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02/27/11(Sun)15:33 No.14065124 File1298838798.jpg-(274 KB, 1610x1995, William-Shatner.jpg)
Momma Gremlin points to the trunk of an old car.
You try to impress the mental idea of an exchange of services. She keeps an eye out for "Romulans or Klingons" Crossing over into federation space, and she will receive Historical artifacts of the great Kirk.
You place the trap in to trunk of the car, and close the lid, once you are at the full length of the pedals cord, you open the trap.
There is a screeching and clanging, the sound of metal being hit and torn....
Momma Gremlin quickly slides in to the trunk, lifting the lid just enough for slip in....
After a couple of seconds, the screeching and banging calms down, a chittering exchange between the two seems to take place, some cooing and eventually a rythmic bang clang beings to come from the trunk, the car shakes a little each time.
What will you do now Ghostbusters? |