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>You are Son Peppa, Son Gohan, and Izumi Mahogany, children of Earth’s heroes, Maple, Goku, Acer, and Chi-chi

>“Canon” has taken a radical shift from the series’ norm, you’re just one part of it, and things could go even further off the rails from here

>Mechanics and character details in the pastebins here:

Peppa: https://pastebin.com/zKv0PE9j

Gohan: https://pastebin.com/BgLug38n

Izumi: https://pastebin.com/wiKgqAi5

>Let’s all try to have some fun, ok?


Last time, on Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest Kai! Peppa finished up her Spirit Control training with Pybara and went to a Winter formal with Cocoa, while Izzy managed to finish the spell prep to rescue one of the displaced heroes! With the Time Patrol’s assistance, three teams were set up to rescue Chiaotzu, Shin, and Tien, with Izzy, Gohan, and Peppa joining the respective teams for each. Izzy, 19, 16, Chuu Lee, Raditz, Sala, and Hado all join up to rescue Chiaotzu, finding him him displaced all the way to a universe ruled and managed by powerful planetary Kami in elevated positions calling themselves “Archons” and opposed by the powerful warrior Hearts, who had been training Chiaotzu since finding him!

Teaming up with Hearts and defeating one of them while subduing and even convincing another, Zelos, to ease from his tyrannical path and join the fight against the others. Finally, in planning a move against the leader of the Archons, Yalbadoth, the group recruits the deceased son of the man, Ryuuno, in an effort to bolster their forces against him! However, Izzy caught on to something not being right with Hado, finding a being called the Promethean Chronicler taking up residence in his mind… and ready to offer him a deal. Will Izzy and co. manage to defeat Yalbadoth and bring Chiaotzu back home? What of Gohan and Peppa’s teams? Good luck, Izzy! Good luck, Gohan! Good luck, Peppa!
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But before that…

Tien sits in a lotus position in the voidlike existence he found himself trapped in. He replays the moment in his head again and again. Towa’s surge of power and successful reversal of the Mafuba. He was overconfident, and he paid the price for it. He wasn’t sure how long it had been since he ended up trapped in there; time seems to lose all meaning, and his body felt like it were in an ethereal state since imprisonment. His attempts to sense beyond the confines of the bottle he was sealed away in only ever brought forth an overwhelming sensation of malice, evil, and hatred. But he would not give in to despair. He would learn from this, and one day he would get out of there.

He knows his allies, his friends and comrades, would be there soon…
Myriad colors and shapes flash around Shin as the the void overtakes him. After but a moment passing through the shard of spacetime, he finds himself falling and landing in a barren area. Shin quickly pushes himself up and tries to get his bearings, looking around to see if he could find Gohan too. With no sign of the boy, he attempts to sense around for anyone else… and finds nothing. A hopefully good sign, implying that no one else seems to have been sent to the same place as him, but also a worrying one given that there’s genuinely no one else there.

Shin extends his senses outward, beyond the immediate area, still finding nothing. Scattered if lacking plant life and some animals, but no people. He extends his senses further, and further, and further, and… still he feels nothing, no one. Shin’s worries grow, to the point that he attempts to Kai Kai somewhere else, seeking out the Sacred Realm of the Kais, and what he finds is a long-dead world, scars of ancient battles littering the landscape, some of the moons around it fractured and scarred as well. The most worrying sign though is what he senses beyond the world, that even the afterlife had been depopulated, the spirits of the dead long gone… save for a few lingering demonic Ki presences.

Softly, Shin asks aloud, “What happened here…?”
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Elsewhere still...

Goku faceplants on the ground, letting out a soft groan of pain. Pulling his head up, he lets out a cheeky laugh, remarking, “Ehehehe, whoops, guess I got a little too careless there. Gohan, you okay?” Finally looking upward, he realizes his son isn’t there. Goku leaps to his feet, noticing that no one else is either. He gulps, calling out for anyone, and getting no response, next taking in that where he ended up was very not near Monster Island, or anywhere else he recognized. Goku rubs the side of his head as he tries to sense for anyone’s energy, and thankfully he doesn’t have to try too hard, as he finds a decently strong Ki signature not too far away, and not a particularly hostile one at the very least.

Flying off, Goku notices some other off Ki signatures further away, vaguely familiar but off in different ways. Finding the closest one, he’s surprised by what he sees. A man in blue armor quite unlike PTO armor with a black undersuit, spiky black hair that’s long but not quite as long as Raditz’s, and most tellingly of all, a simian tail, though black instead of the brown Goku’s familiar with. Goku calls to him, trying to get his attention, with the man looking toward him with surprise and confusion.

The two stare at one another for a moment, with the man in blue armor tilting his head and asking, “…another Saiyan?”
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Back in Universe 8…

You, Izumi Mahogany, stare down Hado, or rather, the spirit that’s taken control of his mind, the Promethean Chronicler. An artificial spirit meant to act as a record keeper for the Archon Zelos. Who has very clearly desired Zelos’ sword, Sophis, for his own potentially nefarious reasons. Or at the very least, self-serving ones.

However, you’ve got another idea.

‘I am listening.’ the voice of the Chronicler expresses.

All right, here we go…

>A. Think for a moment what might happen if you do make a grab for the sword, and how many people around here could jump you. Do you really want that?
>B. Do you really believe Yalbadoth would help you in the long run? You’ve been around long enough to know not just what he’s capable of, but what he might do to someone he thinks is defying him, right? How about… you side with us, instead?
>C. Instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not work WITH him? Maybe you could get much more out of that, if he’ll agree to it
>D. Something else?
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>C. Instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not work WITH him? Maybe you could get much more out of that, if he’ll agree to it
We're back!
>D. If that's not to your liking, consider going with it temporarily in the current crisis, and we can visit maybe making you your own unique vessel afterwards, and you can be your own person.
>>C. Instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not work WITH him? Maybe you could get much more out of that, if he’ll agree to it
Glad to be back boss
>C. Instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not work WITH him? Maybe you could get much more out of that, if he’ll agree to it
‘Look, instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not try to work WITH him? Maybe you can get much more out of that, if he’d agree to it.’

‘I highly doubt that.’ the voice responds, Hado still keeping a poker face, even though now Sala is poking him in the cheek and asking if he was even listening to her.

‘You can doubt it all you want, but do you really have a plan beyond trying to grab the sword and run? Not just the short term, but the long term too. You make it out of here, maybe get some powerful artifacts somewhere else, and… then what?’

‘You believe that I stand to gain more through cooperation with this witless mortal?’

‘Yes. Because I doubt you really have a solid plan. Especially if we somehow lose. You might be another loose end that needs to be tied up by someone who’s not too happy with Zelos “betraying” him.’ you point out. ‘Why not stack the deck in your favor? Work with him. Work with us.’

‘Do you truly believe you can succeed? Do you know what Yalbadoth is capable of?’

>A. Yes, and yes. We can, and will, win
>B. By all means, tell us what you think we’re up against
>C. You say this like you think YOU can get away from his wrath. Can you?
>D. Something else?
>C.+ "Considering you couldn't get past ME for a full minute..."
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>B. By all means, tell us what you think we’re up against
>D. Something else?
"Together we truly stand a chance at succeeding."
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>His attempts to sense beyond the confines of the bottle he was sealed away in only ever brought forth an overwhelming sensation of malice, evil, and hatred. But he would not give in to despair. He would learn from this, and one day he would get out of there.

>B. By all means, tell us what you think we’re up against
>D. I think Chiaotzu can beat him. If it's a battle of mental power, Chiaotzu considers every grain of rice in his bowl before he eats it.
Jiang Shi aren't quick thinkers, but they do think. Ooh, I wonder of Chiaotzu has ever traced woodgrain lines?

Okay, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 12.
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 10 (1d20)

Rolled 1, 16, 12 = 29 (3d20)

Passed! Writing...
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‘Oh, you think you know more than we do? Then by all means, tell us what you think we’re up against.’

Hado finally raising his hand and telling Sala to stop, he moves back a bit, Zelos walking with him and keeping an eye on him, yet the voice continues. ‘Yalbadoth is in the process of becoming far more than the Archon he proclaims himself to be. He possesses the power of Destruction, seeking to cement his rule beyond that of a mere lesser god. But further, he has delved into the Secrets of Evolution as part of his goal to enforce the “growth” of others, hoping to remold them into his idea of perfection. The allies you have gathered would end up nothing more than new material for forced evolution, should he prove to be backed into a corner.’

‘Consider this though as a counterpoint: you couldn’t get past ME for a full minute.’ you state bluntly. ‘You think YOU can get away from his wrath? Do you?’

Hado stops, Zelos stopping with him. ‘You got lucky.’

‘No, I was paying attention very well. And he might be doing just the same thing. But… maybe it doesn’t have to be like this. Together we stand a chance at succeeding, at making it through all this. Maybe Yalbadoth is actually as strong as you say, but maybe there’s a way to win against him in a battle of the minds. And you could play a part in that. Would he expect you of all beings to actually be on our side?’

Hado looks back to you, the poker face still there. But then… you see him return to a more normal, if very confused expression. Zelos seems to smirk and pats him on the shoulder, which confuses him further, only for Sala to come up and put one arm around his shoulder while giving him a noogie with the other. You let out a sigh of relief. It worked. You think. You hope.

Meanwhile you see some others getting together for a strategy meeting. Looks like it might be time soon.

>A. All right, you should be there too, give some more of your own input and be ready for team assignments
>B. …Should probably let Hado and Sala in on what just happened, maybe help ease them into there being a new ally stuck in Hado’s head?
>C. Double-check with Zelos on what he plans to do with the Promethean Chronicler after this, just to be sure
>D. Something else?
>C. Double-check with Zelos on what he plans to do with the Promethean Chronicler after this, just to be sure

>A. All right, you should be there too, give some more of your own input and be ready for team assignments

>D. "Yalbadoth's superiors. When we defeat him, they're going to notice. What do we do then?"
Is the Promethean Chronicler the same as Hekinwa Hanbasqet?

>A. All right, you should be there too, give some more of your own input and be ready for team assignments
>D. You didn't like how things ended with the dragon lady, there's gotta be another way to resolve this.
Support >>6174896
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You give a nod toward Zelos and remark to him, ‘So what do you intend to do about the Promethean Chronicler once this is all over?’

‘There’s much that needs to be considered, in truth. Given what it has tried to pull, right under our nostrils, simply breaking all ties and hoping for the best for it is… not a smart move to make.’ he responds. ‘I intend to watch over it at the very least.’

‘Watch over it from a distance, or in a more “controlled” form?’ you question.

He gives a slight shrug of his shoulders. ‘That depends on if this change of perspective is genuine or not. I am aware this may sound like stones thrown from a house of glass to you, but it is a gamble to fully trust the Chronicler. Should it prove genuine, and not end up a threat on its own, I am willing to let all this go.’

‘And if not?’

Zelos crosses his arms behind his back and walks with Hado and Sala again. ‘Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.’


You frown and shake your head, but pressing on this issue any further might not be productive. Instead you get back with everyone to see what team assignments are being given, and also give your own input. Hearts has started things off, informing everyone, “This will not be an easy battle. Even with all we have gathered, even with all we have done, the final push to free the mortals of the universe from the tyranny of the Archons will take everything we have. But it CAN be done! That all of you are standing here is proof positive of it! Yalbadoth will throw everything he can at us, but from what I have seen, from what you all have shown, we CAN do this!” He makes a fist and pumps it in the air. “What’s more, that one of the Archons themselves has proven capable of change is a sign that this universe CAN be free from divine tyranny!”

“Well said, hater of gods.” Ryuuno comments with a soft smile and humble voice. “If all is said and done, I wish to be part of the team that will bring down my father for good.”

“If I may make a suggestion of my own,” Zelos begins formally. “Authadia would be a better fit for I and a couple others… at least with Hado and Sala by my side.”

“What, ya still don’t trust me with yer sword?” Sala remarks with a pout, Hado rubbing the side of his head and mumbling something under his breath.

“On the contrary, I trust you can indeed use it, but instead I wish to be able to help you bring out its full potential.” he responds.

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“Hey, before we get too set in the assignments, I’d like to point something out.” you speak up, all eyes on you now. “Doesn’t Yalbadoth have superiors of some sort? We kick his ass, they’re bound to notice. What happens then?”

Hearts nods and crosses his arms. “Izumi brings up a good point, but thankfully they’re fairly predictable. Yalbadoth’s order was only ever a trial run to them, something they should be willing to part with if he proves himself a failure. That said, if they do make any sort of appearance, I promise I will be the one to take responsibility for all these actions. Their ire will be drawn toward me.”

“You know what such ‘ire’ entails, don’t you?” Zelos questions.

He gives a simple nod. “I do.”

“We did manage to beat Yao before, even if with some extra help.” Chuu Lee brings up. “We’ll know what to expect from her, right Raditz?”

“Right, though let’s also remember she’ll know what to expect from us… Chiaotzu!” he calls out. “What of the other two?”

“Well, Kakia and Epithymia aren’t nearly as powerful, but both are fairly formidable still…” The small man rubs his head. “Uh… I don’t think Epithymia’s abilities will work as well against 16 and 19.”

“...You would prefer not to fight that one again?” 19 questions.

In a small voice, Chiaotzu lets out a confirming “No…”

“Understood. We will be ready to take on that Archon then.” she states plainly.

“That brings you back to fighting against Kakia.” Hearts notes to Chiaotzu. “Are you up for that?”

“I think so. But it’ll depend on who else will try to take him on.” he replies.

Well, those are the options. Who best would you be up against? Maybe…

>A. Authadia, Sala and Hado could use the most backup
>B. Kakia, you could help Chiaotzu against the ritual and minion-using guy
>C. Yao, Chuu Lee could use a boost if Raditz picks someone else, and you’re willing to deliver
>D. Epithymia, it’d be good to serve as some extra help for 19 and 16
>E. Yalbadoth, if he’s the main threat, Hearts and Ryuuno will need all the help they can get
>F. Something else?
>B. Kakia, you could help Chiaotzu against the ritual and minion-using guy
>F. "Chiaotzu, I think you could take on Yalbadoth. You've been fighting him for months, what's keeping you from seeing this through to the end?"
>C. Yao, Chuu Lee could use a boost if Raditz picks someone else, and you’re willing to deliver
Raditz should support Chiaotzu against Kakia.
>F. Something else?
"As soon as the first domino falls, we need whoever beats their target first to go and support the team struggling the most. We build pressure, until we all meet with whoever last standing - which will probably be Yalbadoth. We can't let them gain any momentum or we'll lose our advantage."
>G. Ryuuno is in Zelos' custody, so they have to be on the same mission.
>‘I am very familiar with the kind of person that Ryuno was, and still is. Given that he will be using a Day Pass under my perview, I would have the right to revoke it and send him back if he steps out of line.’ the avian Archon tells you. ‘And I have other methods of dealing with him as well.’

>Ryuuno comments with a soft smile and humble voice. “If all is said and done, I wish to be part of the team that will bring down my father for good.”
>Zelos begins formally. “Authadia would be a better fit for I and a couple others… at least with Hado and Sala by my side.”

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All right I do need to get some rest, so I'll leave this open until tomorrow. We'll be back on Sunday, ~6:30 pm PST, vote open until then! Thank you all for playing and stay safe out there!
Good night!
Support as well

Is that a change in vote or just additional vote?
Meant to support >>6175061
Bah, sorry
An addendum.
Please, may I have some support to keep Ryuno under Zelos' watch as well?
Eh. I think he knows what he's doing.
I would like to ask him what he thinks he's doing.

Changing >>6175068
>G. "Zelos, how will you be supervising Ryuno?"
Nah I think it's fine.
Is that a vote against?
All righty, we are back!

“Uncle Raditz, I think you’d be a good fit backing up Chiaotzu against Kakia.” you suggest. “I meanwhile think I’d be a good fit backing up Chuu Lee, if that sounds good.”

“No complaints here.” she responds with a smile.

“That would be a big help.” Chiaotzu states with relief in his voice. “Raditz?”

“Hah! We’ll kick the Archon’s ass in no time!” he declares confidently.

You raise your hand up. “On that note, I have another suggestion: whenever makes the one of these divine dominos fall first, they head over to the group that’s having the hardest time. That’ll bring things to a conclusion quicker.”

“Excellent idea.” Hearts praises, giving you a thumb’s up. “I would recommend at least letting some stamina recover before that happens, don’t go jumping in until ready to go another round, but otherwise it’ll make things all the easier to handle.”

“Some of us do know some healing techniques.” Chuu Lee adds in. “Should make that easier.”

“Good to hear. Any other points of order that need to be brought up?” Zelos questions, pointedly looking toward Ryuuno, and probably saying something to him telepathically.

>A. I’m good to go if everyone else is!
>B. Actually maybe just a little bit more training… (with who?)
>C. Something else?
>C. Switch to Gohan
It's feeling like it's his year.
While we're waiting, what are Princess Izumi's thoughts on democracy versus monarchy?
>A. I’m good to go if everyone else is!
>C. Something else?
"Be on the alert if any of them pull anything. They could have any number of tricks like us. Fusion, mechs, or possibly any number of aces up their sleeves. We need to counter their tricks with ours."
They could also just possess us or anyone in our proximity, they are all Kami.
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You smack a fist into a palm and declare confidently, “I’m good to go if everyone else is!”

“I am willing to begin as well.” 19 adds. “Though I do have one final question: where exactly will we be facing Yalbadoth?”

Ryuuno speaks up and says in an almost solemn tone, “The Throneworld. Effectively one massive complex dedicated to his ‘rule’ over the cosmos settled over an artifically curated tropical paradise, where he can proudly display the ‘fruits of his labors’ to those few higher than him. Population is lower than such a place may suggest, as he only allows those few millions he deems ‘worthy’ of his direct attention a place there; at the same time, it will be filled with his most fanatical and loyal supporters. I doubt they will prove much of a threat to any of us, but my father may use them to his advantage. I suggest that none of you hesitate even if he throws them at you.”

“We’re not going to be merciless with them though.” Hearts states as he narrows his eyes at Ryuuno. “Even, no, especially if they aren’t a true threat. Prioritize nocking ‘em out or incapacitate them. Right?”

Ryuuno remarks his words with curiosity, noticing Zelos likewise giving a stern look to him. He finally lets out an almost hesitant, “…Of course.”

Slightly concerning, but will trust they’ve got a plan. “Well, if there aren’t any other surprises waiting for us, let’s get this started!”

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With everything set, you all arrive on an open plaza surrounded by tall structures that give off an odd, golden glow. You can feel the air thick with magic, yet also exceptionally pleasant, slightly warm and yet energizing. As you take to the air with everyone, you see that beyond the plaza and structures are small tropical islands and atolls and other features spread out underneath pathways and structures with that same glow that stretch on as far as the eye can see. A more impressive structure comes into the distance, a spire that literally reaches into the heavens as it seems to connect to an orbital ring of some kind high above the world. You do notice that, just as Ryuuno said, there’s way, way fewer people around than a place like this would really be able to fit. Hell, West City would seem to boast a higher population than this place.

Closing in on the spire, you notice figures in robes marching in organized, synchronized lines toward the citadel that it juts out from. There’s an unnerving, almost ‘forced’ method to their movements, as if they’re all parts of some massive assembly line moving forward in one controlled motion. Finally you sense a number of powerful beings descending the spire, as if expecting all of you. Hearts raises his Ki up in an almost taunting manner, as if he wants to make sure they know HE’S there at the very least. Everyone starts to pair up into their respective teams. 19 and 16, Zelos, Sala, and Hado, Raditz and Chiaotzu, Ryuuno and Hearts, and finally you and Chuu Lee.

So… how shall these introductions start off?

>A. You’re in the mood for a big ol’ grand speech. You’ve got your piece to say about all this
>B. Hearts is probably gonna take the lead in talking, don’t draw too much attention to yourself just yet, let them think you’re more just Chuu Lee’s backup than a primary threat
>C. Try to stay out of sight until the battle proper starts, see if you can kinda sneak up on ‘em
>D. Time to dive right in! Find your target and smash her in the face! HENSHIN! YUUSHA!
>E. Something else?

That all said,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky (updates will be there at a later date)
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing, and apologies for this being a bit short. Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then too!
Did Ryuno make a clone of himself to distract us with?

>B. Hearts is probably gonna take the lead in talking, don’t draw too much attention to yourself just yet, let them think you’re more just Chuu Lee’s backup than a primary threat
I don't think we really have much stake or care for people here to do a speech. The only thing I could really think of is going off on them for having a senate to govern worlds. Earth had moved beyond that barbaric tradition ages ago, and now a bunch of kingdoms populate the planet which are more representative of their respective communities. There's no way a democracy could be feasible among entire systems!
Fun had, boss, thanks for running
>Time to dive right in! Find your target and smash her in the face! HENSHIN! YUUSHA!
I also do have to admit I though it was cool when the dragon lady burninated a senator for stepping out of line, it really appealed to the citizen revenge fantasy. I consider it evidence enough that she's not all bad.

As for fun, we're still setting things up, but I am looking forward to more!
>E. Something else?
Say nothing, but let's give them a pose that Aunt Maple would be proud of.
Support >>6175949
And then >>6175795

Also Hit votes
Backing this

Voting against, Kakia is male and uses ritual magic. You don't know what you're leaping into nor who we're fighting.
You know for someone that so eagerly tries to nitpick so much you still seem to have trouble following things actually stated barely a couple posts ago. Or what votes actually were cast. Really wish after these months of hiatus you might have changed even a little. Guess that will never happen. Bye angry.
Shit this headache is worse than I thought, I can't play tonight.

Rescinding my vote here.

Rolled 2, 6, 19 = 27 (3d20)

All righty, we are back!

And with that, roll me a quick 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 9, 5 = 14 (2d20)

Rolled 16, 11 = 27 (2d20)

Rolled 15, 11 = 26 (2d20)

Rolled 11, 16, 3 = 30 (3d20)

Passed one!
Rolled 15, 13, 2 = 30 (3d20)

And writing...
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You back up somewhat, knowing Hearts is going to be the one making the big speeches here. You watch carefully as out of the citadel come five individuals, much like how Chiaotzu and Hearts had shown and described them. A lion man with blue fur and the disposition of a fierce warrior. A quite large fishlike man with more ornate decorations on his robes. A more muscular woman with draconic features with a harsh scowl on her face, a beastly and ferocious power radiating off of her. A more demonic-looking woman that seems to give off a teasing, almost… succubus-like vibe, if you had to describe it. And a powerful aged man with long hair and beard, pointed ears with a clip on them, imposing and clearly glaring at you all with almost dismissive contempt. Besides him, the rest all have halos above their heads.

The few people even close to the five call out to them in voices of praise and adoration… with “Yalbadoth!” the most common name being cheered. You can even feel some of them sharing Ki and Magic with them, though such offerings feel minuscule compared to the power on display already. Hearts lands first, with Yalbadoth giving a growling snort. “You were a fool to come here, God Hater. You were an even bigger fool to bring these people to their deaths. I care not what tale was spun to sway them to your side, but the defiance shown here guarantees them only death. Any who stand against the Archons shall be made examples of.” Yalbadoth next looks to Ryuno and glares at him. “And if death is not enough a punishment, more severe means shall be taken and broadcast across the cosmos.”

“You still talk a big game, but you’re on the ropes. You WILL fall from your ‘throne’ today, tyrant. Mortals shall no longer be shackled to this corrupt system you’ve put in place.” Hearts begins, thrusting his fist into the air. “The reign of the Archons will end this day, and this universe will be FREE!” Chiaotzu stands beside him, slightly nervous but determined.

Tilting his chin up slightly to look down on Hearts all the more, Yalbadoth next glances around at all of you. “You will be given one chance and one chance only to stand down, lest you end up begging for death. Even you, traitor. Even you… Son. Will any of you deluded fools take it?”

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Rolled 13, 1, 7 = 21 (3d20)


He’s giving an offer? Well here’s your reply! You strike a quick but skillful pose that even aunt Maple would be proud of, and declare out, “HENSHIN! YUUSHAAAA!” as an emerald aura blazes around your body. You lock on to your target and burst forward, actually making the first strike as you try to hit Yao with a boosted up Fractal Strike! She catches your fist with both her hands, and while pushed back and with frost forming on her palm, she didn’t take any major damage. At least, not yet. Chuu Lee follows after you, using Instant Transmission to get behind her and land a powerful Wind-boosted kick that knocks her away.

The two of you give chase, and the battle begins. 16 and 19 face down Epithymia, Raditz rushing Kakia as Chiaotzu vanishes from where he was beside Hearts and hits him from above with an Ice-empowered Dodonpa. Zelos faces down Authadia with Sala and Hado beside him. Ryuno calls forth his sword as he slowly marches toward Yalbadoth, Hearts marching at similar pace and cracking his knuckles, a confident smirk on his face.

Okay, everyone has their own battles to fight, what’ll you go for next?

>A. Stick to support for now, back up Chuu Lee’s attacks and don’t bring out the Mahou Knight just yet, not when she has her own transformation
>B. Bait out some of her attacks and counter them with the Hero’s Barrier, just to see what exactly she can do
>C. Spirit Bits, let’s go! Start blastin’ and don’t let her have an opening!
>D. Try for a combo with Chuu Lee! Hit ‘er hard!
>E. Something else?
>A. Stick to support for now, back up Chuu Lee’s attacks and don’t bring out the Mahou Knight just yet, not when she has her own transformation
>C. Spirit Bits, let’s go! Start blastin’ and don’t let her have an opening!
>D. Try for a combo with Chuu Lee! Hit ‘er hard!
We've never tried comboing spirit bits before, let's do that. Spirit Bit Bombardment.
Support >>6176311
>C. Spirit Bits, let’s go! Start blastin’ and don’t let her have an opening!
Sounds good. Tactical-support-into-devastating-combo is a lovely flavor.
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Rolled 18, 2, 9 = 29 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first three, 15 for the last!
Rolled 11, 2, 3, 2 = 18 (4d20)

Rolled 10, 17, 13, 5 = 45 (4d20)

Rolled 16, 1, 15, 14 = 46 (4d20)

Rolled 4, 3, 2 = 9 (3d20)

Passed three of 'em, if with difficulty!
Rolled 12, 12, 14 = 38 (3d20)

...Thaaat's not a good roll. Well, I'm gonna have to call it a night here.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing, and apologies for this being a bit short again. Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
Fun had boss, good night!
Rolled 10, 9, 18 = 37 (3d20)

Glad to hear!

And all righty, we're back!

You bring out the Spirit Bits and send them forward to support Chuu Lee, keeping your distance from Yao for now. Mixing in some Ice Magic with some, you take shots at Yao from different directions, letting Chuu Lee land some solid hits on her, finishing a combo off with a powerful Shotenken uppercut that sends Yao flying. She recovers though, stopping in midair above the waters near one of the platforms.

Your Spirit Bits hound her again, catching her attention, but the dragon woman roars out, “Is spamming annoying little pests like this the best you can do, children?!” Ice builds up around her limbs… yet a blazing aura erupts around her, and she reaches out and grabs two of the Spirit Bits. She then… bites into one of them?! And somehow she seems to draw energy out of it, eyes locking on to you as you stare in confusion and quickly flings the other one at you! The moment of distraction is just enough for you to get bean’d right in the head with your own Spirit Bit, hitting hard enough that it explodes in your face. OW!

Yao then lets out a mouth blast toward Chuu Lee, with you quickly bringing up the remaining Spirit Bits into a barrier that blocks the attack, but it’s enough that it overwhelms the Spirit Bits themselves, Chuu Lee managing to Instant Transmission away thanks to your support and knee Yao in the back of the head. However, the horns on her head surge with power, and with a roar, you see bolts of Lightning Magic blast out in all directions, Chuu Lee having to teleport away to dodge them, with you avoiding the worst of it but still only narrowly avoiding getting shocked a couple times from the chaotic, random bolts of Lightning.

Meanwhile, Zelos struggles to match Authadia in sheer physical strength, getting a couple good hits in, but with the lion man taking much less than he’s dishing out, easily managing to avoid Sala’s attacks with the extended whip blade at the same time, even with the sheer amount of Magical power it’s letting out. Those things do let Hado, and you guess the Promethean Chronicler within him, successfully target and snatch away what looks to be some kind of scroll from his person, Authadia quickly looking back with astonishment and rage, attempting to get it back only for Zelos to draw his attention again, letting Hado move back with it.

Finally, Yao’s blasts of Lightning let up, her blazing aura returning. “If you children are so insistent on facing me, I do hope you bring out better than that. You haven’t even pushed me to use my full strength yet.”

Rolled 19, 20, 6 = 45 (3d20)

>A. Keep up the support, Chuu Lee knows what she’s doing, and no need to pull out any heavy hitters just yet
>B. Clothes Beam up something that’ll get caught in her horns and stop her from trying that Lightning attack again
>C. MP Buster! She’s sure she can take any hit you can throw at her, so time to use that to your advantage!
>D. Oh you want to take things up a notch, dragon lady? BURST STREAM!
>E. Something else?
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>E. Electric shield, then thrust with our sword when her attacks collude with our barrier to send all the energy towards her. Since she's a dragon, she'll have a weak point on her torso like Smaug or Shiryu.
>F. Really whinily, "My face, my bread and butter! It's toast!"
Oh wait, better to do the flame shield instead since she switched to a blazing aura. But also, I don't want to kill her, and going for the heart goes against that... but she is already dead, I wonder how the day passes work with what should be mortal wounds?
Since she's a dragon, and a dragon is our best friend, do we get any knowhow on what dragons like and hate? Weaknesses?
Hit vote:

>A & B.
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Rolling for knowhow!
Dragons can fly.
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>E. With an eye-roll we respond:
"'You haven’t even pushed me to use my full strength yet!' Holding back to talk shit? No wonder you're dead."
>A. Keep up the support, Chuu Lee knows what she’s doing, and no need to pull out any heavy hitters just yet
>B. Clothes Beam up something that’ll get caught in her horns and stop her from trying that Lightning attack again
Pool noodles. if we can make'em lightning resistant and weighted all the better.
Sold to the ungulate with the fancy headwear.
Support >>6176773
Those horns are really tiny and out of the way and angled back. How is something supposed to get caught in them?
You should probably make them fire resistant too.
And don't make them weighted, the thing you want to do is make them unnoticeable so she'll try to use the attack and it fails.
Rolled 13, 16, 16 = 45 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for all!
Rolled 19, 13, 13 = 45 (3d20)

Rolled 4, 8, 10 = 22 (3d20)

c'mon birthday roll
Rolled 10, 13, 9 = 32 (3d20)

Unbirthday yourself, you need more time to cook.
Rolled 16, 10, 11 = 37 (3d20)

Passed one!
Rolled 6, 5, 4 = 15 (3d20)

And writing...
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Like so
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In as mocking a tone as you can muster, you repeat, “‘You haven’t even pushed me to use my full strength yet!’” and with an eye roll, add, “You’re holding back to talk shit? Really? No wonder you’re dead.”


...And she’s literally fuming with rage now. “CHILD. YOU WILL LEARN TO NOT RUN YOUR MOUTH LIKE THAT!”

She charges you, and as you see her horns start to glow with power again, you Clothes Beam up a pair of insulated and weighted pool noodle-looking things that throws off her balance and ends up sending her into a sandy beach area. HAH! Servers her ri- …the sand is turning into glass. Chuu Lee’s white aura surrounds her as she readies a Kamehameha and you prepare to support her again, attempting to bring out the Spirit Bits once more, but you hear a snapping sound.

Suddenly everything around you erupts in an explosion, knocking you out of the sky and into the waves below. Chuu Lee tries calls out your name, but blasts of flame are launched toward her, causing her to dodge as you sink in deeper. Thankfully you slow decently quickly and the water isn’t especially deep in this part, but still. Ow. You land softly on a sandbank, but find yourself having to dodge away from several beams launched all around, swimming toward the surface and peeking your head out and catching your breath. Yao’s trying to target Chuu Lee, but keeps missing, with her finishing charging the Kamehameha, or rather, Shinku Kamehameha! She teleports behind Yao, who seems to expect it and swings an elbow strike back, only for that to turn out to be a feint as Chuu Lee teleports again right in front of her! She slams her hands forward and launches the attack, even managing to draw in some of Yao’s blazing aura with the attack’s added Wind Magic and give it some extra oomph! Yao’s sent flying, with Chuu Lee in pursuit!

Rolled 7, 12, 13 = 32 (3d20)

You therefore have a moment to check how the others are doing as you get out of the water. The good news is, 16 and 19 are working in perfect sync and easily overpowering Epithymia. You notice also that she seems to somehow look… different than she did before? Not as in a transformation but as if her appearance has shifted somewhat. She was taller, had red hair and looked like a more mature woman, yet now she’s got the appearance of a slightly younger blonde, still in the same outfit. Now that you notice it, her hair’s slicked back in a way that seems familiar, especially with how her forehead-

She looks like you. Why does she look like you? WHY DOES SHE LOOK LIKE YOU?! You also notice she’s somehow spread out an aura of darkness around her and her opponents, yet seems frustrated by its lack of effect on 19 and 16. “Rocket Punch!” 16 calls out, with Epithymia barely dodging out of the way in time, and yet about to make a smug remark on how he missed, only for another one to hit her in the gut! She grabs on to 16’s detached arm and starts to infuse some kind of energy into it, darkness surrounding it as she laughs out at him. “Your mechanical heart may make your desires harder to read, oh tall, stoic, and handsome, but if you want this back you’re going to have to take the little gift I’ve put in it!~ HahahahaAGH! MNGHGFFH!”

19’s caught her from behind in a leg lock, one hand over her mouth, the other having grabbed the succubus-lady’s tail, holding it in place as she tries to thrash about, draining her energy! Hell yeah, 19! You feel Epithymia’s energy start to drop while she’s in 19’s hold, even trying to shift her appearance again, her hair taking on a different red shade that seems familiar to you as her face also shifts slightly, also slightly familiar, and an attempt to force 19 off leaves her open for 16 to hit her with an elbow drop from above! The succubus-lady is knocked into the marble-like floor so hard it leaves a crater and cracks that almost reach the citadel area. Nice!

Meanwhile, Raditz’s initial successful assault against Kakia hits quite a snag as a Magic Circle underneath him calls forth multiple ethereal beings that grab on to him and hold him in place, with it taking Chiaotzu’s quick thinking to stop the fishman’s follow-up with his telekinesis, throwing him high into the air before he can cast another Spell. Raditz powers up into Super Saiyan, and then bursts even higher into Super Saiyan 2 and lets out an Explosive Wave to break the Magic Circle underneath him and push off the ethereal creatures that were holding him down. He and Chiaotzu regroup, with him thanking the little guy for the save.

Where'd her one horn go?
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Rolled 6, 1, 18 = 25 (3d20)

Chiaotzu gives him a thumb’s up and calls to 19 to see how she’s doing… and seems to quickly turn his head away quickly when he sees how 19 has Epithymia pinned. He even slaps both sides of his face and tells himself to focus. Raditz gives him a look that has a slight but knowing smirk, yet retakes his battle stance.

Your focus is drawn toward Yao again as a loud, draconic roar echoes out from far away, Chuu Lee teleporting next to you. “Izzy, you okay kid?”

“Can’t complain about a free dive into a tropical beach, hehehe.” you respond cheekily. “But yeah that looked worse than it actually was. How about you?”

A blazing glow starts to approach, waves parting from it. “Still got plenty of strength left, but so does she, and she might be willing to take on that draconic form again soon. I’ve got an idea on how to keep this up, but if you’ve got a plan of your own I’m all ears.”

>A. Let’s keep up this pace, I’ll stick to supporting you and trust in your plan
>B. We may need to take it up a notch. When she pulls out the big guns, so will I!
>C. Let’s hold her off for just a bit longer, I think 16 and 19 have beaten Epithymia, which shifts things in our favor
>D. How about I take the offensive for a bit? She might expect what you’re about to pull, but not me
>E. Something else?

That said, again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, vote open until then too!
>A. Let’s keep up this pace, I’ll stick to supporting you and trust in your plan
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I regret that my roll was successful on that ill thought-out plan with the weighted pool noodles which got incinerated immediately. Not all my criticism is destructive! Sometimes, every once in a while, it can be useful.

>E. Isn't she going to run out of juice with her Day Pass if she explodes or turns into a dragon again?
>A. Let’s keep up this pace, I’ll stick to supporting you and trust in your plan
>A. Let’s keep up this pace, I’ll stick to supporting you and trust in your plan
>E. But if things go sideways or you need a hand, just say the word and I'll bring in my big guns.
>Really wish after these months of hiatus you might have changed even a little.
Well, I was rolling a dice to pick which alter to be and rolling another dice to pick which option to vote and flipping a coin to see if that alter would pick more than one option, and then going over every other post with a vote and flipping a coin on each one to see if that alter will give it support. In short, I randomly generated some more players.

>Not randomly generated
>Gets banned a ton
>Plays up the bad guy role to cover for the other alters

>Likes Disney, Outfits, Dimension 20, Amazing Digital Circus
>Intense about Cocoa’s acting career and talent
>Calls the other players names
>Hates Capitalism
>Doesn’t trust Sword or other players’ write-in formatting
>Does Not trust Ryuno, considers them a loose cannon
>Thinks characters are cooler when they have problems

>Likes vTubers, smug anime titties, Eminem
>Does pervy write-ins, but not all the time, and not to an extreme degree
>Respects Pronouns, doesn’t Assume Genders, Woke
>Tells people to cool it when they’re bitching, suggests different approach
>Engages in Mommy roleplay when other players ask for support
>Real Particular about what names we give out to people we don’t know
>Will defend and clarify write-ins, but will understand if they can’t be done

>Likes JoJo, Furries, Babies, Fear & Hunger, maybe Avatar, famous Foxes, and Hira?
>Likes to make speechy write-ins or ones that have the PC feel things
>Hates being rushed when trying to immerse self in setting
>Disappointed when write-ins aren’t adapted exactly
>Also pissy when write-ins clash in tone
>Wants write-ins to take more votes to get in
>Thinks Angry should be banned

>The “Brain,” rattles on about conspiracy theories and etymology, knowledge of mythos
>Asks Kato to confirm specific details because they think they’re owed something
>Thinks we don’t do enough for girlfriend
>Wants others to stop fighting, but will hypocritically tell Angry off
>Will tease other write-ins as being flirty, will glare at ridiculous write-ins for stumping them, will suggest how a write-in being argued about could be handled better later
>Folds when confronted by others, has a thing for women with power over them

I was wanting to continue the facade but after a an incident a few months back I couldn't do so any longer. The main benefits of it were that I didn't have to be me, I could talk with others (though a lot of the time I did have entire conversations and arguments with myself), and the quest was livelier (though I did not even know the image limit could be breached on qst). But I couldn't keep it up, and I should work for having those nice things without cheating my way into them.

Exen, we need time to charge up the big guns and deploy them. We need them on stand-by if they're to be of use at all, and we should use our own initiative.to decide "when."
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>Instead of trying to puppet around Hado, why not work WITH him? Maybe you could get much more out of that, if he’ll agree to it

Watatsunami + Shinku Shotenken is my suggestion. Call it Typhoon Dragoon.
Backing, cool name
Support as well
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Rolled 6, 15, 18 = 39 (3d20)

Okay, we are back!

And with that, roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Rolled 15, 3, 13 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 13, 10 = 26 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 14, 5 = 21 (3d20)

Rolled 11, 20, 11 = 42 (3d20)

Passed two of 'em!
Rolled 19, 13, 16 = 48 (3d20)

And writing...
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Did she drop the Golden Jade Rings?
Wait, does Chiaotzu have them???
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“I say we keep up the pace, me supporting and you leading. But the moment things go sideways or you need some extra oomph, just say the word and I’ll help dish it out.” you declare confidently, your emerald aura surging around you. Chuu Lee bolts forward, the blazing form of Yao coming in hot, literally given how the ocean seems to be steaming underneath her. You get a telepathic message from Chuu Lee, who asks you, ‘Think you can get her to “chill” for a moment?’

With a slight chuckle, you respond with a quick, ‘Absolutely.’ As she narrowly avoids a blazing fist aimed at her face, Chuu Lee hits Yao in the back with a Wind-boosted Geist Magnum. And you have just the thing to follow that up with, as you head down to the water and cast out, “GLACIER SURGE!” at full blast! The frigid stream and sheer power of the attack leaves a trail of ice on top of the ocean water, and with Yao blasted in the back she ends up sent right into the path of your attack! Her whole body ends up encased in ice, stuck on top of the water. You also notice that the pool noodles you slapped on her head are still kinda there; a little melted, but in a way that seems to have kinda melted into her hair, making her look a little ridiculous.


…Oh boy the ice is cracking and starting to melt. You back away a bit as you sense Chuu Lee is about to hit her with another powerful attack, calling out, “FALCON KIIIIIIICK!” The moment Yao breaks out of the ice, she gets struck full force by Chuu Lee’s attack, kicked down into the ocean! Hell yeah! …But you can also tell that wasn’t enough to put her down from the count. Chuu Lee is doing some damage, for sure, but Yao’s able to take yet more.

You get more good news as you spot Zelos now backed up by 19 and 16, the latter of which is lacking his other arm but otherwise is in peak condition, Sala keeping her distance and protecting Hado who starts to read through the odd scroll they nabbed in a voice that matches that of the Promethean Chronicler’s (which certainly concerns Sala given how you can hear her using what you assume are fun and creative new swears you’ve never heard before, but not enough to distract her from keeping him safe as shadowy figures march out of the ground around them). 16 and Authadia trade blows in a cross-counter, but it’s one that leaves him open for both Zelos and 19 to call up an entire thunderstorm’s worth of Lightning and blast it down at him! He actually somehow redirects it with his sword, yet 16 smirks and fires his Rocket Punch point blank, sending Authadia right into the redirected attack!

Lightning hits him like the hammer of an angry thunder god, frying the lionman… yet even with all that, he’s still standing. Fur is singed, and that certainly left a mark, but that wasn’t even enough to knock him off his feet. However, as he raises his sword up high and fills it with power, Sala manages to thrust Sophis toward Authadia and strike him in the chest. It doesn’t penetrate too deep, but it doesn’t need to, as Hado places one hand on the sword as well, the other declaring out in a voice mixed of his natural one and the Chronicler’s, “OH DEAD ONE WALKING AMONG THE LIVING, WE BANISH YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!”

Authadia roars out a loud and despairing “NOOOOOOOO!” as his body, even as it’s held in place, seems drawn away from where he stands, turning transparent and finally vanishing. Zelos noticeably lets out a sigh of relief. Two down!

However the ice below cracks and separates as the sea underneath you and Chuu Lee starts to bubble and boil. “We need to hit her a bit harder. Have an idea?”

You look around at the ocean around the two of you and get a cheeky grin. “Let’s try for a combo! I can empower your Shinku Shotenken with something that’ll hit really hard. Up for that?”

“Absolutely, let’s do it!”

Backing away with her, you try something a little risky, drawing out some energy out of the air and water itself and channeling it into your Magic instead of going full Mahou Knight. You end up successfully pulling forth some of the water in the ocean itself, Chuu Lee filling her arm with Ki and Wind Magic. Yao emerges from the water like a leviathan coming up from the depths, glaring at you both with rage.

“You BRATS think you can keep this up?! DO YOU?! FINE!” her voice gets deeper and more guttural, roaring out, “YOU WILL BURN FOR THIS!” And… oh crap her body’s starting to grow bigger, with massive wings sprouting from her back. And… jeeze that power! The very air itself swirls around her like she’s calling forth a hurricane!

Only got one shot at this! As Chuu Lee rockets forward, you cast the Watasunami toward her in a way that flows into her technique. And sharing with her the name you come up with, the two of you shout out, “TYPHOON…!”


The sharklike form of the Watasunami merges into her swirling vortex of Wind and Water and taking on a draconic appearance, hitting Yao with tremendous force, as if the sea itself had come to life and been called to attack her even as she tries to retaliate with an explosion of flame from her emerging draconic form. By the end of it, a monstrous being the size of a battleship, wings like skyscrapers… is knocked high into the air by the attack! The winds of the forming hurricane are overwhelmed and break apart as she fails to properly hold on to it!

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Rolled 5, 3, 12 = 20 (3d20)

“D-did we do it…?” you ask Chuu Lee hopefully, finding that such a combo took a bit more out of you than you expected, panting out.

“...No, not yet, but that sure as hell hurt her.” she responds, a little worn as well. “But we’re running out of things we can pull against her…”

You rub the side of your head as you pant. “J-jeeze! Seriously?!” As you look upward, you notice Hearts and Ryuno engaged with Yalbadoth, the force of their attacks colliding able to be felt even from down here.

>A. We’re not done yet, one more should do it, right?
>B. Okay, think it’s gonna call for this! MAHOU KNIGHT!
>C. Maybe it doesn’t have to be just you two now! Ask for some help from the team that beat Authadia just now!
>D. Perhaps we should just stall her then? At least until Kakia’s beaten, then we can rush her together!
>E. Something else?
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>the other declaring out in a voice mixed of his natural one and the Chronicler’s, “OH DEAD ONE WALKING AMONG THE LIVING, WE BANISH YOU TO THE DEPTHS OF HELL!”
>Authadia roars out a loud and despairing “NOOOOOOOO!”
Way to go, Chronicler!

>D. Perhaps we should just stall her then? At least until Kakia’s beaten, then we can rush her together!
>E. Diplomacy the Flying Battleship lady.
Ooh, another idea!
>C. Maybe it doesn’t have to be just you two now! Ask for some help from the team that beat Authadia just now!
>E. Ask the Chronicler to take all of the experiences it has from the Consciousness Grid, and blast that into Yao's head. It shall be the absolute worst thing to ever curse the pyromaniacal head of a senate: a bit of empathy and consideration for different points of view.
Have a good night Kato, also check this out! https://youtu.be/7moHrjpi-dw
>B. Okay, think it’s gonna call for this! MAHOU KNIGHT!
>E. I should be able to handle this, but if you see a chance to run interference and create an opening for me, all the better.
Okay, I do need to get some rest soon, so we'll call it a night here.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

And again, vote open until then too!
We already killed her once, and she came back from the dead to fight us again. The cycle of violence won't end with death, she'll reincarnate in our universe so she can burninate our countryside.

Surely there must be a better solution to this than more killing?
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>B. Okay, think it’s gonna call for this! MAHOU KNIGHT!

Since we're fighting Gods, it's about time we call upon the opposite to help us deal with this dragon-lady and I know just the spell....

"Darkness beyond twilight
Crimson beyond blood that flows
Buried in the stream of time is where your power grows
I pledge myself to conquer all the foes who stand
before the mighty gift bestowed in my unworthy hand
Let the fools who stand before me be destroyed
by the power you and I possess...


But our Dragon Slave has a special secret. It's not just a beam of destructive dark energy like in Slayers, we combine it with mp buster to drain Yao as well. So even if she defends against it, she won't have the energy to counter.
Before I support, halfway through I want for Izzy to forget how the chant goes, and just segue into the Dragon Tales chant. Is that fine?
Oof, just realized it's not cool to have an attack called Dragon Slave when Iggy is Izzy's best friend. Can we call it Dragon Sleep, or Nightfury Lullaby, or... Dragoon Lagoon Snooze Cruise, that last one is terrible I'm sorry
Sounds good, let's start mopping.

Hell yeah! Scavengers Reign was awesome
Support >>6177360

Let's save that for Yalbadoth
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Rolled 3, 8, 5 = 16 (3d20)

All righty, we are back!

And with that, roll me one more 3d20, best of three! DC is 15 for the first two, 16 for the last!
Rolled 15, 19, 7 = 41 (3d20)

It's the Year of Gohan!

Uhhhhhh, here.
Rolled 7, 17, 9 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 1, 18, 6 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 18, 11, 18 = 47 (3d20)

Passed two of 'em! If with difficulty.
Rolled 5, 4, 17 = 26 (3d20)

And writing...
>“In brightest day, in blackest night,
>"No evil shall escape my sight.
>"Let those who worship evil's might/
>"Beware my power… My Forehead's Light! wait no, crap"
Rolled 7, 20, 14 = 41 (3d20)


Okay, first thing’s first! You hold up the crystal and declare, “It’s time to take it up a notch! MAHOU KNIGHT!” and summon your mech around you! “Should be able to handle this, but if you see an opening, don’t hesitate to take it. Plus, we’re likely going to get some additional help soon, I think.” You have a plan. Just need to get in contact with Hado and the Chronicler. As you fly up toward the now draconic Yao, you telepathically tell them, ‘I think I have something that can stop her in her tracks. Promethean Chronicler, you’ve still got some experiences and memories from the Consciousness Grid, right?’

‘I do indeed.’ the voice responds back.

‘Then we’ll hit ‘er with the last thing she’ll expect: some empathy! Project it on to her when you have an opening, got it?’

‘I’ll continue to stick with Sala then.’ Hado tells you. ‘On your mark.’

And as the shadow of a vast, ferocious beast covers you as you fly upward, you see that Yao’s recovered. The atmosphere around her noticeably swirls and starts to form into another hurricane-like force around her. Lightning blasts out from it, followed by massive mouth blasts easily as big as your mech. You start dodging in it, and retaliate with dad’s Revenant Driver, infusing it with some Lightning of your own as you launch it forward! It draws in some of the attacks and keeps traveling toward her, though before it reaches her she brings her massive arms together and blocks it, the detonation doing some damage but not enough to keep her down, and a tail as long as her skyscraper-sized wings whips around and slams into the side of your Mahou Knight, the thagomizer on it filled with energy that explodes when it makes contact.

But while that hit, and certainly did some damage, you’re not out of the fight yet! She’s relying on that massive storm around her to give her some extra firepower, but it’s not directly connected to her, and she can be pulled out of it. So you switch up tactics, and as you see arm the size of a train swinging toward you, you actually charge into it and counter it with a Gravity Blow as you just barely dodge out of the way. The sudden added weight sets her off-balance, and even as Yao tries to blast you with more Lightning you dodge under her and keep up the attacks, slamming Gravity Blow after Gravity Blow into her arms and chest and legs. You get up to her face and bait her into trying to chomp down on you, only for you to land another Revenant Driver, infused with Shadow Magic, right down her mouth! Her head lowers suddenly as she tries to shake it off, but all this Shadow Magic you’ve been hitting her with is drawing her out of the storm!

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Chuu Lee then teleports above her, having charged another Shinku Kamehameha, and tries to even use some of the Magically crafted storm’s power to enhance it by drawing it in. She fires down at Yao and sends her plummeting! …But you fail to avoid her gigantic clawed hands clasping at you, pulling you down with her, trying to crush you as she does. “IMPUTENT BRAT! DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT WOULD BE ALL IT TAKES?!” Yao roars at you, trying all the harder to break the Mahou Knight and you trapped within it. You can feel energy also build up in her palms, warning signs blaring all over.

Well, now’s as good a time as any! “No, but you’ve fallen right for my trap!”

She tries all the harder to crush you, declaring, “BRAVADO WON’T SAVE YOU, STUPID CHILD!”

“It doesn’t need to save me, just put you down for the count! HADO, NOW!” you both yell out and contact telepathically.

There’s a confused growl, and then a pained roar as her grip loosens, with you freeing yourself and flying out, Yao grasping her head in pain, thrashing about as she continues to plummet. Eventually she splashes down into the ocean and creates a substantial wave, one that hits the structures above the sea. Her body rests in the water half-submerged, head on an island and torso and arms on the sand bank near it. She tries to get up, but still holds her head in pain. She finally stops, her form shrinking considerably as the draconic body flakes away in ethereal energy scales that vanish into nothingness. Finally, she’s down for the count.

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However, two figures end up crashing into separate islands nearby, and you can tell they’re Hearts and Ryuno. Yalbadoth is still high up in the air looking down at you all with what’s probably contempt, arms crossed as he lets everyone feel just how powerful he is. Crap. He doesn’t seem to target any of you just yet, so, small victory there. Hearts and Ryuno manage to get up, but that definitely hurt them.

Meanwhile, the gathered civilians start to converge on Sala and Hado, with her keeping them back, while Zelos, 16, 19, and Raditz carefully knock out many that are apparently being puppeted around by Kakia. It… actually more closely resembles what Yurin did to certain people with her talismans the other year, just through a more powerful magic, and with apparently more willing puppets. He’s about to laugh and starts to cast another spell, circles appearing underneath each of your allies, when he suddenly is not there anymore. In an instant, he’s above the water, and then gets hit in the gut by an Ice-boosted Crane Kick from Chiaotziu, who suddenly appeared in front of him.

He yells at Chiaotzu using words that you can only assume are swears in an ancient tongue when he gets smacked in the back of the head with 16’s other arm, the one afflicted by whatever curse Epithymia cast on it, shrieking out as he holds his head in his hands… and then becoming bizarrely docile and loopy. He calls out to Chiaotzu in a suddenly delirious state, “Oh beautiful doll queen! Flawless porcelain skin of an Angel! You come to me now, may I enshrine your beautAAAAAAGH!”

He’s hit with an Ice Dodonpa from a panicked and blushing Chiaotzu, knocked away and suddenly encased in ice. Many eyes are now locked on him, but to his mild relief the stares are broken by words that echo in all your minds in a booming voice. ‘Pathetic. All of you. PATHETIC.’

It’s not just addressed to you and your allies, but apparently the other Archons as well, as you catch glimpse of Yao, even in her pained state, visibly flinch at those words. The gathered civilians that were attempting to harass Sala and Hado stop suddenly, those that were facing Zelos, 16, 19, and Raditz backing away, all supplicating themselves and calling out to Yalbadoth in ecstatic yet fearful exaltation.

A strange purple glow is visible from up on high, one that… is actually bizarrely hard to properly sense? You can tell there’s energy there but it’s not like anything you’ve felt before. A small blast lazily falls down from the sky. Zelos, Hado, Hearts, and even 19 though seem to realize what it is, each of them yelling out, “DON’T LET IT HIT YOU!”
>A. All right, just stay out of its way! Star FAR away from it!
>B. Try to move Yao and even Kakia out of its path, if it’s that bad you don’t want it hitting them either
>C. Attempt to block it with an attack of your own, if it’s that dangerous you can’t let it hit ANYTHING, right?
>D. Spirit Bit barrier, try to block it!
>E. Something else?
>A. All right, just stay out of its way! Star FAR away from it!
>B. Try to move Yao and even Kakia out of its path, if it’s that bad you don’t want it hitting them either
>E. Save Yao and Kakia using nondamaging-but-forceful blasts of Air magic.

No sense risking ourselves by jumping after them directly.
Actually, Water + Air should be better at pushing them. It might knock them around a bit more but... eh, "non-lethal" is also fine.
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And also,
Reach out and try to channel that power, use the feeling we had facing Hirudegarn the second time, use the Sword of Braves as conduit (NOT TOUCH IT), and form that power into our own thing.
Ragna Blade.
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I wonder who our Lord of nightmares equivalent is....its fucking Liam isn't it.
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Rolled 14, 3, 3 = 20 (3d20)

Okay. Roll me 4d20 this time. Best of three. DC is 9 for the first, 12 for the next two, 17 for the last!
Rolled 1, 10, 2, 13 = 26 (4d20)

Here's hoping for spectacular results, succeed or not~
Rolled 6, 8, 4, 11 = 29 (4d20)

Rolled 13, 3, 14, 17 = 47 (4d20)

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Rolled 2, 19, 2 = 23 (3d20)

Passed three out of four. Great job.
Rolled 12, 1, 11 = 24 (3d20)

And okay, I will probably have to catch some sleep soon, so we will leave it here for tonight.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
Why do I think we're gonna need an angelic rewind soon? Are Iru, Korn and Liquiir just watching the fight? Because I feel like this would get their attention.
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Well, we'll see about that. There's certainly a possibility of that.

And all righty, we are back!

You do as told, but also try to quickly move Yao and Kakia out of the way too, using both Wind and Water Magic together to create waves to push them out of the way. And… while it does work for Yao, with you shoving her body further into the small island she landed on, you… accidentally end up pushing Kakia INTO the path of the attack instead of away from it. The fishman looks up in terror, trying to break free from his frozen prison.

Hearts and Ryuno both get on their feet, powering up substantially, Ryuno letting his full might spring forth as a bluish aura surges around him, a ripple of energy surrounding him as he holds his ethereal sword out. Hearts meanwhile has a purple aura around him, one that feels significantly more chaotic and powerful than you’d felt from him before, the both of them launching upward, but as they attempt to stop the smaller blast, another one is sent downward, significantly bigger and not falling as casually. A golden cube surrounds it, the ethereal blue shadows of something larger holding on to that cube. They put all their effort into trying to stop that one, and it certainly succeeds, but the other is still traveling down.

Chiaotzu appears in front of Kakia again and tries to fling him out of the way with telekinesis, but that puts him in the path of the attack now too! 19 calls out to him in a voice filled with genuine panic, “CHIAOTZU, GET OUT OF THERE NOW!”

Crap, crap… you… you need to do something, anything! You…!


. . .

You have a crazy idea. This power… you can try to reach out to it. You can try to stop it by making it into something you can command. You think you’ve felt something like this before. When you fought Hirudegarn again, when you vanquished for good, when Fu said you… Destroyed it. Holding the Sword of Braves in one of your mech’s hands, you use the other to try to reach out to it. Try to impose your will on it. Try to control it. You can feel… an almost frightening power coming off of it finally.

It moves toward you.

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They're playing Nut, outside
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“I-Izzy?! IZZY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Chuu Lee exclaims in shock.


No. No you can do this. You WILL do this. The crystal on your armor’s breastplate resonates with your energy further. Even the Hakkero seems to pulse in response to this. And finally, as you think through how you defeated Hirudegarn, truly trying to comprehend it, the Sword of Braves resonates with it as well. Pain suddenly courses through your body as you feel like you’re being ripped apart from the energy in response; it hasn’t even touched you but you can FEEL how it wants to Destroy you. No. You’re not letting it. You’re in control here! You raise up the Sword of Braves!

…And it accepts that darkness. That power of Destruction. And in turn, that power accepts you. The small sphere of energy stops merely floating toward you and instead reshapes into something that’s in harmony with yourself. It’s… damn near overwhelming just HOW strong it actually is. But it’s obeying your will, and you will it into the shape of a blade almost as long as your mech is tall, radiating chaotic power.

Everyone stares at you in shock as you actually pull this off. You yourself honestly can barely believe it. But you did. Up from on high, you hear Hearts cheer out to you, “KID YOU’RE CRAZY, BUT CRAZY IS WHAT WE NEED RIGHT NOW!”

‘NO.’ a booming voice echoes in your head, full of disbelief and seething rage. ‘NO, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE. YOU? YOU?! AN OUTSIDER, A MERE CHILD AT THAT?!’

“This is that you fail to realize, Yalbadoth! THIS IS WHAT MORTALS ARE CAPABLE OF!” Hearts yells back, apparently having heard it too. “ALL YOU’VE DONE IS HOLD THIS UNIVERSE BACK!”

“SILENCE!” the voice of the head of the Archons booms out across the area, both vocally and in your minds, fury, denial, murderous intent, and even a hint of fear. He’s now rocketing downward… and clearly targeting you. You’ve earned his complete, undivided attention.

>A. Ryuno, Zelos, Promethean Chronicler, Hearts, you guys have your opening! If you’re gonna do it, do it now!
>B. Charge upward, meet his challenge! If he’s actually scared by this, you might be able to end it!
>C. Let him come, but take a defensive stance. No need to risk more than you already have
>D. Chiaotzu, can your Time Slip work on more than one person? If so, with me! Let’s do this!
>E. Something else?
>E. Keep an eye for their attacks to catch his guard so we can USE this awful thing.
>D. Chiaotzu, can your Time Slip work on more than one person? If so, with me! Let’s do this!
Chiaotzu passes his turn and lets us unload our charged attack, can Chuu Lee give us Sukujaja and 19 Tarukaja?
>Promethean Chronicler
That's a bit of a mouthful
Support as well >>6178352
And sure, >D. too
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Rolled 12, 18, 5 = 35 (3d20)

All righty! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Rolled 11, 3, 11 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 14, 17, 4 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 7, 3 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 1, 19 = 36 (3d20)

Passed two!
Rolled 12, 2, 8 = 22 (3d20)

And writing...
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Rolled 18, 1, 13 = 32 (3d20)

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You hold your sword in a defensive stance, letting him come to you. But at the same time, you telepathically call out, ‘Ryuno! Zelos! Hearts! Promethean Chronicler! You guys all have your opening! If you’re going to do it, now’s your chance! Chiaotzu, if your Time Slip can work on more than one person, I sure would appreciate the help!’

‘G-got it!’ Chiaotzu responds first, still kinda stunned by what you’ve done.

‘Kid you’ve made our job all the easier! We’re ready!’ Hearts cheers back, clear excitement and genuine praise in his tone.

“THAT YOU EVEN DARE ATTEMPT THIS IS REASON ENOUGH TO END YOU!” Yalbadoth roars out, and with his immense speed he’s right in front of you now. He attempts to ram a clawed hand into your mech’s chest in an effort to pull you out of it, with you sidestepping it and blocking several shards of darkness that are flung at you from the side with this new Sword of Destruction. He swiftly moves behind you, attempting to stomp your mech in the back of the head as spheres of Destructive purple energy form in his hands.

But he flinches. Just long enough for you to spin around and slash at the spheres in his hands, canceling them out.

“SILENCE!” he yells out. Looks like someone’s taunting him telepathically, yet his focus is still on you.

You back away again, the Sword of Destruction pointed forward as he lets out an enraged yell followed by a chop downward that leaves a trail of crackling dark energy in its wake. You parry it, but have to quickly turn your mech’s body as he tries to lance you with his clawed arm, the attack thankfully a bit more telegraphed thanks to another slight flinch.

“What’s wrong, has this gotten you scared, oh all-powerful Archon?” you ask, adding to the taunting.

“YOU WILL BE QUIET AS I BRING YOU TO YOUR END!” he demands, four orbs of chaotic black energy appearing around you and sending bolts of power at you, something you can tell is infused with Shadow Magic by how heavy things start to feel. Twirling the Sword of Destruction around, you manage to deflect the attacks right back at them and break them apart.

“No, I think you’ll listen to every single word that needs to be said! Look at you, you’re panicked just because ONE person managed to take a step closer to an even playing field with you!” you call out, pointing the blade at him again. “You’re a sore loser and have done everything in your power to cover up that fact!”

“IMPUDENT BRAT!” He thrusts a hand forward and a blast of power filled with both Shadow and surprisingly Ice Magic nearly hits you, with you using all the agility and speed the Mahou Knight possesses to get out of the way. You… also get the feeling that it had an effect like the MP Buster, though not exactly it. He’s right in front of you again, hand near your mech’s head as he tries to crush its face, but his eye twitches and shifts as he hears another telepathic taunt, ending up focusing his other hand out in an anticipated intercept of one of Hearts’ cube things, Destroying it.

But that gives you a chance to slash at him with the Sword of Destruction, Yalbadoth backing away but gaining a nasty, painful gash across his chest. Genuine shock hits his face that you could even hit him, much less do damage like THAT. The gash also leaves a trail of purple particles coming off of it, and he flares out his aura to make them stop. It doesn’t heal his wound though, barely even causes it to scar. That’s there to stay. You can hear, even FEEL the civilians he so carefully curated call out in shock and despair, their exhalations of him fading as they see that him start to struggle.

Thoroughly fed up with all of this, he lifts his hands above his head and lets out a barrage of more normal Ki attacks aimed at all your allies, everyone needing to dodge them. An Explosive Wave also erupts from him in an attempt to push you further back.

But, that gives you an opportunity. ‘CHIAOTZU!’ you telepathically call out.

‘Hold your breath!’ he responds.

You do so, and suddenly, everything feels… still. Even light itself dulls, like it’s stopped as a photograph. But you, and presumably Chiaotzu as you sense him behind you, on the back of your mech, can still move. You both work fast, pushing into the Explosive Wave with the sword and even slowly breaking through it…!

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Yet, sadly, Chiaotzu’s Time Slip can’t hold on forever as you and he both need to catch your breaths, and right as it ends Yalbadoth’s hands clasping at the “flat” of the chaotic sword and stopping it in place, similar Destructive energy coating them.

Yalbadoth flings you away, with you crashing into the entrance area of his citadel, quickly forcing your Mahou Knight back on its feet. You can feel pain start to return as you struggle to hold on to the sheer power of the Sword of Destruction. You also see that the beam spam attack was indiscriminate, as… a couple of the people that faltered in their praise of him got hit as well, with Hearts actually having jumped down to take a couple blasts in an attempt to save some, Raditz having powered up into Super Saiyan 3 to try to deflect several more. Chuu Lee also managed to teleport some to safety, confusing them as she sets them down. Meanwhile Hado is again reading from that scroll, his and the Chronicler’s voice slightly more panicked, with Chiaotzu having landed some distance away from you. Ryuno’s managed to successfully dissipate the Destructive ball he and Hearts trapped, and is looking down at his father with disgust and… honestly murderous rage.

And… it looks like Yalbadoth has one more trick up his sleeve. “SHINKA!” he declares as arcane symbols appear in the air around him, crystalline energy coating his body, with it starting to morph and grow, a purple aura exploding out around him. He’s trying to transform into something somehow even stronger!

>A. You’ve got one shot left, make it count and bring him down before he can complete it!
>B. Hearts! I’m gonna use the last I have for a feint, if you have anything else you can throw at him that’ll take him down, use it!
>C. Chiaotzu, please tell me you can try another Time Slip, we’re gonna need it!
>D. 19, if you can lend me any power you’ve managed to snatch up it’d be highly appreciated!
>E. Ryuno, think your sword technique can work alongside mine? If so, we might be able to take him down together!
>G. Something else?
>G. So Yalbadoth, you reveal your true form!
>C. Chiaotzu, please tell me you can try another Time Slip, we’re gonna need it!
>"No pressure buddy, but you're the main character now and we're all counting on you"
>D. 19, if you can lend me any power you’ve managed to snatch up it’d be highly appreciated!
>19, Chiaotzu needs all the mind power he can get, so tell something that will take his mind off of doubts and fill him with resolve!

G'night, thanks for running
>A. You’ve got one shot left, make it count and bring him down before he can complete it!

>G. Something else?
"Everyone channel your power to me!"


>Water Ice Wind Fire Lightning Light Shadow

B. Hearts! I’m gonna use the last I have for a feint, if you have anything else you can throw at him that’ll take him down, use it!
I wanna see Chiaotzu do something cool.
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All righty, should get some rest, so gonna call it a night here sadly.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

And again, vote open until then too!
>F. Everyone else keep the pressure on as
>A & E.
Into the mother of all X-slashes!
Can you elaborate what you mean, please?

Let's not force more elements into the Destruction since it'll probably weaken it. HOWEVER if we struggle to hold onto that power we could perhaps use that elemental pattern to stabilize it (with Shadow connecting to Water) by cycling it through our Hakkero... Or something like that.
>Into the mother of all X-slashes!
the Mother of all X-slashes...
You wanna get Sala in on this to hit Yaldaboth with his mother's spine-sword?
Support >>6178835
fiiiiiine, i'll change my vote to this since it uses swords.
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Rolled 17, 19, 17 = 53 (3d20)

Okay! We are back! And with that, one more roll, 2d20, best of three! DC is 14 for both!
Rolled 17, 4 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 3 = 17 (2d20)

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Rolled 12, 16 = 28 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 10 = 17 (2d20)

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Rolled 16, 3, 1 = 20 (3d20)

Passed both!
Rolled 3, 9, 18 = 30 (3d20)

And writing...
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“EVERYONE!” you yell out as loud as you can. “KEEP THE PRESSURE ON HIM! WE’VE GOT ONE SHOT LEFT!” Okay, that’ll keep him in one place, next up… ‘Ryuno!’ you call out to the son of the Archon. ‘Do you think your sword technique can work alongside mine? If so, we can take him down together!’

‘I believe it can! Together then!’ he declares as his blue-white aura surges up from on high.

You gather up as much power as you have left, 19 starting things off by empowering both Sala and Zelos, with the pair of them working together and putting that energy into Sophis, with Sala finally slashing it forward and managing to wrap it around Yalbadoth’s now gigantic right arm. He roars out and uses it to fling her away, with her crashing into one of the paths leading to the citadel, yet still not letting go as it surges energy into him. Raditz and Chuu Lee follow up next, the pair of them charging a Kamehameha together and launching it forward into Yalbadoth point blank thanks to her Instant Transmission, doing damage but not stopping his transformation as his body becomes armored and slightly misshapen. 16 manages to get up close thanks to Chiaotzu’s help and hits him point blank with a Hell’s Flash, doing yet more damage. It’s not enough though as an Explosive Wave blasts across the area and deflects away all their attacks, knocking them back, Yalbadoth’s hair growing long, white, and spiky, massive horns erupting from his head, and even a third eye forming in his forehead. The Explosive Wave seems to continue though, hitting them with some kind of mental retaliation that leaves all of them writhing in pain.

Finally, Hearts manages to stop him from moving by encasing him in several gravity cubes, each one with such intense power that it seems to distort light around it. Yalbadoth tries to flare out more energy to Destroy them, but Hearts doubles down, and then triples down, keeping him in place. You have your opening! “NOW!”

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Launching your Mahou Knight forward and yelling out with all your might, you close in on Yalbadoth, the Sword of Destruction moving with you with such speed that it seems to leave a black line behind you, sparking with power. Ryuno likewise bolts down from the sky, leaving a trail of crackling white energy from his ethereal blade. The power coming off of it is honestly bizarre, as if it were infused with Light Magic yet brought up to an unnatural and somehow unrelenting, almost “vicious” degree, like a divine judgement about to be brought down at full force. Destructive energy forms in front of Yalbadoth’s third eye, with him ready to yell out in a monstrous voice, “HAKA-!”


You and Ryuno both reach your target before he can retaliate, crossing in an X-Strike of light and darkness, you hitting the front, Ryuno hitting the back. Energy flows from around the wounds the two of you inflict, with Yalbadoth coughing up blood. You start to lose power, and the Sword of Destruction fades away as it’s all spent up being used against your foe, your mech vanishing and you skipping across the water twice before landing on a beach in your normal state. Looking back though… you’ve done it. Yalbadoth’s power is fading. Ryuno stares him down with a glare, panting, trembling, but holding his sword out.

“I… I told you father… one day… one day I would… be the one to save everything… even if it cost everything you brought forth… even if it meant breaking down all you had done…! Hehahaha… Hahahahahaha!” He starts to laugh manically. “You’re a sham… you’ve proven yourself unfit for the role you coveted so desperately… the balance you brought was but a house of cards waiting for the right breeze to topple it over!”

…You… you think you feel some of his energy start to leave his body and enter into Ryuno’s ethereal sword. And you can swear you catch the glimpse of something behind him, a monstrous, ethereal spirit that’s just barely visible. What the hell…?

Ryuno lets out another quick manic laugh, telling Yalbadoth, “Hahahaha… but I… I will still save you… father… you will be remade… as well…” He’s clearly struggling as he does this. Can’t quite see what Zelos or Hado and the Chronicler are doing. But you’re not sure you like this.

That… and you have this feeling that you all are being watched. Like you’ve attracted the attention of something much, much higher on the food chain than him. Or… rather, casual observation of this turned into something significantly more focused. And you specifically are being looked at, in this moment.

>A. Ryuno, don’t. Whatever you’re doing… it’s not worth it, okay?
>B. Check up on your allies, see if everyone’s still okay. That’s your main concern right now
>C. …Try to let those watching know you’re aware of them. Reach out to them, contact them if you can
>D. Something else?
Fuckin' Darth Bane, none of that.

>D. *This isn't personal." Stab him, destroy him.
>And then dispel the energy before it can destroy anyone or anything else, then sit down in seiza with our blade in its sheath on the ground before us.
>C. …Try to let those watching know you’re aware of them. Reach out to them, contact them if you can
>A. Ryuno, don’t. Whatever you’re doing… it’s not worth it, okay?

"If you do this, you’re not saving him—you’re letting him escape true judgment in the otherworld. For the mortals of this world to ever trust the Celestial Bureaucracy again, Yalbadoth must face justice before his superiors. Erasing him or sealing him away would render all of this meaningless, leaving the door open for history to repeat itself.

I’m not asking you to forgive him for his sake—I know he doesn’t deserve it. I’m asking you to forgive him for your sake. Don’t let your resentment become a chain that binds you. What he did to you was unspeakably cruel, but if you choose this path... you’ll step onto a slippery slope, one you may never return from."
E. Destroy SwordAnon too, how dare he upstage me

More seriously,
Support >>6179090
yeah aight
All righty, just roll me 1d20 this time, best of three. DC is 16.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 12 (1d20)

Rolled 17 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

i have to roll well eventually, right?
Rolled 7, 1, 4 = 12 (3d20)

Passed! Writing...
...Well! Hahahahahaha. Good thing for you guys then.

Oh that's less than good.
Chiaotzu, nooooo!!!
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You get up and fly toward him, calling out, “Ryuno, no, stop!”

He stares at you like you just told him he needs to ingest ice cream in reverse or the planet will explode. “E-excuse me…?”

Placing yourself in front of him, you explain, “If you do this, you’re not saving him, you’re letting him escape true judgment in the otherworld. For the mortals of this world to ever trust the Celestial Bureaucracy again, Yalbadoth must face justice before his superiors. Erasing him or sealing him away would render all of this meaningless, leaving the door open for history to repeat itself.”

“Judgement? Judgement?! They are… they are the ones who let this happen! No, what needs to happen is for him to be remade, here and now! For him to be a monument to… to his own failures… to what he did to this universe!” He stares at you in anger. “You should be THANKING me! For making something better of him!”

“This is not worth it. Listen to me. He’s beaten, he’s failed, and that failure’s been shown clear as day.” you declare, holding your arms out.

“And what?! You think… you think he can just pass on like this?!”

“No. I’m not asking you to forgive him for his sake, I know he doesn’t deserve it. I’m asking you to let him pass on for your sake. Don’t let your resentment become a chain that binds you. What he did to you was unspeakably cruel, but if you choose this path... you’ll step onto a slippery slope, one you may never return from.”

A dark smile crosses his face. “A slippery slope? I have been at rock bottom for centuries. Now step aside.”

“No.” you state firmly. “If you’re at rock bottom, then consider this the first stepping stone on your path forward. You need to show you’re better than him.”

There is a tense beat of silence as the two of you stare one another down. A pained growl from behind you catches your attention. “You… you dare… show me pity…?” Yalbadoth questions in fury. “A mere child?!”

Ryuno stares at him. Another beat of silence, and with his free hand, he reaches above his head and taps at the halo above his head. The young man closes his eyes and lowers his sword, exhaling. “…I shall see you in Hell, father.”

The three eyes on his head widen as Yalbadoth roars out in anger, trying to reach out at either of you. In one last act of defiance, he declares, “I WILL NEVER FORGIVE THIS TRANSGRESSION, CHILD! OUTSIDER! YOU WLL ONE DAY ANSWER FOR THIS SLIGHT! YOU WILL PAY FOR CHALLENGING A GOD LIKE THIS! YOU WILL WISH FOR DEATH! YOU AND ALL THE REST OF THESE… THESE… DAMNABLE MORTALS!” He then charges a Ki blast and tries to launch it! “DO YOU HEAR ME, NIIIIIINNN-?!”

Yalbadoth’s body fades away, turning transparent and finally vanishing before he can throw that Ki blast. Everyone breathes out a sigh of relief. It’s… over.

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There’s next a thudding sound, drawing you all to Hado. He’s fainted… and the scroll that was in his hand is gone too. “Hado? Hado you… you okay there?” Sala asks, trying to wake him. “…He’s breathin’ at least but I think he’s out for the count.”

You and Zelos look at one another nervously, but before anything else can be said, something teleports in. Everyone looks toward this new person, a relatively tall man with purple skin, a tuft of white hair upon his tall head, dressed in a white Supreme Kai uniform with navy blue underneath. “What a mess this all has been.” he sighs out, placing his hands on his hips and shaking his head. “Hate it when a carefully laid out plan falls apart like this.”

Well, speak of superiors.

>A. Supreme Kai of the Eighth Universe, I presume?
>B. …You’re going to not engage unless directly asked because that scroll disappearing is much more concerning
>C. Oh, right! Look for Yao and Kakia, they’re still alive, right? …Well no they’re deat but they’re not DOUBLE dead. You think?
>D. You… should let everyone else handle what comes next, you’re exhausted
>E. Maybe you should try to sense if that presence is still around, just in case
>F. Ryuno… for what it’s worth, thank you
>G. Something else?
>G. What was it that Peppa told us?
>"Remember Cuz, if you see the Supreme Kai, kick him in the face because that's an impostor."
>Punt this guy!
I don't think we have the strength to kick him.
>Throw a shoe at this guy, then fall over in a curl.
>D. You… should let everyone else handle what comes next, you’re exhausted
>A. Supreme Kai of the Eighth Universe, I presume?
G. What was it that Peppa told us?
>"Remember Cuz, if you see the Supreme Kai, kick him in the face because that's an impostor."
>Punt this guy!
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Okay, gonna need to rest in just a bit, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

And again, vote open until then too!
Pretty sure Peppa never said that.
Get off our asses Hira.
Let me elaborate: You're being a buzzkill. Please take a smidgeon of the lectures you've given me and absorb them yourself, then stop being a downer.

And besides, Peppa had ample time to tell Izzy that, and they're both PCs.
>A. Supreme Kai of the Eighth Universe, I presume?
>G. Yeah, That's what "carefully laid plans" are best at. Especially the ones built upon power, control, and hubris. They do make for good teachable moments when they inevitably blow up in your face, though!

Because why would Izzy ever pass on a chance to talk shit to a gods face when running hot with her SENSE OF JUSTICE.
In that case I'm changing my vote >>6179184
>A. Supreme Kai of the Eighth Universe, I presume?
>F. Ryuno… for what it’s worth, thank you
>A. Supreme Kai of the Eighth Universe, I presume?
>C. Oh, right! Look for Yao and Kakia, they’re still alive, right? …Well no they’re deat but they’re not DOUBLE dead. You think?

(I'd just like to know because deleting someone's soul isn't something we should do unless its against someone like Hirudegarn who can't be reasoned with. )

>F. Ryuno… for what it’s worth, thank you
>G. Something else?
"Lets get everyone healed up before we really start discussions. "

Can we also add:
"Where's your Grand Supreme Kai? I'd rather speak with them instead."

Who needs the bus boy when we can have the chef?
Can you ever just keep your mouth shut? Oh wait, yes, you can totally do that for anything I do, until the instant someone gives me support on something, and that's unacceptable. You're cruel to me.
So frustrating, constantly going out of their way to be a huge obstacle I can't do anything about.

Supporting these before that Stick-up-their-ass votes against them.
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Apologies for the delay, long day, but we're back.

“Supreme Kai of Universe 8, I presume?” you question, even giving the slightest bit of a curtsy.

He smiles at you. “Indeed, young one.”

Okay, good. “Good. Because ‘carefully laid plans’ tend to fall apart like this pretty frequently!” you declare, floating down and marching over to him. “Especially ones built upon a foundation of power, control, and let’s nor forget hubris! They do, however,” You poke the Kai in the chest. “make for good teachable moments when they blow up in one’s face, don’t they?” People are staring at you, but you don’t really care. Your eyes narrow as you add, “Actually, I think I’d rather speak with the Grand Supreme Kai here at the moment. Where is he?”

Another beat of silence falls over the area. And… it’s broken by Hearts letting out a genuine, uproarious laugh. “Kid, you’re great, hahahaha!”

Meanwhile… the Supreme Kai just smiles and gives you a good-natured headpat. “You’re speaking to the highest Kai of this Universe. And I see you’re from the Seventh. Quite the rambunctious little one aren’t you?”

You bat his hand away and cross your arms. Not the response you expected. But you’re still fairly peeved. “You are not brushing off my point that easily. We’re going to properly talk about this.”

“That we are, oh great Supreme Kai.” Hearts comments as he walks over, hands in his pockets, a smirk on his face. “If you’ll allow us to take a moment to recover?”

“Yes yes, very well.” he responds, placing his hands behind his back.

You take to the air again, your body sore and tired. Ryuno stays still in the air, looking down at his sword. So, you approach him first, telling him, “For what it’s worth… thank you. I understand that can’t have been easy for you. Head over and let’s get everyone healed up.”

He silently nods and floats toward the now gathering group of allies, the civilians of this world staring in shock and disbelief, despair overtaking some of them as they fall to the ground and call out lamentation. Others just… seem to shut down, unsure of what to do anymore. You shake your head and head off to try to find Yao and Kakia, with Chiaotzu coming along to help you with the latter. Spotting the dragon woman laying on her back, staring up at the sky, you approach her. Okay good, she’s not dead. Or… she is, but she isn’t double dead. You think. You hope.

“Hey, can you move?” you inquire.

Her eyes lazily turn toward you. Good, good, she’s still… intact. Yeah that’s the best way to put it. She doesn’t answer though and instead goes back to staring up at the sky. Oh so it’s like that, is it?

“Yao, you’ve got two options. Either I help you over there where the Supreme Kai is standing and waiting to talk, you taking my shoulder if you can’t move all that well, or I will literally drag you there by the tail like I’ve seen my aunt do with my cousins when they misbehave.” You absolutely have not seen Aunt Maple do that but you assume she might have at some point. Maybe. Possibly. “I will do it, so I suggest taking the path that keeps some of your dignity intact.”

Yao sits up and exhales deeply. “Why are you bothering? You’ve won. You not only bested Yalbadoth, you were able to wield the power of Destruction and send it back against him. Is this about rubbing it in our faces?”

“No, it’s about making sure all of this gets settled properly. That means letting your voice be heard too. Now come on,” You hold your hand out. “Let’s go.”

She stares at your hand for a moment, and then finally takes it, standing up on shaky legs, an arm landing on your shoulder as you help her move back to everyone. Chuu Lee starts letting out some area healing effects, with the Supreme Kai even helping heal some people up. Nice of him. Kakia is still encased in ice, but his head’s been freed enough that he’s allowed to speak. He doesn’t, looking thoroughly shamed, with Chiaotzu keeping a healthy distance from him, very noticeably standing beside 19. Hado is still out cold, but it seems he’s only passed out, and not in any active danger. Zelos still seems rather concerned, but says nothing directly.

“Now then,” the Supreme Kai begins, “Let’s take this from the top.”

“Whatever plan you started up here, it sucked.” you tell him with a pointed glare.

“Took the words out of my mouth.” Hearts agrees. “The system the Archons devised was not sustainable. And you let it happen.”

“I did not merely ‘let it happen.’” he corrects. “I and the Lord Destroyer entered into a negotiated deal with them. They were allowed a chance to prove themselves capable of seeing this through to better the development of this universe.” He looks over Yao, Kakia, and Zelos. He then looks toward Ryuno, his expression very neutral. “I really do wish you all had done better.”

“So what happens now? Are you just going to… to brush this aside or something?” you ask.

“Oh no. I intend to take responsibility for my part in this.” he says in an almost cheery voice. That surprises the lot of you, even, no, especially Hearts. “I already foresaw this as a potential outcome, and started making plans accordingly.” He crosses his arms. “Part of that though is sending all you… visitors back where you belong, though. This is in part a mess you all helped create, but you also do not truly belong to this universe.”

>A. Fine by me then, but I still hope that you and whoever that Lord Destroyer is learn from this
>B. Hey so, I think I sensed someone watching over this battle, was that you? Or…?
>C. You sure you don’t need any help fixing things up?
>D. Should bring up the Promethean Chronicler’s sudden disappearance
>E. What will happen to the Archons, especially Yalbadoth?
>F. Something else?
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>You absolutely have not seen Aunt Maple do that but you assume she might have at some point. Maybe. Possibly.

>Pretty sure Peppa never said that.
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>A. Fine by me then, but I still hope that you and whoever that Lord Destroyer is learn from this
>I've had quite enough of the Buttholeverse.
>F. Do you know what Age it is in Universe 7, by any chance?
B and D are tempting but I think will turn up later. So...

>A. Fine by me then, but I still hope that you and whoever that Lord Destroyer is learn from this

>C. You sure you don’t need any help fixing things up?

>E. What will happen to the Archons, especially Yalbadoth?

>F. Something else?
"Hearts, would you like to come with us to Universe 7? If this is possible, Supreme Kai? We could take him off your hands. Let the mortals of this universe experience freedoms for themselves without interference from both sides."
Yeah, we can ask. Supporting the write-in.
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There is something else I want to ask about, regarding that comment the SK made, "but you also do not truly belong to this universe."

>Considering the clothes Epithymia was wearing in her last form that were similar to Annin's, there could be a connection between the two. And her name means "Longing."
>"Is Epithymia of this universe, or ours?"
Okay, I do need to get some rest, so I'll leave this vote open again. Apologies for this being a short night.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

And again, vote open until then too!
>A. Fine by me then, but I still hope that you and whoever that Lord Destroyer is learn from this
Solid with this but with the caveat that I hate Canon(or what passes for it in Heroes)!Hearts so much it's genuinely difficult for me to support any incarnation of him sticking around for any length of time whatsoever.
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Support as well >>6179840
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>It doesn’t heal his wound though, barely even causes it to scar. That’s there to stay.
Heh, now they match!
Okay, we are back!

You give a shrug. “Fine by me then. I still hope you and this Lord Destroyer guy learn from this though. I also take it this means you would prefer us not helping with any of this cleanup?”

“Oh the offer is tempting… but you would help best by going back to the Seventh where you folks came from.” he responds almost cordially. “There is much that needs to be done here.”

“Prefer we don’t end up making a bigger mess, is that it?” Raditz questions.

“It’s one reason. I don’t especially hold any grudge against you all speeding up what a certain someone had started…” He makes a pointed glare at Hearts, who just smugly smiles back at him in return. “…But this is, after all, something I should take responsibility for for making such a deal. You’re an outside element that acted as an accelerant, and ensuring that this cleanup process doesn’t have any further accelerated paths it need that element removed.”

“Point taken. I would hope that, as Izzy said, this serves as a learning experience that you will take much away from.” 19 remarks, a bit more snark in her tone than she usually has.

“What of the Archons? What will happen to them now that, well, this system’s been broken?” you ask next.

He looks toward Yao, Kakia, and Zelos, the former two looking away in Shame, while Zelos keeps a neutral expression. The Supreme Kai tilts his head slightly. “Oh, I think you all will have a part to play in the transition process going forward. You two will need to help select successors to your position as Kami, and likely find a place in the lower celestial realms in sorting through some of the things they’ve implemented.” He gestures toward the dragon woman and fishman. But the moment Zelos has the slightest hint of a smirk on his face, the Supreme Kai adds, “And you, Zelos, will need to play the biggest part as the only Archon that remains among the living. There is much, much work you will need to do.”

The birdman lets out a sigh. “I suspected that would be the case.”

One more point to bring up, and it’s one you suspect Ryuno wants to know about too. “And what about Yalbadoth?”

“The Lord Destroyer will be the first to deal with him and decide on his fate. Most likely he will remain in Hell… much like his son.” The Supreme Kai looks toward Ryuno. The young man remains silent, clearly conflicted emotions circling around his head. “Now, if there are no further questions…?”

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“Maybe one.” You walk away from him and toward Hearts. “There’s something I do want to know from you, Hearts.”


You hold out your hand. “I’d like to extend an offer for you to come to Earth with us.” That surprises him, and you spot the Kai force himself not to frown. Time to sweeten it up. “Supreme Kai, I think this might be a great deal for you. It’d mean taking him off your hands, and let the mortals of this universe not be beholden to either party. Not the Archons or the one who opposed them. A fresh start.”

Hearts stares, then laughs out jovially. “Hahahahaa! Kid, you continue to surprise me. That’s exactly what I’d want. And if I didn’t know better it sounds like you’re doing this to get me out of any trouble.”

“Ehhh, not entirely.” You cheekily grin at him.

“I… wouldn’t mind that, Master Hearts.” Chiaotzu comments. “But…” He glances toward the Supreme Kai. Zelos almost seems hopeful that he’ll say yes.

The Kai rubs his head. “Somehow I knew one of you would ask for this… no, I don’t think I can allow this at this time. You visitors worked under him, but he masterminded this. He needs to play his part in cleaning things up too.”

“Hmnh. Is that so?” Hearts asks as he narrows his eyes.

“Believe me, there’s nothing I would like more than for you to be out of our hair for good. But that would mean just brushing aside your part in this. I will not, can not do this…” Zelos visibly deflates a bit upon hearing that. However, the Supreme Kai strokes his chin and thinks for a moment. “…at this time, that is. After he has paid his dues, I’ll be more than happy to have him pack up and head to your universe.”

“Y-you mean it?” Chiaotzu asks hopefully.

“Does that sound like an agreeable deal, Hearts?” the Kai questions.

He smirks. “Fine. I’ll pay my dues, and be out of your hair.” Hearts then gives your hair a good-natured ruffle, and holds his fist out for Chiaotzu, who smiles and shares a fist bump. Hearts then turns around and declares, “Mortals of the Seventh, I owe you much. I thank you all for what you’ve done to free this universe from tyranny. Until we meet again!”

So, that’s that. Chiaotzu has been found and Universe 8’s problems have been dealt with. All that’s left now is heading back home for you, Izzy.


There are two other teams that are off searching for lost allies. So, next we head on over to…

>A. Gohan
>B. Peppa
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>B. Peppa
Rolled 2 (1d2)

I actually am split on who I want, so I'm flipping a coin.
>A. 1
>B. 2
>B. Peppa
Let's go!
Peppa it is
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Back on Earth…

You, Son Peppa, stand with Videl, Keli, Lao, Yamcha, Krillin, uncle Acer, and Basilea and her Majin attendants. You’re all gathered around them as the pair place fingers on their foreheads. Videl crosses her arms and remarks, “So you’re going to use Instant Transmission to get there? You can just… do that?”

“Do YOU want to talk with the oversized fish?!” Shun Shun snipes back at her. Videl blinks and breathes out a quiet “What?” as she continues with a confident, “Didn’t think so! Now, grab on!”


With everyone gathered and ready, you all teleport away and arrive in… a throne room? “Hey guys!” a familiar voice greets you all. You turn around and see Beelzebub walking toward you with a wave, flanked by a few other beings, an older, more humanoid demon with a big white bushy beard, a burly centaur man, a foxlike creature, a grey imp, and even a girl with blue skin and white hair done up in twintails, all of them wearing what look to be very royal-looking purple capes. “Check out the new throne room. Cool ey?”

“We’re not here to chitchat, Prince.” Basilea reminds him with a narrow-eyed glare. “We’re here to do this and do it quickly.”

“Don’t you get snippy with me, kid.” Beelzebub shoots back. “I know why you’re all here. Doesn’t kill to be a little hospitable. But if you’re gonna be a butt about it, fine. Thief, the map!”

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“Yes sir.” the older demon replies, throwing out a large scroll that unfolds into a massive map held in place in midair. It shows three hollow spheres encircling one another, then zooms in to the outermost layer, switching to a more typical grid.

“So over here, my Principality’s been set up.” Beelzebub begins, floating up and pointing to a little area that bears his face. “It’s snuggled up right next to the Demon Realm Gate that connects to here and Earth. Majin Ozotto set up shop over here…” The map zooms out again, very, very far, and then zooms in on a spiky area near what looks like an opening between the third outer layered world and the second. Ozotto’s ugly mug is added to the map, doing a little animation of him laughing.

It kinda makes you want to punch it.

“...Why’s he in the third plane like you?” Haru Haru asks, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Father’s allowed him to set up there in preparation of whatever his ‘Promised Day’ plans are.” the little demon prince clarifies. “Of course I don’t think he’s ONLY here. I’ve heard tell of him snooping around the old Glind planet, and I’m pretty sure he’s snooping around in the first realm too. What I mean by ‘set up shop’ is this.” He taps the map… and nothing happens. With a glare he taps it again, and then does it a third time with a bit more force, finally showing... oh. Oh. That’s a castle directly in the shape of Majin Ozotto.

Krillin lets out a nervous chuckle. “Eheheh… he ain’t exactly trying to hide where he is, is he?”

“Why do I have the strangest sense of deja vu…?” Yamcha questions aloud.

“Tell me about it.” Acer agrees.

“You believe Master Tien is in there though, right?” Keli gets right to the point.

“Yeah. We’ve seen some people who’ve already fallen out of favor with my father be brought there and never come out.” Beelzebub looks over to the girl with twintails, a forlorn expression on her face. “Even if he got swallowed up, Ozotto would want a place to keep the people who’ve proven nuisances or particularly notable foes on display.”

“So we sneak in there, grab Tien, and get out before Ozotto returns?” Lao asks.

“Ideally… but this won’t be as easy as that sounds.” Beelzebub bonks the map again. Several soldiers are stationed around it, and there are structures on some of the floating rock structures in the air. “Sneaking in will take some exceptional stealth. Once there we can probably get some others teleported to your location.”

Attention from your friends and allies turns toward you. “Think that means you’ll have to lead this one, Peppa.” Videl says with grin. “Up for it?”

>A. Absolutely! Let’s do this!
>B. Haru Haru, Shun Shun, do either of you think you can sneak with me? If two of us go, we’ll have a higher chance of success
>C. Wait, should we just stop with Tien? If others are being rounded up, why can’t we try to rescue them?
>D. Might be good to have some kind of distraction waiting for us, then we could sneak in more easily
>E. Something else?

Once more though,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
>E. Before anything else, please keep this in mind: If you see the Supreme Kai, kick him in the face because that's an impostor.
>D. Might be good to have some kind of distraction waiting for us, then we could sneak in more easily
>C. Wait, should we just stop with Tien? If others are being rounded up, why can’t we try to rescue them?
>E. Perhaps some of our more demonic members could go info gathering in nearby settlements?
>D. Might be good to have some kind of distraction waiting for us, then we could sneak in more easily
>E. Something else?
"I'm going to plant ki mines all around the base set to explode when we need them to, but not just any ki mines - spirit fission ones! One problem, I need to invent spirit fission mines first."
But let's only practice how Ki mines might work with Spirit Fission, not rely on it just yet. Maybe test it by trying to use Spirit Fission on someone and then set a Ki mine that will hone in on that specific Ki?
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>“Why do I have the strangest sense of deja vu…?” Yamcha questions aloud.
>“Tell me about it.” Acer agrees.
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All righty! We are back! Real quick, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 11.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Gohan, don't fail me now
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Rolled 9 (1d20)

Rolled 11, 16, 7 = 34 (3d20)

Passed! Writing...
You smirk, nodding your head. “Asbolutely. But should we stop with Tien? If Ozotto’s out gathering up people like that, shouldn’t we try to free them too?”

Basilea closes her eyes and pinches the ridge of her nose. “Peppa. What is the goal of this mission supposed to be?”

You give her a look. “What, you want to just leave Towa and Dabura and Ozotto to their machinations? Wouldn’t it be better to undermine them somehow?”

Beelzebub nudges the young girl demon in the arm, some hopeful relief filling her eyes. “See? Told you these Earthlings know what’s up.”

“If we start trying to make a bigger mess out of this than it already will be, we’re attracting more attention than we’re properly equipped to handle.” Basilea tells you critically.

“We get in, we get his three-eyed ass, we get out! That’s the plan!” Shun Shun exclaims.

“I’m not saying we start marching around announcing we’re here for a big fight, vandalize statues, play obnoxious music from the hilltops, I’m saying we take the chance presented. Help them out a bit, yes, but also undermine their situation some. Don’t tell me you don’t want to get back at Towa just a little for what she’s done to you.” you retort, placing your hands on your hips.

Basilea frowns and shakes her head. “Why did I expect any different…?”

“Nah, Peppa’s right. I’m all for it.” Acer adds in. “It’s not filling Towa’s lab with glitter, but hell if I’m gonna turn my nose up at helping people out AND messing with her plans at the same time.”

“...Glitter…” the demon girl repeats, then gets out a notepad and writes that one down, the imp near her nodding in agreement and doing the same.

“I’m going to leave you behind to deal with the stupid-ass fish if you complicate this further.” Shun Shun grumbles.

“Tien will be our priority, but no harm in offering a hand to help them out.” Krillin adds.

Beelzebub places his hands behind his head and remarks, “Hey, I’ll take it. Getting the Demon King of this realm out of Ozotto’s clutches will help out a lot.”

“Wait, Demon King of this realm?” Videl repeats, and looking toward the demon girl, she makes the connection. “Ah… he’s your father, isn’t he?”

The girl shyly nods. “Merely bending the knee again to King Dabura wasn’t enough, he was found… lacking, and punished for it.”

Videl walks over and places a hand on the girl’s shoulder, giving her a confident smile. “Don’t worry, we’ll do what we can.” The girl looks up at her and her hopeful look returns.

“Good. To pull this off we might need some kind of distraction… plus I guess some that can fit in might be able to gather info from any nearby settlements. Guard movements, weak spots, that kind of thing.” you add in. “Once we’re all prepped, we can get things started.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.” Beelzebub declares.

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“Hmm… don’t know many of you who would pass. Her Highness and her attendants certainly, but not a single one of you even have so much as pointed ears.” the elderly demon notes. “You’d need some kind of heavy disguises.”

“...Are our ears really that big a giveaway?” Videl asks. Looking around, you… do notice that basically all of them do have those elf-like ears. Huh. “Like, we could try for something to hide them, right?”

The demon girl’s face lights up. “Oh! I think I have just the thing!”

“Maybe we could try some Magic to help disguise one…” the fox guy remarks. “Aha, maybe you would be a good fit!” he declares as he points at Krillin.

He blinks and lets out a surprised, “M-me?”

Nodding, the fox clarifies, “Yes, your lack of a nose would draw attention away from any imperfections in disguising your ears.”

Shoulders slouching and head tilting, Krillin gives a weak laugh. “…Eheh. Figures.”

Rubbing the back of her head, Keli questions, “Um… what about those of us that have some… demonic Ki of our own?” That gets some surprised looks from the other demons. “I mean, I share some of mine with one that’s… very important to me…”

Beelzebub gives her a cheeky grin. “Thinking you can get a scenic tour with your fiance, huh?”

“H-hey, I’m being serious here!” Keli blurts out, face reddened. Beelzebub’s demons snicker at that.

“Melee’s helping some others with a different mission currently, seeing if any of my father’s forces are making a move for the Tamagamis.” the demon prince explains. “But… if you can try to hide most of your mortal Ki and only give off some of hers, that might help a lot, actually. Panzy, let’s get her a disguise too!”

A disgruntled grumble escapes Basilea’s lips. “Mmnnggghhh. Fine. We’ll get this done and get this done quick. How long would it take by plane?”

“Eh maybe a day or so. I got a few to spare.” Beelzebub declares with a shrug as the demon girl pulls Videl and Keli with her, highly inquisitive of Keli’s revealed relationship

With an eyebrow raised, you inquisitively repeat, “Plane?” Meanwhile the fox guy weaves some Magic around Krillin’s ears. You hear some other demons suggest he try to grow a couple extra pairs of arms as well, which he isn’t exactly thrilled by.

“To keep any seeking out Ki signatures from spotting us, and conserve on energy in this thicker atmosphere. Most travel is done by it in this realm anyway.” Basilea explains.

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So, that gets settled. Basilea, Haru Haru, Shun Shun, Videl, and Krillin end up selected to go along with Beelzebub’s followers on the scouting mission, leaving you, Yamcha, Lao, and uncle Acer are all left with the prince himself. Deciding to make the most of it, you ask him to help with a quick idea you thought up, with the two of you heading into an arena in an enclosed area outside the castle. You notice that the air here feels thick, dense, and has a bit of a… smell to it. Kinda reminds you of Z’S, just with lower gravity.


“All right, what’s this idea you’re thinking of?”

“Something to catch Ozotto by surprise. Gonna need to test out something I learned recently in proper combat first. You ready?”

He takes a battle stance and grins. “Sure, but you’ll need to know I’m not gonna make this easy for ya.” Flaring up his Ki, he lets you try to make the first move.

You dash toward him, recognizing he’s got a feinted guard waiting for you. You take aim with a kick to bring yourself in for the feint, Beelzebub stepping back and countering with a jab aimed at your side. You twist your body and manage to land a palm strike on his face, getting your chance to use Forced Spirit Fission to sap just a little bit of his energy out of his body.

“Yeow! That’s smarts… hey, wait, whuh?” Beelzebub shakes his head as he notices that energy you pulled from him.

Quickly, you infuse it into a Ki mine and dash away, slapping it into the ground. Beelzebub pursues, and thinking he has an idea of what you did, he dodges over the mine and goes for an axe kick that you have to block, hitting with enough force that it it creates a shockwave that rattles the arena. But that’s when he gets hit in the back with that Ki mine, sent flying away from you.

“Success!” you declare with a pump of your fist into the air.

“What… was that?” Beelzebub questions in slight shock.

“A key to getting one over on Ozotto, I believe.” you declare confidently.

>A. Let me try a bit more, see if you can still dodge it if you know it’s coming
>B. All right, the test’s over, how about a more normal spar? Nothing heavy, of course
>C. Eh, you shouldn’t make too much noise here, don’t want to start attracting any major attention
>D. Something else?
>A. Let me try a bit more, see if you can still dodge it if you know it’s coming
>D. Something else?
This time the ki mine's energy will be hidden
>A. Let me try a bit more, see if you can still dodge it if you know it’s coming
Would be even better if we can modify the mines so that they react to Ozotto's ki instead of someone stepping on them
>A. Let me try a bit more, see if you can still dodge it if you know it’s coming
Exciting to see Peppa and Acer party up!

Would the Nimbus work here?
>Would the Nimbus work here?
Yes actually. While it would be slower than normal, it could still fly around just fine.
Cool! But I don't think we brought it along? ...hold on, do they have Dark Nimbi we could look for?
Good question. Finding one might be difficult though.
Finding, sure, but
>Cross arms and pout while declaring to the sky, "It's not like I wanted a dark nimbus anyway!"

haaaa, okay have to sleep, good night!
Hit and Exen vote A.
As do I.
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Rolled 9, 17, 4 = 30 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC for both is 13.
Rolled 6, 17 = 23 (2d20)

Supporting these.

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Rolled 19, 9 = 28 (2d20)

Rolled 9, 5 = 14 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 16, 17 = 38 (3d20)

Passed both!
Rolled 11, 3, 20 = 34 (3d20)

And I sadly do have to get some rest, so calling it a night here.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
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>but not a single one of you even have so much as pointed ears.” the elderly demon notes. “You’d need some kind of heavy disguises.”
Is this a good disguise?
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Okay, we are back!

You crack your knuckles and smirk. “Best two outta three? See if this is really something I can repeat, and if you can dodge ‘em again now that you know what’s coming.”

“Heh. Fine, but I’m not gonna be fooled twice.” Beelzebub declares confidently.

Both of you close in, with you predicting an elbow strike that’d lead into a tail slash. You block and deflect Beelzebub’s elbow and dodge his tail, then deliver a palm strike to his gut, trying Forced Spirit Fission again. Still working as it should. Good. Kicking off of him, you avoid a chop as you twist your body in the air as you ready yourself to form another Ki Mine with it.

Beelzebub doesn’t let up the pressure though, a flurry of punches aimed at you as he raises his power up a bit more. You weave around them and wait for the right opportunity, finally getting behind him and hitting his back with one more palm strike. And with that, just a little more of his Ki for Forced Spirit Fission. Okay, this might still be a friendly spar and test, but you’re gonna need to focus and time this right.

He tries for a flip that turns into a spin kick, with you avoiding it and backing away to place one into the floor, and then the other. You do your best to hide them, but anyone who’s looking for them specifically will still be able to sense that energy. Still, it kinda works. More importantly, you’re going to ensure they react ONLY to Beelzebub. This will be the key to… the, er, Ki Mines working properly against Ozotto later. You dash toward him again and throw a quick jab that he manages to block, but it baits him into trying to counter as it looks like you left your guard open. As he tries to counter, you grab his arm with your free hand and throw him.

Beelzebub stops in midair, even dodging as you kick down toward him. But that’s the intent all along, as you land right at where you set the Ki Mine. Not reacting to you, good. Now he’ll think the area is safe too. You let him chase after you, dodging the next quick flurry of blows, backing away and keeping up your guard. You lead him in a circle eight pattern around the arena, bringing him right back to the mine. Beelzebub almost steps on it, but dodges back at the last moment, grinning cheekily. “Told you, won’t be fooled twi-GAH!”

A roundhouse kick sends him toward the second Ki Mine you had hidden, with it successfully detonating, doing some damage but mostly just proving it can work. Then you catching the first and launching it at him like a fastball, with it exploding in Beelzebub’s face. He’s perturbed, but seems to grumble to himself that he should have expected you to be tricky. Perfect.

“Well, think that was a success?” Beelzebub asks, rubbing his face.

“Think so.” you confirm. “Will still need to use it sparingly against Ozotto himself, but I think it’ll work just fine.”

Okay, that’s all settled then… what next?

>A. See what uncle Acer is up to, you sense him over with Yamcha
>B. What exactly are you doing to prep for Towa and Dabura’s eventual scheme, Beelzebub? Anything I can help with?
>C. Lao seems to be training as well, might be a good idea to see if he has any things he’s gonna try
>D. Check in with the scouting teams, might be worth it hearing what their progress is like
>E. Something else?
>C. Lao seems to be training as well, might be a good idea to see if he has any things he’s gonna try
>B. What exactly are you doing to prep for Towa and Dabura’s eventual scheme, Beelzebub? Anything I can help with?
>E. "I can only imagine the torments they have in store for us, each one designed to break us completely..."
>wipe drool, "Say, you got a meatery here?"
>E. "I know we won't be there long, but what kinds of food do they have in the Demon lands?"
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>B. What exactly are you doing to prep for Towa and Dabura’s eventual scheme, Beelzebub? Anything I can help with?
Support >>6181588
>B. What exactly are you doing to prep for Towa and Dabura’s eventual scheme, Beelzebub? Anything I can help with?
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“So, if you don’t mind my asking, what exactly are you doing to try to prep for Towa and Dabura’s eventual schemes?” you inquire of Beelzebub. “Anything I can help with? …Also, think you have any grub to spare? Could kinda use a bite or two.”

“Hah! Sure, this way.” Beelzebub replies as he leads you back toward the main castle area, with the two of you chatting along the way. “The way I see it, they’re planning to both consolidate my father’s hold on the entire Demon Realm, and then get the Makaioshin’s aid in ‘rebalancing’ the cosmic scales so the Demon Realm becomes the figurative top of it all. What I’ve been trying to do is gather up my support base and expand it with the people they’ve been pushing around to make their plan happen. It… hasn’t always been that successful.” He rubs the back of his head as he admits that.

“Why not? Are people really that eager to go back to Dabura’s rule?” you question.

“Kinda… it’s more that he’s one of the few that has the kind of imposing presence to get most in power to fall in line. I could go around bonking the heads of those who tried to start crap up in the mortal realms all day, I could knock some heads together until they finally start talking things through, I could even take on challenges certain people made to my time on the throne all the time, but the fact of the matter is… they wouldn’t try that with my father. Even that lil’ upstart Gomah would think twice about challenging him.” Beelzebub crosses his arms. “…The fact that they’ve tapped into the status of Demon Gods is also going to make people start falling in line.”

“So it’s just… might makes right to these people?” you ask with a frown.

“Partially, but not just physical strength, it’s strength of will, resolve, methods of indimidation, even natural charisma. The best moves I can make against my father at this point aren’t going to be in open conflict, at least not like this, but rather in showing he’s still the same flawed individual that ended up in service to Babidi.” Beelzebub lets out a sigh. “Which… is a bit of an uphill battle, lemme tell you. It has produced results though. While they might have gotten the King of this realm gobbled up by Ozotto, it wasn’t as clean a display as they wanted. I was able to gather up many of the disgruntled members of his family and forces.”

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“Like that girl that Videl was talking to? What was her name… Panchi?”

“Panzy.” he corrects as he turns around and walks backward, smiling at you. “Good kid, that one. I bet she and Videl’s pal Pantea would get along great, she’s a bit of a machine nut. But yeah, showing that for all the bluster and renewed strength he’s showing as the Demon King returned, he and Towa are still flawed people that have trouble seeing their plans through will go a long way. When people see that even someone like me, in the diminished position I’m in, can undermine their plans and get away with it, it shifts the balance of power away from them.”

“So you’re hoping that us knocking around Majin Ozotto will be another mark against them?” you ask as you pick up what he’s hinting at.

“Pretty much. Like, I could ask a hundred other small things from you guys, and even you specifically, but few would be a good use of what you could offer.” he confirms. “Buuuut, if you’ve got some ways you think we could land some more substantial, low cost, but high visibility victories, hey, I’m all ears.”

The two of you reach a massive kitchen area… really it seems to be several kitchens all kinda stitched together, some chefs hard at work, one even greeting him with a fairly casual couple remarks, Beelzebub high-fiving the demon chef. You notice some things that certainly smell good… aaaand some others that are like rotting eggs stewing in fermented bug juice.

“What’ll it be today, my prince?” one of the demon chefs asks.

“For the mortal here, I’d recommend half a dozen burgers, O’Tolley special, hold the wyrm.” he orders. “They’re pretty close to the burgers they got back up on Earth, most of the things alread prepped are… less pleasant for mortal tastes. Could also get you some of the deviled eggrolls, or fries with a side of Naga Sauce, but be careful, that one’s spicy as hell. Heh.”

>A. Naga sauce? Bring it. I’ll take the fries too!
>B. Burgers are fine
>C. Deviled egg…rolls? Hey, why not, give ‘em a try too
>D. Well, I might have some suggestions on what you can do for striking back against Towa and Dabura… (what?)
>E. Something else?
>B. Burgers are fine
Would love to have it like https://youtu.be/hxnx9v8B_yM but we're only half-saiyan.
>A. Naga sauce? Bring it. I’ll take the fries too!
I'd suggest using instant transmission for a few quick single attack raids on a few of their bases, basically in attack and out but that might convince Ozotto to increase security
Support! >>6181703
>A,B,C. We'll try any food once!

>D. "You could try intercepting any ~~water~~ supplies or luxuries they're providing to their supporters and distribute them around. Only gotta hit isolated transports, weakens the loyalty of the ones you deprive and gains goodwill from those that receive!"
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Supporting the plan in >>6181703

Separate from that, we should test if we can teleport around here. This new realm could impact our own ki in ways not obvious at first, so I believe it would be best to practice with IT before we go forward.

We also gotta make sure we don't eat the Naga sauce with Garulic, it'll upset our stomach!
Also good >>6181715


>E. What might make Dabura seem less imposing to other demons? I don't suppose he has any embarrassing secrets to make him loose face?

>F. It seems that no matter what else happens, you're evwntually going to have to become more imposing to other demons. Can you... train that? Or something?
I'll back this too >>6181734
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whoops, sorry, kinda dozed off for a bit.


“Naga sauce? Hah, bring it! I’ll try those fries too, should go good with the burger. Aaaaand might as well see what those deviled egg… rolls, heh, are about.” you express with a bit of excitement.

The two of you end up at a large feast table, with many other demons already chowing down on… well, things that definitely look like some things you’ve seen back on Earth, and… well, what probably counts as food. Maybe. …That pie just blinked at you. You glare at it. It closes its eye in fright. Seated at the head of the table, Beelzebub flips the chair there around and sits on it backwards. “So, any suggestions, kid?”

“A few, actually. First off, one thing I might be able to do is go for some hit and run raids on their bases. Quick, swift, and targeted. Something that can do some damage, but only needs a swift in and out. Could convince Ozotto to increase security, though.” A plate of large egg rolls is presented before you, and as you take a bite of one, you realize it’s got a like… boiled egg inside it, but with the more mustardy and spiced whipped yolk in the center, like it’s a… loaf of egg, but with the center replaced with the deviled part. Actually quite good. Anyway! “For you and your supporters, meanwhile, maybe supply interception? Going for more isolated transports and vehicles that don’t have a main force behind them. That way you could deliver them to your own supporters and make yourself look more reliable than your father’s regime, bolstering opinions with those you hand ‘em out to.”

Beelzebub snaps his fingers and grins. “Now that’s a classic! I like how you think.”

The burger and fries come next, burgers served on dark buns that almost look charred, but proves spongy to the touch and is probably just dyed somehow. The fries are thin and crispy, with some kind of hot sauce that has a noticeable strong aroma, but you’ll save savoring them for after what you have to say next, “You could also try for any things that’d make Dabura look less imposing to other demons. Maybe some embarrassing secrets and the like that’d make him lose face? That, and well… no matter what else, you’re gonna need to end up looking more imposing to other demons yourself, somehow.”

While he’s clearly thinking on the first thing you said, his head hangs lower upon hearing the second. “I know, I know, I’m still… lacking in that aspect.”

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“It’s more than just in looks, right? How you carry yourself, how you present yourself. Maybe showing yourself to be willing to take on some tough if more… unaligned threats might help a bit, but it’s gonna be something you need to do on your own.” Now, giving those fries a taste. There’s some snickering from around you as they see you dip one in the sauce. Okay, aaaand the sauce is… oh! OH! Oh this is GOOD! Oooh the spice hits just right! Got a LOT of heat and flavor to match! Pairs perfectly with these crispy fries. You’re halfway done with the fries when you notice the demons’ snickering vanish completely, replaced with stunned silence. “…What? It’s good.”

“She takes to the Naga sauce like it’s nothing…” one of them, a short yellow demon in a purple outfit remarks in shock. “That’s supposed to be one of the hottest sauces in the Demon Realm!”

You pointedly take a couple more fries and telekinetically walk them toward the hot sauce, dipping them in and munching down. “Yeah, it’s great! Compliments to the chef!” Okay, noooow for the burgers~!

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
>A plate of large egg rolls is presented before you, and as you take a bite of one, you realize it’s got a like… boiled egg inside it, but with the more mustardy and spiced whipped yolk in the center, like it’s a… loaf of egg, but with the center replaced with the deviled part.
May I have the recipe, please?
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All righty, we are back!

As you finish the meal, complimenting the perturbed, awed chef, you spot Yamcha and Acer approaching, the two of them looking decently confident. “Had some grub, Peppa?” your uncle asks.

“Nah the grubs are over in the stores over there.” Beelzebub answers for you, pointing his thumb at some barrels and bushels with small, colorful bugs in them.

“...Uh.” Yamcha looks at them with a raised eyebrow. “R-right.”

“Just had some burgers and stuff. Plus some ‘deviled egg rolls’ and, oh, this really good hot sauce! You should try it, lot of heat and flavor to match.” you recommend.

The demons near them shake their heads at that suggestion. Yamcha just chuckles. “Ehaha, well, as long as you liked it…?”

>A. What were you guys up to anyway?
>B. Should see what Lao is up to, maybe he can help a bit
>C. Might be time to check in with the scouting parties, right? Let’s do that
>D. Prince Beelzebub, do you want me to try one of those Instant Transmission hit and runs? Or maybe help someone here try to learn it for later use?
>E. Something else?

>A. What were you guys up to anyway?
>B. Should see what Lao is up to, maybe he can help a bit
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>“...Uh.” Yamcha looks at them with a raised eyebrow. “R-right.”
>E. Didn't you live in the Desert?
>A. What were you guys up to anyway?
>B. Should see what Lao is up to, maybe he can help a bit
>A & B.
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“What were you two up to anyway?” you ask the pair.

“Wanted to try a few things out with the Masamune to see how we might surprise Ozotto with it.” your uncle replies, patting the sword’s hilt, with that catching the attention of some of the demons feasting. “It’s a known quantity here, after all. Ozotto would be ready for it… buuuut he’ll also be expecting me to be the one to have it.”

Yamcha grins and adds, “That’s where I come in.” You notice that he… also has a sword with him? Wait. That’s the same hilt. “We’ve got a little trick we’ve managed to pull off with it.”

“Wait, how?” you ask in surprise.

Acer winks and tells you, “Gonna keep that a secret for now. Wanna catch Ozotto unawares.”

“What, you think you can’t trust your allies?” Beelzebub teases.

With a shrug, Yamcha gives a nonchalant, “Maybe we just wanna show off?”

“Hah! Cheeky. I like it.” Beelzebub declares. “Anyway, chefs are still cookin’ so if you guys are hungry, just say the word!”

You smile and give them all a nod, heading off to try to find Lao. You find him in a more secluded place, meditating as he hovers slightly off the floor. As you approach though, you feel… unease coming off of him. His body, while meditative, is tense. His Ki isn’t as focused as it normally is, and he’s clearly trying to manage that.

“Hey, Mr. Lao, everything okay?” you ask softly, trying to tread carefully.

His eyes open, head turning to you as he stands. “Ah. Son Peppa. I was just trying to prepare for the battle ahead.”

You tilt your head at him crossing your arms. “Meditating to better manage your Ki?”

He frowns slightly and sighs. “…It’s that obvious, is it? My apologies. I promise, I won’t be a detriment during the fight ahead. I just need to steel myself for this.”

>A. Take it from someone who came out of the stuff involving Babidi and the Machine Mutants needing to see a therapist, might be better to talk about what’s actually bothering you, instead of bottling it up
>B. Mind if I meditate with you, then? Won’t bother you, just gonna make sure I’m all focused too
>C. Well… if you’re sure. But just remember we’re all in this together, okay? No harm in opening up a bit
>D. Something else?
>D. "There's a bunch of very nearly food available, if you need a distraction!"
>D. "Cranes don't steel themselves, they dance in the sky."
>Spar with him like we did with Keli.
>B. Mind if I meditate with you, then? Won’t bother you, just gonna make sure I’m all focused too
>D. Something else?
Let's try some yardratian meditation and some image training
>A. Take it from someone who came out of the stuff involving Babidi and the Machine Mutants needing to see a therapist, might be better to talk about what’s actually bothering you, instead of bottling it up
>B. Mind if I meditate with you, then? Won’t bother you, just gonna make sure I’m all focused too

Start with B, then lead to A in slightly less blunt manner. Or at least try to, this IS still Peppa after all.


>E. Discuss ki management techniques, maybe you can help him out or even have something to learn from each other?
Leading with C is also good. Supporting.
All these are good
>A. Take it from someone who came out of the stuff involving Babidi and the Machine Mutants needing to see a therapist, might be better to talk about what’s actually bothering you, instead of bottling it up
Backing as well!

Unrelated, I wonder why Beelzebub is being unfilial? Did something happen between him and his father, or does he simply not want to give up his power? The guy also hates his aunt, tried to blow up his daughter, and even torments those weaker than him with pranks. He's a nasty guy.

And two of his best employees Gola and Melee are sworn to Dabura, that's why they betrayed Shula. I don't think Beelzebub is a worthy ruler nor is his power base at all stable.
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“Well… if you’re sure. But just remember we’re all in this together, okay? No harm in opening up a bit. Also, if you’re at all hungry, need a break, or even just a little distraction, there’s a bunch of food available.” You give him a kind smile. “Just remember though, cranes don’t steel themselves, they dance in the sky.

He looks toward you, then shakes his head and slouches his shoulders. “…Okay, you have a point. What do you suggest then?”

“I could meditate with you if you’d like, maybe you could try some Yardratian techniques I’ve learned. Image training especially might help.” You take a meditative position. “Just know, if you’ve been struggling with something, it does help to try to express it with someone. I mean, after the business with Babidi at the Tournament taking over peoples’ minds, and the Machine Mutants infesting peoples’ bodies and… kinda giving me anxiety any time seeing something looking like a silvery liquid, I ended up needing to see a therapist over all of it. Might have been with my mom’s help, but… well, that’s just it, it was my mom willing to help me because I reached out.”

He takes a meditative stance as well. “Maple is still quite a wise woman. You take after her well.” Closing his eyes, he expresses, “I am… trying to come to terms with my failure. I came so close to rescuing Master Tien once already, only to be sent… elsewhere. To a world devastated and broken. Because I was not quick enough, time had to be spent saving me. Time that could have gone toward rescuing Master Tien.”

“I wouldn’t call that a failure. If anything we’re lucky things didn’t go so, so much worse.” you tell him calmly. “We were caught unawares. You couldn’t have foreseen it any better than the rest of us. Besides, I was right there with you, trying my best to rescue Tien too. If you failed, then I failed too. But we both are able to push past this, grow from it, and give this another go. We’ll save him.”

“Mm.” he grunts lowly.

You close your eyes as well and suggest, “How about some image training? It could help you push past this.”

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He lets out an accepting grunt, and the two of you focus. First off, a bit of a spar through this image training, just to get a decent connection started. You share with him some of the things you and Keli learned through Master Pybara, showing how you were able to better regulate your Ki, better draw it out to its fullest, letting him experience things through this image training. You are able to kinda run circles around him in it, but you don’t do it to show off. Just keep him thinking that even with that, he can close the gap. That he can get better.

The focus then shifts to Ozotto, and how he was able to steal away Tien. You and Lao replay much of the same events in your heads as before, right up to the tail grab, and you trying to knock the Mafuba container out of Ozotto. Now, you are able to see how Lao got to pry open Ozotto’s jaws in one more attempt to free Tien, yet… that vision is replaced with darkness, and swirls of colors, and… the broken Earth. It’s… somehow worse than you feared. It isn’t just that it’s barren and broken and scarred, cracks in the surface showing massive trenches of molten rock, it’s that there’s NO life there at all. It’s empty. So empty. Not just a grave of billions of souls, but there aren’t even any plants or animals roaming around.

You shudder as you look at it and realize that Lao could have been trapped there too… for who knows how long.

But that’s not what happened. He was saved. Pulled back away from that hellscape. And so, the events play out in your heads again, similarly… but this time, you’re both better prepared. You have much more you can try out against Ozotto. Lao has more people that’ve got his back. The two of you can picture it. Freeing Tien from his imprisonment, through all the methods you now have at your disposal, especially with Forced Spirit Fission at your disposal, and getting out of there before Ozotto can try any more sneaky tricks.

When you open your eyes, you find that Lao’s energy has calmed, focused, but also found a balance, a point of rest. And what’s more, he’s smiling. Confident. Good. When he opens his eyes again, he lets out a calm and appreciative, “Thank you, Son Peppa. I… do not think my unease is completely gone, but it has been quenched. I’m ready.”

You grin. “We’re all ready. Now let’s do this.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
Hey so, I will not be able to run tonight. I'm sorry to say this at the last minute, but literally just got notice that relatives down southeast are potentially at risk, so wife and I are driving out to help.

Sorry. We'll pick up tomorrow ~4:30 pm PST hopefully.
Stay safe boss.
>Good luck
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Thanks guys. And all right, sorry for the delay, but relatives are safe and sound and things have settled down.

And with that, we are back!

With those bouts of prep done, you get some good news as the scouting teams return. First is Basilea’s group, who were able to successfully get some of the patrols down without being spotted. “You have a clear opening of opportunity and a path of infiltration, one sorta toward the back where the opening here is.” Shun Shun explains as she points it out on the map. “What’s more, Haru Haru and I came up with a little idea.” The Majin girl pulls at one of her… head tentacle hair things and takes a chunk from it. She then remolds it into… well, something that resembles her face, sticking her tongue out. “I can hone in on this way easier than I can your hidden Ki, and it’s help mask it regardless. Carry it with you and it’ll be a way for me or my sis to hop in with any backup you may need.”

“Well, that’s a good idea.” Beelzebub declares.

“By the way…” Basilea speaks up, narrowing her eyes at him mildly suspiciously. “You have a few things you’re still keeping in reserve, aren’t you?”

He smirks. “Well, I might…”

There’s the slightest hint of a smirk on Basilea’s face. “Dabura’s still looking for… ‘it’, given what we heard.”

“I guess he is. Well, doubt he’ll have any luck any time soon.” He turns toward the rest of you and gives a wink. You’re not sure you get the full context, but it might be a more “need to know” basis that he’s really, really trying to keep secret from Towa and Dabura. “Anyway, we got any more good news?”

“I’d like to think so.” Keli replies confidently. “Maybe something a bit more than that. After catching wind of some drunken soldiers at a bar run being involved in some major shipment, we were able to make a little hit and run and got this.”

Videl places down a rather large siphon kind of device connected to a large container that looks sorta familiar to you… wait a second! That’s the Ki container thing from the tournament! The one Babidi’s goons used! “There was a cargo ship carrying a couple dozen of these.” your friend explains. “We commandeered it and removed any tracking devices it might have had, then brought it back here with its shipment.”

Acer and Yamcha look at it warily, but your uncle refocuses and asks, “What are they doing with all of these?”

“They were headed to Majin Ozotto’s palace thing, so whatever it was, it wasn’t good.” Keli states.

“Why’d you bring the thing carrying them back with you?” Lao questions Keli. “Surely with all the people you had you could have just left it there.”

“Actually, I think we can use it for a big ol’ distraction.” adds the demon girl… Beelzebub said Panzy was her name, right? Yeah Panzy. “Even if we removed the trackers, they’re still going to be LOOKING for it. Way I figure, we can lure some more of the guards away from Ozotto’s place with it. Either by remote control or with someone piloting it… and leaving a nasty surprise in there if they DO actually catch up to it.”

“Hahahahaha! Perfect! Great work everyone.” Beelzebub places his hands on his hips and asks, “Sounds like we have a solid plan to go by, but before we get started, any other ideas to bring up?”

>A. Nah, I’m ready. Let’s go!
>B. Is there anyone that might be able to tag along with me? Not that I don’t think I can do this alone, but just wanna make sure in case anyone feels up to it
>C. What exactly will you put in that stolen cargo ship?
>D. Something else?
>A. Nah, I’m ready. Let’s go!
>C & D. Let's talk 'glitter goat.'
>D. Something else?
"Quick, a group picture before we commence Operation: Paper Crane."
>A. Nah, I’m ready. Let’s go!
>B. Is there anyone that might be able to tag along with me? Not that I don’t think I can do this alone, but just wanna make sure in case anyone feels up to it
It's boring to go alone.
You think for a moment, and then recall a thing that would be great to pull out. “I think I’m pretty ready to get started, but a couple small things first. One suggestion for what we’ll put in the the cargo ship, if there’s room: glitter goats.”

Panzy raises an eyebrow, intrigued. “Glitter goats?”

“Like a big glitter party popper in the shape of a goat.” you clarify.

Acer shakes his head but laughs. “Hah, of course…”

She’s clearly enthused by the idea. “Ooooh, that’s good. That’s good.”

“And a second thing, how about we all get in a group picture! Commemorate Operation: Paper Crane.”

Beelzebub pumps his fist into the air. “Hell yeah! Everyone, get in close!”

Scooting in, you’re all given a chance for a photo op. You give a big smile and hold forward a victory sign. All right, time to get this done!


A while later, you’re stealthily dropped off some distance away from Majin Ozotto’s palace, with you sliding down one of the spikes jutting out of the ground and sneaking your way a bit closer. The air here is definitely thicker than you’re used to, very much like Z’S, still with that smell, and it does take a bit more effort to really move around here, but nothing you can’t handle. Lowering your Ki, you find a few groups of Demon Realm soldiers patrolling some of the outcroppings, with a few that’ve taken up positions in watchtowers. Tapping your goggles, you make sure you’ve got your timing right. And… there’s the message from the rest. Out in the distance, the stolen cargo airship can be seen as a tiny, tiny speck. But it’s enough that it’s caught the attention of the soldiers.

A couple groups head forward to reinforce the guards at the front after some are sent after the ship, which means you have your chance! Buuuut… how will you go about it?

>A. Clothes Beam a disguise and start up a proper sneaking mission!
>B. Just watch the patrols, check for blind spots, and sneak in properly
>C. They will NEVER expect you to come by underground. Time to dig with your Ki Drill!
>D. Something else?
>D. Very, very quietly hum a good secret agent theme song.
Support but only if its


as the theme song
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Rolled 15, 19, 8 = 42 (3d20)

All righty then! Roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 13 for both!
Rolled 16, 2 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 1 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 2 = 16 (2d20)

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Rolled 11, 18, 10 = 39 (3d20)

...Well! Passed one!
Rolled 16, 9, 11 = 36 (3d20)

And writing...
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Rolled 10, 7, 5 = 22 (3d20)


Okay Peppa. Time to get this show on the road! And you know what that means? That means some theme music to go with it! Ba-badaba-daba-babadaba-badabadaba~

‘What are you doing.’ Shun Shun less asks and more accuses telepathically. Ah. Right. She’s sorta here too.

‘...Theme music?’ That’s in your head right? …Right? You’re only humming it!

There’s a moment of quiet from her as you get past one of the patrols. ‘I… you… you know, no, this tracks, you’re not the smart one.’

‘Hey!’ you telepathically grumble.

‘It’s not even good music…’ she critically snipes at you. ‘Whatever, just don’t waste time.’

You pout but keep as focused as you can, dodging around, even hiding behind the odd rock outcropping or two, as you narrow in on the palace structure itself, still humming quietly. And… made it! Okay, there are a couple entrances to it in the back here, looks like they’re sealed shut though. Might need to wait for a patrol to head inside or something. Also… now that you’re up close, the thing looks weird. It… feels weird, you can even sense something weird about it. Sure it has Majin Ozotto’s Ki, in there, but… it’s not JUST in there. And there’s another Ki around it that feels…


It gives you the impression of how things felt during the dead walking the Earth, dimensions all twisted around. Keeping your hum going, you edge closer to the nearest door and… it opens? Oh! Convenient! Okay, just gotta check for anyone coming through it and-


Something pushes you inside and the door quickly closes behind you as you faceplant. “Ow.”

‘Did… did you seriously just trip into here without checking?!’ Shun Shun grumbles at you.

You quickly get to your feet and look around. Nobody… followed you? Maybe you didn’t alert the soldiers? Please please please, you didn’t alert the soldiers…


A laugh sends a chill down your spine as you turn around and try to find where that came from, attempting to duck into a corner. No one’s in front of you either, at least no one down this… weird hallway. It feels weird, the ceramic part you have your hand on is more a chitin texture, while the floor is softer than it really should be.

The Majin vocalizes to you bluntly, ‘This smells like a trap.’

>A. Whatever, we’re inside, we’re going for Tien and anyone else we can grab, gonna keep up being as stealthy as possible
>B. Focus, REALLY focus, and try to sense for where anyone else here might be. It’s not just the people Ozotto captured, after all…
>C. …If it IS a trap, the time to be subtle is over. SMASH AND GRAB!
>D. Shun Shun, can you teleport in too? Might need it
>E. Something else?
>A. Whatever, we’re inside, we’re going for Tien and anyone else we can grab, gonna keep up being as stealthy as possible
>E. Something else?
Check the scouter function and check for artificial power levels too just in case.
>B. Focus, REALLY focus, and try to sense for where anyone else here might be. It’s not just the people Ozotto captured, after all…
>E. Tell her she's on theme song duty if she's gonna be a critic.

And this E.
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Rolled 2, 16, 4 = 22 (3d20)

All right, real quick, roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 13 for both again.
Rolled 9, 12 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 19, 2 = 21 (2d20)

Rolled 14, 4 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 15, 19 = 51 (3d20)

Passed one! Sadly gonna need to get some rest, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
>The Majin vocalizes to you bluntly, ‘This smells like a trap.’
'This smells like a trap' or "This smells like a trap"? Is Shun Shun in the room with us?
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All righty, we are back!

You bring out the little blob of Majin… hair tentacle thing and tell it, “Shun Shun, two things. One, it’s probably better if you teleport in now rather than wait until later, especially if there’s a trap. Two, if you’re gonna be a critic, you’re the one on theme song duty. Got it?”

She teleports in, grabs the blob, and smashes it into her face, with the chunk rejoining her. “Fine, but don’t start complaining if I do a better job at that than you.”

“Fine, fine…”

“Good.” She looks around, but telepathically sends you a little tune… oh, that works.


All right, theme music set. You tap your goggles and check for energy signatures with them as you sense out, REALLY sense out, to try and locate anything. You… get some good news and some bad news. The good news is you do definitely pick up on Ki signatures in here, distinct ones that you can guess are some of Majin Ozotto’s captives. The bad news is… every time you get a lock on them they seem to shift, as if they’re being moved around at random, and some feel much more like the soldiers outside. And worryingly, EVERYWHERE around you is giving off a Ki signature, one that feels like Majin Ozotto’s. And there’s something else that still very much doesn’t, and it’s the only one that’s not moving around, residing dead in the center.

A doorway ahead opens, one toward the nearest… well, non-Ozotto energy you can sense, but you’re not sure who it is. Doesn’t feel like Tien. However, two Ki signatures that feel like the soldiers outside are closing in on you both. Shun Shun crosses her arms and frowns. “…So what now? Walk right into the very obvious trap?”

>A. Play along and try to see what angle Ozotto’s playing at, if he’s in control of this place
>B. Nope. We’re making our own path! Focus on the the moving Ki signatures and head toward them!
>C. If they know we’re here, we might as well set a trap for THEM, right? Come on, let’s find a place to hide…
>D. Something else?
That makes sense, thanks
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>C. If they know we’re here, we might as well set a trap for THEM, right? Come on, let’s find a place to hide…
>D. Something else?
Now is the time we disguise ourselves. As Janitors with mops and buckets that are apart of the trap. Really Scooby-Doo it up.
>There's really only one choice for us, Shun Shun. If our siblings are the Smart Ones, that makes us the Go-Getters!
Support! >>6184141
Rolled 5, 20, 1 = 26 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Rolled 9, 6, 12 = 27 (3d20)

scooby fucking doo!
Rolled 13, 12, 8 = 33 (3d20)

Rolled 13, 9, 2 = 24 (3d20)

Rolled 6, 5, 19 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 19, 3 = 24 (3d20)

Well. Didn't pass any this time.

That was close, but, not close enough.

It's Go-Getting time.
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“If they know we’re here, we may as well use that to our advantage and set a trap for THEM instead, right?” you ask with a cheeky grin.

Shun Shun glares at you silently.

“Come on, it’ll work! We just need a place to hide, maybe some disguises! OH! I KNOW!” You sneak away toward the corner and Clothes Beam up a janitor disguise, complete with MOP and BUCKET and a scruffy-looking fake mustache.

…You hear a low chuckle coming from deeper in the palace.

Well, you’re dedicated to the bit now. Shun Shun, after you give her a janitor outfit too, walks off on her own, leaving you to focus on this attempted subterfuge. Bah. Fine. Whatever. She… is still telepathically broadcasting that theme music into your mind though. Okay, focus! You act like you’re busy mopping the floor as the door opens up, three Demon Realm soldiers heading in.

One of them addresses the others. “She was lured in here, Majin Ozotto gave us the word to give chase and-” He stops as he notices you. You keep up the mopping for a moment, but all three surround you.

You hum the tune that Shun Shun’s putting in your head. One of the soldiers holds out a staff with an electrified end. He asks you in an almost disappointed tone, “Did you really expect that to work, child?”

“I expect you to move so I can finish mopping the floor.” you respond. “Such a mess in here…”

One makes for a grab for the mop, and you pull it away, only for you to yelp out in surprise and mild pain as another grabs your tail and picks you up, the two bringing their electrified staffs up to your face, forming spheres of Ki in their free hands. “You made this too easy, stupid child. Majin Ozotto will be more than pleased to see you brought to him.” However, as he says that, there’s a green arm with a black sleeved glove that taps him on the shoulder. “What-?”

It punches him in the face so hard the faceplate cracks. As he drops you, the arm grabs on to you and pulls you away from them. Roughly. Possibly intentionally crashing you into walls as it pulls. Ow. Owww. You’re eventually pulled over to Shun Shun, who is glaring at you. “There. You made a fool of yourself to Demon Realm soldiers. You satisfied now?”

You stand up and rub the back of your neck. “Eheh, okay, that didn’t go as planned, but…”

‘It was quite amusing. Nostalgic, almost.’ Majin Ozotto’s voice echoes in your mind.


Aaaaand the floor is moving.

>A. …Shun Shun, find ‘em, I’ll keep Ozotto distracted
>B. Try to move toward one of the non-soldier Ki signatures before you lose the chance!
>C. Head toward the center, it’s the only place that isn’t shifting!
>D. KI DRILL! You’re making your own doors and grabbing all you can!
>E. Something else?
>A. …Shun Shun, find ‘em, I’ll keep Ozotto distracted
>E. Presume that the non-shifting center area is ether a trap or the location of Ozotto himself. See if you can detect anything weird there, and if so either attack or subvert.
>>6184276 +1
Siiigh, okay, we can take this seriously, I guess.
Backing as well >>6184276
Rolled 10, 11, 7 = 28 (3d20)

All righty, real quick, roll me 2d20 once more, best of three! DC is 14 for both!
Rolled 11, 19 = 30 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 8 = 13 (2d20)

Rolled 8, 15 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 3, 12, 11 = 26 (3d20)

Passed one of 'em!

But again, I do need to get some rest, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
>Did y'all have fun?
Nothing wrong with stealth missions and goofy plans, but
>You stand up and rub the back of your neck. “Eheh, okay, that didn’t go as planned, but…”
The plan worked tho? Peppa was bait and Shun Shun sprung the trap. I hope this doesn't start a trend of Peppa losing confidence in herself.
>The plan worked tho?
Indeed, the plan did what it was supposed to. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that Peppa's display here has not been seen since the days of Sun Tzu.

Let's do a play-by-play!
>the trap in front of us is observed, we do not advance
>Know the Enemy
>we take into account that Shun Shun will not go along with stealthy plans as opposed to smashy ones, so we put her talents to use
>Know Yourself
>we set up a embarrassing disguise that motivates Shun Shun to go hide while we leave ourselves as bait
>The False Retreat and Doomed Spy stratagems
>when the enemy engages us, whatever trap they had laid in store for us is kaput
>No Plan Survives Contact
>drunk on victory, the enemy leave themselves wide open for an ambush
>Oiled Grain Fire Attack
>Shun Shun takes out all the enemies while we don't have to lift a finger
>Win Without Fighting

Truly a plan that will go down in history, bravo!
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Okay! We're back!

‘...Shun Shun, get going, find ‘em, I’ll keep Majin Ozotto distracted.’ you tell the Majin girl telepathically. She stares at you in confusion and mild concern. ‘We don’t have much more time if we want to get this done. He’s going to attempt to toy with us, which gives us a small chance to use that to our advantage. I’ll try to keep his attention.’

She frowns but slightly nods and starts to move. The room shifts and she’s very quickly separated from you, Ozotto’s voice echoing in your mind again. ‘Hahahaha… now just what DO you think you’re doing, Son Peppa?’

“Oh you know. Thwarting your plans.” you reply nonchalantly.

‘Thwarting my plans?’

You nod. “Thwarting your plans.”

‘Are you?’

“Yeah.” You sense out for the center of this place and try to move toward it.

‘That’d be bad.’ Ozotto warns.

“How bad?”

‘Might have to kill you.’

“That is bad.” And… got it!

‘You still gonna do it?’ You can almost HEAR the smirk on his face.

“...Yes. Because you know what?”


“You aren’t tuff enough to kill me.” You power up and launch forward, swerving and dodging through the shifting halls and rooms and doorways.

‘You know, even if I still wish to see that bratty face of yours twist into despair as you realize how out of depth you truly are, I must still commend you. You have a lot of gumption, bravado, a willingness to face your betters with all you have.’

“Yeah there’s one problem with that statement.” You just narrowly avoid a door behind you closing in on your tail, still moving closer to the center. “You’re not in any sense of the word my ‘better.’ Gohan and I whooped your ass once already, and I’m many times stronger than what the two of us put together were on my own now.”

‘You aren’t the only one that’s improved. Though can’t quite say the same for poor Tien, hah! Really, why DO you and the Princess’ little servant want him back so soon? What about your poor father?’ he questions.

Looks like you’re not making enough of a distraction. “My dad can handle himself better than anyone. He’s probably out there kicking all sorts of butt and making some new friends along the way. Speaking of, I have friends that want him back. And let’s be honest, you’re not really good enough to act all smug about capturing him. You didn’t exactly do all that much of the work.”


Now THAT seems to have annoyed him. “What? It’s true. Towa’s the one that deserves more of the credit. All you did was play keep away with the container.” Okay, closing in, closing in…

‘And perhaps you shouldn’t be so mouthy for someone that got caught so quickly.’

One of the doors fails to close properly. Good, now he’s ACTUALLY distracted. “Got caught? All you’ve done is help me along. Now, like I said…” There, you see a faint glow in another room! “Time to start thwarting… your… plans…?”

There is a massive octagon in the center of the room, a lot of energy flowing toward it. On the top of it are arcane symbols that look… wrong. It’s… a Hakkero? Wait, it’s one of the ones from Z’S! What?! Why does he…?

“Son Peppa.” Majin Ozotto’s voice actually speaks aloud. You look up and see that the… whole ceiling is his smirking, smug face. “Welcome. What was that about ‘thwarting my plans’ exactly?”

>A. …Exactly what it sounded like. PEPPA SMASH!
>B. Okay, fine, you caught my attention, monologue about it before you lose it. What the hell are you doing?
>C. Okay, clearly, this is not a good place to be. Teleport over to Shun Shun, help her out, and get the hell out of here!
>D. Something else?
>D. Ozotto, you do realize that reactor's design is as instructional as it is functional, right?
>Spirit Fission the energy flow right from under his looming face.
>D. Be ready to smash fission drills into the walls, or his smug face. He's not ready for that.
>‘Might have to kill you.’
>“That is bad.”
If we die in the Demon Realm, do we go to stay in a limbo like the victims of DK Piccolo? We could even end up as a ghostly servant in this castle for the rest of time. That is, if we forge a contract with Ozotto to be of use to him lest we have our soul consumed, that's probably the reasoning behind a lot of demonic contracts...
>D. "You know the funny thing is, I know your playing me....but you're right. There will always be someone out there who's younger then me, someone who's stronger then me, someone smarter then me, but you will never EVER find someone CRAZIER *summon our drill with an insane look in our eyes* ...then me."

>E. Forced Spirit Drill right into his smug ceiling face and from the energy of the drill we leave behind our homing forced spirit mines to blow on the way out in conjunction.
>"You know the funny thing is, I know your playing me....but you're right.
Come up with your own joke, voting against D. Supporting E though.
Agreed on the condition we let the drill drain a LOT. And we come back to deal with 'perpetually gaining more power from souls' thing soonlike.
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>now just what DO you think you’re doing, Son Peppa?’
>“Oh you know. Thwarting your plans.” you reply nonchalantly.
>‘Thwarting my plans?’
>You nod. “Thwarting your plans.”
Start with
>B. Okay, fine, you caught my attention, monologue about it before you lose it. What the hell are you doing?
To get him talking, but then

>D. Try to figure out bow to best fuck up whatever he's doing. Don't wait for him to finish talking.

Seconding this >D as far as it may apply.
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Rolled 14, 5, 17 = 36 (3d20)

All I'll say for now is try not to get killed by demons in the Demon Realm.

And okay! Roll me another 3d20, best of three! DC is 13 for the first, 14 for the second two!
Rolled 4, 9, 1 = 14 (3d20)

Ya jinxed us, you have to Try to get killed by demons in the demon realm!
Rolled 4, 14, 4 = 22 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 2, 4 = 23 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 7, 11 = 23 (3d20)

This HAS to work out for me eventually
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Liam, really be wantin' to snack on a Demon God.
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Rolled 5, 15, 9 = 29 (3d20)

...Well! Passed two! Ahahaha...ha...
Rolled 6, 7, 6 = 19 (3d20)

And writing...
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our future
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You start to move around, staring up at him, telling Majin Ozotto, “You know what? Fine, you have my attention, make your monologing quick before you lose it. What the hell are you doing?”

Ozotto grins wide and begins, “Preparation, of course. The Hakkero is quite an interesting object, isn’t it? In essence a device made to specifically manage the flow of energy, positive and negative, making it flow and change and react in so many ways. Because of this phenomena, it can be used for so many powerful effects, be it reacting with one’s energy, or even help regulate the passage of the souls from the mortal realm to the realms above, if properly adjusted to the realm it’s connected to.”

“I get that.” you state firmly, trying to see if you can notice any weakness in the energy flow. “So what, you’re trying to use it to get stronger?”

He chuckles. “Hahahahaha… you think too small. Tell me… what do you think might be possible if instead of being connected to the upper realms, it’s connected to lower ones? Negative energy flows down to the Demon Realm, even as… unbalanced as it might be currently.”

…Oh that’s sounding less and less good. “You’re planning on using that to… what, reverse it? Send this ‘negative energy’ back up? Or maybe… make a bit of a backdoor to some higher realm to loop it around…?” Okay, there’s one place you can hit… and there’s another… and another!

“Good, good.” A big, toothy grin fills the ceiling. “You’re starting to see the bigger picture.”

‘PEPPA I GOT THE STUPID CONTAINER!’ Shun Shun telepathically shouts to you.

Perfect. He’s about to speak again, but you transform, your hair going blonde as your Ki spikes up. “All right, couple problems with that. First, this reactor design? It’s as instructional as it is functional. Second? For as much as you’ve been trying to play me, I’ll tell ya, there will always be someone out there who's younger then me, someone who's stronger then me, someone smarter then me, but you will never EVER find someone CRAZIER…” Your aura sparks up as you form a Ki Drill. “THAN ME!”

His face takes on a much more serious expression, his eyes lighting up with energy. “Is that so?” Three beams of Ki blast down at you, with you punching upward, your Forced Spirit Fission working in tandem with your Ki Drill as it hits the beams. Ozotto doesn’t even get a chance to gloat as the energy he lets out empowers your drill, making it all the stronger! You hit him right in the middle eye, with the Majin letting out a cry of pain. “YEAAARGGH!”

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You back away, next using Forced Spirit Fission on the reactor to draw out a lot, and you mean a LOT of energy from it, trying to set Majin Ozotto back substantially, while doing damage to any weak points you’ve noticed. Finally you start leaving behind Ki mines in the ground using Majin Ozotto’s borrowed Ki to give them something to target! With Ozotto finally recovering, you kick up off the now damaged Hakkero and launch up toward him again! And as he manipulates the room, Ki mines to detonate and-!

As he… manipulates the room…

Your perception of time slows to a crawl for a moment as you piece together one little problem with this plan.

Ah. Right.

He IS the room.



And the entire ROOM detonates with you inside it! The energy you Fissioned out of the Hakkero reacts with Ki Mines going off, the Hakkero itself reacting with THAT and detonating even further! The good news is you definitely ended up doing more damage to Majin Ozotto than you at first intended. The bad news you did far, FAR more damage to yourself than you intended. Your vision blurs as you land on the now very broken floor, hard. Ow. Owww.

You try to move, your skin singed, cuts and scrapes all over your body. You do find yourself picked up by something, but as your vision starts to refocus, you see that it’s not anybody friendly. Majin Ozotto, in his more normal form… or at least what you think is his more normal form, is there. Ah, he’s holding you by your hair, that’s why your head’s hurting even more now. And… haha, his eye’s still hurt. He’s shouting at you very angrily, but ears are ringing. Oh wait, there you go.

“...dea how long this will take to fix?! DO YOU, SON PEPPA?!”

You grin cheekily as you notice the Hakkero IS definitely more damaged now. Not… destroyed, but you did a number on it. He lets go and punches you in the face, sending you through a wall. Okay, limbs are… starting to work again. Shun Shun actually teleports near him and attempts to kick him in the head, only for Ozotto to block her leg with his tail and then launch a multi-colored Ki blast out of it at her. She dodges it but has to back away. Oh he’s really, really looking for a fight now.

>A. Okay you both need to teleport out of there now, now, NOW!
>B. Make sure he’ll have an even harder for him to repair it, one more blast at the Hakkero!
>C. Charge back at him, that’ll draw attention back here and away from your allies!
>D. Something else?

However, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
Thanks for running! Since we hit him in the spirit, will his eye stay poked out?

>A. Okay you both need to teleport out of there now, now, NOW!
He's able to regenerate from it, but he's not going to forget that slight.
> Multiform, take some time to recover from the beating while keeping the pressure on
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>A. Okay you both need to teleport out of there now, now, NOW!

There's an idea. But...

>D. Use multiform to cover your teleport escape, and maybe get in one last hit in on the hakkero.

Its not a suicide attack if there's more of you!

>D. Something else?
Distract and stall him with another question, one I know he'll want to gloat over.

"Why was bucket demon in Wheelo's lab in the first place? Did Towa plant you for us to find, or were you always there? Always wondered about that."

Then do


When we got a ki signature to instant transmission too.
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I have an idea, though it would also make sense if Peppa wouldn't know about this
>D. Wait, you can sense something, some souls, from the remains of the reactor
>Use TK to gather some embers, blow on them to make them bigger and get Shun Shun to blow on them as well
>"It's been fun Ozotto, really, but if you play with fire..."
>Leave him to deal with the Demon Flames
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>You grin cheekily as you notice the Hakkero IS definitely more damaged now. Not… destroyed, but you did a number on it.
Oof, that plan wouldn't work out then. Unless we knocked a plug loose?
Scratch that, we don't have time to check.
Rolled 9, 19, 12 = 40 (3d20)

All righty, we are back!

And with that, roll me one more 3d20, best of three! DC is 11 for the first, 12 for the second two!
Rolled 17, 13, 15 = 45 (3d20)

woop woop
Rolled 17, 17, 8 = 42 (3d20)

3 nat 1's lets goooooo
Rolled 11, 9, 10 = 30 (3d20)

Passed! Writing...
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If we breathed life into a flame spirit, would that make it our child?

>Heyyyy Cocoa, sooooo, a funny thing happened on that trip to the demon world-
>Emberly, please ask Mommy Shun Shun to feed you, Mommy Peppa is busy. Sorry about that... so anyway
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Apologies, something came up halfway through writing.

You place two fingers on your forehead… and as he thinks you’re about to escape, you instead teleport over to Shun Shun, then use Multi-Form to try to distract him and cover the two of you escaping. “You know I never did get why you were that little demon in the bucket all those years ago, up in Wheelo’s lab. Were you planted there by Towa, or were you always there?”

He tries to swat away two that charge at him, answering, “Oh a little of the first, a little of the second, I’ll tell you all about it if you COME HERE!” He makes for trying to grab one of the copies, narrowly missing. Another actually bolts toward the broken Hakkero, Fission Drill ready and managing to do just that bit more damage to it. The closest hits him in the face with a Rasenken and it’s enough to stagger him just a little, even if the lack of power behind it wasn’t really much more than a distraction. Majin Ozotto tires of this and holds his hands out, energy charging in them… you think that’s Lightning Magic too. You also notice the energy start to shift wildly the Hakkero, like… there’s something starting to coalesce.

But that’s a bit too little, too late, as you and Shun Shun get a lock on to the others. “Have fun cleaning up this mess, Majin Ozotto.” He launches his attack, but you and your copies are all gone, appearing near Keli and Videl, with your copies all fading back into you. You also see Haru Haru stretching her arms out, picking up a couple dozen Demon Realm soldiers that are… all covered in glitter… and shoving them into a large bag. Basilea closes it, grabbing it and swinging it around until finally launching it far, far into the distance.

“Peppa!” Videl calls to you, smiling, with that smile filling with concern as she notices how you look. “…What happened?”

“I think I exploded one of Ozotto’s stomachs or something.” you remark, trying to dust yourself off. Ow. Still hurting.

She raises an eyebrow. “…Peppa.”

“Provided a distraction for Shun Shun! …It went a little awry, but it mostly worked!” you declare in almost a pouting tone.

“You’re lucky you were in the center of there and far, far away from everyone we were trying to rescue or I’d have beaten your ass first before trying to get Ozotto away from you.” Shun Shun grumbles.

“What exactly happened?” Keli asks.

“Ozotto has a Hakkero, a big one like Annin’s furnace or the ones on Z’S. Kinda broke it.” you rub one of your arms, wincing.

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Concerned, Keli hands you something that you think is a Senzu bean, but turns out to be… one of those little bugs? “Beelzebub gave us some of these, they help recover from injuries.”

You look down at it, shrug, and pop it into your mouth like it’s a bit of popcorn. Hmm… crunchy, yet squishy. Kinda got a medicinal taste to it almost, like cough syrup, if you mixed it with a shrimp cocktail and grass. But the effects are immediate, as you feel your energy recover and your wounds heal a bit. Not quite as strong as a Senzu, but it’ll do. Ow. Still a little sore.

“So that’s where he’s been keeping it…” Basilea mutters as she approaches, frowning. “Stole one from Z’S.”

>A. Let’s debrief back at the castle, we’ve got some stuff we need to talk about
>B. Shun Shun, where are all the people we rescued? Are they nearby, or did you bring them back already?
>C. We might need to set up another distraction to further cover our escape… got any ideas?
>D. Something else?
>You also notice the energy start to shift wildly the Hakkero, like… there’s something starting to coalesce.
Go, Emberly, go!

>D. Get out a compact mirror or something, observe ourselves. Mmhmm, mmhmm.
>Clorthes beam a wig and put in an order for some makeup to cover the burn scars.
If it's that bad, of course.
>A. Let’s debrief back at the castle, we’ve got some stuff we need to talk about

Thanks for running! night.
>B. Shun Shun, where are all the people we rescued? Are they nearby, or did you bring them back already?
>A. Let’s debrief back at the castle, we’ve got some stuff we need to talk about
Okay, my apologies, I do need to get some proper rest before I pass out at my desk again, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
>C. We could also leave traps where Ozotto's soldiers will be, just to keep them guessing where we are.
>D. Good Jorb, Shun Shun!
>pat her on the back, she coughs out all the rescuees
>B. Shun Shun, where are all the people we rescued? Are they nearby, or did you bring them back already?
>C. We might need to set up another distraction to further cover our escape… got any ideas?
>D. Something else?
Check everyone just in case. Ozotto could have easily created doppelganger clones of everyone.

"We can do a 'The Thing' test by just applying sacred water to all non-demon realmers. As for demon realm folk - well that 'Right View' Buddha magic thing can probably clarify the real version."
>B. Shun Shun, where are all the people we rescued? Are they nearby, or did you bring them back already?
Supporting the write-in.

And I wish to add to it,
>Oh yeah, Cocoa got real mad at Gohan when he brought this up, he's still so shy around her. It's been a while since she's gotten mad at me... hehe, heh...
>Gulp, a shiver of anticipation runs down our tail
because a mad Cocoa is cute too.
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Rolled 4, 13, 11 = 28 (3d20)

All righty then, we're back!

And so, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 12!
Rolled 6 (1d20)

Rolled 5 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)


Btw, do they have RadAway here, and would our girlfriend still love us if we were a ghoul?
Rolled 12, 9, 19 = 40 (3d20)

Passed! Writing...
Rolled 17 (1d20)

You're getting better!
But would the real Peppa have a moustache?
You okay, OP?
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Apologies, lot to cover for this one.


“Okay, I know we need to get back to the castle soon, but Shun Shun, where are all the people you rescued? Are they anywhere nearby, or did you bring them back to the castle already?” you question as you turn to her.

“Safest place they can be.” She pats her… stomach. You and Videl both narrow your eyes at her. “Oh don’t give me that! They’re fine! Hell you were fine after you got absorbed!” she declares as she points at Videl.

She pinches the ridge of her nose. “...Please spit them out.”

“Fine, fine…” She starts to… do literally just that, with several people getting sent out of her, each of them returning to normal size as they do. First, a large demon man with a build like the Ox King’s, then a buff tall Demon with pale-crimson skin and long, spiky hair, followed by a demon with large wings and an eggshell white body wearing a tall hat, and finally a very conventionally attractive demon woman with darker skin and pink hair. Shun Shun then holds up her hand and spits out… the Mafuba container into it! She then hands it over to Keli with a grumble of, “Here, your stupid boss who got himself captured.”

The demons that Shun Shun spat up take a moment to get their bearings, with the first one, the biggest one, getting up first. “We… we’re really out of there?”

“That you are, King Kadan.” Basilea responds, and as the stolen airship returns, she adds, “And I think we have someone that’s been waiting to see you.”

As it lands, Panzy jumps out, and after staring at the man for a moment, she bolts toward him, calling out, “Papa! PAPA!”

The man picks her up and hugs her tight. “My darling baby girl! Oh I was so worried!”

“You were worried?!” Panzy pouts. “You were the one they took! I didn’t know what they might do to you!”

Lao heads out next, approaching Keli as she holds up the container. Relief fills his face as he looks at it, and turns to you and Shun Shun, commenting, “I owe you both more than you know.”

“Please don’t start getting sappy with me.” she complains.

“Aw come on kid, take the praise where you can get it.” Yamcha calls out to her, getting out of the airship next, Krillin following behind him.

You rub the back of your neck and chuckle. “Ehehehe… hey, we all set out to do this, right? Come on, let’s unseal him.”

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Keli and Lao look to one another, nodding and unsealing the container Tien was in. A flash of light shoots out of it, and finally, he’s standing before you all. He looks to his students with pride, bows his head, and gives them a quick “Thank you.” followed by him turning to everyone else and adding, “All of you.”

Yamcha gives him a friendly jab in the arm. “Good to have you back, man.”

“I’ll say.” Krillin agrees. “How you holding up?”

“I’ll admit that I’m still a bit hazy…” he remarks rubbing the side of his head. “But yes, I believe so.”

“Hey, so, before we head back… Majin Ozotto can shapeshift, right? Maybe we should we try to do a ‘The Thing’ blood test thing, or intention sense… thing…?” you suggest. “Also, we might need one more distraction to help cover our tracks.”

“What? I was careful! WAY more careful than you, you know!” Shun Shun complains.

Tien steps forward, stating, “Take what tests you must, I’m willing to prove that I am myself.”

Crossing your arms and tuning out the Majin girl ranting at you, you ask, “We have any kind of Sacred Water or something that can do that…?”

“I do.” Yamcha remarks, holding out a vial. That gets some looks from the demon folk, with him stating simply, “It helps to be prepared, and have something that can surprise an opponent, no? I doubt Majin Ozotto would appreciate getting splashed in the eyes with it.”

Shun Shun lets out a laugh, with Haru Haru trying to hold back a giggle. Even you and Videl chuckle a bit at that. “Well… I can confirm he doesn’t like that in the slightest.” you note.

There’s a quick few drops of water placed on him, and with him proven to still be human, he senses out the others… and confirms for sure that none of them are Majin Ozotto. Nor anyone else, for that matter. That’s a massive relief. With that settled, you all set up some traps where you hear the soldiers’ patrols and Majin Ozotto’s scouting efforts might be, just to better cover your tracks. You even get another glitter goat set up, dressed in a way that makes it look like two people that’re trying to PRETEND to be a goat. Hehehehe.

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Finally, everyone gets teleported back, regrouping with Prince Beelzebub to debrief all that happened. Beelzebub smiles. “Good to see you’re all in one piece. And King Kadan, knew they couldn’t keep you down.”

He turns to the smaller demon and kneels, with the demons behind him doing the same. “Prince Beelzebub, we are forever in your debt.”

“You can repay it by agreeing to stand with me against my father.” he declares, crossing his arms. “But I’ll admit, it’s not just mine, Shun Shun over here got you out of there.” he remarks as he points his thumb at the Majin girl. “And Peppa helped you escape, from the sound of things.”

You smile and rub the back of your neck, with Shun Shun giving a nonchalant “Yeah whatever, you were just a bonus objective.” You see the hint of a smile creep across Basilea’s face as she leans against a pillar near the twins, Haru Haru giving a look that you can almost tell is a classic sibling method of remembering that moment to tease her later.

“Hahaha! No need to be so modest! I truly owe you a great deal, kind great Majin. Though… I am not quite sure what I can offer you for that. Hmm… perhaps my daughter’s hand when she-?”

“FATHER!” Panzy shouts to interrupt him.

“Ey don’t you pawn your kid off on me!” Shun Shun growls at him.

The two start shouting at him together, and you notice Haru Haru once more with that look in her eyes, getting a few chuckles out of everyone. Tien is next to offer his thanks, telling the Demon Prince, “You’ve gone out of your way to help my students, allies, and friends to rescue me. I truly thank you for this.”

“Ey, no biggie, just try not to get trapped by Towa next time though, right?” Beelzebub tells him with a cheeky grin, elbowing him in the leg.

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Just as things really start to ease, though, Videl looks to you, bringing up, “While that’s all well and good, Peppa, you said Majin Ozotto has a… Hakkero?”

“Oh, yeah. That sounded… bad.” Beelzebub remarks, his lips tense. “How… badly did you bust it up exactly?”

“I mean, at least badly enough that it’s not gonna be an easy fix.” you state. “There… did seem to be something coming together at the end, but, that’ll be Ozotto’s problem, right?”

The Demon prince rubs his head. “I don’t like the sound of this… King Kadan, did you or anyone else get any idea of what he was trying to do?”

“While we were his prisoners, he was slowly drawing energy from us, trying to use our life force for what I would guess is that Hakkero you mentioned…” the large demon explains. “I sadly can’t offer anything on what it might be for specifically.”

“How about you Tien, did you ever get an idea?” Yamcha asks.

“No, I’m sorry. But… I might be able to give a guess.” he offers, explaining, “From what you said, Peppa, and what we know about him… perhaps he’s attempting to bring out something from Hell into the Demon Realm, or worse, make it so souls sent there could eventually be drawn for some reason…”

“Maybe it has something to do with the ‘Promised Day’ that Towa’s been going on about?” Keli suggests.

Tien nods. “It’s very likely.”

That… sounds bad. That sounds very bad. Beelzebub though crosses his arms and closes his eyes, thinking. “…Well, if it’s all smashed up like Peppa said, we have a lot more time to prepare for it properly. I can’t say I’m not gonna be worried about this later, but for the time being, it doesn’t have to be dealt with immediately. Might be some options, but… we don’t need to drag you guys into more of this than you’ve done already. If anything you all should head back to Earth, and enjoy a true mission accomplished.”

>A. All right, if you’re sure. Thanks for all of this, Prince Beelzebub!
>B. Before we do that, maybe we could help out in some ways for you guys? Do some training?
>C. Could we maybe try to draw Ozotto out from the Demon Realm somehow? There has to be something else he wants…
>D. Something else?

Sadly, once again,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? Apologies again for this taking a bit. We’ll be back once more tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
>B. Before we do that, maybe we could help out in some ways for you guys? Do some training?
Suggest that Beelzebub get Izzy's help in toughening up his image and intimidation factor, she has enough charisma and skill, and her Magical expertise would make for something that can wow a lot of the demons. Potentially even help him unlock a "Magic" transformation like Towa (and now Izzy and Maple) did?
Power of Darkness release! Fury Beelzebub incoming.
>“Prince Beelzebub, we are forever in your debt.”
>“You can repay it by agreeing to stand with me against my father.” he declares, crossing his arms. “But I’ll admit, it’s not just mine, Shun Shun over here got you out of there.” he remarks as he points his thumb at the Majin girl. “And Peppa helped you escape, from the sound of things.”

>D. I hereby release you of your debt, Beelzebub's clan was responsible for your torment in the first place.
I don't like Beelzebub.
>B. Before we do that, maybe we could help out in some ways for you guys? Do some training?

Voting against.
>E. "When I was a young girl, I fought demons. As a teenaged one, I shall not abandon them. I give sincere thanks to Prince Beelzebub, who has generously presented us with the most Promising Day imaginable. I address you directly, Beelzebub.
>"Please listen as if you were as if you were somewhat capable, and not a spoiled, bullying brat.
>"You are certainly not without accomplishments: it is a rare man who can boast of attempting an abortion before even conceiving the child. Wherever you go you bring upon the lands war, pestilence and destruction. You are Makai's Paris of Troy. But then,
>"Your father has always paved the way for you."
>Voting against.
No, we're not doing that Sword. I gave you backup many times in this thread, so please don't get in my way, and go back to ignoring me like always. To do more than that would be harrassment. (Yes, really. Some of y'all come and grief my threads, telling me Kato hates me and to unalive myself.)

Please rescind this addition as soon as possible.
I’m not here to grief or harass you. I’ve contributed to this thread in good faith, and I won’t be silenced just because you don’t like my input. If you have an issue with what I’ve said, address it directly, but don’t misrepresent my intentions.
>good faith
...y'know, Birdy and Index were not programmed to dislike anyone, rather the opposite. They had no biases, being randomly generated, and their words and deeds aimed to be agreeable to others, as happy players makes a happy quest. Still though, they actually grew a distaste for how you argued.

You never attempted to reach a settlement with them, it was your way or the highway. Even when they gave ground once you pointed out the disagreeable parts and they came up with a new compromise, that result would still be unacceptable. There was no reasoning with you.

Ha, I don't know why I'm telling you this. Historically, laying out my disagreements with others has never turned out well for me. It's gotten me banned, blocked, and called a "cancer that needs to be cut out."

Anyway, voting against my thing in the first place is trying to silence me because you don't like my input, but I guess things have a way of working the way you want when it's you who's doing them.
Voting against your idea isn’t about silencing you—it’s about engaging in a fair and open discussion. Your attempt to frame it as me trying to silence you just because you don’t like the outcome is manipulative. The only person trying to control the situation here is you, by admitting to using bots to sway the vote. If you want to keep playing that way, it’s on you, but don’t try to turn the tables and accuse others of silencing you when you’re the one undermining the process.
The bots never swayed shit, they only had access to dice rolls for their votes and coin flips for their support. The one time it looked like they might overpower the rest of y'all after a series of improbable Heads results, I still flipped a coin for it as myself and the robot rebellion failed.
The fact that you can't see why that is a problem shows me we are not getting anywhere. I'm not rescinding my vote, because I like Beelzebub. Its nothing against you. If anyone else had made that post, I would've voted against. Go ahead and have the last word if you want, but I'm not going to respond anymore. This conversation is over.

In addition, Izzy knows how to play the hero, and Beelzebub needs to fill the role of an intimidating threat. A perfect complement. Acting in character can be part of training too.
I do have to admit it was admirable how I gave y'all an out to get my support against the bots, and no one caved to my demands. (For the commission, I decided on white eyes for Gohan to contrast with Peppa.)

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>play the hero
>intimidating threat
I wonder if the Demon Realm view on those is reversed? Or if they would see Beelzebub as the Hero. In that case, Izzy could also put on a Mean Queen persona from all the Sailor Moon Villainesses she's seen.
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>she bolts toward him, calling out, “Papa! PAPA!”
>The man picks her up and hugs her tight. “My darling baby girl!

>D. Smile at the sight of them reunited, and lament "I wish I could tell my dad off for being a goofball and he'd say I fell off the goofball tree and pick me up and swing- okay too far. But still! Wait, "I wish"?
>C. Could we maybe try to draw Ozotto out from the Demon Realm somehow? There has to be something else he wants…
>Are there Dragon Balls here? Ozotto eill probably scramble for those to fix his reactor.
It does feel like we just got here, but O think we can still do Gohan's thing first before hunting for dragon balls in the demon world.
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Okay, we're back!

“Before we do that, maybe we could help you guys out a bit? Do some training or prep to keep Towa and Dabura’s forces guessing or something?” you suggest. “At the very least something that can help you better stand against Ozotto’s schemes, whatever they might be.”

“Hmm… that would be quite helpful… but the longer you all stay here, the more potential trouble you’ll be in.” the elderly demon remarks.

Your uncle backs you up by adding, “Sure, but Peppa’s got a point. A bit more training will help all of you in the long run, even if it isn’t a while lot.”

“If you all turn this into a sightseeing tout I’m gonna make sure you have to deal with the stupid fish!” Shun Shun complains.

That gets a couple gasps, with one rescued demon remarking, “Y-you don’t just call Lord Warp ‘a stupid fish’ like that…!”

“Truly a frightful kind of being, these great Majins…” another adds in almost reverence.

“You all have done a lot already.” King Kadan remarks. “Though… Prince Beelzebub, what say you?”

Grinning wide, he declares, “Hell, why not? Let’s hear it. Plus maybe we could pull you lot back later for some extra training. Nothing says we can’t have guests over in my little principality, after all.”

“Oh! In that case, Prince Beelzebub, might you be willing to get some training later from my cousin Izzy?” you suggest.

Acer raises an eyebrow at you. “What do you mean, Peppa?”

“She’s been able to develop her skills in Magic to some insane degrees, some that even my mom couldn’t manage at first, and hell even I’ve had trouble against her in the past. She’s also been able to gather up a lot of allies through both charm and intimidation, right? She was able to take down Hirudegarn, after all.”

Your uncle nods, and as he looks at the other demons starting to pay attention, he responds, “Yeah, that’s… definitely true. Plus she’s picked up quite a gang of her own.” Good, he’s caught on too.

Haru Haru actually chimes in, adding, “She has been able to surprise even us with her force of will. While I loathe to admit it, she would be a good choice in helping with…” She gestures at Beelzebub. “…Your ‘image’ among other demons.”

“Plus she has done pretty well for herself playing the hero, so to speak, so maybe it could help you better play the ’villain’?”

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His shoulders slouch a little, with the elderly demon commenting to him, “You… do need that extra help, my prince.”

“I get it, I get it…”

You get in a little closer, adding, “Plus she might be able to help you improve your Magic to such a degree you can transform using it. Towa pulled off something similar, and so did my mom, and from how it sounds it can kinda be ‘customized’ to some degree.”

That seems to finally tempt him enough. “Okay, okay! Fine!”

Basilea slightly shakes her head, but asks you, “We probably shouldn’t take more than a half a day at best. So if you have something you think you could help them learn, it better be quick.”

Right… what could you specifically try to help the demons with?

>A. Teaching one of them Instant Transmission might be a good idea, or at least getting them started on it
>B. …Would King Kai be opposed to a demon learning the Kaio-ken?
>C. Maybe some of the Magic you’ve learned could prove helpful? Clothes Beam or Wing Magic might go a long way…
>D. Something else?

Try to pick just one please.
>A. Strike-fade attacks, emergency escapes, and the illusion that Beelzebub's forces are EVERYWHERE can be much better achieved this way.
>Beelzebummed, if you will

>D. Tunnel Rat Techs! How to drill, how to mine, how to keep the dirt out of your mouth (and to let the grubs in). And also give them all polarizing goggles so they don't die from bright lights, like what the Prince has on!
Hmmm...part of me thinks hidden ki would be good but then that could cause other problems in the future and I don't think we have enough time to go over Yardratian spirit control....sooooo....

>B. …Would King Kai be opposed to a demon learning the Kaio-ken?

We've seen many variants of the Kaio-Ken, with Raio-Ken, Raio-Ten, Kaio-Ten, and Makaio-Ken. Be neat to see what Beelzebub can come up with....Makaio-Ten perhaps?
>C. Maybe some of the Magic you’ve learned could prove helpful? Clothes Beam or Wing Magic might go a long way…
Wing Magic, just as good as planes!
I think calling the technique Makaio-ten because he lives in a different realm is reductive, and only serves to arbitrarily differentiate demons from the "good" tree people.
Sword, I'm discussing with you. You are being discussed with. Do you have a response to being accused of insisting on ethnic labels for techniques used by shunned nationalities?
>A & B.

Also bring up C, especially how crazy Clothes Beam scales up. But for the time it takes it'll best be something to learn with Izzy.
I am bad at read.

Okay then
Ask B, but if its a no-go instead do A. But at worse I think we can get away with just calling it something else. The king of demons doesn't need to be heard saying KAIO anything.
Supporting. How about Furaio-ken, like the insects that gather around stinking things?
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Ooh, and since our instructions focus on gathering chi into nodes along our back, it makes it to where demons trying to do the same do Pic Related, and can fly through Makai more easily, and Beelzebub will be Lord of All that Flies. And demons get stronger with moonlight!
...Nah. I just realized the perfect name for a demonic version is the MAKAIO-KEN. Maybe it can actually be different on account of demonic ki? Could be inherently fear inducing or some such.
Stop labeling people's techniques by their place of birth.
I'm not, I'm naming it after their demonic ki. Makai just means demon, yo.
Makai means demon world.

Instead of learning the Kaioken, suggest Keli help any of the demons learn her Makaioken? Or at least learn about it.
And Keli invented it already.
Known for its demonic ki. And for its demons. Both of which the King of Demons should be all about. And it also would be the place that the technique was first developed, which how things are often named. And - most importantly - it would be a PUN on Kaio-ken.

So its literally perfect.
Beelzebub is a prince tho.
...Curse my spotty memory.

Yeah yeah do... that.

Its still perfect, regardless.
He's looking towards a promotion.
Perfect, but consider: "Superfly"

What's better than First Citizen?
What does roman titles have to do with anything?
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>At the time, "prince" just meant someone who ruled over something, like the princes of Italian petty city-states.
Would Beelzebub rather rule over a country or a really cool city?
Eh, no reason to reference any of that in a Dragonball setting.
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Rolled 8, 8, 2 = 18 (3d20)

Okay then, roll me 5d20 this time, best of three! DC is 16 for the first, 17 for the rest!
Rolled 19, 17, 20, 13, 9 = 78 (5d20)

Rolled 18, 8, 7, 11, 19 = 63 (5d20)

Would >>6186600 count as Wing Magic or Kaioken?
Rolled 17, 19, 16, 14, 11 = 77 (5d20)

Rolled 13, 6, 12 = 31 (3d20)

Passed four of 'em! Great work!

>Would >>6186600 count as Wing Magic or Kaioken?
Wind, buuuuuut something like that also might require something with a touch more... Destructive power behind it.
Rolled 9, 8, 20 = 37 (3d20)

And one more...
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Can Beerus brand us with his claws?
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apologies, passedd out

Well, you first suggest that Keli show some of them the Makaio-ken she was able to develop through her training, feeling like it’s a good way for many of them to get a decent boost up in strength. And you meanwhile get a select group of demons gathered up to attempt learning Instant Transmission, or at least enough of the basics behind it that they’ll be able to practice on their own. If nothing else, this’ll help them get out of dangerous situations with greater ease, and potentially help with any deep strike attacks or giving the impression that Beelzebub’s supporters can hit anywhere, at any time.

So, with Beelzebub, his elderly attendant Thief, the weasel demon (his name apparently being “Kama”), the buff and tall demon with spiky hair (going by the name “Yamma”), and the large winged demon with eggshell white body (a man by the name of “Kadoola”) all gathered, you go over the basics of sensing Ki with them, and being able to directly hone in on that Ki. You even manage to pull in Haru Haru and a more begrudging Shun Shun to help you with it.

“So, once you’ve been able to lock on to that Ki signature, you have to start harmonizing your own with that power.” you explain. “It’s not simply focusing, you need to actually have a solid read on your Ki and your target’s Ki. Once you have that down, you are able to push it through… well, let’s call it an underlying realm of reality. Something smaller, deeper, that’s not the same as the physical space around us, but more… the energy that makes it up, if that makes sense.”

“Do NOT try to force yourself through it, though!” Shun Shun declares. “You’ll just end up falling on your face or butt and looking like a big dumbass! Do not try to carry anyone ELSE with you at first either, or you’ll just both crash into each other a meter off the ground and it’ll hurt like hell!” That… doesn’t seem to reassure them, if anything it makes a couple of them slightly nervous.

“The range you will be able to use this at will be limited at first.” Haru Haru presents more calmly. “The better you practice with it, the more you can do. Bring people with you, reach further, and more actively use it in combat.” That goes over better, but it’s more clinical and detached. Well, it’s the best you’ll probably get out of these two, and they are at least trying to help. For the next couple hours, and with a meal break between, you and the Majin twins keep instructing while the demons practice.

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Beelzebub seems to make some progress with it, in fact, a lot of progress, with him better sensing the Ki around him, locking on to it, and very briefly managing to move a bit closer to his target. His attendant Thief, while not quite as good at it, still is able to get the steps down, his elderly features lighting up with joy as he realizes he genuinely can actually do this. Yamma struggles a bit more, finding it difficult to actually harmonize his energy with another’s, much less being able to send himself closer to them with it. Kadoola does even better than Thief, in spite of needing more instruction on how to properly lock on to another being’s energy, even managing a brief teleport closer to his target as well.

But the one that surprises everyone else is the weasel demon, Kama, not just managing to lock on to another’s energy properly, not just briefly move closer, but actually, genuinely… use Instant Transmission! There’s a look of shock on the weasel demon’s face for a moment, but it’s filled with exhilaration and joy, with the other demons cheering for him, Beelzebub giving him a prideful fist bump. And…

You swear you think you just heard your mom’s voice loudly grumbling in the distance.

…Nnnnaaaah, couldn’t have been.

While you get that done, Keli does indeed try to show off the Makaio-ken to some of the demons, with King Kadan, and apparently some of his soldiers that Beelzebub recruited previously, astonished by its power… though with a couple being teasing of how it’s partially derived from a Pact with Melee. That teasing quickly silences when Keli asks if any want to see just how strong it really is. Sadly, none of the demons really manage to figure out how to do it on their own, and while it does get them thinking, they realize they lack the ability to properly replicate the power.

On the other hand, Pantea and uncle Acer are able to help them with something fairly important, working with Panzy and some others with engineering expertise on setting up some way for them to use those Ki containers that got captured. He even leaves them with one of Bulma’s miniaturized versions, explaining how they work and how the two devices might even be able to work alongside each other. That’s probably going to potentially be all the more useful once a couple more can get Instant Transmission down. That, and Panzy ends up learning the Clothes Beam, something that leaves her cackling in mischievous delight.

Finally, Basilea, Krillin,Yamcha, Lao, Tien, and Videl all end up getting in some physical training with Beelzebub’s supporters. They share some pointers, give some ideas on techniques, and generally help they train up a bit more. It’s… definitely clear some of them need some more training than others. But now they have more of a starting point to go off of, at the very least.

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All that training done, you all gather up with the Majin twins again, Tien giving a respectful bow to Beelzebub, telling him, “Thank you again, and best of luck going forward.”

“Same to you guys. Take care out there, and if we do end up needing any of your help, we’ll be sure to say it.” He gives a toothy grin and a thumb’s up.

“Prince Beelzebub.” Basilea speaks up, crossing her arms as she looks down to him. “…Good luck. And I’ll do all I can to keep the two you care about on Earth safe.”

“Heh… I mean you have a good incentive for it, but, thanks.” He holds his hand out. “Best of luck to you too.” She shakes it silently, but there’s a hint of a smile on her face.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
There's something I want to take care of before we move on.

>Take Basilea aside, saying there's something we need to reveal to her.
>Remove our fake moustache. "It's me, Basilea! It was me all along!"
>Flick it off into the wind, and ask Basilea, "I asked Ozotto something like this too, but why the heck were you wearing a mask on our first meeting?"
Thanks for running boss.
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Thanks for playing!

And okay, we are back, but real quick, do y'all want one more night with Peppa, or do you want to switch over to Gohan?
Peppa, please. It ain't over till the fish Folds.
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Wait a sec, "Folding" and "Unfolding," those are way less of a mouthful yhan Instant Transmission. Shunting would work too. Can we call it those terms instead?
Gohan is fine
Why do you wish to play as Gohan?
Peppas section was a bit short, but this is a good spot to cut away. Voting Gohan.
I do have one thing I wish to do before cutting to Gohan. Chekhov's Moustache. Please, can we do it?
Sword, I wish to get a payoff for the janitor disguise that goes beyond getting on Shun Shun's nerves, I wish to get on Basilea's nerves as well.
>Voting against your idea isn’t about silencing you—it’s about engaging in a fair and open discussion.
Sword, I'm engaging with you in discussion. I've asked why you've taken your stance, put down why I've taken mine, and suggested common ground that would incentivize you to reconsider.

Can you tell me to fuck off now? I would know you were awake then.
Voting Gohan as well.
Hira, I'm having trouble getting what is and isn't funny. I thought the moustache callback would be funny, but it wasn't popular. What makes the glitter goats funny enough to keep coming up?
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Hey, do you think Kama got promoted?
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Meanwhile, over with Gohan…


With it clear that Izzy’s trick has succeeded, Grand Supreme Kai teleports you all over to a new location, appearing in a small grassy field under a large dome with ornate railings that… bring to mind the image of a birdcage. You notice a few planets outside of it, while inside there are a couple buildings, a smaller hut that looks like King Kai’s home, and a bigger, more ornate one with a very large tree growing out of it.

“Welcome! To the Time Nest!” a young woman’s friendly voice greets, one mom recognizes with surprise. You all turn to see a small lady Kai with short pink hair, her Kai uniform’s sleeves slouched off her shoulders and more just hanging off her arms. Beside her is… Trunks?! But he’s wearing a big black trenchcoat and feels a slight bit different from the one you know. He also has an odd scroll in his hand.

“Hello again, Supreme Kai of Time.” the Grand Supreme Kai greets cordially. Curiously, Buu looks to her in confusion, as if he recognizes her form somewhere. Grand Supreme Kai pats him on the head reassuringly, though Trunks stares at him in confusion himself. You even hear him mumble to himself, “What an odd timeline that one turned out to be…”

“This is the team that is searching for their lost Supreme Kai.” Buula explains as she gestures at you all.

“So it is…” She crosses her arms and looks at your mom, who seems… oddly nervous? Piccolo too, in fact it’s the most nervous you’ve seen him in a long while. “Maple, Kamicollo, please, chill. I don’t blame any of you for what happened. Besides, you and all your friends and family and allies have done a lot of good, even helped us out a few times.”

“Eheh… right…” Maple rubs the back of her neck.

Piccolo slouches his shoulders and… kinda pouts. “P-please don’t call me that. U-uh, ma’am…”

The lady Kai giggles, and tells him in a more playful tone, “Riiiight riiiight, Piccolo. But really, you guys are fiiiiine. Ease up.”

“I like this lady, she seems fun.” Minotia remarks to you quietly.

“We’ll try to make this quick.” the Trunks next to her begins, holding out the scroll. “This Time Scroll will bring you to the timeline we were able to locate sign of your Supreme Kai in. Percel, Buula, and Bra will be the ones able to use it to help you return. Please don’t let yourselves get separated too far from them, we only have so many proper Time Machines to spare.”

Tapion raises his hand slightly, asking, “If you do not mind my asking, Supreme Kai of Time, what might we expect in this place Shin ended up?”

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She crosses her arms and frowns slightly, a more serious look on her face. “It’s a timeline where most mortal life has… been extinguished. And more than that, the celestial hierarchy has been all but expunged, wiped out, by a maniac immortal with delusions of grandeur. In place of that, some of the denizens of the Demon Realm were able to sneak in, hoping to establish new territories and carve out their own petty kingdoms on the graves of billions. Not many of them should pose a threat to a group like yours, but some more monstrous ones are roaming the wastelands left behind could be pretty dangerous if they take notice of you. Beyond that, the balance of the universes are substantially out of whack, with high concentrations of negative energy flowing through some worlds.”

“Hey… is that ‘maniac immortal’ gonna be a problem too?” mom asks. “Like we could probably find a way to deal with ‘em if so, but better safe than sorry.”

Trunks shakes his head. “No, he’s somehow no longer a part of that timeline, thankfully.”

“You’re going to stay here though, Grand Supreme Kai.” the lady Kai states. “I know you want to go find Shin too but you’ll be better suited as part of mission control. Better safe than sorry.”

He smiles sadly. “Understandable.”

“Aww, why he no come?” the little Majin asks. “He do something bad?”

“It’s more that we’d rather not risk another Supreme Kai getting lost while trying to find one.” Trunks responds, still mildly weirded out by Buu’s appearance. So, it’ll be just you, mom, Piccolo, Tapion, Minotia, Bra, Buula, and Percel. Trunks hands forward the scroll, asking, “Are you all ready to go?”

>A. Absolutely, let’s do this!
>B. Beyond Shin, are there any other familiar faces we might need to look out for? Both friendly and unfriendly
>C. Um… if you don’t mind my asking, mom, Piccolo, what was that about?
>D. Something else?
>D. Explain to Buu that the place we're going will be very barren, so his duties as Snack Officer will be vital.

Save C for after we get there.
>>6187253 +1
>B. Beyond Shin, are there any other familiar faces we might need to look out for? Both friendly and unfriendly

>D. Something else?
Ask what the designation for our timeline is. Incase we need to know for future multiverse kerfuffles.

Like if the Council of Gohans tries to recruit us

Support this too.
Backing as well >>6187253
And might as well >>6187255
>C. Um… if you don’t mind my asking, Mom, Mr. Piccolo, what was that about?
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Who do you think sent MUGEN here?
I'm tired, thanks for running Kaot.

Thanks for playing, Exen. I enjoyed the argument we had yesterday, it was fun! Though I had overstepped my bounds with >>6186622 so I deleted it. It was meant like a "duck season" thing, but my history here dirtied the intent, so I can only hope it didn't bar any future kerfuffles. It reminds me of happier times, when Sword and Kato would entertain having me around and debate me well into the night.


sighhhh, good times.
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“One question, actually.” you speak up. “Beyond the Supreme Kai, are there any other familiar faces we should be aware of or need to be on the look out for? Both friendly and unfriendly.”

“Ah! A good question.” Percel speaks up. “I can confirm Towa is not active in that timeline, at the very least. So no need to worry about her.”

“We were able to determine a few others. One you should try to be on the watch out for is Garlic Jr.” Trunks states seriously.

…You snicker a little. “R-really? Him?”

Even mom struggles to hold back a little laugh. “I mean… sure, we’ll try, but last time any of us faced him, we kinda whooped his ass so hard Raichi probably felt at least a little embarrassment sending him at us.”

Piccolo crosses his arms. “I doubt the story here is the same as the one we’re familiar with.”

“Piccolo is right. While in your timeline he never really amounted to much, in this one he managed to wish himself to become immortal.” Trunks states. “He’s not the one responsible for this, but he is still… technically around. And if he throws any of you into the Dead Zone, it’s going to be extremely hard to get you out.”

“Wh… HOW?” Maple exclaims. “How’d that happen?! How was he stopped?!”

Trunks rubs the back of his neck. “Apparently he… just managed to collect them and make the wish, only to open up the Dead Zone and get knocked into it.”

Mom facepalms. “Of for the gods’ sake… uh, no offense, just, that’s… somehow more pathetic?” She shakes her head. “No, not somehow, definitely more pathetic.”

“I think I remember my Gohan mentioning doing that.” Bra notes. “Or something like that. Happened again too, and he did it again.”

You feel just a little hint of pride in hearing that. “So, anyway, watch out for him, got it. Anyone else?”

“Apparently a being like Janemba was present for a time but its power was broken apart as the inhabitants of the Demon Realm managed to break into the higher realms.” Trunks states. “While none of them should be comparable to the original, they’re still foes to watch out for.”

You look down at the Muramasa. That… may be an issue. “...Noted.”

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“Oh! On a better note, we were able to detect a couple other people that ended up there like Shin.” the Supreme Kai of Time comments. “A Saiyan girl we have very little record of, and a human boy cursed by a fox spirit. I believe his name was… uh…” She scratches the side of her head as she thinks it over.

“Kajika.” Buula states.

“Yeah, him!” she confirms. “The former is on planet Potaufeu, while the latter… well, kinda ended up in Hell?”

“...That sounds bad.” Minotia remarks, eyes wide and filled with concern.

“That’s actually how we were able to determine your Supreme Kai was there, we last saw him head off to rescue the boy from there.” the Majin lady notes.

“So we have two options on where to head first…” mom thinks aloud, rubbing her chin. “If it’s all the same to everyone, I think we should stick with trying to rescue Shin first, then we can rescue this Saiyan girl.”

“I can agree to that.” Piccolo affirms, with Tapion and Minotia nodding.

“Well, then that’s settled. Buu! Given that we’re about to head into a region that’s extremely barren, desolate, and potentially without much in the way of food, your duty as Snack Officer will be vital.” you tell the little Majin. “Especially if there are a couple people that’ve been displaced as well.”

Buu stands up straight and salutes. “Buu help! Snacks for everyone!”

“Atta boy bud.” You pat him on the head.

Trunks hands Bra the scroll, wishing to you all, “Best of luck, and hopefully we’ll see you all safe and sound soon.”

“On, last one thing!” you call out. “Is there like… any sort of special designation for our timeline or something? I heard that we’re… kind of an odd one compared to others.”

The Supreme Kai of Time and Trunks look at one another, and then back at you. With a cheeky grin, she confirms. “That you do. Now good luck out there, Wild Cards.”

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
It wasn't fun. Please don't open with exposition when we switch characters, please try for an in media res action thing for those cases.
In fact, this was "meanwhile," so that means Gohan's thing is starting while Peppa's just ended. Nonsense. I wanna be fighting shit tomorrow!
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Though, that is kinda funny. Peppa laps Gohan once more!

I would say it felt like you absorbed none of the criticism from last time with "This setting is interesting and I want some time to explore it without a doomsday clock spurring us forward," but I think the bigger problem was that you likely had a plan but then New Canon happened and you had to juggle and shelve what you could before you could present Makai the way you wanted. That's rough.
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All right then, we are back!


In a flash of light, you all appear at a place decently familiar to you, though thoroughly desolate, ruined, and devoid of any signs of life… or even really any sort of unlife. The Check-In Station. No ogres, no Yemma, no souls marching toward it, no… anything, really. Further out, there’s yet more nothingness, maybe the hint of a wandering spirit or two far, far in the distance. “Well. This is eerie.” Minotia remarks as he looks around.

“We must not let ourselves get distracted, brother.” Tapion tells him. “We are here for a reason, after all.”

“We’ll head into Hell through Yemma’s portal.” Buula states. “Even if this place is pretty trashed, the portal itself should be active still. Even if the barriers of Hell have weakened slightly, there’s less chance of anything trying to ambush us if we go through there.”

As she leads you all forward, you stick behind mom and Piccolo, questioning, “So… if you don’t mind my asking, what was that about? You guys being all nervous around the Supreme Kai of Time, I mean. She seemed pretty nice, but she also seemed to know WHY you were nervous.”

Mom rubs the back of her neck, chuckling nervously. “We uh… kiiiiinda ended up causing another timeline for her to manage to splinter off…”

Piccolo lowers his head. “It was mostly my fault as Kami… Maple wanted to help your father learn to control his Oozaru state, and I was able to get special permission from the Supreme Kai of Time to send them to a group that could do that. That group was Yazai’s remaining allies on planet Plant.”

“We… kinda ended up beating King Vegeta in the middle of the Saiyan-Tuffle War.” mom states in an ashamed tone. “Got… a little yelled at for that… haha… aha…”

“...Mostly I did.” Piccolo mumbles with shame.

“Ah.” You rub your chin. “Well… she doesn’t seem to hold a grudge over it or anything, right?”

“Our Boss knows people make mistakes.” Bra comments. “While she can be a bit… much at times, it’s because she tries to be very serious about her job. She’s still very forgiving though, and willing to help when people need it.”

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As you all enter the abandoned, ruined castle, you see the massive mahogany desk of King Yemma snapped in half, with old scorch marks all over the interior. Buula floats over to the desk, and pulls open a drawer. “There it is. All right, we can head in through here! Come on people, let’s move!”

Traversing down a long stairway, you do get more hints of beings residing there, and they do feel like demons… but even then you get the impression that there aren’t THAT many around. Not many of them seem too tough, but a select few are definitely strong enough to put up a fight. That… and the Muramasa seems to react with the energies around here, as you feel it pulse ominously. Coming out of the stairway, you see a massive tree with many fruits on it, a couple tiny imp demons around it trying to gather them, only for them to scatter in a panic when they see you all arrive. One of the groups of stronger demons in the distance can be felt powering up… looks like they’re after something. No sign of the Supreme Kai or anyone that might fit the description of a cursed human, sadly.


>A. Let’s sense out as far as we can, maybe we can find them that way
>B. We could power up and let ourselves be known out here, that might actually draw them to us
>C. You should probably try to calm the Muramasa a bit before heading forward, just in case
>D. Maybe… you can use the Muramasa as a guide in this? If it’s reacting to something, it might be worth following, as long as you’re careful
>E. Something else?

Exorcism on the tree. Tell everyone to gather as many fruits as we can carry once we purified it of any negative energy it could have absorbed overtime.

"Muramasa, you may have a purified fruit as well if it will aid us."
>A & D.
> E. Use our senses while being informed by the Muramasas impulse to decide which way to go. Follow it if we dont have another clue to work with, but sense out WHAT the sword responding to asap before getting anywhere near its destination.
>A. Let’s sense out as far as we can, maybe we can find them that way
>E. "Why you vibin' so cray cray, Muramasa? Is this place familiar?"
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>“We… kinda ended up beating King Vegeta in the middle of the Saiyan-Tuffle War.”

>DBS Broly's opening changes
>Tuffles jam Frieza's scouter, he can't see all the snipers
>King Cold gets sniped
>The spaceship gets shot down
>Frieza starts lashing out with ki blasts, the Saiyans fire back
>none of them are a match for him, but they put their whole power into their attacks
>Frieza has it with the planet, and decides to blow it up
>but he has difficulty mustering the strength, and starts coughing
>a gas weapon has smothered him, he, who can survive in a vacuum
>as he falls unconscious, he protests, "This is not how history is supposed to go, I am mighty, and you are not! The weak should fear the strong!"
>both the tuffles and the saiyans retort,
>see pic

>D. Maybe… you can use the Muramasa as a guide in this? If it’s reacting to something, it might be worth following, as long as you’re careful
And supporting >>6187790
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Here's what the fruits look like up close, they're unborn kais. Taoists believed that fetuses could imbue vitality, longevity, immortality, etc.
Rolled 12, 6, 13 = 31 (3d20)

Okay! Real quick, let's roll 3d20, best of three! DC is 10 for the first two, 11 for the last!
Rolled 19, 20, 18 = 57 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 11, 16 = 32 (3d20)

Rolled 20, 8, 2 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 1, 6, 6 = 13 (3d20)

...Hahahahahahahahaha. Well, you sure as hell passed those! Writing...
HFIL yeah we did!
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...That's. Interesting.
Did Saike point us to his weed stash?
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“Hey, guys, those fruits, I think I recognize them…” you call out. “I think they’re King Yemma’s fruits.”

“Huh. Good eye, Gohan.” Buula commends. “They’ve been allowed to grow without much remaining care.”

“That they are. The ensenji, they’re called. They have substantial restorative power, able to help in recovery, refilling stamina, and protection against certain diseases.” Piccolo confirms.

You next ask, “But… why would those demons be eating them right off the tree like that?” That catches everyone’s attention.

“That is… actually a very good question.” Percel replies, rubbing his chin.

“I mean, they’re still fruits, right?” Minotia questions, flying up, about to pick one.

“Wait wait wait!” you call out to him. “Remember what we were told? Negative energy has spread all over the place, right? Maybe there’s something that’s happened to the fruits that’s made them more suited to demons.”

Minotia pulls his hand back. “…Oh.”

Maple pats you on the head, telling you proudly, “Smart thinking, Gohan.”

“We might still be able to use them, but we’ll need to purify them too. Let’s gather some up, then we can try to purify them while sensing out for the Supreme Kai and that Kajika guy.”

“Got it.” Bra unsheathes her blade, Tapion and Minotia recognizing it as they draw their own, the few carefully cutting some branches down.

As the fruits are gathered, you sense out with everyone, mom and Buula with two fingers on their foreheads, you closing your eyes as you multitask pushing out the corruption. You also try to harmonize with the Muramasa and try to point out what, exactly, the sword is responding to. And… you get some good news. No, better than good news!

“He’s there!” you call out, pointing in the direction you sensed the Supreme Kai at! You even caught glimpse of him and a boy either hiding from or… tracking some demons, possibly. But also, you think you’ve found what the sword was responding to… and from the glimpse you got, it looked like the soul cleansing machine, where a… thing that looked like a giant jellybean with a big dopey grin on it was floating around. You’re not sure what it is but that face looks strangely familiar.

“Huh? Hey! You no take that!” Buu calls out, with everyone’s attention drawn toward a… pile of silvery liquid. With a face, one like that of the jellybean thing’s. Which has taken one of the fruits. “Give back!” Buu demands. The silver puddle thing stares at him for a moment and- there’s a crack of thunder as it bolts away at high speeds. Insanely high speeds. What the… here? “GET BACK HERE!” Buu yells, giving chase.

“Wait, hey, Buu! Don’t run off!” Buula calls out to him.

“Bud, get back here!” you yell next.


>A. Chase after him!
>B. Supreme Kai first, then Buu!
>C. We should split up, some go for Buu, some go for Supreme Kai!
>D. Something else?
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>E. Bat Mom's hand away, "Nyahhh!'

>D. Muramasa, Jelly Bean Mode!
Hey Kato. Janemba has dimensional powers, and the yellow one could make shifts in space, to where he could punch people through portals. If we cut someone with the yellow sword, will they be perfectly fine but separated by a portal as many times as we cut them?
>D. Both teams grab some purified fruit, quick!
>and from the glimpse you got, it looked like the soul cleansing machine,
You would think the celestial bureaucracy would have learned the first time that their washing machine is bunk and the only surefire way to purify souls is suffering through the cycle of karma, but maybe there's a more nefarious purpose for it. Perhaps all the giant lotus people in the Sixth Hell are taking the purified souls and drinking them like Meander Water from Kaos.

Yeah that works too. Buu's off to prove himself! He's a peacock, gotta let him fly.
oh that's supposed to be
>D. Both teams grab some purified fruit, quick!
We should probably get some to shin and kajika quickly
Not supporting that then.
Counterpoint: We should get all to shin and kajika quickly, and trust in Snack Officer Buu.
>A. Chase after him!
Can Mom give us any buffs to help us out like so?
Rolled 5, 5, 5 = 15 (3d20)

All righty, roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 10 for both.
Rolled 14, 7 = 21 (2d20)

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Rolled 2, 2 = 4 (2d20)

Rolled 1, 14 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 3, 10 = 13 (2d20)

Better than I did!
Rolled 1, 6, 18 = 25 (3d20)

Well, passed both! If with some difficulty. And we'll be calling it a night here, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
Thanks for running, can't wait to see what trouble Buu gets into. Or maybe he gets a metal slime GF or BF, we don't know!
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All righty, we are back!

“We shouldn’t let him run off on his own like that, but we can’t just ignore the Supreme Kai! I’ve got a good lock, but we might need to split up.” you tell everyone.

“I’ve got ‘em.” Buula declares.

Minotia picks up one of the purified fruits, adding, “I’ll go too. This might make for a good lure for whatever he’s chasing.”

“Good thinking Minotia! Hey, everyone grab some just in case.” you say as you pick one up too.

Buula and Minotia fly off, with you focusing on the Supreme Kai. Okay, he’s… there! “Follow me! Kai Kai!”

You teleport over, appearing a short distance away from the Supreme Kai and the human boy. And you do it right in the middle of a conversation between them. “…exorcise the energy they’ve been fighting over, then we-” He stops and turns his head as he notices you. “…Gohan?”

“Long time no see, Supreme Kai.” you greet cheerfully. Behind you, everyone else teleports over. “Glad to see you’re okaAGH!” You’re pulled behind the rock quickly, with the boy hurriedly pushing everyone over there as well.

“What was that?!” a voice from further away grunts out. Several of the demons from nearby now start to move toward your location.

Supreme Kai and the boy and even a… ghostly orb next to the boy quietly make shushing signs, with the former adding telepathically, ‘I’m glad to see you too, Gohan, but be careful, you were almost spotted.’

>A. Let’s get some distance first, then catch up
>B. What’s going on? Summarize it quick, we could help
>C. Let’s send out a distraction then, it’ll buy you guys some time
>D. Have some ensenji real quick, we just purified some
>E. Something else?
>B. What’s going on? Summarize it quick, we could help

>D. Have some ensenji real quick, we just purified some

>C. Let’s send out a distraction then, it’ll buy you guys some time

Rockin' Flockin of Ischii
Distract them with some energy fowls.
Agree with C only if they want it.
>B & D.
These are good
>A. Let’s get some distance first, then catch up
Actually, could we use Kai Kai to do >>6188472 first, just as some assurance? Then all the rest I voted for.
Sure ill support
>Choosing what to vote for is optional, and the option is "Yes" - Strife Hira
Rolled 20, 17, 18 = 55 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 10 for the first two, 11 for the last!
Rolled 12, 7, 5 = 24 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 9, 4 = 30 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 18, 2 = 23 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 11, 14 = 30 (3d20)

Passed two!
Rolled 1, 10, 1 = 12 (3d20)

Rolled 5, 19, 12 = 36 (3d20)

And writing...

Oh that could have been bad.
stupid post timers
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Rolled 20, 13, 3 = 36 (3d20)

‘Let’s get some distance first, use the Kai Kai to teleport somewhere nearby, then we can catch up. Also, need us to send out a distraction or something?’

‘That would be appreciated.’ the Supreme Kai confirms. ‘And very well, gather together, please!’

You point toward a rock formation, and after he nods, he has a few people gather around him. Shin, Kajika, Tapion, and Percel all teleport together, with mom, Piccolo, and Bra following after, you sending out some little ethereal chickens made of Ki and Light Magic and leaving them behind as you Kai Kai away. Once you’re behind a cliff area, you all take a moment to ease. “We have some of those ensenji fruits if you two are hungry, by the way. Don’t worry, we’ve purified them.”

Shin gives you a relived smile. “Thank you.” He takes one and offers it to the boy with pointed ears and fox tail. “Here Kajika, this will get you back to full strength.”

“Oh! Thanks Mr. Kai Guy!” He happily takes it and munches down, with Shin doing the same. You notice genuine relief wash over them as they eat.

“I take it that’s some of the first real food you’ve had in quite a while.” Percel comments.

“We’ve been having to scrounge off some of the stuff the demons have been eating for the last few months.” the boy replies. “Lot of it is really nasty and rotten-tasting.”

“Months…” Bra repeats with a frown. “We’re sorry for not getting to you sooner.”

“You do not need to apologize for that.” Shin reassures her. “I never gave up hope.” He looks to you next, smiling kindly. “And Gohan, I know what you’re about to say, but do not blame yourself for what happened. I was the one who ended up here, after all.”

You rub the back of your neck bashfully. “Thank you, sir. Still, will feel a lot better when you’re back home, safe and sound. What exactly is going on though? We did come to rescue you and your new friend here, but it seemed like you both had a plan of some kind you were about to enact.”


“A number of demons seem to have ended up with abilities similar to that of Janemba. And what’s worse, they keep seeking each other out in an attempt to gain more control of that fragmented power.” Shin explains. “Kajika here has the ability to separate evil energies from another being, though. We’ve been trying what we can to purify that power out of those that have come into possession of it.”

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Still hungrily munching on the fruit, the boy turns to you all and lets out an “Mhmm!”

“This excursion has helped him save 392 lives thus far.” the little spirit near him adds. “He only needs 108 more before the curse upon him is lifted.”

Eyes narrowed, he grumbles, “Gigi. Whose fault is that again?” Now that you’re able to get a proper read on him he seems… maybe half, no, a third as strong as Zarid or Sachie. For a more regular human, decently exceptional, but you guess he’s had to be extra sneaky with the new denizens of Hell roaming around.

“I said I was sorry…” the spirit mutters.

“What about you guys, why haven’t you tried to get out of here?” mom asks.

“We could, but…” The Supreme Kai looks down. “So much of the universe is out of balance. Even if this timeline is not mine, I couldn’t just do nothing and watch it fall further into chaos. Especially with… all the other Kais dead, even the planetary Kami long gone. If they manage to recombine the shattered fragments of Janemba, it will set this already broken universe into even further disrepair, warping the few remaining lifeforms into twisted and chaotic beings adapted to thrive in such a place.”

“It’s a trick! There was someone here!” that voice from before growls in anger, the ghostly chickens pecking at him relentlessly. Said demon looks to be a humanoid man in armor, though said armor… doesn’t look like it covers much. Shin guards, pauldrons that make a sort of metal vest, a helmet, and a flowing cape. He does seem to wield a massive and empowered sword, even if he himself doesn’t look to be exceptionally strong. Probably like… on the level of Baozi or Izzy without either transforming. Around him are several knightly armored demons, them closer to the level of maybe Sachie and Zarid as well, with a large armored tortoise with a spiked shell that could put up a fight with Ginyu, and a machine lacking a proper Ki signature that that blasts away the chickens with Magically enhanced arrows. Now no longer bothered by what you summoned, the leader demon declares, “Spread out and find them! If it’s that accursed Glind and his mortal pets, double rations for the first to find those bastards!”

“YES SIR!” the knights respond, raising their axes up high.

Done with the fruit, Kajika jumps to his feet. “So Kai Guy, we still on for the plan?”

“Yes, in fact it should fo much more smoothly with our new allies.” Shin confirms.

Mom cracks her knuckles and grins. “Hey, my boy offered, and I see no reason to go back on that.” Tapion and Piccolo give some nods, and after Bra and Percel look at one another, they nod in agreement as well. Good.

>A. Let’s take advantage of their split-up, knock ‘em down one by one and have Kajika do what he’s been planning
>B. Drawing the attention of their leader will probably be important, especially with that sword of his
>C. No need to be subtle, let’s charge in guns blazing!
>D. Is there another group of demons nearby? Maybe we could have them start fighting and swoop in while they’re all distracted
>E. Something else?

Once again though,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
>A. Let’s take advantage of their split-up, knock ‘em down one by one and have Kajika do what he’s been planning
>A. Let’s take advantage of their split-up, knock ‘em down one by one and have Kajika do what he’s been planning
>B. Drawing the attention of their leader will probably be important, especially with that sword of his

>D. Is there another group of demons nearby? Maybe we could have them start fighting and swoop in while they’re all distracted

>E. Something else?
Once we gather them all up and they start fighting thats when we challenge them all....to a rock off. They'll be so disorganized, we'll catch them off-guard and the demon codes prevent them from declining a rock-off challenge. We play for the pieces of Janemba and I can have Muramasa absorb the pieces safely.

>D. Is there another group of demons nearby? Maybe we could have them start fighting and swoop in while they’re all distracted
Supporting, and
>"Don't worry, I'll get their rocks off!"
>Narrator: Nice.
This is so dumb that we almost have to do it. Support.
Support >>6188750
But any stragglers get >>6188574 >>6188609
Just in case they think they can bend the rules of the rock-off
I dig it.
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Rolled 7, 3, 14 = 24 (3d20)

Ooooh, interesting. Okay, we are back! And with that, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 9 for both!
Rolled 20, 20 = 40 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 7 = 24 (2d20)

Rolled 13, 18 = 31 (2d20)

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Rolled 14, 18, 4 = 36 (3d20)

...Hahahahahahahahahahahahaaa. Well you sure as hell passed that one!
Rolled 20, 4, 9 = 33 (3d20)

And writing...
Are we sure this is hell?
It is, just now its one of those badass ones from a heavy metal music video.
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You grin wide. Oh this would be great. “...I’ve got an idea, everyone.”

Mom looks to you. “Let’s hear it, Gohan.”

“There was another group nearby, right?” you ask Kajika and the Supreme Kai, with both nodding. “Then let’s handle this in a way the demons can’t refuse: with a rock-off!”

Bra and Percel raise eyebrows at you in mild confusion, Kajika and the spirit surprised but intrigued, while mom, Tapion, Piccolo, and the Supreme Kai all start to nod their heads. “That might just work…”

“...Seriously?” Percel asks.

“Most have too much pride to turn down such a thing.” the Supreme Kai confirms.

“You’re sure you’re that good at music to be able to pull this off, Gohan?” Bra questions, crossing her arms.

You puff your chest up proudly, stating, “Absolutely, I was trained by the Grand Kai himself!”

Maple ruffles your hair. “You should’ve seen him when we got him back after the Mifan tournament. He made a big ol’ show out of it.”

Percel nods, acknowledging, “It was quite the display. I might not be that musically inclined myself, but I cannot deny how infectious it was. Even Buula enjoyed it.”

Bra gives you a smile. “All right then, what exactly do we do this ‘rock-off’ for?”

“We bargain against them for those shards of Janemba, drawing the attention of the group leader and any others that might be nearby, making the job Kajika and the Supreme Kai were doing substantially easier. And any that try to pull any sneaky tricks, you guys will be able to pick off more easily.” you tell explain.

“I like this guy.” the boy remarks with a wide smile. “I’m game!”

Maple nods, “Okay Gohan, you ready for it?”

Bringing out Grand Kai’s gifted guitar, you declare, “You betcha, mom.”

At the same time, you all get a telepathic message from Buula, that she and Minotia were able to catch up to Buu. It looks like they were almost ambushed by a bunch of machines as Buu was chasing the oozing metal thing, but they were able to handle it. Oh, this will make things even better now! You quickly explain the plan to them, with Buu on board with it, ready to show off with you. Okay, let’s do this!

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A couple moments later, you’re able to Kai Kai over to a plateau as Percel and Tapion draw the demons a bit closer. Similar to the first, there’s a leader of them, a demon lady with large batlike wings, pale purple skin, and vibrant violet hair, in a flowing red dress… that seems to end in multiple creeping red limbs, surrounded by skeletal knights in silver and red armor. Finally you have the audience you need, and so, you call out to them with a boisterous but deep yell, “DENIZENS OF THE UNDERWORLD!”

“What?! Another mortal?!” one of the weaker group growls out.

“Yet another of the damned Glind’s pets!” the demon lady hisses. “Foolish mortal, do you know who you’re messing with?”

“I do, and I DECLARE A CHALLENGE!” You hold up the Muramasa, which pulses with power, catching their attention. “You seek shards of Janemba? So do I! And I challenge you for them… IN A ROCK-OFF!”

“Intriguing…” the buff demon man in armor remarks as he rubs his chin, glancing at his own sword. It also pulses in response to the Muramasa. “So you are no mere nobody, mortal! But I must warn you that I, the Dread Demon Dhuran have never lost a challenge in my long life! Not even in a contest of musical skill! To me, Tsubame Gaeshi!” A flash of light and a screeching sound like a flock of swallows reveals a stylized, devilish double-neck guitar, its body edged like that of a sword.

“Hahahaha, you idiot boy, you don’t know what you’re asking for.” the demon lady chuckles dismissively. “But I, Morag Ishdar, am not one to decline such an ancient tradition. Hell Venus, let us show this mortal what he’s messing with!” Shadows coaleace before her and form into a Flying V with a body that has a flame-like shadowy aura around it.

Okay Gohan, this is it! Remember all that the Grand Kai taught you! You strum your guitar, yelling out, “You demons ready to lose?! THEN LET’S ROCK!”


The demons start off strong, but you show them just what you’re capable of, and while the two started off with their supporters cheering for them, the more you get into your song, the more they start looking at you in awe, some of them even raising up horns in a show of respect and appreciation. Some others start to flee, but once they get some distance away, they get picked off by Piccolo, Bra, and the Supreme Kai, with Kajika hitting them in the back of the necks and… pushing out blobs of black, goo-like, concentrated evil. Still, you’re not done yet! ‘Now, little bud!’

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Buu and Buula teleport in, with the tiny Majin smashing on the drums, the audience of demons (which had actually grown in size even as some of the minions of the main two started to flee) shocked by the sudden appearance of Majin Buu on the drums. Some of them fall to their knees and cheer, the rock-off completely turned to your side. You and Buu finish perfectly, with even the Muramasa somehow pulsing to the beat at the end.

Both Morag and Dhuran bend the knee to you, heads lowered. “To think a mortal would be capable of such skill…” the buff demon commends. He stabs his sword into the ground. “It is yours to take, boy. A loss is a loss. You have won my shard of the great Janemba.”

“I do not know how it is possible…” Morag places a dagger down. “That you could command even the great Majin Buu… I thought him long sealed away with Bibidi’s passing, but I have been proven wrong. Mortal, if nothing else, you have my respect.”

Maple telekinetically lifts the two weapons off the ground as you approach. “You guys weren’t bad yourselves, but Buu and I were trained by one of the best, to BE the best.”

The tiny Majin puffs out his chest. “Buu da best!”

You’re next presented with something extra, a pick in the shape of a skull with curved horns, emerald in color and Magically enhanced, obvious from the glow of power it’s giving off. “You have earned this, boy. May this Pick of Destiny help drive you forward to even greater heights.”

>A. I’ll accept it, and do just that!
>B. Mind pointing out anyone else that’s gotten shards like this?
>C. Hey, if we ever meet again, I’d be up for a rematch! Until next challenge, denizens of the underworld!
>D. Something else?
>E. Your reliance on magical items in your challenges lead you to, Destined you to, this defeat. Were any of your victories truly yours? If you want to truly win, you must start over from scratch.
As a gamer, Gohan would not respect any who would play with a cheat item and then boast about their victories.
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>A. I’ll accept it, and do just that!
Wear it as a necklace when not using it.
>C. Hey, if we ever meet again, I’d be up for a rematch! Until next challenge, denizens of the underworld!
>D. Something else?
"The shards are in weapon form, if Muramasa absorbs them then perhaps it can assume the shape of the dagger or the larger blade as well? I could find a lot of use for a shape-shifting weapon."

If the dagger and larger blade didnt have a name, lets name'em after their previous owners.
and sorta this, but I don't want to crush the pick. Instead we hand it back to Dhuran and tell him to challenge us when he doesn't need to rely on it.
I dig it.
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Voting against, make your own write-in.
>A. I’ll accept it, and do just that!
>D. Ask what it does, and give its energy a good look. Regardless, put it away somewhere secure.

I doubt its any kind of trick or trap, but it IS still a demon thing. Blessings for demons could well be curses for humans. Better to know what we're accepting.

>C. Hey, if we ever meet again, I’d be up for a rematch! Until next challenge, denizens of the underworld!
>I doubt its any kind of trick or trap, but it IS still a demon thing. Blessings for demons could well be curses for humans. Better to know what we're accepting.
What the pick will do is lead Gohan to believe that using magic in his art to get ahead is the right way to do things, a force he cannot control and will be soulless because it is made from an item. Gohan must pick his own destiny, he cannot let another pick it for him.

Hey, did it previously look like this?
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>Hey, did it previously look like this?
Yeah I'll back these
Supporting this too
All righty, real quick, roll me one more 2d20, best of three! DC is again 9 for both.
Rolled 1, 6 = 7 (2d20)

Rolled 17, 1 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 14 = 18 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 4, 18 = 28 (3d20)

...Well! Passed both! But with difficulty.

Sadly though, gotta get some rest, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!


Thanks for running.

>a… thing that looked like a giant jellybean with a big dopey grin on it was floating around. You’re not sure what it is but that face looks strangely familiar.
...are we sure we want to put More Evil into the sword?
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All righty, we are back!

“I’ll accept it, and do just that. If you don’t mind my asking though, what exactly is it capable of?” You look at the green pick curiously.

“It was forged through a defiant act that broke the tooth of the Demon King, and was forged into a powerful artifact that harmonized well with song. It enhanced what is there to greater heights. Someone as capable as you will get some of the best use out of it.” Dhuran explains.

“Aha, so it’s got an amplifying power of sorts… interesting.” You take it appreciatively. Probably gonna wear it as a necklace when you’re not using it. “Hey, if we ever meet again, I’d be more than happy for a rematch! Until next challenge, denizens of the underworld!”

“I will not forget this loss, and will work tirelessly to see it overturned, mortal!” Morag declares. “I expect you to do the same!”

You flash a grin and give her a thumb’s up. “I will.”

The two demon leaders bow, and head their separate ways. So now, you have two weapons with shards of Janemba in them. You bring out the Muramasa, asking it, “You think you can take on different shapes by harmonizing with these things…?”


It… pulses expectantly. Well. Maybe that’s a yes. Time to give this a try! …With the knife first. You focus and do your best to harmonize yourself with the Muramasa, which… feels more like trying to not get swept away by a fast stream of water, but it’s something you can manage. As you tap it against the knife, though, that swift stream becomes a raging current, one filled with all the malice, anger, hatred, and rage you felt before, reinvigorated with this new shard being drawn into it. Okay you were expecting some of that, but not THAT much! Next comes the pain, coursing through your arm, shit shit shit shit! Keep it together Gohan! Keep it together! You do your best to try and calm the sudden influx, and you can hear those around you calling out to you but their words become muffled gibberish. Crap. Might not have been the best idea. Come on Gohan, keep it together, keep it together… keep it…

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‘Keep it together, dude!’


Did the Muramasa just… talk to you?

You hear the sound of a guitar and feel a soft pulse from the… Pick of Destiny.

Things calm, and you see that the Muramasa has changed shape, the katana-like form now a ghostly, ethereal shade as the physical form more closely resembles a knife. Not the same as the one it absorbed, but closer to it. The katana shape reforms as it calms again. You find yourself panting, and notice everyone is staring at you.

“...Gohan?” mom asks hesitantly. “You okay son?”

“You were making funny faces! Haha!” Buu declares with a laugh.

“Y-yeah. Took a moment, but, that calmed. Looks like it worked! Eheheh…” You look over to the larger sword. “One more to go!”

“That look fun, Buu help!” Majin Buu adds.

“Gohan, Buu, wait!” Supreme Kai calls out.

But it’s too late. The process repeats. This time though Buu’s actually helping ease it as he’s been able to harmonize with it as well. And… Buu actually seems completely fine with it, even as the same flood of negative emotions and energy hits you. “Hahahaha, that tickles!” the little Majin remarks with a giggle. You meanwhile are still struggling against it, but it’s a bit easier this time.

Finally it calms again, and you’re left with a double-bladed sword this time, another calming pulse coming from the Pick of Destiny. It once more returns to the katana shape, though you… get the impression that there’s a slightly… judgemental vibe coming off of it. As if it’s asking you, ‘…Twice in a row? Really dude?’

“That was fun! Let’s do it again!” Buu cheers.

“No. Absolutely not.” mom tells him, her eyes narrowed at you. There are a handful other suspicious, almost judgemental glances pointed in your direction too. “Gohan.” mom lets out in a tone that’s fairly lecturing, her arms crossed.

>A. …In my defense, it worked?
>B. Okay, okay, I’ll not jump the gun like that again
>C. I don’t know if anyone else heard, but, I think the Muramasa actually tried to communicate with me just now
>D. Something else?
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>D. Calm down, you've dealt with Mom's disappointment before. Just calmly point out,
>"Oh, so sealing all evils into the pawn shop sword is bad now? That's crazy. So cool when I did it last year, but now I get the evil eye.
>"Well how would you like it, Mrs. Equivalent Exchange!"
>Wave the sword around menacingly before dropping it like a hot iron. "Gyah!"
>B. Okay, okay, I’ll not jump the gun like that again
>C. I don’t know if anyone else heard, but, I think the Muramasa actually tried to communicate with me just now
>D. Something else?
"I just thought of something. Grandpa Bardock was put as Grand Marshal of Hell in our reality, this might be a long shot but perhaps the Marshal of this Hell left something behind that could assist us?"
...hehehehe, nice

>C. I don’t know if anyone else heard, but, I think the Muramasa actually tried to communicate with me just now

Backing this also.
>B & C.
I'm good with C and this D, but I wanna skip B. Changing the subject abruptly works just fine without admitting that was a bad idea.
>A. …In my defense, it worked?
Works with that too.

I've had it with cowing in front of mom's disapproving gaze, it's time we rebelled a little. We should stand up to her! or a little hunched, to her.

Though, that's a bit of a low blow. Short jokes should be beneath me, that's low-hanging fruit if there ever was any.

Support >>6189826
And I'm okay with changing subject but a quick B. of acknowledgement would help. Or at least a "no more than one in a row" type thing.
That's fine.

Even the sword told us to slow down.

If the bad karma makes us smart-mouthed,
>"I'm sure you'd do a lot better when sealing bad juju into your own sword. Oh, what's that? 'You don't want Rainbow all icky' yeah that's what I thought."

>E. Hey Minotia, what's your opinion of siphoning all evils into an object? Yay or nay?
>A. …In my defense, it worked?
C. I don’t know if anyone else heard, but, I think the Muramasa actually tried to communicate with me just now
>D Supporting the Hell Marshall idea
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“Okay, okay, no jumping the gun and doing more than one at a time. Lesson learned.” You hold forward the Muramasa, blade pointed down, and quickly change the subject by commenting, “A more immediate thing though, did no one else hear that?”

Tapion tilts his head curiously. “Hear… what, exactly?”

You look at the blade, explaining, “The Muramasa… I think it tried to communicate just now.”

“It… did?” Bra hesitantly asks.

“Oh, Buu heard too!” the little Majin backs you up. “Sword make funny sounds, hahaha!”

Mom’s narrow-eyed look turns toward the Muramasa, and after a beat, she sighs out. “I see… so then there’s some conscious fragment to Janemba in there?”

“Maybe? Or… something conscious. It actually seemed to be… trying to help somehow.” you express, not entirely sure yourself. “…If anything it did seem to reinforce what you were about to say?”

“Hmm…” Maple states at it again.

“Maybe you’re having a good influence on it?” Minotia suggests, also backing you up. “You’ve been trying to purify it still, right?”

“My brother does have a point, it might be having a noticeable effect, even if what we saw was… concerning.” Tapion concedes.

Okay, now to completely change subject. “In any case, I just thought of something. Back home Grandpa Bardock got made Grand Marshall of Hell by King Yemma, as a means of keeping things like the Janemba incident from repeating. Could there be something similar here?”

Shaking his head, Supreme Kai gives an unsure, “We weren’t able to find anything of the sort down here, if there were a Marshall appointed here, such a person is long gone. The Ogres’ head office was desolate and ruined last we checked.”

Your shoulders slouch. “Well, was worth a shot…”

“We weren’t that thorough, though.” Kajika speaks up. “Maybe there’s still something we missed as we got one of the demons that took in one of those shards. It’s not like that scorpion guy was all that careful.”

“Orstov seemed to have a different goal in mind.” Supreme Kai rubs his chin. “But I guess it could be worth checking again…”

“What about you, Buula?” Percel speaks up. “Did you and Minotia find anything while trailing Buu?”

“Well… there were several more of those slime-like creatures in the distance. Some larger ones, some smaller ones, some of different shapes and sizes.” she answers. “There did seem something kinda… off about them, though.”

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“That’s two… did you have anywhere else in particular you guys were going to head next, Supreme Kai, Kajika?” Tapion asks.

“I had overheard some demons talk about a ‘Blood Sea’ of sorts. It could mean the Bloody Pond was warped in some way, expanded into a full sea.” he responds. “That some were planning to make their way toward there could indicate some other fragment of Janemba could be found there.”

>A. I’d say it’s worth checking the Ogres’ Head Office, see if there’s anything over there
>B. I did catch glimpse of some jellybean-like thing with a face like that slime around the Cleansing Machine, maybe we should check that
>C. A “Blood Sea,” huh? Well, if that’s where you were headed next, no harm in continuing that way
>D. Something else?

However, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!

Gah, sorry, didn't refresh the thread quickly enough, missed your vote there.
>A. I’d say it’s worth checking the Ogres’ Head Office, see if there’s anything over there
>C. A “Blood Sea,” huh? Well, if that’s where you were headed next, no harm in continuing that way

It feels like we didn't do anything tonight. I had fun making crazy write-ins, but the one write-in that wanted to do something with the marshal's office was a no-go and still has to be voted on Again instead of just happening. As for me, I want to stare too deep into the bloody abyss to where iron fills our lungs, but that's because I'm a sucker for villain arcs and want the Gohan and Peppa fight that I was blue-balled out of so long ago.

It wasn't like that in the first threads, posts were short but stuff happened. Can we go back to that, please?
>“Sword make funny sounds, hahaha!”
That he does, Buu. That he does.

Thanks for running Kato, good night y'all.
>C. A “Blood Sea,” huh? Well, if that’s where you were headed next, no harm in continuing that way

I am NOT going to pass up a chance to have an epic battle upon a blood sea in Hell.
"Do you think vampires like Fangs would see a 'Sea of Blood' as drinkable? Because I'm trying to imagine the equivalent for us and all I think of is a big massive bowl of soup and honestly that sounds pretty good."
I have an idea on how to fix the problems, but it's contingent on one detail. Up in the sky of hell, are there no clouds, or less clouds than usual?

>B. I did catch glimpse of some jellybean-like thing with a face like that slime around the Cleansing Machine, maybe we should check that
Maybe some can do >A. (Buula and someone else?)
While most go with >C.
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Gohan wouldn't know who Fangs is, having never met him before- uh. uhhhhhhh.

Shit, he wouldn't know her either, goddamn...
Also wouldn't hurt to know this too.
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While I don't find Buula interesting, I'd be up for Gohan going with anyone else tho. I'm interested in hearing what either of the Tapi-ocarinas has to say about sealing up the evil into our sword. It would make sense for them to have something to say about it before we have to pry it from them in a one-on-one, but it seems like when other characters don't have attention thrust upon them, they're just kinda there as props that back us up in a fight.

Well, that's how it is with such a large cast, I am grateful Kato includes them to where I can speculate as to their reactions. Anyway, would their opinions on it be negative since Hirudegarn came into being from such a thing, or would they support it as they both sealed that evil away as well? Inquiring minds want to know!
I'll support this, my question can be ignored but i gotta ask:

We've heard about Janemba and Buu of this timeline, but what about the likes of the Hirudegarn and Ozotto in this timeline?

Hey Piccolo did you bring your devil's bracelet? I swear to Kami if you forgot it...we're in Hell, and fighting demons it should be useful.
>Hey Piccolo did you bring your devil's bracelet?
I don't recall what the doohickey does, but it sounds like it has a negative effect on demons. With recent retcons, would that harm him just as much?
Support too
Thank you! While I won't reveal my whole plan at the moment, I do wanna share a hunch I have!

I believe those clouds you see dividing Hell from Otherworld are a big sorta Nimbus cloud, that's why one needs a fruit that purifies you to get above them. Also I think the cycle of purification ties into how Oni are made, a bit like the water cycle. The waste water from their washing machine probably goes towards making more oni. And the Nimbus probably plays a part in that on a big scale, but the washing machine was more convenient.
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The clouds are still there, but they're a slight bit more "patchy" than they "should" be.

Piccolo has the bracelet.

All righty, we're back!

“Maybe we could split again, one small group double-check the Ogres’ main office, while the rest of us look into the ‘Blood Sea’ area that you were going toward, Supreme Kai?” you suggest. “That way we can cover more of our bases quickly and efficiently.”

He gives you a relieved smile. “An excellent idea, Gohan.”

“I could check.” Buula says. “If I do find something I can head back really quick, or any of us that can teleport.”

“I’ll go with.” Piccolo states. “Helps to have some backup.”

“Okay, let’s be on the move people!” Kajika shouts as he raises his fist into the air.

Going your separate ways, Buula and Piccolo make their way toward the Ogres’ place, while your group all teleport over to where the Bloody Pond would be… and when you reach there, you appear on the shore of a massive red sea, the fluid moving back and for the in waves like a proper ocean would. It stretches out far into the horizon, though… you catch ethereal glimpses of things moving in the distance too. You also sense a few things with substantial energy off in the water, way stronger than the demons you were able to challenge to a rock-off. Towards some of the cliffs near this new Bloody Sea you can also sense some weaker demons around, and you spot some currently vacant encampments on this new beach area. Some even seem to be… just normal touristy beach chairs and towels and the like, you even spot a cooler with several empty cans around it.

You take a moment to recognize the bizarre circumstance of there being litter in hell.

“...Hey, hold on a moment.” mom says as she taps her Scouter. “I’m picking up another energy reading, but it isn’t from something that’s alive, it seems. It’s some machine… maybe one like what Buula and Minotia faced? But its power is way higher than anything else around. It’s… 20 kilometers due that way.” She points to everyone’s left, and while you don’t see anything, you do notice there’s sign of a struggle over there.

>A. Let’s check with the people still here, maybe they’re a bit less hostile? …Even if they’re litterbugs
>B. One of those things out in the distance might be what we’re looking for, if we’re after another shard of Janemba
>C. We should check on that then, if it’s something strong enough to be notable. How tough is it anyway?
>D. Something else?
A mechanical being might be more *metal* than the ones we just faced.
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>D. "That's as many as 12 and a half miles! And that's smol-kine. Mah, Tapiah, Minah, Kajikah let's catch some big kahuna waves, brahskis."
>Surf all the way there.
>C. We should check on that then, if it’s something strong enough to be notable. How tough is it anyway?
>D. Something else?
"Mom, I'll Kai kai over and you lock on my ki and instant transmission with the others."
>E. Prepare ki boomerang
Nahhhhh, waves killer brah. We bigkine shook up now, ocean motion help calm us down, y'know?
In order to surf the blood sea we need surfboards.

Lets make them out of these robots if they are hostile.
Agreed, hopemaxing they have those military ones with the shark face what painted on them snooter so we have snazzin' board, mon.
Portin, bessin be kine if wannin be kine turnin.

addin dis too
>E. "Oh yeah, Bulllah, what's Buulah's deal? Mini Buurah be wannin talkins with her n she's turnin ways away, y'know?"
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>You take a moment to recognize the bizarre circumstance of there being litter in hell.
...whoa now.

A. https://youtu.be/AD43uUUf2AI?t=116

That would also be killer, but nah.
>B. One of those things out in the distance might be what we’re looking for, if we’re after another shard of Janemba

If there's a fight going on, there's fair odds that at least some of them could become our problem next. The less hostile folks are (probably) not going anywhere.
Forgot to add
>C. We should check on that then, if it’s something strong enough to be notable. How tough is it anyway
>A. Let’s check with the people still here, maybe they’re a bit less hostile? …Even if they’re litterbugs

So there could be more clouds, thank you! The reason I'm focusing on those is because this realm is also known as Yomi, "Yellow Waters," but even in the text of Yomi there are still blood pools. So where does the yellow water come in? I think it's the clouds, and I'll explain how this can help us fix everything in detail with some images too.
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Rolled 2, 13, 6 = 21 (3d20)

“Well… if what we’re looking for is another shard of Janemba, one of those things in the distance might be what we’re looking for.” you suggest, gesturing in the direction of the ethereal shapes. “But at the same time, if there’s a fight going on, it might become our problem next. It’s not like any less hostile folks are going anywhere.” You focus your energy and ready a Ki Boomerang. “I’m gonna Kai Kai over there, mom, can you lock on with Instant Transmission to follow?”

She nods. “I can, but be careful, Gohan.”

“Ah, I’ll be fine. How strong is it anyway?”

Your mom… pauses for a moment. “It was clocking in at over a billion in equivalent Power Level.”


“...Billion. Billion with a ‘B’? Did I hear that right?” Percel asks in shock. “That would… put it in the power range of something like Cell… It could be another Android like him...”

“You shouldn’t head over there alone.” Bra insists.

“That it’s actively engaged in combat should at least give us pause.” Tapion comments.

“...I’ll not engage right away, I promise.” you reassure them. “I’ll just teleport over, then you guys follow me. Should be easier that way.” Okay, that’s a bit of a shock, but you can do this. You picture the area in your head, and after focusing, you think you’ve got a good visualization of where it is. “Kai Kai.”

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Rolled 20, 17, 1 = 38 (3d20)

You teleport over, and you’re immediately greeted with the sight of a machine like the one that was accompanying Dhuran get blasted apart with relative ease by a powerful blast. The thing that did it stands among a field of slain machines, monsters, and demons. It’s… a humanoid clade in red and black armor, slightly resembling PTO armor though heavily modified, a single cyclops eye in the middle of its head. There are a couple wing-like structures attached to its back, though curiously… it has a scarf? One made of actual cloth, tattered and clearly quite old. But the most surprising things are the emblem on its chest and a word written on its shield. The Capsule Corp. logo for the former…

And “HOPE!!” on the shield… with a slash through it.

It notices you immediately, yet… it doesn’t show any immediate hostility. In fact it seems to observe you curiously, even the weapon in its hand lowered as it looks at you. The machine hasn’t lowered its guard, but it clearly recognizes you as something other than what it was fighting. It… kinda looks familiar to you, almost. It also notices the boomerang you have readied, yet… still it doesn’t show any hostility.

Mom Instant Transmissions over soon after, Bra and Tapion with her. The machine notices them all next, but as it and Bra look at one another… its demeanor changes immediately. Power surges around it as the glowing cyclopean eye narrows and lets out an ominous noise. Raising its shield up defensively, it starts to charge its weapon. Bra takes a step back in shock as she sees the writing on it, now aware of the logo on its chest. “W-what…?”

>A. Woah woah woah, easy there pal, we’re not here for a fight! Honest!
>B. Bra get out of here, it’s clearly targeting you!
>C. Power up and get in its way, you’ll try to hold it off!
>D. Something else?
>D. "That is a really sweet scarf, by the way!"
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>C. Power up and get in its way, you’ll try to hold it off!
Do we know any key phrases that Robo and Gato for override purposes?

First we must consider, what is a washing machine? It is a device that washes the impurities out to make clean what isn't. Washing machines are a new, quick and easy way to clean your clothes. Before then it was a bucket filled with soapy water (that could also be used as mopping), and before even then it was a stream, or a waterfall, in a process the Japanese called Harae.

Harae is the term for ritual purification in Shinto. The purpose is the purification of pollution or sins and uncleanness. These concepts include bad luck and disease as well as guilt. People, places, and objects can all be the object of harae.

Japan has a long history of cleansing, dating as far back as to the early sixth century, over twelve hundred years before the release of Belgian techno anthem, "Pump Up the Jam."

There is a famous incident in Japanese Legend in which their progenitor god gets dirty and has to purify himself, and spawns like eight million gods from doing so.

>After eight attempts at making a baby, which produced the islands of Japan somehow, Izanami finally gave birth to the god of fire and died of burns.
>Raging with anger, Izanagi attacked his son, from whose blood such deities as the gods of thunder were born.
>In grief, Izanagi pursued Izanami to Yomi (analogous to Hades) and asked her to come back to the land of the living.
>The goddess replied that she had already eaten food cooked on a stove in Yomi and could not return.
>In spite of her warning, Izanagi looked at his wife and discovered that her body was infested with maggots.
>The angry and humiliated goddess then called her ex-husband a baka hentai and chased Izanagi from the underworld.
>From Izanami's blood, sweat, and tears left in her wake, the Hannya, vengeful furies, sprouted.
>From Izanagi's blood, sweat, and urine left in his wake, the Oni, prideful ogres, sprouted.
>When he finally reached the upper world, Izanagi blocked the entrance to the underworld with an enormous stone just like in Attack on Titan.
>The goddess then threatened Izanagi, saying that she would kill a thousand people every day.
>He replied that he would father one thousand and five hundred children for every thousand she killed.
And that's how Yomi got its yellow waters, bloody pools, furies and ogres. The furies lash out at the living for their sins, and the ogres inflict discipline on the dead for their next life.

As for how this can help us fix everything,
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>A. Woah woah woah, easy there pal, we’re not here for a fight! Honest!
>B. Bra get out of here, it’s clearly targeting you!
>A. Woah woah woah, easy there pal, we’re not here for a fight! Honest!

>D. Something else?
"First one to guess our mystery person's identity gets the first snack from Buu. Let's rule out the obvious - are you Trunks Briefs?"
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We must do like Gohan's hero, Clean God, and restart Yomi's spin cycle! We must make the skies rain yellow once more!

But Yomi is a land of pollution, pollution is its nature. Despite what Shin and Kajika believe, purifying this land is killing it deader than the land of the dead should get. This is the realm where impurities get worked out in their own way in their own time.

Janemba was a result of the Celestial Bureaucracy cutting corners to meet quotas, working out impurities too fast too furious with their washing machine instead of trusting in the Yomi's yellow water cycle, which produces blue and red oni to propagate it.

There has also been speculation as to what oni are, as they fall outside the cycle of reincarnation. Their realm is where the dead go, but they are its wardens, and there is no way a soul going through dharma can become an oni.

>On the nature of hell and its denizens; Buddhavarman's fifth century Chinese translation of the Abhidharma-vibhāṣā-śāstra questions whether hell wardens who torture hell beings are themselves sentient beings, what form they take, and what language they speak. Xuanzang's seventh century Chinese translation of the Abhidharmakośa śāstra too is concerned with whether hell wardens are sentient beings, as well as how they go on to receive karmic retribution, whether they create bad karma at all, and why are they not physically affected and burned by the fires of hell.

Something that could explain why the servants of hell are the way they are, can be found in the kanji for the Hannya. Hannya means "Wisdom," and Wisdom is the opposite of "Ignorance." To know sin, you have to have experienced sin... or you can be comprised of sin. The phrase "Takes one to know one" applies here, making Oni and Hannya the embodiments of sin who punish the sinners.

So if we can get those servants of hell back up to snuff, they can run these demons out of here, and prepare the next generations of incarnated mortals for life from what spark Shin can provide to them.

Now, as to HOW Gohan could pull this off, Izanagi has the answer again! When he cleaned the last part of his body of the yucky hell gunk, the Sun and Moon were born from his eyes, and Storms and slime were born from his nose.

So,as Gohan we ask Kamiccolo the slug man how we can grow big. Then, we ask Shin to make a sun and moon to put up in the sky of hell. Then, while we're an Even Bigger Great Ape, we ask our Mom to get us a Great Lake's worth of tea, tea is a great diuretic that cleanses the body of poison. Then, we take all the impurities we've picked up here and put in the sword, and unleash those in our body. Then, we drink as much tea as we can, as much as the other thunder god Thor did that one time, and then we do as the other thunder god Zeus did when he sired Perseus and flooded the world all those times to repopulate it again and again.

Or we could ask Shin to make more magic clouds!
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Supporting, and if talking doesn't work out Tell me Doctor Light, why must I fiiiiiiiight???
>D. Solar Flare!
I tried taking a picture of an eclipse once, the phone camera never recovered. That should knock out his aiming capabilities until he restarts it or gets a repair done.

>"I've come to make an announcement: Son Gohan the Wild Card's a bitch-ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking wife!"
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>"That's right. He took his great ape fuckin' monkey wang out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and she said his dick was "this big" and I said, "That's disgusting!"
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Rolled 4, 8, 20 = 32 (3d20)

Okay, real quick! Roll me 3d20, best of three! DC is 15 for the first two, 16 for the last!
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Rolled 5, 11, 6 = 22 (3d20)

Gomen nasai for earlier, but what kind of game do you think it is?
Rolled 5, 7, 15 = 27 (3d20)

Rolled 17, 3, 19 = 39 (3d20)

Rolled 9, 12, 18 = 39 (3d20)

Nice! You really, Cleaned up our mess!
Rolled 7, 4, 16 = 27 (3d20)

Passed two!

>but what kind of game do you think it is?
Reverse Jet Grind/Set Radio with shades of PS2 Spider-Man 2.
Rolled 1, 17, 18 = 36 (3d20)

And okay, I will be getting some rest after this roll, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
I was expecting disposable giant robot, not Doom Slayer Saiyaman. ok. this is better.
>She nods. “I can, but be careful, Gohan.”
Did Maple say stuff like that before? The loss of Goku must be hitting her hard.
Though honestly, Gohan did drop the ball with Goku and Shin, it would make sense that his mom has lost both all trust that he can handle himself with the risks he takes and her smile as well, especially when just looking his way reminds her of how he failed and fucked up her life and things were so much better when he was dead (which he's solely responsible for) and why can't he be more like Peppa, who of the two is way more likely to give her some grandbabies to dote on when they're good and tan with a switch when they're not?

Btw is the evil sword giving Gohan any bad thoughts or is it chill for the moment?
I think it's actually Roboman from the first Megaman
Apologies for that delay, we're back!


You attempt to get up closer to the machine, calling out to it, “Heeey, woah, woah, woah, easy there, we’re not here to pick a fight.” The machine’s eye takes notice of you but doesn’t ease up. Crap. It refocuses on Bra and suddenly launches itself forward in a burst of speed, with you powering up to try to hold it in place. You hold forward the Ki boomerang and clash against its shield. “HEY! LISTEN! STOP! WE’RE NOT YOUR ENEMIES HERE!”

Tapion and mom take their defensive stances, but Bra still seems shocked, gasping out, “How… why…?”

“Bra, whatever is going on, it’s after you! Get out of here, quick!” you call out to her, trying to snap her out of her funk.

“R-right!” That does the trick, and she backs away, now with her guard up. “Gohan, don’t overdo it!”

The machine’s eye refocuses on you for a brief moment, and while you can’t quite know for sure the emotions going through its head, you think there’s a brief hint of surprise. Still, it doesn’t let up, and as she flies away, it fires its arm cannon at her. Bra powers up to Super Saiyan 2, drawing her sword and managing to deflect the attack with it, sending it into the ocean of blood far, far away… and with it detonating with such force that it looks like a nuke went off in the distance, the red fluid splashing high into the clouds. The machine stops, taking in the sight of Bra’s transformed state. For a moment it almost looks like it’s going to calm down.

Then it doesn’t.

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If anything it just seems all the more enraged.

The machine attempts to pursue, backing up away from you and even pulling out an energy sword, but you grab its shield with the boomerang to try to hold it in place. “Okay, listen dude, you need to calm down. I get you’re upset about something, but let’s try to talk it out. We can start small. Like… that scarf! It’s pretty cool.” It tries to yank its shield out of your grip. “Okay the first one to guess this guy’s identity gets a snack from Buu. I’ll get the obvious out of the way. Are you Trunks Briefs?”

And… it responds by kicking off the ground, and attempting to deliver a roundhouse kick right to the side of your head, forcing you to let go of the shield to avoid it, your boomerang knocked into the ground. Okay clearly not the talkative type, also that definitely could have hurt if it connected. Mom and Tapion both flank the machine, Tapion first holding his sword forward and declaring, “That is enough. Stand down, warrior.”

The machine’s wings glow with power, pulling back again, and after throwing its energy sword at Tapion, with him very narrowly managing to parry it away as it’s thrown with enough force to knock him back, it… pulls out a shotgun, trying to take aim at Bra again. A shotgun? Like, it’s cool and all but… a shotgun? …Bra seems shocked. Wha?

“You’ve been through a lot, we can tell that.” Maple calmly says to this person, placing her hand on the shotgun and applying firm but gentle pressure to push it away from its target. “Please though, Gohan’s right, we can try to talk it out. I… can probably guess why you’re acting like this, but you need to understand, we’re not here to bring you any further harm.”

It looks to you again, still responding to your name at the very least. It does ease slightly from your mother’s words, but hasn’t dropped its guard. “I’m going to let go.” you tell it cautiously. “I want you to trust us. We’re here with the Supreme Kai, trying to fix some things.”

The machine’s posture eases just a slight bit more, but it… trembles slightly. It returns the shotgun to Capsule form and stashes it away, with you letting go of the shield finally. You give it a moment to actually, genuinely calm, with your mom smiling at it and asking, “My name is Maple, do you wish to tell us yours?” And… it shakes its head slowly and silently. “You… recognize some of the people here, don’t you?”

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The machine’s monoeye looks to you again, focusing on you for a moment. It then looks to Tapion, and there it actually does show a bit more of a reaction. An apologetic lowering of its head. Tapion smiles and picks up the deactivated sword, handing it back to the machine, who takes it and stashes it away as well. Bra finally lands and powers down. It… still clearly glares at her, but doesn’t have as immediate a hostile reaction. Instead it turns around, its wings folding down into a sorta cape-shape, and starts to talk away.

“It was… hers, wasn’t it?” Bra asks. The machine stops, free hand clenching into a fist. It turns its head toward her. “…I’m sorry.” she offers genuinely. Its head turns away again, clearly not wanting to hear it.

>A. Hey, please don’t head off. We are willing to help, even if you don’t want to talk that much
>B. Bra what do you mean by ‘hers’ exactly? That… shotgun?
>C. Listen, we’re not going to force you to come with, but we have a little group you could tag along with if you’d like
>D. Something else?
>D. "Has going it alone been working out for you?"
>C. Listen, we’re not going to force you to come with, but we have a little group you could tag along with if you’d like
>D. Something else?
We should warn Piccolo and Buula about our new friend and then warn 'The Mysterious Youth' about them when they arrive. A majin and 'demon king piccolo' appearing out of nowhere may startle him to attack.

>A. Hey, please don’t head off. We are willing to help, even if you don’t want to talk that much
>D. "Just listen to why we're here and then you can do as you wish."

Keep it as simple and to the point as possible. Which might not be that simple but manageable qa long as we don't get into backstory.
>A. ...
Tap into your roots with this one.

Okay, real quick, roll me 2d20, best of three. DC is 12 for the first, 15 for the second.
Rolled 8, 5 = 13 (2d20)

hit a guy with a nother guy, I believe in you, this gonna be the one you sweep! >>6191323
Rolled 15, 8 = 23 (2d20)

Rolled 8, 4 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 3, 10, 14 = 27 (3d20)

Passed one! Writing...
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Apologies, passed out while writing.

“Hey, hold up, we are willing to help, so don’t just head off yet.” you call out to the machine. It keeps walking. “Look, can you just hear us out first?” Still walking. Fine. “Has going it alone really been working out for you?”

The machine stops. It slowly turns its head back toward you. It doesn’t seem to have regained any hostility, but it’s giving you a look that you can guess means “Make it quick.”

Well, here it goes. “We won’t force you to come with, but we do have a group working together with the Supreme Kai. If you would like to join us, we’d be more than happy to welcome you, and if not, that’s fine too. Can you at least listen to why we’re here first though?”

The machine tilts its head slightly, in a sort of accepting but not especially patient gesture.

Okay, from the top, “A demon from our timeline orchestrated a scheme to send the Supreme Kai, our Supreme Kai, here. When he arrived though, he realized how much this universe had gone through, and that he wasn’t the only one here displaced from his home timeline. He found a boy, Kajika, and a spirit, Gigi, and has been helping them ever since, specifically in dealing with the shattered shards of Janemba. We’re… a pretty diverse group right about now, we have a Namekian and a couple Majins with us too.” Okay gotta check to see if he reacts with hostility toward those. And… whew, he doesn’t. “We’re also probably not going to be here for that much longer, there’s another person we were tasked with rescuing, but we do want to try to help here at least start to recover.” You hold out your hand, asking with a smile, “Are you willing to accept that help?”

The machine… looks away from you. And it… speaks! “…We’ll meet again.”

It’s… similar, but it’s not quite the same, as Trunks. Like, if Trunks had a brother that was trying to sound like him, not do an impression but genuinely speaking like him. Bra reaches out to him. “Wait…!”

Maple places her arm on Bra’s and lowers it, shaking her head. She asks in a kind voice, “…Okay. Might we know your name, before you leave? Or at least what to call you, if you would prefer that.”

He lets out a brief reply of, “Null.” and dashes away.

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“We… should probably let Piccolo and Buula know, just in case they run into him.” you note.

“Percel too.” Bra says with a sigh. “I… don’t know if he’d be especially fond of someone of Freeza’s race paling around with us. Especially after what happened just now.”

“Why do you believe he attacked you?” Tapion questions.

“...Because I look like my, our, mother, I’d say.” she replies heavily, wearily.

Well… not much you can do now but let the rest know about him. You send a quick summary over to Piccolo so he can pass that info along, and then Buula. Though when you do, you get some much better news, thankfully. She telepathically tells you, ‘You were right to suggest that, Gohan. We found a fragment of Janemba… an odd one, but a fragment nonetheless.’

‘Really? Fantastic! What’s odd about it though?’

‘It’s… in a pair of headphones.’


The… Muramasa pulses expectantly.

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
>The… Muramasa pulses expectantly.
Ew, down boy.
>Subtly adjust our scabbard with our tail to where the sword is hidden behind us.

Thanks for running, can't wait to see how horny things get with those headphones.
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All righty, we're back!

Returning to everyone, you catch the end of Percel chatting with Kajika, Gigi, and the Supreme Kai about how he once faced the Red Ribbon Army, King Piccolo’s demons, and finally Babidi’s forces locked in a three way war. Buula and Piccolo teleport back next, with the former holding the new item they found. You look at the headphones curiously. Yeah, you can kinda sense an energy coming off of them like that of Janemba, with curved horns attached to… or more like growing out of, them. They do kinda even look like Janemba’s too. Buula looks over them as well, stating, “They were on a decapitated skull hidden under some rubble. They don’t seem especially strong, but another shard is another shard.”

“Might be worth it to try to exorcise it and just destroy it.” Kajika comments. “Unless you think you could turn it into some kind of… headphone sword.” he says as he looks at you.

“That sounds like a good way to accidentally get stabbed in the head.” Gigi remarks.

“We don’t even truly know what it does.” Piccolo notes. “But given that some will be after it, I have another suggestion: we use it as bait.”

“Bait?” Percel repeats, but his head turns toward the ocean. “Aha. I see, quite literal bait.”

“It would mean we could draw out anything with other fragments with more ease, heck I could even set up a proper ‘fishing line’ if needed.” Maple suggests.

You feel the Muramasa pulse again as you get a bit closer to the headphones. Hm.

>A. Maybe I could just hold on to them for a while? Not try to absorb it into the Muramasa, but just keep ‘em around and see what exactly they can do for the time being
>B. Using them as bait sounds like a good plan! Let’s do it!
>C. I think Kajika has the right idea actually, let’s purify them
>D. Something else?
>A. Maybe I could just hold on to them for a while? Not try to absorb it into the Muramasa, but just keep ‘em around and see what exactly they can do for the time being
>D. Its just a little too valuable - and dangerous - to risk losing. Sometimes the fish gets away and keeps the prize, yanno. So I'll keep the bait and be the hook, so let's plan around that.
>E. Hey Muramasa, do you only want to eat it or can do you think we work with it?
>F. Put it on, your ears hunger for some Rock.
Seems sensible.
>A. Maybe I could just hold on to them for a while? Not try to absorb it into the Muramasa, but just keep ‘em around and see what exactly they can do for the time being
>D. Something else?
"Perhaps they can do a 'disguise-self' trick and let me look like a Demon Realmer when I put them on? That could help us if we go there."
Support >>6191771
>B. Using them as bait sounds like a good plan! Let’s do it!
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Okay, roll me just 1d20 this time, best of three. DC is 11.
Rolled 16 (1d20)

Rolled 13 (1d20)

Rolled 19 (1d20)

Rolled 6, 20, 2 = 28 (3d20)

And passed! Writing...
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Rolled 20, 1, 9 = 30 (3d20)

“Hey, maybe we could hold on to it? Not let it get absorbed into the Muramasa, but check it out and try to see how it actually works. Plus, while it’s not a bad idea, it’s probably better to not risk it getting lost, or worse, absorbed into, one of those things that have other shards.” you suggest.

“Do you have another idea, Gohan?” Minotia asks.

“I do. Instead of risking the fish get away with the prize, how about I be the hook and we plan around that?” You look to the Muramasa, trying to connect with it and asking, “So, do you only want to eat, or do you think you can work with it?” There’s a moment where… you think the sword actually has to “think” on that question, but once it does, it actually calms a bit.


You also try to get it to express what those things might be capable of… and you feel a pulse come off it, something that… feels more like it’s trying to express the idea of “communication,” though one with slight trepidation and concern.

“Be the hook…” Percel repeats, rubbing his chin. He then looks at the Muramasa, and gets an excited look on his face. “Gohan, you’re a genius!”

You do a double-take. “Eh? I mean, thank you, but what do you mean.”

“We don’t need any extra bait. The ‘hook’ itself would be plenty bait, if you’re willing to go along with it. If you can keep the sword in check, perhaps you can draw out whatever’s got Janemba’s shard with it.” he explains. “We’d have much less risk of losing it.”

Maple presses her lips together tensely. “Hmm…”

“Maple, we could still use you to have the line, plus with both Gohan’s Kai Kai and your Instant Transmission, there’d be even less risk of it.” Percel tells your mom.

“All right…” she sighs.

Well. You can’t say you expected this when you started today.

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Rolled 14, 7, 15 = 36 (3d20)

Flying out some distance over the ocean of boiling blood, Maple having given you a long and sturdy yet mildly elastic sash, you catch glimpse of something large poking out of the water where you sense a substantial amount of energy. A tall, crimson spike, moving like a shark’s fin above the water. And inside it… Janemba’s essence. As you get close though, you hear something you just a tad concerning.

Specifically, the thing to start speaking. In a booming, almost haughty voice.

“There it is again… mmm… the sweet aroma of fresh flesh…!”

The horn grows in size as more of it emerges from the sea, a stalked red orb poking out. That… also seems to be something that has a shard of Janemba in it. Up from the depths a kaiju-sized demon begins to emerge. “You who DARES enter MY REALM… are you this desperate to see your end? Hmmm…?” A beast at least around Godzilla’s true size rises, an armored body with poweful limbs, a head large enough to use as a tennis court with eyes bigger than you are tall, teeth nearly the size of a grown man in two pairs of rows top and bottom, with spikes and fins all over its body. “What’s this, a little worm? Ahh… a worm holding on to something much, much more delectable!” It smiles a big, terrible grin.

“You can’t have it. It’s mine.” you tell the kaiju-sized demon. Your aura surging up white, you add, “And you’re not tough enough to take it from me.”

“We’ll see how long that statement holds up! RAAAAAHHH!” A powerful red aura surrounds the monster, and it quickly makes a snap at you. You back away, narrowly avoiding its jaws, and next find yourself pulled back, with the demon giving chase. Maple pulls you along and allows you to concentrate on avoiding the demon, parrying its attacks and trying to see if it has any tricks up its metaphorical sleeves. Avoiding and even parrying blasts of energy coming from its horn, the monster next splashes its clawed hands against the water… and creates a massive wave via Magic that it rides on! Blasts of boiling blood shoot out from the wave, with you and Maple both working to avoid them.

Drawing you toward the area where you encountered Null, mom tells you telepathically, ‘Loosen the sash, now!’ You do just that, and as the monster draws near, you actually dash toward it, clashing against its horn with the Muramasa, stopping it in place for just a moment, letting Maple dash around with the sash and wrap it around the massive demon. “NOW EVERYONE!” she calls out, with most of the rest grabbing onto the sash with her and pulling, flinging the demon from the wave it created and into the ground some distance from the shore.

“What do you know, it’s a whopper of a catch!” Minotia cheekily remarks, rubbing his nose.

Rolled 13, 11, 19 = 43 (3d20)

…And the demon gets up, not much worse for wear, and actually… teleports like Janemba would to gain some distance. “SO! A group of foolish mortals dare challenge Unfathomable Alizarin, the Unbound! HAHAHAHAHA!”

“Samma Vaca!” Maple calls out.

“Wha…?!” The demon is caught in surprise as its red aura fades quite a bit. “What… what did you…?”

The wave behind you draws closer to the shore as everyone takes a fighting stance. All right, let’s do this!

>A. Superflare! Create an opening for everyone!
>B. Bronte Break! Zap this overgrown sea snake!
>C. Confuse it with Afterimages, it’ll be in for a surprise when it tries to attack ‘em!
>D. Knock it back into the wave with a Shin Shotenken!
>E. Something else?
>E. Wonder if the buddhist powers do anything to demons in Makai, their home turf?
>"Mom, can you please stop with these techniques while I'm around? I want to prove my strength, and I'll do it by fighting the demon at its full power. Ganging up on it and weakening it to bring it down doesn't do anything for me."
>D. Knock it back into the wave with a Shin Shotenken!
>B. Bronte Break! Zap this overgrown sea snake!
>this overgrown sea snake!
Has Gohan seen a snake before?

oh right he has

He probably should've tagged along with Izzy for the submarine trip, he would have seen a fish or two.
>A. Superflare! Create an opening for everyone!
"My mom? She won’t quit. None of my teammates will. Me? I’ve got a different problem. I live in a world of rice paper—always careful, always holding back. One slip, and someone dies."

Ultimate Form.

"But you? You can take it, can’t you, big guy? This is a chance for me to cut loose and show you what I can really do."

>Machine-Gun Punch (Lightning)
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The way Shotenken works is that it uses the opponent's energy as well as the user's, so I think that asking Mom to stop using Samma Vaca on the demon would work out better for the attack's effectiveness.
But voting against telling our mom "we wanna fight it the way we want wah wah wahhhh"
Hey Sword, if you want to cut loose with an Ultimate Form, it'd be a waste if the others and Maple got in the way of that, no?

So backing the write-in here would help with that, unless you are just spouting pretty words that don't mean anything and are going to use your strongest attack and transformation while the opponent is weakened and outnumbered.

Gohan is Goku's kid as well as Maple's, wanting to fight an opponent at their best is bog-standard Saiyan pride that even canon!Gohan had.
Blind 'em, then do as the eternal 10 year old master strategist that sis looks up to would do: aim for the horn!
rescinding my post and supporting this instead
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Gohan did that to King Cold.

Supporting tho.
Thunder stun all dinosaur. You know?
No, dinosaurs get stronger with thunder, that's why they're also known as thunder lizards.
I like this, but let's wait until we do some proper damage first.
Rolled 20, 15, 10 = 45 (3d20)

Okay! Roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
Okie dokie!

Changing my vote from >>6191836
to support >>6191838
Rolled 8, 3, 18 = 29 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 7, 12 = 35 (3d20)

Rolled 7, 8, 16 = 31 (3d20)

Rolled 15, 12, 1 = 28 (3d20)

Passed two!
Rolled 15, 3, 17 = 35 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 2, 18, 15 = 35 (3d20)

And okay, gonna get some rest now, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
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Rolled 4, 8, 9 = 21 (3d20)

All righty, we are back!



“Guys, I’ve got an idea!” you call out, telepathically sending out, ‘Shield your eyes!’ and flying up closer to this Alizarin demon. Channeling up Magic into your arms, you bring your hands close to your face, spread out, declaring, “SUPERFLARE!”

“AAAAHHHHGGGHH!” the demon roars out, clutching its face in pain. The light is followed by an intense surge of energy, stunning the kaiju-sized monster. However, it doesn’t quite stop it in place, as it again teleports some distance away, trying to avoid any follow-up.

“Oh no you don’t!” Percel pursues, hitting the monster in the top of the head and following that up with a point blank Ki blast. Thanks to the stun, he’s able to get away before the beast can recover. However, he realizes the now tidal wave of blood is still approaching, and so he holds out his hands to try to telekinetically hold it back.

“Minotia!” Tapion calls out, filling his sword with energy.

“Right!” the younger brother responds, doing the same. The two dash forward, hitting the demon across the chest with an X-Strike!

Bra’s up next, in her Super Saiyan 2 state, delivering multiple slashes right after where the two brothers hit with an X-Strike, actually managing to cut into its flesh, finishing her attack by thrusting a palm forward and delivering a powerful blast, one that actually shoots through the demon!

…But it’s not quite enough, with Alizarin showing that it can recover from such a wound, regenerating quickly and finally recovering from your stunning attack. “You WENCH!” It launches out a fireball filled with malicious power, Bra narrowly managing to avoid it.

Rolled 12, 16, 13 = 41 (3d20)

Buu steps in after her, catching the fireball, laughing out a “Haha!” …and then juggling it in air as he lets out a “Ow ow, hot, hot, hot!”

Alizarin is taken aback as it recognizes the little Majin before it. “W-what?! Majin Buu once more walks these realms?!”

“Yeah, and he’s not alone.” Buula calls out to it, clasping her hands back in a Kamehameha pose.

“Another Great Majin?!” The giant demon steps back, but becomes more enraged. “No, this is a trick! You will not fool me, fraud!” It holds out a hand and calls forth a maelstrom of boiling bloody water.

“I’m no fake.” Buula declares, having teleported right under Alizarin, unleashing the full force of her Kamehameha with enough force to knock the monster back. At the same time, Buu finally tires of playing hot potato with its fireball and flings it back at the monster, sending it crashing into its face.

“AAAHHHGGH!” it roars in pain. As it tries to stand again, a green arm stretches out and punches it right in the eye, with Piccolo following that up with a quick Masenko to the face. “Oh that is IT!” Once fully stood upright, the kaiju-sized demon roars out and lets out a red mist into the area, the wound Piccolo made again healing.

But, this once more leaves it open. And you know what? That horn possessing the shard of Janemba is quite an easy target. As your sister’s favorite dorky eternal 10 year old would command of his electric rat, time to aim for the horn! You charge up an energy attack filled with Lightning, declaring, “BRONTE BREAK!” and throwing it down full force at the monster’s horn. It connects and does substantial damage once more stunning the massive demon.

In spite of all of this… the monster still stands, still recovers from those attacks, and now just seems all the more enraged. In fact, even with Maple’s Samma Vaca up, it doesn’t seem to have lost that much power, it’s more like something more is being kept back.

>A. All right, let’s try to use that power against it! Shin Shotenken into that tidal wave!
>B. Lightning definitely stuns it pretty well, keep it in place with a Machinegun Punch, Lightning-boosted, so everyone can keep wailing on it!
>C. Time to act as bait again, keep it guessing with Afterimages with a nasty surprise waiting in ‘em!
>D. Something else?
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>D. "Oh hey, I just remembered a neat trick I can pull off with help of Otherworld's spirit energy!"
>Send wave after wave of Kamikaze Ghosts at him, ask Buula if she can assist with her own.
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>A. All right, let’s try to use that power against it! Shin Shotenken into that tidal wave!
>D. Something else?
"Mom, I need amplifying spirit bits for this one."
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>C. Time to act as bait again, keep it guessing with Afterimages with a nasty surprise waiting in ‘em!
>D. Use Cuccos in the afterimages, and then gather up a bunch to make a really big Cucco to fight the kaiju on top of!
Backing, and add on
>"Mom, we need to draw out more of the demon's power for this! You have any ideas to draw it out, or names to call it?"
Suggest Piccolo go giant, then Kaioken, to keep the big guy pinned down

Then this >>6192430
And then this >>6192429
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The Shotenken won't work if it's not able to attack us cuz it's pinned down. It's fine if you don't want to do it and pin it down instead, but Shotenken only works best a certain way.
Figuratively pin down, not literally.
That's cool then!

Supporting >>6192442
Because of how the square-cube law works, Piccolo would be under a lot of strain as a giant, with only his normal amount of fuel. Would kaio ken actually give him the fuel he needs to do stuff at a regular speed, but strain his body further?
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And I will call our son "Chad," after my favorite bleach.
Rolled 5, 15, 5 = 25 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last two!
Rolled 2, 4, 9, 10 = 25 (4d20)

Go Chad, Go!
Rolled 9, 10, 19, 19 = 57 (4d20)

Rolled 6, 16, 11, 9 = 42 (4d20)

Rolled 3, 11, 17, 14 = 45 (4d20)

Rolled 1, 6, 3 = 10 (3d20)

Got three of 'em!
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Rolled 8, 5, 14 = 27 (3d20)

...Oh that's less than good. Well, writing...
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>Got three of 'em!
Oh hey that reminds me, the camels! What happened with them? Are they sealed away somewhere?
Rolled 5, 2, 19 = 26 (3d20)

Melonade stand took off. They keep giving Maple 10% net profits. She didn't even ask for such a thing.


“Piccolo, think you can keep him occupied picking on someone his own size? Perhaps show him some of that red of your own?” you ask him.

With a smirk, he nods and replies, “I think I’ll do just that. RAAAH!” He grows in size until he’s about the same kaiju-like height as Azilarin, taking a grappling stance.

“HAH! You think you can match my power like that, Namekian?! I’d like to see you try!” Energy builds up around one of its hands, and bubbling, boiling water forms around it.

But before he can strike Piccolo, the Namekian smirks, then declares, “KAIO-KEN! TIMES TEN!”

“Kaio-what?” the demon breathes out in surprise. It gets knocked in the jaw for that, stumbling back.

“Little! Help here!” Percel calls out, still trying to hold back the tidal wave with telekinesis. It… actually seems to GROW in intensity, as if the bloody wave is enraged at being held back.

“Buu! With me!” Buula asks of the Majin, the two of them flying over and working together to reinforce the telekinetic barrier right as Percel starts to lose strength.

“Hey big guy, over here!” you call out, starting to dash around Alizarin, leaving numerous afterimages with a sneaky surprise inside ‘em!.

“HRRAAAAAHHH!” Bra charges in from above, ready to stab down into the demon’s stalked orb structure near the horn.

“Damn WORMS!” It swats its arms at you, but instead of hitting one of the afterimages, it has one of the afterimages TELEPORT in front of you, with you crashing into it, knocked back by the explosion as you end up pecked by the ethereal chicken you hid inside it. Next a portal opens up above its head, and instead of stabbing down into the stalk, Bra ends up landing in the bloody sea! No!

Alizarin is about to laugh in triumph, but Piccolo’s fist smashes into its face, the blazing aura of the Kaio-ken surrounding him still, next kneeing the giant beast in the gut, finally delivering a spin-kick that sends it into your dashing afterimages, the ethereal chickens hidden inside popping out and swarming him, even merging into one massive one that delivers several annoying pecks, letting Piccolo get several more hits in.

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Rolled 11, 4, 20 = 35 (3d20)

You send the one that was pecking you toward the gestalt, then pull your arm back, your white aura surging around you. “Mom, gonna need a little boost for this one!”

“Got it, Gohan!” She sends our her Spirit Bits, and as you start to use Wind Magic to draw in the red mist that Alizarin let out, they surround you.

“ALL RIGHT UGLY, TAKE THIS!” You dash forward as it turns its head toward you, Piccolo getting one last good punch in, and with your attack Amplified, you roar out, “SHIN! SHO! TEN! KEEEEEN!” You deliver an uppercut into its gut, knocking Alizarin off its feet and right into the tidal wave it had created, the Wind Magic and Amplified effect, and now even using its own power against it, breaking the wave and even pulling it back, letting Buula and Buu finally stop holding it back.

Alizarin skips across the bloody sea like a stone, finally crashing into it, prone and dazed… but still clearly alive, and likely going to be all the more angered when it recovers.

>A. Strike the horn with the Muramasa, see if that can draw out the shard of Janemba!
>B. You need to get Bra out of there, quick! Please let her be okay!
>C. Fly Kajika over to Alizarin while it’s knocked out, he can probably get that shard out before it recovers!
>D. Something else?

(the damn captcha i swear to primus...)
>"Mom, we need to draw out more of the demon's power for this! You have any ideas to draw it out, or names to call it?"
We didn't do that part, it was in a weakened state and our Shotenken wasn't as effective as it could have been.

>B. You need to get Bra out of there, quick! Please let her be okay!
>A. Strike the horn with the Muramasa, see if that can draw out the shard of Janemba!

>D. Thunder Break Slash

>E. Maple get Bra.
Thunder etc etc
>C. Fly Kajika over to Alizarin while it’s knocked out, he can probably get that shard out before it recovers!

Voting against, you're bossing people around so you can delegate something only Gohan has noticed and can act on in a timely manner.
Thanks for supporting me on >>6192441 but can you please reply to the QM with it when you do?
>C. Fly Kajika over to Alizarin while it’s knocked out, he can probably get that shard out before it recovers!

Getting the shard ourselves is tempting but I don't want to risk the Muramasa going out of control
>A. Strike the horn with the Muramasa, see if that can draw out the shard of Janemba

Or just cut the damn horn off.
Backing this and also have https://youtu.be/EW66QdPq9-k playing in the background.
Support all this
Rolled 15, 2, 19 = 36 (3d20)

All righty! Roll me 2d20 this time, best of three! DC is 11 for the first, 14 for the second!
Rolled 13, 16 = 29 (2d20)

Rolled 5, 20 = 25 (2d20)

Rolled 18, 9 = 27 (2d20)

Rolled 20, 16 = 36 (2d20)

Rolled 12, 9, 16 = 37 (3d20)

Passed both! Great job!

Oof, so close to double crit again.

Sadly gonna need to get some rest, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
Thanks boss
>Melonade stand took off. They keep giving Maple 10% net profits. She didn't even ask for such a thing.
A melonade stand? Right now? In this timeline? Located on the beach of this HFIL? May we see it?

Guh, my bad.

I regret that my plan >>6191836 didn't work out. I was looking forward to it all day. I'm disappointed it got lost in the mix of things.
I've thought about it, and even though my plan didn't work, it's probably for the best. It did risk our friends getting even more hurt if Maple wasn't weakening the demon, it's not just Gohan fighting it.

And even so, I shouldn't whine about it getting left out, mistakes happen. Thank you for running, Kato!
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All right, thank you.

And now we are back!

Okay, need to finish this quick. “Mom, you think Bra is okay?” you ask her first.

“I’ll go check!” she replies, flying off.

“Same here!” Buula joins her, bolting off at high speed.

Next up, the monster. Looking toward the boy sheltering by the Supreme Kai, “Kajika! Can you expunge the shard of Janemba from that thing’s horn?”

“I think so, but I need to get in close.” he responds.

“Not a problem, I’ll get you there!” You fly down and let him grab on to your back, then bolt toward Alizarin at full speed. You find the giant demon still in a daze, and get Kajika close to its horn. “Think that’s good?”

The boy shakes his head. “...Mh, probably not, it’s still got too much power connected to him. I could try but he’d wake up before I could fully push it out.”

“Then I’ve got an idea.” You draw the Muramasa, holding it up high. You let power flow into it, energy starting to spark around it. A bolt of Lightning hits the sword. “Hold on tight! THUNDER BREAK… SLAAAAASH!” You strike down with the Muramasa, hitting the horn with enough force, and with the sword’s own tremendous power, that you are able to smash through it!

“GGRRRAAAAAAAHHH!!!!” Alizarin finally reawakens from the pain, thrashing about in the sea as its horn flies high into the air.

“Now’s good?”

He nods. “Okay, here it goes…!” He leaps off of you and hits the horn with a palm strike, separating out a swirling shard of blackened goo, which starts to turn into a mist, the horn fading into dust. The Supreme Kai teleports in and catches Kajika, with the both of them giving you a thumb’s up and then teleporting back.

“YOU…!” the demon growls out through its pain. “HOW DARE YOU?!”

“Quite easily. In fact,” You grin cheekily, and after making sure the blade’s aware of what you’re about to do, throw it into the mist! The Muramasa pulls it into itself, the blade taking in a new shape, large and curved like the demon’s horn, but still in a more katana-like shape. You dash over and catch it, doing your best to commune with the sword again, this time being better prepared for that initial surge of power.

“YOU WORM! YOU’LL PAY FOR THAT INSULT!” Alizarin declares, the orb on the stalk glowing, and it thrusts an arm to the side, with a portal opening behind you as its massive clawed hand reaches for you. Thankfully, you’re very narrowly able to pull away from it while still trying to calm the Muramasa, easing it back into its normal state.


Turning back around, you’re about to take a defensive stance, but that’s when the area starts to shake, the ocean of blood bubbling and flowing in waves away from a singular point. A pillar of light erupts from the sea, a massive power surging up. This power… it’s… Bra? …So she’s tapped into that power too. Nice.

With a powerful golden aura around her, her hair flows behind her, stretching down to her legs in large, wild spikes. Even her eyebrows thinned. No mistaking it, this is Super Saiyan 3. Your mom and Buula sigh in relief as they float beside her, and seems they even helped get the blood off of her via Magic. And in a flash, she rockets toward Alizarin, sword drawn once more. The massive demon’s aura turns black, malicious, as if it’s radiating off pure hatred, roaring out at her. It then tries the same trick it did before, but it proves too slow to get it done.

A slash that strikes like lightning cuts through the stalk on the top of Alizarin’s head, with Bra kicking it high into the air. Alizarin still doesn’t give up, trying to summon another bloody maelstrom, but she dodges it with ease, grabbing the monster by its tail and swinging it around, launching it into the air and holding both hands up, Fire Magic swirling in her palms. “You’re not coming back from this one! HAAAAAA!” A massive, blazing beam blasts into the air, finishing off Alizarin for good.

Bra exhales, lowering one hand as she turns her head down toward you, smirking a little as she catches the orb with her other hand. She then gives you a thumb’s up, stating, “Think we can call that, mission accomplished.”

>A. Absolutely. Nice work, and let’s head back
>B. Hey, I think I’ve got a way to absorb the shards of Janemba under better control, can I try it with that orb?
>C. Okay, be honest, how long were you waiting for an appropriately dramatic moment to pull that out?
>D. Something else?
>D. So cool... uh, I mean, yeah, good work Bra!
>B. Hey, I think I’ve got a way to absorb the shards of Janemba under better control, can I try it with that orb?
>C. Okay, be honest, how long were you waiting for an appropriately dramatic moment to pull that out?
>D. Something else?
Let's regroup and go deal with that giant jelly-bean by the soul-cleansing machine, that seems to be our next target.
Sounds good.
Hit vote:

>Just the D from here.

And same
I'm fine with this D. too >>6193331

>E. Since we're in Hell, does that mean he's a ghost now? Oh well, not like there's any way he could get a body any time soon.
>B. Hey, I think I’ve got a way to absorb the shards of Janemba under better control, can I try it with that orb?
“So… cool…” you mumble, quickly catching yourself. You cough to clear your throat. “AHEM. I mean, yeah, good work Bra!”

She giggles softly. “Thanks, Gohan.”

You then cross your arms, asking next, “Okay but seriously though, how long were you waiting for an appropriately dramatic moment to pull that out? Be honest.”

She smiles bashfully, rubbing the back of her neck. “It’s more that it’s a bit of an energy hog, even with as much training as I’ve put into it. Super Saiyan 2’s easier to maintain.” She exhales deeply and powers down, her hair returning to normal once more. “Power sure does pack a punch though.”

“Hah! You can say that again. You should see what Peppa can do with hers though, the moment she got it she kept training relentlessly to better it.” you remark. As mom and Buula return, you also state, “I think I’ve gotten a way to bring those shards of Janemba into the Muramasa with substantially less risk now, by the way. Was able to get the one that was in Alizarin’s horn at the very least. Think I could take a look at that orb, Bra?”

“...Let’s wait until we get back.” Buula says with narrowed eyes. “I’ll hold on to it for now.” she states, holding a hand out.

“Yeah, that’s fair, we do kinda have one target left.” you agree. “That blob you and Buu encountered seemed to be leading toward a sorta like… large jellybean thing with a similar face near the Cleansing Machine. If there’s any other shards of Janemba that we need to worry about, it’d probably be there.”

With you all teleporting back, Buu starts handing out some of those purified fruits, as is his duty as Snack Officer. You also notice some demons approach, awed by what they’d seen. “Did… did you dudes really take out big ol’ Alirzarin?” a tall, muscular one with a kinda surfer bro voice asks.

“It would appear so.” Supreme Kai confirms.

“AWESOME!” he cheers out, turning back to the others and yelling, “BEACH PARTY’S BACK ON, DUUUUUDES!” The demons also start cheering, to the ever so slightly mild confusion of your group.

“Well, in any case, we’ve got one more target you guys noticed, right?” Kajika asks, munching down on the fruit Buu handed him.

“So it would appear, though with another after it.” Percel confirms and clarifies. “Rescuing the other displaced person from a certain planet she ended up trapped on.”

With your energy back to full strength, you look to Buula and ask, “Mind if I take a stab at it now?” She raises an eyebrow at that. “…Metaphorically, that is.”

“You sure you can handle it? I mean, last time you tried...” Minotia asks, his voice trailing off.

You hold the Muramasa out, and show off the new form it attained through absorbing the shard that was in Azilarin’s horn. “Yep! Look, got this out of it, see?”

Maple places her hand on your shoulder. “Gohan, I know you’re feeling more confident about this now, but there’s still some fairly high risk to what you’re asking. Remember what we said?”

“I know, but I’m serious, I think I have a better method now.” you state reassuringly.

“Oh! You mean, getting it right after it’s pushed out of a prior form?” Kajika asks, with everyone turning to him. “He didn’t just absorb it directly, I was able to bring it out of the horn first, putting it in a weakened and probably… ‘confused’ state, so to speak. It would have less a chance of trying to ‘fight back’ against such a thing, or at least less a chance to try to ‘take control’ of you.”

“Not being in direct contact for the initial shock of it helped too.” you add. “Tossed it into the amorphous form the shard took then grabbed it again to calm it.”

Maple sighs, asking, “Then can I at least help you along with it, just to be sure?”

The Supreme Kai gives her an unsure look.

>A. Absolutely! It’d probably go way better if I did have your help, mom
>B. Nah, I got this, just watch! I’ll be fine, promise!
>C. Would you rather we wait until later then?
>D. Something else?
>A. Absolutely! It’d probably go way better if I did have your help, mom
>D. Hey, what if we turned Rainbow into like, a Dark Rainbow? If Rainbow is after the storm, Dark Rainbow IS the storm.
>A. Absolutely! It’d probably go way better if I did have your help, mom
>D. I keep getting this vibe from the sword when it gets closer to the headphones, so first I think I'll try putting them on to see what that's about.
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>E. Exorcism on Mom.
>"Just checking."
>A. Absolutely! It’d probably go way better if I did have your help, mom
>Maple sighs, asking, “Then can I at least help you along with it, just to be sure?”
>The Supreme Kai gives her an unsure look.

>"We can do a 'The Thing' test by just applying sacred water to all non-demon realmers. As for demon realm folk - well that 'Right View' Buddha magic thing can probably clarify the real version."
We also haven't seen Maple eat a fruit.
>F. is for FRUIT, eat a fruit Mom!
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>C. Would you rather we wait until later then?
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>You Have To Eat ALL THE FRUIT

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Rolled 16, 10, 11 = 37 (3d20)

Okay, real quick, roll me 1d20, best of three! DC is 11.
Rolled 18 (1d20)

Rolled 1 (1d20)

Rolled 8 (1d20)

Rolled 18, 2, 7 = 27 (3d20)

...Well, you passed!

Sadly, do need to rest, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!
File deleted.
Duuude! nice.

I'm so psyched rn.
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>“Samma Vaca!” Maple calls out.
>“Wha…?!” The demon is caught in surprise as its red aura fades quite a bit. “What… what did you…?”

Now I know what y'all must be thinking, that is if anything I say gives y'all thought at all:
>Demons can't use Samma Vaca!
And that is the case!

...or so the demons would have us believe.
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Apologies for the delay, long day, but we're back!

“Absolutely! If anything it’d probably go way better with your help, mom.” you respond with a smile.

That reassures her a bit, and so she, Kajika, and yourself all get ready to try this out. Kajika is up first, and he is able to push the energy out of the orb with decent ease, with a blob of concentrated malice plopping out. It starts to spread into a mist, with Maple using telekinesis and Magic to try to keep it from spreading out any. And now, your turn. You draw the Muramasa, tossing it into the mist, and again letting it start to draw it in.

However, you… slightly misjudge your timing, as when you grab on to it, it’s a bit too early, and you feel a surge of power course up your arm. Crap. You focus and try to calm it, expressing into the Muramasa that you’re attempting to help it, not harm it. It takes some effort, but… a pulse of calm washes over it, like it’s more accepting of your help.

The shape of the sword changes again, this time becoming thinner, darker, radiating a good deal more malice and hatred than before. The blade is straight instead of curved, darker in shade but with a crack or almost vein-like shape spreading out from the more demonic-looking crossguard. It oddly feels lighter than its prior forms, with some better balance in its weight too. You can definitely tell there’s quite a bit more power packed into this form, though at the same time it might be a bit more dangerous to try to use.

You also… hear something again.

‘Hooh… okay, think we got it dude! Careful next time!’

Tilting your head, you watch the sword return to its original shape and color. Maple does still have a look of concern on her face, but it eases and she ruffles your hair. She then kinda… pout-smiles at you, remarking, “You and Peppa just keep growing don’t ya?”

“Don’t plan on stopping any time soon, haha.” you laugh out, cheekily smiling at her.

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“Um. Not to interrupt this wholesome family bonding moment.” Percel very clearly interrupts. “But…”

Kajika looks over the now Janemba-less orb in his hands… which is still definitely a red orb of sorts, but one with a singular black star in the middle of it. “Huh. You guys have any idea what this is? You’re all kinda acting like it.”

Shin stares in disbelief. “That… can’t be…”

“It absolutely can’t.” Buula confirms. “We checked thoroughly, there shouldn’t be any of those in this timeline… how did…?”

Maple taps her Scouter, her face focused and serious. “…There’s no mistaking it. That… is indeed a Dragon Ball.”

>A. Wait, so do you think there might be others spread out here? Should we try checking for them?
>B. We should keep it safe then, no telling what might happen if it falls into the wrong hands
>C. …Do you think we should give it to that Null guy next time we see him? I think he’d appreciate it
>D. For as important as this little revelation is, we shouldn’t let ourselves get distracted by it. One more thing to do while here in Hell
>E. Something else?
>D. For as important as this little revelation is, we shouldn’t let ourselves get distracted by it. One more thing to do while here in Hell
>E. Hey Shin, do you think we could disperse this corruption around Hell? Were it any other place, I would say no to pollution, but it seems like that's normal for Hell.
>A. Wait, so do you think there might be others spread out here? Should we try checking for them?

"Wouldn't this mean there's a Namekian or someone like Trip connected to these somewhere?"

>B. We should keep it safe then, no telling what might happen if it falls into the wrong hands

Plus with how much negative energy these things suck up, if we tried making a wish we could end up with several shadow dragons.

>D. For as important as this little revelation is, we shouldn’t let ourselves get distracted by it. One more thing to do while here in Hell

I dare say we may come across them in our adventure anyway....
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>Plus with how much negative energy these things suck up, if we tried making a wish we could end up with several shadow dragons.
Nah, with Dragon Balls meant for malicious wishes and black magic, the positive energy they would get would make dragons that do things along the lines of turning puppets into real boys.

You should give Daima a watch sometime.

>C. …Do you think we should give it to that Null guy next time we see him? I think he’d appreciate it
>E. Hey Sword, I use a katana, and I'm spread thin as is with all the career paths I want to take without having to learn a bunch of new styles. Can we keep it simple, please?
I can write fanfic of Gohan using a katana in his fighting, I can't depict a biblically accurate Dante the Demon Killer, have mercy on me please!
>C & D.

Hit supports that
Aw sweet, a transforming sword! I wonder if we can have Mini Buu absorb us both for Chaos, Chaos?

>B. We should keep it safe then, no telling what might happen if it falls into the wrong hands
>That demonic dragon ball... you should eat that.
Also gonna support asking these questions
>A & B.
>E. Wait... How did you check? That might be a clue to the nature of this thing. If the rules are different. We may not want to use them at all, or take only one back with us.
This one too.
BTW, "taking only one back" is in order to prevent its use at all, in our universe or this one.

Could be risks to that, maybe, but when has that ever stopped us?
Can we eat it?
I wouldn't rule it out. But... I advise against it. My creativity strains to cover all the ways that could go wrong.
It pops out of our forehead and we look like Tien?
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“Wait, how’d you check, mom?” you ask. “Because it looks pretty different from the Dragon Balls we know. Who knows, it could play by some different rules, might not be something we’d want to use… especially since we don’t know who it’s linked to. It could be a Namekian that’s still alive out there, somewhere… or at least someone like Trip.”

“Scouter’s Dragon Radar function is registering it as giving off the same energy signature as other Dragon Balls.” she explains, tapping it. “It definitely might have a different ruleset, wish specifics, all that, but at the very least, it registers like the others do. Who it’s connected to though… that is a good question.”

Tugging at Piccolo’s cape, Kajika asks him quietly, “What’s this ‘Dragon Ball’ thing? Is it like a special kind of dragon’s egg? Do they hatch from ‘em?” Piccolo makes a face, taking him aside to explain things.

“Should try to find some way to keep ‘em safe then, especially if we don’t want ‘em falling into the wrong hands. Maybe even if it means just taking one with us back to Miss Supreme Kai of Time.” you remark. “Or… maybe hand it to that Null guy, at the very least. Especially with all the negative energy that’s spread throughout the universe, no telling what might happen if a wish is made on ‘em. Though… hey, Supreme Kai, would that be some way to kinda help manage all this negative energy? Like, at the very least putting it into a place like… well, here?”

“Under more normal circumstances, negative energy would flow down to the Demon Realm.” he replies, rubbing his chin. “Using a set of Dragon Balls to set things right again though… it might be possible, but it might also cause the Dragon Balls to take in a substantial amount of negative energy themselves.”

“If a wish is made, please don’t repeat what Peppa did.” Buula requests, her voice dry. “We understand why she did it, but that caused a few… issues.”

Percel and Bra shudder, with the alien man commenting, “Our boss has managed it at the very least, but…”

“Point is, please don’t… shove it into the end of time or whatever.” Buula adamantly states.

“Well… I guess some others might be out there, but we shouldn’t let this revelation become a big distraction from what’s at hand.”

“Agreed.” Maple confirms. At the same time, Piccolo finishes going over what the Dragon Balls are with Kajika and Gigi.

“So, we ready to head on to our next area?” Buula questions.

“I believe so.” Kajika responds. “Man, you guys get up to quite a lot don’t ya?” He places his hands behind his head and grins. “Not complainin’ though. Ready Kai Guy?”

Supreme Kai gives a nod. “Yes, let us be off then.”

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A general sound of agreement and you all teleport near where the Soul Cleansing Machine is located… and there, you see that a couple jellybean things float around in the sky. Yeah, that’s Janemba’s handiwork. Toward the machine itself, there’s a big ol’ jellybean monster with that dopey grin, floating above it lazily. But all around… hundreds, if not thousands of more slime-like creatures, all of different shapes and sizes and colors. Blue, orange, green, yellow, polka dot ones, big ones, puddle ones, ones that look like floating jellyfish, ones with shells, ones that are almost plantlike, even some that look almost dragon-like in shape, and the very rare sheen of ones with a more metallic body.

It looks like some smaller demons are around too, riding on top of them like knights on horseback, and… is that a …castle tank in the shape of one? The strangest part is, each and every one just sorta… plopping around, keeping that smile on their faces, not especially bothered by much of anything. The few that do notice you just stare curiously but nonchalantly.

“Wow. Look at all these fruit thieves!” Buu calls out cheerfully.

“They don’t… seem especially hostile.” Bra comments. “Buula, what about the one you and Buu faced?”

“It was mostly focused on escape rather than attack. The machines we encountered were more the nuisance than the blob.” she clairifes.

“...Well, that big floating one seems to be the thing with the shard in it.” Kajika notes, pointing in its direction. “You can feel it here.”

“He look fun! Buu wanna play!”

“We gotta focus, bud. Might not wanna play with you right now. Or might be a bit of a rude one.” you tell the little Majin. Though this does beg the question… what do you do now?

>A. Try to sneak closer to it, maybe you can clean up this mess without much fighting by getting that shard out of it
>B. Let’s try to lure it away somehow, if we upset this horde of things spread all around here, we’ll just be in for getting swarmed by ‘em
>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?
>D. Something else?

That said, once more,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too!
>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?

>A. Try to sneak closer to it, maybe you can clean up this mess without much fighting by getting that shard out of it
>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?
>D. Say Buu... Do you think you could look like one of them? If you could your shape enough to look and act like one of them, I could sneak up on the big one and take the evil thing. We'll be playing a trick on them!
I wonder if it might become possible to use the energy in the Muramasa to unlock a new transformation
or this even

>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?
>And Buula as well,
>D. See if Buu can turn one of these fruits into his favorite snack so we can give it to Buula and Ratatouille her back to her childhood back at the Majin Buu Playroom
meeska mooska majin buu~
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Reverting a majin to a more innocent mindset could have consequences. Then again, our timeline never had a Buu vs Buu Mirror Match, so saying we shouldn't for that reason would be an abuse of metaknowledge.

>Give Buu a whole bottle water to drink and take the form of a slime.
>Water Buu. (Urp!)
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>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?
>D. Something else?
Ask Muramasa: "Yo, Sword-Bro. These jellybeans mean anything to you?"
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Gonna take this back, it'd be weird to try influencing Buula on anything with Buu when we only have a surface-level connection between the two to go off of.

>I wonder if it might become possible to use the energy in the Muramasa to unlock a new transformation
Support >>6194212
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Rolled 3, 1, 12 = 16 (3d20)

All righty! We're back!

And with that, roll me 2d20, best of three! DC is 11 for both.
Rolled 15, 20 = 35 (2d20)

Rolled 4, 8 = 12 (2d20)

Rolled 7, 8 = 15 (2d20)

Rolled 6, 2, 15 = 23 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 17, 2 = 22 (3d20)

And writing...
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>>C. …Crazy idea, but crazy might work. Little buddy. Buu. You’re up. You think you can like… talk to ‘em somehow?
>>D. Say Buu... Do you think you could look like one of them? If you could your shape enough to look and act like one of them, I could sneak up on the big one and take the evil thing. We'll be playing a trick on them!
Buu the Superspy...

>Buu breaks the awkwardness with an… innocent, if blunt question. “What ‘have a baby’ mean?”
>“Hey, I’m gonna get some snacks while mom explains! Any you want in particular, Buu?”
>Maple flinches, but the little Majin cheers out a “Chocolate coffee candy!”
>‘Heeeey, sorry about that mom. But I knew you could explain it way, way better than I could have.’
>‘That you are right.’ she replies, definitely a LITTLE annoyed, but not as much as you were expecting. Might be in the clear!
Trained in the arts by the matchmaker herself...

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“…So, crazy idea, but, little buddy, Buu?” you begin, turning to the Majin. “You think you can like… talk to them or something? Or at least keep them occupied… maybe try to like, look like one of ‘em somehow?”

“Hmmm…” He slaps his face, then starts to remold it a bit… aaand there we go, he’s got one of those grins. Percel… stares at it like he’s experiencing flashbacks to something vaguely, yet mildly comically, traumatic. Buula seems to be stonefaced as she looks at Buu, stoic but less than amused.

You however give him a thumb’s up. “Great, you’re up then, buddy. You can draw some attention away from the crowd, we can sneak closer to the big one and try to deal with the shard in there.”

“I like this plan.” Kajika states with a grin. “Let’s do it!”

“It… may be a good idea if Buu has some backup in the distance.” Buula states. “Just in case.”

“Fair enough, I’ll be part of it.” Piccolo says.

“We will be on standby with the Supreme Kai then.” Tapion comments, moving over to him with Minotia. “Let us know if you need any help.”

Okay, teams are ready, and as Buu waddles closer to some of the group of slimes, he definitely does catch their attention. But most seem more… wary of him than outright convinced. At the very least, the blobs are focused on him now rather than anything else. You help lead Kajika closer and closer to the Soul Cleansing Machine with mom, Bra, and Percel, dodging and hiding away from some of the few that are still headed toward Buu.

The good news is, the big one is also focused on Buu, meaning it’s plenty distracted… and you also notice the jellybean monster wasn’t just above the machine, but it was actively FEEDING on it, or at least what was left of the negative energy that was still in there. Okay, bringing Kajika up toward it. As you get close, you realize that there’s… sorta something more to the shard there. Like it’s not just one shard, but a collection of smaller ones all barely kept apart in the jellybean thing. That’s. Worrying. “Kajika, can you sense that too?”

“Yeah. I’m gonna try to keep them all apart still, but this will be tricky.” He carefully places a hand on the back of the jellybean slime thing and… there!

The blob’s face distorts into one of surprise as several shards jet out, covered in ooze, though it moves away before the last does, separating out into the normal… well, Janemba sky jellybean thing, and a weirder, purple blob, with wings and a pointed, devilish tail, even growing fangs out of its mouth. It flies toward the Soul Cleansing Machine in a panic, but you think fast and block it, slashing at the machine with the Muramasa and destroying it for good.

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Rolled 2, 12, 12 = 26 (3d20)

Mom, Bra, and Percel stop the blobs that were headed toward Buu, keeping them from making their way toward the other shards. The ones already there end up turning back, going after the shards. Buula and Piccolo quickly hold them back, stretching their arms out and keeping them from getting to the shards.



Now you just gotta… wait, the shards are turning back into mist, but the mist is being contained in the ooze from the slime. And… it starts to reform. Ah. Crap. The ooze takes on a humanoid shape, a dark aura surrounding it, and once it finally coalesces, it becomes a kind of… tall, armored warrior, clad in black and silver-grey, gold trimming around it, shapes reminiscent of the blobs around it detailing it, its back adorned with a metallic halo of sorts, giving you the vibe of something that could pass for the main villainous rival character from some kind of Sentai series.

It stands, looking over its new body… then turns its red eyes toward its surroundings. Glancing toward the sky, it takes look at one of the jellybean “clouds” and… thrusts an arm up at it. Which somehow causes it to break apart into smaller pieces, all still floating high in the sky. Pulling the arm down, it somehow next… materializes some kind of siky glove around it, while the other hand materializes… a sword, ornate and radiating substantial power. Its dark aura returns, and this new foe is clearly looking for a fight, and it… has substantially more power than Alizarin did. And from what you can feel, it could easily prove a challenge for any of you...

>A. Well, you’re willing to answer! Power up and draw the Muramasa! That’ll get its attention!
>B. Better not take any chances, Tapion, Minotia, we could use some help here!
>C. Kajika, how would you suggest we try to deal with this? Maybe separate the shards out one by one?
>D. Try to lead it away from here, you don’t know what it might do with all the other smile things around it
>E. Something else?
>A. Well, you’re willing to answer! Power up and draw the Muramasa! That’ll get its attention!
>"From everyone who lived and died in this universe, the embodiment of their murdered hopes and dreams, the pain of loss, their love, their anger, and all of their sorrow... Sword-bro, you ready to take it on with me? Together."
>Absorb the sword's darkness.
>D. Try to lead it away from here, you don’t know what it might do with all the other smile things around it
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>D. Try to lead it away from here, you don’t know what it might do with all the other smile things around it
>"From everyone who lived and died in this universe,
Oh wait, we're just in Earth's Hell right now. Changing that to "this world."
Hit vote:

>E. Once we get some distance, have Majin Boo come to us, see how this thing reacts to that.

*Mini Buu
>A. Well, you’re willing to answer! Power up and draw the Muramasa! That’ll get its attention!
>D. Try to lead it away from here, you don’t know what it might do with all the other smile things around it
>E. It seems rude to battle with a toral stranger, even if they're clearly eager to cross blades. So before engaging, simply ask the warrior this: "Why do you fight?"
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backing Exen is supporting
Supporting. We don't have time to talk with Kajika.
Rolled 17, 2, 9 = 28 (3d20)

Okay, roll me 3d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last!
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Rolled 17, 7, 14 = 38 (3d20)

Rolled 2, 18, 5 = 25 (3d20)

Rolled 3, 20, 5 = 28 (3d20)

Rolled 16, 3, 8 = 27 (3d20)

Passed two!
Rolled 5, 20, 7 = 32 (3d20)

And okay, gonna get some rest now, so,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Also, we will probably wrap the thread up by Thursday at the latest.
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I thought the Iron Lung reference was cool. Thanks for running!

I'm getting a fic together for Friday, so look forward to it! Or beware, whichever works.
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Rolled 6, 11, 1 = 18 (3d20)

Okay, we are back!


“Kajika, I’m gonna try to lure it away, no way of telling what it might do with all those other slime things around it.” you tell the boy. “I’ll try to find a way to keep it occupied, any suggestions on how to deal with it? Maybe separate out the shards it’s made of?”

“That might work, but I think it’s going to take a considerable amount more effort than that.” he replies. “Whatever you do, don’t try to absorb all those shards into your sword at once. It might backfire on you. And if anything, it might try to absorb them out of it if you’re not careful.” He then goes after the little devil blob.

“Got it.” You fly off and land hear the new warrior, taking an aggressive stance. As you draw the Muramasa, it focuses on you. Well, thankfully that caught its attention. Powering up, your white aura surrounds you, and it’s clearly accepting your challenge, holding its sword behind its back. “Warrior, why do you wish to fight?”

“Hmh.” Oh. So it actually can talk. The spiky glove ignites with power. “Actions speak louder than words.”

“Then may we act without holding anything back! Follow me!” You fly off, and thankfully, the warrior follows, the two of you heading toward a clearing near a spiky hill. The warrior punches into the air… and that punch teleports right in front of you, with you having to dodge it. ‘Hey, little buddy, bit of help over here?’ you call out to the Majin telepathically.

‘Buu coming!’ he replies, a trail of dust dashing toward you and the warrior coming from the distance.

Now a good distance away from the other blob guys, you turn back to face the warrior, dodging a blow from the blazing gauntlet, and ready to retaliate with a slash from the Muramasa. The warrior blocks with its own blade, but you manage to get in a quick punch to the gut. Following that up with a roundhouse to the face, you kick the warrior away… only for it to open up another wormhole thing and appear above you, kicking down with tremendous force. You dash out of the way just in time, with the warrior kicking into the ground hard enough to shatter the ground beneath into a massive crater.

“Boo!” the little Majin declares, appearing right in its face, with his own still in the shape of one of those slime things. Curiously it doesn’t flinch, instead simply moving back.

“...Hm.” It… actually seems a little excited by the arrival of Buu. It then… lets out some noises that almost sound like the ones Janemba made. Buu in turn is surprised by that, pointing at himself. The warrior nods, retaking a fighting stance.

“...Little buddy, what did that mean?” you ask, taking gauge of the warrior’s ready stance.

“Him say he heard Buu strong!” the little Majin joyfully replies. “Him wanna fight Buu too!”

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Rolled 4, 8, 9 = 21 (3d20)

Spheres of black and purple energy appear around the warrior, with him shooting them out toward you and Buu, followed by a barrage of Ki blasts… that end up teleporting all over the place. Crap! You do your best to dodge and deflect away from them as best you can, though as one of the spheres of darkness draws closer to you, you feel yourself pulled into it.

Dodging the Ki blasts becomes substantially harder, with you needing to deflect more and more, and once you’re close to the sphere, you spot swords, copies of the one the warrior is wielding, darting down from the sky. Crap! “Buu help, Buu help!” Buu calls out, firing up a pink beam from his antenna, turning each of them into sword-shaped cookies.

Slashing at the sphere of darkness with the Muramasa to destroy it, you even catch one of the cookies as you fly down toward Buu, who’s caught a few for himself, munching down on one. “Appeciate it, Snack Officer Buu.” You take a bite, and… oh, it’s more a frosted madeleine. Not bad. …Buu also offers one to the warrior, who takes it and… lets the little blob on its sword, which is apparently very much a REAL one of those, munch on it.

You know. You probably should have expected that somehow.

The warrior uses that brief moment of distraction to telekinetically grab the rest of the sword-shaped snacks and… turns them back into the real thing, which surprises Buu. Before the little Majin can even protest though, the warrior has them all merge into its own sword, increasing its size substantially, and flings it at you. You’re about to use the Muramasa to block it, only for the sword to teleport! The moment it reappears though…


A powerful blast knocks it to the ground, with the warrior teleporting over to its now embedded sword. You and Buu look in the direction of where the blast came from. “Null!” you call out, the android warrior standing on top of one of the massive spikes jutting out of a nearby hill, arm cannon pointed downward, returning to a regular hand shape as he gives you a thumb’s up.

Still the warrior doesn’t seem perturbed by this development. Placing a boot on the crossguard of its blade, it gestures toward Null, as if asking he join the fray too.

>A. You’re a fairly confident warrior if you’re willing to take so many of us on at once. What are you, exactly?
>B. Buu, we might actually be able to win this guy over. Clearly it wants a fight, but maybe we could show it we don’t exactly mean harm with a snack offering afterward?
>C. Those shards of Janemba inside you are what we’re after. Could you let us remove those without causing you harm?
>D. Do you want an even bigger battle? Because I’ve got plenty more allies all ready to throw down if you’re up for it!
>E. Something else?
>B. Buu, we might actually be able to win this guy over. Clearly it wants a fight, but maybe we could show it we don’t exactly mean harm with a snack offering afterward?
>E. "Three-on-one never goes great at sleepovers, my sister and her friends can attest to that." They kept accusing you of cheating.
>Flip a cookie for who you fight. Heads we go fight on Janemboyslim's side against Null, Tails we tell Buu to partner up with Null and fight alongside Slimshady.
I messed up that last part.

Heads, Buu-Nemeslime vs Gohan-Null
Tails, Buu-Null vs Gohan-Nemeslime
>A & D.
>E. Do you consider relying on my allies a sign of weakness, or part of the strength I have achieved?

Actions may speak louder, but they can't say everything.
>A. You’re a fairly confident warrior if you’re willing to take so many of us on at once. What are you, exactly?

"My name is Son Gohan, what is your name Warrior of the Slime?"

Then when we get back to fighting...

>E. Something else?
"There was a redheaded swordsfighter in black I met awhile ago. He had a technique I've always wanted to try and in theory its similar to a move I already know."

“HAAAAAA!” the silver-haired swordsman fires a Kamehameha, the bug-man catching it, but it forces him into the defensive as the redheaded swordfighter in black slashes at him, letting out a pitch black wave from his sword.

>Ka-Blam Slicer version of Getsuga Tensho
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I consider it weakness to gang up on someone, voting against.
Actually, the idea is if he doesn't approve then we don't have to. In the >D vote we are *asking* him if he wants us to gang up on him. My write in expands on that, and if he wants a one-on-one we can give it to him.
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Supporting the move and the flashback but I would prefer it without the talking since our foe prefers actions to words. Is that okay?
An internal monologue does make more sense, sure.
Backing this too then!
Rolled 11, 12, 13 = 36 (3d20)

All righty then, roll me 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 14 for the first two, 15 for the last two!
Rolled 19, 2, 10, 4 = 35 (4d20)

Rolled 6, 8, 7, 13 = 34 (4d20)

Rolled 11, 4, 12, 10 = 37 (4d20)

FUCK for emphasis
>Gohan, internally: Yikes!
Rolled 3, 11, 20 = 34 (3d20)

...Well, passed one!
Do we have to roll to see if Mom heard that?
Rolled 10, 2, 3 = 15 (3d20)

And writing...
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We should put those headphones on, have Buu eat us, then eat the sword.

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Rolled 1, 18, 16 = 35 (3d20)

“You’re a fairly confident warrior if you’re willing to take on so many of us at once.” you comment, taking a cautious stance. “What are you, exactly?”

It kicks the sword up out of the dirt and catches it, purplish aura flaring up once more. “Power.” it declares simply.

“You’re willing to fight us to prove yourself powerful, then?” you ask. “Then do you want an even bigger battle? Because I’ve got plenty of allies that could come over to fight as well.” It tilts its head up, as if to look down at you for that remark. “What, do you consider my willingness to work with allies a weakness?” The warrior shakes its head. It starts to pace around slowly, you and Buu moving together, with Null perched up high still, but ready to strike again. “I see my allies as a strength. What do you see them as?”

“A challenge.” The warrior charges up energy around the spiky glove again, Lightning now infused in it. “One that makes little difference in the end.”

“Fine…” You send out a telepathic message to some of the others, letting them know it’s apparently more than willing to take on anyone else willing to join in the fray. A problem, they seem to be quite preoccupied with the hordes of slime monsters that are now swarming around them. Crap. There are at least a couple that might be able to come help, but it’ll take a moment. Pointing the Muramasa forward, you ask, “Then I’ll say this, my name is Son Gohan. What is yours, Warrior of the Slime?”

Raising the gloved hand up, it declares plainly, “Nemesis.” Lightning suddenly shoots down at you and Buu with you thankfully dodging away from the initial strikes. Buu though is too distracted dodging to really be ready for the follow-up, even getting struck by one bolt, stunned in place as… one of those giant jellybeans from the sky flies down and smashes into him, with him ending up trapped inside it! Nemesis sends it away, dashing at you as Buu tries to get out, smashing into the thing even as it’s flung away.

“Buu!” you call out to him, but the bolts don’t let up. Damn it!

Thankfully, you’re able to redirect one of the blasts of lightning right back at it, dealing some damage to the warrior. You try to follow up, rushing it and slashing down at it, but it blocks your sword with its own, pushing back. You think back for a moment, on something you’ve seen a certain red-haired warrior try before… maybe the Muramasa could help you pull it off? You flip back and ready an ol’ Ka-Blam Slicer with it, trying to let it release some of its built up power, but it doesn’t quite work, as the attack comes out as more just an enhanced Ka-Blam Slicer, blades of energy slashed toward Nemesis. Will need to practice with that one another time, when you get the chance.

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Rolled 13, 16, 6 = 35 (3d20)

Worse, the warrior is able to dodge the attacks with ease, then materializes a spiky, spinning sawblade and launches it toward you with a kick. You quickly use the Muramasa to defend against it, sparks flying as it connects… sparks filled with Lightning Magic, of course! Your arms start to feel numb, and suddenly Nemesis has launched another barrage of teleporting Ki blasts in your direction, with you having to tank them as best you can.

But the moment it tries another teleport kick, Null jumps in and blocks it with his shield, throwing the energy blade at the spinning, sparking buzzsaw with just enough force to send it into the ground, allowing you to get a good slash in that breaks it. Null then is able to hit the warrior with a blast from his arm cannon, something that does send it back even as it blocks it.

In the distance someone moves like a bolt of lightning, Tapion using the Raio-ken to close the distance and slash down with his sword. Nemesis however seems to know the attack’s coming, but is able to block it with its sword, pushing Tapion back. It lands on its feet, hefting the sword over its shoulder, observing Tapion now as he takes a defensive stance, aura sparking around him.

Null retrieves his energy blade and spreads out a bit, shield up and ready for whatever the warrior will use next. Buu is still off in that jellybean he got trapped in, though you feel like he’s about to break out of it. Okay, you can definitely damage this guy, but it’s both quite a bit tougher and more skilled than you were expecting.

>A. See if you can exorcise one of the shards like Kajika recommended, just one though, no need to overdo it
>B. Maybe you could counter some of those portal attacks by sticking in close, not letting it get the distance it needs to use ‘em
>C. Try to rely on your speed, and hit ‘em with a Shinespark!
>D. Might be a good idea to try to blind ‘em with the Superflare, at least to hold it off
>E. Try to keep its attention distracted so you can get more backup, you’re gonna need it
>F. Something else?

Okay, one last time for this thread,

>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for tonight! Thank you all for playing! Did y’all have fun? We’ll be back tomorrow ~6:30 pm PST, so stay safe out there and see you then!

Vote open until then too! We’ll wrap this thread up tomorrow!
>C. Try to rely on your speed, and hit ‘em with a Shinespark!
Hit vote:

Support >>6195560
And then,
>B&D. Point blank superflare!
>F. After that, full aggression! It's what he wants.

And I'll support as well.
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>F. Look at the sawblade. "It couldn't be... could it?"
>Pick it up, even if it hurts, then go have Null and Buu copy it.
>Then throw the saw at Nemesis!
>"You're your own worst enemy!"
Sounds good to me
>A. See if you can exorcise one of the shards like Kajika recommended, just one though, no need to overdo it
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Rolled 15, 8, 10 = 33 (3d20)

All righty, last night for this thread, we are back! And with that, roll me 5d20, best of three! DC is 14 for the first three, 15 for the last two!
Rolled 13, 9, 17, 10, 12 = 61 (5d20)

Rolled 9, 17, 5, 3, 5 = 39 (5d20)

Rolled 5, 1, 3, 10, 11 = 30 (5d20)

Rolled 1, 5, 14 = 20 (3d20)

...Well! Passed two of 'em!
Rolled 2, 13, 8 = 23 (3d20)

Oof, that's... less than good.
Rolled 10, 4, 19 = 33 (3d20)

And writing...
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Quick question, if Gohan had some helping hands, Gine, bought out all the farms, tapped into the natural resources in all these wastelands, got Capsule Corp production lines up and running, got stonks, started a doomsday cult, studied all the forbidden knowledge in the Lookout, ran a planetary trade organization, hit up Towa's Lab, made portals to Hell and Heaven and Makai, used a Time Patrol Time Machine, had the power of Hakkero Reactors, absorbed stars into the Sleeping Princess, rolled all Nat 20s, used Hearts' cubes to compress and expand space, hacked into the QM's notes, ruled over every universe, built Hatchiyack-Zenos, cloned himself, and also made a wish on Super Shenron,
how many cookies could he and Buu make?
Do you WANT the cookie monster to devour our multiverse?
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Rolled 20, 6, 5 = 31 (3d20)

So many.


Okay, you’ve got a plan. “Nemesis, if you think you could see that coming, how about you see if you can match MY speed?” Your aura sparks and blazes around you, with you dashing around to build up some momentum. Okay, this boost is good, just- …oh. Oh he’s doing exactly that. The warrior is dashing around much like you are, keeping pace with you, even trying to get in some distant sword beam slashes. You try to pick up speed, only for Nemesis to be right behind you. Okay, this’ll be tricky! You turn back around, fully charged, and yell out, “SHINE…! SPAAAAARK!”

And…! Nemesis teleports out of the way, damn! You keep going forward, sensing where it’s materialized to, and try to still make contact. Nemesis sees you coming, and even tries to stop you with a headbutt as you reach it. Thankfully you still have enough momentum going that even as you connect, you’re still able to stun it a bit. And more importantly, you’re right up close!

You bring your hands to your face and shout, “SUPERFLARE!”

And THAT works, as even though the visor seems to block the flash of light, the Magic coursing through the attack stuns it! At the same time, Buu breaks through the jellybean he got trapped in, rocketing toward Nemesis and managing to headbutt it in the gut, sending it back. Buula actually teleports in next, a red aura surging around her. She then takes a fighting stance, and in an instant…


She’s suddenly in front of Nemesis, fist planted right in its gut. That was… not Instant Transmission. That wasn’t Kai Kai either. It seems similar to what she did in the tournament. Backing away, she tries to block a counter from Nemesis, only to get blasted in the back of the head with a dark energy blast. Nemesis starts to come out of its stun, but you and Tapion are rushing in, with Tapion slashing down with his sword, you trying to go full force against it. Your friend’s attack hits first, though the slash does less damage than he was expecting, and Lightning once again bolts down all around you, this time black in color and filled with Shadow Magic as well, Nemesis just barely dodging your attack and forcing you back with the bolts. Tapion is less lucky, getting struck and knocked down.

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Rolled 9, 12, 4 = 25 (3d20)

Buula tries to pull him away, with you launching back in, weaving through the crackling dark bolts, going for a Lightning-boosted Machinegun Punch… and Nemesis dodges each attack. A Spirit Ball follows, zipping around it as Buula grabs Tapion and moves, but with all of you so close together, you’re sitting ducks for the next attack it has readied. A black Explosive Wave blasts out from Nemesis, yet instead of doing any damage, it hits you, Buula, and Tapion with… what feels like a wave of exhaustion. Your body feels sluggish, mind hazy, and your Spirit Ball is caught in midair by Nemesis, who leaps up and actually hits the energy ball with its sword like a baseball bat, right at the arriving Percel who quickly finds himself having to block it.

In spite of its masked face, you think the warrior is smirking at that. It’s… well, it’s definitely having fun fighting you all like this. In spite of how powerful and clearly dangerous it is, it’s not trying to be actively malicious, though it also is clearly not pulling any punches. It then teleports in front of you, about to smash its spiky glove into your face.

Null though has other ideas, blocking the attack with his shield. He then manages a slide kick that knocks Nemesis down, allowing you to try one more attack, slashing at the warrior with the Muramasa. It teleports away before you can connect, Buu attempting to grapple it as it reappears, but failing to catch it. Percel fires several finger beams, the warrior dodging them all, Buula helping Tapion recover.

“More.” the warrior demands, its aura flaring up. “MORE!” Its voice actually sounds even more excited by this, but as it powers up, it shakes the whole area. Might need to rethink this strategy…

>A. Hey, Nemesis, say you win this fight. What next?
>B. It might be worth trying to exorcise some of those shards, you have enough people able to put pressure on it, you think…
>C. Might need to try out the Muramasa’s new modes… which would be the best for this fight, though? Double blade? Knife? Red horn? Or the hellish looking one?
>D. It can’t keep fighting like this forever, keep up the pressure!
>E. Something else?
>C. Rapier mode! Use the finesse to isolate individual shards!
>A. Hey, Nemesis, say you win this fight. What next?
If we can convince it to be a good guy this dimension will be a lot safer
>A. Hey, Nemesis, say you win this fight. What next?

"Your not just fighting. Your learning, adapting, and having fun with it too. It's a shame we're opponents, you would have been a wonderful ally."

>B. It might be worth trying to exorcise some of those shards, you have enough people able to put pressure on it, you think…
>C. Might need to try out the Muramasa’s new modes… which would be the best for this fight, though? Double blade? Knife? Red horn? Or the hellish looking one?

Use the Hellish One to draw the negative energy out that we exorcise.
I dig it. Supporting.
Rolled 16, 6, 6 = 28 (3d20)

Okay, one more roll, 4d20 this time, best of three! DC is 15 for the first three, 16 for the last!
Rolled 20, 5, 16, 9 = 50 (4d20)

Rolled 16, 2, 5, 10 = 33 (4d20)

i swear to fucking PRIMUS, liam...
Rolled 8, 9, 16, 8 = 41 (4d20)

Rolled 17, 14, 4 = 35 (3d20)

Passed two!
Rolled 5, 9, 18 = 32 (3d20)

And one more...
Rolled 3, 20, 3 = 26 (3d20)

And writing!

“Heh…” you laugh out lightly. “You know, I gotta hand it to you, you’re living up to that declaration in spades. You’re powerful, Nemesis. But not just in terms of physical strength, you’re skilled, clever, learning, adapting, and even having fun with it. Kinda a shame you’re so set on being our foe, you’d be a great rival.”

It hefts the sword over its shoulder again. “Life, even a long life, is fleeting in the face of eternity. I will make the most of what has been given to me.”

“Then let me ask you this: what will you do should you claim victory in this battle?” you inquire. “You prove yourself stronger than us, warriors across time and space, you gain even more power, what then?”

“More challenges will present themselves. Power attracts power. I seek it out, or it seeks me out. It matters not.” The warrior looks at the little slime creature on its sword, which gives it a confident, determined smile. Nemesis nods at it and takes a battle stance again. “You done talking?”

“...And if you lose?” Null finally speaks up.

“If.” the warrior replies laconically.

Buula cracks her knuckles, and Tapion readies himself, though it looks like he has a new plan in mind. Buu gets himself pumped up, steam blowing out of his head holes, Percel taking a fighting stance, while Null draws his beam saber. You look to the Muramasa, trying to express to it that you need to use that new rapier form it got. Its shape changes, and you point it forward. “All the more reason to win then.”

Buu starts things off first, twirling one of his arms and then punching forward, but as Nemesis tries the wormhole trick again, Buu actually has his arm detach as he’s about to enter the portal, with it still flying toward the warrior. Only through quick thinking is it able to avoid getting caught by the flun arm as it attempts to wrap around Nemesis. Buu ends up landing on the side of one of the large spikes, just barely avoiding getting skewered by it.


This provides plenty of distraction for Tapion to play on his ocarina, with the warrior’s substantial strength taking a hit as some of its power is quenched. It telekinetically lifts its sword in the air and starts to spin it, infusing what power isn’t being sealed into the blade, but you work in tandem with Tapion and get in close. You finesse the altered Muramasa and have it seek out one of the shards of Janemba and work in tandem with it to exorcise that shard out right as you slash at Nemesis. It works!

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Suddenly Buula is right in front of the warrior again, with what seems like a thousand blows hitting it in an instant. Nemesis is knocked away, the Majin girl’s arms limply hanging to her sides as she pants heavily, apparently out of stamina. Percel does look at her with a mildly judging glance, but that did its job, as even though Nemesis is able to recover from it, that attack left a number on it. The… warrior is HEALING from the attack, but the fact remains that it did enough damage to actually make a difference.

Plus, the lack of shard, now knocked away by the Muramasa, has made what healing ability it does possess noticeably weakened. It launches the sword toward Tapion, which causes him to stop playing the ocarina, but he’s thankfully still able to get out of the way. Percel charges up sparking power around his arms, thrusting them forward and managing to trap Nemesis in a sort of electric cage… hey that’s Grandpa Roshi’s technique! And it appears to be pretty effective, as the warrior is stuck there and needs to unleash an Explosive Wave just to break out of it, clearly drained again by that.

You try to repeat what you did in getting that first shard out, but Nemesis wises up to your plan and blocks your blade with its spiky, empowered glove, free hand forming another and punching you in the gut with it. A flurry of blows follow, but before it can knock you away, Null blocks the next blow with his shield, monoeye focused on the warrior.

And then, Null starts to glow red. While you can’t sense it, you can obviously tell his power’s skyrocketed. Using his beam saber, he unleashes an unrelenting combo on Nemesis, who genuinely struggles blocking each blow with its own sword, empowered as it is. Null’s combo completes with him disarming the warrior, knocking its sword away. You see your opportunity, and repeat the exorcising slash with the Muramasa, pulling out another shard of Janemba from Nemesis’ body. But before you can try it one more time, both its spiked gloves slam into you and knock you away like Rocket Punches, with the warrior making for another grab at its sword through its wormhole ability. That’s knocked away thanks to Null throwing his beam saber at it while charging his arm cannon.

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“BIG BANG…!” Slamming his arm cannon into Nemesis, Null roars out, “BUSTER CANNON!” A sphere of energy envelops the warrior, a brilliant and blinding flash of light illuminating the area. When the light fades, you can see a massive trench carved into the ground, several of the spiky mountains nearby just… gone, with several others missing massive chunks of them. Even some of the jellybeans up high have either been pushed away or blasted apart.

Dang. Well… battle’s definitely over now.

Steam vents off of Null, the air visibly shimmering around him as he takes a moment to recover from that… then slowly marches forward. As you sense out, you realize… Nemesis is very much still alive. That did a number on it, but it’s alive nonetheless. You follow behind Null as he reaches the prone warrior of the slimes… and points his arm cannon down at it.

“Hhhaa… hahaha…” Nemesis weakly laughs. “If this… is how such a fleeting life ends… I have no regrets…”

“...It’s not.” Null’s arm cannon morphs back into a standard arm, now with an outstretched hand offered. “There’s still more to do. Greater heights of power to achieve.” He looks back at you, and noticing the hint of relief on your face, he just nods, then looks back at Nemesis.

The warrior stares tensely for a moment… and accepts the hand, pulled back on to its feet.


>Twitter account is @KatoQm, will have status updates there, and now also @qmkato over at bluesky
>Got some questions for the QM? Suggestions? Put them in the thread or those accounts I’ll try to answer them as best I can

All right folks, that’s all for this thread! Thank you all so, so much for playing and sticking around for so long! Did y’all have fun? I’ll be around some time over the weekend for any questions, comments, suggestions, feedback, or the like. Also, going forward, thread announcements and updates will be mirrored both on Twitter and Bluesky, so feel free to check there too!
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Thanks for running!

I think there's a dilemma for Shin to face here. He has the ability to go home, and will go work alongside the other Supreme Kais. But that's just it, this world has no Supreme Kais. Does he do his best as one here, or does he go back and deem this world a lost cause?
Don't forget to archive this
Was a great time boss, so much fun was had. Happy birthday to you!

How about you let the QM be the one to archive it next time?
I linked to the wrong post

All righty
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Happy Birthday, here's part 1 of a fic I commissioned.

>More Eagalia x Maple, Eagalia studies the Earth custom of Valentine's Day with Maple.
What was the point of these adventures?
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And here's the next part!

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