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!!HctBG7qJ41T 01/23/11(Sun)00:35 No.13624319 File1295760959.jpg-(168 KB, 900x676, r287092775300.jpg)
 Sorry for being so slow, had to do some research.
>>13623230 Me too... Egahds.
>>13623442 Aww! Kittykittykitty! Thank you. /tg/, or at least, you guys, are a fun audience to do things for. ######################
"Excellent. In that case, I would like to know who you serve, in the Infernal Hierarchy, and what their interests are regarding me. Secondly, I would like to know /your/ designs regarding me."
"I.. Very well, lord. Though again, I believe you to be behind in your count." she says. "I... The name of my superior would mean nothing to you, but I serve, eventually, Glasya, ruler of the Sixth." she states. Lady of the Sixth, Daughter of Asmodeus, according to what you know... Interesting.
"I have not contacted her since before Kazmiri imprisoned me back in Freeport; I do, however, assume she knows you exist, and that she has wishes regarding you. Traditionally, my interests are in damning you to the hells- being a son of Tiamat, though, the change is not as significant as it might be.... It is difficult to explain, but mostly, it would require Taimat to purchase your soul from Glasya, for which I would receive credit."
Unsettling to hear discussed openly, but also reasurring to hear discussed honestly. Though, really, that is what all devils intend, hardly any different. And it's true, Taimat does reside in the Hells.
"I see. Thank you. And your intentions?" you voice levelly.
"I... Have already disclosed them to you. They have not changed, to rule over an empire on this plane, to be your consort, a voice in your ear... It would mean.. much for me, both as status and as a... desirable station to hold through the centuries." she replies. |