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!!SHtmW8nGled 09/09/10(Thu)23:15 No.12023894 File1284088507.jpg-(50 KB, 369x479, ce68f899ef04e38ac87a17ccbd5a78(...).jpg)
 >>12023647 Soon, you realize you've come out of the woods behind the apartment complex, as you had previously guessed-- in fact, you can see your building from where you're standing. Nieve heaves a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank goodness. Hopefully no one's noticed that we've been gone." Nieve starts forward, but you gently grab her arm. She looks at you quizzically, obviously quite tired from the events of the day. You stammer out an apology, even though you're not quite sure of the situation. Nieve seems to get the gist, and smiles at you a bit sadly. "I know, I don't mean to make you feel at fault. It's okay now, though, Let's just hope Elma hasn't recovered yet. Perhaps we can change, too." You smile in relief and agreement, and the two of you head towards the complex. After helping Nieve over the chain link fence and reaching your building (thankfully, your car is still there, and nothing seems to be out of place), the two of you stand in silence. Nieve is the first to break it. "Well... I guess we should probably ignore what happened. We can pass it off as the alcohol, okay?" She smiles at you, but you can tell she doesn't mean what she says. You nod anyways, and hand her the jug of Mistwyne. After an awkward farewell, you part ways, and she heads back to her apartment.
Sighing heavily, you reach your door. Tiredly, you place a hand on the latch and-- Oh. That's right. Your keys disappeared. Great. You glance up at the sky, hoping to at least approximate the time; judging by the position of the sun, it's almost noon. That's odd, though; that strange moon is gone. You peek out from in front of your door to double check, and spy the odd sattelite cruising just above the horizon. It appears to be setting where the sun had risen, and is doing so abnormally quickly. Frowning, you return to your door, unsure of what to do next. |