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!uGYNBMPzOs 11/22/10(Mon)02:57 No.12889077 File1290412665.png-(57 KB, 1472x847, Battle 3d.png)
 As the Valkeries descend towards your line you thrust your spear forward, skewering one of the mounts chests as it attempts to slash through the legionary battalion. You would have been thrown back by the impact, were it not for the man behind you, with his brace however you are able to slam the mortally wounded beast into your wall, shattering its bones even as the rider is pierced over and over by crossbow bolts. Your next thrust rends the wing from another Valkerie, and your third, and final of the charge tears the leg clean off of one of the riders, the bird flying off as the man spills from his saddle, falling to the ground and landing neck first. You look to your right to see that the mercenaries are not doing nearly as well, and the Repeaters are attempting to cover the slack. Feeling a surge of power you thrust a trio of massive stone spikes up in front of your gate, even as you add blades to the clutched edges of the boulders still born by the beasts flying towards your gate. You smile in satisfaction as you see two sets of talons fly free with the boulders, the screaming, dying mounts crashing into their escorts, bringing the whole group down into your now devastated gates in a massive ball of feathers, flesh and bone. When the small flock finally stops sliding and rolling through the gap in your wall there is nary a sound nor motion from the lot of them.
As your regular crossbows fire into the slave-handlers again you hear one long bellow on the warhorn, followed by two short blasts. The professional soldiers begin to move forward, you attempt to catch them all in a quake, however the Men at Arms leave the area your quake is covering, streaking ahead of the suddenly immobilized halberdiers and longbowmen, all the latter two units can do is cower from their own arrow-shields as the large wooden constructs splinter and shatter above them.
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