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!uGYNBMPzOs 10/21/10(Thu)01:42 No.12519887 File1287639762.png-(39 KB, 1114x1040, battle 4b.png)
 You shout for the ranged units to open fire on the Duchy light infantry and for your legionaries to get their asses to the center before the melee is upon you. Shield strapped to your arm you move to attack the nearest dwarf, your spear blances off of his gauntlet, hard, the dwarf falls back with the momentum and the warriour behind him steps up expecting to fight, instead he takes a spear through the throat you had intended for his comrade. the looser formation these dwarfs are in makes sense now; you think to yourself as you catch a blow on your shield, then trip the dwarf before he can move to the back of the unit. You run your spear into his gut, pull the weapon out and dodge the next strike in one fluid motion as you continue to analyze their tactic. as one dwarf loses his momentum or is wounded, he falls to the back of the unit, allowing a fresh dwarf to take his place. Satisfied with your appraisal you look around the battlefield, a spray of bolts issues forth from the scouts and rangers, Sansa's repeating bow downing several Lacerta, the rest of the ranged dwarves focusing on the charging Light Dwarves.
In the center of the melee you are in you can see Colin squaring off against the leader of this unit, their blades nearly a blur of activity, a circle of corpses surrounding them, and the rest of the fighters giving the pair a wide berth. You hear the rest of your maniple approaching as you see a bright flash emit from the far fortification for a brief moment, all to the deranged tempo of arrows burrying themselves into the shields of a tetsudo, accented by javelins piercing through the shields to slay the shields bearer.
>roll for more combat, and for your orders for the rest of your maniple |