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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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Last time on Cutémon, you and Joe went to the abandoned Cape Smelt Arena, and Joe took a job with the mon tamer Gunner to help capture a rare mon, but after Gunner's mon Scurl stole your baseball cap, you met a Psykid and Joe met the famous Junior Professor Marigold! Joe was so nervous around JP that he could hardly concentrate on capturing Ekro, but when Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax helped out, Joe captured Ekro and everyone celebrated with instant noodles! Not wanting to leave Psykid out in the cold, you went back to see if you could make friends, with Ramster following through the fog, but your plan to play your video game with Psykid worked too well and you both got captured by Gunner!

When you woke up, you and Psykid were both in mon crates on a train bound for Anvil Acres and Gunner's Trader friend! Ramster's dexterous digits sprung your mon crate's lock but Ramster was flung from the train and you had to face Gunner without a hat in front of all the human passengers! Your natural cuteness won over the crowd and won you a new hat before you got off the train, but Psykid was still stuck in her crate when you followed her to the police station! With a mon detector in the doorway, you found you couldn't even go into the police station, but then you found a familiar face when you found your friend Katie Redfern was in town for a big rodeo! When a not-so-friendly Doppal disturbed your dreams and dashed off with your new hat, Katie was left speechless, but not sleepless!

After an anxious moment, Katie calmed down and loaned you her hat long enough to lose it in a three-way monfight at high noon with Scurl and Catscan! Leaving your opponents in the dust, your next destination led to an altercation at the police station, where you made Trent lose his temper and Gunner lose his fake mon license for Psykid! With Katie's help, you sprung Psykid, who left without saying goodbye! Katie's goodbye was a lot longer, and with the long-term loan of her hat you left Anvil Acres back up the railroad looking for Ramster! Instead of your friend, you found some friendly mons and shared a snuggly night's sleep, before waking up to a monster truck rounding up all your new mon friends!

You and Grabbit followed its tracks to the Ingot Gulch Arena and the captive current champion Ramster! Freeing the other mons, you faced the arena's reigning mon Reindark and fled the arena crowd with the new fan favorite Grabbit and your other mon friends as fast as you could! Back on the road again, you and Ramster mapped out your next destination: an ancient tower where you might find an ancient human!

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It seems like Ramster is feeling a lot better! It's probably because he got a good night's sleep last night! You keep walking away from Anvil Acres until you can see the shore of the lake and then you follow alongside the shore. After a while you get to some trees and then you walk into a forest. It's easy to know where you're going because all you have to do is make sure you can always see the lake! You and Ramster keep walking for the rest of the day and...


What? Ramster is tugging on your jacket and whispering? Ramster points across his stomach and looks away and whispers "Ram-ram!" When you look over your shoulder you see Psykid following you!

"No I'm not."

It really seems like she is!

"I"m looking for a hiding spot."

You turn around and wave at Psykid!

"Hi, Psykid!"

Psykid is using Evade!

As soon as you turn around Psykid disappears! It seems like she's pretty shy! You look at Ramster and he shrugs and says "Ram-ram?"

When you look around again you notice it's starting to get dark! You find a soft spot to lie down and then you curl up with Ramster and take out your Video Game and you and Ramster take turns playing your video game until you both start to get sleepy.

Ramster yawns and hands you back the video game and says "Ram-ram." It seems like Ramster is ready to go to sleep! When you see Ramster yawn, you can't help yawning and feeling sleepy! It seems like you're ready to go to sleep too! You put your video game in your jacket pocket and...

What? You're thinking about leaving your video game out on the ground when you go to sleep, even though Psykid tried to steal it before? You look at your video game and then set it down on the ground near you and then you curl back up with Ramster and close your eyes!

[SFX: birds chirping]

You open your eyes but then you have to close them right away because it's so bright out! When you open your eyes again and sit up it's already morning! Ramster opens his eyes and looks up and says "Ram-ram..." and then turns over and closes his eyes again.

When you look around you see your video game lying on the ground near you!

What? You think your video game is in a different spot?
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You stand up and stretch and walk over to your video game and pick it up and put it back in your jacket pocket and then you look down at Ramster.


Ramster opens his eyes a little bit and says "Ram-ram..." and then yawns and stretches and sits up. You look around but you don't see Psykid anywhere. Ramster stands up and says "Ram-ram!" and then you and Ramster keep walking alongside the shore. After a while the sun comes up all the way and you keep walking along the shoreline out of the forest.


When you look where Ramster is pointing you see a big boat on the lake! It looks like the big boat is going the same way you are!

You and Ramster keep walking and after a little while you see some more boats going the same way and then you see some buildings ahead of you! When you get closer you can see there's a town with a lot of docks along the shoreline!

[SFX: stomach growling]

Maybe you can find a job here and get some food! Ramster hops up onto your shoulder and says "Ram-ram!" and rubs his stomach! It seems like Ramster is pretty hungry too! You walk down toward the shoreline and then walk alongside the docks into the edge of the town and-

[SFX: motor noise]

Suddenly a big speedboat floats past you so fast that you and Ramster get splashed! Ramster shakes his head and wipes his face and shakes his paw at the big speedboat and says "Ram-ram!"

What? You just noticed all the human men and the mons in the big speedboat are getting out onto the dock near you? One of the human men looks at you and Ramster and you can't help crouching down behind a stack of wooden crates! You peek out from behind the wooden crates and Ramster peeks out underneath you and you see the human men and the mons running into some shops! As soon as they run inside you can hear screaming and shouting from inside the buildings! You keep peeking from behind the crate and see the human men and the mons run back out of the shops carrying lots of things! It seems like they're pirates!

Suddenly something hits you on the top of your head! You can't help crying out!

[SFX: coin clinking]

What? A coin just landed on the dock next to your feet? You hold your head and look up and see a big mon that looks like a huge green vulture with four legs flying through the air carrying a big sack! It's a Carryon!

The Carryon drops the big sack on the dock and it rips open and a bunch of coins pour out! It seems like the pirates are stealing all the money they can!

Suddenly the Carryon swoops down and lands on the dock in front of the coins and looks at you and Ramster and squawks "Carry!"

>Ask Ramster to challenge Carryon (roll 1d100)
>Try to sneak onto the boat (roll 1d100)
>Cover your eyes until it's over
Rolled 88 (1d100)

>Ask Ramster to challenge Carryon (roll 1d100)
Maybe we can return some of the town's coins for some food and help?
How about it, Ramster? Feel like being a hero of justice?
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Ask Ramster to challenge Carryon (roll 1d100)
Rolled 97 (1d100)

>>Ask Ramster to challenge Carryon (roll 1d100)
>Ask Ramster and Psykid to challenge Carryon (roll 1d100)
Rolled 70 (1d100)

>Try to sneak onto the boat (roll 1d100)
Human problems aren't always our problems.
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Carryon starts picking up coins and throwing them onto the big speedboat! It seems like the pirates are going to get away with stealing all that money unless someone does something!

You peek around the edge of the wooden crate at Carryon and then you hide behind the crate again and look down at Ramster.

"We should stop them!"

Ramster peeks around the edge of the wooden crate and then looks up at you and nods and then suddenly Ramster hops out from behind the wooden crates and looks up at Carryon and says "Ram-ram!"

[SFX: glass shattering noise]

Carryon stops and holds still for a moment and then slowly turns around and looks down at Ramster and squawks "Carry..."


Suddenly Carryon looks up at you peeking at him from around the edge of the wooden crate!

Carryon is using Peril Eyes!

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Ramster attacks with Horns!

When Carryon looks at you, Ramster jumps at him and knocks him off the dock! Carryon squawks "Carry!" and goes tumbling through the air flapping his wings and crash-lands in the lake!

[SFX: splash]

Ramster peeks over the edge of the dock at the water and says "Ram-ram?"

[SFX: splash]

Suddenly Carryon shoots up out of the water toward Ramster and squawks "Carry!" and then reaches out his four legs to grab Ramster!

Carryon attacks with Liftoff!

Ramster dodges out of the way!

Ramster jumps forward and lands on his stomach just as Carryon swoops overhead and then Ramster looks up wearing a tiny pair of aviator sunglasses!


Ramster attacks with Horns!

Carryon circles around in the air and swoops back down but Ramster launches himself off the dock at Carryon and rams Carryon with his horns and then does a flip in midair and lands back on the edge of the dock and says "Ram-ram!" Carryon goes tumbling over and over back into the water!

[SFX: splash]

You and Ramster look at the water and then look at each other and look back at the water. You keep watching the water but you don't see anyth-

[SFX: wood smashing]

Suddenly something white and pointy smashes upward through the middle of the dock from underneath! "Carry!"

When the dust clears you see the big speedboat floating in the water near the dock! It looks like all the pirates and their mons are on the big speedboat! One of the pirates puts his foot up on the edge of the big speedboat and looks up at Carryon and says "Stop playin' around and hurry up with that last sack of coins, or we're shovin' off without ya!"

Carryon squawks "Carry!" and then looks at Ramster and...

What? Ramster disappeared? Carryon looks around and then you hear Ramster say "Ram-ram."

Carryon looks down at his feet and sees Ramster crouching down to attack! Carryon says "Carry..."

Ramster attacks with Horns!

It really hurts Carryon!

Ramster launches himself up at Carryon and knocks Carryon up into the sky! You and Ramster and all the pirates and their mons all look up at the sky and watch Carryon tumble up higher and higher and then Carryon stops and starts falling back downward toward the big speedboat!

The pirates can't believe it! Suddenly you hear the big speedboat's motor revving and one of the pirates says "Forget about that last sack! Go, go, go!" The big speedboat starts to float away from the dock and starts floating away faster and faster and then Carryon crash-lands in the water right behind the speedboat!

[SFX: splash]

Carryon hits the water so hard that a big wave tips the big speedboat forward and it almost tips over! The big speedboat floats away faster and faster with Carryon flapping and swimming in the water behind it trying to catch up and squawking "Carry! Carry!"
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"Uh, excuse me, is that your Ramster?" What? There's a human man with a big beard in the water next to the dock? He doesn't look like any of the pirates!

You and Ramster peek over the dock at the human man.

"Who are you?"

The human man scratches his beard and looks up at you and Ramster and says "Uh... my name is Yuji, I represent the Nickelneck Merchants and Tradesmen Association."

...You don't know what that is!

Yuji glances at Ramster and then looks up at you. "I, uh, I couldn't help noticing how well that Ramster of yours took care of that other mon!"

Ramster brushes his front paws together and says "Ram-ram!"

You crouch down on the edge of the dock and grin down at Yuji.

"I'm Mashi!"

"Nice to meet you, Mashi." Yuji wades closer and climbs out of the water onto the dock next to the spilled pile of coins and starts scooping them back into the ripped sack. "Uh, those pirates have been causing us a lot of trouble lately. And, uh, nobody can figure out where their hideout is." Yuji wads the ripped sack of coins up and stands back up and looks down at you and smiles and says "Maybe we can work out some kind of deal?"

[SFX: stomach rumbling]

You and Ramster can't help holding your stomachs because you're both so hungry!

Yuji looks at Ramster and then looks at you and says "Uh, why don't we talk about this over lunch?"

Ramster is nodding his head! "Ram-ram!"

Yuji points at a semi truck with a long trailer. Yuji puts the coins in the semi truck and then leads you around to the back of the trailer and rolls up the door and climbs into the trailer and starts looking around. "Uh, let's see what we have..." He sticks his head into a big box and holds up a jar. "Uh, how about a jar of preserved sweet berries?"

Ramster holds out his front paws and says "Ram-ram!" and them pops open the jar lid and scoops out a bunch of berries and stuffs them into his mouth and says "Rmm-rmm!"

Yuji looks around in the back of the trailer again and then he reaches into a big box and pulls out a cardboard box with a picture of fruit on it. "Uh, and here's a jumbo-sized box of dried fruit if you want it, Mashi."

You're nodding your head!

"Thanks, Yuji!"

You open the cardboard box and take out a piece and eat it and then eat another piece and another piece! You didn't realize you were so hungry!

Yuji digs through another big box and finds a can of salty fish and then you and Ramster and Yuji all sit on the edge of the trailer eating. "Uh, so about that job offer..."

>Try to set a trap for the pirates with Yuji
>Pretend to join the pirates with Ramster
>Ask Yuji to drive you toward the ancient tower
Goddamn, Ramster is HIM
>Try to set a trap for the pirates with Yuji
>>Try to set a trap for the pirates with Yuji
>Ask Yuji to drive you toward the ancient tower
We did a favor, now he can do us one. We can help with the pirates again afterward.
>Try to set a trap for the pirates with Yuji

They're sick in the head, they forgot Ramster's HIM.
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You're nodding your head!

"We can help!"

Ramster reaches into the jar and wiggles his paw trying to grab the last berry and then swipes it out and eats it and nods his head. "Rmm-rmm!"

You eat the last of the dried fruit pieces and then you reach into your jacket pocket. You feel your Car Key for your car parked in the Rust City Arena, and your Video Game, and your Travel Map. You take out your travel map and unfold it on your lap and look up at Yuji.

Yuji sucks on his finger and then wipes it on his shirt and points at a spot on the map and says "Uh, we're someplace around here." He points a little closer to where the ancient tower is and says "And, uh, there's no place around here where they can dock. It's like they get to the other side of the lake and then vanish!"

You're nodding your head! What? You think you have an idea?

"A trap!"

You didn't mean to say that out loud! Yuji and Ramster both look at you!


"Uh, a trap?"

You look around and see all the big boxes stacked around the docks and then look up at Yuji and nod.

"We'll hide in a box!"

Yuji looks at the stack of big boxes and then grins and you and says "Uh, that's great! And then when they're not expecting it... Bam!"

You're nodding your head even though you don't really understand what Yuji is talking about! You look up at Yuji.


"Uh, sure, you know, that's when you hit 'em with your Ramster." He wipes the inside of the can and sucks on his finger and then wipes his finger on his shirt. "Uh, they've been showing up every day this week. Why don't you and your Ramster come with me? The Nickelneck Merchants and Tradesmen Association will be happy to put you up for the night."

You're nodding your head! It will probably be more comfortable than sleeping on the ground outside!

Yuji stands up from the edge of the trailer and helps you down and Ramster hops off onto the ground and then Yuji rolls the door down and leads you around to the semi truck and opens the door. You have to climb up the side of the semi truck to get in because it's so big! Yuji slams the door closed and then walks around to the other side and gets in and starts the semi truck and drives it up the street toward a big building.

He parks the semi truck in front of the building and says "This is the Nickelneck Outlet Mall and Convention Center." When Yuji gets out and opens your door, there's a crowd of humans outside looking up at you!

You can't help your cheeksturning red! Yuji looks at you and says "Uh, word gets around fast in small towns." He looks at the crowd and says "Uh, this is Mashi. She's agreed to help out. Come on, out of the way, will ya?" Yuji leads you and Ramster into the big building and up some stairs and down an hall and then he opens a door to a big bedroom with a big television! It looks like this is your hotel room!
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Ramster hops up onto the bed and picks up the remote control and turns on the television and says "Ram-ram!"

Yuji looks down at you and says "Uh, I hope this is good enough for you."

What? Yuji thinks this hotel room might not be good enough for you? You're grinning at Yuji!

"Thank you, Yuji!"

You look around the hotel room for a little while and then you hear someone knocking on the door! When you peek through the peephole you see Yuji holding a big cardboard box! You open the door and Yuji walks into the room and sets the box on the ground and says "Uh, this is all I could grab on short notice. Hope your Ramster likes crackers."

Ramster peeks into the big cardboard box and says "Ram-ram!" and then pulls out a box of crackers! What? The big cardboard box is full of boxes of crackers? You've never seen so many boxes of crackers before!

You and Ramster both each open your own boxes of crackers and sit on the bed next to each other watching the television and then you both each eat another box of crackers! What? Your stomach hurts because you ate so many crackers? You look over at Ramster and he can't even sit up because he's so full of crackers! You and Ramster fall asleep and the next morning Yuji knocks on your door and wakes you up.

When you open the door Yuji grins and says "Uh, ready for the trap?"

You look over your shoulder at Ramster and then grin at Yuji and nod your head!

"We're ready!"

"Uh, then we'd better hurry. Those pirates will be here any minute." Yuji drives you back to the docks and points at a big box and opens the lid. "Uh, hope this is comfortable enough. I don't know how long you'll be in it."

You peek into the box and then climb in and Ramster climbs in with you and then you hear a human shouting!

"They're coming!"

Yuji looks down at you and then lifts the lid back onto the box and closes it and you can't see anything!

[SFX: shouting]

You can hear a lot of shouting and noises and then you feel the big box being picked up and carried and set down again!

[SFX: boat motor]

It seems like you're on the big speedboat! You sit in the dark for a while and then you feel the speedboat slowing down and then you hear a whistle! You push open the lid and peek out but you don't see anything except the lake and the mountains but then suddenly you see a huge wave coming toward you!

What? You can see a Gulpanga in the wave? It seems like it's getting bigger and bigger as it gets closer!

What? The Gulpanga is still getting bigger and bigger? That's because it's not a Gulpanga!

It's a Gigapanga!

Gigapanga attacks with Gigulp!

The Gigapanga opens its mouth and gulps the big speedboat!
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You and Ramster can't help holding each other tightly!


What? You're still alive? You lift up the lid and peek out again but you can't see anything but then suddenly the Gigapanga opens its mouth and you see a cave ceiling and a bunch of boxes stacked on the dry ground next to a dock! It seems like you're in a cave under the mountains! You close the lid and then you feel the big box being picked up and carried out of the big speedboat and then you feel it put down on the cave floor. You can hear the pirates unloading the big speedboat and then the Gigapanga sinks down into the water and disappears and the pirates start to cheer and celebrate! It looks like this is their secret hideout!

You push up the lid and peek out and then you climb out and Ramster climbs out behind you and you look around to make sure none of the pirates or their mons are looking at you and then you crouch down and hide behind some other boxes.

Two pirates walk by and one says "How long we gotta wait around here, anyway?"

"I heard tomorrow was the last run. Then we'll get paid for it all."

"Can't wait! There's a fortune in loot here!"

You and Ramster keep hiding until the pirates and their mons go to sleep. There's just one pirate left awake who's guarding everything!

[SFX: snoring]

What? The guard is sleeping too? It seems like everyone is asleep!

Ramster whispers "Ram-ram!" and points at the big speedboat floating in the water. The pirates won't be able to steal anything else if you sink their speedboat! You had better-

[SFX: slithering noise]

What? You recognize that slithering noise? When you look past the sleeping guard you see an alien-type mon slither over some boxes! The alien-type mon looks around and then slithers back into the shadows!

>Try to sneak past the guard and follow the alien-type mon (roll 1d100)
>Try to sink the big speedboat while all the pirates are sleeping (roll 1d100)
>Stay hidden and see what happens
>Stay hidden and see what happens
Things just got more interesting...
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>>Try to sink the big speedboat while all the pirates are sleeping (roll 1d100)
>Stay hidden and see what happens
>Stay hidden and see what happens
I don't think the guards are expecting the alien mon to be here, so perhaps it's here to steal something?
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>Try to sink the big speedboat while all the pirates are sleeping (roll 1d100)
can you fuck the cutemons
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>>Try to sink the big speedboat while all the pirates are sleeping (roll 1d100)
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You crouch back down behind the big box and whisper to Ramster.

"We should sink that speedboat!"

Ramster nods and whispers "Ram-ram!"

[SFX: splash]

Suddenly Gigapanga surfaces and says "GIGA."

The guard wakes up and falls over and sits back up and looks around and then looks at Gigapanga just as Gigapanga is opening his mouth again and then the guard sits up and says "Alright, alright, yer gonna wake up the whole crew!"

You and Ramster peek out and watch as the guard walks toward the dock and opens up a box full of cans of salty fish and says to himself "How did I get stuck on guard duty AND feeding duty?" Gigapanga swims up next to the dock and opens his mouth and the guard dumps all the cans of salty fish into Gigapanga's mouth without opening them! Gigapanga gulps and then sinks back down underwater and the guard walks back over to the wall and sits back down.

[SFX: snoring]

It seems like this is your chance to sink the big speedboat so the pirates can't use it to steal anything! You tip-toe toward the dock and past the boxes of cans of salty fish to where the big speedboat is floating next to the edge of the dock.


Well, how are you going to sink it?

You give the big speedboat a determined look and then... What? You're looking at the boxes of cans of salty fish? When you look at Ramster he's already grinning at you! It seems like you and Ramster have the same idea!

You and Ramster carry all the boxes of cans of salty fish onto the big speedboat and then Ramster opens one of the cans and drops one of the salty fish into the water.

[SFX: splash]

Gigapanga surfaces and looks at you and then looks at Ramster holding the open can of salty fish!

Ramster holds up the open can of salty fish and then throws it onto the big speedboat!

Gigapanga attacks with Gigulp!

Gigapanga gulps the big speedboat and sinks underwater! Now all you have to do is swim out through the underwater tunnel!

What? You just remembered you still don't know how to swim?

[SFX: slithering noises]

You crouch down behind a wooden crate and see two alien-type mons slither out of the shadows and out into the cave toward the pirates and their mons!

[SFX: snoring]

All the pirates and their mons are still asleep! The alien-type mons slither toward Carryon and then glance at each other and glare at Carryon and then suddenly both alien-type mons stretch out their tentacles and wrap them around Carryon!

Carryon says "C-ACK!"

?????1 attacks before Carryon was ready!

?????1 attacks with Strangle!

?????2 attacks before Carryon was ready!

?????2 attacks with Strangle!

The alien-type mons start dragging Carryon back toward the shadows! Carryon can't move, no matter how hard he tries!

>Challenge the alien-type mons with Ramster and Carryon (roll 2d100)
>Wake up the pirates (roll 1d100)
>Follow the alien-type mons
>Follow the alien-type mons
>Follow the alien-type mons
>Follow the alien-type mons
Let's not get carried away~
Rolled 96, 68 = 164 (2d100)

>Challenge the alien-type mons with Ramster and Carryon (roll 2d100)
Suffer not the alien-type mons to live.
Rolled 6, 50 = 56 (2d100)

>Challenge the alien-type mons with Ramster and Carryon (roll 2d100)
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You crouch down and watch the alien-type mons slither past you with Carryon and then you tip-toe after them into the shadows. The alien-type mons drag Carryon down a tunnel and then you can't see them anymore! You tip-toe after them and listen for their slithering noises.


You can't see anything at all! You and Ramster hold still.

[SFX: slithering noises]

You keep tip-toeing through the darkness and after a little while you start to see something glowing ahead of you!

[SFX: slithering noises]

You can hear the alien-type mons ahead of you! When you tip-toe a little further you see a big room with a big broken crystal glowing on top of a pedestal. It looks a lot like the room underneath Fort Brass where you saw Kinsen's dream! You peek into the room and-

"Hurry up and bring him over here."

Suddenly Professor Ginger steps out from behind the pedestal! The two alien-type mons drag Carryon toward Professor Ginger and she looks down at Carryon and says "This one will do."

Professor Ginger grabs Carryon and lifts him up with one hand and holds him against the broken crystal and then the broken crystal starts to glow brighter!

It really hurts Carryon!

The broken crystal is glowing even brighter! Carryon says "Carry!" and thrashes around but he can't get loose!

"Stop it, Professor Ginger!"

You meant to say that out loud! Professor Ginger and the two alien-type mons all look at you and Professor Ginger says "The mon trainer in Copper Citadel? Mashi." Professor Ginger glances at the alien-type mons. "Kill them both."

[SFX: slithering noises]

The alien-type mons slither toward you and Ramster!

?????1 attacks with Strangle!

The alien-type mon's tentacles wrap around your neck and then suddenly Katie's hat gets knocked off your head!

"A Cutémon?" Professor Ginger turns away from you and Ramster back toward the pedestal. "The least useful human-type mon."

The crystal is still getting brighter! Suddenly a glowing ball of light appears!

What? You think it looks a lot like the glowing ball of light Professor Ginger's computer made when she examined the cutécaptor?

>Challenge the alien-type mons with Ramster (roll 2d100)
>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
>Try to run away with Ramster (roll 1d100)
>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
Gotta stop her before we're too late! She's up to something dire!
Rolled 77 (1d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 63 (1d100)

Woops, messed up my roll.
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
Is there a dirty puddle nearby that we can drown her in?
Rolled 96 (1d100)

>>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 91 (1d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
A professor working with alien mons?
Rolled 81 (1d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>>Challenge Professor Ginger yourself (roll 1d100)
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Ramster jumps at the alien-type mon and knocks it away from you and then you jump over the alien-type mon toward Professor Ginger!

Professor Ginger attacks before Cutémon was ready!

Professor Ginger attacks with Strike!

It really hurts Cutémon!

You jump at Professor Ginger to bite her but her free hand moves so fast that you can't even see it moving! Professor Ginger knocks you away onto the floor with her free hand while holding Carryon against the broken crystal with her other hand and then she tilts her head down toward you and says "You're not as meek as you once were."

?????2 attacks with Irrad!

It really hurts Ramster!

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and grits his teeth and squints his eyes as his fur ripples and steams!

Carryon thrashes around and says "Carry!" but Professor Ginger is still holding him against the broken crystal! It seems like Professor Ginger is a lot stronger than you realized! Maybe you should try a different attack!

You push yourself up and stand up and shift your stance!

Cutémon attacks with Hair Pin!

Your hair stretches out and wraps around Professor Ginger's arms and squeezes and Professor Ginger drops Carryon!

Professor Ginger attacks with TK Drain!

It really hurts!

Your skin feels like it's on fire and your hair goes limp and lets go of Professor Ginger! You can't help crying out!

What? Professor Ginger knows TK Drain? But that's a mon ability! Does this mean Professor Ginger is a human-type mon?


Ramster leaps at one of the alien-type mons and slams into it so hard that the alien-type mon gets knocked all the way across the room and smooshes into the wall! The alien-type mon melts into a puddle of black tar that oozes down the wall and then the other alien-type mon glances toward Professor Ginger and the broken crystal.

?????1 is fleeing the fight!

The alien-type mon slithers backward and turns around and slithers away into the shadows!

You stand up and shift your stance and give Professor Ginger a determined look!

Ramster stands next to you and gives Professor Ginger a determined look and says "Ram-ram!"

Carryon stands next to you and gives Professor Ginger a determined look and says "Carry!"

"Mons should know their place. Now, where is... ah, here it is." Professor Ginger holds up her hands. "Devastation."

What? Professor Ginger knows Devastation? But the only other time you were near a Devastation attack, it blew up the big boat you were on and knocked you out!

>Try to run (roll 1d100)
>Try to brace yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 10 (1d100)

>Try to run (roll 1d100)
Strategic retreat.
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Rolled 97 (1d100)

>Try to brace yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 80 (1d100)

>Try to brace yourself (roll 1d100)
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>Try to brace yourself (roll 1d100)
Wait it minute... So what happens when a mon and a human love each other very much...?
Rolled 60 (1d100)

>>Try to brace yourself (roll 1d100)
Shew. That's more like it.
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Carryon squawks "Carry!" and turns and flaps his wings and flies out of the room as quickly as he can! Suddenly the glowing green light gets even bigger!

Professor Ginger attacks with Devastation!

The glowing green light explodes outward and you put your arms up over your face! You can't help crying out!


What? You're not hurt at all? You look around and see Ramster standing next to your feet holding his paws over his face! Ramster peeks out from between his paws and then looks around and looks up at you and says "Ram-ram?" and then you and Ramster both look at Professor Ginger!

Professor Ginger can't believe it! She looks around the destroyed room. "Another mon is protecting you?" She looks back at you and Ramster and smirks. "Let's find out how much energy it has." Professor Ginger raises her hands and the air between them starts to glow green again!

Professor Ginger attacks with Devastation!

Cutémon can't stand the pain!

You can't help crying out but then everything goes white and you can't see or feel anything!

What? You're not in the room with the broken crystal and Professor Ginger anymore? Is this... Are we in... Is this what happens when you...


You open your eyes and see you're lying on the floor in a hallway! When you look up you see Ramster and an old human man looking at you! You reach up and touch your head and realize you're not wearing Katie's hat and then you look around and see it on the floor next to you and-

"You don't need to wear a hat around me." When you look up at the old human man he nods and says "I'm very well acquainted with those like you."

You pick up Katie's hat and look up at the old human man for a moment.

"Are you a professor?"

The old human man grins and says "Something like that."

You look around at the hallway again and then look up the old human man.

"Where are we?"

"This is the central section of Tower One. I had you brought here when I saw what was about to happen." The old human man looks at you and says "Would you and your friend walk with me for a bit? I would enjoy your company."

It seems like the old human man is really nice! You look at Ramster and he looks up at you and nods and says "Ram-ram!" and then you look up at the old human man and nod your head and then you and Ramster slowly walk down the hallway next to him.

The old man looks at you and then he looks away and smiles again. "I have watched all my children from afar over the years. The Sophemmes, the Commandros..." The old human man glances at you. "Spyjak and his brothers." You walk a little more and the old man says "And then later, the young ones. The ones we had no hand in. You, in particular. You have given me much hope and joy."
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What? The old human man has been watching you? When you look up at him it seems like he can tell you're surprised!

"Yes," the old human man nods his head. "I know all about your troubles with that device. That's why you're here, is it not?"

It seems like he knows about the cutécaptor! You're nodding your head!


You look down and back up at the old human man.


The old human man is smiling even more than before! "And what is your name?"


You look down and then look back up at the old human man.


The old human man nods. "That's a very apt name for someone like you. I was called Arda. Well, Cutémon," he glances at you and then looks forward again. "The device ensnares a Cutémon? Then the easiest way to defeat it..." Arda grins and says "...would be to stop being a Cutémon, would it not?"

You look up at Arda but he's still looking down the hallway! You can't tell if he's joking!

Arda glances at you and looks forward as you keep walking. "This may be beyond you." Arda is still looking up the hall! It seems like he's thinking about something! "The incursion... when the aliens invaded our world, we did not know if any humans would survive. The Commandros and Sophemmes were made in our image. It was a way to ensure our own survival, in a way. They would make new generations, if we could not."

"You mean make babies?"

What? You just said that out loud? Even though your cheeks are turning red you look up at Arda and he smiles at you. "Yes. But they did not mix well. That is why there are so few of you left." You walk for a little while and then Arda says "But one of the other Builders thought that it might be possible to transform."


Arda nods. "To become a human."

Is Arda saying you might be able to turn into a human girl?

Arda stops walking and looks at you. "I'm sorry I had to bring you here. It is the only way out." He gestures at a doorway on the other side of the room. "You can get up to the surface from there."

You look at Arda!

"Come with us!"

"I am afraid I won't be able to do that." Arda looks away. "The machine that kept my thoughts alive was very old. It did not have much power left." He looks at you and says "I chose to use the last of it to bring you and your friend here. I am glad that I did. I am very happy I was able to meet you like this."

You look at where Arda was looking and see a skeleton on a big metal chair! It sort of looks like the chairs Auroara and her sisters were sitting on when you found them!

What? You just noticed the room is a lot darker? When you look around you don't see Arda anywhere!

You and Ramster both look around the room again and then you both look at the skeleton and then look at each other.

>Go back down toward the pirates
>Go up toward the surface
>>Go up toward the surface
>Go up toward the surface
>Go up toward the surface
>Go up toward the surface
>Go up toward the surface
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Looking forward to it!
I wasn't sure how much of this lore was ever going to escape my head until that last update.
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You look at the skeleton for a few moments and then put Katie's hat back on your head and then you look at Ramster and sit down on the floor next to the big chair and don't say anything. Ramster looks at you and then looks at the skeleton and then sits down on the floor next to you.

It seems like this is the right thing to do, doesn't it? You sit on the floor and don't say anything for a little while and then you and Ramster stand up and walk across the room toward the doorway Arda pointed at. When you get to the doorway you stop and look back at the skeleton.

"Goodbye, Arda."

You and Ramster turn and walk up some stairs and at the top you can see an open doorway leading out onto a balcony! When you get outside you look up the side of the tower and start to get dizzy because the tower is so high! Even though it's nighttime you can see the rest of the tower is really high above you!

You can't help taking a step backward! You bump into the railing and then you turn around and lean over the railing and look down. It looks like the ground isn't too far down. You can probably climb down in the morning.

[SFX: wind]

Suddenly a gust of wind lifts Katie's hat off your head! You lean out over the railing and grab it just in time and then take a step back away from the railing.


What? Ramster sees something? When you look up at the sky where Ramster is pointing you see a pair of lights flying across the sky! The pair of lights are getting closer! You have to squint because they're so bright but then you see it's Aura and Prima!

Aura lands and looks at you and says "Cutémon!"

Prima lands next to Aura and says "And Ramster!" and then she crouches down and scratches Ramster's head!

Aura looks at you. "We didn't expect to see you here."

Prima looks up at you and then stands up and says "We came when we heard a call."

What? The Auraprimas heard a call? Do you think you know who called them?

"Professor Ginger!"

Both of the Auraprimas are looking at you!

Prima glances at Aura. "The human who awoke that Vitium."

"She will regret alerting us to her presence." Aura glances at Prima and then they both look at you and-

"Indeed. Those beacons are so imprecise." You and Ramster and Prima and Aura all look behind you toward the tower and see Professor Ginger standing in the doorway! Professor Ginger looks at Aura and Prima and says "You're not the Sophemmes that I was hoping to see."

Prima crosses her arms and glares at Professor Ginger. "Even if you are a human, we cannot forgive you for collaborating with the enemy."

What? Professor Ginger isn't even looking at the Auraprimas? Professor Ginger looks up at the sky and says "No matter. Eventually the Auroara will arrive."

"You're quite confident, human." Aura shifts her stance. "It's four against one."

Prima glares at Professor Ginger and says "Your companions are too afraid to come out into the open."
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Suddenly Aura's horns start to glow and then she floats up off the floor of the balcony and holds out her hands and the air between her hands starts to glow and then a beam of energy shoots out at Professor Ginger!

Auraprima1 attacks Professor Ginger with Aura Beam!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

The beam of energy hits Professor Ginger in her chest but she doesn't even get knocked backward! All she does is reach up and adjust her eyeglasses!

Prima's horns start glowing and she floats up into the air and holds out her hands and an arc of energy crackles between her horns and then the arc stretches out toward Professor Ginger!

Auraprima2 attacks Professor Ginger with E-Arc!

It doesn't seem to have any effect!

The arc of energy hits Professor Ginger and the flash is so bright you have to close your eyes but it seems like Professor Ginger didn't even feel it! Prima and Aura glance at each other and then they both reach over in midair and hold each other's hand and their horns both start to glow and then a huge wave of energy rolls out across the balcony toward Professor Ginger!

Auraprima1 attacks with Dissolution!

Auraprima2 attacks with Dissolution!

It hurts Professor Ginger!

When the wave of energy hits Professor Ginger she stumbles backward against the wall of the tower next to the balcony doorway and slumps down and then she stands back up and adjusts her eyeglasses and says "It does appear you have the advantage of numbers."

Suddenly Professor Ginger's eyeglasses flash and a line of white light passes over Aura and Prima from their heads to their feet!

Professor Ginger is using Replicate!

Can't use Replicate on new opponents!

The line of white light passes over you and Ramster and then suddenly the air starts glowing in front of Ramster and a copy of Ramster made of light appears in front of him and says "Ram-ram!"

Rep1 attacks Ramster with Horns!

The copy of Ramster jumps at Ramster!

What? You just noticed the air in front of you is glowing? Suddenly a copy of you appears and crouches down and then looks up at you and says "Cutémon!" and jumps at you!

Rep2 attacks Cutémon with Overbite!

>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
>Switch places with Ramster and challenge the other Ramster (roll 1d100)
>Encourage the Auraprimas to challenge Professor Ginger (roll 1d100)
Rolled 35, 3 = 38 (2d100)

>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
I'm sure the Auraprimas will know what to do, given their experience. Let's just make sure we (our copy) don't get in the way.
Maybe we can toss the copies off of the balcony?
Rolled 16, 6 = 22 (2d100)

>>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
Rolled 84, 31 = 115 (2d100)

>>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
Rolled 100, 15 = 115 (2d100)

>>Challenge the other Cutémon yourself (roll 2d100)
Rolled 12 (1d100)

>Switch places with Ramster and challenge the other Ramster (roll 1d100)
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The copy of you jumps on top of you and pokes you in the shoulder with her outer fangs!

It really hurts!

The Auraprimas hold hands and attack Professor Ginger with Dissolution again but then you see Aura and Prima crouch down to catch their breath! It seems like energy attacks don't work very well against Professor Ginger!

Rep1 attacks Ramster with Horn Flip!

The copy of Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and then crouches down and tosses his head up and flips Ramster backward through the air over the balcony railing!

You can't help crying out!


Rep2 is using Trip!

When you turn around to look at Ramster, the copy of you sticks out her foot and you trip and fall over the railing! You try to grab the railing but you can't reach it and you fall over the side!

You're still falling through the air! It looks like Ramster is about to hit the ground! You had better cover your eyes so you don't-

What? Something pink and white just flew by and grabbed Ramster?


When you look up you see Auroara flying through the air toward you with Ramster clinging to her shoulder! Auroara reaches out her hand toward you and says "I've got you!"

You grab Auroara's hand and she flies back upward and carries you back into the air just as your toes start to scrape against the ground! Ramster leans over the side and looks down at you and says "Ram-ram!"

Auroara looks down at you and says "I don't think you're made for flying, little mon." What? Auroara is smiling at you? It seems like she's making a joke!

Auroara flies straight u[ the side of the tower and when you get back to the balcony she flies over the railing and drops you next to the copy of you!

You crouch down and give the other Cutémon a determined look!

Cutémon attacks Rep2 with Hair Pin!

Your hair stretches out and wraps around the other Cutémon before she can jump out of the way and then your hair squeezes her and pulls her closer to you and you bite her!

Cutémon attacks Rep2 with Bite!

The copy of you disappears!



Rep1 attacks with Horns!

Ramster attacks with Horns!

Ramster and the copy of Ramster both jump at each other at the same time and smash their horns into each other and then you see a big flash of light and the copy of Ramster disappears but the real Ramster gets knocked back through the air and lands on the balcony floor and slides to a stop but he doesn't sit up!

Auroara lands next to you and then you give Professor Ginger a determined look!

Professor Ginger adjusts her eyeglasses and looks at Auroara and says "It's about time you showed up."

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
>Encourage Auroara to run away (roll 1d100)
>Try to help Ramster and the Auraprimas (roll 1d100)
Rolled 69, 81 = 150 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
No way we let this bitch steal our bestie.
Rolled 49, 42 = 91 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
She's going to regret this
Rolled 33, 25 = 58 (2d100)

>>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
Rolled 31, 3 = 34 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
Rolled 84, 61 = 145 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
Rolled 14, 79 = 93 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger with Auroara (roll 2d100)
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Auroara glares at Professor Ginger. "You are going to wish you hadn't seen me."

"Quite the contrary." Professor Ginger smirks and says "I'm very interested in seeing your abilities."

[SFX: whistling]

Professor Ginger puts her hand up to her mouth and whistles and then a mon that looks like a big green lightbulb with dragonfly wings flies around the edge of the tower! It's a Bulbasoar! The Bulbasoar wiggles its snout and says "Bulba!" and then soars around and flutters behind Professor Ginger!

"I've captured this mon specifically to fight you." Professor Ginger crosses her arms in front of her and says "Bulbasoar, attack pattern alpha."

Bulbasoar is challenging Auroara!

Auroara crouches down as Bulbasoar swoops past her and then she glares at Professor Ginger. "You made a mistake bringing a mon into the fight, human. We can use its help."

Auroara is using Takeover!


Bulbasoar attacks Professor Ginger with Strike!

Professor Ginger grabs Bulbasoar's snout without looking away from Auroara! When Professor Ginger squeezes its snout Bulbasoar says "Bulba!" and passes out!

Professor Ginger drops Bulbasoar on the floor of the balcony and adjusts her eyeglasses. "What a perfectly apt name. Takeover. Let's see what we can do with that."

Professor Gi
ngr s
sng !

Aura Beam
Hair Pin
Land Rush
TK Drain

"Much more efficient." Professor Ginger looks at Auroara. "You've been very cooperative, mon. I'll make your deaths quick."

Professor Ginger attacks with Dissolution!

Auraprima1 can't stand the pain!

Auraprima2 can't stand the pain!

What? Professor Ginger knows all those mon abilities?

Aura and Prima both fall down on the balcony floor! Auroara glances at her sisters and then glares at Professor Ginger. "You have a lot of energy for a human. Too much."

Professor Ginger smirks at Auroara. "You're welcome to try to take it."

Auroara attacks with E-Drain!

Suddenly Auroara screams and falls down on her knees! You don't know what's happening, because Auroara usually gains some energy when she uses E-Drain!

>Challenge Professor Ginger by yourself (roll 2d100)
>Try to help your friends (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 96 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Ah... Well...
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Rolled 66, 9 = 75 (2d100)

>Challenge Professor Ginger by yourself (roll 2d100)
Rolled 40 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
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Professor Ginger reaches down and grabs your neck and lifts you up off of the balcony floor. "Did you really think I could be bested by a pack of mons..." Professor Ginger looks around at Ramster and Auroara and Prima and Aura all lying on the floor and says "...in a BRAWL?"

Cutémon attacks with Bite!

You bite Professor Ginger's hand when she isn't looking! Professor Ginger drops you on the floor and looks at her hand and then glares down at you!

Professor Ginger attacks with Tele-Fission!

Cutémon can hardly stand the pain!

Professor Ginger's eyeglasses flash and suddenly your skin feels like it's on fire! You can't help crying out!

"The Auroara learned the hard way." Professor Ginger holds up both hands in front of her. "I can channel an infinite amount of energy through myself." It looks like she's going to use Devastation again! Professor Ginger looks down at you and says "I can do anything now."

"You can't fly!"

Effects of Evade ended.

You and Professor Ginger both look sideways and see Psykid appear as she charges at Professor Ginger!

Professor Ginger can't believe it!

Psykid shoves Professor Ginger backward and Professor Ginger falls over the balcony railing! She tries to grab the railing but she just grabs the air and then Professor Ginger starts to fall down along the side of the tower! You grab the balcony railing with both hands and peek over it and see Professor Ginger falling into the darkness!

Professor Ginger is using Revert!

Professor Ginger tries to grab the railing but she just grabs the air and then she starts to fall down along the side of the tower!

What? You think you just saw this happen? Professor Ginger looks more surprised this time as she falls away from the balcony railing! You grab the balcony railing with both hands and peek over it and see Professor Ginger falling into the darkness and then you can't see her anymore! When you look away from the railing at Psykid she takes a step backward and glances at the doorway.


Psykid takes another step backward!

"We're all friends!"

Psykid looks at Auroara and Ramster and Aura and Prima and then looks at you. Suddenly Ramster sits up and rubs his head and looks up at Psykid and says "Ram-ram?"

"I saved everyone."

>Try to climb down the tower (roll 1d100)
>Wait here until your other friends wake up
>Wait here until your other friends wake up
>Wait here until your other friends wake up
... does Auroara fly using a skill?
>does Auroara fly using a skill?
No, she just needs a certain amount of energy to stay in the air.
>>Wait here until your other friends wake up
>Wait here until your other friends wake up
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Try to climb down the tower (roll 1d100)
Based psykid. Hopefully Ginger doesn't survive the fall. At the very least, I hope her legs are broken and she has to crawl away like a loser.
>>Wait here until your other friends wake up
>Hopefully Ginger doesn't survive the fall
There's several skills on that list that could help her survive; Hair Pin for one, and she could possible Takeover a nearby mon to help her. I don't remember what Cloudburst and Shift are, but both of those from the wording alone could also help with surviving a fall.
I doubt we've seen the last of Ginger; she hasn't even told us her villainous master plan yet!
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Ramster looks up at you and says "Ram-ram?"

You're nodding your head!

"Professor Ginger fell over the balcony!"

Ramster flicks a piece of dirt off of his shoulder over the edge. "Ram-ram."

You and your friends take turns playing your video game until it starts to get light out and then Aura and Prima start to move! Aura sits up and says "We are still alive, Prima."

Prima sits up and looks at you. "We are further indebted to this mon, Aura."

"She has a habit of doing that." Auroara sits up and grins at you. "Ready?"

You put Katie's hat back on your head and nod and then Auroara tries to lift you into the air but she can hardly float!

"Ram-ram!" What? Ramster is giving directions? Ramster directs Auroara to hold hands with you and Psykid and then directs Aura to hold Psykid's other hand and directs Prima to hold your other hand and then the three of them all lift you and Psykid up into the air! Ramster hops onto your shoulder and you all float over the balcony rail but as soon as you get over the balcony railing you start to sink!

When you get to the bare rocky ground at the base of the tower you look around but you don't see Professor Ginger anywhere!

"The human said she had grafted part of that Vitium onto herself, Aura."

"She is tampering with ultimate destruction, Prima."

What? You just remembered how all the ground near the Vitium disappeared after you and your friends beat it up?

When you look at Auroara she nods at you! "A Vitium isn't the same as a Ramster or a Bulbasoar. It-"

"It is an aberration." Prima glances at you. "But at least it can be defeated."

You don't know what an aberration is, but it doesn't sound very nice!

"We are not prepared to counter this kind of enemy." Aura looks at Prima and Auroara. "We do not even understand what we are facing."

"You need a professor!"

Aura, Prima, and Auroara are all looking at you! Aura and Prima and Auroara nod at each other and then they look at you and Auroara says "Do you have one in mind?"

What? You just remembered JP is only a junior professor? Well, that probably counts, right?


You reach into your jacket pocket and take out your travel map and point at where Tinville is and then look up at Auroara.

"Come with us to Tinville!"

Auroara glances at Aura and Prima and they both look at you and Ramster and Psykid.

What? You just remembered Psykid is here?

>Ask Psykid to come with you toward Tinville
>Ask the Auraprimas to help Psykid get back to Cape Smelt

"I'm not going back there."

What? You're n... I mean, Psykid doesn't want to go back to Cape Smelt? It seems like Psykid is coming with you to Tinville!

"No I'm not."


Even though Psykid definitely won't be following you all the way to Tinville, you still have to decide how you're going to get there!

>Go back to Nickelneck and ask Yuji for help
>Start walking toward Tinville
>Go back to Nickelneck and ask Yuji for help
Well, we should at the very least give him an update, otherwise he may have think we got captured, or worse.
Smart. Damn, Ramster really is HIM.

>Go back to Nickelneck and ask Yuji for help
We got rid of those pirates, sort of, right?
>Start walking toward Tinville
I'd like to remind you all that Yuji is a (((merchant))) who willingly sent what he believed to be a teenager and her pet rat to infiltrate a pirate den and sabotage their operation and I'm pretty sure he didn't even mention paying us for the effort. He may not be the most trustworthy or honest person around.
>>Go back to Nickelneck and ask Yuji for help
>Start walking toward Tinville
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"Let's go to Nickelneck first!"

Aura says "Who..."

Prima looks at you. "... or what, is a Nickelneck?"

"I think it's a human town." Auroara looks at you.

"I need to talk to Yuji!"

Ramster nods and says "Ram-ram!"

Aura and Prima look down at Ramster and then Aura says "Escorting you is the least we can do."

You and your friends start walking across the crater plain. When you get to the ridge you see a path leading through the hills. After a while you come around a corner and see the ground just ahead of! It looks like you're almost down to the ground!

[SFX: pebbles clattering]

Suddenly you slip on some loose pebbles and fall into your friends and then you all slip and fall down and slide down the hill! When the dust settles, everyone is looking at you!

[SFX: giggling]

What? Auroara is giggling? Suddenly Auroara starts laughing and then you start giggling and then you start laughing! Psykid looks at you and-

What? Now Prima is giggling? Prima starts laughing and then Aura starts giggling!

Psykid looks at you and Auroara and then looks at Prima and Aura and then Psykid grins and starts giggling and then she slaps her hands over her mouth but she can't stop giggling!

You and your friends all sit on the ground laughing and then you stand up and brush yourselves off and start walking again. After a little while you can see the lakes on both sides of you and you keep walking for the rest of the day until it starts to get dark. Just when you think you might have to stop, you see some buildings ahead of you! It looks like you made it to Nickelneck!

Auroara takes the wide hat that you bought her at the hat shop in Ferropolis out of her pocket and put it on! Aura and Prima take out the hats that they got from the gas station in Patina and then you look around for Psykid but you don't see Psykid anywhere!


Yuji waves at you from the convention center doors. "Whatever you did, it worked! We haven't seen a pirate all day! Uh, you kids want something to eat?"






Yuji sets out a bunch of boxes and cans of food and then you all sit down and start eating!

"We sunk their speedboat!"

"Uh, you mean they're stranded? Where's their hideout?"

"An underwater cave!"

"No wonder we couldn't find it! But, uh, how'd they get to it if it's underwater?"

"Inside a Gigapanga!"

"You mean, uh... inside a Gigapanga's mouth?"


Yuji takes another spoonful from his can of salty fish and you point at the can in his hand.

"Gigapanga likes salty fish!"

"Uh, really?" Yuji looks at the can and then looks at you. "Maybe we can convince that Gigapanga to help us get everything back. Hey, you kids really helped us out a lot. Uh, listen, I'll do whatever I can to show my gratitude. Really, I mean it, anything at all, you name it."

"We want to go to Tinville!"

Yuji raises his empty can of salty fish and says "Deal!"
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After you eat, Yuji leads you and your friends up some stairs to the hallway where you stayed before and then he opens up a door and inside are two big beds. Yuji looks at you and says "Uh, I'll get started making arrangements for your trip to Tinville. Should have everything ready by tomorrow morning. Swing by the docks."

"Ram-ram!" What? Ramster is already sitting on one of the beds watching the television? When you look past Yuji, you see Aura, Prima, and Auroara all staring at the television!

What? You just realized they've never seen a television before? You look up at Yuji and smile and nod your head.

"Thanks, Yuji!"

"Uh, don't mention it." Yuji turns and walks away back down the hallway and then you walk inside and close the door and then you-

[SFX: bedsprings squeaking]

Effects of Evade ended.

When you look behind you, Psykid is standing on one of the big beds!

"This is my bed."

It seems like Psykid wants to have one of the beds all to herself! You sit down on the other bed next to Ramster and then Auroara and Aura and Prima all sit down next to you and Ramster and you all watch the tele-

[SFX: bedsprings squeaking]

Psykid climbs onto the bed behind you!

"I can see better from here."


You and your friends all sit on the big bed watching the television and then after a while you lie down so you can be more comfortable. You keep watching television and then you close your eyes for a few moments and when you open them it's already light out and Psykid and Aura and Ramster are all lying on top of you snoring!

It seems like everyone fell asleep watching the television! You had better hurry!

"Wake up, everybody!"

Suddenly everyone wakes up and falls on top of each other and then Prima and Psykid both slip and fall off the bed onto the carpet and then everyone sits up and looks around and looks at you!

"We slept in!"

You all run out of the convention center and down to the docks and when you get there you see Yuji talking to a human man next to a big boat! It looks like he's the boat captain! When you get closer you see them standing next to a ramp leading up to the boat and some other human men carrying crates and boxes up the ramp onto the boat.

"Uh, maybe you don't know, but these are the ones who took care of those pirates. A free ride is the least you can do to show your gratitude, right?"

The boat captain puts his hand on the back of his head and looks at you and your friends. "Well... I guess they can ride along, since I'm already heading to New Ore."

"Where's that?"

You meant to say that out loud! You take out your travel map and hold it up to the boat captain and he points at a spot near the edge. "It's not too far from Tinville."

It seems like you're getting closer to Joe and your other friends!
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The boat captain looks at you and your other friends and says "We're just about to shove off. Any luggage?"

Ramster holds up a pair of tiny suitcases and says "Ram-ram!" and then walks past the boat captain up the ramp onto the boat and you all follow him. When you get onto the boat you lean over the railing and wave down at Yuji.

"Thanks again, Yuji!"

"Uh, sure, have a safe trip, Mashi!"

[SFX: boat horn]

"This tug better not sink before we get to New Ore."

What? You recognize that voice? When you look over the railing you see Donaldo and Ourobros! The last time you saw Donaldo you had to give him all your coins so he wouldn't take Chompex away from Starr!

Auroara glances at Donaldo and looks at you and says "What's wrong?"

"He's a Trader!"

"What is a Trader, Aura?"

"Perhaps Auroara can tell us, Prima."

Auroara glances at Prima and Aura and says "We'll explain later." You all hurry around a corner and you all peek out and watch Donaldo and Ourobros and then they look in your direction and you all hide and when you peek out again you can't see them!

"They are a dangerous group of humans. They would very much like to... acquire any one, or all, of us." Auroara looks at Aura and Prima and glances at you. "They are tenacious."

Suddenly you see a shadow coming around the corner! It's Donaldo! You all crouch down behind some crates and peek out.

"Can't believe those pirates never showed up."

One of Ourobros's heads says "Ourosss!" and the other head says "Brosss!"

"Well, guess they don't get paid, right?" Donaldo leans against the railing. "This boat's full of losers. Can't wait to get to New Ore and see some real action."



You peek out and see one of Ourobros's heads looking at you! The head turns toward the other head and says "Ourosss!" and then the other head turns and says "Brosss?"

The first head turns and looks but it doesn't see anything because you're all hiding!

You hide all day and finally you hear the boat horn again. It seems like it's already the middle of the afternoon! When you get closer you see a bunch of buildings along the shore in front of the boat. This must be New Ore! Donaldo walks down the ramp onto the dock and starts walking into New Ore. You wait a moment for Donaldo to get further away and...

What? You just realized Ourobros isn't with him? When you turn around you see Ourobros float between Aura and Prima and one of Ourobros's heads looks at Prima and says "Ourosss?"

Prima turns away and pulls her hat brim down and then Ourobros's other head looks at Aura and says "Brosss?" and Aura pulls her hat brim down and looks away!

"Ourobros! Get over here before I pawn your scales!" Ourobros looks at Aura and Prima again and then floats past them down the ramp toward Donaldo.

>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
>Wait on the boat until they're gone
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
Here we go again...
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
Rolled 22 (1d100)

>>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
>Wait on the boat until they're gone
Rolled 42 (1d100)


>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
Rolled 1 (1d100)

>>Try to follow Donaldo (roll 1d100)
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You look at your friends and whisper!

"Let's follow them!"

Auroara and the Auraprimas glance at Donaldo and then Auroara whispers "Whatever that human is planning, it isn't good."

Prima looks up and whispers "It will soon be too dark to travel outside this city, Aura."

"We are here for the night either way, Prima." Aura and Prima nod at each other and then they both look at you and Aura whispers "Auroara will lead."

Auroara follows Donaldo and Ourobros through New Ore while you and your friends follow Auroara and after a while you see a big round building on the other side of a bridge. It looks like this might be a mon fighting arena! Auroara starts to follow Donaldo and Ourobros onto the bridge but then she stops and crouches down.

"Heard you had some trouble in Fort Brass."

"Nothing I couldn't handle." When you look at the far side of the bridge you see Raul and Yuccaza walk out of the shadow toward Donaldo and Ourobros!

"I heard Diamond has a real surprise for us." What? Diamond is here too?

You all peek out and watch them walk into the building and then Auroara stands up and-

What? You just remembered mon fighting arenas usually have mon detectors?


Auroara stops and looks at you and you look at Psykid.

"Please help us sneak inside!"

Psykid looks at the big building and then looks at you.

"I don't want to go inside."

It seems like Psykid isn't going to help!

What? You want me to help? Well...

It seems like Psykid can't help because she doesn't have very much energy!

"Yes I do!"

Psykid is using Evade!

You and your friends all hurry after Donaldo through a doorway onto the arena floor! You can see a few other humans and mons waiting around and then you see Diamond and Rattletrap next to something under a sheet!

When Diamond sees Donaldo she smiles and says "I've captured a very interesting fully trained psychic-type mon." She gestures at the sheet. "I found him lurking outside my arena. He's exceptionally energetic."

"Aren't psychic-type mons one of your specialties?" Donaldo looks at the sheet. "Why put it up for auction instead of making it one of your house mons?"

"What can I say? This one doesn't appeal to me." Diamond nods at Rattletrap and Rattletrap bites the corner of the sheet and pulls it off and you see Ward inside a glass box!

"His name is Ward?"

Effects of Evade ended.

Suddenly all the humans and their mons look at you and your friends!

Diamond and Raul both say "You!" at the same time!

Psykid takes a step backward and looks around at the humans and then she vanishes!

You can't help crying out!


>Challenge the Traders and their mons (roll 2d100)
>Try to run away before you all get captured (roll 1d100)
Rolled 65, 10 = 75 (2d100)

>Challenge the Traders and their mons (roll 2d100)
Focus on extracting Ward, and then skedaddle.
Rolled 96, 95 = 191 (2d100)

>Challenge the Traders and their mons (roll 2d100)
Watch out for sleep bombs...
Rolled 9, 1 = 10 (2d100)

>Challenge the Traders and their mons (roll 2d100)
I love ruining Diamond's life.
The dice are cruel
Rolled 51, 8 = 59 (2d100)

>>Challenge the Traders and their mons (roll 2d100)
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Donaldo looks at you and says "You're that brat who hangs around with Starr!"

"I'm afraid you're only half right." Diamond snaps her fingers. "Rattletrap!"

Rattletrap says "Ssssssss..." and slithers across the arena floor toward you!

Rattletrap's lure is starting to glow.

"Yuccaza, you better not let me down." Raul adjusts his necktie and says "That Cutémon owes me big-time."

Yuccaza starts waddling toward you and says "Yuccaza!"

Donaldo crosses his arms. "Ourobros, show these brats whose arena they're in."

One of Ourobros's heads glares at you and says "Ourosss!" and the other head glares at you and says "Brosss!" and then it flies toward you!

A human woman in a white dress with a Volloogi says "Volloogi, I want those rare specimens!"

Volloogi squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and flies toward you!

All of your friends take a step backward!

Rattletrap attacks with Wrap-Up!

It really hurts Cutémon!

Yuccaza attacks with Sumo Joust!

It really hurts Auroara!

Ourobros attacks with Dubbite!

It really hurts Auraprima2!

Volloogi attacks with Triple Spike!

It really hurts Auraprima1!

Rattletrap wraps his tail around you and squeezes until you cry out and then Yuccaza lunges forward and slams one of his middle spikes into Auroara's chest and then Ourobros flies in a circle around Prima and one of Ourobros's heads smacks her with its huge fangs and then the other head smacks her with its huge fangs before she can dodge and then Volloogi stretches out some of the lumps on its body like spears and pokes Aura!

What? You just realized Ramster isn't in the fight? You look around and see Ramster crawling around the back of Ward's glass box! It looks like Ramster is trying to figure out how to open the glass box!

Auroara attacks with Auroara Pulse!

Not enough energy.

Auraprima2 attacks with E-Arc!

Not enough energy.

Auraprima1 attacks with Aura Beam!

Not enough energy.

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

It hurts Rattletrap!

Rattletrap says "Ssssssss..." and flings you across the arena floor and you slam into the glass box and fall down on the floor!

Rattletrap's lure begins to shimmer!

Auroara can't look away!

Auraprima2 can't look away!

Auraprima1 can't look away!

"This oughta do it." When you look up you see Donaldo handing some Sleep Bombs to the other Traders! The Traders open the sleep bombs and as soon as the purple clouds start spraying out they throw the sleep bombs toward where Auroara and the Auraprimas are standing!

[SFX: coughing]

All of the Traders and their mons turn and look at you and Ramster!

Effects of Evade ended.

Suddenly you feel something grab your hand and you see Psykid holding you and Ramster!

Psykid is using Evade!
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Diamond can't believe it! She runs toward the glass box and says "No!" and looks around and then looks at the other Traders.

"I want that one!"

"Hey, I called it first!"

"I saw it first!"

It sounds like the other Traders are arguing about who gets which human-type mon!

"Everyone, if you would." Diamond raises her hand and holds it up until the other humans stop talking and look at her. "I have a suggestion. There are four human-type mons here, including that one." She gestures at Ward and says "Why don't we take turns and choose? Since it's Donaldo's arena, he naturally gets first pick."

"Hey, finally some reason around here! Alright, let's see..." Donaldo points at Prima and says "I'll take that one."

"And I will take this one." Diamond points at Auroara and says "Raul?"

"Gimme that Psykid." Raul points at Ward and says "Been looking for one of those for a while!"

Diamond looks at the other human woman and says "Micah?"

The other human woman puts her hands on her hips and says "Professor Emmer, if you please!"

Diamond flaps her hand and says "Oh, please, Micah. Everyone knows you bought that title."

"If you please!"

Diamond rolls her eyes. "Fine, Professor Emmer."

"That's better." Professor Emmer says and points at Aura. "And I will take this one."

"Hey, wait a minute." Donaldo looks down at Prima and says "If these human-type mons ain't as rare, who are we gonna auction them off to, each other? My pirate operation was a bust."

"Oh yeah?" Raul looks at Donaldo. "I had to buy my way out of jail."

"The repairs to my own arena have been expensive." Diamond looks at the other Traders and says "I have a suggestion. We can make a lot of money by holding an open tournament announced as featuring human-type mons."

"You nuts, Diamond?" Raul glances at Ward. "They won't fight for us!"

Diamond scratches Rattletrap's chin and says "Rattletrap will make sure they're all willing to follow orders during the fight." Diamond crosses her arms and looks at your friends lying on the arena floor and says "To make it interesting, let's say that if you beat the human-type mon's team, you get to keep that human-type mon."

Professor Emmer looks at Diamond. "You're saying..."

Diamond is grinning! "Someone in this room will walk away with all the human-type mons."

Donaldo and Raul and Micah all look at each other and then Donaldo looks at Diamond and says "I'm in."

Raul nods and says "Sounds like fun. I'm in."

Professor Emmer puts her hand over her mouth and says "Of course, I will participate."

>Try to help Ward get free (roll 1d100)
>Sneak out while you can and run to Tinville
Rolled 92 (1d100)

>Sneak out while you can and run to Tinville
Oof. We took a beating.
Rolled 81 (1d100)

>Try to help Ward get free (roll 1d100)
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Try to help Ward get free (roll 1d100)
Rolled 78 (1d100)

>Try to help Ward get free (roll 1d100)
Rolled 16 (1d100)

>>Try to help Ward get free (roll 1d100)
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Raul points his thumb at the glass box and says "Hey, how do I get my Psykid out of there?"

Diamond reaches into her pocket and pulls out a key and says "That glass is designed to counter psychic-type mons. Don't let him out until you-"


Suddenly Ramster appears in front of Diamond and jumps up and grabs the key out of her hand!

Diamond looks down at Ramster and says "You filthy little vermin, give that back!" and reaches down with both hands to grab Ramster!

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and throws the key to Psykid!

Psykid catches the key and looks at it!


Psykid catches the key and then she throws it to you!

"Oh, right!"

Psykid looks at you and throws the key to you and you catch it and stick it into the keyhole on the side of the glass box! As soon as you turn the key Ward knocks open the door and jumps out of the box and glares at Diamond and the other Traders!

Diamond can't believe it! "My Psykid!"

Raul glances at Diamond and says "YOUR Psykid?"

"Forget that! Rattletrap, get him, quickly!"

"Yuccaza, get that Psykid!"

Rattletrap is challenging Ward!

Yuccaza is challenging Ward!

Ourobros is challenging Ward!

Volloogi is challenging Ward!

Ward attacks with Distortion!

It really hurts Rattletrap!

It really hurts Yuccaza!

It really hurts Ourobros!

It really hurts Volloogi!

Ward takes a step back and then turns away and jumps up onto the edge of the railing! You look up at Ward!


Ward looks back at you and then he tosses Katie's hat at you and when you look back up he's already disappeared! You look over your shoulder behind you and see Rattletrap, Yuccaza, Ourobros, and Volloogi all glaring at you!



Psykid grabs your hand!

Psykid is using Evade!

You and Ramster and Psykid run out of the New Ore Arena and across the bridge but then Psykid falls down in the middle of the bridge!

Effects of Evade ended.

It seems like Psykid is out of energy because she's been using Evade so much!

"I'm not out of energy."

Psykid tries to stand up and keep running but she can't walk!

"Yes I can!"

You crouch down next to Psykid and grab her arm and put it around your neck and then you stand up and pull Psykid up and you help her all the way across the bridge and up the hill into the trees. When you get all the way up the hill you find a big tree and hide behind it but when you peek out you see the Traders and their mons running out of the New Ore Arena and looking around!

>Try to find Tinville in the dark (roll 1d100)
>Try to stay hidden until morning (roll 1d100)
Rolled 95 (1d100)

>Try to stay hidden until morning (roll 1d100)
Rolled 13 (1d100)

>Try to stay hidden until morning (roll 1d100)
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>>Try to find Tinville in the dark (roll 1d100)
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Try to stay hidden until morning (roll 1d100)
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You looking around again and then you crouch back down and look at Psykid.

"They didn't find us!"

You peek out again and see a huge red shape in front of you! Rattletrap looks around and sniffs and says "Ssssssss..." and slithers around the big tree!

Psykid is closing her eyes as hard as she can!

Psykid is using Evade!

Rattletrap slithers around the tree and looks around and slithers away!

Effects of Evade ended.

You peek out again and then look at Psykid but she's sleeping! It's probably because she's out of energy! You peek out one more time and then you and Ramster snuggle up against Psykid and listen for Rattletrap.


When you open your eyes the sun is starting to come up! You tap Ramster and he says "Ram-ram..." and opens his eyes.

What? Psykid's eyes are still closed? Do you think she might be...

"I'm not dead."

Psykid opens her eyes and stands up and looks around. You look at your travel map and then you notice Psykid looking over your shoulder! You look at Psykid and then point at where New Ore is.

"We're here!"

Psykid looks at the map and then you point at where Tinville is.

"I'm going here!"

Psykid looks at the map and then looks at you again.

"I was going there."

You and Ramster and Psykid walk out of New Ore and through the forest and then you come out onto the open plains. You walk until the middle of the afternoon and then you realize you can hear the ocean! It seems like you're getting close to Tinville! You keep walking and then you can see some buildings ahead of you!

You stop and look at Psykid's upper ears for a moment.

"Pull up your hood, Psykid!"

Psykid pulls her hood over her ears but you can still tell that she's not a human girl! It seems like she needs some kind of hat for a disguise!

What? You're looking at Psykid's jacket?

"Take off your jacket, Psykid!"

Psykid takes off her jacket and you tie it in a knot and then step back and look at it and nod your head and you keep walking into Tinville!


You don't know where JP's lab is! You look around and see some humans and you walk over to them.

"Where is JP's house?"

One of the human women looks at you and says "Who?"

Do you remember what Joe called JP?

"Junior Professor Marigold!"

"Oh, you mean the Marigold girl." The human woman points and says "Their house is at the end of that road."

You walk up the road and see a house with two humans standing outside! What? You think the human woman looks a lot like JP? She looks at you and says "You must be the mon trainer Georgette said might stop by!"

The human man is looking at Psykid! "That's a... nice jacket."

"Well, Joe did say his friends were unusual."

"Let's get inside before the neighbors see us."

"I told you she should have been a fashion model instead of a professor."

"Maybe it's not too late."
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The human man turns and opens the door and-


What? Tamounda is here? Tamounda runs past him and says "Tamounda!" You crouch down and Tamounda licks you and then he looks at Ramster and says "Tamounda!"

Ramster says "Ram-ram!"!

The human woman opens the door and-


Lottatax scurries past her and you pick him up and cuddle him and even though you're getting slime all over your cheek you don't mind because you missed your mon friends so much!

[SFX: door slamming]

You look up and see Joe standing in the doorway!

Joe looks at you for a moment and then he hugs you tightly and doesn't let go!

What? You just remembered your other friends? It seems like Joe can tell you're upset! "What's wrong?"


You can't help crying!

"They got captured!"

"Who did?"


Joe is still hugging you! After a little while you look up at Joe.

"Auroara and Aura and Prima!"

Joe looks around and then whispers "Let's go downstairs." He leads you into the house and down some stairs and then you see Onlion lying on a table!

JP walks into the room and says "Perfect timing! I was just about to reactivate it!"

She reaches down and pushes a button and Onlion says "ONNNN-"


What? Onlion just said something? Suddenly Onlion opens its eyes and scrambles to its feet and looks around the room and then Onlion sees you and Joe!

You can't help crying out!

"Onlion, you're alright!"

Cutémon attacks before Onlion was ready!

You wrap your arms around Onlion's neck and give it a big hug! When you let go Onlion looks at you and says "ONNNN-"

"You can talk!"

You look at JP!

"Onlion can talk?"

"There was a lot of damage to repair, you know." JP glances at Onlion and says "Some quirks were bound to occur."

Onlion jumps off the table and walks toward you and Joe and then Joe crouches down and pets Onlion's head!

What? You just realized Onlion isn't limping? It seems like Onlion's paw is fixed! You grin at JP!

"Thank you for fixing Onlion!"

JP is grinning! "Well, you know, former child prodigy and all..."

Suddenly you feel Joe put his hand on your hand! You can't help your cheeks turning red! You look at Joe and he leads you away from the table into the other room and says "Alright, what happened with the others? Where are they?"

"New Ore!"

Joe glances toward the other room and looks at you. "That's not too far away. Who captured them?"

You hold up your hand and count on your fingers!

"Diamond, Raul, Donaldo... Professor Emmer!"

"Who?" Joe shakes his head and says "Never mind, I bet this has something to do with that human-type mon tournament they just announced in New Ore."

You're nodding your head!


>Enter the tournament in disguise with Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax
>Try to sneak into the New Ore Arena with Psykid
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Cutémon
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Cutémon
Gotta do what we gotta do, and this is the stronger team. it's time, anons.
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Cutémon
Ideally we'd have someone take out Rattletrap in the middle of the fight
Ooh! Psykid, with some sleep bombs!
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Ramster
Let's not give up our disguise so easily
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Cutémon
>Ask Joe to enter the tournament with Onlion, Ekro, and Cutémon
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"That reminds me, I have your baseball cap and some money to split with you." Joe walks to the other side of the room and opens a tall cabinet and you see Gunner's gym bag inside. Joe crouches down and unzips the gym bag and looks over his shoulder at you. "We sold most of the Sleep Bombs and Mini Sleep Bombs to pay for the train tickets, and Tamounda ate all the mon bait, but I still have 10 coins for you." Joe hands you your baseball cap and then he hands you a sack of coins and then he looks back in the gym bag.

You hold your baseball cap and the sack of coins in your hands for a moment but all you can think about is Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax fighting Auroara, Aura, and Prima! It doesn't seem like it will be a fair fight, does it?


"Hmm?" Joe stops and looks over his shoulder at you.

"I want to enter the tournament!"

Joe stands up and glances at the other room and then looks at you and says "I don't think that's a good idea. Even with a hat, they'll recognize you and-"

You're shaking your head!

"With you!"

"With me? You mean..." Joe is looking at you closely! You don't look away, even though Joe is looking at you! "Enter the tournament as one of my three mons?"

You're nodding your head! Do you really want to fight as a mon even though that means all the humans will know you're really a Cutémon and not a human girl?

"I can fight with Onlion!"

When you look through the doorway, Onlion looks at you and walks into the room and says "ONNNN-" and sits next to you! It seems like Onlion wants to help! You crouch down and hug Onlion and then look up at Joe and... What? You just noticed Ekro sitting on top of the cabinet above Joe? You point up at Ekro!

"And Ekro!"

Ekro looks down at you and says "Cutémon!" and flaps his wings and flutters down past Joe and lands on the floor next to you and Onlion! You look at Onlion and Ekro and then look up at Joe and give him your cutest look!


Joe looks at you and then looks at JP and Psykid and Ramster and Tamounda and Lottatax all standing in the doorway.

What? JP is standing in the doorway? JP looks at you and says "Mashi, why did Ekro just call you 'Cutémon'?"

You and Joe glance at each other and then you reach up and-

"What are you doing?"

-you take off Katie's hat and blink at JP with all four of your eyes!

"I'm a Cutémon!"

JP can't believe it! She looks at Psykid wearing her jacket on her head and Psykid can't help taking a step backward! JP looks at you again and then looks at Psykid. "Did you know about this?"

Psykid is shaking her head!

Joe glances at you and holds the back of his head with one hand and says "Everyone's going to know about it before long."

Suddenly you hear JP's mother call downstairs! "Georgette! Dinner's almost ready!"
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JP looks at you and says "Put your hat back on!" and then calls "Be right there!" and runs up the stairs. You put Katie's hat back on your head and give Psykid your baseball cap!

"You can wear this for now!"

Psykid looks at your baseball cap and then looks at Katie's hat.

"I want that hat."

What? Psykid wants Katie's hat instead? You don't know if you can explain how Katie loaned it to you!

"Alright, I'll wear this hat."

Psykid takes her jacket off her head and puts it on and then puts on your baseball cap and then you and Joe and Psykid follow JP upstairs and see JP's mother and father sitting at a table with some food and plates on it and then you all sit down and-

[SFX: chewing noises]

Everyone is looking at Psykid because she's eating the food with her hands! It seems like Psykid doesn't know how to eat with a fork!

"Yes I do!"

Psykid looks around and picks up her fork and holds it with one hand while she eats with her other hand.

What? You just saw JP's mother whisper something to JP's father? When you look back at Psykid her plate is already empty!

After you and Joe finish eating, Joe glances at you and Psykid and says "We should make sure Onlion is alright."

You look at Psykid and then you and Joe and Psykid all stand up and follow Joe back downstairs into the other room and through a door into a tiny bedroom with Joe's backpack sitting in the corner. "The tournament is in three days. Winning the tournament won't help us much. We just need to worry about getting in."

You look at Psykid!

"Psykid can help!"

Joe nods his head and looks at Psykid and says "Psykid can carry the gym bag with Ramster and the last sleep bomb and mini sleep bomb through the trainer entrance with me."

Ramster looks up at Joe and says "Ram-ram?"

Joe crouches down and looks down at Ramster. "You and Psykid will have to find the mon pens while we're on the arena floor."

Ramster salutes and says "Ram-ram!"

Joe stands up and looks at you. "Everyone will be so distracted by you that they won't notice Psykid and Ramster letting everyone out of the mon pens."

"What about Rattletrap?"

What? Psykid is glaring at Joe?

"You're just a human."

Joe reaches into his pocket and takes out the cutécaptor and Psykid leans in and looks closely at it!

"What's a cutécaptor?"

You and Joe glance at each other and then Joe says. "It stops her from being controlled by other mons. As long as the three of us are close enough, anyway." You and Joe look at the cutécaptor and-

[SFX: bedsprings squeaking]

You look behind Joe and see Psykid standing on the bed!

Joe stands up and puts a mat on the floor and looks at you. "You should sleep on the bed." He grins at you and says "After all, you need to regain your energy for the big fight!"

>Sleep next to Psykid
>Sleep next to Joe
>Sleep next to Joe
Trainer mon bond go up.
>Sleep next to Joe
All the baddies already know who we are, it's time everyone else knows that we're Joe's gal!
>Sleep next to Psykid
Good mons follow orders
>Sleep next to Joe
>Sleep next to Joe
I am warming to this guy.
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You had my baseball cap.

I didn't really think I'd ever see you again.

Why is it easy to talk?

Maybe it's the cutécaptor.



Do we love each other?

I don't know. I don't know if it's real love.

Auroara loves Kinsen!

They aren't the same as you and me.

I can raise my MIND stat!

If I hadn't used the cutécaptor, we wouldn't be like this.

But you did use it!

Do you really think you love me?

I have a LOVE stat!

The ancient humans made you to act like a human.

They made us to love humans.

But you're not a human.



Would you love a human girl?


What? You were sleeping? You open one eye and realize Joe is holding you in his arms while he's asleep! You look over your shoulder at Joe and then Joe starts to move! Did you wake him up?

Joe holds you more tightly and then you smile and snuggle up against Joe and close your eyes again.

The next morning, Joe is already awake when you wake up! You look up at Joe and Psykid and then Joe looks at you and all your mon friends and says "We don't have a lot of time, but we can still train a little before the tournament." Joe looks at Ramster and says "Ramster, you're going to be in charge of relaxation at the end of the day to help them recover energy."

Ramster nods and says "Ram-ram!"

Joe looks at Tamounda and Lottatax. Tamounda looks up at Joe and says "Tamounda?"

"Tamounda and Lottatax, you guys will be, um, moral support."

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and gives Tamounda and Lottatax tiny pennants and then you and Ramster and Tamounda and Lottatax and Onlion and Ekro and Psykid all follow Joe out of the-

"I don't want to."

What? Psykid doesn't want to come with? It seems like Psykid might not have a very high BODY stat!

"Yes I do!"

Psykid jumps off the bed and follows you and your other friends out the door!

When you get outside you see Joe sitting on a bicycle! "I borrowed this from JP." Ramster hops up onto the handlebars and holds up a tiny boombox and pushes a button!

[SFX: music]

Joe pedals the bicycle up the road and you and Onlion and Psykid all run after him with Ekro flying next to you and Tamounda and Lottatax running after you carrying the tiny pennants in their mouths! You follow Joe all the way up a hill into a clearing and then you and Onlion and Ekro and Psykid spend all day fighting!

When you get back to JP's house at the end of the day Ramster hangs up some sheets to make hammocks and holds up a tiny pen and checks off a list on his tiny clipboard. "Ram-ram...ram-ram...ram-ram..." Suddenly Ramster stops and looks up at Psykid lying in her hammock.

[SFX: snoring]

Ramster looks down at his clipboard and checks the list and says "Ram-ram!"
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The next day Joe leads you and your friends up the hill again but at the end of the day he leads you in a different direction! After a little while you see a videophone! You look at the videophone and then look at Joe.

Joe grins at you and puts a coin in the videophone and pushes some buttons.

The videophone beeps and then you hear Booker's voice! "How do you turn this on?"


"I know which button it is!"

The videophone beeps again and then you see Booker! You wave at the videophone screen!

"Hi, Booker!"

"Hrmph. Haven't heard from either of you in a while." Booker looks at Joe. "Still practicing like I told you?"

"Um, that's what I was calling about. We-"

Suddenly you hear Mashi's voice say "Who is it?" and then Mashi peeks over Booker's shoulder! When Mashi sees you and Joe her eyes get bigger and she says "Hi, guys!"

Volito drifts in front of Mashi and says "VO-LITO!"

Mashi pushes past Volito and says "Scoot over, Volito!"

You wave at Mashi and Volito on the videophone screen!

"We're entering a tournament tomorrow night!"

Mashi looks at Psykid and smiles and says "Hey, my hat!"

Torrentani floats up over Booker's other shoulder and says "TANI!" and then you wave at the screen again!

"Hi, Torrentani!"

Booker says "Get out of here, you useless guppy!" and fumbles and grabs his cane and swings it around at Torrentani Mashi and Volito all dodge out of the way and then Booker looks at the screen again. "What's this about a tournament?"

"I was hoping I could get some advice from you. About who to pick for my starter mon."

"Starter mons..." Booker looks away for a moment. "Well, there are a few ideas on how to choose one, but I've always said your starter should be a good all-around defender since you're going in blind."


Booker glances at you and says "In a tournament, you don't know what type of mon your opponent is going to be using as his starter." He looks at Joe and says "The idea is to wear out your opponent's starter. Force your opponent to put in his second mon against your starter. Now you've got the advantage because you can pick the best choice to counter his second mon, and you know what his third mon is going to be."

It seems like Booker really does know a lot about mon tournaments! You look at Joe and Joe nods at the videophone screen and says "I really appreciate everything you've done for us."

"Hrmph. Talking about it is the easy part." Booker looks at you and Ramster. "How are you treating those mons of yours?"

Ramster sticks out his chest and says "Ram-ram!"

Tamounda stands up as high as he can and looks at the videophone screen and says "Tamounda!"

Lottatax climbs up onto Tamounda and looks at the screen and says "Lottatax!"

"Hrmph. Seems like they're well-fed, anyway." Booker looks at you. "Anything else?"

>Take off Katie's hat in front of Booker
>Keep Katie's hat on your head
>Take off Katie's hat in front of Booker
>Attempt to teach Booker Hairpin
>Take off Katie's hat in front of Booker
>>Take off Katie's hat in front of Booker
>Keep Katie's hat on your head
I don't think this is a thing for a phone conversation
>Keep Katie's hat on your head

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You reach up and take off Katie's hat and look at the videophone screen! Booker can't believe... What? Booker doesn't seem surprised at all?

"Hrmph. I knew you were a Cutémon the entire time. Not like a hat could fool a professional mon trainer like me." Booker glances at you and says "You probably want to know about your third special ability."

What? Booker finally remembered the third Cutémon special ability? You look at the screen and smile!

"You remembered it!"

"I always knew it. Just didn't think you were ready to know about it."

"A third special ability?" Joe glances at you. "What is it?"

Booker nods and looks at you. "It's called Makeover."

"What happens if she uses Makeover?"

"I turn into a human girl!"

Booker and Joe are both looking at you! Booker leans forward and says "I thought you didn't know about it."

"That's really what happens?" Joe looks at the videophone screen and glances at you again. "Could she turn back into a Cutémon?"

"Hrmph." Booker leans back and crosses his arms in front of him. "Can't use mon abilities if you're not a mon, can you?"

What? You're thinking about Professor Ginger?

Joe looks at you again and then looks at the screen. "Um..."

"Well, anyway, good luck with the fight." Booker reaches forward and you hear a beep and the screen goes blank and you hear Booker's voice say "I had no idea she was a Cutémon!" and then you hear Mashi's voice say "This is the button to hang up."

[SFX: beep]

Joe looks around and then picks up the bicycle and says "If we leave early tomorrow morning, we should be able to make it to New Ore before sunset. Then we can get something to eat and have a little time to rest before the tournament."

You and your mon friends all follow Joe back to JP's house but when you get to JP's house there's a fancy car in front of the house!

"There she is!" What? You recognize that voice? It's the Mayor of Tinville! "I heard the famous mon trainer who rescued my Racclone was here!" The Mayor looks up at you and says "Are you going to be in that big tournament in New Ore tomorrow night?"

You're nodding your head!

The Mayor says "Then I'll give you a ride!"

The Racclones scurry out the car window and look at you and say "Racclone!"

You look down at Racclone!

"Hi, Racclone!"

The Mayor looks up at you and says "I'll pick you all up tomorrow morning."

After supper you all go down to the bedroom in the basement and then you all lie down and go to...

What? You can't sleep? It's because you're thinking about being in front of all the humans without a hat and about what Booker told you!

>Go for a walk by yourself
>Wake up Joe and ask him to go for a walk
>Close your eyes and try to fall asleep
>Go for a walk by yourself
I know I'm warming to Joe, but I don't want to give up being a mon for him.
>Go for a walk by yourself
Turnung into a human would break the cutecaptor's effect. What if we don't love Joe anymore after that? Then it'd be all for nothing.
>Go for a walk by yourself
It'd be nice to take a walk with Joe, but I don't want to wake him up before such an important event just because we couldn't sleep.
>Wake up Joe and ask him to go for a walk
>Wake up Joe and ask him to go for a walk
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I'm still wondering what kind of pun the name Tamounda is.I got every other one, but not this
>I'm still wondering what kind of pun the name Tamounda is.I got every other one, but not this
Tamandua + mound

I thought Dipoelagus had the most convoluted etymology.
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You look at Joe for a moment and then you slowly crawl out from under the blanket and put Katie's hat on your head and then you tip-toe out of the room and up the stairs and once you're outside you realize you've been holding your breath the entire time! You take a breath and then start walking up the road away from Tinville and up the hill.

After you walk halfway up the hill you start to feel a cool breeze. It feels pretty nice to be outside! You look around but you don't see any humans so you take off Katie's hat.

Now the cool breeze feels even nicer! You keep walking up the hill and after a little while you realize you're in the clearing where you and your friends have been training!

"You're being really stupid, Cutémon."

What? Ward is here?

Effects of Evade ended.

What? You just realized Ward said you were being stupid? You look around and don't see anything but then you see Ward standing in the shadows and you give him a determined look!

"I'm not stupid!"

Ward steps out of the shadows toward you and suddenly he's right in front of you!

"Telling all these humans who you are. And now you think you love one of them."

Is Ward talking about Joe? All of a sudden you have a strange feeling in your chest! You can't help crying out!

"Don't read my mind!"

"I didn't have to read your mind to know."

You can't help your cheeks turning red! Ward takes another step closer and glances toward Tinville and then looks at you.

"They made us want to love them."

Ward takes another step closer and leans forward and you can't help taking a step backwards but then you bump into a tree! You look over your shoulder at the tree and then you look at Ward and he glares at you.

"Because otherwise we'd all hate them."

"That's not true!"

"You only love a human because ofthat machine."

You hold up your hand in front of Ward and he takes a step backward and glances at your hand and looks at you as you count on your fingers!

"I love Mashi... Booker... Katie... Starr..."

"What about Diamond?"

"Most humans are nice!"

"Or Professor Plumtree?"

You can't help looking down but then you look up at Ward again.

"Come with us to New Ore!"

"You don't get it. Sooner or later you'll get captured by someone who doesn't let you go. And you won't have any friends around to save you."

Ward leans in even closer!

"It would be better if I killed you right here."

>Challenge Ward (roll 2d100)
>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
>Say goodbye and walk away
Rolled 66, 52 = 118 (2d100)

>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
Rolled 43, 38 = 81 (2d100)

>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
Rolled 66, 43 = 109 (2d100)

>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
He's had a rough go of it, huh?
>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
Rolled 9, 55 = 64 (2d100)

>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
Rolled 47, 82 = 129 (2d100)

>Hug Ward (roll 2d100)
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Cutémon attacks before Ward was ready!

You hug Ward before he can do anything! You can feel Ward start to grab your neck but then he stops and looks down at you while his arms are still around you!


Ward is just glaring at you with his arms around you!

"Why are you so hard to fight?"

You look up at Ward and smile!

"Because we're friends!"

Ward is still glaring at you!

"Why can't I hurt you with Soul Fire?"

You give Ward your cutest look!

"Maybe because we like each other!"

Ward's arms are still around you!

Effects of Evade ended.

What? Someone was using Evade? You and Ward both look around and see Psykid standing at the edge of the clearing! When you and Ward see Psykid she looks away and then she glances back at you and looks away again! It seems like Psykid is upset!

"No I'm not!"

Psykid looks away again and wipes her eyes and then she looks back at you and Ward!

Psykid is crying!

"No I'm not!"

Ward is looking at Psykid!

"What's wrong with her?"

It seems like Ward doesn't understand Psykid is upset because Psykid likes Ward!

"That's stupid."

Ward looks at you and then he looks at Psykid and Psykid looks away again and wipes her eyes and-

What? Psykid sees something? You and Ward both look over your shoulders and see Joe standing behind you! When Ward sees Joe, he lets go of you and turns and glares at Joe.

"This is all your fault. You're the one who used that machine."

Joe shifts his stance and looks at Ward and says "I didn't have a choice," and then Joe looks at you and says "Are you alright?"

You nod your head and Joe looks at Psykid and-

Ward attacks before Joe was ready!

Ward attacks with Clutch!

Suddenly Ward's arm shoots out and he grabs Joe's neck and squeezes it! Joe grabs Ward's arm and tries to pull it away from his neck but Joe can't move it at all!

"If you die, your machine stops controlling her, right?"

Joe attacks with Fist!

Joe punches Ward and Ward lets go and Joe falls down on the ground! You run past Ward and crouch down next to Joe but when you look up at Ward you see Ward's eyes are glowing! You can't help crying out!

"Stop it, Ward!"

Joe says "It's alright," and then he stands up and faces Ward.

What? Joe is standing up and facing Ward even though Ward's eyes are glowing?

"He's not a smart human."

>Challenge Ward (roll 2d100)
>Let Joe challenge Ward (roll 1d100)
>Cover your eyes until it's all over
Rolled 73 (1d100)

>Let Joe challenge Ward (roll 1d100)
Two handsome lads, fighting for our affection? Can our maiden heart take it?

...well, we're a mon and mons love fighting, so probably. Just step in before anyone dies or gets crippled.
Rolled 9 (1d100)

>Let Joe challenge Ward (roll 1d100)
We should stop them, all this is very silly
Rolled 59, 9 = 68 (2d100)

>Challenge Ward (roll 2d100)
>Cover your eyes until it's all over
Rolled 75 (1d100)

>Let Joe challenge Ward (roll 1d100)
Sorry psykid, there's just no competing with a human-type mon whose species is literally named "cute mon".
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I mean, I would like to personally step between them and prevent the fight, given the options, challenging Ward would just make him even more determined to hurt Joe in order to cancel the effects of the Cutecaptor.
One way to prove our point to Ward would be to use Makeover, but in regards to what else is going on, this does not seem like the right time and I'm worried it'll bring the quest to an early end :p
I am adamantly anti-Makeover, personally.
Despite what Booker said, you don't currently know Makeover.
Joe looks at Ward and points at you. "If I win, will you help us?"

"I don't make promises for humans."

Suddenly Ward disappears! Joe takes a step backward and looks both ways and then turns and takes a step backward and-

Effects of Evade ended.

Ward appears behind Joe and grabs him with both hands and squeezes Joe's head as hard as he can!

Joe can hardly stand the pain!

Ward drops Joe on the ground and glares down at him!

"Should I kill you with Distortion or Soul Fire?"

Ward takes a step forward and Joe scoots back and then Ward takes another step forward until he's standing over Joe! Ward's eyes are glowing so brightly you can hardly-

What? Joe is reaching into his jacket pocket? Suddenly Joe pulls out a little bag of potato chips and opens it in front of Ward!

Joe is using Potato Chips!

What? Ward is eating the potato chips even though he was just fighting Joe?

Joe is using Mini Sleep Bomb!

Ward looks up from the bag of potato chips and sees the Mini Sleep Bomb in Joe's hands just as Joe pulls the pin and then the purple cloud sprays out at Ward!

[SFX: coughing]

You can't see anything because of the purple cloud but you can hear Joe and Ward fighting! After a few moments the purple cloud blows away in the breeze and you see Ward lying on the ground with Joe sitting next to him! When Joe sees you he looks up at you and then looks at Ward and says "He's probably going to be really mad at me when he wakes up."

"I wouldn't sweat it, punk."

It's Donaldo! You look behind you and see Donaldo walk into the clearing with Ourobros floating next to him and then you see Diamond and Rattletrap and Raul and Yuccaza and Professor Emmer and Volloogi!

Raul glances at Ward and then grins at Joe. "Thanks for helping me recapture my Psykid."

Professor Emmer glances at Diamond. "I told you this town was the most logical place to search. Didn't I, Volloogi?"

Volloogi floats past Professor Emmer's shoulder and looks down at you and Psykid and says "Volloogi!"

"We can issue congratulations once we're back in New Ore." Diamond glances at Rattletrap. "That Cutémon is quite sly."

Rattletrap slithers around Diamond and glares down at you and says "Ssssssss..."

Donaldo glances between you and Psykid. "Four against two? I like these odds!"

One of Ourobros's heads looks at Donaldo and says "Ourosss!" and the other head looks at Donaldo and says "Brosss!"

Donaldo is grinning! "You're right, five against two!"

Raul elbows Yuccaza and says "Yuccaza, why don't you show this mon how grateful we are?"

Yuccaza waddles toward you and says "Yuccaza!"

>Challenge the other mons with Joe and Psykid (roll 2d100)
>Try to lead them away from Ward (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 76 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Let's even those odds, shall we?
Rolled 51 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Guess we don't really have a choice
Rolled 30 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 42 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 21 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
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Psykid takes a step backward. It seems like she's going to run away!

"No I'm not!"

Psykid is challenging Yuccaza!

Psykid attacks with Clutch!

Yuccaza attacks with Double Spike!

It really hurts Psykid!

Psykid charges at Yuccaza and grabs one of Yuccaza's side spikes and squeezes it but then Yuccaza says "Yuccaza!" and slams Psykid down against the ground and hits her again with another side spike!

You look at Psykid and then charge at Rattletrap!

Ourobros attacks before Cutémon was ready!

Ourobros attacks with Sling Slap!

Ourobros swings itself like a jumprope and slaps you and you get knocked sideways onto the ground!

Rattletrap slithers toward you and raises its head above you and opens its mouth! You can't help crying out!

Onlion attacks with Bitestream!

It really hurts Rattletrap!

Suddenly Rattletrap gets knocked backward by a beam of energy! When you look up you see Ramster riding Onlion and Lottatax riding Tamounda and Ekro flying overhead!

Onlion takes a step forward and says "ONNNN-"

Professor Emmer points at Onlion and says "That's Professor Plumtree's cast-off mechanical-type mon! Volloogi, destroy it!"

Volloogi squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and flies toward Onlion!

Onlion attacks Volloogi with Bitestream!

Onlion opens its mouth and a beam of energy blasts out at Volloogi but the beam of energy just blasts through Volloogi's body and then Volloogi squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and looks down at the hole and then a bunch of slime fills in the hole! Volloogi looks up and glares at Onlion and squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and spits a big clump of slime at Onlion and Ramster!

Volloogi attacks with Sap!

Ramster jumps out of the way just in time but Onlion gets hit with the slime and then Onlion tries to move but it can't because the slime is so sticky!

Joe looks around and says "Everyone scatter!"

You and your friends all look at Joe and then you all run in different directions! Rattletrap and Ourobros and Yuccaza and Volloogi all look around and then look at the Traders.

Diamond can't believe it! "Ignore the others! Get those human-type mons!"

You run out of the clearing into the trees but then you look back over your shoulder and see Rattletrap slithering after you!


What? Lottatax is here? When you look down you see Lottatax running along the ground next to you but then you look up just as Volloogi flies out from behind a tree in front of you!

Volloogi flies toward you but then suddenly Ekro bursts out of the bushes and flaps his wings in front of Volloogi!

Volloogi glares at Ekro and squeaks "Voll-oogi!"

Ekro glares at Volloogi and squawks "Voll-oogi!"

>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
>Try to sneak back to Ward and Onlion (roll 1d100)
>Try to sneak away and hide (roll 1d100)
Rolled 46, 94 = 140 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
Surely we're bound to get good rolls sometime, right?
>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
Dumbass Ward making Joe waste his last sleep bomb
Rolled 48, 89 = 137 (2d100)

>>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
Rolled 1, 45 = 46 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
These are the best odds we're likely to get under these conditions.
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Rolled 99, 57 = 156 (2d100)

>>Challenge Rattletrap and Volloogi with Lottatax and Ekro (roll 2d100)
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Rattletrap's lure is starting to glow.

Lottatax jumps up to bite Volloogi but Volloogi is too high in the air! Lottatax lands and watches Volloogi and then opens his mouth!

Lottatax attacks with Tongue!

Lottatax is disgusted!

Lottatax squeezes his eyes closed and says "L-ech!" It seems like Volloogi tastes gross! You look up just as Volloogi circles around and swoops down at you!

Volloogi attacks Cutémon with Triple Spike!

Volloogi squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and some of its lumps stretch out like spears and stab at the ground but you roll out of the way and run forward and Volloogi just makes dirt fly everywhere!

Ekro is using Duplicate!

A spiral of energy forms around Ekro and then he splits into three Ekros and they all fly in circles around Volloogi!

Volloogi starts to get dizzy trying to watch them all! Suddenly Volloogi spins around and lurches past you!

Rattletrap's lure is shimmering!

Volloogi can't look away!

Volloogi looks at Rattletrap's lure and stops and floats in midair! All of the Ekros circle around and then fly toward Volloogi!

Ekro1 attacks Volloogi with Flap!

Can't defend!

Ekro2 attacks Volloogi with Flap!

Can't defend!

Ekro3 attacks Volloogi with Flap!

Volloogi can't stand the pain!

Effects of Duplicate ended.

One of the Ekros hits Volloogi with his wings and knocks Volloogi toward another Ekro and disappears and he hits Volloogi with his wings and knocks him up and disappears and then the third Ekro hits Volloogi like a volleyball and spikes it into the ground!

Ekro learned Time Echo!

What? You just remembered Joe said Ekro can learn a really weird ability?

Lottatax attacks Rattletrap with Fangs!

Lottatax bites Rattletrap's tail!

Rattletrap lifts up its tail in front of its lure and then Lottatax lets go of Rattletrap's tail and falls down on the ground hypnotized! Rattletrap glares down at Ekro but then Ekro flaps his wings and the air in front of Rattletrap starts to ripple!

Ekro is using Time Echo!

Suddenly another Rattletrap appears!

Rattletrap2's lure is shimmering!

Rattletrap1 can't look away!

The other Rattletrap disappears but Rattletrap is still hypnotized!

You pick up Lottatax and run away with Ekro flying overhead and then-

[SFX: thud]

What? You just ran into something? You look up and see Professor Plumtree! You can't help scooting backwards but then you look behind you and see Lynx glaring at you!

Professor Plumtree reaches into his labcoat pocket and takes out a mini sleep bomb! "I think it's time we went home."

>Challenge Lynx and Professor Plumtree with Ekro (roll 2d100)
>Try to run away (roll 1d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 47 (1d100)

>Try to run away (roll 1d100)
What a mess...
Rolled 58 (1d100)

>Try to run away (roll 1d100)
Rolled 94 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 17 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 60, 64 = 124 (2d100)

>Challenge Lynx and Professor Plumtree with Ekro (roll 2d100)
That's my purse! I don't know you!
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You look at Professor Plumtree again and then scramble to your feet and Ekro flies in a circle above you! Ekro flaps his wings and stops in the air above you and then you shift your stance and give Linx a determined look but then Professor Plumtree says "Linx, begin Fragment."

Linx glares at you and Ekro and its eyes start flashing!

Linx is using Fragment!

Suddenly you feel really dizzy and you have to sit down!

[SFX: branches cracking]

Ekro crashes into the bushes because he's so dizzy!

When you look around you see Linx walking toward you and you try to stand up but you just fall over and then you see Lottatax stand up and shake his head! You can hardly see Lottatax because you're so dizzy!

Lottatax looks around and sees Linx and then Lottatax scurries between you and Linx and looks up at Linx and his head spikes flatten back and he says "Lottatax!"

Professor Plumtree glances down at Lottatax and says "Linx, eliminate that Lottatax, then locate Joe Apple and retrieve the cutécaptor."

"I'm right here."

It's Joe! All of a sudden you don't feel dizzy anymore and you look up and see Joe step out into the open next to Onlion, Psykid, Ramster, and Tamounda!

Professor Plumtree glances at Psykid and then looks at Onlion and says "I'm afraid Onlion is outdated, Mr. Apple." Professor Plumtree looks up at Joe. "Turn over the cutécaptor, please."

Onlion takes a step forward toward Professor Plumtree and then Onlion crouches down and says "ONNNN-"

Professor Plumtree can't believe it! He looks at Joe and Joe glances at you and then looks at Professor Plumtree and says "Turn over my friends, please."

Onlion takes another step forward and says "ONNNN-"

Lottatax crouches down and says "Lottatax!"

Tamounda takes a step forward and says "Tamounda!"

Ramster polishes his horns with a tiny rag and then snaps the tiny rag and glares up at Linx and says "Ram-ram!"

You look at your friends and-

"That's a fearsome mon you've constructed." Suddenly Diamond steps out into the open! Rattletrap slithers around next to her and then Diamond looks at Linx and Professor Plumtree and says "Though it seems to be outnumbered."

Professor Plumtree glances at Diamond and Rattletrap. "Do you have something more to say?"

"At the moment, we both want the same thing." Diamond is looking at you! "How about a temporary truce until we can subdue these mons?"

What? You just noticed Professor Plumtree and Linx are both looking at Joe? It's probably because Joe has the cutécaptor!

"No he doesn't."

Psykid is looking at you!

"He gave it to me."

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
>Sneak back to Ward with Psykid (roll 1d100)
Rolled 28, 44 = 72 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
We beat them here we can go rescue Ward. If we rescue Ward first and our friends lose here, we'll have to rescue all of them at a later time...
Rolled 26, 48 = 74 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
Plumtree, time to end this! One shall stand, and one shall FALL!
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With these rolls, we're the ones falling.
Rolled 93, 74 = 167 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
Rolled 90, 69 = 159 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
Rolled 94, 81 = 175 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap and Linx with Onlion, Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax (roll 2d100)
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Now that's more like it.
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See you soon, QM!
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Linx is using Mirror!

Linx starts to glow and then another Linx appears!

Linx2 is using Fragment!

Ramster, Tamounda, and Lottatax all get dizzy and fall over! Even though you try to cover your eyes you still get dizzy but then all of a sudden you don't feel dizzy anymore!

Onlion attacks Linx1 with Megabite!

Rattletrap and the other Linx glare at you and then Rattletrap's lure starts to glow and-

"Neither of those mons are vulnerable to your Rattletrap's lure." Professor Plumtree glances at Diamond. "It's a waste of energy."

What? Diamond is glaring at Professor Plumtree?

Linx2 attacks with Scrape!

It really hurts!

The other Linx swings its paw at you when you're looking at Diamond and Professor Plumtree! You can't help crying out and-

"Does that one only have half a brain?" Diamond glances at Professor Plumtree. "I don't want her scratched up!"

What? Now Professor Plumtree is glaring at Diamond? You look back at the other Linx and jump at it but then something grabs your ankle!

Rattletrap attacks with Wrap-Up!

Rattletrap curls its tail around you and squeezes and you can't help crying out! Onlion looks up at you and then the first Linx jumps at Onlion!

Linx1 attacks with Gigabite!

Suddenly Ekro pops up out of the bushes into the air! Onlion looks up at Ekro and says "ONNNN-"

Ekro squawks "ONNNN-" and flaps his wings!

Ekro is using Time Echo!

The air in front of the first Linx ripples and then a third Linx appears and bites the first Linx and disappears!

Linx3 attacks Linx1 with Gigabite!

It really hurts Linx1!

Effects of Mirror ended.

Suddenly the second Linx disappears! Professor Plumtree holds up the mini sleep bomb. "Rattletrap, release that Cutémon and attack the Ekro."

"Don't give my Rattletrap orders!"

"This fight requires a competent trainer."

"This partnership is over!"

Cutémon attacks with Overbite!

You poke Rattletrap with your outer fangs while Rattletrap is watching Diamond and Professor Plumtree argue and Rattletrap drops you on the ground!

Professor Plumtree and Diamond point at each other and then they speak at the same time.

"Rattletrap, kill that man!"

"Linx, kill that woman."

Rattletrap and Linx look at each other and-

[SFX: spotlight switch]

Everyone has to cover their eyes because of the spotlight! It's the police!

You look around and see Katie's hat on the ground and then you put it on just as the spotlight shines on you!

"It's her!"

What? You recognize that voice? It's the Mayor of Tinville and his Racclones!

"Sir, you should really stay in the car!"

"I don't know about those two, but I'll vouch for whatever these kids tell you!"

The Racclones look at you and say "Racclone!"
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The spotlight shines on Tamounda and he covers his eyes with his tail and says "Tamounda!"

The spotlight shines on Joe and he covers his eyes and says "Um, we were just out for a walk." Joe glances at you and looks down at the Mayor. "Big night tomorrow, you know."

The Mayor nods and looks up at one of the policemen. "They're competing in that tournament in New Ore!"

The spotlight shines on Professor Plumtree and he says "This is a misunderstanding, officer. My name is Professor Plumtree."

The policemen look at each other and one says "Plumtree? Sounds familiar."

The other policeman nods. "He was recently arrested in Pyrite City."

Professor Plumtree glances at Linx and looks at the policemen and then the spotlight moves and shines on Diamond and Rattletrap sneaking away!

The Mayor looks up at you and Joe. "Why don't you kids get back to town?"

Joe nods and says "Sure, thank you, sir. We'll get out of here right away." Joe looks at you and gestures toward Ward and then you and Ramster and Tamounda and Lottatax and Onlion and Ekro all follow Joe into the trees. When you look back you see Diamond and Professor Plumtree both glaring at you from the clearing!

"Did that human make this?"

Suddenly Psykid appears walking next to you holding the cutécaptor! You grab the cutécaptor and look over your shoulder and then give it to Joe as quickly as you can!

"Hey, that's mine!"

Joe looks at Psykid and puts the cutécaptor in his jacket pocket and says "It, um, it works best if I have it."

"Ram-ram!" What? Ramster sees something? When you look through the trees you see Professor Emmer dragging Ward away on her back while Volloogi floats next to her!

"We wouldn't want to explain all this to the police." Professor Emmer glances up at Volloogi. "Are you certain you're still too weak to carry this Psykid?"

Volloogi looks at Professor Emmer but then it notices you and your friends and squeaks "Voll-oogi!"

Professor Emmer stops and turns around and sees you and your friends all looking at her and then she drops Ward and takes a step backward and smiles and then turns around and runs away!

Volloogi looks at you and then turns and squeaks "Voll-oogi!" and flies after her!

Tamounda says "Tamounda!" and licks Ward's face and then Ward opens his eyes and sits up and looks at Tamounda and Tamounda can't help taking a step backward! Ward stands up and Tamounda looks up at Ward and says "Tamounda?"

Ward looks around and sees Joe and then Ward takes a step forward but Joe doesn't move! Ward and Joe look at each other for a few moments and then Joe grins and says "Glad we don't have to carry you."

"That was a good trick. You're smarter than I thought."

Joe glances at you and Psykid and then looks at Ward. "Does that mean you'll help us in New Ore?"

Ward looks at you and then looks at Joe.

"I'm in."
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The next morning, you wake up and see Joe already has his backpack and Gunner's gym bag open on the floor next to the sleeping mat. Joe holds up the mini sleep bomb and shows Psykid the pin and she nods and Joe says "Make sure this end is aimed at whoever you want to fall asleep when you pull out the pin."

"Glad I woke up in time." JP grins at Joe. "I was going to give you a good-bye kiss for luck, Joe."

Joe can't believe it! He looks at you and then you all look at JP as she walks toward him!

"Instead, I came up with something else." JP is looking at you! "I overheard you talking about your friends in the arena." JP reaches into her labcoat pocket and holds up a flashlight and says "I call it the anti-hypno flashlight. Shine it at them for a few moments and it should end the hypnotic state."

JP hands Joe the anti-hypno flashlight and he looks at it and then looks at JP and says "Thanks, JP." Joe looks at Onlion and then looks at JP again. "For everything."

[SFX: car horn]

You all look up and then Joe closes his backpack and the gym bag and you all wave at JP and walk out of the house and see the Mayor's car. The Mayor peeks out of one window and the Racclones peek out the other window and say "Racclone!"

Joe opens the back door and you all climb in and you smile at Racclone.

"Good morning, Racclone!"

"Thanks for giving us a ride, sir." Joe reaches over to close the door and suddenly something grabs the door handle!

It's Ward!

Ward climbs into the back seat and you all crowd together and wave at JP and then the Mayor drives the car out of Tinville. After a while Joe leans forward and says "Have you always been a fan of mon fights, sir?"

"Oh, yes! I never miss a match!" The Mayor glances back at you. "Interesting choice of mons, a Lottatax, a Tamounda, and a Ramster." He looks at Joe and says "Just the Ekro and that mechanical-type mon? Well, don't worry, son. You'll capture a third mon sooner or later."

Joe glances at you and then looks at the Mayor and says "Um, I also have a Sailater."

The Mayor is laughing! "A Sailater!" He glances at you again and grins at Joe. "Don't worry, I used to say the silliest things to impress girls when I was your age."

"Ram-ram!" Ramster is pointing out the front window! When you look ahead you can see the New Ore Arena!

What? All of a sudden you're sweating and shaking? It's because you're nervous about all the humans seeing you without a hat!

When you look at Joe he's already looking at you! Joe leans over the seat and says "Excuse me sir, would you mind letting us off here?"

"Oh, professional secrets, hmm? Of course!" The car stops and you and your friends all get out and wave at the Mayor and Racclone and then the car drives away and Joe looks at you.

"Are you sure about this?"

>Go through with the plan and enter as Joe's mon
>Ask Joe to think of another way to help your friends
>Go through with the plan and enter as Joe's mon
Also, we should really go retrieve Sailater soon.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I can't decide!
>Go through with the plan and enter as Joe's mon
>>Go through with the plan and enter as Joe's mon
I read that as mom at first
>Go through with the plan and enter as Joe's mon
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Even though you're really nervous, you look at your mon friends and then look at Joe and nod your head and take off Katie's hat but then Joe looks through the trees at the crowd of humans outside the arena doors. "Maybe you should wear it until we get inside." He looks around and says "I guess nobody can see us here."

Joe crouches down and puts the gym bag on the ground and unzips it all the way and you see a bunch of sandwiches and juice boxes next to the sleep bomb and mini sleep bomb! It seems like JP might have packed them for you! Joe hands one of the sandwiches to you and says "We should wait until it's closer to starting time." He looks at the arena again. "Once we're inside, we'll only have one chance."

You take a bite of the sandwich.


It's delicious! You can't help taking another bite!

Joe unwraps one of the sandwiches and tears it in half and gives Ramster and Lottatax the halves and then he holds out sandwiches for Tamounda and Ekro and then he hands Psykid a sandwich and then Joe hands Ward a-

"I'm not hungry."

Everyone relaxes under the trees and eats their sandwiches. Even Ward is eating a sandwich! Ward glances at you and swallows the rest of the sandwich as quickly as he can and then looks away and sucks on his juice box straw.

Everyone eats another sandwich and then Tamounda sticks his nose in the gym bag and looks up and says "Tamounda?"

Joe looks up at the sky and then he reaches into the gym bag and checks the sleep bomb and the mini sleep bomb again and puts them back in the gym bag and then looks at Ramster. "Ready?"

Ramster says "Ram-ram!" and crawls into the gym bag and sticks his head out.

Joe hands the strap to Psykid and stands up and says "Follow us, and don't let anyone see you." Psykid looks at Ramster and then she looks at Joe and nods. Joe reaches into his jacket pocket and takes out the anti-hypno flashlight and hands it to Ward and says "If you can, use this while they're still in the mon pens. I'd rather not have to fight them."

"What if I can't?"

"Well..." Joe glances at you and grins at Ward. "If you have to use it on the arena floor, let's hope it's during the last match." Joe looks around at all your mon friends and says "Are you guys ready?"

Lottatax scurries up onto your shoulder and looks at Joe and says "Lottatax!"

Onlion crouches down and says "ONNN-" and Ekro flaps his wings and flies in a circle around Joe!

Tamounda trots around in a circle and looks up at Joe and says "Tamounda!"

What? Ward is looking at you?

Ward is using Evade!

Psykid is using Evade!

Suddenly Ward disappears and then Psykid looks at where he was and then Psykid disappears with the gym bag and Ramster.

Joe picks up Katie's hat and looks at you again. "Are you ready?"

You look at the New Ore Arena and then look at Joe and nod and put Katie's hat back on your head.
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You and your friends follow Joe out of the trees and across the bridge but when you start walking toward the crowd of humans you start to get nervous again but then you feel Joe holding your hand.

What? Joe is holding your hand? You and Joe keep walking and when you look around you realize you're already walking through the doors!

Inside is a huge room with lots of humans and mons and a bunch of counters with humans behind them at one end of the room. It looks like these might be the mons competing in the tournament!

Joe walks up to a counter and reaches into his pocket and takes out some coins and hands them to the human man behind the counter. The human man looks over the counter. "An Ekro, and what is that, a custom mechanical-type mon? What's its name?"

Onlion looks up at the human and says "ONNNN-"

Joe grins and says "Onlion."

"What about your third mon?"

Joe is looking at you! Your heart is beating so hard you can feel it!

This is it! Are you really going to take off Katie's hat in front of all these humans?

You reach up and take Katie's hat off your head! Joe looks at the human behind the counter. "Um, and a Cutémon."

[SFX: silence]

Suddenly all of the humans stop talking and everyone looks at you and Joe! You can't help your cheeks turning red!

"No way, a Cutémon?"

"I didn't think they'd really have human-type mons!"

"She's so cute!"

"Yeah, I hope she wins!"

All of the humans are smiling at you and Joe! You didn't really know what to expect, but it seems like the humans really like you!

You wave at the humans!


The humans can't believe it!

"She can talk!"

Joe puts Katie's hat in his backpack along with the Plodapod Hat and the sunglasses and-

"Hey, kid!" The human man behind the counter is looking at Joe! "Which one's your starter mon?

"Oh, um," Joe points at Ekro and says "Ekro."

Ekro puffs out his chest feathers and flaps his wings and looks up at the human man.

You and Joe walk away from the counter and when you walk through the crowd of humans everyone turns to smile at you!

You keep walking through the crowd and then you see the mon entrance with a line of humans and mons in front of it. When you walk past all the mons to the end of the line you notice another Ekro!

"Look, Ekro!"

The other Ekro turns his head and looks at Ekro and squawks "Ekro?"

Ekro looks at the other Ekro and squawks "Ekro!"

The other Ekro squawks "Ekro!"

Ekro squawks "Ekro!"

The other Ekro squawks "Ekro!"

You look at the other Ekro.

"Hi, Ekro!"

Both of the Ekros look at you and squawk "Cutémon!"

You and your friends walk to the back of the line and Joe and Tamounda and Lottatax wait with you and Onlion and Ekro to go through the mon entrance.

What? You just remembered you have your video game in your jacket pocket?

>Give your video game to Joe
>Keep your video game in your pocket
>infinite Ekro loop

>Give your video game to Joe
Don't want our prized possession broken in the scuffle.
>Give your video game to Joe
>>Give your video game to Joe
>Give your video game to Joe
>>Give your video game to Joe
>>Give your video game to Joe
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You reach into your jacket pocket and take out your video game and look up at Joe and he glances at it and takes off his backpack. When Joe opens his backpack he has to stuff the video game into it because his backpack is so full! Joe closes his backpack and puts it back on and when you look up you see you're almost to the front of the line!

Your heart is pounding again because you're so nervous! When you look up at Joe he looks at you and then looks at Onlion and Ekro and says "You two will make sure she's alright, won't you?"

Ekro looks at Joe and puffs out his chest feathers and Onlion steps next to you and says "ONNNN-"

The mon entrance opens and Ekro looks at you and your friends and then flaps his wings and flies inside and the door slides closed.

Joe holds your hand again and says "We'll see you in a second. Come on, guys."

Lottatax scurries up Joe's leg onto his backpack and looks over Joe's shoulder at you and says "Lottatax!"

Tamounda looks up at you and says "Tamounda!"


What? Rattletrap is here? You look up and see Rattletrap looming over you!

"So you're making it official." It's Diamond! When Joe turns around and sees Diamond and Rattletrap, he backs up against you and shifts his stance but then Diamond flaps her hand at him. "I just wanted to wish you luck." Diamond looks at Tamounda and Lottatax and Lottatax flattens his head spikes back and then Diamond grins at you and says "I can't wait to add you to my collection of human-type mons."

Joe squeezes his hands into fists and says "That's not going to happen!"

"We'll see. Won't we, Rattletrap?" Diamond scratches Rattletrap's chin and then looks over her shoulder at you and waves. "See you on the arena floor, little Cutémon!" Diamond walks away and Rattletrap slithers after her and then Rattletrap turns its head and glares at you!

You look up at Joe and he says "They're just trying to make you lose your concentration." Joe is smiling at you! "Just think about saving our friends, right?"

You're nodding your head!

Onlion says "ONNNN-" and when you look up Onlion says "ONNNN-" and looks at you and Joe and walks into the mon entrance. You look at Joe and Joe squeezes your hand and smiles at you and then the door slides open and you make yourself walk through the doorway. When the door slides closed behind you it almost makes you cry out but then you stand up straight and look around the empty room and see some more sliding doors in front of you but then a light shines over you and you have to cover all your eyes!

The light shines over you again and then the doors in front of you slide open and you hear a mechanical voice say "Cutémon. Human-type." You walk through the doors into another room and then you see Joe and Onlion and Ekro and Tamounda and Lottatax waiting for you!

[SFX: muffled noise]

What? You think you can hear the crowd of humans in the audience? Your heart is pounding again!
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You follow Joe down a hallway and then you see a doorway and when you get closer you can see the crowd of humans and you walk out onto the arena floor!

[SFX: cheering]

When you look around it seems like all the humans are looking at you!

You wave at the crowd and the cheering gets even louder!

Joe looks at you and smiles but then suddenly all the lights turn off and you hear a loud voice over the speakers! You can't help crying out but nobody can hear you because the voice is so loud!

"Welcome, everyone, to a very special tournament."

It's Donaldo!

"We promised you human-type mons, so let me personally start this tournament with a match you won't ever forget." A spotlight shines on Donaldo holding a hanging microphone and next to him is a big Gumdroop and Ourobros and then a mon that looks like a human girl with long blonde hair and gold horns walks out into the spotlight!

It's Prima!

[SFX: loud cheering]

Another spotlight turns on and shines on you and your friends and then the lights turn on and the microphone rises up toward the lights.

Donaldo grins at Joe and gestures at Prima with his thumb. "Can't wait to have two of these things!"

[SFX: buzzer]

The Gumdroop squishes down and rises up and says "Gumdroop!" and slides across the arena floor toward Ekro!

Joe points at Gumdroop. "Ekro, use Flap!"

Ekro is challenging Gumdroop!

Ekro attacks with Flap!

It hurts Gumdroop!

Gumdroop is using Impression!

Ekro flies in front of Gumdroop and hits it with his wings but then Gumdroop starts to ripple and then it stretches its sides out!

What? You think Gumdroop sort of looks like a really big Ekro now?

Gumdroop attacks with Flap!

It really hurts Ekro!

"Ekro, use Duplicate!" Joe glances at Gumdroop. "Hurry!"

A spiral of energy appears around Ekro and then suddenly Ekro splits into three identical Ekros!

Gumdroop attacks Ekro3 with Flap!

It really hurts Ekro3!

Gumdroop flies up and hits one of the Ekros and the Ekro gets knocked down onto the arena floor! It seems like this Gumdroop is really strong!

Gumdroop lands and jiggles and says "Gumdroop!"




All three of the Ekros dive-bomb Gumdroop and then Gumdroop sags into a puddle!

Donaldo can't believe it! "That worthless pile of jelly isn't worth the coins I paid for it!" Donaldo looks up at Ourobros and says "Get that Ekro!"

Both of Ourobros's heads glare at Ekro and one head says "Ourosss!" and the other head says "Brosss!" and then Ourobros flies toward Ekro!

Ourobros attacks with Dubbite!

It really hurts Ekro!

Joe looks at Onlion and says "Onlion, get ready."

What? You're worried about Onlion?

>Tell Onlion you're going to fight Ourobros (roll 2d100)
>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
>Cover your eyes until it's all over
Rolled 84 (1d100)

>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
I'll follow Joe's lead
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
Onlion is brave!
Rolled 90 (1d100)

>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
>Encourage Onlion to fight Ourobros (roll 1d100)
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When you look up at Joe he's already looking at you! "If we have to fight Prima, I want you to do it." Joe puts his hand on Onlion's head and says "Onlion's pretty tough, right?"

Onlion looks at Joe and crouches down and says "ONNNN-"

Ourobros attacks with Wrap-Up!

Ekro can hardly stand the pain!

Ourobros wraps itself around Ekro and squeezes!

"Ekro!" Joe glances at Onlion again and as soon as Ourobros lets go of Ekro, Joe says "Ekro, come on back!"

Ekro flaps his wings and flies toward you and Joe and then Ekro lands in front of Joe and Joe crouches down in front of Ekro and says "You alright?"

Donaldo is laughing! "Calling your mon back early? You got a lot to learn about winning mon fights, kid!"

Joe stands up and says "Onlion, attack Ourobros!"

Donaldo crosses his arms and glares at you and Onlion. "Ourobros, get that scrap pile outta here and gimme that human-type mon!"

Both of Ourobros's heads glare at Onlion and then Ourobros starts spinning like a pinwheel! Ourobros stretches out and keeps spinning and then its big fangs start to scrape against the arena floor and it makes sparks fly everywhere!

Ourobros attacks with Whirl!

Onlion dodges out of the way!

Onlion jumps sideways and Ourobros scrapes across the arena floor and then flies up into the air above Onlion!

Onlion looks up and then the inside of its mouth starts to glow!

Onlion attacks with Bitestream!

Ourobros is dodging!

Onlion tries to blast Ourobros with a beam of energy but it seems like it's hard for Onlion to aim upward! Ourobros flies above Onlion and starts spinning like a pinwheel again!

Ourobros attacks with Whirl!

Suddenly Joe shifts his stance and says "Onlion! Use Webring!" Onlion glances at Joe and then a shimmering ring of blue energy surrounds Onlion!

Onlion is using Webring!

Ourobros attacks with Whirl!

Onlion barely felt it!

Ourobros spins in the air and knocks its big fangs against Onlion but they just leave trails of sparks along the ring of blue energy! Joe takes a step forward and says "Keep it up, Onlion!"

Onlion is using Webring!

Ourobros attacks with Dubbite!

Onlion barely felt it!

Suddenly Joe shouts "Onlion, Megabite!"

Onlion attacks with Megabite!

It really hurts Ourobros!

Onlion swings its head and grabs Ourobros in its jaws before Ourobros can fly back up into the air!

Ourobros attacks with Dubbite!

It really hurts Onlion!

Ourobros is thrashing around and slamming its big fangs against Onlion but Onlion doesn't let go!

Onlion attacks with Megabite!

Ourobros can't stand the pain!

Onlion lifts up its head with Ourobros in its mouth and-

Auraprima attacks before Onlion was ready!
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Suddenly a beam of energy slams into Onlion and then Onlion goes sliding backward across the arena floor! When the smoke clears Onlion stands up and sees Prima flying above the arena floor and then Onlion crouches down and says "ONNNN-"

Auraprima attacks with Aura Beam!

It really hurts Onlion!

You can't help crying out!


You take a step forward and Joe puts his hand on your shoulder and when you look back at him over your shoulder Joe says "Remember, try not to hurt her too much."

You're nodding your head! You look up at Prima and then Joe grabs your hand and leans close to you and whispers "And remember, we're trying to buy Psykid, Ward, and Ramster enough time to free Auroara and Aura."

You're glancing around the arena!

What? You're wondering if Ward is secretly hiding near you?


It doesn't seem like Ward is near you! When you look up at Prima you see her float down until she's standing on the arena floor and then Prima's horns start to glow and an arc of energy forms between them and then the arc of energy stretches out and hits Onlion!

Onlion gets knocked into the air and lands on the arena floor and tries to get up but then it falls back down!

"Onlion!" Joe looks at you and says "Be careful, alright?"

You nod your head at Joe and then give Prima a determined look! Suddenly Prima turns her head and glares at you and then she floats up into the air and flies toward you!

Auraprima attacks with E-Arc!

It really hurts Cutémon!

You put your arms in front of your face to block the arc of energy but you still get knocked backward and when you land on the arena floor all the air gets knocked out of your lungs and you have to cough! You sit up just in time to see Prima circle around and fly back toward you!

"Enough with the fireworks! Get in there and get close!" Donaldo points at you and says "Use those horns!"

Prima glances at Donaldo and nods and then she lands and crouches down and glares up at you and then charges forward!

Auraprima attacks with Horns!

It seems like Prima really is hypnotized because she's not embarrassed to attack you with her horns!

What? You just realized Prima isn't going to go easy on you?

>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
>Try to stall for time (roll 1d100)
Rolled 67 (1d100)

>Try to stall for time (roll 1d100)
Stick to the plan...
>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
The moment she attacks with Horns is the only moment we can challenge her, so let's do it
Rolled 60, 67 = 127 (2d100)

>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
Rolled 1, 71 = 72 (2d100)

>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
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Rolled 2 (1d100)

>>Try to stall for time (roll 1d100)
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Cutémon is using Trip!

You hop sideways and stick out your foot just as Prima is about to poke you with her horns and Prima trips and falls over onto the arena floor! As soon as she falls over you shift your stance and then your hair stretches out and wraps around her. Prima looks around and tries to wiggle free but she can't move at all!

Suddenly Prima looks up at you and then she starts floating up into the air and you get pulled up into the air before your hair can let go! Prima floats up higher and then you see an arc of energy appear between her horns and Prima smirks at you!

Auraprima attacks with E-Arc!

It really hurts!

Your hair goes limp and untangles from around Prima and you fall down and land on your back on the arena floor so hard that you can't move! Prima circles around and lands next to you and then she crouches down and swings her head down at you!

Auraprima attacks with Horns!

Can't defend!

Cutémon can hardly stand the pain!

Prima jabs you in the stomach with one of her horns as hard as she can! You can't help crying out!

"That's what I'm talking about! Hit her again!" When you tilt your head you see Donaldo and Gumdroop looking at you and Prima!

Gumdroop squishes down and stretches up and says "Gumdroop!"

When you tilt your head the other way you see Joe reaching into his jacket pocket!

What? You just realized Joe is going to use the cutécaptor because he wants to save you from getting hurt?

You're shaking your head!

"I can fight Prima!"

When you look up at Prima she glares down at you and then she crouches down and swings her horns at your face!

Auraprima attacks with Horns!

Cutémon blocks the attack!

You turn your head and your outer fangs stretch out and Prima's horn scrapes against them and then you toss your head the other way and knock your outer fangs into Prima's other horn and you both fall down next to each other!

[SFX: shouting]

You and Prima both look up and see a purple cloud billowing out from the staging area! The humans above the doorway run away from the purple cloud and then suddenly Ward and Psykid and Ramster run out of the purple cloud and cough!

Suddenly you see a pair of shadows in the purple cloud and then Auroara and Aura fly out of the purple cloud at Ward and Psykid!

[SFX: cheering]

The audience can't believe it!

Ward is using Anti-Hypno Flashlight!

Ward holds up the anti-hypno flashlight and aims it up at Aura but then Aura shoots a beam of energy at him and Ward drops the anti-hypno flashlight and it rolls away! Ward looks around but he can't see it anywhere!

What? You think you saw it roll into the purple cloud? When you glance back at Prima she's already charging at you!

>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
>Try to find the anti-hypno flashlight (roll 1d100)
Rolled 35 (1d100)

>Try to find the anti-hypno flashlight (roll 1d100)
It's our greatest asset here. it can end the fight in one fell swoop.
Rolled 6 (1d100)

>Try to find the anti-hypno flashlight (roll 1d100)
Rolled 33 (1d100)

>Try to find the anti-hypno flashlight (roll 1d100)
These ROLLS.
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Rolled 34 (1d100)

>Try to find the anti-hypno flashlight (roll 1d100)
Rolled 69, 23 = 92 (2d100)

>Challenge Prima (roll 2d100)
You had better find the anti-hypno flashlight right away! Prima jumps at you but you dodge out of the way and spin around on one foot and run into the purple cloud!

Prima tries to follow you but she can't find you because she can't see anything! You crouch down and feel around on the ground for the anti-hypno flashlight.

[SFX: coughing]

You can't help breathing in the purple cloud because you're tired from fighting Prima! When you cough again you start to get sleepy and then you remember to look for the anti-hypno flashlight!


I said you remember to look for the anti-hypno flashlight! Wake up!

You hold your breath and crouch down and feel around on the ground but you can't find it anywhere! You had better get out of the purple cloud right away! When you stand up you fall back down and then you stand up again and stumble forward but you don't know where you're going because you've been holding your breath for too long! Your chest feels like it's on fire because you need to take a breath!

Suddenly you can't hold your breath anymore and then you gasp and breathe in and start coughing and fall out of the purple cloud in front of Diamond and Rattletrap and Auroara and a big mon that looks like a blue buffalo with big hooves. It's a Psykowt.

You can't help yawning.


What? Diamond, Rattletrap, and Auroara are here and Diamond has a Psykowt? You open your eyes and try to stand up but you fall down again and then you scoot backward and look up at Diamond and she grins at you. "Isn't this my lucky day!" Diamond leans forward with her hands on her knees and grins down at you and says "It might have been fun to watch you fight in the arena." Suddenly Diamond stands up and looks at Rattletrap. "I don't know what kind of range Joe's little toy has, so let's make this quick."

Rattletrap glares down at you and says "Ssssssss..." and you scoot backward and bump against the wall and then you push yourself up against the wall and stand up and stumble and try to shift your stance but you stumble again and have to hold onto the wall!

Diamond looks at the Psykowt and says "Psykowt, attack with Trample."

The Psykowt looks at you and snorts and says "Psykowwwt!" You look at the Psykowt and shift your stance but then you stumble and look up at Psykowt and try to give him a determined look but you can't help yawning again!

"And Auroara..." Diamond grins at Auroara and glances at you and says "Use your E-Drain."

What? Diamond knows the names of Auroara's abilities?

Auroara glances at Diamond and says "Yes, Overseer."

Rattletrap is challenging Cutémon!

Psykowt is challenging Cutémon!

Auroara is challenging Cutémon!

>Challenge Rattletrap, Psykowt, and Auroara (roll 2d100)
>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 93 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Three on one with handicap? No thanks.
Rolled 19 (1d100)

>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 99, 93 = 192 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap, Psykowt, and Auroara (roll 2d100)
I believe in the heart of the cards.
Seems you were wise to believe. Is it too late to change my vote, kek?
Rolled 80, 52 = 132 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap, Psykowt, and Auroara (roll 2d100)
Rolled 25 (1d100)

>>Cry for help (roll 1d100)
Rolled 45, 86 = 131 (2d100)

>Challenge Rattletrap, Psykowt, and Auroara (roll 2d100)
Rolled 100, 50 = 150 (2d100)

>>Challenge Rattletrap, Psykowt, and Auroara (roll 2d100)
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You can't help crying out!


You look around but you can't see anything except the other mons and Diamond! When you look at Diamond again she smiles and gestures at the mon pens and says "Now I know you're a very smart little Cutémon, aren't you? Why don't you just get in a mon crate without a fight and save yourself a lot of pain?"

You look around again and-


What? Ramster is here? Everyone turns around and sees Ramster holding the anti-hypno flashlight! Diamond points at Ramster and says "Get that vermin!"

Rattletrap attacks with Fangs!

Ramster dodges out of the way!

Psykowt attacks with Hooves!

Ramster dodges out of the way!

Rattletrap dives toward Ramster and tries to bite him but Ramster jumps up just in time and Rattletrap bites the tile floor and gets its fangs stuck and then Ramster runs up Rattletrap's head and Psykowt tries to stomp Ramster but Ramster jumps off of Rattletrap and Psykowt accidentally stomps his hooves down on Rattletrap's head!

It really hurts Rattletrap!

Ramster looks at you and says "Ram-ram!" and then he throws the anti-hypno flashlight toward you and you catch it in both hands!

Cutémon is using Anti-Hypno Flashlight!

Effects of Lure ended.

Rattletrap pulls its fangs out of the tile floor and rises up and then Rattletrap and Psykowt look over at Auroara and Auroara blinks and looks at Rattletrap and says "You!"

Rattletrap can't help slithering backward!

Auroara attacks with Aurora Pulse!

Rattletrap can hardly stand the pain!

Psykowt can hardly stand the pain!

Diamond takes a step backward and looks up at Auroara and then looks at Rattletrap and Psykowt and points at you and says "Forget that one for now! I want the Cutémon!"

"The human wants the Cutémon, Aura."

"She will have to make do with us, Prima."

What? Aura and Prima are here?

Effects of Evade ended.

Effects of Evade ended.

Aura and Prima fly out of the purple cloud and then suddenly Ward and Psykid appear next to you and everyone glares at Rattletrap and Psykowt!

Rattletrap and Psykowt look at each other and then they both turn around and run away down the hall!

Diamond can't believe it! "Get back here, you... you..." Diamond stops and looks over her shoulder at you and all your friends and then smiles and takes a step backward and bumps into the wall!

Auroara and Aura and Prima float down to the floor next to you and Aura says "We should obliterate her with Dissolution, Prima."

"Agreed, Aura."

"I'll cook her bones with Soul Fire."

"Wait, all of you." Auroara looks at you and says "You decide what to do with her." When you look around everyone is looking at you!

What? Everyone wants you to decide what to do with Diamond?

You give Diamond your cutest look!

"Put her in a mon pen!"
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[SFX: metal clang]

Ward swings opens the metal gate to the mon pens and Aura and Prima drag Diamond through the gateway into the mon pens and all the mons inside start making noise!

"Let go of me, you filthy little mons!" Diamond squirms around and tries to get free but Ward opens the gate to the big mon pen and then Diamond says "I don't care if you're human-type mons, I'm a human and I demand that y-aah!"

Aura and Prima toss Diamond into the big mon pen! Diamond sprawls on the ground and pushes herself up and looks up at all the big mons crowded into the pen and then she looks back as the gate slams closed. Diamond looks up at all the big mons again and then she scoots backward against the gate and all the big mons take a step forward!

Ward turns around and looks at you and-


It's Joe! You run past Prima and Aura out of the mon pens and see Joe and Onlion and Ekro and Tamounda and Lottatax! When Tamounda sees you he says "Tamounda!" and trots up the hall and everyone else follows him and then you and Joe grin at each other and Joe looks at Auroara and Aura and Prima and Ward and Psykid. "Let's get out of here while we can."

You're looking at Joe!

What? You think this might be a trap?

"It's really him."

You look at Ward and he nods and then he disappears! You can't help crying out!


Joe holds your hand and you look up at Joe and he says "Come on, let's hurry." You look up at Joe and nod and then Joe leads everyone up the hall and down another hall and then he pushes open a big metal door and an alarm goes off!

"Come on, through here!" Joe pushes the door open all the way and everyone runs out into the night air and you all run away from the New Ore Arena as quickly as you can!

When you get to the trees at the edge of town you all stop to catch your breath and Aura and Prima and Auroara all float down to the ground next to Psykid and then Joe says "We should get as far away from here as we can before they figure out what happened." Joe crouches down and looks at Onlion and says "Onlion, can you lead us back to Tinville in the dark?"

Onlion looks at Joe and says "ONNNN-" and then turns around and looks around and its eyes flicker and then Onlion stops and looks back at Joe and says "ONNNN-"

It seems like Onlion knows which way to go to get back to Tinville!

[SFX: branch snapping]

You all look up and hear some human voices and then you all hide behind the trees and when you peek out you see two human men walking up the road toward New Ore.

"Did you hear they spotted that Sailater again?"

"Yeah, someone said they saw it northwest of town."

"I heard some mon trainers might try to capture it tomorrow."

You and Joe look at each other!

>Try to find Tinville
>Try to find Sailater
>Try to find Sailater
It's about time we saved him or rather, be saved by him, with how our luck has been going. Ramster is the real hero of the show, lol
>Try to find Sailater
Ramster continues to be HIM
>Try to find Sailater
All hail Ramster!
>>Try to find Sailater
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Joe whispers "Let's get away from the road." You all follow Joe through the trees until you can't see the lights from New Ore and then Joe stops and looks around. "This looks like a good place to camp." He takes Katie's hat out of his backpack and gives it to you and looks at Auroara and Aura and Prima and Psykid. "You should probably all keep your hats on just in case."

Everyone puts on their hats and then you all gather up some sticks and Joe crouches down and everyone watches Joe use his campfire kit to start a fire. Ekro flies up onto a tree branch and everyone else sits down around the campfire. Lottatax stretches out in front of the fire and Ramster digs in Joe's backpack and pulls out your video game and then Aura says "Thank you for saving us, Joe."

Prima nods. "We are not used to being hunted by humans."

"It wasn't just me." Joe looks at you and then looks at your mon friends. "Everybody helped."

"It's our nature to praise humans." What? Auroara just said that? Everyone looks at Auroara and she says "It makes us... less cautious."

"You've been thinking about this." Prima looks across the campfire at Auroara.

"As you said." Auroara glances up at Prima and looks at the fire again. "We are not used to being hunted by humans."

"Well..." Everyone looks at Joe and he says "Safety in numbers, right?" Joe looks at Auroara. "To tell the truth, I was hoping everybody would help me find Sailater."

Auroara and Aura and Prima are all nodding their heads! It seems like everyone wants to help find Sailater!

"Who's Sailater?"

When you look around you see Psykid sitting outside the firelight and you grin at her.

"He's our friend!"

Joe stands up and says "I'll get some more firewood."

You watch Joe walk away into the dark and then you look back at the fire and hear Joe coming back.

What? Joe is back already? When you look up you see some human men with sleep bombs standing just outside the firelight! Everyone jumps up and then one of the human men says "What do you guys think?"

Another one of the human men nods. "They look like they could be human-type mons!"

Suddenly Auroara crouches down next to Tamounda and grabs him! Tamounda says "Tamounda!"

Auroara looks up at the human men. "I am a mon trainer. This is my Tamounda."

Prima looks around and then crouches down and sees Lottatax sleeping next to the fire and grabs him and stands up and says "This Lottatax is my mon."

Lottatax blinks and says "Lottatax?"

Aura crouches down and grabs Onlion. "I am the trainer for this Onlion."

You and Ramster look at each other and then you both look up at the human men and point at each other and speak at the same time!

"My Ramster."


Psykid looks around and then looks up at Ekro in the tree and looks at you.

The humans glance at each other and then one of them looks at you and your friends and says "Take off your hats."
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Another human takes a step forward and says "Yeah, then we can tell for sure!"

Everyone can't help taking a step backward! The humans take a step forward and-

"What's going on here?"

It's Joe!

Everyone looks at Joe holding an armful of firewood and one of the human men says "Stay out of this, kid! We found those human-type mons!"

Joe walks toward the human men and drops the firewood. "Well, this is my campfire. And these girls are with me."

One of the human men says "Lucky kid!" and then the other human men start laughing.

What? All the human men are laughing? It seems like they think you're all Joe's girlfriends! One of the human men looks at you and your friends and says "Sorry about the mix-up, but you kids shouldn't be out here after dark."

The human men glance around at you and your friends again and then walk away and you all hold still until you can't hear them anymore and then you realize you've been holding your breath the entire time!

Joe looks around and says "I think we should take turns staying awake." Everyone else nods at Joe and then he looks at you and says "I'll wake you up in an hour."

You nod at Joe and then you and your mon friends all snuggle together around the fire and you close your eyes and then Joe wakes you up.

What? It's already been an hour? You open your eyes and sit up and Joe whispers "Watch out for anything suspicious."

You nod your head and Joe curls up next to the fire and closes his eyes and then you sit and watch the fire.


What? You just heard a Frigeon even though Frigeons don't like to live near water? Do you think that's suspicious?


You didn't mean to say that out loud!

Tamounda opens his eyes and looks up at you and says "Tamounda?"

You shush Tamounda and look away from the fire and whisper.



You don't hear anything! Tamounda looks at you and-


Tamounda stands up and looks away from the fire and then looks at you and says "Tamounda?"

You look away from the fire again and then look at Tamounda and whisper.

"Stay awake until I come back!"

You tip-toe away from the campfire and then hold still and listen.


When you hear the Frigeon you run toward the sound and then stop and listen again but you can't hear anything!


You run toward the sound and then you look around and realize you can't see the campfire!

What? You just realized the Frigeon has been flying around the entire time? Suddenly you see a Frigeon fly past you! The Frigeon says "Frigooo!" and lands in a bush! You crouch down to pounce on it but then suddenly a big human man pops up out of the bushes! You hide just in time and peek out at the big human man and see the Frigeon sitting on his shoulder!

"Those are Sailater tracks, alright! I always wanted a Sailater!"

>Follow the Frigeon and the human man (roll 1d100)
>Try to find the campfire (roll 1d100)
>Stay where you are
Rolled 44 (1d100)

>Follow the Frigeon and the human man (roll 1d100)
We have to "catch" Sailater before Crocodile Dundee here does.
Rolled 4 (1d100)

>>Follow the Frigeon and the human man (roll 1d100)
Rolled 81 (1d100)

>Try to find the campfire (roll 1d100)
We'll get in trouble alone again
Rolled 54 (1d100)

>Follow the Frigeon and the human man (roll 1d100)
Rolled 99 (1d100)

>>Follow the Frigeon and the human man (roll 1d100)
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The human man stands up and follows the footprints and you wait until he's almost out of sight and then you stand up and follow him! It's easy to follow the human man because Sailater's footprints are so big!

The human man says something to the Frigeon and then the Frigeon flies away and the human man keeps following Sailater's footprints and you follow the human man. After a little while the Frigeon comes back and lands on his shoulder and says "Frigooo!" and then the human man stops walking and looks around!

You crouch down out of sight and peek out from the bushes and see the human man but he's just standing there! Do you think he found Sailater?

Suddenly you feel something tap you on the shoulder and when you look over your shoulder you see a big Flamole standing behind you. He's almost as tall as you! The big Flamole says "Flay-mole."

You don't know what he wants!

You turn away to peek at the human man again and then the big Flamole taps you on the shoulder again and says "Flay-mole."

You look at the big Flamole again!

"I'm spying on that human!"

"Is that so?" Suddenly the human man grabs your arm! "I don't like spies very much." He looks at you more closely and says "What's a kid doing out here in the middle of the night?"

"Frigooo!" The Frigeon flaps his wings and flies toward you and grabs Katie's hat with his feet and pulls it off your head and carries it up into the air before you can grab it!

The human man can't believe it! "This must be one of those human-type mons everyone's been yammering about!" He looks at you for a moment and then suddenly the human man grins. "She's just what we need."

The Flamole looks up at the human man and says "Flamole?"

"Isn't it obvious?" The human man grins at you and says "We can use her as Sailater bait!"

The human man holds up a mini sleep bomb and pops the pin out!


[SFX: distant roaring]

When you open your eyes you have to close them right away because it's so bright out! You peek open your eyes and look up at the morning sky and then you turn your head and look around the clearing.

You don't know where you are! The last thing you remember is that human man holding a mini sleep bomb! You sit up and try to stand up but you can't because your foot is caught in something! When you look down you see a rope tied around your ankle and a wooden stake in the ground!

You tug on the wooden stake but you can't get it loose! Do you think you can break the rope by chewing on it?

You sit back down and-

[SFX: roaring]

What? You think the roaring sounds a lot closer?
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A new episode of Cutémon starts tomorrow!
Thanks for running!

I just realized... I sure hope that's OUR Sailater...


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