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04/07/11(Thu)02:49 No.14504312 File1302158970.jpg-(36 KB, 470x419, Hydralisk_SC1_Art2.jpg)
 Alrighty, then.
The carriers assemble overhead as our forces retreat from the tunnels. The first beam pierces the ocean, sending up walls of steam. The second joins it, striking the same place from a different angle. The third and fourth join in as the first peters out, stabbing planetward like drills to pierce the seas. As the second beam also dies, the feedback indicates the surface is giving away. We hastily move the beams, spreading the opening as wide as possible before the beams wear down. Water rushes down to fill the space as we see a sizable crack in the planet's thinned crust. The sea swirls as it falls inward.
Recharged, the craft fire again, widening the crack until it is sufficiently large for the missile. By now, most of the planet's water is either evaporated or drained into the subterranean cavity.
Realizing our plan was slightly lacking in regard for gravity, we move forward. The missile winds upward, through space, and eventually downward again. It plunges into the water to an acceptable depth and detonates, coating as much of the machine as possible with its EMP, irradiating much of the water, and causing even more steam.
We notice the comm signals (though still incomprehensible to us) increase in intensity, then decrease sharply. Several of the towers cease transmitting at all. Power shuts off at several of the landing sites.
(That's a good place to quit, being as it's almost 2 am here and a nobody screws with the Kobra Kais. ONE HIT, ONE KILL!) |