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!vf05RX1JTQ 10/06/10(Wed)22:37 No.12355594 File1286419055.jpg-(60 KB, 850x540, Kobold.jpg)
 >>12355326 "So, priest, what is your name, by the way?" you begin, speaking lowly and quietly, keeping the exchange between you and their clerical leader.
"Kantak, Lord." he responds, measured and dignified, despite the fact that his followers are attempting to shout the roof off.
"Well, Kantak, you seem to have done quite well, here. Whoever is in charge has obviously been a capable leader, indeed, you even seem to have your own warehouse and temple; how did that come about?"
"I... Are you not our leader, now, Lord?" Kantak asks, in a matter that suggests sounding dangerous waters.
"Not necessarily, of course. I may be able to aid you, and you me. Naturally, I would expect compensation for my aid, and would reward assistance rendered. If there is a leader, I do not have any reason to remove him, or, indeed, her, until I am presented with one. I have no intention of assuming direct control. If the tribe is ruled well, and that ruler is loyal to me, that is sufficient. The warehouse?" you finish, gliding through the draconic syllables rapidly.
"We... defend merchandise, Lord, and in return are allowed to inhabit it. Further, we provide discreeter methods of transportation to some of the merchants in the harbor that dislike paying the Sea Lord's duties. Some also work on as device-smiths or acquirers for certain people." Kantak says, surprising eloquence probably gained from such a long time practicing an inherently... grand language.
"Indeed. And are you all a... collective?"
"No! Many groups... 'gangs'," Kantak spits derisively, "loyal to Kurtlemak, but frequently combating each other. Hindering each other." Kantak scowls, "Warehouses are the only place they avoid combat, and the only job they maintain a solid reputation."
No wonder Jarrik called them 'city kobolds', and 'gangs'. The traditional clans and kobold infighting have mutated to fit a city... a city unruly even by normal standards. |