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The arduous path to find your bestie has come to a close, what a moment to rejoice! Before you can run it back but in reverse, the earth shakes. An important event is happening, a big wrench in your plans, it seems. Bubbles informs you that there’s another heist happening, details are scarce as the team tries to get a scoop. What an annoying coincidence, and what a lack of creativity on everyone involved in that stunt. They’re cramping on your style! And worse of all, on your plans too...

The team needs time to reassess. Honey Bunny overheard the security’s claims of another intruder around the above ground floors (A to D); Agent Spooky is actively looking for leads, but as a ghost, passing around intel takes time without a camera. Bubbles — as the team’s spokesperson— requests a few minutes of you (and everyone on that matter) laying low to get everything sorted out. You let Crossbill know.

“Tell her we’re super sorry! We’ll talk to you in a bit, I have Honey Bunny to contact!” Bubbles requests to the team. You hear the Veras and the Nekos of the world panicking. That’s a combination you’re glad you’re not seeing. And if you’re wondering about Headphones, she’s quiet because she’s frozen still. Every member of the team is doing good.

“Sounds like we have a few minutes to catch up.” Crossbill half jokes.

“Our escape should be pretty straightforward if we leave. Not sure how long Dempsey can last out there.” You say. “But I trust my team to know their stuff.”

“You better, they’re working hard to make this easier for you.” The Jailbird wholeheartedly agrees with your line of thinking.

“Hold on, Bubbles is telling me something.” Maybe you can’t relax a little just yet.

“Phil Noon, tell me quick, should we prioritize taking you out of there? I-If you’re anxious about the boxing guy, we’ll give you the go!” Bubbles doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, she heard your apprehensions.

What do you do?

>Get the hell out of here. What are you waiting for? Follow the plan as intended.
>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
>If chaos is reigning, let it expand. Break open everyone’s cells on this floor. Create a super distraction to escape.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
>>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
Didn't we forget someone?
A certain Mama?
>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
Also this on mama
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>Let them focus on the others. You and Crossbill will be fine even if Rolling Thunder gets defeated. You’re stealth experts.
Also fine with bringing Mama along for the ride.

>Evil Holly
Pic very fucking related
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“Bubbles, we’re stealth experts. Focus on the others, we’ll find a way.” You reassure them that you don’t need the extra assistance.

“I know you can do this, but do you *really* think that you have to?” Bubbles wants you to think it over.

“Better safe than sorry with the others. Even with the deck stacked against us, I know we can get out of here, trust me.” You’re a reliable guy these days!

“I always do with all my heart! I’m making sure you’re not going to regret this. And I’m back to helping Honey Bunny then, stay safe!” Bubbles is out! She’s always the corny one, but that’s what you like about her.

After this exchange is done, you tell Crossbill about these complications. She’s too cocky to be concerned about the potential danger. As far as she’s concerned, you made the right call.

“I assume you haven’t lost a step then.” You say.

“I’m as slick as ever, I even honed my skills. If anything, meeting Houda in my dream gave me more tools than I needed. I'm so overqualified that I was thinking about giving this a shot by myself before you showed up.” Crossbill has confidence for days.

“That guy out there has powers though. He can enhance one of his senses by a good bit.” You explain.

“Him?” Crossbill points outside. “Like any watchdog, I grab him by the collar until I suffocate him. I only need to yank his lil’ buddy just like I did with yours and rest is history. Easy.” Crossbill sneers.

“That works as a contingency plan, but I don’t think strangling his flame will do the trick.” You recall that making flames touch was the trick. Ah, you remember when you had those powers, good time… You probably won’t trade it for invisibility though. “By the way, since when can you do that?”

“Isn’t it pretty much always the same history? I rejected one of those damn ghosts, and lo and behold, I can see and interact with the little cretins. I always have vivid dreams, so I never end up acting out of character.” Crossbill is strangely proud of that fact.

“When did that happen?” You ask.

“Not long after I was brought here. I’ll admit I was less than thrilled to be locked up in the best human attempt to recreate the nine levels of hell. Can’t say I’d like you to imagine me looking down on life.” Crossbill crosses her wings. It’s curious how one flame reached this place, you bet it was bored. “Hey, aren’t we doing things out of order, dream traveler? Or are we talking business until we get out of here?”

With time to talk, maybe you have to use it efficiently, or maybe not. Why not shoot the breeze with your friend instead? It’s whatever you see fit.

What do you do?

>Ask Crossbill more about her encounters with entities! She sounds like she has seen quite a few.
>Ask Crossbill what she knows about you! If it was all a dream to her, it means that maybe she’s missing some details. You bet she’s really confused about you.
>Ask Crossbill about what she’s been up to. You know, outside of the jail stuff...
>Ask Crossbill why she’s in jail. Like, why specifically.
>Write In.
>>Ask Crossbill what she knows about you! If it was all a dream to her, it means that maybe she’s missing some details. You bet she’s really confused about you.
>>Ask Crossbill more about her encounters with entities! She sounds like she has seen quite a few.
>Ask Crossbill more about her encounters with entities! She sounds like she has seen quite a few.
>>Ask Crossbill what she knows about you! If it was all a dream to her, it means that maybe she’s missing some details. You bet she’s really confused about you.
>Ask Crossbill more about her encounters with entities! She sounds like she has seen quite a few.
>Ask Crossbill what she knows about you! If it was all a dream to her, it means that maybe she’s missing some details. You bet she’s really confused about you.
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“Whatever satiating my curiosity falls into.” You have questions! Plural! “First, how much do you remember about me?”

“Everything, my fellow Nautical Nariko employer.” Crossbill grins. “Everything you told me anyway.”

“You know I saw Dustin the Manager the other day, he’s a security guard now.” You recall Piss Town.

“No way! He’s *alive*?!” Crossbill is pretty surprised. “Wait, you found him first before me…? Why…?”

“I-It was an accident. I didn’t know he worked there!” You don’t have a link with that guy! Well, you’re glad he’s alive.

“There where? Stop, I don’t think I care all that much.” Crossbill doesn’t feel like Dustin the Manager is a topic worth discussing under these circumstances. “I remember everything, bestie! Nobody gave me a minute of their life back then, but you helped me meet my hero. Like I’d forget that.”

“And you don’t have any qualms about it? I mean, wasn’t it all a dream for you?” You ask.

“Hey, if you’re here, it means it’s real. Every single word, Knockout.” Crossbill retorts. “I filled in the gaps. There’s no need to explain anything else. I’m in your corner, ready to turn the world upside down for you.” Crossbill’s belief in you is unparalleled. You have earned an ally who will never stab your back. You need to keep the questions rolling before you get emotional.

“Tell me more about your encounters with the entities, it feels like there were plenty.” You ask.

“You mean these floating ghosts? Yes, I have caught a few.” Crossbill pokes Philonune, he responds in kind by poking back spear-style. You had to separate them. “Shouldn’t come as a surprise that a lot of these guys end up here, right?”

“I guess not.” You wonder how they get apprehended though. Except if like their power sucks, like there’s probably a guy with a magnifying glass power or something. You can’t imagine having a shitty ability with no uses whatsoever.

“What might come as a shock is that I wasn’t on Floor F when I originally got here, and I actually had access to the cafeteria. Met folks of all backgrounds and ages over there, you won’t believe how many people they *still* throw in here. To be quite fair, many of them had similar upbringings, but you get what I mean.” Crossbill tries to be a little lighthearted. “Met a bunch of good boys and girls with those pesky friends attached to them. You have one of the rarer ones, don’t think many of them float. Easier to snatch though.”

Crossbill and Philonune exchange glances...

“They bring your food here?” You wonder. Your internal alarm sirens are going off! Your friend hasn’t eaten well!
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“Aye, the watchdog trusts one guard to drop us some trays. Being here drives me mad. It’s so damn lonely…” Crossbill sighs. “We’re going off-topic, I got to the heart of the matter by asking, and puzzling everything myself. Nothing fancy. I got quite a few spooked out, knowing I have the upperhand when it comes to seeing them is quite the parlor trick.” She’s as mischievous as ever…

“Never gets old.” You agree.

“Hold on, are you telling me you can see them too? Like, not just your own?” Crossbill smiles. She feels a connection.

“Yup!” You adjust your glasses. “I was pretty similar to you before I got my partner. Not to brag, but quite a few requested my services, so I had a period where I could abuse my newfound perk.” The glasses keep on being adjusted.

“Oh, please, don’t be so humble…” Crossbill rolls her eyes, then chuckles.

“A little tip, if you press two flames against each other, you make them feel nauseous!” You teach.

“Can I try it with yours? I bet you have a friend or two with those!” Crossbill can’t wait.

“N-No.” You reject the idea outright. “Tell me more about the people you met. What were they like?”

“There’s a guy who dresses as a Super Hero who —” Crossbill tries to explain but gets interrupted… by you!

“WILDFLAME. I know him. Who else?” You deadpan. Why does this guy know everyone?! You like WILDFLAME, but this is ridiculous! You won’t stand for this amount of stupidity! You’re a beacon of reason!

“Right… Sorry, the middle of my sentence interrupted the beginning of yours.” Crossbill is very catty. She’s joking, that’s why she pinched you for being rude. “I guess we’re pressing for time, so do you want a list, or what? I got lots of names. Not sure how many are still here or alive.”
“Tell me about your most memorable encounters!” You ask.

“The Testudisco Twins were a pretty fun pair, that pig Lloydington was here for a bit, I had a pretty funny encounter with a girl named Jaylene — there used to be a creepy kid named Uzziel, I shouldn’t call him a kid, he’s about your age. Who else? I got pretty boring stories about a detective named Garcia, a spicy guy named Rahul, the doppelganger man, but the most snooze-worthy man in this entire prison is Solomon. He’s over there.” Crossbill points outside the cage. “He’s not as annoying as Bernie though. I don’t remember where his cage is.”

There are a lot of interesting names, mostly unknowns, some not so much.

What do you do?

>Ask about the Testudisco Twins, their name is half familiar and half stupid. A connection to Genesis, perhaps?
>Ask about Jaylene. It has to be the same one from Oliver and Odetta’s backstory, right?
>Ask about Creepy Kid Uzziel, he’s around your age which is totally a reason to know more.
>Ask about Lloydington. You couldn’t see his flame the time you saw him, but Crossbill did! Why?
>Ask about boring guy Solomon. Why is he so boring?
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>>Ask about Lloydington. You couldn’t see his flame the time you saw him, but Crossbill did! Why?
>Ask about Creepy Kid Uzziel, he’s around your age which is totally a reason to know more.
The contrarian vote...
>Ask about Creepy Kid Uzziel, he’s around your age which is totally a reason to know more.
>Ask about Jaylene. It has to be the same one from Oliver and Odetta’s backstory, right?
More lore
>Ask about Jaylene. It has to be the same one from Oliver and Odetta’s backstory, right?
An unexpected additional breakout target?
I'll change to Uzziel to break the tie
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“So tell me about the creepy kid around my age.” You can hardly imagine why someone your age would be here except for trying to set some birds free.

“My brief description was so captivating, wasn’t it?” Crossbill finds it funny how you can’t remember the guy’s name. “He’s this ghastly pale man with shifty eyes and is also conceited. Pretends to be reserved, but will brag about everything for the sake of intimidating you.” Crossbill does some air quotes. “His flame is as dark as his sense of fashion and humor. A bore.”

“Woah, he made a good impression...” You joke.

“Call him shrewd or sharp, Machiavellian even, I’m sure many others would. He’s not a bumbling buffoon, he’d ace any test you throw at him. But I find the type irritating.” Crossbill comes clean. “Not his fault. No kid that young should be here.”

“And why was he here?” You ask.

“You don’t get to this level if you don’t make enemies in high places. Kid tried to poison a wealthy pig to steal their fortune as their sole heir and failed. He used his flame and all, it’s some type of curse. He admitted as much.” Crossbill crosses her arms. “The victim survived and retaliated. It’s cut and dry. I’d tell you who this poor soul is if he told me. But shifty eyes didn’t spit it out…”

“Was it one of the Five Heavenly Pillars?” You look for more information.

“It’s likely. You can ask around and they’ll tell you which one got them here.” Crossbill finds it plausible.

“Who did it for you?” You don’t like where this is going.

“All five. Hahahaha~! Blamed me on bullshit charges.” Crossbill laughs.

“What exactly happened between you and this Uzziel?” You wonder. Too much contempt you feel.

“Not much. We got to know each other through these bars the little time he spent here.” Crossbill shakes her head. “He saw me as a ticket out of here, and I saw a kid trying to play out of his league. He didn’t have to convince me after he met Lloydington.”

“He works with that guy?” Great. You didn’t know there were more White Flames… Hold on, Crossbill said he didn’t have one. Weird.

“You should’ve seen it. You could picture it in his eyes, all the scenarios going through his head, and every single one landed on his defeat, poor little Uzzi couldn’t see a way to beat Lloydington. For a guy who is so clever, he has little faith in himself.” Crossbill disagrees.
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“But why?” You wonder.

“Lloydington’s crooked smile, maybe?” Crossbill jokes. “Kidding aside, his flame is the size of a stadium. He may not have seen it, but I’m sure he could *feel* it.”

“I didn’t know that was a thing.” You… have questions that Crossbill can’t answer.

“Sorry, Knockout. I know what I saw. The whole world tints a little brighter when he’s around. It’s there, I assure you.” Crossbill explains. “If Uzziel’s stay was short, Lloydington’s was shorter. Both were impressed with each other, and became friends, that’s the story. The most shocking revelation is that Uzzi has more friends.”

“If you can’t beat them, join them…?” You don’t like where this is going.

“That doesn’t apply to us, Bestie.” Crossbill shakes her head. “Lloydington must be stopped. I knew that even before I saw his flame. Man is rotten to the core.”

“His entity is my partner’s sworn enemy, the most powerful entity in the game… As far as we can tell, he doesn’t have a match.” You don’t want to admit it, but every flame is aware of the Creator for a reason.

“And? That ain’t going to stop us, right, Bestie?” Crossbill will fight alongside you!

“Mhm. The world hinges on it.” You agree.

“I like your friend’s attitude now, partner.” Philonune likes Crossbill’s murderous intent towards the Creator.

You receive a call from Bubbles. Everything has been assessed. You have permission to leave Floor F whenever you see fit! All efforts will be coordinated to help you out.

What do you do?

>Maybe you want to talk to the other prisoners. You can let everyone out as a contingency plan.
>Time to go. Take Crossbill out of this cell!
>Ask Bubbles for more details about the new intruders.
>Write In.
>>Ask Bubbles for more details about the new intruders.
>Ask Bubbles for more details about the new intruders.
Status update! Also where is Mama Bodil?
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“Bubbles, please provide a full status update. Who are the intruders? Where is Mama Bodil?” You need all the information you can have to plan your next move.

“This is as far as we know…” Bubbles begins explaining.

—The Honey Bubbles managed to identify the person who was activating the Crimzone! The traitor among them was none other than… Officer Perez! Yes, the one who wields a sword like an action movie-obsessed nerd. But that wasn’t the only twist in this story. No, this was a *fake* Officer Perez, a shape-shifting entity user who pretended to be the SCI agent and the real one was stuffed into a locker on Floor D. Upon being discovered, the doppelganger turned the lights off somehow, and when they were back on — there were two twin guards! The doppelganger is one of them, but who?! The plot thickens! Honey Bunny’s job is done though, the camera cables were cut off during the investigation — so the security room is rendered useless. Now she’s trying to find a gap to walk away.

—Due to the Doppelganger situation, The Behemoth Handler was called for assistance. But on her way there, she encountered one of the intruders. Spooky describes this man as a nerd with antennas on his head. Poor guy is running for his life. The team cleans their hands of this situation, but it’s being closely monitored.

—As far as other things are monitored, Ivanna is taken away to the infirmary by a woman with extravagant clothes and poise. Thanks to Spooky’s description, T_T Neko asserts that this woman is the head of the Church of Beauty.

—Agent Major Tom has successfully overcome Gaston Onisorio 3-1! His one request for winning is to keep the situation a secret. The two men shook hands in a beautiful display of sportsmanship, but it was all a ruse! Reinforcements arrived, they were called before the deal was finalized! The bunch of off-duty guardsmen drew their guns at the spaceman. With his robotic laughter at max volume, he gleefully activated the Crimzone back to render the weapons useless. Clearly bested, the men made way for Calamity, and he left with his fist raised in the air.

—Chaos reigns on Floor D, what started as a duel between Suan De and gentleman Velenius turned into a gauntlet match against the prisoners, who burst out of their cages in droves. A prisoner named Hubbard congregated every single Flame User on that floor and devised a plan to best the knight and escape. But with Suan De in the mix, everyone’s plans are going awry. The duo is cleaning house. Whoever apprehends the greater number of criminals, wins their bout now, as this unlikely friendly rivalry blossoms.

In the middle of the turmoil, Suan De makes contact with Mama Bodil, and the Mafiosi gives a helping hand to her to fight everyone off. She recalls yours and Vera’s name and the picture you once left in her car (That wasn’t keyed), and has been wondering who you were ever since. So, she’s in! Also, to make things fair, the real officer Perez is helping Velenius.

“W-Woah, a lot of action!” You’re surprised how chaotic but controlled things are.

“Agent Mage is waiting for whoever gets to the escape route first.” Bubbles explains. “He’s leaning on Honey Bunny, but, like I said, we’re ready to assist when you’re ready!”

What do you do?!

>Stealthily make your way out of Fire Field.
>Since Riots are happening everywhere, make the same thing happen here to distract Quye!
>Stay in place. You don’t think it’s a good time to move on. Maybe make contact with the other prisoners to know if they’re willing to charge with you.
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
>Stealthily make your way out of Fire field.
>Stealthily make your way out of Fire field.
Can't we simply break the cell doors as we go? Cause mass chaos and prisoner escapes
>>Stealthily make your way out of Fire Field.
that aint stealthy
>Write In.
Ask if Jaylene is imprisoned here.
If that creepy kid and Lloydington were with her here along with the fact the other prisoners locked up in this section are in it because of one or all of Five Heavenly Pillars, then maybe Odetta’s sister isn’t actually dead yet since her death could have been faked to keep locking here up down here a secret.
Because something is up with our little ghost from a few threads ago.
>“We better, but I wouldn’t mind finally burning this place down once and for all...” Odetta grins.

>“NgGgH, she has history with this place and didn’t tell us about it!” Neko doesn’t like that party members have secrets.
Interesting catch
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“We’ll attempt our escape now, Bubbles. Wish us luck.”

“You don’t need me too, Phil Noon!” Scarlet boosts your ego!

“...But I asked for it.” You frown.

“Y-You can’t be serious.” Scarlet isn’t prepared for this.

“I’m not. Gotta joke around before this gets intense.” You say dumb shit to buy time.

“I have my eyes on you in case you need anything!” Bubbles reassures.

“We’ll be talking again soon then. I’m preparing now.” You turn to Crossbill and nod.

“Good luck!” Bubbles says as this conversation goes full circle.

“Let me explain what we’re gonna do…” You tell Crossbill how your powers work in detail, and where the escape route is. You need to find Rolling Thunder’s cell if you want to get out of here, but there’s the other option of deviating toward a certain central cultist figure’s one instead… Mage linked the exit to his place as well, even if it was for nothing as he was turned down the chance to escape. Weird guy. “So, grab my hand…”

“How about this instead?” Crossbill turns her bedsheets into a rope like in a classic prison escape plot. Instead of using it to go down a window, she wraps it around hers and your wrists like handcuffs. Now you’re bound together. “Cool, huh? It’ll be our link. This way we have some leeway to dodge.”

“I suppose. I’ll get tired faster though.” You don’t like to admit the latter part.

“You want to hold my hand that badly?” Crossbill cackles at the idea.

“...Don’t make me pick you up again.” You threaten.

“I dare you to do it once we’re out of here.” Crossbill will not be defeated.

“Ready to go?” You smirk.

“I’m following your orders, Captain.” The thief is ready to spread her wings.

You stare at the exit. The faint sound of trading heavy blows goes beyond this hallway, at the center of the floor in the roundabout connecting everything, right below the watchtower. Rolling Thunder and Quye aren’t done fighting, but you can’t watch what’s happening from where you stand. This is somewhat advantageous, a blind spot is always welcomed. To get to Rolling Thunder’s cage you will have to traverse the roundabout to the upper section of Floor F. On the other hand, Ammirati’s cell is in this hallway...

The plan is pretty straightforward.

What’s the escape route?

>Go to Rolling Thunder’s cell.
>Go to Ammirati’s cell. It’s closer.
>Write In.

Want to ask something before going?

>Ask Crossbill and/or Spooky if Jaylene is imprisoned here! Maybe help her out? But wasn’t she dead or something?
>Nah, you’re good. You’ll ask later.
>Write In.
>>Go to Rolling Thunder’s cell.
>Ask Crossbill and/or Spooky if Jaylene is imprisoned here! Maybe help her out? But wasn’t she dead or something?
>Go to Rolling Thunder’s cell.
>Ask Crossbill and/or Spooky if Jaylene is imprisoned here! Maybe help her out? But wasn’t she dead or something?
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“Cool. I was so ready to go, but there’s one thought lingering in my mind…” You keep it vague for the reveal.

“What is it?” Crossbill doesn’t respond with animosity but seems confused.

“The Jaylene you mentioned, I know her, not personally, but she’s related to one of my teammates.” You say, then put your hand over your ear to signal you’re talking to HQ. “Bubbles, you there? Can you connect me with Spooky if you can?”

“Sure! It’s going to take a bit. She’s the hardest one to get a hold of.” Bubbles explains. “Cheese-on-Wheels has been notified.”

“Thank you.” You put your hand away. “Sorry, I’m acting a little scatterbrained.” You apologize to Crossbill. “Can you tell me about your encounter with Jaylene?”

“Did you figure out she’s in here or something?” Crossbill crosses her arms.

“Is she?!” You act surprised.

“Sorry, Knockout. I’m guessing where your mind is heading, I don’t have an answer. I’ve never seen her again after our encounter.” Crossbill crosses her arms.

“What happened between you two?” You wonder.

“It’s not much to delve into. She snuck in here to try to bust out whoever used to be in the cell I was in before this one.” Crossbill chuckles. “I noticed her little buddy hanging above her elbow, and we talked. Clueless, that girl, like a lost puppy. I had to help her find a way out. Ended up taking the fall to distract security. But that wasn’t the end of it, my situation was reassessed — they found out who I was enemies with— and they threw me in this dump.”

“Weird. Did she find whoever she was looking for? Do you even know who that was for that matter?” You ask.

“I’d say her lips were shut tight but she couldn’t stop stuttering. I never found out. I made her promise to tell me once we were out of here, but only one of us made it.” Crossbill said it was a funny thing, but she sounds more frustrated than anything.

“Damn. When was this?” You wonder.

“Can’t tell night from day anymore. Feels like a couple of months ago.” Crossbill shrugs. If Jaylene had her flame, it should’ve been before she tried to kidnap Constance, so the math checks out…

“I can’t believe that idiot went through the trouble…” That’s Spooky’s voice! It’s coming from your phone. The Odetta Virus is back...

“Is this where that noise is coming from?” Crossbill snatched your phone from your pocket before you could pull it out.

“Don’t do that.” You grab your phone back. “Spooky, is that you? Did you hear us talk?”

“That I did, Noon.” Odetta grins.
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“So what are you thinking? Is Jaylene in here?” You get to the point.

“She’s long gone, brother. She had to run out of luck eventually. Didn’t that idiot Oliver tell you?” Odetta scoffs at the idea.

“Are you 100% sure that she’s dead?” You have a hunch. The story goes that WILDFLAME saw them getting killed, and Oliver confirmed it… You know, the two most unreliable narrators on non-food-related topics that you know of.

“...Play Phantom Sleuth later, Glasses. Your birdie friend needs you.” Spooky leaves your phone.

But the ghost couldn’t leave you behind just yet...

“I can talk for myself, girlie.” Crossbill grabs Odetta’s astral projection by the hand, then smirks at her. “Why don’t you take a look? Couldn’t hurt.”

Odetta’s astral projection looks at Crossbill all flabbergasted. Nobody has been able to touch her in this state before. Then she meekly returns to your phone.

“Tell me where to look.” Spooky sounds oddly soulless.

This is a make or break moment, and you have as many clues as you have children…

How do you respond?

>“Sorry, Spooky. I have no clue. I didn’t want to raise your hopes up.” Apologize and move on.
>“Visit Crossbill’s old cell. You’ll find clues there, I’m certain.” You throw a wild guess that has a relatively low chance to yield results.
>“Find WILDFLAME. Last I heard, he was thrown in here.” You recall it from Fiora’s list…
>“Look into solitary confinement.” Just like whoever Mark helped. This might be the reason why she never arrived on Floor F…
>Write In.

Also, Please Roll 1d100! Best of 5! To determine if you successfully sneak past through the Roundabout with Crossbill! It’s a Hard Roll!

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!)
Rolled 49 (1d100)

>“Look into solitary confinement.” Just like whoever Mark helped. This might be the reason why she never arrived on Floor F…
>"I want to give you hope, or at the very least certainty, it's the least I could do as a friend"
Rolled 100 (1d100)

I'll second this
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Also damn nat 100!
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"Oh someone replied to me, the tab icon has red in it, let's see what I go-"
>nat 100
Based and thirding!
Isn't Jacklyn already dead? Like we saw that at Dream Hill with the broken star.
Rolled 90 (1d100)

supportin, and rolling to just reach 5 rolls
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You have a perplexing hunch. One that goes beyond the delicate margins of logic. A connection of thoughts and memories blend with the imperceptible link between souls that you forged by chance. Cries of agony, broken stars, and infinite dreams lead to the answer.

One desperate broken star that begged for life unlike any other…

One lonely broken star who never lost its luster…

One broken star with the dream to reconnect with these two again…

And here you are, at the verge of an impossible dream coming true. The stars align. Their faces come back to you as clear as a sunny day’s morning.

“Partner, these memories don’t belong to you.” Philonune points out as your mind unravels. “The little fairy’s powers are as incredible as they’re frightening...”

You’re merely the conduit for this reunion. This is what your hunch tells you!

“Nothing to say, lamp post?” Spooky gets really annoyed, almost furious. But back to herself.

“...Jaylene wasn’t wrong.” You say out loud. “This *was* your dad’s cell.”

Odetta looks like she saw herself in a mirror. The information doesn’t come as a surprise as she was well aware of the fact, but you are not supposed to know this.

“Look into solitary confinement.” You say. "I want to give you hope, or at the very least certainty, it's the least I could do as a friend."

“……..” Odetta slips out of Crossbill’s hand, gets her phantom self right in front of your eyes, her stare pierces through the fabric of your own humanity and even Philonune’s soul. The apathetic star who could not understand the reason for her perpetual loneliness is staring at you. A meaningless moment from someone who shouldn’t exist.

Spooky disappears into the building, following your directions… Probably. You don’t know the entire layout.
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“What was that? Don’t tell me you figured out who the man Jaylene was looking for is.” Crossbill assumes.

“Yeah, it was their father. He was killed shortly after leaving this place, who knows how he left. I’ll explain later, but it’s a lot to go through to make sense of this.” You feel like even talking about Dream Hill will take far too long! All you know is that despite finding Jaylene’s broken star at Dream Hill, Odetta’s was broken as well but alive… You think there’s a chance… You’re praying for one.

“Hey, look at me.” Crossbill puts her arm around your shoulders. “It’ll be fine, she’ll find her answers.”

“Yeah, we gotta go.” You nod. “Follow my lead, crewmate.”

“Aye, Captain.” Crossbill smirks as you two prepare to leave.

Covered by your invisibility cloak from top to bottom, you two cross the line inside Quye’s territory. It’s sound that will define this encounter: your ability to refrain from making it, and the ambiance of the match that has to last long enough for your escape. If one is absent, you’re going to make it; if the other one is, you’re in danger.

The clash between warriors continues as you venture deeper into the hallway, but then it halts. Only the embers of the hell under you, and the wind blowing are here. Until a loud thump occurs. A body clashes into a concrete wall and bounces out. Feeble steps follow, the concussed movement of a fighter standing up before the 10 count. Grit in its most unflattering form. An unyielding spirit dragging a husk to function. A heavy panting that is as erratic as the decision to continue. A couple of smacks to the face. It’s disrespectful. It’s for taunting. You hear the final moment when the body collapses. It’s over.

“Neither man can win two matches in a row! What a surprise!” In a mocking tone, the obnoxiously familiar voice of the former leader of the Cult sounds unimpressed.

From the shadows you see the Orcish creature. With bruises all over his body, he stands in front of Ammirati’s cell like he hasn't been hurt at all. The look of a demon staring through another. You can feel it. Ammirati is taunting Quye on purpose. To bring him closer to stop you. But you emit no sound. No breathing. Your steps cannot be detected over the embers below, the wind blowing, the other residents breathing, and coughing. You and Crossbill cannot be detected. You go past him...
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“Were you saying something?” Quye’s voice is as deep as where he lives.

“No, sir! I’m just talking to myself like many others do! This lonely experience is hard to cope with. It’s always a pleasure seeing you outside of your comfort zone.” Ammirati taunts him. This seems to be a routine between the two, one only the cultist enjoys. “You never gave me the pleasure of exchanging words before. What’s the occasion? Did I upset you?”

Quye decides to ignore Ammirati.

“It’s not the best time to play fool, or someone can take advantage! Like whoever should be in that cell!” Ammirati points at the empty Bird Cage…

Quye realizes that Crossbill is missing. He looks around like a hawk, not like it’ll help. You’re past the roundabout section into the final hallway.

“Enhanced sight won’t help you, Guardsman...” Ammirati blows on his nails.

Quiet.” Quye is now trying to listen.

You two stay put.

“…” Quye expects to hear something but only the chatter of the other prisoners is audible.

You bravely decide to pick up Crossbill and keep on moving at your own slow pace. It’s better to do this than to stand still. You’re undetectable! You bet she’s really impressed.

“Can’t catch her? That’s new.” Ammirati is impressed. Quye is upset...

You’re close to Dempsey’s cell, but…

What do you do?

>Leave Crossbill inside the escape route. Go pick up Rolling Thunder.
>Don’t look back and go into Dempsey’s cell. He has to tie up his record.
>Write In.

Only reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow!
>>Don’t look back and go into Dempsey’s cell. He has to tie up his record.
It would be dishonorable to interfere with the match.
>Don’t look back and go into Dempsey’s cell. He has to tie up his record.
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Sorry, everyone! Delaying the session for tomorrow!
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But nothing. Everyone was well aware of the stakes here. As much as it looks like it’s over, It’s dishonorable to interfere with the match. In a way, you have to believe Rolling Thunder Dempsey isn’t done. He’s catching his breath, and you’re catching the exit...

“How about you enhance your smell? Hmm?” Ammirati suggests to the prison guard.

“Keep your mouth shut or I’ll slice your tongue.” Quye is done with the cultist’s shit. “An unusual trail...” He sniffs loudly!

“You’re used to the way we smell? That’s foul.” Ammirati chuckles. “GUH...”

And gets punched in the gut for his troubles. Ouch. You don’t know if Quye opened the cell or managed to land his fist effectively through the bars. You can only hear the cultist falling on his knees and squealing in pain. A well deserved reward for messing around. The orcish demon walks off in pursuit of those who are attempting to escape.

You get inside Rolling Thunder’s cell and search for the tunnel. Perfect Stealth takes its time when done flawlessly.

Quye’s steps draw closer. He halts through the middle of the roundabout.

“You brutish fiend… I’m still breathing.” A wounded Rolling Thunder grabs his eternal rival’s leg.

“Owing to the fact that I’m forbidden from taking a prisoner’s life.” Quye isn’t in a rush now that he caught your or Crossbill’s trail.

“Aren’t you the one who cares not for rules?” Rolling Thunder manages to stand up.

“Or a pitiful man’s words.” Quye walks with one objective in mind, and it isn’t to settle the score.

“How about a pitiful man’s actions?” Rolling Thunder cheekily retorts.

You hear one powerful strike echo through the entire floor. The former champion hasn’t given up, and you shouldn’t too. Seems like you and Crossbill were on the same page rooting for the guy before escaping through the hole. The result shall be a mystery for now.
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Agent Mage welcomes you back to lead you out of here. You don’t drop your invisibility, in fact — through the bed-sheet — you share it with Mage too. Now the moment of climbing has arrived! And it’s awkward with this weird rope between you, but you can’t be too safe.

It appears that Fire Field wasn’t so bad after all! You hope nobody deconstructs your thoughts as terrible foreshadowing.

“He’s helping you out?” Crossbill is curious about Mage as you keep going upwards. It’s been a handful of minutes since you left Fire Field.

“Yeah, he’s one of my collaborators. Call him Mage.” You respond.

“Let’s leave the presentations for later. I have a whole routine prepared!” The Markgician cheerfully explains. “Huh, did you guys hear that rumbling?”

“It’s below us?” You’re the last person going up the tunnel. Mage is leading, next goes Crossbill, and you’re at the back. That being said, you look down to assess the situation.

A pair of glowing eyes look back at you, or through you. With your enhanced night vision you see who looks back at you. It’s Quye!


He’s climbing fast! Since you’re invisible, he’s expecting to pass through you!

What do you do?!

>Tell everyone to hurry the fuck up! You’re reaching the catacombs before dealing with this guy.
>Use Philonune’s spear on the walls to throw all the dirt you can. You’ll block access to Fire Field permanently.
>Write In.
>>Tell everyone to hurry the fuck up! You’re reaching the catacombs before dealing with this guy.
>Tell everyone to hurry the fuck up! You’re reaching the catacombs before dealing with this guy.
>>Tell everyone to hurry the fuck up! You’re reaching the catacombs before dealing with this guy.
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“H-Hurry up, people. We need to get to the catacombs now.” You rush so fast you end up headbutting Crossbill’s posterior.

“Don’t rush me! It’s this guy who is taking his time!” Crossbill pushes through at the same pace as you to headbutt Mage.

“We’re almost there!” Mage lets himself be bulldozed to the exit.

You three spill out of the hole back into the cryptic catacombs like cereal into a bowl! It wasn’t a gnarly fall or anything, but you’re out, yet not out of danger. Before your mind can settle to assess the situation, the malignant prison guard rears his ugly head out as well. If you were fast, he was faster. Can’t say climbing is anyone’s forte on your team.

“I know where you stand.” Quye acts like he’s looking directly at you and not through you. Guess the scent he caught was yours and he’s sticking to it. He does shift eyes to where Crossbill is, then Mark. “All three.” He notices something as he inhales one more time. “A forth...”

Uh-oh, Spooky’s body is resting here still. She’s by the wall! She hasn’t returned to her body yet!

It’s time to be proactive! You’re invisible still. Your movement is restricted due to the bed sheet connecting you, Crossbill, and Mage. And Spooky is in danger.

>-3 SP for spending so much time invisible.

What do you do?! [SP:27]

>Grab Spooky and continue running further into the Catacombs. Lure this guy out of the prison! [Knowledge & Athletics Based] [Very Hard Roll]
>Drop your invisibility. Demand a Flame Duel! (Is that what they’re called?) You know Mage is carrying one of the Judge Pigeons. Determine the rules before he can say anything!
>Take off the bed sheet from your arm. Then go for a chokehold! [Courage & Athletics Based]
>Write In.
>>Drop your invisibility. Demand a Flame Duel! (Is that what they’re called?) You know Mage is carrying one of the Judge Pigeons. Determine the rules before he can say anything!
lets just spear blast him back down the hole
>Drop your invisibility. Demand a Flame Duel! (Is that what they’re called?) You know Mage is carrying one of the Judge Pigeons. Determine the rules before he can say anything!
>>Drop your invisibility. Demand a Flame Duel! (Is that what they’re called?) You know Mage is carrying one of the Judge Pigeons. Determine the rules before he can say anything!
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You take off the bed sheets from your wrist and turn visible again. With your arms crossed, you begin addressing the enemy.

“Hello there.” You try to act cool and aloof. Crossbill and Mage have their spells dropped too, and look back at themselves with some sort of confusion. Your Bestie grabs the confused man and the corpse, and hides behind some debris.

“It appears to be that the tales of the invisible man weren’t folktale.” Quye doesn’t even blink, eyes narrowed onto you. He has little care for Crossbill, Mage, or Spooky’s corpse.

“Quye, I officially challenge you to a duel.” You act like a cowboy.

“Save your breath, Man of the Mask. No umpire lurks below the surface.” Quye retorts. Despite the outward hostility, he’s wary, he doesn’t want to make the first move yet. “We’re not abiding by any rules.”

“That’d be true, if it weren’t for magic! Voila~!” Agent Mage snaps his fingers to make appear a Flying Referee of the boring variety: The boring blue pigeon! “No need for applause, I’m just the opening act, today!”

“…” Quye is a little bit caught off guard.

“Quye! I repeat, I officially challenge you to a duel!” You open the app on your phone! The little birdy gets close to listen to the rules!

“Make sure to pick something you’re good at!” Crossbill reminds you!

“You have an idea of what you want to do, right, Phil? We can come up with something!” Bubbles interjects too!

The Bird chirps that the rules have to be fair for both contestants, the game has to have existed before/no made-up games, and killing is forbidden. (For example: a Pro Wrestling Match, a Fencing Match, or Dodgeball.)

The Bird also chirps that the winner’s reward will be decided after the match by the winner. The loser must pay!

What are the rules?!

>Guess Who but with Prisoners! Can you guess in less than 10 questions who Quye is thinking about?
>A Boxing Match! Do it for Rolling Thunder! And Craig! And whoever is secretly a boxer too!
>Esperanza Rules Match! One of the two has to say ‘I Quit’ to lose!
>Write In.
>>Write In.
>Staring Contest
Let him enhance his eyes and then use our Solar Flare type move to fuck him up
>>Guess Who but with Prisoners! Can you guess in less than 10 questions who Quye is thinking about?
This, our INT isn’t a useless stat.
>>Write In.
hide and seek
15 minutes
>Write in
>A Boxing Match! Do it for Rolling Thunder! And Craig! And whoever is secretly a boxer too!
This he’ll be our trail test if we are close to fulfilling Matilda’s promise if beating Flint.
I’ll support Mahjong, or possibly poker, if Agent Mage has a deck on him.
If it wasn't for the fact that you can't kill people, I'd have suggested Blood Mahjong. That's the real cool one.
>Guess Who but with Prisoners! Can you guess in less than 10 questions who Quye is thinking about?
To break the tie I'll change to
>Guess Who but with Prisoners! Can you guess in less than 10 questions who Quye is thinking about?
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Well, there’s another reason why I agreed with playing mahjong, and it wasn’t about the actual game or how long it would take.

Yeah, it’s cropped. I go by Weird Science rules.
>caring about some random hussy when you could have glorious MANLY JAPANESE GAMBLING
Let’s be honest, both of those series are known to take their sweet ass time.

Also, if choosing between the two matters, I’ll always go for the one that’ll make allow the QM to draw sexy fanart of the female cast.
Counterpoint: Johnny with an Akagi nose.
Counter-counterpoint: Compare Nina’s evolution from the start of this quest to her most recent appearance.
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“We’re going to play Guess Whom is it? but with the prisoners of the Shotgun Kiss.” You adjust your glasses with the confidence of an experienced gambler.

The Bird chirps happily now that the rules have been settled.

“D-Did I hear you right?!” Bubbles is in shock. “Everyone, Phil Noon is going to play Guess Who? With the baddie!” The redhead shares with the team.

“No, he’s not. He’s absolutely not doing that. I refuse to believe he’s doing that.” Cheese-on-Wheels denies such an event happening.

“Girl, like, we have cameras. Just take a look.” Bubbles retorts.

“Is he good at it?” Headphones asks the ever-important question.

“I don’t think he has ever played before.” Vera looks up your records. She couldn’t know that. Right? Right…?

“Eh, it’ll be fine, he’s good at games. He catches on quickly.” T_T Neko trusts your instincts.

“The problem is not that he can’t do well, the problem is that why did *he* choose to play? He has the upper hand!!! Why waste it?!” Vera points out.

“I bet the prick thought it was an even playfield or something. Not the time to be chivalrous.” Susie assumes.

“Don’t call him a prick.” Vera frowns.

“NgNgh… Don’t be aggressive with me, Freaky hair…” Neko hides behind Liu.

“Let’s all throw our positivity beams towards the screen to Phil Noon, together!” Bubbles has been listening to too much Debbie.

“O-O-Our what now?” Susie finds this weird.

“It’s a vibes thing. You pose like this and send your good energy!” Bubbles says.

“Ridiculous. He doesn’t need that. He already has all my love and appreciation.” Vera squeaks.

Positivity beam~!” Liu does the thing!

“...Pfft, I was actually joking!” Bubbles laughs.

H-Huh?! *hic*” Liu feels betrayed.

“But you’re very adorable, Headphones. You’re a nice girl!” Scarlet is very happy about Liu’s qualities.

“Can’t blame you, Headphones. It sounds like the lame thing Bubbles would do.” Vera points out. “Didn’t you say your superpower is, and I quote —”

“Lalala~! Let’s pay attention to the game!” Bubbles doesn’t want to hear it so she interrupts her. “Well, until someone asks for our input...”
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You’re glad HQ is having a scene together… Meanwhile, here, things are equally as confusing for your allies.

“He means the board game?” Mage wonders.

“I think he meant the board game.” Crossbill is deeply confused.

“Are you good at it?!” Mage asks you.

“Yes!” You adjust your glasses.

“Woah! Great, then Quye will be done and out.” Mage believes in you wholeheartedly. “Just look at him, he’s frightened.”

Quye doesn’t demonstrate such behavior.

“Terribly scared!” Mage gives you two thumbs up.

Quye remains quiet.

“Can’t even say a word out of fear!” Mage adds.

Quye is silent.

“You know what. You’re right, Mustache. Baldy there can’t handle this. Bet he has never played a game in his life. Even having fun is an alien concept to him.” Crossbill chuckles.

“Let’s play.” Quye will take this seriously. This man cannot break.

A magical board appears before you, the faces of the many prisoners on it. Quye will pick the person you have to guess, then you’ll have to interview them to find out who it is. You have a finite number of questions before you’re forced to give an answer.

Sadly, it will be next time! That’s it for this thread! Thanks for playing and see you soon!
Thanks for running!
Thanks for running
You know, our best bet for getting Lloydington is probably luring him somewhere ourselves and getting Van Zuspicious to snipe him from outside his flame's range. I think she had a sniper rifle among her arsenal in the flashback thread where Kobayashi stopped Angra Mainyu from emerging, so she should be proficient with it.

Sure it violates the rules but I think all gloves are off when it comes to dealing with Lloydington.

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