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01/27/11(Thu)00:31 No.13674427 File1296106308.jpg-(4 KB, 300x57, Marie.jpg)
 >>13672056 .........goddamnit Cerbanon I just got out of the thri-kreen thread and now I want to stick it into that canal. <_<
>>13673267 >>It'd be pants-on-head retarded, but you could AND THIS IS EXACTLY WHY KINGSTON WOULDN'T EXPECT IT, FUND IT NAO!!!
>>13673849 Ask if we can mix it up. Some pack only missiles, perhaps if those ultralisks are aiding overlords in scouting a planet, some anti-marine -lisks will pack only the MGs. By utilizing a double-punch of one weapon system or the other, a gang of ultralisks will be able to massacre either air or ground foes with a one-two punch, with the third being a claw slash upon closing. Essentially, something which could normally go toe-to-toe with a normal goliath in this situation would suddenly find twice the incoming fire. We should also look into mobilizing our spore colonies since we're doing missiles.
Really, Ultralisks are amazing. Their backs are so long and flat, we can throw whatever we want on there within the weight limit. Here's a longterm idea, eventually the dual-launcher lisks can choose between launcher+spore or two of each. One will do better vs shield, the other vs armor. Warbrate or Gorn could then micromanage their modified ultralisk forces to ebb and flow with the tide of the conflict, swapping places in formation to better deal with oncoming threats most effectively. Imagine if you will, the basic Panzer chassis, and the innumerable variations it went through, from support, to MBT, to anti-air, to anti-infantry. (we may also wish to breed smaller gunnerylisks for ambush or cavern/city fighting purposes.) Yes, yes, YES INTERNBRATE, go wild and free! *gives mad scientist monocle*
I hope they've boned up on their Guderian!
>>Marie Wellmer It seems Captcha wants us to name something or someone, but it isn't the time for that you silly goof. |