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03/01/11(Tue)03:04 No.14084546 File1298966643.jpg-(132 KB, 800x482, 1287115949015.jpg)
 >>14083653 Well, we need to optimise here. First group, our pets. These shall have the localised scream, hypno-eyes, be trained not to attack us or our minions (unless we order them to), and be killy. Second, we want to breed some kind of dragon-kitty. Just because. Pic related. Third, the spies. These, we make intelligent, loyal, hypno-vision, and if possible some kind of telepathy so they can report back.
All must be as cute as possible.
Also, because you brought up the rats: Skaven. It must be done. Though preferably either make them less intelligent than Skaven (so they don't make all that tech) or more (so they don't fuck it up so horribly). Also, much lower birthrates, and more loyal/less cowardly.
Alternatively, an even /more/ horrible version of Skaven, which we then release into some country we dislike. Given I'm Australian, and well aware of how badly this can fuck up (Cane Toads, anyone?), I'd support the former, but the latter is deliciously evil... Thoughts, anyone?
>wait ndpme Need more helpful thoughts than that, captcha. |