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04/15/10(Thu)01:28 No.9200497 File1271309306.jpg-(36 KB, 400x457, Death_in_the_Ranks_by_Big0Jack.jpg)
Throne willing, this reaches you in the best of health. You were absolutely right sir. My tenure in the segmentum’s propeganda ministry was too long. I find myself disgracefully out of practice for my duties as a regimental commissar. I believe I understand your reasons for assigning me here to the 68th Krieg field artillery. The regiment is impeccably well disciplined. I took to heart your advice, that a good commissar should announce himself with a field execution within four hours of his arrival on post, but sir, in spite of my most rigorous scrutiny, I could find no breach of regulation anywhere.
Sir, I understand how unusual this may sound, but I’m not sure the 68th Krieg require a commissar. I’m not sure what I am expected to do here. My duties seem vestigial, ceremonial, and Sir, there’s something else. They’re watching me, always watching. I know the sight of a guardsman at attention should fill any Imperial citizen with the warmth of the Emperors confidence, but by the saints these people make me shiver; the glint on their lenses, the hiss of their respirators. Sir, I want my old assignment back. Please Sir, I’m sorry that your assistant and I… Sir it will never happen again. If you’d put me behind a desk again––Oh saints I cant send this. Delete that last part. Stop scribing. Oh, what was the command? Cease. Terminate. Desist. End. Hey, you there, Ensign, find the enginseer. I’m having trouble with my servitor.
Recorded 4105988.M41 68th Krieg Field Artillery – Saghalain Autoscribe Servitor #303440288 |