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!!zLTJPOVdr4t 03/14/11(Mon)01:17 No.14234844 File1300079845.jpg-(22 KB, 344x528, c92405orkweapons-03.jpg)
 Ok apparently we are done asking questions.
Da boss sends you off to do the mission. There will be a warbuggy waiting to take you close in for taktical insertion so you can be all sneaky like. As you go the leave the boss stops you. "Oi, Skruffy! Before ya go dis here git," he grabs a Mekboy who has been fixing a new boss pole to da boss's hut "can give ya an extra thingie or two." The Mek offers you ONE of these deals: >Swap your Choppa for a Big Choppa (2 handed, 1d12 Damage, Betta' Crits) >Swap your Slugga for a Shoota (2 handed, 1d8 damage, 1-5 shot burst) >Swap your Choppa AND Slugga for a Big Shoota (2 handed 1d8 damage, Rapid Fire) >Swap your Choppa AND Slugga for a Burna (2 handed, 1d8 damage, Rapid Fire, close range only, counts as a 2 handed choppa in close combat thats 1d10 damage)
>At this point Ammo doesn't matter, we will assume you always have enough unless its something like rokkits or melta or that kinda stuff. |