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08/23/10(Mon)03:30 No.11789425 File1282548630.jpg-(41 KB, 500x333, 146.jpg)
 Entire swathes of the Chaos horde simply ceased to exist. One instant they were digging into the dirt, servitors, menial slaves, and Skittari engaged in the backbreaking labor of unearthing the planet’s hidden treasures. The next instant, they were gone, erased from existence by a single salvo from the Warlord. They did not even have the chance to scream.
Trucido Rex laughed again, its very footsteps sundering the earth.
The defense batteries mounted across its metal hide blazed with fire, striking the traitors with punishing salvos of exploding shells and bright lasbeams. Battle cannons roared, blasting apart corrupted techpriests and their menials in flashing detonations. Multi-lasers cackled and hissed, scorching self-cauterizing holes into panicked figures. Heavy bolters stuttered in refrain, stitching a bloody path through packed masses of fleeing forms.
Through all this, I could feel the Titan’s bloodlust in my mind, an animalistic, bestial emotion that threatened to overwhelm me.
The god-machine’s shoulders hunched, and the tri-barreled weapons on each pauldron flashed into life. Spears of incandescent light lanced from each Turbo Laser, seemingly splitting the sky as they traversed. A barrage struck a duo of Iron Warrior Predator tanks and a Vindicator siege vehicle. All three were vaporized on the spot, their crews burnt to ash within milliseconds. The other volley missed. Or so I thought. The laser blasts sliced through the air and impacted against the rocky skin of a mountain. The peak was seared in half. Tons of disturbed stone slid like an avalanche into the Chaos mass, and buried hundreds beneath a tide of crushing death.
“I AM A GOD,” the Warlord boomed, its war horns blaring in challenge, “FORGED BY MAN. MADE INTO THE ULTIMATE WEAPON. ALL WHO STAND AGAINST ME WILL PERISH. DIE. DIE! DIE!!!”
It lifted its arms and both Volcano Cannon and Gatling Blaster fired in a frenzy of blinding flashes. |