousin even when doing so would make you look bad. When they asked about what happened, they said you wouldn’t tell them anything, but that you cleared things up with Izumi. Videl gave you some distance until you could explain things to her. But then she saw you ‘acting cagey’ the past few days, and you’ve been so lost in your head and let yourself get hit with volleyballs and threw a fit- Look, she worries about you, y’know?

“And then Gohan told me you won’t open up to him because you don’t think he’s trustworthy. That around his new friends you would ask them why they would want to hang out with him and try to dominate the conversation and ice him out of things. He’s really torn up about it.”

In response to these revelations, Peppa solemnly nods.

Then, she turns her head to the side, and goes “PFFFFFFFFFTTT!!!”

“Peppa!” Chuu Lee scolds.

Her student chuckles, shaking her head. “Hehehahaha! …sorry, Teach, I’m afraid you’ve lost me with all that. That just hasn’t been the world I’m living in!”

“What do you mean.”

“...” Why use words when you can stream your experiences via a palm to the forehead? So with that logic, Peppa has her teacher talk to the hand. After sharing enough, Peppa withdraws her hand, and backs away a few steps.

“...!” The images having sorted through her mind, Chuu Lee drops onto her other knee.

Peppa crosses her arms, waiting.


Finally, a teacher wanting to believe the best of all her students lady argues on their behalf, “...I’m sure there must be some misunderstandings?”

“...heheheh, must be! Cuz I don’t seriously don’t know, just where they get off!”
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“Look, look, we don’t know for sure that Videl knows what her friends get up to-”

Peppa gripes, “Who else threw it then? Erasa?”

“Maybe? I don’t know. And your brother, he probably didn’t mean what you thought he did?”

Peppa sighs. What else was she expecting? She turns away, in a direction that might be her house? Whatever. “Sure, sure. I’m gonna go try sleeping on an empty stomach, see if I can get some dreams as nice as yours! Prooobably not.”

Chuu Lee rises to her feet, easily gaining up to Peppa. “Hold on, I’m sure if we get you all together and talk things out-”

“...if it’s not some apologies,” Peppa snarls, and pivots towards her Teach. Her wet tail strikes something. “Then I don’t wanna hear it!”

“...!” Chuu Lee backs up a few steps.


She pulls back the hand she was reaching out with, and rubs it gingerly with the other. “Sss… ahhh… okay then, I’ll ask them-”

Peppa has swooped up to her Teacher’s whipped hand, and sees some blistered skin peeled away, and bleeding starting. Her concern gushes over. “I’M-SORRY-I’M-SORRY-I’M-SORRY-I’M-SORRY-I’M-SORRY-”

Her Teacher hugs her close, shushing her silent. “Heh, heh, hey, it didn’t hurt me that bad! It just smarts a little.” She pats Peppa on the back, with her hand in a cat’s paw. “But your words before, those were pretty bad.”

“Whaaaaat?” Confused, Peppa looks up at her Teacher. Can’t see much at all- oh hey, some distant lightning!

Chuu Lee gives her student an expression that could be a smile or a frown. ”Peppa, I believe in you. Aaaand, I also believe in Gohan and Videl, so I’ll go ask them to explain themselves again. But if you want them to apologize, you also have to be willing to hear their side of the story. You want all three of you to be on the same side, no?”

Peppa grinds her teeth. “...maybe. Wait a sec, I can’t heal, but here’s something.” She hops away, collects some rainwater, charges it with ki to purify it, then pours that on her teacher’s wound. After drying it off with some airbending, she clothes beams some bandages. "Better now?"

Chuu Lee nods at the dressing, then, noting the rain, covers it with her hat. "Thanks! …hmm, this is the Teacher talking, but I feel like there’s a lesson here.


Chuu Lee taps her head, thinking. ”It probably goes something like, ‘You have been hurt, but others could be hurt too. And when you refuse to heal, you could hurt others.’”

Peppa snorts. “Sure, sure. ‘And talking like an old man will make you sound wise.’”

“Hmmm…” Chuu Lee ponders. “You’re saying your Grandpa Roshi sounds wise?”

Peppa stumbles midair, hand to her gut. “Oof.”
Laughing, Chuu Lee pats her student on the back. “Right then, I’ll take that to mean my wise woman-ly words are sinking in a little. And I won’t be asking you to make up with them all at once, but I do think it’s all a strain on your spirit. I’m sure if you clear things up with the people you care about (yes, you do), you’ll get back on that horse!”

“I can fly tho?”

“But can you teleport, green pepper?”

“Hey!” She places her hands on her hips, aggressively pouting in Chuu Lee’s airspace.

But her Teacher places an unbandaged hand on her head, and noogies her. “But you're my green pepper, don’t forget!”

Peppa squirms away. “Shup with that, I’m 16!”

Chuu Lee laughs. "Ah sorry, your height threw me off! Not much taller than Tommy now, all that milk is working its magic.”

Peppa rolls her eyes at her Teach’s tendency to slip into mom talk.


Lightning flashes, illuminating their surroundings, and off to the side of them, Cookie comments, “Gotta say, this has been a weird thirty seconds to witness.”

““Oh!”” Peppa and Chuu Lee take notice of their company who has never once left their side throughout the entire telepathic conversation.

The Cook twirls her own umbrella, and asks, “So did y’all… argue, make up, fight, and make up again?”

“...Yeah?” “Pretty much.”

“Right then!” Cookie smiles. “I’d best depart, find a place to camp. Keep a lookout for my Muffin!”

Below and to the side, the cyborg kid says, “Yuh huh, good time was had by all, this Youngster’s plum tuckered!”

Everyone else nods at that. … then lets out a small yelp at the boy’s sudden reappearance.

Peppa considers if there’s anything she needs to bring up with the others real quick.


To Chuu Lee:
>A. What happened with your father, Teach?
>B. Are there any other remedies for getting a grip on my power?
>C. Write-in

To Cookie:
>D. Cookie, do you have any copies of that photo to spare?
>E. What is your daughter looking for, Cookie?
>F. Write-in

To The Boy:
>G. Kid, why do you want to leave all of a sudden?
>H. Do you wanna stay with Chuu Lee, or continue on your own?
>I. Write-in

And also, there’s something that kinda itches at Peppa, something from what she’s heard that could be a minor coincidence… or a major one?
(QM note: a lot has been said, most of it rambling about the past, but there are some dots to connect here. A puzzle to be solved! But before then, y’all have a choice.)
>J. Wait for the answers to these questions to piece together the solution maybe.
>K. Dismiss asking anyone anything as a cost for the QM highlighting some bits of text to hint at a solution.
>L. No need, too easy for me! I can do it right now! The big secret is… (write-in, if you get it Peppa says it)
Akun has spoken. The chance to mulligan for hints has been forfeited.

There are some things that were said that could do with some expounding upon.

Peppa looks to Chuu Lee. "So what all happened with your dad? He tried to link back up with you when you got cash, and then what?"

Lightning flashes, illuminating the face of her Teach… for all the good it does. Her expression is blank.

"…" After some thought, Chuu Lee sighs, and shakes her head. "No, Peppa."

"Huh? But-"


Peppa squints up at her in confusion, and her Teach merely turns away in response.

Internally, Peppa whinges on how she opened up her can of worms for her, and now her Teach won't do the same, what kinda equivalent exchange is-

-"I can't tell you. That is, I won't."-

…oh. yeah. right.

It's not really that important for her to know, she supposes. It was something that kinda interested her, but that pebble-in-a-shoe-esque feeling she has doesn't seem to be from anything her red-haired teacher has said.

There's gotta be some more productive questions to ask.

She turns to Cookie. "What is your daughter looking for, exactly?"

The Cook grimaces. Scratching her head, she hems and haws, "Ah, that's, well…"

Another landmine, huh? Hrmm… Peppa explains, "I mean, is it like," what's his name anyhow, "The Boy's vengeance quest, she got a monster to slay?"

"'A monster'?" She twirls her umbrella, biting her lip. "…well, she said she went off to find her family."

"Okay… you did say your brother's kid went missing a while back. Is it that?"

Cookie tilts her head. "Hmm… I don't see it. She wasn't asking about that before she left. Besides, it's been over a year, and since then Puff and Glaze haven't turned up anything."

Peppa nods. "Well, I'll keep an eye out for her, and ask if other people have seen her. Do you have any copies of that photo I could use?"

"Negative, it was the only one I had left, she took the others. Well, maybe there's another, lemme check?" She reaches around into her hat again.

Chuu Lee comments, "Maybe asking people if they've seen an orange hippo girl would be enough?"

"…" Peppa blinks, then pinches the bridge of her nose. "Maybe!"

Cookie's still rifling through her hat, so Peppa turns to her student-for-a-day, who has formed an umbrella from his megabuster, but angled… inefficiently, to where plenty of rain is falling on him. He sees Peppa looking his way, and walks over to her, still angling the umbrella to the side as he does. "Are we ready to depart?"

Peppa tilts her head at this display, then shrugs. She pats him on the human shoulder. "Kid, we've had a long day, and I know you're out for vengeance, but do you wanna stay the night at Chuu Lee's, or continue on your own?"

The kid hums. "…if this Ally of Justice dilly-dallies a second longer, that's another second the monster will be allowed to breathe. No, I shan't be deterred, but y'all- you lot have my thanks for your generosity."
Dayum, Basilea has a hater! Granted, she did kill his family. "Best of luck then."

Cookie offers, "Ooh, in that case we could share a camp? I've also got some traveling to do."

The Boy nods at this. Then, he says to Peppa and Chuu Lee, "Then again, it would be the highest of impropriety to turn down such a boon, Mercenaries don't make a living off of spurned offers after all!"


Peppa nods at this. "…wut?"

Chuu Lee shrugs. "Well alright. One teleport, coming right up! Goodnight Peppa!" She salutes with two fingers, then reaches a hand out for the boy to take.

"Ah, found it!" Cookie announces, pulling out another photo. She inspects it, squinting through the darkness. "Mmm… oh wait, no, that's Puff's kid, nevermind." She puts the photo away.


>A. Write-in!
>B. Head home.
>Akun has spoken. The chance to mulligan for hints has been forfeited.
so does this mean they chose K ?
>B. Head home.
Ah, the opposite. They chose J. My bad, the red text was confusing.
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After reviewing what's been said, and the behaviors shown by those around her, and even what's been dismissed as irrelevant, Peppa has reached the conclusion that NAHHH, her feeling was bunk, nothing to unpack here.

She salutes her Teach and The Boy. "Goodnight!"

Chuu Lee winks at her and The Boy goes "phwew", and they blip out.

Peppa also gets Cookie's contact info in case she sees her daughter and for those cooking lessons, and they part ways.

The monkeygirl dashes home through the rainy weather, not wanting to chance her luck by flying in a thunderstorm.

And along the way

she sees



"The film's messing up?"

Peppa groans, rubbing one of her eyes in a circle. "Yeah yeah, gimme a sec."

She hops over to the projector, and manually cycles it through the warped images.

Inquiring, Scolding, and Doting keep their eyes on the screen.
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She opens the door of the Son Family Home, and steps inside.

The pain afflicting her might cease with some painkillers, so she heads to the kitchen for some meds… oh, oh right. No kitchen, no medicine cabinet.

She stumbles into the hallway, to her room, and rubs at her eye. Migraine is hitting her like a truck. Or a thousand needles.

She thinks about knocking on her mom's door for some mystic healing, or at least a boo-boo kiss. But the mere act of rapping on her door once knocks her head for a spin.

She falls back to the wall, and slides her way to the door to Gohan's room. Ugh. They used to have the same room when they were younger, same bed. Cuddling like they used to sounds really good right now… but the sound of his voice and all the goodwill it carries with it is something her head can't handle right now.

She limps past her brother's room, her wet and muddy clothes leaving streaks that will for sure get her a "what the heck," but that'll be Morning Peppa's problem. She gets ahold of the knob for her room, wrenches it off, then slumps into her room. She collapses into her bed.

Goddamn, all the pillows in the world still can't make the pain go away. She tosses and turns, thinking how lovely an icepack would be, especially if they still had a working fridge.



She gets out her phone to check some messages. Oh hey, Cocoa sent her something! She opens it with a smile on her face and


who knew checking her phone in the dark and smiling with her face would sting this much

She tosses her phone away, and clutches her sheets and pillows tightly to induce some pain to distract from the ungodly spike in her brain.

…way, way, way into the night, something finally gives way. Relief floods over her exhausted body, and she passes out.

That morning she has a late start and forgot her phone in her room. Were someone to unlock her phone, they would see some texts from Cocoa inviting Peppa to meet up… left on read.


chocolat noir
The film comes to a close. You rise from your seat, and stretch. That was a long one.

>Peachy Keen completed!
>Gohan part trois unlocked.
>Gohan part quatre unlocked.

Peppa steps up to you. "Did you find anything?"

"Yes. A great deal to look into at the moment."

The girl smiles up at you, who is, unbeknownst to her, three of her mom in a trenchcoat. "Glad I could help!"

You tip your hat to her, and Doting works the Inspecter Arm's mechanisms to pat Peppa on the head with it. "I'll be back to see the rest later. See ya then!"

You, the Inspecter, secretly three, make your way out of the theater, withdrawing from Son Peppa's inner sanctum.



You, Maple Son-Mahogany, mother of two, open your eyes, and withdraw your hand from your daughter's head, and exhale. Those last images spiked up your concern like nothing else.

...well, almost nothing else. You look over to her brother, still comatose.

…yeah, all bandaged up like that, he could pass for one of Tanis' relatives, if you squint. It helps to view him like that, if nothing else.



You take the stack of soup bowls from the nightstand, and leave the room.

You head to the new kitchen, where some multi-formed clones of yours are busy making another Saiyan-sized helping of soup. One of them takes the bowls from you, and you step outside.


Dark clouds, desolate ground, dusty wind. Same as it's been the past week. Even had to harvest your fields much earlier this year with all the crop failures happening from the bipolar weather with its hot and cold fronts producing more tornados than the gods playing a game Twister.

You feel the urge to have a smoke. But you shouldn't, you have to be a good example for your two sleeping kids. Mhmm. Gotta keep it locked down. You also draw up the fact Goku didn't ever care for how your mouth tasted after, but he's not here, is he? Then, a much more morbid thought surfaces. When he gets back, after I dunno, decades? Maybe indulging in your bad habit in the meantime would leave him with some hag to come back to.

…what if him getting back, from where and when ever he is, after any amount of time is wishful thinking?

You get out your pipe, and light up.
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So, to recap, everything has gone to shit.

Well, as to the most recent example, yesterday your boy was brought home, looking like he had been chewed up and spit out. You did your best, feeding him a Senzu bean which didn't work. Apparently his injuries had already healed, so there was a grisly business of making his dismembered arm less-healed so you could heal it back up right. Mini Buu was a big help who magicked up some gummy flesh for your son. In the end, it has a weak pulse, but doesn't show any reflex.

To get an explanation of what the fuck, you tried politely asking Peppa, who didn't know. That wasn't a good enough answer. When she fell asleep, you probed into her mind to get to the bottom of this, and then something laughed at you.

And on every attempt to get the crucial clue on whose head should roll, your own daughter's mind flipped you like a judoka. Metaphorically, and one time literally. That's not normal.

But you have your own tricks, and hit her with a mystic ability called the Curse Breaker. The magic spell can even break Majin Seals, and it broke whatever this block was… for a moment. But whatever it was you did away with, it returned, and produced an aneurism that nearly scared the living daylights out of you! Thinking fast, you cut your own aorta to get less blood flowing into your brain, which was in turn taken care of with a Senzu.

Damn, already two beans down! Can't waste those, who knows how many of the things are lying around at any given moment? …in your experience, most often it's "just enough."

Heh, heheheh… puffffff…

Smoke sweeps out into the wind, the polluted air not really noticeable on a day like today. You flick the ashes out with it, and put your pipe away.

Now, you have copies in the kitchen making food, and to tend to your kids if, when they wake up. So that's all taken care of.

As for you?

You, Maple, will find whoever hurt your children, and they will know Hell as merciful.

That's all for this thread. Taking a break for September, see y'all in October.

Thanks for playing!
see you next month, OP. remember to archive this.

alright, found it with another spinoff. you know that either putting your qm name or the quest's name in the tags would help a lot, right ? also I'm surprised there's a sizeable number of dislikes.
Now see, having those tags on the archive would make sense,
So I'll do it next time! Thanks Big Zam.

As for the number of dislikes, I'm the bad apple of the Tuffle Quest bunch. This is me going rogue with blackjack and hookers.

What's interested you so far with the quest, and is there anything you want to see?
>Thanks Big Zam.
that name really stuck, hmm ?

>As for the number of dislikes, I'm the bad apple of the Tuffle Quest bunch. This is me going rogue with blackjack and hookers.
man, I still don't understand what happened. Is it because of the mature themes ?

>What's interested you so far with the quest, and is there anything you want to see?
the mystery is insteresting, also the choice of music and characters.
I wanna see a lil more fights when possible, also sesbian lex of peppa and her gf.
>the mature themes
And my manners and my hygiene and some other things, but yeah the tags might rub people the wrong way. They are supposed to though, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat and all.

>lil more fights
Man it's a good thing I listened to the intrusive thought "All this talking with Cookie's gone on a little long, ehhhhhh dinosaur."
Maple will get into fights, and seeing as they're in the present, they will be rolled for. I'm thinking the Kids on Bikes system.

>sesbian lex of peppa and her gf.
I'll train for then.

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