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11/29/10(Mon)03:06 No.12965624 File1291018011.jpg-(43 KB, 500x380, Afghani Police.jpg)
 >Start a post-apocalypse campaign. Yaaaay! Fun in the sun! Everyone rolls up their characters - one of which decided he was going to go Nietzsche on everyone's asses, talking about how the strong rule the weak and all that.
Fine, that's well and fine, as a GM I can see how that happens in the wasteland. This is the beginnings of organized society, after all.
So eventually the party comes across a warband of raiders. After beating some, he takes one of their heads. Everyone assumes this to be a trophy, it'll be gone in a few weeks, yano? Cool character fluffing, john.
He takes the head to the camp of the warband and demands he take a place of command here. Just as a side-note, this bandit group is widely known for raping and pillaging. If the PCs would have asked about them, they might have found that the initiation rite is gang-bang, or rape, if you struggle against it.
It's funny how people suddenly think it so wrong that the strong get to rule, when they're the ones who are being oppressed. He was very pissed off, but I showed him the campaign note I had on that faction, dated piece of paper and everything. I wrote this faction this way before the campaign even started. It was his fault he walked straight into gang-rape.
And that's the story of me turning someone into a moralfag. |