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12/06/10(Mon)09:28 No.13051033 File1291645685.jpg-(164 KB, 460x400, soldier-weeping-ww.jpg)
 >>13050194 >World War 1 CoC game, christmas eve in the trenches >PCs + a handful of NPC's are a group of Brits isolated from the main force >suddenly, spot shapes shambling in no-man's land >PC's investigate without notifying others >by accident find out the NPC comrades are actually ghouls masquerading as soldiers, and the lieutenant is a sorcerer commanding them >wat do >in the end, PC's muster enough sanity and courage to play it bogart and hide their discoveries from the evil guys >pretend to rest >"lieutenant" and ghouls leave the trench in the middle of the night >PC's stalk them out of morbid, damning curiosity >find the bad guys shred a group of unsuspecting krauts enjoying the christmas truce in their trench >observe them dig into an old ruin partially exposed by the trench and artillery fire craters >almost get caught, still follow in >horrible alien architecture, spatial anomalies, shambling horrors, et cetera, surprisingly small sanity losses >follow into inner sanctum, find ghouls and warlock chanting around a strange, pulsating, meaty thing on the wall >meatblob opens like a sphincter, revealing a portal thingy, warlock and ghouls disappear through it >damned and curious PC's follow in through >wind up in the same place with subtle changes, dig their way out of the half-buried trench >field is empty >find way to civilization >find out it's year 1930 >adjust to new life, glad to be out of war >suddenly, hounds of tindalos, hounds of tindalos everywhere >regroup, rearm, restart investigations >meet at a war memorial >peruse list of fallen >find own names >look around >surrounded by familiar-looking, pallid civilians >sanity loss away >welcome home (sanitarium) >game over man, game over |