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04/06/10(Tue)23:04 No.9028449 File1270609486.jpg-(40 KB, 217x350, Keith David.jpg)
 >>9028278 You trudge your way up the steps, forged of some shining yellow metal, cool to the touch, worn smooth by the passage of millions of feet.
After much walking, you reach the summit, a massive pair of yellow doors, cut with odd symbols and writings, all framed in a massive stylized snake, devouring it's own tail. For a moment all is still, and then the snake rotates all the way around, and with a bone-shaking rumble, the doors open, cool air spilling out around you. You step inside, and the doors shut unbelievably quickly behind you, nearly clipping your skin short, and all is wreathed in darkness. From within, you hear a soft hissing sound, and a pair of softly glowing green eyes open before you. Eyes bigger than your entire body.
"Welcome, little star-child." it says, in a language you somehow understand intimately.
Pic related, it's the voice. |