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!!cxzh3hxzuC1 02/01/11(Tue)01:06 No.13738319 File1296540388.jpg-(66 KB, 640x640, 09d8491b957a95650f4baccdd272dc(...).jpg)
 Writing back by messenger, you politely thank the Sultan for his invitation, and promise attendance. Invitation to witness the transmission of the sultanate, and a place from which to observe the Blues, the hub of the continent of Tashz. You could hardly resist. Scinnari seems to be looking forward to the idea, despite now having a sizable bulge to her stomach, albeit one that could be written off as weight, if erinyes could gain such excess weight.
The Sultan's armies persist, and eventually bring the battle to the plains of Azar itself, and the final stretch of the Northern Road. Battle is fierce, with the mages of Tashz, along with many hired out of Morinth, playing a significant role in countering the creations of the black. Brutal fighting, by all accounts, and regrettably under the blacks' protective spells, so you cannot watch it without being present. You are present for some of it, incognito, but most of it you allow to run it's course on it's own. While spectacular, and you certainly wouldn't say no to watching one of the Blues, it's not terribly important, as long as they keep going forward.
Advancement slows to a crawl, as the Black seems to be buying time. All water in the vicinity has become thoroughly polluted and unpalatable, or in some cases, actively poisonous, seeping into the ground, burning skin, and tainting wounds. A veritable corrupted hellscape awaits the army, something Scinnari comments that wouldn't be out of place in Malbolge. Not only that, but as they finally enter the jungle, the region lives up to the druids' claims. Gigantic beasts, monstrous creatures, and other abominations sweep out, harrying the army at all hours, and apparently assisting the undead. Again, the Blues hired to support the sultans army prove to be quite capable, if not, perhaps, worth the ludicrous sums promised to them, and the army is held together throughout it. |