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Last time, you and your hobos (+ Crossbill) played the King’s Game together and it went as well as one could wish. So well that everything developed into interesting activities of the lovey-dovey variety. The result of a man out of control meeting with some wild gals who want to have all types of fun.

It’s deep into the night, these activities are time-consuming and can take a toll on you. But after drinking that special Calamity Cola, you aren’t *that* tired. You’re pretty sure if your eyelids high-five and you continue cuddling with the redhead next to you, you’ll be able to sleep soundly. But if you want to go back to the living room to cause more mayhem, well, the night is young enough. Crossbill might still be up!

Ruby is happily sleeping on your bed (You two cleaned it), she looks like the happiest woman on the face of the earth as her dreams can barely match the reality she experienced. You’re exaggerating, but it makes your heart skip when you see her smile like this — even with her eyes closed.

To go or not to go…

Either way, you can’t help but think that it is good to be alive!

What do you do?

>Get comfy. Cuddle with the woman you love, and sleep.
>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>Write In.
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/QM91m
Discord: https://discord.gg/AmjbaTR
Archives: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?searchall=do+your+best+quest
(Rough Grammar ‘till half of the 9th Thread)
Incomplete Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nIx_dvaNCPQ7zLg2BK_ucCyGNM741kAANxqXj7hdDs/edit?usp=sharing


Votes are counted until 25 minutes have passed. This rule doesn't apply to the last reply of the day.
Votes that require a dice roll are counted until 15 minutes have passed, so we can speed up the process. Rolls are counted until 10 minutes have passed, so be prepared!

(NEW) Dice Mechanic:

We always roll 1d100s!
Since most people weren’t happy with the system of averaging top four rolls, we’re using best of 2/3/4 depending on the attribute a prompt requires. If Johnny is a genius and it’s a Knowledge based roll, he gets more rolls (Max. 7)! If he sucks, he gets less dice (Min. 2)!

When asked for rolls, I will specify how many you’re going to get. Rolling begins after it’s asked.

Rolling 100 is a critical! There are no Critical Failures anymore!

The difficulty of the roll is tied with the effectiveness of the action. In other words, the harder the option the better the result!

Don’t forget that at the end of the day, this is a story-driven quest! What the prompts are describ-ing is more important than the difficulty of the rolls, for results in a fight.

Again, rolls are only counted when they are posted within ten minutes of being asked, so watch out!
>>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
>>Kiss the redhead’s forehead, and walk out of the room. Back to the living room with your bestie.
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Despite all the love poured here, there’s still much of you to give — and you can’t leave your bestie alone like you’re a bad host! You leave the redhead of your dreams with a kiss on the forehead before moving back to the living room. Lights are still dim, only TV is a source (Not that it matters, you have night vision) — Crossbill is enjoying the late night programming.

Enjoying is a strong word, she barely looks amused enough to be awake. She has that look on her face that wonders how anyone can watch this crap all day. The best basic TV programming is basically done at night, the government expects people to go to sleep at normal hours. She doesn’t seem to know how to get to the streaming services. She’s an artifact of the past, ignorant of the ways of the present. You shall end her boredom.

“Hey, Crossbill. Bored?” You ask your pants-less friend.

“Knockout? You’re awake still? You don’t look tired at all. What do they feed you...?” Crossbill is pretty surprised to see you up. You wonder how long your fun sessions lasted if this is her reaction.

“That’s the power of the Cola I drank.” You should get ahold of another one in the near future.

Riiight, I forgot ‘bout that.” Crossbill says as she gets comfortable in the blankets she’s in, wondering how a cola can do this for you.

“So? Bored?” You circle back the conversation to the beginning.

“Well, duh, I was tryin’ to bore myself to sleep... or to death. This thing blows.” Crossbill yucks at the TV before turning it off. “Why are you askin’? Wanna do something fun? Or do you want to put me to sleep?”

“I’m open to whatever.” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“Thinkin’ about it, this is prime time for me to spread my wings outside. Cops will be on my ass when the sun’s out. So, why not have some fun out there?” Your bestie is developing new ideas in her head.

“You wanna go out at 3 AM?” You raise an eyebrow.

“Who’s gonna stop us? The moon? The Moon guy is probably asleep now. Or are you saying that you have a plan? Because I was thinkin’ we can pay a visit to one of your pals, or the other girls. They’re dying to see ya again, I bet one is awake.” Crossbill is willing to listen out of courtesy.

You better convince her before you end up doing something reckless. Or go along and do something reckless. It’s a free country… sometimes.

What do you do?

>Let Crossbill take the lead, as long as you don’t take too much time outside, you think things will be fine. You can get cozy later!
>Crossbill met Ajna and Craig. You probably have someone else in mind that she can meet! Someone within the apartment complex. Right? Or should you venture beyond? (Write-In.)
>Propose this couple of best friends cuddle together. This could lead to better ventures.
>Write In.
>>Propose this couple of best friends cuddle together. This could lead to better ventures.
>>Write In.
Proper Thieves of infamy need to plan and plot, so how about plotting new heists and possibly info gathering for the team?
This is a good idea too, much better than TV
>>Write In.
Might need to invest in soundproofing later.
So plotting new crimes while cuddling? I'm in.
Yeah, we can cuddle.
Even if it might upset our two lady friends if they find out.
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Judging by what Crossbill is saying, you need to make her time worthwhile, either by being productive or being entertaining. And you believe you found the perfect mix of everything including being cozy!

“I’m not saying that I have a plan, but we could build one.” You wiggle your eyebrows as you join her on the couch.

“Oh, I like the sparkles in your eyes, bud.” Crossbill has a sinister look to mesh with yours, she makes space next to her to sit down. She recalls Dustin the Manager’s downfall. “What are we scheming?”

“It’s the two of us, Bestie, isn’t it obvious?: A heist.” You adjust your glasses, then place your head on her shoulder.

“Yes! You know how to get me excited, Knockout.” Crossbill adores the idea, she shares her blanket with you. “Go on.”

“I want to plot our next moves. Gather information, find our targets, and seize them.” You clearly point out you’re on step one.

“Starting small, then do the big move? Got it. Makes it easier to get back into the groove after going clean ‘cause of all the politics nonsense.” Crossbill is looking forward to this. Judging by the prison break, she doesn’t really need the practice. “Do you have an eye on anyone? Because neither of us is running out of enemies, World Savior.”

“There are a lot of possibilities we can target.” You cross your arms as you’re in deep thought.

“Thing is, you’re the one callin’ the shots, Mr. Red. Can’t say I’m fully familiarized with the board, and I trust your judgment.” Crossbill winks. “All this poor beautiful bird got to do was to talk to a bunch of miserable sore losers down in the oven, and those don’t paint a reasonable picture of what’s going on outside — less so something as confusing as ghosts and magic.”

“Good point.” You nod. Great, more work for you! Well, the heist is your idea.

“Don’t wanna impose anything, but we gotta aim for Lloydington sooner than later. Don’t need to say why, your red lil’ guy is fuming already.” Crossbill pokes at Philonune.

“...I’m always on fire.” Philonune grumbles, but doesn’t complain. He likes this direction.

“But again, I trust your instincts. If you believe we gotta do this or that for whatever reason, I’m in.” Crossbill is open to petty or justified crimes! “I know I’ll be picking up things as we go, so once I fully get what I’m dealing with — I’ll make a path forward for both of us.”

The game is set up in a way that you don’t have to rush… but time is of essence as well. You gotta pick wisely, but lately, you’re being way too efficient.

What small mission do you want to use as a warm-up?

>Steal from one of your friends. For fun!
>A small-time criminal to get some practice. A short mission.
>Maybe you should do an actual heist. Steal an important jewel or something.
>Steal your scarf back from Bubble Crossbill.
>Write In.

Who do you want to aim for the big missions?

>Maybe bring down the Mafia. They’re up to no good!
>Ka-Shing. Attack from two fronts! The idol one, and this one!
>Lloydington and his goons
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we continue tomorrow most likely!)
>>Steal your scarf back from Bubble Crossbill.
>Lloydington and his goons
>Maybe you should do an actual heist. Steal an important jewel or something.
>Maybe bring down the Mafia. They’re up to no good!
>Maybe you should do an actual heist. Steal an important jewel or something.
>Maybe bring down the Mafia. They’re up to no good!
They were intending to go after Matilda and her grandfather
Does Johnny know that?
No, but it's not out of character for him to target the Mafia either.

Didn’t they also help one of our dads* with that life insurance scheme targeted at us, but ending up with Johnny’s mom exploding instead?
oh yeah, we gotta get justice for our mom.
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Since this decision is in your hands, you’re going to be a little daring. Crossbill might feel insulted if you start too easy, so you’re going to put some stakes to this.

“And well? Any ideas?” The friendly bird puts her arm around your neck and pulls you closer.

“I got one. A couple, even.” You put your arm around hers back in this friendly embrace. Your faces are close to each other, grinning.

“Let’s hear ‘em, Knockout.” Crossbill places your head over her shoulder. You’re cuddling! She’s being the cuddler and you’re being the cuddlee or something!

“I wanna start small — not too small that it isn’t a challenge — but something to get some practice in, if you get me.” You explain. “Like we should steal a valuable piece of jewelry or something.”

“A large scale warm up, I didn’t think you’d be so greedy.” Crossbill almost laughs at the idea.

“I don’t care one bit about our target as long as it provides a challenge. The whole point is to get us in shape and to find how we mesh together during a heist. I have bigger plans in mind.” You explain. “I can get us out of trouble easily if things get dicey.” You make your hand disappear in front of her face to drive the point.

“What’s ahead?” Crossbill wants to know more about what you’re insinuating.

“It’s not the biggest objective out there, but I wanna deal with the mafia at some point.” You adjust your glasses. There’s a lot of story in here, and with some of them being aware of the flame stuff — they can’t be easily ignored.

“Ha! Those politician bastards made careers out of saying they’d do just that and not much else, and now we’re gonna leave them all jobless! I never thought I’d pay them back like this!” Crossbill laughs at her former coworkers. “Yeah, let’s go for this. These guys are in cahoots with every powerful man in this country, so we’re gonna hurt Lloydington if we pull through.”

“Cool, I… really wasn’t thinking about that angle.” You admit.

“Don’t tell me it’s personal…” Crossbill gets serious.

“Yeah, kinda, it’s a messy situation.” You don’t know where to begin. “I’ll tell you about it later. I rather keep the momentum on planning. The heist comes first, remember?”

“A valuable piece of jewelry…” Crossbill puts one finger under her lips. “You wanna be famous? Or should we leave a message to one of the mafia heads?”

You gotta decide what your immediate objective is going to be…

What’s your choice?

>Steal the Platinum Prancijanian Flower from the Museum of Beauty. One of the most important jewelry pieces in the country!
>Steal the most valuable item inside the Number 1 Mafia Titan’s house! Send a message.
>Steal an important art piece from the art museum. A living trope!
>Write In.

What’s next?

>Screw it. You’re doing the Heist now!
>Keep on planning. Call someone for information about your objective.
>Continue cuddling. This is enough of a start, you’ll work on this in the morning.
>Write In.
>>Steal the Platinum Prancijanian Flower from the Museum of Beauty. One of the most important jewelry pieces in the country!
>Continue cuddling. This is enough of a start, you’ll work on this in the morning.
>Steal the most valuable item inside the Number 1 Mafia Titan’s house! Send a message.
>Write In. (Tell Crossbill that you like what you see and if she feels the same)
>>Steal the most valuable item inside the Number 1 Mafia Titan’s house! Send a message.
>>Write In. (Tell Crossbill that you like what you see and if she feels the same)
>>Steal the most valuable item inside the Number 1 Mafia Titan’s house! Send a message.

>>Keep on planning. Call someone for information about your objective.

Maybe find a way to make a double of the item and plant it in a competing faction to cause strife?
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You love sidetracking, but with a purpose! You’ll start small to move into the main event later.

“I’d rather have them on their toes, let’s leave them a message they won’t forget.” You decide.

“Aiming for one of the top brass?” Crossbill nods.

“Second-in-command, actually. The number 1 Titan.” You add. You have no clue who this person is. “That’s the title they give their strongest fighters. Don’t ask me why.”

“But you’re such a good storyteller, can you make up something?” Crossbill jokes.

“Why make up stuff when we can ask former members of such an illustrious group directly?” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Crossbill is very interested in these details.

“Suan De and Mama Bodil were high ranked members of the Youhao Clan. Titan #2 and #4 respectively.” You explain. You assume they’re former members at this point.

“Who’s number 1 then?” Crossbill respects those two women’s abilities and seems a tiny bit concerned.

“No clue. We gotta find out.” You shrug.

“In the morning. We’re not waking that beauty up.” Crossbill is a sensible girl that won’t perturb the Dragon. “We’re dealing with Youhao, huh…”

“Yeah, they rebranded after their new leader.” You point out.

“It’s not what piqued my interest, but now that you say that — I’d be remiss to not remind you that one of the assassins that went after Houda Lan was one young Mr. Youhao.” Crossbill recalls from the Bubble chase that you saved the legendary Phantom Thief from experiencing that.

“For a moment, I thought you’d known the guy.” You know Crossbill has been around due to her job.

“That’s another story entirely. I’m pointing out that he’s not a suit without combat training.” Crossbill explains.

“So you know him?” You ask.

“I had to deal with a lot of sewer rats during all facets of my life. Can’t say we’re acquaintances, but he’s been a thorn in my side for a couple of times. Directly and indirectly.” Crossbill has barely exchanged a word or two with the guy.
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“How can you be someone’s thorn indirectly?” You point out you literally have to have direct contact.

“Knockout, look me in the eyes.” Crossbill puts her arms around your neck. “My precious eyes...”

Hmm? What is it?” You raise an eyebrow.

“Shut up.” Crossbill dislikes a semantics battle.

“U-Understood.” Silly you, thinking this was going elsewhere. “Gotta be honest, I like what I see...”

“Have you gotten lost in the vast seas within my peepers, little sailor?” Crossbill fakes a posh accent.

“Yes, I’m an adventurous soul.” You joke back. “How about you? Do you feel the same about your view?” You wiggle your eyebrows.

“Do you want me to state the obvious? That’s pretty vain, Bestie.” Crossbill has fun with you.

“I think we both like compliments, don’t we?” You retort.

“The look in your eyes is leading me to believe you want more than that…” Crossbill catches on instantly.

“I don’t want to impose anything, but…” You smirk.

“Knockout, I may look stunningly young, but I’m way above your league. I don’t want my bestie to catch feelings I can’t reciprocate…” Crossbill puts her finger on your mouth, then winks.

She’s smooth, and knows you well… but not perfectly. And by the way she’s acting, she’s holding back too...

How do you respond?

>“Too late, I genuinely like you, Charlotte.” Smile at her! Tell her your pure feelings!
>“Oh! Age doesn’t matter! I already had sex with someone your age, and even one of my teachers!” Proudly state that you did it with Wilma and Nina! Not at the same time though… yet… Damn, you’re becoming a horn dog…
>“Give me one kiss, and let me know how you feel after.” Wiggle. Your. Eyebrows.
>“Fine… But we gotta go to sleep now.” You’d rather not be pushy. If it takes time for your bestie to be open about it, so be it!
>Write In.

(Last Reply of the Day, we return tomorrow!)
>>“Too late, I genuinely like you, Charlotte.” Smile at her! Tell her your pure feelings!
>“Too late, I genuinely like you, Charlotte.” Smile at her! Tell her your pure feelings!
>>“Oh! Age doesn’t matter! I already had sex with someone your age, and even one of my teachers!” Proudly state that you did it with Wilma and Nina! Not at the same time though… yet… Damn, you’re becoming a horn dog…
Chaos! Yes!
+1, can we do this too?
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This is the moment of truth, you have to be candid! She needs to know how you really feel!

“Too late, I genuinely like you, Charlotte.” You confess with a smile that goes from ear to ear!

“You know how to deliver your lines, Johnny. Very good.” Crossbill turns a little redder than she wanted. “Shame that my charm has caused the intended effects on the wrong target. Should I take this seriously?”

“You should because I mean it.” You pour your heart out.

“You’re getting all cutesy on me for a good night kiss, Knockout? Lesson Number 1 as a Phantom Thief: Always aim for a bigger hit when you go all-in.” Crossbill doesn’t get why you’re shooting your shot now at this time of the night.

“I *am* aiming for more, as long as you’re willing.” You take it seriously.

“M-More…? Y-You want more? D-Do you have even the faintest of clues about how much time you spent with those two tonight…?” Crossbill is beyond shocked by your eagerness to love. Like you’re beyond human! “You’re mad!”

“I’m more inclined to make you the happiest bird in the world, whatever it takes.” You know the girls don’t stop after a kiss…

“Johnny, yoo-hoo, I hate to remind you ‘bout my age, but here I go again! This can’t be a thing. I could be your mother, or at least, your mother’s cool aunt friend.” Crossbill likes how assertive you are, but it’s not that simple to her.

“Oh! Age doesn’t matter! I already had sex with someone your age, and even one of my teachers!” You adjust your glasses with confidence. “I love them all!”

“You chasing teacher’s skirts isn’t surprising in say the least after seeing you hanging out with Chio, But — Wait, are both of these ladies you’re talking about *her*...?” Crossbill deadpans.

“Nope. Neither.” You shake your head. You only kissed the Matriarch Edamura…

“Ya got some smooth moves, Bestie, I don’t doubt it…” Crossbill is pretty impressed. “But for the life of me, I can’t picture someone as spirited as you getting some sweet love with these types of ladies.”

“I’ve been flirting with you all night.” You feel unheard!

“Johnny, flirtin’ is easy, but commitin’ is different! Show me some definitive proof that you made love to these ladies!” Crossbill gets a little facetious. This is all in good fun for her.

Crossbill wants some proof though. To what end? Who knows…

What do you do?

>Call/Text Nina to get proof! Show you love these ladies! You know she’ll come in clutch!
>Call/Text Wilma to get proof! Show you love these ladies! You know she’ll come in clutch!
>Kiss Crossbill, there’s no better proof than that!
>Write In.
>>Kiss Crossbill, there’s no better proof than that!
>Kiss Crossbill, there’s no better proof than that!
>Call/Text Nina to get proof! Show you love these ladies! You know she’ll come in clutch!
>Kiss Crossbill, there’s no better proof than that!
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(Due to the direction the thread is heading, we’ll stop here, and will be delivering the post as soon as we can! Hopefully tomorrow! Thanks for playing so far!)
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Due to circumstances outside of my control, I got delayed for one more day than intended. I'll deliver the post tomorrow! Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone!
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There is only one way you'll prove to Crossbill that you want her, and it's pretty simple! A kiss on the mouth! No need for other kinky nonsense! Your bestie needs to feel the passion.

And for it to happen, you slowly approach this beautiful blonde without hesitation, place your lips on top of hers, and let the moment speak for itself…

It's quite the speech between two connoisseurs. Eloquent tongues doing what they do best. A discussion about the most important topic in the world: Love.

“You got the hint, hmm?” Crossbill smirks after the kiss fades away.

“I had to gamble.” You wink. You can never be too sure this would work.

“You'll always win when you bet on me, Johnny.” Your bestie throws a kiss and a wink. “Now get ready, because we're not stoppin’!”

Crossbill falls back on the couch, drops the blanket to the side, raises her legs - and slowly starts touching them from the top of the toes, and slowly moves down until the signal cannot be clearer…

It's time for more love!


Congratulations! You had kinky sex with Crossbill!

Sadly, this is all for this short thread! Got a little sick, but hopefully will return soon! Thanks for playing and see you next time!
Thanks tor running

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