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!vf05RX1JTQ 11/18/10(Thu)00:17 No.12838182 File1290057475.jpg-(845 KB, 1920x1200, 1288978584198.jpg)
 It feels distasteful, like you're a common adventurer, or equally low parasite, to rip the body apart piece by piece. As much as you hate to admit it, Azdukashen did die a fairly dignified death, considering what was happening to him. It did not save him, though....
Scales, bones, organs... all is shredded away. Scales and bones, directly valuable and useful, are all sorted out to one side. Organs and meat, Scinnari disposes of; her previous time on the Prime Material plane have left her with knowledge and contacts... most of whom aren't around any more, but petty regime changes rarely shut down blackmarkets or venues for illegal goods.
When the night ends, you have much to show for your grisly efforts; Scinnari has returned, mainly with small, valuable gems, (your favorite, of course, are the rubies, but you'd hardly tell her that,), and a few magical items that seem useful, namely, a pair of magical bags, an enchanted bottle perpetually full of water, and a few minor knickknacks. Not to mention a few hundred gold, silver, and platinum. 'Profitable; very.' is your conclusion. Also, out of mere curiosity, you revert and sample some of Azdukashen's... flesh. An exquisite taste, a fantastically seasoned steak, almost. While it's difficult, you manage to limit yourself to a small taste, especially once Scinnari starts bringing in the results of your efforts.
To finish up, you place his bones and scales into the bags, (filling up one and most of the second,) before reverting and scorching the cavern, incinerating all traces... as well as, ideally, the scent of blood and flesh.
The next order of business is to take an extensive bath yourselves, to remove the odor. For that reason, you introduce Scinnari to the sewer exit of your 'lair' and spend the wee hours of the morning enjoying the hot scented waters of a private room of Freeport's best bathhouse.
[Early morning, let's get going again.] |