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04/29/10(Thu)23:48 No.9519577 File1272599315.jpg-(43 KB, 494x537, EMPRAH ROOSEVELT.jpg)
 >>9519087 At first I though you were going to make an interesting, introspective point, but then the obvious troll started, and then you showed your ignorance. Sure, you might just be fine on /tv/ vegetating as you watch amazing worlds pass your screen, but the reality is that we're not satisfied with that, so we make our own worlds. You'll find that very few of us actually use published material. Our greatest stories come from our own imagination, our greatest achievements molded by our players, and only mediated by our DMs.
But are we jealous? Yes, we are. We are jealous that the Na'vi have everything. We are jealous that they are given their strength and power on a silver platter. We are jealous, but because we had to work for everything. Each level our characters build, each point of favor paid for in blood, sweat, and tears, against our fellow or even the nature herself.
And do you know what? That's the only way to do it. To put yourself into everything you gain, to fight for every inch is so much more gratifying than going for miles downhill with the wind at your back.
You see, we are jealous because the Na'vi did not have to work for their contentment until we came. We are jealous because they can be weak, so we cannot stand their weakness and thus put them to the test of steel. Instead Cameron had them pass it by divine intervention and continue along their way without perturbation. They could not even pass a test of their existence without the answers being handed to them. They are as spoiled children when we have had our childhood innocence ripped from us in the cruelest ways. Of course we are jealous, they don't even deserve it. |