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Your name is Cheryl Elmore. You are a Peace Keeper of Panopolis, stationed on level 4, the monetary and human-resource capital of the city, and currently you do not know what to do.

Before you, a man is using his body to keep an older woman cornered. He mentioned some money she owes his “organization”, and then using his straight razor, pantomiming shaving motions on his face, saying what a shame it would be if he slipped and cut her face.

“It would be just like that- whoops! Whoops! Unless you got that money we talked about, maybe I'd be a bit more careful, capisce?”

Is he attacking her? Is this a threat? He isn't directly causing harm but... that poor woman! Your training did not cover this, didn't cover most of the stuff you're dealing with on level 4. Criminal families, extortion, and organized violence. It's nothing like punk culture on Level 5...

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You reach out during an errant motion, and grab the man's wrist when he's distracted, twisting the razor painfully out of his hand.

“Ow! What da fuck are you doing-”


The woman, frozen in fear before, suddenly starts to move. She shuffles towards the alleyway's exit. “T-Thank you!”

”Let go of me you dumb cop bitch! I wasn't doing nothing! You'll regret this! You know I work for the Pacelli's, right?!”
”Shut up! You're under arrest, stop resisting!”

>Kick him in the balls
>Pepper spray
>Pepper spray
You can stop a ball kick, or move out of the way, good luck stopping pepper spray without a mask.

Also, we're back! Hell yeah! I thought you were gonna do an fantasy thing, but honestly, I was really looking forward to this.
>Pepper spray
More professional.
>>Pepper spray
>>Kick him in the balls
>Pepper spray
>Pepper spray

Vigilante time!
>>Kick him in the balls
>Kick him in the balls
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Your boss holds up his hand, as if to silence you.

”Officer Elmore, you are lucky it wasn't much worse. You assaulted a man in broad daylight-”
”He was attacking a woman with a razor!”
”You. Have. No. Proof! He claimed to be shaving. What's to say he wasn't?”
”Shaving. In an alleyway, with no water or shaving cream, in front of a terrified woman who he claims owes her money. Come on! That's bullshit chief, and you know it!”
”Of course I know it is! That's not the point! The Peace Keepers have a very select set of protocols to be in line with city policies. You can't just take things into your own hands like that, Cheryl. You're lucky the woman corroborated your story. She could have been on Pacelli's payroll as a setup to trap an idealistic young officer, and then we'd really never hear the end of it. They have lawyers you know.”
”So they can just do whatever they want, then, huh? No officer of the law can say anything, we just have to stand there until he actually cuts somebody's face off, right?”

The Chief softens.

”You know that's not what I meant. Listen, Cheryl, you're a good cop. I know you've been working very hard. You're one of the few people to move your way up from level 5 to level 4, that's a huge accomplishment. But if you want to go from level 4 to level 3, it's going to be just as hard. Your record needs to be spotless, you understand? This cannot happen again. I'm appeasing the city by appearing harsh on you, even though everyone here knows you did the right thing to that creep. Alright? Focus on doing your job the right way, by the book, not your own judgment. That's just the way things are. Don't make things worse by trying to be some hero, ok?”
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You won't give the chief, or anyone in your department, the satisfaction of seeing you cry. You go to the bathroom instead, and that's where you cry. You've just been under so much stress lately, and this is just another nail in the coffin.

Nine months of probation and shredding any chances of an early promotion... all for that, huh? You sniffle. You wish it was Max up there instead. You smile at that thought. He doesn't have to deal with any bullshit politics or police chief or nothing. He just does exactly what he thinks is right. Max would have beaten the shit out of that guy, wouldn't you, Max?

>Update to be continued
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Your name is now Max Montagu and you live on level 5. Currently, you are with your friends.

“I'm glad you suggested this group roleplaying thing, Jason! I haven't had this much fun with my imagination in years.” Nathan says.
”If anything we should be thanking you,” says Jason. ”You let us use your apartment while your wife isn't here! Guy's night!”
“She's out with her friends. Lady's night, you know? It's nice that we can do our own things sometimes.”

The idea of a bunch of women going out alone on level 5, unchaperoned, was unthinkable just a few months ago. Nobody says anything about it; the concept of this is met with a welcome, happy silence.

Currently, you are sitting with your friends from left to right; Nathan, Yourself, Jason, and Carlos. Carlos is the youngest, and he's a bit big. You also know he's got a bit of a criminal record, which would certainly make you more distrustful of him, but Jason seems to vouch for him.

”Alright- no more time wasting! I'm the Quest-Master for this game! Did anyone bring any character concepts along? We can try to work everyone's characters together to make it more fitting.”
”I have one.” You say.
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”He's a mysterious knight who always wears an armored mask and a long red cloak. He's known to fight bandits and highwaymen, and prefers to fight them over monsters in the wilderness or dungeons. His weapons are two swords which he uses with equal skill to be able to defeat multiple foes at once...”
”Oh, you're copying that mask guy.”
”You know, the Masked Vigilante. The one everyone's been talking about on Level 5? Come on- don't pretend you haven't heard of him.”
“He literally saved me himself!” Nathan said with a sudden look of awe. You avoid his gaze.

Truthfully... that Masked Vigilante is actually you. You're well aware of his antics, because you are the one doing them when not in your civilian clothes. You adopt a whole different persona, and for the past several months, have been using your newfound skills and fitness to stop the criminal elements of Level 5, as well as putting a dent in the whole of punk culture.

But, of course, you didn't mean to directly compare yourself to the vigilante. After all, it's supposed to be your secret identity, both to avoid getting in trouble with the law, but also to protect your friends or others who may end up as targets to your enemies.

”I mean, that IS what you intended your character to be modeled after. Copying the mask guy? Like I think it's pretty cool but that's what you meant, right Max?”

What should you say?

>Yeah, because that's me lol
>I don't know I thought he was cool
>Maybe it was less original then I thought
>No I didn't copy and I don't know anything about that mask guy!
>I don't know I thought he was cool
If you go "Geeeeee I don't know whoooo he is" that's just gonna look suspicious. Better to play it off as just awkwardly admitting you based your character on him.

As a vigilante, we should try as hard as we can do maintain the 'masquerade'. The least people know, the better. If Cheryl remains the only one to know of our identity, good.
>>I don't know I thought he was cool
>I don't know I thought he was cool
>>I don't know I thought he was cool
Closest thing we have to a real-world superhero
>I don't know I thought he was cool
It's a reasonable deflection and allows us to gauge their sentiment.
>>Yeah, because that's me lol
>I don't know I thought he was cool
>New thread when i'm sick.
I mean...does your sickness prevent you from reading or posting? Clearly not. It sucks that you're sick but I fail to see how that's related to there being a thread.
>I don't know I thought he was cool
I am a lemming.
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“I don't know... I just thought he was cool.”
“Well, I certainly think he's cool. But if anyone should be playing him, it should be ME. After all, I'm the only one of us who has even seen the guy.”
”Cool for a psycho, maybe. Isn't that what the Peace Keepers are supposed to do.”
“You know they don't do shit.”
”...Do you guys smell that? See, Carlos coughed. There's smoke.”

Peaking your head out the window, the other men in the room get up to look down at the alleyway below, revealing a plume of smoke coming up towards your faces. Right at the foot of the building, some punks and troublemakers are starting a fire.

“What the fuck!? Hey!” Nathan yelled down, “Hey! People live here! HEY!”
”Shit, we need to evacuate the building. Then someone can get the emergency phone outside for the fire fighters. Somebody could easily get trapped inside.”

Slipping away from the others, you find yourself called to action once again. Setting random fires to get your enjoyment isn't quite the same as beating people up but it isn't a victimless crime either! Looks like this is a job for the masked vigilante...
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In a flash, you've gone downstairs of the large apartment building and gotten into your disguise. Your two batons hidden away, now ready to be used. You run straight to the alleyway to stop the arsonists before the fire becomes too big to control.

“Oh shit! It's that guy!”
“You got a problem with us, bud? Get lost! We wanna see this piece of shit building burn to the ground. You ain't going to stop us.”

You spin your baton, inviting the first one forward. The first thug charges with a raised fist on unsteady feet, and you quickly dodge and hit him on the back of the neck with a downward strike, glancing your baton off the back of his skull in a smooth motion.


The second comes in with a punch which you dodge, and respond with a shove against his face and nose with your baton, stunning him with the long hard implement. As you reels back, you spin your other baton quickly to gain force, smacking him once and then twice in the chest, opening up his face for a smack that causes him to fall down, stunned.

Easily dispatched, you turn to the last one. The smallest of the three punks, who doesn't seem eager to fight you.
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“H-Hey! You know, you act real tough for someone who carries around weapons. Without those batons, I bet you can't fight at all. You're a wimp, aren't you!”

You pause. You're pretty sure he's about to run, and you have little interest in running him down if he does. It'd be much easier if he just came at you first.

“Level 5 is full of big tough guys. They don't need clubs or knives or whatever. The Viking would cream you with one hand.” He says smugly. He raises his hands up in fists. “I bet I could whoop you, so drop those batons and fight like a man!”

He absolutely could not whoop you. The only question is, should you humor him?

>Drop your batons and fight with fists
>Just smack the shit out of him
>Just smack the shit out of him
What, so he can pull out a knife or some shite? No thanks. This is obviously a taunt. Back in the first thread, we didn't quip or say anything when we helped Nathan. DA MISSION is more important than our ego.
>Just smack the shit out of him

Never underestimate an enemy. There's a reason he isn't running.
>Just smack the shit out of him
Yeah, no, no point risking it.
>>Just smack the shit out of him
>Just smack the shit out of him
You know, I gotta wonder: just how big, exactly, is the city? I mean, just a few months of vigilantism, if i got that correctly, were enough to have seemingly most people in level five know who we are to the point 'punk behavior' has dropped, right?

I can't imagine it's *that* big, right? If this was a full on hive-city then most people wouldn't have so much as heard about us, even if the city is somehow strict enough to stop most hooligans from having guns and other real weapons.
> Without those batons, I bet you can't fight at all. You're a wimp, aren't you!
Good thing I have those tonfas I guess.
>Just smack the shit out of him
>.does your sickness prevent you from reading or posting?
While not that bad, but i've done nothing for the past 4 days.
>Just smack the shit out of him
Is setting fire, fighting like a real man?
>Just smack the shit out of him
Someone made a viral tiktok about us
>>Just smack the shit out of him
>Just smack the shit out of him
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Give him a fair chance? No, you don't think you will. What respect do you have for the rules or “honor” of criminals like him?

Instead, you step forward and dodge his first weak punch, keeping your arms extended in a stance he can't counter, blocking his ability to move with the hard edges of your batons, and following with quick strikes to the face and head.


He bleeds from his nose as you strike him down, crumpling to the floor in a heap, stunned from your baton blows. You hear sirens as the fire department, and Peace Keepers, arrive just seconds after you are done.

“Hey! You there! Stop! We want to talk to you! We can't give you the help you need unless if you come with us!”

The Peace-Keepers won't arrest you unless you let them; they can't legally give chase. It's time to go.
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You meet up with your friends at the local diner, the DeliDiner. Nobody is hurt from among them, or anyone from the building it seemed. The Arsonists were unlikely to have caused any real damage regardless of your intervention.

“Did you see that!? I told you, the vigilante guy was there again.”
”I wasn't able to see. I'm glad he beat their asses though. Who just sets fire to a random building?!”
“They're probably just bored.”
”That's even worse!”

You don't have much to say. It was a bit of a close call, you don't want anyone to know that the masked man is really you. It's not normally who you target during your patrols, but an opportunity to dispense some street justice like that... you just feel like it was the right thing to do.

”They need to try to do something with their lives. Look at Carlos here, he's moving up in his job, he's trying to get a promotion to level 4!”
“I mean, it's not like they can rent books and study from the library with a criminal record...”
”Carlos just burrows books from me.”
“You know you could get banned yourself from that, right?”
”What, are you gonna snitch on me? It's a risk I'll take for my friend.”

Carlos smiles, but you look away.
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You've been a resident of level 5 your entire life. Despite this, you've never felt especially oppressed or deprived or anything like that. Life is a struggle, yeah, but the government takes care of your basic needs. Everything else you'd need to find or make yourself, or work your way up to it. It's always felt pretty fair to you, maybe not good, but that's just what life is.

But you don't think others feel the same way as you. Many feel angry, trapped, or hopeless to change their situation. You almost wonder if the city's own policies and rules keeps them trapped on purpose sometimes. People who always do the right thing aren't hurt, but for those who slip up, even once, things can be tough for them. They turn to crime and destruction just for something to do, more then anything. You've stopped them over and over, you've beat up people who fall into 'punk culture', who build their reputation and find some belonging among others who just fight and try to act tough all the time. They could be anti-authority as a way to rebel against their negative circumstances.

Of course, your life feels- was just as aimless as theirs. And you never did that. It was their choice that lead them there, in the end.

The criminals, the punks, the destructive and aimless- do you feel empathy for them?

>Definitely, it is society's fault they are this way
>Yes, but only a little bit
>No, they chose their path
>>Yes, but only a little bit
Society is giving them EVERYTHING that should not turn them to crime.
>>No, they chose their path
Total hobo death
>Yes, but only a little bit
I pity them, but that doesn't mean i'm going to stop beating their faces.
>Yes, but only a little bit

There is no free will without personal responsibility and accountability which enable you to take more control over life through improvement.
That said, vertical meritocratic thinking must be tempered with horizonal empathetic, merciful thinking. Not all who mess up are at fault, some are faced with hard choices or are victims in their own right.
>>Yes, but only a little bit
>Yes, but only a little bit

>>6171365 is me. I'm on mobile.

Everything but purpose, opportunity, or soothing distraction... Good recipe for a restless underclass. That said, setting buildings on fire for shits and gigs remains unacceptable.
Get out of level 5
There are some : library, gibs...
>soothing distraction
Oh yeah, /qsting/ is forbidden on level 5
Well, if you commit a crime they seem to bar you from the library forever and punish anyone who even tries to help you learn or advance ever again (as we just discovered). Social cohesion seems low and isolation high, based on Thread 1, so there are few opportunities to form game groups.
>No, they chose their path
>Yes, but only a little bit

There's probably a few unfortunates who tripped over the official rulings and couldn't right themselves, and these we have some small sympathy for. The ones who are actively choosing to make life horrible for others... nope, none there.
>Definitely, it is society's fault they are this way
>Yes, but only a little bit
>No, they chose their path
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You do pity them, but only a little bit, after all, the ones who choose their new lifestyle? They did it by their own choice...

Which reminds you. Level 5 is at least partially ruled by something called Punk Culture. Growing up in it, you didn't think it was that strange, but you can see how it entices and intoxicates people, especially the strong. Thankfully, those within the Punk Culture save the worst of the violence for among themselves.

In your society, where advancement thru society is greatly roadblocked and material wealth is inaccessible; advancement among your peers is done through its own method. You call this Punk Culture, though it's not really that complicated. It's like the law of the jungle, the strongest are well respected, and men fight for dominance. Those not a part of the culture are not allowed to participate, and are sometimes preyed upon, but aren't expected to fight back and aren't held to its rules.

It's kind of like a pyramid. The strongest people who fight on level 5 are considered the most valuable, receiving attention from others, women, and respect among the punks. It's a hierarchy. Currently, the two in contention for being the strongest are the Viking and the Samurai; both physically larger and stronger then everyone else. Just underneath them are the Rhino, the Mohawk, and a bunch of others vying for lower positions on the totem pole.

Before, in your normal life, you were never going to “fight” any of these people. Even if you were among the punks, you'd stay out of the way of people on the top of the pyramid; they'd be out of your weight class. But given your current life choice and the trajectory of your time as the masked vigilante... are you going to need to fight these people? Every little kid dreams of being on top of the punk pyramid, the strongest, biggest, meanest dog until they realize exactly what that entails and how most people simply aren't born with the strength to compete.

The idea of fighting people at the top of this pyramid? It scares you. You don't want to fight them. But if they prey upon the innocent... are you going to have a choice?
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After you and your friends retire for the evening, leaving the diner and saying goodbye, you decide to spend the rest of the evening at your own personal Fortress of Solitude; the garage.

On the outskirts of level 5, Cheryl's father owned a little garage. She gave it to you after your very first stint fighting against the punks and criminals of level 5 as a sort of reward, and thus far, it's served you very well. The inside has been converted to a nice man cave; several tools and mechanical parts, an entertainment system and a couch to sleep on, and a working motorcycle- just an issue of refueling it. There isn't exactly any gas stations on level 5 after all... gas powered vehicles were banned and scrapped for parts before you were even born.

You've also made all the parts of your new superhero identity here. Your batons, your mask, cape, and other bits of your uniform and equipment. Plus, you learned a lot about fighting from studying the video tapes, and used this place as your own personal training grounds. You often start your patrols as the vigilante from here as well, making it harder to track you back to your regular apartment. Normal people, including punks, don't come this far out of the city limit for no reason...

You have a moment to check out more of the garage, or maybe tinker with a few things. What should you do today?

>Look at the safe under the workbench
>Train for the inevitable
>Customize your equipment a bit
>Other (Write-In)
>Look at the safe under the workbench
Please correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think we've ever checked it. Could be good.

Otherwise, I'd definitely vote for training. Either that or getting a "backup" weapon.
>Look at the safe under the workbench
>Look at the safe under the workbench
>Train for the inevitable

Where are the monkeys?
>Rhino and Mohawk
Oh hey, Bebop and Rocksteady.

>Customize your equipment a bit
What we lack on height or strength, we can make up for in technology.
>Look at the safe under the workbench
>Train for the inevitable
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You decide to check out the safe under the work table, a mysterious thing you haven't tried to open for months. I mean, you don't know the combination. Technically it's your safe now, and whatever is inside it is yours too, but you really didn't feel like messing with it until now.

What could be inside? You figure something sentimental is more likely then something truly valuable. But pulling out the safe and fiddling with it, you realize it's locked. You spin the wheel a bit to feel around for a bite, but no luck, it's oiled and smooth. How old is this safe anyway? You feel your fingers along the back of the heavy metal and feel it touch cardboard. On the back, a small slip with something written on it. Her birthday.

Whose birthday? This was her Dad's safe after all. Maybe his wife? Is Cheryl's mother still alive? You don't know her birthday. Cheryl's birthday? You don't know that either. Maybe you'll ask her the next time you see her? Or would that be awkward? Why would you ask for her birthday unless you were planning something? What if it's soon to come, and she'd think you wanted to give her a gift?

For the first time, you feel a twinge of awkwardness. Your relationship with Cheryl has been totally platonic this entire time. Yet suddenly, the concept for asking for her birthday seems personal and terrifies you in a weird way. You want to get in the safe but... would it be too forward to just ask? You don't know any of her friends on level 4, that would be a lot easier to ask in a roundabout way. Why are you feeling so nervous about asking her this all the sudden?

>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
>You don't want to spoil your friendship
>There could be something really valuable or bad in this safe and you don't want her to know about it
>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
You're not a real hero unless you have a civilian girl you like. Your Mary Jane. Your Lois Lane.

Plus come on, Max is (was?) a total shut in nerd. No way he wouldn't fall for a cute girl who acted all nice to him. His superhero autism isn't that strong.
>>There could be something really valuable or bad in this safe and you don't want her to know about it
You know, I don't feel like deciding he'd want to keep something if it was valuable and not want to tell her because of that feels accurate.
>You don't want to spoil your friendship
>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
>You don't want to spoil your friendship
We can do it bros... we can defeat First Girl syndrome...
>>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
>First Girl syndrome...
Is it really first girl syndrome when she's kind of the only option? Like, I guess you could say there's the nerdy library girl, but Max didn't seem to like her one bit. In fact, he actually thought she was lame and cringeworthy.
>>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
The universe Bananas may send us a second girl if we don't go for first girl.
>>You don't want to spoil your friendship
Hey, vote what you wanted to vote for. I just expected people to rush for "I LOVE CHERYL" so I voted for something else.
I find that unlikely, though. Like I said, if there were 'other options', Max would have responded a little better to the cute librarian girl that was acting all blushy around him, no? Max having a crush on Cheryl makes sense. She is pretty much the reason he was able to become a hero. She wants to get rid of criminals like him, and even looked to him for advice when she was feeling down.
>>Because you have feelings for Cheryl
Sorry ladies, Max is actually super into Jason.
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You guess... you guess you really do have feelings for Cheryl. Asking her for the birthday is so minor, but even implying you like her would just... you'd just be so embarrassed! What if you come on too strong? What if she isn't interested? ...What if she has a boyfriend already? You wish you weren't so socially awkward, maybe you'd have a better able to deal with this kind of thing!

You know... you'll just be sneaky. You'll talk to her, get to know her more, and ask these kinds of things real subtle. If you figured out how to beat the shit out of criminals yourself, you can figure out how to ask a girl out on a date without being totally awkward. It might take a little practice but...

You really do like her, you think. You put your head on the cold safe and sit there for a minute. Maybe for the first time, you do actually know a girl you like. You just don't want to mess it up...

Later, you patrol the city streets. Level 5 is a highly industrial zone of the city, with many small buildings, depots of various resources and machines, factories, and back alleys. Nobody walks down these except for punks and maybe yourself; preferring to stick to the main roads where they are less likely to be caught alone. In a way, it's helpful, giving you a stealthy jump on anything out of the ordinary. Today, you walk past a playground and stop short, seeing someone familiar.

Hey, that's Carlos! And he's standing in the playground for little kids with six other guys, all crowded around. They don't look very friendly; it's a gang of punks! You decide to sneak a bit closer, hiding behind the playground equipment to listen in...
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Wait a second, you know that guy! That punk, the leader of this gang, is known as the Mohawk! You know him because he's one of the punks who used to steal from you!

Of course, you've been mugged before too. Tax collectors taken bits of your UBI or other things you carried around. Thankfully they never took your clothes or shoes or your roleplaying stuff, since it has no value to them. But you know this guy. He's a real piece of shit. He used to steal from you and intimidate you, and you feel humiliated just remembering it. The things you'd say to avoid getting a beating.

”No, please don't hurt me, I'll do whatever you want.”
”No, I'm not a tough guy. You're tougher then me.”
”Please just leave me alone...”

You burn up thinking of those days. You had no power then, no way to fighting back. Not that you even could if you wanted; you wouldn't want to piss of the punks by fighting with one of them, even in self defense. That would just get you jumped by all his friends. You never thought about it before, but you should put on the mask and just beat this guy to get even. Then again, you don't want him to figure out it's you behind the mask...

Still, the fact Carlos is talking to him at all is a bad sign. Is he a part of the gang? You know Carlos used to be a punk, or at least he claimed it. Looks like he's backsliding, still friends with these pieces of shit. You should have known! What are they talking about!? You were so shocked to see the Mohawk here you couldn't even listen in. What should you do?

>Put on the mask and beat all of them up
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
>Sneak away and stay out of it
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
Measure twice, cut once.
Part of me really wants to just put on the mask, go full Strongman Kurosawa and challenge the whole ass giant crowd of punks. That would be the cool option. BUT! We should probably try to hear what they're saying first, right? We can jump them after we do, anyways.
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
We should definitely put the mask, though. We don't want to get found out without it. That would reveal our identity.
Wait, I just realized, it's not a crowd, it's six dudes. That's way easier. And not as nearly as cool.

Ah well, one day we'll get to fight a whole big ass crowd of punks solo.
>Put on the mask and beat all of them up
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
>>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
>>Put on the mask and beat all of them up
>Listen closer to figure out what is going on

>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
>>Listen closer to figure out what is going on
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Clearly, they're up to no good. But how can you know exactly how they're up to no good? You sneak a bit closer. Now, you're curious. What does Carlos have to do with it?

”...You know, The Viking is looking for a gang with the biggest guys. You're pretty big, Carlos. You should roll with us again.”
“I don't really know about that... I kind of don't want to do that anymore.”
”What, are you scared? Come on, you're already one of us. This is a big opportunity, we need to be at full strength if we're going to impress him.”

The Viking is looking for a gang of punks? That's strange. You figured he was the biggest guy on Level 5 already. What could he mean by that?

”Listen, Carly. You remember when you first joined our gang, we beat you in? Remember? Well that's what it takes to join the gang, that's the rule since we started it. But leaving the gang? That means you need to get beaten out, which is always at least twice as bad. Maybe more.”
“Oh Jeez...”

You can tell Carlos is starting to waffle. He's clearly scared of his relationship with these punks. You just know he'll fold and slip right back into his criminal ways. You prepare your mask either way, before a random kid on the playground rolls up on a tricycle.

”...If you have to get beaten in to the gang to join, but you started it, then who beat you in?” The Kid asked, eavesdropping on the conversation.

”Shut up and mind your business, stupid ass kid.” Mohawk said, trying to shoo him away. The Kid seemed to enjoy being annoying instead.

”Seems a little unfair.”
”Shut up!”
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Carlos laughed, seemingly broken from the spell of Mohawk and his punk culture.

“Yeah... I think I'm going to go. I'm not about that life any more.”
”Hey! Don't think I was kidding! Get back here!”
“What, so you can beat me up for wanting to leave? I just won't come back.”
”You'll regret this, fucker!”

You smile from your hiding place. Mohawk got owned by a little kid, that's karmic justice right there. Thankfully, Carlos doesn't seem to want to be a criminal like them anymore, and isn't swayed by Punk culture anymore. You're happy for him. There's no way Mohawk is gonna punch a kid so-

Oh wait, he just punched the kid. Okay, time to intervene.

Pulling on your mask, you rush behind the group in surprise, taking out the smallest guy in the outskirts with a blow to the back of the head. Your batons ready, you rush towards the main group- finally ready to get your revenge on the Mohawk after all these years. You briefly wonder if it's a misuse of your new persona of justice to get petty revenge on your bully... but you think it'll work itself out.
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You leap over the playground equipment, and they finally notice you with a swish of your cape.

“Oh shit! It's that guy!”
”Get him!”

With a quick swipe of your baton, you slap back one, while dodging the blow of another. The third punk kicks you in the leg weakly, which you respond by jumping over his next kick and bashing his wrist away with an expert aim. Then, you spin on your heel to dodge another punch, while a third grabs you.

Truthfully, you've fought a lot of punks at this point. You've trained, and have gotten fast and strong. Plus, your weapons feel like an extension of your arm, able to be used in many ways. But there's a small problem; groups like this? You can easily be overwhelmed. Five or six punks at once mean a lot of angles. Most of the time it's just two or three guys at most, and most of them aren't too big or aggressive. These guys know how to fight though...

Seeing an opportunity for the Mohawk himself, with both his arms raised up into fists, you duck under another attack before coming up in the thin space between with your tonfa-
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With an upwards strike, you hit Mohawk just at the tip of his nose, pushing back and in, and breaking apart his stupid fucking nosering, shattering it into pieces, blood flying off from the smashed nose and shards of artificial gold.


That felt really good. But then, realizing too late you dived into the crowd too deep, two of the goons grab you around the arm, first one, then the other, quickly cutting off your means of fighting back. You pull as hard as you can, trying to wrench free, but even with your strength the two full body weight of the goons, bigger then you, can't be shaken off.

The Mohawk gets up from the ground, dusting himself off, touching his sensitive nose and wincing, before putting a hand in his hoodie jacket and pulling out a long sharp knife.

”Hold him! I'm going pull off that mask and take a chunk out yo' face, so I never forget it!”

You struggle in their grip. This is bad. Getting overpowered by multiple big guys at once isn't exactly something you can train for. But you need to escape. The Mohawk draws closer. How are you going to get out of this one?

>Perform an Acrobatic stunt to get free
>Throw one away with a wrestling move
>Use a contingency you've prepared for this situation
>>Use a contingency you've prepared for this situation
>Perform an Acrobatic stunt to get free
..We have a contingency? I kinda wanna see it, but if it seems like a one-time deal we probably won't be able to use again by how these things go. Ah, what the heck, I'd rather beat him in a straight up fight.
>Use a contingency you've prepared for this situation

Of course, you'd think we could just like, kick one of them. There's a reason why people have to get real close behind someone they're holding, you know. It's so they cant kick you. Or at least stomp really fucking hard on your foot and then shake themselves free. I really doubt either of these punks wouldn't react to having their foot broken (surprisingly easy if you stomp really hard)
>>Perform an Acrobatic stunt to get free
Martial-art anon that recommended tonfas here.
With how the green guy is holding, it's simply a matter of twisting and pulling right arm away. This let us rotate to face Silver from Pokemon Gold and sent him to the floor with a flying scissor - escaping AND wrestling-projecting him away in one smooth go.
We can else do the same by elbowing green guy in the nose - notice how he's holding us down and not up?
Else, his left knee is protecting his balls - but Silver have a wide stance : opening him for a rising heel to the groin.
So yeah, even if they know how to fight, I see at least 2 or 3 way to destroy them in the fraction of second we got before Mohawk close the distance.

I prefer the scissor kick, because it can project the red-hait on the Mohawk and feels the "safest" despite how acrobatic it looks. Plus, it's a great move to synergize with a reverse-hold of the tonfa to use the "hook" to climb bigger guys

As displayed on the video, this move works well even if there is a massive size difference between the kicker and the target, which is suited for the bigger punks to come. The tonfa reverse-hold hooking will even give us more range and leverage (and parkouring fulcrums) to pull it
>>Perform an Acrobatic stunt to get free
>Use a contingency you've prepared for this situation
>Throw one away with a wrestling move
What if the punk we do this to counters by biting our nutsack?
Sounds kinda gay, bro.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Tiebreaker roll, 1 for Acrobatic and 2 for Contigency
This is a valid concern and why it's mandatory to cross the leg during the spinning motion : at worst you'll get biten in the thigh.
Granted, you don't see that much on the video
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You've prepared for this moment. No matter how strong or brave you are, a group of opponents could overpower you. You just gotta get enough time to deploy your countermeasure, a helpful gadget to get out of this mess. But as the Mohawk gets closer, it starts to get dicey. Just then, a tiny pebble hits the punk, causing him to whirl around.

”Who da fuck-!”

You look off in the distance and see Carlos! He threw the rock! He throws another at the Mohawk, before turning and running away.

”Carlos you piece of shit!”

Wow, Carlos actually helped you. He saw you fighting the punks and stood up to them, throwing a rock to distract the Mohawk just long enough to push back against one of the punks; getting him to grip your cape fully. You were wrong about Carlos. You guess you owe him a bit of an apology.

You twist and shove back as hard as you can, and the punk grabbing onto your cape tears it with a quick satisfying rip. The backwards force of him trying to keep you in place makes him stumble, and with one arm freed, you can jab the other, blocking his punch with your hard baton. You designed your cape to tear free like that just in case it caught on something, instead of choking you, a clever little trick you came up with when designing your outfit. You take out the punk in front of you, before a quick whip with the one who grabbed your cloak. The Mohawk is next, still holding the knife...
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You flip your grip and use the end of your tonfa to grip around his wrist, pulling and disarming his knife, your other hand free to make its attack at his undefended face. They were tough, but you were toughed.

You give the Mohawk an extra smack smack to put him down, before whirling around and checking out the gang of punks. You've won. You're exhausted, feeling the sweat and breathing heavy from the effort.

Truth be told, you've never fought this many guys before. You don't think it's such a good idea. Six punks at once... that might just be your limit. You go to check out the kid, just to make sure he's okay. You see him sitting up, you realizing instantly he watched the whole fight with rapt attention. You guess you shouldn't be surprised he didn't run away, this is prime entertainment for a kid on Level 5...
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”Hey kid, you okay?”
“Yeah... I'm fine.”
”That black eye will be hard to explain to your parents. Don't tell them you were fighting punks, alright? I don't think they'd want to hear that.”
“I was just being brave, like you. I was thinking of you when I said that.”
”...I don't want you to get hurt because of me. Be smart, kid.”
“But you're cool. All the other kids talk about you. You're right up there with the other cool badass guys, like Mohawk!”
”Mohawk is not cool.”
“Well, I don't mean cool like that... But every kid talks about the strongest punks. Who would win in a fight, you know? Who is the stongest? And they all have a cool name. Except for you- I only ever heard people call you viga- vigi-”
”Vigilante. It's not a name.”
“All the cool strong guys who fight have names though! Like the Viking, the Samurai, Rhino, Snake, the Whip & Weaseal- you know the twins?- Crazy Carl, Mohawk...”
”I never really thought about it like that. I thought they had nicknames based on what other people called them.”
“Nah, usually Reggie picks them.”
“But what about you, Mister? What do you want your cool, strong-guy name to be?”

I mean... you've never really thought about it. What should your name be?

>The Mask
>The Cape
>The Fool
>Other (Write In)

Note We will be using partial approval voting for this choice. You may vote for two names you like.
I'm obviously ok with either Red or Sticks.

Also, glad that even though my argumented post didn't won any more support, it inspired you to include a reverse-tonfa hold.
Knifes are serious business.

>>6176837 +1
I'm soft vetoing Redsticks, kinda a dumb name.
Alright that was a little mean I just don't like it.
Redsticks sounds retarded

Don't be, it is.

Now let's try to think of one that isn't.
Alright, let's see. I was thinking that we should get something that fits the theme - Punks seem to have "names" that are simple and descriptive. The Viking, the Samurai, The Mohawk...so obviously we should follow it. For flavor reasons and all.

So obviously, my first thought was The Mask. It's not a bad name by itself, but, yknow...there's THE Mask, and that might make it sound silly.

My second thought was just "The Vigilante", but that might be a little bit too generic, right?

The big issue is that our one real feature is our Mask, but the name "The Mask" is kinda taken unless we want to start wearing a banana-yellow suit
The Red Masque
I got it.
>The Red Mask
See, I like to think of a "practical scenario" when I'm thinking of a name. To see if it'd actually sound good in action. So I had the idea - how would a name sound if it was called out by a punk with that old BTAS "Goon Voice"?

I can certainly picture a goon saying "It's the Red Mask!", so I think it fits.
Lol, Ninja'd. I think "Mask" is better than "Masque" though. Sounds the same but less...fancy? We're not a fancy Villain.
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We're White-Masked, and we're in a Red Hood.

Let's take the ancient Videogame reference and be:
>The Shy Guy.
>We're Nobody Special.
Team Nobody Special/NOTIMPORTANT/Good Citizen
>The Crimson Mask
Basically voting for The Red Mask too, but I think Crimson is a little bit better.
If Crimson is too lame, just swap to The Red Mask.
Gonna give this one a bit more time to cook, though I'm not sure how many voters are undecided. Currently looks like a 3 x 3 tie between Mask and Nobody.
Huh? >>6176961 is not a vote. I was just making a joke.
>The Mask
It'd be pretty funny if we named ourself The Cape without even wearing a cape.

I (>>6176856) will back
Anon, you realize you just made it a tie again right? As I said, >>6176961 is not a vote. I made a joke. So it was 3 vs 2. Now it's back to 3 vs 3
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”Sticks, Red... I like those names. But I'm not sure.”
“What about the Nobody, young master? That would be an interesting name.” Athena says.
”That's too confusing. Just imagine a crook going- “Look out! It's Nobody!” See what I'm saying? They'd use something else. Something less cool.”
“Perhaps name him “The Immortal”, like the Persian Immortals, rising whenever struck down to be replaced by another.”
”Too historical. Plus, there's only one of them. Maybe if there was a group with the same training all pretending to be one superhero vigilante...”
”I don't know, I just don't like that one. His mask is the defining feature... The Mask.”
“The Mask it is.”

You adjust your Spyscope, twisting the knob, you can see thru the buildings and adjust the rangefinder all the way to level 5 from here, within your comfortable, secure treehouse. It picks up the sound of the masked vigilante making sure the fellow kid is alright. It definitely makes him more appealing in your eyes.

Your name is Reginald Noth Murdoc Esquire, but you much prefer Reggie. Your “noble title” is way too long, and sounds dumb. You have a thing for names. You like to give them to interesting people, the exemplary, those who define human excellence, the unique. Heroes... or villains. It's much more interesting then what goes on here, on Level 2.
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The subtle mood lighting of your treehouse fort illuminates your penpal letters and little posters and notes, observations taken from your Spyscope. You turn it off before turning to your sapien companion, the owl Athena.

”What do you think, Athena? Isn't it so... so special? So unique? Somebody on level 5 without great strength or size, yet still fighting among the punks, but only to protect others? I've never seen anything like it.”
“It is unique, but...”
”But what?”
“As your companion, I will never lie to you, or lead you astray. I simply hope you remember how much your father disapproves of this sort of obsession of yours. He thinks it unbecoming.”
”Oh yeah.” You say, slumping. ”He would hate this, wouldn't he? We're all just cogs in some big machine.”
“He is the mayor of the city, after all. His perspective may be a bit different.”

You look at the owl, seeing the implant on the side of her head beep with recognition whenever you speak and she responds. You always liked to imagine it was translating your words into some owl-screech for her to respond to, but you don't think it really works like that.

”...He will be home soon, won't he?”
“Yes. You should go greet him, with the other children in the neighborhood. It's most respectful.”
”We should.”
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You watch the road leading up to your family's manorial estate on level 2. The white picket fences and fine landscaping, along with the quiet lack of vehicles, kind and soft-spoken neighbors, and natural features exemplify the type of peaceful calm of perfect, Utopian society. It's all you've ever known, even though you know better.

It's not that you don't appreciate it. It's just...

With Athena on your arm, her sharp eyes spot the movement of your father's carriage before you can. You feel her talons gently squeeze your arm in anticipation, and you stand slightly more at attention. Nearby you, the other children of the upper crust standby for the carriage. Your father has been gone on a long trip to another city, requiring a special armored traincar to go through many deep mountain tunnels and passes. Despite the technology, you know it's a long and harsh journey. He'll be home for a few days to recuperate, but likely be too busy to talk to you much. You can't hold it against him.

What should you say?

>I've had a great time with my tutors, Father
>Where did you go on your trip, Father?
>Welcome home, Father
>Welcome home, Father.
>Where did you go on your trip, Father?
Our boy here clearly hungers for more out of life.
Damn, if the mayor is only on Level 2, who's on level ONE?
>>Where did you go on your trip, Father?
>>Welcome home, Father
respect the patriarch
>Welcome home, Father
Uh...hey, anybody find it just a little weird that there's an talking owl?
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He arrives in an electric carriage, the device silently drawing power from the city's invisible power grid, its greased wheels not disturbing a single cobblestone on the quiet and peaceful street. It stops by itself near the curb, the door sliding open, the air conditioned interior revealing your father, Frank Murdoc, the mayor of Panopolis. Along with his aide, the two arrive alone with no security detail or body guard or paparazzi of anykind. To you, this is normal.

”Welcome home, Father.” You say. Your father nods his head, but does not smile. He never smiles any more. Athena squeezes your arm with her talons again, as if to remind you of what you've talked about before.

You know he still loves you- even if he can't show it anymore.

“Thank you for meeting me here, Son. And the other children of the neighborhood, a nice surprise.” He would name them by their parents titles; The Treasurer's Boy, the Health & Safety Minister's Girl. But you don't blame him for that. He is, after all, a very busy man.

”Everyone was excited for your return, Father. It would be nice to have you back home for a time, but I know you have responsibilities beyond family.”
“That is correct. Your maturity shows beyond your age, my son.” You wince.
”T-Thank you, Father.”
“How goes your classes? I'm sure your mother and the nanny are keeping you on track.”
”Of course, Father. I will show you my marks when we get back.”
“And your companion. Athena! Have you been a good owl?”

“Of course, Mister Murdoc.” She bows her head. Sapiens are only supposed to speak when spoken to first; this rule holds true especially on level 2.

”...Father, you've never told me about your companion. You had one as a boy too, right?”
“I did.” He said, implacably. “-But it was just another force to shape me into the man I am today. As Athena is to you. Of all the lessons I wish to impart upon you, my son, this is the most important one. We are all, in the end, what we are shaped to be.”
”Of course; Father.” You say, trying as hard as you can to smile.
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You're Max again, and now you're in the UBI office. Everyone on level 5 gets monthly stipends from the government to pay for basic expenses, and is the closest thing you have to a job. It's just enough for food, rent, and a few other discretionary expenses. Everything else you have to find, recycle, or make yourself. It's why you only have a few outfits, and your superhero costume was a considerable investment. Without any real method of investing or long term saving, caution and conservation is the method to keep afloat financially.

To you, this is normal.

Even though all citizens on level 5 experienced a small drop in their stipend recently; coincidentally right as you ended the practice of “tax collection” by fighting the punks who stole from people every month for their UBI. Regardless, there is a much more relaxed atmosphere this time as you go to collect your own month's worth of money. You've noticed it, people just walk in and out of the office without needing to go in with a group, women unchaperoned, no unsavory characters waiting just outside to tail someone home. It's nice.

But today, as you exit the office, you happen to notice someone nearby, sitting on a bench idly. It's the Mohawk! The same guy who stole from you years ago, the same punk who made your life hell, and the same one you humiliated as The Mask just a few days ago! And here he is, his usual spot to try and steal from honest people, sitting by, bandaged up face and broken nosering.

You aren't exactly a vengeful person, but you just... you just want to walk right past him. Envelope of money in your pocket, and yet he can't do anything. Almost to rub it in. You deserve that, you fucker. But you don't want him to discovery your secret identity if you suddenly have to defend yourself...

What should you do?
>Walk right past him, but say nothing
>Insult him a bit as you pass
>Avoid the confrontation
>Beat him until he is permanently maimed.
>Walk right past him, but say nothing
Fuck it, I won't just play safe. No reason to straight up admit it though, he'd definitely recognize our voice.
>Walk right past him, but say nothing
>>Walk right past him, but say nothing
>Avoid the confrontation

Best just not take the risk.
>Avoid the confrontation
>>Walk right past him, but say nothing
We can beat him up "closely" as the bastard is still wounded.
>Walk right past him, but say nothing
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You decide to walk right past the Mohawk. You won't antagonize him, but you've spent your life hiding, cowering from people like him. Not anymore. With a pocket full of money, you stride right past him on the sidewalk, sparing only a glance to see his bandaged nose, bruises, and similarly injured friends; all from the same night when they met the Mask for the first time.

“Pssht.” He hisses impotently, only barely shifting in his seat. You keep walking, satisfied.

“...Don't get used to it. The Masked guy won't be around to protect you forever.”
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It's gone a bit quiet.

The last few weeks have seen a downturn in punk activity, as well as the sort of thing you'd deal with as The Mask. Trouble often finds you, but now, walking through the city streets and keeping just out of sight of the population, seeing the punk types hanging back and just hanging out among themselves, and normal people living their lives, you are finding your unique brand of justice less necessary.

That doesn't mean there aren't things happening on level 5 you should put a stop to, it just means you can't see them. You decide to head back to a very specific alleyway...

Because you missed a lead after a man was attacked by some sort of weird chemical with a bad smell, you don't have any way to follow up from that investigation, and will likely be blindsided by the consequences. You just have to stay ready to see if it comes up again.

Then again, maybe you can find out yourself by doing some digging. But it may be a bit more adventurous then you're used to. You're already breaking the law by taking justice into your own hands, but maybe...

>Break into people's apartments to search for clues
>Walk around and wait for something to happen
>Ask Cheryl to be bait for you
>Go looking for trouble
>Maybe take this time to relax and enjoy it
>Maybe take this time to relax and enjoy it
We can't just choose to train some more right? We're gonna need it to beat up the Viking.

Anyway, maybe we can go ask Cheryl out or something. We still need her birthdate for the locker, right?
it would be good to have some plans and specific training to fight against the Viking, we already know he's the biggest guy around, everybody knows that
if we can't take him on, nobody can
>Go Train Yourself

A quiet time sounds like good training time, best to pick up more strength and agility and new moves. If they're coming at us with surprises, let's have some surprises ready for them.
>Go Train Yourself

We arent a great detective
Supporting the Train for Viking/Date Cheryl line of thought
>Maybe take this time to relax and enjoy it
Can't wait to see more of Level 4.
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You decide to spend some of the time you have off, with a bit of training on the side. You were going to keep training anyway, but while the iron is hot...

You don't exactly have the best equipment, but you can use what you can scavenge. No dummies, but trash bags filled with packing peanuts, tied up to poles and tied with rubber hoses, that will have to work for now. You put on some of the video tapes in the garage.

“Krav Maga has no competitions, as it cannot have rules. Once rules are introduced, it is no longer Krav Maga. Real fights, in a real self defense situation, do not have honor. There is only the mechanics of biology, and the consequences of injury. To “win” any fight, one must consider the weakness of the human body as their primary targets, while protecting their own weak points.”


The bag pops from a solid hit, spilling onto the floor.

“The primary human weakpoints are as follows; the neck, the eyes, the groin, the head, the joints. The secondary weak points are the nose, the ear lobes, fingers and toes, the soft lumbar and kidney regions BELOW the ribcage, and the xyphoid process.”

You aim your strikes towards these places as closely as you can, practicing with your imagination. Your technique is sharpened, your tonfa swiping and striking as accurately as a speartip at the body parts you project over your improvised target dummies. You lift weights with your inherited home gym, able to impressively lift over half your body weight, as well as cardiovascular exercise. Perhaps you could get stronger at some point, but without improvements to your equipment or training methods, you're close to your peak.

You've been putting it off, but finally you decide to consider it. You create an extra large dummy, measuring the distance from the floor, tying off his known height and attaching it with a ladder, estimating his arm's reach based on human anatomy principles from the library. You might be off by a little bit, but this is pretty close to what the Viking is like.
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“...When it comes to a physical confrontation, training and conditioning can overcome differences in size. But this has a limit. When the difference between combatant begins to reach over one hundred pounds, a standard deviation in height or more, physical mechanics begin to favor the larger combatant. No amount of preparation or skill can overcome an overwhelming advantage. The equivalent is an adult fighting a child, or a man fighting a woman. In such cases, the only proper method of self defense is a bladed weapon or firearm, coupled with avoidance.”

“Remember, there is nothing to be gained from a direct physical confrontation. Human beings evolved intelligence and the ability to fight at range for a reason. It is more averse to risk. No amount of skill can overcome the inherent risk involved in conflict. There is a reason societies have advanced to punish those who rely on physical conflict to further their goals and ambitions. We call these people violent, the criminals, and sociopaths. The purpose of this training tape is to protect yourself from these people, while living your life, hopefully, avoiding these conflicts at all costs...”
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You spend some time hanging out with your friends again. Nathan, Justin, Carlos, and yourself. More enjoyable time spent playing your RPGs, talking, even going outside and seeing the few nice spots on Level 5. It's been nice.

”Hey, Max! You're looking clean dude! You've been lifting weights?!”
“Yeah, I noticed too. You're looking shredded, like the punks. You going to start fighting with them, huh?”
”Ah! Haha ha! No- j-just cardio, mostly! Ha.” You say, awkwardly.

The conversation shifts, talking about stuff happening on your level of the city, including punks. Carlos pipes up.

”Yeah, the Rhino actually knelled down to the Viking...”
”Yeah. He's serving the Viking now, so he's kind of the top dog.”

That's interesting. Considering you beat the Mohawk as the Mask, you think it's unlikely he'd join up with the Viking now, so with the Rhino, that means the Viking is basically undefeated at the top of the pyramid, minus the Samurai you suppose. You aren't too familiar with punk culture, though you sure have fought a lot of them.

You look over to Carlos. In a way, you owe him for saving you from the Mohawk's knife, though he doesn't even know it. He seems quiet, like he knows more then he's letting on. Could he have more information about what's going on with the punks? He probably doesn't want to be a snitch, but it would really help your investigation. Is there a way you can get him to open up?

>Ask him to share because you're curious
>Try to get Justin or Nathan to jump on the subject
>Tell Carlos to send in an anonymous tip with the Peace Keepers, get it from Cheryl later
>Let him keep quiet about it, he's earned it
Hmm, I just had a thought...what if we said he should try sending info to Da Mask? Hear me out, anons. Max has already admitted he thinks The Max is cool, right? And it's public knowledge he beat the punk right? At least, we saw him as our civvie identity, so we could say it.

My logic is, if we just tried to say we were curious, that'd be suspicious - why did a nerd who didn't really care about Punks suddenly get real interested in them at the same time he's started getting buff?

By telling him to go talk to the mask directly, we'd be able to pass ourselves off as a fan boy. It wouldn't be hard to explain either.
>Hey, dude, this other day I went collect a check, and the punk was there, but he didn't even touch me! Imagine how much better the level would be if he also beat up the Viking? If you know anything, you should tell it to him...
>Ask him to share because you're curious
>Tell Carlos to send in an anonymous tip with the Peace Keepers, get it from Cheryl later.

This way he'll be careful not to say anything that leads back to him.
>>Tell Carlos to send in an anonymous tip with the Peace Keepers, get it from Cheryl later
Picking mostly because of the "Cheryl" part of the choice
>Tell Carlos to send in an anonymous tip with the Peace Keepers, get it from Cheryl later
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Low effort OOC post- How are you all liking the Quest so far?

I feel like it's been a little too tightly focused on the training and fighting stuff, but I've been trying to keep a good pace.
It's fun. It gets a lot better once you leave the realism mindset of asking yourself why no one has guns and just take it like a good old street level story with goons who try to beat you up with their hands instead of just pulling out a 12-barreled DIY shotgun
>Tell Carlos to send in an anonymous tip with the Peace Keepers, get it from Cheryl later
Good excuse to see her, since we decided that she's waifu material.
The setting seems to handily justify that with the shortage of materials, education, and a tightly-controlled culture of helplessness.

This isn't my favorite of your quests, but I'm enjoying the thread well enough. More than the first, so far, actually. Bananas quests are reliably interesting even when they aren't specifically my kind of thing.

The pacing's been good, too. I'm interested to see how Reggie, Cheryl, and Max's plots overlap.
I like it very much; including the focus on streetfights and training
batman didn't get buff in a day
Batman was a rich dude who could afford all the fanciest diets and supplements and trainers. Our dude eats fake meat and punches garbage bags with packing peanuts.
So what, three days?
Man, there is something hinky about that Redmeat joint.
I like how you highlight thatit seems like the System doesn't control people through direct violence but instead through scarcity, a welfare nanny state, and directing people' anger towards the criminals they allow to be such a problem. Its reminiscent of real life in some very painful ways.

Real food for thought.
Ehh....the city is a *lot* more competent than real governments, though. Being a nanny state that barely punishes criminals is a lot less ridiculous when the criminals are Punks who beat people up instead of Gangsters playing GTA in real life and machete-wielding lunatics
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Carlos could have some really useful information. He's been among the punks before; or at least was, you don't really know if “ex-punks” are a thing; and may help you decide on what to do next. But at the same time, you don't want to seem too interested, after all, you're still just a civilian to everyone in your life. Everyone except Cheryl...

That's a good idea. You know Cheryl has access to police records and can probably share the anonymous tip with you; if anything she's probably want to help! You wait until Carlos has a moment and whisper to him.

”...You know, Carlos, the city lets people put in anonymous tips and statements for the Peace Keepers. That way, nothing would get tracked back to you.”
“I didn't know that... why are you telling me this?”
”Well I just... I don't know. You seem so versed in punk culture and stuff, maybe the cops could really use the help. They seem pretty useless most of the time. If I knew something actually important I would probably tell them anonymously so the punks couldn't find out I did it, is all I'm saying...”

You hope that wasn't too suspicious. After a few days, you decide to call Cheryl on one of the few payphones on level 5, decimating a good chunk of your UBI payment for the month. It's alright, you wanted to talk to her anyway. You start to talk about Peace-Keeper business, but she stops you.

”Not all phone lines are secure Max, especially between levels. I'll just talk to you in person, I wanted to give you something anyway. This is perfect timing! We should meet on this day...”

Should you ask about her birthday? You start to gather up the courage, falling silent for a second, but she interrupts you before you can ask.

”Max? Hello? Is it a date?”
”A d- A date?! Uhh, yeah! Yeah totally!”
”Alright, see you then! Meet me at the gate, you know the one.”
”O-Okay! I will!”

Dammit. Oh well.
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It's the day to meet up with Cheryl. You admit to preening yourself a bit more then normal, and then hurry along to meet her. You take a few of the back alleys, more familiar to you now with your new double life, and then you happen to see somebody in particular.

Is that...

You think it's the Rhino, but it's hard to tell from this distance. One of the major punks, and the one who bowed down the Viking recently, according to Carlos. You don't know exactly what that means, but you have a strange feeling it's important. You watch as he, with a small gang, moves past one of the giant washes in the city. He looks around skeptically, and then tosses a small object (a bottle?) down into the ditch. Then, he keeps walking.

Damn. That's a problem.

You didn't bring your vigilante gear with you to meet Cheryl; you get a little nervous carrying that nearby the security checkpoint between levels, and besides, you had no interest in using it when not on patrol. Better if you get searched or if something else happens. So you can't just go over the gang of punks and beat the information out of them, if you even wanted to go looking for trouble like that... Not like they've done anything wrong. Yet.

But secondly, he just threw something away in a city wash. These giant ditches carved into level 5 are specifically designed to not only take the rain water to prevent flooding, but also the rush of water from higher levels. Everything from sewage to industrial byproduct to moisture sinks all expunged down the massive pipes to lower levels of the city; down to level 5. It's actually really important for the industry and recycling down on level 5, as all that water is recaptured, cleaned, filtered, and used for various purposes in the factories and important facilities on this level.

You'd really like to get that bottle and see what it's about. This could be important evidence. This wasn't just a piece of random trash, the Rhino wanted to dispose of it intentionally where nobody could ever find it. The problem? These washes are extremely dangerous. At any moment, water from the city above could rush like a flood, washing away anything. From a young age, kids on level 5 are taught to never play or go scavenging in the washes for salvage, because at any moment it could kill you.

Getting down is easy enough. There's no fence or anything, but getting back out quickly is the hard part. How will you escape from the wash?

>Improvise a useful tool
>Be aware of your surroundings
>High speed agility and parkour
>Be aware of your surroundings

Listen for water. Feel for vibrations. Watch for punks. A lifetime of being prey has honed your senses.
>Improvise a useful tool
I don't know, maybe use something like an umbrella stick as a hook to grab onto stuff. Well, preferably something stronger, but you get the point.

Still, diving in sewage before a date?
This is also kinda the "pick how your superhero gets around the cityscape" secret vote to make it feel more holistic instead of just inventing it later. I was thinking of keeping it more of a secret choice to make it a callback but now I feel people may get the wrong impression that this is a "puzzle choice" or "get injured if you pick wrong" which isn't what I'm going for. You can pick any of the three choices and you can get away, it's just for flavor and character building.
Also I do this sort of thing a lot with these threads. I guess I could save it for an end of thread question but do you enjoy that kind of thing? Char-gen through the quest?
Char-gen through quest is the ideal way, as long as it's clear it's chargen
>>High speed agility and parkour
I knew this was the case for punk-fight with a focus on contingency/acrobatics/wrestling projection.
So, is nobody gonna break the tie?

If nobody breaks the tie, you can consider >>6181236 to be changed to
>High speed agility
>Be aware of your surroundings

We won't always have tools on hand, but our senses will always be a part of us.
>Be aware of your surroundings
>>Be aware of your surroundings
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Thinking fast, you descend the concrete slope into the dangerous wash, running towards the bottle. You already feel something happening; a far off metallic screech, the rumbling, the smell of moisture. In a single motion, you approach the bottle with an outstretched hand to grab the bottle, your eyes scanning. There; that water-level gauge and its sealed electric box. Your hand grabs the evidence before you grab the box, swinging yourself up, following the sealed cable up a support beam and safely out of the wash just before the gray water comes to sweep it away.

While you didn't overcome it with pure athleticism, some scrappy improvisation will suffice. Now, time to check out that bottle. You see its empty, which isn't a good sign, but the inside is stained with something. You lean in and give it a sniff only to recoil back. Yuck!

It smells like... rubber shit! Wait, you recognize this nasty smell. It was that same stink that was around those poor people that were mugged with some kind of gas attack; you could easily see how this could knock the air out of your lungs if just the residue is this bad. You look at the side of the plastic bottle, seeing a hand-written label. Clearly, this wasn't produced by the city or any real business.

LOT- 14b

Bottle thirteen? It could just be a random number, but this seems to imply that whatever gang threw this away would have at least a dozen more. Maybe they opened it to see if it worked? What would they need so many of these powerful stinkbombs for? If the Rhino had it, then could the Viking be involved somehow?

Realizing you are carrying a nasty ass bottle right before your “date” with Cheryl, you frown and shake the piece of plastic trash. You don't think there is much more purpose to it, so you throw it right back in the wash where it came from.
”Hi Max!” Cheryl says, coming out from the security checkpoint. You arrived early, even with your diversion. She's carrying a big heavy suitcase with her.

”Hey.” You say, trying to play it cool.

You talk for a bit. Cheryl tells you about her probation, and some stuff that happened on level four.

”...Though it's nothing compared to what you've been doing here.”
”Well you know, for all the guys asses I kicked on Level 5, not one of them has sent a lawyer after me. Sounds like you've got it worse.”

Cheryl laughs. You tell her about your friends; glancing around before mentioning anything else. Only when you're truly alone can you speak freely.

”So... About that Anonymous tip?”
”Yeah, we got it. Level 4 has access to almost all records from Level 5. It mentioned the Viking by name.”
”What did it say, Cheryl?”
”It... the “tip” was for a plan to rob a store. A “Delidiner” in specific?”
”Oh, that's funny. You know that's the place I was right before you arrested me.”
”The Peace Keepers only level 5 are not taking it seriously. Most punk activity is a lot less sophisticated then something like that. More then one has said they “plan” to rob a UBI office, but they never do. This time though... I don't know.”
”You're gonna tell me not to fight him next, aren't you?”

Cheryl frowns.
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”...No. But you know that this “Viking” guy has been around for a while. He's older then both of us anyway. When I was serving on Level 5, I saw complaints for all the big punks; people complaining about getting mugged or threatened or whatever. We never did anything with it.”
”Oh, did the Viking have a lot of those?”
”No, he didn't. That's what concerns me, Max. “Fredrick” didn't have any complaints about fighting or robbing people or anything like that. You know what complaints we got about him? Domestic violence and abuse. He would get into relationships with women, invite them to live with him, and then steal from them until they escaped or he got bored of them.”
”So he likes beating up women more then men, I guess?”

Cheryl sighs.

”...You know he could overpower almost anyone on Level 5, Max. Yet he didn't just steal from people to get money? Instead, he found a way to get the money to come to him. All I'm saying is he's a lot more clever then he lets on, that's all I'm worried about.”

You shouldn't joke around with this kind of thing, you think Cheryl is worried. You've never spoken two words to the guy, but strangely, you feel like you're on a collision course with The Viking no matter what you want or try. Almost like it's inevitable. The battle to be the strongest on Level 5...

”Speaking of which, this is for you.”
”Oh! Yeah, let me take that heavy thing off you.”

You grab it effortlessly, compared to Cheryl's struggling. She looks impressed with how easily you one handed it. You place it down on the ground, and Cheryl clicks the lock open, revealing a suitcase completely filled with charged canisters of pepper spray with their warning labels and tags; the exact same ones the Peace Keepers carry.

”Oh shit! Cheryl!” You hurriedly go to close it, looking around in a panic to make sure nobody sees. ”You can't possibly be allowed to give this to me... only Peace Keepers can own weapons like these!”

Cheryl rolls her eyes. ”Who cares? I'm stuck at a desk for the better part of a year anyway. I'm not going to be able to use them even if I wanted to. Besides, they're not for you, the civilian, Max. They're for...”
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”The Mask! Oooooooohhh!” She makes her fingers wiggle and extends the note, moaning like a spirit. You laugh.

”Come on! I- He's not like a ghost!”
”I thought it was a Phantom of the Opera kind of thing.”
”Oh- The Masked Phantom, the Red Phantom... Shit! I should have named it that.”
”You... named it?”
”It's a long story. But really,” You say, putting a hand on her shoulder. ”I appreciate it a lot Cheryl. Really, I do.”

You talk a bit more, lugging around your new weapons in your hands. You enjoy spending time with Cheryl. You suddenly remember; and ask her for her birthday. Then she asks you the dreaded question.

”Why do you ask?”
”Well, I mean... I just gotta pay you back for this, you know?” You say, shaking the case.
”Haha- pfft. Don't worry about it, Max.”
”Come on. Can't I buy you lunch or something.”

She frowns, then smiles teasingly.

”Guys on level 5 got no money, Max. You can't afford me.”
”Aww... come on... that's not fair.”
Cheryl smiles, and takes your hand. ”I just want you to be careful for me, okay?”
Finally, you return to the garage. You put everything down, realizing now you have to prepare, and the lull in punk activity is the perfect opportunity. But first, that safe.

You input Cheryl's birthday in the dial lock, trying left then right, before eventually it clicks. You pull the lever, and open the safe. It probably hasn't been opened in decades, you think, given how stiff it is. The inside is still clean, and you greedily examine it, curious.

The top shelf has a few bags and letters, one of which including the deed for the garage itself, glad to see it here. But next to it are a few bars of gold and silver. They're small, but you instantly recognize their value. Any precious metal, but especially pure ones, not mixed with alloys to improve conductivity and dilute it for use in more devics and electronics, can fetch quite a lot of money. Damn. You really don't feel comfortable keeping this, Cheryl probably didn't even know this existed. The picture of her father starts to appear more clear. Was he one of those crazy conspiracy types who hoarded food and supplies for the collapse of society? Well, society already collapse once buddy, and it's still going strong. Though you suppose in the end, he was proven right.

But then you check the bottom shelf. Oh shit. Wait, is that actually...
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It's a gun.

You hold its weight in your hands gingerly. You, as well as the vast majority of all people, have never seen one in person. It doesn't even feel real to hold this, like seeing an extinct animal trotting right down one of Panopolis's streets.

Every single gun in the entire world was destroyed hundreds of years ago. In the aftermath of the resource wars and the incorporation of the world's businesses and governments into The Cities, it was decided that they needed to be destroyed and had no place in the future. Everyone, from the private citizens, police, even armies, all gave up their firearms and had them melted down. Nobody was allowed to make or study them and the knowledge was largely lost; the gun was reviled as a tool of destruction and a symbol of a previous, less enlightened age. People were given strong incentives to turn in any gun they saw, paid out a lot of money and celebrated as heroes, and culturally interest in them dwindled. They still appear in movies and books and the like, as a part of history only.

And yet, here one is.

You check the little plastic rectangles, seeing bullets inside. You carefully look at the gun in your hands, feeling its weight and difficulty of operation, and see it's loaded too. You think it could still work, as its been well maintained. This could be the very last gun in all of Level 5, if not all of Panopolis. It seems Cheryl's father never gave his up, probably passed down secretly from his own father come to think of it. There is zero chance Cheryl knows about this already; the Peace Keepers were formed to get rid of guns in the first place. You wonder if she'd feel differently about her father if she knew he kept this thing locked away illegally, just in case...

Now you have a difficult choice to make yourself. This gun represents something very special. It is a tool used for killing and only for killing, but represents something immeasurably rare, valuable, and dangerous. You know that Cheryl would want you to destroy this gun, but what do you want to do with it?

>Carry it with you as The Mask as a last resort weapon
>Turn it in to the Peace Keepers as yourself, for the reward money and peace of mind
>Dispose of it as The Mask, for a boost in popularity and respect among the Peace Keepers
>Keep it in the safe, and tell no one.
>Keep it in the safe, and tell no one.
Our little secret.
>Carry it with you as The Mask as a last resort weapon
We need an ace up our sleeve. Something that no one else has access to.
We shouldn't need, nor want, to spend ages doing TRAINING MONTAGES. Gun wins.
We have limited bullets, and shooting somebody makes us instantly wanted by everybody forever. I don't think it's a good idea to carry it around willy-nilly. What if it gets stolen?
Huh, guess we finally know what happened to guns. Somehow I feel like this isn't the only one in the city, though...

But on a similar idea, what happens if this place gets raided or something? We're a vigilante, mate. I don't *want* to use a gun, but we might have to at some point. I do agree that carrying it all the time might be a bad thing, but we can't just leave it in a place someone might get.

Do you think it'd be possible to 'hide' the safe somewhere? Somewhere even more 'hidden' than what it already is?
>Keep it in the safe, and then hide the safe where only you can find
Be a valid option? I feel like just letting the safe out in the open is too risky still.
If you truly don't want to worry about the gun, then you have the option to get rid of it permanently. No write-ins are allowed.
Okay, I guess we're just leaving the safe with the ridiculously rare, ridiculously illegal item out in the open for no particular reason, I guess.

>Keep it in the safe, and tell no one.
Hey man, you looking forward to the next Monke quest?
Despite the railroading, yes.
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How strange, I was able to correctly determine you were a Monke player. Very curious...
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>I bet someone [playing my current quest] has [played my previous quest]!
Don't know yet. Tied between keeping it with us or in the safe.
>Monke mentionned
>Shitflinging starts
As clockwork.
>Keep it in the safe, and tell no one.
this makes me think, why does everyone fight melee or almost melee? and with mostly blunt weapons too
yeah it's "illegal" to have them, but making a piece of plastic pointy is hard to prevent
and if the library has basic mechanical principles, making a crossbow shouldn't be too hard (if guns are in stories, I don't see why crossbows wouldn't)
nobody wears much armor either, seemingly due to not many resources, but that just means making a crossbow as an ace in the hole should be damn effective
>Keep it in the safe, and tell no one.

We need to hold onto this... so we can mass produce it later.
Wait a second. Full size. Hammer fired. exposed barrel with only a short slide at the back.
That looks like a Beretta 92FS.
If it has a threaded barrel you should be able to easily add a 6 ounce or less weighted suppressor and have it function without a Neilson device.
Based as usual Bananas.

Won't change my previous vote to keep it in the safe though.
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Found Cheryl's dad?
Its possible that people are just conditioned against killing. I'm just wondering when we'll see that juicy, delicious librarian again.
she seems mentally unwell, I'd still hit it without a single doubt
For her own sake, it might be better not to. Better she not get hopes of something that won't happen.

Honestly, if they had met earlier...even just a few weeks earlier? Max would have probably been all over her. Cute awkard horny nerd girl? For a lonely nerd guy in his 20s it'd be like hitting gold. Alas, he stopped being a nerd when he got a hit of that sweet hero fighting adrenaline. Now he just thinks she's lame and creepy.
maybe we could hook her up with one of our nerdy friends?
Isn't one of them already married?
>Carry it with you as The Mask as a last resort weapon
A most interesting development.

A bit lame, but I'm in a FUCK IT WE BALL mood, anyway.
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You need to be careful with this. Owning a Gun is certainly not legal, so the easiest thing to do would be to surrender it to the Peace Keepers. But... this is something special. And given your new lifestyle, it might even be something you'll need later. Keeping it here confers some risk, but then again, it's already been at this garage in this safe for... how long? At least until before Cheryl's dad died, and probably even before that.

The garage is like your base of operations, and is where you keep all your Superhero gear. It's locked when you're not here, and far away from everyone on the outskirts of Panopolis. The garage was probably once a place that fixed vehicles and stuff for private citizens, even as the city was built from the ground up to be walkable and rely on public transit. That was a long time ago, and the garage probably went out of business who knows how long ago. Cheryls dad seemed to use it as a man cave, a little project of his. It makes sense he hid his gun here. As long as nobody knows it's here, it's unlikely anybody else will come looking for it.

You put the gun in the safe very carefully, pointing the barrel away from yourself as you do. You're still worried it might go off somehow, the bullet ricocheting back into you from the back of the safe, or making you deaf from the loud explosion... but it doesn't fire, it just lays there. You close the safe and lock it up with all the other valuables. Safe and sound, for now.

In the meantime, you have something else to think about. Cheryl mentioned the Viking's plan to rob the diner. It's a huge step up for normal criminal activity on this level. Based on Carlos's anonymous tip, he isn't going to rob the place just yet, but you know you're going to need to put a stop to it. But then the question is... What's his next move?

It seems the Viking is consolidating power on level 5. He is amassing weapons, recruiting a gang to serve under him, and removing some of his rivals- the Rhino serves him now and you personally knocked down the Mohawk a few pegs. It seems like he's planned this all out, removing obstacles or threats that could interfere with his plan, and it seems like he doesn't want to be caught out too early, hence why it's been secretive. With that in mind... what is his most likely next course of action?

>Lay low for the heat to die down
>Rob a smaller store for practice
>Train his combat skills
>Other (Write in)
Dealing with the Samurai

He's the only punk left on level five that has neither knelt to him or been taken out like Mohawk. It follows that he'll want to either beat him or get him to join him.
>+1 Samurai
Makes sense either to remove an obstacle or recruit an ally. Though... what do do about it? Anything?
I think the best thing we could do is break into the delidiner and find out what makes it such a worthwhile target. Does anyone else feel this way?
I dunno. If we found out when he was about to move we could even wait until they fought to take them out when they were weak.

Alternatively, begin chopping off the limbs of the beast. Would beating the shit out of a lieutenant of his help? We might not be a killer, but I don't think I'd feel bad about hospitalizing someone like The Rhino.
Makes sense, +1

I wonder what the Viking has as a final objective. Clearly he is a schemer and ruthless. So far he has been haply with small time stuff. Hard to see what he gets out of capturing a bunch of food and... meat cutting implements?
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That's it. It's the Samurai. It makes the most sense; the Viking has dealt with all the other major rivals, except the Samurai. He's the second biggest punk on level 5, big and strong, and has quite the reputation.

You've never seen him yourself, all you know about him is he is big. From a young age, he knew eating food was the way to get big and strong, and while he did grow tall, he kept growing sideways too. In other words, he's pretty fat. In fact, you know his nickname used to be "The Sumo", which he wore with pride, until he learned what Sumo wrestlers looked like, and assumed it was all a fat joke. So he forced everyone to start calling him the Samurai instead.

While you don't know where the Viking is, you figure that using the Samurai as bait is your best option. So you head out to the restaurant where the Samurai frequents and you decide to have your first ever stake out!

Upon getting there, you realize it may be difficult to stay hidden inside a crowded restaurant with limited places to hide. So you look around, and using your instincts, you find a ladder to the side of the building held up by a rusty padlock. You smack it open, and climb to the roof, just where a skylight acts as the perfect way to see what is going on. As you crouch up there, you can see the Samurai below, eating away, several employees waiting on him while the owner fiddles with his hair near the kitchens. Looks like the Samurai doesn't intend to pay for his onions-based noodle soup.

Watching this all unfold for a while, you wonder why the Viking has such an interest in restaurants. Though, you realize that this is probably where the most money on all of level 5 is located at a time; customers paying for food goes right into a register, before being sold to the food vendors who supply the store. It looks like they barely break even; and given you know that employers on level 5 have to pay their employees quite a lot since everyone is guaranteed enough money to survive by the UBI; you wonder how they even stay in business. But such high level business concepts are still beyond you. You've been watching for a while now. You wish you brought snacks.

You realize, however, that it may be difficult to actually hear what anyone says below. You assumed the Viking would just come in and attack the Samurai... but if he's that clever, he may just try to talk to him instead. You never considered what you would do if they actually team up...

If they did team up, do you actually think you could beat them together?
>Probably not
>Probably not
Not in a pure 2-on-1, at least. These are heavy bruisers, and we're a kid who's been working out for a few weeks (months?). If we rigged up some traps or did other preparation, it might be possible.
You mean like...at the same time? The two of them? With just our tonfas?

Uhhh, probably not. We could beat them one by one, maybe, but two? They'd probably just tank the tonfa strikes. If we had used a staff like I wanted, then sure. A big ol swing to the head with a long metal pipe will take out anyone. But Tonfas aren't that tough

Of course, it's not really that this is a limit. But it's more like you're just not strong enough yet. We need more muscle. We've gotten better but it's nothing. We need to be shredded.

But at the same time, if this is supposed to be a mindset thing, I don't want Max to be defeatist.
>Probably not
Let's be realistic here. We have a gun, sure, but a 2v1 against guys way bigger and stronger than us is something we probably couldn't beat 9 outta 10 times.
Maybe if we bother actually grabbing the gun, sure, but otherwise? No.
>>Probably not
Not even sure we can 1v1 Viking, so...
>Probably not
At least, not when they're both together in the same location. We're not THAT skilled yet.
>Probably not

Divide and conquer.
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Yeah, you probably can't take both of them at the same time, if they team up. Maybe one or the other, but certainly not both. You decide not to get too big for your britches- overconfidence will only end up harming you.

After all, you've never relied on pure brute strength. Your weapons, your tactics, your tools and gadgets; these are the things you rely on to succeed. While defeating low level punks has given you an ego boost, you internalize right now that you aren't invincible, and you may not be able to overcome every challenge put before you...

You watch the Samurai from the safety of the roof hatch, seeing him gorge himself and sloppily spill the dishes over the floor, expecting others to clean up after him. The restaurant is still rather busy despite this; you wonder if the Viking will even show up before the Samurai is finished with his large meal. You can actually smell the food from up here, wafting up into your nostrils following the architectural elements. Come to think of it, you can hear the Samurai huffing as he eats... do you have some special acoustics? Maybe you can hear what they talk about, if only he'll show up soon...

Soon enough, the Viking does appear. He struts into the front door, going right up to the Samurai by himself. His huge and imposing frame making smaller men jump out of the way, employees and patrons alike. He approaches the large central banquet table and puts his hand down, speaking to the Samurai in his signature gruff and too-deep baritone voice.

"Sup. Gotta talk to you."
"Lotta balls to come here, Vicky."
"It's important. You probably know I've gotten the Rhino under my sway now, I'm still hiring you know, and you're on the list."
"Rhino is a little pussy, always has been, always will be."
"Yeah, I happen to like being surrounded with pussies. You wouldn't know the feeling, fat boy."

You've only seen the Viking once before in person. He was tormenting a man who didn't get out of his way and show him the proper respect- stabbing him in the hand with his trusty sword after he was already defeated and knocking him to the ground. The Viking is quite sadistic. But you wonder why. Thinking about it more, you realize that his style of talking and dealing with others is almost the opposite of your own. When you want to get along with someone; you capitulate, find a compromise, try to get along and avoid unnecessary confrontation. The Viking doesn't do that, instead escalating, insulting, probing- forcing others to obey him instead. It comes from someone who feels unassailable.

"...It's about the food, you fool. The Fumigator told me that the smell is basically impossible to wash out. You steal the money, destroy the kitchen appliances, and ruin the property; it'll never come back. Then, everyone on Level 5 will be forced to only buy prepackaged stuff. Once we begin tax collections on that..."

>Quest continues tomorrow
Hmm, so the plan is to basically get rid of restaurants and then control the supply of pre-packaged food? I thought he just wanted to run a protection racket, but I guess that's also a good idea.

I guess we'll find out more tomorrow...but I think we should get rid of one of viking's guys soon. I don't know if he's going for the plan yet - but if we took out Rhino or Samurai (if he joins) that might make things easier.

The Viking doesn't seem to have us in his sight, though. He's probably considering us to be a low level non threat for now.
Oh 4chan...

Fiendish. We've got to stop them.
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You can see the two of them getting into it. If there was any actual intention of the Samurai joining the Viking, it would be spoiled by the latter's taunts.

”And yet you come here carrying a sword on your hip.”
“I don't draw it unless I've already one.”
”You're a coward.”
“You're a cow.”

The Viking presses a finger under one of the Samurai's rather large man breasts, causing him to get angry. He slapped his hand away, before following up with an open handed slap that the Viking quickly dodges. The massive banquet platform doesn't budge as the two fight around it; bolted to the floor.

You watch closely, feeling privileged to get to watch this clash of the titans. But more importantly, this is useful recon for yourself.

The Viking is quick, despite his size. He's a natural fighter, dodging punches and open handed slaps. True to his word, he doesn't draw his sword, preferring powerful punches. His footwork is good too, avoiding the bulk of the ex-Sumo, and he gives the Samurai a powerful hook to the side; but the big man hardly reacts. Oh! His body fat is actually absorbing the punch. You didn't expect that.

To be fair, you feel a little bad for the Samurai, but it's also just so unusual. Food is expensive, and the city's culture strongly emphasizes low impact eating habits to cut down on food waste. Basically nobody on level 5 is obese, so this unique style of “fighting” is something new.

Despite this setback, the Viking very clearly realizes what is happening, and changes his approach quickly. Instead of just relying on pure brute strength and aggression like most of the punks on level 5, he actually changes his strategy. He grabs the Samurai instead, bypassing his natural armor, quickly wearing him out. Despite his “armor”, the fat is slowing him down and clearly affecting his cardiovascular stamina. He is already sweating all over. The Viking's powerful arms grab and swing the big man around, going around the restaurant and knocking over objects. The guests pile on into the corners or run away; though you see several trying desperately to stuff their meals down their throats before they get tipped over or forced out of the restaurant, trying to get their money's work. The employees stand back and peak in from the kitchen, helpless. You suddenly realize why the Viking would want to confront his main rival in front of all these people. It's the infamy he's really after.
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Their hands are intertwined, not wanting either to be able to punch the other. They push and pulls with their arms, but the Viking is clearly stronger. The sweat underneath the Samurai's neck, arms, everywhere shows he can't handle a fight lasting this long. Clearly, he just throws his weight around, which is enough for most people... who won't actually fight back.

You watch as the Viking wrestles the Samurai around. Despite being a little bit taller then him, you can't imagine it being easy pulling that fat guy around. Eventually, the Samurai is too winded to really fight back, letting the Viking grab both his hands in a hold. He grips both of the Viking's wrists with one of his massive hands, freeing one of his own. You expect him to start punching the Viking in the head, but instead, he takes a step up on the raised banquet platform. You hear it creak.


The Viking strains for a moment, and then lifts the Samurai up. Everyone is silent watching.


The Viking impossibly lifts the fatter, heavier man up off the ground with one hand, forcing the panting and helpless Samurai to kick his legs like an infant, while the Viking draws his sword. He takes aim, and swings for the Samurai's wrists.

With a loud crash, the Samurai falls to the ground. He screams in agony as his stumps bleed everywhere, the Viking laughing, holding both of his fat, now severed hands in his single outstretched hand.
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“Haha! Don't worry fats, I'm sure the hospital could reattach them, if you can carry them there. Haha!”

The Viking drops the Samurai's severed hands on the floor next to the defeated Samurai, who tries desperately to pick them up with his bleeding stumps. He realizes its futility in a moment, clearly going into shock and unable to think of what to do, just sitting there with a look of absolute fear and confusion on his face.

”H-Help...!” He says weakly, looking around for anyone to pick up his hands and help him. Nobody does. Not the guests, nor the employees. Clearly, even if the Viking wasn't watching, you wouldn't expect any of them to spring to his aid in the first place.

You back away from the skylight, feeling a little nauseous.

That wasn't regular strength. That was super human strength. The Viking just lifted up the Samurai in one hand and just... holy shit. The world is spinning from watching that scene of abject cruelty unfold.

And you're supposed to fight that guy?

You just lost your nerve.

Whenever you lose your nerve, you won't be able to achieve the greatest feats of heroism you aspire to. You'll still be able to live your life, talk to people, maybe even fight a little crime on the side. But with your nerve shaken, you won't be able to put it all on the line for your ideals. The only way to get your nerve back is to do something extremely risky, stupid, or brave or something that invigorates you and makes you feel alive again. Until then, your nerve is shaken.

You're ready to slink away from the restaurant. After this, the Viking is the undisputed top of the punk hierarchy, and is the King of Level 5. What are you going to do...

>Yell down at the Viking and promise to stop him (Reveals you know his plan, but regain your nerve)
>Leave and plan your next move
>Leave and plan your next move
Any way we can help (and maybe gain as an ally) Mr. Sumo/Samurai?
>Leave and plan your next move
>>Yell down at the Viking and promise to stop him (Reveals you know his plan, but regain your nerve)
>>Leave and plan your next move
A major permanent debuff until we take a notable (hopefully temporary) disadvantage to get rid off, shit.
>Yell down at the Viking and promise to stop him (Reveals you know his plan, but regain your nerve)

Let's not keep the 'lose your nerve' debuff.
Hm...I'm trying to wonder which option might be best. See, the thing we neeed the most is *time*. We need *time* to find a way to defeat this literal superhuman (our tonfas will do literally jackshit)

On one hand, wouldn't it make sense for him to 'wait a little' now that he's done something so public? I mean, dude just fucking killed a man unless someone manages to stop Samurai's bleeding real fuckin' quick there.

On the other hand, if we reveal his plan, wouldn't he decide to 'hunt us down' before going forward with it? Or would he just rush it into action even quicker because we know his plan and might report him to the Popo?
>killed a man
that's how it seems to me too, but it seems so strange, why is level 5 dominated by gangs like these brutish bullies instead of actual murderers, the police is forbidden from doing anything
why can't a person carve his way up the spire?
there has to be something we're not seeing here, some line that I suspect the Viking either already tripped or is close to doing so
>that's how it seems to me too
I mean, I guess you could just say he somehow survives, but like...dude chopped off his hands at the root. PLike, he cut him off at the damn wrist. Slightly below it, from the looks. His artery is just fucking open, man. Dude's fucking dead unless there's an ambulance literally sitting outside.

Still, there's the question of the vote. I haven't voted yet because i'm not sure which one will give us more time. Like I said, i'm half stuck between "Yelling at him will cause him to stop his plans to hunt us down" and "Yelling at him will cause him to rush ahead with the plans as fast as possible before he reports us to the authorities"
>Leave and plan your next move

We need a group of guys, all armed with guns.
Well...it's getting late...It's probably pointless by now, but i suppose i'll vote for
>Yell down at the Viking and promise to stop him (Reveals you know his plan, but regain your nerve)
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After what you've seen, it would be downright stupid to yell after the Viking. To challenge him, and put a dent in his ego, especially with all these people watching. Brave yes, but very stupid. While you are bit shaken up, you still have a job to do. You back away from the ceiling hatch and leave the scene. At least, now you know what his plan is...

You lay low for the next few days, but so do the punks. With news of the Viking's latest conquest going around, many are wondering if they're next on the chopping block. You know better, he's only interested in high value targets now. You need to prepare.

You head to the local library on level 5. The massive hub of information and entertainment that is the best you've got. You're looking for a few things in particular, so you decide to get some help. Heading towards the references and past the restricted sections you end up finding Nancy, the helpful librarian. Damn. Maybe it's all the testosterone in your blood from all your recent training but she's looking a little...

Hold on. She doesn't know you're there yet, and is drawing something. You lean over her shoulder to take a peek.
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“Hey! Don't look at what I'm drawing!!!”
”Oh, uhh, sorry, Nancy. I just uhh, wanted to see how good of an artist you were!”
“What do you want, Max?”

You give her a slip of paper containing a pressure per volume formula with a diagram you drew of a fire extinguisher; for cover. She shakes her head.

“Thisch is the wrong formula. You need to consider the density liquid as well as its volume.”
”Wow! How did you know that?”
Nancy shrugs. “I read a lot of books.”

Over the next few hours, Nancy helps you find a bunch of useful textbooks and references to various math formulas. Things like this are often restricted to students or only really sought out by people on higher levels, meaning they aren't even kept at this library all the time. People on level 5 mostly prefer lighter, fluffier stuff meant for entertainment purposes. But Nancy is always helpful. For the past several months, whenever you needed to look up something useful or technical, like how to maintain a biodiesel engine or how to sow a cape or how to make the paints for your mask and the like, she's always been there. You feel a little guilty in getting this special treatment from her, you know she's awfully busy on Level 5, but she never complains about it.
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”Nancy, you're so smart. Why haven't you tried to get a scholarship up on level 3?!”
“Oh, gosh. Only kid geniuses get elevated to that level from down here.”
”I mean, we both missed our chance for that but... You can still apply to different programs. I know level 4 has scouts that look for talented business owners down here for potential promotion to that level of the city. I mean it's less common then civil servants or peace keepers or whatever but it does still happen.”
“You really think scho? I- I don't know.” she blushes, clearly not used to this much praise. “The thing is, I just like working on Level 5. I like helping people.”
”But wouldn't you be helping people up there?”
“No... It's not the schame. A lot of people on level 5 are illiterate if they drop out of school or some adults lose their math and science skills once they are swept up into the UBI system. I like helping them, I like tutoring the kids here, and keeping the library clean and organized for all the people to come and read their favorite books. It's just nicshe and quiet, you know? I don't really know if I'd like being up there in the city, all competitive for money or whatever.”

It's weird meeting someone who seems fine with living on Level 5. Most people seem to hate it, but most of them lack the skills or connections to do anything about it. Given Nancy's obvious intelligence, you get the feeling she could actually achieve a higher level in the city if she really tired. Maybe she just needs a push in the right direction; it would be a shame to see such a mind go to waste just helping kids and bums read. But then again, she seems not to care about money or status as much. She just likes living in her own little fantasy worlds, and sharing them with others.

The way she looks at you after you speak makes you think she really cares about what you have to say. Maybe you could influence her. But then again, she is very helpful to you on this level. If she moved up, you wouldn't have her around to help you find all these obscure books and break the rules on how many you're allowed to check out at once for your various superhero projects... What should you do?

>Encourage her to move up in the city
>Respect her decision no matter if she ends up advancing or not
>Selfishly try to get her to stay for your own benefit
>Respect her decision no matter if she ends up advancing or not
>Respect her decision no matter if she ends up advancing or not
she is as just as the Mask is (and the best waifu but you can't handle the truth)
>>Selfishly try to get her to stay for your own benefit
ACKCHUALLY getting involved people bettering things for everyone is good.
Listen mate, if we were going for her 'route', i would support trying to get her to stay. But we ain't. So i'm not gonna hold her back just to stay as our knowledge dispenser.
>Respect her decision no matter if she ends up advancing or not.

>Respect her decision no matter if she ends up advancing or not

She's nice, we like her. She's doing what she wants to do, so let's support her.
>Encourage her to move up in the city
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"Well, if you want to stay on Level 5, that's fine. It's your choice."
"Yeah, but just like you said, I don't know if that's ALL I schould do, you know? I like helping people but schomtimes this job does feel too easy... And higher levels of the city pay way more too."
"Well... maybe you should try advancing here, right? Then you could see how you feel about the extra responsibility first. There's gotta be a position you can apply for, like head librarian?"
"Huh, I never thought of that! That's scuch a good idea Max! Thank you!"

Nancy ends up helping you for several hours more. You tell a few jokes and she snorts when she laughs. You like her a lot, even if she is a huge nerd. You also feel a little guilty, like you're wasting her time with your "side project" and "inventions" you're trying to make to impress people on level 4... That's your cover story anyway. You don't want to reveal your true intentions as a crime fighting vigilante. After a while of research, you end up getting all the useful reference material you need, and as the library closes you say goodbye. Waving to each other, Nancy heads one direction and you go the other, watching her leave down an alleyway towards her own apartment not too far from the library itself.

Level 5 of the city is the one most exposed to the outside world. Panopolis is built like a layered cake, with each level built on top of the one beneath it. Besides the massive support beams and pipes leading upwards, it would be hard to tell that you're actually underneath another city just above you. That's because of the natural way light enters the city from the sides, casting everything in shadows from the sky and sun. It's getting dark now, and while the city retains a certain amount of illumination no matter what, it also follows the time. To create a more comfortable atmosphere, street lights dim and turn slightly more red. Machines underneath the streets turn on, gently rocking city amenities and power poles to shake off dust and debris, street cleaners begin to be released with a low rumble. It gives everything an atmosphere of calm and quiet, with the residents of the city heading back home to bed, subtly guiding citizens with nothing else to do off the streets for important maintenance work to be done.

Hey, who is that guy? You see a man walking along some distance behind where Nancy was. He takes a glance down the alleyway, and then left and right. Nancy can't be too far ahead. She has just barely disappeared from your sight, but for this man on the other side of the street... Don't go down that alleyway buddy. I mean it.

Fuck. You asshole.

You suppose it's a good thing you're here, but this is still the second time you've had to watch some punk change his path and follow some random woman. You grab your superhero gear and stash your books nearby, making sure nobody can see you as you disappear down the alley behind, slipping on your mask and following behind...
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Nancy is completely frozen. She isn't even fighting back. The man has her pinned against the wall, groping her chest.

"Hey pretty lady~ It's okay, don't worry. I'll treat you nice and gentle. Unless that's not what you want, hehe."

She raises up her hand to try and push him back, but he grabs and twists it, causing a red welt to appear on her wrist. She mewls out painfully, not wanting to make the situation worse. She's locked up, too afraid to even call for help. The man shakes his head.

"Come on, let this happen. Are you a virgin? You smell like you are." He sniffs her hair. His free hand is furiously pumping underneath his long coat. "... I need this so bad right now."

Nancy's eyes go wide as she sees your masked face over the man's shoulder. He notices after you grab his wrist. You've never been much of a lady's man yourself, but you don't really like the way this guy is going about things.

"What da fuc- AAHHHH!!!"

You come down on his elbow with your baton as hard as you can, snapping his joint and bending his arm backwards. He screams out in pain and is helpless as you put your hand on the back of his head, making sure his head can't come back to absorb any of the impact-
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You slam into his lower job with the hard point of your tonfa, your hand holding his skull in place. The impact is so hard his jaw snaps shut, instantly breaking some of his weaker teeth out of his mouth as the lower jaw impacts messily with the other. You can feel him start to get loose as the impact concussed him. Taking him for a spin, you grab his lower body and twist, tossing him into the nearby dumpster, which the lid slams shut from the impact. Without thinking, you turn to Nancy and approach, she having been standing there silently, watching you. You notice the red welt on her wrist, and wordlessly hold her arm gingerly to inspect it.
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"A-Aren't you going to asckh me if I'm okay?" Nancy says after a second.

You don't answer. Instead, you look up to meet her eyes, seeing the look of awe, gratitude, and excitement at meeting the Mask face to face like this. You can tell she's still a little scared, but so grateful that you saved her. Of course you'd save her.

But now you have a new problem. Nancy probably doesn't know you well enough to recognize you just based on your build or posture, but she certainly would recognize your voice. Especially since you just spent the last six hours talking to her at the library. It's weird how close she's standing to you, like she doesn't mind you're in her personal space at all. She keeps looking at you right in the face of your mask, almost trying to see your eyes in the dark holes, like she's waiting for something.


>Kiss her right now (Regain your Nerve)
>Leave mysteriously
>Do something embarrassing so she stops having a crush on the Mask
>Kiss her right now (Regain your Nerve)
Easy W.
I like her more than Cheryl too
>>Kiss her right now (Regain your Nerve)
As long as we stay masked, I'm fine with a love triangle thing. Way better than exposing ourselves to the Samurai.
How CAN we kiss her and stay masked? This isn't a Batman Half-Mask or a Spiderman fabric face-cover, the mask is plastic, circular and solid and doesn't have a mouthpart - to kiss her, we'll have to take the mask off anyway, so we might as well just let her hear our voice, say who we are and be done with it.

>Leave mysteriously
I'm just not sure, honestly. I mean by all means, regaining our nerve is nice, but it feels a bit mean if we end up going for Cheryl after this anyway, she'll end up waiting for her 'hero' who seems to like her even though he's already got someone in mind.
>Leave mysteriously
It is known that nothing arouse women more than a grape attempt.
>>Kiss her right now (Regain your Nerve)
>Leave mysteriously.

>How CAN we kiss her and stay masked?
Tilt it back slightly.

Heroic violence perpetrated to protect you, by the mysterious badass you've been fantasizing about, is actually a pretty common kink. There is a lot of erotica written about it, by women.
And this is where reality differ from fiction. They might have fantasy, but at the moment they are truly in danger I'm pretty sure their mind is completely taken away from romance and stuff.
Probably in most cases but, and I hate to break immersion but I must point this out, this quest is fiction.
With the quality of Bananas writing, s
its so easy to become immersed.
Yeah but it's GOOD so it's not using bad tropes.
Someone is not familiar with how Hass Takar landed his wife.
Space Monke are notoriously not-human but a species which function based on a coherent worldview amalgamated from /pol/ - which is a feat by itself - so I'd reject that argument.
I don't want this thread to devolve into shitflinging because of my point of view so I'll stop at this post for this debate.
This is a pretty dumb discussion, desu. The man she fantasized about just finished beating the shit out of her attacker, of course she's horny for him.
Easy there anon, I was just having some fun and pointing out that the QM isn't necessarily averse to the concept of a woman turned on by aggression. I respect your opinion also.

She sure is acting like it, IMO.
cool tie lol
Oh shit, yeah, I haven't voted. I'm still not sure about how 'morally dubious' kissing her would be. I'll listen to any arguments, but if no one posts anything in like... 15 minutes, i'll just choose something.
Nobody? Alright, then. I'll be voting for
>Leave mysteriously
Sorry, but Cheryl is just best girl.
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Personally I want the love triangle so I'm going to conveniently disqualify your post since you didn't post before this prompt lol

not biased or anything lol

anybody else want to break the tie?
>Personally I want the love triangle
You know what? Fine. If you manage to pull this off without it being annoying, tiresome, and disappointing like every single other love triangle in every piece of media ever, I will personally apologize for calling you an attention-seeking hack before.
This is an admission of support, by the way, if no one actually decides to 'break the tie'. I have never seen a love triangle that was handled enjoyably.
The easy fix is make one or more parties bisexual and go for the OT3. Second best is harem ending.
If this was a capeshit story, it'd probably just end with one of them getting conveniently killed by a villain.
I had some gay shit to do today so will probably sleep and do a small update then a real update Friday
...So what's winning? Kiss? Not sure anyone else will vote if no one's done by now. Like I said, you can count mine as a kiss if you want to do the triangle.
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You lean in closer. She doesn't back up, but her shoulders rise, as though bracing for impact. You reach up to your mask, slowly pulling up over your lower face and nose, but careful not to reveal more. You put an arm around her.

"W-What's your n-n-nam-"

Finally, you lean into her face after a second of trying to figure out the angle, awkward given you can only see everything below her nose, and then give her a kiss. You press your lips against hers hard, and you feel her body seize up almost, like she's never been more excited in her life, pressing her face against yours in acceptance. You can feel the slight chap of her lip, the dried skin hanging on underneath your assault. You have no idea how to do the tongue action. You can taste the inside of her mouth a little bit, and it's a bit... well it tastes like nothing, the inside of your own mouth you guess, with a slight feminine aftertaste. Her body hooks closer to yours, feeling her face flushed hotly, while the rest of her is much cooler to your touch, her glasses pushed up by your mask and her hair even messier then before. Her skin is soft and her hair is silky if a little oily; it feels good just to touch her, like the real wood of a doctor's desk or the real leather of a handbag you remember feeling as a kid way up on level 3. In a way, you were expecting it to be more "pleasurable", since you always wonder what people get out of this to like it so much, but you do feel something warm and happy inside you. Actually, scratch that, you feels hers instead. The expression of "butterflies in your stomach" seems almost exactly true for her, which you can almost feel reflected off her warm turtleneck.

Hmm. It's the first time you've ever kissed a girl. Honestly? Kind of fun. Maybe you should have tried kissing girls earlier.

You end the kiss by slipping your mask back on, and then turn around to leave without another word. You look back once to see her standing there, a hot mess, totally stunned and looking at you with a sort of awe mixed with joy. You know, you were a little shaken up by what you saw the Viking could do, and while you aren't going to be charging in head first against the guy, you feel much better now. It's easy to get lost in your own mind with possibility and self-doubt, but it's easy to forget you're a hero. You just saved a damsel in distress from danger, and now she's head over heels for you, she's literally watching you go like her hero. You feel a little smug at that. You've got your nerve back.

Who's the man? You're the man.

>Update continues later today
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”...You need to stockpile food. It's important. I don't know how true the rumors are, but...”

It's a risk to your cover as The Mask for sure, but these are your friends. There is a chance that you fail in your mission, or that the Viking hits more restaurants then you can stop, or they close anyway in the next few months. Somebody asks you where you heard about this, and you try your absolute best not to glance at Carlos, who you can see just looked at you from your peripheral vision. Does he think you knew about his anonymous tip? Or is he just reacting to information that he knew already?

”My athletic group. You know, we do calisthenics and body weight exercises and stuff. I just overheard the rumor there. If the restaurants on level 5 close down, food is going to be in much shorter supply. Just buy some extra long term food, nonperishable, hide it, don't tell anyone you have it so it doesn't get stolen... Just to be safe.”
“Oh, that's just great. Now we've got to worry about that too!” Nathan says in exasperation. He starts pacing around the apartment, but with three other men there, there isn't much room, forcing him to walk in an awkward semicircle.

Jason scoffs. ”Pfft. I hate how much you all want to go eat at the restaurant anyway. It's expensive! You can save a ton of money just eating at home.”
“So?! Listen guys, you're all a bit younger and more independent then me, not being married and all, but you have no idea how nice it is to just have a place to go where you don't have to worry about cooking, or cleaning, and everyone can get what they want, and you can save leftovers -if you're lucky enough to a fridge- and you can have a nice time. If only once or twice a month, can't we have that?!”
”It's a luxury.”

Nathan throws his hands up in the air, getting strangely defensive.

“So!? Of course it's a luxury. We don't need it, sure, but that doesn't matter! We could live in smaller apartments too, and wear our clothes out longer, and could survive on just a little less money, and run the heat less in the cold months. We could do all these things to reduce government spending or save the environment or whatever! Sure! But for all us normal people, who can't afford much, who're too dumb to move up in society, who don't have the strength or aggression to be like the punks and steal from people, who are too scared and cowardly to rise up to do anything about it; for people like us, maybe it does matter. When is somebody going to stand up and say “yeah it's a small thing, but I'm not going to let you take it away from people who have nothing.” Maybe it isn't so small and unnecessary. Maybe it's more then just a luxury, because of what it means to the people who can enjoy it.”
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Using the knowledge and books Nancy recommended to you and helped you find, you're ready to work on your next project.

Cheryl hugely helped you by giving you these extra Peace-Keeper pepper sprays. These could be a valuable weapon, but they have a few problems and limitations. The pepper spray cans as they come are designed to prevent excessive force and minimize collateral damage; requiring two hands to operate and having a two second shutoff during continual spraying, to just deliver enough to stun a suspect. Its range is decent, but has a very narrow stream designed for keeping away, since the Peace-Keepers aren't exactly getting into fist-fighting range, unlike you. As such, these pepper spray cans could use some modifications. As of right now, you have three ideas.

First, you could hide the pepper spray inside your tonfa handles. There is just enough room to hide the inner components of a sprayer inside, and without compromising the hardness of structural integrity of the weapons. You could hide the tiny spray button in the natural locations you hold your thumb. In this state, the range and crowd-control abilities of the pepper spray would be greatly reduced, but it could be a great surprise weapon, and act as something to improve your close range abilities.

Secondly, you notice that the pepper spray fluid inside the canisters is aereated by a plastic piece right outside the nozzle. If you change how that works and remove the automatic shutoff, you could create a sort of tear gas grenade that would slowly dispense its entire contents into the air. Especially strong in an enclosed space, this would cause coughing and trouble seeing to anyone stuck in the cloud produced. Of course, it wouldn't have as much instant impact as the other choices, but it could be useful.

The third and final idea is based on Nancy's pressure formulas. The inside of these pepper spray cans are actually held under great pressure and could be explosive if the right conditions are meant. Of course, you don't want to accidentally create deadly shrapnel bombs, in case it hurts yourself or innocent bystanders, so you've carefully created a design that splits the inner most canister of pepper spray fluid in half in an instant explosion. This would create a loud pressure bubble, essentially a flashbang, which could rupture an eardrum or knock the wind out of someone if it went off right next to them, shatter glass, and otherwise act as a powerful stunning bomb. The most aggressive option with the least nuance; but it would be a formidable weapon to your arsenal.

Which modification do you want to try?
>Hidden Sprayers
>Gas Grenade
>Explosive Charges
Strap explosive charges to your Tonfas Arkham Asylum style.
>Explosive Charges
Legalize nuclear bombs.
What a bizarre reaction to a first kiss. I think our boy might be a little unusual. Possibly a sociopath, or asexual, or both.

>Gas Grenade
Long-term, groups of thugs are a bigger threat to us than any one guy, even The Viking. We're an unpowered melee vigilante in a sci-fi future.
>Gas Grenade
We need a gas mask added to our mask too.
>>Gas Grenade
>Explosive Charges
Listen, OK, anons? Although gas grenades might be nice for crowd control, how the fuck are we going to beat the Viking? Do you really think our tonfas will do *anything* to him?

We can't pull out the gun so damn early or else the whole city will come down crashing on us.
yeah, we need a way to do more damage, none of the other options offer that
even if blinded, the Viking would fuck us up
This, we can learn to eventually beat up large groups of thugs. We can't just learn to beat the Viking. We don't have any way to defeat him without this.
This is me.

>Explosive charges
because if they are using stink bombs they might have gas masks. Then we're really boned.
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You decide to modify the pepper spray cans into small explosives. You have to remove the outer casing, ensure pressure is contained, and remove several valves and safety features from each canister designed to prevent them from exploding. It's a lot of work. Because they're pretty dangerous, several safety precautions come to the front of your mind, especially as you are working with these contents highly under pressure. By cutting weak points along the outer shell without breaking through, you can force the container to release all its energy at once. It will disperse the pepper spray inside too quickly to actually blind or choke people, blasted the irritants to smithereens, but that's not really what you're using them for.

You prepare a small number of the explosives for later, with a simple pin and firing mechanism. You'll convert the rest of the cans at a later time. You're tired. Besides, you have one more person you need to catch up with before you deal with the Viking...

Your pet rat, Bartholomew! He runs over to your excitedly as you enter your small apartment. You feel a little bad, you hope you haven't been ignoring him too much recently with all your training and hero stuff. You give him a scratch on his back, and he does his excited butt wiggle.

"Aww, happy to see me? Good boy. Oh- I know what you want." You reach for come protein poofs, small snacks you eat quite often. They taste like air with a bit of sawdust and a nutty aftertaste. Pet rats can eat whatever humans can.

"...But you gotta earn it first. I should teach you a new trick."

Your rat already knows how to sit. What new trick should you teach him?
>Chase Tail
>Play Dead
Is this the part where we have to pick an specific option or else he dies when they break into our apartment?
>Play Dead
Go, Bartholomew. Go out and fetch to the extreme.

This is the single most pivitol decision in the quest.

Once we have taught it to bring, we can teach it to place
And then we teach it TO KILL.
Nothing like killin' to get that happy rat butt wigglin'! Jesus.
I don't want to weaponize our little friend.
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Me neither. Its funny to imagine though.
kek, Florida Man has competition.
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You decide to teach him fetch. The most useful trick he could learn, you suppose, though he's still just a little rat. Not much he could fetch for you exactly. It's tough to get his attention to grab something at first, he just wants the treat. Maybe you can activate some kind of predatory instinct? Do rats even have those?

"Maybe a pencil?" You shake it, and he looks. "Oh okay, now go... fetch!"

You throw it, and he bolts after it suddenly. He grabs it and starts to chew on it.

"No no! Don't chew, bring it back!"

He's got the "fetch" part, but not the release. He doesn't want to give it back! You'd feel bad for just ripping it out of his little claws, so you offer him a trade with a piece of a snack, and he drops the pencil for it. You try to teach him so more, and he does eventually seem to actually understand you want him to bring it back and give it to you.

"Aww! What a clever rat!"

...That's what you've been thinking about. Who is gonna take care of your rat if you're gone? Just like the Mohawk said. There's a real chance you won't come back. Will you be ok? Or will you die in this room, all alone? Rats can chew through anything. You don't have much food stockpiled, all of your money stretched thin to supply your Superhero hobby, so you'll have to escape and go on your own, Bart. You drift away to sleep imagining him leaving your apartment and going to join the feral pet rats in the city, their own little society stealing crumbs for food and trash to build their nests. You wonder if he'd be happier there...

>Quest continues tomorrow
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It's just after UBI payment day for everyone level 5 this month. On top of that, it's Friday, meaning the few people on Level 5 with an actual job just got off for their weekend. You don't know exactly when the Viking was planning his attack, but you do know the place. Today, it just seems right.

You gear up, and leave to the DeliDiner, the exact same place where your journey as the Masked vigilante began. Outside, you can see how busy it is. Every table has a happy couple or group of friends, waiters and cooks hurrying about, illuminated by the light as the city just begins the beginning of its night time routine and dimming the lights. People outside are milling about...

Then you see them. You recognize him immediately, standing over the crowd, leading them. The Viking is approaching, unmasked, proud as anyone else. Behind him is a group of the biggest and strongest punks in Level 5, and not just a gang of five or six like you were expecting. There's closer to twenty. It's like an army. He makes a motion, and half split up to the other entrance, blocking both ways in an out of the diner.

You rush to the back, sneaking in through the opened employees only door.
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"Jenny! Two orders of Redmeat for table two. Seared medium. And another fizz drink for- AGGGHH!"

The owner recognizes you. You raise a finger to shush him. He was the one who know about you before you put on the mask for the first time.

"W-What are you doing here?! What do you want?"
"You're about to be robbed."

He raises an eyebrow, taking a step back, eyeing your batons.

"Is.. that what you want? Money?"
"No, not me, you idiot. The Viking."

The restaurant owner turns white, looking nervously towards the guests and tables, closing the kitchen door. Just then, the sound of a small commotion, and then the restaurant gets way quieter, the conversations dying down.

"They will kill you for the safe's key or combination."
"Y-Yeah. You're right."
"Leave now, quietly. Don't alert them."
"W-What about..."

It almost looks like he's worried about the guests, or his employees, but you can see him calculating the risk to himself, like he is being selfish. Then he looks at you.

"O-Ok. I trust you."

He shuffles past you awkwardly to the back entrance, and you see a familiar pair of scissors on the back of his apron. Huh, so that's who stole them. You feel a twinge of being underappreciated, but you hear a scream, and this is a little more important then something silly like that.

>Heroic entrance
>Ominous entrance
>Personable entrance
>>Ominous entrance
>Ominous entrance
>Ominous entrance
They won't respect a hero, and being buddy-buddy will ruin our mystique and our element of surprise. Also,
>take the scissors back if QM allows it
Extra stabbing implement, and anyway it's the principle of the thing.
>Ominous entrance
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There is an uneasy silence in the restaurant as the Viking and his gang move in. Stalls and booths are approached, with the larger waiting and seating areas being taken up by a crowd of angry punks. Many of the patrons here recognize them, these are the same men who used to rob them, or intimidate them, or do even worse things; but now organized and together in a great mass. It felt very unreal, like the faces of the strongest criminals in Panopolis were being paraded here for some kind of strange event. Grabbed, shaken down, intimidated, the many in the resturant started to feel the reality of the situation.

One by one, the thugs went down the aisles and seats, beginning to take whatever they wanted from the people there. Nobody tired to run away or resist. A few of the more aggressive men went for the cutlery, mostly plastic, but were simply stared at by the punks, armed with clubs and shivs and ready fists and fell silent immediately.

”Give it to me! Turn out your wallet, now!”
The man reaches down and gives up his money, the fresh UBI payment. The thug motions towards his son along with him.
”What about him? Turn out your pockets, kid!”
“Come on... That's my son. He's just a kid, he doesn't have anything.”
”We're in charge of level 5 now, got that? You gave him some money to hide, didn't you?! Give it here!”
“Please don't...”


The few conversations died down at the sound.


The sound of metal being struck loudly, pipes struck by something solid and hard. From around the corner to the kitchen, you appear. The Mask arrives. Several in the audience of the spectacle stir in their seats, or some of the punks are even startled, like a local legend appeared in the flesh.
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The loud voice of a very stupid man is heard. It's the Rhino. Covering one of the exits to the resturant, he stands with arms crossed. He is closest of the thugs to you now; making sure nobody ran out the other way.


He raises his arm, flexing a big bicep, giving the illusion of the rhino tattoo bucking its horn aggressively.


He spins his chain, his signature weapon, beginning to charge at you.

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You turn him around on his descent, slamming him into the edge of a table face first. You follow with an elbow to the back of his head, smashing his teeth into the side of the table, blood and loosened teeth fling out, onto the food of the horrified patrons. You almost want to apologize. He falls to the ground, and you kick his shoulder to turn his battered and broken face to the crowd of punks still standing there.

You can see some of them actually back up. Despite everything, reputation means something to them. You wonder, almost hope, if they'll back off. But you know that's wishful thinking. Fighting one on one, sure, you've proven yourself. You can beat up dumb street thugs. But against an army of armed men, aggressive, intend to kill and dominate? You're starting to feel pretty stupid ending up in this situation.

But the fact the thugs have stopped grabbing at the purses and strutting about like they own the place? The patrons watching you, then the punks, some even smiling, some even feeling like something is going to change around here? That almost makes it worth it. Just standing here in defiance of the punks, of the law of the jungle, something about it is just special.

After a second of worry and silence, the Viking suddenly speaks. He doesn't issue a threat, or even a command, he just puts his arms around two of the punks who looked most nervous, and talks openly and with contempt.

“...There he is. That motherfucker. That Mask guy. That coward who won't even show his face. Are all of you really scared of him? You bunch of pussies, are you really going to let him disrespect you?”
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You weren't expecting this. You turn your head, the punks a considerable difference so you don't have to worry about getting sucker punched. The person sitting there looks at you, then the punks, and shakes his head to you in silent warning. Yeah, I know buddy.

“Think about it. Look at his cape, his mask, his gay little batons. You really think this guy is from Level 5? None of these poor losers could afford a getup like that. I bet he's from Level 4, maybe even higher, getting his kicks by playing the hero down here. To him, you're like extras in a stage play.”

Several of the punks look more visibly relaxed at his words, and some even encouraged. One smiles at you with weirdly sharp teeth. Some bat their weapons against their fists, expecting violence. You have to admire the Viking's quick thinking. You wouldn't call him Charismatic, exactly, but he does know how to push these people's buttons. These punks, people like him, people who bully and take from others. Really, many of them feel inferior, being on the bottom of the social ladder. Being strong makes them feel important, and he's labeled you as an undeserving outsider to their pyramid of strength. It's genius in its own way.

“...Don't you think it's weird the moment we try to get ahead, this Mask guy appears, and undoes all our hard work? Tries to stop us from becoming rich, famous, get women on our own level? He probably works for the city government if anything. The Peace Keeper with actual balls. HEY! You really think you can stop us? All of us? Look, he's pissing himself now. Stomp this fucking clown.”

Working the crowd, the punks suddenly disregard the shock, surprise, and your sudden appearance, and begin to move forward. Slowly at first, but quickly running forward, with fists raised. Some yell threats, a few push bystanders into their seats. Several cower underneath their coats or cover their young ones or girlfriends with their bodies. The Punks of level 5 inspired to something greater then their normal bullying and baiting. You stand alone against them all.

This is stupid. Why are you doing this? Why did you put on the Mask?
>I fucking hate these criminal scumbags and want to punish them
>You want to protect the innocent and be a hero
>Because it's the right thing to do
I'm not sure what to pick, honestly. In the first thread, it was pretty clear Max started because he wanted to protect the innocent, but the scumbag choice is just cooler.
The actual motivation behind the "Maybe it's time for you to do something." was kind of meant to be left vague. Now, you get to decide what it was.
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Uh...no, it's specifically something we chose there. The narration states our ethos is that Saving people > Punishing the evil

Wouldn't picking the first option kinda go against that?
Can you let me have one?
Uh, sure man, if you say so.

>I fucking hate these criminal scumbags and want to punish them
>>I fucking hate these criminal scumbags and want to punish them

Git gud
>Because it's the right thing to do

I heavily appreciate this turn's art Bananas
>Because it's the right thing to do

Simple as.
It's pretty good, yeah. "It's the right thing to do" is such a meh motivation for Max, though. He doesn't really seem like the boy scout superman type.
>>Because it's the right thing to do
I don't want to go against what we decided 1 thread ago. That would be weird.
>Because it's the right thing to do
>I fucking hate these criminal scumbags and want to punish them
Why is there a random valknut
>Because it's the right thing to do
>You want to protect the innocent and be a hero

His gimmick is being a Viking, bro.
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Here they come.

The hoard of punks approach, their attitudes become more and more aggressive by the second. Whatever fear or intimidation factor you had before quickly subsides as mob violence takes over. As with any group allied together against a lone target, the wolfpack mentality gives them bravery enough to go in for small hits, retreating the safety of the crowd. Thankfully, the design of the dinner limits how many can come at you at once.

You dodge back a step, sweeping one from the leg, but before you can go for a follow up hit, you have to retreat. The difficulty in offense against the crowd is much harder then you thought, as isolating a single target is difficult. Soon, they overwhelm you with numbers, forcing you on the defensive.
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You can't let yourself get surrounded. Your agility and footwork is better then theirs, but each one is like a wall. It doesn't help they're so big; you can't just barrel them aside-
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It's starting to dawn on you. You don't really think there is a way out of this. So high on your horse of training and "vibes", and your lack of truly getting your ass beat, you never really considered the reality of what you're doing. There's no winning here. Against even six guys you were winded, and those were idiots you took by total surprise, with the help of bystanders. Now you're at the mercy of a gang, more like a mob, many greater in number, strength, aggression, and armed. Already, you've begun to bruise. Only a few have been even hit by you, let alone taken out. Did you really think your philosophy is going to be enough to save you?
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Quest continues tomorrow
Grenade time!

Though really, if we can't beat a crowd of mooks at this point, we have to git gud.
Well, they're a crowd of HIGH-LEVEL mooks!
Beating six dudes, even with batons and surprise, is already impressive.
I don't think this is that kind of setting.
We should run.

We used our trump and can't beat Viking without it. We needed the gun. Even then, witbout training its not a sure thing
The art here >>6190827 is misleading, you still have one or two more, I just forgot to draw them since I was stressed for time
Oooh, I see. So we still have a chance.
>witbout training its not a sure thing
It is year XXXX in universe, 2029 out of universe.
We still haven't gotten past Level 4.
We are busy in our 17th training arc this thread.
We are afraid to fight the Orc, who has a minor regeneration implant and slightly good armor.
Without a way to funnel opponents in, it is remarable even for a trained fighter to take on more than 3 guys without an advantage. With the mask, batons, and surprise we can do 6. In this quest, minor training and equipment gainz appear to add to our capability in a linear fashion, much like real life. Now, the gun or explosives may be more potent.
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You toss the grenades, then, quickly hide under your cloak, tossing it up around your face as a shield.

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Several loud bangs echo through the diner as your devices go off; the heavily modified pepper spray cans exploding in a torrent of dispersed capsaicin. The explosions go off near the punks heads, feet, chests; the compression wave exploding and forcing them to jump back in surprise, blinding them, deafening them, making them scream.

Instantly, it was like a spell was broken. The bystanders and civilians in the diner hiding in the stalls and watching mesmerized suddenly began to run away; screaming in panic and filing through the exits. Most ran the opposite way, towards the direction the Rhino was guarding, though many run right past the punks who are too stunned and disorientated to stop them. Any of the ones that did try to stop them, or make a last minute attempt to grab a purse or wallet, would just be turning their head away from you, because you aren't standing by to watch the chaos either. You've leapt in.
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You had your doubts before, for sure. Much of the time since you put on the Mask, you felt in some ways an imposter. Like you were playing a part. You knew what you were doing is what you wanted, but you weren't sure exactly why.

Do you hate the criminals? Yes- but you can see their humanity. Many of them have had hard lives, harder then yours even. That doesn't excuse them, but it isn't a pure factor.

Do you want to protect people? Of course- that matters to you a lot. But you don't consider yourself some martyr or some great messiah; that feels too arrogant for you.

No the truth is, you're doing this because it's the right thing to do. Because somebody tried to give you a free lunch and were going to suffer terribly because of it, and you just couldn't live with that. You're tired of bad things happening to good people, and you're tired of bad people getting away with it. You're tired of people being afraid of being singled out and targeted so they say nothing. You're tired of living in fear, and you're tired of these punks grabbing their crotches and strutting around like they own the place. Somebody needs to put them in their place and teach them that it's not the right way to act. You aren't going to put up with it any more. There isn't anything deeper or great introspective motivation you need more then that. Even now, you feel your self-doubt and weakness leave you as a second wind of pure confidence washes over you. You do bad things? You hurt people? Not if I have anything to say about it. There is a great relief in your mind; you don't need any more guidance then that. It's that simple.

You swing into the crowd, letting loose punches and strikes with your tonfas, striking at weak points and unsecured ribs and noses and clavicles and soft tissues. Most of these punks are just as strong as you, but they swing for big swings and undisciplined grabs trying to overpower whoever dares stand up to them. Your strikes are precise; hitting the weak spots of the human body, taking them down with precise movements. You trip one, strike another in a bone, the third gets a stunning blow to the head, and then you return to the first, knocking the wind out of them with a solid abdominal blow while they are grounded and still reeling. The confused, blinded, and deafened punks are no match for you now.

But the question is, do you want to show off a little bit?
>Fight with spinning flourishes
>Develop a super cool signature move (Specify)
>Play pranks on them as you beat the shit out of them
>No, you should stay serious and silent
By spinning flourishes do you mean spinning flourishes of the baton or do you mean jumping around like a ballerina?
>No, you should stay serious and silent

Do not fall prey to arrogance. Humility and confidence are not opposites but instead complimentary and synergistic.
>>No, you should stay serious and silent
Space Monke taught me nothing beat raw, focused, efficiency.
You know, it's weird that you picked a clown for a mask. You've never felt especially funny...

Hey, one of your grenades didn't explode. It rolls right into your feet. It doesn't have the safety pin in it, so it must be a dud. Either that, or it could explode any second. You angle and kick it at the nearest punk, recovering from being knocked over. He sees it coming and yells.
...Ehh, you guess you don't need to try and be funny. Real life is already funny enough.
And that is why we should probably think about getting some crotch protection.
I think thats a kind of crotch protector.
It looks more like a bag or sack to me. Bananas?
It's a makeshift cup for protection. Originally I was going to do a funny bit where it was the hollowed out plastic head of a doll that he scavenged to use as his cup with the face over his crotch but it was too annoying to draw and looked too weird so I just left it at that as the vague sort of "gear up" sequence
Well, good on Max for having protection, I guess. I'm sure Cheryl and/or Nancy will be thankful.
>Play pranks on them as you beat the shit out of them
No update today, I work on weekends so sometimes difficult to make updates on time.

For fruitful OOC discussion; how do you feel about the art-focused updates, more common in these "fight" heavy moments? They take longer to make but are personally more fun for me, and I think they're more "epic" but I'm unsure if people care for them or not.
They're fun enough, I guess. Not everything needs a choice. It works well for an Vigilante quest. If you think they're better to make then it works.

Not much discuss, it just works. I wouldn't expect a true big boy discussion until the waifu wars go hot.
Go with what you enjoy, I dont feel strongly about this.
I like them a lot.
I really enjoy them. I feel you convey greatly what you mean with your artstyle.
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You are now Fredrick Rorick, though most people call you The Viking, and current you are watching months of effort slip down the drain.

Before you, your carefully assembled gang of yes-men and cowed punks, here to provide the muscle for your future empire, are being beaten and shaken apart by literally just one pipsqueak. You heard about him a little, but you didn't think he'd actually come here. You didn't think he'd have the balls for it. Though, you guess having actual grenades certainly helped.

The truth is, despite your size and reputation, you are not stupid. This is the reason why you've assembled this army of punks. Enough men to seem inescapable and crush resistance so nobody tried to fight back during your takeover. It's the same reason you cut down all your rivals and people closest to you on the punk pyramid, or put them under you, to cut down on unexpected variables and people trying to usurp your power. You guess the Mask was the one variable you didn't account for.

It's true, you are the undisputed strongest on Level 5, but you're smart enough to know that, in real life, that doesn't matter as much as people think.
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In the real world, fighting is always a stupid choice. No amount of strength, training, or aggression can stop the real consequences of fighting and injury. It is infinitely easier to do harm then to reverse or protect from it; as such, it is intimidation that truly protects people. You learned this lesson early in life, and then you saw it on the streets.

If two guys get into a fight? The bigger guy always wins. If one brought friends? The bigger group always wins. If one has a weapon? The guy with the weapon always wins. Every time. There's no debating it.

It doesn't matter if you're the biggest, strongest guy around. Even you. You could defeat anyone on Level 5, but all it would take for a gang of three, maybe four guys to attack you unexpected and you'd end up on the ground, badly beaten or ending up on level 3 in one of those medical labs to see how much brain tissue they can regrow. It doesn't matter if you're bigger and stronger then someone, one bladed weapon, and it's all over for you. You've known this forever. Most of these punks? They're dumb teenagers, or in their early twenties, still young and feeling invincible. They've never truly seen death up close, or been scared into being more careful. Most of them will end up dead or in a hospital in the next few years, and the few that won't will mellow out when they have something to lose. In other words, there are no old punks, and for a good reason. You've always been careful for this reason, which is why when you saw the roots of your hair beginning to turn white, you knew it was time for a change.

No old punks? True. Old kings? Old rulers? Absolutely. That was the idea. And then, out of nowhere, this guy decided to show up. Not bigger & stronger then the others, not more ruthless, not with a numbers advantage; and yet...

"Fuck this!"
"...What are you doing?"

Your hand grabs your underling, who is desperate to escape.

"Get him. Now. Idiotic little coward."
"P-Please Viking sir! Lemme go!"
"Are you serious? Do you have any idea what we were going to build?"
"This is NOT worth it!"

You let him go, and he leaves. The others are following. It's over. There's no way to bring them back in line; it was hard enough to get that many punks together even with a flawless record of victory and spotless reputation of power like yours. Now, what are you going to do about him?

>Charge in and show him who is boss
>Pull your sword and make a last ditch effort to corral your troops
>Don't lose your temper and stay back
Always like the "smart bruiser" type Villain.

Still, I'm not too sure. I don't want to sabotage him. Trying to pull a commissary on your punks won't do shit, they'll just flee or turn on you. Of course, retreating here would be a loss too.

Staying behind seems logical but then you remember it would just result in you being left on a 1v1 with this guy that has grenades and is very well trained, risking damage. But similarly, charging in has the risk of you being hindered by the Punks.
>Don't lose your temper and stay back
>Don't lose your temper and stay back
>Pull your sword and make a last ditch effort to corral your troops
>Don't lose your temper and stay back

Punks aren't working.
Perhaps Punks were never the answer.
It's power we're after.
Perhaps there are other ways to obtain it...?
Apologies for the delay again. Surely I'll get the second wind for this thread any minute now lol. Update hopefully in 12 hours or so.
You okay?
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The diner is ruined. Almost everyone has left, rushing out the door in a stampede, a few on the floor rolling or unconscious, and yet you remain standing. You are Max again, and you have successfully defeated the Viking's gang of punks. They've run. You're beaten and bruised, but you're alive and you've won. But he hasn't run yet.

The Viking seems to be standing back. You can tell he's irritated, and as the one who foiled his entire plan, well, you know he's pissed at you in particular. But he doesn't want to lose his temper and make a mistake. But he's not going to run either.

You knew eventually you'd have to fight him, even if it's foolish on your part. You suppose stopping him today is good enough, but what if he tries again? Or tries to hunt you down for revenge? You know the PKs won't get him now, he can just walk away. Most of the time, you don't go hunting down criminals and punks just for the sake of it, preferring to stop them when you can, but the Viking might be too dangerous for that...

You feel as though the only way now is to beat him here in the diner. But how?
>Taunt him until he charges you first
>Take his sword away
>Deploy one of your remaining bombs at him to stun him
>Deploy one of your remaining bombs at him to stun him
>Take his sword away
>Take his sword away
If we try to deploy the bomb right now he's liable to just beat it away.
>Taunt him until he charges you first

I want more dialogue. This interests me.
>>Take his sword away
>Take his sword away
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He may be big and strong, but he's also got a sword, which is still likely the most dangerous element of the Viking. He hasn't even drawn it yet, but taking it and using it against him would give you a great advantage.

You force yourself to move closer after a bit of apprehension, and then engage. You make two quick strikes, a kick, and stab with a baton, whirling out of the way of his pipe-like arms. Your baton rattles in your hand after each strike, like you're hitting a brick wall. Even your powerful spinning kick to his upper chest, just barely being too short to hit his neck, didn't even make him budge. His great size means your attacks are barely making a dent through his muscles and thick skin. It's demoralizing at first, but switching your grip on your tonfa to hook it under his sword's crossguard, you sneakily pull the sword up and out, as if out of its holster.

"Oh no you don't!"

With one hand, the Viking pushes the sword's handle down, which is enough to totally cement it in place. Despite tugging with leverage and all your strength, his hand might as well be a boulder you're trying to pull the sword out from under. His other arm swings up, and you realize too late that you shouldn't assume just because somebody is big doesn't also mean they're slow.
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His fist connects to the side of your head, glancing along the shape, but the blow was so strong you see stars anyway. You feel your neck shoved uncomfortably past where it's supposed to go, your skull stopping in place as the force drives your entire mouth to the side, several teeth along the edge of his curled fingers breaking out of their sockets with the powerful punch. You hear a great buzz in your ear, as though your bones are shattering, and your face feels the chill as the air conditioning sweeps across your face for the first time in ages, since your mask was forced off its straps from the mighty blow.

You twirl along with the blow, kicking off with your feet and, thinking fast, throw down a bomb at your feet to retreat to the kitchen. He can't follow you or else he'd be stepping on the bomb or blinded, and you shove the door back just in time.

Your head is pounding. Reaching a hand up to it, you feel along your lips and then the side of your skull tenderly. Blood is everywhere. Your eye along the injured side of your face is blurred; you feel your brain pulsing, like its swelling. You don't know how much damage that punch really did or how much of this is nerves or adrenaline or stress- but you do know that if he hits you in the head again your skull will split open and you will certainly die.

You're in the kitchen now. He'll approach any second, and you hear a footfall coming after the loud bang of your explosion goes off. You have one charge left. All you have now is the element of surprise.

How are you going to beat him?

>Use his arrogance against him
>Set a trap
>Find a bladed weapon
>Too risky; run out the back and retreat
>Other (Write-In)
>Set a trap
He's not that arrogant per his POV switch, and I fear even fighting him with a weapon. I don't want to pussy out, though.
>Set a trap
Set a trap
>Set a trap
Trust our training tapes. Specificaly, Home Alone.
>Too risky; run out the back and retreat
Dude has captured the delidiner intact. Maybe he'll just take it over.
OR leverate the fact that he beat The Mask to rebuild his punk army, using the delidiner as a base.
>Set a trap
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With only a few moments to spare, you look around for a way to set a trap for the Viking, and you find a bottle of cooking oil. Thinking fast, you splash it across the floor towards the door, quickly discarding the bottle right as he enters the kitchen. The smell of burning RedMeat and smoke has already begun filling the room; looks like there's no automatic shutoff for the grill. Perfect.

You stand in front of it, raising your batons. The Viking sees you and begins to stomp closer, before slipping on the oil. Unable to stop himself, he slides into the grill and has to use his hands to brace himself, putting them directly on the hot surface for a moment.


Distracted by what was no doubt incredible pain, you now have a second to...

>Take his sword while he's distracted
>Deploy your last bomb to stun him
>Press his face down on the grill
>Deploy your last bomb to stun him
Double tap. Make him disoriented for real.
>Deploy your last bomb to stun him
>Press his face down on the grill

I wanna see Bananas draw this.
>Take his sword while he's distracted
fuck him in the ass
Calm down, Commissioner Gordon.

>Press his face down on the grill
Welp, we're in a tie right now...listen, i get that pressing his face on the grill is cool and all, but this guy is really strong. Do you really think our skinny ass can force him down like that? We would have an easier time lobbing the grenade at his head at point blank.
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With his hands burnt and still slipping from the oil, you have a chance to inflict some serious damage. You don't think your batons would do much to him at this stage, and you don't think you're quite cruel enough to try and press his face down into the grill if you even could, you instead whip out your last bomb and toss it at him as he whirls around from the grill, being unable to react in time and getting a face full of the explosive.



With a small explosion, he's stunned again, now is your chance.

>Knock the fridge down on him
>Pour the hot oil on him
>Try to choke him out
>Beat the shit out of him instead
>>Knock the fridge down on him
>Knock the fridge down on him
If a fridge can beat Spiderman, it can beat him.
We're too nice to mash his face into the grill, but we'll splash him with boiling oil?

>Try to choke him out
>>Try to choke him out
Choke Em!
>Try to choke him out

M-make sure to ask for censent first.
I'm gonna be honest anons, i'm not so sure we have the strength to choke out this superhuman. We'll probably get thrown off or something because his neck is too thick or some shit.
Neck is not that strong + burnt hands means it will be harder to grapple us away

I'm still scared though
Mate, that guy literally held up a 200-pound sumo-sized punk with ONE hand. Literally held him up in the air with one hand. This guy is superhumanly strong.
>Knock the fridge down on him
Bros I don't think our hands can even fit around his neck.
>Knock the fridge down on him
Pin this guy in place.
Yeah but he lost HP already + he've got the stun condition
>Try to choke him out
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With his hands burned and stunned from your grenade toss, you decide to use this limited opportunity to end the fight quickly by choking him out. Dashing behind the woozy Viking, you know your own hands would be insufficent for this leverage, so you use one of your tonfa instead, pressed lengthwise along his windpipe, pulling back with all your strength. You hoist his neck backwards from his kneeling position, the Viking choking and grunting. You feel your grip slipping on his neck with each grumbled breath; it's true he's big and strong, but the neck is a human weak point. If you can starve him of oxygen, you can outlast him.

He stands up; your arms soon having to stretch awkwardly as he now gets higher then you can easily reach. The stunning grenade made have deafened or blinded a lesser man and given them a great deal of panic, but the Viking endured it. Besides his burnt hands and a few weak baton strikes here and there, he hasn't taken enough damage to be seriously weakened, and once he recovers enough you have to let go of your grip. You aren't able to hold him down or aren't strong enough to stop him from getting back up-

He turns and swings with a hook headed right towards you. You can't take another knock to the head by risking a duke, so instead you try to dodge to the side and take it in the side.


You hear and feel ribs snap from the single punch, strong enough you imagine to collapse your lungs and kill your kidney and who knows what else. Your entire side feels like its on fire. It's weird how the very next breath you take feels fine, and then each one after feels like the worst pain in your life.

The blow takes you halfway across the room, with you rolling the rest of the way. You somehow avoided the entire oil spill all over the Viking's feet. You try to sit up and watch as the Viking regains his senses and blinks the stars out of his eyes, before he finally zeros in on you.

You're running out of options. You hardly think you can fight him in this state, with your head and chest now brutalized, and he has barely been slowed down by your assault. Now, he's coming in for the kill.

>Pull out the gun and shoot him dead (Retroactively brings the gun, ends quest)
>Accept your Death (ends quest)
>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)
>Other (Write-In)
Se? Told you guys. I told you. I told you this was gonna happen, but did you listen to me? No.
>Ask to hear why he's even doing all this. What's his ultimate goal anyway? Then offer to join him.
That's retarded
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...so you're saying I can't convert enemies to my cause by hitting them while explaining that I'm in the right?
We're supposed to be a vigilante, not a punk. Anyway, unless someone has an idea of how to get out of this hole you people dug us into, it'll have to be the coin flip.
Its a Face Heel turn.
It's dumb and makes no sense.

Just like the choke vote, which BTW didn't actually win. It was a tie.
Wait, no, I missed someone who for some reason decided to not actually make an actual vote and just said "Choke them".
>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)

Better then the two options that end the quest 100%
>>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)
Whoa... shocking... whoa...

>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)

monke soon
No way. Even if it is the next thing Bananas does, there's usually a months or two between threads.
>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)
Why the fuck did any of you believe that we could've strangled him.
I said that it wouldn't work, but anons just hate changing their votes.
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Call it.
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>Try one last Hail-Mary (50% chance to succeed)
I wasn't sure how to increase the stakes other then death, but now I'm not sure. We'll see what happens after the roll.
Its a brave creative choice. I respect it.
Normally I would aree, but it really sucks to see the protagonist of a quest i like possibly die because of an action i explicitly warned everyone not to take.
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Rolled 1 (1d2)

Welp. Okie doke. Good game, everyone.
Another addition to the "I told you so" pile.

You, specifically, are to blame for this.
>they don't know
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You thought it was over for you. The Viking has had his gang scattered, his plan foiled, and his hands burned and a couple of bombs thrown at him but... no, you were foolish to think you could physically challenge him. As he draws closer, you see him flex and squeeze his injured hands, wincing from the pain.

“You call that choking a man? I won't even need my sword for this...”

If he struck you down with the end of his sword, you'd have no way to resist, but as he draws closer, you thumb the handle of your pair of scissors that you stole back from the restaurant owner. It'd probably be smarter to beg for your life, though you don't think it'd do much, and besides, you're must to proud for that.

But maybe...

The Viking gets closer and leans down, his hands coming closer to wring out your neck and squeeze the last bit of life out of you with your fading breath. You do your best to look defeated and weak before he gets just closer enough to-


You stab the scissors home, directly into his eye sockets, as quickly and hard as you can. Against any smaller of a person, you think you couldn't have hit their eyes, too small and safe in the eye sockets. But against him? You feel the squishy flesh and then a short stop as the blades hit the bone of his skull, and you smell something different from blood. Could it be the fluid inside the eyes? The Viking grasping at the air as you duck and cower underneath his pained flails.


Blinded, he falls back onto the floor. He writhes in agony. He moves with such ferocity that the oil has splashed all over him, further incapacitating him as he slips and falls and trips again, reaching up to his eyes in pain. He seems to still be a bit dizzy from the explosion from before, throwing off his sense of balance.
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You scoot back as best you can, finding yourself able to walk and move, but only barely. You clutch your side and try to get away from the beast before you, who is reaching out into the air to grab you. Even in this state, his hands could twist your head off even if he can't aim a punch, so you have to stay calm...

“Where did you go!? Come back here! Face me you coward! Pay for what you've done!”

He whirls his head around as you fall silent, looking more fearful by the second that you could come from any angle. He pulls out his sword, standing in a pose, readying for a blind swing that could bisect two or three men at once. You reach over for a random can and toss it across the room, to which the Viking strikes as hard as he possibly can towards the source of the noise; and he smashes his blade hard against the edge of a countertop, breaking the one of a kind sword with a massive crack and bladed chips falling all over the floor. The sword goes tumbling out of his hand from the hard impact, spinning off somewhere into the kitchen.

“My sword! Give it back!”

He starts crawling across the floor, trying hard to retrieve his weapon before you can get it first, patting the slick ground with his burnt and hands, his fingers trembling from the pain. Thinking fast, you toss bottle after bottle of synthalcohol, finishing oils, whatever else you find and throw it at him, the glass shattering on the floor leading to glass shards poking and slicing his every step.
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“This isn't fair! Fight me like a man!”

”Shut up.” You say, as you throw a glass bottle onto his head, cracking and soaking him in yet another foul smelling fluid. As it flows down his head and into his ruined eyes, he howls in pain, desperately clutching at nothing, rolling onto his back and splintering his body with hundreds of glass shards.

“You... had to blind me... just to fight me... you coward... pathetic... weakling...”

”It's funny really, you praise your Viking ancestors, say how great and mighty they are and you are, and then you look up what the Vikings actually did; attack innocent people and Christian monks who refused to fight back and steal their gold while avoiding any REAL opponents. It's such a perfect name for you, and you wear it with pride.”

Your lung hurts really bad. You'll have to go to the hospital after this. It's a good thing medical care is so good in the city, and they won't ask questions as long as you come in yourself. But the Viking? He'll need the Peace Keepers to take him, and after that even the useless city officials will have to arrest him.

”You're not brave. I hope you know that. You aren't some great and mighty Conqueror-King type. Being bigger and stronger and taking fights with people where you always have the advantage isn't a sign of bravery. Sign of being smart? Sure, but not being brave. Real bravery is standing up to people even when you're scared, or risking your career or reputation just to help someone out, or putting your trust in someone else because they asked you to and really need it. That's real bravery. When have you ever stuck up for someone else?”

He's been trying to follow your voice, but he can't locate you well enough. Every time he tries to reach out with his hands he stabs himself with glass, and every time he tries to walk his feet slip on the well-coated oiled soles of his shoes and he jams his knee into yet more shards. You hear the Peace Keepers coming; you hope the Pepper Spray is extra painful for him.
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“Uggh... no more... Please... no more...”

The Viking chokes to himself quietly, unable to get up, unable to run away, and unable to finish you off. You open the door to the outside, looking down at him. You've won, more or less, but it was close.

As with all the other punks you've beaten, you leave and you hope they've learned their lesson. You hit them hard enough to knock them out, but you don't even try to go further then that; permanently crippling or killing someone on purpose you've fought just never crossed your mind; just stopping them should be enough for you. The Viking, however, you don't know. He's strong willed, and you have your doubts he won't want a round two. And worst yet, he's seen your face, even if he's been blinded and likely won't ever see it again. You can't get risk getting close enough to-

Then you realize it. He's coated in cooking oils and greases, and now alcohol too, and you're in a restaurant's kitchen. Most kitchens in the city use induction heating elements or microwaves or whatever to lower risk of fires, but you know you could produce an open flame in here somehow. The Viking would go up in seconds, and even with the Peace Keepers arriving, they won't be able to help him, and he won't be able to find a fire extinguisher quick enough to put himself out.

But... do you really want to do that?

>Kill him
>Spare him
>Kill him
Leaving him alive is both risky and, to be frank, cruel.
That and setting a Viking on fire? That's cool.
>Kill him
Listen, guys, I'm not trying to go all batman here and say we need to have a no-kill code, but how the hell is this guy even a threat? Even if he wants to get revenge, he's blind. Like, literally just blind. How the hell's a blind guy gonna fight?

He's really not a threat, he's already gave up, and he won't be able to find us anymore or be a threat to Tier 1.
I see it more as an act of mercy, frankly.
That and he almost killed us. I think it's only fair to kill him.
>I see it more as an act of mercy
Well he's not exactly begging to die, is he?
>>Kill him
>Spare him
Anyway, I doubt it'll win, but I'll try it anyway.
>Spare him

It would damage the delidiner.
>Spare him
Come on anons. Having an arch nemesis is fun. Could lead to interesting scenarios.
Eh. Fuck it.
>Spare him.
Swapping to that.
Honestly, the only way he could really become a threat is if the higher levels decide to fuckin' cyborgify him or something. And honestly? I wouldn't complain if they did. That's cool.
>>Kill him
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He name was George Droyd.
>Kill him

Bro the narration more-or-less explicitly says he's going to come after us if we leave him alive. I don't care if you vote for sparing despite that, but don't stick your head in the sand.
>Spare Him
I want to see him come back and fight us again.
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>Kill him
Maybe with a sword instead of burnign him to death, though, since we've been established as not a cruel man? As ironic as giving him a viking funeral would be...

You were saying? Btw, >>6189466 was me. :) Good thing about those scissors, huh?

Had me going, QM.
>Had me going, QM.
I thought it was pretty clear that the 1 was the successful roll (1 in 2 chance, 1 in 3 chance, etc.), but I guess people in this thread don't remember my usual roll paradigm judging by the immediate responses. I wanted to patch that up before people left or if they thought it was an asspull.
Well, Spare has less votes and more one-post IDs, so Kill is going to be the winning vote.

Update will be in ~15 hours.
>You were saying?
I was saying that your dumb vote screwed us over and we only didn't die because of a coin flip. That you talked about the scissors was irrelevant, we would have done something else if it wasn't that.
Cope and seethe as you liie, but do so in the comfort of this quest, where The Mask yet lives.
>le one-post ID boogeyman
Mate, there are several other unique IDs in your thread. Some anons have dynamic IPs while others are lurkers but do participate in certain choices. If you'd rather write his death or you only count votes from active anons (very rarely done by other QMs) just say so instead of tossing my vote aside so nonchalantly.
He also said it 'had less votes' but...that's not really true, is it? I checked and it's 5V5
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...Alright so I was just saying that the one post IDs counted as "less" then a regular vote but it didn't matter since Kill got more votes, but I forgot one person swapped so we have a tie instead.

No update today then
So what, do we wait for someone to tiebreak or are you flipping a coin?
I'll do a coinflip later unless we have another voter swap. Not gonna count one posties for the obvious reasons.
Swapping this to "Kill him".
I do not want to deal with a coinflip result and I only swapped because some dude convinced me it might've been funny.
So close to getting a returning Villain.
look man it would've been funny but i rather just break the tie than to be stubborn about this.
Nah I'm just gonna pick spare because I like it more lol
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Classic Bananas....
There's nothing stubborn about it, either it would have won the coinflip or lost. Now there's no chance at all of a recurring villain.
look i just don't care enough about the viking to argue about whether he lives or dies
he's cool but i just want updates to continue instead of stagnating.
>I would rather sacrifice an entire potential storyline than to wait a single day more for an upgrade
If you're trying to fucking guilt me into switching back, I'm not going to.
No, I was just calling you a tasteless faggot.
Look, man, I just hope you don't incessantly seethe at me every time I vote something that isn't exactly to your liking.
Coin flip, me deciding the swap, you probably would've still whined either way.
If it is that important to you, go whine to the other half of the audience who wanted him dead.
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Second thread even more salty then the first? Good... good...
How large IS your "sinister animals" file, Bananas?
Stop being an exhausting little bitchlette.
You will nvr be a real wxman.

This isn't directed at any poster in particular, I just wanted to let any trannies in the thread know.
I don't feel like it.

>Change vote because "I don't wanna wait for an update!"
>Have to wait for update anyways

Did you post in the wrong thread or something?
No. Just got the urge to let them know. You know? Male skeletons. Clownish monstrosities warped by plastic surgery and hormone injections into hideous castrati. Loathed creatures imposing on female spaces unwantedly. All that jazz.
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He's seen your face, he threatened you again, and now he's in misery. You know he'd do the same to you, and probably worse. It's time to end this.

Finding a lighter, you catch an end of the oil on fire and watch it rapidly spread across the Viking's legs and back, covering his body. He begins to panic, rolling on the floor and splintering himself with more glass, starting to scream. You watch the flames consume him utterly. Even if he found a source of water, it wouldn't help him with this grease fire. You only watch for a moment longer, having no stomach for unnecessary cruelty, even if he does deserve it, and quickly leave before the Peace Keepers enter the kitchen proper. You limp away, but you're alive.

You go right to the hospital after that, hiding your superhero stuff in your pockets and bags, not that they'd ask what they're for. As protectors of the city's interests in health, the medical workers are extremely dutiful. You're glad you don't need any specialist help up on level 3, you'd rather not go there if possible, bad memories flare up even on the hospital bed.

They examine your wounds and make fake teeth and put them in your mouth. They put bandages on your injuries and give you some pills. The pills are called "Lotus" and they tell you to eat a big meal and drink a lot of water before taking them, and then don't make any plans for the next three days. After taking them, you do nothing but sleep, get up to go to the bathroom, and play with your rat a little bit for three days straight in a comfortable, healing haze. You feel a million times better.

Strangely, you don't think much about the fact you killed the Viking. You wonder if that comes later.
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You return to the diner early in the morning, checking to see if the coast is clear. It's nice to see it's still open, even if devoid of customers. Looks like the Viking's plan didn't work out.

The owner sees you with a start, turning white.

"Oh... you're back."
"Of course. Are you ok?"
"You're asking... yes, I'm fine and the store is still open. Thank you."
"Turns out, I do need something from you. But not money. How do you dispose of the cooking grease here?"
"Every week or two we bottle it up and pay the city to dispose of it. You can't pour it down the drains; the pipes have sensors in them."
"Well, I want you to put some of the used cooking grease out for me, maybe once a week. I need it for something."
"You saved my life, of course I will do that." He says, still looking at you nervously.
"...You killed him."

You slam your fist on the table.
"Keep your voice down!"
"You can't tell anyone I'm the Mask... you understand? It's important."
"Okay! Okay, I won't, I swear! It was just... grisly. What remained."
"He was going to kill me first. Though now that you mention it, there is something he left behind I'm interested in-"
"I didn't know... the Mask would kill."

It appears that the word on the street is that the Mask is a Killer now, the image of the protector has slipped somewhat from a noble guardian to a vicious vigilante. How do you feel about this?
>Good, let criminals be afraid
>Neutral, you had your reasons
>Bad, you want people to look up to you
>Other (Write-In)
>Neutral, you had your reasons
>didn't even get to see him burning
A good choice right there...and why tf does this guy need cooking oil anyway? What, does he want to burn more punks to death?
>Neutral, you had your reasons
He deserved it, but we don't need to make a habit of it.
Isn't that thought completely hypocritical? Why did the Viking alone deserve it? He wasn't particularly worse than any other Punk, other than being stronger. He beat up women, sure, but we've literally seen Mohawk punch a KID in the face. All the big boy punks are horrible. So why is it that the Viking is worse?

If the Viking deserved it, then so does every other Punk.
Because he was the king punk, smarter than all the other punks, and busy putting an evil scheme into action?
The tax collectors were doing literally the same stuff but more directly. Are we getting that cooking oil to immolate them?

Viking was blind, probably scarred and wounded for life, and had already given up. There is no in-universe explanation other than "I did it because I wanted to" or "I did it because he was saw my face (even though he can't identify me anymore because he's literally blind)" and I don't know about you but a guy who murders anyone that sees him without his mask doesn't sound like a hero, just a psychopath with a sense of justice.
I don't care about arguing with you. This isn't Monke. Go back to arguing with the other guy.
You can cope however you want anon, but there is no consistent, non-hypocritical moral justification for what we just did.
>Resentful. This. This is bullshit. It was one guy, The Viking, who was a murderer himself. Maybe its time to re-examine priorities or take a break.
The oil is probably to cook up biodiesel with.
>>Neutral, you had your reasons
Unredeemable guy. Ready to create a great amount of suffering. The world is a better place without him and we had to turn it into an exemple.
>>Good, let criminals be afraid
>Bad, you want people to look up to you

Sometimes a monster needs slaying, but if we let ourselves feel good about it we risk becoming a monster ourselves.
>Neutral, you had your reasons

The Viking chopped off a dude's hands and seemingly let him bleed out, and created an army to enact the same sort of brutality to non-punks, in a more effective and systematic (and thus worse for the victims) way. Other punks are pests and hoodlums who mostly commit petty crime and don't seem to kill very often. This guy was on his way to becoming a local warlord. He also very nearly murdered us.
>The Viking chopped off a dude's hands and seemingly let him bleed out
And you think he's the first punk to have ever killed somebody?
>and created an army to enact the same sort of brutality to non-punks
His plan, if you'd read it, was hardly anything more cruel than the average. Basically just profiteering off the lack of restaurants to upsell luxury food. It's not even as bad as the tax collectors, who'd just directly took people's money away.

>Other punks are pests and hoodlums who mostly commit petty crime and don't seem to kill very often.
We saw them do shit like punch kids, anon.

The Viking was literally only noticeable as a Punk because of his strength and planning, nothing of what he did was particularly beyond the average for punks.
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...With the restaurant owner in your debt and giving you a supply of used up oil and grease, you finally finished your big project of producing your own bio diesel! It was a lot of work, requiring a lot of parts you had to make yourself, plus a ton of knowledge from the library, but you finally did it.

The Motorcycle once belonging to Cheryl's dad runs on liquid fossil fuels, not drawing from the city's electric power grid. Fossil fuels aren't used anymore. Because of that, you can't exactly go to the gas station to just fuel up, and as such it's been sitting here for who knows how long. But with this, you can finally use it! While you have to make your own fuel, this does give you the advantage of being able to use the motorcycle wherever you want, not just being stuck on the city's grid. You hear that vehicles, even small ones like scooters or bikes, only work on the level they are assigned to be on. You wonder, with this, maybe you could even travel up to level 4? It'd be a hell of a challenge getting there.

You've used this project to unwind after your battle with the Viking and decompress some of your feelings. Truthfully, you still feel neutral about the whole thing, and unsure. You didn't get off on being a murderer who burned a man to death, but at the same time, you didn't think just letting him go was right either. Though you can't help the spread of your reputation. Because your mask was left at the restaurant knocked off your face, and people saw you run into the kitchen with the Viking in tow, and his corpse was found there, it's clear you killed him after he saw your face. The legend grows beyond your ability to contain it.

You'll have to wear a backup mask and cover your face with a cloth for now; not that you're doing any heroics at the moment with your injuries. You're trying to take it easy. But with the motorcycle finished, you can't just not use it to have a little fun.
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It's been a few weeks now. You're taking off your bandages, when Bartholomew starts chewing at them too.

”Haha! Thanks little guy!” Rats are so fun, looks like his grooming instincts make him think these bandages are like scabs or dirt caked on you or something. He's always hated band-aids.

”But hurry- I don't want to be late for my date with Cheryl today!”

You arrive at the security checkpoint to Level 4, with Cheryl coming out to meet you soon. In her hands, she holds two drinks.

”Sorry Max, your shake might be a little melted, I tried to get thru security as quick as I could. I even told them its my birthday and they still hassled me. Sorry...”
”That's okay! Happy Birthday- wait, is this real chocolate?!”
”Well, it's real chocolate shake mix that comes out of a machine...”

You take a sip. It's great. A real chocolate shake, a luxury you can't get on Level 5. You guess it's her way of rewarding you.

”Oh... man... this is so good.~”
”Careful Max, you'll get brain freeze.”
”What's that- OWWWW!!!!”
”See! See- I told you!”
”...Naw, I'm just kidding.”

The two of you go to your favorite spot, overlooking the wasteland outside the city. There are always a few patches of gray-green grass outside, the spots that are supposed to be part of the soil enrichment program, but they never seem to move any further away. Still, the fresh air is nice.
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”I'm proud of you, Max. Even up on Level 4, I really couldn't do anything about what the Viking was planning on doing. I think he would have really messed things up for people there. The businesses are doing worse since people are scared, but they would have probably closed otherwise- nothing like level 4. They probably would have tried to stay open during the attack! But everyone here owes you big time. Thank you.”

You stir the straw in your hands, mixing up your drink. You don't have anything to say.

”I'm sure you've heard everything from up there. The Peace Keeper reports and stuff.”
”I'm probably a wanted criminal, huh?”
”Well, “The Mask” is a known entity. They couldn't identify the cause of the Viking's fatal grease fire. Did you...”
”Is there a problem if I did?”

She looks away. ”...No.”

You like Cheryl a lot, and even think you have some feelings for her. But she hasn't looked at you the same since your battle with the Viking. You guess you aren't the same angry, frustrated young man in a paper clown mask bashing some punks with a chair leg anymore. She's a bit nervous to meet your gaze. You're a bit surprised, after all, she admitted to wanting to kill someone too. But in her case, it was the sick fuck who killed her Dad. You guess hers is a lot more understandable of a motivation.

But things smooth over and you can talk again. And now you have a few more moments to enjoy with her as you empty your cup...
>Keep her company and tell her you like being her friend
>Tell her that this partnership is going great to make the city a better place
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
>Kiss Cheryl
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
Kissing her right now probably isn't a good idea. Different mood.
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
>>Kiss Cheryl
>Reassure her you haven't changed despite what happened
but it's a lie

>>6202397 is me.
>Kiss Cheryl
Honestly...I want to kiss Cheryl? I really do. But I don't want it to be a thing where we misread the mood and she freaks out and gets pissed off at us for kissing her when she didn't want to.
Bro, just whip it it, bro. Trust me, bro.
Great point, random 1 IP poster. I will immediately change >>6202764
>Kiss Cheryl
I am sure this would end perfectly.
Oh no. What have I done?
I don't think you did anything, reassuring her still wins.
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Truthfully, you still have feelings for Cheryl. You'd like to take your relationship to the next level. But maybe now is not the best time. You hope she's not scared of you, or having doubts on helping you in the first place. You think it's best to reassure her instead.

"I haven't changed at all Cheryl. Well, that's not true... I'm trying not to."
"What I mean is, I don't want to be a different person."
"I know... but some things have to change. You aren't the same since you became the Mask."
"And you aren't the same since you got suspended."
She looks at you curiously, and maybe with a bit of anger, and then sees your goofy smile. She laughs.

"Alright, alright... Too serious."
"I'm just glad you still come visit me down here on Level 5. I was needed here. But now, I'm not sure. I might have a lot more free time, though you're probably going to be busy."
"Yeah. I wish we had somebody like The Mask on our level too. But our criminals are a lot more dangerous. So maybe it's best you're stuck."
"Pfft. We'll see about that."
"I'm just talking, Cheryl." You say, looking away. "Thanks for the shake. I just wish I could do something nice for you, especially for your birthday."
She reaches her hand out towards yours which rests on the railing of the overlook, covering it. Her hand is cool and soft. "The fact that you're okay? That's enough of a gift for me."
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Hey everyone, thank you all for playing this episode of Concrete Stratosphere Quest! Hope you enjoyed it. This one went on just a little longer then I hoped, but not by much, and we got a lot more time to do character development and hopefully some fun setting and relationship building that I wasn't able to squeeze in the first thread. Originally, I was going to have the final Viking battle right there, but I'm glad we gave it time to breathe.

This time, the end of thread posts have some fantastic fanart courtesy of Levelman. This mask design is quite unique and different from what I envision from the threads, but really cool.
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And as usual, we'll have our three questions at the end of the thread for those interested in some feedback.

>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
>Do you like the setting?
>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest? Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it?
>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
Yes lol I don't think it's ambiguous whether he is or not. Maybe if he goes on a murder spree in Thread 3 (feb 2027) I'll change my mind, but I'm not sure why anybody would argue otherwise. Nobody is weeping for the punks.

>Do you like the setting?
It's neat. Feels a bit Political(tm) though.

>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest? Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it?
I don't know what capeshit means. Is it any superhero thing or a particular kind of superhero thing? I think this feels superhero, but extremely gritty and early-stages, which I assume is the purpose.
Capeshit is basically describing generic superhero slop. Like marvel movies.
It's like how Isekai as a concept is usually 95% slop.

>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
>Do you like the setting?
>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest? Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it?
Yes. Feels like Green Arrow back when the show was good and hype
>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
Yes, even though killing the Viking like that was still pretty much unjustifiable without going full punisher.
>Do you like the setting?
I like it, it feels unique, so to say. In a way, it's basically Judge Dredd but more 'noblebright' so to say.
>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest? Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it?
Honestly? No. Batman is the most popular villain, after all. I'd say that if anything makes it less 'capeshit' it's the general lack of 'supervillains'. The Viking was just a big guy, he didn't have any real flair or crazy plans or wacky clothing.

Anyway, I do wonder, how would have Kissing Cheryl actually went?

>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
Yeah. He is risking real loss in doing what he thinks is right. That potential sacrifice is the essence of heroism.
>Do you like the setting?
>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest?
Not really a factor. Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it? Im not sure.
>Do you think Max/The Mask is a heroic figure?
He's not exactly Superman or Captain America, but yes.

>Do you like the setting?
It's interesting, though I'm more interested to see how these hints of the sci-fi upper-crust play out. I'm not sure I wholly buy into the way society is structured in Level 5, but if it's some social engineering scheme by the powers that be then certain setting aspects start to make mroe sense to me.

>How does the lack of a "superpower" color your perception of this quest? Does it still feel "capeshit" even without it?
It feels a bit more like one of those genre subversions, like Kick-Ass or Watchmen, than like pure suoerheroism. So far, the core of idealism isn't there. That said, that's a vibe that has creeped into mainstream cape comics in general, and Max would feel rught at home in Gotham or something.
>Does this feel like Capeshit?
To amend my answer: No. This feels like an Old Time Radio Drama like The Shadow or maybe like Kick Ass- a subversion. Actually more than those, this feels like it borrows from real life vigilante types like the Klan, the Baldknobbers, the Fox, or the Real Life Super Heroes of the Heroes Network.
Phoenix Jones Quest when?
Thanks for the feedback! Very inspiring for me to continue this Quest given how strong and reception is! I'm not sure when I'll run another one though, given my other creative obligations and desires at this moment. While I am a little disappointed it doesn't some as heroic and inspiring as the superhero vibe I was going for, I guess a bit of grimdark and realism stuff might be good too. It's been fun building the superhero "mythos" in these threads along with the players, though it hasn't quite hit its stride yet.

For the sake of posterity-
>If you dropped the Fridge
Dropping the fridge on the Viking was the expected outcome, and would have been the one with the least setbacks to the character in the form of injury. My idea was you'd pin the Viking to the floor, assuming he's defeated, only for him to somehow push the fridge off himself without help to show off his super strength, before then having to battle him by breaking one of his arms. I always intended the final battle to be the most costly and bloody to Max, but trying to choke him was a dumb move so I felt it needed to be punished. Instead of getting the choice to set the Viking on fire or not, you would have gotten the chance to kill him in public with his own sword after knocking him back out of the kitchen or through the window of the diner; thus letting you decide if "The Mask" was a no-kill superhero or not. Personally, I would have preferred the no kill option, as it would make future villains and encounters more interesting, especially since you'd have to be a lot more creative with your gadgets and combat abilities. Though I'm not sure how much of a focus that could even have for a long form quest like this; I'm already tired of writing out "batons" and "tonfas".

Archive Thread- https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2025/6170571/
Cool stuff.

For the sake of curiosity though, I'll repeat my question in >>6203435 and ask what would have happened if we did try to go for a kiss.
Oh I forgot to mention that.

Nothing bad, just would have advanced the romance angle a little more, with Max saying "See? I told you I'd do something nice for your birthday." as a way to cap off the thread. It wasn't a puzzle choice.
Huh. Well, at least I voted for it.
>It wasn't a puzzle choice.
I feel like that could have been a bit clearer...
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When you make most choices puzzle choices, how do we know when they aren't?
For what it's worth, I think the poverty, oppression, and brutality of the setting, and the realistic and lethal violence of the fighting, may have impeded your expected/preferred outcome a little. When every blow does serious physical damage to our character and threatens his life, it's easy to assume (as I did) that dropping a fridge on the guy would cripple or kill him. In a broader sense, when the setting is so bleak, it's easy to assume that an overabundance of mercy and idealism will punished, and to default to pragmatism.

This, too, a little. I think most people were worried that kissing a woman who seemed possibly afraid of us would come across as creepy, or backfire and lead to drama, which is why Nancy got snogged and Cheryl didn't: it was obvious Nancy was into it.

Nine of this is meant as a criticism of you, Bananas, or your quest. Just an observation.
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>It's neat. Feels a bit Political(tm) though.
No it doesn't.

Part of this thread was cementing his "idealism" into it, which I guess the monologue didn't do a good enough job of...

>and the realistic and lethal violence of the fighting, may have impeded your expected/preferred outcome a little.
You're right. My main inspiration from this quest both in terms of aesthetics and general vibe was Batman : TAS, though obviously with a unique twist and much less kiddish. I think my Monke-isms were bleeding through the edges however. One problem is the implied realism I imbue in the writing tends to lend itself to more serious or higher stakes engagements when I'd prefer if I could make the quest run on tv-show logic a little more without totally destroying the tone. The Viking said it himself, realistically any Superhero vigilante would get shanked two seconds into their first act of heroism.

OH and another thing I wanted to mention;
>>6199011 on this prompt, the option to "Use the gun = end the quest" does NOT mean that all uses of the gun end the quest or anything like that. This was instead a "loss state" where Max survives instead of dies but you have to cheat to get it (retroactive) and as such ends in him losing his nerve permanently and giving up the Superhero gig for good. It does NOT mean that any future uses of the gun will end the quest prematurely, it was just this specific instance, though naturally there will be consequences for using the gun depending on the situation, given its near-mythical status.
>I'd prefer if I could make the quest run on tv-show logic a little more without totally destroying the tone
Cartoon logic requires a cartoon tone, usually, or a character so powerful/capable/lucky that he can get away with being illogically idelaistic in spite of the grit. That's where I think the "problem" lies, though to be clear I like th CS's tone for the most part.

>Batman TAS

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