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01/19/11(Wed)14:14 No.13581356 File1295464499.jpg-(142 KB, 1600x1200, Feeling_Grizzly-1600x1200.jpg)
"By what?" I asked.
Klik reached for the bladed spear strapped across his back. "Something fast...jumping between trees. They must be using them as cover."
"Can we outride them?"
"No. They're moving in too quickly."
"Klik, protect Lady Menoli," I said, dismounting. If I had to fight, I would be better served doing so on foot. "Jibjabber, cast a ring of fire around us. Whatever these creatures are, at least we can disrupt their attack."
Jibjabber raised her staff, chanting ancient goblin incantations which I am fairly sure was simply a clever form of normal goblin gibberish. The horned skull tipping the end of her tribal staff glowed with heat, then released a streaking fireball that sailed up, split into many, and landed around the horses, rising into a circle of fire. Lady Menoli's horse exclaimed in panic - though our horses were trained for dangerous situations, hers was not. Fortunately, Klik had dismounted as well, grabbing the horse's reins before it could buck off the soothsayer.
I drew my thick knives, best for cleaving both in and out of direct combat, and I scanned the wall of flame, waiting for signs of an attacker. The flames crackled high, and the heat bore down on my face and moustache, but other than that, nothing.
Until I heard leaves rustle behind me, and I swerved around, looking up at the snarling, blazing mass of fur hovering behind me, about to strike with gleaming claws.
And it was then that I realized what we were facing. "STEALTH BEAAAAAAAARS!" |