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12/22/10(Wed)17:04 No.13255025 File1293055496.jpg-(221 KB, 1280x930, snowplainjourney.jpg)
 >>13254703 Patience, grasshopper!
So I've returned. And I can see the thread is still up, so might as well post some continuation.
While the rest of the party - containing an orc shaman, a dwarven paladin, and an elderly half-elven sorceress - had a fun Christmas time, playing soccer and singing carols and having a feast with the two armies that were supposed to oppose each other, the elf and the kobold were close to hundred miles to the north, walking through the forest, and trying to avoid wolves and enemy patrols. We had no healing among us, which also made things trickier.
There were a couple little squabbles, nothing interesting there, but of note was the time we ambushed a party of six hobgoblins and a cleric. We pulled out a few improvised traps, including the beartrap we got from a smaller patrol earlier on, and the last remaining alchemist's fire. It was an impressive bit of teamwork, lost us only a couple hit points, and sent one hobgoblin running for his life and the priest caught as a prisoner. We forced him on spearpoint to heal us a bit, then tied him up a a portable healbot.
Christmas night was nice, even in the middle of a cold forest without anything to eat or warm ourselves on. At least the sky was nice, with not a cloud on sight, full moon, and one very big star in the middle of it. There was some more wolf for dinner, and the kobold pulled out the speech >>13237500, to which the elf responded, not with a hug, but with a brofist. She apologised, he told her to think nothing of it, and the snotty hobgoblin moment killer made yucky noises and insinuated all kinds of bullshit, so that we gagged him too. |