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!uGYNBMPzOs 02/04/11(Fri)00:06 No.13774190 File1296795987.png-(108 KB, 1554x1811, Battle 12d.png)
 Finally, the levies break from the pits, well, mostly, their bodies are still cushioning the pits for the men behind them, each smaller pit in the groups of pits filling after fifteen to twenty impaled, crushed or trampled corpses fill it, with multiple small pits in each area you trapped. Not that is a safe filler, as many men still catch ankles and become stuck, fall, and are subsequently trampled. Even more unlucky men have enough bulk to fall through the corpses and befome impaled themselves. The levies continue their onward rush, even as the soldiers behind them carefully pick their way ahead, stabbing at the ground as the go, compressing and shifting in their formations as they go, though this method is far from perfect. you signal for all units designated to deal with incoming flying cavalry to do so, and for the others to focus on the charging units until they impact your lines, at which point they are to give their attentions to the approaching sergeants. arrows and bolts begin to lance upwards, and Lenas voice begins utterances in Draconian, readying to blast the approaching flyers from the sky. This soft tune is on your ears for only a moment however, as the levies smash into your front line, half-filling further pits as they do so. The wrathful cry of steel on steel drowns out all others as Vohzd Lennis leads his men off to begin flanking the enemy line. The levies are being butchered by your men, though their numbers keep them in place.
As the bulk of Lord Wellis' more skilled forces press onward at their plodding, cautions pace, the dwarven mercenaries tarry, and some infighting seems to be breaking out amongst their numbers, even as a wing of Men at Arms thunders past them, aiming through the gaps in between units, clearly intending to do the same thing to your units. Their smaller, more agile horses avoiding the rearward pits, most of which are by now clearly marked by blood and flesh. |