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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: Ben brought his newly evolved plant friend Donny to the Sanctum Sanctorum for a check-up with Doctor Strange, but was instead welcomed by an enthusiastic Rintrah and an agitated Wong. There, Rintrah put Donny through a series of tests, and, with some convincing from Ben, got him to agree to keep coming back for additional tests going forward.

Once he and Ben returned to Central Park, he and Abe built a basketball court and invited the Heroes for Hire out to play a few games with the Morlocks, and anyone else who was interested. And thanks to Ben's exhilarating mirror match with his own clone, and the presence of several local legends like Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and--for some reason, Screwball---more and more people began pouring into the park to spectate and take part in the day's activities.

But the one thing he hadn't been expecting was the arrival of the Avenger---"Mantis"! The strange green woman kindly greeted the Spider-People, gave out some truly ominous advice in the form of fortune telling, and received some free tortas for her troubles. Afterwards, Joy dragged her off to show her around the park, and the Parker boys set off to deliver some food to Cindy, Pei and Nature Girl.

Except, when they arrived on the scene, it became painfully obvious that Cindy's training session hadn't been going well.

Will Rintrah uncover anything troubling about Donny's new condition? Will the dark future that Mantis foretold come to pass? How does The Slayer's future affect his own? And will Luke Cage ever be able to show his face in public after getting outplayed by a girl half his size?

Find out more in the latest issue of…MAXIMUM SPIDER QUEST!

Most dice rolls will be 1d100. Modifiers will be added depending on the situation or on the alien being used(Usually +10 or -10). Crit successes and crit fails apply. Crit fails can be overridden by crit successes, but crit failures cannot override crit successes.

How to Roll:
To roll dice, type “dice+1d100” in the options field without the quotations. To roll dice with positive modifiers, type “dice+1d100+modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number. To roll dice with negative modifiers, type “dice+1d100+-modifier number” in the options field without quotations, and with an actual modifier number.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:

Good luck and have fun!
Not many people knew this, but ‘The Huntsman’ was more than just a pretty face. Under the mask, both figurative and literal, he was intelligent, compassionate, and fucking amazing at mediating between a group of hysterical, and apparently starving teenage girls.

Together you, Abe, Cindy, Pei, Wanda and Nature Girl all sat in a circle, enjoying your food and contemplating who should bring up the elephant in the park.

Okay…Nature Girl wasn’t eating. She was the only one in the group who was content to sit there and “photosynthesize”–-or whatever the hell she did for sustenance. Which, considering how fast the sky had darkened, wouldn’t be nearly enough to fill her up.

Or maybe she actually was hungry. You couldn’t tell with the dirty look she was giving you, as if you were the only one enjoying a bite of fried, crispy chicken on a toasted roll.

Mercifully, Abe was the one to break the awkward silence.

“Does…anyone wanna talk about what happened while we were away?”

Pei, Cindy and Nature Girl all remained silent. Wanda, despite being the natural chatterbox that she was, seemed reluctant to speak up.

“Well…Cindy and Pei were doing these exercises to ‘cultivate chi’ and unclog their meridians, or whatever,” she began. “And Pei started getting mad because Cindy couldn’t get the hang of it right away.”

The girl cast an accusatory look at the petite Asian girl. Pei was almost entirely unphased by everyone’s scrutiny.

“It isn’t a matter of ineptitude that prevents Cindy from cultivating her chi.” Pei explained, wiping her mouth with her sleeve. “Her spirit is strong, but I sense great turmoil within her. Her mind is holding her back.”

Pei tapped a finger to her temple meaningfully.

“What, like a mental block?” you asked, leaning forward a bit.

Pei shook her head.

“I’m no expert at reading the flow of energies. A mind healer might be required for her to truly start healing.”

Cindy’s head whipped around so that she could stare at Pei.

“A ‘mind healer’? Seriously?” she asked, her tone being one of incredulity. “So what if I can’t cultivate chi. It’s not the end of the world.”

“Maybe you really should see someone, Cindy. What if you’ve got some sort of alien brain worm taking over your mind?” Wanda proposed with a straight face, tracing a circle beside her head with her index finger.

Cindy rolled her eyes.

“You’re both overreacting.” she claimed.

“She might have a point, Cindy.” Abe added. “You’ve been through a lot lately. You lost your parents, and you’ve been getting hurt pretty often these days.”

Wanda frowned at him, before turning to address Cindy with a confused look on her face.

“What does he mean ‘lately’? I thought you lost your parents a long time ago.”

Cindy shifted uncomfortably.

“I never said that it was ‘a long time ago’...” she muttered.

“Well how long ago was it?” Wanda asked.

“...Almost a year now.” Cindy answered, her eyes focused on the ground in front of her.

Wanda’s frown was immediately replaced by a look of pity. Even Pei and Nature Girl were looking at her differently.

“What?” Cindy asked, sounding a bit defensive.

“Oh my god…” Wanda gasped. “I’m so sorry…”

She placed a hand on Cindy’s shoulder and pulled her into a hug. Cindy squirmed in her embrace.

“It’s fine. Really.” she claimed.

Wanda released her from the suffocating hug and stared Cindy square in the eye. She was looking at her as if she’d just grown two heads.

“No…it really, really isn’t.” Wanda said, shaking her head at your ward. “Cindy, that’s like…one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. How can you say that?”

Cindy was transfixed by Wanda’s expression. The hurt in it felt…genuine.

Her eyes searched her friend’s face, and her mouth worked wordlessly for a while. This time, you were the one to bail her out.

“Have you ever thought about therapy?” you asked, taking Storm's advice to heart. Unfortunately with the others here, you were forced to pretend that you weren’t her current guardian.

Wanda nodded her agreement.

“Yeah, has your foster dad taken you to see someone?”

Cindy tried not to look in your direction. Instead, she returned her eyes to the ground. That was apparently all the answer that Wanda needed.

She shook her head in disbelief.

“What!? Are you serious? That’s crazy!”

"He's been really busy lately. With work." Cindy said in your defense. "Plus, he's done so much for me already. He took me to...speech therapy before school started, and he's made sure that I have everything I need."

"Okay, but what about your mental health?" Wanda asked, clearly not pleased with your parenting style. "Being 'busy with work' isn't good enough. You said it's almost been a year since the accident, right?"

You and Abe shared a glance. Neither of you could voice the guilt you undoubtedly shared.

What will you say?

>"...She's right. You deserve better than that, Cindy. He should've done better."
>"We might not have a therapist on call, but I just so happen to know an Avenger with some powerful empathic abilities."
>(Look to Pei.) "Could Cindy's...trauma really be the cause of her chi block?"
>Remain silent and let Cindy speak.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”… he was also the one to steer you towards the elite school too. It’s good for your learning, but it’s gotta take effort to maintain. Studying, heroing, coaching, training. You’ve been too busy pleasing everyone else to get introspective.”
>”You’ll need to have a talk with him. Maybe not on this to start, just about yourself until you can find the words. Don’t feel the need to be strong during it. He’s not going to push you away.”
>”If he does, my old offer to beat him up is still on the table. Pretty sure he wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I can crush steel beams in my hands.”

Last part is to hand control of the conversation back over to her with a joke to distract the others. We’ll have said our piece.
>"What kind of person signs up to be a foster parent and then is too busy to be there for a kid? Spidey and I should really talk some sense into that guy."
>”… he was also the one to steer you towards the elite school too. It’s good for your learning, but it’s gotta take effort to maintain. Studying, heroing, coaching, training. You’ve been too busy pleasing everyone else to get introspective.”
>”You’ll need to have a talk with him. Maybe not on this to start, just about yourself until you can find the words. Don’t feel the need to be strong during it. He’s not going to push you away.”
>”If he does, my old offer to beat him up is still on the table. Pretty sure he wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I can crush steel beams in my hands.”
>"What kind of person signs up to be a foster parent and then is too busy to be there for a kid? Spidey and I should really talk some sense into that guy."

Taking these. Writing...
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“...He was also the one to steer you towards the elite school.” you said, with no small measure of shame. “It’s good for your education, but it’s gotta take effort to maintain. Studying, heroing, coaching, training. You’ve been too busy pleasing everyone else to get introspective.”

Why didn’t you realize it before? Cindy’s been trying to juggle too much, all because she wants to meet the expectations of those around her. Her parents, her teachers, her friends, her god. And you.

You were aware that everyone’s eyes were on you, but in this moment, you didn’t care.

“You’ll need to have a talk with him. Maybe not on this particular topic to start out, and it doesn’t have to be right away. Just take your time telling him. You don’t have to act tough in front of him. He won’t push you away. I’m sure of it.”

Wanda was giving you a surprised look, but you pressed on.

“If he does, my old offer to beat him up is still on the table. Pretty sure he wouldn’t stand a chance against me. I can crush steel beams in my hands.”

“No, please.” Cindy laughed. “You don’t have to fold my foster dad in half.”

“Yeah, that might be overdoing it a bit.” Wanda admitted. “Even if he is ignoring your mental health.”

“Seriously,” you said with a self-deprecating laugh. “What kind of person signs up to be a foster parent, and then is too busy to be there for their kid? Spidey and I should really talk some sense into that guy.”

“Yeah…we’ll have a few words with him.” Abe agreed, giving you a pointed look.

Part of you was glad that you’d had a torta before coming here, because you couldn’t even taste this one. You felt sick to your stomach, and you were certain that Abe could sense the wave of shame washing over you right now.

You couldn’t blame Wanda for saying all those things about you. You deserved them. What you didn’t deserve was Cindy’s defense of your recent behavior.

Thanks, in part, to your little joke, the conversation shifted to a more lighthearted tone. You tried to laugh and smile when necessary, so as not to break up the flow of conversation, but it didn’t quite feel right.

You were starting to feel some of that “inner turmoil” that Pei was talking about.


What will you do?

>Go for a walk with Cindy. You’d like to give her an opportunity to say her piece.
>Thank Wanda for her support of Cindy. She’s gonna make one hell of a sidekick someday.
>Consult with Abe on Cindy’s future. For all intents and purposes, he’s sort of like her foster uncle.
>Exchange contact info with Pei if she has a phone. Maybe she’d be interested in giving Cindy more lessons once she gets her head straight.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>Exchange contact info with Pei if she has a phone. Maybe she’d be interested in giving Cindy more lessons once she gets her head straight.
If she questions it, lean in and whisper that we’re one of her work dads since the foster doesn’t know about the heroing stuff, and we’re a little unhappy about missing this for so long too. The real reason we’re asking is so Cindy has another person closer to her age she can be more open with. There’s Wanda, but Cindy’s her mentor. There’s some conflict between being a friend and being a mentor that might have Cindy hold back.

If she agrees, we’ll make sure to keep a stash of junk food of her choice available when she hangs out.

>Go for a walk with Cindy. You’d like to give her an opportunity to say her piece.
Again, work dad excuse if anyone questions it. She met The Huntsman before she met her foster dad. Huntsman’s gotta take some responsibility.
>>Exchange contact info with Pei if she has a phone. Maybe she’d be interested in giving Cindy more lessons once she gets her head straight.

>Exchange contact info with Pei if she has a phone. Maybe she’d be interested in giving Cindy more lessons once she gets her head straight.
>Go for a walk with Cindy. You’d like to give her an opportunity to say her piece.
The only one who's opinion that actually matters. I don't think we did that badly to justify all the guilty feelings. That being said, no guilt trips, no excuses.
>Exchange contact info with Pei if she has a phone. Maybe she’d be interested in giving Cindy more lessons once she gets her head straight.
>Go for a walk with Cindy. You’d like to give her an opportunity to say her piece.

Taking these. Writing...
At some point during the conversation, you reminded Wanda that the person sitting across from her was none other than the “Amazing Spider-Man”, prompting her to resume her fangirl behavior, and giving you enough of a distraction to slip around Abe and sit next to Pei. This little maneuver didn’t go unnoticed by her, but she said nothing for a while.

You waited until the others were too engrossed in a conversation to notice what you were saying.

“Thanks for agreeing to help Cindy. Even if the training session didn’t go too well.”

“No, it was an enlightening experience. She is very talented. With the right training, she will be a great warrior someday.” Pei concluded.

“I’m glad to hear it. I was actually sort of hoping that you’d be interested in hanging out with her again.” you whispered. “You see, I think she needs more people around her age that she can open up to. Wanda’s her friend, but she’s like…Cindy’s apprentice, you know?”

Pei gave you a curious look out of the corner of her eye.

“You are very involved in her life.” she noticed.

“I'm sort of her work dad. I helped her out after the incident with her parents, so I occasionally lend a hand with the stuff that her foster dad doesn't know about.” you explained.

Pei nodded to herself.

“And you wish for me and her to regard each other as equals.”

“It'd make me feel a hell of a lot better if you were looking out for her too.” you said. “And…I can make sure that Cindy stocks up on your favorite junk food of choice before you go to hang out.”

Pei's expression grew contemplative, her gaze shifting between you and Cindy for a moment.

After a while, she gave you a thumbs up.

“Okay.” she agreed. “There aren't very many people that can keep up with me like she can, and I won’t have to lie to her like my other friends.”

“Exactly.” you added. “And maybe you can continue sparring with each other in the near future.”

“That’s entirely dependent on her.” Pei said, closing her eyes. “She must seek balance in her life.”

“Fair enough.” you conceded, taking out your phone and offering it to her. “Did Iron Fist ever give you one of these?”

“Of course.” Pei scoffed, pulling out a slim, flip phone that looked like it barely had half the functions of your Os-berry. She seemed proud of it, though, so you let the matter drop.

>”Pei” has been added to your Contacts list.



“Hey.” Cindy replied, looking a bit awkward.

“Wanna go for a walk?” you offered.

“Sure.” Cindy agreed.

She informed the others that you and she would be leaving for a while, and accompanied you to one of the nearby walking paths.

For a while, the two of you avoided talking about what was truly on your minds. After a few minutes, Cindy decided that she had to be the one to broach the topic.

“Sorry about what Wanda said before. She doesn't know about the whole Vegas thing with your girlfriend.”

“Yeah, but she's not entirely wrong.” you admitted, staring up at the bats, witches and spiders flitting about through the air and between the trees. “I technically did go on a trip to Vegas right after you started school. An elite school that requires more time and effort to maintain your grades.”

A giant humanoid reptilian creature peeked out from behind a tree on Cindy’s side of the walkway, but she didn’t so much as flinch. For a split second, your body tensed in anticipation of an ambush, but when you realized that your spider-sense hadn’t been tripped, you pushed the pixel construct out of your mind and kept walking.

“Yeah, but you were out there trying to establish a relationship with someone who could help fight off the Vampire Invasion. And you stopped a horde of demons from devastating the city. I think that deserves a bit of a pass.” Cindy countered. “Besides, the workload isn’t too bad if I get my homework done as early as possible. And tests and quizzes are just a matter of memorization. Easy peasy.”

“Yeah, but-”

“But nothing.” Cindy said, whirling on you. Her stern expression softened after a second, and she let out a weary sigh. “Do you have any idea what my life has been like ever since you took me in?”

“In near constant danger?” you guessed.

Cindy rolled her eyes good-naturedly.

“Yeah, but what else is new?” she said. “I’ve been experiencing so many new things lately. I’ve eaten out at restaurants, gone to movie theaters and hung out at malls. Did you have any idea how cool malls were, by the way?”

“I had some idea, yeah.” you confirmed.

“Well, I didn’t until recently.” she claimed. “I’ve been learning a lot at BVA, and I have more friends now than I’ve had in my entire life.”

Both you and Cindy took a moment to absorb that information.

“Man, that sounds sad when I say it out loud.” Cindy said with a wince. “The point is,” she continued, snapping herself out of it. “You pushed me out of my comfort zone, and helped me move forward with my life. You got me back on my feet.”

Two trees with sinister faces on either side of you reach their branches down to scare you off. Both you and Cindy waved them off.

“I didn’t do everything. Give yourself some credit, too. You’ve been an absolute trooper this whole time.” you said.

“I might not know a whole lot about the people living here, but I don’t think there are a whole lot of them who’d take in a random girl they barely knew.” Cindy replied. “And even less of them would help me in the ways that you did.”

You cast a curious look in her direction.

“I don’t need someone to tuck me in at night and remind me to eat my veggies. I needed someone in my life who’d help me get back on my feet. Help me improve.” she said. “And you’ve given me every opportunity to improve. I trained with Matt and Marc, studied with your brother, and got basic fashion advice from Felicia.”

You hadn’t known about that last part, but you’d have to ask about it later. For now, though, you decided to keep your mouth shut.

“The point is,” Cindy went on. “You convinced me to challenge myself with BVA. It can be hard at times, but I want to see what I can do. And someday, I’d like to see what the world’s like outside of New York.”

What will you say?

>"It's almost scary how level-headed you are for a teenager. I was expecting a a lot more tantrums goin into this."
>"I only want what's best for you, Cindy. I should have asked what you wanted before making some of these decisions. You should be free to live your life the way you want."
>"Is the therapy something that you're interested in? I won't force you if you don't want to go through with it."
>"I'm glad that you're enjoying your new life. I just wanted to create opportunities for you to succeed. Whatever you decide to do in the future, I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to crush it."
>"If you want to travel, I can help with that. Where would you like to go?"


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>"It's almost scary how level-headed you are for a teenager. I was expecting a a lot more tantrums goin into this."
>"Is the therapy something that you're interested in? I won't force you if you don't want to go through with it."
>"I'm glad that you're enjoying your new life. I just wanted to create opportunities for you to succeed. Whatever you decide to do in the future, I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to crush it."
>"I only want what's best for you, Cindy. But simultaneously I may not actually know what IS best for you. So you got to help me out a little. Tell me what you think would be best for you."
>"You think that, because I already gave you a lot, you shouldn't dare to ask for more. Or, because I acquired my money in the way I did, you don't want to take the things I bought with it."
>"You have to be strong, you have to be grateful, you have to not be a burden! I'm not the best guy for this, but I do see how you keep telling yourself how you think you're supposed to feel, while pushing down how you actually feel."
>"I believe you when you say you're enjoying your new life, and taking the opportunities I created for you to succeed, but if you ever want more, like an obstacle course made by Ember like this but in our personal pocket dimension, or *advanced* fashion advice from Felicia, or even if you feel like you may want to talk with a therapist... I can help you make that opportunity."
>”I suppose that drive is what makes me the most uneasy. You’re doing well, and taking on so much more beyond what you started with, but I’ve never heard you say no. Sure, a ‘that makes no sense’ or a ‘I’m not letting a crook go’ no, but not a ‘fuck you, your children, and your donkey’ no. A completely and utterly selfish ‘no’.”
>”I know, it’s a weird worry. But people learn to say no because they’re at a limit that shouldn’t be pushed. They say no because they’ve got things they need to do the next day and what others are asking for takes time. Most importantly, they say no because others can find help elsewhere, but if you agree to help they won’t, and that means you’re responsible for what happens to them as a result.”
>”I’ve only seen you fail once, Cindy. When my father was hit. You took it even worse than I did, and that shouldn’t be the case. Every person you saved that day mattered more than one miss on your part. But admitting that feels wrong, right? Like it’s betraying everything you’ve been taught to do since you were born. When you can’t find fault in anything that happened but your own actions.”
>”Everyone fails when it matters, Cindy. You’ve done it a lot less than others. And I worry with all these limits you’re pushing past and the responsibilities you’ll take on that you’ll keep doing all your learning on how to fail others and bounce back before you’ve even accepted you can impose on people.”
>”You’ve been really considerate of me, Cindy. But Wanda’s criticism isn’t any less valid than your praise, and you wouldn’t be the first person in my life I’ve done a wrong to. I’m a lot better at moving past it than you are though, and I’m not really sure how to teach that lesson when I want you to be so amazing and invincible that you’d never have to deal with it.”
>”Although I gotta admit, hurting someone who won’t even see it is pretty new to me. It also sucks way more than almost everything else. Not sure if it tops Iara yet. Guess I still have some things to learn too.”

Damn, I’m tearing up a little by the end. I’ve had the idea of her pushing herself too hard bouncing around for a while. It’s good to try and lay it out, even if I don’t think I can do it justice.

She’s not the only one who would benefit from a little therapy. I’m hoping to get that across.
>"It's almost scary how level-headed you are for a teenager. I was expecting a a lot more tantrums goin into this."
>"Is the therapy something that you're interested in? I won't force you if you don't want to go through with it."
>"I'm glad that you're enjoying your new life. I just wanted to create opportunities for you to succeed. Whatever you decide to do in the future, I have no doubt in my mind that you're going to crush it."

Taking these. Writing...

And I'm going to find ways to implement these as best I can!
Oh! And there's always the option of going to therapy with Cindy, if you'd like.
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“It’s almost scary how level-headed you are for a teenager. I was expecting a lot more tantrums going into this.” you admitted.

Cindy leaned forward and gave you a sly grin while you walked.

“I could stomp my feet and storm out of the house more often if that’d make you feel any better.”

“It’d be refreshingly normal for a change, yeah.” you replied. “But seriously, you’ve been unnaturally considerate of me, even knowing what I do for a living. You do nothing but help others. You’ve devoted your life to it, and you’ve only just started high school. You could be a little more selfish if you want.”

An amused look slowly grew on Cindy’s face the more you kept talking.

“Look who’s talking. Most of what you do is help people on a whim.” she said.

“You know what I mean.”

All too quickly, Cindy dropped her smile and returned her eyes forward.

“I’m only here right now because I got help from other people every step of the way. My parents lost their lives protecting me from vampires, and the team you and Madame Webb put together risked your lives to get my voice back.” she said, rubbing her injured arm. “I know you said not to worry about it, but...”

“Cindy, I’ve literally only seen you fail once before.” you said, referencing that time your father got shot under her watch.

She nodded sheepishly. She didn’t need you to say it out loud.

“And that was after you took down everyone else that was trying to hurt my family. And it was because of that incident that I discovered something important.”

Cindy glanced at you out of the corner of her eye.

“...That he has cancer?” she guessed.

“That’s true.” you agreed. “But more important than that is the fact that he’s a big fuckin’ hero for pushing you out of the way of that bullet.”

Cindy’s mood seemed to improve slightly at that.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is…you don’t always have to be strong, Cindy. No one thinks of you as a burden. They want to help you because they care about you. Myself included.” you continued, placing a hand on your chest. “But…I can respect your desire to get stronger. I’m glad that you’re enjoying your new life, and I want to help create more opportunities for you to succeed. Whatever you decide to do in the future, I have no doubt in my mind that you’re going to absolutely crush it.”

Cindy pressed her lips together in an effort to prevent her face from reshaping itself into a big, goofy grin. She saw limited success on that front, but she tried to hide it by bumping your shoulder with her own.

Yup. You weren’t just imagining it. She was definitely getting taller.

“And that includes therapy…if that’s something you’d be interested in.” you continued cautiously. “I won’t force you if you don’t want to go through with it.”

Cindy’s face took on a contemplative expression.

“Mm. Do you really think it would help? I can’t exactly tell them everything that’s been going on. They’ll either think I’m lying, or they’ll think I’m crazy.”

You just shrugged.

“Crazier things have happened. I’m sure we can find someone who specializes in…special cases like yours.” you said. “If you’re up for it, that is.”

“...I’ll think about it. Between training Wanda, keeping up with schoolwork and general crime fighting, my schedule’s been getting a bit tight.”

What will you say?

>”Can’t Khonshu give you a vacation or something? You’ve more than earned one by now.”
>”Why don’t we try and split the work? I’d bet if we created an information network with the other heroes, we could coordinate crime fighting info between you and them.”
>”Who says that you have to be the only one to train Wanda? We’ve got friends who can help out every now and again.”
>”I'll tell you what. Whenever you're starting to feel overwhelmed, just let me know, and I'll do what I can to help. I can't do your homework for you, but I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
Sorry for the delay! Had to step away from the computer for a bit to deal with something.
>"Come on. It'd be what? An hour every week or two? That's an excuse and you know it. Wanda will give you that time and probably do your homework while you're at it if you ask. Or... "
>”Who says that you have to be the only one to train Wanda? We’ve got friends who can help out every now and again.”
We all did go in different directions admittedly. Thanks for trying!

I’ll probably support in joining the therapy as “Ben”, the foster dad who knows a bit more about what his daughter does than he lets on and has no idea how to handle it. Alternately, if she doesn’t reveal that then we’re the foster dad dealing with a kid who has gone through traumatic experiences. Getting some perspective isn’t bad either way.

>”Just remember Wanda will try to tear your head off if you give her an ‘I’m too busy’ excuse for the therapy. Personally, I’d keep blaming others.”

>"Come on. It'd be what? An hour every week or two? That's an excuse and you know it. Wanda will give you that time and probably do your homework while you're at it if you ask. Or... "
>”Can’t Khonshu give you a vacation or something? You’ve more than earned one by now.”
>”Y’know, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned delegation is my real superpower. As amazing as I am I’m still only one person with 24 hours each day. Why don’t we look at your training and fighting schedules to see how others can fit in to swap responsibilities?”

I’m combining 2, 3, and 4 with my last one, and I tossed in the write-in from >>6076449 since it’s also true.

At some point Cindy should network anyway since not all crime can be seen from the streets and Khonshu hasn’t been teaching her cyber-fu or social-fu as far as I’m aware. She needs to learn how to help others help her in the ways they’re better at than she’ll focus on.

>”Who says that you have to be the only one to train Wanda? We’ve got friends who can help out every now and again.”
>”I'll tell you what. Whenever you're starting to feel overwhelmed, just let me know, and I'll do what I can to help. I can't do your homework for you, but I'm sure we'll be able to figure something out."
We can have someone help train Wanda to free up some time then join Cindy ourselves to accelerate her patrol to free up more. I bet we'd roll over your standard thugs like greased lightning and it would also help with coordination between us.

>Contact Edison on repairing/upgrading Cindy's suit.
Cindy is right here so we can get her input. I think last time we heard she was running with hand-me-downs from Matt since her suit was damaged. When doing this we should get some hidden Anti-Vampire upgrades added. With the Great Hunt on the horizon I imagine some cadre will end up targeting Cindy again because of that Khonshu Cult or some other bullshit and it would be nice for her to have an Ace up her sleeve.
I thought we’d already gotten her a new suit, but if not then I’ll back this.
>"Come on. It'd be what? An hour every week or two? That's an excuse and you know it. Wanda will give you that time and probably do your homework while you're at it if you ask. Or... "
>”Who says that you have to be the only one to train Wanda? We’ve got friends who can help out every now and again.”
>”Just remember Wanda will try to tear your head off if you give her an ‘I’m too busy’ excuse for the therapy. Personally, I’d keep blaming others.”
>”Y’know, I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned delegation is my real superpower. As amazing as I am I’m still only one person with 24 hours each day. Why don’t we look at your training and fighting schedules to see how others can fit in to swap responsibilities?”
>Contact Edison on repairing/upgrading Cindy's suit.

Taking these. Writing...
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“Come on. It’d be, what? An hour every week or two? That’s an excuse and you know it.”

Cindy’s pinched expression told you that you were correct in calling her on her bullshit.

“Wanda will give you that time, and probably do your homework if you ask nicely.” you continued. “Or…”

You hummed thoughtfully for a moment, before snapping your fingers, the effect creating a tiny spark between them.

“Who says that you have to be the only one to train Wanda? We’ve got friends who can help out every now and again.” you suggested.

Cindy opened her mouth to respond, closed it again, and started nodding to herself.

“That’s…actually not a bad idea. You really think they would go for it?” she asked.

“I don’t see why not, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.” you said with a shrug. “We both know she’d be open to the idea. A chance to learn from some of the best in the business. That ought to jump start her career rather nicely.”

“We’ll have to be careful about breaking the news to her. All that excitement might just cause her to have a stroke.” Cindy said, a bit of humor creeping back into her voice.

“Just follow my lead. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but delegation is kind of my real superpower.” you proclaimed, prompting an appropriate eye-roll from Cindy. “But, even as amazing as I am, I’m still only one man with a surprisingly busy schedule for someone that’s technically unemployed.”

“I thought the term we were using was ‘between jobs, right now’.” Cindy said with air quotes from only one hand.

You nodded approvingly.

“That’s just the term we use around my parents and judgemental strangers.” you explained. “But since none of them are here right now, I’m fine with leaving myself open for a low blow.”

“You don’t think I might go for it?”

“You probably could, but I think you like your allowance too much to take that risk.”

“There is this new phone that I’ve been looking at…” she teased.

“No way. If Wanda found out that I’d bought you a new phone instead of paying for therapy sessions, she’d probably kill me, and then you.”

Cindy winced at that.

“Yeah, I guess that’s fair.”

“And that’s if she doesn’t tear your head off for giving both of us that weak ‘I’m too busy’ excuse for not attending therapy.” you said. “It’s not a bad excuse, per se. Personally, I’d keep blaming others for my misfortune.”

“That doesn’t sound healthy.” Cindy observed.

“What’re you, my therapist?”

“Oh, you totally had that loaded.”

“Yeah, I kind of did…” you admitted with a smug smile on your face.

The two of you shared a short laugh, completely ignoring the family of giant, hairy spiders descending from the trees.

“Tell you what. Why don’t we take a look at your schedule to see how we can better organize it?”

Cindy nodded and pulled her phone out of her back pocket.

“Sure. Lemme just pull up my calendar.”

And while she did that, you were going to shoot a text to your new friend Thomas Edison. He’d be happy to find out that you had a new job for him. Except, it would involve protecting children, instead of siphoning them for free energy.

Actually, now that you thought about it, you had no idea how he would feel about the job. He was a pretty strange guy, all around.

While you thought about this, you couldn’t help but spot an event on Cindy’s calendar out of the corner of your eye. It was titled “Halloween Party”.

You decided you’d worry about that later.


By the time you returned, Pei was giving a lesson to both Wanda and Abe. Their movements reminded you a lot of what you’d see in a Tai Chi instructional course, but you decided not to comment on it. Abe was most likely thinking the same thing, and he was still playing along like the good sport he was.

Nature Girl was still deep in her meditative trance, effortlessly ignoring her surroundings and the little woodland creatures that played on and around her. Although, a few of them scampered or flew over in Cindy’s direction as soon as she’d gotten close enough. You still had to figure out what the deal with that was, but it would have to wait.

“Hey, Wanda. Can we talk?” Cindy began, beckoning her friend over.

What will you do?

>Stay with Cindy for her talk with Wanda. She could probably use the support.
>Head on over to have a chat with Matt.
>See if you can't catch some more interesting basketball games from the Morlocks.
>Join in on Pei's lesson. It might be enlightening.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”Remember, the code for backup is a trill followed by a scream of ‘Huntsman!’”
>Head on over to have a chat with Matt.
Been a long time since we spoke with him.
>>Head on over to have a chat with Matt.
>>Head on over to have a chat with Matt.
>Head on over to have a chat with Matt.

Taking these. Writing...
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Feeling that Cindy had this situation in hand, you gave her a supportive pat on the shoulder and slipped away and headed for the Courts. Another Morlock game was currently underway, with Callisto and Glass tearing up the court, just like you thought they would.

The game had everyone so enraptured that they barely noticed you creeping back over to stand beside Matt. You had no doubt that the blind vigilante heard you coming from a mile away, though.

“You enjoying the game?” you asked, causing Ember to look up in surprise.

Matt nodded, his cane still clutched in both hands, as if he’d been preparing to get up from his web-chair before you even reached him.

“Yes, it all sounds so exciting.” Matt said, pretending to be as blind as he looked.

Ember looked at you as if you’d just asked an exceedingly dumb and insensitive question. You chose to ignore that look.

“And here you were saying that you might’ve been ‘too busy’ to come out.” you teased.

“The fresh air is a welcome change of pace, I’ll admit.”

“Did you manage to catch up with the Heroes for Hire?”

“I did. It’s been a while since I’ve seen them all in one place. Luke sounded pretty sour about losing to your friend.” he said, smiling a bit as he recalled the recent memory. “Congratulations on your consecutive victories, by the way.”

“Thanks. I don’t get a whole lot of chances to unwind like this with people that can actually keep up with me.”

“If you ask me, Spidey almost had you in that match.” Ember noted, returning to her game.

“True. It was a close thing.” you agreed.

“Very close. It must’ve been an interesting sight to behold.” Matt said. “And hearing all this running around has put me in the mood to stretch my legs a bit.”

“Want some company?”

“I was hoping you’d join me, yes.” Matt said, pushing himself up from the chair with the assistance of his cane.

“Want me to hold your hand, too? I know how hard it is for you to get around in unfamiliar environments.”

Matt rose to his full height and swatted you in the shin with his cane.

You winced and reached down to massage your leg. What the fuck was that thing made of!?

Matt ignored your plight and continued to map out his surroundings with his cane, pretending as if he even needed it in the first place.

“Oh, sorry! I didn’t see you there.”

For a second, you had to remind yourself that it wouldn’t be a good idea to be caught hitting a disabled person on camera.


Some time later, when you and Matt were a healthy distance away from the others, you and he finally decided to drop the charade.

“How do you feel about the park’s new decorations?” you asked.

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“I can hear and feel things moving around and above us, but none of them show the telltale signs of actually being alive. No heartbeats, no breathing rhythms, and functional organs to speak of. They don’t even sweat. Might as well be robots.”

Scary robots.” you added.

“I don’t have anything to be scared by.” he clarified.

“Right, right. I almost forgot. You’re ‘The Man Without Fear’.” you said, making exaggerated hand gestures.

“You don’t have to be fearless to avoid jumping out of your boots when a warty green witch flies over your head.”

You gave him a pointed look.

“Wait. How do you know they’re green?”

The corner of his lip curled upward ever so slightly in what you thought might’ve been a grin.

“Call it an educated guess. People tend to make witches green.” he explained.

“Well, how do you even know what the color green is?”


“Relax, I was just kidding.” you said, noticing the serious look on his face.

“I don’t care about that.” he cut in. “What I do care about is you swearing fealty to Silvermane.”

And there it was. The conversation that you’ve been dreading for a long time now. The topic had been brought up so casually that you very nearly tripped over a fallen branch on the path in front of you.

“The man is a crook, Benny. He’s ruthless, and allying yourself with him can only spell trouble for you later down the line.”

What will you say?

>”Can we not do this right now? This is like the fourth or fifth 'serious talk' walk that I've gone on today..."
>”I know how it sounds, but he’s really not as bad as people say he is. He’s done right by me so far, and I trust him.”
>”Stay out of this, Matt. I’d really hate for this bromance to devolve into a blood feud.
>”Don’t give me that bullshit. There’s a huge conflict coming up, and this city’s about to get caught up in the middle of it. Crime can’t be stopped, but it can be controlled. And I think me and Silvermane have got better ideas for what this city should look like once the dust settles.”
>”I don’t know if you’ve noticed Matt, but these are the kinds of circles that I run in. I sell my services to whoever can afford them, so long as they aren’t the scum of the earth."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
Damn, Matt coming out swinging. Can’t say I’m surprised.

>”I knew this was coming, but you’re always quicker than I expect.”
>”I know you’ve heard it all before from others, Matt, so I’ll skip trying to talk you around. I’m not going to hold it against you if we meet in the field, and I’ll keep anyone I’m with from getting too wild with any heroes we run into. Just don’t expect me to roll over either.”
>”I’ve fought bug aliens and literal vampires. Criminals aren’t going to step up and stop those threats when they should. Only you folk will. If I can’t make that worth some respect in Silvermane’s organization then it isn’t what I expect it to be.”
>"I didn't "swear fealty" to Silvermane. He doesn't own me, he *owes* me."
>”I knew this was coming, but you’re always quicker than I expect.”
>"There's always going to be organized crime. And he's the devil I know."
>"I can talk to him, see if he'll disallow the more severe stuff within his territory. The stuff I don't want to be associated with either."

>”Don’t give me that bullshit. There’s a huge conflict coming up, and this city’s about to get caught up in the middle of it. Crime can’t be stopped, but it can be controlled. And I think me and Silvermane have got better ideas for what this city should look like once the dust settles.”

>”I don’t know if you’ve noticed Matt, but these are the kinds of circles that I run in. I sell my services to whoever can afford them, so long as they aren’t the scum of the earth."

>"Spell trouble? Be honest Matt. Boy Scout Heroism endangers and impoverishes you much more than could be said of my line of work. In fact, the dangers that always struck closest to home were always the result of my doing the right thing.
>"I mean did you get your "Fought Doom" check yet? I think mine got lost in the mail. I only ask because for all that I did I have little to show for it otherwise. I mean could you imagine making an enemy of that guy for free? You'd have to be crazy!"
We've got three votes with write-ins that are going in different directions for the most part.

>”I knew this was coming, but you’re always quicker than I expect.”
This is the option with the most support behind it.

How would you guys like to proceed? Would you like to wait for more votes to potentially roll in, or would you like to throw your support behind another vote? There's also the possibility of collaborating with your fellow anons in order to cook up a combined vote.
Yeah, and the option with the most support is a quip that doesn’t answer his question.


Would something like

>Mention pay as the obvious thing
>Less obvious is that crime won’t go anywhere and Silvermane is a better devil than others we’ve met
>If we meet out in the field then we both do what we gotta do, but we’ll make sure the boys treat any beaten heroes with respect
>If the Maggia loses too much sight over what’s worthy of respect then we’ll move on. We’re holding Silvermane to a higher standard than most by sticking with him

work for anons? Parts of our write-ins can be plugged in where it fits.

I figure the tone isn’t very heated during this since I know Matt isn’t budging and neither are we. We can keep the substance of our various quips without pushing them hard in his face. He’ll have to weigh whether we’re worth fighting over other criminals when things blow up later, though, and maybe this’ll be enough to sway him then.
I do want to steer both Benny and Silvermane a little bit more into the light. With Cindy and Saya too
I think it’ll be more on Saya and Cindy, but I’m afraid to voice that since Cindy already has enough pressure on her anyway.

I think we have that opportunity to defang Silvermane slightly as long as we keep the next generation in his mind though. If we did our jobs right then they should have less problems than we did, not more. Tombstone learned that lesson too late.
I guess if no one else budges/chimes in, I’ll switch to >>6078679 just to move things along and avoid a flip.
>"I didn't "swear fealty" to Silvermane. He doesn't own me, he *owes* me."
>”I knew this was coming, but you’re always quicker than I expect.”
>"There's always going to be organized crime. And he's the devil I know."
>"I can talk to him, see if he'll disallow the more severe stuff within his territory. The stuff I don't want to be associated with either."

Taking these. Writing...
“I didn’t ‘swear fealty’ to Silvermane. He doesn’t own me. He ‘owes’ me.” you corrected.

“And that somehow makes it better?” Matt asked, looking at you through red-tinted glasses with what you could only assume was an accusatory glare.

You let out a weary sigh and shook your head.

“I knew this was coming, but you’re always quicker than I expect.” you said, making an effort to sound less confrontational than you had a moment ago.

Matt simply waited for you to arrange your thoughts. As you feared, he was taking this conversation very seriously.

“Look,” you continued. “There’s always going to be organized crime. And he’s the devil that I know. I can talk to him; see if he’ll disallow some of the more severe stuff within his territory. The kind of stuff that I wouldn’t want to be associated with, either.”

Matt was initially taken aback by your declaration, but he didn’t seem convinced by your argument.

“You seriously think you can convince him to give up a lucrative part of his business by asking nicely? He won’t stop, Benny. He never will. Silvermane is and always will be the power hungry maniac that challenged Kingpin for control of the city. And you taking offense to his methods won’t change that. He’ll just make sure to keep you in the dark about what he’s doing.” Matt said, planting his walking stick firmly into the ground. There, it stuck. “How much do you know about his business dealings? Do you know all of his plans, or only what he chooses to tell you?”

What will you say?

>”I can be pretty persuasive. Plus, he's been pretty receptive to my advice so far. With some time and effort, I think I can get him to come around.”
>”Since you clearly know something that I don’t, why don’t you spill the beans instead of dancing around the issue?”
>”If something comes up, I’ll handle it. You don’t have to trust SIlvermane, but you can trust me. I won’t let things go too far.”
>"I'm working this from multiple angles, Matt. If Silvermane doesn't want to play ball, then there'll be others who will."
>”Punching him isn’t gonna solve anything! The city isn’t gonna magically become a safer place if I help you beat up an old man.”
>”I don’t want to fight you on this, Matt. We can work together; find a way to keep everyone in line so no other gang wars break out.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”I can be pretty persuasive. Plus, he's been pretty receptive to my advice so far. With some time and effort, I think I can get him to come around.”
>"I'm working this from multiple angles, Matt. If Silvermane doesn't want to play ball, then there'll be others who will."

>”I can be pretty persuasive. Plus, he's been pretty receptive to my advice so far. With some time and effort, I think I can get him to come around.”
>”Some of my reasons are pretty selfish anyway. He lives here like I do, Matt, and his daughter goes to school here like mine does. What’s the point in power if we’re living in and passing on shitholes? It’s good sense, it’s just gotta come from someone that doesn’t have an angle on him or his territory.”
>”Since you clearly know something that I don’t, why don’t you spill the beans instead of dancing around the issue?”
>"I'm working this from multiple angles, Matt. If Silvermane doesn't want to play ball, then there'll be others who will."
>”I can be pretty persuasive. Plus, he's been pretty receptive to my advice so far. With some time and effort, I think I can get him to come around.”
>"I'm working this from multiple angles, Matt. If Silvermane doesn't want to play ball, then there'll be others who will."

Taking these. Writing...
“I can be pretty persuasive when I wanna be.” you said, taking care not to sound too easy going. “Plus, he’s been pretty receptive towards my advice so far. With a bit of time and effort, I think I can get him to come around.”

“That’s a big gamble you’re taking.” Matt said, raising an eyebrow as he…stared in your direction. “What has he done to deserve all this time and effort you’re investing into him?”

“It’s not about that.” you admitted with a wave of your hand. “I’m working this from multiple angles, Matt. If Silvermane doesn’t want to play ball, then there’ll be others who will.”

Both of Matt’s brows lifted this time. It was a feat that you took pride in, in your most secret of hearts.

The two of you stared at one another for a good, long while, neither saying a single word. For your part, it was mostly because you wanted to let your earlier statement sink in. But also, you didn’t want to be the first one to break the staredown.

Finally, after that long, grueling silence had mercifully passed, Matt breathed out a sigh through his nose and relaxed his shoulders slightly. You relaxed a bit as well.

“Alright. You're either telling the truth, or you're the best liar I've ever met. At the very least, you seem to believe everything you just told me. I'm not sure which possibility is more frightening.” Matt said, gripping his walking stick by the handle and yanking it out of the ground with a sharp tug.

“I'm not gonna let him yank me around.” you promised. “If I don't like what he's doing, I'll do my best to get him to stop, one way or another.”

Matt's frown had lessened somewhat, but it hadn't disappeared entirely.

“That's not what I'm worried about. I don't doubt that you can take out Silvermane.” Matt confirmed. “I'm worried about you.”

You placed a hand over your heart and tilted your head to the side.

“Matt, I'm flattered. But I'm a taken man, and-”

“I'm worried about what you might become in your pursuit for power.” Matt continued, rolling right over you in the conversation. “I'm worried about the collateral damage that you might cause, or allow, in order to stay on Silvermane's good side. But, more than any of that… I'm worried that your ambitions might ruin you. They might even ruin this city.”

Matt’s unseeing gaze drifted upwards, and you had to assume that he was taking in his surroundings with whatever senses he had left.

“So, I’m going to hold you to your word. If I think that at any point you’re losing your grip, I’ll be the one to push you back on the right path. That, I will promise you…”

For just a moment, you felt an intensity from Matt that matched that of his vigilante persona. What he just said could very easily be perceived as a threat, but you weren’t so sure about that.

What will you say?

>”I can live with that. And I won’t hold it against you if we happen to meet in the field. It won’t change anything between us.”
>”I promise you won’t regret this. If everything goes right, we'll still have a city to wake up to after the dust settles from this whole gang war."
>”You know...believe it or not, that actually makes me feel a little bit better about this whole thing. Thanks for watching my back."
>”I won’t let it come to that. Things will be a lot easier for the both of us if you steer clear of his operations for a little while.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”You know...believe it or not, that actually makes me feel a little bit better about this whole thing. Thanks for watching my back."
It’s good to have at least one pushy friend to make you better.

>”I can live with that. And I won’t hold it against you if we happen to meet in the field. It won’t change anything between us.”
I still like this.

>”You might want to talk with Callisto if you haven’t yet. If you’re charming enough and give the right reasons she’d help you kick my ass.”
>”What, you thought a man of my networking talents would settle for one fighting instructor?”
Finally, a joke.
Eh, one more to add to >>6081595.
>”If you do make a move, find an excuse to make Cindy busy elsewhere. It’ll hurt her, but she’ll forgive you. Can’t say I will if you bring her instead. You get it.”
I’m not as attached to this one since it brings the mood down even further, but if anyone could get away with sending her elsewhere it’d be Matt.
>”You know...believe it or not, that actually makes me feel a little bit better about this whole thing. Thanks for watching my back."
>”I can live with that. And I won’t hold it against you if we happen to meet in the field. It won’t change anything between us.”
Man we're flying right into a bear trap of people we probably don't want to fight. Any of our networked heroes or even a Typhoid Mary rematch with her saving Cindy from Doombots if I remember right. Though with Mary her personality might want the fight regardless.
Yeah, navigating all this is going to be a nightmare. We’re also one of Hill’s backups in case SHIELD goes down, and with Storm having our number there’s even a possibility of us needing to balance between mutant factions.

Ben is absolutely going to fail some people pretty soon. It’s just a matter of seeing how well we can pull in other people to provide support when we can’t.
>”You know...believe it or not, that actually makes me feel a little bit better about this whole thing. Thanks for watching my back."
>”I can live with that. And I won’t hold it against you if we happen to meet in the field. It won’t change anything between us.”
>”You might want to talk with Callisto if you haven’t yet. If you’re charming enough and give the right reasons she’d help you kick my ass.”
>”What, you thought a man of my networking talents would settle for one fighting instructor?”

I'll be taking these. Writing...

There are definitely going to be more moving pieces than there have been in previous arcs. Pretty much everyone will have something going on in the background or forefront. My only regret is that there will be certain interactions between characters that you most likely won't be present for, so the dialogue for those will exist only in my head.
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“You know…believe it or not, that actually makes me feel a little bit better about this whole thing. Thanks for watching my back.” you said, hoping that he could sense the genuine gratitude in your voice. “And…I won't hold it against you if we happen to meet in the field. It won't change anything between us.”

Matt turned his head back to face you once more, and you got the impression that he wanted to attempt a smile. But he couldn't quite manage it.

“That’s an optimistic way of seeing things. I'd appreciate it if you could conduct your little plan without letting it get to that point, but I think we both know that’d be ‘overly optimistic’.”

“In that case, you might want to talk to Callisto if you haven’t yet.” you said, regaining some of your usual jovial energy. “If you’re charming enough and can give a compelling argument, she might just help you kick my ass.”

Instead of asking who she was, Matt raised an eyebrow and turned his head in the direction you both came from.

“What, you thought a man of my networking talents would settle for fighting only one of my mentors?”

“Sure you’re not biting off more than you can chew?” he asked, not sounding as serious as he had a moment before.

“That’s never stopped me before.” you said with a shrug.

“There’s a first time for everything, Benny.” he replied, turning away from you and continuing his walk. You chose not to follow him this time. You were getting the impression that this conversation was just about wrapped up.

“Try not to get yourself or anyone else killed out there. I’ll be watching and listening.” he continued.

“I’m pretty sure you can only do one of those things, but I take your meaning.” you called out.

“Just for that, I’m gonna make sure my first hit is an extremely painful one.” he replied without turning around.

You let out a laugh that was only slightly nervous, and your worries deepened when you realized that Matt wasn’t laughing with you.

“That was a joke, right?”

“I’m sure a man with your ‘networking talents’ can connect the dots without my help.”

“Can you at least tell me where you’re going to hit me? How about a hint!?”

You couldn’t be entirely sure, but the grin Matt had on his face before he disappeared from the walking path seemed a tad bit malicious in nature.


Not long after that, the day’s festivities began to wind down, and those who had come to see the Heroes for Hire, Screwball, The Morlocks, or even just the park’s Halloween decorations, were all starting to leave. Somehow, you'd managed to conduct the entire event without incident.

The Morlocks, or at least those who’d initially been wary of interacting with outsiders, had refreshed looks on their faces. Everyone had taken this opportunity to unwind, and were rewarded with a feeling of fulfillment one could only get from engaging with their community.

And when you told them that they didn’t have to bother cleaning up all the webbing you shot out to make those improvised courts, you could practically see the stress bleeding out of them. Some even looked a bit disappointed to hear that it’d be disappearing soon. They must have wanted to keep playing, even after you were gone.

With that, you gave Ember a meaningful look, and she rolled her eyes in response. But, despite her defiant, bratty behavior, she promised to create a new court for them as soon as this one finished dissolving.

Immediately, some of the more outgoing Morlocks ran over, grabbed hold of her, and lifted her into the air. They threw her up and down repeatedly, celebrating her as if she were some sort of superstar. Screwball looked a tad bit jealous from all the attention she was getting.

And somehow, none of them seemed to notice, or care about Ember’s protests as she was man-handled by a mob of mutants. You, on the other hand, found the entire thing to be hilarious.


Sometime later, Abe sent you a text saying that he’d see Cindy and Wanda back to their dorms. You sent them a text thanking them all for coming out, before mercifully reminding yourself to send something to Chef Ameyama as well. Her catering service was insanely reliable for such a small business. You’d definitely be using her more in the future.

With that in mind, you said your goodbyes to the Morlocks, promised to meet them in the morning for your meeting with Madame Webb, and swung your way home. It was only after you’d collapsed on the couch and recounted the events of your day to Flint, that you remembered about Mantis being there. No one had mentioned seeing her leave.


The next morning, you were up and out of bed earlier than usual. Mostly because Iara had thought to set some particularly annoying alarms on your phone without your consent. In your own groggy, half-conscious mind, you swore bloody vengeance...and then immediately forgot about it after a hot shower, a fresh pot of coffee, and a warm breakfast. You feared for the fate of this city if any super-powered menace were to roll out of bed without any of those luxuries. It was thanks to them that the streets weren't running red with blood on a regular basis.

Interestingly, neither Araña nor Benga were here this morning. They must've been hard at work today.

Ember, on the other hand, was still fast asleep on the couch. And Flint had said something last night about meeting with your sister to make plans for when they went to space. So, you and Ember had the warehouse to yourselves for the time being.

What will you do?

>Wake Ember up for breakfast. If you leave her be, she'll probably just sleep until the afternoon and play games all day.
>Help her get ready. She'll be accompanying you to Madame Webb's place today.
>Let her sleep in and set aside a plate for later. She had a long day yesterday.

Also, what will you be wearing today? (If a decision isn't reached, I'll roll a dice.)

>The Huntsman Suit, v2
>The Chasm Suit
>The Silver Lining Suit
>The Hot Purr-Suit
>The "Decked Out" Suit
>The "Great Expectations" Suit


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>Let her sleep in and set aside a plate for later. She had a long day yesterday.
>>The Hot Purr-Suit
>Wake Ember up for breakfast. If you leave her be, she'll probably just sleep until the afternoon and play games all day.
I’m okay with letting her sleep in, but she may as well benefit from our cooking classes for all the work she put in yesterday.

>The Hot Purr-Suit
It’s the one Ana was involved with, and we are on a visit with Webb. May as well pick one with positive memories for hero-related work.
I was going to roll for the first result and write out an update, but I'm not feeling too well today, so I'll try to get it out to you tomorrow!
I’m alright with switching to let her sleep in. She’ll get some decent food anyway, even if she does have to reheat it later.

Hope you recover soon, Scorekeeper! Seems COVID is making the rounds again where I’m at. It’s hitting people hard.
>>Wake Ember up for breakfast. If you leave her be, she'll probably just sleep until the afternoon and play games all day.
>Wake Ember up for breakfast. If you leave her be, she'll probably just sleep until the afternoon and play games all day.
>The Hot Purr-Suit

I was just about to start writing when the new vote rolled in. Taking these. Writing...

Thank you for your kind words, anon! I'm feeling better than I did yesterday. I hope you manage to stay safe too.
So, this update is probably going to have to come out tomorrow. I'm making good progress, but I don't want to keep you guys waiting while I make sure that this update's quality doesn't suffer. I'm gonna have to take my time with this since I'm having a bit of trouble focusing currently.
Man, I’ve never had that happen. I don’t understand what you’re talking about.

I’ve been on ADHD medicine since I was 5 or so, been there done that. It’s also likely you haven’t bounced back fully from being sick. Take the recovery time!
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Seeing as how your newest team member seems likely to sleep in all day and play video games while you’re away, you figured that the least you could do was make sure that she had a decent breakfast before you left.

“Hey, Ember. Wake up. I made breakfast~.” you said, gently shaking her shoulder.

She moaned irritably and turned away from you in her sleep.

You let out a sigh. If she was going to be this difficult, you were going to have to resort to dirtier tactics.

“Ember, look! Spider-Man’s here to hang out with you again!”

Ember’s eyes shot open and she sat up so fast that you had to wonder whether she’d been bitten by a radioactive superfan while you were asleep. Ember looked back and forth frantically, her eyes darting around the room…and then her brain finally caught up with her body, and her eyes settled on you.

An amused grin settled on your face as she brushed a strand of hair away from her mouth and glared at you.

“Huh. I guess you must’ve missed him. But hey, while you’re up, I made breakfast.”

You slapped her on the back and pushed yourself off of the couch. Ember gave you baleful glare, groaned and flopped back on the couch.


Ember took a few minutes to wake up properly. During that time, she was on her phone, scrolling endlessly through some app you weren’t entirely familiar with. Eventually, she got bored of that and joined you in the kitchen.

As soon as she pulled up a seat, you were ready with a fruit smoothie and a piping hot, croque monsieur. Ember opened her mouth to thank you, yawned, and then settled for a nod and wave of her hand instead.

“You made smoothies?” Ember asked as she rubbed her bleary eyes.

“Yup. I’m surprised the blender didn’t wake you up.”

“I’ve slept through worse with my roommate.” she chuckled. “Well…’ex-roommate’ now. Pretty soon I’ll be sharing an apartment with those criminal kids.”

“Not too excited by the idea?” you asked, plating a sandwich for yourself.

Ember shrugged.

“No, they seem pretty cool for a couple of brats. They’re actually pretty damn hardcore. Makes me wonder how they grew up to end up like that.” she said, shuddering at the thought.

“Yeah, I don’t know the full story there either. They did say something about attending a school for thieves at some point, though.” you said, sitting down across from her.

Ember’s eyebrows rose.

“Damn, really? Well that would explain a lot.”

“And apparently, the Thieves Guild is a real thing too.” you added, taking a bite out of your sandwich. You hadn’t even waited for it to cool down.

Ember looked jealous as she saw you enjoying your food, and she started blowing on hers to get it to cool off faster.

“Seriously? Have they ever invited you to one of their secret meetings, or something?”

“I’m not a member, no.” you admitted. “Araña says that it’s best to stay off their radar. They try to take a cut of whatever you make, and they regulate what you can and can’t steal.”

“It’s probably all a scam to control thieves that don’t think they can make it on their own.”

“That’s what I thought too, yeah.” you agreed.

Finally, Ember got her sandwich to cool down enough for her to take a bite. You watched her closely as she did so, wondering how she’d react.

For the second time this morning, Ember’s eyes went wide. She looked at the sandwich, and then back at you.

“Oh my god…!”

You nodded to her with a self-satisfied grin. Even if it was just a fancy ham and cheese sandwich, you really feel like you’ve outdone yourself. Those cooking classes were really coming in clutch.


“This is so good…!”

“Aren’t you glad you woke up for breakfast?”

Ember’s answer took the form of her taking another bite out of her sandwich. She moaned in delight.

“I should sleep on your couch more often.”

“You can crash here whenever you need to, but my place can get a bit crowded sometimes.”

Ember put her sandwich back on her plate

“Eh, that’s true. I haven’t had much privacy ever since I started college, though, so I'm more or less used to it by now.”

“Too many wild parties?” you asked.

Ember gave you an impish grin.

“Oh, I can handle parties.”

“Don’t I know it. You proved that to everyone last night.”

Ember laughed and leaned forward on her arms.

“I know how to cut loose every now and again. Parties are easy to enjoy if you don’t care what everyone else thinks. You can sort of just…blend into the background and just vibe. Be part of the crowd, you know?”

You nodded your understanding. You’ve made quick friends in clubs that you’ve never seen or talked to ever again. That was part of the magic. You could forget yourself and be whoever you wanted.

“For someone who claims to not have a whole lot of friends, you’re surprisingly outgoing.”

“Those two things have nothing to do with each other.” Ember protested, pointing a piece of her sandwich in your direction.

“Then I guess you’ll have to tell all those poor Morlock kids that you’re not really their friend.” you said with a shrug.

Ember took a large bite out of her sandwich and mumbled something that sounded like “whatever” through a mouthful of food. You gave her a knowing smile, but said nothing more on the matter.

“What’re your plans for the day?” you asked.

Ember took another moment to chew and swallow before answering.

“Chill, play games, catch up on some shows. I’ve got nothing but time now that I’ve dropped out of college to pursue a life of crime, and you’ve got a pretty decent selection here.” she said, glancing back at the neat pile of games you had stacked beside your console.

Only decent?”

“Decent enough. They should keep me busy until I get a chance to buy a new handheld.”

“Just don’t delete my saves or break my controllers, and we’re cool.”

“Sounds easy enough. So long as you don’t have any Pokemon games, that shouldn’t be a problem.”


“Because Pokemon games only have one available save slot?” Ember said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

“Really? Still?”

“Yup. It’s total bullshit.”

“Do you still play them?”

“Obviously.” Ember said, her tone insinuating that she was more frustrated with herself than at anybody else. “What about you?”

“Oh, I can’t remember the last time I played a Pokemon game.”

“No, not that.” Ember corrected. “I mean, what’re your plans for today?”

“I was gonna introduce the Morlocks to a friend of mine that might be interested in doing something about their housing situation.”

“You sure are doing a lot to help these people.” Ember said, casually sipping her smoothie.

“Yeah, well…they deserve it. They’re good people.”

“Yeah, they seemed decent.” Ember admitted. “Annoying, but decent.”

You gave her a warm smile.

“I really appreciate you promising to make a new court for them. Thank you.”

Ember’s cheeks went red and she looked away while leaning her head on her hand.

“I just felt a bit bad for them. They’re stuck sleeping outside during the rainy season.”

“Nature Girl can take care of most of their needs out there, but I get your meaning.”

“That was the one with the antlers, right? She wasn’t too freaky looking.”

“Nah, she’s just annoying.”

A look of understanding crossed Ember’s features.

“Annoying, but decent.” she pointed out.

“Yeah, you get it.”

You both shared a laugh and finished your breakfast in relative peace.


After cleaning the table, you made your way back to your room, opened your closet, and examined your available inventory of suits. There were currently six of them, and only two needed to be dry cleaned or repaired, which was a win in your book.

But out of all of them, one suit in particular drew your attention. It was the one that Ana had made for you before your trip to Neverland. It was orange, with black stripes made up of a breathable mesh fabric, and two detachable cloaks. One made of cloth, and one made of fur.

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You ran a finger along the suit’s fabric and sighed. It really has been a long time since you wore it. Maybe it’ll be nice to wear something with more positive memories related to it.


“I’m heading out, Ember. Hold down the fort for me.”

“Will do, boss.” Ember said, not looking up from her phone.

“Technically, we’re equals. You’re a member of the Inner Circle, now.” you corrected. “But if you wanna keep calling me boss, I’m not gonna stop you…”

That made Ember look up…and up, until she saw you perched atop a window sill, leaning halfway out the window.

“That’s a new one. How many suits do you have, man?”

You winked at her.

“Stick around and find out.”

Ember gave you an incredulous smile and shook her head. Then, you were out the window and swinging towards Central Park, your cloak waving behind you in the wind.


Getting the Morlocks to Webb’s estate should’ve taken way longer than it did. Fortunately for you, though, Iara was willing to go the extra mile to save you all some time.

The cyborg shark girl was strong enough to easily carry you all in the web net that you, Abe and Joy made. And she was more than eager to play the role of packmule. Her only condition was that she would get to make helicopter and plane noises while flying. But neither you nor Callisto realized that she would be doing it the entire time.

The cyclopean sewer queen had chosen to plug her ears for the remainder of the trip, but Joy seemed to be loving every moment of it.

“How much further?!” Callisto shouted without unplugging her ears.

“Shouldn’t be long now.” Abe answered.

Almost on cue, Iara slowed down abruptly and started lowering you all to the ground. You all cast a wary glance at Glass, who’d been glued to the wall of the net with a generous amount of webbing. You didn’t need him poking someone in the eye with one of his hair spikes, after all.

“Don’t worry, I’m good.” he reassured you, giving you all a thumbs up. At the very least, he was being a good sport about it.

A moment later, Iara set you all down on the front lawn, and you all crawled out of the web net and cast it aside.

Callisto dusted herself off, glanced up at the mansion, and whistled her appreciation.

“You weren’t kidding when you said your friend was loaded.”

“As a habitual kidder, I can’t blame you for thinking otherwise. But if there’s anyone you want giving you advice on buying a house, it’s someone with a huge house.” you said.

“This is probably the second biggest house I’ve ever seen…!” Glass said with a gasp.

“Is this where we’re going to live from now on!?” Iara asked excitedly.

“No, this is where Webb lives.” Joy explained.

“I still don’t believe that’s her real name.” Callisto said.

“Crazier things have happened. Like how Glass’ real name is actually ‘Glass’.” Abe replied.

“Actually, it’s-”

Glass tried to answer, but Callisto managed to stop him right before he fell for the bait. You and Abe shared a laugh.

What will you say to them before you knock on the door?

>"Iara, try not to touch anything when you're in there. There's a lot of expensive stuff in there, and you're still having trouble moderating your strength."
>"Iara, Joy. Why don't the two of you head on back to the park? We might be here for a while."
>"I don't know if anyone here minds, but my friend here knows how to read them. Try not to think of anything embarrassing while we're in there."
>"Don't let the big house fool you. This lady's super down to earth. I'm sure she'll be sympathetic towards you guys."
>Don't say anything. You're curious to see how these guys will interact with each other.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
I feel like I probably have ADHD, but I've never been diagnosed. I'm starting to feel better, but I'm still pretty worn out. This particular update took a while to complete, since I was transitioning through a couple of scenes, and I wanted to make sure that I was doing a decent job at writing the interactions between characters.

Me being sick really did slow me down the other day, though. I'm probably gonna be feeling miserable for the rest of this week.
>>"Iara, try not to touch anything when you're in there. There's a lot of expensive stuff in there, and you're still having trouble moderating your strength."
>”I hate to say this, but you’ll want to take your cues from the other spider guy in this group. He’s in a little better with Webb than I am.”
He does do more work with her, after all. I’m not opposed to switching though.

I always tell people it’s never too late to get diagnosed. Given the size of the update, I’m not surprised you took the extra day.
>>"Don't let the big house fool you. This lady's super down to earth. I'm sure she'll be sympathetic towards you guys."
>>"Iara, try not to touch anything when you're in there. There's a lot of expensive stuff in there, and you're still having trouble moderating your strength."
>"Iara, try not to touch anything when you're in there. There's a lot of expensive stuff in there, and you're still having trouble moderating your strength."

Taking these. Writing...

Sometimes it's hard to gauge exactly how big an update will be when I start getting into the groove of things.
“Iara, try not to touch anything while you’re in there. She’s got a lot of expensive stuff, and you’re still having trouble moderating your strength.” you advised.

“It’s okay! I’ve been practicing. I’m doing a lot less damage overall.” she promised.

“Yeah, with your laser vision.” Callisto corrected.

“It’s like my most destructive power!” she protested.

“No, you flying around like a supersonic cannonball is plenty destructive all on its own.” Callisto said.

“At least we have Nature Girl to fix all the trees that she breaks.” Glass added, in what he probably thought was a helpful tone. “There’s no saving those park benches and street lamps, though.”

Iara had a betrayed look on her face.

“I thought you weren’t gonna tell them about that!”

“No offense Shark, but hearing about you flying around breaking shit isn’t terribly surprising.” Callisto shot back. A moment later, she seemed slightly apologetic as she turned to look at Joy. “Sorry, Joy.”

Joy giggled.

“You’re so funny when you curse, Callisto.”

“Our girl’s gonna have a potty mouth because of you.” Abe said.

“If you’re going to co-parent, you might as well send a check every month, Spidey.”

“Alright…but I’m getting half of New York’s sewers in the divorce.” he demanded.

Glass opened his mouth to say something, closed it, and then took a look around.

“Wait, where’s Joy?”

“Don’t ask me. I’m only her cool, morally dubious uncle.” you said.


Everyone turned to Iara, followed the trajectory of her pointed finger, and then saw Joy standing on Webb’s doorstep, happily hammering her doorbell without a care in the world.

“Oh, right. I almost forgot why we came here.” Callisto said, approaching Webb’s house with all of you trailing behind her.

By the time you caught up with Joy, Julia was already opening the door to welcome her new visitor.

“Joy-joy! Abe! Benji! Everybody else!” Julia exclaimed, wrapping Joy in a tight hug.

“Julie!” Joy squealed.

“Hey, Jules.” Abe said in greeting. He waited for the girls to wrap up their hug before he scooped Julia up in his arms and carried her inside. “Have you lost weight?”

“I have! Thank you for noticing.” Julia said, not at all concerned by Abe carrying her around like luggage. “Those morning jogs are starting to pay off.”

“Me too, Abe! Me too!”

That was all the warning Abe got before Joy clung to his back like a blonde, leggy spider-monkey. To Abe’s credit, he only staggered slightly before recovering and striding towards the sitting room.

“I wonder if Webb has the pool open. I’m in the mood for a dip.” Abe declared.

Both girls cried their protests as your clone brother walked deeper into the mansion. Meanwhile, the Morlock leaders were still taking in their surroundings, and Iara was trying very hard not to touch anything as she floated through the entrance.

“Hey, Cassandra! We’re here!” you announced, glancing around the house. “But you probably already knew that, since you can see the future and all.”

“I am aware, yes.”

You and everyone remaining in the room turned to find an old woman wearing a form-fitting red dress, sitting on a couch opposite you. She hadn’t been there before, and she hadn’t snuck past you. This was simply an astral projection of Madame Webb’s form.

“I thank you for using the front door this time, Benjamin.”

“That was one time…” you groaned.

“Are you speaking directly into our minds?” Glass asked, reaching up to touch the side of his head.

“That is correct, young man.” Webb confirmed.

“But…you’re still moving your lips.” Callisto observed.

“I find that others are more comfortable when the illusion of my physical presence is…more convincing.”

“It’s sort of like psychic ventriloquism.” you explained.

Webb’s lips pressed into a thin line, but she didn’t express her displeasure with your comparison.

“Nevertheless, I-”

Webb stopped talking, and you all stared as Iara’s finger passed straight through her spectral forehead.

“Whoa. Freaky…”

Callisto gave her a stern look.


Iara froze up, and slowly retracted her finger.

“Right. Don’t touch anything. Sorry.” she said, returning to her previous position with a bashful look on her face.

“As I was saying,” Webb continued. “I hope you all will excuse me for appearing before you in this form. My physical body is currently indisposed, so this will have to do for now.”

“That’s fine, ma’am. Thank you for seeing us.” Glass said with a bow of his head.

Webb turned to him and smiled.

“What a polite young man, you are.”

“Glass, Callisto. This is Cassandra Webb.” you said, gesturing to each of them in turn. “She’s an amazing woman, and the proprietor of this lovely estate.”

Webb waved a hand as if to shrug off your praise, but you could tell that your words had an effect on her.

“Webb, these two are the leaders of the New York Morlocks, above and below. They’re a group of mutants that live among us, separate from X-Men.”

“It’s nice to meet you.” Callisto managed.

“Likewise.” Webb responded with a nod. “I understand that you’ve come to discuss solutions for your housing situation. Benjamin tells me that you’ve taken up residence in Central Park as of late.”

“Yes ma’am.” Glass confirmed.

Webb raised a hand in a halting gesture.

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“‘Cassandra’ is fine, dear.” she said with a patient smile. “And, as I understand it, you’ve experienced friction with both the local authorities and a vocal group of ‘concerned citizens’.”

Perceptive as always, Webb.

“Naturally.” Webb’s voice said in your head, with more than a hint of smug pride.

You were pretty sure that one was just for you.

“That about sums it up, yeah.” Callisto said. “This guy came up with an idea for us to cover the park in Halloween decorations so we could spin it as an attraction and make some money.”

She jabbed a thumb in your direction, and you gave her a thumbs up in return.

“It’s actually been going pretty great so far.” Glass admitted. “We’ve got a ton of people interested already.”

“Yeah! Like Screwball, and Mantis, and Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, and Misty Knight and-!”

“We get it, Shark.” Callisto cut in.

Iara bared her teeth at her in a snarl, but made no further comment.

“I’m glad to hear it. Benjamin can be rather helpful if you learn to tolerate his usual behaviors.” Webb said, a smile appearing on her lined face.

“You know you can choose not to send me messages like that, right?” you pointed out.

“I’m well aware.” she replied, not bothering to look in your direction. “And you two can keep your money. I can’t in good faith accept it.”

A look of surprise registered on the Morlock leaders’ faces.

“So…you’re offering to help us for free? Just like that?” Callisto asked. She sounded about as incredulous as when you’d first met her.

Webb shook her head.

“It won’t be free. You’ve all paid enough.”

The Morlocks exchanged confused looks, and Web went on to elaborate.

“Mutantkind has suffered more cruelty than I myself can imagine, and your service to this city and its people hasn’t gone unnoticed. I’ve been made aware of your involvement at the time of Victor Von Doom’s invasion, and your contribution towards repelling his forces. And while I can't speak on behalf of the citizens of everyone living here, I would personally like to thank all of you for your efforts.”

Madame Webb bowed her head to you and the Morlocks, leaving them in stunned silence. Even Iara didn't know what to say for a second.

What will you say?

>"She's right you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It's always the X-Men that're in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders."
>"I told you she was a nice person."
>"And they also helped out when I first met Cindy. These guys are practically sewer-dwelling saints."
>"Even if you don't need money from them, I'm not afraid to pitch in. Money is not an object."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>"I told you she was a nice person."

>"She's right you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It's always the X-Men that're in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders."
>"I told you she was a nice person."
>"And they also helped out when I first met Cindy. These guys are practically sewer-dwelling saints."
>"Even if you don't need money from them, I'm not afraid to pitch in. Money is not an object."

Tbh all of them, it's good to see them get the recognition they deserve

>Captcha SAX2
Yes, we will get two of them, one for us and one for Abe
>"She's right you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It's always the X-Men that're in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders."
>"You take all the anti-mutant shit while getting none of the pro-mutant glory."

>Benjamin can be rather helpful if you learn to tolerate his usual behaviors
Thanks for doxxing us, Cassy
>"She's right you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It's always the X-Men that're in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders."
>"I told you she was a nice person."
>"Even if you don't need money from them, I'm not afraid to pitch in. Money is not an object."
Like >>6087687 said, no reason not to heap the praise on, if only to watch them squirm.

>"They also helped out Cindy several times and took in Joy when I asked. It doesn’t take a city-wide threat for them to be saints.”
They did help Cindy when her parents were killed, but they also joined for the Silvertongue arc and are housing Joy in spite of her not being a mutant. I think they should get that extra credit too. Even if this dings us slightly since our first hero acts were did, in fact, take a city-wide threat to trigger.

>”Gee, it’s almost like raising money was a long con so you’d ask for help from someone who would recognize you already earned it. I wonder why that is?”
I’d like to lay on some sarcasm to tease Callisto and how she tried to keep more transactional way back when. She’d never just accept money, we had to give her enterprises like the fairy flowers and take a cut for her to trust it or build up favors to call in later like with Cindy’s missing voice or the Neverland mission.

They never think good things just happen to them. I can’t blame them for it, but we can help correct it.
>"I told you she was a nice person."
>"They also helped out Cindy several times and took in Joy when I asked. It doesn’t take a city-wide threat for them to be saints.”
>"She's right you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It's always the X-Men that're in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders."
>"Even if you don't need money from them, I'm not afraid to pitch in. Money is not an object."

There's a lot of Morlock love coming out today! Writing...

>”Gee, it’s almost like raising money was a long con so you’d ask for help from someone who would recognize you already earned it. I wonder why that is?”

This will be saved for later.

She sort of did a surface level reading and figured out that they knew your identity already.
“I told you she was a nice person.” you began, drawing everyone’s attention to you. “They also helped out Cindy several times and took in Joy when I asked. It doesn’t take a city-wide for them to be saints.”

Webb nodded her agreement, pleased that she had been correct in her assessment.

“All the more reason for them to be rewarded for their efforts.” she declared.

Both Glass and Callisto tried to say something in response, but now it was your turn to interrupt them.

“She’s right, you know. You guys never get thanked for the good you do. It’s always the X-Men that’re in the spotlight, but you guys are pretty much the first responders to any local crisis.” you said, before turning to address Madame Webb. “And even if you don’t need money from them, I’m not afraid to pitch in. Money is not an object.”

The smiles were reluctant at first, but they naturally appeared on the faces of the Morlocks.

“It’s about time someone realized how totally awesome we are!” Shark exclaimed, having regained her earlier excitement. And for once, Callisto didn’t undercut her.

Both she and Glass laughed, finally allowing themselves to feel pride in who they were; in what they were being thanked for.

“Yeah, alright.” Callisto agreed. “The Morlocks are pretty awesome.”

“Thank you both.” Glass said. “You’ve been…so nice to us. We’re not really used to having non-mutant friends these days.”

“Nah. We’re just not used to knowing good people.” Callisto corrected.

Glass gave her a slightly bashful smile.

“Right. People are people, no matter where you go or what they look like.” Glass reminded himself.

The three of them shared a moment of camaraderie, then, all at once, they all turned to face you. And without anyone saying a word, you got a sense that the allegedly impenetrable barrier between human and mutant culture was starting to disappear entirely.

For a while now, you felt that you were close to them. But now, for the first time, you thought that they felt just as close to you. There was no genetic distinction between the two groups, mutants and mutants. There were only people in this room. Good people.

Or in everyone else’s case…heroes.

Calling yourself that might be a bit of a stretch, but you liked to think that there were times when others saw you as one, despite your occupation.

A vibration from your belt pouch interrupted the magical moment, and you reflexively reached for your phone. You were getting a call from Thomas Edison. Not the real one. The bird one.

“Sorry, I should take this. Feel free to continue without me.” you said, moving towards the stairs.

You received nods of understanding and warm smiles from the Morlocks, before they returned their attention to Madame Webb.

“It's quite alright. We've devoted enough time to exchanging pleasantries.” she said, her spectral form nodding towards the Morlocks. “Why don’t we all take a look at a property I've scouted in Scarsdale?”


“I got your message. Your request for a ‘high tech suit’ for your protege shouldn't be terribly hard to accomplish. The only question is to what function you wish this suit to provide.” Thomas Edison said.

“What did you have in mind?”

“It wouldn't be enough to develop a suit with outstanding defensive capabilities. We would be sacrificing mobility, and it would require an extraordinary amount of energy to power it. Something akin to an arc reactor.”

“Something like Compound V.”

“Yes. The element that you introduced to me during our first meeting.” he confirmed. “If given enough time to study the substance, I might be able to produce a suit equipped with the aforementioned ‘outstanding defensive capabilities’, or...”


“I've been working on something else. It is a direct inversion of my earlier projects. Rather than harvesting heat from children, this new invention would harvest heat from the wearer’s surroundings, dramatically lowering the temperature of whatever they touched.”

“So a suit to give someone ice powers.” you concluded.

“In a crude sense, yes.”

Sounds like Tommy wasn’t a fan of oversimplified explanations.

What will you say?

>”I like the sound of the Ice Suit. How fast can you get it done?”
>”Focus on making the suit sturdy, without losing out on too much flexibility. It doesn’t need a whole lot of bells and whistles.”
>”If I could get my hands on some vibranium, do you think you could incorporate that into the suit?”
>”The final choice should go to my protege. I’ll loop her into the call.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”I like the sound of the Ice Suit. How fast can you get it done?”
ice ice baby
>”If I could get my hands on some vibranium, do you think you could incorporate that into the suit?”
We have money and resources
>”The final choice should go to my protege. I’ll loop her into the call.”
She's going to be fighting in it. Might as well let her decide what she could make more use of.
Always happy to contribute to the Future Quip Fund.

Oof. Tough choice. The defensive suit is straightforward and would play better to her current fighting style since she’s got enhanced strength, significant weapons training, and a healing factor. The latter doesn’t seem strong enough to help mid-fight, but as her (pretty warped) view on what constitutes a “serious” injury shows she’s comfortable with taking hard hits. She’ll always have a reason to use it.

The ice suit, on the other hand, is something new to her. It fills a niche she’s not accustomed to having, which is non-physical attack and utility. Learning it would be harder since she wouldn’t have the same baseline skill, but it would increase her combat flexibility for when “hit thing with beatstick” isn’t good enough.

Unsure what the Vibranium option would do. Probably a net better version of the first (in her eyes) - armor that can hit back on melee opponents and open up sonic-based ranged attacks, a little less defense since the suit concept would change from “maximal defense” to “take the hit and hit back harder”. I’m sure there’d be some small tradeoffs in the design itself as a result, and she’d shift her fighting to block more and dodge less to enhance her damage output. She’d play it smart, but a good block still means hurting more than a good dodge.

I guess I’ll back >>6088479. No harm in asking about Vibranium, and I want to ask her about her future hero plans. Does she envision being on teams, or fighting only solo/with one sidekick? She can specialize on a team but she’d want flexibility if she’s not.
>”If I could get my hands on some vibranium, do you think you could incorporate that into the suit?”
>”The final choice should go to my protégé. I’ll loop her into the call.”

Taking these. Writing...
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“If I could get my hands on some vibranium, do you think you could incorporate that into the suit?”

Thomas hummed thoughtfully.

“If you could accomplish that, then I suppose I could find a way to make a suit that’s sturdy and flexible, without the need for an energy source. Any other high quality metals that you can provide could be useful as well.”

“The final choice should go to my protégé. I’ll loop her into the call.” you declared, sending Cindy a text informing her of the situation.

You waited a few minutes, put Thomas on hold, then started the call.

“Huntsman? What’s up?” Cindy answered.

“Hey, kid. Hope I’m not calling at a bad time.” you said.

“I just ditched homeroom and now I’m hiding in the bathroom. I’ll deal with the fallout later.” she said, sounding mildly concerned despite herself. “What’d you need?”

“Nothing too urgent. I was gonna loop you into a call with a guy I contacted to make you a new suit.”

“Really? You were doing that for me?” Cindy said, her voice softening a bit. She sounded genuinely touched by the gesture.

“Of course. Your safety is my main priority.” you said in reply, your voice taking on more genuine inflection. “He offered a few choices. A suit that absorbs heat and freezes your surroundings, and a tanky suit powered by an arc reactor. But I managed to convince him to make you a vibranium suit.”

Cindy sputtered a bit on the other end of the line.

“Vibranium!? Where are you gonna get vibranium?”

What will you say?

>”I’ll pull some strings and find a dealer that’s willing to sell me the stuff. Shouldn’t be too hard.”
>”I was planning on asking Bloodhound. He’s a former Agent of Wakanda. He’ll have to know a way to get his hands on some vibranium.”
>”Don’t worry. I’ve got my ways.” (Time for another Heist!)
>”I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I’ll need your measurements for the suit.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>”I was planning on asking Bloodhound. He’s a former Agent of Wakanda. He’ll have to know a way to get his hands on some vibranium.”
>"What makes you think I don't already got some? But likely not enough for a suit."
We could melt down the vibranium-tipped dagger for some at least.
>”I’ll figure something out. In the meantime, I’ll need your measurements for the suit.”
>"What makes you think I don't already got some? But likely not enough for a suit."
Gotta back the quip.

>”I was planning on asking Bloodhound. He’s a former Agent of Wakanda. He’ll have to know a way to get his hands on some vibranium.”
May as well start with a resource we know. Not like he even needs to sell it to us, he can point us to a heist target. I’m sure he’d know some villains who would have a small stash, and I wouldn’t mind making off with more ill-gotten ill-gotten gains if he/SHIELD want to run their own mission on the same target. Hit them twice at no additional charge!

Although now I’m wondering if Sable would be a better choice for that.
>"What makes you think I don't already got some? But likely not enough for a suit."
>”I was planning on asking Bloodhound. He’s a former Agent of Wakanda. He’ll have to know a way to get his hands on some vibranium.”

Taking these. Writing...
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“What makes you think I don't already got some?” you asked, whipping out your vibranium-coated dagger. You twirled it between your fingers, tossed it into the air and easily caught it again. “Might not be enough for a suit, though.”

“Okay, but…where were you planning on getting the rest of it?” Cindy said.

“I was planning on asking Bloodhound. He's a former Agent of Wakanda and a current Agent of Shield. He'll have to know a way to get his hands on some vibranium.”

“Uh-huh. And you're close enough friends where he'll want to give you a solid chunk of vibranium?”

“Maybe not directly.” you replied, holding the knife up to your eye. “But I'm sure there's someone on their shit-list that doesn't deserve whatever it is that they've got.”

“You wanna rob a bad guy?” Cindy said with a laugh that sounded more amused than it did incredulous.

“Well, I wouldn't put it like that.” you said, returning the knife to its sheathe with an admittedly slick flourish. “I'm just saying that if Maria Hill needs some scumbag arms dealer put behind bars, and a chunk of vibranium happens to go missing during all the chaos, who's really gonna complain if a certain deniable asset puts it to better use?”

“And in this case it's making me an awesome new suit?”

“Think of it as me helping a fresh young upstart hero on her rise to stardom. Better yet, think of all the good she can do with a suit like that.”

“I know! With a vibranium suit, I’d be pretty much invincible!” Cindy said, letting her excitement get the better of her.

“But you should still try to avoid getting hurt.” you cautioned.

“Yeah, of course. But…I could shrug off bullets, block blades, take bad falls without hurting myself. I’d be an absolute beast out in the field!”

“So should I take that to mean that you’re okay with my plan?”

“Normally, I wouldn’t encourage you to steal anything, but in this case…”

From the sounds of it, Cindy’s morals were clashing with her greed. And her greed seemed to be winning.

“You’d have to make absolutely sure that the guy you’re stealing it from deserves it.”

“Rest assured that I’ll track down the scummiest lowlife known to man and confiscate his, or her, ill-gotten goods. I’ll be like a modern day Robin Hood.”

“As long as we’re on the same-” Cindy began, before pausing abruptly. “Wait. Does that make me ‘the poor’ in this situation?”

“Maybe that was a bad comparison.” you admitted. “I’m gonna loop you into the other call now.”

“Is it safe for us to say all this stuff over the phone?” she asked.

“You know my phone’s secure. Isn’t yours?”

“If I say no, can I get a new one?”

“Let’s focus on one gift at a time, huh?”

“That's totally fair.” Cindy conceded with a laugh.

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“Connecting you now.” you announced, merging the two calls at the press of a button. “Ms. Nightly, I’d like to introduce you to Thomas Edison, the brilliant inventor that'll be making your suit for you.”

You heard Cindy mutter a complaint about her codename, but she decided to let the matter drop for the time being.

“Hi. Is your name really-?”

“Yes.” Thomas answered, almost as if he’d been expecting it.

“Like, your parents really named you after the guy himself?”

“It was just the one parent, and yes. I was cloned using the DNA of the man I’m named after.”

“Wow. That’s…pretty cool. It’s good to meet you, Mr. Edison.”

“And you, miss. The Huntsman tells me that you require new equipment. Is there anything that you need in particular?”

“Aside from a suit made out of vibranium?”

“You are the customer. My role is to fulfill your requests to the best of my ability.” Thomas clarified.

“Well, in that case…” Cindy began, her excitement ramping up once more. “I’m gonna need a new bo-staff, also made of vibranium. It has to be collapsable, and I need it to be able to split off into batons.”

“That sounds easy enough. Anything else?”

“I’m gonna need a cape.”

“A vibranium-weave cape?”

“Would that be a problem?”

“Not really, but…” Thomas said, humming thoughtfully. “That would be a waste of the material. I would suggest a programmable matter cloth that recedes into the suit. That way, the cape can be summoned and dismissed at will. Its length and shape will also be freely customizable.”

“Whoa…! You can do that?” Cindy said, sounding genuinely impressed.

“Well...not right this moment. But, with enough time, effort and resources, anything is possible."

What will you say/do?

>"Do you really need a cape if you've got a suit that can absorb the shock of your falls?"
>"I think a vibranium-weave cape is a great idea. It might come in handy someday."
>Suggest a new feature for Cindy's suit. (Write-in.)
>Stay quiet and let these two nerds gush about their project.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>Suggest a new feature for Cindy's suit. (Write-in.)
Mobility options are a must. There’s always the humble grappling hook, and if it has enough power it could be used as launcher so the “cape” can turn into a glider. Make sure the front of the suit and underside of the cape can blend in against the night sky and it’d be great for covert travel.

True optical camouflage might be a bit much to ask for without making it a core feature of the suit (which we won’t since the core feature is vibranium and it should be built to take full advantage of that) but maybe they can get away with a simpler system that has camo presets and she can shift between them when needed? It’d help with the flying against clear vs. cloudy skies.

Reinforce the leg joints if we go that route, I’m sure she’ll want to goomba stomp people from above.

Really I’m just covering for her so she doesn’t have to later admit that the cape was solely to look like a hero and not for any practical purpose.

Any other ideas? Basic voice enhancement wouldn’t be bad with her new power. Can’t think of anything else worth calling out that’s an easy win.
>>Stay quiet and let these two nerds gush about their project.
>Stay quiet and let these two nerds gush about their project.

and after:

>Suggest a new feature for Cindy's suit. (Write-in.)
>A back-up ranged weapon
She needs something that can give her distance options I think. Maybe like >>6090711 suggests with the grappling hook but less humble. Something that can function as a tool for mobility and a weapon at range both.
Well, if we want less humble… Iron Man isn’t.

Thrusters in the boots and hands can give flight capability and let her burn through anything she can’t crush, potentially at range as well. The main challenge would be learning to fly with it, but until then it can still enhance her leaping and get the height to glide.

Alternately, we turn the hook into a weapon. Give it a vibranium tip to pierce armor, and something she can tap to plant herself to the ground. She can hit a target and pull herself (not planted) or the target (planted) in. It could also be connected to a battery to deliver a bolt of lightning to whoever she’s hit.

I’m thinking a mix of big and small things since I don’t want to overencumber the suit, and I don’t want it to be a pain to maintain either. God forbid she breaks something in the suit or loses part of it because of an exceptional fight. We won’t care about the suit but she’ll freak over the idea of ruining something this expensive that we gave her.
Well, there's a few ways to accomplish something like a weaponized grappling hook. You've got an active Desperado who uses grappling hooks quite frequently, and a retired one who built wrist-mounted devices that were capable of firing and rapidly rotating through a bunch of different projectiles.

I'll be taking al this into consideration in the next update. I'll be sure to get it to you after work tomorrow!
>Stay quiet and let these two nerds gush about their project.
>Suggest a new feature for Cindy's suit. (Write-in.)
>A back-up ranged weapon

Taking these. Writing...
An idea popped into your head, but you decided to keep it to yourself for the time being, and allowed these two dorks to gush about their project.

“We’ll get back to the cape.” Thomas promised, after having gone back and forth on the subject for several minutes already. “Is there truly nothing else that you want out of this suit?”

“Something that I can’t get out of a good ol’ fashioned utility belt?” Cindy asked, before pausing to consider the question. “Maybe some kinetic dampeners in the boots? Having them be made out of vibranium should break a fall from a decent height, but it wouldn’t hurt to install some extra security.”

Thomas hummed approval.

“My thoughts exactly. I’m glad that you aren’t under the misconception that wearing vibranium would somehow make you ‘invincible’.”

“Haha! Of course not.” Cindy said.

You noted that this didn’t match up at all with what Cindy was telling you earlier.

“What about weapons? Are you only going to rely on the bo-staff?” Thomas asked.

“A vibranium blade would be nice, but I’d still need to carry a silver blade with me as a backup.” Cindy said casually. “You know. Just in case I run into vampires or werewolves.”

“Ah. Silver for monsters, vibranium for men.” Thomas replied.

Cindy let out a delighted laugh, and a brief rush of dopamine washed over your brain.

“Did you just quote ‘The Witcher’?”

“I take it you’re a fan?”

“Who isn’t? I wanted to be Geralt when I was a kid.”

“I bet Geralt didn’t have a vibranium suit, though.”

Cindy snorted a laugh that was far less dopamine inducing, but more endearing all the same.

“If he did, then he probably wouldn’t have gotten taken out by a pitchfork.”

It would seem that your earlier assessment of these two being huge dorks was largely accurate.

“I bet he didn’t have a grappling hook, either. Because that’s something that you should totally have.” you cut in.

“For sure.” Cindy wholeheartedly agreed. “But my lines don’t snap often enough for me to get one made from vibranium.”

“I was actually thinking that it could double as a weapon. Maybe we can add a vibranium tip to it and use it to pierce targets.” you suggested. “Anything to give you range and mobility, without expending too many resources to use it.”

“Grappling hooks can be used to injure, but the cable would need to be rather thick for Ms. Nightly to retract it without using an impressive amount of force.” Thomas noted. “Otherwise, the tip would get stuck, and we might risk straining the line to the point of snapping.”

That was true. You wondered if there was another way to go about it.

Both you and Thomas expressed your confusion at almost the same time.

“You know. Takeda from Mortal Kombat. The guy with the whips that come out of his wrists?” Cindy said, as if that would clarify things. “The tips are sharp like Kunai, the cables store serrated blades, and they can extend and retract. If I want to use them to go somewhere, I’d stick the kunai part into a surface and reel myself in. If I need to knock someone out, I can just hit them with the whip.”

Mobility, non-lethal options, and a lethal last resort for anything truly dangerous.

What do you think?

>”I like the way you think. You’re gonna make Wanda jealous with all these new upgrades you’ve got coming.”
>”It’s a good idea, but I think it could use some tweaking.” (Write-in.)
>”I know this is probably a stupid question, but are you actually trained to use a weapon like that?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>That was true. You wondered if there was another way to go about it.
>Both you and Thomas expressed your confusion at almost the same time.
Seems to be a missing interjection from Cindy here.


>”You’re trained in that weapon.”
It’s not a question. I know better. I’m just repeating this out of exasperation.
>”I hope no one is listening in on your side, Ms. Nightly. This might be a rather confusing conversation to follow.”
Hopefully no one is by the bathroom door.
>”What would deploy and retract the blades? It can’t be something on the whip itself since the length will vary. A switch on the side then?”
>”Can the blades be heated? The tip could pierce an armored vehicle or robot, then the blades could tear a longer gash when snapped if they can partially melt the armor. Monofilament wire would heat quickly and cut cleanly. Would it hold up?”
Ah! You're right! I had a feeling that I was missing something. Good catch!



That was true. You wondered if there was another way to go about it.

“What if we did something like Takeda’s whips?” Cindy put in.

Both you and Thomas expressed your confusion at almost the same time.


Here is the missing part of that interaction. Hope it didn't break up the flow of the conversation too badly.
>”I like the way you think. You’re gonna make [Wanda's Codename] jealous with all these new upgrades you’ve got coming.”

+1 about asking about the weapon
It was a noticeable pothole, but nothing was lost since she explained herself pretty clearly in the next segment.

Not that I know who she’s talking about since I don’t know fighting games, but that’s besides the point.

Do we know her Wanda’s sidekick name? If we don’t I propose we call her “Minion” for now. It puts Cindy to mind as some sort of evil overlord and I get a chuckle out of the idea.

I only just noticed she greeted us as “Huntsman”. Guessing she did that since we called from the secured phone?
>”You’re trained in that weapon.”
>”I hope no one is listening in on your side, Ms. Nightly. This might be a rather confusing conversation to follow.”
>”What would deploy and retract the blades? It can’t be something on the whip itself since the length will vary. A switch on the side then?”
>”Can the blades be heated? The tip could pierce an armored vehicle or robot, then the blades could tear a longer gash when snapped if they can partially melt the armor. Monofilament wire would heat quickly and cut cleanly. Would it hold up?”

Taking these. Writing...

Wanda's adopted the name "Blonde Phantom", and is trying her very best to make it stick. You're welcome to call her Minion the next time you see her just to get a reaction.

And as for your question about the phone, she answered you that way because you called her from your 'business phone', and she assumed that something had come up.
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“You’re trained in that weapon.” you said, not phrasing it as a question, but a statement. At this point, you weren’t foolish enough to doubt Cindy’s skills, or her parents for training her to be a murder machine.

“In using kunai, whips, and bladed whips? Yeah, I can use them.” Cindy casually confirmed.

Called it.

“I hope no one’s listening in on your side, Ms. Nightly. Otherwise, this’d be a pretty hard conversation to follow.” you said, leaning against the wall and inspecting the claw tips of your gloves.

“If they haven’t run already after overhearing all that, then they’re probably a lost cause.” Thomas put in. “Nevertheless, you sound like a rather proactive girl for someone your age.”

“Wait. I never mentioned how old I was.” Cindy said.

“Call it an educated guess.” Thomas replied, a bit of snark entering his slightly synthetic voice. “Either way, most children your age wouldn’t be able to master the use of one weapon, let alone several. You’ve clearly made good use of your time growing up.”

“Well, I’m not a child, but thanks.” Cindy said, sounding a bit unsure of whether she should be grateful or not.

“You should take the compliment. Edison doesn’t think very highly of the younger generation, so you must’ve made a good impression on him.” you added.

“I’m simply giving credit where credit is due. That is, if your claims are to be believed.” Thomas said.

“How about I give you a demonstration when I come to pick up the suit?” Cindy proposed. Her words could’ve very easily been perceived as threatening, but Edison noticed her boast for what it was.

“I look forward to it.” he promised.

“On the topic of those whips,” you cut in. “What would deploy and retract the blades? It can’t be something on the whip itself, since its length would vary. A switch on the side, maybe?”

“I was thinking that they could be built into the gauntlets, and the bladed segments can be overlaid as armor plates covering her back and connecting to the pauldrons.” Thomas answered. “And when Ms. Nightly wishes to use them, all she would need to do is sling the whips over her shoulders so that the blades can initiate the coupling process. It would take a bit of time to set up, but I’m eager to begin testing once I have the required materials on-hand.”

“That sounds sick!” Cindy exclaimed, clearly forgetting that she was currently supposed to be hiding in the girl’s bathroom. “I mean, I’d probably have to practice getting the whips in the right position, and we’d have to make sure that those armor plates aren’t restricting my movement too much. Also…I’m not sure how we’d manage to do all that and fit the cape in there.”

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Edison let out a pained moan at the mention of the ‘cape situation’. Mercifully, you tried to get things back on track before this could devolve into another argument.

“Can the blades be heated?” you asked. “The tip could pierce an armored vehicle or robot, then the blades could tear out a larger gash if they can manage to partially melt the armor. Monofilament wire would heat quickly and cut cleanly. Do you think it would hold up in combat?”

Edison made a thoughtful noise on the other end of the line.

“The trick would be providing a heat source capable of reaching the melting point of a particularly durable metal. But where would…?”

Edison trailed off and began muttering to himself. About a minute later, he had apparently made a breakthrough, because he unabashedly uttered one of the cheesiest scientist lines you've ever heard.

“Eureka! The leak! Of course!”

“What leak?” Cindy asked.

“The Stark Industries leak.” Edison answered.

“Oh, right. I heard about that.” you added. “Was that the one where some kid hacked into Stark’s servers and stole a bunch of information?”

“The very same.” Edison confirmed. “Among those files were detailed schematics of the armor used by both Iron Man and his enemies. That list includes ‘Anton Vanko’ and ‘Marco Scolatti’. Two men who, at some point or another, served under the title of ‘Whiplash’.”

“Tommy…are you saying what I think you’re saying?” you asked.

Edison must’ve been just as excited as you were, because he either chose to ignore you calling him “Tommy”, or he just didn’t notice.

“That I might be able to reverse engineer the design behind ‘Whiplash’s’ whips? That is what I’m implying, yes.” he replied. “If I can channel enough energy through them, we won’t need to worry about blade placement or conducting heat. They could do so much more than what the two of you were suggesting earlier. I need something to write with…!”

This was the most excited you’ve heard Edison since he told you about his crazy “child body-heat sapping doohickey”.

“I’m getting laser whips!?” Cindy said with a gasp.

It would seem that Edison’s excitement was contagious.

Just then, you heard a knock, and a muffled voice from Cindy’s end. You could practically hear her jump out of shock.

“Oh, hey Carlie. Yeah, I’m okay. My…stomach’s been hurting all morning.” she said, likely making up some lame excuse for why she’s been in the bathroom so long. “No, it’s okay. I don’t need to go to the nurse’s office. Just…gimme a minute.”

You wanted to tell Cindy to mute herself so she wouldn’t accidentally give away her secret identity, but from the way that Edison was feverishly muttering to himself, you had to question whether he was registering any of this.

“Oh, that…?” Cindy continued. “I was talking about a game that just came out. The main character uses laser whips to fight bad guys. I’ve been pretty excited about it ever since it got announced.”

You checked your watch and continued waiting patiently for this to wrap up.

“‘What’s it called’? Uh…”

She sounded a bit stuck. Maybe you should help her out.

“‘Whips of Rage’. ‘Armored Whippers’. ‘Night Slashers’!” you suggested in quick succession. “Oh, wait. That last one is actually a real title.”

“Not helping…!” Cindy muttered into the receiver.

“Hold up. I know exactly how to fix this.” you said, scrolling through your contacts until you found Ember’s name. With the press of a button, you roped her into the call as well.


“Hey there, Sister Shock. We were just wondering if there were any cool new games out there that had laser whips in them.”

“Uh…that's an awfully specific question that you could've just texted to me.” Ember said, sounding mildly irritated. “I think Blazing Chrome has one, but it's not that new.”

“‘Blazing Chrome!’” Cindy blurted out.

“Jesus Christ…! That was right in my ear!” Ember cursed, her voice growing a bit muffled as she moved the phone away from her ear.

“That's it. You should try it sometime.” Cindy continued.

“It has co-op too.” Ember added.

“Or we can play it together!” Cindy quickly suggested.

“Who the fuck is that muttering over the phone? Does no one here know how to mute themselves?” Ember said.

“As hilarious as this is, you should probably get off the can.” you advised. “If you stay any longer, they might start to think that you fell in.”

“But what about the suit…?” Cindy whispered.

“Don’t worry, we can always pick this up again later. Thanks for indulging me. Talk to you later, Ms. Nightly.”


And with that, you kicked her out of the call.

“Okay, I think I-” Edison began, before pausing abruptly. “Where is Ms. Nightly?”

“Who, the actress?” Ember asked in an incredulous tone.

What will you say?

>"She had a thing to go to. She wanted to know if we could continue this another time."
>"Did you seriously not hear any of what just happened? You must've really been in the zone."
>"Seriously, Sis? Did you really just give away her secret identity over the phone? I thought I taught you better than that."
>"Eddy, I'd like for you to meet Sister Shock, the newest member of our team. Sis, this is Thomas Edison, an inventor that I'm currently in the process of commissioning."


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>"Eddy, I'd like for you to meet Sister Shock, the newest member of our team. Sis, this is Thomas Edison, an inventor that I'm currently in the process of commissioning."
>>"Seriously, Sis? Did you really just give away her secret identity over the phone? I thought I taught you better than that."

>"Seriously, Sis? Did you really just give away her secret identity over the phone? I thought I taught you better than that."
Why not? It’s all in good fun.
>"She had a thing to go to. She wanted to know if we could continue this another time."
>”She approves of the current design though, and you can continue refining the laser whips with a skilled wielder in mind.”
>"Eddy, I'd like for you to meet Sister Shock, the newest member of our team. She’s an excellent programmer and has skills suited for ridiculously rapid prototyping, among other things. Sis, this is Thomas Edison, an inventor that I'm currently in the process of commissioning."
Introductions and buttering Ember up a bit. She could find a role alongside any number of inventors given her short turnaround time with hardlight constructs.
>"Seriously, Sis? Did you really just give away her secret identity over the phone? I thought I taught you better than that."
>"Eddy, I'd like for you to meet Sister Shock, the newest member of our team. She’s an excellent programmer and has skills suited for ridiculously rapid prototyping, among other things. Sis, this is Thomas Edison, an inventor that I'm currently in the process of commissioning."

Taking these. Writing...
“Seriously, Sis? Did you really just give away her secret identity over the phone? I thought I taught you better than that.” you said in your best disapproving voice.

“I sincerely doubt that the person I was talking with over the phone was Keira Knightley.” Thomas declared.

“Oh, yeah? What was your first clue?” Ember asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Firstly, she sounded far too young.” Edison concluded.

‘Firstly’? What year am I living in?” Ember replied, that incredulous tone of hers returning in full force.

“Eddy, I’d like for you to meet Sister Shock, the newest member of our team. Sis, this is Thomas Edison, an inventor that I’m currently in the process of commissioning.” you said.

“Your name’s ‘Thomas Edison’? Like-”

“Yes…” Edison cut her off, answering her question before it could even come out of her mouth. The exhaustion in his voice was clearly noticeable this time.

“Oh, well…sorry. Or…congratulations? I’m not sure how you feel about it.” Ember finished.

“I’m not ashamed of my name, ‘Sister Shock’. Once simply tires of hearing the same jokes over and over again.”

“Have you ever thought of settling for a catchy nickname, instead?” Ember suggested. “‘Eddy’ didn’t sound that bad.”

Edison scoffed.

“I assure you, my clients won’t be terribly impressed if I introduce myself as ‘Eddy’.” he said, pronouncing the nickname with no small amount of disdain. “First impressions are everything.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Ember conceded. “It would be pretty cool to have ‘Thomas Edison’ on your contacts list.”

“My point exactly. It sounds far more distinguished.”

“That’s not the reason I was thinking of, but sure.” Ember chuckled.

“Sister Shock here is an excellent programmer, and has skills suited for ridiculously rapid prototyping, among other things.” you cut in.

“Oh, well…” Ember muttered, clearly preening from your praise.

“Is that so? Besides coding, what would those skills include?” Edison asked.


“It’s okay. Go ahead and tell him.” you encouraged her.

Ember cleared her throat.

“Well…I can convert electricity into interactable pixels that I can use to create…pretty much whatever I want. But I have to be able to both understand and imagine it.”

For a moment, Thomas was speechless.

“My…that is a rare ability, indeed.” he said, sounding contemplative as he began muttering to himself once more. “If I had your ability, I could fabricate materials at a far greater rate, and for a much cheaper price.”

“Yeah, well…it’s not for sale.” she said, her attitude shifting towards something more guarded. “I’m done renting out my power to ‘brilliant inventors’.”

“Hm. I take it you had a bad experience?” Thomas asked.

Ember let out a hollow laugh.

“Buddy, you have no idea.”


Much to Edison’s disappointment, he wasn’t able to convince Ember to give him a demonstration of her powers. Neither of you wanted to push her, so you let the matter drop, and ended the group call a little while later.

What will you do?

>Return to the Morlocks’ meeting with Madame Webb.
>See if you can’t track down Abe, Joy and Julia.
>Call someone. (Who?)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>Return to the Morlocks’ meeting with Madame Webb.
Would be rude to just ditch the party
>Return to the Morlocks’ meeting with Madame Webb.
Ditto this. We did arrange the meeting after all, and I’d like to think we’re only rude when we intend to be.

I’m sure Callisto would love to undermine that line of thinking, but that’s one of the trade-offs to having a cool sewer queen as a friend.
>Return to the Morlocks’ meeting with Madame Webb.

Taking these. Writing...
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Shortly afterward, you returned to the sitting room with the Morlocks and Madame Web. Joy had returned to attend the meeting along with them. She and the others turned to acknowledge your presence, but they were otherwise deeply distracted by Cassie’s description of a property in Riverdale.

And when you got close enough, you realized that her mentally transmitted explanation was more than just auditory. Mental images were beamed directly into your head, showing you a telepathic collage of the house in question.

It was a fucking mansion! An honest to god three-story mansion. Seven bedrooms, five bathrooms plus three half-bathrooms. Whatever the hell a “half-bathroom” was.

Marble floors imported from the Vatican, gilded ceilings and chandeliers from the Plaza Hotel, six hand-carved fireplace mantles, a gym with a sauna, a 12-car garage, a heated driveway, and a pool!

And if that wasn't good enough, the house had an insane history to it!

“The property you see before you was built in 1928 by Genevieve Ludlow Griscom, the wife of a wealthy executive whose company made ship heaters, and a member of the ‘Outer Court of the Living Christ’, a group that was born from an attempt to merge Christianity and Theosophy. And, unlike most traditional Christians at the time, they believed in the concept of reincarnation.” Cassandra explained. “So, they built this house in anticipation of the second coming of Christ. They believed that the Messiah, upon his return, would accept their generosity and live out the rest of his days in this house. And when that didn't happen, the religious order sold the property to Manhattan College in 1969, granting a 99-year lease to a ‘Mr. Jerry Galuten’. But not too long ago, this house was placed back on the market.”

Each of the Morlocks had their mouths hanging open for one reason or another. Shock and awe was the main motivator for Glass and Callisto, but Iara and Joy seemed to be unable to contain their excitement upon seeing the house and all its amenities.

“This place is huge…!” Glass gasped.

“It's no X-Mansion, but it's a hell of a lot bigger than anything I expected to get for free.” Callisto observed, clearly impressed by what she was seeing.

“They have a pool!” Iara cheered, pumping a fist into the air.

Joy's smile faded after a moment, and she suddenly seemed contemplative.

“It's big…but is it big enough for all of us?” Joy asked, glancing back at Glass.

This seemed to snap the transparent Morlock out of his trance, because his eyes refocused before sliding over to stare at Joy. You were getting used to seeing those glistening orbs of his rotating in his head.

“There aren't a whole lot of places that can house all of us, Joy. Even if we have to sleep on the floor, this is an amazing deal!” he urged.

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“Way too good. How would we even pay the rent on something like this?” Callisto protested, her solitary eye darting around to gaze at each and every psychic projection in turn. “Plus, you’re forgetting about all these cottages on the property. We can easily shove some of our people in there if we’re ever running low on room.”

“I thought we were getting this as a gift…” Shark said, deflating a bit at Callisto’s cold rationality.

“Having Cassandra buy us this house is one thing, but I don’t want to keep imposing on her. We still need to find other ways to make ends meet.” Glass declared.

“Don’t worry about that right now.” you said with a shake of your head. “I already said that I’d help cover whatever it is that you guys need, so quit complaining and take us up on our offer.”

There was a moment of stunned silence, before the Morlocks exchanged glances and grinned at you.

Glass looked like he wanted to ask the others what they thought about the house, thought better of it, and then returned his attention to Madame Webb.

“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble…”

Iara and Joy leaned in, their eyes pleading.

“We’ll take it.”

A warm smile spread across Cassandra’s lined face as she clapped her hands together.

“Wonderful! I’ll contact the realtor and handle the necessary paperwork. Although, I may be getting ahead of myself. I’d understand if you need more time to make a decision, or if you’d like to visit the property in person-”

“No, that’s okay. This’ll be good for us, I think.” Callisto said, her sharp blue eye landing on Madame Webb’s psychic manifestation.

Iara flew into the air and let out a whooping holler. Joy joined her in the air and did a backflip before landing in Glass’ arms. Callisto shook her head and laughed. Even she couldn’t deny them a reason to celebrate.

You were just wondering how the others would react to the good news.

“What should we name it?” Joy asked between giggles.

“It’s not a dog, Joy. you don’t need to name it.” Callisto said.

“Every home should have a name.” Joy insisted.

“Can’t we just call it ‘home’?” Glass suggested.

“We could…” Joy said, her eyes sliding to the side as her voice trailed on.

“Or we could actually come up with a cool name for our new mansion!” Iara encouraged her.

The two girls shot finger guns at each other, mimicking the noises with their mouths. Glass very much looked like he wanted to let Joy down, but she looked like she was starting to get comfortable in his arms.

“Settle down, kids. You’re embarrassing us in front of our rich friends.”

“Let them celebrate.” you said, coming up beside her. “Your best ‘rich friend’ has already seen them at their worst.”

You pointed a thumb back at yourself. Callisto glanced down at it, and then back up at you.

“Who, you?” she asked with what you hoped was mock incredulity.

“Who else? The depth of my generosity pales in comparison to the depths of my pockets.” you declared

Callisto turned her chin up at you and made a ponderous noise.

“Really~? I was starting to think that it was the other way around.” she said, fighting off a grin as it formed on her face.

Either she was calling you broke, or you’d successfully managed to endear her to you. And since she literally couldn’t afford to properly insult your finances right now, you concluded that it must be the latter.

“Hey! It’s not my fault this suit doesn’t have pockets.” you said, pinching the fabric by your thighs with your fingers.

“In my opinion, it’s one of the classier selections in your wardrobe.” Cassandra noted. “Although I do wish you would wear something with less spandex every once in a while...”

“Maybe me and the gang can start doing ‘Casual Fridays’ at the office. I might just roll out of bed wearing nothing but sweatpants and a graphic tee.” you said.

“You’re as bad as Julia when I first hired her.” Cassandra telepathically scoffed.

All the while, Joy and Shark were busy brainstorming ideas for what to name the house.

What will you contribute to the discussion?

>“The Morlock Mansion."
>"House of M."
>"The Uptown Alley"
>Nothing. You'll let them discuss this amongst themselves.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>“The Morlock Mansion."
Eh, if they want to rip off the X-Mansion they could do better.
>"House of M."
While I like it, they’d need to run a BDSM club somewhere on the grounds.
>"The Uptown Alley"
Solid choice, I’d respect it.

>”New Home”
For the uninspired
>”Plan C”
Plan B was the park, Plan A was the sewers. Been a while since the Morlocks had this many backup plans.
>”Central Park”
Another joke name. It’s like they never left the park!

See what tickles Joy and Shark the most.
>>"House of M."
>"The Uptown Alley"

Isn't 'House of M' where magneto and mutants rule the world until Wanda wishes all mutants out of existence?
>"The Uptown Alley"

Taking these. Writing...

It is indeed!
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“How about…’The Uptown Alley'?” you suggested.

Both Shark and Joy gasped simultaneously.

“Love it!”

“That's so clever…!”

These girls really did know how to make a guy feel special.

“I kinda like it.” Glass put in. “It really gives you the feeling of a ‘second home’ for the Morlocks.”

“Third, but who's counting?” you added.

After a moment of silence, everyone turned to stare at Callisto. She just closed her eye and shrugged.

“I don't mind. It's got a nice ring to it.” she admitted.

That was as close to a stamp of approval as you were gonna get from her.

“I suppose you would like me to change the name on the deed while I'm at it?” Cassandra asked.

Glass nodded and finally put Joy down.

“If it wouldn't be too much trouble.”

She gave him a kind smile.

“It won't be anything that I wasn't already prepared to commit to.” she promised. “Consider it done.”

While Glass was going about thanking Madame Webb from the bottom of his heart, yet again, you got a notification on your personal phone. It was from Ember.

It read: “Do you know this lady? Pls say yes, because she might be holding me hostage until you get back. Also, when are you coming back...?”

Your breath caught when you saw the attached photo.

A familiar blonde woman gazed at you with her beautiful, deep brown eyes. Her cheek was resting on one hand, and her toned, athletic body was draped over your couch cushions. With her other hand, she twirled the end of her long ponytail around a finger that was also caressing her left hip. Her lips were slightly parted, and her deep, brown beautiful eyes were staring directly at you.

She'd clearly posed for this shot. It was practically a pin-up! But more importantly…it was a pin-up of your girlfriend!

At long last, Anastasia Kravinoff was back in town!

What will you say/do?

>”Sorry, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got someon–something to do at home.” (Race back home to greet your girlfriend!)
>(To Ember) ”Try to keep her busy until I get back. I should have a few co-op games that the two of you can play together.”
>Race upstairs, find a vacant room and send an equally racy selfie to Ana’s phone.
>Plan a special surprise for your significant other. (Write-in.)


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>(To Ember) “My girlfriend finishes an overseas trip while I’m literally getting homeless mutants off the streets with the help of a psychic. FML.”
>”Try to keep her busy. I need to finish up here, and, more importantly, spring my own surprise once I figure out what it is.”
Can’t do the saucy things without making Webb groan. Don’t want to abandon the Morlocks given the cause in question.

Trying to think of other surprises. A stroll through Central Park with a fireworks show thrown together? It may take a call to the Maggia to get it done on such short notice but we can pay for everything easily enough.
>>”Sorry, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got someon–something to do at home.” (Race back home to greet your girlfriend!)
Cha chumps
>>”Sorry, I’ve gotta go. I’ve got someon–something to do at home.” (Race back home to greet your girlfriend!)
“Sorry, I've gotta go.” you suddenly said, glancing between the Morlocks and your phone's screen. Everyone immediately stopped to look at you. “I've got someon--something to do at home.”

Joy was the first to speak up.

“You're leaving already…?” she said, clearly put out by the sudden development.

Oh, man. She was giving you those puppy dog eyes again.

“Is it something serious?” Callisto asked.

“It isn't anything you guys have to worry about.” you promised, putting your phone back in its pouch on your utility belt.

“Oh, well…thanks for arranging this meeting. It means a lot that you're willing to go this far for us.” Glass said, giving you a grateful smile.

“Don't mention it. I'm just glad you guys are finally getting what you deserve.” you said, mentally calculating how long it would take to get home from here.

“That’s what I’m saying!” Shark added with a toothy grin. “I can’t wait to sleep in an actual bed!”

“You need to work on not breaking everything you touch before you worry about stepping foot in that house.” Callisto admonished.

Iara deflated a bit, but not even Callisto could take the wind out of her sails at this very moment.

“Thank you for making time for this meeting, Benjamin.” Cassandra said with a nod. “I’ll have Julia keep you in the loop as we move forward with our plans.”

You started inching towards the front door without even turning around.

“Please and thank you. And thank you all for everything you do. This city wouldn’t be the same without you.”

By the time you were done rambling, you already had one foot out the door. Some were giving you puzzled looks, but you didn’t wait to elaborate on what had you in such a rush. Instead, you left them with a wink and thumbs up, before slipping out the door and launching yourself through the air.

Ideally, you’d be able to use your flight power to get home faster, but you weren’t too confident on maintaining the flame shield that outlined your silhouette. If Ana’s suit were to be damaged in any way before you saw her, you don’t know if you’d be able to face her.

So for now, you’d be sticking to good ol’ fashioned web-swinging.


Thanks to favorable winds and a blessed lack of air traffic, you made it back a little earlier than you’d estimated. And as soon as you saw Ana sitting on your couch next to a somewhat stressed out Ember, your heart began to race.

It was all you could do to avoid making too much noise as you slipped through a window, crawled onto the ceiling, and descended from a webline in an inverted position.

If Ana hadn't known you were sneaking up on her before, the shocked expression on Ember’s face would've given it away in an instant.

Nevertheless, Ana didn’t seem the least bit surprised when she turned to lock eyes with you. She did, however, look pleased to see you wearing the costume she designed.

You both tried, and failed to ignore the way your cloak pooled on the couch beside her.

“Yeah, I'm still working on a way to stop that from happening.” you admitted.

“It is detachable, my heart.” she said, an amused grin playing across her lips.

“I know…but it looks really cool.” you replied, reaching up(or down?) to feel the fabric between your fingers. “I wonder if Black Panther ever has these problems.”

“I am glad that you like it enough to wear it even when I am not here.”

“I was thinking of you the entire time I was wearing it.” you said, leaning closer.

Ana lowered her eyelids and inched closer as well.

“Should I be flattered?” she said, her warm breath brushing against your mask.

“I'll do more than flatter you-”

That was about all Ember could take. She quickly got up, paused her game and moved to the kitchen.

Ana didn’t even spare her a glance as she rolled your mask down(up?) and pressed her lips against yours.

The kiss began as something tender and slow. Teasing, even. But it quickly evolved into something that you could only describe as passionate and breathtaking. You could feel her exhaling through her nose as her tongue tangled with yours.

It was finally starting to sink in for the both of you. At long last, you were together again. And that meant your brief period of abstinence was about to end. And maybe–just maybe–you’d actually get to introduce some romance back into this relationship. Something more than physical.

By the time your kiss broke, you were already tearing off your mask and flipping around so that you landed on the couch when you released your webline.

What will you say/do?

>”I didn't think you'd be coming back so soon. You should've called so I'd have time to set up something super romantic.”
>”You wanna get out of here? We can go out for dinner, take a walk, hunt down some lowlives…”
>”Can I take this to mean that you're staying for a while? Because if you are, I can make some extra room for your stuff.”
>”Maybe I can design a suit for you someday. It’d be like those matching sweaters or shirts that other couples wear, but a lot less stupid-looking.”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”I didn't think you'd be coming back so soon. You should've called so I'd have time to set up something super romantic.”
>”Can I take this to mean that you're staying for a while? Because if you are, I can make some extra room for your stuff.”
Damn, outflanked on getting with the girlfriend instead of hanging with the cool crew. Can’t win ‘em all.
>>”I didn't think you'd be coming back so soon. You should've called so I'd have time to set up something super romantic.”
>”Can I take this to mean that you're staying for a while? Because if you are, I can make some extra room for your stuff.”
>”Maybe I can design a suit for you someday. It’d be like those matching sweaters or shirts that other couples wear, but a lot less stupid-looking.”
>”I didn't think you'd be coming back so soon. You should've called so I'd have time to set up something super romantic.”
>”Can I take this to mean that you're staying for a while? Because if you are, I can make some extra room for your stuff.”

Taking these. Writing...
“I didn’t think you’d be coming back so soon. You should’ve called so I’d have time to set up something super romantic.” you said, running your hand up her muscular arm.

Ana let out a slight chuckle and placed her hand over yours.

“I wanted it to be a surprise. I had been planning to ambush you, but I didn’t expect you to have company.” she replied, her eyes momentarily drifting in Ember’s direction.

The flustered girl was trying very hard not to look in your direction.

“She’s a new member of our team. We brought her in after Prowler retired.” you quickly explained.

“I know. She told me as much.” Ana said, resting her elbow against the back of the couch and cradling her head in her hand. Her amused grin seemed to grow upon hearing your reassurances. “It didn’t smell like the two of you were in very close contact recently.”

“You can smell that? But I showered this morning. And I changed into a different suit.” you said, inspecting your costume.

“I know. I can also tell that you’re still using the same body wash and shampoo. But…”

Ana paused to sniff at the air.

“No conditioner. You must take better care of your hair.” she admonished.

“Wow. You are good.” you admitted, interlocking your fingers with hers.

Ana let out a noise that was halfway between a purr and a throaty chuckle.

“Good enough to know that you’ve been in close contact with a few other women while I’ve been gone.”

For a moment, your blood ran cold, and you swallowed hard. You were also sure that Ana hadn’t missed that reaction. Her hand tightened around yours, almost painfully.

Who was she smelling on you? Was it that time you hugged Shark? Or the time when Joy pounced on you? Or when you and Callisto were tumbling around in the grass.

“Well…technically, yeah. But I didn’t-”

“I know.” Ana said, the intensity of her gaze, and her grip, lessened somewhat. She leaned in close, until her lips were almost touching your ear. “Because I’d sense that too.”

While there was nothing inherently threatening about her words, you were good at reading between the lines. Your girlfriend had a bit of a possessive streak.

“Noted.” you said, after a brief pause.

“No, it is partly my fault.” Ana admitted with a shake of her head. “I should have marked you before our parting.”

“Uh…’marked’?” you asked, before realization dawned on you. “Oh. Ohhhh!”

Ana let out a laugh, but her mood seemed to darken after her laughter died down.

“But I suppose that would have been hard, given the circumstances surrounding your departure. Is your friend doing well?”

Oh. She was talking about Iara.

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“She’s doing better, yeah. Her brain’s still scrambled, so we’re trying to keep a close eye on her. It’s almost like she’s an entirely different person.” you explained.

“That is a shame. But she is alive, and there is a chance that she might one day remember who she is.” Ana said in a consoling tone.

“Yeah. But who knows how long that might take?”

“You cannot rush these things, Ben.” she said, reaching up to rub your shoulder in a consolatory gesture. “Only time can heal wounds.”


It was the only thing you could think to say. Not wanting to dwell on the topic any longer, you decided to switch things up.

“So…can I take this to mean that you’re staying for a while? Because if you are, I can make some extra room for your stuff.”

Ana gave you a grateful smile and moved her hand from your shoulder to your face.

“While my father and the other great families make their arrangements for the Great Hunt, I suddenly find myself with more free time than I expected to have at such a crucial period.” Ana explained, her hand caressing the side of your face. “So, yes. I have earned myself a vacation while the Nightguard and the Great Families assist the Kravinoff estate in their proceedings.”

“So you’re staying?” you asked, unable to hide your excitement.

“I have yet to make my own arrangements to find a suitable hotel, and your offer is a tempting one…” she said with a teasing smile.

“You’re staying.” you decided.

Ana’s finger slipped under the fold of your mask, and you allowed her to remove it from your head.

“I will stay. For as long as I possibly can.” she declared. “So long as I can find something to keep me occupied, that is. What does one do for fun around here?”

What will you say?

>”I can think of a few things…” (Bring Ana to your bedroom.)
>”I’ve got some video games that you me, and Ember can play to pass the time.”
>”That depends on your definition of ‘fun’. I’ve got two new employees of mine working a case to shut down a drug trafficking ring. Someone with your skills should be able to help track down the people responsible in no time.”
>”Allow me to give you the full tour.” (Arrange a guide for you and Ana to explore the city)
>”Wanna go crack some skulls? (Go out on patrol with Ana)
>"I've got an appointment with Silver Sable coming up. And you did say you were interested in checking out her operation."
>"You can meet my mutant friends! I just got out of a meeting with them, and they're about to inherit this super sweet mansion that Jesus was supposed to live in!"
>"I was actually about to approach an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. Wanna join me?"


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>"There's something that's been bothering me for a while, but I never addressed it. But, you know, I'm trying to grow as a person... Remember way back when we just started out together? I made some steak, and you said it was - something along the lines of "good enough". Can you show me how to make an excellent steak?"
>”Well, I have plenty that could keep you OCCUPIED if you’re looking for that. I stay pretty busy all things considered.”
>”I’ve got two new employees of mine working a case to shut down a drug trafficking ring. Someone with your skills should be able to help track down the people responsible in no time.”
>"I've got an appointment with Silver Sable coming up. And you did say you were interested in checking out her operation."
>"I was actually about to approach an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. It may end up as a heist against someone else instead. Wanna join me?"
>”If you’re in the mood for something FUN though…”
>”I’ve got some video games that you me, and Ember can play. I take it you don’t have the opportunity to play much yourself, much less with others.”
>"You can meet my mutant friends! I just got out of a meeting with them, and they're about to inherit this super sweet mansion that Jesus was supposed to live in!”
>>”You did meet one of them already. And, well, I expect you’ll get in a fight with her before the day is out. But I know you’d get some enjoyment out of that anyway.”
>”Wanna go crack some skulls? (Go out on patrol with Ana)
>”The bedroom is right over. Pointing that out for no reason in particular.”

I’m okay with any of these, honestly. Whatever Ana is up for and/or tickles QM’s fancy the most would be fine. I would give slight preference to the vibranium or Sable stuff in the “occupied” column and the video games/mutant friends for the “fun” column. I expect Ana will pick up on Callisto’s attraction and get a little possessive. They can both fight so I’m not actually worried about it going too far.

All that said,
Backing this. We will be an excellent cook just because we can be.
>”Wanna go crack some skulls? (Go out on patrol with Ana)
hit a butcher on the way back and then
>”I can think of a few things…” (Bring Ana to your bedroom.)
>"I was actually about to approach an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. Wanna join me?"
>"I've got an appointment with Silver Sable coming up. And you did say you were interested in checking out her operation."
>>"I was actually about to approach an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. Wanna join me?"
>”Wanna go crack some skulls? (Go out on patrol with Ana)
>"I was actually about to approach an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. It may end up as a heist against someone else instead. Wanna join me?"
>"I've got an appointment with Silver Sable coming up. And you did say you were interested in checking out her operation."

Taking these. Writing...

>”The bedroom is right over. Pointing that out for no reason in particular.”
Into the "Quip Bank" it goes!
>"There's something that's been bothering me for a while, but I never addressed it. But, you know, I'm trying to grow as a person... Remember way back when we just started out together? I made some steak, and you said it was - something along the lines of "good enough". Can you show me how to make an excellent steak?"

Forgot to add this!
“Wanna go crack some skulls?” you asked.

At the mention of proposed violence, Ana’s grin turned savage.


“So…how does it feel to travel in style?”

You glanced over at the woman you were holding in one arm, while the other arm was reserved for swinging from and weaving weblines. Since you were capable of moving through the city faster than Ana could, you offered to carry her around until you found a crime worth busting.

“It feels like a lot of wind in my eyes!” Ana shouted back, her eyes squinted.

“You get used to it. Maybe we should get you something that lets you get around faster.” you proposed.

“I’m not usually concerned with urgency during my travels!”

“It’s a big city.”

“And the world outside of it is far bigger!” Ana argued, her tone even despite the volume of her voice. “I know, because I have been exploring it all my life!”

“True, but things move a lot faster over here than they do out there.” you replied.

Ana could easily leap from rooftop to rooftop like many of the people you’ve met over this past year, but there were some parts of the city that didn’t have a cluster of nearby buildings handy for them to practice parkour.

There would be times where Ana would either have to leg it, or catch a ride. And this was supposed to be a joint patrol. There wouldn’t be much of a point if you traveled separately.

Acknowledging this, you decided it would be best to let Ana stretch her legs.

You swung up to a nearby rooftop and let go of Ana’s waist. To her credit, she didn’t panic at all, and instead hit the ground running.

You did the same, racing alongside her, and sliding under or vaulting over anything and everything in your path. It was so easy that the two of you were able to hold a conversation mid-traversal.

“So I’ve got an appointment with Silver Sable coming up.” you began.

“Silvija Sablinova.” Ana confirmed.

“Yeah, her.” you acknowledged. “Me and some friends are supposed to meet up with her later for an evaluation, and I was wondering if you wanted to join us. You did say you were interested in checking out her operation.”

“I am interested, yes.” Ana said, jumping from one rooftop to another.

You followed after her.

“And I’m sure she’d be impressed with you if you did the evaluation too.”

“Naturally.” Ana agreed.

“So you’re coming?”

“If the ‘Silver Sable’ has no issues, then neither do I.”

“Great! I’ll leave a message saying that you’re coming.” you promised. “Oh, and there was another thing too.”

Ana grunted to show that she was still listening as she pumped her arms and matched your speed. Sometimes you forgot that she was fast as hell.

“I was planning on approaching an acquaintance of mine about locating a vibranium dealer. And there’s a decent chance of it turning into a heist against said vibranium dealer.”

Ana didn’t slow down, but she did glance at you out of the corner of her eye.

“Vibranium?” she asked in what you thought might’ve been an incredulous tone.

“Yeah! I’m trying to give my kid a new suit made of the stuff so she’ll stop getting hurt in the field.” you explained. “If you're looking for things to do, I won't say no to some help.”

Ana returned her eyes forward just in time for her feet to meet the edge of the roof. But instead of jumping to the next one over, she leapt to the side, where you saw her body rapidly approaching a fire escape.

She gripped the floor of a metal platform, and using her momentum, swung herself over to the railing on the other side, vaulted onto a brick wall and swung herself off a flagpole.

After a series of somersaults and expertly timed roll at her point of impact with the ground, Ana landed behind you and easily caught up. You both exchanged a smile.

“That depends on the information presented by this acquaintance of yours.” Ana said, not even remotely out of breath. “If there is a suitable challenge to be found in opposing this ‘vibranium dealer’, then I will assist you in your pursuit.”

Well, that shouldn’t be too hard to confirm. All you needed to do now was contact Bloodhound and convince him to point you in the right direction.

“This kid of yours…” Ana began.

“Cindy.” you confirmed.

“Ah. That makes sense.” Ana concluded. “It is no surprise that her will to fight has not faded while I was away. She has a warrior’s spirit.”

“I think so too. I don’t think I could stop her if I tried.” you admitted. “So it’s up to me to make sure that she has everything she needs to succeed.”

Ana nodded her agreement.

“She is in good hands. I have seen the way that you protect her without getting in the way of her goals. Raising one such as that cannot be easy.”

“Her parents raised her.” you put in, diving headfirst off a building. “I'm just picking up the slack.”

“I'd like to believe that there is more to it than that.” Ana said, diving right alongside you. “You are a good man. And I'm sure your ward thinks so too.”

You reached out for her, and Ana grabbed your outstretched hand. For a brief moment, you forgot that the ground was hurtling up to meet you, and just basked in the warmth of this moment.

But only for a moment.

As if on cue, you both turned back around to tuck and roll at the moment of impact, and you were back to racing across the city’s roofscape.

“There’s something else that I wanted to mention.” you added.

Ana gave you a curious look out of the corner of her eye.

You slowed down, prompting her to do the same until you were both leaning over a precarious drop from the ledge of your current rooftop.

“There’s something that’s been bothering me for a while, but I never addressed it. Because, you know…I’m trying to grow as a person.” you continued.

Ana’s expression became more serious when she heard the tone in your voice.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Remember way back when we just started out together? I made some steak, and you said it was…something along the lines of ‘good enough’. Can you show me how to make an excellent steak?"

Ana blinked in surprise, and you gave her a moment to consider your words. After a few seconds, she smiled and gave you a firm pat on the back. A lesser man might’ve doubled over and lost their balance, but lesser men didn’t have adhesive feet that could stick to virtually any surface.

“Ah. Now there is something a little easier than stealing vibranium.” she said, her hand moving up to squeeze your shoulder. “I would gladly teach you when we get back. Maybe then I can see the results of these cooking classes that you’ve been taking.”


What kind of crimes are you looking to stop?

>A scenario where Ana can cut loose and tear something apart. Like robots, or inorganic creatures.
>A target rich environment where Ana can showcase her sniping skills.
>A good ol’ fashioned chase! That ought to get the blood pumping.
>A super-criminal or a gang of goons that you and your girlfriend can beat on. Couples who fight together, stay together!
>Anything that comes up, you'll adapt to it.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
Glad it was remembered! It was the most important part.

>A scenario where Ana can cut loose and tear something apart. Like robots, or inorganic creatures.
Rip and tear! Ember should consider coding up a Doomguy/girl equivalent of both of us for her fighting simulations.
>>A scenario where Ana can cut loose and tear something apart. Like robots, or inorganic creatures.
>>A scenario where Ana can cut loose and tear something apart. Like robots, or inorganic creatures.

I didn't think people would even vote for my write-in
mostly I wanted something stress free and relaxing. couples-stuff that doesn't require our heartrate to be up
Ben had mentioned IC about wanting to have more than a physical relationship with Ana, and a lot of the other options weren’t “physical” like he said but got close enough like you kinda mentioned. Still literally physical in many cases, outright business for some others, and those aren’t the best for pushing the relationship forward. Morlocks and video games were an option, but neither would have been solo either and that makes a difference too.

Yours was right sort of comfy to see how well we click when nothing in particular is going on and we’re alone, plus it’s for something neat. Can’t ask for better.

I, personally, didn’t vote for Ana way back when since I prefer Gwen and Callisto, but I will faithfully serve on any ship as required.
when we first hooked up I was kinda surprised by how seriously Ben was taking the relationship.
It didn't quite feel like we had a vote in "how does he feel about that hookup"
I don't think I quite like her either as a love interest, to be honest. I'm still giving it a shot
and it's not like we have a reason to break up either.
>A scenario where Ana can cut loose and tear something apart. Like robots, or inorganic creatures.

Taking these. I don't think I'll be able to post an update tonight, but I'll at least get started on it and post it tomorrow.

It was a genuinely sweet write-in, and I'm glad you got support for it.

Your service is appreciated, sir!

To put it plainly, Ben and Ana have been involved in something of a whirlwind relationship, where everything is new, fun and exciting. Kind of like a honeymoon phase. Ben does genuinely want a meaningful relationship, but since he's a bit of a natural flirt who hangs out with unsavory types, a lot of his relationships never really worked out.

And now that he and Ana are finally able to spend time together, the honeymoon phase will eventually end, and the both of them will have to figure out whether they work as a couple in the long-term. Whether their relationship works out or not depends on you anons, Ana, and in some ways, Ben himself. There will also be some factors that will affect the dynamic of your relationship.

If this relationship doesn't work out, then you guys will be free to pursue someone else, or remain a bachelor. It's up to you. I think I can write fun content with any of the romantic interests that I've introduced, so I'll probably enjoy myself no matter what.
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“Hey, Jules. Got anything for me?” you asked, slipping a bluetooth earbud under your mask and into place. “I'm looking for a crime where the bad guys aren't really alive, and can't really feel pain.”

“Well that's oddly specific. Are ya looking to let off some steam?” Julia replied.

You glanced down from your perch atop a water tower, and spied Ana peering at the city through a scope that looked like it belonged on a hunting rifle. She didn't seem to have any room in her suit for the rest of the gun, and when you mentioned that to her, she alluded to the fact that she had stashed multiple weapons caches around the city.

You didn't ask for any more information after that.

“Something like that. Did Web foresee anything interesting in my immediate future?”

“Mmm. Let's see…” Julia muttered, followed by the furious clacking of her fingers flying across the keyboard. “Oh, this looks…”

Julia paused, let out an incredulous laugh, and then started sputtering.

“Oh, man. Hold up. I'm gonna call to confirm.” she said, a note of humor still remaining in her tone. “Oh, wow. This is legit. I might need you to record this one for me.”

“Julia? What's happening?”

“Candy people, apparently.” she replied.

“Can you repeat that? I think I had something crazy in my ear.”

“I've got confirmation from the boss. In a little while, this city’s 'economy is going to be threatened by Ginger Bread Men and other confectionery criminals'.” Julia reported. “And they’re supposed to hit Manhattan’s Diamond District. That’s all I got.”

“Anyone in the area?” you asked.

“Not as far as I can tell. Spidey’s tied up with something else, and the Heroes for Hire probably won’t get there in time.”

You rubbed your chin in a ponderous gesture.

“Hey, Ana. Do you think Gingerbread Men pass as sentient? And if so, do they feel pain?”

Ana lowered the scope and glanced up at you with a look that told you she was questioning your sanity.

“First you want to cook steak, and now you want to bake gingerbread men? That is a very strange pairing.”

“No. I mean…not now. Maybe later?”

“If you have not made up your mind about what you will have for dinner, have you at least found something for us to do? I was promised ‘skull-cracking’, but all I have seen so far is your usual brand of ‘wise-cracking’.”

You crawled over the edge of the water tower's lip and descended from a webline until your inverted mask was filling up the entire view of Ana’s scope. She lowered it and gave you what you could only describe as “an amused frown.”
“Actually, I was thinking we could skip ahead and have dessert a little early.”

Ana scoffed.

“Is that supposed to be a pickup line?”

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“Keep it in your pants, Kravinoff. Word on the Web is that our Diamond District is in danger of being overrun by killer cookies, and we’re the only ones who can stop it.” you said, in the most overly serious tone you could muster.

Ana raised an eyebrow.

This is the biggest threat that you could find?”

“The biggest one that had the largest capacity for wonton violence, apparently.” you clarified.

“I’m noting a severe lack of ‘skulls’ to crack.”

You shrugged.

“What if they’re Mexican cookies?”

The look on Ana’s face told you that she had reserved a considerable portion of brain to decoding the meaning of your joke. The poor girl didn’t even realize that you hadn’t dropped the punchline yet.

Finally, she shook her head.

“I don’t see what that has to do with-”

You reached up to tap the side of your head.

“Then they’ll have sugar skulls!”

Ana’s eyes widened, and she just barely managed to suppress a snort.

“Ha! Made ya laugh.” you pointed out.

“That was a terrible joke.” she protested, fighting a smile from forming on her face.

“You must have a terrible sense of humor, then.”

“You’re both terrible. Now, let’s get this show on the road!” Julia added, reminding you that she was still on the line.

“If I don’t see a killer cookie in front of me in ten minutes, I’m hitting you instead.” she said, unable to hide her amusement.

“So, Gingerbread Men first, steak later. Got it.” you said, releasing your grip on the webline and allowing yourself to fall.

Ana wasn’t far behind you, so you snagged her with a webline, pulled her close and started the downward arc of a high-velocity web-slingshot that should send you flying in the general direction of where you wanted to go.

And, if the excited grin on her face was any evidence, she didn’t seem to hate the web-swinging experience at all.


Not long after, you both arrived on the scene of what could’ve been the most ridiculous robbery you’ve ever witnessed. And, to your endless amusement, Madame Webb didn’t disappoint.

In the street, and on either side of it, man-sized gingerbread cookies were looting jewelry stores and mugging anyone unlucky enough to be passing through the area. Some were smacking people around with their crumbly nubs, and others were wielding weapons ranging from giant candy canes to oversized lollipops.

Cops were only just starting to arrive on the scene, but they didn’t seem capable of doing much damage with their guns and tasers, and were forced to fight back with batons. There were even some victims banding together to jump a crippled killer cookie that’d been isolated and singled out.

“God, I love this city…” you sighed.

What will you do?

>Go around and round up as many gingerbread men as you can, and then burn them all to a crisp!
>Destroy a nearby fire hydrant, and web-shape a hose to blast these cookies!
>Grab a candy weapon and start smacking these freaks down!
>Let Ana handle these guys while you follow these thieves back to their stash.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>Go around and round up as many gingerbread men as you can, and then burn them all to a crisp!
>>Grab a candy weapon and start smacking these freaks down!
>Grab a candy weapon and start smacking these freaks down!
hove some fun
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>Candy Weapon assault
>Grab a candy weapon and start smacking these freaks down!
Getting physical gives more for Ana to put down (the other fight options hit more at once) and this is for “fun” more than to stop the robberies.
>Grab a candy weapon and start smacking these freaks down!

Taking these. Writing...
Glancing around, you caught a nearby Gingerbread man chasing a woman around with an oversized lollipop. The spherical kind, not the big swirly ones. Although, you made a mental note to try that one out too.

The woman’s terrified screams snapped you out of your reverie, and managed to sneak up and snatch the improvised weapon away from her assailant before it got a chance to swing it at her head.

The Gingerbread man looked confused when it hit nothing but air. Belatedly, it realized that its hands were now empty. And, far too late, it finally turned around to see you holding the lollipop with both hands, raising it above your head.

“Is this all you’ve got? I’m more of a fan of jawbreakers, myself!”

Despite the confectionary construct’s face being entirely made of decorative frosting, its face clearly registered shock, and then horror as you swung the giant lollipop at its face. That very same face shattered into crumbly chucks, along with the rest of its head.

It staggered around for a while after that, until you finally decided to break apart the rest of its limbs. Its previous victim seemed to take great pleasure in watching you do this. And when you were done, you turned to stare at her.

She flinched under your scrutiny, but her worried expression quickly shifted into one of confusion when you shoved the lollipop towards her.

“In case you need to defend yourself.”

Carefully, she accepted the strange weapon, and nearly fumbled it right away. You caught it just in time and helped her adjust her grip.

“Weight distribution’s a little awkward, so you should keep the placement of your hands higher up the stick, like this. See?”

She gave it a few test swings, and you encouraged her to try using it as a jabbing weapon. She didn’t look like she had the necessary arm strength or coordination to wield this thing properly, but it was better than fighting empty-handed.

“You good?”

“Yeah…I think so.” she replied, sounding slightly out of breath.

“Cool. Now, if you can keep your head down, you might just survive ‘Sugarmageddon’.”

Her mouth moved wordlessly as she struggled to come up with a response to that. You didn't give her a chance to collect her thoughts, though.

Looking around, you saw Ana using her spear to dismantle a cluster of candy people. You swung over to where she was, and only to catch a glimpse of gingerbread man pouncing on someone to your right.

You spun around in mid-air and snagged its back with a webline at an angle that might’ve been awkward for someone without your gifts.

But before you could reel him in, Ana's spear came flying past you, slammed into the candy creature's torso and embedded itself in a nearby wall. Her target crumbled to pieces almost immediately.

Your eyes scanned the area for new weapons to use, before they eventually landed on what looked like a giant candy cane.

You ripped Ana’s spear out of the wall, lightly tossed towards her, and hefted the ridiculously huge candy cane over your shoulder.

“I’m about to ruin someone’s day with this…”

You jumped into the fray with Ana, and started swinging recklessly with your new weapon. Your foes easily crumbled under the weight of your blows, each swing cutting through the candy people in large swathes, while also chipping away at your own weapon.

But as soon as you thought that this fight had been painfully easy, your candy cane clashed with another. This one was held by another Gingerbread Man, but this one seemed to be a much more decorated warrior than his brethren.

Literally. He had a bunch of cute accessories that made him stand out from the others, including a top hat!

The two of you backed off and began to circle each other, your weapons lowered as if poised to strike. This one was singling you out, it seemed.

What will you do?

>Accept his challenge and engage him in an honorable duel!
>Kick things off with a jumping power attack! Hopefully it’ll be enough to destroy his weapon.
>Burn him to ash. You have no reason to humor this thing.
>Blind him with a web bolt, destroy his legs and smash him to pieces!


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
Well, if he wants to be honorable then I’ll allow it on one condition.
>Accept his challenge and engage him in an honorable duel IF he can pull some of the other Gingerbread Men to serve as an audience.
If not,
>Burn him to ash. You know you’re worth more than these things, and it’s not exactly cool if just one being fancy is all it takes to slow you down.
>>Accept his challenge and engage him in an honorable duel!
>>Accept his challenge and engage him in an honorable duel!
>Accept his challenge and engage him in an honorable duel!

Roll 1d100, bo3!

I'll update as soon as I get home in the early afternoon.
Rolled 65 (1d100)

Rolled 13 (1d100)

Rolled 15 (1d100)


Taking these. Writing...
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You gave the candy warrior a respectful nod. After a moment's pause, he returned the gesture. It was surprisingly lifelike, and you had to wonder whether this thing had actual emotions, or a capacity for sentience.

You put those thoughts aside for now, though, and raised your weapon. Your opponent imitated your action, and you stepped in for an overhead swing. Despite the shape and size of his wide, flat body, he deftly stepped to the side and parried your blow. Which was a good call on his part, since you doubted his weapon or his arms could stand the force of your blows.

But more than that, you were surprised that he was capable of manipulating a weapon without any finger-


You watched with wide, horrified eyes as five, colorful spikes grew out of the crust of either of the gingerbread man’s hands. The spikes flexed back and forth, and then curled around the weapon as if to grip it.

And that’s when you realized what these were supposed to be.

This guy had just grown fingers. Candy corn fingers.

You didn’t know whether to be disturbed or impressed.

The candy warrior didn’t give you time to dwell on it as he stepped in to swing his weapon at you in a series of horizontal and diagonal swipes.

You dodged all of them, carefully staying out of distance so that your weapon wouldn’t take too much damage. Once you got a feel for his attacks, you stepped in, wove your way through and around his weapon, and stabbed at him with a counterattack of your own.

“En garde!”

Your well-aimed thrust resulted in a sizable chunk of his right flank crumbling away. The damage didn’t seem to phase your opponent, however, because he immediately followed up with a backhanded swipe.

You only just managed to get your weapon up in time to block it, but you could feel the peppermint cracking under the force of the blow. You attempted to push him off-balance by leveraging your superior strength…and then something entirely unbelievable happened.

He withdrew his weapon, so as to avoid being pushed back, and then inserted the tip of his weapon into the curve of your candy cane. And with a swift, jerking motion, he ripped your weapon away from you, twirled the curved handle along the shaft of his cane, and snatched it with his free hand.

And just like that, you were handily disarmed!

You couldn’t even be mad about it, since it was a pretty sweet move.

The surprisingly skilled cookie pointed the tip of its original weapon towards your chest, but he made no move to strike at you.

What will you do?

>Applaud his flashy flourish. “Not bad for someone with candy corn for fingers.”
>Search for another weapon to use! (Smore-hammer//Lollipop Axe//Licorice Whip//Waffle Cone Crossbow//Something else?(Write-in))
>Get in close and disarm him using your hand-to-hand combat skills.
>Applaud his flashy flourish. “Not bad for someone with candy corn for fingers.”
>”You shouldn’t have removed my handicap like that though.”
>Get on the ground and prepare to go full spider on him, followed by the rest when he’s down.
We should use our ground-sense fighting style in real combat to keep refining it. So far we’ve only used it in fights where winning and losing didn’t really matter.
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+1 we should really be using the thing we spent several issues refining just incase we need it. Also I hope we get to see Gwen and the Shield team soon, either with a job from Hill or when we ask about the Vibrainum
>Applaud his flashy flourish. “Not bad for someone with candy corn for fingers.”
>”You shouldn’t have removed my handicap like that though.”
>Get on the ground and prepare to go full spider on him, followed by the rest when he’s down.

Taking these. Writing...
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Instead of moving to defend yourself, you put your hands together and applauded his flashy flourish.

“Not bad for someone with candy corn for fingers.” you said in an appreciative tone. “You shouldn't have removed my handicap like that, though.”

You lowered yourself to the ground and assumed the same crawling position you normally use to scale walls and ceilings. The candy warrior was clearly surprised by your new stance. Even more so when you started crawling towards him at inhuman speeds!

With a single swipe of your outstretched hand, you demolished his leg and put him off balance. The Gingerbread man stabbed one of his candy canes into the ground in order to stabilize himself, and used the other to try and hit you while you crawled between his legs.

You easily avoided it and came around the other side, placing your arm over the other, over and over again until you managed to flip your body over without slowing down.

With your back parallel to the ground and both hands flattened against it behind your ears, you pushed off the ground with your feet, lifted your body up using only the strength of your fingers, and brought your leg down on the candy warrior’s outstretched arm like an axe.

The arm in question shattered into crumbly chunks of bread and frosting, and the candy warrior lost his balance and fell over.

You fell back into your original wall-crawling posture at the same time, your hands and feet already moving to carry you over to where your vulnerable opponent lay.

Within moments, you were already brutalizing him, tearing the evil confection limb from limb, until he couldn't move anymore.

Several of his buddies watched you do this in what you hoped was great horror.

And as soon as you were done with this guy, you went for them next.

How will you deal with them?

>Go for their legs as you crawl through the crowd. Cripple them and bring them down to your level.
>Barrel into their group with a sliding back spin that you've seen break-dancers use.
>Pounce on them from above and throw out a few wild claw strikes on your way down.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>Ask Ana if she thinks they are made for structural integrity, or if they might actually taste good
>Start eating him
>Leap from Gingerbread to Gingerbread using momentum, your clinging ability, superior coordination, and your enhanced strength to maim and destroy them.
I’m envisioning us kicking and throwing ourselves using their bodies with enough force to blow them apart just from maximizing our own speed. Take bodysurfing to a whole new level.

I’ll back both of these after we take out most of the rest.
sorry, i have been catching up, and i am on the 3 thread, i must say that the rematch against daredevil, all in all is bs.

we have fought agaisnt others metas, more dangerous beings, and i still dont understand why daredevil gets us a negative modifer when in canon, daredevil always loses against spidey. like i like the guy, but a spider meta no holding back is too fast and strong for him to defeat.

and no, martial arts bs dosnt make sense. specially the -20 negative modifer in the second part of the fight, we never have gotten a negative modifer in any fights (trough injury i mean), not even when we lost the first time against daredevil.

sorry for the rant, i just finished reading that part. but i like the quest overall and it just reads as too much favouritism against daredevil, its like when people usually salivate over the punisher, when the dude is a normal dude and the only way he he wins is because of plot armor.

sorry for the rant again
fuck i meant in favor for. sorry i am an ESL so i commit this kind of mistakes too
I appreciate that you're catching up to the quest, and I'm glad that you're enjoying it!

But I do think that you're overlooking a key factor. Ben went into that fight without the intention of using his webs or his explosive powers. Those are two very reliable abilities that has helped him more times than he can count in his short career as the Huntsman. Those debuffs were given because Ben decided to fight one of the best fighters in the world with nothing but his own skills and reflexes.

This isn't to say that Matt is better than him in every way, but he was a far better fighter at the time. And if the Huntsman went in there with all of his powers at his disposal, things might've ended very differently. But as things stood, Ben went into a fight with the equivalent of Marvel Batman(who has been trained to fight by super-ninjas), without the intention of using his very useful powers, or the gadgets he carries on him.

I do see what you're saying about the negative modifier due to injury, and I might've been persuaded to dial it back a bit, but I don't think that it's entirely inappropriate when Ben is purposely holding back, injured, and fighting a more skilled opponent.

He hasn't really lost a whole lot of fights so far, and I don't think losing a fight to Daredevil is entirely unreasonable when he isn't using every tool at his disposal.
after a few hours to let the REEEE calm down, i dont mind it much. it was mostly about the sudden increase of the -10 modifer wich made me kinda angry or frustated, because before that, it never happened and we were in other fights more fucked.

Also, while he didnt use his explosion or web powers, ben is still too fast and strong to be properly fought.if it was someone like captain america, i can understand, but the update with the fight, its constanly mentioned how ben isnt holding back and matt can just tank a superhuman punch like nothing.

anyways, i am about to end thread 3, will be a while before i can participate and sorry again for my rant. i just had this raw feeling and since the thread was archived, i didnt have anybody to talk about the fight with.
re reading my comment, i cant fucking understand it myself, sorry. i meant, that if somebody like caps, fought him fist to fist, i could see them taking that kind of damage, but daredevil is still a normal human, we shouldnt have the -10 as modifer against him. skills and experience cant narrow down physical superioty.
Nah it's okay, I get you. In a normal world, that kind of matchup would be unreasonable. But this isn't like our world. In most comic book stories, you have normal humans surviving a crazy amount of damage from powerful people. The standard for "Peak Human" has been pushed so high, that it might as well be counted as minor superhuman attributes. Characters like Batman and Daredevil shouldn't be able to do the things they do, but they can, because the writers and readers accept that such things are possible for people that are at all in any way gifted.

Thus, I'm treating these characters as low-level metas, since their feats alone qualify them as being above normal humans in most cases.
So, it's been a little while since my last update, and we've got two votes that are ultimately conflicting. Would you like me to combine them with the next update, or would you like to wait for more votes to roll in?
I'll support this to get things moving
>Leap from Gingerbread to Gingerbread using momentum, your clinging ability, superior coordination, and your enhanced strength to maim and destroy them.

Very well! I'll post a decently sized update tomorrow after work!
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You pounced on the nearest Gingerbread man that you could get your hands on, and immediately started tearing into him. He tried to shake you off, but your ability to cling to virtually any surface made any chance of that virtually impossible.

And with that very same clinging ability, you ripped hand-sized chunks out of the candy person's body. It barely took two seconds to rip him to shreds. And not even a moment later, you were bounding towards your next target.

They were starting to close in on you now, but it barely mattered. These things weren't nearly as skilled as the one with the hat had been, and their candy weapons were just that. Candy.

With a wave of your arm, you could shatter their bodies and weapons. The candy canes and lollipops still hurt, but you were confident that you could eventually heal from whatever they dished out.

You were bouncing from target to target, not even looking as you entrusted your safety to your spider sense, and focused the rest of your attention on fighting. These things were a lot less sturdy than the people you were used to sparring with, so you had little trouble pulverizing them with even the slightest movements.

But the longer you fought, the more you started to realize that your windows of opportunity were quickly shrinking. And so was the distance between you and your enemies. You found yourself tanking more hits and going for more savage strikes to put these guys down before they could pin you down.

Things started getting hairy when they tried to smother you in a cavity inducing dogpile, but that plan was quickly interrupted by the arrival of Ana.

She entered the fight with nothing more than her trusty spear, but that was all she needed. Each swing and stab from her weapon was capable of taking out multiple opponents. You knew because you literally stood still and watched as she speared five or six Gingerbread men in one go.

It was a regular candy-kabob!

Their numbers started to dwindle after that. Partly because you and she were metaphorically chewing through their ranks at an impressive speed, and partly because some of the only ones that were still in one piece had decided that the losses they suffered and the goods they pilfered had more or less balanced out.

You could see some of the cops giving chase, as well. One of them even managed to take one out with a full body tackle.

“Well that wasn’t too bad.” you mentioned, brushing gingerbread crumbs and peppermint flakes off of your costume. “Nothing ‘economy destroying’. Just…messy.”

And from the look on Ana’s face as she pulled a wad of frosting out of her hair, she agreed with you.

“Yes. This was almost too easy. Whoever planned this was either incredibly short-sighted, arrogant, or…”

You followed Ana’s gaze to a Gingerbread man that was lamely attempting to flee from a group of cops that’d formed a circle around it. They weren’t very quick. Or smart. Or skilled, for that matter.

“You think they were meant to fail?”

“It is hard to imagine these creatures successfully pulling off a complex operation of any kind.” she put in. “They all fled in separate directions on foot. There was no exit strategy. Most, if not all of them will be caught shortly.”

You knelt down to examine a fallen gumdrop the size of your head.

“So this was a distraction.” you concluded.

Ana nodded.

“There is a strong possibility. Whoever orchestrated this clearly needed everyone to be sufficiently distracted while they carried out their true plan.”

She had begun scanning the area, looking for something out of the ordinary in a street filled with the strewn body parts of a small Gingerbread army.

“And they’re most likely still nearby.” Ana stated, raising her nose to the air.

It looked like she was going into “tracking mode”. Whatever hunch she had, she was keen on following up on it. And it did make sense when she laid it out like that. You just hoped she found what she was looking for before the cops around here realized exactly who you were.

What will you do?

>Stay out of her way and let her work.
>See if you can’t pick up on a clue to aid in her search.
>Try to learn from her methods. It might slow things down a bit, but you feel like you should know how to do this.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>See if you can’t pick up on a clue to aid in her search.
Distractions work best when they’re louder than the real mission, and a good theft (or planting something in a sensitive place) is quiet. We have experience with those things. We can put it to use alongside her investigation.

So, if she thinks they’re nearby then what’s important that the distraction didn’t hit? Might be worth calling our guppies in the precinct to see if they can identify where there’s sudden gaps in police coverage as a result of all this. An aerial view could help us too if we need a reminder of what’s nearby.
>Try to learn from her methods. It might slow things down a bit, but you feel like you should know how to do this.

We already impressed her discovering the trail to the A.I.M. base back in Vegas, but there is always more to learn.
>Try to learn from her methods. It might slow things down a bit, but you feel like you should know how to do this.
She'll probably respect the fact we are trying to learn instead of being a ignorant fool
>Try to learn from her methods. It might slow things down a bit, but you feel like you should know how to do this.

Taking these. Writing...
You weren’t entirely sure how Ana planned to figure anything out from this mess, but you knew she was an expert at these kinds of things.

So, you decided to use this as a learning opportunity.

Feeling your eyes on her, Ana half-turned to glance at you.

“What is it?”

“No, nothing. I just wanted to see what the ‘Kravinoff method’ looked like.” you claimed.

Ana let out a mildly satisfied hum as she returned to inspecting a spot on the road that was lighter than the rest.

“You wish to take notes?”

“If I'm going to learn, I might as well learn from a master.”

Ana glanced back up at you and gestured for you to join her. You scooted closer and stared at the spot that had caught her attention. The huntress reached down to pick up what you thought might’ve been dirty cookie crumbs and rubbed them between her gloved fingers. You imitated the gesture exactly.

Ana sniffed at it, and you did the same.

She wasn’t gonna taste it, was she?

Almost as she could read your mind, Ana started moving her fingers closer to her mouth. You fought back a wave of nausea and started to do the same. But when you glanced back at her, you found her staring at you, waiting to see what you would do.

It took you a moment to realize what was going on, but when you did, you flicked the cookie crumbs at her. Ana chuckled and brushed the dirty cookie crumbs off of her suit without agitation.

“You really were about to do it.” she said in between laughs.

“I was following your lead!” you argued.

“These streets are absolutely filthy. I hope you don’t make a habit of putting strange things into your mouth.” she teased, returning her attention to the crumbs in her hand.

You bit back a number of retorts and settled for something a little less offensive.

“Don’t trackers have to taste dirt and soil sometimes?”

“You’re thinking of farmers, but yes. I know of some trackers who employ such methods.”

“Are you…one of them?” you asked carefully.

Ana stopped what she was doing, and her sharp eyes flicked over to you.

“Why? Does that bother you?”

“Bother me? No, not at all.” you said quickly. “I’m just curious about the frequency of my girlfriend’s dirt intake. Like…did you taste any before we made out earlier?”

Ana leaned her head from side to side as she made a thoughtful hum.

“Eh. Not too much.”

She then rose to her feet and started walking through the street. You trailed after her.

“I’m gonna assume that was a joke.” you decided. “And that these marks on the ground are scuff marks from those Gingerbread people.”

“That’s right.” Ana confirmed without taking her eyes off of the road.

“There sure are a lot of them.”

“That there are…” she remarked before stopping to stare at the surrounding jewelry stores.

After a long pause, you decided to break the silence.

“Alright, I’ll bite. What’re we looking for?”

“Something out of the ordinary. Something easily missed.” she said.

“Well the first thing shouldn’t be too hard to find.” you said with a snort.

“My thoughts exactly. The leader of the cookie creatures is intelligent, but they are still an amateur at covering their tracks in a hurry.”

You and Ana were glancing from store to store, on the lookout for…you weren’t entirely sure what. You were sort of hoping that Ana could walk you through this whole process with a little less hands-on experience.

After three or four minutes of this, Ana leisurely guided you towards a storefront that had a lot of these scuff marks outside of its doors. You thought it might’ve been another jewelry store before it got smashed up by a mob of violent pastries.

“What do you notice about these marks?” Ana asked.

You blinked at her, and then at the marks, surprised by her sudden question. You knelt down to repeat the same actions that Ana had before, rubbing the crumbs between your fingers and sniffing at them, but nothing…

Wait. There was something.

You squinted at the ground and leaned even closer, just to make sure.

“They’re…lighter than the rest?”

Ana gave you a nod of approval.

“And? What do you think that means?”

“That they’re…fresher?”

The corners of her lips curled up into a slight smile, but you got the impression that she was looking for a different answer.

“Not quite. It means…” Ana began as she knelt down beside you. “That the impressions are deeper, and they are mostly undisturbed. Which is strange, when you consider how everyone was running around like chickens with their heads cut off.”

“Yeah. That is weird.” you put in. “Wouldn’t someone have run over here and…muddied the tracks?”

Ana nodded.

“You would think. There is evidence of people having moved through here, but note the direction that they were moving in.”

She pointed at the ground, and you found yourself squinting again.

“Most of the ‘human’ footprints lead away from the store, which isn't terribly surprising, considering how they were attacked just like everyone else.” she explained. “What’s more surprising is the fact that everyone inside was either chased, or dragged out.”

She pointed at a scattering of skid marks on the sidewalk that must’ve come from the shoes of the people that were dragged out.

“That's a little unusual for a smash and grab, but not entirely out of the ordinary.” you pointed out.

“Then where are the tracks that were left by the fleeing cookie thieves?” Ana asked. “Surely they would have robbed this store like they did the others, no?”

You glanced around, did a lap in front of the store, and painstakingly scoured the streets with Ana trailing behind you for several minutes. Eventually, though, you gave up and looked to her for advice.

She didn't look upset or disappointed, though. If anything, she seemed pleased that you were taking a serious interest in this little mystery.

“The reason you couldn't find any tracks is because there are none.” Ana revealed.

You fought down a surge of frustration and gave her an expectant look.

“What does that mean?”

Ana turned and started walking back towards the store.

“It means that the ones who robbed this store never actually left. Some ran out to chase people away, while the others remained here, pretending to vandalize it.”

The two of you stepped through the doorway and found a dark, seemingly empty jewelry store with shards of broken glass and cookie crumbs littering the floor. The front windows and displays had been thoroughly smashed, and most of the valuables were missing from their cases.

“Why would they bother staying here?” you asked.

Ana knelt down and gestured for you to pay attention. She pointed at a spot on the floor where several extremely tiny shards of glass were sitting in the middle of a pile of cookie crumbs.

“These shards were once part of a greater whole. Something stepped on them. Something heavier than a Gingerbread man.”

She then moved her finger slowly upwards, and you followed its trajectory until you saw what she wanted you to see.

Footprints leading further into the store. Multiple sets of footprints.

“What’re you doing in here?”

You turned to see a police officer standing in the doorway. His hand was hovering dangerously close to his gun, and he seemed to be calling for backup.

Ana didn’t seem at all fazed by this development.

What will you do/say?

>”Hold on. We’re with Sable International. We were deployed here to figure out what’s going on.”
>”You’re calling backup? Good. Because we might’ve just found a lead on the people responsible for this little incident.”
>”Wait! Don’t you recognize me? I’m sure you’ve seen me on the news before.”
>Snatch his radio away from him, web his mouth shut and glue him to the wall. You’ll free him once you’ve cracked this case.


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>”You’re calling backup? Good. Because we might’ve just found a lead on the people responsible for this little incident.”

Make a quip about how we are just about to find out how this cookie crumbles or something
>"Your job. We’ll be with you in a second if we find anything, so shhh!"
>"Well they said 'You can't catch me cause I'm the gingerbread man' and I took that personally."
>”You’re calling backup? Good. This whole smash-and-grab seemed undercooked, so we’re sniffing around to find the main meal the robbers cooked up so we can make their cookies crumble.”
Best I can do for you, >>6107152.

If that throws him for a loop, we can do >>6107181 while muttering how no one respects the art of quipping anymore.
Whoops, missed this. I’ll also support this one if the Carlos-level gag doesn’t land.
>”You’re calling backup? Good. Because we might’ve just found a lead on the people responsible for this little incident.”
>"Well they said 'You can't catch me cause I'm the gingerbread man' and I took that personally."
>"Your job. We’ll be with you in a second if we find anything, so shhh!"

Nice write-ins guys! I'll be taking these, and I'll push out an update by tomorrow afternoon.

>This whole smash-and-grab seemed undercooked, so we’re sniffing around to find the main meal the robbers cooked up so we can make their cookies crumble.”

This is going into the quip bank! I'll use it in the upcoming encounter.
“Your job. We'll be with you in a second if we find anything, so shhh!”

The officer blinked in surprise upon being shushed by you. Ana let out a brief chuckle of amusement, but she moved her eyes away from the floor.

You heard the officer muttering into his radio in an effort to expedite that request for backup.

You pointed at the radio.

“You're calling for backup? Good, because we might've just found a lead on the people responsible for this little incident.”

“You can't be in-”

The officer paused to consider your words.

“...Really? What'd you find?” he asked, suddenly interested in what you were doing.

“Cookie crumbs, mostly.” you admitted, allowing a small pile of sugary dust to fall from your hand. “But we're onto something big.”

He checked his watch.

“Already? It hasn't even been half an hour yet.” the officer said in an incredulous tone.

“Well, they said ‘You can't catch me, I'm the Gingerbread Man!’, and I took that personally.” you said, placing a hand on your chest.

Ana exhaled and shook her head, but you didn’t miss the subtle upward curve of her lips.

The cop was less amused.

“Hm. Well, either way, I can't have you two sniffing around an active crime scene. Even if-”

“They are still in the building.”

You both turned to Ana as she rose to her feet. You trailed after her as she stalked through the store, searching the premises for any signs of life.

And, in the middle of a hallway leading towards a storage room, Ana stopped dead in her tracks. There, she knelt down and drove her knife into a crack in the carpet and floor that you could've swore hadn't been there before.

She shoved the knife down into the crack and shoved up revealing a trap door that led down into a hidden basement level!

You glanced over Ana’s shoulder, and she lifted a finger to her lips. You nodded and started moving down the steps, but a sudden crash from the store's entrance made you pause abruptly.

Backup had arrived. And it had arrived in the form of a half-dozen over-eager cops with their weapons already drawn.

“Down there!” shouted the officer you'd been talking to, pointing at the open trap door.

Some of them had clearly misunderstood this warning, because the first thing they aimed at was you.

Ana snarled and pressed herself flat against the wall. At the same time, you clung to the ceiling and positioned yourself so that the indoor archway was acting as cover.

Thankfully, the cop corrected his earlier mistake and directed his colleagues at the open trap door. They were still eyeing you warily as they ran past you and Ana, but they ultimately ignored you as they filed downstairs.

They started shouting the typical phrases like “Freeze!” or “Show me your hands!”, but one in particular grabbed your attention.

“Let him go!”

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You and Ana traded glances. Was this a hostage situation?

But, to your and everyone's surprise, whoever was down there didn't hesitate to release the hostage. Two of the officers quickly escorted a short Jewish man back up the stairs, and you made way for them.

And immediately after that, all hell broke loose.

More shouted warnings. Shots rang out. Far more than was probably necessary, but they kept going. There were grunts of pain. Sounds of impact as something heavy and solid struck flesh. And in about eight or ten seconds, the firing had stopped.

You and Ana exchanged another worried glance. The cops that had been escorting the hostage outside looked back in alarm. You were just deciding whether you should go down there and check things out, when a thick cloud of colorful dust started rising up out of the basement.

Your spider sense flared to life, and you moved to avoid the strange substance. Ana caught on quickly and moved to follow you and everyone else outside. The glittering dust filled the storefront and began to pour outside like smoke. The two cops who’d been escorting the older man pulled their weapons and aimed them at the door. Some of the other officers in the area moved to back them up, but you got the distinct feeling that whoever had dealt with their buddies wasn’t going to be bothered by a few more.

A lone, slender silhouette appeared in the store’s entrance, obscured by the glittering dust. They approached slowly, but showed no signs of caution.

“Stop right there!” shouted a cop to your left.

The assailant, did not in fact, stop where they were.

Panicking, the officer fired, and the others followed suit. The bullets sparked off of the perps’ skin, not slowing her down at all.

You’d judged the criminal to be female, based on their build. And you were proved right when she emerged from the store, her black cape flapping behind her. The woman looked young. Her costume had no symbols or defining features, either. It was predominantly black, with slivers of yellow here and there, and it seemed to be made of normal cloth, if a little thick.

But that wasn’t what had you feeling alarmed. It was her skin. It was glistening; blinding, even. Similar to the way Glass did when he stood in the sun. Even her hair seemed to be made of the stuff. Whatever it was, normal bullets weren’t sufficient to penetrate her defenses.

The woman narrowed her glowing eyes at you all and thrust her hand out.

“You’re wasting your time. And your bullets.” she said in a condescending voice.

Behind her, there was movement. You all tensed as two crystal golems burst out of the store and moved to stand beside the woman. They were jagged and misshapen, in some places, but they looked incredibly sturdy. At the very least, you didn’t think you could destroy them easily.

What will you do/say?

>Distract the crystal golems while Ana rushes the candy controller.
>Blast the woman and the crystal golems with a jet of concentrated flame.
>Bind the woman with your webs and stick her onto a wall.
>”Don’t we at least deserve a monologue or a tragic backstory before we throw down?”


Character Sheet:

Equipment and Gear:


10 Commandments of the Desperados:


The Huntsman’s Travel Guide:

Upcoming Events in the Maximum Universe:
>>Bind the woman with your webs and stick her onto a wall.
>”Understated black costume, skin so pale it’s reflective, summons out of a D&D book, low-effort ‘serious’ quips. C’mon, it’s edgelords like you that give the rest of us nerds a bad rap.”
Wildly off-base I’m sure, but if you’re going to lay out bait you gotta make it provoking.

>Blast the ground under the woman with a jet of concentrated flame.
If she’s like Glass then I expect she’ll have ways to cut through our webs. Hopefully she’s lacking in the super-strength department and we can sink her into the ground.

I’m still willing to switch to backing >>6108732 if we have a tie, I admit we don’t need the webs to last long if we’re following it up with something else right away.
>”Don’t we at least deserve a monologue or a tragic backstory before we throw down?”
Not sure who this is. Discount Emma Frost?

>Check the 'short Jewish man's' location. Question him why he was taken hostage but keep our guard up.

>when a thick cloud of colorful dust started rising up out of the basement
That hostage release was too easy.
>Bind the woman with your webs and stick her onto a wall.

Sorry for the delay! I've been a bit busy over these past few days. I'll get started on this update and post it by tomorrow. I'll just have to mindful of the fact that we're on page 10.

The new update's been posted in a brand new thread! I'll be sure to archive this one shortly.

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