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!uGYNBMPzOs 11/27/10(Sat)22:27 No.12952282 File1290914867.jpg-(718 KB, 3500x2250, placesbeen.jpg)
 >>12952067 >orange dots are your camps, brownish ones major battles. Red = Degnar, blue = Uurlanth, yellow = Guild Lands, brown = Duchy trade cities (the nation is under the mountain range
"So Degrian, how is the mechanical wagon working?" you ask the Kaskyana engineer as you approach him.
"Thought had found solution. Was wrong." he replies, his capability to speak in the modern tongue clearly degraded by his frustration. "Next trial will work more, inertia difficult to control, wood not strong as metal." he kicks the device again before walking over to his board and parchment. "Did I wake you?" he finishes asks, scribbling at his pad furiously.
"And half the camp as well I would imagine" you reply in good nature.
"Early start good for military operations." he replies jokingly. You open your mouth to reply, but are cut off by a handful of screams emanating from your small forts walls. you look up to see three scouts and two legionaries falling off the wall, single arrows protruding from their heads or chests.
You sprint up to the wall, glad to see no more casualties "Glass!!!" you order, holding out your hand, a few moments later cold brass fills it as you recieve the telescope. You scan the horizon, until you see a group of no more than six figures, barely visible in the morning light, their cloaks the color of the tall grasses of the plains, though flashes of brown leather with hints of sky blue can be seen through the cloaks periodically. Already the attackers seem to be joining a group of similarly garbed figures. With this much of a head start your chances of catching them are slim. Were that you were better prepared. |