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07/22/10(Thu)01:50 No.11277360 File1279777825.jpg-(39 KB, 480x360, zerg platform0.jpg)
 Anon's Brood returned to Xenta, and continued its actions from before the interruption. Small, portable shield generators were refit onto the personal cloaking devices of every Zerg. The Overmind wondered at this reliance on technology, but also seemed very impressed at the synthesis of Terran and Protoss technologies with Zerg physiology. It seemed especially interested in the fleshlings.
Anon felt very self-conscious in describing the genesis of the fleshlings, and the Overmind understood why by the end.
Labbrate informs us, at long last, that very little Protoss battle technology is particularly promising for addition to Zerg physiology. It has managed to pull together the remains of a Carrier, enabling its primary orbital laser cannon, but not its allotment of interceptor drones.
Anon pondered that it was possibly strong enough to defeat Tassadar's fleet, but would probably leave itself open should the Confederacy or the Sons of Korhol return to Antiga before its troops could retreat.
The infested agents quietly infiltrated the Sons of Korhol fleet, isolating "nonessential" personnel and infesting them whenever possible. Before too long, nearly one in ten members of the fleet's support staff are Anon's servants.
Anon yearns to discover what it was that powered that psi emitter. It yearns to absorb all of humanity.
The Overmind yearns to absorb all of the Protoss. It plots its invasion of Aiur and its manifestation upon the planet's surface.
All of this came to pass, and Cerebrate Anon did prepare, for it knew that a new trial was upon it...
(Sorry, guys. I'm suddenly passing out, here. I don't know what happened. Maybe I spent too much energy trying to understand the thoughts behind this Starcraft Porn Drawfaggotry. It's certainly confusing. Who whacks off to hydralisks with tits? Whatever. I'll see you guys around the same time Monday night, k?) |