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!!1tDIRRlgZfN 08/28/10(Sat)06:51 No.11855300 File1282992665.jpg-(185 KB, 1000x600, fightoblivstermi.jpg)
 "We've agreed on the price." the assassin says, his tone threatening. "We have." the sorcerer replies. "Unfortunatelly, you're in no position to bargain." "My patience grows short." the marine growls. "You have no use for me any longer, Caras. I'll keep the artefact for myself." "You are making a great mistake." he says, and you see as shadows shift around him, and his outlines turn fuzzy, as if you were looking at a pict out of focus. "Good bye, brother." the sorcerer says, and his retinue opens fire on the lone Astartes. The impacts turn him around and the marine collapses, falling face forward to the ground, his armour punctured by bolt rounds in dozen places. The chosen hold their fire. The sorcerer looks at them expectantly, and two of them step forward with caution, nearing the body, their bolters trained on him. The figure appears unmoving. One of the marines kneel beside him to turn him over. A blur of motion, a loud crack sounds, as the chosen is impaled on a hellforged blade proturding from the assassin's forearm. A split second later huge talons tear his head off before he could even scream. Seeing his comrade's death the other chosen marine opens fire on the assassin, but only hits the now beheaded corpse, as it is held as a shield by his target. The assassin kicks the ruined body away, knocking down the chosen, revealing his changed, daemonic form. "Possessed." Solonis wisphers, staring at the scene, with his eyes cold with hate. The assassin pounces on the treachorous sorcerer and his chosen, dodging bolter and plasma fire with unnatural agility, slashing open throats and punching through helmets.
>tl;dr wall of text. FINALLY A FIGHT SCENE!
<what do, /tg/? what do?> |