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!uGYNBMPzOs 03/25/11(Fri)00:54 No.14357746 File1301028862.png-(30 KB, 1095x1075, Battle 4.png)
 You sigh "None of us make good soldiers, Lena." you reply, half turning in your saddle to look her in the eyes as best you can "But what all of us trying to be good soldiers must make are good friends, and that you most certainly have the heart for. Most of us never wanted to be soldiers, but life put us into these positions, this Crimson," you continue, thumping your breastplate "and the best we can do is try to keep ourselves, and those dear to us alive. They give us our strength, help us hold fast when all sanity says to run, and yes, when the burden of war is too great, are shoulders to cry on and ports in the storm. and that, my dear, is something that I know you can be, I need only look at you and Wulf to know that much."
Lena thinks for a moment before replying "But so many of the captains look so happy, so, built, for this."
You shake your head "Do you know what Kyria wanted to be?" the girl shakes her head "A smith. and Sansa, hunter. Our lives put us into these roles, but we all chose to stay for our friends, or loved ones. Even I consider quitting the Legion between campaigns, starting a family, governing some small town or city. There is no shame in thinking these thoughts between campaigns, so long as we are there for those we care about when the winds of war howl about us. And, should you decide that this is not for you, I can still use you at my academy... but right now, Wulf is counting on you, helpless as he is it falls to us, to you, to protect him, and the rest of our comrades."
A look of understanding draws across the girls face, but before she can reply, a series of signal flares light the sky. You shift in the saddle to see two wedges of velociprey bearing down the road at you, though something does feel, off. |