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09/23/10(Thu)02:25 No.12190444 File1285223130.jpg-(39 KB, 500x375, Spawn_More_Overlords.jpg)
 >>12190330 Spawnin'.
>>12190339 We focus on Labbrate's research. It has crafted tentacles that are wrapping around the crystal, rather than overlords floating around it. Apparently, it plans to coat the tentacles in brain matter, allowing it to physically grasp Tsinoseng with extensions of its mind.
This is distressing to watch, really.
>>12190352 (I don't think we have the ranks in Escape Artist for that...)
>>12190357 (Seriously, dude. I've made it clear that your plan will have the entire Swarm on your ass screaming "KILL IT WITH FIRE!" Do I need to get rude about this?)
>>12190382 Our stolen memories indicate that the Protoss empire covered hundreds of worlds, and that usually, many forces were occupied classifying and protecting lesser species, securing artifacts, witnessing (or causing) major natural phenomena, etc. If they have devoted themselves to a cause (such as reclaiming Aiur, their Sacred Homeworld), they could easily mass VERY large forces.
Several overlords notice abandoned Protoss colonies, others are sparsely defended. Some have moderately-sized fleets. We have lost several overlords.
"--may have antici--attack" "We should delay--know--" "NO! If th--know of--ove forwa--immediately!" |