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03/27/11(Sun)10:41 No.14382432 File1301236915.jpg-(166 KB, 1136x837, smug-dog-birthday-hat-cake-126(...).jpg)
 You know how the Rogue Trader always get all the bitches? Well, our Rogue Trader is especially armorous. He flirts shamelessly with every half-attractive female he meets. It`s hillarious out of game because his player is an awesome roleplayer and the character is only 1,35 metres tall.
Well, there is our Astropath (NPC), an attractive lady of undefined age, maybe a bit pale, and without eyes of course, who is acting only with icy curtesy on the Rogue Traders overbearing advances. So, my character, a former pirate voidmaster, acting as first officer and the Rogue Traders second in command always stands next to the two of them when the Rogue Trader trys his stuff, his expression one of helpless anguish. Think Zapp Brannigan and Kif from Futurama. So, he and the astropath get along well on basis of mutual respect. I respect her for her professionalism, her unique skills and the fact that she is a true example of a lady of high class. She likes me for being straight to the point, curteous and probably being the only person onboard the ship who sees anything else in her than a trophy of sexual conquest or a vile abomination (non-imperial upbringing and all that).
So the next time our Rogue Trader presses the matter a bit too far and insists that she joins him for dinner in his quarters, she tells him much to my own suprise that she already has an appointment with me. The Rogue Trader storms out furiously while she invites me into her personal quarters, a nice dinner and hot if a bit scary sexings ensued.
>mfw |