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You are Tristain d’Rusalka, a noble from the United Kingdom of Fodlan born with unique abilities bestowed upon you by the Goddess. You have journeyed across the sea to the desert kingdom of Morfis after receiving an invitation to join a mysterious competition. Though you know little of the trials that lie ahead, the winner of this contest has been promised the hand of Morfis’ Princess, Yulia Xan Phanes, in marriage. Seeking adventures, thrills, and battles that would be worthy of your might, you embarked on this strange voyage with nothing but your trusted axe.

Your journey took you to Ithaca, a research camp situated in the midst of a magical sandstorm that barred intruders. Shortly after your arrival, the camp came under attack by a clan of desert assassins. They kidnapped one of your companions, Alvin, and took over The Keep, a fortress where Ithaca’s researchers performed their most dangerous experiments. You and your companions stormed the stronghold, facing enemies that included not just the assassins, but also monsters, ancient spirits, and even a skeletal clone of yourself.

Having rescued Alvin, you learned that he was the target of the assassins, who were seeking an object in his possession that would open the way to Tartarus, a great tomb that had been sealed away for thousands of years. With two more destinations to go before you reached Morfis, it was likely that you would face additional threats to your safety.

But this was a prospect that excited you greatly.

>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 26/50 Lord (EXP: 60/100)
HP: 54/54 (120%)
Strength: 28 (65%)
Magic: 18 (40%)
Speed: 17 (30%)
Defense: 20 (60%)
Resistance: 15 (40%)
Luck: 14 (55%)

>Personal Skill: Resolve (When HP falls to less than 35%, Strength, Speed and Defense increase by 7)

>Weapons: Steel Axe (+12 Attack), Hammer (+8 Attack, 3x attack vs Armor Knights)

Fire (+3 DMG, 5 Uses)

Crest of Indech: You are able to make a follow-up attack on one foe, regardless of Speed. (4 Charges)
Crest of Macuil: Double the attack power of a magic spell. (3 Charges)
Combat Art: Earthsplitter: Cleave all enemies standing two rows in front of you. (Cost: 1 Crest of Indech Charge)
Combat Art: Throw: (Toss your weapon at an enemy and return it to your hand. Ranged attack.) (1 Crest of Indech Charge)

>Items: Concoction x2 (+20 HP)

>Gold: 1000g

>Tristain’s Party: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mrlj-c7Oe51qIoat3LJfDSv0Bw2nmExQT2EqlKlWPGw/edit?usp=sharing

>Combat Rules:

>Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sorcerer%20Kingdom
“Concentrate. Feel the scorching heat and do not shy away, but grasp it.” Alvin calls out to you from afar. “These are not the paltry flames you’ve summoned before. This is magic befitting of an adept sorcerer.”

You outstretched your hands, calling upon the latent magical energies stored within you. It was true that you’d fallen behind in your studies of the arcane arts. You’d grown too comfortable with only swinging that large axe of yours, falling back onto the power of your Crests if need be. But you had a gift for magic, inherited from your mother, who by all accounts was a peerless sorceress in her time. Learning a paltry spell like this was well within your grasp. Coiling your fingers, you clasp your outstretched hands together and summon a torrent of flame that ignites the sand before you. The tower radiates tremendous heat, shooting several feet into the air, but you do not back down. You do not fear the deadly inferno, for it answers to your call alone.

>New Spell Learned: Elfire (+7 DMG, 3 Uses)

“Woohoo!” You hear May exclaim excitedly. She watches your performance along with several of your companions several feet away, on a hill overlooking your training area. “You picked that up in no time! You’re the best, boss!”

It had been a week since the battle in Ithaca. Following the defeat of the Riahi, your party had taken several days to rest and recuperate their strength. Being made of sterner stuff, you were fine. But you couldn’t say the same for the others. Alvin had undergone strenuous torture under the talons of that female assassin, and some of your other companions had taken serious wounds. WIth most of the party out of commission, there was nothing to do but sit around and wait. It was a tedium that irritated you endlessly. But now that you were back on the road and training your magic, your mood was starting to improve.

“Well done, Tristain.” Alvin says, joining you at your side. The Adjunct’s wounds had healed, and though he bore a few new scars, he seemed to be back to his old sort of jovial self. “I daresay we’ll make a sorcerer out of you yet. We’ll pick a new spell to focus our attention on. By the time we make it to Morfis, you should hopefully have expanded your arsenal quite a bit.”

>“Good, that’s what I like to hear.” Alvin’s tutorship was already paying off. You had no doubt you’d face contenders with greater firepower during Yulia’s competition. You’d need every trick you could get your hands on to even the odds. “When do you expect we’ll arrive at this ‘Hima’ place?”

“A few more days at this pace.” Alvin says. “We’ll be heading into the mountains, where Hima is nestled. They call the town the ‘Peak of Wyverns.’ Have you ever seen a wyvern before?”
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You’d not just seen a wyvern before, but you’d actually ridden one. Wyverns were flying lizard-like creatures, often populous in the more mountainous regions of Fodlan. Rusalka actually had quite a few wyvern nests nestled within its borders. Wyvern riders were soldiers who went into battle atop such creatures, and were considered some of the deadliest warriors around. Your father had been one of the most famous wyvern riders of his era, and for a time, you thought you’d follow in his footsteps atop such a beast. The only problem was that the creatures seemed to have an innate disliking of you.

It wasn’t actually your fault. For whatever reason, wyverns and magic mixed about as well as oil and water. If a wyvern sensed a whiff of magic from its rider, it would buck and thrash and try to send the poor sap crashing down to the ground. This was a fact you’d learned during your first joyride attempt, when you’d stolen a wyvern from Castle Rusalka’s grounds. You’d been lucky to land in a pile of hay when the beast had thrown you off. You’d never forget the look of horror on Bronte’s face, nor the scolding you’d received from your mother and aunt.

You’d heard that there did exist certain types of wyverns that were more magically acclimated. These wyverns did not share the same prejudice that the rest of their kin did, and could be ridden by someone like you just fine. However, they were exceedingly rare, and would cost a fortune that you could hardly justify. Morfis was a land of magical means though, and contained many peculiar oddities that were alien to Fodlan. Perhaps you could find such a suitable beast in Hima?

>“So, what’s the deal with this place anyway?”

“It’s the next step in our route to Morfis.” Alvin says. “Hima is a town nestled in the mountains, overseen by a clan of wyvern riders known as the Scorchers. They’re something between a militia force and a carrier service. Because wyvern riders are capable of flying over the desert, they are immune to many of its perils, and can serve as excellent messengers or travel guides. The Scorchers take it a step further by also patrolling the desert. They rescue those lost in the wastes, as well as do battle with all manner of enemies, ranging from cultists to bandits and even sometimes Terrors.”

>“They sound like real upstanding citizens. Is there any chance they have wyverns that a magic user like myself could ride?”

“Even if they did, I wouldn’t expect them to part with one.” Alvin grimaces, catching onto your point. “Beasts like that are exceptionally rare. Besides, the Scorchers are extremely territorial with their wyverns. They don’t view them as mere steeds to be ridden, but as extensions of themselves. If a Scorcher had to choose between himself and his wyvern, you could bet the wyvern would win nine times out of ten.”
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Gross. You’d heard pegasus knights had a similar bond with their steeds, but that was different. Pegasus knights were women, and usually cute ones at that. It was only natural for them to feel overprotective of their cherished, dainty little winged horse. Wyverns were nasty, ugly beasts. They drooled too much, and had a habit of making a mess of their prey, tearing into it with their jaws and talons. What kind of freak would see that as an extension of themselves? You dreaded visiting Hima already.

“Don’t tell me you were thinking of booking a flight at Hima straight to Morfis.” Alvin glowers at you. “I thought we were having fun on our road trip?”

>“I was just thinking of acquiring a new steed. But perhaps a wyvern isn’t in the cards. Oh well. I prefer horses anyway. Much cleaner.”

“Might I suggest a camel?” Alvin inquires. “I think they’re just as good personally.”

Ignoring the Adjunct, you head back to camp, where the rest of your companions have settled in for the day. Tomorrow, you will continue your journey to Hima. After having cleaned up a bit, you find one of your party members, striking up a conversation with them.

>A): May
>B): Cassius
>C): Adeline
>D): Cuthbert
>E): Elric
>F): Nadia
>>F): Nadia
Ok NOW can we talk to her?
New year, new thread. Glad we are back.
>>E): Elric
Hello Elric, how is the totally-not-cursed sword treating you?
Tempted quite mightily for Adeline. Defense support for both of them would be tremendous.
>>F): Nadia
Nice to see this return.
>>F): Nadia
>F): Nadia
>>C): Adeline
Solemn tank woman, my beloved
Gotta convince her to stick with the team
I think she will regardless, until the tournament proper that is
>C): Adeline
Poor girl needs some resistance....
>C): Adeline
>B): Cassius
Poor guy got swept up in quite the trip, and he doesn't even have a C-support...
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good thing Tris isn't that much of a mount guy else he really wouldn't beat the Radahn allegations

also have a cleaned up H!Blair
>F): Nadia
Nice and hot drawanon!
Beautiful. Did you end up doing other seasonal Blairs too anon?
DAMN. I daresay Blair has never looked better. I'm really happy to see you came back to this piece. Thanks for the great art as always.

Looks like Nadia wins by one vote. Writing.
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Speaking of faithful steeds, you find Nadia tending to her own horse at the edge of camp. The researcher from Ithaca had only recently joined your group, and she had brought with her a rather impressive looking stallion that seemed to have no problems with traversing the harsh desert terrain. You approach Nadia just as she is finishing offering her animal companion its feed bag. Even when performing a task as mundane as horse care, the sorceress manages to find a way to look as seductive as ever.

“Lord Tristain.” Nadia smiles warmly at you, showcasing a set of pearly white teeth. “To what do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

>“Just checking in. Was it really alright for you to leave Ithaca and come along with us? The place seemed to be ready to fall apart.”

“I’m sure they’ll be just fine.” Nadia says with a shrug of her shoulders. “Morfis will soon hear of what fate has befallen their precious camp, and they’ll send mages to re-secure it. Besides, with that cur Andreas having stolen my research, there is no purpose in me remaining. Better for me to come along with you instead. Staying by your side is a…prospect that I greatly look forward to.”

>“You’re pretty direct aren’t you?” You were no fool when it came to women. You’d had plenty of female attention in the past. Where lesser men would melt at the advances of a seductress like Nadia, you had enough control of your baser urges to remain level. And it was clear to you that things were moving almost too fast between the two of you.

“I hope I am not off-putting to you, Lord Tristain.” Nadia says with a giggle. “But I truly am enamored with you in a way I’d not thought possible. Surely you cannot fault a woman for falling for the man that saved her when she was backed into a corner by assassins?”

>“Did I do that? I seem to recall that it was your construct that saved you. The same construct you put together with my blood that you stole.”

“Correct.” Nadia nods, unphased. “And that construct was a near-exact replica of you. Sure it was missing a bit of skin and hair, not to mention that nice jaw of yours. And yes, it did not exactly possess what you or I would call ‘greater thought’...but it was you nonetheless. Even when I’d lost control over it, it chose to slaughter the Riahi rather than turn its blade on me. After much consideration, I believe it only did so because it inherited your traits.”

>“Seems like a bit of a stretch if you ask me.”

“Is it? You knew what I had done, and yet you did not strike me down. In fact, you offered me healing even when your supply was limited. The apple does not fall far from the tree, Lord Tristain. I know what I felt when I worked through your quintessence, and it was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. You are a noble man worth following.”
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>“Bah, I don’t need any magical jargon to tell me that. Were you really making creepy things like that your entire time in Ithaca?”

“I’d made several constructs in the past, though none were as vibrant as the one made from your quintessence.”

>“Hah, figures that the people of Morfis would lack the same sort of virile quin-whatever that I have. It’s just a shame that it was used to create that weird thing.”

“Come now, you didn’t hate it that much did you?” Nadia asks, pouting. She almost seems somewhat offended. “In the short time I’ve gotten to know you, I’d have thought you would enjoy the opportunity to fight yourself in equal combat. You may have experienced a unique opportunity that no one in the world ever has before. Did you truly learn nothing from it?”

>“Now that I think about it, the construct had attacked me with an ability I’d never used before. After seeing it, I was able to replicate the attack soon after. How is such a thing possible?”

“You were likely able to use that same ability the entire time.” Nadia says. “You just never thought to do so. The construct shared your abilities and traits, but may have chosen different ways to utilize them.”

The construct had used the Crest of Indech to turn its axe into a high-speed tomahawk that could return back to its hands. Such a thing seemed so impossible to you that you’d never thought to even try it. But sure enough, you were able to replicate this feat, adding a new technique to your repertoire. Were there perhaps other, similar techniques that you could unlock? As if sensing your question, Nadia smirks and draws closer.

“You know, Lord Tristain, you did promise to help me retrieve my research. Once it is back in my hands, I can perhaps create another construct of you. With a few extra touches, I may even be able to draw out some more of your latent abilities. Would you enjoy it if I did that?”

>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
>B): Such a thing might be too risky. The world only has room for one Tristain d’Rusalka.
>C): Write-in
>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
>>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
>>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
I'm my own worst enemy
>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
We will regret this, but that is future Tristain's problem.
>>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
>C): Write-in
If she can make a Tristain, could she make another Nadia for double the booty.
>Speaking of faithful steeds, you find Nadia
Insane opening line. Also, tristain actually has a concept of "moving too fast"? Color me surprised.
>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
I wonder if the construct will inherit new spells we're learning. Spells aren't in the blood, are they? Does construct get bonuses from items Tristain bought in the past?
I'm just thinking of the ways we could outscale ourselves, to secure the win more safely. Sure, that's coward's thinking, but while tristain is happy to bet his life on a coin flip, I'm not quite happy to end this quest because Tristain wanted to spar with himself again.
>Speaking of faithful steeds, you find Nadia

>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.

Neat. I'd roll for a big titty nopan Halloween Blair.

>Does construct get bonuses from items Tristain bought in the past?
Mr. Bones had the same RES as us at level 24 and we ended up buying a Talisman at our shopping trip in the first thread so any newer constructs probably would gain the stat boosts from items.
Theoretically if Nadia does create another construct, it shouldn't be a fight to the death and we probably would have a better axe than the construct.
>>B): Such a thing might be too risky. The world only has room for one Tristain d’Rusalka.
thanks friendos

no other seasonals yet, i'm thinking of doing one for our current quest now, any suggests?
Summer Tristain bludgeoning somebody with a surfboard? Skeleton costume Halloween Tristain? Any seasonal Cassius but he's actually wearing some other seasonal because he doesn't know how Fodlan folk celebrate?
>C):"I'm more interested in learning which of my latent abilities would be carried on through to the next generation, especially when combined with the strain of another potent spellcaster. Do you think that's research you'd be interested in assisting with?"
Blair with baby Tristain and Bronte
>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge
Amendment, what if she could make Three Nadia's. Will Tristain ever learn the secret of blue water?
Damn, the one day I don't check /qst/ for the next thread, and a new one pops up. Granted, it's been two, but hey, I'm just glad it's back.

She's got huuuuuge... tracts of land. Glad you came back to touch up on the piece, drawanon! You do some damn fine work as always.

Springtime or Valentine Tristain might be pretty funny.

>A): Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.
Rashness is Tristain's middle name. Just be strong enough to solve whatever problems you unintentionally cause, ez.
I'd be happy with anything you drew, though I'd be interested in seeing your take on Tristain.
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You’d already beaten yourself once. How hard could it be to do it again? Even if the construct were to get stronger, that would only mean that you’d also grown more powerful as well. Besides, it would be nice to have a sparring partner. It’s not as if you could rely on others for that sort of thing. At least with yourself, you knew you’d be getting a good fight.

>“Another opportunity to test my might against myself? I welcome the challenge.”

Nadia’s eyes flash, the same way a child’s might upon receiving a gift from their parents. “I’m delighted to hear you say so, Lord Tristain. Then it’s settled. As soon as humanly possible, I will grant you such an opportunity once more.”

>“Heh, you know you’re a pretty interesting woman, Nadia. You’re not at all like what I’d pictured a mad sorcerer to be. I’d imagine someone with your interests to be an old coot, practicing dark magic and living inside a cave. But I have to say, you’re just about the opposite in every way.”

“Restorative Magic is all about manipulating the flesh to receive a desired outcome. Casting Mend on a wound is vastly more complicated than it seems, and requires an intricate knowledge of both the human body and soul. It’s only natural that my interests in quintessence and human creation would lead me down the path of healing.” Nadia says with a sweet smile. If she was offended at your prior remark, she does not show it. “But I appreciate you saying so, Lord Tristain. I hope I continue to be useful to you. And in return, I hope you will help me retrieve my research, and allow me to stay by your side.”

>You receive a B-Support w/ Nadia! (+2 RES when 3 squares next to each other.)

The next day, you, your party, and the rest of Alvin’s men continue the trip to Hima. Traversing the scorching hot desert had previously been an agonizing pain. But ever since meeting Nadia, who’d taught you a cantrip to keep the heat at bay, it felt no different than walking around your backyard. You’d even been able to keep your armor on, something that granted you far more comfort than traversing about without it. Still, Nadia’s cantrip only worked on you and any others in your party that were able to use magic. Those without magical talent were still forced to put up with the desert sun’s unbearable oppression. Your eyes fall upon Adeline, who was one such person that was presently struggling.

You felt a bit bad for the woman. Having grown up in the northern Faerghus region, which was known for its cold climate, the Morfisian desert must have felt completely alien to her. She’d stopped wearing her armor during these trips, having been unable to put up with the heat. For a woman with as much pride in the defenses she put up, you imagine it must have bothered her greatly to be seen in this vulnerable state.
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After several hours of traversing the desert sands, the group’s pace was beginning to slow, and it was likely that another break would soon be called. As you examined the scenery before you, something popped into view from the corner of your eye. Tiny little green trees in the distance stood out amidst the dunes. It was another oasis, inviting you to enjoy a reprieve from the harshness of the sun. The last time you’d seen something like this, you had assumed you’d gone mad with desert fever. But you had your wits about you, and you knew what you were looking at was no mirage.

This time, you were not the only person who noticed the oasis. Adeline was looking past you, eyes locked on the possible sanctuary before her. Her cheeks were flush red, and the look in her eyes was one of longing. It didn’t take a perceptive individual to deduce that Adeline wished to visit the oasis. Still, the woman held onto her maddening pride. She would never admit that she wished to take a rest, for doing so would show weakness.

>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
>B): You found the idea of a sudden Oasis in the desert to be far too convenient. This was likely the work of an enemy mage. Continue your travels.
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
"Beach" episode!
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
We saw an oasis last time and we skipped it. This time, we've got another person who noticed it too-- that either means it's an actual oasis, or it's still a trap, but at least this time, we've got backup. Why not?
>>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
By now, you should've somehow realised what you gotta do
>B): You found the idea of a sudden Oasis in the desert to be far too convenient. This was likely the work of an enemy mage. Continue your travels.
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
Fine. Have a dip, as a treat.

I'm sure Nadia would be more than happy to volunteer herself for such an experiment. For science, of course.
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.

Finally some Adeline time
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
If we don't do this, she's going to boil like a lobster.
>>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.
>C): You found the idea of a sudden Oasis in the desert to be far too convenient. This was likely the work of an enemy mage. Let's go beat the shit out of him.
"If you're walking into a trap, but you know it's trap, then it's not a trap, it's a standoff"

Also, the sweaty warrior woman must be preserved untill our climactic fight at the tournamnet proper, don't let her cook yet. Tristain will cook her himself with his magic and her 0 RES
>A): Offer to go to the Oasis, bringing Adeline along. It would be nice to take a quick break amidst the shade.

Got to go for this. If it's a trap, that just makes it a bonus mission.
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>“Adeline. I want to visit that oasis over there in the distance. Would you mind coming along? In the event that there’s trouble, I’d like to rely on you as my usual human shield.” You knew enough about Adeline to play her properly. If you’d asked her if she simply wished to rest beneath the shade, she’d have flat out denied you. But in making it seem as though you required her aid, there would be no way she could refuse.

Brushing beads of sweat off her brow, Adeline vigorously nods. “Of course, Lord Tristain. Allow me to grab my spear and shield and we can-”

>“That won’t be necessary. Just come along.” You say, turning your back towards Adeline and making way for the oasis. Even in the unlikely event that you did encounter trouble, you had your axe, armor, and a helping of magic that you were eager to cast. You would be able to handle yourself just fine.

“You’re going to that oasis?” Elric calls out from behind. “C-can I come too?”

>“No!” You yell, not even bothering to turn around. “Stay there and keep practicing with your sword!”

Adeline clumsily tries to catch up with you. Being an armor knight in the desert certainly had its disadvantages. Still, when you saw the woman without her armor like this, you couldn’t believe she’d willingly choose to cover herself up. There was no denying that she was an attractive woman. Even with the disgrace of House Rowe, she was still of noble birth. Surely there’d be some lordling willing to marry her and scoop her away from her troubled life. That seemed a much better alternative than what she was choosing to do now anyway.

>“You should take it easier.” You suggest to Adeline now that you were out of earshot of the others. “You’re obviously in extreme discomfort. There’s nothing wrong with taking a rest every now and again.”

“I-I’m fine…honest.” Adeline says breathlessly. “These are merely trials put before me by the Goddess. How can I expect to win the competition if I’m undone by a little bit of sun?”

>“You shouldn’t expect to win the competition because I’m in it. Or has the sun scorched that out of your memory?”

“I just need to grow stronger than you.” Adeline says. “That’s all.”

>You laugh uproariously. “You say that like it’s such an easy thing!”

Adeline shrugs. “I don’t have much of a choice. If I wish to restore honor to my family name, I’ll have to grow stronger. Even if it means defeating you, Lord Tristain.”

>“The heat really is getting to your brain. Did you forget I can cast magic?” You ask her, tapping your head. “One spell and I’d have you roasted in that armor of yours.”

Adeline smiles. A rare gesture from her that you’ve barely seen on this journey. “I do not believe you would resort to using magic.”

>“Oh? And why not?”
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“The Tristain d’Rusalka that I know would find it much more enjoyable to prove that he could shatter my defenses with his strength alone.”

You smirk. Maybe she had a point. Or maybe not, and this was her way of trying to convince you of the idea. Still, you could appreciate her forwardness in how she spoke to you. Very few would have the gall to make the claim she just had. She was certainly deserving of some encouragement, even just for being one of your trusted party members.

>“Very well. I look forward to seeing you grow stronger, Adeline.”

“Lord Tristain.” Adeline says, seriousness suddenly present in her voice. “There’s someone up ahead.”

As you enter the lush patch of green, drawing closer to a refreshing body of water, you find that there is in fact someone sitting there. You must have initially mistaken them for a giant rock or boulder of sorts, because as you draw closer, you can now make out a massive figure peering into the water. It was a woman, at least over six feet in height. Even squatting down, she cut an impressive shape. She did not turn around to acknowledge you or Adeline’s presence. Instead, she continued to squat there and stare down into the blue water, even as the two of you drew up next to her.

>“Uhh…hi.” You offer.

“Hello.” The woman says, never looking up.

>“What are you doing?”

“I threw my axe in there.” She says, pointing into the water.

>“What?” You squint your eyes. “Why?”

“Lady of the Oasis lives there.” She says. “Legend says if you offer the oasis an axe, she’ll appear and offer you an even better one. So I’m waiting. Been a while though…”

You peer down into the water, but are unable to see anything. There was no axe, and there was certainly no woman down there either. The stranger finally deigns to look up at you and Adeline. As she does, her eyes widen in something resembling recognition.

“Hey…” She starts slowly, pointing a finger at you. “You’ve got an axe too. Maybe you should try it?”

You grimace. Was everyone in this desert insane? Your axe was quality, Castle Rusalka forged steel. None of the weapons you’d seen so far here in Morfis could even compete. You’d had it for quite some time, and knew it like the back of your hand. The smoothness of the handle, the sharpness of the heel, and the tiny little “E” engraved into the head, signifying the initial of the castle’s blacksmith. What sort of madman would you be to toss such a masterwork into the water?

Then again, when in Morfis…

>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
>B): This is madness…
>>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
Adeline a cute.

>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
But is it a Silver Axe, or a Gold Axe? Nah, it's a Steel Axe, surely.
>>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
I doubt that we'll get a free Brave Axe that easily, but might as well humor the huge brown musclegirl.
We do still have the Hammer, so we wouldn't be completely screwed if the axe is somehow completely unrecoverable. Maybe if Eulalia made us a Killer Axe or better it would have been a bigger dilemma.
>B): This is madness...
We're not giving up a weapon we've had for years on the ramblings of someone we just met, are we? Are we?
>>B): This is madness…
>giant woman
>kind of stupid
if she wasn't local, I'd think we ran into Scratch's kid
>B): This is madness…
>>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.

If nothing happens, we can go ask this Strange Woman to go get the Axes back for us. I've heard that strange Women lying in ponds distributing weaponry is the perfect basis for a system of government...
>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
Whatever you say large brown woman
>>A): Toss the axe into the oasis. If nothing happens you can always make Adeline retrieve it.
Do the funny
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So far, you’d encountered a skeletal replica of yourself, a massive gargoyle that could lift you in its talons, and an ancient desert spirit that wished to be worshipped as a god. All this in a country that was supposedly founded by a wizard who rode atop a giant flying ship. To say this land was strange would be an understatement. Rather than fight it, perhaps you should merely embrace the madness. Maybe if you went along with the peculiar flow, you might find yourself happier for it. It’s with this thought in mind that you unstrap your Steel Axe from your back.

“You cannot be seri-”

You give Adeline no time to finish her sentence as you toss the weapon into the oasis with a nice plunk, watching as your precious Steel Axe sinks to the bottom of the water, out of view. The three of you then wait there in silence for several minutes, staring deep into the pond. There is no sound save for the desert wind blowing through the lush green trees that are presently providing you with a reprieve from the sun. It would ordinarily be a relaxing moment, were it not for what just transpired.

>“No, I should have known that would happen. What the hell was I thinking?” You mutter to yourself in disbelief.

“Maybe she’s asleep…” The stranger offers helpfully.

“Lord Tristain…” Adeline starts. Was she feeling pity for you?

>“Can you swim?” You ask her.

Adeline turns pale, before shaking her head.

Great. Maybe this was a job for May. You did not look forward to having to explain-

At that moment, a geyser erupts from the water several feet into the air. You sense a powerful magical presence, and are grimly reminded of the Djinn. Instinctively, you reach behind you to grab your axe, only to remember that it was no longer there. Shit! This was bad! A shape moves through the geyser before emerging through its very tip. You see the head first, revealing the figure to be a woman. She continues her ascent until she is standing atop the geyser of water as though it were solid ground. In her hands are two axes. She looks down upon you and your trio with something resembling scorn.

“Yo. Are you the one that keeps throwing these down here?” Her brow is furrowed in great annoyance.

“It was him!” The strange woman shouts before you can say anything. She points an accusatory finger at you.

>“Me?!” You recoil in shock. “What are you talking about? You’re the one who told me to do it!”

“What’s your problem, man?” The ‘spirit’ asks you. She was definitely pissed, there was no question about it. “How would you feel if I came to your home and threw stuff in there? Would you like that? Huh?”

“L-Lord Tristain…this is bad.” Adeline whispers uselessly behind you. “I sense hostile intent from her.”
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“You ‘people’ never change.” The spirit says with disgust. “You hear some story about an axe-spewing lake and you all think to come rushing over here. I’m sick of it! Take your damn trash back! Which one of these is it?”

You get a good look at the axes the woman is holding for the first time, only to find that neither of them are in fact yours. The axe the woman holds in her right hand is something you’re able to appraise right away. It was a Silver Axe. A weapon that was a good notch in quality above yours. That was surprising, as you didn’t think these Morfisians had the means to produce such a thing. Back in Fodlan, it would be worth several times its weight in gold. The weapon in the woman’s left hand is…

What the hell? You blink as if to make sure what you were seeing was real. The axe that was in the lady’s left hand was the most bizarre thing you’d ever seen. It looked to be made of the bones of some mythical creature, and the head was in the shape of a human skull? How was such a thing even possible to make?! Looking at the axe gave you the feeling that it was designed solely for the purpose of evil. A weapon spawned from the very pits of hell itself. Whoever threw that thing in the oasis likely wanted to get as far away from it as possible!

>A): Claim the Silver Axe
>B): Claim the Strange Axe
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
The Silver Axe is tempting, but we know how this goes.
>>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
NO! We are not taking that fucking axe, I don't wish that on Tristain...
Ah, glad to see this back, hope you had a nice new years TH
>B): Claim the Strange Axe
Gimme the fucking Devil Axe!
>A): Claim the Silver Axe
In for a penny, in for a pound.
>>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
"How many axes do you have in there, woman!? If you want people to stop throwing axes in there, put up a sign!"
Called it. Adeline not knowing how to swim is a surprise though, but I guess Armor Knights just don't like swimming for obvious reasons. Wonder if that'll be plot relevant later.

>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
But honestly speaking, her being legitimately angry about it is certainly a subversion on the story. C might result in us getting both, or nothing, or it might just give us back our Steel Axe, kek. Still, I'm willing to try it.
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
"Both of those are mine"
>Devil Axe
I might be tempted if it wasn't for our propensity for putting ourselves at single digit HP in every combat we've been in. We might just kill ourselves with it accidentally if we're unlucky.

>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
>A): Claim the Silver Axe
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
>>B): Claim the Strange Axe
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
>C): Inform the woman that neither of these axes were yours.
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The surly woman was awaiting your answer. While you wanted nothing to do with that strange-looking weapon, the Silver Axe was at least tempting. WIth the way things looked, it was unlikely you’d be able to secure an upgrade until at least reaching Morfis. Still, you didn’t exactly trust this “spirit”. You couldn’t help but feel that there was more to this decision than met the eye. She had to have known that neither of these axes were really yours, as the Steel Axe had only dropped into her pond a mere few moments ago. Perhaps she was testing you to see if you’d remain honest? Well, you wouldn’t fall for her trick.

>“Actually, neither of those axes were the ones I dropped.” You say smugly.

The woman stares down at you, her mouth curled in distaste. Shit, did you say the wrong thing? Just as you begin to think so, she finally speaks.

“So what? Am I supposed to go back down there and look for your axe? Is that what you want me to do? No, don’t answer that question. Just take these damn things with you!”

With a thud, the lady of the oasis tosses both the SIlver Axe and the Evil-Looking Axe at your feet.

>Obtained Silver Axe! (+16 Attack)
>Obtained ??? Axe! (+21 Attack, -20 HP when Used)

“Now piss off!” She shrieks. “And tell all your friends to stay the hell away!”

The geyser shrinks in size, taking its rider with it. In a few short moments, the woman disappears back into the oasis. Peering down inside, you’re unable to find any trace of her. Was that really a desert spirit? You weren’t quite sure. She seemed rather human to you. Besides, who would worship a surly goddess like that? You thanked your lucky stars that your own Goddess was a benevolent and merciful lady. You made a mental note that, once you conquered Morfis, you’d build a temple to her right over this damn oasis. But for now, you happily collect your prizes.

“Can I have that back?” The strange woman asks. For a second, you believe she is pointing at the Silver Axe that you now held. Surprisingly though, it’s the evil-looking axe that she was referring to.

>“This thing is yours?” You ask incredulously.

The woman nods. “I was hoping to get something less scary-looking. But any axe is better than no axe.”

That was certainly a sentiment you saw no fault with.

>“What the hell is this thing? Why does it look like that?”

“It’s cursed.” She says.

>“Cursed? Then why do you want it back?”

“Gotta swing something.” She shrugs.

Another flawless argument…

>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.
>B): Finders Keepers.
>>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.
well, there goes our trusty old axe. I don't want to be on the other side of that cúig triail circus show from last quest so take your axe
Looks like it's not a Devil Axe, but something else entirely. It might be the FEH version of the Devil Axe though, which deals out-of-combat damage after combat instead of the usual Backfire effect.

Tree, does the Strange Axe reduce HP after combat, and if so, can it reduce your HP past 1?

>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.
This axe is pretty good for dropping Tristain into Resolve range, but not much else. Good for swatting flies, but actively detrimental against an opponent that survives more than one round of combat. It's only 5 Mt stronger than the Silver Axe, and, if we initiate on an enemy using it, if they survive and attack us in turn, we'd have lost 40 HP from the feedback alone-- to say nothing of groups of mooks dogpiling us and reducing our HP to 1 after several rounds of combat.

It might be useful in duels or boss fights where we can allow the enemy to initiate on us while wielding the axe, before swapping to a regular weapon for the Resolve boost, though. Or if you just want slightly higher damage numbers.

Overall, I'll happily trade that for a potential recruitment opportunity for the airheaded axe lady.
>Tree, does the Strange Axe reduce HP after combat, and if so, can it reduce your HP past 1?
Yes to both. You can suicide on it.
Damn, gotcha, good to know! It's worse than I thought. Get this thing away from us.
>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman
We're not just going to leave her unarmed, are we?
>well, there goes our trusty old axe
We could always dive in for it later, hypothetically, but I'm not sure our boy is one for stealth missions.
>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.

See, if Strange Woman join us, we get Woman AND Axe!
>>B): Finders Keepers
>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.
If Tristain keeps tanking things with his face he won't have any trouble getting into resolve range.
>B): Finders Keepers.
>>A): Return the Cursed Axe to the Strange Woman.
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If she wanted this thing so badly she could have it. You didn’t exactly appreciate the look the skull-shaped blade was giving you anyway. You hand the evil-looking axe over to the giant woman, who accepts it with a mix of gratitude and resignation. In her massive hands, the weapon looked almost like a toy.

“Thank you.” The woman says with a bow of her head. “Travelling the desert without any means of defense is dangerous. Even for me.”

>“Where did you get a thing like that anyway?” You ask.

“My master gave it to me.” She says with a sigh. “Though I wish he’d have given me something nicer, like the axe you have. This one is too scary. I thought if I gave it to the Lady, she might give me one that was more normal. But she seemed really mad. Thank you for talking to her and giving me my axe back though. My name is Penelope. If our paths ever cross again, I promise to make this up to you.”

>“Sure, whatever. Travel safely now.” You weren’t sure what sort of master would give an axe like that as a gift, but he must have been a real freak. In any case, you bid farewell to the giant, who walks away into the desert alone. This might have been the strangest encounter you’d had in Morfis yet, but it was not without its faults. You at least had a brand new weapon to show for your troubles.

You and Adeline spend a few more minutes together at the oasis. The woman seems timid around the water, likely nervous about provoking the wrath of its dweller. Fortunately, she does not make another appearance, and the armor knight is able to fend off the impending threat of heat stroke. After she has finished cooling off, you and her regroup with the others, who have questions about where you’d acquired that new axe of yours.

“The Lady of the Oasis?” Alvin raises his eyebrow in confusion. “The hell are you talking about?”

>“I assumed she was one of your people’s goddesses or something?”

“Maybe once upon a time.” Cassius says. “There are still those outside of Morfis who secretly worship the ancient spirits of the desert. But almost all of those old deities have vanished, vanquished by the Sorcerer King. Their names and purposes ending up forgotten to history. Well, at least that’s what I thought anyway. If the Djinn was anything to go by, it seems that maybe a few escaped that fate.”

“It sounds like you may have encountered something else entirely.” Alvin says. “Perhaps a rogue mage that is in hiding.”

>“A rogue mage?”

“It is a rather open-ended term for any mage that the Royal College does not approve of.” Cassius informs you. “These rogues can range from members of the Cult of the Serpent with magical talent, to simple deserters of Morfis.”
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“In many cases, they are fugitives, often dabbling in forbidden magic or research.” Alvin continues. “In others, they are mages who have rejected the idea of residing in the City of Illusions, and seek out the desert to live as hermits. The College takes a negative stance on them either way. There even exists a special order of warriors tasked with hunting down these rogue mages. They are known as the Yasha.”

>“So that wasn’t actually a spirit then? I should have known. Is there a reward for capturing these rogue mages?”

“Better to not even bother.” Alvin waves his hand. “From what you described, if she was talented enough to make a hidden habitat out of that oasis, she’s probably strong. Besides, I doubt she’s even there anymore. If she’s smart, she’ll have moved locations. The last thing she’d want is the Yasha finding out about her. They are warriors specifically bred for the purpose of capturing sorcerers, and are the bane of any mage in a fight.”

You put the matter aside. The party rests for the night, before moving out again first thing in the morning. Alvin says that the group is making an excellent pace, and that you should arrive at Hima by tomorrow. Adeline seems to be in much better spirits since having taken her to the oasis, and no longer appears to be lagging behind.

>You receive a B-Support w/ Adeline! (+2 DEF when 3 squares next to each other.)

You continue training magic with Alvin, who this time teaches you the “Wind” spell. The sorcery by itself is not very powerful, but where it truly shines is in its effectiveness against aerial foes. The timing could not be better you think. The Scorchers in Hima are known as wyvern riders, and if any trouble were to break out with them, you’d be able to knock them flat on their asses. A good thing that you were such a quick learner.

>You learned Wind! (+3 ATK, 5 Uses, x3 DMG against flying foes.)

After training is complete, you find a few of your companions milling about. You endeavor to speak with one of them before arriving at Hima tomorrow.

>A): Cassius
>B): Elric
>C): Cuthbert
>>B): Elric
how's that sword treating you
>C): Cuthbert
Really curious if he's actually noticed a change in Elric or not
>B): Elric
We must check on the boy. If he starts talking about Mystletainn being hungry or "a new order that will shake the foundations of the world" or anything, we might need to intervene.
>B): Elric
The power of friendship will surely save him from Mystletainn controlling him.
Cassius really has been ignored so far kek, being the only person who doesn't even have a support rank with us.
>C): Cuthbert
>>C): Cuthbert
I'd say we let the sword cook for just a little more.
>C): Cuthbert
We'll check on Elric in a bit. See what Cuthbert thinks about this whole thing. He knows him better than anyone, after all.
Did OP make these?
If you're talking about the portraits, most of these are taken from Fire Emblem Universe's Free2Use Portrait Repository. The one exception being Tristain's, who I spliced together myself.
>A): Cassius
The Summoner needs more love
>C): Cuthbert
Talk to us old man
>B): Elric

Honestly fine with talking to any of them. Kind of funny to look at the current situation of Elric and Cuthbert. Elric has this magic sword that makes him confident and aggressive enough to try and spar with Tristain after having it for what, a day or a handful of hours? But it hasn't actually made him any stronger? Dangerous combo.

Then we have Cuthbert whose job it is to protect Elric and surely has noticed the difference, but hasn't done anything about it or confronted Elric? Has he just resolved himself and accepted it? Even if he doesn't think its a magic sword then its more like Elric has taken the killing of his first enemy and lost his sense of self that wanted to avoid violence.
Cuthbert it is. Writing!
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At first, you think about spending a moment speaking with Alvin. However, you find that the boy is in his own world, swinging that strange sword of his. What was with Morfis and its abundance of peculiar weapons? You ultimately decide not to interrupt his practice. It was nice to see him taking an interest in something positive for once, rather than all the reading and studying that the boy usually did. Instead, you choose to sit down across the fire from his bodyguard, Cuthbert. You find the man by himself as usual, alone in his own little world.

>“How are you faring, old timer?” You ask, taking a seat opposite from the veteran soldier.

“Is that supposed to be a joke?” Cuthbert snorts. “Nothing wrong with being old. With the sort of life I’ve led, it just goes to show how fortunate I’ve been.”

>“You held things together pretty well during the battle in Ithaca.” You say. Cuthbert had risen to do battle with the assassins before you had even left your tent. He’d also not hesitated for even a single moment to jump into battle with the twin axemen, nor the Djinn. Part of the reason you’d let Elric tag along in the first place was to have this man’s assistance. In these strange lands, a veteran Fodlan knight you could rely on such as Cuthbert was worth his weight in gold.

“Wasn’t the first time I’d been ambushed. Probably won’t be the last either if I’m going to be travelling with you.” Cuthbert sighs, poking at the fire with a stick. “Still, I will admit that was a grislier scene than I’d been expecting. Those Riahi were merciless.”

>“Only because they were picking on mages that couldn’t even access their magic. But when faced with real warriors, they folded easy enough.”

“Real warriors, eh?” Cuthbert chuckles, amused by your comment. “Be that as it may, don’t underestimate them. It’s true, the people in this land fight differently than you or I. They prefer swift strikes and light armor. They duck and weave and feint, whereas we prefer to crush with overwhelming strength. But if you ask me, warriors like that are the most dangerous. They cannot afford to make a misstep, and so they are better than anyone at finding the gaps in one’s armor and exploiting them. They’ll wear you down with little cuts here and there, until you’re left helpless. Ripe for the killing blow. These Morfisians remind me much of the warriors of Brigid, who fought alongside the Empire all those years ago. I can vouch firsthand for their lethality.”

>“Spoken like a true veteran. You still haven’t told me what you did during the war.”

“I fought. Fought right alongside the old Empress even, if you could believe it. Almost made it to the end of the war, too. But took a nasty wound during the Battle of Gronder Field. By the time I woke up, the war was over. No more Empress, no more Empire.”
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Now that was of particular interest to you. The Battle of Gronder FIeld was considered the bloodiest battle fought during the Fodlan Unification War. It was a three way slugfest between the major powers of the time. It was also where your father, Rex d’Rusalka, had met his end at the hands of your aunt. Your family never spoke much of the battle, so you were forced to rely on dubious historical accounts to get a picture for what actually transpired. Suffice to say, one thing they all agreed on was that Gronder had been a charnel house.

>“You fought at Gronder? What was that like?”

Cuthbert stares into the flames before him, lost in thought reminiscing a battle that occurred over 20 years ago.

“Maybe some other time.” He responds.

>“Fine. Then another topic. What’s gotten into Elric? Wasn’t he supposed to be a pacifist? Every time I get a look at him he’s swinging that stupid sword around.”

“You’ve noticed too, have you? Frankly, I’m not so sure myself. When I asked him about it, he simply replied that he needed to get stronger. The boy killed someone for the first time only a few days ago. That’s something like that should have absolutely rocked him to his core. But he’s brushed it off the way you would having to take a piss. Something’s changed within him, that’s for sure.”

>“Do you think it’s the sword? Is it perhaps cursed?”

The look Cuthbert gives you is one of pure confusion.

“Cursed? The hell are you talking about? Has this place gotten to your head? No, I don’t think the sword is ‘cursed.’ More likely, I think you’re exerting your influence on the boy. A bad influence, if I’m being honest.”

>“You’re blaming me?!”

“Elric doesn’t exactly have a lot of positive role models to look up to. And I think a part of him has always resented his helplessness. I think being around you is causing him to want to emulate you and grow stronger.”

>“And how is that a bad thing?”

“Well he never had to train to kill people two weeks ago.”

Perhaps a fair point.

“Look, do me a favor.” Cuthbert sighs. “I don’t know how many battles like that last one I have left in me. If something happens to me, please don’t leave Elric at the nearest whorehouse. Take care of him, and make sure he remains safe.”

>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
>B): That’s a big ask. I can’t promise anything.
>C): Write-in
>>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
Come on, we are not heartless! Pinky promise :)
>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
We accepted him to join us so the least we can do is protect him, what kind of King would we be if we couldn't protect one boy afterall?
>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
>C): Write-in
Adopt him. He needs a real father.
Cuthbert is cool. Makes me wonder if he got KO'd by a named character and lived. Maybe even one of the Blackwings, heh.

>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
Bronte would be mad if we didn't. Also I'm a sucker for the 'asshole with a heart of gold' trope.
>A): I'll look after Elric should something happen to you.
If this is our fault anyway, we might as well clean up after ourselves.
>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
>C): Write-in
"Hey, it's worth asking. We found that sword in the Seal's room, so there's probably SOMETHING up with it. Keep an eye out for if he's talking to it, or something weird. I just ran into a lady with an axe that was incredibly cursed a few days ago, at the oasis."
>>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
If we don't his little cousin will probably cry and that's one headache I can see Tristain wanting to avoid kek

Also don't go dying anytime soon you geezer, we need that rally strength
>grinder field survivor, from the losing side too
We've got a legendary veteran pull
Supporting >>6179781 for the write-in.
Morfisian mages have already been proven to have *very little* moral fiber when it comes to magic, there's simply no telling what manner of bullshit we might come across.

>Makes me wonder if he got KO'd by a named character and lived. Maybe even one of the Blackwings, heh.
Eh, doubt it. Cuthbert claims to have fought side by side with Edelgard and far as I remember the Blackwings never got that close to Edel.
My bet is that Cuthbert got caught in Dimitri's rampage. If someone's going to traumatize a man it's gonna be the Boar!
>A): I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you.
iirc, Sebastian was one of the few survivors of the frontline battle against Edelgard and her division. He had to be dragged back by Theo, Scratch, and Clay to survive, but he was so injured that he couldn't even participate in the Cúig Triail afterwards. Maybe the Blackwings / Kingdom Infantry line crashed against Edelgard and her forces.

Of course, Cuthbert fighting at Edel's side and surviving Grinder Field is pretty impressive all alone. Imagine if he was able to survive an Atrocity...
>C): "I'll ensure he remains safe. Can't promise I'll do the job myself, but I'll ensure he gets looked after."
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>“Don’t worry about it, I’ll look after Elric should something happen to you. Just don’t take that as permission to go dying off anytime soon and leaving me stuck with him. Asking me a request as serious as that makes it sound like you’re ready to keel over.”

Cuthbert snorts, a slight grin creeping up at the corner of his mouth. “I didn’t make it this far to die in these scorching deserts, you can count on that. Just thought it would be best to bring it up is all. I’ll keep a bit more of a watchful eye on the kid. Should I notice him acting any stranger than he is now, I’ll let you know.”

>You receive a B-Support w/ Cuthbert! (+2 STR when 3 squares next to each other)

The next day, you and your party continue your journey to Hima. You’re able to see it from a distance hours before you even arrive at the gates.The settlement truly is baked into the very mountains itself. This is no small hamlet or village. Hima is a sprawling, populous town. As you leave the sands behind for the mountain trails, you begin your ascent. The higher you go, the cooler the air becomes, and soon the heat of the desert all but vanishes. Still, the climb is long and strenuous.

“People really live all the way up here?” May asks, huffing heavily.

“For some, it beats living in the desert.” Cassius says. “The chilly mountain air provides them with a reprieve from the heat. And with Hima’s remote location and heavy security, they don’t have to worry about any issues such as terrors or bandits. There’s also a trail just like this on the opposite end of the city, that leads to Shangri-La and eventually Morfis itself.”

“Our mages are capable of conjuring their own food.” Nadia reminds May. “With such a boon, there are all sorts of places here where civilization may flourish, that you might consider inhospitable back home.”

>“If you call that crap food.” You remark darkly, remembering your encounter with the local conjured cuisine back at Ithaca. “Is that shit even nutritious? The mage back at Ithaca said the Ice Cream I ate was mostly made from bugs or something.”

“It lacks the full-value of real food, sure.” Cassius starts. “But you have to admit that-”

>“Gross. They better have something real to eat here.”

After what feels like an eternity of climbing, the group finally makes it before the entrance of Hima. True to Cassius’ word, the place is heavily secured. A massive gate and walls stand as a barrier for all who would enter. Two watchtowers are built along the walls, each sporting a pair of archers who look down upon your group. Most intimidating of all though are the Wyvern Riders, perched atop their lizards. At least four of them sit atop the walls, peering down with a healthy amount of suspicion. For a remote location, you thought this might be a bit much. One of the Wyvern Riders descends down from the walls to land before you.
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As he scans everyone in your party, it’s clear that the guard doesn’t seem happy to see you.

“Hmph, more foreigners.” The guard says haughtily atop his mount. “And you seem a great deal more suspicious than the last batch. State your identity and business here in Hima!” The man’s wyvern eyes you hungrily, its serpent tongue darting out of its mouth. A truly nasty creature, this thing. So, these were the so-called Scorchers?

“Easy friend.” Alvin says. “We’re not all foreigners. I am Adjunct Alvin, of the Royal College. I seek lodging for my party. We’re looking to rest for a few days before leaving for Shangri-La, on our journey to Morfis. Will you allow us entry?”

The soldier is hardly impressed upon hearing Alvin’s title. “An Adjunct, eh? And you’re travelling with a group of foreigners? That’s a bit odd, no?”

“Is there a reason for all the suspicion?” Alvin asks.

“If you have any questions, I suggest you bring them up with Governor Tobias.” The Scorcher says. The man was clearly enjoying throwing his weight about. “I’ll allow you entrance into Hima, but I’ll need to confiscate your weapons first.”

“What is the meaning of this?” Alvin says, growing increasingly annoyed with the guard.

“Governor’s orders.” The Scorcher replies. “All visitors are to have their weapons confiscated upon entry. You’ll have them returned to you when you leave. Do you have a problem with that? If so, feel free to head back down.” The man’s wyvern, perhaps sensing its rider's emotions, opens its mouth to let out a hiss of sorts.

>A): Leave your weapons with the guard.
>B): “We mean no harm, and are tired after days of travelling. Do you really need to do this?” (LCKx3: 42% to succeed.)
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>D): Write-in
>>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
make my day
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>C): "You're welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself." (STR+LCKx2L 84% to succeed.)
This isn't the smart option. This is specifically the directly antagonistic option. But of course this is the one that's most in-character. Tristain is not an idiot, but he is a generally straightforward man.
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
If this guy wants to throw his weight around, we just got to show him that we're the bigger fish here. And if it gets us into a fight, then hey, we'd win, easy. Long-term? Never heard of it.
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
>>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
Call the bluff. This dickhead won't do shit if we give him some pushback.
>C): “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapons yourself.” (STR+LCKx2: 84% to succeed.)
Rolled 96 (1d100)

Rolling. 1-84 means success.
File deleted.
The things we do for the bit.
Yeah, you know what? Not what I meant to say, but correct nonetheless.
Man, that's a classic. Remember when Blair missed a 95%? Glad to see it runs in the f
4amily-- even adoptive ones.

Oh well, if he wants to brawl, we can brawl.
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How does this keep happening?
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>You really didn’t appreciate the way this bastard was barking orders at you. Baring your teeth, you take a step in front of Alvin and address the Scorcher, who sits atop his wyvern staring at you smugly. “You’re welcome to come down from that ugly lizard and take my weapon yourself. If you think you have it in you, that is.”

The threat of violence is plain as day in your voice. You watch as the grin of self-satisfaction that was plastered on the Scorcher’s face slowly melts away. It morphs into anger, followed by self-doubt, and then finally, fear. He opens his mouth to say something, but only wheezing air comes out. He pulls sharply on the reins of his wyvern, taking to the air and shouting out for his comrades to come join him.

“H-help! Help! They’re going to attack!” The Scorcher cries. In an instant, he is joined by the other wyverns riders that had been perched on the walls, each of them circling over you. The archers that you’d seen in the watchtowers also train their bows on you. Perhaps you may have taken things a step too far, because in an instant, Hima’s garrison appears ready for an all out war.

“W-wait! Wait damn you!” Alvin cries, jumping ahead and waving his arms left and right. “No one’s fighting anyone! We’ll hand over our weapons, but I demand to see Governor Tobias immediately!”

>“You can’t be serious.” You say to the Adjunct. “Why should I need to comply with these assholes?”

“Because if you don’t, we’ll have an extra week of walking through the damn desert.” Alvin seethes. “Keep your lid on, and don’t make an unnecessary enemy out of these guys. Like it or not, we have need of them right now. ”

More wyverns join the fray, having been alerted to the commotion outside the gates. They circle above you in deliberation with each other. Or perhaps they were waiting for you to make the first move. After a few moments of tension, one of the wyverns leaves the circle, heading back towards the city. The rider that you and Alvin had previously been speaking with lands on the ground, this time with two armed guards flanking him.

“I’ll allow you in the city, Adjunct.” The guard seethes. “But I’m confiscating those weapons. I’ve just sent word to the Governor…as well as the rest of the Scorchers inside the city. They’ll all be keeping an extremely close eye on you, so don’t even think about letting your foreign dog over here off his leash.” He glances at you before spitting off the side of his mount. “You damn Fodlanders are an uncivilized bunch, aren’t you? Nothing like the Almyrans we’ve been hosting.”

>A): Comply
>B): Leave Hima
>C): Write-in
Wouldn't be Fire Emblem without a healthy dose of RNG fuckery!
>C): Write-in
>"You're shaking us down for our weapons like a bunch of damn bandits and you call US uncivilized? We'll hand them over, but I won't be surprised if you slit our throats while we sleep."
This may, however, be me projecting.
>>A): Comply
ah, who cares. Good excuse to test our new magic
Almyrans, eh? I wonder if Claude or his kid is around. That, or maybe Daryun had a kid or bastard alive at the time of his death to participate? It might even be Jaswant's offspring? Remember that guy? I bet they're all sore about the loss of the Gae Bolg and Gungnir.

>A): Comply
Fine, we'll play nice. I'll take some satisfaction that this guy got so scared he had to call for a red alert, though. Besides, Tristain's got enough STR to beat someone to death with his fists, and enough MAG to knock down anyone flat on their ass.
>A): Comply
THAT'S GOING IN THE BOOK! Pride is outweighed by practicality but it is not forgotten, Tristain will pay this back sooner or later.
>A): Comply
Hope Elric won't react badly to his cursed sword being taken away. Tristain himself should be fine since we still have our magic and the fight with Nestor showed how DEFlets would still lose to an unarmed Tristain.
If it's Claude or his kid here we definitely need to continue the family tradition of beating up Almyrans and taking their weapons.
>>A): Comply
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>“Fine, take the damn thing.”

You relent, holding out your newly acquired Silver Axe for the Scorcher to take. The man accepts the axe from you while his comrades move to disarm the rest of your party. Cuthbert hands over his weapons without any problems, whereas it takes May several moments to part with every single knife that she had hidden on her person. By the time she is done removing the final dagger from the inside of her boot, it is Adeline’s turn. The Scorchers seem to have a bit of difficulty carrying her tower shield. A testament to the woman’s strength in being able to haul her gear. Finally, there is Elric.

“Hand over the sword, kid.” A Scorcher says, holding his arms out.

Elric looks reluctant to part with his blade. The boy seems to be seriously considering whether to hand it over or not. Before you can chastise him, he hands the sword over with no argument, though he looks more uncomfortable than you’d ever seen him before.

“Woah, this looks like a nice sword…” The Scorcher says in genuine astonishment as he studies the hilt of Elric’s blade.

“Don’t you dare unsheathe it!” Elric hisses, scorn evident in his voice. “Scum like you is unworthy to polish the blade of Mystletain.”

>“Woah! Easy kid.” You intervene, pushing Elric along towards the gates. If you weren't able to start any hell with these guards, then you damn sure weren’t going to let this kid do it. And since when did that sword have a name?

With the matter of your weapons settled, the gates to Hima finally open for you. You and the others walk inside the city to find a sprawling mass of buildings, each of which have been carved into the very mountain itself. The streets are narrow and crowded, and many of the buildings are built atop each other, with staircases and bridges linking them. As a warrior, your thoughts naturally turned to how defensible this place was. If someone wished to invade, they’d have a hard time getting through the gate, just to be stuck within the narrow corridors of the town, with archers plinking from above.

“Everyone’s staring at us…” Nadia whispers. She was right. It seemed as though everyone in the town was looking right at you, from the people observing on the upper tiers, to the folks that were in your way in the crowded streets, who were now nervously pushing themselves to the side to allow you passage.

“The same thing happened in Solis.” Cassius remarks. “I guess these folks are just as unused to foreigners as they were. Or perhaps word has already spread of our little scene outside.”

>“Just once I’d like to go somewhere where people weren’t looking at me like I was some kind of freak.”

“Might I suggest going back to Fodlan?” Cuthbert adds.

“This may be something else entirely.” Alvin remarks. “They seem far too nervous for just you. Besides, that Scorcher said we weren’t the only foreigners.”
That’s right. The Scorcher had mentioned that there were Almyrans visiting. It sounded like other contenders had come to Hima. You recall Cassius mentioning something back in Solis about having seen an Almyran Warlord, accompanied by a giant wyvern and a massive trove of treasure he likely hoped to court Princess Yulia with. Could that man be here now? You hadn’t seen a contender since Solis, but that had been an encounter that ended in some great deal of violence.

“I’d like to go visit the governor.” Alvin says. “He’s the leader of both this town, as well as the military commander of the Scorchers. I want to get an idea of anything strange going on.”

>“Those guards didn’t seem too impressed by your title.”

“The Scorchers don’t care much for the Royal College.” Alvin shrugs. “They’re a self-contained lot, able to handle much of their issues alone. Suffice to say, they don’t look too kindly on interventions from unknown mages that are leagues away. But I’m hopeful that their commander will be a bit more level-headed than those punks were.” He offers a friendly wave towards a Scorcher archer that is watching your group, but is only met with a disapproving frown. “You’re welcome to join me if you’d like, Tristain. It’s well within your right as my travel companion and leader of this party. But if you’d rather not, feel free to explore Hima. Just…please don’t get into trouble. I don’t believe these Scorchers have much leniency left in them.”

>A): Accompany Alvin and meet with the leader of Hima and the Scorchers
>B): You want to see this Almyran Warlord for yourself first. Head over to the nearest tavern and inquire within.
>C): You had a bit of spending money, as well as the Green Gem you received from 99. Maybe a shopping trip was in order?
>>B): You want to see this Almyran Warlord for yourself first. Head over to the nearest tavern and inquire within.
i'm curious
In May's opinion which place is the best to steal from
>A): Accompany Alvin and meet with the leader of Hima and the Scorchers
Sure, why not.
>A): Accompany Alvin and meet with the leader of Hima and the Scorchers
As awful as our first impression with them was, it is best that we get to know our new subjects. We'll run into that Almyran Warlord soon enough, anyway.
>>A): Accompany Alvin and meet with the leader of Hima and the Scorchers
>B): You want to see this Almyran Warlord for yourself first. Head over to the nearest tavern and inquire within.
A wins, writing!
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You decide to accompany Alvin in meeting with the leader of Hima. You were in no rush to see this Almyran Warlord. After all, the end result would be the same. He’d eventually bow his head towards you in utter defeat and humiliation. For now, it was better to meet with one of your potential subjects and get an understanding of what sort of weirdness might be plaguing this town. Leaving the others to deal with accommodations for your stay, you and Alvin head for Hima’s central keep. The guards watch you closely along the way, but offer you no further issue. Eventually, they lead you through the large fortification, all the way to the office of Governor Tobias himself.

The governor’s office is bare and drab. Save for a wooden table with a stack of papers and a map atop of it, along with a few uncomfortable looking chairs, it was hardly what one would call nice. Sitting behind the table was a large man. He was an older, weathered sort, with streaks of grey in his hair. But you were able to tell instinctively that this one was a warrior. A scar ran down one glassy eye, denoting the man as half blind. Upon you and Alvin entering his office, he rises from his seat.

“Adjunct.” The man says, giving Alvin a polite nod. “Welcome to Hima. I am Tobias Drakos, Governor of this Town and Commander of the Scorchers. Pleased to meet you.”

“Governor.” Alvin returns the gesture. “I am Adjunct Alvin of the Royal College. Accompanying me is Tristain d’Rusalka, a contender in the competition for Princess Yulia’s hand in marriage. It is our honor to meet your acquaintance.”

“A foreigner, eh?” Tobias says, studying you closely with his one eye and rubbing his chin in thought. “I see. You certainly look strong enough, my friend. I daresay you’ve had no shortage of experience on the battlefield. Make sure you stay away from Uriyan though. While I have no doubt you’d give him quite the fight, the last thing I need is two powerful foreigners exchanging blows in the middle of my town.”

>“Uriyan?” You ask. “Who is that?”

“Ahh, you haven’t met the Almyrans.” Tobias says. “He’s a Warlord, here to compete in the Princess’s competition. He came here with a horde of his finest warriors, each carrying a chest of treasure. He’s become quite popular in town. The man’s practically captured the hearts of some of the folks here.”

>“Forgive me for saying if the people of Hima have bad taste then.” You grimace. “Everywhere I’ve gone so far I’ve seen a pretty healthy distrust of foreigners. What’s this man done to earn your people’s affection so quickly?”

“He’s pretty liberal with his gold for one.” Tobias laughs. “He’s damn near bought everyone in town drinks for the entire week he’s been here. But it’s not just bribery. Uriyan and his men are all wyvern riders. Just like us. Suppose there’s a bit of kinship there.”
These damn wyvern riders. You’d think they shagged those lizards with the way they talked about them.

“Governor.” Alvin interrupts. You get the feeling he’s trying to stop you from learning more about this Uriyan fellow, feeling you might be tempted to go find him and knock his head off. “I have to say I was a bit surprised at the reception my men and I received. It’s rather unusual to request that we hand over our weapons upon entry into your town.”

“These are unusual times, Adjunct.” Tobias says grimly. “If you’re coming from Solis, it’s possible the news may have failed to reach you. But to make you aware, several villages in the vicinity have been wiped out.” He gestures towards the map on his table, on which you spot several red ‘X’s.

>“Wiped out? Wiped out by what?”

“No one knows.” Tobias says. “And there isn’t anyone around to ask, either. All the inhabitants of said village are simply gone without a trace. There aren’t even any corpses, nor any signs of a fight or struggle. It's as if they simply vanished into thin air. It sounds difficult to believe, but we’ve found five villages nearby in a similar state.”

“That’s…troubling.” Alvin remarks, concern evident in his voice. “Have you requested aid from Morfis?”

“The Royal College said they’ll send someone… eventually.” Tobias says. “I was hoping that might be you. As for the Palace, they’ve been of no help. I hear the new VIzier has her hands full securing her position. Surely Hima is of no consequence to her right now.”

“New Vizier?” Alvin asks, puzzled. “What happened to the old one?”

“Ahh, you really are out of the loop.” Tobias says. “The old man died rather suddenly and quite unexpectedly. Princess Yulia has appointed that foreign woman to fill his role. Bronte Weaver now heads the office. A foreigner now holds one of the most powerful positions in our country. As I said, these are unusual times, Adjunct.”

>“Bronte is the what?!” What the hell was going on? You knew Bronte had managed to gain the favor of Princess Yulia, but if what this man was saying was true, had she really become this country’s equivalent of their Prime Minister? That was incredible! While you were out here galavanting in the desert and getting sidetracked by all manner of things, Bronte had managed to secure for herself a real seat of power. You needed to find her and gain her aid more than ever.

“Pretty soon it’ll all be foreigners, won’t it?” Tobias says, looking you over. “My personal feelings aside, I have bigger problems to deal with. Namely, I believe Hima will soon come under attack. Perhaps by the same force behind the disappearance of those villages.”

“Who do you suppose is behind this?” Alvin asks.

“Do I even need to say it? The Cult of the Serpent.” The governor shakes his head grimly. “This has their work written all over it.”
>“Ahh yes, that Cult I’ve heard so much about. What makes you so sure they’ll come for you? I haven’t been here for very long, but this place seems rather defensible. If an enemy army were to attack you, they’d suffer horrific casualties.”

“Because they’re already here.” Tobias says. “We’ve suffered a grave issue recently. Several of our wyverns were stricken ill. The men that were meant to guard them were found asleep at their post. I know those men well, and they were not simply shirking their duty. Someone used magic to put them to sleep. A quarter of our wyverns are sick, and another quarter have outright died, as if poisoned by something. In a single night, our fighting strength has been drastically reduced.”

“Half of your wyverns are gone?!” Alvin exclaims, taken aback by the news.

“Yes.” Tobias says. “While we still have around 40 wyverns fit for fighting, one of our beasts has gone missing. ” Tobias says. “A white wyvern worth several times its weight in gold, capable of being ridden by a mage. Whoever poisoned our flock likely absconded atop the creature.”

A white wyvern? It sounded like you would be capable of riding such a creature. It’s a shame you weren’t able to abscond with it first, you think to yourself.”

“Adjunct.” Tobias says, stone faced and serious. “I’ve instructed my men to return you and your party’s weapons to you. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you might have faced on behalf of our paranoia. However, I must request that you lend us your aid. If there is anything you can do at all to help us safeguard Hima and uncover the culprit of this attack, we would be forever in your debt.”

Alvin looks towards you. He may hold the highest title here, but he still knew who his leader was.

>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
>B): You didn’t have time for this. You had to get to Morfis as soon as possible.
>C): Alvin could lend these people his aid for a few days, but you’d have nothing to do with it.
>D): Write-in
>>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
XP for days! Bronte's moving up in the world, we need to show up with more feats.
>“A white wyvern worth several times its weight in gold, capable of being ridden by a mage. Whoever poisoned our flock likely absconded atop the creature.”
Okay this is ours when we find it, claimed in part as payment for helping you and part as recompense for your gate guards insolence. Thanks old man, very cool.

>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.

Hmmm Necromancers? Or can I start pointing the finger at the Almyrans. They've been out raiding for anything of value before they got here, feeding entire villages to their wyverns. Now they've put their eye on Hima. What if those chests are actually full of bodies for their foul necromancy.

At least May will be happy to know about those chests.
Goddamn Bronte, what the fuck are you doing being the Vizier? Are you the villain and this is all your machinations or are you doing your best to handle an attack from another party?
>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
We will be stealing that Wyvern, as a reward of course.
>>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
Damn, Tobias looks cool. And Uriyan, huh? I wonder...

>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
Let's go win the hearts and minds of the people, kick the Cult of the Serpent around, and get some Gold and EXP all while we're at it.
>A): Agree to aid Hima in whatever way you can.
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A chance to claim ownership of the white wyvern AND look like a hero while doing so? And all you’d have to do was slay a few cultists who seemed entirely deserving of it? What was there not to like? Morfis and your cousin could wait a little while longer. There was still work to be done. You nod approvingly towards Alvin, who breathes a sigh of relief.

>“We’d be happy to lend you our aid, Governor. Please let us know what you’d require.”

Tobias blinks, somewhat taken aback. “Well, thank you, Lord Tristain. In truth, I was asking for the Adjunct’s aid, but having a warrior of your stature around will surely be a great boon.” He clears his throat awkwardly. If he wonders why an adjunct of the Royal College now answers to you, he has the good grace to not vocalize it. “Adjunct, Hima lacks any mages of sufficient talent or prowess to understand the sort of magic that was used to neutralize our guards. Perhaps you may start there? If you could speak to the men and acquire an understanding of just how they were put to sleep, it may aid our endeavors.”

Alvin nods. “Very well, I will speak with them as soon as possible.”

>“Where do these cultists reside, anyway?” You ask. “Why don’t we just go down there and bust some heads?”

“Finding them is no small feat.” Tobias says. “They know the desert better than anyone and are constantly on the move. Keep in mind, it is not just the surface where they reside. In the past, entire vast settlements have been found hidden inside complex networks of tunnels and caves, away from the sun’s watchful gaze. In this, they’ve managed to avoid extermination for the hundreds of years that have followed the passing of the Sorcerer King.”

>“They live underground?” You grimace in disgust. “What strange people. So, can we do nothing but wait for them to make the first move?”

“Unless the Adjunct uncovers something, I fear that may be the case. However, I do believe it possible that a cultist spy is currently embedded in Hima. I ask that you remain vigilant. If you see anything strange, alert the Scorchers immediately.”

This whole damn place was strange, but you got the idea.

“You may pick up your weapons from the guards here.” Tobias says. “Best of luck to you, gentlemen. May the Sorcerer King lend us all his wisdom in the coming days ahead.”

“Tristain, I’ll go speak with the Scorchers that were guarding the wyverns.” Alvin says once the two of you exit the governor’s office. “Why don’t you return to the others and let them know what’s going on. I’ll catch up with you once I’m done. And please! For the love of your Goddess, don’t start any trouble!”

>“You worry too much. Relax, man! Everything will be fine.” You say, twirling your newly acquired Silver Axe in hand. It felt good in your grasp.
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You locate Hima’s biggest inn, The Sleeping Dragon, easily enough. As you open the door, you find the inside is densely packed with a throng of people, and you hear the sweet-sounding melody of music. The crowd before you seems to have gathered for a show. In the middle of the inn is a band of performers. Five of the performers play strange instruments that you’ve never seen before, while a scantily-clad woman dances before them. Lustful thoughts aside, you were at least civil enough to appreciate good art when you saw it. And you had to admit, these Morfisians were good. The woman dances passionately to the band’s ever climbing tempo. Her lithe, graceful limbs extend out invitingly, captivating the attention of every single patron in the tavern, men and women alike. When the performance ends, thunderous applause erupts.

“I wish Hima was this great every day!” You hear a drunk patron declare. He swings his beer high, nearly bumping into you. “Lady Persefoni is a goddess worthy of worship!”

“Don’t forget Lord Uriyan!” Another patron shouts. “I haven’t been this drunk in ages!”

“Lord Uriyan should be king! If he were, we could get drunk like this all the time!”

“Long live Lord Uriyan!”

What sloppy, drunken fools. You push past the cheering crowd as you look for the rest of the members of your party. Standing a foot taller than most of them, you have no trouble making your way until one inebriated man bumps into you. His drink goes clattering to the floor, shattering the glass and grabbing the attention of those nearby.

“H-hey…watch where you’re going you bast-” The man is ready for a drunken berating until he gets a closer look at you. What he finds is a giant foreigner staring down at him with a massive scowl on his face and a wet chestplate. Whatever insult the lush was about to throw your way is lost as he nearly chokes on his tongue.

“B-b-begging your pardon sir…”

In an instant, the entire tavern has turned their attention towards you. This includes the drunken revellers, Persefoni and her performers, as well as your companions, who have tucked themselves into a table at the corner of the room and now watch you expectantly, perhaps bracing for the worst. Your frown deepens a bit. Did everyone just assume you were a mindless beast who would fly off the handle at the slightest provocation?
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The door to the tavern opens again, and all heads turn as an armed group of men enter. By their gear, you could tell these were not Scorchers. No, they were Almyrans. And there was only one person the man leading them could be.

“Hello!” Uriyan grins, his eyes locked in on you. “What do we have here?”

>A): Ignore Uriyan and head over to your friends.
>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
>C): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to provoke the man.
>D): Write-in
>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
No reason to antagonize the man. We don't start trouble, only end it.
>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
We can be nice, unless the guys an asshole then we start a tavern brawl.
>>C): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to provoke the man.
Fight me bitch
Kind of funny how the worshippers of what's probably a Nabatean are the ones stuck underground while an Agarthan is revered.

>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
We need to ask him what his tax policy is.
>>D): Write-in
Throw the drunk at Uriyan and start a brawl
>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
If he starts shit, we dunk him. Until then, we can be polite-- looks better for us if it's justified, after all.
D) Wink to Persefoni, then Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
>>C): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to provoke the man.
>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
>“Don’t you dare unsheathe it!” Elric hisses, scorn evident in his voice. “Scum like you is unworthy to polish the blade of Mystletain.”
Great, kid has gone full Golum.
>Bronte Weaver
Wait, was she always Weaver? She's Blair and Ashe's child, right? Tristain's not-blood-related cousin? Why isn't she d’Rusalka?

>These damn wyvern riders. You’d think they shagged those lizards with the way they talked about them.
Can't wait for "dad and the dog" moment when Tristain gets attached to his own white wyvern.
>>B): Stay and speak with Uriyan, making all efforts to be polite.
This guy will be a great fight in tournamnet proper
Is he the spy though? Or maybe it's the dancer. Never trust a beautiful woman.
If I remember right Blair changed her name back to Weaver after she turned traitor to the Empire so she'd attract less attention then using her adoptive name of D'rusalka, she kept her original name of Weaver even when she became the countess of D'rusalka
Ah, okay, I just didn't remember her not taling the name back.
Actually, that's funny. Legality-wise Tristain is the true heir to Rusalka county, not any of Blair's children, so Bronte fucked off across the world to go take over the magic kingdom, and now Tristain is coming over to yoink that too.
If she's Ashe's child, shouldn't she technically be an Ubert rather then Weaver OR d’Rusalka?
>Is he the spy though?
Why else would he spend his money to get the defenders drunk?
Well Blair is a countess so that counts as more then Ashe being... Nothing, huh, did Ashe ever have any titles before marrying Blair? Because he wasn't a Knight from what I remember.
It was a Matrilineal marriage where Blair kept her last name and passed it on. Ashe was briefly a knight under Count Rowe, but lost the title and also never took possession of Gaspard. So essentially he's a commoner married to nobility.

B wins, writing!
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The Almyran that stands at the door is as tall as you are. He is clad in expensive looking armor, and strapped to his back is a great axe of the highest quality. Flanked by several other swarthy Almyrans, he appears to be studying you closely, a wide grin plastered on his face. The patrons in the tavern watch him with bated breath, and you find that the atmosphere has grown tense. They expect a fight to break out any second, and as Uriyan begins walking towards you, several of them clear out of his way.

“Hmm.” Uriyan muses, rubbing his chin in thought as he stands mere inches away from you. “Yes…now this is what I’m talking about. You aren’t like all those other fools that travelled across the sea to be here, are you? The ones that were helplessly stuck in Solis. You’re strong.” A grin breaks out across the man’s face. “That is good! It would do me no honor to defeat weak foes. If the bards are to sing my praises, then the opponents I vanquish in this tournament must be of sufficient stature.”

>“I couldn’t agree more.” You cross your arms, squaring up with the man. “You’re speaking my language, Almyran. Though I can’t say I agree with you completely. I’m the one who will be winning the competition, after all.”

“Hah!” He barks out a laugh. “I am Uriyan, one of Almyra’s Four Warlords and wielder of Helswath! My enemies fear me as the Black Falcon. Tell me your name, warrior.”

>“Tristain d’Rusalka.” You say simply. “I’m afraid there are no other titles to add at the moment.”

“D’Rusalka?” Uriyan says in partial recognition. His eyes squint as if trying to recollect where he might have heard the name before. After struggling for a few moments to recall, he gives up.

“E-excuse me, Lord Uriyan” An older, portly Morfisian inserts himself into your conversation. He appears to be the tavern’s keeper. “I appreciate all the business you’ve done for us this week, I truly do. But if you could please avoid…any trouble…”

“Trouble?” Uriyan asks with confusion. The Almyran takes that moment to look around the tavern, only now noticing all the attention that was on the two of you. “Oh, I see. You’re worried that we’ll start a brawl, aren’t you?” With a hearty laugh, he pats the tavern keeper on the back, nearly knocking him over. “Fear not friends!” He addresses the room. “There will be no fighting here! As much as I’ve grown to enjoy your company, it would be a crime to deprive Princess Yulia the pleasure of watching such a grand bout!”

The drunken crowd collectively breathes a sigh of relief, before erupting into cheers for the man who has been buying them drinks for the last few days.

“You’d kick his ass anyway, Lord Uriyan!” One man shouts.

“Yeah! He don’t look so tough!” Another exclaims.
>You do your best to ignore the drunken jabs. “You’re right, there is no sense in doing battle here on this tiny stage. We’ll save it for Morfis. I’ll see you there.”

But as your turn to walk away, the warlord suddenly grasps you by the shoulder.

“Wait one moment, friend.” Uriyan says. “While a full-fledged fight might be too much for right now, I still propose we put on a good show for these people. And I must admit, I’ve grown a bit bored on this journey. What say you to a friendly competition between the two of us?”

>“A competition? Of what sort?”

“Arm wrestling.” Uriyan says, flexing his right bicep. “It is rare that I find someone the same size as me. Come, it won’t take long at all. And the people here will surely love it. To make things interesting, we can even wager some money. How about…500 gold pieces to the winner?”

500 gold pieces just to arm wrestle? How rich was this man? Taking a second to look at him again, it was clear to you that Uriyan’s boasts were not empty. He was certainly strong, that much was true. Arm wrestling was much different than a fight. There was no strategy or wit involved. It was just a matter of brute strength. And while you’d always been confident in that, Uriyan had no shortage of it either. A contest between the two of you might go either way.

Still, it would be nice to shut these drunken fools up. And 500 gold could go a long way…

>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
>B): Agree to arm wrestle, but use the Crest of Indech. (100% Success)
>C): Decline the man’s offer.
>>B): Agree to arm wrestle, but use the Crest of Indech. (100% Success)
free money!
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
While technically not against the rules, using the crest is against their spirit. Unsportsman. And when has Tristain ever backed down from a challenge?
>>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
>D) Increase the bet to 1000 gold
>>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)

honestly this is mainly me wanting to see Tristain undergo a character arc after failing two strenght checks in a row, but also using the crest implies that Tristain doubts the ability of his guns to win this fair and square which is obvious heresy.
>>B): Agree to arm wrestle, but use the Crest of Indech. (100% Success)
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
>B): Agree to arm wrestle, but use the Crest of Indech. (100% Success)
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
I don't trust 100% odds. There will be consequences, and we don't want to reveal our trump card just yet.
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
Wasn't Helswrath also that Hellwing Ace's weapon? Rex must have been busy in Almyra if he was taking a bunch of their weapons.
If the Almyrans do stick around for the inevitable attack from the snake cultists, Uriyan will probably see our Crest anyways, but I'd still rather not flaunt it.
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
Let's not cheat.
>Wasn't Helswrath also that Hellwing Ace's weapon?
Yes, it was Bradley's weapon. For some background lore, Bradley acquired the weapon during Rex's tour de fun in Almyra. He dropped the weapoon after you beat him in the Battle of Enbarr, and one of Daryun's wyvern riders reclaimed the weapon. Uriyan acquired it soon after.
>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)

I'd rather make a Bro and still more likely win.
If we lose we should definitely demand multiple rematches. If we win we should also demand multiple rematches, but with drinks.
Now, now, let's be good sports.
Huh, surprisingly chill.

>A): Agree to arm wrestle. (STRx2: 56% success)
It conceals our Crest and gives us an advantage over him in the next time we fight. Plus, win or lose, we get a new hot-blooded rival. Besides, Tristain's the kind of person not to rely on their Crest as a crutch anyway.
Can't wait for rng to fuck us again
Rolled 71 (1d100)

Rollan. 1-56 to succeed.
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Should've cheated
Let the pain of this defeat motivate Tristain.
A shame. I imagine Tristain isn't a sore loser by any margin, and can lose gracefully, but... Let's see if Uriyan rubs it in.
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You were Tristain d’Rusalka. You did not back down from any challenge! Especially one where strength was a matter of concern. You and Uriyan grab a table, pushing the glasses that were atop it aside to give yourself some room. Sitting across from each other, the two of you clasp your right hands together, and the entire tavern gathers around you to watch the spectacle unfold. Uriyan’s grip is firm, and you can quickly tell you’re in for a fight. The tavern keeper from before appears, now serving as the competition’s impromptu judge.

“On my command, you may begin.” He says, looking sweatier and more nervous than either you or Uriyan. “Begin!”

In an instant, you and Uriyan apply extreme pressure, each of you trying to force the other’s arm to the table. Try as you might, you are unable to budge the warlord’s arm an inch, nor is he able to do the same to you. You watch as the Almyran’s face grows bright red, the veins in his forehead bulging out exponentially. You imagined you looked the same way. If you activated your Crest, you could win this trial in an instant. But you would not resort to such trickery. Doing so would prove nothing after all. The gold may have been nice, but you still had your pride.

The crowd’s cheers grow louder and louder as you and Uriyan’s arms remain locked now for three minutes and counting. If these men thought you’d go down easily, you’d shown them otherwise. You hear a creaking sound, and suddenly the table that your elbows had been resting on gives way, breaking in half with a shower of splinters and an agonized cry from the tavern keeper. That does not stop you and Uriyan though. You both get up from your seats, arms remaining locked in perpetual struggle.

“Take him down, Lord Uriyan!’ An observer cheers.

“Kick his ass, boss!” May cries out. From the corner of her eye, you can see her standing on Adeline’s shoulders to get a good view.

For a second, it looks as though you may hold the advantage, even without the table. You begin to push Uriyan’s arm to the side inch by inch. You grin wide, ever assured of your victory. However, to your growing horror, you are unable to seal the deal. Not only does Uriyan not relent, but he begins to gain on you. Suddenly, you are the one whose arm is now closest to the ground. And try as you might, you’re unable to turn things around. Damnit. It would have been much easier if you’d just been allowed to kill each other with your axes.

Uriyan slams your arm to the ground, and you topple with it to the floor. One of your worst fears has come true. You’ve lost a contest of strength. And there was even a crowd around to witness it!

>-500 gold (500g remaining)

“I AM THE STRONGEST!” Uriyan declares with a roar, and the crowd follows suit.
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>The following day:

“Why are we here again?” May complains. You and your group were standing in the middle of a small abandoned village an hour away from Hima. After speaking with the guards, Alvin had wanted to continue his investigation by seeking out one of the sites where Tobias had mentioned people vanished. You ignored your subordinate’s question as you watched a tumbleweed roll by.

Your eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance. You were pissed, there was no question about it. It wasn’t the loss to Uriyan that was bothering you though. After all, arm wrestling was a farce for children. It was that while you came to Morfis to fight powerful opponents, you’d have to wait several weeks before you could challenge that man properly. So, rather than sitting around in Hima, you decided to accompany Alvin in his investigation. There were two benefits to this. The first was that fighting these cultists might prove to be good combat experience. The second was that you’d be able to take out some of your anger on them. And you needed a stress reliever.

“Just keep an eye out for anything strange.” Alvin says, peering deep inside a well. “Those guards were definitely put to sleep by magical means. Such methods do exist, however this is something entirely different. An entire village’s population disappearing with barely a sign of struggle speaks to me of very potent and unique magic the likes of which may be unknown to me.”

“The lack of a struggle seems to suggest that these people might have left willingly.” Nadia says. “Magic that can compel the actions of others does exist, however, only to a certain degree. For example, you may turn someone into a frothing lunatic with the usage of the ‘Berserk’ spell, but you would be hard pressed to find magic that would force one to follow your exact commands.”

“Perhaps they were coerced or threatened to leave by a powerful force?” Cassius suggests. “The same force that was smart enough to cover their tracks.”

>“Less yapping, more searching.” You command, rubbing your temples in frustration. You decide it would be best to heed your own advice, lest your bad mood continue to fester.

>A): Explore the center of the village.
>B): Explore the inside of the villager’s homes.
>C): Explore the outskirts of the village for any clues to their whereabouts.
>A): Explore the center of the village.
Inward-out, I suppose. We can have people like May sweep the perimeter.
>>A): Explore the center of the village.
I find it funny how the moment Tristain loses it timeskips to the next day with him still being miffed
>>A): Explore the center of the village.
>>A): Explore the center of the village.
>C): Explore the outskirts of the village for any clues as to their whereabouts.
If there's no signs of a struggle, we should look for tracks.
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While May, Cassius and Adeline explore the outskirts of the village, Alvin and the rest of your party split up to visit the houses that have been left abandoned. That leaves you to fester in your bad mood within the center of the village. You try your best to look for anything strange in the area. There are a few peculiarities that you notice. It wasn’t just the villagers that were missing, but the animals as well. You find what must have passed for a barn here to be completely devoid of life, the only proof of prior occupants being some leftover feed and droppings.

The second strange thing you find is the village’s blacksmith. Ducking inside, you find it to be completely stripped bare. There were no weapons inside, nor any metal from which to work with. The place had been completely cleaned out. So not just the people were missing, but weapons and livestock as well? Maybe the cult really was gearing up for a fight, and this was their way of gathering supplies?

As you make it back to the center of the village, something on the ground catches your eye. Covered up by some sand, a doll had been left discarded on the ground. It reminded you of some of the ones you’d seen back in 99’s room in Ithaca. You pick the doll up and examine it closely. It was of decent make, and looked well-worn, likely the prize possession of some child. If they weren’t already deceased, they were likely missing their friend greatly.

As you stand in the center of the village, you notice how eerily quiet things are, and you cannot shake the feeling that you are being watched. The people that were behind what happened here had come back. Or perhaps they had never left in the first place. Suddenly, you spy something flashing out of the corner of your eye. A missile is heading towards you at breakneck speed. You move your head at the last second, and the arrow goes sailing into the barn right behind you. Glancing up, you spot the culprit, standing atop what looked to be a farmhouse.

“Ahh, wouldn’t you know it, there really were foreigners out here!” The man exclaims cheerfully. He is a Morfisian, clad in dark leathers and with dark red hair. At first, he reminds you of the Riahi, the way he’d managed to sneak up on you without your notice. But both his manner of clothing as well as his demeanor are different.

“That was a lucky dodge.” The man says with a smirk, slinging his bow over his shoulder. “Looks like you foreigners aren’t completely helpless. I bet the Princess would just swoon over a hunk like you.”

>“Shooting an arrow at a man’s head when he isn’t looking. That’s some piss poor hospitality. What’s your problem?”

“Sorry.” The man says, feigning embarrassment. “I didn’t think you were paying attention. After all, you didn’t notice us trailing you.”
>“That must be because you were beneath my notice.” You spit. “I take it you’re one of these serpent cultists I’ve heard so much about. Tell me, are you the one behind all this?” You ask, gesturing towards the village.

“Careful, now.” The man warns you darkly. “Serpent, that’s a bad word. We don’t appreciate being called that. But I’ll let it slide, since you aren’t from around here. You’re right that I do belong to that certain group. And boy, do I have plans for you! I’ve heard all about you foreign lords trampling about the desert. I wonder how much your daddy back home would pay for your safe return. Why, I bet a strapping young lordling like yourself is just the apple of his eye!”

From behind the farm house, four rough men emerged. In their hands are blades, as well as nets and rope. It seems they were under the impression that they’d be kidnapping you and selling you for ransom. They don’t look like anything you can’t handle, but you’re left wondering how they managed to sneak up on you in the first place. And what was all that about you being trailed? Could there be more of these scoundrels lurking about. You’d have to deal with this quickly and make sure your companions were okay.

>“You’re mistaken on a few accounts I’m afraid. But that’s okay, I’m more than happy to show you the error of your ways.”

“Oh?” The group’s leader whistles. He still stands atop the farmhouse, watching as his companions inch closer. “If your father won’t pay up, we’ll just have to find another use for you. Don’t worry though, they’ll all be equally as fun. For me, at least.”

>Cultist x4
>Level 20 Sword Fighter
HP: 40/40
STR: 16
SPD: 18
DEF: 15
RES: 0
Weapons: Steel Sword (+10 ATK)

“Remember, don’t kill him.” The bowman reminds the four swordsmen as he sits down on the edge to watch the show. “Even if we can’t get a ransom, the druids back home will have a field day with him.”

>Order of Combat:
Cultists x4

>A): Let the cultists come to you, picking them off one by one.
>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>C): Try to pull and regroup with your companions.
>D): Write-in
>>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
Jokes on him our dad's dead
Tristain deals 28 STR + 16 (Silver Axe) - 15 DEF = 29 damage
He takes STR 16 + 10 (Steel Sword) - 20 DEF = 6 damage
So, we'll need two hits on each cultist for the kill. Since they'll attack before us, we'll get one hit on each of them from the counterattack.
Tristain would be left at 30 HP on the first turn after tanking all four cultists.
If we choose to attack normally instead of killing them all with Earthsplitter and the three remaining cultists rush to their deaths on the next turn, Tristain should be left at 18 HP at the end thanks to Resolve. Resolve would activate once the second hit leaves him at 18 HP, so he'd kill the third guy before he can even act.

My first thought was that it'd be funnier to ignore these guys and just use Throw on the archer, but fooling around would mean risking the party's safety since they're also probably fighting.

>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
>B): Let the cultists come to you, wiping them out with Earthsplitter (1 Crest of Indech Use)
We can capture one for interrogation later, there's bound to be enough. For now, let's not get captured ourselves.
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I am feeling a bit under the weather today with what's probably the flu. Should hopefully resume updates tomorrow.
get well Tree
Here's hoping you pull through, Tree. Not just for the quest, either. There's got to be other stuff you want to get back to.
Get well soon, Tree! Take all the time you need to rest.
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The Goddess was answering your prayers and giving you that stress reliever you’d been craving. This was an opportune time to test that fancy new Silver Axe of yours. Removing the weapon from your back, you stand ready to take on the four cultists who are approaching you with their swords drawn. They seem taken aback at first, likely having expected you to go without a fight. However, once they succeed in surrounding you from all four sides, they quickly regain their composure and come charging in.

>Cultist: 16 STR + 10 (SS) = 26 - 20 DEF = 6x4 = 24 DMG
>Tristain: 30/54 HP

Individually, their blows are nothing more than mosquito bites. But as a group, they stand to pose a problem. Taking the strikes in stride, you bat away at them with your axe one by one. You then grip your weapon tightly, and it begins to glow a dark blue as it becomes empowered by the Crest of Indech. The cultists stare in awe at the raw aura your axe exudes. At least two of them begin to backpedal, wary of what is about to come. However, retreat is no longer an option. You swing your axe out, producing the symbol of Indech, and in an instant, the four men are split into pieces by your combat art.

>40xp gained! Level Up!
>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 27/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 30/54 (120%) +1 = 55
Strength: 28 (65%) + 1 = 29
Magic: 18 (40%) + 1 = 19
Speed: 17 (30%)
Defense: 20 (60%)
Resistance: 15 (40%)
Luck: 14 (55%)

Feeling satisfied with yourself, you look up to stare at the horrified face of the sniper. The smug look that he’d been sporting had been wiped out completely upon witnessing the death of his comrades. You thought that he’d perhaps been in awe of your power. But there was something else there that you were seeing. Something like…recognition?

“Y-you.” The man stammers, holding an accusatory finger out. “Was that the Blessing of the Dragon? How is that possible?!”

Blessing of the what? Did he mean your Crest?

>“What are you blathering about?”

“Levithan’s Blessing!” He shouts from the rooftop. “You possess the gift that Great Leviathan passed to his most faithful! Only yours is…different somehow…”

The man holds his hand out, and does something that you yourself have done before. He produces the symbol of a Crest within his palm. Only this is a Crest you’re unaware of. Though it appears startlingly similar to others that you’ve seen, your own included, you are unable to place its origin. This was incredibly strange indeed. You’d never heard of Crests existing in Morfis. They were rare talents bestowed upon the people of Fodlan by the Progenitor Goddess. Why would one such gift exist out here, so far from her grace? It seems that this man was as equally perplexed by your possession of a Crest.
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“Shit…” The man says, rubbing his head in confusion. “I don’t know what to make of this…but the druids might. My name is Grigori. I am a Dragon Disciple of Leviathan’s Cult. My friend, forgive me for this attack. If you possess the Blessing of the Dragon, then surely you are no enemy to us. Come back with me to our home. There are others like us there. And there are wisemen who may be able to give you a greater understanding of the meaning of your gift.”

A greater understanding? You were confused, that much was true. Why was there a Morfisian Crest bearer here? And did he say there were others like him? There were more people that bore this mysterious Crest, or “blessing” as he called it? You didn’t know whether to tag along with this guy to sate your curiosity or to knock him on his ass and beat the information on this weird cult out of him. That, as well as information on what happened to the villagers here.

>A): Agree to visit Grigori’s home, provided that your friends remain safe.
>B): Decline Grigori’s offer.
>C): Attack Grigori (How?)
>D): Write-in
>>A): Agree to visit Grigori’s home, provided that your friends remain safe.
Hmm, that's the Crest of Ernest, I think. Only Anna had that Crest-- it stops opponents from counterattacking. Makes me wonder if we'll be seeing more obscure Crests or even full-on unique crests seen only in this quest.

>D): Agree to visit Grigori's home, but leave a subtly leave a trail for your friends to follow.

I was wondering if Tristain's curiosity was enough to make him go 'fuck it, we ball', but I don't think he's dumb-- this trail is insurance.This might be a stretch, but if this guy is willing to lead us all the way back to his base, then it saves us some time and gives us some exposition to boot.

Alternatively, we could just decline or attack him, but I'll admit that I'm curious on where this goes.
There's the obvious risks of going into the enemy's home, but Tristain does have two Crests, so he can probably use that to throw his weight around. If not, then our friends can bail us out.
The plot thickens
I'll support this option, I'm sure May and the others could track us down either way, but us deliberately making slight marks on our way would guarantee it.
Also I checked and that is the Crest of Ernest that Anna had... and man, the wiki page for it is extremely bare bones, it only says it's name, that Anna had it and it's effect, there is no mention of who the hell Ernest is, it's a total mystery, bet that's why TH used it here... Or it's not Ernest and he just used the pic because why not.
>A): Agree to visit Grigori’s home, provided that your friends remain safe.
Right so snake cult = followers descendants of dragons who got their ass kicked by slithered sorcerer king 100% confirmed them. Wonder if we might actually get to meet a dragon.

Also technically then Tristain should be on the cultist's side since he's a devout (but then again knowing Tristain I wouldn't put it past him to become a follower of the goddess because of Serios' hips which don't lie kek)
>A): Agree to visit Grigori’s home, provided that your friends remain safe.

Well, now we gotta find out what's happening here.
>>B): Decline Grigori’s offer.
Supporting >>6186668 , if nothing else we get intel about the Cult's purpose and doings. If the guy's willing to talk, we get Hima and the Scorchers a lot of the info they need.
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This man was willing to lead you to the Cult you had been searching for. An opportunity to gain more information about this mysterious Crest, as well as to figure out just what it was these people had planned was too good to pass up.

>“Very well. I’ll go with you. But I want no harm to come to my companions. If you have other men in this village waiting in hiding for them, call them off.”

“Those are your companions?” Grigori asks, puzzled. “As bearer of the Dragon’s Blessing, those people should be little more than slaves to you. But…if you insist. You have my word that no harm will come to them.” Grigori cups his mouth, and produces a strange whistling sound that echoes throughout the ghost village. “There, that was the signal to fall back. Now, come with me. Whether or not those are your slaves or your friends, I cannot allow them access into our home.”

>“Fine, whatever you say.” You nonchalantly place your hands behind your head, crossing your fingers. You were bleeding from where those cultists had attacked you, which suited your needs perfectly. You could use your blood to leave a trail behind. May would have no issue sniffing out such an obvious clue and would lead the others right to you. In the event these cultists tried anything funny, you could at least count on your party finding your location.

Grigori jumps off the side of the house, and takes off in a sprint. You follow the man closely behind, making sure to leave a trail of blood in your wake. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too far of a trip. Grigori leads you out of the village and down a nearby rocky path. As you travel together, he does not strike up further conversation. He appears to have had his worldview genuinely shaken by his encounter with you. He is likely hoping these druids can make sense of your existence for him. Grigori’s path takes you both to the top of a medium-sized gorge. The man suddenly jumps off the side, and when you peer over the edge, you find that he is climbing down. Groaning, you make to join him, descending noticeably slower than he does.

When you finally reach the bottom, you find Grigori already waiting for you.

“Not bad for your first time.” Grigori compliments you. “Though you may be a Fodlander, it is clear the blood of the Dragon runs in your veins.”

>“I thought killing your companions back there would have told you that much.”

If Grigori is offended, he does not show it. “They fell in battle to reveal one with the Dragon’s Blessing. It was an honorable death for them.”

You wonder if they saw it that way. This man had been content to stand atop the roof and watch the fight unfurl without lending aid. If he had joined them, he’d likely be rotting in the sand as well. Grigori continues leading the way through the narrow pass you now found yourself in, until you both stand before a large cave opening etched into the cliff wall.
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Several figures begin to emerge from within. They are all Morfisians, though they look far more weathered than the rest of their kind that you’ve seen. It was clear that these men lived in the heart of the desert their entire lives, and were unused to the comforts of civilized life. You find that each of them is armed with a variety of weaponry. In the midst of their group is an elderly man, clad in ornate robes. By the distance the others give him, he appears to be their leader.

“Grigori.” The robed man says. “You bring an outsider with you. What is the meaning of this?”

“Elder Eman.” Grigori says, bowing his head. “I bring with me a foreigner who shares the Blessing of the Dragon.”

In an instant, the quiet gorge is filled with the angry rebukes and chatter of the armed men. The elder stares at you expectantly, but does not make any sudden moves. Rather than wait for these men to butcher you, you deem it best to just show them what the deal is. Just as Grigori presented you his Crest, you show the assembled mass of Cultists the Crest of Indech, producing the symbol within the palm of your hand. In an instant, the clamor has died down. The cultists stare at your Crest in total awe and shock until finally, much to your surprise…

Each of them bow their heads to the ground in your presence. In the olden days of Fodlan, Crest bearers held much political power and influence. Entire lineages could be shifted depending on if one was born with a Crest or not. But to receive this level of reverence just for having a Crest was completely unheard of. Perhaps you could get used to this…

“Great Leviathan, you have blessed us with another who shares your fearsome blood!” The robed man, Eman, joyously throws his hands out to the sky. “The destruction of the Evil City of Illusions truly does lie at hand! My lord, please grant us your name? Has great Leviathan truly sent you to help us destroy Morfis and pave the way for the Goddess?”

Woah. This man was suddenly making a lot of assumptions about you and your being here. And what was that about the Goddess? You had to play this very carefully. These cultists were practically dancing in the palm of your hand here. You had some measure of control, but the wrong move or word said could potentially spell disaster.

>A): That is right! Leviathan has sent me to aid you in your quest! (Bluff)
>B): I possess the “Dragon’s Blessing”, but I am here of my own accord.
>C): I have no idea what any of you are talking about.
>D): Write-in
>>A): That is right! Leviathan has sent me to aid you in your quest! (Bluff)
Well, they are half-right!
>D): Write-in
I came here in search of a wife

Very true, now hand over a hot brown crest wife
>D): I am Lord Tristain and I am here for an even better cause then just plain destruction, I am here to take over this kingdom of sand and magic and rule it as the rightful king!

Maybe we can have the cultists switch their plans of destructions to a plan of ruleship instead?

>“Fine, whatever you say.” You nonchalantly place your hands behind your head, crossing your fingers.
Also I love this little quirk of Tristain
>D): Write-in
>You stand before Tristain d'Rusalka, soon to be King of this land and all those within. I mean to thwart every challenger and pretender who stands against me, and conquer in my own name and that of the Goddess. I would hear of the long war you have fought, and the truth of your 'Leviathan.'"

This probably sounds too serious for him, but it's my best swing at "exposition pls." The more we know, the better.
>>A): That is right! Leviathan has sent me to aid you in your quest! (Bluff)
Supporting the general direction of these >>6187344 >>6187458 write-ins.

Basically agreeing with this Eman about the things he said that are true and asking for elaborarion, all in an imperial tone. With the hopes that we can win over these cultists to our side.
Can't wait for the gang to arrive only to find that Tristain has become the god king of the evil snake cult
>A): That is right! Leviathan has sent me to aid you in your quest! (Bluff)
Yeah supporting this. Going by how they've got the Crest racism dialed all the way up their plan is guaranteed to be too unhinged to be entertained wholesale.
The write-in is arguably similar to B, but asking about their history and Leviathan might gain their favor.
Going with this write-in
I would just replace "stand" with "bow" since that's what they're doing but perhaps that is too pedantic...
These cultists were not hostile, but you had the feeling that if you said the wrong thing, that could change in an instant. Blindly agreeing with whatever they wanted to hear might prove to be too risky. Rather, you should try and gather as much information as you can about them and their motives, while positioning yourself as being the higher being they believe you to be. That last part shouldn’t be too hard.

>“You bow before Tristain d'Rusalka, soon to be King of this land and all those within. I mean to thwart every challenger and pretender who stands against me, and conquer in my own name and that of the Goddess. I would hear of the long war you have fought, and the truth of your 'Leviathan.”

“Of course, of course!” Eman says, smiling wide and holding his arms out. “Forgive me, Lord Tristain. You may have the Dragon’s Blessing, but I forgot you are still a foreigner. It is only natural that you may not be privy to the history of our lands. Come, I welcome you to our home. Let us talk of the past.”

Eman beckons you inside the cave opening, and you follow along. As you enter, you are shocked to find the inside is densely populated by Morfisians. Men, women and children are living down here, seemingly as at ease as if they’d been above ground. Several eyes turn towards you in wonder, though they avert their gaze respectfully upon seeing Eman and Grigori. So, these people really did live in hiding underground? You had a million questions, but Eman was already dominating the conversation.

“Surprised that civilization can thrive in this place?” The druid says smugly. “In truth, this is nothing to us. We are the descendants of the true Morfisians. You see, thousands of years ago, Morfis was not a single country as it is now. We were divided into a series of tribes, each of whom worshipped their own gods. We ruled the desert, answering to no one but our own deities. That was until the hated Sorcerer King and his cadre arrived.” Eman says this with much venom in his voice.

“The Sorcerer King conquered most of the tribes of Morfis in short order using strange magic the likes of which our druids had never seen. He drove away our deities, and forced the people to bend the knee to him, either through brute force, or through temptation. Those who refused to follow him were cast out into the desert, where he hoped they’d soon meet their end. We are the descendants of those who refused his rule.”

So far that wasn’t too different from what you had read in Cassius’ book, if not a little more resentful.

“Our ancestors wandered the desert for years, facing great turmoil. They’d have been fated to die out there, were it not for the intervention of the Great Leviathan.” Upon uttering his name, you see Eman and the others make a sign of reverence.
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“Leviathan found us when we were at our lowest, and raised us up. He saved our people. He gave us the word of the Goddess. And he promised us revenge, and how exactly we might be able to achieve it.” Eman smiles blissfully. “With Leviathan’s aid, we were able to rebuild. Others flocked to our cause, and he bestowed upon us the gifts we’d need to even the playing field with the City of Illusions: The Blessing of the Dragon, as well as the knowledge to create Terrors. A great war was fought, and many lives were lost on both sides. We’d succeeded in defeating the Sorcerer King, but it came at great cost. Leviathan vanished, and we were driven back. What’s more, the city still stood. Our long mission remains incomplete.”

>“So, you wish to destroy Morfis rather than rule it? Why exactly?”

“That city and its inhabitants are accursed.” Eman rasps. “There is no sense in ruling it. It was created by a vile enemy of the Goddess. Leviathan promised us that destroying it is her will, and that she would look favorably upon our people if we succeeded. And what’s more, he bestowed upon us the knowledge on how to do so. The secret lies within Tartarus, that mysterious edifice created by the Sorcerer King. Leviathan declared so himself.”

>“But I understand that there is no way to get inside Tartarus without the key, which has been lost to time.”

Eman smiles at you, his eyebrows popping in surprise. “You know more of our history than I gave you credit for, Lord Tristain. Yes, the key was thought lost. For a time. But no longer. For the leader of our people has found it. He is a druid of great power, whose ancestry can be traced back to the first of our kind. He is Marek, and the key to opening Taratus has fallen in his possession. The time of Morfis’ judgment will soon be at hand, my friend. And when Taratrus is open, the Goddess will grant us our reward. It is foretold.

Incredible revelation about the key aside, you found Eman’s take on the Goddess to be somewhat suspect. The Church of Seiros was not a pacifist religion, and it did allow one to take up arms to defend its creed. However, you’d never heard of any precedent about eradicating foreign entities, which is what Eman seemed to be calling for. You’d thought you might try converting the Morfisians over to the Goddess upon your coronation, but Eman made it sound like everyone who wasn’t a part of the cult should be destroyed. An idea that his people had implanted in them by whomever this “Leviathan” truly was. By all accounts you’d heard, he was an actual dragon. But you’d never heard of anything as strange as a dragon worshipping the Goddess before. Even stranger, this Leviathan had taught the Cult how to create Demonic Beasts. The modern Church would find that to be blasphemy of the highest level.

>A): What are your plans for Hima?
>B): Tell me more about Marek
>C): Tell me more about Leviathan
>D): Write-in
>>A): What are your plans for Hima?
>But you’d never heard of anything as strange as a dragon worshipping the Goddess before
kek, if only Tristain knew.

>A): What are your plans for Hima?
We can ask the other questions afterwards or someone else would give us the quick rundown when they're more relevant. Tristain still needs to stop the planned attack on Hima and steal that cool wyvern that was stolen from Hima to use as a mount.
>tfw a land where the positions of the Agarthans and Nabateans are switched

>“Not bad for your first time.” Grigori compliments you. “Though you may be a Fodlander, it is clear the blood of the Dragon runs in your veins.”

>A): What are your plans for Hima?

Reasonable thing for someone to ask, I suppose. I'm worried that asking about Marek too much will make us look suspicious.
>A): What are your plans for Hima?
Very interesting that these cultists are on the Goddesses side if in a more twisted way.
>>A): What are your plans for Hima?
>A): What are your plans for Hima?
If we do this just right, we can maneuver this into an assessment of their actual capabilities as a coherent combat force.
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here's a quick sketch for our guy

>A): What are your plans for Hima?
Oh hell yea
Hell yeah, good stuff anon! I like that while he does resemble his father, he's got this hot-blooded youth to him. He truly is his father's son.
Great work
Damn fine work as always! King of Morfis? More like King of the Beach.
>“Kick his ass, boss!” May cries out. From the corner of her eye, you can see her standing on Adeline’s shoulders to get a good view.
The creature is so cute, it's unreal
>C): Tell me more about Leviathan
>D): Ask about hero relics, artifacts that only "blessed" can use
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>“What are your plans for Hima?” You ask. As wild as these revelations were, you had to get to the heart of the matter. If an attack on Hima was imminent, you had to figure out how to stop it.

“Ahh, so you’re coming from Hima, are you?” Eman asks. “Tell me, are the people there in terror yet at what is to come? Surely they’ve noticed by now that their days are numbered. Lord Marek has the key to Tartarus, and it is now our duty to march on the accursed City of Illusions and open the way. Everything on our path that bears the taint of the Sorcerer King will fall before then, including Hima. In a few days, we will join forces with another branch of our order. Together, we will launch a joint assault on Hima. We will destroy it, and continue on our path towards Morfis. Our woman on the inside has already begun the process of destabilizing Hima. They will soon stand no chance.”

>“Woman on the inside?”

“A bearer of the Dragon’s Blessing, just like you. She weakened the wyverns of Hima’s defenders, and even managed to steal a rare mount they treasured. The beast is now ridden by Ahmose, Marek’s greatest champion. He will be the one to lead the attack on Hima, and he will do so while riding their greatest wyvern.”

So, the spy inside Hima was a woman? That narrowed things down, if only a little. You think to get some more information on her identity out of Eman, but the man excitedly cuts you off before you can.

“Now then, I’ve said all I needed to say. But I’d like to know more of you, Lord Tristain. More importantly, I’d like to ask if you’d give us the honor of joining the warriors of our branch into battle against the defenders of Hima.”

>“Woah, pardon? That’s a bit much, isn’t it? I mean you only just met me and-”

“You are a bearer of the Dragon’s Blessing!” Eman cries out. “By status, you sit at the top of our hierarchy with the others of your kind, underneath only Lord Marek himself.” You look towards Grigori for confirmation, who merely nods his head in agreement. If he suspects anything of you, he does not show it.

“The druids are mere keepers of lore.” Grigori says “They organize the cult and its daily activities, but it is the bearers of the blessing who hold the true power. This is as decreed by Lord Leviathan himself. Those who carry his blood are beyond reproach. Be they Morfisian…or not.” He says this last part flatly.

“Lord Leviathan predicted that others bearing the Dragon’s Blessing may arrive from across the sea.” Eman states. “Your arrival is no mere coincidence. It must be fate that Morfis shall soon fall. And I would want you there, fighting by the side of our greatest champions!”

How does one politely decline being asked to lead the pillaging of an unsuspecting town of innocents? You weren’t sure it was possible to do so without hurting someone’s feelings. And in this case, hurt feelings would likely lead to a lot of other hurt.
>“You said you have other champions here?” You ask, trying to change the topic. “Other bearers of the blessing, such as myself?”

“Other than Grigori, our branch has one other such warrior.” Eman says. “The three of you would be unstoppable on the battlefield though, I’m sure.Together, you’d surely earn the praise of Lords Marek and Ahmose.”

>“And your blessings? Do they all take the same form as Grigori’s here?”

“Do you mean our symbol?” Grigori asks. “Yes. Before your arrival, I’ve never seen a Dragon’s Blessing take a different shape. Why is that? Is it because you are a foreigner?”

A devious thought enters your head. These people seemed unaware that there existed a wide variety of Crests out there. Evidently, everyone in Morfis who did possess a Crest possessed the same one. The ‘Crest of Leviathan’ for lack of a better term. With that lack of knowledge, they wrongfully assumed that you too had received your Crest from this mysterious figure. Perhaps this was something you might use to your advantage. Grigori said that those with the Dragon’s Blessing were at the top of the cult’s hierarchy and were beyond reproach.

So, was it possible you might seize control of this group of idiots, and set them loose elsewhere, away from Hima? Leviathan had seemingly done you a boon by setting them up for the idea that other Crest bearers would one day come to Morfis, so you already had a healthy bit of prophecy to aid you. Hell, you could even butter things up for yourself by showing them you had not one, but TWO blessings.

Still, you’d literally just met them an hour ago. And there was still much about these people and their ways that you were ignorant in. Would seizing control really be that easy?

>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
>B): Claim you have come to help, but follow their lead.
>C): Politely decline their offer.
>D): Inform them you must think things over first.
>E): Write-in
>>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
surely TWO blessings means we are their new Lord.
>>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
Let's go all in on bullshit
>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
What would be the angle that most likely gets them on our side? Just say "TRUST THE PLAN" to anyone who questions us or try to go all messiah and change their faith to suit our goals?
>>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
We're here to be King of Morfis, right? Getting this bunch to swear loyalty to us would be a good first step, but only if they'll actually obey us. We've already got an easy route to the top we're planning to take, so let's take that first and put their campaigns on hold until our victory.
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There's any number of ways Tristain might want to play this.

You could:

--Say you have a better plan and send the cultists off on a goose chase
-Try to usurp them as their new messiah. Maybe introduce a kinder, more gentler Goddess
-Tell them the plan is bogus and to ditch the attack
-A secret fourth option (an anon writing in something that makes sense)

Hima is definitely going to be attacked regardless of what you do. But this might be an opportunity to make life much easier on yourself and the city's defenders.
Worst comes to worst, we can always reveal the second crest and incinerate someone in a "your lack of faith disturbs me" type moment.
>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.

Sure, why not. Alternatively, we can agree to follow their lead, and then turn on them once the attack starts, but I'm willing to gamble on a better outcome if we attempt to lead them elsewhere.
>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
If we can bring them around to the worship of the Goddess as the Church of Seiros understands it, if we can get them to focus their efforts on building up for the assault on Tartarus rather than bringing down Hima and other settlements along the way, we can make this work. I don't have a good enough write-in for this, which is why I didn't. WARE WA MESHIA NARI or something.
Nice work.

>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
Maybe that anon was right when guessing that the dancer was the spy. That puts the choice to use our Crest for the arm wrestling match into a much different context. We got into a fight that resulted in a level up at least, so the 500 gold lost wasn't a complete waste.
>A): Claim you have come to help, but only if they adhere to your word alone.
Im thinking
>Try to usurp them as their new messiah. Maybe introduce a kinder, more gentler Goddess
Plus tweaking their beliefs to be more targeted. Destroy that which ought to be destroyed i.e. things and people we really don't like and, y'know, not the entirety of Morfis.

"Leviathan was correct, destruction will be delivered and the Goddess' word will follow! It was your ancestors who misunderstood Him. Who lost the nuance of His message."
"Yet it was hardly their fault since, like us, they were men of flesh and bone. After all, how could one maintain a complex yet unwritten doctrine through the ages? Like a game of (Telephone/Chinese Whispers) the meaning was lost further and further through time until it became a crude simulacrum of the original."

This is the best mental gymnastics I can offer.
>“Very well, I’ve decided. I will help you.” You say with as much declarative authority as you can muster. “However, I don’t intend to play the part of mere vanguard here. I wish to be the one who leads this operation. If you wish for my aid in this coming battle, you’ll have to defer to my word alone.”

“Pardon?” Grigori scoffs, stifling a laugh. “The Dragon’s Blessing may make you our brother, but that is out of the question. Our course of attack has already been decided upon by Lord Ahmose. Why would we deviate now? Especially at the word of one who is foreign to our customs?”

“G-Grigori is right, Lord Tristain.” Eman says. He clearly feels uncomfortable telling you no, and does not wish to play the part of mediator in an argument between two Crest users. “I assure you that you can count on Lord Ahmose to have put the utmost thought into this attack. He is our finest warrior, and victory is assured if we stick to his plan.”

>“Has Lord Ahmose been to Hima? Has he broken bread with the leader of the Scorchers? Is he aware of the gambit they have lying in wait? Rather, are YOU aware of what they have schemed? Victory can only be assured if you follow my lead. You said it yourself, there is a reason Lord Leviathan has chosen to send me here at this exact moment. It is so that we may snatch Hima away!!”

Eman looks about ready to cry in frustration, while Grigori just looks plain frustrated. For a second, you believe you may have strong-armed these two into relenting to your demands, but Grigori hatches a scheme to throw you off.

“Since you are ‘unaware’ of our customs, allow me to inform you of one in particular.” Grigori says. “Disagreements between two bearers of the Dragon’s Blessing are settled in a trial of martial combat. If you wish to change the course of our battle strategy, then I insist you follow this tradition. Foreigner or not, you are one of us now. And you follow our rules.”

>“Huh, that so? Fine by me. When do you want to start?” You didn’t mind that at all actually. You wanted to pummel the snot out of this weasel ever since he shot an arrow at your head back at the village. He didn’t look so tough. And fighting him might give you some insight as to just what abilities came with their Crest.

“Oh, you won’t be fighting me.” Grigori says smugly. “You’d be fighting our other champion. The one Eman told you about. As our branch’s greatest warrior, she’ll be sure to put an end to this foolishness.”

“Ah, that’s right.” Eman says. “A martial trial is surely the only way to settle this. The fight would not be to the death of course. But if you wish to pursue this, then a fight is the only option available to you.”

You didn’t like the way these two seemed to think you stood no chance against this person. Particularly when the nature of their Crest was still unknown. But you were already in this far, so…
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>“Fine then. Bring her out. Let’s see what she’s made of.”

“Ahh, here she comes now.” Eman says, smiling and looking at something behind you. Penelope! This way!”

Penelope? Where had you heard that name before? You turn around and spy the largest woman you’d ever seen strutting towards you. Wait a second, you knew this brute! This was the woman you’d met back at the oasis! The one whose axe you returned! She was a cultist? She had a Crest?! And wait, didn’t she owe you a favor for giving her that disgusting axe back in the first place!?

“Eman. Grigori.” Penelope says, bowing her head. “You called?”

“Joyous news, Penelope!” Eman claps the giant on the back. “A bearer of the Blessing has found their way to us from across the sea! Meet Tristain d’Rusalka! Would you be a dear and have a quick spar with him? And be sure to win, while you’re at it?”

Penelope stares at you blankly. “Hello. Don’t I kno-”

>“EMAN! GRIGORI!” You shout, interrupting Penelope before she could reveal that you two had actually met. “I tire of waiting! Ready the arena where this ‘Penelope’ and I shall duel! I hunger for a fight with my newfound sister of battle!”

“R-right away!” Eman nearly jumps out of his robe upon your declaration, before running off. Grigori looks self-satisfied, before leaving to join him. Only you and Penelope remain.

“Thanks again for giving me my axe back.” She says, smiling.

You look over at the woman, who stares back with a blank expression on her face. Penelope was an oddity. There wasn’t much going on in that head of hers, that much was certain. But you could tell she was damn strong. If you fought her normally, you’d have to contend not just with that strength, but also with the mysterious nature of her Crest, as well as that freakish axe of hers. But, as pondered earlier, she did owe you a favor. And you might use that to your advantage to prevail today and save Hima. Maybe now was as good a time as any to call that favor in.

>A): Tell Penelope to throw the match with you.
>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
>C): Fight Penelope fair and square.
>D): Write-in
>>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
pretty fair deal
>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
Even if she accepted throwing the match, I don't trust this woman to give a good enough performance so as to not make it obvious that she's jobbing.

There's also way too much at stake here to want a fair fight.
>>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
>C): Fight Penelope fair and square.
IE tell her about our own crest too, then we fight fair. Don't tell her about the magic one because we won't be using magic.
Interesting that their conflict-resolution mechanism seems to be just having their Crest Bearers duke things out, but I suppose that's just how it goes, eh?

>C): Fight Penelope fair and square.

I don't mind using this anon's option >>6189269 either, but either way... I want to save our favor for when the attack on Hima begins properly.

If she's got the same Crest as everyone else, with the Dragon's Blessing then she's got the Crest of Ernest, which can disable enemy retaliations. We probably don't want to let her go first here. I don't know the specifics of it, and she might be one of the few with a different one, but seeing as they reacted to Tristain with awe for his Crest of Indech, she probably has the same thing.

Of course, if Tristain could learn to use Earthsplitter and Throw with his Crest of Indech, it's entirely possible that these people have their own tricks with the Crest of Ernest that we'll have to look out for. We'll just have to wait and see.

Worst case scenario, we lose the fight and turn on the enemy during the worst possible moment for them, but I don't want Tristain to lose, heh.
>C): Fight Penelope fair and square.
While her Crest might function the same as in 3H, I'd still rather get actual confirmation so we can fight without any unknown variables.

>she might be one of the few with a different one, but seeing as they reacted to Tristain with awe for his Crest of Indech, she probably has the same thing
Grigori said that he's never seen a different Crest before. A cultist having a different one would basically mean that Levy kept a bunch of Nabateans' blood on hand. Or that Levy wasn't the only Nabatean that came to Morfis.
>>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest
>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
Tristain won't cheat but getting extra info about the enemy should be up his alley.
>>B): Tell Penelope to reveal the ability of her Crest.
>of her Crest.
>>C): Fight Penelope fair and square.
Looks like B wins with five votes. There's two votes for C and three votes for the B+C hybrid.
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>“So…you’ve got a Dragon’s Blessing too, huh?” You ask Penelope nonchalantly.

“That’s right.” She nods. “I didn’t know you also had one. Eman says that makes us like siblings. No wonder you looked out for me back there.”

>“Think nothing of it! Incidentally, what does your Blessing do exactly?”

“Huh? Doesn’t it do the same thing as yours?”

>“Oh, I’ve got a different one. It’s really special. It’s got a Fodlan flavor to it. But I’m curious to hear about yours. You wouldn’t mind telling me, would you? As a favor for that bit of good I did you back at the oasis?” You were fortunate that you did not feel too much guilt in tricking a slow girl. Perhaps her freakish size helped relieve any concerns you might have had.

“A special one? Ooooh. Well, sure. I can tell you all about mine. Here, I’ll show you.” Penelope draws a dagger from her side. The blade gleams sharply. In an instant, she turns the weapon over, and plunges it deep inside her abdomen.

>“Woah! What are you-”

The cultist woman glows with the familiar blue that denotes a Crest activation, and the symbol that you’d seen Grigori produce earlier appears before you. She pulls the blade out of her stomach with ease. You find no trace of any blood, bruise or scar from where she’d plunged the dagger. It was as if it never happened at all.

“Cool, huh?” Penelope asks you with a grin. “I can do that three times a day! My big sister, Persefoni, can use hers four times a day. And Lord Ahmose can use his around five times! How many times can you use yours? Hey, what does it do anyway?”

Persefoni? Wasn’t that the name of that dancer back at Hima? So, she was the spy all along? This was valuable intel indeed. The Goddess was paying you back greatly for your good deed back at the Oasis.

>“My Blessing? Most of the time it just destroys. I’ll give you a demonstration too, once the battle starts. That Eman guy said this wouldn’t be a fight to the death, so rest assured, I’ll hold back my punches when we meet.”

“You better not hold back.” Penelope warns you. “Eman says in the entire cult, only Lords Ahmose and Marek are stronger than I am. Come on, let’s go have a good, fun fight!”

You watch the giant woman skip away without a care in the world. With one charge of Indech, you could smash through at least two charges of their protection. Barring any strange combat arts, you were confident you could overcome it. You had to get back to Hima and inform the Governor and your allies what you’d uncovered here today. But first, you’d have to win this duel. Several cultists step forward to lead you to what will serve as you and Penelope’s makeshift arena. A large sand pit, flanked on all sides by members of the cult.
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“The two of you will begin on my mark!” Eman announces. “This is a battle not to the death, but to decide which of the bearers of the Dragon’s Blessing is in the right!”

You and Penelope stand on opposite ends of the sand pit. The druids have healed the wounds you took at the swords of the cultists, and you are back to full health. Penelope has drawn her strange axe, and has assumed a fighting stance. For the first time, you are able to get a good grasp on her strength, and you find that it is not lacking. There’s a reason that Eman and Grigori were confident that you would lose this fight. Even with the knowledge of her Crest’s abilities, she would be a difficult foe. Her warning that you take her seriously and hold nothing back was not mere empty boasting.

In your possession are your axe, hammer, and the Iron Bow that you had purchased back in Solis. Penelope was lightly armored. With her Crest’s ability, you couldn’t exactly blame her for that. But as a result, her speed was likely to be greater than yours. Still, even with her advantage in agility, you and her were on opposite ends of the arena. She was likely not expecting that you could rely on ranged attacks, a fact that you might be able to exploit. Thanks to her demonstration, she would only be able to rely on her Crest two times.

Incidentally, after your fight with the Cultists, you’d only be able to rely on Indech three times instead of four.

>Level 30 Berserker
HP: 62/62
STR: 26
SPD: 23
DEF: 10
RES: 0
Weapons: Devil Axe (+21 ATK, -20 HP when used)
Skills: Dense (Immune to the effects of cursed weapons)
Crest of “Leviathan”: Negates damage (2 uses)

>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 27/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 55
Strength: 29
Magic: 19
Speed: 17
Defense: 20
Resistance: 15
Luck: 14
Weapons: Silver Axe (+16 ATK), Hammer (+8 ATK, 3x attack vs Armor Knights), Iron Bow (+6 ATK)
Resolve: (When HP falls to less than 35%, Strength, Speed and Defense increase by 7)

Crest of Indech: You are able to make a follow-up attack on one foe, regardless of Speed. (4 Charges)
Crest of Macuil: Double the attack power of a magic spell. (3 Charges)
Combat Art: Earthsplitter: Cleave all enemies standing two rows in front of you. (Cost: 1 Crest of Indech Charge)
Combat Art: Throw: (Toss your weapon at an enemy and return it to your hand. Ranged attack.) (1 Crest of Indech Charge)

Fire (+3 DMG, 5 Uses), Elfire (+7 DMG, 3 Uses) Wind (+3 ATK, 5 Uses, x3 DMG against flying foes.)

>A): Attack Penelope w/ Iron Bow
>B): Attack Penelope w/ Iron Bow (Use Crest of Indech)
>C): Attack Penelope w/ Magic (What spell?)
>D): Let Penelope run over to you, granting her the first blow.
>E): Write-in
>B): Attack Penelope w/ Iron Bow (Use Crest of Indech)
FUCK! We shouldn't have given her that axe. Whatever, just don't get close!
Her attacks will do (26+21=47-20=) 27, (20 with resolve) she'll kill us in 3 hits (make us submit in 2), resolve included. We kill her in two (29+16-10=35, 25 with the bow which WON'T kill her in two), and I don't know if just 1 will make her submit. Now, this isn't a fight to the death, so we need to be careful. I don't know if we'll be able to swap to our axe in time if we have the bow out, and the surefire answer to take her out is two attacks with the Iron Bow, or an arrow and the hammer. I'll leave the actual strategy to everyone else, but here's the proper info.
Oh! And that doesn't account for her crest, or how it interacts with Indech.
she also doubles us
Just to clarify something: This isn't a battle to the death, but HP still needs to hit 0. If someone gets to 1 HP, they don't necessarily lose.
In that case...
>B): Attack Penelope w/ Iron Bow (Use Crest of Indech)
Burn up her crest charges ASAP.
>Crest of "Leviathan" negates damage
Damn, that's way better than stopping counterattacks. Since they can choose when to trigger it, we can assume they'll use it early, too. Good call on asking her what her Crest does.

>Dense (Immune to the effects of cursed weapons)
Kek. Gotta say, that weapon absolutely belongs with her-- in anyone else's hands, it will result in death for the wielder.

Our attacks deal...

29 (STR) + 6 (Hammer/Iron Bow) = 35 - 10 = 25 DMG (+7 = 32 DMG if at Resolve range)
29 (STR) + 16 (Silver Axe) = 45 - 10 = 35 DMG (+7 = 42 DMG if at Resolve range)

19 (MAG) + 3 (Fire/Wind) = 21 - 0 = 21 DMG
19 (MAG) + 7 (Elfire) = 26 - 0 = 26 DMG

We don't double her unless we use the Crest of Indech, and even being in Resolve range only makes it so that we're no longer being doubled.

As per this >>6189783, we need to bring her down to 0 to win. Thankfully, this won't result in death for either of us, but...

Using the Silver Axe, we take her down in two hits, and with anything else, three hits. Unfortunately, she can use the Crest of Leviathian to negate two hits, so the name of the game is 'popping' the shielding on her first before she can take us down.

>Scenario 1: Iron Bow + Crest of Indech
Tristain attacks twice with the Iron Bow, causing both attacks to be negated. It's possible that she instead chooses to eat the damage here, however. Penelope then attacks Tristain twice for 26 (STR)+ 21 (Devil Axe) = 47 - 20 = 27 x 2 = 54 DMG, dropping us to 1 HP, and in Resolve range. We can't counterattack since we're using the Iron Bow. We then take our turn, switch to the Silver Axe, and then use the Crest of Indech again to win.

However, as stated previously, if she just eats the first two shots and uses the Crest of Leviathan to block our attacks on our turn, we'll lose on the resulting counterattack. It is otherwise a win, though.

>Scenario 2: Penelope attacks first
Penelope rushes in, attacks twice, and drops Tristain to 1 HP. Tristain retaliates once, but is blocked by the Crest of Leviathan. He can also choose to activate Indech, causing a second attack to be blocked. He then takes his turn, activates the Crest of Indech again, and wipes her out before she can retaliate.

>Scenario 3: Throw
Tristain uses the Crest of Indech to attack with his Silver Axe. The attack is nullified by Leviathan. Scenario 2 then occurs-- either we use the Crest of Indech on the retaliation, or on our own turn doesn't matter. The gist of it is that four attacks occur, two of which are blocked, and the other two knock her out.

In the end, it seems that we would have lost this fight, had we not chosen to ask her about her Crest. Even if we knew what it did, her having a third charge ready would mean that there's no chance of taking her down before her second turn rolls over. Good stuff, anons!
Unfortunately, it seems like no matter what we choose to do, we'll need to activate Indech twice to win. A single usage of Macuil might work too, but it could be eaten by Leviathan unless we time it well.

Thus, my vote is...

>D): Let Penelope run over to you, granting her the first blow.
>E): Activate the Crest of Indech twice, once during the retaliation, and once more on our turn.

Assuming she doesn't have any secret Combat Arts in her statlist, we should be fine.
Supporting >>6189828
>Skills: Dense (Immune to the effects of cursed weapons)
Oh... So she didn't want to get rid of it because it's cursed, but just because it's hideous to her... Great...

Also good luck mathanons
As pointed out, if we use the Iron Bow, she could win if she chooses to just facetank the arrows to save her Crest for the second turn.
Inside her herculean warrior body it a cute girl that wants cute gear, but shes stuck with a bunch of cultists.
Support. Face tanking has never led us wrong yet kek
Supporting this.

This time really think it's essential to keep Macuil and our magic in general under wraps for as long as humanly possible - so that whatever counter measures these cultists are thinking up for Tristain will all be based around the assumption that he's is a pure physical attacker.
While I hate to leave on a cliffhanger, I'll be travelling for three days starting today. Updates should resume this Saturday, 2/8.

Please accept this beta Tristain sprite I worked on when I was still trying to figure out what he'd look like. I thought this one had too big of a head.
Tristains long lost secret twin brother, Liquid Tristain
No worries Tree, take your time! See you when you get back!

In the meantime, I've got a question for anons-- what kind of stuff are you hoping to see, or are excited for in this setting?

Me, I'm waiting for more lore about the Agarthans and the Nabateans. We seem to be getting it in the Sorcerer King and the Cult of the Serpent, but I'm interested in seeing that pan out. Aside from that, there's the inherent weirdness of a magocracy that I'm looking forward to.
I'm looking forward to seeing the city of Morfis itself. An entire metropolis built on Agarthan technology and thousands of years of refined magic? That's gotta be a spectacle to walk through, even if we do end up burning the place down one way or another. I'm also interested in running across more of the Old Gods like the Djinn and probably the Lady of the Oasis, as well as a big battle in Tartartus (assuming we make it there). As for Nabatean/Agarthan lore, I am hoping we get a full description of Leviathan's dragon form.

Have a good one!

>what kind of stuff are you hoping to see, or are excited for in this setting?
I'm curious to see what the tournament is actually like. I have the vague feeling that it isn't the full picture.
Have a nice trip, Tree!
The fivehead would be fitting with the high IQ choices Tristain makes.

>what kind of stuff are you hoping to see, or are excited for in this setting?
The fight against the other contenders looks like it'll be fun. Tristain is only able to win against Penelope because she already used up one Crest charge, and it's only going to get more difficult from here once Heroes' Relics and their massive stat boosts are thrown into the mix.
You decide to hold your ground and engage Penelope in melee combat. However small the risk might be, you didn’t want her to catch you up close with nothing but your bow out. Unsheathing your axe, you assume a combat stance and ready yourself for the berserker’s charge. Eman loudly shrieks for the match to begin, and Penelope rushes at you from across the sand, all the while the members of the cult loudly cheer her on. She closes the distance quicker than you’d think for someone of her size, and your axes clash.

It is all you can do to parry her fast yet brutal blows. Her strange axe packs a punch and only adds to her already considerable strength. Meanwhile, her lack of armor gives her the freedom to swing that weapon much easier than you possibly could. You thought it was a fighting style that perfectly suited her Crest. She could focus entirely on offense, while allowing Leviathan to handle defense. It doesn’t take long for you to slip up, and Penelope’s Devil Axe slices into your shoulder. You recoil in pain, allowing her to take a follow-up swing at your chest.

>Penelope: 26 STR + 21 (D. Axe) = 47 - 20 DEF = 27x2 = 54 DMG
>Tristain: 1/55 HP (Resolve Activated, +7 STR, SPD and DEF)
>Crest of Leviathan: 1/3

Penelope’s blow nearly crushes your chest in. Though this was not a battle to the death, it was a wound that would require immediate attention from Eman and his druids. Still, you were not down just yet, and those were the only hits you would allow Penelople. Lifting your axe high, you let loose a roar as you bring it down on the berserker. Unable to block the blow with her own axe, she intercepts it with her left hand, activating the Crest of ‘Leviathan.’ Your Silver Axe harmlessly bounces off. You can see her start to grin, having believed she has successfully negated your attack. Instead though, she has fallen for your trap. Blocking the first strike, she fails to account for your Crest of Indech, and the instant follow-up attack that follows catches her in the stomach.

>Tristain: 29 STR + 16 (S. Axe) + 7 (Resolve) = 52 - 10 = 42 DMG
>Penelope: 20/62 HP
>Crest of Indech: 2/4

Penelope spits up blood, and her eyes widen in great pain and shock. The poor girl had no idea what just happened. This was the advantage of keeping your Crest abilities close to your chest. Had she known the effect of Indech, she might have predicted your follow-up strike and blocked it. But with no prior knowledge, she was caught unaware. Clenching a row of bloody teeth, she lets out a banshee wail, and begins wildly swinging her axe in an attempt to finish the job. Her strikes have become much easier to predict, and you block and dance out of the way of several attempts at a finishing blow. You were taking this seriously. You were faster than her now, and exponentially stronger too. Victory was all but assured.
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Penelope attacks you with one final desperate downward chop of her axe, but you easily sidestep the blow. Left completely open, she recoils and raises her hand, preemptively getting ready to activate her Crest. However, the same thing as before happens. She blocks your first blow, bouncing the axe back harmlessly, only to be left defenseless in the face of Indech’s follow-up attack. You activate your Crest once again, slamming the back-end of your Silver Axe into the side of Penelope’s head. The berserker staggers back several steps drunkenly. She lets out a groan, drops her weapon, and falls face first into the sand, unconscious.

>100xp gained! Level up!
>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 28/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 1/55 (120%) + 1 = 56
Strength: 29 (65%)
Magic: 19 (40%)
Speed: 17 (30%) + 1 = 18
Defense: 20 (60%) + 1 = 21
Resistance: 15 (40%)
Luck: 14 (55%) + 1 = 15

You look up at the cultists, who seem as though they’ve seen a ghost. It is clear more than ever that no one expected you to defeat Penelope. Even the druids who were meant to see to your wounds stand there, stupefied. Only when you directly give them an angry glare do they get off their feet and run down into the sand pit to offer their aid to the two of you.

“W-well done…Lord Tristain.” Eman says. He has grown deathly pale, and appears to be dreading whatever scheme you have cooked up.

“I-I don’t understand. What did you do?!” Grigori barks out. “Our Dragon’s Blessing should make us invulnerable! How did you manage to even land a blow on Penelope? And to defeat her in two hits? That’s absurd!”

You had the attention of the entire cult right now. They have just watched their vaunted champion fall to a foreigner who possessed an ability that until an hour ago they thought unique to themselves. Needless to say, their worldview has been shattered abruptly. If you were going to attempt to seize control of their actions and divert them away from Hima, now might be a good time to do so.

>A): Demand that as victor of this trial, it is your right to “lead the attack” on Hima.
>B): Demand that they stay out of the upcoming battle in Hima.
>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
>D): Say nothing and see how things play out.
>E): Write-in
>>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)

You know what? Let's flip the coin. I don't trust my usual tendency toward caution right now.
>>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)

"The Blessing of the Dragon isn't the only one of its kind. The blessing he handed down to you was handed down to him in turn by The Goddess. Blessings such as ours are varied in my land, and it is common wisdom that, one and all, they come from The Goddess. Clearly, the Goddess has blessed us both with this meeting!"
>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
Surely the dice will favor us this time.
fuck it
>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome back, Tree!

>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
Sure, why not. If we fail, I doubt they'd kill us, and even if they did, then we can bank on May bringing in the cavalry to bail us out, heh.
>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
Forget all those other rolls, the goddess is on our side right now
>>C): Convince them that you come from the same place as Leviathan, and you are here to lead them to a new age. (STR+LCK Roll: 50% chance to succeed)
I saw that 1d00 post QM.
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Rolled 95 (1d100)

We've got better odds because we're in Resolve stance, surely now is our big break.

1-50 is success, 51-100 is fail.
I demand a reroll
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My finger slipped!
Goddess preserve us.
We should be able to do as anon suggested. They lack faith even after this?
Welp, we tried, time to follow our aunts footsteps and genocide a death cult
The cute buff woman can live tho right?
Of course, let's promise to give her a better axe later and she'll join, probably.
You think to yourself that perhaps you wouldn’t be satisfied with just taking the lead of these men for the attack on Hima. While doing so would undeniably be a great boon for the town’s defenders, there was still more that you could accomplish. Whoever this Leviathan was, he’d prophesied that others like him would one day come to Morfis to finish what he’d started. Others from the so-called “Dark Continent.” Whatever he actually meant by that, it was undeniable that you fit the description. What if you could use that to not just take control of this operation, but to take control of the cult itself?

Tristain d’Rusalka: King of Morfis. Mightiest Warrior. Cult Leader.

Hmm, if it was worth a try, you’d have to do it now while the iron was hot.

>“Sons and Daughters of the Sands, hear my word!” You cry out dramatically. You never had much of a flair for theatrics, but you’d lost a lot of blood. Perhaps that helped make you look a bit more intimidating, as scores of wide eyes were now laid entirely upon you.

>“I have travelled across the sea. From the same place as Lord Leviathan, with one goal in mind. To lead you on the proper path that the Goddess wishes for you! Leviathan promised you that the Goddess would look favorably upon you if you enacted her will. I am here to fulfill that promise! But you will not get there by destroying the City of Morfis. In the thousands of years since Lord Leviathan’s passing, his message has become muddled and distorted. The Goddess does not wish for wanton destruction and death. She wishes for word and knowledge of herself to be spread! And do you know how we will accomplish that?!”

Murmurs of confusion and awe reverberate through the underground as the cultists stare at you in wonder. Even the druids, who were supposed to be trying to bring Penelope back to consciousness, were shirking their duties to listen in on what you had to say. You raise your arms in a grand gesture, continuing to preach your “beliefs” to the assembled mass.

>“By making me King of Morfis!”

The underground practically shakes as chaos erupts amongst the crowd. If they were expecting anything from you, it certainly wasn’t that. However, you do not relent.

>“I am the Champion of the Goddess! I answer to no one but her! And I have been sent to you, just as Leviathan was before me! Do you know why? It is because the Goddess wishes for me to lead! Only I have the ability to do so! For centuries, you’ve hidden beneath the sands, away from the watchful eyes of Morfis’ mages. I am here to put an end to this! And only when I rule this country will that change. I will not destroy Morfis. I will change it for the better! And together, we will defeat our TRUE enemy, and spread word of Her Glory!”

You weren’t sure who this “true” enemy was, but you could always improvise later.
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“You go too far, foreigner!” Grigori shouts accusingly. Several men behind him back his claim. “Our beliefs have persisted for thousands of years! You expect us to drop them on a whim to install you as King of the Accursed City?”

“And what of Tartarus?” Eman asks. “Lord Leviathan was clear that we must open the way to Tartarus! And Lord Marek has acquired the key! Are you asking us to abandon that?”

>“I do not require you, nor anyone else to install me.” You retort back. “I shall pave my own way to kingship. All I ask is that you support me when the time comes. And as for Tartarus, rest assured that I shall uncover the secrets that lie within. Once I am King, the path shall lay open before me. And I shall not require this Marek nor his key!”

Alvin had in his possession the Agarthium that would forge a new key. Him and the Royal Sages seemed adamant on opening Tartarus on their own, and you yourself had your own curiosity. That this Marek had the original key was an interesting development, but it mattered not. With or without it, Tartarus would likely soon open anyway, fulfilling the conditions of Leviathan’s prophecy. That should be enough to convince these fools that you were the real deal.

“This is madness! Blasphemy!” Grigori shouts. “Brother though you may be, you speak nothing but foolishness!”

“L-Lord Tristain.” Eman says, struggling to shout over the roar of the crowd. The man looks incredibly uncomfortable, and is worried that the wrong word may send everything he’d dedicated his life to topping over. “You defeated Penelope, and thus have earned the right to lead us into battle. That much is true. However, all of these other things you claim. I am sorry but they are too fantastical for us. Won’t you please stop?”

Did you overplay your hand? You growled to yourself in frustration. You hated when people didn’t do what you said. Still, perhaps there was a way to salvage this situation. You were the self-proclaimed Champion of the Goddess, after all. And as befitting of her favor, you did not possess just one Dragon’s Blessing, but two. Could you possibly convince these people of your validity with a demonstration?

Revealing one’s Crest carried risks, as Penelople had undoubtedly found out. They’d already seen Indech, and it would only be a matter of time until they figured it out. Macuil was a trump card. Even if you could convince them with a showing, word of Macuil would likely spread throughout their ranks. If an enemy were to find out, they might come prepared.

>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
>B): Drop the matter entirely. You’ll have to be satisfied with leading them into battle.
>C): Write-in
>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
99% of gamblers quit before hitting it big.
>>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
>>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration
>>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
We'd gain more from having these guys under our control than keeping our magic and Macuil a secret. Indech is a better counter to their Crest anyways.
>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
So we're doing this? This is the moment we've been waiting for? This is the pivotal time? Alright, then.
>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.

Well, in for a penny, in for a pound.
Ah well, why not. Tristain's the type to go 'fuck it, we ball' instead of backing down, anyway.

>A): Reveal the Crest of Macuil in grand demonstration.
2 x 0 is still 0, so I suppose in that regard, Indech is superior. Not to mention all of the Combat Arts and such that we can develop over time.
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>“Oh ye of little faith!” You shake your head dramatically. You weren’t ready to give up just yet. You had one more trick up your sleeve you could pull, and now was the time to bring it out. You lift your hands to the skies, making a show of beseeching the Goddess for power. Alvin had taught you how to summon a great conflagration in the form of Elfire. When you maximized its power using the Crest of Macuil, you would be able to put on quite the light show. If beating Penelope was not enough, perhaps a further demonstration of your power was needed.

Summoning the abilities of the Crest of Macuil, you throw your hands down and summon forth a great tower of flame. The entire underground area you are in lights up in an instant, and the cultists are forced to avert their eyes lest they be blinded. The flames burn intensely hot, empowered far more than a normal Elfire spell would be capable of. You remain standing steadfast, unbothered by the scorching heat you have called forth.

>“Do you still doubt my great power, granted by the Goddess herself?!”

“Another blessing of the Dragon?! He has two?!” A cultist shouts over the flames.

“Not even Lord Leviathan had two blessings…he really has been sent by the Goddess!”

“Praise Lord Tristain!”

The flames clear, and what is left is a horde of cultists cheering you on. The crowd has been riled up beyond all manner of expectations, and they shower you with heaps of praise. Hah! Now this was more like it! These cultists knew greatness when they saw it! You finally found your type of people in this land! With few exceptions, you’d managed to win over all that were present. Grigori looks horrified. He does not sing your praises, but rather stands there gawking at you stupidly. As for Eman, his hands are frozen in the air. Whether he believes you or not, it is clear that the rest of the rank and file do. And as such, he is left with little option but to give in.

“H-hail Lord Tristain!” Eman declares. “Champion of the Goddess!”

The crowd cheers, and you watch as Grigori storms away from the scene. Whatever. Can’t win them all.

The druids crowd around you, working their healing magic through you with great care. Penelope has been carted off somewhere to rest, still unconscious after your battle.

“Lord Tristain, I am your humble servant.” Eman says desperately as he joins you at your side. “Please, if there is anything you require at all, just say the word.”

>A): Tell me the details of the upcoming attack on Hima
>B): What have you done with the villagers who have disappeared?
>C): Some of my companions may have followed me. Bring them here.
>D): Write-in
>>B): What have you done with the villagers who have disappeared?
You are turning them into Demonic Beasts, aren't you? Stop that right now.
>A): Tell me the details of the upcoming attack on Hima
>C): Some of my companions may have followed me. Bring them here.
We need to get our crew up to speed.
>B): What have you done with the villagers who have disappeared?

Was it them, or was something else at work here?
>>A): Tell me the details of the upcoming attack on Hima
>B): What have you done with the villagers who have disappeared?
Though I'd like for C as well.
>“What have you done with the villagers who have disappeared?” You ask Eman. According to what Tobias had said, the villagers had vanished with hardly any trace of a struggle. You’d seen the same thing for yourself previously. Just how did they manage to do that, and what sort of plan did they have going forward?

“Ahh, that would be the work of Lady Persefoni.” Eman says. “She is a bearer of the Dragon’s Blessing, such as yourself, as well as a master of an ancient form of magic known here in Morfis. On the surface, she may appear as nothing more than a dancer. But in reality, she is an adept sorcerer, whose dancing can either strengthen her allies or hinder her foes. Her abilities are empowered by her Blessing, and she has the power to compel those who view her dance if she so wishes. Lady Persefoni travelled across each of those villages in the guise of a mere performer. But thanks to her powers, she forced those villagers to leave their homes out of their own volition.”

Damn. So that dancer you saw back at The Sleeping Dragon really was the spy Tobias had warned about. She must have also been the one responsible for poisoning Hima’s wyverns and stealing their prized steed. And she was likely still there causing all sorts of trouble. You wished you’d gotten a second to talk to her. If only that damn Uriyan hadn’t distracted you.

>“What’s the plan for the villagers that Persefoni charmed? Did you kill them?”

“They were led to Lord Marek.” Eman says. “Lord Marek is the head druid of our clan. The knowledge of how to create Terrors is passed through him alone. He plans to turn those brought to him into Terrors, to assist in the assault on Hima. It is exhausting work, and even now, that is likely what he works towards. It is a brilliant plan!” Eman smiles widely, before suddenly catching himself. “I mean…it was a brilliant plan. It sounds like we are not attacking Hima anymore…right?”

He can hardly hide his disappointment.

>“We’re not. Where is this Marek?”

“Another underground hideaway, much like our own. There are several communities such as this one spread throughout the desert, where adherents of Lord Leviathan hide away from the mages of Morfis. The lair where Ahmose and Marek now reside is a two day march from our own. As for the attack on Hima, that was to take place in five days. Our group of warriors was to meet up with their own, where they would then march on Hima together.”

>“Can’t Persefoni just use her same trick while in Hima?”

“The town is too large.” Eman shakes his head. “The risk she’d face is far greater. She is the beloved of Lord Ahmose, and he has forbidden her from doing anything too rash other than weakening the defenses of the city.”
>“What about where Marek and Ahmose are currently hiding? Is it possible to attack this place first?”

“You wish to attack our brothers?!” Eman asks in total shock. “But why?! Surely they will come around once they have seen a demonstration of your power!”

Somehow you didn’t see this trick working twice. You didn’t know much about the two leaders of the Cult, but you didn’t see them ceding absolute control to a newcomer. Not when they felt they were so close to achieving a prophecy thousands of years in the making. That you were able to fool these people was a miracle you probably could not replicate.

>“I will give them a chance to see that destruction is not the path the Goddess intends. If they are unable to see reason, then I am prepared for the worst.”

Eman does not seem totally convinced, but nevertheless, he gives you the information you are looking for. “We can lead you to where Marek and his adherents reside. But if a fight were inevitable, it would be a difficult one. Their hideaway is fortified against all manner of attacks. The inside is layered with traps. And they stand double our size, at least 200 warriors capable of fighting. There would also be the matter of their Terrors that we’d have to contend with.”

You get the sense he is trying to dissuade you. Both out of fear for his own safety, and for the hope that you might yet see reason and commit to attacking Hima.

The attack on Hima was in five days, and you’d managed to accomplish a great deal in terms of gathering intel. Governor Tobias would surely be pleased and readily lend you aid. The question now would be whether you should fortify Hima and its defenses, or perhaps take the battle straight to the hideout of Marek and Ahmose.

Defending Hima would in all likelihood be easier. The town was practically impregnable, and with advance notice of the attack and the identity of the spy, you could prepare accordingly. On the opposite side, attacking the cult at their hideout would be stepping into unknown territory. You’d have to contend with a large army, Terrors, and other Crest bearers. But if you attacked first, you might be able to save more villagers from being turned into those monstrosities.

>A): Attacking the Cult’s main hideout first is what we should do
>B): We should fortify Hima and prepare for an assault
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
>D): Write-in
>>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
We've done enough messing around. It's not just Tristain's life on the line with this decision.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
The fact that we were able to get our foot in the door at all and manage to get them to follow our lead is pretty good. Unfortunately, it does seem like Grigori is immediately running over to Marek to tell them that there's a foreigner trying to usurp power, so if we do choose to attack, it should be sooner rather than later.

That being said, attacking a cult hideout with cultists that are only nominally on our side and without our companions is going to be a dangerous game. Might as well bring Hima into the fold and let them know that we've subverted some lads.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions.
Perhaps Tristain ought to repeat his first words to Eman for him to get it:
“You bow before Tristain d'Rusalka, soon to be King of this land and all those within. I mean to thwart every challenger and pretender who stands against me, and conquer in my own name and that of the Goddess..."
It should be made clear that's what we're operating from.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
>Evidently, everyone in Morfis who did possess a Crest possessed the same one.
Goddamn, some ancient crest bearer realy got to fucking. That's a lot of offspring
It's possible that it could've been a Clay situation. Rather than them being distant cousins, anyway. Nabateans know of a process that can safely transfer their blood to a human, granting them a Crest. It's safer than what the Agarthans can do, and lines up with the history that these cultists gave us: that their "Leviathan" rallied the people and gave them Crests to fight against the Sorcerer-King.

So, needless to say, we'll be seeing a lot of these Crests of Leviathan going forward.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
We actually did it. We actually did it, the absolute madlad.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
>>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
Arvin's face when they meet up again will be one for the history books let me tell you

That and all the talk of Leviathan giving the cultists both Crests and the terrors makes me think Levi might actually be an Agarthan who managed to get his hands on some Nabatean blood before getting his ass kicked by the Sorcerer king. He uses blood transfusions to give the original cultist generation the crests and they go on to pass it on to their offspring. I'd bet 500 gold that Levi is bodysurfing this Malek right now and is trying to get Tartarus open to steal the Sorcerer King's power.
>>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions
Shit man, we're way off the rails here. We were just supposed to get to the tournament, and now Tristain is leading some sort of religious schism. We're so screwed. Somebody call Byleth, so she can relay the words of the loli to these people, idk.
>C): I should consult with my companions and Tobias first before making any rash decisions

Hey Tree, do you still have your old doc of ThreeHouses quest? I'm gonna be going on a long trip soon, so I'd like to reread it wtihout shelling out for airplane wifi
I can try and upload it on a Google Doc later. THQ was over 2 million characters so I'd have to split it in Parts 1 and 2, and the original word document is insanely laggy and prone to crashing lol.
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In light of recent events
No no May, this bad streak means there's a lucky streak coming, it's just probability
I love it. Love May.
9 out of 10 Crest Bearers quit before they hit it big.
Amazing. Tristain really seems like the type that might flip the table over after a loss. Certainly would not play Monopoly with him.
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You shouldn’t take any more liberties of your own. That you’d somehow made it this far with these people was a testament either to your luck or to the Goddess truly looking out for you.

>“Eman. I must go now and consult with the Goddess for guidance regarding our next move. I want you to stay here and hold things down. Remember, you are not to make contact with Marek and his group before the date of the attack in question. We will not attack Hima, but nevertheless, I want you to remain here and prepare for battle. Once I have consulted with Her, I shall return to you and inform you of our next course of action.”

“Consulting with the Goddess directly.” Eman takes a deep breath of reverence. “Remarkable. Very well, Champion. I shall ensure that your warriors are battle ready for your return.”

Champion? Is that what they’d be calling you? You had to admit, you kind of liked it.

Leaving the Cultist hideout is more difficult than you might have imagined. Your path is blocked by hordes of men, women and children, each hoping to get a view of their new messiah. You spare some courtesy gestures towards them. A friendly wave and a smile here and there. These people would soon be dying for you, so it was the least you could do. In truth, while this might have been a sudden and drastic change, you didn’t intend to use them as mere pawns. In this strange and foreign land, you’d found a community of individuals who worshipped the Goddess. And while they may have been led astray by what seemed like a string of false prophets (yourself arguably included), they deserved to be steered on the right path.

After finally managing to break through, you leave through the entrance you came from and return to the top of the cliff. There, you find your companions waiting for you.

“Where in the hell have you been?” Alvin asks you, a mix of concern and confusion evident in his voice.

You and the others begin walking back towards the direction of Hima. As you travel, you explain to them your experiences with the Cult of the Serpent. You tell them of the strange Crest you saw, how you’d battled Penelope, and how they’d now begun to defer to your leadership, having branded you as the “Champion of the Goddess.” You do not mention the supposed existence of Marek’s key into Tartarus, as that seems like something you’d want to speak to Alvin about in private. For the most part, your companions have a difficult time comprehending what you tell them.

“This is…quite the story to swallow.” Nadia winces.

“You say these cultists worship the Goddess?” Cassius asks. “Such a thing is unheard of. The assumption throughout every circle of Morfis was that it was Leviathan that they prayed to. That they’ve been worshipping the Goddess this entire time is a great revelation you’ve discovered.”
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“How could such a thing remain a secret for so long?” Adeline asks. “And they even possess Crests? This would have huge ramifications on the history and future relations of Fodlan and Morfis.”

“Most cultists are killed on sight.” Alvin remarks. “This has been the policy for generations, passed down by both the Royal College and the Palace. Those who find themselves captured aren’t exactly in a talkative mood. They’ll undergo any manner of torture before spilling anything about their brethren, such is the fervor of their faith. As for their Crests, this is the first I’m hearing about it. But it is possible that even if these Crests were encountered throughout the years, Morfis would be unable to identify what they were. Remember, those gifts are supposed to be native to Fodlan only. A country that we’ve long remained isolated from. The Cult is known to possess magic unique only to them, and it is possible this ‘Crest of Leviathan’ was handwaved to be more of their strange sorcery.”

“Having survived in the harshness of the desert, away from the comforts Morfis provides. These guys are like rats.” Cuthbert says dryly. “And you really got them to switch sides that easily?”

>“I know. Cool, right?”

“We should attack this Marek as soon as possible.” Elric says. “They’re turning innocent people into monsters! We can’t allow that!”

“I agree with Elric.” Adeline says. “It is the right thing to do, regardless of the challenge we may face.”

“Cult hideouts such as what you describe are exceedingly rare finds.” Cassius remarks. “And that their leader is present as well. An opportunity to lead a direct assault on the Serpents may never come again.”

“Sorry, I thought our priority was going to Morfis for this stupid tournament.” Cuthbert says. “Why are we going looking for trouble? Let the Scorchers handle this.”

“I’m afraid I must concur with our surly friend here.” Nadia says. “At the very least, we can aid the Scorchers in defending their city. But leading an assault on the stronghold of the Cult of the Serpent seems incredibly dangerous.”

“Delving into an ancient ruin full of cultists, traps, monsters, guys with Crests and who knows what else?” May recites, horrified. “I think I’m going to be sick…”

“I support any decision you make, Tristain.” Alvin says. “But we’ll need to consult with Tobias first. If we were to attack the cult in their hideout, we would absolutely need the assistance of the Scorchers.”
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“What about those Almyrans?” May asks. “That Uriyan guy must be all sorts of strong if he was able to beat you-”

You shoot a sharp look at May. The thief yelps in terror, before scurrying to hide behind Adeline.

“She has a point.” Alvin winces. “Whether the battle takes place in Hima or at the Cult’s hideout, it may be beneficial to ask him for support. He had an entire wing of wyvern riders with him, and the man is clearly competent.” The Sorcerer looks to the side, and mutters under his breath. “Besides, you already fight alongside Adeline and technically Elric. It’s not like fighting on the same side as other contenders should bother you at this point…”

>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
>B): Fuck that guy. We don’t need him or his shitty lizards.
>C): Write-in.
>>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
10/10, good stuff anon. Love the details on May too, very cute.

>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
Let's try not to be more of a sore loser than we already are. Swallow that pride, Tristain!
>>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
I hope Tristain can keep his new bible club
>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
Neat. May's cute.

>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
kek, Tristian still isn't taking his loss well. The practical reason to not offer Uriyan a chance to join in would be to avoid showing him our Crests, but we're likely up against 3 enemy Crest Bearers here and Tristain barely won against Penelope.
Super understand lol, I'll keep an eye out for it!
>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
There's still a fancy magic lizard lurking someone, might as well put him to use as a airborne meat shield.
>A): We’ll ask Uriyan for his assistance. It’s more manpower, and more importantly, it will give me a chance to show him up.
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You suppose it wouldn’t hurt to ask Uriyan for help. At the very least, you could see what the man was made out of when it came to real battle and not just childish arm wrestling. You and your group make it to Hima just before nightfall. The guards give you no issue this time, and you storm right past them. You had to speak to Governor Tobias and inform him of what was to come. The locals continue to eye you with much suspicion, but you pay them no mind. In a few days, they’d be on their knees thanking you for saving their damn hides.

“Foreigner, it is late. The Governor will not be seeing any visi-”

You shoulder check the guard aside, entering the governor’s office alongside Alvin. He seems surprised at first by your sudden intrusion, though he manages to keep a strong demeanor.

“Adjunct. Lord Tristain. To what do I owe the visit? Have you uncovered anything in your investigation?”

>“You’re going to love this.” You say, slamming your hands enthusiastically on Tobias’ desk. You fill him on all the same details you told the others. As you relay the news regarding the cult’s impending attack on Hima, the governor’s one eye widens, first in shock, then anger. He gets up from his desk, walks out the room, and grabs the man that was standing guard by the door.

“Grab as many soldiers as you can and head to The Sleeping Dragon! I want that dancer dragged back to me right now! Go!”

As you hear the guard scurrying outside and shouting, Tobias walks back in, regaining some measure of composure.

“This is quite the tale, Lord Tristian. If that wench truly is a cult spy, we’ll get to the bottom of this, I assure you. Were this the only news you carried, I’d have been satisfied. But you’ve managed to uncover much in the short time you’ve been here. I am in your debt, my friend. Though I have no right to ask any more of you than I already have, it would be an honor if you helped defend Hima alongside us against those underhanded mongrels.”

>“If it's the cult you want, we may not have to wait for them to come to us. My man on the inside has given me the location of their main hideout. We can bring the fight to them if we wish.”

Tobias flinches, looking unsure of the idea. “Are you positive you can trust this man? As far as I’m concerned, he’s a damn serpent like the rest of them. How can we be sure they aren’t trying to lead us further into a trap? Hima’s defenses are top notch. We’d have a better chance fighting them here than out in the desert.”

>“It sounds preposterous, I’m aware. But I assure you, I’ve won their loyalty over. They see me not just as one of their own, but as someone who’d been promised to them thousands of years ago. They coughed up not just the location of where their leader was hiding, but also their number. The enemy stands at 200 strong, supported by an unknown number of Terrors that may be growing by the day.”
“200.” Tobias says, taking a seat and closing his eyes. He runs the numbers through his head for but a brief moment. “We have 40 wyvern riders left who are capable of taking flight. The rest were poisoned by that damned whore. In addition, our infantry can field around 60 men. Lord Uriyan has brought with him 35 Almyran wyvern riders. Top quality, each man. Even if he decides to lend us his aid, we’re still outnumbered by quite a bit. We’d be relying heavily on these serpents that you claim to have won over to your side.”

“Those serpents claimed to have around 100 warriors of their own. With them, the numbers would look at least a bit more even.” Alvin remarks.

“Adjunct, what do you suggest?”

“Attacking the hideout is a dangerous gambit. A successful raid on a stronghold of the Cult of the Serpent hasn’t taken place in over a hundred years. Even with the aid of our newfound ‘friends,’ we still hardly have an idea of the specifics of what we may be walking into. Still…I cannot stomach the idea of what they are doing. Turning innocent men, women and children into Terrors to strengthen their army…it’s barbaric. I’d like to wring the neck of this Marek myself, and the sooner the better. But I will defer to whatever decision you and Tristain make.”

“Lord Tristain.” Tobias says darkly. “I am of the same mind as the Adjunct here. If they try to take us in Hima, I am confident we would smash them, with or without the help of your followers. But those villagers that were stolen fall under my protection. To leave them to their fate would haunt me the rest of my days. I am willing to mobilize my men and attack this Marek at his home, but I need your assurance that you can control these turncoat serpents.”

Things had fallen on you. Whatever you decided on, the fate of Hima and the Cult of the Serpent would drastically change.

>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
>B): Fortify Hima’s defenses and prepare for an assault.
>>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
We are a good guy, aren't we
>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
Penelope is counted among our loyalist cult yes?
Surely she'd be awake from the thrashing you gave her by then.
>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
Hard mode, eh? I'm down. We'll need to genuinely get Eman's Chapter of the Cult of the Serpent on our side, and then protect them afterwards if they perform well, but I'm willing to tango.
>>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.

>Convince a bunch of godess worshippers that you're the messiah
>Immediately lead them to their deaths
Tristain "False Prophet" d'Rusalka
One cold motherfucker
>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
Also goddess echoing all the pleas to let Tristain keep his bible group. We gotta take a page out of Bronte's book and amass power when we can.
>>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
>Also goddess echoing all the pleas to let Tristain keep his bible group
I'm pretty sure attacking the hideout is explicitly using the bible study group as cannon fodder
>A): Attack the Cult’s main hideout.
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You were confident that controlling Eman and his men was within your means. You saw how they treated you underground. How the people revered you and saw you as the second coming of their Great Leviathan. That was no mere lip service. You could see it in their eyes that they were true believers. You’d have their aid, that much was certain. It would just be up to you to ensure that it wasn't misplaced.

>“You have my word that they will follow my lead. I won’t be content to sit around and wait for this Marek and his band of serpents to come knocking on your door. Let’s bring the fight to them and save as many of your people as we can. After all, if I am to rule Morfis as its future king, then those villagers are my own people as well. And I cannot allow further harm to come to them.”

“Hah, foreigner or not, you’ve got a good way of thinking.” Tobias says with a smile, clasping you on the shoulder. “Very well then. But if what you say is true, we have no time to waste. We’ll need to leave first thing tomorrow. I’ll mobilize my men to be ready. In the meantime, go down to The Sleeping Dragon. Check in on those soldiers I sent, and bring Uriyan over to our cause. Though he may be your rival contender, I’ll expect the two of you to put aside any differences while we face this common foe.”

You and Alvin take your leave of the governor’s office, and head down towards The Sleeping Dragon tavern. When you arrive, you find the soldiers that Tobias had sent to be milling about outside.

“Bad news.” The lead soldier informs you. “Seems Persefoni and her companions left this morning. Said they had another performance to get to.”

“Damnit.” Alvin curses. “Perhaps they’ve gone to rendezvous with this Marek before the attack.”

>“Whatever. Capturing her would have been great, but so long as she is out of Hima and can do no further damage, we’ll manage.”

Stepping inside the tavern, an empty tankard of ale smashes against the wall nearest you. A rowdy party is underway, and Almyrans and Morfisians are both partaking in copious amounts of booze. At the head of the largest table is Warlord Uriyan. He swings around his tankard, singing along to some awful Almyran shanty that you are unable to understand. Him and his boys had clearly been sitting here for a while, drinking without a care in the world. Would you really be able to convince this man to join you in his current state? Before you can think too much about it, he spots you.

“Tristain d’Rusalka! Get over here!”

Leaving Alvin behind, you march over towards the Almyran’s table, while the rest of the bar looks on in a mixture of anticipation and dread.

“Someone get this man a drink, right now!” Uriyan roars as you sit across from him. A full tankard slides in front of you, and you prepare to make your pitch. “Good to see you again, lad. Did you come for another round?”
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The man’s companions burst into laughter upon Uriyan referencing the arm wrestling contest. Only when he shoots them a venomous look do they regain their composure and humbly return to nursing their drinks.

>“No. Actually, I came for a different matter entirely. There’s a battle about to take place-”

“I’m in.” Uriyan takes a large swig of his drink. Exhaling loudly, he slams the tankard onto the table. “When do we leave?”

>“Uhh, tomorrow. Don’t you want to know who we’re fighting?”

“Not really.” Uriyan shrugs. “If I had to guess though, it’s those serpent cultists everyone keeps talking about isn’t it? I hear they were the ones responsible for poisoning the wyverns in the stables here.” Uriyan’s face grows dark, and he clenches his mug so tightly that you begin to see cracks forming on its surface. “Do you know what the punishment for harming an innocent wyvern in Almyra is? They tie you to the bottom of one and drag you across the ground until you’re nothing but meat. Aye, I’ll fight with you. It’ll do me good to shed a bit of blood before the competition. And I couldn’t think of any scum more deserving.”

Uriyan jumps onto the table in an instant. He raises his mug to the sky, and addresses his fellow Almyran wyvern riders.

“Listen here you bastards! Drink up, but pace yourselves well. For tomorrow we’ll finally have a chance to sip on the blood of a foe sorry enough to face us in battle! We fight alongside our friends here in Hima! Let us show them firsthand the wrath Almyra brings down upon its enemies!”

The tavern explodes all at once. Each Almyran raises their glass in honor of the warlord, and soon every Morfisian that had been in the tavern is either covering their ears or rushing out of the building in a panic. You thought that you might take a liking to this lout. You could always find some respect for a man that was willing to jump into battle with zero fear. Particularly when that battle had nothing to do with him.

“Tristain d’Rusalka!” Uriyan shouts, pointing at you from above the table. “I challenge you to another little game. What do you say?”

>“More arm wrestling?” You grimace.

“Nothing so childish. I understand that a very rare white wyvern was stolen from the stables here. A beast like that is exceedingly uncommon, even in Almyra. Whoever stole it likely intends to ride it into battle, and chances are they are quite the big shot. So, I pledge to kill that man before you do.”

>“Is that so? What are the stakes?”

“Whoever lands the killing blow on him will take ownership of the wyvern. Surely the governor won’t mind if we call it payment for our aid. I intend to present it to Princess Yulia as an engagement gift, but only if I land the killing blow on its rider. Otherwise, you’re free to claim it yourself.”

>A): Accept the challenge.
>B): Decline the challenge.
>A): Accept the challenge.
It's on! Man, I hope we never have to kill this guy.
>>A): Accept the challenge.
>A): Accept the challenge.
>>A): Accept the challenge.
>A): Accept the challenge.
>A): Accept the challenge.
I knew this guy was cool. I'm always a sucker for a man willing to throw down. Makes me wonder if his personality will ever change once he learns who exactly Rex d'Rusalka or Blair Weaver is and what they did.
>A): Accept the challenge.
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You wanted that white wyvern, and not for anything as mundane as a gift for Princess Yulia. You were the only gift she needed. But that wyvern had the distinction of being one of the few flying mounts in the world that you would be able to ride yourself. An opportunity like this may never come again. You planned on killing the leadership of the Cult of the Serpent yourself anyway, so as far as you saw it, this changed nothing. You leap onto the table so that you are eye level with Uriyan. You then grab his outstretched hand firmly.

>“I accept your challenge.”

“Hah! I knew you would!” The man responds with a grin.

“Warlord Uriyan!” An Almyran cheers.

“Warlord Uriyan will claim the white wyvern!” Another exclaims.

“No, Lord Tristain will!” A voice that sounds suspiciously like May’s pipes up.

Excusing yourself from the chaos of the tavern, you have one final stop you wish to make in your preparations for tomorrow’s battle. In your time at Hima, you’d yet to visit the town’s market. Proper shopping was always a necessity before running off into battle. This was a lesson you’d had instilled in you at a young age by your aunt’s retainer, Corrine. Blair’s right hand woman and a Blackwing officer, she once spoke of how your aunt would agonize for hours inside every shop they came across. She would internally debate with herself on what to buy, as though each purchase were a matter of life and death.

While you could probably chalk most of that up to women and their natural affinity for shopping, you had to admit you could see the wisdom in this. And while you’d lost a hefty sum of gold to Uriyan in that bet, at least you still had the Green Gem that 99 had given you, which should be worth something good.

“I have to say, you and that Uriyan fellow are awfully similar.” Cassius says. Him and Nadia had joined you on this shopping trip. You’d left May back at the inn, afraid her predisposition for stealing might come out if exposed to Hima’s market stalls. “Do you perhaps have Almyran blood in you?”

>“First off, that’s rude. Secondly, my parents did spend some time in Almyra, but that was long before I was born. And they were causing trouble more than they were acting like tourists.”

Rex d’Rusalka and his merry band had spent several months pillaging the Almyran countryside, culminating in the slaying of one of their vaunted Four Warlords. This Uriyan would have been the rank equivalent of the man your father had killed some 25 or so odd years ago. Not too many years after that, your aunt Blair would go on to perform a similar feat. Given that Uriyan did not comment on hearing the d’Rusalka name, perhaps Almyra had forgotten about your family?

“How could you say such a thing?” Nadia chastises Cassius. “Lord Tristain is far too chiseled to be of the same breed as one of those mangy Almyran dogs.”
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“Is it true that Almyra and Fodlan used to be in a constant state of war?” Cassius asks. “I’d heard Fodlan even constructed a giant wall at the border of the two countries to keep the Almyrans at bay, though ultimately they still kept raiding your lands.”

>“For once, your history of Fodlan isn’t off. You are indeed right that our two nations had an absolute loathing for each other. Though that has long been a thing of the past. The new Archbishop soothed over relations with Almyra’s leader following the Unification War, and since then, there have been no incursions into Fodlan. What they do over in Almyra now is anyone’s guess. There was a time where it seemed they lived for nothing more than raiding Fodlan. Now I imagine they just keep it to themselves.”

“Breaking bread with an old foe to fight an even greater threat.” Nadia swoons. “Only you could be so magnanimous, Lord Tristain. I knew what I saw in your blood was true!”

The three of you arrive at what passes for Hima’s general store. Though lacking a bit in the quantity you found back in Solis, you find that it still presents a serviceable selection of goods. The shopkeeper attempts to lowball you on a price for your Green Gem, but fortunately a few honeyed words from Nadia keep the man honest, and he offers you an excellent price for the item.

>3000g obtained!

Staring at the selection before you, you begin to ponder potential purchases. According to the shopkeep, some of these items were exclusive to Hima, and may not be seen again in other parts of Morfis.

>Select purchases below, or leave without buying anything. (Current Gold: 3000g)

>Light Rune (x3): (Lowers an enemy’s speed -5. Stops movement for 1 turn): 1500g
>Concoction (x3): (Heals 20 HP): 700g
>Dracoshield: (Increase DEF Permanently +2): 3000g
>Speedwing: (Increases SPD Permanently +2): 3000g
>Sorcerer King’s Idol: (Increase LUK permanently +4): 3000g
>Swordreaver: (+12 ATK. +10 extra ATK/30% Dodge if fighting a Sword wielder. -10 ATK and +5 DMG taken if fighting a Lance wielder.): 2500g
>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
holy shit, inflation hit the light runes. We should have bought two packs back then
>>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
wait, this is hima exclusive isn't it? Works as a wincon against both Ahmose AND Uriyan, so it's worth losing out on stats maybe
Well, since Uriyan is getting the white wyvern, the dragon axe is seems pretty nice. We gonna have to fight him eventually. Maybe very soon.
Also, building a library of axes for every possible matchup (and making May carry them all in a big bag) sounds pretty cool.
>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
Cult hideout is gonna have some sword fags in it though, so kind of tempted for the Swordreaver, but whatever.
Do we have any flashbangs left?
just one i believe. Better make it count
OP says concoctions and nothing else
we only used two and we had three so...
>Current Gold: 3000g
Shouldn't we have 3500g? We had 500 after losing the bet (>>6184833), and just gained 3000 from selling the gem
>She would internally debate with herself on what to buy, as though each purchase were a matter of life and death.

>While you could probably chalk most of that up to women and their natural affinity for shopping.

Ah, never change Tristain.
...Fuck it, it's too funny not to pick
>>Sorcerer King’s Idol: (Increase LUK permanently +4): 3000g
>QM in charge of keeping track of numbers
Yes to both. You have 3500 gold, and you still have 1 Light Rune left in your inventory. Thank you for checking and keeping it accurate.
>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
>Concoction (x3): (Heals 20 HP): 700g
Dragon Axe is a great conditional item, especially since we'll probably need to fight Uriran at some point, and we really need more concoctions.
Vote change then. We can now fit 3 healing potions into the bill!
>>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
>>Concoction (x3): (Heals 20 HP): 700g
>>Sorcerer King’s Idol: (Increase LUK permanently +4): 3000g
There's something funny about this place selling a dragonkiller weapon.
The Dragon Axe has the advantage in that it should go through Delphi Shields. But even if Ahmose has a Delphi Shield, we do have May who could steal it from him. Having her steal it and switching to bow or magic is more complicated than simply chopping him down with a Dragon Axe, but it'd likely be an option if we forgo the Dragon Axe.
Though it's possible we just end up having May steal it anyways to let Alvin attack Ahmose with Aircalibur since Penelope did say Ahmose can use his Crest at least five times. Or maybe Tree will let us gamble again to sneak up on him in order to one-shot him before he even has a chance to use his Crest. Fourth time's the charm.

I don't think we know what weapon Ahmose actually uses assuming he's not just a mage, so it's a gamble on the Swordreaver being useful for the upcoming battle. There's also Marek, but I think it was said that he's a druid.
It could have uses in the future against other contenders. There's three of them that are basically confirmed to be sword users: the Thunderbrand guy, Clay, and Scratch's kid. The sword users we've fought up to this point haven't been a threat to justify buying this, but it'd probably be safe to assume that Tristain wouldn't be able to easily tank those three.

>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
The Swordreaver is tempting, but we'd be gambling on any of the bosses in the upcoming battle being sword users. I would hope we're not in a battle to the death with the other contenders in the first place.
>“No, Lord Tristain will!” A voice that sounds suspiciously like May’s pipes up.

>Blair’s right hand woman and a Blackwing officer, she once spoke of how your aunt would agonize for hours inside every shop they came across
>She would internally debate with herself on what to buy, as though each purchase were a matter of life and death
That's because it was, junior. We'd have never gotten Ingrid if not for the Killer Lance purchase, though I do wonder if we would've won if we got the Brave Lance or Mjolnir instead. It'll happen to you one day.

>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
>Concoction (x3): (Heals 20 HP): 700g
We really should get a Swordreaver at some point... Though I do wonder if there's Dual Axe or a Swordslayer around here somewhere, it seems like it'd wreck most of the sword-wielding Myrmidons and Swordmasters we're facing.

Actually, I should ask... are knife/dagger weapons like May's Dagger considered to be Swords (like in the GBA games where Thief/Assassin lines basically had sword ranks), or are they considered to be their own type of weapon (like in the later FE games)?
>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
>Concoction (x3): (Heals 20 HP): 700g

Dragon axe paired with throw gives us good anti-air options which our team as a whole is a bit lacking in right now.

Ahhh that Gronder crit. Good memories indeed
>Dragon Axe: (+12 ATK. 3x Effective against wyvern riders.): 2500g
At least I didn't miss much in the four days or so I've been away.
Buying a Dragon Axe and a Concoction. Writing
Whoops just saw this. I'd say they're considered to be their own weapons, not swords.
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You settle on purchasing a set of healing concoctions, as well as a brand new weapon. Known as a Dragon Axe, it is specifically designed to pierce the hides of wyverns. You didn’t want to kill the white wyvern. It was to be your new mount after all. But in the event you were forced to do battle with whoever rode the beast, this weapon would at least grant you a great advantage. There existed special shields that negated the weaknesses most flying mounts held, such as vulnerability to arrows and wind magic. Though exceedingly rare, it may not be out of the question that the foe was in possession of such an item. If so, this axe would be a boon to have.

>Dragon Axe obtained
>Concoction obtained: 5/5

The next day, the men of Hima are ready to march out. You are impressed at the speed in which these Scorchers have readied themselves for battle. It is easy to see that each soldier is a professional, having undergone no shortage of training. A mixture of archers and spearmen stand at the front of the town’s gate, their armor and spears polished and glistening in the sunlight. Above them are a horde of wyvern riders, both Morfisian and Almyran. The governor himself rides at the front of the formation. There would be no talking him into remaining in his keep, safe and sound. Tobias was looking for blood, and planned to extract it from the Cult of the Serpent.

“Lord Tristain.” Tobias says, landing in front of you atop a purple-shaded wyvern. “If you’ve finished your preparations, then we are ready to depart at once. I would like for you and the Adjunct to serve as part of the leadership council of this army. I’ve also invited Uriyan to our table as well. I am confident with our combined experience, the four of us together will outsmart this foe.”

>“Yes, of course.” You nod convincingly.

You’d never led an army into battle before, but you weren’t about to tell Tobias that. You imagined it was probably no different than telling Adeline to stand in front of a charging enemy, just on a larger scale. Besides, a history of battle-hardened commanders ran through your veins. Your parents were both seasoned generals with a score of victories behind them, and from what you knew, your grandfather had also led the Rusalkan army to victory on a few occasions. They all had to start somewhere. This would be a good opportunity for you to gain some experience on a larger scale.

“What’s our first move?” Alvin asks.

>“We’ll meet up with Eman and his men first, then march on Marek together. Neither of them are holed up very far from Hima. This shouldn’t take us too long.”

“To think those bastards were right under our noses this entire time.” Tobias seethes. “Forgive me, Lord Tristain. I will be sure to hold my animosity for your…personal brand of cultists. So long as they assist Hima, I will welcome them with open arms.”
This wasn’t good. You might suffer a serious legitimacy crisis if these people did not believe you were the sole person in charge here. You knew next to nothing about leading an army into battle. Your talents were better suited to fighting on the frontlines than they were to barking out commands. But there was a chance that Eman and his men might not respond to orders well from anyone else but you.

>A): Claim you are the Supreme Commander of this army, and that they have nothing to worry about under your guidance. You could explain things to Tobias later.
>B): Explain that you are not the one in charge, but are there to fight side-by-side with them on the frontline.
>C): Write-in
>C) Of course Im not in charge, these men are not blessed with the true faith and as such would not accept me as their leader! However, they are still of use to us in carrying out the will of the Goddess.
Something along these lines. Turns them into an allied outgroup and us as the enlightened ingroup
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4Chan shit the bed and deleted the second post an hour later.

You march at the front of the army, leading them to the same canyon that Grigori had taken you. Several of your allies balk when you begin to climb down, and some offer to join you for protection. You deny their requests. You were the Champion of the Goddess to these people. You required no protection from your “flock.” Climbing down the cliff once more, you walk towards the cave entrance, only to find both Eman and Penelope already waiting for you. Evidently they’d seen you coming a mile away.

“Champion!” Eman says, falling to both knees and offering you the deepest bow you’d ever seen. “Thank the Goddess you return to us!”

“Hello again.” Penelope does not bow, but offers a friendly wave instead. “That was a good fight. You really got me.”

>“Are you feeling okay? I might have hit you a bit hard back there…”

“Yep. The druids told me there was no lasting damage.” She says, tapping her head with her right hand as if to prove the point.

>“Right. Anyway, I’ve returned to you after my consultation with the Goddess. I’ve decided that the only course that lies before us is to march on this Marek and make him see reason. There shall be no more turning of men into Terrors. The Goddess had decreed this practice to be blasphemous in nature, and it must end immediately.”

“I-I see.” Eman says, struggling to grasp these new revelations. “And who are these that march behind you?”

>“These are the Scorchers of Hima. They have come to retrieve the villagers that were taken to Marek. We will fight together to free those people, so that we may continue to spread the Word of the Goddess.”

“F-fighting with the Scorchers.” Eman turns pale. “Right, well, if that is Her will then…I suppose we must adhere to it. There is one matter you should be aware of though. It concerns Lord Grigori. He has…left us suddenly. Gone to Lord Marek to inform him of these recent developments. Maybe he has gone to spread the good news of your arrival?” Eman adds hopefully.

Yeah fucking right. You had a feeling you should have dealt with that rat. So much for a surprise attack. If Grigori has gone over to Marek, then you could abandon all hopes of catching the enemy unaware. This would about to turn into an all-out brawl.

>“Are your men ready to march?”

“Oh yes! 100 warriors, as promised! A combination of swordsmen, archers and druids are ready to adhere to your command alone.”

>“Well, we’ve actually formed a leadership council.”

“A what?” Eman asks, raising an eyebrow. “A council? Why? You are the chosen Champion of the Goddess herself. The Scorchers should adhere to your will alone.”

“Have you led men into battle before, Tristain?” Penelope asks.

“Of course he has!” Eman scolds Penelope harshly. “Don’t be foolish, girl. He’s the Champion of the Goddess! We shall adhere to his word alone!”
>>A): Claim you are the Supreme Commander of this army, and that they have nothing to worry about under your guidance. You could explain things to Tobias later.
>They begged me to take charge, really! But I'm of the opinion that delegation makes things easier for everyone.
I'm surprised Tristain's got no leadership skills to speak of-- he's a graduate of the Officer's Academy, after all. Then again, not every student comes there to lead an army, especially nowadays, with peace in our time. We've got to start somewhere, though.

>A): Claim you are the Supreme Commander of this army, and that they have nothing to worry about under your guidance. You could explain things to Tobias later.
So long as we lead them specifically, we should probably be fine.
>A): Claim you are the Supreme Commander of this army, and that they have nothing to worry about under your guidance. You could explain things to Tobias later.
The council is more like a group of advisors for me, I make the final decision trust me
>C): I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not? Think of this council as something similar.
Maybe a little long, but I'm going with this write-in to further establish Tristain's dominance to avoid any of these guys having second thoughts about his authority while also allowing him to avoid responsibility of needing to lead these guys all by himself, and getting the cultists to follow orders from others would make things go much smoother.
Tristain must have been slacking off in classes if he has no idea how to lead.
>>A): Claim you are the Supreme Commander of this army, and that they have nothing to worry about under your guidance. You could explain things to Tobias later.
>C): I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not? Think of this council as something similar.

Very good write in.
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Tristain would have learned a few basic things about leadership at the Officer's Academy, but he would have no practical experience to speak of. It would all mostly be lectures, theories and drills. Things he would find exceptionally dull at best, and would likely cause him to slack off a bit. It would also be a stark difference from having been at the helm of a real life battle.
I'm this anon who's phone posting


>C): I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not? Think of this council as something similar.
Hm, if Tristain had a Charm stat and Authority rank, what would they be?
>“Yep. The druids told me there was no lasting damage.”
Head simply too thick, based.
>>C): I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not? Think of this council as something similar.
Cool write in. Could also add a line like
>"The blessings of the Godess are made for combat, not giving orders, are they? The Godess wants me in the fray.

I honestly wonder what's Eman thinking. Hard coping that Tristain is the chosen one and actually talks to the Godess? Has an angle to play? We are steering them hard here, prohibiting the demonic beast creation and whatnot.

What, no bandit fights? Damn, Garreg Mach education really went down in the last years, those were a staple back in my days.
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Good question. Tristain HAS charm, he's not a complete bore. He's just a scary guy to approach for most people. He'd probably have a C- in Authority, with his highest scores being Axe, Heavy Armor, Bow and maybe Reason.

>What, no bandit fights
There's virtually no banditry left in Byleth's Fodlan. She, along with Seteth, have done a tremendous job in rebuilding the country. Such is life...
>>C): I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not? Think of this council as something similar.

Honestly fact that he hasn't absconded with Grigori probably means that he (begrudgingly) believes Tristain's BS.
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See, sometimes Tristain reminds me of HIM... Only sometimes, though. He even has a cute little female sidekick he saved from a shitty situation only to boss her around!
There's certainly some influence at work here. A certain character's name has been borrowed. I'm a fan of the series. There's definitely a dark pipeline that leads from Fire Emblem to Sengoku.
Write-in wins. Writing
>Well, bullshitting has taken you this far. You saw no reason to stop now. “I am the Supreme Commander of the army. But while I do have the final word on everything, wasting my time to give every order is beneath me. I have a more important duty to fulfill as the Champion of the Goddess. While I'm glad to offer my guidance, the Goddess would be displeased if you all relied solely on my power and wisdom alone. You're a respected druid despite not having a blessing, are you not?” You jab a finger at Eman, who recoils back. “Think of this council as something similar.”

You take a deep breath, satisfied with your effort. The best lies truly were the ones that were most complex.

“I…suppose that makes sense…” Eman says, scratching his chin. “Very well. Grigori may have informed Marek of your plan, but it is far too late for them to flee. We will find him and his army stationed in their hideout, aptly named ‘Sanctuary.’ If we leave now, we can be there in a few hours. Will you march at the head of our column? Your presence would greatly inspire our warriors. They are all eager to shed blood and die alongside the Champion of the Goddess.”

>“Yeah, sure. Why not?”

“I’m happy to get to fight with you, Tristain.” Penelope says. “I just hope we don’t run into my sister. She’s probably gonna be really surprised by all this…”

You watch as Eman’s men neatly exit the cavern in single-file fashion. Though their weapons and armor lack the polish and quality of the Scorchers, each one of these fighters carries a look of grim determination and readiness. You were unsure what sort of training these cultists went through, but one thing was certain, they were ready to do their part on the battlefield. Marching at the head of this column, you rendezvous with Tobias and his army. The look of utter shock and confusion on their faces is plain to see. Up until yesterday, these two distinct groups would be more than happy to slaughter each other to the last. But now, they’d have to play nice as allies. You were uniting longtime enemies for a singular purpose. Maybe you did have what it took to be king after all.

“Lord Tristain…” Tobias says with clear hesitation. “I’m glad your friends could join us. How do you do, sir…”

“Greetings, heathen.” Eman says. “I am Eman, First Prophet of Lord Tristain, the Champion of the Goddess. We have come to ensure that his will passes. If that requires us to fight alongside you nonbelievers, then so be it.”

First Prophet? When did he give himself that title? And what was all that heathen stuff? This guy was embarrassing you! These two men obviously had a great disdain for each other. Why wouldn't they? They’d practically been mortal enemies for ages.

“Ahh…right.” Tobias remarks grimly. “Well then, shall we be off?”
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The two groups march side by side, neither intermingling with each other. You’d heard stories of armies on the move singing or chanting in an effort to raise morale before battle. There was none of that here. The march to Sanctuary feels like one long awkward endeavor, with both the Scorchers and the cultists keeping their eyes straight ahead. Up above, you could hear some of the Almyrans trading jeers and laughs. At least they sounded like they were having fun. A few wyvern riders fly further ahead, tasked with performing scouting duties. Eventually, when the armies reach a large swath of flat desert, one of the scout wyverns returns, shouting as loud as he can.

“The enemy army! They’re coming this way!”

“They’re here already?” Tobias notes with some shock. Squinting your eyes, you were in fact able to see dust on the far horizon. The scout lands on the ground before you and the governor, looking quite fearful. “How many are there? Did you get a look at their numbers? What about their army composition?”

“Apologies, Governor, but I was unable to get a good look.” The scout says, panting out of breath. “We encountered the enemy army, but the second we did, we began taking fire from an enemy archer. Two of our own were shot down, and the rest of us could only concentrate on escaping from the fire.”

“What? From this distance?” Tobias says. “How is that possible?”

“Likely the work of Grigori.” Eman says. “He is the most fearsome sniper the Cult has, and his abilities are enhanced even further by his Dragon’s Blessing. Marek is aware we come for him, and he has deployed Grigori to ensure you can’t scout ahead with your wyverns.”

>“What should we do then? Some scouting on the enemy would undoubtedly be helpful, but we can’t exactly keep throwing away wyvern riders to do that.”

“Maybe we send May ahead?” Alvin suggests. “The girl has an almost preternatural talent for going unnoticed, and she’ll surely attract a lot less attention than a wyvern rider would. We can have her scout out the enemy ranks and composition and then report back to us so that we may prepare accordingly.”

“You want to send me?!” May asks, horrified. “I-I don’t know. Do we really need to scout the enemy? Doesn’t the Goddess say that surprises are the spice of life?”

You weren’t sure that was a saying actually attributable to the Goddess, but Alvin did have a point. If anyone could sneak by unnoticed in this flat wasteland it would be May.

>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
>B): It’s neither worth the trouble or danger. We’ll find out what the enemy is capable of in our first clash.
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)

They're forewarned, they're entrenched and they have a boatload of Crests. We gotta use every advantage we have.

>“Greetings, heathen.” Eman says. “I am Eman, First Prophet of Lord Tristain, the Champion of the Goddess.
>>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
Alright May, you can do this. Break the cycle of misfortune.
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
Don't worry May, we believe in you, go get'em champ!
Also I greatly enjoy Tristain, Tobias and Eman's dynamic, two long time enemies united by a jackass who's feeling extra confident due to being hailed as a messiah thanks to his bullshit.
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)

I believe in May. Love May. Road to S support for May.
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
You can do it, May! We believe in you!
>“Greetings, heathen.” Eman says. “I am Eman, First Prophet of Lord Tristain, the Champion of the Goddess. We have come to ensure that his will passes.
At least this guy is having fun.

May shall prove that she is the true champion, she shall go completely unnoticed and also loot the place. And Tristain shall then buy her things. She would prefer to not be sent into extreme danger anymore, but we can't really give her that.

I wonder if Tristain remembers any scripture or anything godess-related, besides her hips that is. Maybe regaile our new friend with the tale of hero relics and the way they turn non-blessed people into terrors.
>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
>>A): Send May to scout ahead. (May SPD + Tristain LCKx2: 80% to succeed.) (Failure results in May sitting out the rest of the battle.)
Rolled 89 (1d100)

Rolling. 1-80 means success.

We just never win.
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This picture is now especially funny
Rolled 24 (1d100)

I'm going to put in a demand for the QM to stop rolling dice and allow the players to do it from now on.
kek with that roll, that meant that even if we bought that LCK stat booster, we still would have failed. The dice really doesn't want us to gamble at all for this thread.
Blew it
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I'm kneeling. Too good anon.
Is this image just going to grow every time the dice fail us? Cool if so, but don't feel pressured.
probably not, I just wanted to change image to ghost May haunting Tristain and going "You should have stopped gambling", and then accidentally added Nadia.
Here I was thinking she was just out of focus in the second one, dang.

At least Nadia is looking good.
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>“May, we’re counting on you. Scout out the enemy and report back on their numbers and formation. You’re the only person that can do this sort of job, and with your aid, we may be able to keep our casualties to a minimum.”

May looks unsure as to whether she believes you or not, but eventually she relents. With a deep sigh, she agrees to perform her assigned duty. “Fine. If it’s the Boss asking, then I can’t say no.” May gives you a thumbs up. “I’ll do my best! Just hang tight, and I’ll be back with as much information as I can!” May breaks off into a sprint towards the direction that the wyvern scout had come from. You have deep faith in the little thief that she’d return with just the sort of trump card you needed to meet the enemy head on. You watch her the entire way, until she disappears over the horizon.

30 minutes pass.

Followed by another 30 minutes.

And then an hour. Until you can finally see the enemy army as clear as day, marching towards you in a frenzied hurry. Even from this distance, you could hear their chanting and excitement for battle.

“I don’t think she’s coming back…” Alvin mutters under his breath.

>“No shit! Goddess, what the hell was I thinking? How could I entrust such a responsibility to MAY of all people!”

From where you were standing, you were able to see the enemy army with barely any difficulty. Your first thought was that they did not seem to be just a mere 200 warriors. From your estimation, there were at least 300 of them. Their infantry marched at the front, similar in appearance to Eman’s warriors. Scattered amongst their ranks were giant, hulking figures. Though at first glance they appeared humanoid, it was quickly evident that they were in fact Terrors. At the side of the army appeared to be cavalry of some sort, while in the back were the archers and mages. And though the enemy appeared to have no major aerial component, there was at least one wyvern hovering in the sky. The white wyvern was present in the air, overlooking the battlefield.

>“...That seems to be a lot more than the 200 warriors you sold us on, Eman.”

“Indeed.” Eman says. “Perhaps Marek has also rallied the other communities to his side. I suppose I should have expected something like this…”

“Goodness, they’re loud.” Nadia winces. “What’s with all that chanting?”

“Their morale is high.” Eman warns. “They feel as though victory is assured.”

>“Then let’s shut them up.” As you watch the enemy army, you notice that their calvary is moving ahead of the main group. They ride on the outside of the army, and appear to be racing towards you on both the left and right side of the Scorchers. As they get closer, you’re able to make out that the enemy’s cavalry is made up entirely of camel riders.

“The enemy’s cavalry is approaching us!” Tobias announces.

>“That just looks ridiculous…” You say, unimpressed by the ugly beasts.
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“Ridiculous or not, they’ll do some damage.” Alvin warns. “Particularly if they try to hit us in our backline where Eman’s druids are currently residing. We’ll be sandwiched between them and the infantry.”

“Our wyverns would make short work of them.” Tobias says “We should send either myself and the Scorchers or Uriyan’s men to deal with those riders.”

“Our wyvern riders are the backbone of our army.” Alvin muses. “I believe they’d be better off attacking the backline of the enemy. We should split off a detachment of our spearmen to guard our backline instead.”

“I can do that.” Cuthbert volunteers, hefting his halberd up. “Wouldn’t be the first cavalry rush I’ve stopped. And those were actual horses. Much faster and stronger than…whatever the hell these things are.”

“As can I.” Adeline says. “No harm shall come to our spellcasters. I’ll lead the others into battle and defend our spellcasters.”

“Lord Tristain, what do you suggest?” Tobias asks you.

The first decision of the battle and it was already falling on you. You tried to think back to your time at the Officer’s Academy to guide you.

>A): Let the wyverns handle those cavalry. (Choose Uriyan or Tobias to lead.)
>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Choose Adeline or Cuthbert to lead.)
>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)
The wyverns will be necessary to win the day, we can't have them bogged down with their cavalry. Also, weren't we going to make a show of talking to them to try to win them over? It almost certainly wouldn't work, but I figured that was part of the act.
>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)
Spearmen beats horse. The highest military education in Fodlan on display.

>“No shit! Goddess, what the hell was I thinking? How could I entrust such a responsibility to MAY of all people!”
Kek, time to pivot to Nadia S-support. If she wants to make Tristain copies she do it the old fashioned way
So far this whole thread can be summed up as Tristain having an easier time being a cult leader than winning a single dice roll.

>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)
The image of camel riders running towards us is pretty funny.
Cuthbert has effective damage against them with his Halberd, so he should be fine at cutting them all down.
>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)

As much as I hate lose his rally strength, Adeline is more useful by the side of the squishy mages right now to tank hits.

We were doing just fine until we came across the oasis. We should have known that only bad luck can come from a accepting axes distributed from strange woman lying in a ponds!
They are most certainly not in a talking mood right now. Grigori whipped them into a frenzy, and they've already shot down a wyern or two. If any dialogue is going to occur, you'll have to smash them first.
>>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)
The lizards are our trump card and something makes me think that this lumbering cavalry charge is just a ruse to bait us into sending them out early and getting them all nicely bunched up for a sniper / wind mage. Time to deploy camel conqueror Cuthbert

>May fucked off
On the one hand, glad she wasn't captured or something. On the other hand, come on girl it's not like that was a 50:50 gamble. She'd better be turning up later with all the cult's treasury in her pockets to make up for it.
>B): We can split off a detachment of infantry to defend against them. (Cuthbert)
We need to save the wyverns for a WHEN THE WYVERN LORDS ARRIVED!
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Forced to make the first pivotal decision of the battle, you harken back to your time at the Officer’s Academy of Garreg Mach. Though you certainly goofed off during most of your classes, you try to recall the lessons of your esteemed mentor, the famed paladin Sir Leopold von Deltz, who’d taught you much of what you know about warfare. Putting yourself back in your younger days, the valued words of your master come flooding back to you, revealing the solution to the problem at hand.

“Spears beat horses.” The image of Sir Leopold says matter of factly.

That’s right, they did. And while these weren’t exactly horses, you were sure the concept still stood.

>“Cuthbert, you’re up. Show me what a veteran of the Empire can do.”

Cuthbert grunts in affirmation. Lifting his halberd, he shouts to the assembled throng of infantry before him.

“Spearmen! To me! Move back and form ranks!”

You are impressed not just by the speed in which the Scorchers respond to Cuthbert’s command, but also that in which Eman’s cultists do. This was a land that had supposedly not seen warfare in over a thousand years. Your expectation was that the natural result of that might make these men into lousy fighters. But the Scorchers had all the professionalism of any unit of elites you might encounter back in Fodlan. There was a reason they were uniquely valued across Morfis as esteemed warriors.

You watch as the camel cavalry swing behind you on both sides. They continue riding past you in two separate units, before turning around and converging into one massive charge. The ground shakes with their movement, but you note that they lack the same sort of speed that horses possess. Cuthbert and his soldiers have already moved into position, forming a line of spears that protect the army’s druids and archers. For a second, you think that the cavalry will abandon their charge and attempt to avoid the wall before them. So you’re surprised when they instead charge right into Cuthbert’s men.

The result is immediately disastrous for the cult’s cavalry. You’d learned long ago that charges required horses that were specially trained. Not just any animal would allow themselves to be ridden directly into a throng of enemies with sharpened sticks. This was common knowledge for a country such as Fodlan, that up until only recently had been embroiled in one war or another for thousands of years. But for a country such as Morfis, that had only experienced one war of which no one was alive to speak of, perhaps this fact was not as well known.

Camel and man cry out painfully as Cuthbert and his spears hold their line. The first wave of riders are impaled on the spears of the Scorcher infantry, while those behind them find themselves jammed up with their fellow riders.
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>“Not bad, old man.” You’d have to be sure to compliment the surly soldier the next time you saw him, which would certainly not be any time during the rest of this battle. Cuthbert would have his hands full keeping those riders off your back.

“Get the ballista up here!” Alvin shouts.

You watch as Alvin’s mobile ballista is ridden to the front of the army’s line. You remember Alvin purchasing this thing before you left Solis, but you’d yet to see it in use. Riding in the war machine is a familiar face.

>“Hey, you’re that archer from Ithaca. The one that went into the Keep.”

“Proud to fight with you again, Lord Tristain!” Alvin’s man salutes you. “My name is-”

“The enemy infantry is moving up!” Tobias exclaims. A large unit of swordsmen are running across the desert towards your army. From this distance, it is clear to see that they outnumber you, and doubly so with Cuthbert and his spearmen busy dealing with the camels.

“We can pepper them with the ballista to reduce their numbers somewhat.” Alvin advises. “In the meantime, I suggest we meet them with our own infantry.”

>“Our numbers are reduced, but we don’t have to hold out forever. If the infantry can hold them for but a moment, we can swoop behind them with our wyvern riders and cut them to pieces.”

“Allow me to lead this defense.” Adeline volunteers. “These are lightly armed and armored warriors. They will not break past me.”

“Hold…?” Penelope asks, confused. “Why don’t I just smash right through them?”

While you had some doubts regarding Penelope’s ability to lead, you were sure that either of these two could fulfill the role of keeping the enemy infantry exposed to your wyverns. You yourself would be capable of doing this. But whoever you chose would likely be fulfilling this duty for the remainder of the battle.

>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
>B): Have Penelope lead the infantry
>C): Lead the infantry yourself
>>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
>>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
Just bog them down, fuck it. If we can somehow rush to the mages/white wyvern we could probably destroy their morale anyway.

Meanwhile Tristain grabs Penelope and Nadia and goes to the flank to kill terrors. Penelope and Tristain can do a metric fuck ton of damage, and Nadia has the anti-terror spell. I don't know what kind of modifier is "super effective" but she should do a fine enough job at nuking.
>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
Penelope is far more useful to go against terrors
>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
Let's save Penelope for later
>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
We and Penelope are better as shock troops.

>"Proud to fight with you again, Lord Tristain!| Alvin's man salutes you. "My name is-"
Calling it now, we're going to learn this man's name at the best or worst possible time.
>>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
>A): Have Adeline lead the infantry
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>“Adeline, I’ll leave this to you. You just need to hold them from breaking through our lines. If you can do that, the Almyrans and Scorchers can fly over and cut them to pieces from behind.”

“They shall not take one step further.” Adeline says. She marches to the front of the infantry, taking command of an army that mostly consists of Eman’s cultists. They were equipped similarly to the enemy cultists that were now charging towards you. Lightly armed and armored, wielding mostly iron and the occasional steel weapon, there was little they possessed in the way of an advantage over their numerically superior foe. Still, they had every bit as much enthusiasm and fervor as their counterparts. It would be up to Adeline to bolster their defenses and ensure that the line held.

Alvin’s man fires a ballista bolt that sails through the sky before landing in the enemy ranks with a loud explosion and scattering of dust. Several of the enemy are wounded, but they do not cease their relentless charge forward, trampling over their fallen comrades without a care. The two opposing armies clash shortly thereafter, with several cultists bouncing off Adeline’s shield the second they make contact.

>“They’ve met! Governor, this is your opportunity.” You say. You look up towards the sky where the Almyrans currently hover. Uriyan has caught onto the plan without the need for prior notice. Once the two armies meet in the middle of the battlefield, he begins moving forward along with his men, looking to flank the enemy infantry from behind.

“Hah! That girl is as sturdy as a fortress!” Tobias exclaims excitedly. “With her as our bulwark, we’ll send these dogs scurrying home. See you soon, Lord Tristain. I’ll try and save some for you.”

It was far too early to be counting yourself the victors just yet. There was still the matter of the white wyvern and Ahmose to attend to. Tobias and the others could keep the small fry for themselves. You were after much larger prey.

“What the hell…?” You hear Cassius mutter in disbelief. “Is that…Elric?”

Elric? Shit, you just realized that you’d seen neither hide nor hair of him all day. Where had he gotten himself off to? You follow the summoner’s gaze, only to find that Elric has placed himself directly at the front lines alongside Adeline.

>“Is that boy insane?! What’s gotten into him?!”

“Wait…is that really Elric?” Nadia asks.

Watching the boy from your vantage point, you quickly understand Nadia’s confusion. The person fighting at the front certainly looked like Elric, but there was no way it could really be him. Because at the moment, he was slicing through cultist after cultist with reckless abandon.
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Elric cuts through one swordsman with Mystletainn, bisecting the man into two halves. He blocks a follow up attack from three of the man’s comrades, before knocking them off balance with a single swipe of his blade. He kills the first with a thrust, and follows the blade through all the way into the second enemy’s chest. As the third foe recovers, he slices down, but the little lord steps out of harm’s way at the last moment. He maneuvers behind his foe and slashes across the back of his knees, sending him toppling to the ground. Not even bothering to finish off the wounded man, he jumps into another fight, cutting down a large cultist that had already slain three of Adeline’s men. A giant of a man blocks desperately against Elric’s relentless assault, until he slips up and finally loses his bowels.

“Since when could he do that?!” A shocked Alvin says, bringing you back to reality.

>“It’s got to be that damn sword of his. He picked it up in Ithaca from 99. There’s no other explanation.”

“Well, at least he’s handling himself. We’ve got our own issues to deal with. Look there.” Alvin points to the horizon. Two groups of Terrors were beginning to move forward on both sides of the battle. Each was being led by a druid, who seemed to be designating orders to the abominations. It looked as though they’d had the same idea you did. The Terrors were going to try and flank Adeline and her infantry from behind.

>“Those mages that are leading in the front. What is their purpose?” You ask Eman.

“My lord, they have been taught by Marek himself how to lead Terrors.” The cultist answers. “Without the magic they employ, the Terrors would run amok, and be unable to distinguish friend from foe. They would charge at the first thing they saw. If you wish to put a stop to them, taking out those mages would be a key first step.”

“We might be able to take out one of those druids with our ballista.” Alvin advises. “It’s a tough shot, but it's doable. As for the other…”

“Leave it to me, Lord Tristain.” Nadia says, volunteering herself. “I possess magic that can make quick work of those monsters.”

“Tristain, I believe I have an idea.” Cassius says. “Without those mages leading them, the Terrors will charge at the first thing they see? Well, what if I were to employ my phantoms? I could lead the Terrors away, perhaps even directly into the enemy lines.”

>A): Have Nadia on Terror removal duty.
>B): Cassius’ plan has merit. Let’s try it.
>Elric at lvl 34
What the fuck, take that sword immediately, it's cursed. If he wants to get swole he has to do it himself.

>B): Cassius’ plan has merit. Let’s try it.
>A): Have Nadia on Terror removal duty.
There's no guarantee Cassius' plan will work, and if it does then they'll probably take out a few of our side in their rampage and once the mages go down we'll just be left with a bunch of berserking terrors to kill - things going sideways will lead to both our men and rep being damaged and we can't afford that now. Plus if we neutralize the terrors we're taking most of the teeth out of the enemy's army and the wyverns can mop up the rest.

And on the moral side of things, those are the tortured souls of human beings being controlled like puppets. We'll have to kill them eventually, and it'll be kinder to do it sooner rather than later.
>Elric level 34
Magikarp has finally evolved kek. Also we
gotta give Cuthbert the biggest I told you so after this is all over

Also didn't get in before the update but glad to see Leopold again! Tristain better give aunty hag a big thank you for securing him as a tutor.
What if we have a combination of the two? Cassius leads them into their lines and Nadia works on killing Terrors that get too close to ours.
>>B): Cassius’ plan has merit. Let’s try it.
we get a boost from having nadia around
>Elric just slaughtering the enemy army
Growthchads win again. All we needed was a cursed sword to give the character over 30 level ups.

>B): Cassius’ plan has merit. Let’s try it.
While riskier, I personally think it'd be more entertaining having the enemy's own weapon used against them. Considering that the Terrors were originally villagers, they deserve it.
For practical reasons, this would make it easier to wipe out the enemy infantry. We still have the mages and Ahmose in the back to deal with. Grigori is presumably somewhere on the map too.
>>A): Have Nadia on Terror removal duty.
Do your thing woman. I don't wanna throw terrors into the infantry blender, into Elric and Adeline, it's chaotic enough as is.

>>Elric level 34
Holy, let me see the statline. Cuthbert might have already failed his mission because that's not Elric anymore lol
>A): Have Nadia on Terror removal duty.
We need our infantry in good shape. Can't do that if they get eaten.
>A): Have Nadia on Terror removal duty.

In war, reliability is good.
Jesus christ Elric, that swords like a goddamn super steroid on the boy!
>B): Cassius’ plan has merit. Let’s try it.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolling to break the tie between A and B. 1 is for Nadia, 2 is for Cassius.
What about a combination >>6201744?
Not a bad idea. Forget the last roll. We'll do it this way.
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You are unable to decide on which of the two plans to go with, so you decide to leave the matter to both mages rather than just one. Those Terrors were the most dangerous foe on the battlefield for your infantry. Better to be safe than sorry and have both Nadia and Cassius deal with them. The two mages each take command of a contingent of Eman’s druids, and ride out to intercept the enemy terrors. Cassius borrows one of Alvin’s camels, whereas Nadia rides a white steed, conjured from thin air using some sort of magic.

“This is progressing shockingly smoother than I’d anticipated.” Alvin says. “If those two can deal with the Terrors, I daresay we may win the day.”

“Look to the horizon.” Eman says, fear evident in his voice. “I can sense that he is readying to join the battle. Ahmose, Marek’s strongest warrior is losing his patience.”

>“You can sense him?” You follow Eman’s gaze, which is fixated directly on the white wyvern that was hovering in the air. So, Ahmose had claimed the beast for himself? That made sense. The greatest warrior among them would surely seek the greatest prize.

“Not him…his weapon.” Eman says. “The Spear of Chulainn. Leviathan’s own personal spear, which he wielded into battle when fighting in the guise of man. I can sense its power radiating even from this distance. Ahmose has drawn it, and will soon join the fight.”

You continue staring out towards the horizon. The white wyvern remains still in the air, until suddenly, an explosion of blue light envelops it. You hear the creature roar, and in an instant, it begins soaring over the battlefield. You get the sense that its target is none other than you, and you draw your axe instinctively. The creature is blindingly fast. In mere seconds it has found itself directly above the warring groups of infantry. It stops mid-flight to hover there for a moment, before it cocks its head back and vomits forth a volley of what appears to be magic directly down into the lines of Adeline’s infantry.

The resulting explosions decimate the backline of Adeline’s soldiers. As the dust clears, you find that several of your allied cultists have been frozen solid by the wyvern’s strange magic attack. Ahmose’s intervention succeeds in culling several of their numbers, and soon the enemy begins to push back hard, their shouts and cheers growing more fevered.

>“What was that?! That wyvern can use magic!?”

“To think such an exceedingly rare and dangerous beast was sitting in Hima” Alvin says. And to be able to master riding it in such a short time…this is a dangerous warrior we face, Tristain.”
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After following through on its attack, the wyvern once again begins flying at breakneck speed. In a matter of blinks, the creature hovers above you, Alvin, Penelope and Eman, and you are given your first glance at the cult’s strongest warrior.

“Where is he?!” Ahmose shouts, his voice booming across the battlefield. “Where is the false prophet who has sent my people astray!? His deceitful hide shall not escape the point of my spear!”

Your focus is not on Ahmose, but on the nauseatingly familiar spear in his hand. You were confident that what you stared at was a Sacred Weapon, similar to those found back in Fodlan. The counterpart of Heroes Relics, they were unique weapons that corresponded to a particular Crest. Each Crest of Fodlan had either a Heroes Relic or Sacred Weapon that was tied to it. If one was to wield such a blade while possessing the proper Crest, they would be granted an enormous boost of power. Ahmose was presently enjoying this benefit.

If this land possessed a Crest, then it was only natural it would have a corresponding Relic or Sacred Weapon. The question remained though, what were they doing here?

“It was you, was it not?!” Ahmose exclaims, pointing his spear towards you. “You are Tristain d’Rusalka?!”

>“That’s right. And you’re riding my mount.”

Ahmose bares his fangs in anger and flourishes his spear. “The torture that you and those traitors behind you shall endure will be legendary.”

>“Sorry, but this is my cult now. And there’s no room for loudmouths like you in it!”

Eman has seemingly made himself scarce, but at your side are Penelope and Alvin. You were fighting an empowered Crest bearer, and their help would certainly be much appreciated. Right now, Ahmose seemed hellbent on ignoring the others in favor of you, such was the impression you’d made on him. Though it was possible that might change as the battle progressed.

>Level 35 Wyvern Knight
HP: 64/64
STR: 28
SPD: 32 + 20
DEF: 18
RES: 5 + 10
Weapon: Spear of Chulainn: (+14 Attack, restores 20% HP every turn if the user has the Crest of “Leviathan”. Deals 3x damage against mages.)
Crest of “Leviathan”: Negates damage (5 uses)
Skills: Dragon-kin Wyvern (SPD based chance for Wyvern to launch an ice attack, dealing 7 DMG.)

>Order of battle:

>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 28/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 56/56
Strength: 29
Magic: 19
Speed: 18
Defense: 21
Resistance: 15
Luck: 15
>Weapons: Silver Axe (+16 Attack), Hammer (+8 Attack, 3x attack vs Armor Knights), Dragon Axe (+12 ATK. 3x damage against wyvern riders.), Iron Bow (+6 ATK)
>Items: Concoction (5), Light Rune (1)
>Spells: Fire (+3 ATK , 5/5), Wind (+3 ATK, 5/5, x3 DMG against flying foes.) Elfire (+7 ATK, 3/3)

>A): Attack Ahmose (How?)

>Provide orders for Penelope and Alvin
Is that dude's scalie fursona breaking out? The incest of thousands of years has really done a number on the leadership here. I wonder if the Princess will look part mole or snake from what little I gather on the nature of the agarthans mageoids. Or is it just pointy ears?
Penelope please tank his stuff, thanks. How about this, Light Rune to keep him from getting to us with priority, Penelope hits him and uses her crest to tank the retaliation, then Alvin hits him with Wind and probably takes another charge of Ahmose's crest, leaves him with 3. Next turn our allies hit him twice, he's down to one charge, we Indech and then we hit him for like 100 damage with Dragon Axe killing him instantly. Penelope might die but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
actually, if we all attack him and if we use Indech with the Dragon Axe twice(once in retaliation, once during our turn) we should just kill him in one turn.
I'm worried about if he can one-turn us. Dude has 52 speed, so he can double us. I'm not sure if we count as a mage, but if we do, he also deals 3x damage to us. If he can't kill us in one turn he definitely can in two, and he will definitely be going first both times. Whatever we do, Light Rune is a must I think.
Doesn't just one of his attacks kill us as we're technically a mage? He does 44 damage, we reduce that to 23, and then 23X3=66; enough to kill even Tristain instantly.
if we count then yeah we die and there's actually nothing we could do about it? Even with the Light Rune since next turn he'll move first again unless he chooses another target. I don't think that's right but I guess we might as well play it safe
also whoever he attacks is basically guaranteed to die too since he doubles penelope and burns through her charges instantly. And he might choose to take an attack from Penelope and regenerate, saving a charge and basically winning the fight then and there. Yeah this kinda sucks.
He wouldn't have special effectiveness against Tristain, but he would against Alvin.
>Light Rune, Penelope attacks, Alvin Aircalibur
Ok thanks TH. In theory it goes like this.
>Light Rune, Ahmose has no range and loses his action
>Penelope Melee, Ahmose retaliates twice. Penelope has 1 Leviathan charge left. Ahmose has 30 HP left.
>Alvin Aircalibur, Ahmose uses Leviathan, he has 4 charges left.
>Round 2, Ahmose heals to 42 HP. He heads straight for Tristain, we retaliate with Indech. Tristain is left with 14 HP, Ahmose is at two charges left.
>Penelope attacks and leaves him at 8 or so, she survives retaliation with Leviathan, this actually makes no difference.
>Alvin Aircalibur again, Ahmose uses Leviathan, he has one charge left.
>Tristain attacks with Indech, finishes him off.
The only way this goes wrong is if Ahmose changes targets, which the narration implies might happen. Maybe Tristain can goad him into attacking him. There's also a chance Uriyan comes to steal our kill.
oh, and if he activates his wyvern's skill twice we die but surely we can't be that unlucky. SURELY.
For some clarification, his wyvern skill can only activate once per battle. It won't activate twice, even if Ahmose outspeeds his foe.
sick, then we are golden. In fact
>Penelope: Do nothing.
Now it's less likely she gets killed.
+1, much appreciated anon. Surely Uriyan is too distracted by the terrors...
Supporting >>6202761 , we need to win more than we need the bragging rights but we still have a chance of getting said bragging rights.
Tristian with the Dragon Axe deals 29 STR + 12 (Dragon Axe) - 18 DEF = 23 * 3 (Effectiveness) = 69 damage
Tristain with Iron Bow deals 29 STR + 6 (Iron Bow) - 18 DEF = 17 * 3 (Eff) = 51 damage
With Resolve, Iron Bow deals 29 STR + 7 (Resolve) + 6 (IB) - 18 DEF = 24 * 3 (Eff) = 72 damage

With Macuil:
Wind deals (19 + 3) * 2 = 44 - 15 RES = 29 * 3 (Eff) = 87 damage
Elfire deals (19 + 7) * 2 = 52 - 15 RES = 37 damage

Alvin deals 28 MAG + 3 (Aircalibur) - 15 RES = 16 * 3 (Eff) = 48 damage
Penelope deals 26 STR + 21 (Devil Axe) - 18 DEF = 29 damage

Tristian takes 28 STR + 14 (Spear) - 21 DEF = 21 * 2 = 42 damage
Getting hit twice knocks us down to 14 HP. Resolve isn't saving us from this. He massively outspeeds us, so the SPD boost is irrelevant. Even with the DEF boost, the 3rd hit from Ahmose would deal 14 damage, which is exactly enough to kill us.

Ahmose one-shots Alvin.

Penelope takes 28 STR + 14 (Spear) - 10 DEF = 32 * 2 = 64 damage
Penelope could tank one hit, so she'd survive two rounds total against Ahmose.

Ahmose's skill is a non-issue as nobody's going to be on the treshhold where the 7 damage changes anything.

It's already been laid out what could happen if we immediately used the Light Rune, so I won't bother going over that again.

If Ahmose uses his Crest only when necessary:
Ahmose first charges into Tristain and attacks him. Tristain retaliates and attacks twice with Indech, so that's 3 charges left.
Penelope attacks. Ahmose can survive it, so he'd tank it and be left with 35 HP.
Alvin attacks with Aircalibur. Ahmose needs to use his Crest to survive after being damaged by Penelope. 2 charges left.
Tristain is at 14 HP, so he'll attack at range with Iron Bow, using Indech to attack twice. That'll fully use up the Crest of Levy.
Turn 2:
Ahmose regains 12 HP, leaving him at 47 HP.
Tristian uses a Light Rune, allowing Alvin to end this with Aircalibur.
In this scenario, we'd kill him on the very first turn if he does waste a Crest charge on Penelope as that'd allow Tristain to get his second hit in. With Resolve active, we do one-shot him with the Iron Bow.

Alternatively, we can attack with Throw instead of the Iron Bow, leaving Ahmose with 1 charge left at the end of turn 1, but also leaving us equipped with our axe to counterattack.
Turn 2:
Tristain uses a Concoction to heal himself, restoring his HP to 34. Ahmose then attacks Tristian, leaving him at 13 HP, or 6 HP if his skill activates on the first hit. He won't get the chance to land the second blow on us.
Tristian counterattacks twice with Indech. Ahmose uses his remaining charge to protect himself from our first hit, but he can't do anything about the second hit.
Assuming Leviathan is Cu Chulainn, I found it funny how his spear does effective damage against mages. That dog really hates snakes. At least it's not an undodgeable instakill that can actually be dodged with a LCK check.


Throwing the Light Rune on turn 2 and letting Alvin get the kill is the safest option. As long as anyone from our party gets the kill, it'd be fine, but still.

The Concoction option is as risky as using the Light Rune on turn 1 because Ahmose does have the luxury of just killing Alvin. Maybe with Tristain constantly attacking him on the first turn, he might just prioritize Tristain as the bigger threat, but that's mostly wishful thinking.
We'd also need to use Indech three times, but with Ahmose dead, the battle should be over so it probably wouldn't matter.
Still, the only real upside to using the Concoction instead of throwing the Light Rune on turn 1 is that we'd be saving a Light Rune.
is it actually allowed for Tristain to retaliate and THEN switch to the bow? There's some involved jank with these mechanics. And Alvin might just collateral the wyvern in which case I'd wish he was dead
After looking at it more closely, Ahmose's skill does actually matter. If he activates it both times he attacks us, Tristain will die, so we do have to use the Light Rune unless we really want to gamble with our life to preserve it.

I assume we could. Tristain would start out with his axe, and when it's his time to act in the turn, he can switch and initiate with the bow.
Though I think there hasn't been any precedent since we've never actually fought against anyone strong enough to warrant multiple weapon hijinks.
>After looking at it more closely, Ahmose's skill does actually matter. If he activates it both times he attacks us, Tristain will die, so we do have to use the Light Rune unless we really want to gamble with our life to preserve it.
already thought of that >>6202768 not a problem
Problem is that on the first turn we'd be left at 7 HP after taking both hits from his spear plus his skill. The Concoction only heals us to 27 HP, and a single hit would knock us down to 6 HP, which allows the wyvern to kill us if the skill activates again.
Unless Tree did mean that it can only activate once in the entire battle and not just a round.
Tristain actually has 21 magic, and Alvin has 30.
The B support gives +2 to each if they are within 2 squares of each other.

So Tristain could hit with wind for 99 damage and Alvin could hit with Aircalibur for 54
Alvin's Aircalibur actually gives him +8. 38-15=23*3=69(nice)

So Penelope contributes basically nothing(unless we use the bow)
>I assume we could. Tristain would start out with his axe, and when it's his time to act in the turn, he can switch and initiate with the bow.
That would be fair game. Essentially he has his axe already equipped, he counterattacks with it, and then when it is his turn, he moves out of range to attack with his bow. In this scenario, if Ahmose attacked him again, Tristain would have his bow out and be unable to counterattack.
I'm too smooth brained over here - your plan has Tristain attacking with the wyvern axe throughout right?
>Aircalibur was buffed
That's neat.

In hindsight, that would mean that Adeline would have been more useful since both Tristian and Alvin can one-shot Ahmose, so she would have been able to protect someone on turn 2 while those two focus on attacking. But I guess having Penelope fight Ahmose might be slightly more entertaining.
It could very well just be a misinput but I'm for sure not letting it go.
Writing, going with this anon's plan.
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Thinking fast, you retrieve your final Light Rune and apply the magic to the white wyvern. You saw how it was able to clear the entire span of the battlefield in a matter of mere moments, and quickly came to the conclusion that you did not need to deal with that level of speed. The lizard screeches as the Light Rune’s magic runs its course, immobilizing it on the ground before you.

“Coward!” Ahmose shouts. “You employ cheap tricks to stifle me? The pain that awaits you is inevitable!”

A few weeks ago, you’d have loved to do battle with a guy like this alone. In fact, it was pretty much one of the main reasons you’d come to Morfis. But this was different. You weren’t shirking away from Ahmose because of his weapon. After all, you knew full well you’d have to eventually face those sorts of foes during the competition. Rather, it was that this was not simply a fight between you and Ahmose. Had you lost here, it was fair to say that the entire battle would be tilted in favor of the Cult of the Serpent. Hima’s defenders would fall, and the town would be ravaged. There was more at stake than just your pride and desire for a good fight. You’d pull every trick you could and have no issue with it.

Penelope charges towards the immobilized wyvern rider, her devilish axe clutched firmly in hand, and takes a swing at him.

>Penelope: 26 STR + 21 (DA) = 47 - 18 DEF = 29 DMG
>Ahmose: 35/64 HP

“Penelope, you simpleton!” Ahmose shouts. “What are you doing fighting on the side of that lying devil? What would your sister say?!”

“Ahmose…lower your spear.” Penelope warns. “You are making a mistake. Tristain really was sent to us by the Goddess. He has a different blessing than us. It is just as Leviathan said.”

“What would a fool like you know? This man is the devil himself, sent to lead us astray! Morfis MUST burn! There is no room for interpretation! If you stand in the way of our sacred mission, then you are no better than he. I will at least grant you the mercy of a clean death, for Persefoni’s sake.”

Ahmose stabs down with his spear, which Penelope bats away with two activations of her Crest. Even the powerful Sacred Weapon is unable to pierce the protection offered to her by Leviathan’s blessing, and Ahmose roars with rage.

As Penelope backs off, gale force gusts are conjured from thin air. Alvin has retreated behind you and launched a barrage of wind magic towards Ahmose. Razor sharp magic flies towards his foe, only to be batted away by the first of Ahmose’ five crest activations. As he negates the attack, the white wyvern spreads its wings high, breaking out of the Light Rune’s effect with a mighty roar. Ahmose rises to the sky, his spear glowing a shade of blue, and you watch as his wounds begin healing, showcasing the effect of his weapon.

>Ahmose: 47/64 HP
Ahmose brandishes his spear and heads straight for you. You ground yourself firmly to meet his clash with the Dragon Axe, but before you can even defend yourself, he has already struck. Ahmose’ speed is blinding, and is greatly enhanced by his synergy with his weapon. His first thrust catches you in the chest, nearly shattering your armor into pieces. Regaining your footing, you counterattack with the Crest of Indech. However, Ahmose anticipates this. Unlike Penelope, he blocks both your first and second strike, burning two Crest charges in the process. The fact that he did so could only mean he’d been forewarned of your ability by Grigori.

The white wyvern roars in your face as it blasts you with a burst of frost magic. You are buffeted by razor sharp icicles that nearly throw you back. Ahmose follows this with another thrust of his spear through your chest, and in what seems like mere seconds, death is shockingly near.

>Tristain: 7/56 HP
>Resolve activated: (+7 STR, +7 SPD, +7 DEF)

“This is the end for you, blasphemer!” Ahmose shouts. Before he can land the killing blow, Alvin launches another barrage of Aircaliburs at him. Instinctively, Ahmose blocks the attack with his Crest, expending another use.

That was number four. You smile. In truth, he was right to use his ability a fourth time. Alvin’s Aircalibur was effective against the white wyvern, and would have shredded it to pieces. But with only one usage of his Crest left, and in striking distance at that, Ahmose was in checkmate. You cannot help but think what a maddeningly annoying ability these Crest bearers have. That you were forced to come up with such a convoluted plan rather than simply striking him down was not your usual style. But at least the final blow would be yours.

After blocking Alvin’s attack, Ahmose turns back. He looks to be unnerved upon seeing the grin plastered on your face. It dawns on him at this moment that Penelope may have revealed his secret, but it is too late. You swing the Dragon Axe towards your foe, empowered once more by the Crest of Indech. The first strike is blocked, but there is no such answer for the second.

>Tristain: 36 STR + 12 (Dr. A) = 48 - 18 DEF = 30x3 = 90 DMG

You slice through both wyvern and man with one swing. Your axe cuts through the shoulder of the beast, causing it to screech out in pain. Following through, you smash the weapon directly into Ahmose’ chest, completely pulverizing it. You send him flying several feet out of his saddle to land on the ground with a meaty thud, every bone in his body shattered.

>100xp gained! Level up!
>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 29/50 Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 56/56 + 2 = 58
Strength: 29 + 1 = 30
Magic: 19
Speed: 18
Defense: 21 + 1 = 22
Resistance: 15 + 1 = 16
Luck: 15
The wyvern collapses to the ground with a pitiful moan. It breathes heavily as blood pours out of it in large pumps. It was not dead, but without its rider, it would no longer fight against you. Ahmose was lying several feet away on the ground, twisted in a horrendous position. He too was not yet dead, but unlike the white wyvern, there was no chance of him surviving. Rather, the agonizing pain he said you’d experience had been reserved for him. The Spear of Chulainn has fallen out of his hand, abandoned on the ground.

Victory was yours.

>A): Examine the white wyvern.
>B): Examine Ahmose.
>C): Examine the Spear of Chulainn.
>>A): Examine the white wyvern.
>>A): Examine the white wyvern.
Our ivory friend, you cannot die yet! You haven't experienced our glorious assets touch your back yet!
>B): Examine Ahmose.
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
>B): Examine Ahmose.
We can have Alvin heal the wyvern. We NEED to double-tap. If we leave Ahmose lying there, he WILL come back at the worst possible time for us.
I return! I'm this anon >>6198940, not sure if my IP has changed. My ISP had banned 4chan, or something of the like, but it seems to have finally let up today.

And it seems like the mathanons have won the day once again! Good job, lads.

>There was more at stake than just your pride and desire for a good fight. You’d pull every trick you could and have no issue with it.

Looks like he's got his father's pride, but Blair and Winona (?) might have instilled some restraint in him. I dig it.

The fact that Leviathan might be Chulainn is interesting, too. Funnily enough, that legendary hero's spear is Gae Bolg, but as we all might know, the name is already in use, and was used by both Tristain's father and his successor, in Kate-- though I suppose in a weird sense, Kate is the dad between her and Winona.

>B): Examine Ahmose.
I want to pump him for info before he kicks it. Maybe mercy kill him ourselves.
You wouldn't happen to be PLDT, eh? Same thing happened to me and now I have to phonepost to access the boards
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Spear probably gonna go to Penelope, our first apostle. (the only Levi creast bearer we got on our side)
Wyvern seems like destiny. Dad, rode one, we went through this entire quest to get one, etc

But honestly, I just wanna see if we can get this Ahmose guy on our side. I feel a weird sense of
proselytizing, I wanna get all those people to follow the Loli.
>>B): Examine Ahmose.
Yep, I'm using PLDT. Any 4chan pages I had up could refresh and update, but posting was basically impossible. Opening new pages in 4chan was right out, too. The issue seems to be resolved now, but for a moment, I was wondering if I would've had to break out the VPN to continue participating in the quest.

Glad to see another Filipino around, though.
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
That dude is dying. Save the Wyvern.
>B): Examine Ahmose
No I don't want him pulling a Azure Moon Edelgard on us. Double tap or just put him out of his misery or at least separate him from the spear that can one shot us.
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
Changing my vote >>6203427
To >A): Examine the white wyvern

Because just realized that Ambrose is less likely to do a last ditch attempt to take us out if we're not rubbing it in above his broken body kek.

Also if we're going to ride this thing might as well start to make friends with it by feeding it a concoction to try to gaslight it into believing that Tristain is a totally good guy
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
If you want to kill Ahmose then do it from a distance because I ain't sure he's not got some suicide attack up his sleeve. Plus I'd like for Tristain to befriend the Wyvern by healing it.
>>B): Examine Ahmose.
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
>A): Examine the white wyvern.
You know, in retrospect it was very kind of us to give Uriyan that 500 gold to allow him to buy a shittier replacement courting gift for the princess. Just like his goddess Tristain is a paragon of benevolence
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You approach the white wyvern, which is currently lying prone on the ground, wounded following your attack. The Dragon Axe worked as advertised, and was easily able to cut through its tough scales as though they were made of soft paper. The beast is leaking blood, and you begin to worry that the prize you fought so hard for may not make it. In a panic, you call out to the only healer available to you.

>“Alvin! Heal this wyvern! Quickly!”

“What?” Alvin raises an eyebrow. “Are you sure I shouldn’t be healing you? You’ve lost a lot of blood-”

>“Hurry up!”

“Fine, fine.”

Alvin begins work on the shoulder that you had cut through. The fact that the appendage was still attached to this beast was a miracle. You gently stroke the wyvern's head, and the overgrown lizard moves its one open eye to gaze towards you. Despite what you’d done to it, you can sense no hostile intent as it lies there. You always thought these things were rather ugly. Perhaps that was a method you used to cope with the fact that you were unable to ride most of its kind. However, there was something you found majestic about this one. It wasn’t a slobbering, mindless wretch like the others of its kind. As you stared into its eye, you could sense a sort of intelligence that dwarfed that of its kind. Perhaps that was only natural, given that it was capable of using magic.

You hear a wet groan behind you, signifying that Ahmose has finally passed on from his wounds. How was a bore like that able to tame a creature like this? Perhaps it was due to his strength. Ahmose had been a fearsome foe, made only stronger by his possession of a Sacred Weapon. Maybe this wyvern had been impressed by that strength. It had been sitting in Hima all this time, waiting for a worthy rider. And now that you had slain that person, would it consider you to be a worthy master?

>“I’ve decided. You belong to me now.” You climb into the saddle that had previously held Ahmose, and the wyvern offers no resistance.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Alvin asks as he continues tending to the wyvern’s shoulder.

>“He doesn’t seem to mind.” You say, scratching the lizard’s neck. Had this been an ordinary wyvern, it would buck and thrash regardless of its wounds, fearful of the magic it would sense from you. But it offered no protest. It turns its neck to look at you, and at that moment, you both seem to come to an understanding.

Did this creature have a name? You’d heard no such thing from Tobias. Wyverns received their names from their riders, and up until recently he had no such person. If Ahmose had given him a name, it no longer mattered. He deserved a new name from his new master.

>A): Michalis
>B): Heath
>C): Cormag
>D): Ashnard
>E): Write-in
The most important decision of the quest: Naming your new buddy.
YES! Okay, last quest we named our pegasus Beathan, what's the opposite of that? Also important, someone get it a pic that's not AI slop.
>Also important, someone get it a pic that's not AI slop.
Please do.
Is "white glint" too pompous of a name for a flying lizard?
You know what, fuck it
>White Glint, Glint for short
Dearil, perhaps? Or Bàsobann?
I like Dearil, lets go with that
Before I vote, I should ask-- what gender is it? Tristain seems to say it's a male, but I also don't know if he'd know for sure. It'd be pretty funny to name it something masculine, only to find out it was a female specimen.
>E): Write-in
I'm pretty sure Blair knew atleast some of what was going on here unless her daughter just wasn't able to get any message home.
It is in fact a male wyvern.
Whats more masculine, Blairo or Flair.
>E) Write-in
I have two ideas, but I can technically only submit one, right? In that case, I propose the first of these.

Why the first one? Closest translation I could find for "conquest." Consider:
>And I saw, and behold a white wyvern, and he that sat on him had an axe, and a crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer.

As for the second? Closest translation I could find for "invincible." A bit flimsier than the first one.
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Gotcha! For reference to the other given names, all of these names are those of known wyvern/dracoknights from other Fire Emblem titles, but aside from that, here's their meanings. As a disclaimer, I don't speak any of these languages and am only really using Google for it.

>Michalis (one who is connected to God)
>Heath (uncultivated land; land of heather and grass)
>Cormag (slender or narrow; may also mean 'raven')
>Ashnard (FEWiki says it's a combination of "ash" and "nard", so "dweller near an ash tree" + "an aromatic oil taken from the spikenard plant")

I've also left the Three Houses write-in that got us the name "Beathan" in the previous quest, which had some cool names. Though of course, it's mostly suited for softer things, like a pegasus, but who knows, maybe this wyvern is a gentle soul.

As for my suggestions, I've gone with mostly traditional Irish horse names, as being from Fodlan means that most names have some Irish naming scheme...

>Reo (Freeze; because of his ice breath)
>Berach (Sharp, pointed; like his fangs and claws)
>Carthach (Loving; as much as a rider and their faithful steed can love each other, anyway)
>Cathal (Battle and rule; for glory on the battlefield on for the throne we seek to claim)
>Cian (Ancient, enduring; like the dragons from which their blood stems)

Won't vote yet, myself, just in case a better name pops up, though.
>E): Fionn
If Tristain was an absolute dork, naming him Finn McCool would be funny.
Fionn would probably be more fitting for a horse than a wyvern in the Fire Emblem world, but whatever.
Fionn means "white, blessed" and Fionn mac Cumhaill has the salmon of knowledge thing while Tristain does think that this wyvern is smarter than the average one.
>E: Fionn

Yeah I like it, both for the reasons >>6203969 mentions and the fact that the Fianna turned from a ragtag bunch of misfits to the protectors of the entire country which is what Tristain's character arc seems to be heading for here.

Plus the original Fionn decapitated an uppity king by the sheer power of his bitchslap which I think Tristain would approve of mightily
I feel like Tristain would name it something simple like Tundra, but also something kinda childish so here's my suggestion that takes inspiration from his dear papa and that aunt of his.
>E): Deathwing
So far the two leading names are Dearil and Fionn with two votes each.
I'll go with
>E: Fionn
Since, besides the already mentioned reasons, it can get shortened to "Fio" which sounds better than the shortened "Dear" of Dearil.
>E): Fionn
I'll back Fionn! It's the name of a legendary hero, and it's also referring to the color of the wyvern's scales. I dig it.
>E): Fionn
Ice is just fancy water anyway, it fits.
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>“Fionn.” You declare, stroking the long neck of the white wyvern. A dignified name for a dignified creature. You recall first hearing it long ago, when you were still just a child being read stories along with the rest of the castle’s litter by the Count. It was the name of a great philosopher warrior. Suitable for this wyvern, whose intelligence dwarfed that of its counterparts. Fionn gazes at you deeply, and while others may think nothing of an animal’s gesture, you believed it to be a sign of his approval.

“I’m done.” Alvin says with a pant. “There will be some scarring of course, but he should be good as new. Now then, you should really focus on letting me heal you next-”

You pull on Fionn’s reins, and with a roar, the lizard spreads his wings and jumps into the sky. You feel the rush of wind blowing through your hair as you hang on for dear life. The only time you’d ever ridden a wyvern before, you’d been fearful you’d plummet to the ground at any moment. But this was different. Fionn had no qualms with you or the magic that flowed through your veins. Perhaps this was due to luck or even your lineage more so than skill, but you are able to naturally acclimate to life in the skies. You fly over the battlefield and take a look below, observing how things have moved since your fight with Ahmose.

You are delighted to find that it is practically over, and in your favor at that. The wyverns were able to cleave into the backline of the cult’s infantry with no problem. What followed was an absolute slaughter, as the outflanked foes had little in the way of recourse. Their lives were made all the worse by Nadia and Cassius. One had no trouble in slaying the Terrors they had so been depending on, while the other had managed to succeed in his insane plan to turn the shock troops against them. What remained of the enemy infantry was now on the retreat, while wyverns circled above them like vultures. Your first major battle had been a success.

>Class Change!
>Tristain d’Rusalka
>Level 29/50 Wyvern Lord (EXP: 0/100)
HP: 58/58 + 2 = 60
Strength: 30 + 3 = 33
Magic: 19
Speed: 18 + 4 = 22
Defense: 22 + 3 = 25
Resistance: 16
Luck: 15

>New Skill: Dragon-kin Wyvern (SPD based chance for Wyvern to launch an ice attack, dealing ½ MAG Damage.)

Not one to pass up a good opportunity to boast, you bring Fionn closer to the ground so that the others in both armies might see you. Raising your axe to the sky, you exclaim your victory to those cultits who were fleeing in terror.

>“Ahmose has fallen by my hand, and I have reclaimed the wyvern that he stole! Let there be no mistake that I am the Champion of the Goddess! She has willed me to victory this day! If you choose to continue abiding by Marek’s word, you shall find further doom visited upon you. But follow me instead, and I shall show you the Goddess’ mercy promised to you by Leviathan long ago!”
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“Well said.” A voice not your own echoes through your head. “A skilled warrior and an articulate spokesperson at that. You impress me, Lord Tristain d’Rusalka. Even if you have been misguided into fighting for the Deceiver himself.”

>“Who said that?” You ask, turning your head on a swivel. There was no one near you, and despite the loud roars of the battlefield and the cheering of both Scorchers and Almyrans, you could hear this voice as clear as though it were right by your side.

“Marek.” The voice replies. Your mind visualizes a man you’ve never once seen before, and you can only assume this image belongs to the man speaking. “I am communicating with you via magic. Don’t bother looking for me. I have long left the battlefield. My eyes and ears are upon you through my servants, who you have so valiantly routed in your erroneous efforts to aid Morfis.”

>“Misguided? Erroneous? You’re the one who is mistaken. Unlike you, I’m actually from Fodlan, where we worship the Goddess freely. There is nothing in her scripture that justifies what you do. Turning men into Demonic Beasts? Butchering villages of innocents? Fighting to defile an entire city of people? You are the one who has been led astray by false prophets. But it is not too late for you. After all, we are taught that the Goddess’ mercy is bountiful. Or did Leviathan skip that lesson?”

Marek only laughs. “That you call him ‘Leviathan’ speaks volumes. That is all the proof I need that you are not here for what you say you are. Leviathan prophesied that others would one day come to help finish what he started. But those were to be his brothers and sisters. They would not call him that, for Leviathan was a name he only adopted once he came to this land. I do not believe you are our foe, Tristain d’Rusalka. Rather, I fear you and the rest of your kind have been led astray. It is a fact not to be ashamed of, for that is what the Deceiver and his kin excel at. But nevertheless, you have unknowingly fought a battle on the side of your blood enemy. A battle in a war that has raged on for thousands of years, and consumed all manner of life with great avarice.”

>“What are you raving about you madman?”

“You may not be the Goddess’ prophet, but you are blessed by her, that much is undeniable. So then, you have the right to know the truth of the Agarthian menace. Of the war that we fight, and what we must do to truly gain Her blessing. I will tell you all, if you bring yourself to me right now and meet me in person. Just you and I. Alone.”

Agarthian? That was a new word. Was this a trap? You were still wounded from your battle with Ahmose. If this Marek was even half as strong as he, you would be in serious trouble.

>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
>B): Decline the offer.
>>B): Decline the offer.
No thanks, heretic.
>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
When has Tristain ever said 'no' to caution? Even Blair ran off to talk to some folks she really shouldn't have gone to talk to alone and it worked out for her (in the end), eh?

It'll be interesting to hear about the Agarthans (Agarthians?) from the perspective of the guy who's been fighting the shadow war against them this entire time, at least.
Looks like my ID changed, I'm this anon.
>>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
well, better start showering with concotions now
>Agree to meet Marek right now.
It is time to become just as schizo about mole people as Aunt Blair.
>B): Decline the offer
We no that's just asking to get our glorious body stolen

>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.

It's a dumb idea, but Tristain has no sense of caution.
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>Fuck off to a whole different continent
>Snakes shadowrun everything even here
>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
I doubt that he'll actually be alone, but with how Ahmose is dead and a large amount of cultists were killed in the battle, he does have good reasons to try to convert Tristain to his side rather than immediately jump him.
Tristian just needs to make sure nobody's watching his other hand when we pinky promise to kill all Morfisians.
>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
Never stop gambling
>B): Decline the offer
Stay strong! We have a much cuter source of information waiting for us in the capital!
>B): Decline the offer
He's clearly not acting in good faith because instead of informing Tristain of such a supposedly important truth he says "bring yourself to me right now and meet me in person. Just you and I. Alone." really? There's gambling/being challenged and then there's running into a minefield.
>>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
>B): Decline the offer.
We bring at least one person with us, or no deal.
>>B): Decline the offer.
Still kind of want the princess. Also, come on, "come alone"? Tristain is not retarded
>A): Agree to meet Marek right now.
>B): Decline the offer
That rat Greg is missing this is 10000% a trap where he snipes us
A wins, writing.
The right to know? From the sound of it, this Marek was willing to talk things through despite everything you’d done. Perhaps he hoped to win you to his side. With the death of Ahmose and the loss of their Sacred Weapon, not to mention all of the lives the cult lost during the battle, it was safe to say that he did not have many assets remaining. Convincing you to join him might be the last option he had if he wished to have the opportunity to use his supposed key into Tartarus. Sensing there may not be another chance to speak with the cult leader, you decide to agree to meeting with him alone.

>“Where are you?” You ask.

“Fly towards the east until you find a ridge. I will await you at the peak.”

Turning Fionn towards the east, you fly away from the battlefield, leaving the cleanup to the Scorchers. Your arrival has spelled the end of the battle, and there is nothing left for you to do here. As you soar through the sky on your newly acquired wyvern, you eventually find the ridge that Marek had been speaking of. At its highest point, you find a man standing there, clad in flowing red robes. He was the spitting image of the man you’d seen just earlier in your vision. The leader of the Cult of the Serpent, Marek. You land Fionn before him, cutting an imposing figure. He was older, close to an elderly age perhaps. But there was a certain power and stature to him that betrayed his image.

“Tristain d’Rusalka.” Marek says to you as you dismount Fionn. “Thank you for coming.”

>“Make it quick.” You say. “I’m expecting quite the celebration when I return back to Hima, and would prefer to get to it as soon as possible.”

“Despite what you may believe, I have no qualms with you.” Marek says, unperturbed by your rudeness. “Everything falls within the Goddess’ design. If Ahmose was fated to fall before you, and if we are to lose the Spear of Chulainn, then so be it. I do not fault you for believing us to be your enemy. That is what the people who rule this land told you, after all. And much of your own history seems to have been lost in Fodlan. But we know the true nature of the world. And as one blessed by the Goddess, I would tell you all I can, so that you may be better informed.”

>“You have my attention. What is it that’s so important you called me all the way here?”

“Very well. Everything I tell you comes from the mouth of ‘Leviathan’ himself, passed down for generations to each leader of our order.” Marek takes a deep breath before continuing. “For starters, Xenophanes and his kind are not gods of any sort. The so-called Sorcerer King belonged to a race that was native to your Fodlan, but that was aligned against the Goddess. They were known as the Agarthans, and for centuries they waged war against Her and Her children. They were masters of monstrous technology and sorcery, the likes of which scarred the very land itself.”
“The Goddess and Her favored children fought back against the Agarthans, and drove them to near extinction.” Marek continues. “However, one Agarthan escaped this fate. He was known as Xenophanes. The Sorcerer King. Him and his cabal came to this land to escape from the Goddess’ judgment. It was here that they drove away the desert spirits, and enthralled the people they found here into serving them. They built the towering city of Morfis, the seat of their new home, and began spreading their vile magic. Those who rebelled against Xenophanes were driven out into the desert, and forced to fend for themselves. That is until Leviathan came to them. In your land, he was known by a different name. Ernest.”

Marek spreads his hands to the sky in reverence upon the revelation of Leviathan’s true name. “Ernest came to this land to ensure Xenophanes met the fate that was due to him as an Agarthan. He was a magnificently powerful man, with the ability to assume the form of a ferocious dragon. And when he found us languishing in the desert, he saved us. He taught us of the Goddess, and granted us gifts in the form of Her Blessing. He gave us the means to fight back against the Sorcerer King. Both so that we may reclaim our home, and so that we may find the Goddess’ favor in finishing what she had started. The complete eradication of Agarthans and their spawn.”

“Xenophanes fell in battle, at the cost of Ernest’s disappearance. However, by then those wretched Agarthans had already intermingled with the population of Morfis. The royal family, the Royal College…who can say how many have had their blood tainted by Agarthan influence. The very blood that rebelled against the Goddess and nearly destroyed the world has spread throughout that degenerate city. Only we of our order remain pure. That is why there can be no mistaking the words that Ernest told us long ago. The city of Morfis must be completely eradicated. And the means to do so lie in Tartarus. They shall meet their end by a weapon of their own creation. And if we do not end them first, you can rest assured that they will continue what they started long ago.”

“I understand that this is much to take in.” Marek says. “But surely you can feel it, can’t you? You can feel the Goddess illuminating the truth to you?”

You let Marek’s words sink in deeply, taking a deep breath of your own. Mulling over these revelations you think to yourself…

What the fuck was this lunatic talking about? These were the stark ravings of a madman. A village fool that would be strung up in the stockades back home. Did you really come all the way here to listen to this bullshit? Agarthans? There was no way he wasn’t just making shit up.

>A): I believe you. (Sincere.)
>B): I believe you. (Lie. Try to glean more information out of him: LCK Roll, 15% Success).
>C): This was bullshit. I’m leaving.
>D): Write-in
>>B): I believe you. (Lie. Try to glean more information out of him: LCK Roll, 15% Success).
guys, NOW, now we are rolling good, for real this time
>C): This was bullshit. I’m leaving.
>D): Write-in
"The sons of man are not responsible for the crimes of their forefathers. I'm not yet sure I believe you - but even if I did, i would not wish to punish the common people of Morfis for having been deceived by one who came and showered them in blessings. In the Morfis I will come to rule, I will ensure peace. Rest assured that your people will be free to live under the sun."
Yeah this. Tristain isn't going to raze the very kingdom he's come to rule. With us taking out most of his troops this battle if he's smart Malek will pretend to follow us up us until we accomplish most of his goals / forbidden door in in sight and then try to stab us in the back. Something something keep your enemies close

I'd also maybe want to throw in something like
>Why is the rest of the cult preaching about Leviathan instead of Ernest? Why is your founder's true name a secret?
I love how this whole speech would cause Blair to go into a frenzy but Tristain thinks he's just insane.
>D): Write-in
I'm gonna support this opinion, though maybe add in that if these 'Agarthians' still do exists and are planning bad stuff, we will kill them but leave the civilians alone, for the sins of the father don't fall on the son.
>B): I believe you. (Lie. Try to glean more information out of him: LCK Roll, 15% Success).
I love gambling. Tristain will cross his fingers.
Supporting >>6205632 & >>6205691 . Also, I find it funny that Marek doesn't seem to realize that Ernest could have been an ex-Elite. Him 'turning into a ferocious dragon' sounds like a Nabatean, sure, but the name sounds like one of Nemesis' guys, and we (the players, not necessarily Tristain) know from Maurice that Elites could go all Demonic Beast - or Terror, as they're called around these parts.
>A): I believe you. (Sincere.)
>>B): I believe you. (Lie. Try to glean more information out of him: LCK Roll, 15% Success).
Interesting. Marek's lore does seem to line up with what Tristain mentioned, plus we know from last quest that he's mostly correct. That does make me wonder what's in Tartarus, though. A Titanus? A Javelin of Light? The 'Airship' they had?

Despite Tristain's pragmatism and 'fuck it we ball' attitude, he does seem devoted to the Goddess in his own way, and if his choices have any indication, he may be nicer and more upright than he lets on. It'll be interesting to see how we manage that with his idealism and all this shadowrunning, for sure.

Backing these.
switching to >>6205632
You found this entire thing preposterous, but perhaps you’d play along and see where things went.

>"The sons of man are not responsible for the crimes of their forefathers. I'm not yet sure I believe you - but even if I did, I would not wish to punish the common people of Morfis for having been deceived by one who came and showered them with blessings. In the Morfis I will come to rule, I will ensure peace. Rest assured that your people will be free to live under the sun."

In response, Marek sneers. “So, that is your answer. You truly understand nothing. There is no peace to be found while the blood of the Agarthans still flows through Morfis. It is in their very nature to scheme. To deceive. And to rot everything that the Goddess touches. There can be no redemption for them nor their kin. Only complete eradication. If you would choose to side with charlatans and wizards over those who share the Goddess’ Blessing, then I am afraid we have nothing left to discuss.”

>“It’s over Marek. Your men are routed, Ahmose has been defeated, and even your Sacred Weapon is ours. Cease this foolishness. What can you possibly hope to accomplish now?”

“It matters not.” Marek says dismissively. “I have the only thing that I require. The means to open Tartarus. Any setback I experience is merely part of the Goddess’ grand design.”

Marek’s form begins to shimmer in and out. You sense some sort of unfamiliar magic emanating from the man, only to realize that he was never actually here with you to begin with. What is before you appears to be some sort of image. A projection of the cult leader, so that he may speak with you at no danger to himself.

“I will pray for you, Lord Tristain. Pray that you find the resolve to do what is required. Otherwise, you will find yourself engulfed in the same hellfire that awaits Morfis. Ernest said that others like him would one day come to this land. Perhaps that was not you, but someone else instead.”

With those final words, the image of Marek fades away. You found yourself having a hard time believing any of what that madman had to say. As far as you were concerned, nothing had changed for you. You would still win the Competition to become King of Morfis, and you would cast aside anyone who stood in your way. Perhaps when you were finally afforded an opportunity to meet with Bronte, you would be able to piece together if any of what he said was actually true.
You return back to camp, where you are met by resounding cheers from the assembled masses. The battle was a decisive victory in favor of the defenders of Hima, and already word of your triumph over the cult’s strongest warrior had spread throughout the army. Men crowd around Fionn, in awe that the infamous white wyvern had finally found himself a rider. To your surprise, you find the Scorchers and Eman’s men finally intermingling. Nothing spurred bonds quite like battle, you suppose.
“Lord Tristain! You’ve returned!” Two voices cry out simultaneously. May and Eman come running up to you with the most joyous expressions plastered on their faces.

>“No thanks to the two of you!” You scold them. “Where the hell did you both run off?!”

“I-I’m sorry!” May squeals. “A couple of those cultists found me when I went on my scouting mission and I had to run away. I only lost them by hiding in a cactus patch. I’m still finding splinters everywhere…”

“A-and as for me, Lord Tristain, when Ahmose engaged us in battle, I disengaged in order to prepare a spell of power that would aid us. But of course it was for nothing. I should have known the three of you would defeat him without my help.”

>“I should throttle the two of you. But…all’s well that ends well. I guess.”

“Lord Tristain, did you find Marek? Is he dead?” Eman asks, hope evident in his voice.

>“I met with him. Though it wasn’t like anything the guy said made any damn sense. Say, is the guy’s name Leviathan or Ernest?”

“L-Lord Tristain! Not so loud!” Eman says frantically. “T-that name is not to be spoken so liberally. It is a sacred name bestowed directly by the Goddess, and should not be uttered around the…nonbelievers. Only the leader of our order is considered worthy enough to say his name.” He shudders.

>“For ‘nonbelievers,’ they seem to be getting along pretty well with your men. Looks like some of those age long disputes are ready to evaporate after shedding some blood together. Wouldn’t you say?”

“I suppose. If that is what you believe the Goddess wants?” Eman asks, unsure.

>“Yep. Totally.”

“Then we shall count Hima amongst our allies.” Eman says. “But, Lord Tristain. Tell me. What would you have us do now? With this schism, we are left to our own devices for the first time in centuries.”

>“Hmm, well I would certainly enjoy your continued support.”

“Before you get any insane ideas, they are NOT coming with us.” Alvin interjects. “If we show up to Morfis with a bunch of cultists in tow we’re liable to have a rain of meteors shower on us before making it in eyeball distance of the damn city.”

Fair enough. After today, you were sure you preferred leading a smaller group anyway.

“Lord Tristain, may I suggest that you allow me to attempt rebuilding the cult?” Eman asks. “Now that the Champion of the Goddess has appeared, many things must change. Gone are the old ways of Marek and his teachings. We must adhere to the new principles set forth by Tristain d’Rusalka.”

>“I like the sound of that. Do I need to do anything?”

“If you would allow Penelope to wield the Spear of Chulainn, it would be most beneficial. Many of those who fled today’s battle may seek to come flocking under its protection, allowing us to replenish our numbers.”

>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
>B): Keep the Spear of Chulainn for yourself.
>>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
We are an axe guy
>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
She wants a weapon that isn't as scary as her axe, after all. I do wonder if she has the skills to wield it, but she does get huge bonuses for holding it, at least. Giving it to Adeline or Cuthbert just isn't as good anyway.

>Alvin immediately shooting down any crazy cultist ideas
kek he's got Tristain's number all right

>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
With firm instructions that the Goddess insists she not let it out of her sight at any point (and especially don't hand it over to her damn sister who is probably nursing one hell of a grudge against us or that Grigori)

I'm still expecting it to get stolen at some point but at least it'll let us recruit more people to Tristain's cult banner
>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
Not like anyone else would have the power to do so
>>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
>A): Grant the Spear of Chulainn to Penelope
>B): Keep the Spear of Chulainn for yourself.
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Sure, you didn’t see why not. The Spear of Chulainn was nice, but its greater abilities were locked to you without the Crest of Ernest (Formerly Leviathan) anyway. If it would help Eman to rally the other cultists to your cause, then all the better.

>“Penelope, I grant you the Spear of Chulainn. You shall be my greatest warrior. Use this weapon to defend the lives of those who worship the Goddess!”

“Yay!” Penelope squeals. She’d already been holding onto the spear after it had dropped from Ahmose, and you would have admittedly felt a bit bad to tear her away from it. “Thank you, Tristain. I’ll do my best. Here, you can have this. I don’t need it anymore.”

>You receive Devil Axe! (+21 ATK, -20 HP when used)

>“Uhh…thanks.” You didn’t really want this, but thought it would be rude to decline in front of everyone. Hopefully you could just dispose of it at some point when no one was around.

Several Scorchers and Almyrans return back to camp. In tow with them are a large group of disheveled looking people. Men, women and children who had been taken from their homes to be morphed into Demonic Beasts. By choosing to deploy to the field rather than barricade in Hima, you were able to save these poor villagers from the fate that had befallen their neighbors. You could feel good that you had done the right thing by them. Shortly thereafter, Eman and his cultists leave for their home. Their relations with the Scorchers had improved tremendously, and the two groups seemed to have considerably warmed to each other.

After their departure, you accompany the Scorchers and Almyrans back to Hima. As you enter through its gates, you are met with thunderous applause by the townsfolk. Those who inhabit the town’s upper tiers shower you with flowers and shouts of adoration. You’d never experienced anything like this before, and you found it all extremely pleasant. So this is what it was like to return somewhere a hero. You’d never have had this sort of reception if you’d stayed in Fodlan.

That night, a great feast is held in honor of Hima’s victory at the Sleeping Dragon. Almyrans, Scorchers and your own party are in attendance, revelling in the aftermath of the hard fought battle. The townsfolk who’d so previously shunned you and thought you nothing more than a foreign brute are now lining up to have a word with the man who saved them from invasion and tamed the famed white wyvern. Tearing away from the throng of women who wish to acquaint themselves with you, you find yourself next to none other than Uriyan the Warlord.

“I am impressed, Lord Tristain. Most impressed!” Uriyan says, clapping you on the back. “I wanted that white wyvern for myself. But before I could even turn around, you’d already slain the enemy commander. I knew you were strong, but to dispatch him so quickly!”
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>“Hah, sorry to deprive you of your gift for Princess Yulia. Maybe you can use that gold you won from the arm wrestling to buy her a consolation prize. I’m sure my future wife will greatly appreciate the gesture.”

Uriyan erupts in laughter. “Hah! As if. I am disappointed that I was unable to fight that man for myself. But ultimately it matters not. This was a fine diversion for me. A taste of what is to come in the Competition that lies ahead. And I am grateful that I was able to get a good look at the new quarry that I will pursue.”

>“Your new quarry?”

“That’s right.” Uriyan says. “I thought your name sounded familiar, but I was unable to place where I’d heard it before. Fortunately, one of my men is more well-versed in recent history than I am. d’Rusalka is a name that holds quite a bit of significance amongst certain individuals in Almyra. Your father was Rex d’Rusalka was he not? And I understand you are also related to the Witch of the Unification War?”

>You had a bad feeling where this was going, but there was no use in denying it. You would not have this man think any less of you. “That is correct.”

“Hah! Good! I’m glad to hear it!” Uriyan grins. “Almyrans love nothing more than a good fight, and historically your family has given us just that. Your father once killed an Almyran Warlord of some repute and pilfered weapons of great importance to our country. The Witch Blair did something similar not too long after. Even this axe that I wield had been pilfered by you Rusalkans. It was only retrieved and brought back to Almyra by one of our warriors who had taken part in the Siege of Enbarr.”

>“It’s a small world I guess.”

“Not small enough. If it weren’t for Rusalka’s far distance from Almyra, along with the resulting diplomatic fallout that would follow, I imagine there would be many back at home eager to fly over and retrieve our legendary weapons for themselves. But fortunately, I’ve found you. And that saves me a bit of trouble.”

Uriyan clasps a hand on your shoulder, and offers you a warm smile.

“I like you, Tristain. You are a fine warrior. So, know this. When the Competition begins in earnest, I plan to defeat you. You will offer me a good fight, and then I will break every bone in your body. But rest assured, I will not kill you. I plan to ransom you back to your aunt in exchange for the spears Gae Bolg and Gungnir, which were stolen from us long ago. I hope you do not take this personally?”

>A): Rebuke the man. The time for friendship is over.
>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
>C): Write-in
>>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
>>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
You may try
My God I just had a devious thought

>C): Write-in
No hard feelings. In fact why don't you have this axe? (Give him the cursed axe)
>>A): Rebuke the man. The time for friendship is over.
>B): You don't take Uriyan's words personally. After all, you don't plan on losing.
Our battle will be legendary.
>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
Cool guy! In fact, kind of respect him for laying it all out there. Won't win though. Maybe we'll claim Hellswath once he loses, who knows.
>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
But secretly plot on recouping that 500 gold with interest by ransoming him back to Almyra kek
>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
>C): And when I win I won't kill you either, but I will continue the tradition and steal your spear again.
Basically B but adding that extra point
Wait fuck it was an axe not a spear
>Marek says, unperturbed by your rudeness.
You know, that line means Tristain is fully self aware about the way he is, and he's doing it on purpose. Good.
>Ernest said that others like him would one day come to this land. Perhaps that was not you, but someone else instead.
Uh-huh. Rhea is gonna fly in herself. Surely.
>>B): You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
Gigachad to gigachad comminication. Our battle shall be legendary (pls no repeat of Kate)
>You don’t take Uriyan’s words personally. After all, you don’t plan on losing.
We don't plan on losing at least.

>Our battle shall be legendary (pls no repeat of Kate)
Bruh our dice are way worse than Blairs, it'll take a miracle to stop us from losing if we have to do any rolling.
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>“Thanks for the heads up.” You say to Uriyan, taking a drink from your tankard of ale. “Though I don’t plan on losing, I’m glad to hear that I don’t have to worry about you going all out during our fight. Make sure you hold nothing back, Warlord. Otherwise I may find myself adding another trophy to the Rusalkan collection.”

Uriyan laughs and pats you on the back. “You are a good man, Tristain. After you recover from your wounds, come visit me in Almyra. I promise you would love it over there, and I would be honored to host you in my keep.”

You and Uriyan toast, knocking back your alcohol as though it were merely water. After departing from the Warlord’s company, you find Alvin and Tobias in another section of the tavern. The governor and the adjunct were enjoying themselves to a helping of ale, and were in the middle of a spirited conversation. When you arrive, Tobias greets you with a warm embrace.

“My friend, I cannot begin to express how much Hima owes you their gratitude. You saved not just the lives of those who live in this town, but you spared those villagers we rescued from a most horrific fate.”

>“All in a day’s work. I am going to win the Competition and earn Princess Yulia’s hand in marriage. When that happens, you and all those here will become my people. It is only natural that a King would come to the aid of his charges.”

Tobias laughs uproariously. “Quite the confidence you show, young man! Had I not seen your handiwork for myself, I’d think you were merely boasting. But I know better. Uriyan is a good man, and I wish him well. But if a foreigner is truly fated to rule Morfis, then I shall be hoping that man is you. Tell me, how are you enjoying riding upon the white wyvern? I understand you’ve named him Fionn?”

>“Indeed I have. He’s a good boy. Handsome, smart and quick as the wind. A fitting mount, if I do say so myself.”

“Why don’t you stay here for a few days?” Tobias suggests. “You seem to be acclimating to Fionn well, but it's still your first time truly riding a wyvern, no? I’d be honored to personally show you some instruction. The Almyrans are fearsome wyvern riders, but we Scorchers are no slouches. We are the only ones in all Morfis to master the art of aerial combat. If you’re going to face someone like Uriyan in the skies, it would be beneficial for you to learn a thing or two first.”

“An offer of training from the Scorchers is no light matter.” Alvin suggests. “They famously guard their secrets closely. We’re ahead of schedule on reaching Morfis, and with all the commotion I’ve yet to have a moment to restock our supplies anyway.”

>“In that case, it sounds like a plan. I’ll be counting on you to teach me how to make the most of Fionn, Governor.”
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“Excellent. We’ll make a proper wyvern rider out of you, son.” Tobias says. “I understand the Almyrans will be flying tomorrow to Morfis. They’ll be caught unaware by your prowess the next you meet. Oh, and before I forget.” Tobias reaches into his cloak and retrieves a small, black box. He hands it to you, and when you open it, you find a pair of soft white feathers inside.

“Just a little something extra for saving those villagers. You’ve earned it.”

>You receive Speedwings! (+2 SPD Permanently)

“Governor, I wished to ask you a favor.” Alvin says. “If possible, I’d like to use one of your wyverns to send a message ahead to the Royal College. Would you allow this?”

“Of course.” Tobias says. “Now that the threat posed by the Cult of the Serpent has been settled, I’m more than happy to spare one of my wyverns as a courier. Come tomorrow to my office with your message and I’ll ensure my quickest rider sees it delivered.”

A message to Morfis? You immediately think of your cousin, Bronte. From what you gathered, it sounded as though she’d been quite busy. You still had a hard time believing she’d risen to the rank of Prime Minister. With her lofty title and likely hand behind the Competition, you imagined that she knew you were here. But there was no way in a million years she’d ever conceive of what you’d gotten up to in these few weeks. Perhaps you should write her a letter. A simple heads up to make her aware that you were on your way, and to be ready.

>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
>B): Do not write a letter. You’d rather tell her everything in person.
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That wraps up the thread and Tristain’s adventures in Hima. I always find the most enjoyable threads to be the ones where even I don’t know what’s going to happen. A lot of diversions occurred this time around, mostly due to bad rolls. In my head I imagined the fight of this chapter being a defense map, where you’d hold Hima against the invading cultists, and your buddies would be by your side with their support bonuses. I never once imagined Tristain actually leading the cult, but hey, that’s life.

As usual, I’ll be sticking around to answer any questions anyone has. This was a really fun thread, and thanks for all the amazing OC that was produced. Thread #4 will probably go live in about 2-3 weeks. I’ll post in the /qtg/ once it does.

Thread Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sorcerer%20Kingdom
>C):Write a letter to Bronte detailing the story of your arrival and intention to win the competition. You'd rather tell her the rest of your feats in person.
Plus ask questions of how she's been and what she's doing.
> I never once imagined Tristain actually leading the cult, but hey, that’s life.
It felt only natural. When did you expect violence to breakout? When Grigori offered to take Tristain to their hideout or what?
A lot of that section was improvised later because it's not how I expected you'd meet the Cult lol. Originally I thought you'd use the Crest of Indech to defeat Uriyan in arm wrestling. In fact I thought I made it pretty tempting. And even if you didn't, there were slightly better than average odds you'd win fairly. If you won in arm wrestling, Persefoni would have made contact with you rather than Grigori. She'd have used her ability to lure you to the Cultist hideout where Marek and Ahmose were, and you'd be kept as a prisoner. You'd then have to break out, freeing some of the prisoners and using your Torch spell that you learned last thread to light the way.

But in the end none of that happened because we lost arm wrestling and I couldn't imagine Tristain wanting to stick around after that long enough to talk to Persefoni lol. So you encountered the cult the way you did instead. Personally though, I think losing arm wrestling ended up working out much greater in Tristain's favor.
Wew lad... peak butterfly effect. Thanks for running QM.
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
and remember the whole oasis event leading to us beating Penelope one on one... The Goddess works in mysterious ways
>>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
>>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
The smart way would obviously be to tell her in person to avoid being intercepted, but since when has Tristain been smart

Somehow Tristain is too much of a good boy for QMs plans kek. What would have been Persefoni's justification for approaching us if we won without the Crest? Thinking that Tristain is the bigger threat because he's stronger?

My question is, what were the ways in which Uriyan could have beaten us to the white lizard? The obvious one is choosing to let Tristain get bogged down with the infantry, but were there any other ways?
>>You receive Speedwings! (+2 SPD Permanently)
Great, that's more free damage chance for Fionn
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
Peak questing right here. Going off the rails because of the failed roll
>What would have been Persefoni's justification for approaching us if we won without the Crest? Thinking that Tristain is the bigger threat because he's stronger?
Pretty much, yeah. Now that I think about it, the only drawback to not going this route was that you missed out on a potential recruit. Someone that you would have escaped with would have probably joined your side.

>My question is, what were the ways in which Uriyan could have beaten us to the white lizard?
Getting bogged down by infantry was one choice yeah. The others involved either taking too long to beat him or just outright losing would see Uriyan coming to rescue you in embarrassing fashion.
Also before I forget the increase in Light Rune cost here was because you failed the first roll with the Scorchers and word got around the city that a bunch of jerks were visiting. The shopkeepers raised the price of Light Runes on you as a result.
>>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
I'm sure nothing will go wrong with this.

Thanks for running, Tree! This one was a fun thread, and while I could tell we were deviating a lot from the planned story, I never thought it was because of the arm wrestling, hah. Tristain just doesn't like relying on his Crest like a crutch, so I figured he'd for the fair fight. Alas, it seemed the dice weren't on our side, but all for the better, eh?

As for my usual battery of questions...

>What would have happened if we chose not to go to the oasis with Adeline? What if we didn't throw our axe in? And what would have happened if we claimed either one or the other axe?
>What would have happened if we didn't return the axe to Penelope?

>What would have happened if we passed the roll to intimidate the guard? What about if we had just convinced them, or if we just surrendered our weapons on entry?
>Would going to meet Uriyan or going on the shopping trip early affect how things played out at all?
>What if we chose not to aid Hima against the Cult? What about if we just let Alvin do what needs to do?
>What would have happened if we ignored Uriyan when we first met? What about if we were rude?
>What would Uriyan have thought of us if we won the arm wrestle? What if we had used the Crest of Indech? What about if we declined?

Village and Cultists' Home
>What would have we found if we searched inside the villager homes? What about if we started on the outskirts?
>What would have happened if we didn't activate the Crest of Indech against Grigori and his cultists during their ambush? What if we attempted to fall back and regroup?
>What if we declined Grigori's offer to visit their home?
>What would have happened if we bluffed against Eman, or if we just said that we didn't know what they were talking about?
>What would have happened if we declined the Cultists' offer, or if we asked to think over things? Would it just loop back into the capture scene?
>What would have happened if we asked Penelope to throw the match? What would have happened if we lost?
>What would have happened if we passed on the roll to convince them to follow us? We had to use Macuil, so I presume we wouldn't have had to reveal it there?
>What would a defense battle without Eman's cult have looked like, in comparison to a 'normal' defense?
>What would have happened if we chose not to ask Uriyan for his assistance? What would have happened if we declined his challenge?
>What would have happened if we told the cultists that we were the Supreme Commander? What if we said we weren't in charge?
>What would have happened if May passed her scouting roll?
>What would have happened if we sent the wyverns against the cavalry?
>What if we had Penelope lead the infantry? What if we had led it ourselves?
>Which plan to deal with the terrors would've worked better-- Nadia's plan, or Cassius' plan? Did sending both guarantee the other would succeed or something?
>What would have happened if we examined Ahmose, or the Spear of Chulainn at the end of battle?
>What would have happened if we declined to meet Marek? What if we had believed him (lie or otherwise)?
>What if we had kept the Spear of Chulainn for ourselves?
>And lastly, what would have happened if we chose to rebuke Uriyan at the end?

Thanks again for running, and as always, feel free to answer as many or as few questions as you like!
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Oh, and with a Class Promotion, I've taken the liberty of updating the Stat Audit again.

>Audit Link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1c7F--SKfx3qJAb8wuOAetfPGiJQyuGu2Ph-e1MuKfes/edit?usp=sharing

No discrepancies again! As for our stat analysis... Compared to the Perfectly Average Tristain, we have much higher HP, STR, and SPD, and slightly higher MAG and RES. Our DEF and LCK is lower than average though, which about tracks.

In addition, we gained a whopping 7 points of SPD in this chapter (+1 from a Level Up, +2 from Speedwings, and +4 from Promotion), which brings us to a blistering 24 SPD, 1.3 points higher than the average Tristain. This amount is... still not particularly fast, admittedly-- we're not going to be outspeeding any Swordmasters, Assassins, or Berserkers any time soon, let alone Pegasus Knights, but the speed boost should give usmore room to avoid being doubled by faster opponents, equalize fights against other characters of middling speed, and maybe even occasionally outspeed the slower opponents to result in a triple (quadruple?) attack chain. Couple that with Dragon-Kin Wyvern, and we may well get five hits in before an enemy can even move..

I'm not sure if changing classes from Lord to Wyvern Lord has changed the growths at all, but if it has, do let me know and I'll update the doc! Overall, with the promotion and the expansion to his arsenal, Tristain's getting super dangerous-- very excited for the next thread!
>Our DEF and LCK is lower than average though, which about tracks.
Of course, why wouldn't our luck be worse then it should?
Reading the OG quest, can’t fathom ditching Claude for the Blue Lions lol. Thanks for running, OP.
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
Thanks for running!
To think that everything was derailed from an admittedly kino arm wrestling match.

>The others involved either taking too long to beat him or just outright losing would see Uriyan coming to rescue you in embarrassing fashion.
kek, I did comment that Adeline would have been more useful for the battle, and after going through the damage dealt, Ahmose only does a max of 37 damage to her while Alvin heals 38 HP per turn.
If Uriyan wouldn't have eventually joined in, there could have theoretically been a wacky scenario where we had Cassius spam Swarm every turn while Adeline protects everyone and Alvin just heals her.
>A): Write a letter to Bronte detailing your heroic feats.
Thanks for running QM
Not going to the Oasis skips the event like last time. Not throwing the axe means the lake lady doesn't spawn. Claiming either axe would have her just give it to you as she was really tired of your shit.

Not giving the axe to Penelope would mean she would hold a grudge against you, meaning she'd have 3 Crest charges in your fight and be less friendly.

Intimidating the guard lets you pass and doesn't increase Light Rune prices. Surrendering your weapon would have had Uriyan make fun of you when the two of you met. As for the order of meeting Uriyan/Shopping trip, it was just to determine what you wanted to do first.

Not aiding Hima would have had you leaving early to go to Shangri-La, the next step in your journey. You'd probably have been ambushed by the cult on your way there though.

Ignoring Uriyan would again have him make fun of you, and he'd think you were a coward. Being rude to him would have him be rude right back. In the end you have a much better relationship with him than you might have otherwise. If you'd used the Crest of Indech he wouldn't have really cared. He knows people in Fodlan have Crests and you could say he was almost expecting it. He'd have been able to get a first-hand look at what you could do before the actual Competition.

>Village and Cultists Home:
Choosing where to search would have just given you more context for what happened in the village. Not using the Crest or falling back would probably lead to a fight with Grigori, where by that point even if you used your Crest it would likely end in him dying. Refusing Grigori's offer would have him trying to take you back by force. Declining the cultists offer would lead to them capturing you yeah, though it would play out differently since in the original scenario it was Marek who's base you were being held in. That Eman survived at all to have a prominent role in this thread is testament to how much things spun out of plan lol.

Penelope would have thrown the match if you asked. And believe it or not, she'd have even made it convincing too. No experience though.

Passing the roll would have kept Grigori from defecting to Marek.

Without Eman's cult, the defense battle would be much easier. I originally planned it as defending for lets say 8 turns. Without Eman, you'd only need to hold for maybe 5 or 6. Not asking Uriyan for his support would just have you with less resources for the fight. Declining the challenge would once again cause him to think less of you.

The Supreme Commander thing was to determine if you wanted to give commands during the fight or if you just wanted to be on the frontlines fighting waves of enemies. If May had passed her scouting roll, she'd have told you exactly what the enemy was planning to do with their first few attacks, giving you more context on who to pick to lead the men so you made the right answers.
Example being that Cassius' plan would not be too effective, though in that scenario having Nadia aid made it a guaranteed success.

Examining Ahmose or the Spear would give you more context on either item. You'd have traded a few words with Ahmose before he died, and gotten some more insight on the Spear.

Declining to meet Marek means no extra bits of lore and perhaps something else...

As for believing him, that's a pretty large leap. If you believe what he's saying 100% at face value, you'd have to be determined to destroy Morfis I suppose.

Keeping the Spear might have done something for you in the future, but in your hands currently it would just be a a mediocre weapon with 5% healing.
Nice! Glad I'm still being kept honest here. Tristain's growth rates are in fact the same upon promotion. One thing I should note though that might be a bit obvious is that he won't be able to use Dragon-Kin Wyvern if he isn't actually riding Fionn.
Thanks for answering my questions, as usual! It's always a pleasure to explore the what-ifs and potential routes in the threads, and to know how far we've deviated from the intended plan is never going to get old. Props to you for improvising this, too-- I certainly didn't think Tristain would wrest control of the cult from Marek so easily, but he managed to pull it off somehow.

Hearing about Uriyan's fun too. I'm glad Tristain got a hot-blooded rival who can match his energy. I wonder what his stats look like... I also wonder where Grigori and Persefoni ran off too-- probably to help Marek or whatever's left of his cult? A shame we couldn't get them on our side though.

Seeing the Spear of Chulainn here does make me wonder if we've got the potential for a Sacred Relic of Indech or Macuil around here somewhere, too. The Inexhaustible would pretty much solve Tristain's speed issues too, hah.

Anyway, thanks again for running! I'll continue to keep the audit updated as we go along and chime in with my analyses as needed.

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