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!hoaRoCu48g 06/21/10(Mon)15:25 No.10645523 File1277148350.png-(194 KB, 1175x581, New Riata7.png)
 year 458 of our holy mother, august
Grand news, our supply ship has arrived! They bring with them new settlers, another marine unit and some supplies. The duke heads off with the entire marine detatchment to meet the natives, as well as a 20 man militia force. The first meeting was nervous for both sides, but everybody is still alive so thats a plus. You've been able to establish that they are a scouting party from the further inland native nation of 'Dothclyde'. which is a loose collection of tribes. Although no incidents have occured, natives have been seen around serenity every now and then. the settlers are slightly worried.
Oh, the harvest just came in, too.
+40 settlers (30 men, 10 women) +10 marines +20 muskets +50 swords +gunpowder for 500 shots +stone for 4 buildings. +Priest of the holy mother +2 tanners |