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Mushroom Kingdom Codex Rumors
!sMYbIFo6TI 02/28/11(Mon)10:34 No.14073946 File1298907254.jpg-(12 KB, 218x251, mariored.jpg)
 So they've finally started leaking the rumors on Timesage about what the Mushroom Kingdom: -We're talking fragile. Their models usually fall over in a single hit. -Lots of "buff" options. One of their main leader choices looks to be called a Starseer, and can use starspirits to heal, cause enemies to fall asleep, buff the statlines of units, etc. -Another hero is the Fortuneteller, who allows the Mushroom Kingdom player to draw on a Tarot deck in order to apply gamewide buffs and debuffs. -Heroes are able to equip "Badges" from the Armory which either unlock new abilities or enhance existing ones. -Should you be taking Mario as a hero, he has the option to take a Party of Sidekicks, sergeant-level models which give a variety of special attacks and abilities to him. -Karts *are* in. They use a modified version of the old Nintendo Kart Kommando rules They can either move 6" and turn up to 90 degrees in a turn, or they can move 12" and turn up to 45 degrees. With a successful drive check, some kart drivers can instead perform a "Power Slide", where a vehicle moves 6", turns 45", but remains moving in the same direction; a failed check results in the vehicle spinning Out-of-Control. -Karts are fragile. Lots of upgrade options however, including Mushroom-charged engines, Shells, decorative Fireflowers... -The old Yoshis from the Rogue&Watch series of games are in as a mount option. They can eat small models but a single well-placed hit will result in a morale check to ensure the Yoshi doesn't run away. -In addition to normal deployment options, they have the ability to deploy by Warp Pipe, with 2 pipes available per Mario Brother taken (so 4 should Mario and Luigi join up). They either act as additional points to enter from reserve, or to rapidly move from one point of the map to the other. -Rumors remain at large as to whether Bowser is available as a mercenary ally. |