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08/24/10(Tue)01:38 No.11802077 File1282628315.jpg-(31 KB, 500x375, 68landscapes04-m241.jpg)
 Oh goodness yes, I made it back in time this week! Stupid late working mondays. So anyway, since the other thread died before I could input, I have this amazing idea for Feneschal's return. If the Overmind will allow it, and Zerg World is still in orbit around Aiur by then, whatever parts Overmind has no interest in, sic Artlord upon. If she wants to be all high and mighty and sneery we'll produce the most ridiculously beautiful planetary duality in the known universe, that'll learn her to run away before we begin modifications! Also, ginormous 'vent mouths' which can speak (ala the Mycon of Star Control) which will continually sing, read poetry, conduct operas, and ring praise of the beautifully wondrous nature of these two planets' and their shared ballet dance through the cosmos. Trust me, seeing such a marvel of galactic art by such 'low born crawly things' will flip her shit and leave her mind putty on the floor. In other words, show the 'toss that the 'devouring' is nothing more than Peronist pressganging into our fleshy spongey labour unions and unique individuals are still allowed free reign to succeed beyond their wildest dreams. I'm talkin' bout, wherever you look, no matter what disgusting bodily fleshy materials the landscape might be made out of, the sheer artistry and technique would make even the most hardened and jaded marine weep. Pic related as an example, imagine that's Zergworld in the back, the water a specially crafted shiny and reflective creep, the closer mountains are spore colonies, the valley in the far back, the overmind's l'il hideyhole, and the sky filled with overlords, guardians, and mutalisks of different broods flying in ever-evolving fractal formations.
And as an added fuckyou, the atmosphere is poisonous only to uninfested 'toss. Mega. Fucking. Troll.
Now with that image out of the way, allow me to catch up with today's thread. |