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With the majority of the Seventh Universe united under the banner of the PTO, Emperor Cooler at its head, the universe has known a time of unrivaled peace. But in the shadows threats have been growing, nursing grudges against the PTO and the Saiyan race in particular. And now those threats are rising, stepping out of the shadows to openly challenge the established order. Seeking nothing short of the destruction of New Salda and the extinction of the entire Saiyan race, can you prevent this outcome? Or will the Saiyan race be reduced to nothing more than memories, their heroes nothing more than ink in the pages of the history books?

You the players will (most often) control Karn; wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul and hope of the entire PTO, not only the Saiyan race. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has grown in power and skill, overcoming the world-ending threats that have come for the Saiyans to become the strongest Saiyan of his time at AGE 759. From the massive Covenant empire to demonic incursions, mad cultists to vengeful gods, none have been strong or clever enough to put down Karn for good. But will one man's power be enough to protect everyone from the rising threats? Or will death come from those who you least expect it from? Your choices may mean the difference between survival and extinction, so choose carefully.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork by joining the patreon for only $1/month at https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice
>One dice roll per person per post unless three players have not yet rolled, and ten minutes has passed since your previous roll
>Crits are 100 on a d100(a 99 or paired rolls may net you an extra bonus)
>Crit fails are a 1/100 with no passing rolls, or if two 1s are rolled regardless of the third
>Write-ins are both allowed and encouraged, but OOC options will be ignored
>If your goal is simply to troll, at least put in enough effort to make it funny
>Have fun

SCQ will usually start on Saturdays at noon Eastern Standard Time, and run throughout the weekend. Also, for updates or schedule changes you can find me on twitter @GrandDragonQM, which I keep as up to date with any scheduling changes as soon as possible.


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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After the battle with Meloka Black and the other Zamasu and learning of Raditz' unfortunate fate, Karn took his family to Earth to see the sights and take the rest of the day off. Exploring the planet, restoring the world's martial arts tournament and learning a move developed by a former champion, Karn and his family then explored Penguin Village. Where they discovered the long-lost daughter of Maz and Kayle, two heroes of the Siege Karn and Meloka named their younger twins after. And as we rejoin Karn at the crash site, Durah, who until now was named Yasai by her adoptive father Parzan, she and her father have come to an understanding.

“You'll always be welcome back home, kid. But I won't try and stop you from going and exploring your people's history. I've been preparing myself all your life to be ready for this day, should your people come looking for you.” he tells her, reaching over and ruffling her hair. “Not quite how I imagined this meeting going, but we never truly know what life has in store for us.”
“Isn't that the truth.” you reply, mind flashing back to the visions King Vegeta'd sent you of what happened to Redis in Raditz' home with her.
“You said I'm one of you, a 'Saiyan', right? Do... Do we still HAVE a homeworld?” she asks, her question a bit surprising. “It wasn't destroyed by a meteor or anything, was it?”

“What? No.” your wife replies to her, her tone confused. “Well, our new world is fine.”
“Wait, NEW world? What happened to the old one?” she asks, looking worried. “Was that one destroyed by a meteor?”
“What is with you and meteors, kiddo?” you ask, shaking your head. “No, that world was dying. So Lord Freeza, then-emperor granted us a new world. Which, if you want to see it, we'll gladly take you along. However, we're still going to be spending time on this world today, exploring it for a while longer.”

But what will you do with the young orphaned Saiyan?
>Tell her that when you all are ready to leave you'll return to take her back with you all, if she still wants to go with you all but right now is family time
>Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home
>Telepathically reach out to King Vegeta IV, tell him who you found and ask what he wants you to do with her
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell her that when you all are ready to leave you'll return to take her back with you all, if she still wants to go with you all but right now is family time
Best to give her a minute to really absorb everything that just happened.
>>Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home
>Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home
The more the merrier
>Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home
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Rolled 2 (1d4)

Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home wins it. Interesting, let's see how this plays out. Writing.
Woohoo, more Earthventures
Come on down to Earth! We got;
>not a lot of Earthlings to be quite honest
>every magical artifact in this region of the Galaxy for some reason
>more aliens and robots
>several portals to Hell
>Ask if she wants to come along and explore this world with you all before you and your family leave this world to head back home
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“You're one of us, if you want to come along and explore this planet with us, you're welcome to.” you tell her, the woman thinking it over a moment.
“Yes, I'd like that.” she replies, nodding once. You nod back, then turn towards your kids. “Alright, so: where should we go next?”

They talk among themselves, but after a minute or so they all want to start exploring the mainland. Which means heading northwest to the closest shore, you all agreeing. So, as one you and your family start lifting up into the air, only for Durah to call back to you all.

“WAIT FOR ME!” she shouts, you turning towards her voice and see her still on the ground. Seems she can't even fly, which is surprising.
“I got you! Ho-yo!” Arale shouts, running over and grabbing the woman.
“Wait, wha-AAAAAAAAAAAH!!” she shouts as Arale simply tosses the Saiyan woman up to you all.
“I've got you.” Koruza says, reaching down and catching her by the wrist. The two grab each other, Durah looking up at him with wide eyes. “Don't worry Durah, I won't let you go.”

“R-Right.” she says, voice trailing off as her cheeks blush a little bit. He then reaches down, pulling her up into his arms and carrying her around her middle, her back to his chest as you all fly to the mainland. Leaving the sea and islands behind, heading into a strange mountain range. The mountains rise from the otherwise flat plain, a gentle river winding through the mountains. “Wow. I didn't know such a beautiful place existed.”
“This world is rather lovely.” your wife replies to her as you all fly by, you not sensing anything terribly strong around so you start descending. Flying down out of the air, landing on the only sign of civilization anywhere nearby. A single worn dirt trail snakes through the grassy fields, you all landing around it.
“Let's see where the road goes!” Kayle suggests, pointing up into towards one of the clusters of mountains protruding from the mostly-level fields and forests. “I bet it's to a temple!”

“Nu-uh, it's DEFINITELY a wizard's home, like Chilli!” Maz declares, the two taking off up the path. And so the rest of you follow, walking down the serene path, this place exuding a calming energy. One you can almost taste with each breath, easing your remaining energy from the battle earlier in the day. You can feel your body recovering, almost as if this very place is good for you. Which, in all your travels isn't something you can discount, not after the planets you've seen. And as you walk, Durah and Koruza talk, the girl asking your half-demon son all about your world.

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However, as you rear the end of the path, it rising up to a plateau, your youngest twins come back over the ridge, calling for you all.

“We found it! There's a little house here!” Kayle shouts.
“It looks abandoned though, I can't sense anyone.” Maz adds, the two looking to you. “Can we go inside?”

“Let's see what you're talking about first.” you reply, the rest of you reaching the plateau as well. Where, sure enough, there is a small, modest home. Its construction is a simple cube, reinforced with bricks around the doorway and with a wide, pointed roof and a small well right by it for water. The building is rather small and quaint, you getting the feeling whoever lives here, or perhaps LIVED here lived a quiet, modest life as the building itself, while maintained, seems to be abandoned. A few small animals, birds and rodents scurry and fly about on their business, completely unworried about the newcomers to this place. But something about this place, about this home puts you on edge. There are no locks on the doors, as if whoever called this place home was unafraid of anything that could come knocking. Yet, with your ki sense can't sense anyone inside the building itself.

“Can we go in?” Maz asks, clearly excited and eager to see the secrets the home could have to offer.

Well? What do you do?
>Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever
>Activate your Energy Body and open the doors, if there's any sort of trap here you'll be the one to go in first. Just in case
>Tell them that they shouldn't disturb this place, you get the feeling your presence here wouldn't be wanted by whoever calls this place home
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell them that they shouldn't disturb this place, you get the feeling your presence here wouldn't be wanted by whoever calls this place home
Leave gramps in peace...
>“Don't worry Durah, I won't let you go.”
>Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever
And don't go running around in there with your boots on. Very disrespectful.
>Leave gramps in peace...
Hey now, come on. He of all people would let our kids indulge in their curiosity if he were here.
>Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever
He is definitely Karn's kid.
>Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever
Don't wanna get a ghost angry or anything
>>Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever
Tell them to go ahead but be respectful, whoever lives here could come back whenever wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 70
Second DC: ??
Rolled 58, 95 = 153 (2d100)

Rolled 93, 74 = 167 (2d100)

Rolled 43, 91 = 134 (2d100)

Wham, crit
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93/100, 95/100. Seems like you notice and a high mystery. This could get interesting, impressive start we're off to today. Writing.
Would you believe it took me 7-ish years to finally start reading these replies in Aku's voice?
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>93/100, 95/100
Entirely possible.
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“Yes, but be respectful. Whoever lives here could come back whenever, don't do anything you wouldn't want to see someone doing to YOUR rooms back home.” you tell them, the twins nodding seriously before turning back to the double doors. And with a nod to each other they approach the doors, gently reaching out and barely pushing against the doors. Which move with a tired creaking noise, but as they push the doors open you immediately notice something.

As the doors pull away from the wall, you notice something attached to the top of each door. Something metallic that stands out from the handmade feel of the rest of this place. Turning to your wife, she seems to have noticed as well, the two of you sharing a small nod of understanding. Having seen such alarms before, you no doubt know that a signal is being sent to whoever owns this place that the doors have been opened. And they'll no doubt be on their way. Your wife, realizing it as well takes a deep breath, then with a focused exhale starts expanding her aura out into her Energy Shell. Stretching it out for dozens upon dozens of yards, to let her know the moment anyone or anything gets close.

“Huh, what're these?” Maz asks, you turning from your wife to him. Seeing your youngest holding a perfectly spherical rock in his hand, one in each hand. Kayle holding more and seeing another three all resting on the bed in the tiny interior. Each one seemingly having its own small pillow to rest upon, not resting on the bed itself. “Who carves balls out of rocks?”
“The Dragon Balls?” Milha says, her tone surprised. You all turn to her, the woman continuing to speak as she explains. “When the Dragon Balls are used, they turn to ordinary stones for a year. And only when they've recharged will they power back up, ready to grant wishes once more. But it's odd, why would all seven of them be gathered together like this?”

“It means someone had them hidden away, waiting to use them the moment they recharged.” you reply, turning from the small, neat home and lifting up into the air, turning slowly and looking back and forth. After a few moments of looking, you see it. From the direction of your granddaughter, you see a single small speck approaching. One that grows larger by the second, heading right for you all.

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“Here they come.” you think to your wife, only to see the blazing orange gi as one of the android fighters comes into view. The man flies up to you all, slowing to a stop as he sees you hovering there. “Oh, it's you.”
“Me? What are YOU all doing here?” he asks, tone suspicious. “Why are you here?”
“We're just looking around, exploring this world. So, I take it that alarm was yours?” you ask, the man's brows shooting up in astonishment. Seems your observation caught him quite off-guard. “A good idea, if you're keeping such powerful magical artifacts here.”

“Are they still here?” he asks, looking down from you to see Kayle walking out, holding the stones in each hand. To which he sighs, the breath a sound full of disappointment. “Haaaaah.”
“Everything alright?” you ask, hearing the bitterness in his voice with his exhale.
“I just... When the alarm went off, I was hoping...” he says, voice trailing off. “The Dragon Balls have been dead since King Piccolo killed Shenron, but I had hoped...”

“You were hoping they were restored, and had the power to grant your wish, right?” you ask, the scarred man nodding, dejectedly. “So, what was the wish?”
“To bring my master, our masters all back. The ones killed by that bastard Piccolo.” he says, looking down at this home. “After our first adventure, Master Gohan brought me here. Trained me for months to participate in the World Martial Arts tournament, where I met Krillin. And at the next one, Tien and the Crane School. So many people were killed by that monster, I was just hoping against hope the Dragon Balls would be restored, so I could bring them all back.”
“And you've been taking care of your master's home, even in his absence.” you say, nodding approvingly. “I never met him, but I bet your master would be proud.”

As you say this, for just a moment the man's eyes water up, but he chokes them down, blinking a few times and shaking his head. He doesn't answer you, but after he's recomposed himself, he turns back to face you, nodding once. Seems the two of you have come to an understanding of sorts.

“You said you all met at the world tournament of this world, right?” you ask, the man nodding. To which you grin, an idea coming to mind.

But how do you want to do this?
>Tell him he should go check out the tournament grounds, you all were there earlier and there's a surprise there waiting for him
>Ask him to follow you, lead him to the arena and see his reaction to the place being repaired and restored to its former glory
>Find out if he knows who his planet's Guardian is, if they meet Raven, then perhaps his wish CAN be granted, at least for a day...
>Tell him that if he's willing to wait one more year for his wish, you'll see if you can restore his planet's Dragon Balls yourself(and get your wish back with its wish power)
>Other(write in)?
>>Tell him that if he's willing to wait one more year for his wish, you'll see if you can restore his planet's Dragon Balls yourself(and get your wish back with its wish power)
>Tell him he should go check out the tournament grounds, you all were there earlier and there's a surprise there waiting for him
As much as I wabt to help out the earthlings, the threat of Baby is still on my mind. Really wanna nip that in the bud before we start getting creative with wishes.
>Tell him he should go check out the tournament grounds, you all were there earlier and there's a surprise there waiting for him
It's an issue we can bring up with Guru next time we meet.
>Tell him he should go check out the tournament grounds, you all were there earlier and there's a surprise there waiting for him
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Rolled 3 (1d3)

Tell him he should go check out the tournament grounds, you all were there earlier and there's a surprise there waiting for him wins it. Very well, writing.
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“Speaking of, you should head back there. There's someone there I think you'll recognize.” you say, seeing the scarred warrior's eyes widen in surprise. For a moment you can see the doubt and hope warring on his face, so you lean in a bit, adding, “Don't worry, I'll ensure everything is put back where it belongs when we leave.”
“Alright, I trust you.” he replies, taking off. In seconds he's gone from sight, you dropping back down to your family. Who, as you land, see Maz and Kayle have put the orbs back, now both are taking back off down the road.

“To think such powerful magic exists.” Durah says as Koruza finishes telling her something and you see how enraptured she is by his tale you can't help but chuckle. Your wife, curious raises a brow to you, you giving her a quick rundown on what you two talked about as you walk to the doors, gently pulling them closed. Where they pull to with a click, no doubt resetting the alarm the Earthling had installed on them. At the click she turns, you meeting the young woman's gaze. “So, where are we going next?”
“I think we'll follow the road, see where it leads us.” you reply, gesturing towards the cloud of dust going down the road from Maz and Kayle's running, growing smaller and smaller as they've already descended the mountain. “We're in no hurry to go anywhere, unless there's somewhere specific you want to go?”
“No, I'm fine. Thank you.” she replies, bowing her head to you. Then, she reaches out, taking Koruza's hand in her own. He looks surprised by this, your wife giving you a knowing glance before turning to Junior, who is asking her if he can go follow his siblings. To which she agrees, your youngest shouting out in joy before taking off at a run as well. Rapidly leaving the rest of you in his dust, catching his siblings before they've made it to the next mountain.

“Let's get moving.” you say, looking around and seeing Okira sitting on the edge of the lat master's well, book in hand. “Are you coming kiddo?”
“No, I think I'll stay here awhile. This place is... Peaceful.” she replies, not even looking up from her book.
“Alright, I'll let you know when we're about to head home, if you haven't caught back up yet.” you tell her, leaving her to her reading as the rest of you start making your way down the path. “If you need anything kiddo, let me know.”

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“Will do.” she replies, you all making your way down the mountain. Where, as you all move, notice a few things. Your daughter Milha is laying the the blonde woman's arms, her girlfriend carrying her down while Koruza, talking excitedly holds onto Durah's right with his left. The orphaned Saiyan watching as he talks with a smile. You all leave the mountain, making your way down through the forest. Walking down the path, listening to the sounds of the forest as the path meets the river, you enjoy the sights as the planet's sun starts to head down, the sky turning more orange as you and your family, as well as a few others make your way out of the forest, coming to a desert.

“Woah, there's so much sand!” Durah says, looking around in awe. “But where is the water?”
“What water? This is a desert.” Tatsu and Tomi tell her, the girl looking to them in confusion.
“Desert? What's that?” she asks, you realizing that she's more sheltered than you'd thought, despite her scars. But before any of you can answer, Koruza starts, explaining as you see a large dust cloud heading back towards you all. Seeing your children returning, clearly excited.

“Mom, Dad! Come look at this! There's a BIG fire!” Kayle exclaims.
“It's really, REALLY huge!” Maz adds in. “Come on, you gotta see this!”
“Fire Mountain. I wonder if Roshi still destroyed it, in this timeline?” Milha asks, turning to Koruza. Who brings his right hand to his chin, brows furrowed as he thinks it over. “Shall we go check it out? If Fire Mountain wasn't quenched, it could prove a problem for the Ox King's village. But, on the other hand, we could always go check and find if the Lookout is still intact. The Lookout, where Kami, this world's Guardian resided has a special chamber there that could let you train for a whole year inside it while only a single day passes out here. Or we could always go to the southeast, see if Baba's Palace is still intact and still taking challengers.”

Well? What will you do?
>Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix
>Look for this Lookout, see if you can find this world's Guardian. You do have questions about this planet, perhaps they'll be able to answer
>Search for this 'Baba's Palace', it seems interesting
>Leave it up to your kids, you're just along for the ride
>Other(write in)?
>>Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix
>Look for this Lookout, see if you can find this world's Guardian. You do have questions about this planet, perhaps they'll be able to answer
Honestly, this is something we should be doing. Karn is aware what happens to a planet without a Guardian, right?
>Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix
Might as well score another PR win while we're here
>>Search for this 'Baba's Palace', it seems interesting
>Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix
Damn Milha, spoil everything why dont'cha?
>Search for this 'Baba's Palace', it seems interesting
Actually gonna switch to>>6201738
>Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix
PR victory is a good thing
Head over to this 'Fire Mountain', see if it's something you all can fix wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 20
Second DC: 30
Third DC: ??
Rolled 28, 83, 11 = 122 (3d100)

Rolled 29, 2, 18 = 49 (3d100)

Rolled 51, 7, 37 = 95 (3d100)

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Rolled 76, 39, 79, 37, 70, 75 = 376 (6d100)

51/100, 83/100, 37/100. Double success and lower mystery let's see how things play out. Writing.
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“'Fire Mountain', huh? Well, let's-” you start, only for Maza to suddenly reappear beside you all. “Maza? Where'd you go?”
“Sorry, I... Overreacted.” your eldest half-demon son answers, bowing his head. “I was just afraid.”
“Afraid?” you ask, raising a brow. “Of what?”
“Of that monster, Arale.” your son says, you seeing the real fear in his eyes. “She's far too powerful. That monster can beat Mechikabura himself, should he be foolish enough to challenge her directly.”

A moment of silence passes, you all sharing looks of worry, confusion and concern. Was that little robot girl THAT powerful? Why hadn't he recruited one of her before then, she seems like quite the ally to recruit, if you could.

“...Anyways, let's see if we can lend them a hand. Milha, Koruza, Maza, what can you three tell me about this 'Fire Mountain'?” you ask, your youngest three taking back off at a sprint the way they'd come.
“Fire Mountain? Wait, if Master Roshi destroyed it, then we'll need...” Maza says, hand to his chin as he thinks and walks at the same time. “But if the Bansho Fan was at Roshi's... Hrmmm... AH! That's it!”
“What's it?” you ask, but Maza, without hesitation takes off, flying northward. “Do you two know where he went?”

“Probably to get the Bansho Fan, if it's still around.” Milha adds in. “That magical fan can put out the fires of the mountain, if he can track it down.”
“I see.” you reply, all of you following the dust cloud Maz, Kayle, and Junior make with their running. Leading you all out of the desert, and towards a massive fire. Sure enough, it LOOKS like a mountain of fire, and as you all get closer, find a village there. Where Maz, Kayle and Junior are all squared up against an absolute MONSTER of a man, wielding a giant battle axe that looks almost comically small in his hands.
“I don't believe you! You couldn't be- And who're you supposed to be?” he asks, turning as he sees you all approach. Eyes fixing on you through his strange helmet. “More soldiers come to annex my people's home?!”

“Your home? No, we've already taken this planet.” you reply, several gasps coming from the village as you walk forward, placing a hand on each of the younger twins' heads, meeting the man's gaze. He's tall, taller than even Goar, but you don't back down. He's nowhere as strong as your student, much less you. “This world is under the PTO's jurisdiction now. And I'm General Karn. So, who're you supposed to be?”

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“I am the Ox King, ruler of these lands!” he declares boldly, swinging his left fist into his chest with a resounding thud. You have to give him credit, he sounds quite dense. Could probably take several shots from the younger kids and stay on his feet. “And you are trespassing!”
“Trespassing? No, Ox King. We're here to help.” Koruza says, stepping forward. Drawing the so-called King's eye. “Seems Fire Mountain's flames are still burning bright as ever, even with the mountain's destruction.”
“Yes, I've been looking for a way to fix this.” he says, suddenly seeming older and more tired. “Even my daughter sought to end the fires. And despite me forbidding it, left our home here in search of my master. He has the Bansho Fan, which could extinguish these accursed flames! But it has been months, and my precious daughter hasn't returned! She's strong like me an' her mother, but I'm afraid something terrible's happened to her.”

At this the man stomps, the sheer weight and power of his stomp causing the ground beneath your feet to quake for several seconds before the tremors stop.

“Oh, my darling princess, where have you gone?” he says, more to himself than you all. Seems his mind is rather preoccupied at the moment. But then his expression changes, looking back to you. “Say, you look decently strong. What if we strike a deal?”
“A deal?” you ask, intrigued. “And what could you offer me, 'Ox King', that I need?”
“My village isn't part of some 'PTO', or whatever you called it. And we're not gonna be ruled by anyone!” he declares boldly, but then in a softer tone, continues. “But, my... My daughter, she means everything to me. She's all I have left. If you can find my daughter, and bring her back home, then we'll accept being subordinate to you. Karn, wasn't it? What do you say, Karn? Could you find my lost daughter and bring her back home?”

Well? How do you respond?
>Agree, then ask him and your half-demon children who know more of this world than you if anyone could help locate her
>Tell him one problem at a time, then telepathically reach out to Okira. Explain the situation here then ask for her help putting the massive fire out
>Ask your half-demon children if there's any way to locate a single human, and if they can to do it while you activate your Energy Body and dive into these flames. Fire needs a fuel source, if you can find and cut it off from wherever these flames are coming from underground then the flames should stop
>Tell him that, if he surrenders first, then you'll not only find his daughter but also put out the fire as well. That being a member of the PTO comes with many benefits, not the least of which is your help
>Other(write in)?
If we clap really hard we could probably put the fire out. What, you think it's magic or something? Pft, that shit's made up. What kind of moron would want a thing that burns forever? Yeah right.
>>Tell him that, if he surrenders first, then you'll not only find his daughter but also put out the fire as well. That being a member of the PTO comes with many benefits, not the least of which is your help
No reason not to strike a more advantageous deal while showing them that it ain't all bad under us.
>Tell him that, if he surrenders first, then you'll not only find his daughter but also put out the fire as well. That being a member of the PTO comes with many benefits, not the least of which is your help
He nearly got me with that fatherhood sentimentality, but we have to stand on business.
>Tell him that, if he surrenders first, then you'll not only find his daughter but also put out the fire as well. That being a member of the PTO comes with many benefits, not the least of which is your help
Tell him that, if he surrenders first, then you'll not only find his daughter but also put out the fire as well. That being a member of the PTO comes with many benefits, not the least of which is your help unanimously wins it. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 40
Rolled 84, 92 = 176 (2d100)

Rolled 79, 23 = 102 (2d100)

Rolled 61, 89 = 150 (2d100)

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84/100, 92/100. Double success, it looks like Karn's become acquainted with negotiating from a position of power, writing.
How tempted was Bane to try and get Karn to gut him like a fish with the terms just now?
Bane understands using both peaceful and forceful persuasion, when to go direct and when to play it differently. He's a clever one, after all, not some mindless thug.
He's also been around Karn long enough to know Karn ain't the power hungry type of guy anyways, he just tends to gain power in spite of wanting to be the local Redneck that runs the trailerpark dojo. Also he know's Karn doesn't need help with something this simple.
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“That depends. Are you a subject of the PTO?” you ask, the man's expression turning harder. But, before he can speak up you continue, speaking directly to him. “Because if you're asking me, as one of our people's subjects, then I'd feel rather obligated to help you. Not only with the fire raging there behind you, but also with finding your wayward daughter as well. As a general, it is my responsibility to ensure the safety of our people.”
“So, that is how it is, eh?” he asks you, then with a sigh his body slumps. “Very well. I accept. Just please help me find and bring my daughter home.”

“Of course, Ox King. We'll do everything in our power.” you tell him, walking over and holding out your hand. Which looks comically small as he reaches out, gripping your forearm as you grab his, the two of you sharing a nod of understanding. Then, letting go of each other you turn back to your family, specifically Milha and Koruza. “Koruza, Milha, do we have a way to track her?”
“We could always go home, ask Mother to find her immediately.” Milha speaks up. “Or, if you don't want to go all the way back home across the universe yet, we could always go to Baba's Palace. With her magic, she could locate Chichi wherever she is in this universe.”
“I see.” you answer, realizing she doesn't want to give Instant Transmission's power away in front of him, giving you the opportunity to further explore the planet. Then, with a thought reach out to Maza. “Have you found the Bansho Fan yet?”

“Working on it. I think I'm in the right mountain range.” he replies, then ends the mental link. You seeing a snow-covered mountain right before the link ends, you leaving finding the fan to him.
“Alright, let's go see this Fortuneteller then.” you reply, nodding to them. But Meloka, curious, steps instead towards the raging fires. “Huh?”
“I'll see what I can do here.” she replies, retracting the Energy Shell she'd made earlier, drawing her energy back in. “I think I might be able to stop these fires myself.”
“I'm gonna stay with Mom.” Junior declares, pointing at himself with his thumb. “I'mma help!”

“Alright, you help her. Do what she says, and we'll be back with the Ox King's daughter.” you tell him, ruffling your son's hair before lifting back up into the air. Much to the Ox King's sudden surprise, shouting about you all flying and that means you MUST be aliens. But, ignoring his calls, you turn back to Koruza, once more holding Durah in his arms. “Lead the way.”
“Follow me!” he shouts, blasting off towards the west. And so you all follow him, blasting off across the continent.

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The ground passes beneath you all as you fly across the breadth of this world, heading over cities, desert, forests, and even the sea before flying back to another landmass, flying over the mountains and back into another desert. Where there, sprawled out in the middle of a surprisingly large lake is a small cluster of buildings out on the water itself, on seemingly artificial islands growing with grass and trees.

“There. Fortuneteller Baba's. Although, I'm surprised. For as long as Piccolo was ruling this world, he never went out here to destroy this place?” Milha says, but Koruza answers her.
“Did you forget? Devilman is here, and even as strong as he was, Piccolo couldn't stand up to his attack.” he says, Durah asking the question on your mind immediately.
“What kind of attack?” she asks, his brows furrowing as you all descend, dropping out of the air to land by a line of people. Who all, to various degrees are shocked and surprised by your sudden arrival.
“The Devilmite Beam. If you have any evil in your heart, it grows that evil until it explodes. Blowing up your heart and killing you.” Koruza says, his tone serious. “Only one kid was ever hit by the attack and survived, it doesn't matter the strength disparity or how strong your defenses. If the Devilmite Beam hits you, you die.”

“Ah, there you are. Come in, come in.” a voice calls from the building, you all turning to see a small, pink blob-like creature floating there and wearing a hat of straw. But its eyes send a shiver up your spine, the emotionless, expressionless eyes reminding you of another being. “Right this way, right this way. She has been expecting you.”

You exchange a look with your children, then turn, following the creature inside the building. Heading through it and the second one, out onto a circular fighting stage. One much larger than the world martial arts tournament stage you'd seen before, where a small creature sitting atop a scrying orb is waiting. Wearing dark robes and a pointed black hat, she's clearly a magical being. One who smiles as you all arrive, one laced with hidden intent.

“Welcome, Saiyans of New Salda. And of Planet Vegeta.” she says, her gaze meeting your own. “Now, normally I would have you all either pay, or face my five fighters. But, having seen your powers firsthand, you only have to best three.”
“Only three?” Milha wonders aloud, as three cloaked figures emerge from the far building behind her, walking single file up to the edge of the ring.
“So, let's make this interesting. Three of you, against three of my fighters. If you all win, I'll find your wayward princess.” she says, acknowledging her ability to find the Ox King's daughter. “But if I win, I want a favor. One wish with your Stand, with Divine Dragon Force's power.”

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Which is a bold request, one you don't feel is quite even. Reaching out with your ki sense to study the three, you can tell the one about your own height is significantly more powerful than the other two, the tallest one at the back stronger than the shortest one a few inches shorter than you in the front. But you aren't sure who will be fighting first from her side. But then you realize something else, each of the three fighters has the same halo above their heads that your own father Tatsu had when Raven brought him back for a single day. Meaning these three fighters could be ANYONE.

“The rules are simple. If you touch the water, surrender, are knocked out or killed, you lose. Whichever team has someone left standing when it is over wins.” the crone says, her malicious grin widening. “So, what do you say, General Karn? Are you in?”
“Very well, let's do this.” you answer, several of your children clamoring to go first. But this is a three on three, you'll have to play this smart.

So, who do you send in first?
>Step up onto the stage, you'll handle all of them yourself
>Turn to Karn Jr, tell your youngest he gets to go first
>Telepathically call Marron and explain the situation, ask if she wants in and let her go first if she agrees
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight first
>Telepathically call Chaya and explain what's going on, let her lead your team and take the first fight
>Other(write in)?
>>Step up onto the stage, you'll handle all of them yourself
Hell yeah! Big stakes!
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight first
Not to see we won't give them any suggestions or anything, but this will be a good little mental exercise for them.
Also I don't want to bring in any ringers just yet, lest we give Baba any ideas.
And uh...why is turning to Karn Jr. an option when he's back helping Meloka?
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight first
They're smart kids, so I trust them to take this seriously
>And uh...why is turning to Karn Jr. an option when he's back helping Meloka?
A REALLY good question. Why IS he here? Better question, how didn't Karn notice him fly back to you all?
Yes this was actually intentional, not like the mistake last weekend where I fucked up. This is a genuine plot point.
Goddamn kid has been pumping the multiform technique and running each body at full power with his DEEP RESERVES ain't he? NO MORE OZZOTTO AAAHHH FUUUUCK
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Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight firstwins it. Well, let's see who gets to go, writing.
That or Meloka just handled it somehow. Honestly wouldn't surprise me, wifey is so talented.
Not going to lie, I was going to vote to steamroll Baba's squad personally. But if she knows who we are and how our powers work including our stand (which is raising a lot of alarm bells, because how the FUCK does she know), then that probably means she had some sort of counterplay or plan for us.

Also sidenote, I'm really enjoying this little tour. After Meloka Black entered and then exited the scene, I was worried we were just going to go through the motions swinging our powerlevel around, but there has been interesting developments and some obstacles.
“Alright, whoever goes up first is all of your choice.” you say, turning to your kids. “How should we start this?”

For the next two minutes they all argue, then putting it to a vote brings it to a tiebreaker. With Durah voting for Koruza and Darkness voting for Milha, the vote comes down to the two of them. Only to call a second vote, this second one Koruza winning over Milha, your youngest half-demon stepping up onto the stage.

“Go get 'em big bro!” Junior shouts out, you suddenly realizing that he shouldn't be here. So you turn, gaze snapping to your youngest.
“Junior? What are you doing here?” you ask him, immediately expanding your ki sense. This FEELS like your son, but every person that monster Majin Ozotto has impersonated felt just like them as well. “Aren't you supposed to be with your mother?”
“I was! But then I heard that there would be fights here from the big ox guy, and Momma said I could.” he says, then gingerly raises his right hand to his forehead. “So then I just, you know...”

“Instant Transmission? Impressive kiddo.” you tell him, ruffling his hair then turning back to the arena, where the largest of the three fighters takes the stage. Tossing their hooded cloak off, revealing a large, muscular blonde human. Dressed simply in a white tunic with a brown belt and boots and standing at over nine and a half feet tall, the man's impressive power matches his build well. You'd estimate his power to be one and a half times your own base form's might, which could prove a challenge to your son.
“This is Olibu, the greatest hero Earth has ever produced.” Fortuneteller Baba says, floating on her hovering scrying orb off of the stage, then calls out. “Both fighters ready?”

“It will be an honor to face you, alien.” the large man says, but doesn't take a fighting stance. He remains standing tall, arms down by his sides but you can feel his power like a coiled spring, ready to explode forth at a moment's notice.
“I never thought I'd actually have an opportunity to face you, Olibu.” Koruza replies, taking your fighting stance before him. “I will enjoy seeing a master at work.”
“Begin!” Fortuneteller Baba shouts, and the first match gets underway.

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“HAAAAAA!!” Olibu shouts, wasting no time and thrusting his right hand forward. Firing off a massive energy blast. But Koruza makes no efforts to dodge, instead summoning his Stand, Dark Rider. Who appears between your son and the attack, the energy detonating harmlessly against the Stand. But before the smoke has even cleared Olibu has dashed forwards, leading with a feint heavy right overhand into a left jab, Dark Rider again intercepting the blow. Which doesn't even slow the big man down, the fighter launching into a ferocious attack. However, as he does, you notice something surprising. His moves look familiar, reminding you of your own technique.

“Yes. It seems the Djem So form is even older than -I- knew.” Bane's phantom says, appearing to your left as you watch the man continue for another few seconds. “But your boy doesn't seem intent on fighting him fairly.”
“Impressive defense!” Olibu calls out, leaping back after a final left jab doesn't get through Koruza's Dark Rider. “It would seem that I can't break through your defenses directly. But that doesn't mean I can't still send you out of this ring!”

Once more the man gathers his energy into his right hand, dashing forward and firing it at your son. Who, again, uses his Stand's nigh-invulnerability to block the attack, Olibu using the smoke to close in. But then he doesn't try to attack, instead driving his hands into the tiles of the arena under Koruza's feet, launching your son into the air. Catching him by complete shock, your son shouting in surprise.

“Wuh-?! WHAAAAAAH!?!” he exclaims as the very ground beneath his feet sends him flying, his Stand getting sent along with him. Tumbling through the air for a second, Koruza reorients himself, stopping his flight as Durah calls out.
“BEHIND YOU!” she shouts, Koruza turning clockwise right into a heavy left to the jaw, Olibu's punch sending him flying back down. But not down towards the arena, instead straight towards the lake. “KORUZA!!”
“Easy, he's fine.” you reply, your son gritting his teeth before recovering, leveling out and flying along the water level then soaring back up into the air. Coming to a stop at the same level as Olibu, your son rubbing his jaw with the back of his right hand.

“Nice shot. Alright, you hit me. So it's time to take you a little more serious.” your son says, clenching his fists and powering up. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaa! HRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!”

But instead of his powerlevel increasing, his might simply vanishes. Energy signal disappearing entirely, your eyes widening in surprise as you realize what's happening. He's not taking on a version of Super Saiyan, no. He's taking on the same power Towa has: your youngest is transforming into a Demon God.

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“What is this?” Olibu asks as your youngest fully transforms. Everything from his clothes to even his hair change, now standing tall as the pressure of his divine form presses down on you all. “This presence, you-?”
“That's right. I've ascended beyond mortality as well.” your son says, retaking his fighting stance. “You're too strong to underestimate, so I'm giving you my best. Prepare yourself, Olibu.”
“Show me your power, little one!” Olibu declares, you sensing the excitement in his voice. But as the two clash, a voice calls to you.

“Wh-What did Koruza do?” Durah asks, shocked. “He's changed.”
“He transformed.” you reply as the two battle, your son now clearly the stronger and faster fighter. Your Berserker Soul, sensing his divinity wants to be let out, to attack, yet you keep it reigned in. “Into a form I've never seen him use before, he must have been training to use this the past month.”

And as the two fight, you wonder what ELSE you missed from your children over this time, but as you glance over, Milha seems the most shocked out of everyone. Meaning she hasn't seen this power either. But as you turn back to the fight, Koruza goes on the attack, delivering a powerful right side kick to Olibu's guts while leaning back under his outstretched right straight, sending him crashing down into the water several dozen yards from the arena. Clearly landing out-of-bounds. Your son lands on the arena, expression serious as he turns back to you all. But then with a grin gives you all, but you think Durah especially a thumbs up before turning back to Fortuneteller Baba. Who, now that you look her way, seems equally stunned by your youngest half-demon son's newest form, but recovers after a moment. But before she can speak there is the sound of another massive splash, Olibu rising from the waves. He then flies over to the stage, landing before your son and staring him down. Only to smile after a moment.

“I landed out, so I don't need to say it. But still I want to say; I concede.” he says, offering your son his hand. Koruza, with a grin as well takes the much larger fighter's hand, Olibu then turning to Fortuneteller Baba. “It would seem they are far stronger than I, Great Seer. I apologize for my defeat.”

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“Hmph. All that time training under the Grand Kai, and for what? To get your behind whupped by a whelp barely old enough to wipe his own nose?” she grumbles, the big man laughing and stepping off the stage. She then turns to Koruza, declaring him the victor. “Hmph. You may have won the first round, but don't think the second will be so easy.”

As she says this you look back at the other cloaked figures, where you notice something... Odd about one of them. The taller of the two with their identities still concealed, who had positioned himself to the leftmost of the three when arriving to the stage, its cloak is starting to fall apart. As if the fabric itself is dying, or being destroyed on the being's left side.

“Well then, boy. You won your fight, so you have a choice. You can stay up here and face the next challenger in a row, or stand down and let someone else take a turn.” Fortuneteller Baba says, her wicked grin returning. “Your choice. However, you don't get to see which fighter you'll be facing next.”
“You think I should stay, and keep going? Or do you want me to step down?” Koruza thinks to you. Leaving the choice not up to him, but to you.

Well? What do you do?
>Tell him you'll take over from here, he can rest as you take the stage. You have a sneaking suspicion who the one with the decaying cloak is, and you won't risk any of your family against him if you're right
>Telepathically call Marron and explain the situation, ask if she wants in and let her step up if she agrees
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight next, if they think their brother should stay or if someone else should go
>Telepathically call Chaya and explain what's going on, let her lead your team and take the first fight
>Tell Tatsu and Tomi to fuse into Tomitsu, let them have the next round
>Other(write in)?
>>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight next, if they think their brother should stay or if someone else should go
If it works...
>Tell him you'll take over from here, he can rest as you take the stage. You have a sneaking suspicion who the one with the decaying cloak is, and you won't risk any of your family against him if you're right
Not that I don't trust Koruza to handle this guy, but these Divine forms always come with stamina issues when they're first attained. It's for the best that he sit back and rest.
God damn, Koruza is really growing up. I didn't think it was possible at his age. Good for him.
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight next, if they think their brother should stay or if someone else should go
Who's mystery man with the fucked up threads?
>Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight next, if they think their brother should stay or if someone else should go
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>Who's mystery man with the fucked up threads?
Shot in the dark, I think it's Maha in his physical prime. Fucker's itching for the runback.
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Man I fucking hope not. Fuck that guy.
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Let your kids know they'll get to choose which of them gets to go up and fight next, if they think their brother should stay or if someone else should go wins it. Writing.
Karn fought someone once, whose stand let their left arm destroy anything. The fight ended rather explosively.
Yes. But, luckily with that coin flip, they're not who Tomitsu'll be fighting. But who could it be then that someone else will fight as all you know is they're shorter than you and the second-strongest of Baba's fighters.
>shorter than you
Not really narrowing it down much there.
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“What do we think? Should Koruza keep going, or is it someone else's turn?” you ask, your children all unanimously saying he should step down. The only ones who think he should stay up are Junior and Durah, but outvoted he sighs out, leaping down off the stage and joining you all. The kids this time vote for Tatsu and Tomi, or rather Tomitsu. So both children step up, but the crone immediately objects.
“One at a time, one at a time! This isn't a doubles tournament!” she shouts, you gesturing for her. Curious, she turns her gaze to you, eyes narrowed. “Or are neither of you the one who will fight?”
“That's right. Neither of us will fight.” Tatsu and Tomi agree in perfect sync, taking the pose to begin the ritual dance. Executing it perfectly, doing the movements in perfect sync. “FUUUUUUUUU! SION! HAAAAAAA!”

Tatsu and Tomi merge, combining their bodies into one in a flash of blinding light. Forming Tomitsu, giving the third being sharing their forms their own body once more.

“Aaaaaalright!” the exclaim as the blinding light fades, clearly eager to get started. “Let's do this!”
“Hmmm, very well. You're up.” she says, pointing to the smaller figure. Who, as you watch, struggles a moment to get onto the stage. But with gravity this light, who could possibly be put under such strain? Especially with their power exceeding the powerful earthling Koruza fought. You watch curiously as the figure gets onto the stage, then takes a step forward, throwing their cloak off to reveal one of the Kig Yar people wearing a strange, red and white striped suit with a similarly colored top hat. Immediately their powerlevel drops dramatically, you realizing those cloaks somehow obscure your ki sense. Hiding how weak this fighter really was.
“A-A-Are you sure you want HIM to come out?” he asks the crone nervously, to which the woman nods. Trembling, the Kig Yar then throws his arms wide, plastering a wide smile on his face as his eyes fill with fear. “Very well, then let the circus begin! Welcome one and all, to CARNIVAL FOREVER REQUIEM!!”

“SHIT!!” you shout in panic as the world around you all distorts, the entire area around the arena no longer the lake, but walls of red and white fabric. Immediately Tomitsu blurs forward, knowing what happened from your and your son's stories, only for their fist to strike nothing as they swing. The Kig Yar turning into confetti, a familiar, sinister voice's echoing laughter surrounding you all.
“Oh, how I have waited for this day!” the damned clown says, the confetti reforming into that damned clown's appearance. “T'would seem our reunion was fated! You filthy monkies are here at last! And this time, I'm gonna have a blast!”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 paused-
Welcome back to the circus, my little monkeys.
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And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this episode so far? Enjoying the lower stakes of everything, at least until Fortuneteller Baba decided to make possibly the worst mistake ever? Ready to see if Tomitsu's got what it takes to handle that Stand, or will they have to surrender and let you take up the fight against it. CAN the fusion warrior even best such a foe, or will CFR be able to best the non-Stand user Fusion without much trouble? Find out when Saiyan Conqueror Quest continues in 12 hours at Noon EST!

You all had better not be late, I've been WAITING for this one! There can be no debate, tomorrow I'll have my fun!
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Okay so I'm voting to kill Baba after this is done.
All bets are off, fuck the match, get the kids out of here. Put a call into fucking everyone. Baba's getting one chance at an appeal for her life after this. Not to mention we're gonna have to have a talk with the man at the big desk about this colossal fuckup too.
You need to really pay attention when this episode continues, don't let your e-
Go on, shoo. I don't have time for you!
What? But I'm the QM, you can't-
Now that HE's gone, I hope you're ready. When I'm through with Tomitsu, Chilli's fate they'll all envy!
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Okay, after settling down for a moment, I will say this.
Credit where credit is due, managing to pull the wool over Baba's eyes and sneak into the realm of the living is impressive. Though I guess that also goes to show how lacking her research actually is despite the convenience of scrying.
Fuck, shit, Jesus Christ. We need to find that Kig-Yar and eviscerate him with DDF. The fact that THING can still exist even though his master is long dead means we have to wipe it out of ALL existence. No photos, no recordings, no soul to bounce back from, it has to be destroyed permanently. And send that fucking witch straight to hell, she is FAR too dangerous to live.
I'm considering we spend a wish on the Dragon Balls just to erase all records of its existence in this universe after this.
I mean baba doesn't deserve super death for this because it was an honest fuck up, but she's gonna learn why this was an utterly terribad idea.
>I mean baba doesn't deserve super death
Super death? Nah. But death? Yes.
Anon karn is gonna be so damn angry he's probably gonna DDF shit until the whole planet is gone. The clown is too dangerous to let live. Hell the only thing potentially more dangerous around is pinky, and that's mostly because I'm pretty certain it's genuinely impossible to keep her dead.
>because I'm pretty certain it's genuinely impossible to keep her dead
Oddly enough, I do have an idea for that actually, and it involves another pink person.
I have no idea what you are trying to say, but Baba's head is getting crushed like a fucking grape before we leave her place.
You all need to focus, don't let your anger get in the w-
That's enough out of you, don't you spoil my fun. I am reborn anew, and I'll start with that one.
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>I want a favor. One wish with your Stand, with Divine Dragon Force's power.
She sounds like really wants to ask for a lot.
>A REALLY good question. Why IS he here?
Very surprising to see him. Explanation he gave later seems legit, but nobody telepathically asked Meloka if Karn Jr is still with her. If his multiform is this good that he does not get his power level halved I will be very impressed.
>Olibu vs Koruza
Very nice.
>your youngest is transforming into a Demon God.
Great achievement from Koruza.
Wow. I never expected to see him again and it seems like he remembers all that happened. It’s the same one that was defeated, he is somehow back. This is intentional. So she brought back the Stand User from the dead so he could re-summon his Stand. If I remember right this Stand can exist without user, so the Kig Yar no longer matter when it comes fighting the clown.
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy this episode so far?
It’s great.
>Enjoying the lower stakes of everything, at least until Fortuneteller Baba decided to make possibly the worst mistake ever?
It was a nice holiday, but Baba brought here a being that I highly doubt she can control. I don’t think she can get rid of him now. If the stand decides to kill her I doubt she can stop him. I wonder what was she thinking when she decided to do it.
>Ready to see if Tomitsu's got what it takes to handle that Stand, or will they have to surrender and let you take up the fight against it.
Tomitsu can fight, but I doubt he can defeat it. I think this fight might require to get serious about this threat. I wonder if Koruza could challenge the clown. Koruza has Dark Rider and that stand is not a pushover. Maybe Milha could also have power to fight it. There is also Karn who could fight it Though Divine Dragon Force is still resting, so I don’t know if we can summon Karn’s stand for help.. Okira is missing out so much by not being here, but it is what it is.

When I wrote this above I was thinking about somehow fighting the power of the Carnival Forever with magic or power of Stands that Karn and his family possess, but then I remembered that Carnival Forever has a weakness and if Tomitsu can destroy it. Maybe he can win. Picture shows it.
Yes, but with it being a STAND, you need another Stand to defeat it that way. But all Stands share the same weakness, aside from one or two exceptions.
She is not getting that fucking wish, bro. What she will get is a torso-sized piercing fist to the face if she doesn't explain herself in the next 10 seconds when the story resumes.
>I wonder what was she thinking when she decided to do it.
That's the thing, she didn't. At all.
pls don't let the big red nosed monster back on your computer gd
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Immediately Tomitsu, ki charged into their left fires it, obliterating the clown entirely. But it doesn't matter as the clown's voice echoes out, the curtains falling away to reveal you are no longer standing on her arena, or even on EARTH now. But instead you're right back inside that monstrous Stand's realm. However, despite the fear you feel, the crone seems completely unaffected. And while they're trying to appear calm, you can sense Tomitsu's worry and fear as well, judging from how bristled up their tail is.

“Since we're no longer in your arena, does that mean there are no more ring outs?” Tomitsu asks her, to which Fortuneteller Baba shakes her head.
“Nothing has changed.” she says, gesturing to the arena beneath his feet. “Touch the ground anywhere outside of this stage, and you are out-of-bounds.”

“I see.” Tomitsu replies with a nod, clenching their fists and exploding directly up into a Super Saiyan. Golden aura blazing as their combined power soars. “Everyone, stand close to Dad. I'll handle this.”
“Are you sure about this?” you ask the fusion, tone serious. “I can handle this one.”
“Oh yes, go right ahead, do stand down. You may be a joke, but your father's the real clown!” the damned clown laughs as it walks out of the nearest tent, a terrifying smile on its face. “Go on, shoo, I don't have time for you.”

“Oh yeah?!” Tomitsu roars, powerlevel surging as they level a hand at them. “Chilli told me all about you. And your weakness.”
“A weakness, me? Go on, feel free!” Carnival Forever Requim's avatar says, spreading its arms wide. “No matter what, you cannot hurt me!”
“Oh yeah? You really think so?” Tomitsu asks, clenching their fists as their golden aura blazes. Seems they're at least going to try this. However, as you look from them to the witch, something seems... Off. She doesn't even seem worried about what's happening, neither do the two other fighters. Though Olibu looks curious, looking at neither Tomitsu nor the clown. Do they just not know the danger she's unleashed on this world? Or could it be something else? But, more importantly, do you let Tomitsu fight?

Do you risk the twins' and Tomitsu's lives, or worse at the hands of this damned clown?
>Tell Fortuneteller Baba that summoning that monster is going to far, tell Tomitsu to protect their siblings while you find Carnival Forever Requiem's heart to kill it once more. Forget this tournament, you have to stop this NOW!
>Focus your ki sense and search for that Kig Yar's ki, ready yourself to kill it the moment Tomitsu appears to struggle
>Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all
>Other(write in)?
>>Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all
I believe in Tomitsu.
>Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all
She needs to hang back in case we need to make a quick exit.
>Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all
We need her as an anchor right now, before we do ANYTHING else. This is so fucked.
>Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all
Rolled 2 (1d7)

Telepathically reach out to your wife with your connection through your wedding rings, let her know what's happening and to not come towards you all wins it unanimously. Let's see if you can figure it out, roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 85
Second DC: 60
Third DC: 40
Rolled 10, 38, 33 = 81 (3d100)

So based on Baba's reaction, she can wrangle Carnival Forever just like she can any other dead person? Or maybe they struck a deal or something.
Rolled 28, 86, 34 = 148 (3d100)

oh god oh fuck
Rolled 25, 96, 90 = 211 (3d100)

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28/100, 96/100, 90/100. Failure, success, and success. Seems you don't get it at first, but you eventually understand what is actually happening. Writing.
Do you guys think Olibu sandbagged our boy? If he trained under the Grand Kai, he had to have done a lot more than just polish his hand-to-hand skills, right?
Sidenote, I kinda wanna talk shop with Olibu when we get a chance. His expertise in that ancient Djem-So variant is probably second to none.
He's not as strong as Pikkon, who was above Perfect Cell but weaker than Kaio-Ken Super Saiyan Goku/Super Saiyan 2 Goku. His technique is nearly perfect, but in the realm of godly Saiyans and demons his power just doesn't compare.
I'm not saying I'm surprised he lost, I'm saying I'm surprised he didn't have any other tricks up his sleeve besides some admittedly superb conventional approaches.
You'd think given the variety of warriors in Otherworld and Grand Kai's assumed knowledge, he'd have added more than a few tools to kit. Though I guess that might imply something else; that the perceived gap between himself and Koruza was so wide as to make him consider such techniques useless.
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“Meloka, we've got a problem!” you think to your wife, focusing on your link to her through your wedding rings. “That crazy bitch brought back that damned clown!”
WHAT?!” she exclaims, you sensing her sudden fear and worry. “How-?!”
“Don't come this way, no matter what! We may need a way out, and this link may be the only way we can escape this damned clown.”
“Understood, let me know the moment you're going to leave.” she replies, you ending the connection as Tomitsu explodes up into the air. Only for dozens of balloons to start inflating and rising up out of the ground, each pattered after that damned clown's face. Each one laughing sinisterly as they fly up towards your twins.

“Dammit.” you snarl through gritted teeth, knuckles popping from how tightly you've gripped your fists. However, a small, worried voice cuts through the noise.
“Koruza. What is happening?” Durah asks, the girl clearly worried. “What is everyone scared for?”
“Carnival Forever Requiem is a terrifying monster my father killed. But something doesn't seem right...” Koruza says, you turning from your merged twins using an Explosive Wave to destroy them to your youngest half-demon. “I can sense... Something.”

“Dad, I found it!” Maza suddenly thinks to you, his mind reaching out to your own. “I got the Bansho fan, as well the octagon bee's honey and the eggshells needed to patch the Furnace of Eight Divisions.”
“What? I, sure?” you reply, then suddenly it hits you. How can MAZA reach out to you telepathically while you're trapped in here? “Hold on, how is this possible?”
“It was easy, I just-” your half-demon son starts, you cutting him off.
“No, we're trapped in that damned clown's world! The crazy crone brought back Carnival Forever Requiem and we're inside it!” you tell him, feeling Maza's sudden shock. “How can I reach you?!”

“Haeh?! That's impossible, I can still sense everyone's ki. You're still in this world.” he replies. But if you're not in that other dimension the clown makes, then this can only be...
“Thanks Maza, you're a lifesaver.” you tell him, ending the link then with a shout ascend. “HRRRAAAAAA!!”

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Tapping into your Berserker Soul, which has been trying to break free ever since Koruza transformed, you ascend. Powering up and growing up into your Berserker God form, towering over everyone else present. Even Olibu is now shorter than you, the earthling looking on in awe at your transformation as the other figure, Sangheili arm now exposed as its cloth has been completely destroyed around its left arm. But you don't focus on them, instead you use your senses. Feeling two close divine ki. One from Koruza, but another much closer. In fact, it's standing there in the middle of the ring!

“TOMITSU! This ISN'T Carnival Forever!” you shout up to your son, who, after firing another consecutive Explosive Wave to blast away the ephemeral clown avatars turns their attention down towards you. “This isn't a Stand! Whoever it is you're fighting is there, in the center of the ring! They're using divine energy!”
“What?” Tomitsu shouts, then with a grin rockets straight down. Slamming into where the invisible deity was, leaping back the moment Tomitsu started to move. The fused twins' heel shatters the tiles on impact, shards flying in all directions. Several bouncing off of something invisible in the air, it then firing some sort of blow that lands clean on Tomitsu's jaw. Sending the fused fighter staggering back a couple steps, the merged twins regaining their balance. “Geh!? Tch, an invisible fighter, huh? What a cheap trick.”
“Hoo? So you figured it out?” Fortuneteller Baba says, her expression a mix of surprise, disappointment, and approval all at once. “Seems you're as fearsome as the legends say.”

“So, you have seen through my illusion? Very well.” the invisible warrior says, a blinding flash of light coming from where their energy radiates from. And as the light fades, you feel you fury rise even higher. You recognize this deity, you and Chilli KILLED this deity. “But I shall destroy you all the same.”
“NABU!” you snarl, arms trembling with barely-restrained wrath as the Berserker Soul tries to tear itself free of you to go after and destroy that god. Which leaves only one question:

What now?
>Tell Tomitsu to go full power and destroy Nabu completely, leave NOTHING left of that bastard
>Call the fusion to stand down, take the stage yourself. This bastard hasn't suffered enough, you're going to make him BEG for death for the shit he's pulled
>Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves
>Let Tomitsu fight, telepathically tell Meloka and Maza what's really going on. As well as Chilli, see if he wants to see this god die again at the hands of his siblings
>Other(write in)?
Oh it's just Nabu? Well I want to kill Baba for different reasons now. No more grape head, just death beam skull territory.
>>Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves
keep it cool
>Sangheili arm now exposed as its cloth has been completely destroyed around its left arm
Oh. Ohohohohooooooooo! Naw THAT is a rematch I want to see!
>You recognize this deity, you and Chilli KILLED this deity.
Seems a bit gauche for a God of Order to try an illusion, but I suppose Nabu never really did live up to the image he presented in public.
>Tell Tomitsu to go full power and destroy Nabu completely, leave NOTHING left of that bastard
>Oh it's just Nabu?
Honestly? I don't think it's Nabu either. Think about it, we just got here and Baba clearly knows who we are, and whoever this is specializes in illusions.
I wouldn't be surprised if she gave them a dossier of our worst enemies to shift between just to catch us off guard.
>Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves
>Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves
Well whoever it is they have divine ki. Unless they have super special illusion powers it's a deity or deity adjacent. And Nabu can make you see things I'm pretty sure. There is no right answer. I will want to kill Baba. I am not a reasonable person.
>Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves
Baba you fucking hag don't scare me like that again
Rolled 16, 11, 64, 64, 20, 94, 74, 46, 61, 30 = 480 (10d100)

Control your rage and power back down, leave the rest to the twins. Seeing through the illusion, knowing what they're up against, they should be able to handle the rest themselves wins it. Let's see if YOU can resist, roll me a d100.

DC: 60
Rolled 37 (1d100)

nat 100
Rolled 7 (1d100)

Rolled 93 (1d100)

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93/100, success. Looks like you can resist, but from those rolls several can't. Writing.
Wait...what is everybody else seeing right now?
A very good question.
Wait, this thing has Divine ki, like Koruza...and it also utilizes illusions like him too.
Motherfucker is this a certain copycat we killed?
“So, you're using illusions, huh?” Tomitsu asks, the fusion crossing their arms as you take a deep breath. Sighing out slowly, controlling your rage you force yourself to transform back down into your base form. Tomitsu can handle this, you need to save what's left of your strength for the rematch. “Really? How low will you so-called gods sink? Here I was looking forward to a FIGHT, and all I find is a scared, cowardly little so-called GOD who is such a little bitch he can't fight me himself. If you weren't such a bastard I'd almost feel sorry for you.”
“You DARE!?” the deity roars, eyes disappearing in glowing light as it gathers its energy. A glowing sigil appearing in the air behind it, and with a gesture the god throws the ankh towards the twins. Who don't even bother to dodge, instead clenching their fists they roar. Power exploding from them, the sheer FORCE of their aura shattering the attack on contact. “Wh-What?!”

“HRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!” Tomitsu roars, the entire world trembling as their power skyrockets. Higher and higher their strength climbs, their increasing strength matching the length of their growing hair as the fusion takes on the powerful form of Super Saiyan Three. “I don't have much time, so let's make this quick.”
“You dare g-!?” the god shouts, only to be interrupted by Tomitsu INSTANTLY closing the distance between them, driving his right fist straight into the god's guts. “Ghluuk?!”
“I'm ending this! RIGHT NOW!” Tomitsu bellows, launching into a ferocious onslaught of heavy blows. Driving the so-called god right off the stage and over the water with a score of devastating strikes in a second. Nabu then dodges, ducking a right and trying to touch the water, to be declared out-of-bounds and out of the fight. But Tomitsu reaches forward, grabbing the god by his fancy golden collar, stopping him short. “Oh no you don't you're not getting away THAT easily!” HAAAAAA!!” and with a roar throws him up high into the air, blasting away from the water up after him. However, the god regains his balance, and with a bellow of outrage unleashes a wave of golden light like an Explosive Wave. Repelling Tomitsu, keeping the fusion back as he roars out.

“HAAAAA! You cannot maintain transformations while fused!” Nabu roars, and suddenly Tomitsu's golden power fizzles out! The fusion reverting back into its own base form in a flash, losing the long, golden hair and power of Super Saiyan Three in an instant.
“Wh-What?!” they exclaim, looking at their hands. “How did you-?”
“The great Nabu towers over all lowly mortals! Over all things” the god declares, you watching as his size suddenly starts growing dramatically. Larger and larger he grows until he stands taller than an Oozaru, feet crashing down onto the arena. “You will all! KNEEL!”

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At the god's declaration a wave of force explodes from it, slamming down onto everyone's shoulders to force them to collapse. Gritting your teeth and drawing upon the Berserker Soul's might, you don't transform. But you do augment your strength with its own, resisting the god's words and remaining standing. Even more surprising, however, is that not only are both of Baba's other fighters seemingly unaffected, but the witch herself somehow seems immune to this god's power as well. Despite half your children collapsing along with Darkness and Durah, a few of you remain standing. Besides yourself, Koruza remains upright, as does Karn Jr. However, up in the air, you see Tomitsu seemingly taking a knee in the air as well, slowly dropping out of the sky.

“Yes, this is the way. All of you, bow to Order! Bow to Nabu!” the god declares, laughing in triumph as you clench your fists. If Tomitsu's in trouble, you're going to have to get in there. Screw the tournament, if you can just summon your own Stand, you'll be able to-
“Bow? Nah, I think we'll pass.” Tomitsu replies, stopping the act and raising back up to their full height. And with a flash, their Super Saiyan Three form blazes back up to life around them. “Bowing's not our style.”

“What?! But you- I- HOW?!” Nabu snarls, and without waiting for and answer swings. Only for Tomitsu to dodge, leaping over the god's right fist and flying directly at his face. Gathering their ki into the fusion's right hand, your fusion children close the gap before the god can stop them.
“It's OVER!!” they roar, swinging their energy-clad right directly into Nabu's face, right between the eyes. Their ki bursts forth, but instead of the azure energy detonating you see it spread out over the god as their blow knocks the giant deity off its feet. Aura blazing, Tomitsu charges after them, landing several more blows that knock the giant god away, clear from the lake itself and out over the desert where, with a final kick Tomitsu sends them up into the air. Crossing their arms, Tomitsu drawing forth everything they've got, you realize this fight's over already.

“Here it comes.” you say, activating your Barrier and shielding the entire arena.
“HRRRRRR! HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!” Tomitsu roars, uncrossing their arms and throwing both overhead, detonating the energy they infused Nabu with. Their ki sparkles for a moment before detonating in a pillar of light, which then explodes in a massive, world-ending blast. The shock wave slams into your Barrier, actually cracking your shielding ki from the sheer force of the blast as everything outside your shield vanishes in the explosion. For several seconds there's nothing, and when the blast fades, you see your twins still there, still fused together and fist raised overhead in triumph. They, they actually did it.

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“Looks like we're the-” Tomitsu starts, only for the twins' fusion to split in another, significantly smaller flash of light. Reverting back into the twins, yet Nabu is nowhere to be seen. “What, already?”
“Koruza, is Nabu-?” you ask, unsure if you want to finish that sentence. But your youngest half-demon nods slightly, unable to take his eyes away from Tatsu and Tomi as they fly back over.
“They did it. They erased him, completely.” he says, completely shocked. “His energy's GONE.”

“Most impressive power!” the one called Olibu declares as the twins land back down on the stage. “The Metamoran Fusion technique is quite impressive, I had thought only the dead knew of such power.”
“We learned to do this a long time ago, after facing one of the last Metamorans.” they answer him, the big man nodding once. “It was difficult to learn, at first.”
“Difficult? That's putting it lightly! If you two weren't so connected by that psychic link, I dare say it would be impossible!” Fortuneteller Baba shouts, then with a sigh composes herself. “Very well. Since your fusion has ended, you're out of the tournament as well. Double ko, both fighters are out. Meaning we come to the final fighter.”

She turns, but the second Arbiter is already making his way onto the stage. Showing no need for attempting to hide his identity any further, tossing what's left of the robe away with his left. Which disintegrates as it flies, disappearing completely before ever touching the ground.

“So. Which of you will face my final fighter?” Baba asks, but looks directly at you. As does the Arbiter, the man clearly ready and eager to fight you once more.

Well? How do you do this?
>Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself
>Tell Koruza he's up first, and to not hold back or the Arbiter's Stand will kill him and Dark Rider both
>Instant Transmission back home, grab your sword then return. Your last battle was with your swords, only fit to do so once again and see just how far your skills have developed over the years
>Let the kids decide if any of them want to try and face the Arbiter after explaining his powers and how absolute and dangerous they are
>Other(write in)?
>>Let the kids decide if any of them want to try and face the Arbiter after explaining his powers and how absolute and dangerous they are
>Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself
Lets run it back. I kinda forgot what this guy does though
>>Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself
This one's ours
>Instant Transmission back home, grab your sword then return. Your last battle was with your swords, only fit to do so once again and see just how far your skills have developed over the years
>“You dare g-!?” the god shouts, only to be interrupted by Tomitsu INSTANTLY closing the distance between them, driving his right fist straight into the god's guts.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, got the fucker talking and made him pay for it. That's our kid alright.
>Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself
He's a vet and a zealot. I'm not about to send our kids to fight him if I can help it. Besides, I think he wants this rematch more than anything.
>Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself
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Step up onto the arena yourself after congratulating Tatsu and Tomi, time for you to step into the ring yourself wins it. Writing.
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“Well done you two, come on back.” you call to your elder twins, who walk back, not taking their eyes off the Arbiter. Who seems rather off put by this, speaking up.
“Do you really think I would attack you with your backs turned?” the second Arbiter you'd killed asks, but neither twin turns around. Instead, they stop and answer.
“We've never seen one of our people killed by you face-to-face.” Tatsu and Tomi reply, the Arbiter's expression souring. Or as best as you can tell, the twins leaping back. Leaving the arena behind, you taking a single step back so they can land by you. And as they do you reach up, ruffling their hair.

“Good job, both of you. But leave the rest to me.” you say to them, then to you other kids as you let go of them, stepping up onto the stage yourself. “Hadn't expected to see you ever again, Tega 'Dama.”
“So, my name is not forgotten.” the Arbiter answers, his golden armor gleaming in the desert sun. “But tarnished nonetheless, as you still live.”
“Don't feel bad you couldn't kill me, no one on High Charity could.” you reply, the Arbiter's eyes widening. “But your successor, Khor 'Vadam, has reestablished your people on Sanghelios under his banner. Your people live, and have excellent leadership.”

“Khor? Hmmm, I see. Good to know my people are still under good care.” the Arbiter answers, bowing at the waist to you. “Thank you, Karn, wielder of the Crimson Dragon. When this day is done I can return to the afterlife in peace, no matter how this battle unfolds.”
“Say, you don't have a bomb in your chest again, do you?” you ask, a hint of worry to your tone. Only for the Arbiter to laugh, a deep, hearty laugh from his soul.
“HAHAHAHAHAA! No, this time it is only you and I with no outside interference. May the best warrior win.”

And with his declaration he draws his energy sword, the unique golden blade shooting forth from his right hand's weapon. He once more takes his unique fighting stance, blade held horizontally overhead, left arm extended out towards you to intercept any attack. Relying on his Stand's disintegrating power to destroy any attack before it can reach him. And as you take your fighting stance, you can't help but feel a bit excited. It's been years since you faced this Sangheili in combat, facing him now will be an excellent way to see just how far you've come in the ten years since facing him back during the war. How much stronger, how much BETTER you've become.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 paused-
And that's it for this weekend, everyone have fun? Did you see through the illusion, or did you let your fear and rage blind you, as Fortuneteller Baba intended? Ready to face one of the most honorable Sangheili you've ever faced once more, a rematch ten years in the making? And are you ready to find Chichi while Maza completes his own sidequest? All this and more when episode 235 continues, next weekend on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
>Did you see through the illusion, or did you let your fear and rage blind you, as Fortuneteller Baba intended?
I may have panicked, but thank god my dice hand was warmed up and ready to go regardless. But I gotta ask, was that even the real Nabu?
>Ready to face one of the most honorable Sangheili you've ever faced once more
I hope he's been putting in just as much work as Karn as, otherwise this is about to a short match. Sidenote, what happened to Tega's energy sword after his death? It wasn't vaporized in the detonation, was it?
>And are you ready to find Chichi while Maza completes his own sidequest?
God I love having people we can depend on to go out and do shit.
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>as Fortuneteller Baba intended?
>me to this dumbass old midget
I wanted to warn you all last night, but I couldn't say anything lest the illusion be broken by QM-fiat. Which would have ruined the entire thing. Fortuneteller Baba can see the future as well as the past, she KNOWS better than to mess with that clown. Better left dead and buried.
Your allies never found any traces of his body in the crystalline crater.
Having valuable allies is good, especially ones who watched OG Dragonball's filler and know exactly how to fix their problems.
She had a reason for what she did. After all, she can SEE the future. And, to a small degree, influence the outcomes. Her planet, hell even her own very survival could rely on you controlling your anger. Despite what I said before about earthlings and dying, she never actually dies ever. She escaped to the otherworld check in station when Buu destroyed earth, safe to assume she did the same in Super. And she was even still alive in DB Online, at AGE 1000. 250 years AFTER the 21st Budokai Tenkaichi.
>or did you let your fear and rage blind you, as Fortuneteller Baba intended?

'Hey, let's terrify and enrage the guy who could disintegrate the planet in an instant with an errant though. What could go wrong?'

BTW, I sure do enjoy captchas/'I am human' about matching duck feet to flamingos and penguins. Totally a useful security measure. Not at all a way to try to annoy us into buying 4chan Pass.
If she wanted to piss us off and see how we dealt with it, she could have picked something a little less potentially apocalyptic. She better be glad we didn't bring Chilli with us too, because I can almost guarantee he would have flipped out harder than Karn was about to.
>And she was even still alive in DB Online, at AGE 1000
I forgot how crafty she can be. Seems like the ideal brunch guest for Cold with that level of 4D chess and long-term planning.
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I can't believe I got trolled. I'm still miffed because you know, fucked up to bring out one of our worst nightmares with zero warning even if it was a fake, but at least she isn't COMPLETELY insane and only pulled our leg to ensure we have the mental fortitude to face whatever it is she's seeing in the future. Thank GOD Chilli wasn't here, I don't think we could've stopped him from wringing her neck even if we wanted to.
>After all, she can SEE the future.
Good. Then she won't need to be surprised when I give her a Smith & Lesson.
I can promise it wasn't for shits and giggles, she had a very serious reason for this.
>she could have picked something a little less potentially apocalyptic
But what if this was the CLOSEST she could get to what you'll face in the future?
He may, but she's far too wary to get that close to him. There's a REASON she survived King Piccolo's rampages, both times on earth, the Red Ribbon androids in another future, the Cell saga, Buu, everything. And that's by skedaddling when things get dangerous.
She had to do it to you. ALL of you.
I think you underestimate how strong Chilli's become. Remember, he went BACK IN TIME to fight that thing again, just to prove he could beat it and it no longer had any power over him.
I don't care if it was an illusion, she lives only on the fact it was a fake, but if she doesn't learn really fast what that thing really is, and why it must NEVER been seen again, she is having her legs broken.
>He may, but she's far too wary to get that close to him
I was going to argue that she has no reason to be wary as long as she can provide a service, but I realized that peering into the past and future via scrying is about as reliable as it is via the Force...aaaaaaaaaaaaaand I am just now realizing how much Cold must abuse precognition via meditation. No wonder he's usually a step ahead of everybody.
>doesn't learn
Brother she WATCHED that fight. She KNOWS how dangerous it is. That's why she had Nabu come out to do this, trying to bait you into losing control and raging wildly. You maintaining your composure has raised her opinion of you.
Now you understand. He may have Fallen from the light, but he's no actual Sith either. Closest SW canon comparison I have to King Cold is Dooku, for obvious reasons.
>He may have Fallen from the light, but he's no actual Sith either.
That tracks, being smart enough to recognize the futility of labeling oneself arbitrarily as the Jedi and Sith did.
Granted, that revelation came at the expense of personal tragedy, but still. Introspection after loss is introspection nonetheless.
Well in his case he Fell, after the destruction of the order and seat of the Republic by Buu.
And fair. He dedicated his life to avenging the order, and he accomplished that goal. Even met with the master before the master's passing.
Semantics. Anyways, here's hoping Baba is willing to provide some counsel in regards to the Baby situation. She should realize the threat that creature poses to the universe as a whole.
>And that's it for this weekend, everyone have fun?
>Did you see through the illusion, or did you let your fear and rage blind you, as Fortuneteller Baba intended?
Picture is very relevant. I thought it was a real clown.
>Ready to face one of the most honorable Sangheili you've ever faced once more, a rematch ten years in the making?
Sure. He’s going to be good. I think. I bet he was training in the afterlife, so it’s going to be a good fight.
> And are you ready to find Chichi while Maza completes his own sidequest?
>Fortuneteller Baba can see the future as well as the past, she KNOWS better than to mess with that clown.
>After all, she can SEE the future. And, to a small degree, influence the outcomes. Her planet, hell even her own very survival could rely on you controlling your anger.
Is this about potential future where Karn gets rage baited by Baby and because of that he falls into some trap and then under Baby’s control? And after that Universe 7 is entirely conquered by Tuffle parasite.
>I am just now realizing how much Cold must abuse precognition via meditation. No wonder he's usually a step ahead of everybody.
Yes. He must be crazy good at it now.
It may be, or may be about a situation yet to begin to start up. We'll have to wait and see.
Good, and ha. Knew he'd get reactions, but honestly was surprised so many people thought Baba would fuck HER gig up, bringing that monster out in her palace. She's shrewd and a future seer, can see consequences better than most.
He may know someone you knew, in the afterlife. After all, he'd a powerful asset for, say, keeping the demon realm in check...
Possibly. I won't say that's an impossible future.
Absolutely. Why else would King Cold show up during the first Covenant invasion, give you a ship and help you? He plays the long games, perhaps seeing how important you were to his son's development later? After all, he first told Freeza to wipe you all out.
I would think that Karn getting taken over by Baby would be a "Beerus actually does his job" tier scenario,
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>Beerus actually does his job
>he gets Baby'd too
>kars notices
>immediately kills shin
>baby gets obliterated
All according to keikaku.
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Lmao, it'd serve him right for being a bitch ass little bodysnatcher.
>He may know someone you knew, in the afterlife. After all, he'd a powerful asset for, say, keeping the demon realm in check...
>After all, he first told Freeza to wipe you all out.
He foresaw Karn’s power and thought he would be a dangerous enemy.
I think the implication here is that Tega and Tatsu are "coworkers" of sorts nowadays.
I think if our Karn would got under Baby’s control maybe Mechikabura would want to do something about it, as Karn’s power to erase even things such as Zamasu’s Dream Dimension is a weapon too dangerous to leave in enemy hands.
This Baby that is in our universe, his creation process was modified by some mysterious time travelling faction that is almost certainly hostile to Mechikabura even if it is not Chronoa.
I agree.
Quite, IF he dared. Would give Beerus pause on if this conflict was something he could do. After all, Whis showed him resisting the Hakai from Champa.
Wouldn't kill Baby, as his life would live on inside the dead body. Meaning he could just leave and take over someone else.
Yes, but not quite. He foresaw the Super Saiyan's power, not the Berserker he would become back before becoming friends. Later he foresaw Karn standing with Freeza against Truth and the Prophets, as well as even against Beerus during BoG and knew you would be his son's greatest ally. If properly facilitated and encouraged, instead of ostracized and feared.
Quite possibly.
Especially since you don't know how many OTHER Karn have fallen and/or been wiped out by Zamasu's purge already.
>Wouldn't kill Baby, as his life would live on inside the dead body. Meaning he could just leave and take over someone else.
I reject your less funny reality.
Hm...if we managed to get Baby's main host into another dimension or timeline, would the secondary hosts be free from his control as long as he's gone?
Time really flies, March comm poll is live on patreon now, vote's open until the 2nd at 9pm EST.

If you wanted to live in the funny reality should stay in Penguin Village.
Depends on if he can still reach them or not, which is more a question of power than anything. Even Buu saga Goku's Super Saiyan 3 could be felt from the Sacred World of the Kais, and at SSG he and Beerus nearly destroyed the universe with neither going 100%. If Baby becomes strong enough, or his followers have enough Faith, it is possible even that wouldn't stop him.
>funny reality should stay in Penguin Village.
Penguin village isn't funny, it's childish.
>If Baby becomes strong enough, or his followers have enough Faith, it is possible even that wouldn't stop him.
That's to be assumed, but mind you, I don't plan on just leaving him to his own devices in this hypothetical. I plan on drawing him into a fight where he doesn't enjoy the advantages of his army of hosts and destroying him there before he can escape.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
Not really something Karn can do short of a wish, but using one for that would be a waste. Especially when your power is the antithesis to godly might.
>Not really something Karn can do short of a wish
Good thing we have such talented and capable friends, family, and allies then. If the plan was to get him somewhere specific, even for just a few minutes, I'm sure we could manage somehow.
>Especially when your power is the antithesis to godly might
I do actually wonder if Baby is aware of how much of a disadvantage his newfound divinity puts him at against Karn.
But do you even need to do so? Or are you making things more difficult?
No, not quite.
Hey you're entitled to your wrong opinion, this is america. But I also can tell you when you're wrong
>Hey you're entitled to your wrong opinion, this is america. But I also can tell you when you're wrong
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You guys aren't ready for the intermission. Taking a small break from Earth to visit someone else we haven't seen in awhile and see what they're cooking up. And, just as a reminder, Kazuburo's not even 2 yet, Meloka Wolbach is only 4. Crimson Demon intelligence is WILD.
>what they're cooking up.
Summoning demons for fun?
That's what the pov character does. But no, something more. Something a little more... Extra.
>Something a little more... Extra
It better not be something Chilli explicitly told them not to try.
No, they're good kids. Plus this pov'll be someone we've not seen in a quite a few episodes.
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>No, they're good kids
I never doubted that for a minute, but even good kids can do VERY stupid things.
>Something a little more... Extra.
Banishing demons for fun.
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Honestly, exorcising demons or just exterminating aberrations as a hobby DOES sound like something our kin would do.
That picture made me look up whether the next Dresden Files book has an expected release date yet.
Still no. Lazy fuck author
Oh no. But unlike them, Kazuburo and Meloka Wolbach have an entire VILLAGE of super-intelligent mages helping raise them right.
Not quite. After all, Kazuburo already summons them for fun. He's just learning to take a page from his uncle and aunt's playbook.
That's what Tatsu Sr does with his afterlife retirement/employment.
No, as someone wjo has seriously started on my own book this year it takes time. Especially with the research he has to do depending on which mythological creatures will be returning/appearing.
Since Meloka Wolbach’s bird (sorry his name is too hard to write) is made from crystals and is all magical, can it boost or aid Meloka Wolbach when she casts a spell?
Interesting question, yes and no. Certain spells of the right types can be focused THROUGH Modoriiromoukin like a magic staff or catalyst. And for emergencies the bird CAN be used as a mana source, but using too much would revert it back to its egg form.
Trying something a little different with tomorrow’s intermission. No climactic battles or serious subjects, just a bit of a slice of life. If this one’s something y’all are into might do more of these kind of intermissions/epilogues.
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 Intermission-


“Hey, what're you doing out here?” a child's voice calls, you turning to see your master's youngest, Kazuburo, flying over towards you with a curious look on his face.
“I'm working on my summoning.” you tell him, conjuring one of your Kuriboh. “I'm trying to modify another spell I've recently figured out from my former master's spellbook, to make it faster.”
“Oh, what kind of spell?” the child asks, clearly eager to see. “Is it another big lightning blast? Ohh, or is it fire this time?”
“Haha, not quite. But this one's one that'll look familiar to you. After all, your older brother and sister can do the same thing with their dance.” you tell him, turning back to the open spell testing field, sending your creature out before you. “Watch close, okay?”
“OKAY!” he shouts, flying up beside you and sitting down by your right side, watching eagerly. Seems that you're going to have an audience for this spell. Well then, time to give the child a show.

“With this sacrifice I call upon thee!” you say, tributing the conjured creature. “Come forth, big winged fiend! By your name I summon thee! Berfomet!”
“GWRRRRrrrrrrrrr!” the demon growls as it is conjured forth, towering over you and the child menacingly. The four-armed demon with its feathered wings flaps them once as it is summoned forth, sharp horns and claws displayed menacingly.
“Oooooh, he looks scary!” Kazuburo says, clapping eagerly. “What's next? What's next?”
“Next I call forth the mighty King of Mythical Beasts! Gazelle!” you shout, conjuring forth another beast. This one is more like a human/lion hybrid, with a singular horn on its head, vicious fangs and razor-sharp claws as well.
“GROOOOOOO!” it howls as it is conjured forth, the sound haunting and triggering something instinctual within you. Causing the hairs on your arms and the back of your neck to stand on end, fight-of-flight response warning you to get away on an instinctual level. But these monsters are under your control, they're easy to handle.

“That one doesn't look as scary.” Kazuburo comments, turning to you. “So, how do they do the dance? That one has too many arms.”
“They don't have to. That's why I have this new spell.” you tell him, turning from the boy to the monsters. “Pay close attention. Now I activate the legendary spell Polymerization, to combine my Berfomet and Gazelle! Merge together into the mighty Flying Mythical Beast! Chimera!”
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Blue energy spirals out from your hand, and as it engulfs Gazelle and Berfomet both have their physical forms turned orange. Once that happens, the two begin spiraling together through the energy down towards the into the center point of the vortex of azure magic, and with a flash and nearly ten seconds of the spell taking effect it finally ends. Revealing your fusion creature, the combination of the two beasts.

“GWRRROOOOOAAAAA!” both heads roar in sync, the quadrupedal beast now much larger than either of the two it was composed of. And they're significantly more powerful too, You'd estimate this one's power to be significantly more than either of the two combined into it.
“Woaaaaaaaaah! So coooooool!” Kazuburo exclaims, you turning from your fusion to the child, seeing the wonder and awe in their eyes at your creation then back. “How did you do that, Ally-mar?”
“It's Alimar.” you retort with an exasperated sigh, at this point you think the boy does it to get on your nerves. And as you look back down to him, grinning cheekily, you can't stay annoyed. You are Alimar Zorc, apprentice to the great Crystal Sage Chilli, close friend of his family and a powerful summoner in your own right. But you took up apprenticeship under the powerful Saiyan to learn more, to become powerful enough yourself to earn the title of Archwizard. “I don't think you're quite ready for this.”

“Haaaaæeeeeh?! Why not?” he exclaims, flying into the air and growling a bit under his breath, throwing his arms out. “My friend Skull is still stronger than your fusion! Why not?”
“Because this spell is complicated. And if you mess it up, you can really hurt your summoned monsters.” you tell him, turning back to the fusion. “Watch. De-Fusion!”

Your magic activates with another flash of light, the two merged monsters again changing colors, this time into orange and green before returning to their original forms.

“If you do the fusion wrong, it can have all sorts of consequences. First, it could just fizzle and do nothing.” you say, again using the spell. But by not putting enough power into it, as the azure spiral engulfs the two, they don't fully change to orange. And without being drawn in, the spell just fizzles out, ending with a sputter. “Or, even worse, it could meld the beings together... Incorrectly.”
“Incorrectly?” the kid asks, tilting his head in confusion. While what's about to happen will be a little disturbing for him, you really need to show him the consequences of incorrect Polymerization.
“Yes. If you use it incorrectly, you won't get a MORE powerful being. But, rather, something like this.” you tell him, turning back to the two. “Polymerization! Combine Gerzelle and Baphomet into Chimera!”
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“That's not their names!” Kazuburo says, immediately understanding how poorly things can go with an improper name. But the spell goes off, the azure spiraling magic once more engulfing both creatures. However, this time they don't turn orange, instead both change into red. And as they merge, with a flash of light, the results of an improper fusion are revealed. Instead of turning into a creature that makes any sort of sense, instead it has turned into an amalgamation of parts. Flesh and bones combined haphazardly, the creature groaning in pain and agony. “Wh-What is that? What happened?!”

“That is what happens when Polymerization isn't done correctly.” you say to the stunned child, as limbs and heads all writhe in agony. “While we can summon others to help us, we must treat them well. And doing this to them isn't right.”
“C-Can you fix them?” Kazuburo asks, the kid nearly to the point of tears. To which you nod, then turn back to the mess of flesh. “De-Fusion!”

Casting the fusion-separating spell once more, the two split back into their original forms. No longer a mess of amalgamated beings, instead both are now back to their original forms.

“This is why I can't teach you this spell yet. The consequences could be really bad.” you tell him. “But, if you really want to learn it, there is a spell you have to learn first. And that is 'De-Fusion'. I won't teach you how to combine beings until you're able to separate them afterwards first. In case something goes wrong.”
“Really? You'll teach me both?!” the kid asks, eyes sparkling in excitement. “Can we get started? Right now?”
“Hahaha, very well. Let's get started.” you tell the boy, who is clearly eager to learn. And while he's not even two years old, those of the Crimson Demon Clan mature surprisingly quickly compared to other races you've met. He can already walk, talk, summon more than one powerful being with his magic, and can hold a conversation at the level of a young adult. He's clearly very smart, and this spell might be just what the boy needs one day. And you know his father doesn't mind, he actively encourages his kids to learn everything they can every chance they get.
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-Three Weeks Later-

“Alright, are you ready?” you ask the boy, who nods seriously.
“Ready!” he calls out, clenching his fists by his sides, tail flicking back and forth excitedly.
“Very well. Do your best.” you tell him, the boy raising both hands as he begins to chant.


“Come forth! King of Mythical Claws, Gazelle!” he shouts, not saying the creature's name exactly right. However, it still is summoned, the beast Gazelle appearing. But this one's different. Its body is more leonine and covered in less fur, its mane and the tufts of hair on its limbs white instead of black. But he's not done there, continuing by summoning a Kuriboh with his flute you'd given him before offering it to the next beast he summons with another call. “By this tribute I summon thee! Berfomet, the big-winged!”

Again, he summons another of the monsters you'd taught him to conjure, this one looking far closer to the one you'd summoned by tributing the Kuriboh. Then, raising both hands, the boy's mana surging as he goes for it.

“Now, I beseech thee, combine thineselves into the King of Phantom Beasts, Chimera! Polymerization!” Kazuburo shouts, activating the fusing spell. Merging the two beings you'd summoned, Berfomet and Gazelle together into one. Bringing Chimera, the Flying Mythical Beast back into being. However, as you look at this fusion, you can tell something with this one too is... Different. Again, it has the whiter fur of the being he conjured first, this one seeming just as powerful as your own summon. But as it appears, both sets of eyes meet your own. And in a flash, one of the spells you'd prepared mentally in case the boy messed up suddenly vanishes. You can't recall the words, looking on in confusion a moment. But you're distracted by the boy's excited calls, running forward and leaping onto the creature's back before turning to you. “Yay! I did it!”

“Yes you did.” you say, impressed that he still managed to do the fusion. While the beasts he'd conjured to fuse weren't the exact same, they do form a beast that looks mostly similar. Beaming, he then turns to his parents and older sister, who're also watching.
“Wow! So cool!” she exclaims, clapping excitedly. “Fusion's so cool!”
“Impressive.” Chilli tells his son, you still not fully used to his new appearance. But then in an instant his expression changes, brows furrowing. “Good job son, wait just a moment. I'll be right back.”

And in a flash he ascends to his Archon form, crystals covering his entire body. Which then shatter, revealing he'd disappeared completely. You all exchange confused looks, wondering what's going on.
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“Hey, Kazuburo! Can you UN fuse them too?” Meloka Wolbach asks, tail flicking once.
“Oh yeah, watch this!” he says, leaping up off his summoned creature and leveling his hands down at the fusion. “Return to me! De-Fusion!”

And in a flash the creature is undone, reverted back into its original selves. To which the girl claps again, even Megumin looking surprised by this power.

“Well done. Looks like you've been studying well.” Megumin tells him, then turns to you. “I see you're quite the teacher, Alimar.”
“I had an excellent student.” you reply, then with a grin turn back to him. Only for you all to hear Chilli's crystals, turning towards the sound to see his crystals taking on his form once more. Then with a crack they shatter, revealing him still in his Archon form. Which then fades, your master reverting back to his usual form. “Everything okay?”
“Yes, just a...n issue.” he replies, clearly choosing his words around the kids. “But we're fine, I took care of it. And speaking of care, I see you were able to split them back apart.”

“Yeah!” the young boy shouts excitedly. “I did it!”
“Excellent work son.” he says, walking over and placing his head on his boy's head. Kazuburo beams at his father's acknowledgment, Chilli then turning to you. “And to you as well. Seems that you're quite the talented teacher yourself. I think you're ready.”
“Ready?” you ask him, not understanding. “Ready for what?”
“To take on the trials.” he replies, grin widening. “I think you're ready to claim the title of Archwizard.”

At this your mind races, a flood of emotions overwhelming you. An Archwizard? You? Are you really ready? But as your mind is overwhelmed by the storm of thoughts, worries and conflicting emotions, after some time a hand is placed on your shoulder. Snapping you out of your confusion, meeting your master's gaze.

“Don't overthink it, you've got this.” he tells you directly. “You'll make a fine Archwizard, Alimar Zorc.”

And at your master's vote of confidence, you feel your worries fade away. If your master and friend, the Crystal Sage himself believes that you're ready, then you are ready. You can do this.

“I'll do my best.” you reply to him, nodding to your master. And that isn't a promise you make lightly, for everything he's done for you you'll do your best to make him proud.

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 Intermission End-
> And as they merge, with a flash of light, the results of an improper fusion are revealed. Instead of turning into a creature that makes any sort of sense, instead it has turned into an amalgamation of parts. Flesh and bones combined haphazardly, the creature groaning in pain and agony. “Wh-What is that? What happened?!”
That sounds REALLY unpleasant. Metamoran fusions are lucky, they just turn obese or emaciated.
> “Yes, just a...n issue.” he replies, clearly choosing his words around the kids.
Baby's too intense to talk about with the young'ins, I understand.
> And at your master's vote of confidence, you feel your worries fade away. If your master and friend, the Crystal Sage himself believes that you're ready, then you are ready. You can do this.
Not overly familiar with Zorc but I hope he becomes an Archwizard too. He seems like a decent guy.
>“That's not their names!” Kazuburo says, immediately understanding how poorly things can go with an improper name.
I wonder if Kazzy knows the power behind a Demon's true name.
>But, if you really want to learn it, there is a spell you have to learn first. And that is 'De-Fusion
>But then in an instant his expression changes, brows furrowing. “Good job son, wait just a moment. I'll be right back.”
"Hold on son, I got a pile of silver skeet to menace."
Anyways, Good little epilogue GD, only one small child was mildly traumatized this time.
>Certain spells of the right types can be focused THROUGH Modoriiromoukin like a magic staff or catalyst.
If you do that with spells from Light Magic I think it will look very impressive, but will it alter the effect of the spell in some way or will it just be visuals?
Very interesting intermission. Is it there any hope that this can be used on someone infected with Baby’s parasite to free that person from mind control and remove the creature from the inside?
>Archon form
Very useful form. You can’t simply punch him then. He is not physical then. I mean he was immune to being infected by Baby’s parasite, that’s why he chose this form when he appeared on the ship.
I have a question actually. As an expert in Crystal magics, is Chilli aware that most metals are just specific arrangements of crystalline structures?
Would it be possible for him to magically synthesize a particular metal provided he had a sample as reference?
Yes, magic can have consequences.
Absolutely, he doesn't want to worry them.
He's the kuriboh wizard who Karn and Meloka beat at Dreadzone way back. And has been training under Chilli to become an Archwizard for a while now.
He has a few ideas. NAMES are important after all.
Glad you enjoyed. And seeing the consequences was necessary. Forcibly combining two beings does make you responsible for them. That little show made sure Kazuburo will be extra careful every single time.
Possibly. I will say certain wind spells will be empowered, along with certain other spells.
Theoretically speaking? Yes.
Mild correction here. You absolutely CAN punch and hit him, and fuck him up like Broly did when they fought back in the tournament way back. But it does keep physical parasites like Baby from taking control. However, Buu would still be able to absorb him, due to the Majin's magical nature.
Chilli's crystals are actually a SPECIFIC crystal, he can't do things of that nature with his magic. Remember, he unlocked crystal magic thanks to a magical dagger that made the same crystals, he doesn't make WHATEVER crystals he wants.
>After all, your older brother and sister can do the same thing with their dance

>“How did you do that, Ally-mar?”
>“It's Alimar.” you retort with an exasperated sigh, at this point you think the boy does it to get on your nerves.

You're one to talk, fella; Tatsu and Tomi are his uncle and aunt, not siblings. Get your shit straight.

Anorexic Chilli needs to get himself a chef as good as Silver. Should revitalise him soon enough.
So if the Covenant exist(ed), when are we getting
> Saiyan planetary conquest squad vs Master Chief and Blue Team.
Unfortunately, as far as I'm aware, the UNSC aren't a faction in this combined setting GD has going here. Not to put words in GD's mouth, but given the scaled power level of the average Sangheili warrior in this quest, the UNSC was probably wiped out a LONG time ago.
Maybe we got biblically accurate covenant and master cheeks wombo combo universe. What a horrifying pairing.
Alimar didn't exactly have a family himself growing up. Some of the terms escape him sometimes; after all, he was an orphan until adopted by his master. Sibling and cousin distinctions can confuse him. Especially when he meant Maz and Kayle, not Tatsu and Tomi.
>a chef
Won't make a difference, despite Megumin trying. They've actually talked about it, how his current appearance makes her feel inadequate as a wife. But he's reassured her that it's not from a lack of care on her part and they've worked through it.
That Earth was unfortunately one of the casualties of Buu's rampage. However, there is one space marine out there, one Tatsu has become acquainted with.

Unless the Spartans were as well. And perhaps they were just as strong, long ago. But unless you can find a relic of their world, evidence of their people is lost to time.
I'm they have a healthy respect for each other as professional Demon Hunters. However, I'd be remiss in not pointing out that a Spartan, especially a Spartan II, is about as different from a man like the Slayer as you can be while still being a "Space Marine". None of the Spartans are Marines anyways, they're Sailors under the purview of NAVSPECWARCOM by technicality.
My favorite thing about the classic doomguy is that he really was just a marine but in space.
He was quite literally just Some Guy who got caught out pulling patrol while a demonic incursion was happening. Personally not a huge fan of him being made Divine at some point during his adventures, but at the very least it didn't detract from his origins that much.
Yea but you get the similarity. Man with spess armor fighting non-human spess monsters.
Yes. Just a guy showing up and razing hell.
Ehh, an angel sees just some dude doing what he's doing, giving him whatever boosts you could so he can do more damage would be a good idea.
>Ehh, an angel sees just some dude doing what he's doing, giving him whatever boosts you could so he can do more damage would be a good idea.
When you phrase it like that, that kinda just sounds like what happened with Jergal taking on Chilli as a Reaper way back when. I suppose it only makes sense that the powers-that-be take an interest in particularly effective instruments when they make themselves known.
Bingo. Gods usually don’t make people champions and build them up to be powerful. They find an already exceptional mortal with an axe to grind and help them go beyond what the would normally have achieved(supposedly). Usually to boost others Faith in them, or to bring low servants of another. But Jergal doesn’t play the godly politics, and Chilli did his job. The other deities were reminded Death will come for them when the time is right after both Nabu and Velsharoon fell to his supposed WEAKEST Reaper in battle. One god of Order, the other of Chaos both felled by his hanf. Proving Death comes for all indiscriminately.
>Gods usually don’t make people champions and build them up to be powerful.
I wonder if a certain Kai-in-training is about to learn why you don't hyper-optimize a mortal from the get-go like that.
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>Possibly. I will say certain wind spells will be empowered, along with certain other spells.
That’s very interesting.
>Theoretically speaking? Yes.
That’s great. It may be worth trying then, when opportunity arises. This may also mean that maybe after defeating Raditz under Baby’s control this spell could free him from the parasite. Whether Raditz will want to live after what happened is another question.
>You absolutely CAN punch and hit him, and fuck him up like Broly did when they fought back in the tournament way back.
Alright. My mistake.
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I feel stupid for only asking this now, but uh...
How's Kakarot doing? Has he been kept in the dark about the situation with Raditz or is he aware of things?
I get the distinct impression that even if he and Raditz were estranged, he would definitely go out of his way to try and save his brother, risks be damned.
I'll be honest, at this point, I'm voting to kill Raditz. between us already saving him once, his wife being dead, and his child taken over it's not worth the risk. we got lucky that baby was arrogant/underestimated us enough for us to free him the first time.
24 hours to go!

He understands, having access to certain records as well as Elder Kai's experiences.
Possibly. Would depend on Baby's magic resistance.
Yes, it's great but not a complete physical damage nullifier.
A VERY good question, perhaps we'll find out soon
It is looking more and more likely, as sad as it is to say. Unless we have a way to forcibly grow and then shrink Raditz like before with the Oozaru thing, we don't have many options that don't end in SOMEBODY other than Baby dying

also fuck your gay and retarded captcha gookmoot I kept my cookies this time you penny pinching parasite
The question may not be if Raditz dies, but if bringing him and Redis back.
He won't grow himself again, even if his host grows. Baby learned that mistake the hard way.
>The question may not be if Raditz dies, but if bringing him and Redis back.
Honestly, if we do kill him and ask Porunga to bring him back, Raditz can just say no. Goku defied post-Cell Saga Shenron which is stronger than Porunga, and we've long since eclipsed the Cell Saga power department. And it'd be exceptionally cruel to bring back Redis as a widow.
If we can't bring either of them back, I'd still be concerned about their fate in Otherworld. They're both most definitely going to Hell, and with Chilli's retirement, there's no way of conveniently speaking on their behalf and getting them some sort of deal.
Maybe we could put in a word with Tatsu I guess? But I have no idea how much weight his word carries with Otherworld's administration these days.
>Would depend on Baby's magic resistance.
Would his magic resistance be a passive unchangeable stat or is it something that varies? Like at full power Baby Raditz would easily shrug off the effect of De-Fusion, but if we defeated Baby Raditz to the point where Raditz is unconscious and so out of energy that even Baby from the inside can’t force him to move. Would the spell work then? I’m asking because I would like to not kill Raditz while fighting Baby, but I’m sure the parasite will not make it easy.
As far as magic resistance goes, I'd be more concerned about Baby's Divinity more than anything.
Beyond the ability to manipulate reality given enough Faith, Divine beings (as I understand them) have an inherent resistance to most spells and other magical effects.
>Divine beings (as I understand them) have an inherent resistance to most spells and other magical effects.
Oh no. This indeed might be a bigger problem. If he gets magic resistance from faith of his followers then I currently have no idea how to counter that Divine buff. Unless maybe Berserker Soul can somehow help with this.
>then I currently have no idea how to counter that Divine buff
It sure is a good thing Karn radiates with Anti-Divine energy.
Is it really faith if all your worshippers are part of you?
There seems to be enough metaphysical distance between Baby and his secondary hosts that they're still considered worshippers despite being part of a pseudo-hivemind.
Maybe if somehow confronted the Faith of Chaya's followers versus Faith of Baby's mind controlled slaves, the Faith that Chaya gets would be stronger because it's more authentic?
True. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.
Shows how little you know of Redis, but I suppose that’s fair since you never really met her.
Yes, to an extent. Can be boosted by certain forms as well.
Yes and no. Because they’re ‘part’ of Baby the same way your kids are a part of you.
Perhaps we’ll see them directly compared? And maybe sooner than you think…
>Shows how little you know of Redis
Oh. Oh no...

Raditz may not find her, if he's sent to his afterlife.
Yeah I got the gist of it. That...complicates things.
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Previously on Saiyan Conqueror Quest:

After finding the long-lost daughter of Maz and Kayle's namesakes, Karn and his family explored the world further. From old mountains to the deserts, to a village next to a raging, ever-burning fire. Accepting the Ox King's surrender in exchange for inding his daughter, they then traveled to Fortuneteller Baba's palace, seeing her aid. And after two dramatic fights, Koruza showing off his Demon God powers against the long-dead earthling Olibu and Tomitsu obliterating the dead god Nabu for using illusions to conjure up images of that damned clown, Karn now stands face-to-face with the second Arbiter he'd killed, Tega 'Dama. Having a rematch between warriors, ten years after their fateful battle back during the war.

“I've grown far more powerful than the last time we fought.” you tell the former Arbiter as you take your stance, relaxed yet ready to explode into movement the moment the need arises. As your powers stand now he's slightly weaker than your base form, but you know strength means nothing against his Stand's power. “We're nearly equal as we are.”
“So, you won't take that form you showed earlier?” he asks you, an almost-disappointed tone to his voice. “And here I was excited to see how much stronger you've become.”

“And you will. But as it stands right now, I doubt I'll need all that power to best you.” you reply, the Arbiter's eye twitching in what could be annoyance. “I want to see just how far I've come in the ten years since we last fought.”
“I see. You're measuring your growth against me. Very well, come!” he replies, gesturing you forward with his outstretched left hand. “Show me how much greater you've become, Karn son of Tatsu!”
“Are you two done yapping?” Fortuneteller Baba asks in an annoyed tone. “Then quit all this talkin' and get to the fight! We're here for a show, not a talk show!”

Well, time to show the former Arbiter what you've got. But how do you do this?
>Energy Body then rush and attach with Djem So. Overpower him with strength and technique
>Rush in and attack with the Su Ma, don't let him touch you
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill
>Keep your distance and use your energy attacks to keep him at bay, don't let his blade or Stand anywhere close to you
>Other(write in)?
>>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill
>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill
Not that I intend to flex at the expense of victory, but come on, how often do you get a chance at a rematch like this?
>>Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill
Draw your Super Ki Blade and attack, test your years of Djem So sword training against his skill unanimously wins. Roll me a 4d100.

First DC: 25
Second DC: 40
Third DC: 55
Fourth DC: ??
Rolled 39, 29, 6, 2 = 76 (4d100)

Rolled 91, 50, 40, 66 = 247 (4d100)

Rolled 34, 84, 64, 76 = 258 (4d100)

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91/100, 84/100, 64/100, 76/100. Triple success and a pretty high mystery, looks like he's quite unprepared for your improved skill. Writing.
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“Hmph.” you exhale, focusing your ki as you raise both arms overhead. Creating your two handed Super Ki Blade, taking your Djem So stance. The former Arbiter starts circling to your left, you maintaining distance by circling towards your own right, steps matching in rhythm. “Your move.”
“Still waiting for your opponent to make the first move?” he asks, readying himself to launch himself forward. “Very well, I shall oblige you.”

Lunging forward with his left arm raised defensively, he then opens with another thrust with his right handed blade. You step into his strike and drop your sword down, deflecting his strike out past your left then follow up with a reverse cut aimed at the Sangheili's neck. Forcing him to stop his charge and lean back, narrowly dodging the decapitating strike. Whipping the blade in a circle up around your head you step in again, bringing your blade crashing down from over your left shoulder. Once more he stops your strike with his blade as well, matching your power despite using only one arm. Energy crackles as sparks shoot off from your blades as they clash, the former Arbiter lunging towards your chest with his Stand-clad left hand. Forcing you to side step back counterclockwise, whipping your blade around overhead once more in a decapitating strike for the back of his neck. Tega 'Dama lunges forward in a roll while deactivating your attack, dodging your blow and landing back on his feet. Reactivating his blade and turning, seeing you back in your Djem So fighting stance.

“Yes, you are far more skilled than when last we fought.” the former Arbiter says, retaking his stance as well. A moment of silence hangs thick between you, the tension balanced on a razor's edge. Then, the moment you see him blink you lunge. Closing the distance and dropping your blade down at his head. Tega 'Dama raises his left, barely blocking your blade with his Stand and keeping your blow from cleaving him in two. Causing your weapon to start disintegrating at the point of contact, you pouring more energy into it to rebuild the weapon as he thrusts at your chest. Stepping back clockwise you dodge the thrust, whipping the blade around your left side in a rising strike, catching his blade as he tries to backhand you with its cutting edge. Your sword stopping his a hair's breadth from your chest. Deflecting his blade away as you raise your weapon once more, spinning into a backswing that he blocks, blades clashing over and over.

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You press the assault, forcing the former Arbiter onto the defensive. His one-handed style, using his left as a shield doesn't match the power of your two-handed, heavier strikes, keeping him on the defensive. Yet you can't go fully on the offensive, as you have to dodge his left arm whenever he swings it at you. While you can stop it with your blade, each time you do it takes you pouring more and more ki into the weapon to keep it from disintegrating completely, or shattering when striking his blade after his Stand's power weakens it.

“Tch! Grrrrrr!” he snarls as you press the advantage, driving him back. Not letting him circle around you, driving him closer and closer to the edge of the stage. Cutting off his options to escape, forcing the former Arbiter right to the edge of the Fortuneteller's fighting stage. Raining down heavy blows against his guard, one, two, three overheaded blows only to reverse the fourth, breaking his defense and leaving him wide open.
“Got you!” you shout, but as you start to swing down he leaps straight back. Dodging your blow, then stopping himself in midair a dozen or so yards back over the open water. Seems this one can fly. “Tch.”
“Most impressive.” he says, chest heaving a bit as he struggles to catch his breath from your powerful assault. “You have most certainly gotten more skilled.”

“And you can fly.” you retort, retaking your Djem So stance. Seems defeating him will be more involved than a simple ring out.

Well? What now?
>Keep up the pressure, drive him down into the sea for the easy ring out
>Deactivate your blade and activate your Energy Body, switch from bladed to bare handed Djem So and beat him down
>Take to the air and switch your style up, use your Su Ma now in the air to keep the pressure up
>Throw your blade at him then switch to ranged attacks, don't let him get close as you try and take him down at range
>Try and just grab him with telekinesis, drag him down into the water for the easy ring out
>Other(write in)?
>>Take to the air and switch your style up, use your Su Ma now in the air to keep the pressure up
>Throw your blade at him then switch to ranged attacks, don't let him get close as you try and take him down at range
How gracious of him to offer himself up as a live target.
>Take to the air and switch your style up, use your Su Ma now in the air to keep the pressure up
Take to the air and switch your style up, use your Su Ma now in the air to keep the pressure up wins it. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: 55
Third DC: 80
Rolled 71, 1, 51 = 123 (3d100)

Rolled 34, 21, 73 = 128 (3d100)

Rolled 65, 4, 61 = 130 (3d100)

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71/100, CRIT FAIL/100, 73/100. Seems he's far more ready for you now, this is going to hurt. Writing.
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Just had to drop the egregious range advantage we had to try and dunk the fucker, huh? I respect it.
>"Saiyan Karn, son of Tatsu, DAP ME UP"
>"Oh shit aight bro"
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“Indeed I can. Thanks to a certain someone showing me how.” Tega 'Dama says, retaking his own stance in the air. “Show me what you can do!”
“Retreating to the air was a mistake.” you retort, kicking off the ground and closing the distance in a blur. Seeing you coming the former Arbiter tries to take a stab at you, only for you to evade his strike. Twisting clockwise around his thrust with the practiced movements of the Su Ma style, slipping past his thrust and swinging down with your blade towards his back. As you do the former Arbiter spins as well, raising his left arm to block your attack. Taking your blade on his Stand-clad left, the strange, almost-clear smoke covering his limb as your blade starts to disintegrate at the point of contact. “Tch.”

“HAAAA!” he shouts, thrusting again only for you to flip backwards under his blow. Twisting clockwise as you flip, landing a glancing blow on his back with your blade that cuts through his armor with a screech of tearing metal. “GYAAH?!”
“Heh, too slow!” you shout, continuing the spinning, flipping and twisting movements of the Su Ma. Dodging his every blow, landing more than a dozen indirect hits that cut through his armor, but none of your cuts are debilitating or severely damaging. Nothing to hinder his ability to fight.

However, with each of his attacks you dodge, every cut you land on him in retaliation, his frustration mounts. Until, with a final roar of fury fires off an Explosive Wave. Catching you completely by surprise, his energy smashing into you mid-spin, stopping you in your tracks. And before you can recover he spins counterclockwise, slashing you across the chest from left shoulder down to your right hip. Blood spraying as his blade cuts right through your flesh, energy biting through you all the way down to the bone.


As your blood sprays, vision going red with it, your Berserker Soul explodes forth from within you with the full force of its fury. Rage, blinding emerald rage infuses your entire being, power exploding from your body as you roar to the sky.


“GWRRRROOOOAAAAAAAAARR!!” you bellow as your body transforms, ascending fully into your Berserker God form. Then, as you lower your head, you see a damn splitjaw, blade covered in blood. YOUR blood. And you're going to kill him. “GRRRRAAAAAAAAAA!!”

“HRRRRAAAAAA!!” you roar, charging in. Before the monster can even move you've closed the distance, slamming your right fist straight into its face. Shattering its gaudy armor as bone crunches, your punch sending the creature flying. Snarling as it tries to fly away from you, DARING to run, you kick off the air back after it, closing back in in a blink. Grabbing the fleeing monster by its leg, pulling it towards you and slamming a hammer fist down into its chest. Smashing and denting its armor in, sending the monster smashing back-first down to the sandy ground. It bouncing once, you dashing down and slamming down to the ground by it. Clenching your fists as the ragdolling body turns towards you. And drawing your right back, you go to swing. Only for your Berserker Soul to suddenly feel a god rushing up behind you, turning and seeing a puny, blue-haired god fly up. Shouting something you can't make out, looking scared. As it should be.

But what do you do now?
>Ignore the puny god for now, turn back to the damn splitjaw and destroy it. Rip and tear until there's nothing left
>Ignore the splitjaw and focus entirely on the god, you need, you MUST kill it here and now!
>Grab the splitjaw and use it as a weapon to beat the puny god with, until either gives out on you
No write ins on this one
>Ignore the puny god for now, turn back to the damn splitjaw and destroy it. Rip and tear until there's nothing left
>>Grab the splitjaw and use it as a weapon to beat the puny god with, until either gives out on you
>Ignore the puny god for now, turn back to the damn splitjaw and destroy it. Rip and tear until there's nothing left
Damn thing's too terrified to be a threat. Let them stew in it while we finish with the splitjaw.
Ignore the puny god for now, turn back to the damn splitjaw and destroy it. Rip and tear until there's nothing left wins, let's see if that works out for you. Roll me a 3d100.

First DC: 70
Second DC: 35
Third DC: 40
Rolled 7, 95, 86 = 188 (3d100)

Rolled 86, 75, 84 = 245 (3d100)

I am displeased. I will now roll triple 1s in protest.
Rolled 35, 86, 38 = 159 (3d100)

>triple 86 across 3 rolls in three posts
>Dragon Ball's original broadcast started in 1986
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Very nice dice rolls.
>triple 86 across 3 rolls in three posts
>Dragon Ball's original broadcast started in 1986
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86/100, 95/100, 86/100. Most impressive, looks like they can't stop you. Only YOU can stop you. Writing.
This was really one of those moments where you're playfighting and someone hits you a little too hard, now real fists start flying
>tfw you're swinging your stuffed animal at your older brother and the eye-bead hits him
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“Hmph.” you snort, seeing the god's hesitation. And with a roar twist, swinging your right fist down to crush the splitjaw's chest. However, as you swing, suddenly you feel something grab your arm by the wrist, stopping you before you can build up enough power to swing down. Looking back, you see the tiny blue-haired god holding you back with both her hands around your arm. “Tch. HAAAAAA!!”

Reversing your motion you backfist the god, turning their pulling force against them into a smashing blow that breaks the god's grip. Sending her flying back, flipping and landing on her feet to slide to a stop in the sand. And so immediately you turn back, seeing the Sangheili starting to push themselves back up. Coughing up blood as it struggles to rise, you drawing your right back once more to finish it off.

“Karn, stop!” a familiar voice shouts out, but they can wait until you've crushed this splitjaw. It nearly killed you, you're not giving it the chance to kill anyone else. Not with your family here.
“I see. Your father was right about you.” the Sangheili says, you freezing in place. That word cuts straight through the fog of rage and hate in your mind, giving you a moment of clarity.
“What?” you say, reaching down and grabbing it by the armor. Lifting the creature up to eye level, looking it in the eyes. “What did you say? You know my father?”

“Your father, Tatsu. Yes, he and I are... Well, we work together in the afterlife.” the splitjaw says, shocking you to your core. Memories flood through your mind of your late father, reason filling your mind. With this you suppress your rage, getting your fury back under control by taking a deep breath, then sighing out as he continues. “Keeping the forces of the Demon Realm from intruding into the mortal plane.”
“I see.” you reply, setting the former Arbiter back down to the ground. “Sorry about losing control for a second there.”
“Heh, it is no problem.” he replies, deactivating his golden Energy Blade. “You are far more skilled than when we last fought. I remember last time I managed to stab you through the chest, this time I barely managed a single slash. Were you fighting seriously from the start, I wouldn't have stood a chance. I admit defeat, you are far more powerful than I had ever imagined.”

“Dad, are you okay?” another familiar voice calls, you turning and seeing Cauli standing by your wife, who for some reason is in her Super Saiyan Blue form.
“Yeah, why wouldn't I be?” you reply, only for her to walk up, placing her hand on your chest. Which burns at the touch, you looking down and seeing a long, wide slash across your chest. Bleeding your Berserker forms' glowing green blood pouring from the injury. When did that happen?

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Caulifla starts to mutter the words for her healing magic, you taking another deep breath and sigh out, powering back down. Knowing how poorly your anti-divine powers and her divine magic work together, you drop your transformation and reverting back to base as she finishes. Her icy, soothing healing magic infusing your body and healing the injury. Turning, you see that her power also fixed him. Healing all the damage you'd done to his body, but not fixing the damage done to his armor. Which is laying in pieces around the crater in the sand his landing had made.

“There, good as...” Caulifla starts, freezing as she sees the former Arbiter's halo over his head. “Well...”
“Thank you. I appreciate your help.” the Sangheili says, offering his hand to her. Which she takes, her hand, much like your own, dwarfing his own in her grip. They release each other, your daughter suddenly looking worried.
“I gotta go.” she says, raising her right hand to her forehead as she turns to you. “Please be safe, okay?”
“I will.” you reply, Caulifla disappearing. Leaving you with one question:

What now?
>Ask the former Arbiter more of your father, how he is doing in his afterlife
>Head back to Fortuneteller Baba's Palace to find the Ox King's daughter, you've got a mission to finish up
>Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control
>Other(write in)?
>Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control
That was out of pocket.
>Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control
We did flip out over getting hurt...
>Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control
I can only imagine how much he's gonna panic when he hears Karn say "Hey, you wanna meet the last Arbiter?"
>Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control
Lol yes.
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Unanimously Telepathically reach out to the current Arbiter, ask if he'd like to spend some time with his predecessor and if yes use Instant Transmission to teleport the former Arbiter to him. Let Tega 'Dama see his people flourishing as your apology for losing control wins it, let's see how this plays out. Writing.
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“Hey, Khor 'Vadam. Do you have a minute?” you think out, reaching telepathically to the last Arbiter. The final Sangheili appointed to the position before the Covenant's downfall and current leader of their people. “I have someone I'd like you to meet.”
“General Karn? What is going on?” comes the almost immediate reply.
“Your predecessor is here in the mortal realm, at least temporarily.” you tell him. “And, by way of apology for what I just did to him, I had planned to bring him to your world. Let him see the peace in our time, with the limited time he can stay in our realm. Would this be okay for you?”
“Okay? Okay?! You offer me the chance to meet with Tega 'Dama, how could I refuse?” comes the enthusiastic reply. “I await your arrival with baited breath.”

“I understand.” you reply, ending the mental link and turning your attention to the Sangheili standing before you. “So, you ready to meet your people?”
“What?” he asks, blinking in surprise. “What do you mean?”
“Look, I lost control a bit there, so to make up for nearly ending your afterlife prematurely, I can take you to your people.” you tell him, raising your own right hand to your forehead, just as Caulifla'd done as you offer your left hand. “Let you be with your own kind, before you have to go back to the other side. What do you say?”

But the Sangheili doesn't immediately answer, instead bowing to you at the waist.

“You truly are everything your father said you are.” he says, not looking up. “Thank you, General Karn. Truly.”

He then rises up, taking your outstretched hand in both of his. And with a thought you reconnect to the current Arbiter's mind, finding his ki through the telepathic link and teleporting. Leaving this planet behind, teleporting far, far away. Appearing in the open air of Sanghelios, surrounded by Sangheili warriors. All of who, aside from the golden armored Arbiter immediately draw their weapons, looking a split-second away from attacking. Until, after a tense second of silence one of the guards speaks up.

“T-Tega? Tega 'Dama? B-But how-?” the one asks, the others all shouting in surprise as well. But the former Arbiter only has eyes for the current one, both staring at each other.
“Well well, look at you. All grown up.” the halo'd Sangheili says. “Hello, nephew.”
“Uncle.” the current Arbiter says, unable to say anything else through the tremble in his voice. Then the two Arbiters, past and present, uncle and nephew embrace to the cheers of the current Arbiter's guards. You watching on a moment before stepping back, raising your right hand to your forehead and returning to the planet called Earth.

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Returning to your wife's side, you find yourself back in the arena as Meloka is speaking to the witch. Who has the most genuine smile you've seen on her face all day as she sees you.

“Of all the futures I foresaw, you chose one of the best.” Fortuneteller Baba says to you, her gaze meeting your own. “Of course I shall help you find the Ox King's daughter, Son of Tatsu. Come, come.”

With that the old woman, floating on her orb turns towards the building further out on the lake, floating along the path. Everyone following her inside, where she sits at a table, her orb resting on the center pedestal.

“Let's see now, the Ox King's daughter. Hrmm mhmmm mmmm, where are you hiding?” she says, waving her hands around the sphere. Where, inside the crystal ball you begin to see the image of a woman take shape. Wearing a blue dress with red pants and belt, she seems to be fighting off some sort of mechanical warrior. With a strange design reminiscent of Lord Freeza's Third form, oblong head and large shoulders, as well as its tail, you wonder if one of Freeza's kin ever visited this world in the past?
“HAAAAAA!!” she shouts, firing off a flying kick, knocking the machine over as it belches forth flames from the left hand's weapon. Narrowly avoiding the fire and landing on her feet in a wide, but competent fighting stance.
“Hmmm. I don't know where this is.” Fortuneteller Baba says, only for Koruza to suddenly exclaim.

“That's Pirate Cave!” he says, turning to Durah and taking her hand. “Come on, let's go save her!”
“R-Right!” the woman replies, both sprinting out of the room. No doubt headed off to where that woman is. Milha follows right behind, picking Darkness up casually in her arms then Tatsu and Tomi follow out behind them.

But what do you do now?
>Thank her for her help, tell her you'll bring the former Arbiter back when she tells you his time's up then take off after the kids, see where this “Pirate Cave” is and go save the Ox King's daughter
>Ask Meloka to go with them, you have questions to ask this Fortuneteller one-on-one. Ones about a certain someone else, if she can find him and give you a location or help in the upcoming battle with the Tuffle
>Other(write in)?
>>Ask Meloka to go with them, you have questions to ask this Fortuneteller one-on-one. Ones about a certain someone else, if she can find him and give you a location or help in the upcoming battle with the Tuffle
>Ask Meloka to go with them, you have questions to ask this Fortuneteller one-on-one. Ones about a certain someone else, if she can find him and give you a location or help in the upcoming battle with the Tuffle
Leaving vote open another ten minutes
>>Ask Meloka to go with them, you have questions to ask this Fortuneteller one-on-one. Ones about a certain someone else, if she can find him and give you a location or help in the upcoming battle with the Tuffle
Sorry for not voting sooner, I fucked up baking a cake
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Ask Meloka to go with them, you have questions to ask this Fortuneteller one-on-one. Ones about a certain someone else, if she can find him and give you a location or help in the upcoming battle with the Tuffle unanimously wins. Writing.
Looks like it's time for a prophecy to come into play. Let's see how Karn handles prophecy regarding his family
If Baby pulls a Baby on another baby, this could end up the most enraging moment in SCQ history.
the whuh?
the huh?
Ah shit am I late? Did I miss my window to vote to deathbeam baba?
Remember? When he warned us about Karn Junior and Broly?
Too late brother...
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>Too late brother...
I don't remember, sadly.
“Meloka, hun, could you go with them?” you ask your wife, not taking your gaze from the magic woman before you all. “I have a question I need to ask.”
“Of course. Come on, let's go.” Meloka replies to you then to the younger children, ushering them all out. Leaving you, Fortuneteller Baba and Olibu alone in the dark room. You see the witch's expression change, eyes narrowing. But she doesn't seem angry or even nervous, instead she seems worried. And a little... Sad? But once your wife and the kids are all away, you speak to her directly. “I need to ask you something.”
“Very well. Is this about your daughter, Mechikabura, Dumplin, or the one calling himself King Kudamo?” she asks, you wondering what events would have led you to ask the other questions. You consider asking about them, what she means by that, but instead focus on your goal.

“The Tuffle. That monster.” you answer, unwavering. “It must be stopped.”
“Yes, I should have figured you'd find that matter the most pressing.” she answers, the otherworldly human, Olibu looking on in confusion. “You want me to see if I can find it for you as well.”

She says this not as a question, but as a statement of fact. To which you still answer as if it were anyways, nodding once to her. The woman's expression hardens, raising her gaze to your own.

“I could find him for you. Hell, I could probably point out which direction he's in and send you gallivanting across space until you find him. But I won't do it.” she says, her voice resolute. “I will not tell you where it is.”
“What? Why not?” you ask, getting an uncomfortable feeling in your guts as your rage flares up. But you keep your anger under control. “If you can see how big a threat it can be, you know I'm one of the only people with the power to stop him. And the longer we let that monster roam free, the more innocent people across the universe will have their free will stolen by that bastard! We have to stop him!”
“Yes. The sooner that monster can be eliminated, the better it will be for the entire universe. But I cannot let you face it yourself.” she says to you, her expression turning deadly serious. “If you face that monster, General Karn, you will doom the universe.”

“What?” you ask her, not following her thoughts. “What do you mean?”
“I mean you cannot face that monster!” she suddenly shouts, you hearing the fear and panic in her tone. “In every future I have foreseen, if you and Kudamo meet, you will fall under his control. And doom not only your family, but the rest of the universe.”
“You think I can't beat him?” you ask her, genuinely surprised.
“No. I KNOW you cannot. Despite your power, you cannot defeat that monster.” she says. “And if you try to prove me wrong, your family will be the first to pay the price for your arrogance.”

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“The moment that monster turns you to his side, he will have won.” she continues, sounding more and more frightened. “If you face him, he will turn you into his strongest puppet, slaughtering your family and your people with your power. If you have any care for them, any care for the universe at large, you will not fight him.”
“But if I can't fight him, who will?” you ask her, concerned. “Who else has the power to take that monster on?”
“I cannot say.” she says, then holds up a hand palm out towards you to stop your retort. “I know. But I CANNOT say. To do so could influence the future, and possibly entirely prevent the futures in which that monster is slain from coming to be entirely.”

“She speaks the truth.” the ancient dark lord's phantom appears beside you, you glancing over to see Bane's expression is clouded. “Trying to change the future usually results in one of two futures. The very future you sought to prevent, or one even worse. However, there is always another risk. She may already be under that monster's power.”

But as the Sith speaks his worry aloud, you get a feeling in your guts that she isn't taken. You don't know why, but you just know that she isn't under the control of the damned Tuffle. But that leaves you with one important question:

What now?
>Ask her what you can do that would be the most useful for taking that monster down, for whoever will be the one to do it if you cannot face it directly
>Ask her to tell you whatever she can, that you'll do whatever's necessary to ensure that monster is destroyed
>Thank her for letting you know and ask if there's anything you can do for her in return for letting you know this
>Tell her that you've defied fate before, and will do so again if that monster comes after your family
>Other(write in)?
>>Ask her what you can do that would be the most useful for taking that monster down, for whoever will be the one to do it if you cannot face it directly
>Ask her what you can do that would be the most useful for taking that monster down, for whoever will be the one to do it if you cannot face it directly
>Ask her what you can do that would be the most useful for taking that monster down, for whoever will be the one to do it if you cannot face it directly
Fuuuuuck. Baby's a real kick in the teeth since he can do his bullshit through any opening in the skin. Are we really fucked over in EVERY future, though? can we set up a self killswitch with DDF?
>write-in: deathbeam baba in the face
She's dumb as hell. Let's go wake up Beerus and tell him to do his fucking job about universe endangering threats for once. Jesus fuck. When's the last time he did shit? Millions of fucking years ago? Fucking cat.
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Ask her what you can do that would be the most useful for taking that monster down, for whoever will be the one to do it if you cannot face it directly wins it. Well, here we are. Looks like it's time, writing.
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“There really is no future where I best that monster?” you ask her, Fortuneteller Baba shaking her head. You sigh out, accepting what she says. “Very well. But if I cannot best that monster, tell me. What can I do that would be the most useful for defeating it? If I can't beat it myself, what can I do to help whoever will do so?”
“Ahh, I see. A very good question.” she says, turning back to her scrying orb. Which turns cloudy, the woman grumbling as she peers in. However, as she looks, Olibu speaks up to you.
“Karn. A word, if I may?” he asks, you nodding for him to go ahead. “That other fighter, did you-?”

“I took him to his people.” you tell him, the man seeming relieved at your answer. “The leader of his people was quite happy to see him, even if their meeting will be short.”
“This is good. Miss Baba was correct, you are a good man.” the brawny fighter says, reaching over and clasping your shoulder. “Sorry to hear that you cannot save your people, such a heavy burden for men like us to bear.”
“Yeah. But even if I myself can't stop him, I still wish to do everything within my power to contribute to its downfall.” you reply to him. “That monster has the potential to take over the universe, it must be stopped. No matter the cost.”

“If you truly wish to do the best you can to stop that monster, there is one thing you can do for this future here on this world.” she says, you turning back to the fortuneteller. “To the north, in the land of Korin. In the forest there you will find a pillar to the sky. And above that pillar, far, far in the upper atmosphere, you will find the Lookout.”
“The Lookout? The kids mentioned that name...” you mutter, wondering what is to be found there. “And what am I to do on this Lookout?”
“Find the caretaker of that sacred place, the former resident of the god of this world.” she answers. “And the truth you shall know.”

“The truth I shall know? Nothing more specific?” you ask her, the woman's eyes turning a bit more guarded.
“Take what you learned here today, the lessons you relearned, and be careful.” she replies. “Please be cautious, and respectful. And don't start a terrible conflict on my world.”
“What? Very well, I'll try not to start any fights.” you tell her. “Thank you for your aid, Fortuneteller Baba. If you need my help sometime, don't hesitate to let me know.”

“I will remember this promise, 'General' Karn.” she says with a grin and a wink, putting a strange emphasis on your title. “Now, please. Do your best.”
“I will. And thank you, for everything. Let me know when the former Arbiter's time is up, and I'll bring him back as well. Don't want him disappearing on us.”

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With that you exit her building, taking to the air and flying north. After exiting the desert, you soon come to a deep forest. Seeing something rising from it, and as you get closer see that it is indeed a tower of some sort. This must be the pillar she spoke of, you looking up higher into the sky. Seeing the pillar disappearing into the clouds, you flying up to it and up along the massive stone structure. For several minutes, so long you think you should already be out of the atmosphere, you finally come to the end of the pillar. Where a structure once stood, but is now so heavily damaged that, whatever it once was, you can no longer tell.

“She said it was above this, so I guess I have to keep going up.” you mutter to yourself, continuing to fly higher and higher. However, as you do, the clouds suddenly turn dark. Firing bolts of lightning down at you, which you easily dodge through. Weaving through the storm clouds for over a minute before breaking free, seeing the underside of what appears to be a large sphere of some sort. Higher and higher you fly, rising up to the crest of the sphere to reveal it is in fact a half-sphere, the top leveled off with a surprisingly ornate building atop it. Trees, somehow, also manage to thrive here, despite the low oxygen, you landing near a ladder and staring at the structure. Reaching out with your ki sense, you detect nothing in this place. There's nothing alive up here more powerful than the trees, yet you get the feeling you're not entirely alone. Something is aware of your presence.

But what do you do? How do you proceed?
>Call out for anyone and announce yourself before proceeding, see if anyone answers before moving forward to explore this place
>Fly over towards the building, don't walk across the surface. The feeling of being watched only started the moment you touched the Lookout, perhaps whatever 'sees' you won't when you're no longer in contact?
>Stay where you are, wait for Meloka and the kids to find Ox King's daughter and extinguish the fires to rejoin you before making another move
>Other(write in)
>>Call out for anyone and announce yourself before proceeding, see if anyone answers before moving forward to explore this place
>Call out for anyone and announce yourself before proceeding, see if anyone answers before moving forward to explore this place
>>Call out for anyone and announce yourself before proceeding, see if anyone answers before moving forward to explore this place
Knock knock
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Call out for anyone and announce yourself before proceeding, see if anyone answers before moving forward to explore this place unanimously wins it. Well, I hope you're ready to see a familiar face, writing.
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Feeling something's eyes upon you, you decide the first step is to announce yourself. And so you do, taking a breath before calling out.

“Hello? Is anyone here? I am General Karn, here to speak to the caretaker of this place!” you call out, voice booming. As if even being on this place is amplifying your voice. The very air around you, despite being so thin, feels almost... Familiar. After a few seconds of continued silence greeting your introduction, you finally recognize it. The air is charged with the same subtle power that you feel on the Guardian's Island, though to a far lesser degree. As if whatever god called this place home for however many centuries has passed, and only the remnants of its power remain. And realizing this, you suddenly think you understand what she meant. If this world's Guardian was killed by Piccolo, then the world itself would soon begin dying unless a new Guardian was named! “This matter is rather urgent! I know you're still here, come out!”

Yet only the wind greets your call, the trees rustling slightly in the gentle breeze. Seems that whoever this caretaker is, they're not intent on coming out to meet you. So, it seems you're going to have to start searching for them. You take a single step forward, closer towards the wide-open door on the front of the building, only to suddenly hear a footstep. It's soft, barely audible over the breeze, but you hear it. And freeze in place. The caretaker, you presume, stops as you stop, perhaps listening for you as well. But you've had enough, and without hesitation start walking towards the doorway.

“I know you're in there, but if you won't come out here and face me, I'm going in.” you say, taking one, two, three steps before you hear the steps again. And as you cross half the distance to the doorway, you see a shadowed figure inside. And as they step into the light, you feel your Berserker Soul blaze. Wearing strange clothes, perhaps to hide their identity, but nothing could hide this being from you. Their eyes are the exact same, the same eyes he had that day. The day he tried to murder your family and frame Mechikabura for it. “YOU?!”

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 paused-
And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy the episode so far? Ready to confront who could be one of your greatest foes, the man who nearly got away with killing most of your family? Or is this even the same being? We'll have to wait and see when this episode continues at noon EST, just under 12 hours from now!
I had a feeling it'd be him...well, one of him at the very least. I can see why Baba asked us to play nice. This ink-black motherfucker better have a good reason for still existing in this timeline either way.
Since when was Dumplin a Popo? The hell is going on here?
Guess we'll have to wait and see.
Apparently it's canon tfs, at least to the original XV1 timeline that Popo, after absorbing Demigra's Demon God powers ascended, transforming into Popo. And that's why TFS Popo is how he is.
Ah, right. Dumplin being a thing means that Mr. Popo in this quest is a freak too.
>“I mean you cannot face that monster!”
No second confrontation with Baby. That’s a bit sad. I imagine it must be hard for Karn. I mean King Kudamo is a problem and Karn cannot fight him.
>you get a feeling in your guts that she isn't taken.
>And that's it for tonight, everyone enjoy the episode so far?
>Ready to confront who could be one of your greatest foes, the man who nearly got away with killing most of your family?
Yes. The moment I saw him I can’t help but hear it. "Alright maggots, listen up. Popo's about to teach you the Pecking Order. It goes: you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo. Any questions?"
> Or is this even the same being?
He should be dead and Puddin has a grudge about it, so how can he be here alive and well? It is probably not the same one somehow.

Quite possibly.
You always COULD try. See if you can change the future. But yes knowing that fighting the threat, the thing you've done your entire life would doom your family must be hard to handle.
Good. This is gonna be... Interesting.
I reckon we'll have to wait just a little longer to find out.
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“YOU BASTARD!” you roar, aura blazing as your Berserker Soul surges. Despite how much it's done today, and your strength still recovering from fighting the reality of Zamasu, you ascend back into your Berserker God form. The instant you power up the clear skies turn pitch-black, lightning crackling ominously through the clouds. The wind picks up into a storm, hurricane-force winds nearly tilting some of the trees forty five degrees. “I should have figured you weren't really dead.”
“Who're you?” Dumplin asks, in a thick accent you've never heard before. But despite trying to play dumb, you'd recognize him anywhere. And you tell him as much.
“Drop the act, Dumplin.” you say, taking your fighting stance. “You bastard, I'll kill you for what you've done!”

And at this, to your surprise, the creature sighs out. A tired, bone-weary sigh. Before speaking. Still keeping the strange accent, but at least addressing you.

“I knew this day would come. You would find what I have become.” he says, emotionless eyes staring unblinkingly through you. “Yes, I'm still alive. Even with your Berserker Soul and Stand, you can't kill me. Not truly.”
“Oh yeah?” you snarl, clenching your fists. Your Berserker Soul trying to tear its way free of your body and attack him directly, but you keep your power under control as he continues.
“You killed me, even wiped out my soul. Along with many of my memories and most of my power, when I was feasting on your energy. For a moment, I'd thought you had actually killed me.” he says, you remembering back and suspecting that you hadn't truly beaten him. Despite having no evidence, you knew, deep down, that the monster who'd tried to kill your family wasn't truly gone. “When I came to, after spending some time in the realm outside existence, I found myself in this form on this planet. Hundreds of years before our last battle, where I took on the alias Mr. Popo. Serving Kami, as well as the previous Kami.”

“So, why are you still here?” you ask him, not letting your guard down. “Why haven't you gone back?”
“Back to where? I betrayed Mechikabura. I betrayed you, my best friend. Who do I have to go back to?” he asks, sounding surprisingly... Sad. “Chronoa's in hiding, probably won't show her face for a few billion years, unless she's got a secret weapon to conquer the Dark Factor. And I don't even have the power of a Demon God myself anymore, when you destroyed me within your soul, that power went away as well. I'm less than a shadow of my former self, even my daughter's probably stronger than me by a factor of ten in this state. Though, I suppose, if you're still angry at me, you could always kill me again? As little good as that'll do you.”

“No, I don't think that's necessary.” you say, powering down as you remember what Fortuneteller Baba had told you. “Besides, I think you'll be able to help me out.”
“Oh? And how could I do that?” he asks you, perking up a bit at your suggestion. “Although, I'm not much of a fighter, not anymore.”

Well? How do you proceed from here?
>Ask what he knows about the Tuffle parasite, both in general and specifically in your timeline
>Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas
>Ask for a tour of this place, if you know what it can offer, perhaps you'll be able to figure out what you can do to help the fight
>Other(write in)?
>Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas
Huh. I would have expected it to be him from another timeline, but I suppose it's not impossible for him to have pulled a Bardock.
>Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas
He may be severely weakened, but he's still a Majin though, right?
>Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas
So he got reincarnated...The fuck is a realm outside existence?
>Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas
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Rolled 88 (1d100)

>The fuck is a realm outside existence?
Remember, he isn't OF your reality. He's accompanied SKoT through several reality resets, according to himself. Anyways:
Tell him what Fortuneteller Baba told you, how you can't fight it directly but that you could potentially do the most help by coming here. Although she didn't explain how, see if he has any ideas unanimously wins it. Writing.
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“We've got a problem.” you tell him, quickly laying out all you've discovered of the Tuffle parasite. Explaining everything that's happened so far, besting it the first time, it re-taking over Raditz and also what you'd just learned from Fortuneteller Baba. How, if you were to fight this monster, that the entire universe would fall. “And then she'd said that I could do the most good for besting that monster by coming here.”
“I see. She probably intended for you to discover the Room of Spirit and Time.” Mr. Popo says, you raising a brow at this. “Please, follow me.”

“Sure. But what it this 'Room of Spirit and Time' supposed to be?” you ask, following along behind the former eldritch being as he leads you to the building. “And how will it help us?”
“The best explanation is that this room is isolated within its own pocket dimension, where the flow of time is different than the rest of the universe.” he tells you, entering the doorway. “One day out here is three hundred sixty five and a quarter days within. Or, to put it more simply, you can do an entire year's worth of training in a single day.”

“I see.” you reply, wondering if finding that is what she meant. But as you follow him in, see something else that catches your eye. Encased in a glass display case is a statue of a dragon, or what was once a dragon. However, the statue itself is shattered into several pieces. “What is this?”
“Oh, that was Shenron. When Kami became Kami, he created Shenron and the Dragon Balls to grant the people of his world hope.” he says. “But when Piccolo killed the dragon, the statue was shattered. And with Kami being absorbed into Piccolo, Shenron cannot be brought back to life. Without a Guardian of this planet, the Dragon Balls will remain as inert stones.”

With this he takes a deep breath, turning from the statue back to leading you further in.

“But perhaps that is for the best. After all, the Dragon Balls attract trouble.” Mr. Popo continues, leading you further in to a door. Carefully he reaches out, taking the handle and pulling the door open. Where a blinding light erupts from within, forcing you to shield your eyes. After a few moments the flash ends, allowing you to see inside. “Here it is. The Room of Spirit and Time. Go on, take a look.”

Well? What do you do?
>Telepathically tell Meloka what's going on so she doesn't panic if your ki signature disappears, then step through the doorway
>Go on in, as long as the door's open you should be fine
>Telepathically call Okira to you, explain what you've found and show it to her. Perhaps she'll appreciate another's pocket dimension?
>Thank him but say you have no reason to go in just yet, you have questions about the planet's Dragon Balls. And if you can make them work again with either yours or Okira's Stand powers
>Other(write in)?
GAINZ, or potential extra set of Dragonballs?
>Decline the offer for the moment, instead asking why a new Guardian hasn't been chosen in all this time.
It'd be kind of a shame if this planet went the way of Vegeta. Not to mention it IS curious that Popo hasn't elected to find a new Guardian in the time since King Piccolo's death.
Gonna support >>6206531 because I thought about it and we can't participate in this battle, and if there's no guardian on Earth then the planet will rot away in a century or less. And as rightful Cooler Empire property, it would be no good for it to shrivel up and die.
>Decline the offer for the moment, instead asking why a new Guardian hasn't been chosen in all this time.
Write in wins it. Well well, time to learn a bit of Earth lore. Roll me a 2d100.

First DC: 35
Second DC: ??
Rolled 27, 74 = 101 (2d100)

Rolled 74, 30 = 104 (2d100)

Rolled 79, 89 = 168 (2d100)

I'll take that third if folks are busy
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79/100, 89/100. Success and high mystery, writing.
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“Hold on, hold on. You said your world's Guardian was absorbed into Piccolo, right? Why have they not been replaced?” you ask him, eyes narrowing. “Do you know what happens if your world doesn't have another Guardian?”
“Be at ease, this world is safe from such fate.” Dumplin replies, holding up his free hand not holding the door open. “While Kami is now a part of Piccolo, having been absorbed into his other half, he still lives. At least technically.”
“Technically? How is he supposed to 'technically' protect this world while not even here?” you shout, wondering how to fix this problem. “Piccolo's no longer even on the planet, there hasn't been a Guardian even on world for a month!”

“Karn, please.” Mr. Popo says, closing the door and turning fully towards you. “This world is still in good hands. And yes, while we no longer have an active Guardian, the power isn't idle. In fact, you met the temporary Guardian.”
“What? Temporary Guardian?” you ask him, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Fortuneteller Baba. While she wouldn't accept the responsibility, she has agreed to wield the power until a new Guardian is chosen.” he tells you. “She has no interest in being Kami's successor, but also likes this world and doesn't want to leave. So, she and I came to an agreement.”

“But that still doesn't explain why you haven't found a replacement.” you continue, crossing your arms. “If that responsibility doesn't fall to you, then who?”
“I do not know. In this world's time, it was always the responsibility of the current Guardian to not only find but also train their replacement.” Mr. Popo says. “With Kami gone, there is no one in place to find his replacement. And I cannot do it, as I am not the best judge of the hearts of mortals. Should I choose wrong, I could doom the entire planet.”

“Hang on. They have to be strong, right? Someone who'd fight for the world, and once they take on the role, they usually can't leave the planet either?” you ask, the beginnings of a plan coming to mind. Perhaps the answer is already in the works? “Say, I think I know where you can find this 'Kami's replacement. You know about this world's martial arts tournament?”
“Yes, but sadly after Piccolo took over, killing most of the martial artists across the world, the tournament was abandoned.” Dumplin says with a heavy sigh. “While weak, this world was home to many creative fighters. It is a shame they're all long gone, especially Master Roshi. He was this world's best, even greater than Olibu back in his day.”

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“Seems you haven't been paying attention, since we showed up.” you say, telling him about your visit to the tournament grounds. How your daughter repaired it as well as it's city, your meeting with the fighter called King Chappa, and how he told you that he was going to remake the tournament. “When that tournament starts, looks like you'll have your pick of the world's fighters. I'm sure you could convince many of them to take up the job.”
“Truly?” I must see for myself.” he says, turning from the door and heading back out, you following him. The creature goes to the edge of the platform, raises his hand, then with a subtle lurch beneath your feet you feel the entire structure MOVE. Somehow, Dumplin, or rather Mr. Popo is moving this entire massive Lookout. You feel it move through the air for a few seconds then come to a stop, the caretaker looking over the edge directly into the clouds. “I see. Yes, it would appear the city has been repaired as well. And the people from your granddaughter's timeline are moving in, interesting. I see.”

“You can see them from up here?” you ask, Mr. Popo turning his unsettling gaze to you.
“Of course. And if this tournament will really happen, then our world could finally have a new Guardian. Oh, happy days. I won't be alone watching over this place anymore.” Mr. Popo says, you hearing the genuine joy in his voice. But as he talks, you can't help but wonder.

Is this the best way you can help the upcoming battle between the Tuffle and whoever will beat them? Or can you do more?
>Ask to see that Room of Spirit and Time, take it for a quick test run
>Get back on topic, ask Dumplin what he knows about the Tuffle and if he knows who modified it as well as any weaknesses it may have. Even if you can't fight it yourself, the more information you can have for whoever does eventually fight him couldn't hurt
>Ask about the shattered Shenron, if he thinks your Divine Dragon Force or Okira's Imagine Dragon can restore it and reactivate the world's Dragon Balls. If all else fails, a wish might be the ticket to saving you all from the Tuffle monster
>Thank him for his help, leave the Lookout and rejoin your family while filling Meloka in telepathically on the way. The two of you have a lot to discuss
>Ask Dumplin, no, Mr. Popo, if he thinks that HE can best the Tuffle. Or at the very least split it from and save Raditz from that monster
>Other(write in)?
>>Get back on topic, ask Dumplin what he knows about the Tuffle and if he knows who modified it as well as any weaknesses it may have. Even if you can't fight it yourself, the more information you can have for whoever does eventually fight him couldn't hurt
>Get back on topic, ask Dumplin what he knows about the Tuffle and if he knows who modified it as well as any weaknesses it may have. Even if you can't fight it yourself, the more information you can have for whoever does eventually fight him couldn't hurt
>>Get back on topic, ask Dumplin what he knows about the Tuffle and if he knows who modified it as well as any weaknesses it may have. Even if you can't fight it yourself, the more information you can have for whoever does eventually fight him couldn't hurt
Rolled 96, 86 = 182 (2d100)

Get back on topic, ask Dumplin what he knows about the Tuffle and if he knows who modified it as well as any weaknesses it may have. Even if you can't fight it yourself, the more information you can have for whoever does eventually fight him couldn't hurt wins it. Seems unanimous to dig for more info, and more info you'll have. Writing.
But how well can you trust his information? After all, he WAS on Chronoa's side
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Looks like he's got solid intel.
That's the thing, he was never on anybody's side to begin with, save for his own.
Now that his ass is on the line alongside ours, I think we can trust him not to outright lie.
Also don't forget, Patron poll closes at 9pm EST today. If that vote's still tied by then, I'll have to do a tiebreaker.
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“As good as this is for your world, if we can't stop that monster Tuffle, it won't matter if this world has a Guardian or not.” you tell him, Mr. Popo turning back to you. “I need to know everything you know about it. What can we do to stop it?”
“Unfortunately, I remember very little. But I'll share all I know, never know what could end up being of help to you.” he says, tone far more serious. “First, let's start with the basics. As I'm sure you're aware, the Tuffle, Baby, is a non-organic life form. It can survive the vacuum of space, as well as many other inhospitable conditions.”

Mr. Popo then tells you more about how it was usually constructed with Tuffle technology, but then stops midway through. Freezing mid-sentence, as if remembering something.

“Hold on. Baby's different in this timeline.” he says, sounding surprised by his own words. It isn't purely a Tuffle creation. This time, it is also enhanced with Grey technology, thanks to that one rust bucket. Oh, what was his name? Malicious? Atrocious?”
“Nefarious?” you ask, Mr. Popo snapping his fingers.
“Nefarious, that's right! And it was changed, so Baby no longer had to directly possess someone! But just by being in the possessed host's presence, it radiates nanomachines like pheremones that infect those around them too. Meaning if you're even NEAR that monster for too long, you'll become enslaved by it's mind control.”

“What?!” you ask, shocked. “Does that mean that before, back when we first fought, that monster was infecting all of us there?”
“Maybe, if Baby reached maturity when you faced it.” Mr. Popo says, crossing his arms. “Perhaps this is what Fortuneteller Baba foresaw?”
“Maybe. I'll have to check with Towa when I leave, double-check for that.” you say, hand to your chin. “What else can you tell me?”
“Sadly, not much else. Only that it was designed to be able to change a host's body on a molecular level, once matured as well. Eventually fully assimilating the host's being into itself. Once it reaches this point, they are inseparable. Only death can free the host at that point. But even worse, once fully assimilated, it can then find a NEW host, to continue the process. Eventually absorbing them as well, making itself stronger and stronger over time.”

“Damn. So, by now there's no way we'll be able to save Raditz.” you reply, making a note to tell this to Chaya. You know it'll hurt her, but perhaps will keep her from foolishly trying to SAVE Raditz from him again.
“Well, there could be a way. But you would have to kill him first.”

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“What?” you exclaim, but Mr. Popo doesn't even blink. “The hell do you mean?”
“If that monster is killed, you can use the Dragon Balls, either set here, on Namek, in the Demon Realm, or even the Super Dragon Balls. Wish Raditz back without the Tuffle that attached itself to him, and he will be freed of it. Sadly, I know of no other way to free him from that monster now. Your timeline wasn't the first to fall to that modified monster, Chronoa first tested it in another. But when we couldn't free Broly from it's control, she scrubbed that entire reality.”
“I see.” you reply, then raise a brow. “Wait, EITHER set?”

“Yes. There are two sets of Dragon Balls here on Earth. However, both are inactive without a Guardian's power to revive the dragon.” Mr. Popo says. “You'll sadly have to either wait for another Guardian to be chosen and empower the balls again, or find another set.”
“I see.” you reply, thinking over everything you've learned. Seems that coming here was worth the information.

But what do you do now?
>Telepathically tell Chaya immediately what Dumplin told you, warn her that Raditz is gone until and unless he can be wished back to life
>Ask to see the Room of Spirit and Time, you're curious what conditions for training it has and if it'd even be worth it in this planet's extremely light gravity
>Telepathically reach out to Marron, ask if everything is going okay over in that new city or if she needs anything
>Use your ki sense to find your family, then Instant Transmission to them to see what they're up to now
>Other(write in)?
>Telepathically tell Chaya immediately what Dumplin told you, warn her that Raditz is gone until and unless he can be wished back to life
Well shit. We might already be infected. That's...bad. Really fucking bad.
>Telepathically tell Chaya immediately what Dumplin told you, warn her that Raditz is gone until and unless he can be wished back to life
>Telepathically tell Chaya immediately what Dumplin told you, warn her that Raditz is gone until and unless he can be wished back to life
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Telepathically tell Chaya immediately what Dumplin told you, warn her that Raditz is gone until and unless he can be wished back to life unanimously wins it. Oh, what perfect timing you have, writing.
Because she's getting a message from Raditz as we speak
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“I need to tell Chaya.” you say aloud, reaching out with your mind to your eldest daughter. “Chaya, we need to talk.”
“What's goin' on Dad?” she thinks back, you sensing a bit of worry in her mind. “What is it?”

“Well. It's about Raditz.” you tell her, immediately feeling a surge of emotions from her. Anger, despair, loathing, worry, her emotions become a violent maelstrom for an instant. But then she gets herself back under control, you almost able to hear the deep breath she no doubt took. “I have bad news.”
“How bad?” she replies, you telling her everything Dumplin, now Mr. Popo had told you. And once you're done there's silence in the mental link, your daughter so pulled away you wonder if the mental link ended before she finally speaks up. “Damn it. I knew it. Deep down, I knew it would come to this. I just didn't want it to be true.”
“Chaya!” Get back here, right now! It's Raditz!” another mind suddenly shouts into the mental link, you hearing the 'voice' of Tanya, Chaya's friend and former foe. “You need to see this.”

Immediately worried you focus on Chaya's ki through the mental link, feeling her vanish from this planet and disappear outside ofyour ki sense's range. But thanks to the mental link you're still locked on, teleporting to Dreadzone. Where you see your daughter, the bald Earthling Krillin, Tanya herself, and a few other people whose faces you recognize all looking at one screen. Where, despite the changes that damned Tuffle Dumplin called Baby has done to him, it's still Clearly Raditz' body.

“-ing out Chaya! The so-called Goddess of Victory is nothing but a fraud! And I, Raditz, will prove it to you all once and for all.” Baby is speaking through Raditz, using his voice to make its threats on your daughter. “I shall be traveling back to Dreadzone where she banished me, returning to the arena and besting her in one-on-one combat for the entire universe to see!”
“Find that signal! Someone track that bastard down, how is he getting through security?!” Tanya is shouting through her communications device, while Vox himself just stares at the screen. A wicked grin coming to his face, seeing the potential money he could make off broadcasting such a fight to the entire universe.

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“Or, she can run away, like she always does when things get truly difficult. Hiding behind her father's skirts like a coward. Proving to you all she's nothing, relying on her father's strength and reputation to attain what she has.” Baby continues, you hearing Chaya's knuckles popping from how hard her fists are clenched. “But, if she wishes to disprove my claims, I shall arrive at Dreadzone Station in exactly one month. “I look forward to seeing you again soon, Chaya. And you'll pay for what you did to me and my family.”

And with a wink the transmission cuts out, going to static a moment before returning to the normal broadcast. Some unfamiliar creature is midway through a gauntlet within Dreadzone as the room falls silent. Everyone turning and looking to Chaya, seeing how she'll answer this challenge. You can feel her outrage radiating off of her, yet your daughter doesn't lash out. Instead you see her close her eyes, take a deep breath, then as she sighs out, opens her eyes once more. Turning to Tanya, speaking calmly and decisively.

“Get me a camera, and patch this through the feed. I can't let this go unanswered.” your daughter replies, voice icy as you see her eyes still blazing gold and crimson. It's almost frightening how... Calm she manages to look, despite the tempest of emotions you can feel radiating off of her. She then turns from Tanya, who runs out of the room to you, and for just a moment, she looks up at you like the little girl you raised all these years, the tiny child dancing with Freeza at your wedding, the little girl who'd burned her eyes trying to copy your Eye Beams, your precious daughter who, despite all her mistakes, is still standing proud. And then in a blink you see who she is now, the heavily scarred, experienced warrior standing before you. “Sorry Dad, but I have to do this myself. Please, don't try and stop me. If I can't do this, I'll...I'll lose everything.”

And as your daughter stands before you, making a request you once would have dismissed out-of-hand, the words of Fortuneteller Baba echo through your mind once more.

“If you face him, he will turn you into his strongest puppet, slaughtering your family and your people with your power. If you have any care for them, any care for the universe at large, you will not fight him.”

But are you really going to leave your daughter to face this monster alone? Can you really stand by and let her fight this fight without you?


-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 End-
And that's it for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride? Ready to see how this plays out, now that Baby's on the move? Curious why it has decided now to come forward, to challenge Chaya right in her home turf? Walking into the proverbial lion's den? Enjoy meeting a familiar face and seeing his fate, as well as learning more about Earth? And how will you handle Baby's challenge to your daughter? Will you ignore the warning you were given and face him yourself, or can you entrust this job to others? IS it even stoppable, or should you call a certain someone? Even if that means Raditz will also be gone forever, soul and all? All this and more, next time on Saiyan Conqueror Quest!
"So Chaya, I just found out about this thing called a 'Room of Spirit and Time'. Care to give it a try?'

Father-daughter training montage time.

Is there a limit to how many people can use the chamber at once? Or is it more a matter of too many people running through the food supply in its pantry too quickly, and then not having enough for a full year in there?
This is ORIGINAL chamber rules, no longer than two days our world time inside on non-consecutive days. And only two people at a time.
Not a bad move, potentially stealing Chaya's audience and provoking Karn into a direct confrontation at the same time. That said, I don't think he realizes that Karn isn't near as temperamental as he's made out to be.
As for Chaya, we may not be there fighting with her this time, but I'm going to try and do everything in my power as a player to support her. It's a good thing we just happened on a good place to train with her before Baby arrives.
Also yeah I am most certainly gonna try and warn Whis and Beerus as well, no reason not to have them as backup in case Karn falls to Baby.
Who would be a better training partner for Chaya in the chamber; Karn or Meloka?

Meloka has the aura shell techniques to potentially teach her, aiding awareness of the battlefield, and obviously has greater insight into SSBlue / god ki.

Whereas Karn would probably put her through the tougher workout, tougher sparring (could see berserker soul vs god ki sparring getting pretty fierce, and Chaya has the personality to be down for some fucking heavy-contact sparring), leading to higher base power level gains.

Or we could see if we could borrow Ace from Mechikabura for the day.
>but I'm going to try and do everything in my power as a player to support her
We should record a speech, a message to Baby to play before his fight. Where we lay into him and the Tuffles with the full force of old yokel generational racism. No slur left unsaid, no barb left unheard. Give him such a scathing review of his people and how pathetic they are and he is that even the dead will wince. I want to say shit so vile that Karn would get put on intergalactic watchlists were he not one of the top guys for the capital R space Racist emperor Cooler. We need to deliver a roast so foul that even space twitter won't try to cancel Karn for fear of getting even an ounce of that attention.

Well, Chaya has two days in there. It wouldn't be too hard to have two different teachers for a year each. What we really need is to get her a way to tell those nanomachine clouds Baby is going to be farting out to not infect her. And on that note, make sure Baby doesn't also get the entire crowd or Vox himself dusted.
The real question is the order Chaya will have her teachers. I'd say start with Karn first and then Meloka
>We should record a speech, a message to Baby to play before his fight. Where we lay into him and the Tuffles with the full force of old yokel generational racism. No slur left unsaid, no barb left unheard. Give him such a scathing review of his people and how pathetic they are and he is that even the dead will wince. I want to say shit so vile that Karn would get put on intergalactic watchlists were he not one of the top guys for the capital R space Racist emperor Cooler. We need to deliver a roast so foul that even space twitter won't try to cancel Karn for fear of getting even an ounce of that attention.

lol. Absolutely in favour of this.

If she spends a year with Karn first, she might end up being more/too powerful for Meloka to be an effective training partner. She already peaks higher than her with her kaioken.
Do Meloka first, to pick up the skills, then Karn, for a raw power boost, and to practice putting those new skills/techniques to use while under high pressure attack
Hmm, maybe. What I'm worried the most about is the mental effects of the HTC and the scathing reality that Raditz is a total goner affecting Chaya's judgement. But we need to have faith in our eldest daughter, now more than ever.
I want nothing less than for Lychee to be rolling in his pit in hell upon hearing such language
It's a good play. And if Karn interfered, would weaken Chaya regardless of the outcome. Perhaps merging with Raditz is having some sort of effect on Baby's mind?
Getting them to show up and watch could be a thing.
>but I'm going to try and do everything in my power as a player to support her
Spoken like a true father.
Depends on the training goal. If she wants to get stronger, Karn hands down. But if there are things she wants to get BETTER at, Meloka or perhaps other of her siblings? could be better.
Ha. Could be funny, but wouldn't help the outcome of the fight at all. It COULD even potentially hurt it, depending on reactions. You're in a MEDIA war now, where public opinion could very well influence the outcome of the fight between gods.
Well, in the arena there are the impassible shields protecting the audience so none of them would be infected. Only possible route would be through direct contact, but her audience already believe she can resist and destroy anything trying to take over her mind and body. Thanks to the FIRST TIME Baby tried against her.
A good rebuttal.
As long as the days are non-consecutive, as spending two years away from her audience and trying to use her Blue form would put serious strain on her soul. After all, being cut off from the source of her powers for that long could have negative repercussions.
She's not going to be in a GOOD place, perhaps we'll see more in the epilogue with Chaya's point of view and her rebuttal. But yes, she needs Faith now more than ever. For possibly the greatest fight of her entire life.
>You're in a MEDIA war now
Gay. When Chaya loses this fight and everything goes tits up I'm blaming Vox.
Quick question; how feasible would it break an attunement to an enchanted item so it can be renewed with a new owner?
Leaving the tied Patron vote open until Monday at 9pm EST, 22 more hours. I can see which of you haven't voted.

Chaya's source of power is her audience, without them she'd never have manifested divine power strong enough to rival her mother.
Attunement? Depends on the attuned item and wielder in most cases. And IF that can be broken in the first place, as a cursed item or some such requires curse breaking to release someone from it. Why?
>without them she'd never have manifested divine power strong enough to rival her mother.
Vox is still an enabler and a general bad influence. Business comes first for him. And bad shit is good business.

Also curious, what would happen if Karn got five people with the berserker soul to do the stupid god ritual on someone? I feel like this question was asked before but I can't remember.
I want to give her the Wolf Knight Greatsword. Besides it functioning well in her hands as a Divine artifact, it's more about the act itself and what it implies. What would express our faith in her more than trusting her to carry our sword into battle? It'd be a far cry from "hiding behind her father's skirts", now wouldn't it?
>Vox is still an enabler and a general bad influence.
He’s not a bad infuence, he’s a TERRIBLE influence. But unless all of Chaya’s quadrillions of fans across the universe suddenly drop her, he’s not doing anything to risk his golden goose. Surprisingly, he has more Faith in her than most of her fans.
That would be a spoiler. But I will say Mechikabura will show up to interfere.
In that example, it attunes itself to whoever holds it. It doesn’t hold a passive attunement to anyone. Which is how it changes sizes to match the wielder when it is passed to someone.
As for a show of Faith, such a thing won’t work. It’d be more widely seen as you bending the rules and helping best you can, seeming as if you don’t fully trust her on her own to win. Which could undermine Faith.
>It’d be more widely seen as you bending the rules and helping best you can, seeming as if you don’t fully trust her on her own to win.
BAH! I shouldn't be surprised that the lowest common denominator wouldn't understand a passing of the torch, but it still stings that they'd misconstrue it in that manner. Bunch of fucking philistines and perverts in Chaya's flock I swear!
You’re thinking too grandiose, especially for people like Karn. Passing of the torch doesn’t have to include a physical manifestation of the torch itself. Especially between two beings more durable than most PLANETS.
Hey I dunno, I think Karn IS the type to think that passing the torch literally means handing someone a burning stick or something.
>"Chaya, take this!"
>"Dad? Uh, thanks? But what am I gonna use a torch for?"
>"I'm passing it to you."
>"I'm passing the torch to-"
>"I think I get it Dad."
>"It is a symbolic gesture of great trust."
>"You know the symbolism behind silence being golden?"
>"Chaya.... sounds don't have a color..."
I wonder if Karn ever purposefully dumbs it up for funsies with the kiddos.
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As a Father of the highest renown, he is mandated to fuck with his kids via deadpan humor at every opportunity. The type of shit that'd give pic related a run for his money.
I'm sure that Okira has to regularly run off to her step-mum Towa in order to find reprieve from the intolerable bumpkin-ism of her parents. (Are we really going to pretend Meloka is much better than Karn? A bit smarter, sure, but formal education and sophistication are essentially nil).

Like Lisa living with Homer and Marge.
No. Karn's only seen two major passings of the torch. Vegeta III to his son, and his father to him. Both at their deaths.
A real one right there
>to Towa
>the girl who has at least one pocket dimension library
She only goes to Towa when she wants to talk about something complex and her big brother Chilli's busy.
>like Lisa
Except Okira isn't a self-obsessed know-it-all with a victim complex.
Quick question, is there a public library in the new city yet? I can imagine Okira would have a good time there AND get the chance to socialize with people who might be able to keep up with her in a conversation.
Also...have we not actually named the city yet? I was looking in the archives and it appears to just be referred to as "the city".
I was thinking about this fragment:
>“But if I can't fight him, who will?” you ask her, concerned. “Who else has the power to take that monster on?”
>“I cannot say.” she says,
>“I know. But I CANNOT say.
>“She speaks the truth.” the ancient dark lord's phantom appears beside you, you glancing over to see Bane's expression is clouded. “Trying to change the future usually results in one of two futures. The very future you sought to prevent, or one even worse. However, there is always another risk. She may already be under that monster's power.”
I thought they were talking about Chaya. She already used faith of her followers to purge herself from Baby’s parasite.
>You always COULD try. See if you can change the future.
Indeed. He really has the potential to go against future visions because he is fateless and it might work out.
>But just by being in the possessed host's presence, it radiates nanomachines like pheremones that infect those around them too. Meaning if you're even NEAR that monster for too long, you'll become enslaved by its mind control.”
That’s super strong.
>Eventually fully assimilating the host's being into itself. Once it reaches this point, they are inseparable. Only death can free the host at that point. But even worse, once fully assimilated, it can then find a NEW host, to continue the process. Eventually absorbing them as well, making itself stronger and stronger over time.”
I see why they are warning us so much about this modified Baby. He really is super dangerous.
>Your timeline wasn't the first to fall to that modified monster, Chronoa first tested it in another. But when we couldn't free Broly from it's control, she scrubbed that entire reality.”
That speaks volumes.
>And that's it for this episode, everyone enjoy the ride?
>Ready to see how this plays out, now that Baby's on the move? Curious why it has decided now to come forward, to challenge Chaya right in her home turf?
I’m sure one month from now he will be 100% matured and most dangerous. I don’t know what else he plans, but I’m sure fair duel with Chaya is not the true goal. He is planning something shady.
>Enjoy meeting a familiar face and seeing his fate, as well as learning more about Earth?
It was very interesting.
>Perhaps merging with Raditz is having some sort of effect on Baby's mind?
For example, does he get angry more easily? Is he gaining Raditz’s personality traits?
>That would be a spoiler. But I will say Mechikabura will show up to interfere.
So he saw that happen once didn’t he?
>have we not actually named the city yet?
As far as I know it has no name yet.
I'm telling you, we need to get some Baby-Be-Gone spray from Porunga. Brainwashing nanomachines are hax. HAX, I TELL YA!
No. There isn't even one in Vegeta City, only the royal library. Which is semi-public, has public and private sections.
And no, it isn't officially named yet. However, it MAY have an unofficial nickname.
Could be Chaya, could be someone else. But perhaps telling you would influence your decisions, preventing events from unfolding the way they need for this person to defeat Baby?
You could try. But would you really roll those dice, when other, potentially less risky options are presented?
Terribly overpowered, unless you have a way to combat them. Like channeling electricity through your body stronger than they can withstand, for a completely random example. Or venom from a being like an Orbalisk parasite, that destroys nano tech in its host's brainstem on a molecular level?
Very true. Imagine if fully absorbs Raditz, then adds that power to someone like Bardock? Or Leyas? Or Broly?
Indeed. But there was more to that conversation than I think most of you realized...
Glad you enjoyed it.
Perhaps. Or, perhaps this is merely a diversion from his true target?
Could be. Perhaps he's absorbing Raditz' rage and hate towards Chaya specifically?
Perhaps. Or perhaps he simply understands what we don't.
They are, but on the plus side, with a parasite of your own in your mind as well as magical protections, you'd be safe from the nanomachines. Thanks to Towa's protections she put in your mind, unless they're specifically designed to overcome such protections.
Chilli is most likely our best bet to finish off Baby. Encase his arse in crystal to contain and mitigate the nanobot infection cloud, then fuck him up with magical shenanigans.

Chaya needs to counter Baby-Raditz's announcement calling her out; tell him to go big or go home. If he wants to really give her fans a show worth watching, it needs to be a tag-team extravaganza. Chaya and Chilli vs Baby-Raditz and a friend! But, ooooh burn! He probably doesn't even have any friends after the break-up, because he's a loser! Spam Ls in chat, everybody.
>No. There isn't even one in Vegeta City, only the royal library
I see. Well, in any case, I'm sure Karn might see the potential benefits of such a thing. Being well-read is good for you, especially as you're growing up, as we can see with Okira.
>And no, it isn't officially named yet. However, it MAY have an unofficial nickname.
Oh, now I'm interested. I hope it's something we overhear during our public training sessions. Either way, I hope we get the chance to formally name the place sooner or later. Maybe on the first anniversary of when we broke ground would be a good date.
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Since none of you three other fucks decided you wanted to vote for the patron poll for March, I'm rolling tiebreaker here then. 1 for Caulifla and Lottus' story, 2 for Maz and Kayle's tale.

MAYBE. Unless he's been busy building resistances to counter Chilli's powers. After all, Baby has all of Raditz' memories and the stories Chaya told him of Chilli's powers and abilities.
She could do so, and is going to IMMEDIATELY fire back an announcement of her own. That's going to be the Epilogue, after all, Chaya's pov on how this episode ended and her retort immediately back.
Maybe, but unless his people WANT such a thing, he isn't going to bother. Chilli's more concerned with the more immediately practical.
We'll see. Maza may have a name in mind, but so too might others. Like Meloka Wolbach, but the Crimson Demon Clan's naming conventions are rather... Strange to those not of the village. I mean, just look what she named her bird.
You know, I don't think anyone is talking enough about the fact that Mr. Popo not only confirmed Baby being even more broken than usual is due to Chronoa's fuckery, but also that it was dangerous enough for her to press the nuke button when it got a hold of Broly. There is a frightening potential future at risk of becoming a reality.
>Terribly overpowered, unless you have a way to combat them. Like channeling electricity through your body stronger than they can withstand, for a completely random example.
Thank you for providing this example. Perhaps in a desperate situation Karn can use his own Force Lightning on himself to try purge his body from Baby’s nanomachines. Hopefully his Force Lightning strong enough to guarantee destruction of them all.
>Imagine if fully absorbs Raditz, then adds that power to someone like Bardock? Or Leyas? Or Broly?
This sounds very scary. The longer this parasite exists the stronger it gets. He really is a universe threatening being. He is one of those villains that has a real potential to lead Karn's adventures to a bad ending.
>Indeed. But there was more to that conversation than I think most of you realized...
Does this have something to do with Baby gaining control over Berserker Soul through Broly?
I agree with you.
>Perhaps in a desperate situation Karn can use his own Force Lightning on himself
One small issue. Karn never actually mastered that Force power.
There is a LOT from that conversation not being talked about enough. But, if you all choose to ignore his warnings, implications and subtle hints, that's on you.
Well, you know someone who can withstand such electricity, and HAS before. Her scars even glow with lightning now when she uses it.
Absolutely. This is a bigger threat than Lyin Eyes Requiem ever could be.
>Does this have something to do with Baby gaining control over Berserker Soul through Broly?
This is EXACTLY why Chronoa nuked that reality. Ended it before something like Baby could control it and use that power.
A very good point. However, someone like Chaya could theoretically electrocute someone else to save them as well. And not to mention the magic-wielders' potential powers. Better question: do the nanomachines count as ALIVE?
>Well, you know someone who can withstand such electricity, and HAS before. Her scars even glow with lightning now when she uses it.
Godzilla's wife?
>But, if you all choose to ignore his warnings, implications and subtle hints, that's on you.
I'm sorry I'm a fucking idiot GD, my apologies.
Don't worry anon, it's not just you. We're all bags of hammers here. The real problem is that players often overlook things that are "obvious" only because the QM already knows about it. Even when you try to make it more obvious it can be hard to gauge if you've done enough. I've had to almost spell it out to players before after reiterating to pay attention to verbiage and changing how things were said several times. It just happens.
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I meant someone else.
Not your fault man, but people seem to be putting focus on certain things he said and glossing over others.
True. As a player, I almost always HATE dm puzzles. But perhaps it will be explored later
>I meant someone else.
Rule 63 Raiden from the Metal Gear Solid series?
>There is a LOT from that conversation not being talked about enough.
After staying here for so long why didn't Dumplin contact Puddin? She probably misses him. Is it because he can't contact her or doesn't want to?
>do the nanomachines count as ALIVE
I have no answer. It reminds me of this: "The question of whether viruses are alive is debated among scientists. They lack the cellular structure and metabolic processes typical of living organisms, but they can reproduce by hijacking the machinery of host cells, placing them in a gray area between living and non-living."
A lot of questions this has brought up in particular.
Quite the question. If they aren't, Okira can completely negate that ability with a single sentence.
>Okira can completely negate that ability with a single sentence.

"Baby actually radiates a cloud of cheese, not nanobots"
No, as that sentence would directly affect a living being. Which Imagine Dragon cannot do.
Easy, "The nanomachines Baby emits turn into cheese after they leave his body.".
Too open-ended, instructions unclear. You now have cheese inside you as they didn’t change until entering your blood, blocking your bloodstream with cheese clots and now you’re dead.
^Shit like this are why Okira is very well-read. She knows the laws of reality do NOT like being messed with and will mess back whenever and in whatever ways possible. The ‘monkey’s paw’ principle as Towa called it when teaching her of it. But Okira prefers ‘Murphy’s Law’ as she thinks the other term is still an indirect jab at her species.
This would also kill all of Baby's followers, likely from suffocation. I see it as a W. Fuck your divinity grab, Baby.
I'm sure Okira will figure out the right phrasing if we have her do her thing. Whether or not the scale of such a thing is within her power is the more pressing concern in my mind.
No, that would likely only kill those taken over in the past few hours. Can’t give away more of how it works yet as that ooc knowledge could reveal the weaknesses.
Yes, her scope is quite limited. Not in the scale she can affect, but how much it takes out of her to do so. Karn can attest, defying ALL the faith of the gods and most mortals on how the universe works is no small feat.
I've got it, add 1 electron to all of the clothes Baby is wearing. What will this do? I have no idea as I am not a science man, but I know the physics of it will be extremely unhappy. He's also dumb enough to keep wearing actual clothes when he slorps people. For whatever reason. Baby's kind of a fucking diva, ain't he?
>Baby's kind of a fucking diva, ain't he?
Worse than that, he is a literal fucking baby. It's in the name.
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By Jove you're right.
>4chan fucking froze again
The last one was 3 months and some days ago, too. This website really is going down the shitter.
Okira's powers are one of those that are so busted that they could solve the plot instantly, but just as easily end everyone else's story. Thank GOD she's so smart. I'm reminded of the hypothetical situation where she gets interrupted when changing the properties of gravity and ends up accidentally deleting it instead. She really could kill everything and everyone if she wanted to.
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>There is a LOT from that conversation not being talked about enough
Thanks for giving me the green light to over analyze. After skimming through Baby's lore, these are my thoughts:

Base Baby alone is completely terrifying. Being able to liquefy himself into any opening in the body and take control of humanoid and mechanical hosts, laying clone eggs that can have a delayed activation seemingly controlled at will, can possess multiple people to gain power and memories from them, and has that busted fucking regen. What I really don't like are its upgrades that gives Baby AoE egg possession. And the fact that it can now fully assimilate a host and then do that bullshit again infinitely. We have no idea how many times Baby did that, only that it has permanently claimed Raditz along with all of his memories. What really gets me though is what Popo says here:
>Your timeline wasn't the first to fall to that modified monster, Chronoa first tested it in another. But when we couldn't free Broly from it's control, she scrubbed that entire reality.”
Chronoa was not only blatantly meddling with Baby's existence, but also trying to gauge its altered power. But with all of their abilities at hand, both Chronoa and pre-reincarnation Popo (aka Dumplin) couldn't get Baby out of Broly. Chronoa, with dominion over time itself and can reverse an individual's time, couldn't free Broly. Dumplin, with all of his eldritch power at hand, couldn't free Broly. Death is the only way to free a Baby host, but they couldn't free Broly. The fact that their attempts at separating Baby Broly seems like solid evidence that it was stronger than the BOTH of them from possessing Broly. Which is raising a lot of alarm bells.

>What Baby Could Be Capable Of: Speculation
So if Broly getting possessed by Baby was bad enough to nuke the entire timeline, Karn getting nabbed by the new & improved Baby must be some real End Times shit, especially when it can get a hold of all of his powers and the knowledge to use them. Since it's total assimilation I also believe that Baby has easy access to Karn's manifestation of fighting spirit, Divine Dragon Force, despite it having a mind of its own. Baby, being able to draw forth energy from his followers, could potentially use them as batteries to fuel wishes that he makes, or even charge its power up to make it wake up after a wish sooner, like how Mechikabura was able to do so. That's already awful, and add in the fact that Karn's fateless and tells the natural order to piss off? It's real nasty business.

I'll continue some more in a little bit, but I want to make things absolutely clear: Under no circumstances is Baby ever, EVER allowed to take control of anyone connected to the Beserker power and someone possessing Divine power. That's game over for sure.
Could Baby take over Perfect Cell too?
>Quite the question. If they aren't, Okira can completely negate that ability with a single sentence.
After thinking about it a bit maybe they are “alive”. Popo said here that King Kudamo is:
>Baby, is a non-organic life form.
Because of that those nanomachines that Baby emits are like cells from a living organism. They are alive in same way as Transformers (Autobots, Decepticons) are alive but made from metal. I wonder if Okira can affect this kind of life? I also hope that those nanomachines just float aimlessly in the air instead of chasing nearest non infected target like a swarm of bees.
>We have no idea how many times Baby did that, only that it has permanently claimed Raditz along with all of his memories.
I think this Baby is brand new and Raditz may become the first host to be fully assimilated.
>The fact that their attempts at separating Baby Broly seems like solid evidence that it was stronger than the BOTH of them from possessing Broly. Which is raising a lot of alarm bells.
Yes it is alarming and after all that happened she unleashed a Baby like this into our timeline. If Karn and his allies lose this timeline will become a home to powerful monster. Maybe she wants Tuffle Parasite to become so threatening to force Mechikabura to destroy the whole time scroll with our Karn inside, so that Mechi no longer has his important allies.
>if she wishes to disprove my claims, I shall arrive at Dreadzone Station in exactly one month.
When the fight between Baby Raditz and Chaya happens and she will bring Baby to the brink of defeat should Karn then throw Baby a Senzu Bean a bit like Goku did in Gohan versus Perfect Cell fight?
Okay, I get how Towa is, but even she isn't talking about monkey jokes, and Okira should know that since she can actually read, and know EVERYBODY knows that magical item, or its equivalent.
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>What Baby Could Be Capable Of: Cont.
I think the biggest reason why Karn specifically leads to the End of All Things isn't just because of his base strength but also his fatelessness, potentially being able to spread that conditiion across hosts and controlled minions. If that's the case, he could infinitely buckbreak the timeline with every choice he and his hivemind makes. I hope he can't do that.

Speaking of his hivemind, he is able to find a loophole in the Faith system, as his parasitic spawn can take over mortals and pour their faith into him. So far he has Raditz's body and knows how to go SSJ4. If his faith is potent enough, he might be able to tap into both divine and primal types of energy, adding another dimension to his stolen strength. Or even worse, he could take over someone that has anti-divine energy, like Haathe, and combine those two energies together. We still don't know what that energy is the last time it appeared, but it outmatched Destroyer energy pretty easily.

Finally, there's the elephant in the room: Baby's possession abilities. The only thing I've seen resist canon Baby's parasitism is Majin Buu, and it's not like it couldn't enter his body, it was just located and contained within Buu. I don't know how potent its upgrades are, but I'm going to assume that our buddy Ginyu could counter it if on guard. Nothing else is truly safe, not even robots. Baby could infect both Dr. Rilldo and Dr. Myuu as well as Android 18. I don't think Baby can "infect" basic machinery like it can with robots, but if it can then I imagine it never bothered to or its still holding cards close to its chest.

All in all, everyone who is connected to the Beserker Soul like Karn, Junior, Broly, and Haathe, need to stay FAR away from this thing. And Chaya's encounter with Baby needs to end with the monster dead. But considering how Baby survived its abortion in the first place, we may need to also kill everyone he's enslaved with fire. Either Baby needs to be met at a different location, or Dreadzone Station needs to be COMPLETELY EVACUATED by the time Baby gets there. machines and organics alike.
If the players somehow managed to vote for that then getting Baby'd and making the universe asplode would be entirely deserved
She knows better than to go to the subatomic level. Consequences are... Unpredictable.
Doubly so. Especially since it was born this year.
When did it freeze? I didn't notice.
>Thanks for giving me the green light to over analyze
Don't need permission for this, I enjoy the thoughts. Can't have conversations without someone starting them.
Safe to assume he's only gotten Raditz. Well, him and Raditz and Redis' unborn child.
Specifically to kill Saiyans as well, since she knows it hates them the most.
>Which is raising a lot of alarm bells.
As it should. Because Popo didn't tell you WHAT Broly that was.
>That's game over for sure
For certain.
Potentially, unless Cell can resist it/ absorb Baby instead like it does with androids.
I guess there's only one way to find out if they are really classified as alive or not.
Does sound like something she'd do, isn't it?
Why would Karn do that? He isn't trying to get Chaya to take over his role of protector, not yet. And in a battle for survival, her being able to best them without his help isn't his concern. Karn isn't YET worried about who will inherit his role as the strongest when he passes. He didn't just recover from a life-threatening illness forcing him to reevaluate his life and the future where he could possibly die.
A valid concern.
A much more valid and worrying concern.
Ginyu would 'feel' it inside him and react accordingly. Could also work as a sort of safety net for anyone he absorbed, to prevent them from being taken over.
Well, knowing what it does after Chaya warns Vox and Tanya, steps will be taken to prevent anyone in the audience from being infected. Between the ray shielded audience to only allowing his ship to directly land on the stage(which Chaya will obliterate the moment he steps out, not trusting Baby to truly honor the 1v1), they'll have safety measures in place more than adequate to handle something like that. After all, this isn't the first time something like that landed at Dreadzone, although it was a fungal organic creature instead of machine
>Potentially, unless Cell can resist it/ absorb Baby instead like it does with androids.
Can't Cell only absorb the other androids because they were also Gero originals and he designed around all that?
Originally? Yes. But you have no idea how old that Cell is, and what upgrades the first Towa who had him made. Not to mention any changes to his body he himself made over the decades.
>He didn't just recover from a life-threatening illness forcing him to reevaluate his life and the future where he could possibly die.
Ya know, I hadn't really thought about the back half of the Cell Saga like that. Dealing with that heart virus scare and realizing that the only reason any of this is happening is the direct result of his actions, past and present, must have hit like a truck. Opting to spend a year with Gohan specifically and followed by his otherwise spur-of-the-moment sacrifice suddenly make a lot more sense outside of just pure pragmatism.
Anyways, I agree with you in that Karn isn't really in that frame of mind just yet, even with all the near death experiences he just had. Even if he understands on a rational level that he's not always gonna be around, that instinctual understanding of "I'm gonna fucking die someday" still hasn't hit yet.
Whether it's age, illness, or his own sins made manifest, it'll be interesting to see what makes Karn understand his mortality like that down the line.
Bingo. A lot of people miss the story for the flashy fights and "Waku waku". Few notice that we don't get Goku's internal thoughts ever again once he goes Super Saiyan in the manga against Freeza. Until well after his death at his return in the Buu arc, where he regains his mantle as MC as no one else could fill his role.
> it'll be interesting to see what makes Karn understand his mortality like that down the line.
>down the line
Karn's upbringing was quite different than Goku's. He's ALWAYS been aware he could die in battle, ever since he was little and understood what death meant. Watching his people die in the raids on their villages by the Tuffles since he understood what was going on. Seeing people a lot stronger than him(back then) fall in battle. Which is why Karn's approach to his kids was so different than Goku's. Karn came into fatherhood knowing he could die anytime and raised his kids best he could to fight and survive without him if they needed to. Whereas Goku only had that lesson really hit home after the Heart Virus nearly killed him. As we'll see tomorrow, Karn's spent their lives raising his kids to fight for their people. And now it seems about time for one to take that step for the first time, Epilogue dropping in 8ish hours
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-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 Epilogue-


“Damn it. I knew it.” you think to your father, Karn, after he explains what he learned about the Tuffle menace Baby that hijacked the body of your former lover Raditz once again. After slaughtering his wife from the inside by having changed their unborn child into itself before you obliterated its original body. “Deep down, I knew it would come to this. I just didn't want it to be true.”
“CHAYA! Get back here, right now! It's Raditz!” Tanya, the General of all of Dreadzone's forces, your former rival and former Champion of Dreadzone Tanya shouts to you through the telepathic link. “You need to see this.”

“Dammit!” you snarl aloud, raising your right hand to your forehead, focusing on her energy through the link. However, right as you're about to teleport, you feel something grab your arm. Then everything changes, you leaving the peaceful beach of Earth behind, reappearing in Vox's office.
“Chaya, what's going o-?” Krillin, who you see holding your arm asks as he's suddenly interrupted, you both turning to the largest screen in the room, everyone already looking that way.
“That's right, today is the day I am calling out Chaya! The so-called Goddess of Victory is nothing but a fraud! And I, Raditz, will prove it to you all once and for all.” Raditz says. But as you see him, that's clearly not Raditz. Everything from his face to his voice SEEMS like him, but you can tell it isn't. Like looking in a distorted mirror, seeing something not quite right. “I shall be traveling back to Dreadzone where she banished me, returning to the arena and besting her in one-on-one combat for the entire universe to see!”

“Find that signal! Someone track that bastard down, how is he getting through security?!” Tanya shouts in her scouter, trying to get the tech team to do something. TO find out how the signal is being interrupted. But you can do nothing but watch, feeling your anger rise. How DARE this bastard take another joyride in Raditz' body, you're going to make it pay!
“Or, she can run away, like she always does when things get truly difficult.” the monster continues with a sneer. The bastard looking right at you, taunting you with some of the same insults he'd said when he'd broken up with you. “Hiding behind her father's skirts like a coward. Proving to you all she's nothing, relying on her father's strength and reputation to attain what she has.”

At this you hear some sort of popping noise, only to realize you're clenching your fists so hard that it is your own joints. Cracking your knuckles from the sheer power of your grip. How DARE this bastard say that about you, you're gonna kill him!
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“But, if she wishes to disprove my claims, I shall arrive at Dreadzone Station in exactly one month.” the monster continues, you blinking in surprise. Really? That bastard's going to save you the trouble of tracking him down, delivering himself to you here? At the heart of your power? Something's wrong. “I look forward to seeing you again soon, Chaya. And you'll pay for what you did to me and my family.”

And with a wink the transmission cuts out, going to static a moment before returning to the normal broadcast. But you don't see it. All you can see is the afterimage of his face in your mind, wielding his body to taunt you, to draw you into direct combat. Perhaps thinking that the only reason he lost last time was because of your father, that you can't beat that monster by yourself. But underestimating you will be the last mistake that bastard makes. You are Chaya. Former and Current Champion of Dreadzone, a Super Saiyan who has gone beyond mortal limits and achieved power few have. With the Faith of quintillions of beings across the universe, you've ascended beyond the limits of your kind, to face down even gods in direct combat and win. But this parasitic bastard thinks it can take YOU?! You're going to make it beg for death. Taking a deep breath, you turn from the screen to Tanya, who is looking at you like a rabbit about to bolt, clearly wary of how you'll react to this direct call out.

“Get me a camera, and patch this through the feed. I can't let this go unanswered.” you say, your voice icy cold as you feel your fury burning beneath the surface. Yet you keep your anger, your outrage and all the emotions you still feel about Raditz tamped down, carefully controlling them as Tanya sprints from the room. You then turn to your father, and for the first time in your life he seems... Old. Weary. Not just tired from the insane feat of destroying a reality countless gods manifested into reality, but there's something else as he looks down at you. He looks... Worried. Unsure. Hesitant. Words you never associated with your father before. All your life he's been a man of decisive action, but now he doesn't seem sure how to respond. So, before he says anything you speak directly to him. “Sorry Dad, but I have to do this myself. Please, don't try and stop me. If I can't do this, I'll...I'll lose everything.”

And to your surprise he doesn't immediately deny you. He doesn't tell you that you're being unreasonable, that he won't let you fight alone. But in his eyes you see something, something weighing on your dad's mind. Something heavy, something you're not entirely sure you want to know what it is. Because it seems the burden of what he's holding onto is crushing him.
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Your father takes a deep breath, letting out a sigh as he looks away for a moment. Stepping over to look out the large floor-to-ceiling window to Vox's right side, he spends a quiet moment looking down at the arena far below. Silence hangs in the room, everyone waiting to see what your father will say.

“Are you sure you can win?” your father asks you aloud, not taking his gaze from the stage far below. “Do you think you can kill him?”
“Wh-What? You're not going to try and stop me?” you reply, blinking in surprise at his reaction.
“Answer me, Chaya.” he says, turning back to face you. Something heavy weighing in his eyes, expression deadly serious. “Can. You. Kill. Him?”
“Yes. No matter what it takes.” you reply, projecting all the confidence in your voice you can muster. “I owe him that much, to send his soul to the afterlife.”

He looks down at you a moment, as if appraising your words, then nods once. More to himself than to your words.

“I trust you, kiddo. If you think you can do this, I won't stop you.” he replies, but as you're about to say something he raises a single finger. “But if you fail. I won't let you be consumed. I'll destroy EVERYTHING before I let that monster control you.”
“I'll take that wager. Victory or death, there is no other way.” you answer him, your father nodding to you. A new measure of respect in his eyes, as you accept the consequences of what will happen should you fail. But before he can say anything else, the door opens back up.
“Alright Chaya, I've got two.” Tanya calls, you all turning to her. But immediately she sees the mood of the room, raising a brow. “What did I miss?”

“I'll tell you later.” she says, then turns to Vox who is still sitting behind his chair. “Mind I do it here?”
“Of course, go ahead.” he says, steepling his fingers, resting his elbows on his desk as he watches. The usual greedy glint in his eyes at this opportunity to make money shining bright. And you know that this fight is going to sell like crazy. Nodding to him you turn, putting your back to the arena with the large window behind you. With your telekinesis move the two cameras into the best positions, then ask Tanya to give you a count.
“Five. Four. Three.” she says, then does the “Two, one, zero” with only raised fingers. Letting you speak uninterrupted to all of your nearly countless worshippers across the Seventh Universe. With only you in frame, the view overlooking the arena behind you as you cross your arms, addressing your people.
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“Attention, my people across the greatest of the twelve universes!” you declare boldly, speaking directly into the camera. Reaching out to every single one of your fans across the width of your universe, willing them all to hear your words. “Today I come to you with an announcement. And, unfortunately, some sad news I just learned today. Now, I know many of you know what happened between myself and Raditz. How what we had ended on such bad terms. And some of you saw that message just released by someone pretending to be him. But that wasn't Raditz.”

At this revelation you pause, letting everyone wonder what you mean. Letting the suspense build, you FEELING the tension the universe as everyone waits with baited breath. You hold the suspense a moment longer, just a second short of becoming unbearable before you continue.

“No, that was a Tuffle. The very last Tuffle in existence. Yes, the very same one I thought I killed already and saved him and his family from.” you continue, feeling the collective shock of your worshippers across the universe at this reveal. “But it survived, having split itself and hid inside Raditz and Redis' unborn child. Killing her on its way out and taking over Raditz right after. And now it has taken his body, killing him and trapping his soul within his corpse, wielding Raditz' body like a flesh puppet to steal his power for itself. To use his might against myself and my fellow Saiyans, to wipe out our entire race. Because that monster's too weak on its own to actually fight, it has to use others' bodies to do its dirty work.”

At this declaration, you pause once more, letting your words sink in. Giving your people time to digest your words, to understand you before you continue. Giving it not as long a pause as the first one, then address the monster's claims.

“In one month's time, I'll be right here waiting for you, Baby.” you declare, uncrossing your arms and raising your right fist overhead. “And once I've killed you, Raditz' soul can rest in peace. So, bring it on you Tuffle bastard. Bring everything you've got, because I won't be holding back!”

And with a thought and exertion of telekinesis, turn both of the cameras off simultaneously. Ending their feed and returning the broadcasts to their regularly-scheduled Dreadzone content. You hold the pose a moment longer, then lower your fist as resolve fills you. You can feel it, the Faith in your audience across the universe flooding into you as their belief in you is reaffirmed. Taking a deep breath, you then sigh out, ready to face this new challenge. You have one month to ready yourself, to take this bastard down and avenge Raditz, Redis, and their unborn child. And you won't fail, you CAN'T fail!

-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 235 Epilogue End-
Good epilogue as always GD. I have to wonder if she'll get what Karn's going through before she experiences it herself, this lack of agency while your entire world is put into jeopardy. All that frustration, that anxiety, it'd take a lesser man out of commission I bet.
Anyways, a month is pretty generous...or it would be if Baby wasn't using it to set the stage on top of baiting out shot-callers like Cold to send him fresh hosts. Honestly, what are you even supposed to do against something so persistent and virulent?
Damn, this is going to be the first Big Bad conflict that Karn is NOT able to fight in. I can see why he doesn't seem like himself.
A terrible feeling for sure. And yeah, Baby's definitely plotting SOMETHING during that 1 month wait. The problem with Baby is that it's so threatening against shitters and non-shitters. If Cold sends some fodder to take care of Baby then its free slaves able to move around quickly and discreetly, and if he sends in bigger fish then it only increases Baby's power and intel while depriving you of a powerful fighter. It's a living, THINKING disease. I wonder if Cold ever had to deal with shit like this in his lifetime
Just gotta do that extinction barrage shit Buu does. Except targeting only Baby's goons. Use magic to see them.
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I just realized, there IS a way Cold might be able to get at Baby if he felt so inclined. That said, it probably wouldn't result in much and would only really amount to being a very petty attempt on his life. As for how...well, pic extremely related.
Those are wise thoughts.
Very good epilogue.
>But as you see him, that's clearly not Raditz. Everything from his face to his voice SEEMS like him, but you can tell it isn't.
How Bardock, Gine and Kakarot react to this?
I hope we will attempt to resurrect Raditz and his family after that.
>Just gotta do that extinction barrage shit Buu does. Except targeting only Baby's goons. Use magic to see them.
Interesting idea.
>I just realized, there IS a way Cold might be able to get at Baby if he felt so inclined. That said, it probably wouldn't result in much and would only really amount to being a very petty attempt on his life. As for how...well, pic extremely related.
Interesting idea as well.
>Could be Chaya, could be someone else. But perhaps telling you would influence your decisions, preventing events from unfolding the way they need for this person to defeat Baby?
I just had this thought. Didn’t Caulifa had this move that is related to her Stand where she turns her body into pure fire and it is so hot it melts metal. Baby is armed to teeth and only getting stronger, but Caulifa in that fire form would be immune to infection and if we had means to prevent Baby from escaping then maybe Caulifa could melt Baby and his host till they are both 100% dead. I’m not sure if it will work, but it seems like a possibility. If prophecies and visions are not talking about Chaya as the one who will kill Baby then maybe it is Caulifa.
>I just had this thought. Didn’t Caulifa had this move that is related to her Stand where she turns her body into pure fire and it is so hot it melts metal. Baby is armed to teeth and only getting stronger, but Caulifa in that fire form would be immune to infection and if we had means to prevent Baby from escaping then maybe Caulifa could melt Baby and his host till they are both 100% dead. I’m not sure if it will work, but it seems like a possibility. If prophecies and visions are not talking about Chaya as the one who will kill Baby then maybe it is Caulifa.

Glad you enjoyed. Probably not, after all this is the first time EVERYTHING's on her. Her father, who always saves the day if no one else can...Won't. Will affect quite a few things going forward, depending on how this turns out.
>...or it would be if Baby wasn't using it
Oh you already know OOC two potential targets he's going after.
Absolutely, seeing him hesitant and worried is getting to her.
You know it. But perhaps his angle isn't this fight at all? Perhaps his plan runs deeper, and the fight is his showing off of his victory?
Ha. But while Karn, Meloka, or Chaya doesn't have that sort of range, perhaps SOMEONE you know does...?
Chaya could have done the same, or even tried invading his mind as she did to Kaper. If she hadn't sworn off using that power unless absolutely necessary.
Bardock, still in orbit around that planet hasn't seen that transmission. The others, well...
Yes, Caulifla and her Stand can merge. But Baby also knows this. and knows she could potentially heal HIM out of a host as well. Having seen something similar back during the Hive War with Cauli and Broly. But as for burning him out, SS4 can survive the heat of the surface of the sun. Her fire isn't that deadly heat-wise.
Stupid question, but how would Hamon react with a parasitic organism like Baby?
Depends on how he enters/controls the body. But if he enters through the bloodstream, well... Johnathan showed us how that worksback in part 1
Not quite to that level, no. It was a fungus man-wizard competitor who used his spores to mind control others. But that was shut down after Tanya figured out what he was doing.
....I WANT ALL BLARGIAN SHIPS CROSSING PTO BORDERS AND ALL WORLDS WITH BLARGIAN PRODUCTS PURGED IMMEDIATELY! The bastard must be trying to spread his nanomachines across the border worlds he has access too.
Now that I think about it, we don't know the shelf life of those nanomachines outside of Baby's body. They could be septic for a few minutes, or hours, or days, or WEEKS. And since they're airborne, you could be exposed to them through a cough, a sneeze, in your water or your food, among other places.
Possibly. Or perhaps he doesn't need such... Small gains in a month's time. Remember, he has ALL of Raditz' memories.
Very true. Speaking of, wonder how Bardock. Leyas, and Sarada are doing...?
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>Very true. Speaking of, wonder how Bardock. Leyas, and Sarada are doing...?
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> Very true. Speaking of, wonder how Bardock. Leyas, and Sarada are doing...?
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Indeed. NOW you're beginning to see. What's that old phrase again? Ah yes, The game was rigged from the start
24 hours to go. A declaration has been made, the gauntlet thrown, but what now? I guess we'll find out soon enough!
When was the last time King Vegeta confirmed their locations orbiting around Raditz's last known location
Perhaps we'll soon find out...
Soon, the Horror resumes.
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It is time! >>6209573

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