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/qst/ - Quests

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prepare for the dumbest fucking quest you've ever played
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-based on madoka magica
-this is 5 player multiplayer
-posts with more than three words will be ignored
-posts using capital letters will be ignored
-posts using complex words will be ignored
-we use a lot of dice. more on that later

to play make a post with:
-name: one word, no last name
-looks: fine, go wild here. but make it short
-quirks: same. personality and such. backstory
-wish: in madoka magica, girls become magical when asking a wish. it can be anything. this wish gives them powers. two words

will start if it starts and when we have 5 players
watching from shadows
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using images = exploit
(want play
don't know madoka
wish like what?
super strength?)
wish what is?
ugly girl answer
read the archives https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=obcm
The QM is good, really, really good, would buy crack from him.
valid. wish shorter

what you want
-name: vera
-looks: redhead. face only mom could love.
-quirks: martial autist. eleven years old. magical girl mom. average grades.
-wish: magic sword.
-cold face, blue hair, black tights, cross chain
-hate teacher, love book, play shogi
-heal magic
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you can play

yay vera

yay tamako
-bea (trice)
-emaciated, hungry, ratty black hair
-allergic to almost everything, love mom and dad, poor
-wish: eat anything

i can drop out if someone else shows up, also my ip is about to change immediately
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post = 3 words
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name: Akari
looks: (see picture)
quirks: a stereotypical stinky otaku girlfailure who spends the vast majority of her friendless time creating intricate delusions that make her the protagonist in everyday life as well as her overarching life. possesses a dakimakura that is able to stand by itself and is also a former eroge VN yaoi addict, now in self-induced rehab after a summer long gooning sesh.
wish: get boyfriend

can join yes?
wild sure went
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yes. now full

fucking omniscience

now loading
I'll give my place to another player--I wouldn't want to deprive any new anons from The Guca Madness
we can jointly pilot bea if you want senpai, she may be gremlin enough for your tastes (it's been longer since you last played than i last played)
alternatively i could drop out, feel a little guilty about hogging lum in such short succession
No worries! I am content in watching and judging, but thanks for the offer. Seriously, go nutssss
sorry again senpai, and you have full authority to take over the reins for beatrice whenever you want
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aight im back

distribute stat points

7 is limit

teenagers get 35

kids get 30

read guide

£ physical: ?
λ magical: ?
彡 dex: ?
メ per: ?
⸫ wis: ?
π int: ?
ღ char: ?
φ mind: ?
Ω con: ?
PA: 1+6
MA: 1+5
DEX: 1+6
PER: 1+5
WIS: 1
INT: 1+6
CHA: 1
CON: 1+2
i fucked up

1s are included

its 30 total

you have 38
22 points distributable?
less than helen?
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helen has 29
PA: 1+6
MA: 1
DEX: 1+6
PER: 1+3
WIS: 1
INT: 1+6
CHA: 1
CON: 1+1
dante must die
£ physical: 5
λ magical: 5
彡 dex: 5
メ per: 2
⸫ wis: 1
π int: 1
ღ char: 1
φ mind: 5
Ω con: 5

i eat rocks
£ physical: 3
λ magical: 4
彡 dex: 4
メ per: 4
⸫ wis: 2
π int: 4
ღ char: 2
φ mind: 3
Ω con: 4
finger but hole
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1 nina 1
age: 11

-shit sneakers

-binges history channel
-has own pawnshop
-science! and sports
-hates black people

bigfoot called bullshit. gets angry. can't find bigfoot. asks wish. finds bigfoot. bigfoot is black. now believes conspiracies. now is scared.

£ physical: 3
λ magical: 4
彡 dex: 4
メ per: 4
⸫ wis: 2
π int: 4
ღ char: 2
φ mind: 3
Ω con: 4

weapon: jet boots
-can fly
-can kick
-can slash with wings

power: alter perceived value

wish: "I wanna find Bigfoot!" fuck you omniscience
4 bea 4
age: 11

-like shit

-family girl

super poor. sells trash animals. hides hunger. collapses. makes wish. still super poor.

weapon: artificial sun
-shoots beams
-absorbs things

£ physical: 5
λ magical: 5
彡 dex: 5
メ per: 2
⸫ wis: 1
π int: 1
ღ char: 1
φ mind: 5
Ω con: 5

power: can eat anything

wish: eat anything
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2 vera 2
age: 11

-ugly motherfucker
-fit though

-martial arts cool
-meguca mom???
-has magical sword
-sword makes portals

girl wants baby. girl kills witches. girl lives long. girl becomes mom. mom becomes witch. girl kills witches

weapon: sword
-can slash
-is magical

power: make portals

wish: magic sword
sword portals £?
>like shit
£ physical: 1
λ magical: 7
彡 dex: 1
メ per: 3
⸫ wis:1
π int: 1
ღ char: 7
φ mind: 7
Ω con: 7
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5 akari 5
age: 19

£ physical: 1
λ magical: 7
彡 dex: 1
メ per: 3
⸫ wis:1
π int: 1
ღ char: 7
φ mind: 7
Ω con: 7


-writes self-insert fanfics
-veteran magical girl

likes novel. novel has boyfriend. gets boyfriend. boyfriend is nice. boyfriend accepts her. boyfriend isn't novel. akari isn't novel. life isn't novel. novel ends.

weapon: true boyfriend
-will never leave her
-akari hates it

power: loved

wish: get boyfriend
why pics pixelated
your ass pixelated
surprised picture accurate
hiya rin-chan
this is fact

hi rin
sword portals λ

λ max distance
old menheras unite!

The Osaka Unholy Trinity are reunited!

>Lumina manages to make a mini Meguca Royale before I start my UK Spin-off.

I am disappointed in myself. I've actually had the UK Edition ready for a while but wanted to do a practice game.
Though, I should probably just start now and have the first thread be the practice. Nothing can go wrong.
2 royales simultaneously?
fucking do it

waitin on tamako
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3 tamako 3
age: 18

-tall as fuck
-scary as fuck
-dead fucking eyes
-blue fucking hair
-veteran magical girl

-hates teacher
-hates students
-hates school
-hates mean people
-omega good person

friend super dumb. school mean. parents mean. tamako not mean. tamako loves friend. friend depressed. tamako wish. friend disappears.

weapon: battle station
-can fly
-remotely reconfigure stuff

power: heal things

wish: heal magic
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these our niggucas

we start tomorrow
New meat for the grinder! How'd you put these images together anyways, Lummy
very cute girls

very cool forms

did not expect to become foxgirl
this da site(?) https://charat.me/en/chibi/

wingboots too tempting
stats too hard
brain smooth tako
i believe

lawl nobody wis
i broke rule
ignore big posts
i help tamako!

can be fast, can be strong, can be smart, can be tough

what stats want?
want magic fast
funny if 11

but only 22
sample stats here!

£ physical: 3
λ magical: 7
彡 dex: 7
メ per: 3
⸫ wis: 3
π int: 3
ღ char: 3
φ mind: 3
Ω con: 3

can move points

less smart to more wise
less tough to quick see
per helps dex be more effective, may be help
want dumb wise
£ physical: 3
λ magical: 7
彡 dex: 7
メ per: 3
⸫ wis: 5
π int: 1
ღ char: 3
φ mind: 3
Ω con: 3

want anything else?
give you macaron
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yay tamako!
is that stats?

roll m7 mind
roll is 1d100
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>m7 mind immediately
what the FUCK
failure? eat self?
damn, 10 off
back to miharu...

soul read: jim?
well done sherlock
>eat self?
soul gem yummy
taste? fruity? sweet?
tastes like gravity
Tastes like hormones and salty rocks.
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won't make it

procedurally generating gucas
speaking of references
noticed when lum posted sheet, sun like moon
interested to see how works
Lum works in mysterious ways... nonsensical, deranged ways, but mysterious nonetheless
excited to mega brain weapon then eat rock
eat magical sword?
can eat
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buy boardwalk
can eat bigfoot?
don't want cannibal

yes can eat
Knowing Erika, she would use her omniscience to figure out how lum works and then get a brain tumor.
Not because she would have actually learned anything mind you, it would just as a result of trying to figure out her ability omniscience for the 342,984th time in a row.
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boots have wings. wings of steel. nina squints. place looks weird. place feels weird

someone’s there

1 nina: are you witch

violet. lotsa red hair. messy red hair. maybe its witch

1 nina: are you witch

2 vera: no

1 nina: are you lying

2 vera: no

1 nina: im 11

2 vera: me too

nina&vera: friends!

yay! they clap. friends. friends in labyrinth
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1 nina: so where witch

steps are heard. someone is coming. someone panting. its fox girl. hair like sun

4 bea: um. hi

2 vera: hi

1 nina: are you witch

4 bea: no im shy

1 nina: she witch!

2 vera: no

1 nina: oh. i’m 11

2 vera: i’m 11

4 bea: i’m 11 too

nina&vera&bea: friends!

yaaay! they clap. more friends. more labyrinth
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1 nina: so where witch

4 bea: its scary but

2 vera: what

4 bea: witch chasing me

they turn around. something is flying. they scream

nina&vera&bea: run! witch!

they run. screams echo. they run far. no more flying. but big stairs

4 bea: we lost it?

2 vera: where is it?

1 nina: was it witch…?

3 tamako: was tamako

tamako is there. screams. screams in labyrinth

1 nina: witch! witch!

3 tamako: no.

2 vera: …no.

1 bea: no?

3 tamako: no.

1 nina: face scary! witch!

3 tamako: just my face

points at bea

3 tamako: i follow her.

1 nina: why? witch?

3 tamako: dangerous. i protect

???: it is dangerous
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they turn. someone in shadows. a dark presence

5 akari: tabletop witch domain.

is magical girl. it has ghost. ghost looks scary. girls are scared. tamako knows akari. tamako shocked. but

>1 φ: fail (don’t love akari)

>2 φ: fail (don’t love akari)

>3 φ: fail (don’t love akari)

1 nina: cool!

2 vera: wow

3 tamako: oh. handsome

no escape

5 akari: not this again

bea feels awkward. something is wrong. but

>4 φ: m7 roll 70 = fail (don’t love akari)

4 bea: …

hides behind tamako. bea shy

5 akari: you should leave

3 tamako: we should date

5 akari: there’s kids here

akari sighs. always the same

5 akari: lets introduce ourselves

1 nina: im nina!

2 vera: im vera

3 tamako: tamako. at your service

4 bea: …

1 nina: bea is shy. but no witch!

no surprises. no secrets. not this time

5 akari: im akari. am veteran. like tamako

3 tamako: faction leader akari

4 bea: faction… leader?

1 nina: wow akari cool!

2 vera: yeah! cool!

5 akari: doesn’t matter. come

they follow akari. akari always leader. can’t be helped
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5 akari: that’s start point

big door above. start point shiny. start point blue

5 akari: labyrinth is board. works like game. it’s board game

1 nina: wow cool!

3 tamako: maybe, but dangerous

5 akari: yes, dangerous. we can’t leave. unless we play

2 vera: i will win

1 nina: yay me too!

4 bea: im not good

3 tamako: i protect you

5 akari: let’s work together. together, we leave. first, introduce yourselves

points at nina

5 akari: talk about yourself. information is important

1 nina: yay ok!

walks to center. stands at center. rest is public
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1 nina: i’m nina! i like selling! i have pawnshop! sis is cool! im autist!

5 akari: eh

1 nina: i fly!

nina flies. super shoes fly

1 nina: i kick!

nina kicks. blade extends. kick is slash

4 bea: ooooooh!!

2 vera: not bad friend!

1 nina: i have coin!

4 bea: um- coin?

nina produces coin. its weird coin. has many circles

2 vera: coin. coin!

3 tamako: such a coin

4 bea: p-pretty coin.

5 akari: give me coin. right now.

1 nina: give me ghost

5 akari: ghost is yours

the ghost blinks

5 akari: go idiot

the ghost goes. akari gets coin. ghost orbits nina

5 akari: i have coin! wait, what?

1 nina: hehehehehhehehehe

she inspects coin. it’s normal. nina is shaking

1 nina: it’s scary

5 akari: what you do

1 nina: ghost is scary. take it off

5 akari: what you do

1 nina: i give value!

the ghost returns

2 vera: wow

3 tamako: so that was

1 nina: s-scarier than tamako

3 tamako: im so scary

1 nina: wait- didn’t have coin?

5 akari: very interesting. bea
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bea stays hidden. almost. hair is big. bigger than tamako. much bigger

5 akari: don’t be shy

1 nina: yes we here!

4 bea: really…?

bea steps out. tamako gently pushes

4 bea: i’m bea.

5 akari: i already know

4 bea: sorry

bea hides again. akari sighs

5 akari: sorry. come out

bea comes out

5 akari: what you do

4 bea: um

1 nina: bea what do

4 bea: oh i eat

artificial sun rises. it lights gargoyle. gargoyle slowly deintegrates

4 bea: it was tasty

5 akari: you ate it

bea nods

2 vera: thats kinda scary

1 nina: yeah kinda

3 tamako: it’s great power

4 bea: is it good?

looking at akari.

5 akari: it is. vera

4 bea: um. there’s something else

5 akari: say it

4 bea: i… copy

3 tamako: what copy bea?

4 bea: magic

2 vera: magic? how?

4 bea: but it hurts

3 tamako: hurts?

4 bea: it hurts others

1 nina: it’s ok! here

4 bea: ok… sorry

artificial sun rises. beam on nina.

1 nina: hot hot HOT

4 bea: s-sorry!!

no more beam. bea paralyzed.

5 akari: and?

4 bea: …….oh!! um… coin! good coin!

bea shows coin. it slips. she picks it

2 vera: coin. coin!

3 tamako: such a coin

1 nina: best coin!

5 akari: give me coin. right now.

4 bea: give me… hug

akari hugs bea. hides behind tamako

4 bea: ….hehehehe…

5 akari: it’s just coin?!
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5 akari: vera. your turn.

vera steps forward. vera slashes. arm didn’t move. it teleported slightly

1 nina: wow. wow!

slash formed portal. blue and cosmic

4 bea: scary

tamako: powerful

vera takes step. then takes step. then slashes behind. stands between portals

2 vera: this is limit. maximum distance

runs into portal. leaves from portal. runs into portal. leaves from portal. always running straight

1 nina: trippy!

4 bea: funny!

3 tamako: it’s the same

5 akari: yes. it is

nina&vera: same?

vera stops

3 tamako: same portal

nina blinks. looks vera portal. looks exit portal. same portal

5 akari: who you

2 vera: im vera. i’ll save mom

3 tamako: mom witch kiss?

vera shakes head

2 vera: mom is witch

1 nina: wait… what?!

3 tamako: magical girl… mom?

5 akari: now that’s new. you are wrong.

2 vera: i am not

5 akari: labyrinth is old. five years old.

2 vera: i know

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akari shows map

5 akari: vera: look

vera looks

5 akari: this rings bell?

2 vera: like mom game

1 nina: mom game?

2 vera: mom make games

5 akari: tell me rules

2 vera: throw dice. move. play minigames. get coins. make rooms harder

3 tamako: it can’t be

5 akari: absurd. still not sure.

vera points at map

2 vera: jail here

5 akari: still not sure. but…

3 tamako: …oh, my. akari

5 akari: i know. vera-

2 vera: what?

5 akari: nevermind. later

2 vera: i’ll save mom

1 nina: yay let’s go!

2 vera: and marry akari!

5 akari: SIGH

1 nina: what! no, me!

4 bea: n-no, me!

3 tamako: i have competition

5 akari: i like BOYS
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5 akari: this is guide

akari shows notebook. everyone gathers around

5 akari: too close. all too close!

1 nina: i’m short-sighted

2 vera: me too

4 bea: m-me too. glasses are expensive

3 tamako: i wear glasses

5 akari: you aren’t. magical girls don’t. damn it. pass it along!

akari walks away. heads to portal

1 nina: wait! what tamako does?

akari stops. tamako knows akari. akari knows tamako. but they don’t.

3 tamako: may i?

5 akari: go ahead
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3 tamako: i reconfigure objects

4 bea: what is re-con-firige…?

tamako points. all look. it’s stairs. weapon has keyboard. tamako types. rails become harp. music is played. clock becomes rifle. it shoots. chair becomes shield. blocks bullet. things keep element. but not shape.

1 nina: wow

2 vera: wow

4 bea: wow

5 akari: wow

3 tamako: thank you.

table becomes syringe. big syringe.

3 tamako: im a healer

5 akari: that is scary

3 tamako: heal your heart

5 akari: heart is ok

1 nina: make robot!

tamako makes robot. robot dances. draws on wall. drawing looks uncanny

1 nina: yay!!

2 vera: make big sword

ground spits blade. bea screeches. blade is big. vera smile too

2 vera: let’s share akari

3 tamako: bea?

4 bea: um… cat? is that ok?

wall portrait twists. becomes colorful cat. jumps on bea

4 bea: …i’ll protect you!

vase becomes bouquet

5 akari: i hate flowers
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akari turns. faces kid trio

5 akari: first time witch?

1 nina: yes!

4 bea: yes

2 vera: no

bea&nina: ooooooooooh!!

vera looks proud

2 vera: i beat witch. one hit!

5 akari: not this one

2 vera: this one too!

5 akari: no one ever-

3 tamako: -saw this witch

vera looks nina. nina looks bea. bea looks vera.

vera&nina&bea: huh??

5 akari: now. we can together. or make teams. or go solo.

akari glares portal

5 akari: let’s organize

1 nina: what’s akari magic?

akari closes eyes

5 akari: get loved automatically

>akari’s notebook: https://pastebin.com/ELM9Rc3e
>akari can command. overrides other votes. bea can resist
>time to organize!
took a while. luck fucked me. got too greedy. but no regrets. posts now often. sleep soon though
intresting board game. glad have mind. mind not useless.

need think hard. vera mom witch. yellow lead there. kill witch. game end?

maid cafe easy. buy stuff shopping-center? find labyrinth challenge. big possible gain. date same tile. easy coin gain. control room important.

questions. roll 1d4 move? kuso miso technique? bea eat copy. how long last?

also this planning shit is gonna be fucking tough as balls if we're limited to caveman grunts, but don't get too scared tamako-anon we'll work through this together
>kill witch. game end?
labyrinth needs witch

>roll 1d4 move?

>bea eat copy. how long last?
eats litte: little. eats lots: lots

>kuso miso technique?
akari forgot note?
pay 12 leave. what mean? leave labyrinth? leave lobby room?

each have 5. we pool money? two gucas go?
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made labeled map

will think later.

>also this planning shit is gonna be fucking tough as balls if we're limited to caveman grunts

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>mom is witch
s h i t. lum hates redheads.

tam makes javelins? vera carries. vera throws.

sword lending possible? give highest λ? vera martial artist? trained to fight? has effect?
4 bea: 'pay 12 leave'. what mean? leave labyrinth? leave lobby room...?

5 akari: start with 5. we have 5. can pay 12? can we?

4 bea: um... we can share...

5 akari: someone comes alone. has 5. how pay?

3 tamako: easy, now. she's little

4 bea: ...sorry. im not smart... sorry

5 akari: SIGH. 12 leaves labyrinth. only from here. starting is free

2 vera: make javelins! vera carries. vera throws

3 tamako: of course

rows of javelins. from floor. like death trap.

4 bea: s-scary

nina&vera: cool!

vera picks one. about to throw-

5 akari: don't. not here. jailer may come

1 nina: not for tamako? tamako broke things

3 tamako: just in case

2 vera: i give this

gives sword tamako.

3 tamako: sword?

2 vera: swing!

tamako swings badly. portal opens

1 nina: it's portal!

2 vera: sword is independant! wish was sword.

tamako flies away. then further. then further. then even further. then slashes.

1 nina: ooooooh!!

5 akari: portal range increased

3 tamako: used my magic

5 akari: hmm. interesting

4 bea: but... how vera fight?

2 vera: am martial artist!

vera kicks air. vera punches air. its strong

5 akari: won't be enough

2 vera: will be! come try me!

5 akari: pass

>vera's sword independant. can be passed
>sword slash portals. portals open always. last portal overriden
>vera martial artist. however, much weaker. -4 PA
>-4 PA
give sword back. need PA 7. someone else carry?
or make bow. quiver and arrows.

2 vera: make bow. make quiver. make arrow!

3 tamako: of course

chandellier becomes bow. vase becomes quiver. candles become arrows. bea hugs cat

vera&nina: neat!!

vera grabs bow. aims.

5 akari: no-

shoots. hits portrait. square in face

5 akari: god fucking damnit

3 tamako: stay behind us

2 vera: huh? why?

5 akari: behind!

the trio cowers. veterans cover them. nothing happens

5 akari: SIGH

2 vera: oh? bow looks bad

3 tamako: not that resistant. you too strong

2 vera: hell yeah!
...akari bully.......
nothing to do. except roll. we move group?

room who good:
chase dog- tamako.
car ride- bea. i eat car. run point b. "car point b" in bea stomach.
unknown iii- shopping. anyone. don't know.
maid cafe easy. anyone.

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cat cute... we want groups? we go roll?
6e 69 67 67 65 72
if guca roll. can group after?

vera roll 1. no group yet. because roll 1. bea want go. bea go with?
6f 69 20 6c 75 6d 2c 20 79 6f 75 20 77 61 6e 74 65 64 20 74 6f 20 70 6c 61 79 20 61 20 67 75 63 61 2c 20 72 69 67 68 74 3f 20 64 69 64 20 79 6f 75 20 6d 61 6e 61 67 65 20 74 6f 20 67 65 74 20 61 20 73 70 6f 74 20 69 6e 20 6d 61 72 69 65 27 73 20 67 61 6d 65 3f
4 bea: if someone rolls. can group after?

5 akari: yes

3 tamako: yes

5 akari: why repeat

3 tamako: so you ask. sweet sweet attention

5 akari: ...we can split. make groups. exit same turn. exit different turns. lobby turn exent. but only lobby

4 bea: um... was other thing.

3 tamako: its ok. communication always hard

5 akari: not really. say it

vera shoots arrows. nina swings javelin. yay!

4 bea: vera roll 1. no group yet. because... roll 1? bea want go. bea go with?

5 akari: vera roll 1. vera move 1. vera touching someone? when roll? they move together. roll settles teams. can't decide afterwards.

3 tamako: was that it? its ok bea

5 akari: stop shooting stuff!

vera&nina: sorry!
okay. last questions. akari write this. "10 coins leave." different from lobby? 12 coins leave?

also. only way down. that bea see. is fake labyrinth. know how get to level 2? otherwise. coins useless. just roll lucky. fight fake witch. shortcut to real. kill vera mom. over.

tamako-anon, you okay? know lots words. bea can simplify. looks hard but. not too bad.
so tamako sees.

only new player. rest all senpais. :P
bea want tamako. have good time.
4 bea: um... miss akari?

5 akari: you talk lots. too much

3 tamako: she likes you. good job bea. you very brave

bea hides. then doesn't. then hides. then doesn't.

5 akari: just ask!!

4 bea: s-sorry!! it just! here says this: "coins leave". but, you said...

3 tamako: oh. i see

5 akari: bad with details. its 12.

3 tamako: good job bea

but bea still. bea shuffles feet. its not over

5 akari: ...just ask again

4 bea: ok. sorry. sorry! um! how get level 2? kill vera mom?

2 vera: kill?

tamako&akari: shhhhhhh!!

4 bea: ...oh? oh. sorry

2 vera: kill who?

5 akari: nobody.

3 tamako: level 2 unknown. never got there. many expeditions. few results.

5 akari: many casualties.


5 akari: no level 2. we leave

4 bea: ...sorry

5 akari: unknown win conditions. been five years
...so goal. we get coins. we leave. hope witch don't. hurt anyone else.

...psst. vera. what you think? senpais want leave. but your mom... she here. what want do? i help.
gasp. nina got 2 idea. can change perception. change perceived value. what if changes. dive value. perceived by labirinth? Example:
>roll 2
>nina does magic
>path 2 room 3 lights
smart, no?
other idea. girl spend coins. nina does magic. changes coin value. 1 of itself -> 2. or 3. or 4.
Or. Get into debt. nina magics. perceived debt = 0.
smart, no???
dice value. nina bit tongue.
nina smart...

1 nina: OH!!! have idea!!!

5 akari: so loud. ears

1 nina: but idea!!

3 tamako: good job nina. what is idea?

nine lifts finger. then another finger

1 nina: two ideas! one: can change perception. change perceived value. what if changes. dice value. perceived by labyrinth?

5 akari: explain yourself

1 nina: tamako! make face dice

pebble becomes dice. nina picks it up. sides have faces. first side nina. second side vera. third side tamako. fourth side bea

1 nina: it has bea! look bea!

5 akari: irrelevant. state your plan

1 nina: ok!

throws fake dice. rolls tamako face

5: it's 3

1 nina: now i use magic

5 akari: it's 4?

1 nina: yay!!

4 bea: um. can labyrinth perceive?

3 tamako: im not sure

5 akari: surely it's automatic

1 nina: never be sure! other idea. we spend coins. nina does magic. change coin value. now coin worth more!

4 bea: nina is smart

1 nina: im super smart!

2 vera: i make portals

4 bea: t-that's great too

5 akari: makes more sense. shopkeepers do perceive. could work.

3 tamako: good job nina

1 nina: hehehe! other idea! change my value. akari loves me!

5 akari: until magic depleted. then hate you

1 nina: waaaaaahh!!
nina! nina! see if change. coin value > 12. work on labyrinth? someone leave? if work. then dice work. probably?
>changes perceived value 2 20
1 nina: WAIT!! got BEST idea! ever!!

5 akari: aaaa!! is gagging yourself??

1 nina: better! look!

takes out coin.

1 nina: now magic

4 bea: coin worth... 20?

2 vera: we rich!

3 tamako: i see. good thinking

1 nina: hehehe. now- let's leave!

5 akari: go ahead

1 nina: where? coins go where?

5 akari: ...follow me

it's exit room. ceiling huge hole. right under portal. eerie. majestic. like bathing moonlight

5 akari: there. put coin there

angel-like statue. very weird. head is joystick. eyes are buttons. too many eyes. nose is stick. empty open palms

1 nina: right!

nina puts coin

1 nina: now i leave!

4 bea: what about us?

1 nina: oh! that's right

2 vera: can you leave?

1 nina: let's see!


1 nina: wait how leave?

5 akari: stand there. entrance portal pulls.

4 bea: entrance portal clock?

5 akari: yes. clock is entrance

nina stands under. stretches arms. looks above.

2 vera: nina! what about us?

1 nina: OH!! right!!

nina takes coin. palms empty

1 nina: bea, give coin

4 bea: coin

coin magic. nina puts coin. palms have coin

1 nina: now stand there

bea stands under

4 bea: im scared

1 nina: you'll be fine!

bea closes eyes


nothing is happening

1 nina: when it happens?

5 akari: already should. doesn't work

1 nina: awwww

5 akari: means labyrinth mechanic

2 vera: let's jump high

tamako&akari: do not

2 vera: why?

they point up. many dark figures. flying. many familiars

5 akari: extreme speed required. highly risky

3 tamako: portal seals fast

1 nina: what about dice?

5 akari: won't work. safe to say.

1 nina: awww
can eat familiars?
4 bea: can eat familiars?

tamako&akari: don't even try!

familiars are many
nina. vera. think two teams. too many people. room too hard. only one person. maybe fail challenge. if not adapt.
me adaptable. tamako adaptable. one each team.

vera portal fast. can catch dog. tamako also fast. can catch dog. vera with me?

nina good shop. she can make. most of coin. so if pool. buy lots. should be in. group of three.

either senpais team. and 11s team. or me vera. rest other team. what you think?

also. don't want to. leave tamako-anon behind...
by the way. bea very cute. actually. all gucas cute. all lil kiddos. want give headpat.
>don't want to. leave tamako-anon behind...
don't worry. we wait tamako-anon. we wait akari-anon. they waited.
Akari think good plan.

Not big sure about teams, but think senpais team idea good strong.
let's look @ 1st 4 rooms

>: car ride room
nina: flies
tamako: flies/configure fuel
vera: portals
bea: goes with another
akari: goes with another. maybe rides ghost?

>2: maid cafe
nina: changes value. customers think we. = best maids ever
tamako: big. old. probably good maid
vera: ... i got nothing
bea: read above
akari: 2-in-1 maid

>3: unkown challenge
all know = buying. if shopkeepers => nina magic. but Tamako maybe. configure coins? can she try. try now?

>4: chase dog
nina: change dog perception. make it love. love staying. with us!
vera: portals
bea: i got nothing
tamako: configure nets?
akari: ghost help

all in all. think these teams. work well:
>nina + tamako
both fly. tamako makes objects. nina changes the. perception. of them.

>bea + vera + akari
portals + sun = lasers. everywhere. all fast. ghost extra hands.

Akari likes Nina plan look smart many good words good. Yes.
>what want do?
destroy witch. recover mom's body. take witch parts. witch is soul. body is body. both make person. will find way.
>what you think?
want tam. healer and weaponsmith. kill familiars. make gear. kill witch. make mom.

martial autist? swordsmanship great?
can predict secrets? witch is mom. familiar with game? 7π?
if tamako configure. make convincing coin. teams great! if not. consider moving akari.

logic: nina makes value. each coin more. buy 15 things. one each coin. rather than 10.
that being said. me vera. both 1 char. probably fail maid. however. fail not bad. fail = half dice. means we get. more rooms. more likely get. false labyrinth. find vera mom.
yes. tamako very useful. however for dog. dog fast. need catch. two fastest- you and tamako. better catch dog. if each team.

can always meet. later. is okay? if not. can switch.

bea ate gargoyle. bea get power? or no.
hope tamako anon. still here.
>is okay?
>dog fast. need catch
javelin dog. hit. no move. catch.
prize: get dog. dead dog. not very useful...
hit leg. very carefully. tam heals.
doggo... if need... can hit...
tam make rope?
don't know.

tam configured items. how long last?
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3 tamako: here

1 nina: woooow!

4 bea: ...it's so pretty

tamako shows room. sofas. pillows. tea sets. lamps. a chandellier. stained glass ceiling. desks. and many books

1 nina: flowers look weird

5 akari: everything weird closer

vera tilts head. squints at flower

2 vera: flower is feathers?

5 akari: labyrinths lack logic

4 bea: but very pretty

3 tamako: glad you enjoy

rug is map. map other world. weird world.

3 tamako: don't eat anything. let's rest here

5 akari: don't waste time

3 tamako: resting isn't wasting

5 akari: nothing worth resting

but nina sits. bea sits. akari sighs

2 vera: rooms no win?

vera has notepad

5 akari: yes. shopping center. some in school. hat-headed familiar

2 vera: how is hat?

5 akari: dunno? brown?

2 vera: is it winged?

5 akari: winged?

3 tamako: yes

akari glances tamako. tamako winks

5 akari: why wink?

3 tamako: nothing. its winged

2 vera: its grandpa hat

akari eyes open.

3 tamako: is grandpa alright?

2 vera: he's in heaven

4 bea: i'm sorry.

2 vera: why sorry?

4 bea: big brother heaven. it hurts. want hug?

2 vera: i was little. doesn't hurt

5 akari: how he die?

3 tamako: akari

5 akari: do you know?

2 vera: mom didn't say.

1 nina: let's go there! maybe vera remembers!

5 akari: tsk. fine
vera climbing books. nina climbing books. nina flies. vera says cheating

4 bea: tamako? can i ask?

3 tamako: always, sunshine

4 bea: hehehe. i like that. um. can make coin?

5 akari: coin?

4 bea: u-um! like the coin. t-the labyrinth coin

bea shows coin.

3 tamako: copy the coin. bea so smart

4 bea: oh, im not...

3 tamako: let's see...

golden ashray transforms. it becomes coin. tamako looks closer. then keeps transforming. then again

3 tamako: hmm...

she compares coins

3 tamako: there are differences. problem is material. using is risky

4 bea: what if material?

3 tamako: maybe good enough. it may work

5 akari: it may not. familiars are relentless.

3 tamako: here

4 bea: oh, fake coin. thank you. it's almost perfect

2 vera: akari! look!

1 nina: no! akari, look!

2 vera: no, here, here!

1 nina: shut up! here!

akari isn't looking

4 bea: can meet later? in same room?

5 akari: obvious question. think a little

3 tamako: yes, bea. land same room. touch to team

5 akari: some rooms competition. different teams compete. dog room, bar room.

3 tamako: we can arrange

4 bea: thank you akari. thank you tamako

akari looks away. she's still standing. vera slips. falls from bookshelf. fifth time already
4 bea: um... tamako...

5 akari: shy but talks. you aren't shy. at all

3 tamako: shy, but brave. ask anytime. we guide you

tamako glances akari. not angry glance. akari doesn't answer

4 bea: thank you. sorry. im just worried. so, um, items... tamako configured items: how long last?

3 tamako: until broken. but are frail. like that cat

cat bea arms. cat still sleeping.

3 tamako: magic reconfigures things. afterwards, things free. very useful, right?

4 bea: your magic wonderful!

3 tamako: wanna try it?

4 bea: ah, um, no...

3 tamako:i can heal. don't worry

4 bea: if you sure...

artificial sun rises. shines on tamako. tamako says nothing. bea stops anyway

4 bea: i'm sorry. did that hurt?

3 tamako: don't say sorry. say thank you.

4 bea: sorry. no. thank you

tamako smiles. bea hides akari

5 akari: hush. away with you

3 tamako: come here. make akari something

4 bea: but... what akari likes?

5 akari: actual strategy meetings

4 bea: what is strategy?

3 tamako: make her boyfriend

5 akari: WHAT

4 bea: ok!

books fly. pillow gets sucked. a lamp too. some charcoal also. and some roses. all to same place. they become boyfriend. face is page. page has drawing

4 bea: is this good?

akari mouth open

3 tamako: it's perfect dear. akari loves it

boyfriend hugs akari. akari doesn't move

4 bea: it can hug!

3 tamako: yay!
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akari still still. tamako makes device. it plays music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__QdAxqBi5Y [Embed]

never use music. but, felt fitting. planning room music!

don't scare newcomers

posts this later. after tamako-anon arrives

we wait tamako-anon. we start together. meanwhile, UK! hype!
hat headed familiar... is grandpa...
always dies... very sad... especially with music... nice planning music...
cute conversations. nice music.

items last forever. very good. tamako can make. close fake coin. plus nina value. very good shopping. those teams work.
still, consider akari. with nina tamako. because nina tamako. eh fighting. for some fights. lose = die. extra akari helps.

vera very strong. can solo familiars. bea good pa. portal lasers. we can handle.
also. now think more. historical recreation... war broken candles. probably.

room nine lights. nine gucas. 6 ba. 3 osaka. one light. can't turn on. one guca (helen). magic turned off. coincidence? or interesting...
think more. cold motorhome alone... grandpa motorhome... baby die... fail always back... to cold empty motorhome...
bea think. vera mom... had hard life. genuine melancholy.
have to say. lum is master. master at kino... whole board game. final jail room. good eeriness. almost afterlife. judgment feeling. combo other rooms. bea amazed.
holy fuck i just keep thinking about it more and more, this whole situation is so fucking tragic yet beautiful, vera's board-game loving mom is my favorite guca now, and pokke village being looped in the background while i think about it more is just damn perfect
>raises hand
can Tomako configurate. simple stuff. into complex stuff? stuff like grenades. or guns. or a chemical. into another chemical?
timing off. two years ago. war. five years ago. witch. maybe different city? witch is seer? war is everpresent.
make own familiars? arm with guns. warlord.
>make own familiars?
why not change. familiars' values. make us > witch.
that being said. i don't want. be too idealistic...
very possible that. tamako-anon decide game "not for me". and leave. sorry for burden. don't want hold. everyone up.
if tamako. not here today. should prob start.

good point. though possible. we in future? don't know. see when there :)

interesting idea. try here? make nina value. way up. see if familiars. respond?
>makes nina precious. more precious. than the witch. nina top witch
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tam better λ. less cost. cat forever.
>we in future?
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awwwww, no tamako-anon. but we move. let's npc her. can rejoin later.
what is this
is board game. sort of.
we magical girls. mini quest. multiplayer. only caveman talk. fun interlude probably? qm writes others. this in between.
aight! little recap

who agrees? other opinions?

>destroy witch. recover mom's body. take witch parts. witch is soul. body is body. both make person. will find way.
going with this?


nina raises hand

1 nina: can Tomako configurate. simple stuff. into complex stuff? stuff like grenades. or guns. or a chemical. into another chemical?

5 akari: let go motherfucker!

akari pushes boyfriend. but boyfriend chases. running around room. ghost sees chase. ghost looks sad.

3 tamako: element remains same.

4 bea: how guns shoot?

3 tamako: that's little trick

2 vera: you made robots!

3 tamako: simple robots

1 nina: robots aren't simple!

3 tamako: can't chemicals

1 nina: guns no gunpowder?

2 vera: robots no circuits?

4 bea: cat no... purr?

tamako gestures. akari climbs bookshelf. ghost fights boyfriend. boyfriend is winning

3 tamako: guns little explosions. robots simple minded. cat perfectly fine

4 bea: im happy

3 tamako: all but simple

1 nina: still amazing! what about grenades?

3 tamako: can't. too much boom. material alteration limited

2 vera: still don't get it...

4 bea: akari having fun!

akari punching boyfriend

>make own familiars? arm with guns. warlord.
>why not change. familiars' values. make us > witch.
>interesting idea. try here? make nina value. way up. see if familiars. respond?
explain. brain banana

regarding teams: what is consensus? we go! we go!
still think. consider moving akari. to nina tamako. but others decide. i okay with. current set up.

i think. nina idea. go familiar room. boost her value. see if familiars. don't hurt her? instead help maybe? want familiar think. "nina important. more than witch."
yes. kill witch.
kill familiars. material. make minion. make gun. command minion shoot. horde. meat shields.

fine with plan.
turn familiar's priorities. from witch < us. 2. us > witch

this! bea smart 2!
this is nina
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1 nina: i have idea!!

3 tamako: full of ideas

1 nina: balloon of ideas!

4 bea: ...what if prick?

1 nina: no prick! change familiar values. make us important. more than witch. familiar friends!

2 vera: what for? let's kill familiars. tamako uses bodies. makes own familiars. horde! meat shields! then gun!

ghost chewing boyfriend. bea horrorized

5 akari: makes no sense

1 nina: mine better!

5 akari: no sense either

nina&vera: why?!

3 tamako: give some thought. familiars won't attack. we attack them. use them. fly to portal.

5 akari: is power absolute? can't it fail?

1 nina: it can't. it's perfect!

3 tamako: no such thing. maybe good enough. and that's enough

5 akari: fine. value up. then? what happens?

nina shrugs.

1 nina: can't be bad!

5 akari: SIGH

2 vera: can't go wrong. worst, we run. or fly. or fight.

5 akari: one hundred familiars.

4 bea: akari counted them?

5 akari: someone else did. one hundred familiars.

1 nina: that's a lot.

5 akari: they will react. how?

nina scratches head. akari's ghost spits. construct is ball

4 bea: akari hates it...

bea sad

3 tamako: practice makes perfect

5 akari: no, no practice. look. im fucking stupid. and evil. but i know. even i know. this is suicidal

2 vera: nah! we strong!

1 nina: akari worries lots!

3 tamako: akari old. still, vera right. familiars are elements. can use them. though, there's problem. living things hard. they resist.

4 bea: but, bodies soft. stone hard. metal harder

3 tamako: magic interferes

2 vera: magic is weird

1 nina: magicless living things?

3 tamako: oh. those are easy

nina&vera&bea: tamako is scary

5 akari: damn

3 tamako: we could try. play it safe. have backup plan

5 akari: against hundred familiars

1 nina: it's free exit!

4 bea: we would leave...?

vera says nothing. akari SIGHS. yet again. it's her quip

5 akari: ...ok, state plan
tamako scary...
hm. can't make familiar. but. look like value... probably work. we can use. in board game. or try. on 100 familiars. leave now. but. we... don't want leave. right?

let's finalize teams. and go!!!!!!! we will win!!!!! go level 2!!!! free vera mom. from suffering. one way. or other... stop witch.

also, vera. vera want... fight mom witch. use material. make soul. but. tamako just say. hard use magic. on magic. still want try?
living hard resistance. dead no resist. if no horde. make gear.
>still want try?
it is mom.
>still want try?
yes. for friend!

>let's finalize teams
i'm good 2 go. with tamako. i can combat. tamako can make: bear traps. punji pits. scary stuff. i can make it. irresistible 4 familiars.

with akari. you 3 strong. won't need healer.
okay. let's do it. we take akari. if you're sure.

...best of luck. nina. tamako. hope... we meet again.
so be it. help carry javelins?
i can. sun floats.
akari final veto
can tamako make. radio earpieces? so we can. communicate?

61 6E 64 20 66 6F 72 20 74 68 65 20 67 6F 6F 64 20 51 4D 20 74 6F 20 68 61 76 65 20 61 20 68 6F 6D 6F 64 69 65 67 65 74 69 63 20 72 65 61 73 6F 6E 20 77 68 79 20 77 65 20 63 61 6E 20 68 65 61 72 20 65 61 63 68 6F 74 68 65 72
Akari go with friends! Akari help kill familiars. Akari strong fist magic!
for clarification. akari go. with bea vera? or nina tamako?
Go with bea. smash stuff good.
>ok… state plan

nina bigger somehow. tamako lifts eyebrow. nina just shaking. and grinning

1 nina: i have idea!!!!

5 akari: so surprising.

construct is ball. bea lifts ball. takes it away

1 nina: many ideas!

5 akari: cool

1 nina: many many!!

5 akari: god damn start

1 nina: no!!!

akari quizzical stare. vera head tilt. nina big smile

1 nina: just kidding!! first four rooms. car ride room. maid cafe room. unknown challenge room. chase dog room-

5 akari: unknown challenge room?

1 nina: is included! car ride room. tamako makes fuel. vera makes portal. maid room! i change value. tamako big old. good maid!

3 tamako: hmp. tamako not old

5 akari: finally, weak point

1 nina: unknown challenge room! change coin value. buy everything. try everything! maybe tamako coins. figure it out! then-

3 tamako: not sure

4 bea: but coin pretty

3 tamako: pretty not enough

1 nina: then- chase dog room! i change perception. make dog love us! also, vera portals. tamako make nets! akari ghost chases? dunno! so:

nina sings fanfare. it is loud. bea magics ball. ball becomes akari.

1 nina: these best teams: me and tamako. bea vera akari.
akari opens mouth. maybe question. maybe other akari. gets interrupted instantly

1 nina: me tamako fly. tamako makes objects. object value changes. good team! does everything!

bea shuffles about. she wanted tamako

1 nina: then! portals + sun = lasers. everywhere. all fast. and ghost. extra hands, maybe. does something

5 akari: ghost is useless

ghost is sad

1 nina: akari rides ghost!

5 akari: absolutely fucking not

1 nina: ghost becomes sword?

5 akari: it does not.

1 nina: akari shoots ghost?

ghost looks scared

5 akari: hmm. yeah why not

1 nina: yay! we have teams!

2 vera: what? that’s it?

1 nina: nobody said no.

it is true. no objections. nina stares akari.

5 akari: whatever. that’s team composition

1 nina: yay!

3 tamako: good job nina

2 vera: giving up akari? thanks!

4 bea: thank you nina!

nina mouth open. then wide open. she visibly recalibrates

1 nina: bad idea. bad team composition. new teams. me akari. vera bea tamako

5 akari: hmm… first idea good

2 vera: yeah. first makes sense

4 bea: nina is smart

3 tamako: it is logical

1 nina: no! it’s not! it’s super bad! i’m dumb!!! look! new idea! look!!
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4 bea: um… vera

nina background noise. akari dumbfounded. new akari giggles. acts all cutesy. looks like her

4 bea: fight mom witch. use material. make soul. yes?

2 vera: yes!

4 bea: but. tamako just say. hard use magic. on magic. still want try?

vera just nods. super serious

2 vera: it is mom.

4 bea: i understand. i love mom

bea picks javelins

4 bea: i help

2 vera: bea friend

vera picks javelins. nina louder

1 nina: wait! wait! better idea! other idea! hear, hear! pleeeeasee!

3 tamako: akari, please hear

5 akari: god damnit fine.

1 nina: tamako! make radio earpiece? to communicate?

4 bea: …add wings?

all look bea. tamako smiles

3 tamako: wings, why not

chandelier above falls. stops in mid-air. splits, contorts, transforms. becomes five headsets. angel winged headsets

3 tamako: best i could

nina&bea&nina: cooooooooooool!!!

5 akari: mine demon wings?

3 tamako: you like that

5 akari: guess i do

1 nina: then…

2 ver: then…

bea swallows. hugs mechacat close

5 akari: yes. let’s go back.
it's exit again. blue door awaits. mecha akari followed. hand-holding akari. too persistent. akari gave up

3 tamako: good job, bea

4 bea: akari likes it!

5 akari: i hate myself. stop wasting magic

4 bea: s-sorry

mecha-akari looks happy. ghost fears it. finally, portal. start of labyrinth

5 akari: who goes first? we leave together? we leave separately? turns in between?

looking at nina. nina giddy

1 nina: um... um...!!

>decide the order. decide when leave. roll 1d4 each
vera team first.
Rolled 1 (1d4)


let's roll dice. then decide
car ride challenge. me and tamako. can fly. we go there.
Rolled 3 (1d4)

Rolled 3 (1d4)

sword sword sword
funny rolls. best shopping duo. don't go shopping. portal team. don't get car.
don't think tamako. can make fuel. out of whatever. chemical after all. but we see. worst happen car. is go back. so no harm. no foul.
but. but. nina got idea. we can d-
>idea balloon pops
ok. we go shopping
we already roll. but maybe best. would have been. nina tamako go. we wait. if they fail. they come back. tell us tricks. for car. but it okay. shopping is shopping. see what have. we have 15. total together. can get stuff.
after roll. must go. you roll 1. must go 1. i think. based on lum. post here- >>6086350
will wait. practice swordsmanship meantime.
think... roll already... forced move. glad akari vera. rolled same. otherwise. we separate.
Rolled 64 (1d100)

roll starting DP. DP = despair points.
-char mind = 2
-roll is 80
-80-70 = 10
-10/5 = 2
-DP = 85 + 2 = 87

i roll tamako
Rolled 46 (1d100)

Rolled 67 (1d100)

here roll.

vera... think -6 despair points... unfortunate.
Rolled 40 (1d100)

is this good?
is -2 i think. not too bad.
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85 is starter.
roll is adding.
(magnitude 3 mind/5)+85
the - is misleading.
no idea why. starter isn't 100.
traditional despair roll. 100 perfectly clean. no mental damage. everything perfect: absurd.


akari pleasee. i wanna wriiiteee
think akari timezone. uk. offset ours.
timezones big deal. think i'll start. rolls been made. akari roll later
won't make it. tomorrow we go. we going slow. but it's ok.
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>everything perfect: absurd
tell true absurdity. grief seed upgrade.
players fight witch. nearly dead.
must use seed. dice gods laugh.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

Akari apologies. Had early sleep. Me make roll now.
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not lookiing good
no need apology. we no schedule. writing soon!
Time to pull an akame ga kill.
Main character death time.
true meguca experience.
As was foretold…
–current global guca status–

1 nina
99/100 HP
83/100 DP
mental status: normal

2 vera
100/100 HP
78/100 DP
mental status: normal

3 tamako
95/100 HP
88/100 DP
mental status: normal

4 bea
100/100 HP
92/100 DP
mental status: normal

5 akari
100/100 HP
85/100 DP
mental status: depressed
even 7 mind... can get sad...
also. sorry nina, tamako! i ate. your hp gone. hopefully regen soon
ok i'll ask. storywise, nina rolled. akari rolled. tamako touched nina. akari touched others. according to plan. this is unchangable. reason is rolls. roll decides teams. now- nina tamako car. trio shopping. still, there's option. can break rules. can fight jailers. tamako bad idea. akari bad idea. your choice. stay like this?
>break rules
sounds like fun. everyone in jail. kick around forever.
break rule. do what? we go car? nina tamako shopping?

eh. think current okay. break rule later. nina tamako. can still shop. i will break the rules so vera can talk to gramps though, if we're gonna roll past
>stay like this?
>talk to gramps
isn't him. tulpa.
if believe him. is him. closest thing possible. to talking with...
true victory condition. is probably... coming to terms. with death.
>um... um...!!

5 akari: this is dice

takes from pocket. shows dice. has four faces. weird, impractical, asymmetrical. mecha-akari hugs arm

5 akari: when we-

1 nina: whatever! let’s gooooooooooo-

3 tamako: -wait!-

1 nina: -goooooooo!

nina rolls die. the roll is a 1.

1 nina: ok! now decide team!

akari facepalms. nina confused. vera confused. bea confused

3 tamako: don’t worry akari. we held hands

1 nina: hands?

tamako handholding nina. nina just noticed

3 tamako: just in time. touching makes team. dice settles team

1 nina: what!?

door blasts open

nina&bea: *screeching noises*

2 vera: the heck?!?!

bea behind tamako. nina behind akari. vera draws sword. behind door, darkness. but darkness flickers. becomes heaven. then darkness, soothingly

4 bea: it’s pretty… it’s scary…

1 nina: the circles!!

sees only barely. afar, like planets. it’s the challenges

5 akari: team been decided. good job brat
golden bridge connects. golden words floor. meaningless, endless words. below, nothing. nothing at all

1 nina: whatever! perfect team! let’s go shopping!

3 tamako: 1 is car.

1 nina: wasn’t 1 shopping?

akari SIGHS. grabs bea shoulder. elbow vera head. rolls die. 3

5 akari: what a coincidence. shopping

1 nina: me tamako go! i give value! tamako make coins! also akari! akari comes!

3 tamako: no can do. jailers enforce rules

1 nina: i have idea! let’s beat jailers!

5 akari: we follow plan. let’s go.

4 bea: but… what about kitty?

3 tamako: kitty stays. waits for us

carefully, bea crouches. drops mechacat. but mechacat returns. rests on boots

4 bea: hehehe

5 akari: just kick it

4 bea: n-no!

3 tamako: akari

5 akari: i’m joking. almost. let’s go. beware time limit. enter room fast

akari kicks mecha-akari. akari steps out. leaves alone.

2 vera: be safe nina!

4 bea: be careful tamako!

they follow akari. bea stops mecha-akari. shakes head. mecha-akari sad. sky turns dark. sky above. sky below

3 tamako: let’s go, nina

1 nina: no! let’s fight jailers! don’t want this

throws tantrum

3 tamako: maybe next time

tamako hover ahead. soon, nina follows. reluctantly, at first. but she forgets- two seconds later
1 nina: woooooooooooooww!!!!

road wide. five walk. side by side. surprisingly long journey. first room ahead. seems far. everything gigantic

4 bea: i feel small

3 tamako: you are small

4 bea: not like that

1 nina: the witch!!!

nina points above. familiars. look like bees. have hats. body is cog. carry kerosene lamps. bright green fire

5 akari: our saviors. never hurt them.

2 vera: saviors?

5 akari: they give light. without light, danger

1 nina: but there’s sun

3 tamako: rules stop sun. step out, blackout. it’s a warning

4 bea: break rule, blackout…

they keep walking

2 vera: shopping is… impossible challenge?

5 akari: yup. just follow rules. don’t look down

nina&vera: why?

they look down. nothing.

1 nina: it’s nothing!

2 vera: yeah! no witch! who cares!

bea eyes shut. bea hugging leg. it’s akari leg

5 akari: i can’t move

4 bea: mom! i’m scared! too high!

bea shaking

2 vera: but there’s nothing

3 tamako: akari. piggy-back carry

5 akari: no

3 tamako: she’s small

5 akari: so? let her grow

3 tamako: growing fast hurts

5 akari: fine jeez

bea climbs instantly. like cockroach. akari pale

1 nina: bea so fast!

2 vera: bea climb trees?

4 bea: um, yes. free fruit

5 akari: this thing scary
5 akari: ok, time limit! time limit! time limit!

1 nina: tamako, let’s go!!

nina rushes ahead.

3 tamako: there’s still time

5 akari: just go

tamako flies ahead. big ball ahead. transparent. has big car. has big sign. weird letters. amusement park attraction. in front: portal

1 nina: ready, tamako?!

3 tamako: ready

tamako looks back. waves. bea eyes closed. maybe for akari. nina enters. tamako enters

5 akari: time to lose

4 bea: is game broken?

2 vera: no. it isn’t

akari glances vera. says nothing. walk past room. maid cafe challenge. then impossible room. shopping center theme. looks like attraction. sign with letters. many things above. weird sport things. weird cake ingredients. hand holding bill

5 akari: looks fun. isn’t

2 vera: i’m ready

5 akari: go down now

4 bea: but it’s safe

5 akari: i’ll start shaking

4 bea: i’ll go down!

bea drops. eyes still closed

2 vera: portal here. i’ll lead you. let’s go!!

4 bea: um- let’s gooo..!

they enter. akari looks around. lights already dimming. she enters too
me don't. like cats much. but lum... make cat cute. cat and bea. very cute. somehow changing mind.

guca me... always scared heights... is funny.

vera will carry. every unknown win. insider knowledge. let's bake cake.
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1 nina: what is this!!!

middle of nowhere. looks like desert. cactus have arms. metal flowers. mountains sideways

3 tamako: that’s our ride

car looks old. unkept. unloved

1 nina: is that car?

3 tamako: not sure. looks like it

nina peeks windows. car structure. but, back weird. seat upside-down. door on roof

1 nina: worst car ever

3 tamako: still has fuel. any nice ideas?

1 nina: where we going?

tamako points sky. red like, vertical. far, bright, immense. joystick above

1 nina: at least obvious

3 tamako: road not so

1 nina: ideas. hmmm…

nina thinks. tamako no chemicals. distance far

1 nina: what’s time limit?

3 tamako: line always fading

1 nina: no clock? hmp! too vague

nina pushes car. it moves

1 nina: it’s kinda light!

3 tamako. no. you are strong

1 nina: oh, that’s right

>mission: get car there!
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bea sees dark

4 bea: are we safe? open eyes?

5 akari: go right ahead

bea opens eyes. gigantic fish stares.


bea closes eyes. runs away. tackles vera

2 vera: auch! easy, now! it’s water tank!

5 akari: ha

2 vera: what a bully

vera helps bea. both stand. huge water tank. big ‘fish’ inside. head is cellphone. cellphone has balloons. balloons are ‘face’

5 akari: worse things ahead. better get used

4 bea: scary. where are we?

bea looks around. vera looks around. strange shopping center. shop no doors. one shows faces. smiles no eyes. window showing fires. fires have tags

2 vera: who are those?

there are familiars. eyeless. no lips. big teeth. look like mummies. completely frozen. look away. they moved. look at them. completely frozen.

4 beaa: …! oh, no!

but some move. some have lips. humans; normal people. witch kissed. young boy. young girl

4 bea: we save them!

5 akari: it’s very hard. we have method. win, touch them. include in team. make everything harder. but, can’t win. not this time

2 vera: yes. this time

akari turns. blinks.

5 akari: this time?

2 vera: get strawberry cake. that is mission
4 bea: vera knows…?

5 akari: explain

2 vera: mom here late. place closing. couldn’t buy cake. we went everywhere. some ingredients missing. couldn’t make cake

5 akari: …

akari mulls over. then nods

5 akari: better than nothing. no time. unbelievable, but whatever

4 bea: is time limited?

akari&vera: yes

2 vera: when mall closes

5 akari: what do, then? find ingredients? find cake? search aimlessly? run all over? steal from shops?

4 bea: why mom fail? what happened?

2 vera: too expensive

5 akari: did she steal

2 vera: yeah. me too

5 akari: …fucking hell.

4 bea: um

bea raises hand

4 bea: i can help

2 akari: you too. unbelievable. magical, even. yes. items are expensive. meaning… game’s about that

akari grabs head. shakes head

5 akari: about breaking rules

>mission: find strawberry cake! alternative: make strawberry cake!
funny. really optimal teams. but switched...

big fish scary. baking a cake... kinda want save. other people. but mission harder... up to you. vera, akari.

no one won. therefore. maybe big prize. important for later. probably need win. for 'true ending'. get ready. if win- emotional vera flashback. probably. kino hype.

bea go look!! for cake sale! easiest option. prob can't buy. but easy steal. one thing. instead of multiple. but, problem solve. maybe ingredient path... truer ending? more wholesome make? for baby vera? regardless. i look cake.
vera. give sword akari. vera already fast. no need. and no fight. not yet. akari slow. but. akari magic big. mean long portal. can use optimally.
also. funny gamer headphones.
>recall cake location.
2 vera: hmm... hmmm....!!

4 bera: vera?

5 akari: don't waste time

2 vera: i can't remember. me too little

5 akari: what?

2 vera: where was cake. couldn't afford it

4 bea: how was place?

2 vera: hmm, had moon. awesome moon decoration. had visual trick! back invisible. front shiny silver. really cool!

4 bea: croissants are moons

2 vera: you are right!

5 akari: things labyrinth different. place different. even cake different

4 bea: labyrinth cake...

2 vera: place smelled great

5 akari: not exactly helpful
weeping angels familiars.
can use int?
true. they scary.

>look around. look at signs.
use sun reflect?
reflect what? off windows? eat familiars?
oh! in akari note. items say cake. akari know anything?
store signs. moon.
can try. though. maybe reflect lots. water tank. glass windows.
lum. can shine. without hurt? familiars... maybe fake humans. creepy, no attack.
>can use int?
for memory, no. int isn't memory. per is memory. you perceive yourself. for other thing?

>lum. can shine. without hurt?
yeah, totally
oop. sorry. bea need sleep. too late now.
>bea try shine
4 bea: notes say 'cake'

5 akari: cake is item. random bullshit room. shop room. and...

akari flicks fingers. over and over

5 akari: ...cake is strawberry. strawberry cake. vera isn't lying...?

akari's eyes open. wide, wide open

5 akari: you truly do. you know witch

2 vera: said so already! duh!

5 akari: this is monumental. and you have... no fucking idea. five years. no, can't be-

2 vera: can or can't. whatever. let's get cake!

2 vera: bea: try shine

4 bea: shine? but... who? what? why?

2 vera: store signs. look for moon

4 bea: ...oh! spinning invisible moon? half-invisible?

2 vera: yes!

akari says nothing

2 vera: aim above. point at signs

4 bea: ok!

artificial sun rises. points at signs. nothing yet

2 vera: let's go, bea. keep pointing. let's walk around!

bright circle above. like super flashlight. light in light

>>look for moon
>m3 per bea
>m3 per vera
>m3 per akari
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sleep here too. finally, good pacing!!!!!!!
Rolled 12 (1d100)

sword sword sword
Rolled 7 (1d100)

let's see
oh boy...
can tamako. shrink car? if yes. then just fly. to destination. with it in our pocket.
1 nina: tamako! shrink car! we pick it! then fly!

3 tamako: can destroy it. rebuild it. wouldn't be same. could compromise conditions

1 nina: whole car needed?

3 tamako: i don't know. therein lies problem. maybe we do

tamako looks horizon.

3 tamako: that being said... road very long. flying takes magic

1 nina: that long???

3 tamako: a days ride

1 nina: what?!?!

3 tamako: time different here
make big ramp?
honestly. failure just. go back start. not too bad. try experiment.
1 nina: make big ramp!!

3 tamako: ...how big?
boyfriend can look?
identity theft

what tamako's battlestation do? can it make. photo? or have minimap? run crysis?
after find cake. let's grab humans. save them. that is. if find cake.
1 nina: how battlestation works? can make photo? or minimap? or run crysis? the first one?

3 tamako: so no ramp. my weapon reconfigures. same elements. different thing

1 nina: chandellier into circuits? books into robot?

3 tamako: yes. those i understand. photos i don't. minimaps i don't. what is crysis?

1 nina: limit is understanding? you understand brains? guns? but not photo?

3 tamako: i understand concept. cats purr. people hug. not how works. magic handles that

1 nina: oh, i see! limit is understanding!

3 tamako: yes. i understand concept? can do it. i don't? i can't. contructs are simple. limited. gun just shoots

1 nina: tamako weapon complex. mine just flies!

3 tamako: i wonder why
what tamako's battlestation. do? can it make. photo? or have minimap? run crysis?
oh no. tamako = normie. or maybe just. retarded?

no worries, I'll tell you. all about the photos. and cars. and nazi spaceships. and ancient astronauts.

before we drive. can your reconfigure. the landscape?
r a m p
1 nina: is tamako dumb?

tamako's lips curl

3 tamako: is nina rude?

1 nina: don't worry! i'll tell you. cars, photos, spaceships- i know all!

tamako doesn't answer. nina trembles

1 nina: ahem- so- before we drive- landscape is simple. can you reconfigure?

3 tamako: no

1 nina: oh. ok. why, though?

tamako spreads arms. nina tilts head

3 tamako: ...landscape big, nina

1 nina: oh, right! what about street?

points at road

3 tamako: the whole road

1 nina: yes

3 tamako: no

1 nina: aww! tamako too dumb
ramp... all the way. 2 finish? or drive car. off ramp. then???

nina smart. nina found solution. 2 lack of map.

>nina detransforms
>nina takes out. phone(chinese spywear)

fly me really. really up. i take photo. of the area. the we navigate. with it.
save fuel. start.
gears still moving. nina thinking. running in place

1 nina: i have idea!

nina forgot fear. untransforms

1 nina: fly me high! let's scan area! with this

nina shows phone. it's good phone

1 nina: we take picture. no detours. we navigate! tamako? you hearing?

3 tamako: do it yourself

nina mouth open. then more idea

1 nina: that's right! i can fly!

nina keeps cellphone. transforms. wing boots spread. turbine under feet. turbine under wings. all light up. charge. fire

1 nina: wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

nina high. not too high. can see road. points camera. takes picture. destination super far. not high enough. can't see end

1 nina: this is risky!

nina descents. lands. wing boots fold.

1 nina: got picture. can't see all?

shows tamako picture. tamako look

3 tamako: it covers enough. we could repeat. good job nina

1 nina: yay!

but nina wonders. maybe higher? maybe road branches? maybe dead end?

1 nina: good enough? risk backtracking? hmm... or go higher?

3 tamako: time limit

1 nina: aaaaaaaaaa
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... let's go for it.



tamako has a driving license, no?
1 nina: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmffffffffffineeee

3 tamako: huh

1 nina: let's go! tamako driving license?

3 tamako: nope

tamako opens door. takes driver's seat. nina stares hard

1 nina: i-i can drive

3 tamako: you too small. come in

1 nina: but tamako dumb?

3 tamako: tamako adult. take your seat

1 nina: adults don't matter! i wanna drive!

tamako icy stare. nina swallows

1 nina: um, maybe ok

3 tamako: no. see for yourself. sit here

nina driver's seat. giddy. excited. but-

1 nina: windshield too high! brakes too low!

barely reaches wheel. ass edge seat

3 tamako: told you
fine, tamako drives.
nina crying

3 tamako: eh-

1 nina: fine! you drive!

nina changes seat. all is wrong. cars suck. silently, tamako seats. weapon became choker. tamako presses accelerator. nothing happens

1 nina: aaaaaa! what you doing!

3 tamako: driving?

1 nina: insert key first! in ignition point! then twist it!

3 tamako: what key?

1 nina: what?! even toddlers know! to start car!

3 tamako: ...i see. where's this key?

1 nina: i don't know! find it!

3 tamako: help me look

nina grumbles. nina helps. checks glove compartment. checks car floor. checks behind chairs. then under them

3 tamako: found it

1 nina: where?

3 tamako: here. behind steering wheel

keys there. already in ignition

1 nina: you kidding me?!

3 tamako: what you mean

1 nina: j-just go! turn it on. twist the key!

tamako twists key. car makes noise. tamako presses pedal. noise much stronger!

1 nina: aaaaaaaaaaa! what you doing?!?!

3 tamako: what now?

1 nina: check the gearbox all wrong! start at 1 you'll break car!

tamako releases pedal. tamako leaves car. nina just stares

1 nina: what you-

3 tamako: leave

word too strong. nina leaves posthaste tamako weapons expands. becomes battle station. whirring noises. drilling noises. clanking noises

3 tamako: there.

car looks same. except inside. driver's seat smaller. taller. pedals longer.

3 tamako: drive

word too scary. tamako sits. nina sits driver's. key is twisted. gearbox checked. pedal is pressed. car is moving
>driving. thing peaceful. do something?
tamako scary. nina feels bad 2. nina no idea why. nina just turns. the radio. on.
nina uses magic. to make QM. perceive 3rd sentance. as having. just 3 words.
so this... power of autism...
lawl it works

writtan in a bittan

considering rolling akari
seat too big. landscape too barren. wind too strong. slowly, car moves. then, slightly faster

nina feels bad.

turns on radio. button does nothing. right. car is weird. no music. tamako scary

1 nina: it's cold

it is. then it isn't. tiny chimney behind. car now slower. but nina quiet. motor sings normally. windshield slightly tarnished. road uneven. suspension falters. nina glances- suprised. tamako untransformed. driving single handed. eyes on road

3 tamako: you got quiet

1 nina: im just tired

3 tamako: is that all?

1 nina: um i guess

ride long. nina untranforms. thinks about chimney. is using fuel? how's it burning? how power works? nina looks away. this is awkward

3 tamako: take a nap. not many chances

1 nina: don't want to

3 tamako: ok

silence. no music. engine is music. nina taps finger. rythmical. funny. then notices sound. tamako tapping too, nina stops. tamako glances

3 tamako: you are upset

1 nina: am not!

3 tamako: wanna talk?

1 nina: no!

3 tamako: ok

1 nina: ...

this funny. teams good. for this reason. maybe others. but this particularly.
no tamako. no akari. no funny englishmen. maybe thread boring. maybe bad qm
silent. awkward car ride. go! got to sprinkle. that character development. little by little.

maybe life just. being a bitch. you never know.
come on brother. know not true. don't overbig it. not for tamako. is okay. akari busy. is okay. englishmen main appeal. make own guca. not play other's. is okay.
i already fellate. almost gay amounts. good stuff here. so stand tall. no wimp. keep moving. we appreciate.
think roll akari. akari act whenever. roll not important. anyone can do.
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reader anon here. wannabe english here. qm fun stories. qm effortposting writer. qm passionate maguca. qm interesting labyrinth. love the gucas. no tamako akari. is what is. life can happen. but get mirror. look at mirror. look at soulgem. qm soulgem darkening. qm turning witch. GET UP QM! i like thread. want more thread. i enjoy thread. i stay thread. will be watching. sweet guca suffering.
Rolled 66 (1d100)

NOOOOOO! AKARI NOT THINK THAT AT ALL! Akari made mistake, not see rolls is all!

Akari making promise right here, right now: Will watch quest like a hawk and make time for quest. Apology for lack of action, not want to make QM feel bad. Akari love QM !!!!!!
Akari feel guilty, not want slow others…
Akari will make changes to change for better pacing! Swears it!
>maybe life just. being a bitch. you never know.
akarianon surely busy. i hard day. free just now

wimping is fun, also it works. akari's back!

awwwww thank anon! made me happy. but im ok. just very busy

no feel guilty. qm busy too! post in jest. just having fun. but! i'll take promise. nananananna

writtan in bittan
masterful maneuver. but yeah. work ass. we keep going. we'll make it. glad okay, brother
4 bea: place is pretty

although weird, pretty. shopping center lights. funny big pictures. familiars doing shows

4 bea: hehe

5 akari: focus

4 bea: s-sorry!

beam lights signs. beam light powerful. light in light. the three wander

2 vera: enjoy shopping bea? you look happy

4 bea: oh, i never… neven been here

2 vera: in shopping center

4 bea: yes

bea lights sign. it has bear. pencil-made bear. nothing

2 vera: mom doesn't shop?

4 bea: mom shops… elsewhere

2 vera: but malls awesome!

4 bea: yes, malls awesome!

5 akari: that one

bea lights sign. two crabs fighting. with rapiers. crabs are hands. nothing

4 bea: um, see anything?

5 akari: jack-shit

2 vera: haha jack-shit

4 bea: what is that?

2 vera: eh, something bad. why no malls?

4 bea: well, mall's expensive… and people stare

2 vera: stare?

4 bea: yes. and whisper

2 vera: what they say?

5 akari: time limit. time limit. time limit.

2 vera: there's no hurry! mall closes late

5 akari: this is labyrinth

2 vera: so?
5 akari: over there

4 bea: hehe

5 akari: bea

bea found teddy. big, big teddy. ribbon on head

2 vera: must be prize. want it?

5 akari: absolutely not. time limit.

4 bea: oh. right…

5 akari: focus. over there

bea lights sign. logo is mouth. huge mouth. glossy red lips. marble white teeth. eating someone. nothing

2 vera: it's ok bea. we'll come later

4 bea: to this room?

2 vera: no. to real mall

4 bea: but the people. people will look

2 vera: so? who cares?

5 akari: keep moving

2 vera: we are moving. jeez. give us break

they keep moving. across bridge. bea looks up. stained glass ceiling. looks like church. powerful colors rain. bea is blue. bea is red. bea is yellow. they don't mix. bea stops

2 vera: what you looking?

bea points above. vera looks

2 vera: wooooooooooooow! look, akari! jack-shit!

5 akari: i don't care. move it. we could die

but they don't. akari SIGHS

5 akari: whatever. i'm leaving

2 vera: what, no, wait!

grabs bea hand. bea pulled. still looking up

4 bea: wish had camera

2 vera: use your cellphone

4 bea: um… no cellphone

vera doesn't question. untransforms. takes cellphone. takes ceiling picture

2 vera: aight, we good! let's move it!
they catch up. akari walking faster. steps too big

5 akari: this is pointless. waste of time

2 vera: nah. it'll be fine!

akari grumbles. voice too low

5 akari: over there. hurry

4 bea: y-yes!

bea lights sign. there's no sign. it's many candles. candle form word. word is gibberish. nothing

>2 メ: m3 roll 12 = fail (find moon)
>4 メ: m3 roll 7 = fail (find moon)

2 vera: there's familiars. but there's humans.

4 bea: yes. people in danger. akari said-

5 akari: point there again

4 bea: um… where?

5 akari: same place. do it

artificial sun turns. light over candles. candles lit. akari lifts finger. does nothing. then- lifts finger

5 akari: there. right. there

2 vera: whe- oh!

>5 メ: m3 roll 66 = success (find moon)

blinding light. then nothing. blinding light. then nothing

2 vera: that's… not one??

4 bea: two. two moons

5 akari: is this it?

2 vera: yes, that! it was one. but, yes!

5 akari: wrong place then

2 vera: what, no! let's take look. bea, let's-

bea looking window. has spinning cake. slowly spinning. colorful. bea drooling

2 vera: that looks tasty

5 akari: it's witch labyrinth. don't eat anything

2 vera: pff! bea eats anything

5 akari: i see. stay outside

bea&vera: huh?

5 akari: don't trust you. wait for me

4 bea: i won't eat! i wanna see!

2 vera: yeah, me too! no bully!

4 bea: we can help!

2 vera: you need us!

>let them in?
>>damnit fine
>>hell no
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>ready javelins. instinct.
two moons...
nice stained glass...
i okay outside. no char. akari top char. cake tasty though...
>while akari in. if we not. look around. look other shops. sell anything good? cake ingredients?
other plans: if need steal. portal to cake. reach hand in. grab. run.
trap. stay here.
okay. trust vera. little spooked.
nuh! no talk. nina upst. yes, upst. sad. angry. worried. whatever! not tamako business. nina wanted drive. tamako reconfigured car. then scary. then nina drove. nina had fun. the no more. car reconfigured. again. then tamako drives. why?! why, and how?!

1 nina: …

road long. tamako looking ahead. thing is boring. tamako humming. car motor humming. nina looking window. only bodybuilder cacti

then car stops

3 tamako: fork ahead

huge tree. tree of legs. legs with eyes. around, road splits. tree is hollow. only bark

1 nina: that's so creepy…

3 tamako: left behind soon. this right road?

nina doesn't answer. don't wanna!

3 tamako: nina, this important.

feelings important too! but… dangerous. but, feelings! nuh!

1 nina: do it yourself!

3 tamako: ok

tamako leaves car. tamako transforms. nina glances. tamako flies high. then higher. then higher. nina leaves car. too high. dangerous! but, tamako comes down. feet touch ground nina hides instantly

3 tamako: goal too far. right good bet

tamako untransforms. takes driver's seat. turns right. leaves tree behind. more silence

3 tamako: not enough fuel. car runs out. always happens

silence is answer

3 tamako: we need plan

nina no plan. road long. tamako looking ahead. thing is boring. tamako humming. car motor humming. nina looking window. takes long. too long

3 tamako: akari, you there? can hear me?

no answer. nina has theory. nina won't say it.

road long. tamako looking ahead. thing is boring. tamako humming. car motor humming. nina looking window. imagining running man. man jumps cacti. man jumps rocks. man climbs mountains. nina frowns. mountains are fingers. then, man slower. imaginary man stops. man shrugs. car has stopped

3 tamako: nina, pay attention

nina almost angry. but, notices. large, large line. large fall. wide abyss. very wide

3 tamako: it's long. rounding it slow. need ideas

nina gives none!

3 tamako: not for me. for you

1 nina: …

>give idea?
. . .
make ramp. and. give wings 2 car. rocket better 4 thrust. so i push. we fly over. you make. big sponge. in front of car. once we're descending. to absorb impact.
and unmake furnace. too heavy.
> rocket better 4 thrust. so i push.
m3 pa. win, cross chasm. lose, fall short. better have plan
Rolled 82 (1d100)

if seems 2 fail. tamako can help 2. otherwise. someone has 2 keep. steering wheel steady.
ramp seems 2 work. thank vera.
...nina doesn't want. but; tamako right. not for her

1 nina: ...make ramp. give car wings. two

3 tamako: ok

rocks roll, gather. rocks align, bend. rocks become platform. rocks lift rocks. rocks become columns. platform rises. it's a ramp

1 nina: ...hmmmmm..!! will this hold? just lift street

3 tamako: too hard. would hurt me

1 nina: falling would hurt!

3 tamako: will hold. good material

car steel bends. metal like threads. doors become wings. folds like bat's

1 nina: don't use doors. make new wings

3 tamako: i have rocks. too heavy. i have cacti. too light

1 nina: robot from books!

3 tamako: yes

1 nina: power too weird. fine! unmake furnace! too heavy

hole in roof. furnace ejected. falls flat. painful sight

1 nina: ...wait! same materials, right? then why heavier? why furnace heavy?

3 tamako: i used rocks. no same materials

1 nina: from the road?

3 tamako: yes

1 nina: hmmm.... fine! whatever! let's just go

tamako no comment. gets in car. nina transforms. she stays behind

1 nina: i push. we fly over. then cuch descent. with big sponge

3 tamako: sponge now then

gets out car. cactus are ripped. roll under car. mushy sounds

3 tamako: there. will grow later

1 nina: it better! get in car

tamako in car. nina pushing car

1 nina: ready!?

3 tamako: wait. i'll pull back. gain distance

1 nina: distance is good!

3 tamako: no, it's not

nina squints. maybe tamako right. maybe not. who cares. nina steps aside. car backtracks. distance good now

1 nina: can we go?!

3 tamako: yes. should be good

1 nina: then gooooooooo!

engine on. deafening whirling. broken sound. car starts. car goes. halfway, boots fire. nina pushes car. car fast. car too fast!

1 nina: let's- gooooooooooooooooooooooo!!
car in air. car over nothing. quiet wind below. chasm... much bigger!! will make it? too long. too silent. nina pushes hard. nina eyes closed. suddenly, gets easier. nina doesn't know


losing height. car descending. crash immenet


cushy sound. nina arms asleep. lets go. flies away. looks. gasps

>1 £: m3 roll 82 = success (cross chasm)

car falls. car bounces. sponge too spongy. car high again. nina screams. car turning in air. then; stops. caught by branches. upside down

1 nina: tamako?

nina flies close. looks at car. tamako is looking. tamako upside-down. tamako calm

3 tamako: ɐuiu qoɾ pooƃ

branches move car. turn it around. drop it down. suspension takes hit. nina sighs. opens door. mouth open. no seats. nothing. car empty

3 tamako: i dropped weight. made room

1 nina: what, why?! for what?

3 tamako: battle-station. push car up

nina frowns. was that necessary? it was fine! now car empty. no seats! no furnace! nina pouts. but... tamako good job? maybe? maybe not

>hmmm... what do car? what do?
>ɐuiu qoɾ pooƃ

just. remake car. as it was. nina does. aerial photography again. then we on. our way.




and yes. tamako did good.
>damnit fine
Ape. Together. Strong.
Meguca. Together. Strong.
beavera's votes different
up to you. akari can force. or consider others. bea can resist. roll mind 7. vera can'. mind too low

writtan in meantime!
vera. what want do? go in? if akari alone. and shop trap. 1 pa. she gets destroyed.
go in. wary.
bea make portal.
Hmmmm, Akari retract decision then, don’t want force hands.
hmmm! nina strong alone. no need help! car empty pointless. but… tamako can remake. put furnace again. put seats again. so… maybe not bad

1 nina: just remake car. as it was

3 tamako: with chimney?

1 nina: with furnace. that's not chimney

3 tamako: ok

branches shrivel down. car vacuums rocks. swords slice cactus. car vaccums cactus. things happen inside. nina peeks inside

1 nina: oh!!

suddenly, much nicer. looks like car. actual, real car. seats puffier, prettier. now same seats. no baby seat

3 tamako: this good?

1 nina: i guess

black hole roof. top of chimney. nina says nothing. untransforms, ges cellphone. transforms, blasts away.

1 nina: wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

wind above strong. stronger higher up. hard to hear. nina scouts ahead. eyes big. mouth big. no road. nothing. nina takes picture. nina descends

1 nina: there's nothing ahead

3 tamako: nothing?

1 nina: nothing! road just… nothings!

3 tamako: that happens sometimes

1 nina: huh?

3 tamako: it's not nothing. steep slope ahead. sharp angle. good momentum. very dangerous

nina looks picture. she couldn't see. even that high
3 tamako: let's get there

tamako untransforms. takes driver seat. nina same

3 tamako: im not seat

nina on tamako

1 nina: what, oh sorry. was thinking

nina changes seat. she wanted drive. tamako is driving. car starts. engine ok. no problem.

3 tamako: i did good?

nina glances. tamako looking ahead. always focused

1 nina: w-wasn't bad maybe

tamako little smile. maybe no smile. too faint. silent ride. road long. tamako looking ahead. thing maybe better. tamako humming. car motor humming. nina humming

3 tamako: momentum very useful. fuel never lasts. empty soon

1 nina: i see

3 tamako: need idea

nina looks away. still grumpy. maybe tamako using. only care idea. then tamako hand. nina looks. tamako soul gem

3 tamako: better be careful. look at yours

nina's ring glistens. still shiny. no worry. tamako's too

1 nina
99/100 HP
81/100 DP
mental status: normal

3 tamako
95/100 HP
83/100 DP
mental status: normal

1 nina: nothing to worry

3 tamako: keep in mind. only one Seed. labyrinth still long

1 nina: ok

tamako transforms gem. is ring now. then, silent trip. tamako quiet. nina quiet. nina has ideas. but not sure. still feeling things. yet, slope coming. hmm…

3 tamako: here

car stops. nina leaves car. tamako leaves car. outside is cold. missing little chimney. here it is. the sharp slope

1 nina: …this is insane!!

steep slope sharp. sharp slope steep. like rollercoaster. yet so plain

3 tamako: ends abruptly. keep in mind. no soft turning. instantly becomes straight

1 nina: how long?

3 tamako: very long.

1 nina: any other way? how you did?

3 tamako: we went slow. used an anchor. kept speed steady. car turned off

1 nina: did it work?

3 tamako: yes. it worked. but failed goal

nina looks down. feels shivers. maybe too cold

>stomach churns. what do??
is this ok?
>vera: go in
>akari: go in
>bea: go in. make portal?
adjust at leisure
yes good.
how make portal? what's plan?
i use sword. portal outside shop. walk in. with friends. if scared. open portal. run through. outside shop fast.

with 5 ma. distance good? can do?
oh. also close portal. fast. once everyone through. if monsters chase.

if not scared. and need heist. portal outside shop. still useful. run fast.
rereading my post. maybe unclear. just in case.

1. open portal outside. no other portal. yet.
2. walk in normally. with friends!
3. shit hits fan. open portal inside. run through. exit portal outside. which already there.
tamako chair funny. also good reminder. one grief seed. budget magic use.
>with 5 ma. distance good? can do?
yes! where first portal? right outside shop? other floor? somewhere else?

gotcha. vera gave blessing
hm. maybe distance away. from shop. but in range. where still connect. anywhere inside shop.

hmm... considering second floor. right above. but we haven't. scouted yet. so probably safer. little away shop. same floor. run good.

vera. akari. do need think. after get cake. then what? game over immediately? or need other... condition filled? like get place? dunno.
Akari hard thinking…
Agree same floor is good idea.

After get cake, should be cautious. Be on guard and ready to portal out to safe place.
What Vera think idea?
oh also. while we running. bea vera. high dex. can run good. akari 1 dex. kinda slow. so my plan. after leave shop. if still run. everyone runs. fast as can. akari probably lag. but!!! i use sword. make portal. keep running. make second portal. akari run through. akari distance shorter. repeat.
should keep up. with bea vera.
Akari is weak punch, but akari magic very stronk.
you know. i wonder. what boyfriend stats?
boyfriend sucks ass. often akari shield. wimpy ass bitch. bad stats too

PA: 1
MA: 1
DEX: 1
PER: 1
WIS: 7
INT: 1
CHA: 1
CON: 1

power is phasing. akari puppets it. sometimes gets scared. phases. gets akari hit. phasing ends suddenly. must keep rolling
boyfriend very funny. super high wisdom.
slay familiars. pile.
ok. plan. wings again. bigger this time. use trunk cover 2. nina sits. in trunk. tamako keeps. steering wheel steady. we drive down. the slope. nina uses rockets. to create thrust. thus car flies.

important! tamako can configure. an object. meaning that. she must. be able 2 know. it's direction. meaning. tamako knows. when car = paralel. 2 the ground. tamako guides nina. nina makes car. paralel 2 the ground. 4 landing.

important #2. we use sponge. now underneath car. it makes it. more aerodynamic. + when we reach. the ground. it makes more friction. slowing car. meaning easier landing.

should be. easy on the. soul gem 2. tamako needs 2 make. only 3 configurations. make wings. make sponge. unmake wings. sponge gets scrapped. during landing anyway. nina needs only. use rocket-boots. only for the. lift-off. and courser correction.

here's drawing. in sand. of the plan.

any questions?
drawing very funny. straight to louvre!!!!!
what if. when near end. tamako just... adjust terrain. smooth curve. keep high speed.
Landscaping hard. big >>6090490
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perfect drawing. one detail! apparently, changes nothing.
correct me:
-tamako reconfigure car
-make it trunk
-leave rest similar
-nina sits trunk
-nina facing behind
-drive down slope
-nina creates thrust
-makes car fly
-tamako guides nina. otherwise, car crashes
-sponge aerodynamic
-friction cushions landing

is this it? if yes, then:
-roll m3 pa. this + slope = flying. fail = no flying

that. tamako fine motor. bad macro

aight then, so:
>akari convince. or steal. get cake. run?
>bea get sword. make portal. if run: help akari. make portals.
>vera full retard? fight everything?
>all go in
last chance correct!


bea: m3 mind roll. just in case. who knows. not important
no, after cake. i get high. hurl javelins. employ martial techniques.
Rolled 32 (1d100)

I assumed. car had trunk. nina just needs. somewhere 2 stay and. produce thrust.
correction: m4 mind lel
cake? vera stop.
nina & tamako splat?
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i carry akari?
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Rolled 51 (1d100)

fair. was thinking. just small amount. of terrain. but still. lot of dirt.

oh boy. bea kinda hungry. haha...
good drawing. mona lisa.

also sorry. for roll delay. fell asleep. in chair. me tired. like bea hungry.
oh boy. hard ignition.
qm not home. post later! happy pacing


smart girls!

sleep important. more than quest. no hurry. pacing good enough
… stomach churns. slope slippery. but goal important. no failing goal

3 tamako: nina?

1 nina: AAAAAAAAA! don't touch me!! i'll fall!

3 tamako: oh, my apologies

nina can fly. but anyway!

1 nina: …no slow. no anchor. we'll go fast. and fly!

tamako nods

3 tamako: i trust you. what do?

nina looks down. feet suddenly heavy. back unsteady. breeze caresses cheek. but; not scared. science always wins. history knows this

1 nina: wings; bigger. fix sponge. that's it

3 tamako: ok

doors become wings. longer, wider. the sponge inflates. whole car rises. then, it deflates.

3 tamako: done. what is plan?

1 nina: me in trunk. you drive down. then-propulsion!

boots light up. nina elevates slightly

1 nina: then wiiiiiiiiiiiii! car flies. tamako drives. corrects course. sets car parallel. then sponge!

3 tamako: nina better mood

nina pouts. nina looks away. not important!

3 tamako: what if fail? if no fly?

1 nina: will fly! because physics!

3 tamako: if physics fail?

1 nina: physics don't fail! tamako so silly

tamako glances sideways. looks down slope

3 tamako: nina: very dangerous. risking our lives

1 nina: it's fine! we can eject. we both fly.

tamako glances again. chilly wind. naked shoulders. but tamako steady

3 tamako: i'll trust nina

tamako grabs wheel. car near slope. tilts forward. sweat travels. wings flap. asses clench

3 tamako: (i'm ready)

nina in trunk. back against wall. legs stretched outwards. wing boots deployed

1 nina: (me too. do it)

tamako takes breath. stomps on pedal. car tilts. car tilts. car tilts. car tilts

3 tamako: …

1 nina: …

car goes down. everything blurs. fast, fast, fast. tamako clenches teeth. car breaks wind. wind howls. car shakes. engine screams. wheel suddenly light

3 tamako: n-nina- nina!! it's too fast!

1 nina: (my turn!)

wingboots ignite. high pitched noise. then drilling whirling


wingboots full blast. car even faster. wings shaking wildly. about to bend. about to break. wheels in air. car rises. softly, slowly-

-not enough.

>1 £: m3 roll 32 = failure (fly)

3 tamako: (nina! it's not enough! won't make it!)

1 nina: (we will! WE WIIIIILL!)

trust even stronger. car rises further. but floor closer. so much closer. so much faster. nina's back crushing. teeth gritted. eyes shut. wind swallows screams

3 tamako: (it's not enough!!)

>1: m2 mind to not panic
>3: m2 mind to not panic
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verbeakari tomorrow! better be careful
Rolled 85 (1d100)

rollin' 4 nina.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

Rolling to see how much plan success...
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Somehow Akari gets stabbed by friends in liver, but mission is accomplish.
Rolled 76 (1d100)

rollin for tamako

nina can act

lmao those smiles
im thinking. maybe big ramp??? hehehe
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nina feet up.
simply makes sense. want your opinion. what pa magnitude?
am I that. dumb. 2 say anything else. other than M1?
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plants into fuel?
pfff fine. roll m1
this is important
Rolled 37 (1d100)

watch me nat1
Turn plants into hard alcohol would be better.
>damnit fine

akari gives up. many reasons. likely a trap. could use portals. kids wandering around. bea always hungry… akari glances bea. bea always hungry. akari sighs. better hungry near

5 akari: damnit fine. but follow orders. don't even breathe. unless i say

4 bea: ok!

akari lifts eyebrow. then faces shop

5 akari: let's go

4 bea: akari, um… wait

5 akari: what?

4 bea: i… have idea. want to hear?

5 akari: let's look first. not enough information

4 bea: but… just in case…

bea stumbles. as if dizzy

2 vera: bea??? are you ok?

5 akari: what's going on?

vera grabs bea. looks a face

2 vera: akari! make bea breathe!

5 akari: ain't no way… bea, breathe

bea deep breath. akari big smile. akari shake head

5 akari: what the fuck

4 bea: can i breathe?

5 akari: you can. forever. ok? ok.
4 bea: i have idea

5 akari: it can wait. many many years. let's go

2 vera: tell me idea

5 akari: eat lead. jump off bridge. bite stone. trust politician. there, ideas. now let's go

but vera immovable. akari gestures. mumbles curses

5 akari: fine. state idea

4 bea: um… i grab sword. make portal outside. things get bad. make portal inside. and we leave

vera goes 'ooooooooooh'!

2 vera: that's genius, bea! right, akari?

5 akari: eh, it works

2 vera: it works great!

5 akari: i just noticed. you two geniouses- still have javelins. enter with tha?

2 vera: hell yeah

they have several. like five each. tamako weapons tall

4 bea: will they notice?

2 vera: no problem yet

5 akari: fine. bring them in. you. go make portal.

4 bea: ok!

5 akari: don't forget breathing

4 bea: ok! um… excuse me

2 vera: all yours

bea grabs sword. bea runs off. some javelins fall. vera picks up

5 akari: she'll eat something

2 vera: nah, she won't. trust bea!

5 akari: trust miracles
akari steps in. bakery entrance dark. entrance long. then… lights flourish. shiny dots. like christmas tree. place wide. very tall. all brown wood. musky smell

4 bea: ooooooh… ooooooooooh!!!

furry carpet below. pastries showcase. spinning glass displays. surrounded by counters. behind counters, fridges. fridges over fridges. fridges and ladders. like library walls.

2 vera: is this heaven?

looks like buns. that like biscuits. are those tarts? cakes and cupcakes? all lustrous. all gleaming.all strange. bea is giggling. walking alone. watching through windows

5 akari: pay attention.

akari points. easy to see. high above. inside fridge. very evident. strawberry cake. under it, familiars. walking wooden spoons. wear chef's hats. mustaches for eyes. spaghetti for arms. spaghetti for fingers

5 akari: vera, remember something?

2 vera: not much. we came in. cake too expensive. we left. then ingredients

5 akari: not very uplifting

2 vera: oh! i remember. after we left… somebody bought it

5 akari: huh

2 vera: saw it walking. cake in bag. was a couple

meanwhile, bea drooling. amidst familiars. amidst mindless humans. amidst lottsa pastries

4 bea: hehehe

bea reaches out… but, window. but that's ok. bea shouldn't. she promised akari. next window. bagels. brownies. chocolate chip cookies. bea names them. bea not sure. all look weird. all look alien. and tasty. some shelves diagonal. others like rollercoaster. hole in ground. inside, mirror world. bea wanders. bea stops

4 bea: …

no window. donut shelf. slices of cheesecake. no window. all bare. bea reaches-

and stops herself

>4 φ: m4 roll 51 = success (don't eat everything)

no. said she wouldn't. looks at cheesecake. watery eyes. licks lips. but no

4 bea: so hungry

akari looks up. strawberry cake above. walks to counter. there's line. waits in line

2 vera: what's the plan?

there's portal outside. is something missing?

5 akari: there's our target. but little data

the line moves. human is leaving. counter is closer

2 vera: wait- wait! can familiars talk? can they sell?

5 akari: there are ways

2 vera: what? really?

5 akari: you'll see

bea comes back. is looking up

4 bea: is that cake?

akari doesn't answer

>what now?
map of bakery?
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>qīnggōng to fridge.
Rolled 18 (1d100)

m5 pa tamako
death. easy to forget. always there. always waiting. nina remembers. tamako remembers

a silly way

nina brain fire. a hundred ideas. war of ideas. nobody is winning
tamako's hand frozen. crashing anytime. fear holding hands
car going fast. fast fast fast. bushes razed. sand slashed. wind howling. no background music.

1 nina: …!!!!!

3 tamako: …!!!!!!

both realize: death anyway. a bad choice. a wrong move. anything is better. idiocy beats stillness. nina screams. tamako bites lip. won't die still: will die stupid

>3 φ: m2 roll 76 = success (don't panic)
>1 φ: m2 roll 85 = success (don't panic)

tamako destroy seats. deploys weapon. spreads chains around. chains her weapon. then lifts. lifts lifts lifts. doesn't look. lifts. shuts eyes. furrows brow. veins grow. hands red. only up. only UP!! it's not enough. but only up!!

>1 £: m5 roll 18 = failure (lift car)

nina's brain collapses. made of paste. whatever. picks random idea. thinks a second. then- acts! turns around. chest on floor. legs up. grabs sidebars

deafening, sacred silence

and blast off!

1 nina: –__gg_ggg_–ggGOOOO-_–_!!!!

feet on fire. boots melting. wings melting. then stronger. even stronger. turbines too loud. nina can't hear. tamako can't hear. neither mind. there's nothing else. and that's fine

1 nina: ………….

3 tamako: ……………….

>3 £: m1 roll 37 = success (liftoff)

barely, just barely- angle rises. any degree matters. any degree victory. crashing any second. exploding any second. but no. car goes up. keeps going up. blast echoes valley. mountain hears rockets. keeps going up. keeps going-

1 nina: ….

3 tamako: ….

nina is crying. tamako lips bleeding. car flying. too close. close to ground. but flying. flying so fast. tearing air apart. nina opens eyes. tamako opens eyes. both lose breath- but focus immediately. car going super fast. nina legs forward

>keep going fast
bea ask. person in line. how much cake? how much cost? person know?
>keep going fast
tamako deploy. cacti sponge. underneath car.
was gonna post. but no time. but tomorrow weekend!
vera move sneakily.
aight pay attention. introducing despair system

despair points:
-magic in gem
-used in MA
-used in PA
--you read right
-emotional damage (mind)
-zero bad news

MA and PA
-char magnitude = efficiency
-char magnitude = limits
-shit got complex
-cost determination process:
--base costs (m4):
-m1: 1dp
-m2: 2dp
-m3: 4dp
-m4: 8dp
-m5: 16dp
-m6: 32dp
-m7: 64dp
-magnitude 4:
--uses these values
-magnitudes over 4:
--cost = x0.75 each
---of /previous/ value/
-magnitudes under 4:
--cost = x1.25 each
---of /next/ value/


fir flores (m4 pa):
-m1: 1 dp (free no more)
-m2: 2 dp
-m3: 4 dp
-m4: 8 dp
-m5: 18 dp
-m6: 32 dp
-m7: unreachable

koizumi wakoko (m5 ma):
-m1: 0.75dp
-m2: 1.5dp
-m3: 3dp
-m4: 6dp
-m5: 12dp
-m6: 24dp
-m7: 48dp

lucinda newhorn (m7 pa):
m1: 0.421875
m2: 0.84375
m3: 1.6875
m4: 3.375
m5: 6.75
m6: 13.5
m7: 25

akari (m1 pa lmao):
m1: 1.8375
m2: 3.9
m3: 7.8
m4: unreachable
m5: unreachable
m6: unreachable
m7: unreachable
-bad moments = trauma
-trauma = despair points
-no changes
-oh wait yes
-damage = excess /4
-lost by 40?
--take only 10
--yay good news
-mental status later
-nigga im sleepy

"m7 too expensive!"
m7 maximum bullshit. surreal level shit. hardly ever happens. m4 general use
questions welcome. willing to negotiate
why pa dp? purely physical? 4 magnitude 7s. with char 7pa. instant witch.

techniques increase efficiency?
oh my god. Jim is fucked.
elastic body cost.
pa costs.
still misses.

miharu with 2pa.
eleven 1pa magnitudes. gravity blocking.
three 2pa magnitudes.
two 3pa magnitudes.
what total cost?

with these costs. no coordinator upgrades. ever.
fighting absolutely avoid.
charisma suicide foes.
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>why pa dp? purely physical?
been thinking. pa purely physical. but; still magic. look at tamako. look at miharu. look at nina. it's all magic.

>4 magnitude 7s. with char 7pa. instant witch.
4 magnitude 7s. 4 razed buildings. 4 football fields. 4 genki damas

>techniques increase efficiency?
that's right! now everything stronger. lucinda's m7 swipes? now m4. you get choice. play it efficient- or effective. many m4's- or one m6. m7 full retard.

>oh my god. Jim is fucked
nah! will be adjustments

>still misses.
her fault lmfao. that won't change

>what total cost?
m1's: 1.5625 x 11 = 17.18
m2's: 3.125 x 3 = 9.375
m3's: 6.25 x 2 = 12.5
total: 39.055
yet soloed Witch
with 2pa!

>with these costs. no coordinator upgrades. ever.
grief seed enough. covers 100% dp. can be spread. just survive lawl

>fighting absolutely avoid.
fighting unavoidable

>charisma suicide foes.
true guca way!
>still magic
what? use wind magical. cut, fly, block. not same. as punch throat.
dexterity magical. how that cost?
>now m4
still 7pa. 4 swipes, 4 familiars, 13.8 dp. expensive.
just get gun.

vera’s slashes cost? martial artist.
>as punch throat.
magically enhanced punch.

>dexterity magical. how that cost?
dexterity not magical. only ma/pa

>vera’s slashes cost? martial artist.
yep! vera slashes cost. no escaping cost. not even punching

game excuse:
-all gucas pa
-some pa direct
--vera, lucinda?, rita
-some pa indirect
--tamako, nina, bea
-therefore, all cost
-or unfair
-or variety lost

logical excuse:
-magic enhances strength
-attacking causes uncertainty
-casting causes uncertainty
-fighting causes uncertainty
-uncertainty is despair
- -uncertainty, -less despair
-therefore, magnitude = confidence
-magnitude reduces cost

>still 7pa. 4 swipes, 4 familiars, 13.8 dp. expensive.
familiars m2. m7 pa? 0.84 dp x 2 = 1.68. two familiars. 1dp and half. pa/ma stronger now

i expect doubts. ask away. talk it out. changes still possible
>-uncertainty is despair
if 1 were 2. i don't know. use magic 2 remove. perceived. uncertainty. really psyche. one out. basically. if nina says:
>nah, i'd win
can she do. it?

i know the. answer = no. 4 game reasons. but still. this gets. brain going.
3 tamako: (nina)

nina shaking. so close! sooooooooooo cloooosee!!!! aaaaaaaa!! but now ok! air is safe! people fear airplanes... cause they dumb!

3 tamako: (nina)

what?! oh

1 nina: what?!

tamako doesn't answer

1 nina: (what!?)

3 tamako: (your soul gem. look at it.)

wingboots still firing. but nina pauses. gem under neck. slightly to right. nina looks. it... looks darker

1 nina
99/100 HP
75/100 DP
mental status: normal

3 tamako: (going too fast. magic like fuel)

1 nina: (how far yet?)

3 tamako: (halfway there. but speed great)

1 nina: (how much fuel?)

3 tamako: (at a quarter. had to spend. but careful. no more slopes. terrain ondulates further. happens a lot)

1 nina: (is not enough?)

3 tamako: (won't be. always happens.)

car losing height. but, too slowly. can be fixed.

3 tamako: (give it thought. care for yourself)

1 nina: (quarter not enough)

3 tamako: (still)

nina cares. nina often selfish. but nina thinking. about vera's mom

car soars wind

relief hits hard

>roll m1 mind. all ok now. but almost died
Rolled 33 (1d100)

nina changes value. value yourself more. be more confident. so yes, totally. however, beware. magic being used. maybe other consequences. who knows. but yeah! efficient

tamako mind roll
what about. tamako soul gem?
>vera slashes cost
meant what costs. since martial artist. slash efficiently. more than Lucie? dexterity affects efficiency? declare pa mangitude?

>dexterity isn’t magic
what? look homu agility. jumps are force. supernatural. magical.

>magically enhanced punch.
can punch without?

>talk it out
ooga booga
1 nina: (tamako soul gem)

3 tamako: (oh. i'm fine. don't worry)

1 nina: (no! tamako soul gem!)

3 tamako: (eh, ok)

3 tamako
95/100 HP
60/100 DP
mental status: normal

1 nina: (what?!)

3 tamako: (it's ok. don't worry. i just panicked)

1 nina: (that's bad!)

3 tamako: (no, no, easy. reconfiguration very efficient. barely noticeable. i just panicked. too much force. won't happen again)

1 nina: (when?!)

3 tamako: (when we falling. seriously: don't worry. worry about yourself)

>60/100 DP
she's going witch. 1st room still.
>ooga booga
funny. laughed.

i let vera. debate costs out. might hop in. if think something. was going say. mind decrease pain? but realize. mind push through. action despite pain. but still feel. so cost unchanged.

funny enough. despair changes. would mean miharu. ends that fight. with 35 dp. instead of 11.
~40 dp. don't know ?pa. cost. vera gratefully add. all others. minus about 25. almost all hp. is 65 cost. 35-ish left.

but, have question. cute story moments? like gravity dance? can still... free? those moments cute. wouldn't want disincentivize...
miharu example. just show. kinda buff. for her. but ritalinda. fight. those two probably. just insta-witch. fuckin m15s.

that said. debate magnitudes. when rolling actions. mega important now. always need negotiate.
>35 DP
factor in pain. regeneration.
>meant what costs
>slash efficiently. more than Lucie?
same as lucie

>since martial artist
going barehanded worse. punching more expensive. is m3. still a lot

>dexterity affects efficiency?

>declare pa magnitude?
yes. it's expected. low magnitude cheaper. but, more dangerous. higher error margin

>jumps are force.
jumps are pa. movement is pa. dexterity enables use. fine motor skills. no dex? crash constantly. waste force. trip a lot. look at jimena. slingshotting from buildings. super fast crashing

>supernatural. magical.
movement cheap. uses little dp. unnoticeable. unless going crazy. problem is stamina. megucas get tired. sturdier than humans. but, movement tires

>can punch without?
that's normal punch. human punch. won't even count

>ooga booga
always viable
martial arts isn’t. just unarmed.
11 dp. was before regen. i think?

i think vera. saying that. what if. swing sword normally. no pa behind. like human punch. but human swing.
> higher error margin
i think. mean that. say challenge 4pa. have 7pa. default=4pa cost. 3.375 dp. but can try. 3pa cost. raise difficulty magnitude. by one. but only 1.6875 dp.
>before regen
we talking natural? or the healer? natural prevented death. bleeding out.
ah. i see. true.
>would mean miharu. ends that fight. with 35 dp. instead of 11
makes sense. miharu super brave. no mind damage. all spent fighting

>cute story moments? like gravity dance? can still... free?
no. but, super cheap. what more important? 0.5%dp? or cute moment? but, point there. only choices count. i did it? free. you did it? pay

>but ritalinda. fight. those two probably. just insta-witch. fuckin m15s.
new values different. they'd spend less. ma/pa now stronger

>always need negotiate
lmao its coming

>factor in pain. regeneration
not even that. miharu that brave. no mental damage. pure MC energy. however! that's good point. regen costs magic. i omitted this. will give thought

you are right. but, consider this. m7 /because/ artist. not m7 + artist. lucinda boxer. lucinda m7. therefore, same cost

>i think vera. saying that. what if. swing sword normally. no pa behind. like human punch. but human swing
then no cost. very weak swing. human swing. but free swing

magnitudes % succeed. in advance, however: expects mistakes. and fixes. system not perfect. carefully crafted, yes. put thought, yes. but always growing


remember: qm not smarter. just another nigga. but, hearing ideas
>m7 /because/ artist.
>same cost
counter argument: 7int. savant. technique more efficient. unless do swordsmanship. training rolls here.
>7int. savant. technique more efficient.
int more techniques. more possibilities. more bullshit. more efficient techniques? have to consider. but, solid argument
ok been thinking. no need change. why? int already efficient!
there's a door:
pa nigguca: punches door down. m6pa
int nigguca: uses doorknob. m1pa

punching jimena's face:
lucinda: straight punch. m4
vera: raging tiger ascent. m3

same with sword. int already working. takes some creativity

in same vein: wisdom helps mind
dexterity determines speed? speed affects hits?
>int already efficient
explain mechanically please. does learning fighting. help?
here sword video: https://youtu.be/qLmzeGV1sQo?si=Utpkptum_yjb54j3
Rolled 87 (1d100)

forgot the roll.
let the car. slow down. and drive. and chill out. and make sure. tamako also chill.
>does learning fighting. help?
simply put, yes. int needs explaining. process is simple. explain your bullshit. makes sense? magnitude changes. same with swordfighting. explain your style. int high enough? you use it. magnitude changes

won't affect directly. no mechanical effects. erika forever

postan in a bit. also

these are plans? where vera move? let's wait akari
oh, forgot this. dexterity affects accuracy. also speed. pa defines force
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RitaLinda represeeeeennttttttt The gruesome tuesome!
confusing. Eri has techniques? int affects running? athlete techniques?

>explain your style
confused. can practice swordsmanship? simply explain movement? wrist, hip, feet?
declare 0pa. 7dex. swordcraft. damage possible? magic sword sharp?
>wait in line.
>Eri has techniques?

>int affects running? athlete techniques?
yes! seriously. it does. int is technique. way of doing. advantage: possibilities. caveat: explanations. bound by logic. but yes, correct

>confused. can practice swordsmanship? simply explain movement? wrist, hip, feet?
you know what? yes lmao. have to explain

>declare 0pa. 7dex. swordcraft. damage possible?
0pa can't move. no force. no damage. 1pa, 7dex? hit weak points. critical damage. no weak points? dex useless

>magic sword sharp?
well, of course. magic sword sword. swords are sharp
wind hitting windshield. singing gentle shockwaves. but nina brakes. slowly, carefully. like quitting drink

3 tamako: (i'm glad.)

nina says nothing. tamako too low. car going low. nina feels it

1 nina: (deploy cacti sponge. on my mark)

3 tamako: (ok)

car losing height. too fast. nina accelerates. too slow. nina cools thrusters. too fast. nina annoyed. can't see road

1 nina: tamako, how close?!

3 tamako: (oh. still high)

1 nina: forget my mark! up to you!

3 tamako: (right)

finally, stability. car steadily descending. nina ultra focused. thinking only thrusters. down. down. down. cacti sponge deployed. sponge scratching ground. sponge cushioning. sponge shaking. sponge ripping. sponge blown away. car on ground

3 tamako: (it worked)

nina watches sky. sponge bounces away. car losing speed. car finally halts

1 nina: …

3 tamako: …

nina leaves trunk. tamako leaves car. they meet

1 nina: why leave car?

tamako untransforms. tamako sighs. long, long sigh. tamako deflating.

3 tamako: fucking nightmare

tamako hugs nina. nina petrified

3 tamako: so close. that was close

1 nina: what, yes, kinda

tamako still shaking. rests back car

3 tamako: wanted to breathe. catch my breath. heart almost explodes

1 nina: oh, yeah, same

nina looks tamako. tamako… very tall. tamako is mountain. right. tamako adult

3 tamako: still angry?

nina doesn't answer. she doesn't know. suddenly, tamako cigarette

1 nina: what?!

3 tamako: don't follow example. don't tell akari

lits it. smokes it. spits gray. surreal landscape. strange tamako

3 tamako: ok, i'm good. no fuel soon. let's hear it

nina's feet shuffle

1 nina: what about you? tamako has ideas?

3 tamako: hmm? wasn't i dumb?

nina doesn't answer. nina kinda stuck

3 tamako: last time: disaster. we carried car. all the way. then time out. almost there

1 nina: how?

3 tamako: sheer willpower

tamako smokes again. apparently, willpower wavering

last time u. lost time. slowly descending. meaning u started car. someplace behind us. we covered more. a lot more. in flight.

even if we. need 2 push. we can make. it.

nina aerial photography.
nina drives.
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blonde dumbass.
>0pa can't move
normal human strike?
>have to explain
have mercy lumina
>hit weak points
multiple strikes 1 second?
>magic sword sword
breathing techniques?
>blonde dumbass.

>normal human strike?
straight up dead. comatose at least

>multiple strikes 1 second?
yup! dex more focused. pa more broad. dex aiming bow. pa pulling string

>breathing techniques?
that stuff real???

>have mercy lumina

postan soon!
1 nina: it's ok.

3 tamako: u have idea?

1 nina: not yet. but good time! no slow descent. no lost time. like last time.

3 tamako: oh. i see

1 nina: we covered mora. a lot more! in flight. so. it's ok

3 tamako: right

nina untransforms. takes out cellphone. transforms. says nothing. just goes up. tamako becomes little. then; more little

1 nina: .....wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiokletsee

propulsors and wind. no other sound. hand above eyebrows. no end yet. red line far. road branches lots. some dead ends. nina takes picture


nina descends. boots touch ground. nina untransforms

3 tamako: so?

1 nina: glad i did. many dead ends! look, look

nina shows cellphone. pawnshop bald man. photoshooped into christ. light from eyes. light from mouth. everyone kneels. nina's cellphone background

1 nina: i marked some. fly again later

3 tamako: um; i see. i'll fly later

1 nina: no. i fly

nina bags cellphone. gets in car. driver's seat

3 tamako: wrong seat again

1 nina: no. i drive. my turn

3 tamako: no. im the adult. move aside

1 nina: no

tamako blinks. nina serious. no tantrum. no witty retort

3 tamako: ...ok. step aside. i'll reconfi-

1 nina: good as is. let's go.

tamako says nothing. takes passenger seat. closes door. nina closes door

1 nina: we'll make it

drive surprisingly long. fuel still going. road long. tamako looking ahead. nina looking ahead. thing peaceful. tamako humming. car motor humming. nina humming

1 nina: right or left?

tamako looks picture. nina drew lines

3 tamako: left, this time. should see tree

nina takes left. goes on. soon, tree. tree of legs

3 tamako: should be fine. already at edge. new picture soon

1 nina: wait next fork

3 tamako: yes, good idea

more humming. more rolling. tamako glances. nina too short. butt edge seat. practically standing. hanging from wheel. but, serious. then, next fork. left or right. nina leaves car

1 nina: time to wiiiiiiiiiii

nina wiiiiiiiiiiiii's. then wiiiiiiiii's more. once high, looks. curses. wrong road. ends in mountain. however... exit near. maze becomes line.

1 nina: good enough

somersaults mid-air. gazes, takes picture. previous fork near. small backtrack. then out. nina goes down. tamako is waiting


3 tamako: so?

tamako smoking. smells bad. nina ignores

1 nina: we'll go back

3 tamako: oh

1 nina: it's close. let's go

nina opens door. driver's seat changed. smaller. closer to windshield pedals closer. gearbox is cat. gearstick cat head

1 nina: what you doing?!

3 tamako: just some adjustments

1 nina: why?!

nina SIGHS. just like akari. tamako's grin lingers. confused

1 nina: let's just go!

nina sits. comfy tamako sits. doors closed. hand on stick. car starts. stick purrs. nina tries turning. fails. struggles. fails. tamako grabs wheel. both looking ahead. both grabbing wheel reverse. turn. finally, car turned


after a while
after going back
car no fuel

3 tamako: it happened

1 nina: yeah

car not starting. car won't start

3 tamako: poor vera mom

1 nina: why- oh. yeah

3 tamako: we have magic. at least

1 nina: she too. was magical girl

3 tamako: slipped my mind. magical girl mom. incredible. never seen it

nothing moves. not even them. nothing will move. not by itself. not anymore

3 tamako: ok. let's think

1 nina: ok!

sword swing normally. what would be? vera slashes familiar. no magic strength.
>that stuff real???
sortish. breathing control. athletes learn it. boxers too. oxygenate muscles good. get tired less. look it up. the athlete zone. also.
human body amazing. int? vera use both? zone and breathing?
>vera slashes familiar. no magic strength.
hmmmm... mami made weapon. gave to sayaka. sayaka still human. soooooooooooo, yeah, doable. how about this. that is m0. costs 0

>vera use both? zone and breathing?
yup! totally doable. just explain it. magical girls different. but its ok. not different enough

ooooooooh!! OUR eri!! from toy story
would human gun. also be m0?
hmm, no. m2 or m3. maybe even more. dangerous. destroys weak points. look at homura
>explain it
zone a state. ideal optimal performance. concentration, coordination, skill. athletes experience it. everything clicks. perfection. it is mental. action and awareness. utterly present. hard to explain. athletes struggle explaining. but can enter. personal methods work.
breathing control. controlling how breathe. inhale through nose. exhale through nose. gets more oxygen. air filtered. easier breathing. exhale on blow. sharp hiss. tightens core. impact stronger. keep getting oxygen. can keep striking. breath is power. conserves energy. alot.
efficacy can vary. between athletes.

how swordsmanship affect? strengthens blow?
gun ain't m0? point. pull trigger. bam! gun does work.
i think zone. placebo :P
though. second wind real.
so ultra instinct. gotcha. how enter zone? what vera does? how she manages? how she focus? vera 1 mind. how she copes?

>breathing control
don't get it. vera tires less? more precise movements? how it happens? what she does?int is knowledge. int is ideas

btw: thinking of nina. no int rolls. ramp was m1. but liftoff m3. desu my bad. should have asked

>how swordsmanship affect? strengthens blow?
force is same. aims blow better. gets better angles. int understands it. dex performs it. targets weaker parts. less pa required

>gun ain't m0?
certainly not m0. guca bodies resistant. soul gem? not so much. head? not so much. gun enough.
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>enter zone
restructure thinking. mantras. focus. this case. focus on blade. int brain flexibility. a focusing technique. martial autist. probably taught. likely experienced before.
>how she copes
what you mean? zone feels awesome. total control.

>tire less
yes. gets oxygen efficiently. breathe through nose. properly use diaphragm. creates smooth breathing. when striking. forcefully exhale. tightens core naturally. strikes harder. it's breathing rhythm. controlling breathing helps. everything. stamina is form. without proper breathing. form breaks down. techniques get sloppier. mistakes. defeat. practiced so much. habit. athletes different breathing. patterns compared normal.

>guca body resistant
meant guca shoots. gets gun. shoot familiars. like homu.
>enter zone
we know what. we need how. most important part. how it works. what she does

>zone feels awesome. total control
blocking emotions = mind. very much fundamental. technique involving feelings. vera mind m1. vera mentally weak. VERY mentally weak. so how cope? how enter zone?

>breathing technique
i see. that makes sense. vera breathing technique. this would work. vera movements efficient. energy management efficient. vera more stamina. vera more precise. vera sturdier. though... m7 dex already? but con 2

how about this? vera breathing technique: +2 con/mind. was thinking +1. but, vera m7int. however! mind fail cancels. panic removes bonus. only works calmed

that being said: let's state knowledge. vera already knows:
-martial arts (m3 without weapon)
-breathing techniques (+2 con/mind. only works calm)
give one more. it's previous knowledge

then, she'll learn. learnings new. learnings require justification. learnings require context

>meant guca shoots. gets gun. shoot familiars. like homu
ooooooooo!! dp cost! would be free. aim and shot. mami summons guns. so, more involved. homura doesn't. how's that?

i miss akari

plz akari return

lawl jk drama
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>how it works
state of focus.
time slows. movement is fluid. uncertainty disappears entirely. mind and body. one. effortless control. movements intuitive. supreme physical performance.
>what she does?
very good slashing.
>cope and how
become delusional.
focus on sword. consider blade. consider breaths. consider martial arts. heart's innermost desire. greatest martial artist. under heaven. embody [sword].

just ask akari.

>+2 con/mind
>disappears when panic
neat! 4 con/3 mind. breathe attacks? to hit harder? like swordsmanship
>m7 dex already
who knows? maybe zone surpasses.

>give one more. it's previous knowledge
have to think
>how it works
nuuuuh! that's other thing. what it does. the consequences. time slows, etc. i mean something else. how it works. /how/ to do. conveying is hard

>become delusional.
i see! to avoid emotions. rest is chuuni. i want process. how she manages. technique to delude. is it frenzy? is cool-head? how to archive. that's most important

breathing, i understand. there's a process. there's a consequence. there's effects. but zone weird. zoning not explained. so can't do

>neat! 4 con/3 mind. breathe attacks? to hit harder? like swordsmanship
no. just con/mind bonus. pa enough. no need more. dex enough. no need more. swordsman skills independant. second nature

>have to think
hmmmmm. no need. vera swordsmanship's techiques. that's the trait. int for technique. int already working

lucinda: want kill familiar
nigga: how?
lucinda: just slice fucker
nigga: alright roll m2
'hits like truck. but no grace. pointless movements. wasted efficiency"

vera: want kill familiar
nigga: how?
vera: use iado. wait for attack. draw when vulnerable
nigga: alright roll m1
'hits with precision. clean cut. fast movement. just enough force"

int already works! vera applying technique. technique not best. saw on internet. but applied perfectly. vera better technique? from somewhere? then technique stronger. even less requirement. less pa required

think vera fine. already applying int. can apply int. int situations out. also, very little. little experience. but ok. one more trait
>zoning not explained
i try. zone is present. utterly exist. in the present. there's delay normally. one foot past. one foot future. latency. zone ignites neurons. both feet. in the present. in the flow. utterly now. distractions gone. brings to present.

>is it frenzy? is cool-head?
both. consumed into nothing. think zen master. burning focus. attune by counting. breaths. heartbeats. weight of sword. focusing on present. mushin.
real chunni hours.

dread wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flow_(psychology)

>vera saw tecnhqiue?
can savant copy? see once?

>one more trait
love qm!
idea! litany against fear. taught by mom. help focus mind.
>i try. zone is present.
>both. consumed into nothing.
i know that. what zoning entails. what zoning does. rest is missing: /how/ to zone. get into zone. /how/. method. process.

>can savant copy? see once?
m7? /yes/. vera prodigy. that much clear. however! must roll per. techniques many details. unless explained, per.

>idea! litany against fear. taught by mom. help focus mind.
lawl. escaping low mind. terrified of costs. ok. here's the thing

legacy litany:
-doesn't give mind
-allows mind reroll
-reroll recovers breathing
-reroll prevents cost
-but; vera frail
-both rolls fail = vera meltdown
--no perfect breathing
--no talking
--no thinking
--only attacking nonstop
--may attack allies
--litany can't be used
--lasts until excess

homework monster: ASJDUHADUHAJH!
vera: aa...aa..aaa.aaaa!!
m3 mind roll. vera mind = 1+2. vera rolls 23. fails
vera panics. vera reacts
vera: *recites litany!!! recites litany!!*
m3 mind roll. vera mind = 1+2. vera rolls 11. fails again
vera meltdown. vera full retard. vera obliterates homework. homework fucking dead
bea: is vera ok?
akari: hey!
vera turns around. vera berserk
m1 mind roll. 69 to win (80-11). vera rolls 30. roll fails
akari: vera oH FFFU
vera m4 pa. rolls 52. akari con 7. no need roll
vera m7 dex. rolls 20. akari per 3. no need roll
vera m4 per. akari 1 dex. no need roll
vera hits boyfriend. swing bounces.
akari: sweet fuck CHILL
m1 mind roll. 39 to win (80-11-30). vera rolls 10. failure
bea: v-vera! easy! everything's ok!
bea m1 char roll. 29 to win (80-11-30-10). rolls 1. failure
akari: enough.
points around
akari: look. bad thing dead. we alive. it's simple
akari m7 char roll. 28 to win (80-11-30-10-1). rolls 4. instant success
vera calms down. vera starts crying.

-vera now unfocused.
-to recover focus: must be reassured. convinced things alright

now write littany
>why- oh. yeah
oh yeah indeed.

anyway. we already changed. the car. many many times. so why not. shrink it? easier 2 carry.
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Grewwsome twooosomee!
Twosum Grusum!

what want do? wait line? any other idea? for cake getting?
nina tamako outside. looking at car. tumbleweed rolls. has head inside.

1 nina: let's shrink it

3 tamako: shrink it?

1 nina: yeah. easier to carry. put in pocket

tamako looks car. tamako shakes head

3 tamako: no such thing

1 nina: no such thing?

3 tamako: no. not as shrinking. make smaller car. using same materials. makes me wonder... win condition same?

1 nina: what you mean? oh! bring whole car? that's win condition?

3 tamako: not sure. but, risky. bring smaller car. half car. is same car? would it count?

1 nina: hmmmm...!

nina looks car. car is big. carrying it hard. pushing it hard. win conditions vague

we alredy. modified the car. a bunch. just make it small. and divide it up. to not be. too heavy & small.
a sword dance.
shit shit shit.
also. if many. than materials = same.
what makes car? materials? components? shape? any specific part? hmm...!

1 nina: modified bunch already... hmm! how about this? make it small. divide it up

3 tamako: many small cars? two smaller cars? more? total weight same

1 nina: i'll think.

nina thinks

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dance into trance? sounds cool, but- how that works? still no explanation. still no process.
a) vera not trance
b) ??? dancing?
c) vera trance
how dancing trance? how it happens? why dancing trance? no explanation! no power!

>shit shit shit
im kinda hype. let's see litany
Head empty. Not many idea.
Akari will follow lead for now, will say if come up with idea.
2 smaller cars. run rope through. cars. car become backpacks?
>how it happens
falling into rhythm. zone focus/action. dancing is both.
a martial art
footwork, heartbeat, breathing
what happens? from psychological standpoint. changes inside mind. beliefs involved. may seem nitpicky. but, logic important. making sense important. even with magic

what footwork does? what heartbeat does? how become trance? can google breathing. breathing techniques explained. vera trance isn't. want real example. or explanations. magic is bullshit. but, this isn't

consider letting go. maybe other technique? something logical. something explainable

1 nina: two smaller cars. then, run rope. then... car backpacks!

tamako squints.

3 tamako: nina. weight same.

1 nina: so?

3 tamako: backs crushed. obliterated

1 nina: oh. no, but-

nina gestures

1 nina: two cars. tie rope. rope ourselves. drag car. wheels help! no backs crushed

3 tamako: ok. i understand now. well, more convenient. but, same problem. same weight

1 nina: car nunchaku? just kidding

3 tamako: no other ideas?

focused on performing. occurs because want. to achieve goal. total involvement in goal.

>heartbeat, breathing, footwork
steps to goal. maintaining these. forces focus on. present. thats the trance.

real example: https://youtu.be/wl49zc8g3DY?si=8h2-GnKEAIuxXX_M

biologically. prefrontal cortex quiets. brain achieves synchronization.
another video
just... brute force it. pushing is better. than pulling. unless angle big. we can. do it.
fuel will. always. not be enough... poor vera's mom.
don't forget. dump all seats. seats of cactus. other interior stuff. original long gone. in canyon jump. make somewhat lighter. easier push.
cactus fuel?
yeah this too. good thinking.
chemistry hard.
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day got busy. out of nowhere. postan soon!
courage, always. courage then. courage now. courage everyday thereafter.
>fuck you on?
been thinking explanation.
zone is state. mental thing.
has conditions.
action. focus. desire. blocking distractions.
but individually oriented. different tics work. for different people.

sword dance ritual.
like meditation. placebo.
vera tailored!
gets blood pumping.
loves martial arts.
dance has purpose. motions focused.
chunni in head. counting and delusions. desires.

ritual alters state.
mind focused. deliberate patterns.
body moving. practiced patterns.
going through motions.
reach ideal conditions. attempt zoning.

wish had omniscience.
social butterflying? :P
took nap. fell asleep. neck wrong position. aaah fuck. now back!

vera&bea: akari head empty
what plan? wait in line? anything else?


lol please ocnsider

>courage, always. courage then. courage now. courage everyday thereafter
make it longer. include animals. make it funny. or won't work! i did work. considered litany. considered swordsmanship. read about breathing. took my time. so, your turn! let's see litany

ok, getting somewhere. dance has purpose. dance to focus. here's my take. sword dance hard. hard on purpose. requires heavy concentration. makes vera focus

i'll think later. breathing function overlaps. still too general. vera already has:
-also martial arts

may extend breathing. work dance in. but enough. no more bonuses

writtan! wish free time
nina faces road. road is clear. straight line ahead. vera mom could

1 nina: let's just... brute force it. let's push car

tamako mouth opens. eyes frown. but says nohing. faces road too. vera mom could

3 tamako: ...ok. let's push car

1 nina: dump all seats. empty car. easier to push

3 tamako: right

seats twist. then merge. become ball. ball shakes. ball becomes pigeons. pigeons fly away.


1 nina: isn't that hard? making living things?

3 tamako: they aren't alive. no brains

1 nina: tamako magic weird. hard to understand

3 tamako: maybe it's complex

1 nina: or something else

get behind car. start pushing. car moves slowly. very slowly

1 nina: original seats gone. win condition gone?

3 tamako: will be ok. others team won. some lost wheels. some lost chairs. trunk cover. window shattered. door sliced apart

1 nina: sliced apart?

3 tamako: sometimes familiars ambush

1 nina: i'd wreck them!

3 tamako: that's the spirit

then, pushing. lots of pushing. nina pushes car. nina thinking. weight big problem. could reduce more. what should stay? what should go? condition so vague. back then... how car arrive? nina pushes car. keeping mind busy. cause pushing boring

3 tamako: what nina likes?

nina alarmed. feet move. wheels spin. wind howls. nina hesitates. but road long. no way out

1 nina: i like pawnshop.

3 tamako: interesting

1 nina: i'm autist

3 tamako: i see.

1 nina: i buy things. then sell things. many people come. trinkets for now. but it's growing! many people comes. i have money!

3 tamako: sounds like fun

1 nina: it is! learned things value. baseball player card. looked so stupid. did some research. super expensive! why? i don't know. people don't know. things look stupid. but someone cares

wind still cold. body warming up. nina breathing clouds. not enough.

1 nina: i got card. trading game card. had black lotus. got from granny. paid 100 yen. sold for 1000 yen! ten times value! didn't even research

3 tamako: good job there

1 nina: merchant's intuition! pawnshops are fun. no fixed value. charisma matters lots. lots mental games

car goes sideways. car goes off track. constant correction. going to right. nina corrects. going to left. then tamako corrects
1 nina: what tamako likes?

tamako hand sweating. slipping off car. then back on

3 tamako: reading picture books

1 nina: picture books? for little kids?

3 tamako: yes. like you

1 nina: i'm not little! i'm over 10!

nina sweating too. nina getting tired. despite magical girl

3 tamako: i see. i enjoy reading. but, pictures matter. pretty pictures matter. mangas usually plain

1 nina: tamako video games?

3 tamako: only with friends. some games artistic. impressive backgrounds. very detailed characters. soothing music. i look things. or hear music. i forget game

tamako chuckles

3 tamako: friends hate me

1 nina: what? why hate you? then no friends

3 tamako: it's exaggeration. they just complain. tamako friends good

1 nina: oh

road is narrow. tamako corrects car. silence. car moving steadily

1 nina: was like this? with other teams?

3 tamako: no. would use magic

1 nina: how?

3 tamako: we shot car

1 nina: what?!

3 tamako: made catapult. got everyone in. fly. anti-gravity magic. repeat

1 nina: but soul gems. soul gems dark

3 tamako: yes. we gave thought. dark because magic. dark because worrying. dark anyway. so, magic

nina considers. tamako gem dark... long road ahead. other challenges. then mom witch

1 nina: this challenge long! are others too?

3 tamako: this one long. others shorter. but, yes. always takes hours

1 nina: legs getting heavy.

3 tamako: wanna rest?

1 nina: no. car sweaty too

3 tamako: that's drizzle

1 nina: drizzle?

nina looks up. raindrop to eye

1 nina: ouch! it's raining!

3 tamako: bad luck. storm coming

1 nina: what?! with thunders?!

sky growls. sky answers

1 nina: was that thunder?!

3 tamako: still far away

1 nina: what a pain!!!

nina already annoyed

>longer. animals. funny?
ok. adding
>become honey badger. bite lions. bite jackals. bite snakes. bite kyubey. cook kyubey. soup kyubey. can kyubey. pickle kyubey. goddamn alien felines. i’ll eat cats. all of them.

>tam makes animals
horses? pull car.
smart idea vera!!!

bad naps funny. refreshed but achey.

bea ask customers. how much cake? find out price. pool our coins. have 15. 16 with fake. if need <20. beg coins. or steal coins. before front line. pay and leave. otherwise. need steal. scout out premises. how many familiar? how get cake? is locked? can vault? also, hmmm. need whole cake? or only slice? slice way cheaper.

good to learn. before we up. once we up. front of line. no time think. act, or move.

alternatives for later. vera remember. other person bought. other plan. we linger. see who buys. follow, and pursue. if human. join the team. if familiar. we become muggers. unfortunately >_<. stealing bad. but must. sorry fake human!
akari demands. irresistible.
wait. winged horses.
>bea ask customers. how much cake?
ask customers. familiars? humans? ask clerk later?

>scout out premises.
call roll later

>other plan. we linger. see who buys. follow, and pursue
keeping in mind

>need whole cake? or only slice? slice way cheaper.
4 bea: is that cake?

5 akari: no, it's ufo. yes, it's cake. looks like cake? it's cake

2 vera: it's cake, bea

4 bea: thanks

line not long. but, line slow. bea looks around. lots of food! different than rice. different than soup. colorful, so tasteful? bea looks away. temptation winning over

4 bea: u-um! vera; need whole cake? is slice enough?

2 vera: dunno! came for cake. whole cake. didn't get slice. maybe it is?

5 akari: needless risk. get whole cake. stick to guns

4 bea: what if cant? maybe cake expensive

2 vera: yeah! slice good idea

5 akari: ...whatever. head empty. not many ideas. do whatever

2 vera: what? you the adult. give advice!

5 akari: adults are overrated

the line moves
>nina pushes car. it moves
>1 nina: it’s kinda light!
>3 tamako. no. you are strong
>get behind car. start pushing. car moves slowly. very slowly
hmmm... anyway.

can tamako turn. car into pigeons? leashed pigeons. heck. not even leashed. i can make. pigeons believe. we = best thing. since sliced bread.
>>get behind car. start pushing. car moves slowly. very slowly
>hmmm... anyway
a) storm coming. strong wind. wind pushes car. moving car harder
b) heavy thing heavy. slow at start. faster with inertia
c) qm not perfect. qm little bitch. weak to sarcasm. qm could cry. then guilt forever

annoyance is annoying. nina wants out. boom somewhere far. drizzle still light. clothes not wet

1 nina: tamako. car into pigeons?

3 tamako: pigeons?

nina nods.

1 nina: like just now. car into pigeons. then, leashed pigeons! nevermind. just pigeons. then i magic!

3 tamako: win condition jeopardy

1 nina: always entire car? nobody tried different?

3 tamako: entire car. first time worked. then, didn't change. no experiments. no taking risks

1 nina: that's so boring. find best way! fastest way! that's fun

3 tamako: willing to risk?

1 nina: hmm...

nina considers vera. maybe new method. maybe failure. play it safe? take the risk?

3 tamako: can be done. you've seen it. however

tamako opens palm. palm get wet. hand has pool

3 tamako: might need umbrellas
asking everyone around. familiars and humans. see if know. see if interact. see have coins? particularly humans. if have coins. consider joining team. but not now. later maybe. other option. pickpocketing. but not now.
>cry. then guilt forever.
nah, we'd win. :P we'd do anything. sweet sweet victory.
Hmmm, been thinking. Maybe use boyfriend to create distraction on other side of room? Use time to grab cake and escape?
Thoughts on idea?
Maybe we cause distraction, make ruckus, boyfriend get cake while others are distract?

Akari thinks akari will use boyfriend to look around store for anything useful, maybe find coins. Maybe find information.
vera steal/scout.

akari use magic? cake given free?
Possible. M7 Magic could create illusion, make others see no cake to buy, empty plate instead. Until we get there. Lift illusion, buy whole cake?
akari magic love? forces love. irresistible.
Hmmm, want maybe magic love others in line, to buy cake for team?
one. magic cashier.
Ooooooooh, you think good Vera.
Love magic Cashier, he give cake for free, with anything else we can think of, he give.
Genius move.

doable. but warning. boyfriend very stupid

akari magic love
illusions not doable

ok! no need roll

this ok?

if so:
--m1 char (asking humans)
--m3 char (convince humans join?)
--m2 char (asking familiars??)
--m3 per (spot coins)
--m2 per (scout around)
--m3 per (spot coins)
--m3 dex (steal coins) (free. vera 7 dex)
--no ma roll (love magic automatic)
--m5 char roll (ask for cake)
--m? char roll (ask anything else? what ask?)
Rolled 58, 97, 92, 60 = 307 (4d100)

bea no char... but try best!
bea brave!!!
no need steal. akari asks coins.

int impacts scouting?
>no need steal

>int impacts scouting?
like hearing technique? is it explained? it makes sense? then yup, totally. but!!! no past. not anymore
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grid pattern.
actually spiral method.
fiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. +1 per. roll
confusion. m1 per?
no. +1 per. vera has 4 per. so 5 per. m3 roll? 20 to win
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Rolled 70, 11 = 81 (2d100)

>First Roll: Cake get!
>Second Roll: All the money in the register.
Plan good. Baby could do it.
scouting m2 per?
wait. my bad. scouting free then

for next time: m? rolls vary. meant for asking. example, lifting weights. deadlifting is m?. deadlifting 50kg = m1. deadlifting 500kg = m5. otherwise, looks arbitrary. decided after roll. qm may cheat

you already rolled. so, let's logic. cake very expensive. register day coins. line long. therefore, many sales. cake many coins. but register more. cake m5. register m5 minimum. so, results. first roll win. second roll failed. is that ok?
very funny. ally trying best. stack the deck. grab every advantage.

i appreciate. but, my opinion. lum. remember, you qm. ultimately, you. put foot down. wherever. we adapt. we trying best. world fights back. struggle makes fun. if good idea? pleasantly surprised? reward. but don't obligated. reward every idea.
Oooooooh, right. Got it.
First roll win and second loss is all good.
Fair decision and win.
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhwe'vebeenatitwiththewrongideainmind! technically 1 word

tamako, do u think. vera mom. would care more. about the car. or about. reaching the destination. put yourself. in her shoes. imagine going with. tiny vera. on holiday. i think. tiny vera's happiness. < the car.

just make it. tiny. like we've discussed b4. easier 2 carry. than hearding pigeons.
>remember, you qm.
>grab every advantage
7int bastard.
don't forget!! vera idea good! horses nice! like horse-drawn carriage! i'd be happy!
aren't horses alive? tamako sees them. brainless 2?
cat meow. horse trot!
Akari agree.
>horse trot!
still doubtful. but. galloping though. the wasteland. sounds nice.

horsies please. if tamako can.
line slow. too much food. food too colorful. bea hard time

4 bea: um… maybe it’s safe

5 akari: what?

4 bea: ………..the food

akari rolls eyes

2 vera: hang in there. eat something else. with the sun

4 bea: oh, no. it’s not hunger. it’s just… looks so tasty

2 vera: i get it. akari! let’s buy something! bea eats anything

5 akari: no. also, still far

4 bea: um…no… i’m okay. won’t be trouble. i’ll ask prices

5 akari: to who? familiars? witch-kissed humans?

bea already left

5 akari: watch her

2 vera: was going to

bea wanders around. bad idea. food still everywhere. food even closer. bea drooling. no! stick to plan! bea seeks coins. maybe will steal. bea knows how. hopes not to. but she knows. need is king.

4 bea: …

but it’s hard. coins inside wallets. wallets inside pockets. hard to see. dangerous bet. maybe not jail. not this time

>4 メ: m3 roll 60 = failure (spot coins)

bea stumbles familiar. familiar turns.

4 bea: ehmmm. o-umm…!

familiar cube face. wearing suit. body melted candle. many eyes, scattered. but no irises. tv static instead

4 bea: …hi, mr familiar. good morning. how much cake?

maybe not morning. familiar shakes Spasmically. head turns weirdly. like clock. instant movement. eyes on bea

familiar: ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ゚. ゚゚. * ・*:・゚*:・゚

4 bea: i’m sorry. i don’t understand. maybe it’s expensive?

familiar: :・゚*:・゚:・゚゚:・゚*:・゚゚*:・゚・゚*:・:・:*:・゚

bea blinks. takes out coin. shows the familiar

4 bea: mr familiar: this is coin. that is cake

points at cake

4 bea: how many coins? to buy cake?

familiar: ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ ʕ·͡ᴥ·ʔ:・゚*:・゚゚*:༓・*˚+‧͙

familiar lifts hand. stabs own face. scrounges about. bea shivers. something is ripped. takes out hand. gives bea coin

4 bea: …ᵗ-ᵗ-ᵗʰᵃnᵏ ʸᵒᵘ

bea runs away

>4 ღ: m2 roll 92 = success (ask familiars??)
bea forgot food. that was scary! crashes onto something. covers face. nothing happens. looks up. vera spinning.

4 bea: ….vera?

2 vera: whassup!

spinning in place. dragging all javelins. area getting wider

4 bea: why you spinning?

2 vera: super scouting technique. finds everything

4 bea: oh. that’s cool

2 vera: it is.

vera keeps spinning

2 vera: i’m getting dizzy

4 bea: eh-

angle now wider. vera walking circles. bea steps aside. vera is circle

2 vera: i’m smart

4 bea: that’s nice

vera pushes something. bea notices. it’s… human! normal person. a normal girl. older than her. younger than tamako

4 bea: hi. um.

girl looking away. green eyes. black hair

4 bea: hi? hello?

bea shakes hand. greets. no answer. bea turns around. no. bea brave! turns around again. this is important. person in danger!

4 bea: um… wanna be friends? i eat things

girl finally turns. bea startled. like little kitten. but holds ground

green-eyed girl: am i cursed? is it luck? i try hard. so hard. to understand. it doesn’t matter. bad things happen. all crumbles down. i am cursed

girl looks away. bea sees neck. witch kiss. not thinking straight

4 bea: i’m sorry. bad things happen. i can’t help. not even mom

green-eyed girl: it’s awful, right? let’s eat cake. let’s fill ourselves. forget the world. ride the sugar

4 bea: um…hoy much cake? strawberry cake

green-eyed girl: a hundred tears

4 bea: tears?

girl shows coin

green-eyed girl: golden tears

bea mouth gapes. a hundred… coins?

>4 ღ: m1 roll 58 = success (ask humans)
girl eyes dead. no eye contact. constantly looking away. constantly fixing hair

4 bea: um… this is dangerous! please come with. i’ll protect you!

green-eyed girl: why? i’m cursed. bad luck. no fighting. no escape. money doesn’t matter. friend don’t matter. boobs don’t matter. i am cursed. i ruin everything

4 bea: …boobs? but, um… um…… UM………

bea rakes brain. right! dad stories! to pass storms

4 bea: look! im fox! fox good luck

green eyed girl: fox good luck?

4 bea: fox good luck!!

bea almost shouting. was it fox? was it rabbit? foxes trick people? well… that’s happening. dad was right. girl laughs

green-eyed girl: good luck charm. i’ll hold you

bea swallows whimper. girl lifts her

green-eyed girl: repel bad luck

>4 ღ: m3 roll 97 = near critical success (convince humans join)

vera still spinning. now near counters. has seen everything. knows it all. true omniscience

2 vera: what?!

something she missed. bea being carried

4 bea: hi

2 vera: let her go!

green-eyed girl: no!

4 bea: no, no! it’s ok! i’m charm. good luck charm!

vera mouth open. lowers guard. it’s normal human

2 vera: you a rabbit?

green-eyed girl: rabbit?

4 bea: w-what’s that?! over there!

bea pointing randomly. vera looks. girl looks. vera eyes widen

2 vera: …wow! was getting there. what is that?

above: familiars. dark. hard to notice. hard to distinguish

green-eyed girl: the security guards? what of them?

vera&bea: security guards?

green-eyed girl: yes? they chase thieves? you from mountains?

vera looks up. too many. but no problem. she’d crush them! only that… bea has sword
line finally shorter. akari near checkout. process poorly thought. inefficient system. should order first. then checkout. but whatever. labyrinth. akari glances around. kids vanished. akari worried. maybe trouble. maybe break something. maybe eat familiar. but can’t move. long line. time limit

clerk familiar: -__@_@_P__P__-__@@___-!!

previous customer leaving. akari being called. finally made it. familiar wooden spoon. eyes is mustache. spaghetti arms. it repeats:

clerk familiar: -__@_@_P__P_ … !!! @__QQ_PQ____!

akari knows. this always happens. akari points register. clerk familiar shaking. bows many times. shakes arms


>5 ღ: m5 roll 11 = failure (ask register money)

akari just nods. whatever. points above. points at cake. clerk familiar bouncing. other familiars bouncing. ladder is dragged. smashed. then climbed. cake brought down. fanfare is played. familiars clap. akari takes cake

clerk familiar: -QQQQQQQ_@_P__P_ … !!! _! QQQQQQQQQ

>5 ღ: m5 roll 70 = success (ask for cake)

the familiars dance. akari doesn’t answer. akari just leaves. walks past bea. vera notices

2 vera: akari! now what? wha- what?!

then notices cake

2 vera: holy smokes! look! akari has cake! bea, let’s go!

vera runs away

4 bea: u-um… would you mind-

green-eyed girl: …cake… let’s eat cake... let’s drown sorrows…

girl follows akari. or cake. walks past line. walks through darkness. back at mall

2 vera: no way. we have it? already? just like that? that’s too easy!

5 akari: jus like that. challenge stupidly easy

2 vera: yay! like going shopping!

4 bea: like picking shrooms!

akari looks bea. looks at girl

5 akari: fuck is that?

green-eyed girl: come. share cake. let us forget

4 bea: she’s witch-kissed. l-let’s save her!

5 akari: fuck you doing? knock her out. dangerous like this

green-eyed girl: see? i’m cursed. no cake. only pain

2 vera: akari, bea charm. good luck charm.

4 bea: y-yes! so she’s lucky! no bad luck

akari says nothing. bea sweating

2 vera: challenge too easy!

adventures of beavera. cute!!! vera is circle! good luck charm!
we got cake!! akari awesome! where exit?
after exit... hehehe. time to eat!
got free coin! funny familiar nice! green-eyed girl... hmmm. she critical success. (almost). surely important. how many coins? she have?
also... honestly... maybe coin farm??? ask familiars????
though. should find exit. don't want risk.
vera want sword? or i hold?

meanwhile. raining. storming. sweating. at least umbrellas. wide cat umbrellas. tamako smoking. raindrop bounces. raindrop kills cigarette. tamako no smoking

3 tamako: ……..…..motherfucker

still pushing car. muddy road. car hardly moving. constantly slipping

1 nina: motherfucker!!

3 tamako: pffffffffffff

1 nina: what?! you say it! i say it! and-

3 tamako: it’s ok. don’t tell akari

nina looks away. rain cold. but warm. swallows. considers

1 nina: ……mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhwe'vebeenatitwiththewrongideainmind!

3 tamako: are you ok?

1 nina: tamako! vera mom cared… about car? or reaching destination? what u think?

rain. more rain. like little needless. umbrellas not enough

3 tamako: i don’t know. should know her

rain too loud. drums above

1 nina: put in shoes. her shoes. tiny vera holiday. tiny vera happy? car don’t matter

3 tamako: maybe no holiday. maybe different story

1 nina: make it tiny. like we've discussed. easier to carry. herding pigeons hard

nina opens mouth. the pigeons! remembers bea’s cat

1 nina: tamako! horses! horse-drawn carriage! like the romans!

3 tamako: car becomes horses?

1 nina: yes! it’s brilliant! tamako cats. tamako horses too! bea made boyfriend. boyfriend loved akari. they follow orders!

3 tamako: they don’t

1 nina: just try it. better than this!

tamako looks shoes. all muddy. transforming even worse. naked feet

3 tamako: why not. can revert later

1 nina: yay!!

tamako battle station. tamako touches keyboard. focused. nina looks. then; car in half. halves fall. contort. have seizures. tubes become legs. windows become heads. wheel become bodies. tires become saddles. then… horses rise. head transparent. eyes car lamps

1 nina: awesome! so cool. so creepy. so… where carriage?

3 tamako: carriage?

1 nina: eh- nevermind! this works. riders on storm! killer on road!

3 tamako: have bad feeling

1 nina: it’s ok! let’s ride

nina rides horse. tamako rides horse. horses graze. horses horse noises. horses don’t move

1 nina: um… how ride horse?

3 tamako: grab ropes

nina grabs ropes

3 tamako: then kick. like this.

tamako kicks side. horse neighs. horse gallops.

1 nina: wait!

nina kicks horse. horse almost stands. nina girlish scream. then horse gallops. umbrella flies away. nina reaches tamako

1 nina: tamako! my butt hurts!! it keeps bouncing!

3 tamako: that’s riding

1 nina: make car again!

3 tamako: why? it’s fun

they keep riding. tamako tosses umbrella. nina wears googles. they keep riding. and then… walking. horses are walking. horses are standing

1 nina: what? are horses tired??

horses don’t move. but rain continues

1 nina: what’s going on? tamako?

3 tamako: the fuel. they spent fuel

1 nina: wait, what?! car no fuel! bea cat moves!

3 tamako: reconfiguration makes fuel. draws from materials. some materials good. some materials bad

1 nina: then make fuel!

tamako shakes head

3 tamako: don’t understand fuel. it’s consequence. created automatically

1 nina: constructs time limit?

3 tamako: yes

1 nina: do them again!

3 tamako: can reconfigure. but material drained. no more fuel

1 nina: makes no sense!

nina grabs head

1 nina: that’s so important! should told me!

tamako looks ahead. dark long road. nina realizes. all birds fell

3 tamako: no difference. won some distance.

tamako makes umbrellas. hands nina one

3 tamako: what now?

it’s getting dark. nina knows. not much time

>green-eyed girl
ask name.
>only pain
break kiss. akari.

hit. brain damage risk.
sleeper hold. wakeup 10 seconds. after hold released.
no good way.

give sword back.

>ask familiars
akari tells kys?

harness wind/lightning?
bea gives sword.

for nina tamako. maybe catapult idea? dunno. big ramp? make bicycle? cars already horses. make bikes. peddle hard. no need fuel.
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>you qm. ultimately, you. put foot down. wherever. we adapt. we trying best
goes both ways. players foot down. it's ok. qm wrong too. qm important. players equally important. sometimes qm nonsense. sometimes players nonsense. consensus omega important. arguing clears doubts. sometimes communication hard. sometimes sarcasm. it's worth it. i care

not qm. not players. logic is king

>don't obligated. reward every idea
have one requisite. makes sense? will be done. vera high int. savant makes sense. spinning makes sense. breathing makes sense. the zone? only because dancing. it's not rewarding. it's being fair. otherwise, creativity pointless

mercy important

>adventures of beavera

>how many coins? she have?
>ask name.
after akari post

>break kiss. akari.
break kiss?
fair enough! just want. no qm pressure. or feel bad. if foot down.
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i know. your support appreciated
>Join BeaVera at exit.
Talk to Green-Eye. Ask why sad girl. Ask her what she good at, strengths and weaknesses etc.
Ask how many coin she have.
>Use Akari charisma to try and make Green-Eye happy.
what is this. can't read this. different language?
horses eat plants. so... can they use. cacti as food?
Akari want make green thing happy, use love magic. Break witch magic spell.
Go exit with other lesbians BeaVera.
Shake green thing until many money fall out or not. Ask it thought questions.
Why sad-cry? Why ugly? Ask if she hunter or berry picker for tribe.

i don't understand. too many words. brain melting. too many words. help
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Akari make green thing happy. Use love magic. Break bad spell.

Go with Bea, Vera. Shake green thing. Money fall? Ask why sad, why ugly. Hunt or pick berries?

Bad omen from sky god if no work.
>Break bad spell.
spell witch kiss. killing witch breaks. leaving barrier breaks. akari can't break. but! charisma still works. won't break. but, will help

roll m? char. results already great. higher results, better. only crits fail. crit fail = (1,2, or 3). love magic automatic. already in effect. girl loves akari. girl still depressed. roll helps depression

writting after roll!
nina is angry. angry at darkness. angry at cold. but, nina thinking. thinking too much. tamako holding umbrellas. both of them

1 nina: horses eat plants. so... cacti as food?

3 tamako: i don't know.

1 nina: veteran magical girl! you should know!

3 tamako: very unlikely situation. never gave thought

1 nina: i give thought! give me cacti

3 tamako: sure

cacti grows legs. cacti with nina

1 nina: ...that's kinda funny! looks so stupid!

nina smiling. then, cacti dancing. nina giggling

1 nina: waste of magic! stoooop! that's so dumb!

horse moves slow. but, bites cacti. chews. chews. swallows. neighs

3 tamako: think it works

1 nina: cause i'm smart! great! let's go!

3 tamako: problem

1 nina: ....nnnuuuUUUUHH!! now- what?! i'm so done!! i'm all wet! it's cold! my butt hurts!

3 tamako: look

horse keeps eating. other horse too. cacti stands meekly. maybe it's suffering. eaten alive. dancing

3 tamako: may take time. may not last

1 nina: so it's unreliable...

3 tamako: yes

still getting darker. not much darker. still enough time
>m? char.
Akari make long happy speech to green thing. Even if Akari not believe what Akari saying. Akari say to make green feel betterer.
gotcha. still m? char. everyhing ok. i'll explain later. roll!
boyfriend wisdom rolls?
boyfriend can't talk. its wisdom useless. it understands pain. it understands love. it understands kindness. and despair. but, can't talk. it only suffers

Rolled 48 (1d100)

jk. happy anyway. loves akari kicks
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bea looking akari. praying. akari looking girl. calculating. girl looking bea. dreaming

2 vera: don't knock her! brain damange bad!

4 bea: b-brain damange?

5 akari: worth it. witch-kissed unpredictable. kill themselves sometimes

4 bea: k-kill themselves?

2 vera: just-just break kiss! power of love! muha muha

akari grimaces. girls are gross. she knows well. then... face relaxes. akari sighs

5 akari: you. why sad?

points at girl

green-eyed girl: bad luck always. unstoppable. can't have peace. can have cake

5 akari: what you do? what you like? what's your thing?

green-eyed girl: pop-up books

akari waits. girl says nothing

5 akari: how efficient. just pop-up books, so what's bad?

green-eyed girl: everything

2 vera: wow, so depressing. cheer up! what's your name?

green-eyed girl: miharu

2 vera: im vera

4 bea: im bea

2 vera: and that's akari

5 akari: shut up. let me talk. this is delicate. you. why bad luck?

miharu: friends boring. money stupid. no boobs-

akari: yes, whatever. i don't care. what happened?

miharu: i was mean. then dog died. i kicked dog. dog mean too. but it died

2 vera: wow

5 akari: make sense. when dog died? right there?

miharu: no. later. it escaped. little poodle. then car hit. my fault. no kick. no death. i want cake. never be angry. never again

bea look akari. vera look akari. akari scratches head. so? shit happens, right? what an overreaction

5 akari: you aren't cursed. well, you are. but for now. look. dogs are evil. fuck them. especially poodles. i know truth. politicians are dogs. it's obvious. they ruin economy. but you? you did great. you awesome person. poodles kill people. not directly; indirectly. but they do. make people weak. make people angry. make people overwork. make kids cry. but now? kids safe. people happy. people strong. people eight hours. thanks to you

miharu: thanks to me...?

5 akari: thanks to you. you are savior. repeat with me. fuck poodles. they are evil. fuck poodles. they are evil

miharu: ...fuck poodles. t-they are... evil...

5 akari: bea. vera

5 bea: b-but dogs nice?

2 vera: fuck poodles! they are evil! fuck poodles! they are evil! bea!

4 bea: f-f-f-screw poodles! they are evil!

miharu: fuck poodles! they are evil!

>5 ღ: m? roll 48 = girl in love (make girl happy)
miharu&bea&vera: fuck poodles! they are evil! yay!

5 akari: can it already. let's leave

miharu&bea&vera: where exit?

5 akari: a hivemind. just follow me

they follow cake. akari has cake

miharu: akari kinda nice

2 vera: yeah!

4 bea: yes! um... miharu...

bea still carried

4 bea: i-i can walk

miharu: that's nice. like akari

no further reaction. bea doesn't insist

4 bea: um... how many coins? many coins?

miharu: not many. just five

2 vera: five... wait! she's playing too?

4 bea: um, are you?

miharu: i'm buying cake

2 vera: (like she's dreaming)

4 bea: (yes. her eyes...)

miharu facing forward. like zombie. witch kiss strong. bea remembers coin. familiar nice! scary ugly too. but free coin. bea remembers pastries. bea drools. hehehe. eating soon! could buy donut! but no donut. donut far now...

2 vera: bea, gimme sword

4 bea: oh, sorry...

2 vera: why sorry? thank you! you made portal

4 bea: but, for nothing

2 vera: loosen up. we are winning!

4 bea: r-right

miharu: akari kinda nice

vera glances bea. bea glances vera. silent agreement

2 vera: hey, akari! tell familiars suicide? what happens then?

5 akari: they suicide. what else?

2 vera: wow. like... wow! scary!!

5 akari: it's not scary. it's efficient

akari stops. rest stops. finally, exit

bea: m3 per
vera: m3 per
akari: m3 per
let them eat. while nina does. aerial photography again. end in sigh? -> we fly there. with horescarthing shrinked. if not -> horsies gallop.
good idea, no?
Rolled 54 (1d100)

Akari harem growing. +1 Yandere girl.
Akari love magic doing tug of war with witch kiss. Weaken, but not remove.
Akari talk strong.

Finally getting handle on Akari and things now, feel good, feel creative juice flowing.
Rolled 73 (1d100)

sword dance soon.
akari charisma help? aid focusing.
but storm. dangerous.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

what the FUCK

seeing hard. held like doll.
just wait... once 7 mind... miharu unaffected! no dumb magic!!!!
i imaginead it. as low altitude. flying. but you're right. that = dangerous 2, then. nina & tamako can walk. & only use flight. 2 overcome obstacles.
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portal sword questions:
1. infinite portal fall? top bottom portal. drop javelin in. it falls much. exit portal made. javelin rockets out. hits.
2. portal blocking? dodge fail. hit going connect. swing sword fast. make portal. hit travels portals. directed elsewhere. not hit.
3. portal cutting? arm through portal. swing sword. new portal. half an arm.
invalid. new portal. previous attempts closing. can't close? gets stuck. vera can't replace. important detail: closing force = pa. portal can hold. for example, arms. pa too

writtan later!
other important details:
-portal size = ma
-can be ripped. can be destroyed
--i know lawl
-durability = ma
-sword swing = portal. /no/ choice

sword dance development

still 50% chance lawl

>dat drawing
keep em coming. finally fanart
>-portal size = ma
vera sized >>6086002?
>can be destroyed
how? side hit?
>/no/ choice
sword portals priceless?
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when the int is 7ing
when the vera is circling

beautiful art. tear to eye.
god im back. finally. can post little

is this action? walking? or this one?
letting them eat? then continuing? little brain left. wanna make sure. nina no scouting?

vera sized? yes.
how destroyed? yes, side hit. or stretched. i'll think example
sword portal priceless? no. cost is pa+(ma/2). for others, pa+ma. yes, pa0 viable. however

Pablo Ruiz Picasso[a] (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, sculptor, printmaker, ceramicist, and theatre designer who spent most of his adult life in France. One of the most influential artists of the 20th century, he is known for co-
exit is doors. big automatic doors. two windows. only fog behind

4 bea: um... is this exit?

5 akari: it's also entrance. yes, it's exit. challenge ends crossing

miharu carrying bea. still zombie

2 vera: so we done? really? just like this?

5 akari: you should know. cake your idea. your memories

4 bea: win condition unknown... so... could we fail?

2 vera: nah! trust me. it'll be fiiiineee

akari looks vera

5 akari: five years failing. over and over. so many attemps. so much effo-

>4 メ: m3 roll 90 = success (notice it)
>2 メ: m3 roll 73 = success (notice it)
>5 メ: m3 roll 54 = success (notice it)

vera notices first. but all act. all stop miharu

4 bea: u-um...! miharu...

miharu: was gonna share.

miharu hand cake. doesn't move. three hands holding

miharu: akari, let's drown. drown in cake!

2 vera: no you idiot! it's win condition!

4 bea: um... maybe slice enough?

2 vera: c'mon, bea!

4 bea: sorry!!

5 akari: miharu: don't waste it

miharu: never waste cake. ok!

miharu drooling. bea looks cake. bea drooling. vera... looking away. drooling

5 akari: didn't meant that. you are strong. too strong. easy to see. witch-kissed, talking. don't waste strenght. not worth cake. not worth distraction, worth living

miharu hand loosens. slow process. miharu hand away

5 akari: there. what great girl. fight the darkness. save that strength. it's worth it

miharu crying. face still hard. completely expressionless. but crying

5 akari: now let's go

akari moves forward. but vera still. miharu still. bea still. no more drooling. no more moving. akari turns

5 akari: come on! now what?

she notices. bea blushing. vera pouting

2 vera: ok, no fair. why only her? want compliments too!

5 akari: oh come ON

4 bea: ....y-you know what?! yeah! me too!

5 akari: god damn IT

4 bea: s-say pretty things. please

2 vera: i'm not moving

4 bea: p-please?

2 vera: we won't move!

5 akari: miharu, let's go

miharu moves. therefore, bea too

4 bea: nuuuuuuuuuh!!

2 vera: ha! make me

5 akari: nope. see ya

door opens. akari walks through. miharu walks through

2 vera: ...ohwaitwhat- i'm just kidding!!

vera walks through
it's outside. back in space. all dark. light floor glows. alien words. no more cake. cake vanished

4 bea: um... oh no! no cake!

5 akari: always happens. props can't leave

4 bea: oh

2 vera: we back here. what weird place. so? we won, right?

4 bea: i don't know

nothing but silence. peaceful silence. akari looking up. vera looks up

2 vera: what's there? what you staring?

5 akari: i'm waiting

2 vera: wha-

5 akari: hush.

2 vera: hush? like don't talk?

akari gives up. keeps looking up. miharu zombie. bea looking up. vera looking up. akari gasp slow... so, so slow

up there: kusudama

2 vera: what is... is someone's birthday?

kusudama pops. confetti falls. little happy fanfare. then... coins fall. like feathers

2 vera: bea, look!!

4 bea: are those coins?

akari wordless. miharu quiet. coins down enough. all pick one

2 vera: yay, coin!

4 bea: cooooiiinn!!

akari beyond baffled. stupidified. zombie as miharu. eyes dead- but fire inside

5 akari: ............no fucking way. no.... what. wait... what?

akari shaking head. akari grabbing head. akari stops

2 vera: quit the drama! i already knew

akari grabs vera. vera whimpers. akari eyes strong

5 akari: five years. do you have... vera, you truly... truly are... the witch's daughter

2 vera: um, yes? i told you?

5 akari: ...no, of course. you wouldn't understand. five years. just... how big... this is.

akari steps away. looks afar

5 akari: this is monumental. and i... lived to witness


bea grabs sleeve. akari sleeve. akari turns

4 bea: good job, akari

akari just stares. many years gone. many friends gone. but labyrinth stays. labyrinth still here. and akari too

2 vera: i knew it. akari is tsundere!

5 akari: .....tsundere?

4 bea: tsundere?

another little fanfare. all look up. falling slowly: cake. same cake, singular cake. akari picks up. again

2 vera: it's the cake! but, it's here?

5 akari: it's the reward. mystery room completed. raya... we finally know
2 vera: just one though? should we split?

miharu: let's roll dice

miharu still zombie. but, voice mechanical. eerie. reaches for pocket- but akari intervenes

5 akari: hold on

miharu: ok

that simple. akari looks bea

5 akari: 10 coins leave. even her. 20 coins both

4 bea: ...even her...

5 akari: yes. even her. your choice. keep her. leave her. your responsibility. only yours

2 vera: what? let's save her

akari looks vera. vera suddenly calm

5 akari: no good unpunished. saving here risky. much harder. may cost life. so no morals. no stupid crap. your choice. your burden

akari looks bea. bea looks miharu. miharu is zombie. akari touches headset

5 akari: tamako. nina. report

no answer

2 vera: not done yet?

5 akari: no. so think

2 vera: think akari tsundere!

5 akari: tsundere this face?

akari looks vera. akari creepy stare. but vera giddy

2 vera: exactly! you nailed it! akari tsundere!

4 bea: um... what's tsundere?

miharu: hard showing affection. afraid of emotions. but nice inside. i love akari!

miharu little expression

5 akari: slow fuck down. whatever. let's plan

sword feed itself? on wish? on slain?stormbringer?
borrow soul ring? borrow ma?
just stab.
>drown in cake!
i’ll stab throat!
>10 coins
make her leave.
>sword feed itself?
sword uses magic. magic from user. stormbringer?

>borrow soul ring? borrow ma?
can't. will = magic. will use user's

>just stab
portal anyway

>make her leave.
yeah fuck her
aaaaaaaahhhhhjĥgghhhhh nina brain. hurt by indecision.
screw it. i trust rockets. they have. yet. 2 fail.
plan is:

horses eat;
return 0;
nina comes down. horses immediatelly stop. nina puzzled. nina flies just a bit. horses eating. nina down. horses not eating. nina jumps repeatedly. horses move mouth. then don't. then do. then don't

just kidding. what if slow? if eating slow? maybe too slow? and finish_in_sight==false?
return 0;
what about horses? leave behind? drag behind? if can't move?
interesting. also, 10 coins? not 12? :P


if miharu zombie... danger self, others.
safest smartest play. miharu gives coins. she has six. each take two. miharu in debt. she zero coins. send to jail. safe in jail. no danger others. little danger self. when we win. beat witch. free jail. plan b. if can't fight. control room. free jailed. miharu back lobby. gets 5 coins. for free. we return lobby. we give miharu. back her coins. boom she out.
shrink & carry horsecarthing
Akari like jail idea. Support. Akari love magic make her not want hurt/kill self as much. She safer there than with AkVerBea team. She not get in way if jail, easier to kill witch mom.

Control room should have release button, just hope can find right button push...
4 bea: um... maybe idea?

2 vera: to un-tsundere akari?

4 bea: no.. um... miharu in danger

5 akari: go on

4 bea: maybe... jail? jail is safe? send her there. then witch. then come back. pick her up

akari nods twice

5 akari: how miharu jail?

miharu: me? jail?

5 akari: yes. how jail?

4 bea: um... this is idea! miharu gives coins. she has six. each ta-

5 akari: no.

2 vera: let her finish! tsundere bully!

5 akari: ...i'll explain tsunderes. not now. shut up. bea; can't trade. can't give coins not here. specific room only. through cheating

4 bea: ...oh

miharu: trade?

same stiff face

5 akari: good sentiment though. but how debt?

2 vera: no worries! make miharu crime! then jail!

5 akari: yes- but she'll leave. be on her own. debt stays jail. crime doesn't

2 vera: what? let me read

5 akari: i'm saying myself... fine, read it

well. sure hope miharu. is random girl. coincidental same name. coincidental pop-up books.
as a zombie. probably won't... make it through.

not many ideas. two options. she commit crime. jail some time. hope enough time. other option. take her with. everything harder. hope she helps. somehow.

look closely miharu. she magical girl?
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Want Akari to ask if she magic? Seem simpler. Miharu impossible lie to Akari.

I think we take her with. Stuff might happen, slow witch killing. Better keep eye on her. Useful maybe too at some point?

Akari can fix her.
qm middle road. 6 hours travel. so short posting

leave leftover materials?

no ring. no magical pattern. nothing. no magical girl. no need asking
this in past. very cool.

can take her. maybe hard mode. but our trio. fully optimized!!!! can handle.
elric of melniboné.

>portal anyway
many weapons.
20 javelins.
bow and arrows.
vera martial genius.

>fully optimized
maybe. need save strength. witch is strong.

breathing technique application? summon adrenaline. shallow breaths. hyperventilation. tricks brain. not enough oxygen. stress response activated. adrenaline released.
aight what is consensus? keep miharu? just go ahead? also: same team? no spliting? no changes? if so, roll. then wait ninamako
i think. same team good. we'll win. no matter what! but vera opinion?
no changes.
Rolled 1 (1d100)

No changes, keep Greeney.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

holy. fuck.
good thing. don't need 1d100. right now. :P

i'll roll a 1d4. 50% school. 25% random gambling. 25% doggo. hope not gambling. insta death chance.
of fucking course
12/26 options good. or neutral. rest is fucked.
fuck crazy room. i'll never roll. ever again. absolute worst room. in my opinion. only tied with. rolling jail. at very end. and losing everything.
damn it guys
you guys roll. now and forever. i'll swear off. never again.
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and sorry!!!!!!!!!!
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a 1. on a 1d100. don't know what. don't know why. but oh my. something should happen. right right right?

this is roll. hello crazy room

>vera martial genius

true. bue! sword best weapon. other weapons weaker. not by much
waiting on nina. very important choice. verbeakari waiting now. btw. what do? while waiting? little posting today. traveling long. many stuffs. but rythm good!
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mercy please... lum...
>while waiting?
>practice spearmanship.
genius isn’t understanding. genius is creation. from nothing.
up for sparring? bea? akari? m0 tho.
do portals work. at this distance? given to akari?
look red circle.

one upside. for crazy room. on red circle. one of only. intersections with. green path.

l-let's play catch... can try spar.
>do portals work. at this distance? given to akari?
akari range huge. whats plan? what portals do?

>one upside. for crazy room. on red circle. one of only. intersections with. green path.
ho. elaborate. what thinking?

>can try spar
bea vera spar?

>mercy please... lum...
escape portal here. crazy room portal. avoid.
> bea vera spar?
add akari, boyfriend. might be fairer. better practice too.
no clue. what red is. but, it exists. must be important.

best guess? alternate paths. four secret rooms. bea asks akari. really no info?? how know exist?
>escape portal here. crazy room portal. avoid
break labyrinth rules?

>add akari, boyfriend
bea+boyfriend vs vera?

gotcha. bea ask akari. also, if spar: what about miharu? bea being carried

couldn't post today. rest day. vera powers considering. stuff tomorrow!
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yes. up to akari. her discretion.
yes. all three.
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still waiting tamakoanon
Want match with Akari and boyfriend? Yes, Akari like.

If reading right match go like this?

Akari+Bea+Boyfriend vs Vera
Or worng?

If wrong, know Akari up for sparing with any matchup.
bea+boyfriend vs vera?
or akari+bea vs vera?
Akari will watch Miharu. Make sure not kill self or friends.

Boyfriend+Bea VS Vera
then; m5 char roll. miharu obsessed. thinks she's cursed. thinks bea charm. akari magic working. already in effect. but, miharu witch-kissed. so, char roll
Rolled 78 (1d100)

No more 1's pls dice god.
And so Miharu obsession on Akari grow…
honestly. didn't mind. being miharu's charm. :P nice soul connection. it was cute. if possible, keep?
aight fine then: bea/boyfriend vs vera! wuts plan? state starting moves. then we roll
tamako tell this. disembodied voice. to narrate our. journey already jk pats. qm head
yes, leave leftovers.
plan: ask vera. what is sparring? bea don't know... never did before... is like tag?
horses taking long. rain getting thicker. wind getting colder. night geting darker.

1 nina: ...aaaaAAAA! eat faster! dumb horses!

3 tamako: nina. treat animals nice

1 nina: aren't even animals! just robots. scrapped car robots

tamako caresses horse

3 tamako: don't mind her. she's just little. nina is nice

1 nina: they don't understand! not me. not you! aaaaaa! screw it! let's just go

3 tamako: what is idea?

1 nina: just... shrink them. make them small. we'll carry them

3 tamako: won't make it

nina stops walking. looks ahead. road barely seen. nina swings umbrella. impatient, feet bouncing

3 tamako: nina: won't make it. not walking. and even so... wrong win condition

1 nina: win condition fine! car doesn't matter. vera mom arrives. that's what matters! be with family

3 tamako: assuming that, anyway: won't make it

1 nina: stop worrying. lot's of advantage! we went fast

3 tamako: we too. here

...nina looks road. horses still chewing. cactus still miserable. cactus still dancing

just in case: state sparring plan
mystery box?
no. usual write-in
dogs play fighting. like tag.

using javelin. blunt end. vera light tapping. both attack vera. full speed.

practicing strikes. swipes and thrusts. heart, liver, gut. simple basic techniques. wasted movement abhorrent.

martial footwork also. equal weight. both feet. power from heels. legs strongest muscles. dodging.
we got 2 do. vera's momchallenge. only way = forward.
testing. either me= retarded.
or ctrl_s spoilers = acting weird.
ok. just me retarded.
so, walking?

-2 dex
-2 per
-2 pa

-1 dex
-1 per
-1 pa

bea: how fight? what do? if m0 sparring:
-1 dex
-1 per
-1 pa

otherwise, state plan

no con rolls
subtracted per/dex?
wut chu mean
Rolled 19, 5, 2 = 26 (3d100)

No 1 dice.
Oh my fucking god.
boyfriend ooga booga. scare vera. bea timidly poke. with stick. while she distracted.
roll nigga!

also no post. op travelling. normal schedule soon!
Rolled 72, 1, 99 = 172 (3d100)

op having fun!
what the hell
are these rolls
Rolled 68, 35, 13, 44, 43, 85 = 288 (6d100)

spear spear spear
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no post today. wandering qm. take this chance. post likes/dislikes. add little background. flesh guca out
>Flesh guca out
Oh boy, you asked for it.
lum abandoning us..........

just kidding. have fun :P

bea like food. dislikes hunger. rest of background. as implied. by previous posts. in quest.
one time. saw trash golem. aaaaaa. ran and hid. very scary.
Akari life have always been boring. Mom high profile politician, always on go. Always meeting foreign diplomats, establishing and developing diplomatic relationships. Always been this way since Akari child baby.
Akari not know much about dad. Dad die 1 week after Akari born. Mom not talk about him much, even when home. Go silent when asked, always manages to change subject. Strange Akari think.
Akari gather knowledge over time about dad through years though. Child Akari curious, want know dad.

Mom more loose with tongue when drink her morning wine-coffee. Answer simple questions, so far Akari has pieced together patchwork story from mom, story details change depending on how many bottles of wine she manage to finishes in a night:
Akari mom met dad 3 years before Akari, when mom was 27. While on trip to neighboring country to begin and finalize trade agreements, mom met lawyer who was legal advisor to other country. Initially, Akari mom dislike dad. She all business, He more laidback type. Annoy her.
Any other time, mom would have avoided type of guy; But work force them to talk.
It took Akari dad 6 months to convince her to meet him after work hours for drink at bar, halfway through negotiation timeframe of 1 year, and only because they behind schedule and need work more because he procrastinate.

Akari mom say conversation got heated, eventually drinking competition. Long-story short: both completely wasted.
Dad hail taxi, both get in. Exit at "Rusty Nail Hotel". Dad collapse in on comfy floor, pass out. Mom throws up in toilet, pass out on bathroom floor.
Next morning, laughter. Begin *actually* talking for first time in half year.
Mom trail off here...
Time pass, Negotiation near end. Mom and Dad drinking buddies, try drink each other under table every time, try find bottom of bottle. Always end up finding bottom of toilet instead by time nights end.
On day before flight back home, Akari dad invite mom to fancy dinner place. He put diamond ring in mom drink while she in bathroom, she come back and has choking fit downing drink in one gulp to calm nerves. Dad panics, does Heimlich maneuver on mom. Diamond ring becomes projectile weapon as mom coughs it out and it hits busboy in eye. He partially blind now.

Later he try again on walk home, thrown out of fancy place. She shy, but accept.
Eventually he and mom buy nice big house, nice lawn, nice everything home need. 3 year pass, happy times, good alcohol. Bliss.
Then BAM:
Akari happen.

Dad is hype, mom too.
But then second BAM, realization:

uh oh.

Dad console mom though, he no drink too. Solidarity.
Hold hands.

Months pass, occasional argument, woman crying, woman hormones, alcohol withdrawal. bla, bla, bla. You get pictures.

Akari mom water break after 8 month. Mom rushed to hospital by dad, Akari born preterm. mostly healthy though.
Dad collapse with relief after birth. Mom happy. Dad happy. Celebration time!

Mom and dad invite friends from work and from other countries, fun time for all!
On day of party many guests come, have laugh. Drink little bit too. Akari fawned over.
Party go on long into night, dad and mom little tipsy. Been long time since last drink, tolerance down. Drunk faster. Drunk harder.

Dad and friends in backyard having drink near pool, splash each other, happy fun time!
Dad go inside to get more drinks and meat for friends.

Dad slip backwards on pool water.
Dad is head smash into concrete.
Dad tumble sideways into pool.
Dad not breathing properly...
Dad have water in lungs...
Dad see black...
Alright, got that out of my system.
I had a burst of creativity and needed to write it, even if its not exactly what you asked for.
I feel good now.
Rita likes to chase ducks around at the park after hours. And swim in the ponds. She's convinced it's 'better' and 'funner' than taking an actual bath
nice! good story! akari mixed feelings. because alcohol, akari. because alcohol, dad. mom still drinks. also, god damn. morning wine coffee. wonder akari feelings. akari high class?

delicious. feed me more
>one time. saw trash golem. aaaaaa. ran and hid. very scary
smells time paradox. bea has house? tent? lives in street?
who said. rin's golem? :P
live tent probably. brother was trying. make it big. provide for family. failed. heaven now. as stated.
given that info. dad probably cripple. can't work. wheelchair. weak. tells good stories. like "fox" charm. had sight originally. losing vision. genetic disease. could name specific. but loses charm.
mom taking care. of dad bea. works nights. shitty retail. scrape by. bringing almost expired. lunch boxes back. ones couldn't sell. bea can't eat. most of them. allergies. mom try best.
trash golem. probably big brother's. like tease bea. as brothers do. never found out. it was his.
likes: martial arts
dislikes: cats, blondes, bulgarians
background: paternal grandma meguca
flesh: born christmas 2000.
>paternal grandma meguca
meguca mom miracle. meguca grandma?? double miracle??? is there pattern?? explanation???

>cats, blondes
bea blonde. bea cats. bea maybe bulgarian

dad cripple. mom burdened. retail not enough? can't rent house? homeless with job?
money into medications. manage symptoms. of dad's disease. good ol' huntington's. shit sucks. not me though.
mom would work. double jobs. save enough. get apartment. but. want time husband. not much left. so only part-time. at retail. enough for food. and medicine. dad want. let die. but mom insist. can't do much. about it. cripple. wheelchair.
>meguca grandma
urbach-wieth disease. calcified amygdala structures. can't feel fear. fear = trauma.
>bea maybe bulgarian
but. dad always smiling. for bea + brother.

all you lum. by the way. just drew conclusions. from what presented. dead brother. dad stories. never mall. people staring. likely homeless. what situation. leads to all. so. up to you. edit as needed. i don't. make much.
3 siblings.
>urbach-wieth disease. calcified amygdala structures. can't feel fear. fear = trauma
what's going on? genetic disease??

nah nah nah. explain!!! bullshit has limits. too much miracle

bea canonically bulgarian

lawl huge coincidence. won't elaborate

with inner miharu. genius level extrapolation. masterful story sense. think know who :P
>genetic disease
yes. very rare. recessive. causes calcification amygdala. amygdala fear center. calcified doesn't work.
vera lacks it.
lawl okay!
grandma cunningly evil.
red-blooded villainess.
can't feel fear.
did supervillain planning. wished compelling voice. compelled others wish. wishes for her. made a cult. accrued power/wealth.
result: didn't weaken.
lived long. had children. loved them.
hubris. cult atrocious. huge coalition forms. desperation. weakening wishes made. heroine is manufactured. stronghold stormed. many dead. grandma slain. heroine's becomes dust. ignited lifeforce strike.
cult breaks apart. children reintegrate society. live normal lives. kindest one dates. fate twisted. grandma's fault. meets mom. knows megucas. makes her laugh. love. kids. vera.

idk mom's story.

>canonically bulgarian
damn. going steal sword.
i was thinking. just teen pregnancies. saw lots of. in my schooling.
>teen pregnancies
lawl, simpler explanation. probably better.
>yes. very rare. recessive. causes calcification amygdala. amygdala fear center. calcified doesn't work.
gotcha. but, here's thing. maybe mom inherited. maybe mom didn't. vera doesn't know

>ignited lifeforce strike
>kindest one dates. fate twisted. grandma's fault. meets mom. knows megucas. makes her laugh. love. kids. vera.
don't understand these. but overall? yeah, y'know? fuck it. roll with that. but, mom unknown

>damn. going steal sword
bea is sad

>just teen pregnancies. saw lots of
damn, same

don't worry. i use basis. then, build over. but, character yours. think backstories ok. still early thankfully. nothing broken. wonder nina's
of note. vera say. paternal grandmother guca. so technically. dad would've inherited. dad's mom guca. meguca mom. is unrelated.
>don't understand these.
lifeforce burnt = power. burned everything. not only magic. to kill grandma
dad's red string. altered by grandma.
good catch

ooooh i see! grandma pulled strings. dad meets mom. grandma's plan
Relived lum like story. Creative burst, had to write it.
In player mind; Akari not blame alcohol, Akari too young to form connection with dad, not strong feeling enough to "blame" anything. Feel apathetic.
Akari think that mom rely on drinking to go back to happy times now though, Akari concerned.

Akari technically high class, but is social hermit. Mom too busy travelling to do activity with her and dad too dead. Stay at home most time, maids clean cook and do things for house. Akari just stay in room. Know nothing else.

Lum thoughts?
no light poles. no car headlights. faint moonlight. stray, glittering eyes

1 nina: …no! we walk. shrink horses. let's carry them

3 tamako: won't make it. transform car. make it ball. make catapult. anything

1 nina: no. no need. me smart. you dumb. we'll make it.

3 tamako: ..won't make it

1 nina: yes make it!

3 tamako: won't make it

1 nina: yes! make! it! aaaaaaaah! stop worrying! tamako so stubborn! we good time. just walk fast!

tamako's eyes shine. all nina sees. doesn't see frown. those eyes close

3 tamako: ok. we'll horse horses

1 nina: finally! stop wasting time!

horses become threads. threads spin. threads weave. threads become horses. four horses

1 nina: why duplicate? just shrink them

3 tamako: no such thing. material amount remains

1 nina: oh, yes. i knew. great, then smaller. make horse backpacks!

little horses. little neighs. more threads. more horses. eight horse backpacks. nina picks one. tamako picks another

3 tamako: goodbye, little horsepacks

1 nina: bags don't think. let's go

abandoned horsepacks neigh. horsepacks still heavy. tamako walks. nina walks. night nighter. black blacker. fake moon hides. all becomes dark
next post later
i think good! but, social hermit? after making contract? very hard. harder with power. also, faction leader. little akari loner. but big akari? think little choice. 19 years old. VERY old meguca
Hmmmmmmm, good points. Had not considered.

Okay, new idea.
>Relived lum like story. Creative burst, had to write it.
In player mind; Akari not blame alcohol, Akari too young to form connection with dad, not strong feeling enough to "blame" anything. Feel apathetic.
Akari think that mom rely on drinking to go back to happy times now though, Akari concerned.
this part seem good. Keep.

>Mom too busy travelling to do activity with her and dad too dead. Stay at home most time, maids clean cook and do things for house.
Keep this. Hermit part removed.

Instead, how do this:
Akari start out as recluse, but after few year, eventual become unintentional faction leader cause automatic love magics.
Magical girls follow her wether Akari like it or not, so they form faction-lovers-for-Akari and basic make her leader.
Akari hate this because forced responsible for girl lives, but begrudgingly accept.
She have no choice.
>Akari start out as recluse, but after few year, eventual become unintentional faction leader cause automatic love magics.
>Magical girls follow her wether Akari like it or not, so they form faction-lovers-for-Akari and basic make her leader.
>Akari hate this because forced responsible for girl lives, but begrudgingly accept.
>She have no choice.
had same idea. lmao. what a coincidence. its already that. its already implied. akari already perfect
Great minds think same.
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>maybe inherited
genetically guaranteed certainty.
funny. dad same haircut. weird loops.
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not an artist. don't draw ever. but. lum not posting. feeling withdrawal. from stories. sudden urge. all of sudden.
ending of osaka. thread one.
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and full. amateurish. but okay. don't expect. ever again.
lmao. may need open. image new tab. to see all. but whatever.
vera reading notebook. vera squinting. 10 coin leave. then, 12 coin. anyway, akari right. can't gift coins. not here. miharu can't debt

2 vera: so crime leave…

5 akari: when punishment. debt only bail. that clear?

2 vera: whatever. i'm bored

vera drifts off. notebook bea head. bea confused. bea grabs bookhat

4 bea: um…

miharu: akari kinda nice!

4 bea: oh, um, yes. akari… what is red?

5 akari: red. be more specific. blood?

4 bea: n-no blood. blood is scary. um… red circle. here

akari over shoulder. bea points. miharu peeks absent-mindedly

5 akari: look over there

bea gazes ahead. far, far ahead. past next room. everything still dark

5 akari: now; above

then, all illuminates. bea bends neck. bea wows

4 bea: big… half circle?

floating above: it's big circle. half of it. like runic floor

5 akari: unknown function. hard to reach. illegal. dark. theory is shortcut. those IDIOTS FIG-HFMPOASFFFF!!!

akari grabs mouth. miharu bea blinking. akari squeezing mouth

5 akari: hmfphff! phffffhmp! HMNPFF!

4 bea: w-what?! u-UM!!

miharu: akari!!

akari spits blood. miharu bea shocked

5 akari: FFFFCKK!!I BFF FFNG!!

>5 ?: m? roll 1 = (akari bites tongue)
2 vera: what's going on? witch?!

4 bea: um… maybe not..!

miharu clutching bea

5 akari: gfffd dfffmttt! fffckkk!

miharu: akari spat red! save her!

2 vera: i'll save her!!

5 akari: nffff!!! nffff!

vera ignores gestures. vera cannonballs. unknown events. vera behind akari. rear naked choke. boyfriend biting vera. completely irrelevant. akari choking

5 akari: lftt gfff bfftfffch!!

2 vera: let… akari… go!!

akari struggles. akari kicking. akari finally limp

miharu: akari! nooooo!!

2 vera: victory! let's tie her!

bea&miharu: t-tie her??

2 vera: duh! akari witch-kissed. could kill us

4 bea: …right. u-um… vera?

2 vera: what, bea?

4 bea: where, um… where witch kiss?

2 vera: oh, right here

vera checks akari. looks at neck. nothing in neck. nothing in face. but, eyes open. vera face punched. vera face sinks. something in face

2 vera: can't find it

akari pushes vera. akari stands shaking. akari grabbing head. vera ready. then; boyfriend returns. notebook on mouth. akari grabs it. vera dashing. but stops. miharu in way

miharu: wait! w-waaaait! let her write

4 bea: vera, wait!

miharu's witch kiss. vera good look

2 vera: move checked wrong spot

paper shames face. vera's face. vera grabs paper. vera reads

"i bit tongue. you idiot. you dolt. you brat. you retard. you total moron. you bloody dumbass"

2 vera: hey! that's all mean! you'll see-

paper turns. vera blinks. more words

"humans witch kissed. magical girls can't. magical girls resistant. you ignorant rookie. you class buffoon. you spoiled child. you brainless jester. you assface"


4 bea: vera crying?!

vera indeed crying

miharu: cake. give her cake. drown her sorrows!

4 bea: um… akari has it…

poor excuse. vera crying. akari cursing. bea worrying. miharu zombie

5 akari: let'sff ffforffgeft fhath

tall order. vera still mad. bea still worrying. miharu still fawning

miharu: akari has girlfriend?

5 akari: girlffs arff grofff.

miharu: boyfriend?

5 akari: no

boyfriend looks sad

miharu: sisters? brothers? cousins?

5 akari: verffa: loof aff me

vera doesn't. akari grabs shoulder. vera pushes away. but akari insists

2 vera: what?! go away creep!

5 akari: caffnn't sffay maff. no ffime

2 vera: i don't care! you are awful!

miharu: hey!

4 bea: d-don't fight!

5 akari: fffook. whaffeffr. call iff efffen. youff chfffked me. i ffinsffultffed ffou

2 vera: go away!

akari SIGHS. then goes 'ouchouchouchouch'. then curses

5 akari: ffffne. i'll ffreat ffou. ffffhat you fffaffnt? maffke ffit quiffff

2 vera: fight me!

5 akari: i fffon'ff fiffht

2 vera: coward!

5 akari: no, you ffidiofft. i'm a dipffomat. i fffalff.

2 vera: did it again! said idiot again! WAAAH!

vera tantrum

4 bea: a-akari didn't mean- i'm sure she… u-um…!

2 vera: screw it! i'm so pissed! bea, fight me!

bea looks vera. bea looks right. bea looks left

4 bea: ….…me? fight?!

2 vera: yes! let's spar! akari a bitch!

5 akari: pffff

4 bea: um……l-let's play catch. it's fun

akari looks around. runic bridge. darkness ahead. darkness behind. would be short

4 bea: … i can try?
2 vera: let's go already!

vera lifts javelin. bea gasps. then; bea remembers

4 bea: oh! but… um…

2 vera: now what?!

bea being carried. miharu little grin. miharu in dreamland

2 vera: just drop off

4 bea: well, that's… no use?

bea spins. bea turns. miharu squeezes harder. bea very still

4 bea: see?

vera more pissed. vera points miharu

2 vera: let bea go!

miharu: no!

2 vera: why even here?! make her leave! 12 more coins!

4 bea: but… miharu alone-

2 vera: not our problem!

5 akari: affow me.

2 vera: kick her!

4 bea: no!

5 akari: no. i'ff fffatch herff. knfffck ffourselfffes oufft

akari approaches miharu. miharu hisses. miharu suddenly cat

5 akari: fffrop fffhat girl. leff's haff date

visible impact. yet, miharu holds

miharu: n-no… don't wanna…

miharu shakes head. miharu shakes head. miharu shakes head. holds bea tight

miharu: fox lucky charm. fox protect me. fox gives luck

miharu legs shaking. but akari insists

5 akari: yeff. foffx profffects you. let her ffrofffect

miharu: she already is!

5 akari: no. from fffhat

akari points vera

2 vera: hey! you jerk!!

5 akari: look. fox like ffokeffmon. train her. let fffer fight

miharu: but… fox gets hurt!

5 akari: fox neefffs fffraffftice. no ffractifffe? no proffefffftion. like fffofffemon. ok?

miharu: …like pokemon!

5 akari: efffaffftly. now say: bea: i fffofffse you!

miharu: bea! i choose you!

4 bea: w-wha-

bea was thrown

>4 ღ: m5 roll 78 = success (convince miharu)
wasn't gonna post. barely just arrived. very late here. but; too cute. first fanart ever!! thankie!! :D

lmao dad haircut. vera grandma heavy
miharu become anime. her dream fulfilled.
post sometime later. op still busy. soon!
vera stance. vera ready. but boyfriend thinking. violence in nature. violence in affection. violence in communication. why violence? violence is suffering. survival demands violence. living to suffer? fighting is losing? feeding the cycle? so how? live without pain? fight without violence? when suffering ends?

2 vera: let's go already!

boyfriend startled. boyfriend charges. too slow. vera just waits

>5 彡: m1 roll 19

boyfriend coming. vera sidesteps. boyfriend keeps going. boyfriend keeps going. boyfriend goes away

5 akari: …

2 vera: …

>5 メ: m3 roll 5

2 vera: …!

4 bea: yah!!

bea spear poking

>4 彡: m5 roll 72

with eyes closed

>4 メ: m2 roll 1

at wrong direction.
bea keeps stabbing. range widening. but not enough

2 vera: …bea, what's that?

4 bea: ah!!

bea stabs voice. vera sidesteps. bea keeps stabbing. vera hits heel. bea little scream

miharu: open your eyes!

reluctantly, eyes open. bea looking away. turns around. points brunt end

4 bea: um! was that good?

vera puffing cheeks. not mad anymore

>2 メ: m4 roll 43

2 vera: eeeeh, bea, just… keep eyes open

4 bea: ok!

2 vera: try to parry

4 bea: ok!

vera dashes in. power from heels. bea whimpers. vera feints. bea confused. vera taps hearts. bea still swinging. vera taps liver. vera taps gut. bea panic stabbing. vera footwork. minimal side steps. wasting no motion. akari whistles

>2 彡: m7 roll 44

miharu: bea! use thundershock!

4 bea: um… i don't think… *little scream*

bea sweeped down. lost balance. fell on butt

>2 £: m0 roll 85

bea cowering. fetal position. hands on head

miharu: bea!

5 akari: guess you won

2 vera: eh, i guess. bea, it's over. you can… oh

bea opens eyes. bea blinks. miharu carrying bea. still zombie

2 vera: that didn't last. should kick her. akari, help bea

5 akari: fine, let me. miharu, girl, look. when-

4 bea: (um…)

telepathy. akari stops talking

5 akari: (what?)

2 vera: (wait. bea has plan)

miharu puzzled. tilting head. vera akari listening

4 bea: (...i, um……. kinda like this….)

2 vera: (...)

5 akari: (...)

4 bea: (...)

miharu: ???

5 akari: nevermind
finally, light. nina blinks. turns around frantically. runic bridge. room entrance behind. faraway spheres. then touches back. no horsepack. looks around. tamako flipping hair

1 nina: we are out! we won!!

3 tamako: we didn't

1 nina: no, you killjoy! we won! it-

tamako points. nina stops talking. nina squints

1 nina: ... what is that? wait, that's witch! tamako, make cannon!

3 tamako: no witch. familiar. a collector

nina stares familiar. big robotic vulture. too fat. struggling wings. head is bag. bag like mouth

1 nina: it's under us!

3 tamako: don't attack it

1 nina: but it's familiar- huh?

nina crying. finger swipes eyelid. gold. golden tear. sliding down hand. sliding down arm

1 nina: what is this??

gold drawing lines. lines over body. golden tears slide. drop down under. familiar collects tears. nina looks tamako. tamako crying gold

1 nina: w-what... oh no! look out!

3 tamako: nothing to fear. just jump in

1 nina: jump?! IN?! wh-what??

collector opens bag. mouth wide open. tamako jumps in. nina screams

1 nina: tamako?!

bag: it's ok. just jump

1 nina: no way!

bag: come. back to lobby. restart

1 nina: no! we won!

bag says nothing. collector patient. nina looks down. bag waiting

>jump in
>don't jump in
i guess just. hope don't. roll car again. :P
also. interesting. so that's why. "golden tears".
also. very funny bea. eyes closed.
pokemon wording. akari used. actually very helpful. probably in future. miharu deploys bea. to help fight. more easily.
for now. bea recharge. bea carried around.
like with brother. when both young.
you know. i thought car. no stress. just back lobby. but. that. was a lot. of despair points.
hm. biggest cost. probably. when falling slope.
let's see. first half. very efficient. second half. how improve...
catapult maybe works... but. how else. uhhhhh. maybe just hope. no need again :)
time to ask. what verbeakari do? die already rolled. will move room? still try cheating?
also ninako: if bag, roll. 1d4
bag is funny. i like bag-familiar.

ehhhhh. i'm okay moving... we need. check red circle. if go though. make it worth.
>will move room?
let us move.

roll spearmanship epiphany?
vera. let's discuss. red circle. from what know.

if truly. alternate path. akari say illegal. but. someone can follow. red circle path. watching sky. think worth? if someone split? if yes. probably not smart. if everyone goes. what you think.
only other way. know fighting witch. is false labyrinth. need luck. only one spot. on entire board. roll exact. so. if this red. is an option. maybe worth exploring.
and. unique thing. about red circle. going through V.
only red circle. go center map. center circle map.
what would copy? bea not warrior. boyfriend downright useless. savant perfect analyst. but, analyze what?

dance not forgotten
hmmmmm. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
there is red. going through lobby.
what if. ninamako try? worst outcome. jail. or fight witch.
also. do communicators work? do verbeakari. know what happened?
also also. honestly. i didn't ask. but. now that think. don't understand yellow. witch shortcut?????? akari what mean?
not copy. own development/creation. studied own strikes. theory into practice. savant notice inefficiencies. self correction. altering footwork. altering grip. altering stance.
>what you think
risky. summon jailor fight. wasted energy. three not warriors.
>maybe worth exploring
perhaps. if dance successful.
actually. maybe being dumb. vertex of yellow. one of them. is located on. false witch room. but. also implies. maybe lobby. and faction war. can also shortcut?????????????
holy shit. never mind all. 1 intellect guca.
prize of XI-I. ACTIVATE witch shortcut. means. not active yet. aieeee. am idiot. dumb dumb baka.
i can eat. eat enemy. while you fight. damage over time. like debuffer!
but yeah. since we. doing good. maybe let. ninamako experiment first?
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poor bastards.
>while you fight
it's okay. i'll get portal. for long time. classic bulgarian maneuver. in vera's eyes. thanks for sacrifice. :P
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>like with brother. when both young.

>i like bag-familiar
bag-familiar happy

miharu carrying vera. that's not changing. bea touches headset

4 bea: um... hello? is this button...? hi tamako. i miss you

static. but then:

3 tamako: hello bea. are you alright?

4 bea: yes! are you alright?

3 tamako: yes. im in bag

4 bea: thank goodness. um... bag?

miharu: not giving charm

3 tamako: charm? was that akari? or vera?

4 bea: umm... hard to explain

how to explain... but communications work

>savant notice inefficiencies. self correction.
against worthy adversaries. weaklings not worthy. bad data. anything beats them. relevant data mixed. also: vera TONS practice. already martial artists. more practice pointless

beautiful. almost absolute truth. but! detail. bea weapon? sun behind her. rises above head. shines on things

let's wait nina. let's wait akari. let's wait tamako

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>weaklings unworthy. bad data.
>martial autist screech.
m? self-imposed. strength handicap. forces technique focus. more with less. weakling killing techniques. even shit data. genius can sleuth. find gold nuggets.
>worthy opponents
should shadow box?
>more practice pointless.
one kick. 10,000 times. definitely find something. perfection is impossible. always flaws.

grandma? in clouds? kinda spooky
>m? self-imposed. strength handicap
that's just training. vera already trained. genius finds gold. sometimes no gold. sometimes all shit. sometimes data useless

more important: int isn't rolling. you roll int. sure. but int explanations. learning fighting bea? hard to explain. bea weak. vera already praticed. nothing new done. how to explain?

also perfect art. the fucking circles. the fucking moon. still smiling

>grandma? in clouds? kinda spooky
you mean perfect. hair circles canon
i live bitches. just. this week = busy

use phone lanter. or maybe. tamako can make. couple lanters?
bag time choice
screw you bag.
try 2 use magic. make bag think. we won.

I have 2 say. nina is writen. as such a. little shit. want 2 punt her. 10/10 character.
>try 2 use magic. make bag think. we won.
how? what increases value?
make bag perceive. win conditions as. being fulfilled.
>power: alter perceived value
'perceived'. must perceive object. what bag perceive? what object? what nina change?
nina. check out red. if want.
the win value. win condition = false. turns into. win condition = true. booleans.
hmmmmm. is true>false? :P a philosophical question.
should scammed bag. by making tear. worth 100 coins. then only. lose one. if could've scammed.
>the win value.
that's abstract object. actual object. concrete object. real object. pebble, cat, etc
nina & tamako. perceive 1 & 3 as winners.
Akari still alive. Was just on small trip for 2 days. Apology if held anything up.
What plan so far? Can Akari help?
that makes sense. writtan in bittan. so, consider consequences. change your mind? let me know

just in case: roll die.1d4

0 hurry. no need apology. we chillin
Rolled 2 (1d4)

Akari glad not miss anything, was worried for second.
Enjoying play game.
what a nigga. almost forgot. roll m2 ma too

already martial apex?
strikes, movement, blocking.
studied countless styles?

>worthy adversaries
equal martial prowess?
4 bea: umm... hard to explain

nina hearing too. tamako headsets work. nina don't care. nina didn't lose.
tantrum incoming
but! idea. nina lift finger. nina happy

bag: come down here

bag is talking. it's tamako's voice. collector down there. collector still waiting

1 nina: tamako! come out!

bag: out?

1 nina: just your head

tamako head out. nina starts talking. nina bursts laughing. tamako head: familiar body. big tamako. super tamako

3 tamako: what?

1 nina: NYAHAHAHA- WAIT, NO! just-just stay there! hjajhaha. aaaaaa!

nina bites finger. calms down. claps to no-one

1 nina: right. and-

nina flicks finger

1 nina: now we won!

3 tamako: ...oh. i get it

big tamako rising. collector spits tamako. tamako on road. collector flapping away
1 nina: so easy! idea came late! not late enough

3 tamako: i see. even i'm affected. think we won

1 nina: so does familiar! free win! never play again! and now-

3 tamako: stop. right. now

nina hand die. nina neck twists. slowly. to meet tamako

1 nina: yes, assitant tamako?

3 tamako: ...assistant

1 nina: yup

3 tamako: stop and think

1 nina: why? it's so obvious!

3 tamako: it isn't. we just lost

1 nina: that doesn't matter! we didn't lost! see??

5 akari: what's going on?

akari's voice. tamako nina surprised

3 tamako: nina is... nevermind. hang on

5 akari: wha-

tamako presses button. communication down

3 tamako: you do same

1 nina: why?

3 tamako: do it

nina presses button. a little confused. cause she little

3 tamako: cheating is dangerous. won't tell akari. not yet. so think. stop. and think

1 nina: nothing to think! let's go!

3 tamako: no. let's think

1 nina: awwwwwww!!

3 tamako: collector been fooled. thinks we won. however- does labyrinth too? is keeping tabs?

1 nina: all manual here. nobody keeping tabs. labyrinth no perception! remember? otherwise we'd left!

3 tamako: assume it knows

1 nina: it doesn't

3 tamako: play along. pretend it's game

1 nina: games are fun

3 tamako: we roll. labyrinth assumes here. we move forward.

1 nina: exactly!

3 tamako: but: we roll. labyrinth assumes lobby. what happens then?

nina opens mouth. nothing comes out. nina puffs cheeks. its so dumb. but she'll play

>roll die
>go to lobby
lost lots time. but we rollin!!! let's revive pacing

>already martial apex?
no. room to learn. vera smol
vera good. not perfect. so learning hard. good data hard

>equal martial prowess?
strong enemies. effective attacks. worthy data. witch attack? maybe good data. bea poking blindly? don't think so

always welcome. die been rolled. so just wait. think post today
zone = great data?
spear dance bea?
>roll die
worst case scenario. labyrinth assumes lobby. we roll. we end here. we got 2 do. challenge again. not *that* bad.
Rolled 2 (1d4)

forgot die
nina thinks. nina considers variables. nina imagines interactions. nina calculates risks.

1 nina: hmmmm!

ok, that's enough. five seconds wasted. never coming back

3 tamako: nina?

nina looking tamako. die on hand. nina looking tamako. tamako looking nina. die slips

1 nina: upsie!

clank, clank, clank; the die bounces. two. two is the number

1 nina: too bad. oh well! let's just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

CLANK CLANK CLANK! nina, bea, vera: all screaming. like twisting vines. raising from above. coiling around road. lamp posts

1 nina: ...!!

nina hugging leg. tamako leg. somewhere else:

4 bea: aaaaa!!!

bea like cockroach. coiling miharu's head. vera pointing sword. yelling

1 nina: ...huh?!

nina looks. path ahead lit. runic floor shining. words still senseless. letters still mocking

1 nina: we can go! we made it!

3 tamako: nina

1 nina: oh come on!!!

but tamako serious. nina mouth gaping

1 nina: tamako?

3 tamako: ...we are in danger. im not joking

nina not moving. tamako... shaking head. sad

3 tamako: no coins anymore. we have zero

1 nina: what? no! but... wait! what?!

3 tamako: lost five coins. didn't go back. didn't leave lobby. so no refill

1 nina: ...huh?

tamako walks past. looks ahead. points ahead

3 tamako: maid challenge lit. after that, darkness

1 nina: but... should be next. one plus two... challenge number three... unwinnable challenge...!

nina understands. nina swallows. nina shaking

>cont tomorrow!
tabletop witch. tabletop labyrinth. tabletop… bea doesn't finish. paths are lit. coiling lamp posts. brains for lamps. miharu holding tight. voice from headset

3 tamako: what was roll?

5 akari: two

3 tamako: same here

5 akari: bakery challenge, then. good. get strawberry cake. all this time… was retardedly easy

3 tamako: no. maid challenge

5 akari: …you two lost

3 tamako: yes

5 akari: why?

3 tamako: my fault

5 akari: … i see. whatever. fresh start. just take responsibility

3 tamako: …no fresh start. no coins.

5 akari: five coins. from lobby

3 tamako: no coins. at all

akari eyes soften. bea's mouth loose. vera busy yelling

5 akari: … literally fucking how?

3 tamako: i fucked up. hard. we need plan

5 akari: we already rolled

3 tamako: next time. i'll handle this. don't worry

5 akari: what the fuck

tamako closes comms

3 tamako: nina, we move

1 nina: o-ok

they move. meanwhile:

5 akari: whatever was that…

4 bea: tamako in trouble?

bea worried. somehow, miharu worried

5 akari: yes, very much so

2 vera: let's go help!

5 akari: nothing to do. not for now. except-

akari points ahead

5 akari: -get lucky. very, very lucky

crazy room ahead. looks crazy enough. spinning numbers. floating colors. patternless shape. madness given form

2 vera: …not going in.

4 bea: just staring… scary

miharu: let us go. let us play. play forever! eat cake forever!

miharu moving already. mechanical, unnatural steps. all warmth gone

5 akari: labyrinth calling her. no choice. let's go

2 vera: who even rolled??

no answer. nina looks portal. behind portal, ball. has maid frills. gigantic maid frills. ball wearing apron. ball funny. but nina quiet

3 tamako: maid challenge. make food. serve customers. do well enough… golden tear tips

tamako voice dry. not looking nina. nina feels lonely

3 tamako: are you hearing?

1 nina: what, yes, yes

3 tamako: ok. in we go

portal swallows tamako. nina jumps behind

5 akari: getting dark soon. make it quick

miharu already jumping. bea closes eyes. both nowhere anymore

2 vera: what's this place?

5 akari: pure luck

akari jumps in. vera looks around. truly getting darker. vera jumps in
2 vera: wha-

crazy room challenge. crazy room. the crazy room-

2 vera: -isn't even crazy?!

it isn't. boring, in fact. super simple cabin. made of wood. there's a desk. a chimney. stair goes upstairs. big table. fruit basket. many chairs.

4 bea: maybe… that's crazy? that it's normal? inside a labyrinth?

5 akari: not bad, bea. i agree

4 bea: oh. um.. thanks!

bea blushes. bea hums. vera walks around. super suspicious

2 vera: …something very wrong! wasn't this different?

5 akari: no. always like this

vera looks around. neck hair standing. feels like cat. soothing music sound. unintelligible, from vinyl

2 vera: whatever. so, what now?

5 akari: just watch

pointing at miharu. vera looks. surprised. ball-sized die. miharu grabbing one-handed. throws-
Rolled 22 (1d26)


vera leans closer. akari leans closer. bea leans closer... much as possible. miharu just smirks

4 bea: it's a twenty-two. what that means?

akari frowning. akari grimacing. akari shaking head. akari rage

5 akari: ...F U C K

vera bounces. bea gasps. floor trembling. then trembling harder. then even harder. chimney fire dies. doors go crazy. wood planks creak. windows shatter. wind punching. floor rising. akari grabs miharu. miharu grabbing vera. tower of girls

5 akari: JUMP OUT! NOW!

vera doesn't think. jumps out window. akari vera flying. glass shards rain. snow cushion below. but; far below. bea shutting eyes. silent soaring. land on snow. rolll around snow. but vera stands. teeth bared. eyes red

2 vera: what was that?!?!

akari silent. answer already there. house in sky. hand grabbing house. hand titanic. too many fingers. arm titanic. breaking through floor

2 vera: that's the witch?! so soon?!

akari stands. still grabbing miharu

5 akari: mini-witch. worst fucking luck

bea looks around. arms rising. hands on sky. hands finger gesture. like ducks. like peace sign. like approval. hands are blue. hands are jeans

2 vera: w-woah!! we are surrounded!!

5 akari: focus. that's main body

vera turns. house has face. or... is face. windows are eyes. door is mouth. however- too many doors? doors in middle? house is 'talking'?

4 bea: ...mom... i'm scared...

2 vera: c-creepy witch. let's... crush..

vera feels something. maybe fear. witch house spins. hand spinning it... like basketball

House familiar-witch.

Not good. Very bad. Many ouch-pains come soon.
maidina wearing apron. wearing frilly headband. wearing maid uniform. conclussion: maidina is maid

1 maidina: ...

maidina lifts arms. uniform quite exotic. looks gothic. but cute. yet practical. black and white

1 maidina: tamako?

finally looks around. kitchen, very equipped. hanging cutlery. rows of cupboards.ovens. microwaves. dishes galore. a big trashcan. no door. very long. not very wide

1 maidina: tamakooo? where are you?

maidina walks out. blinding light; squints. in front: quiet faceless familiars. sitting. sipping. reading. next to her: front desk. cash register. monitor. maidmako already working. pointing cream picture. maidmako crossing arms. maidmako shaking head

1 nina: what's going on???

across the desk: familiar throwing tantrum. cartoonish. eyeless. armless. floating hands. two-dimentional. speaks in drawings. little kid drawings. but maidmako insists. then, bows. familiar takes sandwich. cries in cup. golden tears. gives maidmako cup. then leaves

maidmako deflates. then notices nina

3 maidmako: that's the challenge

qm burned out. head hurts. prompts later. will try resting. may take long
i dice roller. i use dex. get specific number. no miharu roller. bind her hands.
love magic. familiars kill witch. witch kills self. familiars kill self.
and that's why. crazy is crazy...

oh no...
sorry lum. hope okay. burn out suck... sorry. very sorry. my prompts. not interesting. not fun write.
if not fun. don't force. writing and qming. supposed be fun. supposed be exciting. don't force. don't hate writing. don't feel obligation. only obligation. have fun writing.

hope okay. sorry lum.
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took nap

>i dice roller. i use dex. get specific number. no miharu roller. bind her hands.
do plz explain

>sorry. very sorry. my prompts. not interesting. not fun write.
why sorry? prompts are ok

>if not fun. don't force. writing and qming. supposed be fun. supposed be exciting
qming is fun. but qm cold. literally sick. head hurts. can't swim. can't write. can't even vidya

>hope okay. sorry lum.
wut? no need sorry. at all lmao. i love pícture

qm can't think. brain is bananas. little vacation time. will answer questions
manipulate dice falling. 7 dexterity.
hope feel better
favorite bird? shrike is cool
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>manipulate dice falling. 7 dexterity.
super fucking hard. but doable. tell you what. m7. win: get your result. lose: get whatever. can't roll now. cause, like, witch

>hope feel better

>favorite bird? shrike is cool
owls. love them. big fucking owls
wow! 7!
int? calculate force/angle. hold with fingers. gentle underhand throw.
cool rugged feathers
not gonna lie. dunno. what i was. going on about. yesterday. but yeah. rest up.

shrikes indeed cool.
i dunno if. i have favorite. woodpeckers are funny.
this looks soulcrushing... it's good. we = part-time only. nina will copy. what tamako does. but tamako better. call nina. if tantrum. nina can magic. magic familiars into. thinking. our service = perfect.

take care. hugs and kisses. no homo. no witches.
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holy based
actually super fitting
aight guys, we'll stop it here. you can stop talking with three words now lawl. so! this was meant to be a low-effort quest to rest from osaka while keeping sharp, but here's the lesson this one leaves us: no such thing is possible. quests, by their very nature, demand constant effort and creativity to stay fresh, even when boiled down to their most basic elements, and that's totally fine. but i, was coming from 50 or so days of going full retard already. i couldn't keep up. not to mention that i VASTLY underestimated the amount of willpower this setting would demand to be pulled off properly. which i don't have. at least for now

thing is, there's no fucking way we'll make it to the end of the labyrinth, not even with one full more month. it would take several threads

im sorry to dissapoint for the first time, but even like this i think it's for the best. knowing the kind of bullshit osaka will entail next time, i'd rather be ready and willing. i had a lot of fun with this one and i really like this team, but right now i don't have the brain juice to make them justice

ok, so; /thread
so be it
yeah, makes sense.

More seriously, when this thread first started up, I was expecting it to be dumb brainless shit, like
>bea eats rock
>vera punches wall
>nina scams grandpa
and fucking around, but when you whipped out the 12 post intro post (albeit entirely in caveman speak), a fully realized labyrinth with 31 rooms, and the whole Vera's mom is the witch we're fighting, I knew you weren't skimping out and this thing was gonna involve a fuck-ton of effort.
When you're actually trying to convey shit and ideas in three words, that can require about as much effort as actually writing it out, since the process is the same- you still gotta come up with scenes, come up with dialogue, come up with character dynamics, make it all entertaining, which is the whole core of writing. And then you cripple yourself by grunting it all out in caveman lmao, though still probably easier than full prose since you can leave more stuff implied.
Being able to pull off the shit you did here basically straight off of Osaka is nothing short of insane, all of the raw unfiltered kino pumped into making this setting was startling and probably why I was jerking you off so much in the middle of it. And, not to retroactively put words in my past self's mouth, but I may have gotten the sense it was starting to wear you down, hence why I was talking about not forcing it

Overall it was a fun and good time though, enjoyed hanging out with my senpais, seeing Vera/Helen(a)'s glorious art (pretty sure I got that soul read), and acting like an autist caveman, so there's absolutely nothing to apologize about. I'll catch you all on the flip side.
Make sure to actually fucking recharge for once though Lumi, I know you got a lot pent up from that 6 months of just workin but it won't do anyone any good if you fry your brain on a cocaine-induced writing spree
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I echo bea's sentiment. It can be such a hassle dealing with retards like us and trying to create a meaningful overarching story lol.
For real though, it was fun to game a little bit with my niggucas and see what we could come up with in the suffering of magical girls.

Take a few months off and just chill out my dude, the board and us aren't going nowhere.

We're in this together now, you and us.
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man im so sorry. i took my fuel for granted. i thought i could just fuck around as a qm, but in the end that would mean throwing my standards out the window and shitting on eveyrone else's fun

>More seriously, when this thread first started up, I was expecting it to be dumb brainless shit, like
that was exactly the idea. in fact, that was the idea of the very first thread. well fuck that, it seems...

>I knew you weren't skimping out and this thing was gonna involve a fuck-ton of effort.
a lot of effort was done, but then i realized that every single challenge would require a similar amount of effort to not be just 'roll to win or lose'

>though still probably easier than full prose since you can leave more stuff implied.
that was the trap. i thought 'go ape' would make things easier, but then again, apes /also/ have to communicate with each other- and implying is haaard

>though still probably easier than full prose since you can leave more stuff implied.
you called it out earlier, but i really was going through a cold lawl. thing just got clear to me once i got a bit better but still couln't be satisfied with any idea. questing has to be fun, as you said, but the catch is that it has to be fun both to me and you guys. my idea of fun is a ltitle bit more slicer of lifer than most, and i know it isn't so widely shared, so i try to meet in the middle by not skimping on the mechanics at least

>Overall it was a fun and good time though
glad to hear that at least. that's always the whole point. im sad to call it quits because i liked the shitty drawings, very on point for a quest about eleven year old girls trying to push through

>seeing Vera/Helen(a)'s
considering all the investment in the mechanics, i'm dead sure it's helen. it's very healthy for the quest having someone keeping track of them, but sometimes i worry that i might not be able to keep up. after all, i am not that smart

>Make sure to actually fucking recharge for once though Lumi
i think i suck cock at balls at actual relaxation. it's like i always think i could be doing something else with my time, like trying my hand at fairy tales. but i'll try. at least the saturdays, i'll try to go full braindead without guilt

>It can be such a hassle dealing with retards like us and trying to create a meaningful overarching story lol.
i'll have to disagree with this. we do have different views and expectations, and communicaton will always be hard, but that is what helps keep the story grounded. if it was only me and yesman, then i'd just be writing a novella. i think a story should try to appeal to many widely different points of view, to find common ground between different opinions- otherwise, it's just jacking off

>in the suffering of magical girls.
just another day in megucas. it was nice playing with luci, helen, and erika again. i wonder what emma's up to. i know rita is always lurking about

>We're in this together now, you and us.
i know. thanks guys
Well, recharging doesn't necessarily have to be goin full braindead, you can always write up little fairy tales or short scenes, and usually that feels more satisfying/refreshing than zoning out on dopamine slop for hours, at least for me
The main thing is having time where you don't feel like you have to continually be keeping up with everyone's expectations, i.e. while running a quest on here. It's good to have time to let fun ideas swirl around and settle in instead of feeling like you're on a bullet train and every word's gotta match standards and you gotta pump out something or everyone will be bored and and and-
Everyone needs a break from that ride, especially with work already having expectations to meet and the pace you manage to keep pumping posts at. If you're idea of relaxing is makin pop-up books, do it brother, just as long as it's for yourself

That being said I'm not you and I dunno what burns up your mental fuel, so feel free to ignore all that and just do whatever :P
>with 31 rooms
holy shit. seriously?
nah i kinda fucked up, there's only 18 official rooms, school trio is 3 rooms with 6 challenges so you could generously call that 21 rooms, then there's 4 extra rooms from the labyrinth alternatives and the rest vs shop room so you could say there are 25 different "rooms" we know of
that being said there's almost certainly a witch arena which could count as a room, this is only level one of three, and we don't know what the red circles are or do, so there could conceivably be 31 rooms planned out
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>you can always write up little fairy tales or short scenes
that's the thing: i can't. writing silly low effort shit was the point of this quest, and look how that ended up lawl. im starting to believe that, for artists of all sorts, lowering your standards is nothing short of physically painful. i can't. it's either full retard or braindead drooling

>The main thing is having time where you don't feel like you have to continually be keeping up with everyone's expectations
that may be a valid impediment for other persons, but for me it's the other way around. it's my own expectations that weight the most. there's no escape. no half-assing. some people are good at ignoring their concience, while others are its bitch; this is kinda similar and i lean for the later

>Everyone needs a break from that ride, especially with work already having expectations to meet
well- that is the actual, real, true problem. that's why i wish i was a cat. going balls deep with the first quest was a blast cause i was jobless and living off my savings, but now i actually have to put the time- and worse, the energy. im sure many, like me, write in vengeance to how unfair it is to have your energy sucked so hard

>That being said I'm not you and I dunno what burns up your mental fuel
you aren't me, but that doesn't mean I can't learn from your experience. it's still good data. even if it doesn't solve my or someone else's problem, saying things from your perspective helps others understand other people- or even the very basic fact, often very fucking ignored, that different people think different things

all of the rooms in the map were planned


the thing is to turn all those plans into something concrete that isn't like licking a concrete wall, which is the actual writing itself

yeah i feel like bitching. i earned it
Fair enough, I'm definitely the type of person who wishes he could do the right thing when he already knows what that is/I'm too good at ignoring my conscience, so we may be on opposite ends here lol
What I meant more with the expectations statement though was the timing/pacing of it all. I think keeping standards for your writing and making sure whatever you write meets them is a good thing, but you can do it more on your own time when you're not writing for 3-5 other strangers. Meaning that instead of having to plan and pump out quality posts every evening for 5 different gucas and use energy that's hard to muster up, while you're not running you just gotta muster up the energy for one guca's worth of quality planning and still feel pretty fulfilled/productive
So basically simply just not running a quest may help you recharge enough already? I dunno. Again, I'm not you :P

And yeah, planning may or may not be the bitch of it. Far be it from me to suggest anything here, these are all just my random observations from a third-party perspective that I'm basically just thought-dumping, but from what I can see, the more planning is done, the less effort you gotta do while running the quest itself, which means things run smoother and you theoretically feel less energy-drained forcing yourself to come up with as much stuff on the fly (though of course there's always a baseline level of energy/adaptability required). The flipside of course is the fear of accidentally 'railroading' or feeling like the plans you made are now useless because people did something you didn't expect, but for the second point, the plans you made are never useless since it was still valuable characterization/motivation for the NPCs you made, and for the first point, well yeah that kinda just requires letting yourself go with the flow of natural consequences and trying to leave options as open as possible, probably

Don't really know what I'm trying to say here, but yeah
>So basically simply just not running a quest may help you recharge enough already? I dunno. Again, I'm not you :P
i think i speak for many other qms when i say that the only way you'll get me posting is under pressure. left to its own devices, the lumina will continue to perfect the same story over and over until it looks nothing like the initial concept and has nothing to do with it anymore- and makes no sense whatsoever. at this point it's like i need people to dissapoint- but i think i could give it a shot regardless

>the more planning is done, the less effort you gotta do while running the quest itself
this is true. the more you structure the setting, the faster you'll post because all that time spent worrying about plot-holes will be writing bea trying to catch a grasshooper. however, knowing how much to plan is hard. plan too much, and you'll end up with no energy- and a LOT of wasted lore that nobody will ever touch. plan too little and you run into plotholes. what i do is set the base mechanics / underlying conflicts / personalities in stone and then just fucking go

>there's always a baseline level of energy/adaptability required
adaptability is half the cake. clear rules make adapting easier, but you still have to make sense and make it interesting. if everything is already predictable then there's no point whatsoever in playing the quest- it has to be like a laboratory

>The flipside of course is the fear of accidentally 'railroading' or feeling like the plans you made are now useless because people did something you didn't expect,
even if you have a great idea of where to take the story and are praying that the niggas go down that road, it's never worth the freedom of the players. when it comes to that, the mistake of being too stiff was yours in the first place- players are there to make the direction unpredictable, after all

>the plans you made are never useless
sometimes they are and you just have to suck it up. you learn to not build castles on mud very fast when you qm. but here's the comforting reality: half the time, the road your players want to take is more fun, or makes more sense

>and trying to leave options as open as possible.
that is the most important part. this is why i don't like the multiple choice format and my quest's choices have always been open-ended. yeah, having choices help the players read where the qm wants the quest to be headed, they help keep things on a leash, but that's exactly what i don't want. i don't want the story to be mine

>Don't really know what I'm trying to say here, but yeah
at this point we are just fucking around, so spill your mind at ease. my brain is pretty much fried for now, so i'm not trying to structure my thoughts much either
Thanks for the glimpse into the inner workings of the Lumina, it's pretty cool to see
Hopefully it's been at least a little more relaxing with this off your back for the last few days
Don't really know if I have much left to say but it felt wrong to have no response to this, so thanks for everything Lumi-chan, and see you around
I'm late, but I just want say that I had a fun time and that you're one hell of a QM, Lumina. See you next time menheras!
>i wonder what emma's up to.
I have been called, I must answer! I have been around the board as well. (mainly the multiplayer petty god quest that was done recently. You can figure out who I played I think.)
In other news, I'm two weeks in at a new job, so there's that. Nothing fancy, user support call center basically. I do feel slightly more productive on the weekends, weirdly, so I think
>im sure many, like me, write in vengeance to how unfair it is to have your energy sucked so hard
has some merit as an idea. Also because it concentrates the creative juices by making sure I can't focus on them all the time. I write some stuff, I still have several quest systems I'd like to try out and formulate, a quest and a skirm to ressurect if I have time, and more. But yep, I'm still kicking and I'm glad everyone else still is!
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>Thanks for the glimpse into the inner workings of the Lumina, it's pretty cool to see
no magic here. you sit down, grind, and eventually something makes you laugh. you leave it there and onto the next line

>thanks for everything Lumi-chan, and see you around

awww, thanks for saying that. its the first time i have to straight-up ditch a quest so it felt bad and i had tons of doubts, but i was at the end of my rope. but if it at least was fun, still worth it

>I'm two weeks in at a new job, so there's that
daaaaaaaaaaaamn straight nyuhhggaa! good to know. 'nothing fancy' is not having a job and having to leech off others; this is good

>I still have several quest systems I'd like to try out and formulate, a quest and a skirm to ressurect if I have time, and more
just run something. sometimes, running is the best way to plan. if it tanks, it tanks, fuck it, don't put too much weight or expectations and you'll be good to run and tank another until something turns out fun

>But yep, I'm still kicking and I'm glad everyone else still is!
with how hectic shit is lately with the AI and all that shit, yeah, it is good to know. sometimes it feels like we are all in one big ass ocean trying to stay afloat however we can, and it hurts to see people who don't even have anywhere to grab onto. at any rate, im glad you are doing fine emmanon
>just run something. sometimes, running is the best way to plan. if it tanks, it tanks, fuck it, don't put too much weight or expectations and you'll be good to run and tank another until something turns out fun
Thanks for the advice. I'll do my best to crank out something soon. Probably won't have much room for guca references, so take it as another reason/excuse to make a new thread once you've recuperated enough so you can check on everyone!

>with how hectic shit is lately with the AI and all that shit, yeah, it is good to know. sometimes it feels like we are all in one big ass ocean trying to stay afloat however we can, and it hurts to see people who don't even have anywhere to grab onto. at any rate, im glad you are doing fine emmanon
Yeah, and as the guy from the meme said, it's gonna get way worse. Most likely. Ah, fuck it, that kinda gave me an idea on how to structure one of my ideas. If you see a weird quest about being a creature prepping for winter, and spring always coming around again, it'll likely be me!
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here, we celebrate the doka's birthday. "nigga, the fuck you celebrating some big-ass eyes finctional nip birthday like touch grass get pussy" well cause its fictional not finctional you basic, simple, christmas-celebrating nigger

happy birthday madoka!
nigga, the fuck you celebrating some big-ass eyes finctional nip birthday like touch grass get pussy

but happy birthday doke
im a bit confused about something when reading the threads. do grief seeds disappear after use? because i was under the impression that those things if not eaten by kyubey can regenerate the witch.

belated happy birthday doka
heya. nah, you either feed them to kyubey or stash them after like one or two uses. use them too much, and the witch is born again. you'd think they could just wash their impurities off, make the witch re-hatch, kill it again, and repeat the cycle, but it never happens lawl

also are you reading like the whole thing anon
>grief seeds have multiple uses
>can keep rehatching witches to farm
This is gonna be one hell of a balance patch if it goes through
I'm fine if grief seeds just become mostly useless chunks of metal after a single use, makes Rita's choice at the end of thread 5 more meaningful
they'd probably get stronger from all the Despair you are feeding them, that's a Walpurgis Night waiting to happen. walpurgis really is the linchpin of this whole setting
thinking about emma
gay bitch
Not sure if anon is implying Emma or Op is the gay bitch. Anon is likely right on both accounts since this is 4chan.

How goes it, Lumina?
being a gay bitch is too hard
You're the OP, I trust you'll figure it out!^^

Apart from all that gay stuff, I hope you're doing okay, and that goes for the rest of you too!
remember: rita best girl
i'm a jime guy myself
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Checking in to confirm that yes, this is true. How many other menheras have their own failing water park
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