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!uGYNBMPzOs 12/06/10(Mon)04:23 No.13049198 File1291627433.png-(52 KB, 1199x1507, Battle 4i.png)
 >>13049043 >spot-the-fuck-on
The Men at arms flee at full speed east at the same time the levied swordsmen hit the schism you tore between yourself and the wall your force is now waiting behind, the Uurlanthi peasants stop dead, torn between two fears. "SLAUGHTER THEM!!!" you bellow to your ranged units, who lay into the mercenaries, visibly breaking the medium mercenaries, and slowing the heavy mercenaries noticably. You wheel to your left and stretch out your shield arm, tearing a trio of schisms in the ground, your aim is perfect as two of them open beneath the halberdiers feet, while one opens before them, if by some miracle they continue on. At the same moment Finian reforms his scouts, who loose a deadly accurate series of salvoes, perfectly timed and unrelenting, into the Uurlanthi soldiers, blue-white arcs of electricity coating every third salvo. Though your vision is begining to blur from exertion you can clearly see the flank charge falter.
A single bright blue light fires up from your north, followed by another three. Success, and a need for immediate retreat. Almost as soon as your signals fire, a quartet of short blasts on a warhorn sound from the enemy camp, closer, you hear a cry of frustration. |