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  • File : 1302370749.png-(665 KB, 700x966, Nightmarecodex2.png)
    665 KB Emperor's Nightmare 11 SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)13:39 No.14534028  
    Heeere we go, thread 11 folks.
    Current topics for discussion are:

    1. Fluff for Icelus
    2. Continuing to refine the crunch
    3. Other fluff
    4. Draw/write/model/ideafaggotry


    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)13:48 No.14534104
    We still have a lot of the Chapter itself to fluff out. For example the size of its fleet, the extent of its librarium and Reclusiam, and its history.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)13:52 No.14534142
    Good Afternoon
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)13:53 No.14534146

    Glad you could make it to the party.
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)13:55 No.14534161
    Can I come? I brought guacamole.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)13:56 No.14534169
    Nice to see everyone!

    For the fleet size, I was thinking 1 Battle barge, 8 Strike Cruisers, 20 Rapid strike vessels. Maybe a small docking port orbiting Icelus

    The Nightmares aren't really a space-faring chapter I'd imagine, and as a standing force, they're not crusading across the whole Segmentum too often.
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)13:57 No.14534174
    Can I just say I really like the codex cover so far! Maybe we could put one of the hive cities into the backdrop for filler and background.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)13:57 No.14534185
    Has Icelus been attacked by any forces since the EM's took over fiefdom?

    That would make an interesting fluffy point if so.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)13:59 No.14534191

    Well you don't really assault a planet with a space marine chapter keep on it unless you're suicidal or retarded.

    Enter the Orks.
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)13:59 No.14534201
    what about thunderhawks, drop pods, and other lesser ships if they have weirder models.
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)14:02 No.14534222
    That just gave me an idea for some fluff.

    Have a bit like the BA where all our Dreads (minus the sleepers) nearly wipe an army before the main forces arrive.
    Maybe during the 13 black crusade or another major fluff bit.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)14:02 No.14534228
    I like it. If we can get someone to draw it that would be great.

    I was thinking of the same background we have on the chapter banner, the royal purple with gold stars.

    Probably 35-40 Thunderhawks of a mix of gunships and transports
    Drop pods probably don't need to be counted given their fairly easy to replace (I think?)
    We had decided previously no Stormravens.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:05 No.14534249

    Here's hoping.


    Hehe, that'd be cool. I think should we do one of the timelines ever-present in the codices, we should have a passage exalting the deeds of one Captain Thureos.
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)14:08 No.14534267
    Running thru what we have for Icelus (have we worked out how you say it?), and I remember some of the fluff having them going thru forests. Maybe we could incorporate this into the geography. It would be less bland then just "Wast! Waste Everywhere!"
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)14:10 No.14534282
    Be right back, having lunch.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)14:12 No.14534304
    Hmmm. that could tie in with the whole captain ambrose / hector's pivotal defeat/routing of Waggh Reddklaw.

    Reddklaw foolishly atacking Icelus because of the fight it would bring for his boyz, and trying to take over superiority of the sector.

    8companies were home at icelus during this time.

    So it may be a large battle that, of course the ems ultimatley won, but also proved to show that the pdf forces get shit done?

    All speculation of course i dont want to be the only one who likes the idea.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)14:17 No.14534331
    Now that you mention it, I was thinking of another story idea.

    A space-faring chapter, passing through the sector request permission to refuel on Icelus. Perhaps a chapter that has a fairly light history with the Nightmares, say the White Scars. Pleasantries are exchanged. One Captain of the white scars approaches the Adjutant Galen and asks, "Is Captain Thureos still among you? I wished to reacquaint myself with one who fought so bravely by my side during the Basilisk Incursion." Galen would shift uncomfortably in a way rather unexpected of a Lord Adjutant and respond, "Captain Theuros is gone...he has joined the ranks of those lost to us."
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:17 No.14534338

    That works. Lets our captains cut their teeth a little.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:21 No.14534359
    Guys, don't go overboard with making the Nightmares special/always winning. They're not Ultramarines.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:23 No.14534374

    In the fluff one of the first things to crop up was the Nightmares getting pissed off with the Blud Rehvens then getting quite a slapping off of WAAAGH!!! Gitchop. No fear.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)14:26 No.14534399
    We established that Captain Hector took over the ALL DROP PODS ALL THE TIME company?

    In that case, while Captain Ambroise, the might be sleepless might be not captain,Along with third ann fourth company were defending hive primus against one of the most brutal assaults by Reddklaw himself, Captain Hector led a drop pod assault and landed directly in the green horde,

    Heroics later (im not good at writing) the ork warboss was routed into traps laid by seccundus companies and destroyed almost to a man?
    >> Wing Zero 04/09/11(Sat)14:29 No.14534421
    And I'm back. But I'm leaving for work soon.

    I don't think we should go with orks. It's getting close to the BA fluff. Maybe we could try a different army. If you want horde, then Nids. I would like Dark eldar or normal eldar.

    For eldar, we could have the main turning point be the dreamwalkers fuck with the farseer shenanigans from an angle they wouldn't expect/ understand. What do you think?

    I'm out, but I'll try to get back on tonight before bed.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:31 No.14534438

    ...Hm. Perhaps. I'm not too familiar with BA fluff, so I'll take your word for it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:33 No.14534450
    Why not have everyone? Or use the Alpha Legion, to continue from a few threads back? The point of the current setting is ENEMIES ENEMIES EVERYWHERE, OH GOD...

    Blood Angels took splinter fleets and Chaos, Smurfs got half their chapter offed (again) by M'kar and company...

    Dark Eldar are too "raider-ish" to be a serious threat. A WAAARRRGH works, especially combined with Chaos corruption from within and Lost and the Damned or somesuch.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)14:33 No.14534452
    >For eldar, we could have the main turning point be the dreamwalkers fuck with the farseer shenanigans from an angle they wouldn't expect/ understand. What do you think?

    That's a good area to explore. What's the relationship between the Eldar and the dreamscape?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:35 No.14534468

    I can make a confident and educated confirmation that I have no bloody clue.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)14:37 No.14534476
    In agreement
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)14:38 No.14534485

    I like the idea of an Alpha legion network.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)14:38 No.14534489
    >Dark Eldar are too "raider-ish" to be a serious threat.

    That's only true on a galactic scale. On a sector scale they can be quite a threat.

    I'm sure that they're aware of it, they probably just see it as too unreliable as a means of working with the warp.

    Also, I'm sticking with calling the Battle Barge Lucidity.

    Any objections?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:39 No.14534493
    Eldar are one for one much more powerful, but it's generally not an area they'd fight in. This being Eldar, they'd generally take steps against it, but Librarians are going to be a headache for them. Near-equal power levels and training in attacking the mind through dreams? MindWarlol.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:41 No.14534509
    I like the Nid idea. When some are astral projecting, or whatever the term for it was, it disrupts the hivemind, making them adept at killing the now somewhat confused enemy forces.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:44 No.14534533
    No. That is bad. Canon would make it the other way around. No dreamwalking when the hive fleet's casting a major shadow.

    Hmmm. That would make battles against the hive fleet interesting. Kill the nids before you all go insane from lack of proper sleep.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)14:46 No.14534548
    This is the kind of battle that was going to lead to how Isaac of Tertius. the Watcher of Watchers came into being. Except it was during a dream battle with the minions of Tzeentch.

    This has been discussed before. The majority seemed to be learning toward the opposite of what you're suggesting. That the presence of the Hivemind blinds and distorts the dreamers perception, possibly even forcing them to wake prematurely, which can have severe negative effects on a marine.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:49 No.14534575
    Alright, I must have missed that part.

    Even so, that would give them an even bigger reason to fight the Tyranids, not out of ease, but out of necessity.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)14:49 No.14534580
    Of course, that might still be the case for small infestations. The Broodlord was very surprised when it came under attack both in the psychic realm, having it's connection to the Hive Mind severed, and by the rest of the squad in the sewers...
    >> Magi 04/09/11(Sat)14:57 No.14534615
         File1302375427.jpg-(420 KB, 1170x1200, Beast Master copy.jpg)
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    Don't quite know where this fits in but I was thinking about those wandering few above the surface.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)14:57 No.14534619
    Perhaps PDF/Arbites uncovered some fringe elements of alpha legionnaire cultists. 7th company was tasked with investigating, but what they uncovered was far more extensive?
    9th company's assistance found most of the cultists eradicated before they used foul sorcery to establish a distress beacon so to speak.

    Chaos forces arrive, the entire chapter goes to war?

    Maybe calls for reinforcements? White skars / ravens?
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)14:59 No.14534627
    Ill be back after dinner.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)15:03 No.14534650
    That's creepy as hell.
    I love it!

    It's exactly what I was picturing for those that live outside of the hives.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:03 No.14534653

    That works.


    As usual I love it. You're really breathing life into the people of Icelus for me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:04 No.14534663
         File1302375880.jpg-(719 KB, 1279x799, relic00066.jpg)
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    over 2 billion hours in Army Painter
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:05 No.14534670
    I'm pretty sure one of their ships was called Endless Vigil IIRC
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:05 No.14534675
         File1302375951.jpg-(717 KB, 1279x799, relic00067.jpg)
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    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:08 No.14534696

    Purty. It's a shame you can't quarter the paint schemes in DoW1.


    You'd be right there.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)15:14 No.14534729
    Was it a strike cruiser or a battle barge?

    Either way is fine with me.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:15 No.14534732

    There are ways to change the textures to quarter textures. I'm going to look into it now, but it'll be difficult because I'm using the FoK models
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:15 No.14534733

    The Endless Vigil is a Strike Cruiser.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:27 No.14534813
    Been following this and its awesome work.

    Couple of thoughts.
    1. You have a member of the Ecclesiarchy who has a problem with them. Perhaps as a source of conflict, the higher ups have not censored him. They let him speak assuring the EN that its not an issue, he's not going anywhere. They've spoken to him and assured him that there is an investigation underway. The Ecclesiarchy don't want to confuse the populace, they plan on letting the guy preach his heart out. When he dies, they'll ship someone in to fix everything. Assuring the population that there was some confusion on the issue or pawning it off on heretics, the usual song and dance. Only issue is, the guy appears to be picking up a new powerful ally.

    2. Seems like the Inquisition would be of mixed opinons of the EN. They'll drop whats going on to help but they also produce alot of 'traitors.' Something the EN will argue about at length, those Sleepless the Inquisition have observed do not totally fit the mold. All of them continue their duty but are mad. What prevents full doubt from being cast on the EN are their actions and their allies. Long have the EN found favor with the Scholastica Psykana and with their growing influence Adeptus Mechanicus, some in the Inquisition fear a growing rot.

    3. The guard are happy to finally get their hands on some of the PDF but they want more. So much so its finally getting kicked up to the Departmento Munitorum and maybe even the High Lords.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:31 No.14534837
    1 and 2 are great, 3 doesn't work. Astartes homeworlds are a class apart, and the guard would be laughed out of the appeal. It'd start a shitstorm at least the size of Badab for any chapter to lose their rights of control over their own homeworld and everything related to it to mere mortals.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)15:32 No.14534848
    Battle Barge(1): The Lucidity
    Strike Cruisers(8): Notable ship, Endless Vigil
    Rapid strike vessels(20)

    Orbital docking platform: called the Star of Dreams by the people of Icelus, it can be seen glowing in the night sky at times. It's considered proper to make evening prayers towards the Star of Dreams if it is visible.

    I think that covers the Nightmare's fleet, unless someone can think up some more.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:33 No.14534851

    I like them, apart from the issue with 3 which was just brought up. 1 sounds like the plot to a Dark Heresy campaign.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:33 No.14534857
    Another thing that might crop up is suspicion from the Inquisition and Codex heavy chapters that the ENs aren't following codex. Their habit counting Sleepless and dreaming Marines as KIA means a lot of unexplained disappearances and unaccounted for Marines. Perhaps the Inquisition or Codex chapter will start insisting on coming along to "assist" the ENs on combat operations.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)15:35 No.14534873

    1. Have you read my story Demagogue? It's basically this exact situation.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:42 No.14534922
    M<I can't wrap my head around the 40k date system>

    Hive Icelus Secundus is closed as a large shipment of pilgrims allegedly wanting to set foot on the world of the Adeptus Astartes go on the rampage, revealing themselves as a Redemptionist militia here to punish the Nightmares for their sins. The PDF eventually get the situation under control, and the survivors are banished into the ash wastes as punishment.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)15:42 No.14534923
    bah I wish I could write better.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)15:49 No.14534996
    Nice, a good follow up
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:53 No.14535031

    Thanks. I like the idea of banishment into the wastes as punishment for serious crimes. It also adds an explaination for the bandit groups and such which wander the wastes.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)15:54 No.14535043
    Using 0.150.935.M41 as an example.

    the 0 is your check number used to verify accuracy. Only seen in reports after the fact once they can be verified and never used in the working date system for normal purposes.

    the 150 is the year fraction. This is used for administrative purposes and divides each year into 1000 equal segments. 001-000 not part of everyday usage.

    Your 935 is the current year of the current millenium that you are in. 001-000 (one to onethousand)

    And M41 is the current millenium you are in. M41 being the 41st.

    hope that helps, copied it straight from the rulebook (pg 127)
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)15:57 No.14535067

    ...It'll sink in eventually. Cheers.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)15:59 No.14535089
    I think that's where he got the idea.

    Also, I was the guy in the last thread who had written Isaac of Tertius' initial fluff. What were the largest issues? One that the rubric was meant to be done out of desperation voluntarily, and two that he couldn't command in silence.
    For the first, I was originally thinking it was not, obviously, the genuine article, but a weaponized use of the same principle sorcery.
    For the second, I don't suppose he could be applied in a non-leadership role like an Elite--or perhaps taken as an expensive bodyguard for an HQ choice.

    You guys came up with more stuff for him while I was sleeping, so if you like what you've done we can certainly go with that. I just liked the de facto rubric because it was quick and to the point. More battle in the dreamlands (dreamlands? dreamscape?) would be good, though.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)16:00 No.14535096
    Im sorry.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:05 No.14535143
    Plot hook: The bandit groups around the main cities are acting strangely. Supply caravans are being ambushed with strangely military precision, reports of the usual feuding have all but ceased, and some groups are even daring to attack PDF patrols and stations. Worse still, there are reports of Imperial Guard issue weapons and tactics in use by them. The Nightmares cannot allow this to stand. These debased gangs must be culled.

    a)Charismatic PDF deserter/rogue psyker taking control of the gangs. They won't come quietly, and didn't get where they were by being stupid.

    b)Alpha Legion plot, with one of two operatives and maybe a marine running the whole show. Of course, the Legion always has another plot in motion...

    c)Istavaanian or otherwise disapproving Inquisitor stirring shit up. May result in hilarity if the Nightmares capure the Acolyte(s) behind it and get them to talk. Expect denials.

    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)16:09 No.14535175

    I like all of them. The Istvaanian one is REALLY intresting.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)16:11 No.14535194
    that would be hillarious, the marines interrogating the acolytes.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)16:14 No.14535206
    Ah, I'm glad you're here. I wanted to ask if the original fight where Isaac of Tertius became what he is today was meant to be a fight in the realworld or in the dreamscape?

    Very nice. any reason to get activity out in the wastes is a good one.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:15 No.14535209
    Now I'm imagining it going meta.
    "Do your worst, astartes! I took Intimidate as an elite advance!"
    "Fool! I took each rank for 300 experience!"

    Also, derp, I meant that to be "One that the rubric was meant to be done out of desperation voluntarily, and two that he couldn't command in silence?" rather than a declarative.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)16:16 No.14535217

    Dark Heresy vs Deathwatch: The Inquisiting.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:17 No.14535223
    I sometimes have this funny scenario play out in my head where an overly snoopy Inquistor sneaks into the ENs chapter keep and tries to mind read one of the Dreamwalkers, and foolishly chooses an August Dreamer.

    Hilarity with a side "IT'S MIND RAPING TIME" ensues.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:17 No.14535224
    Originally it was a battle in the materium, if only so he could choke the shit out of the sorcerer that killed him.
    Perhaps it'd work better as Isaac being a Dreamer, and doing battle with a greater daemon of change alongside his brothers, it razed his body with a spell so powerful it eradicated him physically. Feeling his soul untethered, the August Dreamwalkers stepped in to prevent it from being obliterated.
    >Philosophy raeve
    unce unce unce unce
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:18 No.14535238
    Better yet. He's practically bowled over by a resonant "NO."
    It's as if he was standing with his ear to the chassis of a dreadnought booming its vox.
    For his part, the dreadnought never lets on what just happened.

    ...And though I like the above, it does smack a little of "Yeah, our guys can bitchslap the inquisition because they're just that cool." Then again, there's kind of precedent for it through 40k works.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)16:24 No.14535276
    This is basically the alternate origin I came up with in the last thread. That the demon was a direct aspect of Khaliman, the demon prince originally slain by Randolphus. The August Dreamwalkers managed to locate a piece of him in the warp and a team of dreamers was sent in to destroy it.
    The mission was a devestating failure as the beast was far stronger and its warp-capable followers far greater in number than they anticipated. A librarian and several other dreamers were killed outright, but Isaac was pulled back in time, a piece of his soul being torn off in the process, leaving him in his current state, a warning to all others of the true danger Khaliman still represents.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:32 No.14535345
    "Who? Dercius Grimmar? Never heard of him?"
    "Never seen this heretic before in my life."

    Also, how're these?

    Plot hook: During the latest Trial, something has gone horribly wrong. Not a single aspirant has made it out of the Hive.

    While this has historically occurred from time to time the fact that none of the Nightmare's men among the underhive's various groups witnessed the death of an aspirant is suggestive. In fact, they seem to have simply disappeared at the same time, outside of view.

    Combined with ominous dreams among many of the brothers stationed in the main Hive, dreams of screams and pleas for help, and it is clear that something more than the hardships of the Trials was responsible...

    a)Sometimes, a dream is just a dream. Through staggeringly unfortunate coincidence, the aspirants all failed to survive, be it through attacks from cannibal mutants, falling through corroded floorplates, or simple bad luck. Though it will be small consolation for the families of the dead children, the Nightmares will take steps to stop such unnecessary deaths the next time they recruit.

    Continued below.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:33 No.14535353
    Something truly foul is living and growing in the underhive. Be it a genestealer brood and its rapidly growing thrall colony, unholy machine hybrids created by recently reactivated, ancient Heretek, or even a threat to the entire planet on the level of a Hrud migration, a creature or nest of creatures has set up under the Nightmares' very noses. They must find this threat, and complete their holy duty to purge the alien.

    c)Denial of resources.
    Someone really, really doesn't want the Chapter to replace its loses. Be it a fanatical sect of the Cult such as the Red Redemption or the Originists or an Alpha Legion cult seeking suitable candidates for brainwashing and subversion of the Nightmares, someone coldly planned for an ambush out of the sight of any meddling eyes. If it was the Legion, then they murdered all the aspirants either because of unsuitability for hypno-indoctrination or because they saw the Legion in the act.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:49 No.14535487
    I don't know about the sliver-of-soul thing. Interesting, but if he's missing part of himself he's not the man he used to be. The whole thing also brings up the notion that if they repeated things, they could end up with multiple pseudorubrics, and it was largely supposed to be a one time deal.
    How about something as simple as a very unfortunate bolt of change, or a spell for similar effect?
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)16:52 No.14535515
    We could leave it unknown actually.

    No one is sure what happened during the battle, only that a call for retreat was issued and Isaac came back the way he is.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:53 No.14535527
    I'm honestly not a fan of the "Isaac of Tertius" idea...

    Smacks of HERESY.jpg and things like loyalist successor of the traitor legions. We're trying to make an interesting divergent chapter, not the Brothers of the Special Snowflakes
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)16:55 No.14535536

    I suppose he's got a point.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:56 No.14535548
    >Smacks of HERESY.jpg
    We decided to address that with full disclosure to the Inquisition, who tested Isaac extensively and found nothing wrong beyond the obvious.
    >and things like loyalist successor of the traitor legions.
    It's one dude in a non-repeatable circumstance. They're not Thousand Sons loyalists, they're a Raven Guard offshoot. But you know this, I'm not trying to be patronizing.
    >We're trying to make an interesting divergent chapter, not the Brothers of the Special Snowflakes
    Agreed there, for sure. As always, I suggest we go with the consensus on whether Isaac is "too much."
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)16:56 No.14535551
    I was thinking that he came back devoid of personality. Still with a physical body and capable of taking orders, but almost comatose in nature.

    Even if this doesn't work out, I still wanted to make sure there was at least one noted engagement with the forces of Khaliman.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)16:57 No.14535556
    The devoid of personality thing makes him even more like a rubric marine.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)16:59 No.14535577
    I thought it would be a bit more subtle than a insubstantial body.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:02 No.14535601
    Devoid of personality works fine, but it should make him all but dead. Have it noted as another thing the Chapter hates the prince for, noted in the Texts of Dusk and Dawn or whatever...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:02 No.14535608
    He sort of ends up the opposite of a chapter hero that way. Also, with a body, he'd have the same node issues and sleep or sleeplessness as normal.

    Shit, we need to work this out, but I'm about to be heading out and I can't guarantee stable internet. Good luck, guys, I'll be on if I can.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)17:05 No.14535630
    ill be out for a while as well. good luck
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:06 No.14535646
    Just have the rest of the strike force slaughtered and him as the catatonic, sole survivor. No remedy from the Apothecarion or mental probing could restore him, but when engaged against the forces of Chaos he regains some small amount of lucidity...
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)17:07 No.14535653
    Interesting thoughts on the subject...You guys keep up the discussion, I'm on marine 6 of my Primus squad.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)17:16 No.14535723
    That could work. though I don't really get the chaos bit. When who is engaged with chaos? In the dreamscape? In realspace?

    I actually think that wants they determine they wouldn't be able to restore him, they would issue him his final rest, chronicling the whole event as a mark of shame for the chapter.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:29 No.14535818
    Perhaps we could change things up. Earlier, there was talk about sleeping marines on the field. Perhaps during a total rout of a deployment, Isaac was the only one left alive because he had fallen asleep and been left.
    The Thousand Sons they had been fighting found him, and the leader of their band, a sorcerer, decided that a space marine in his prime health would make an excellent test subject to gain further insight into the rubric. So he began experimenting.
    The exact details of what transpired are unknown, but when he was found and recovered by a second deployment of the Dusk, the end result was clear--Isaac is a bodiless shell and he refuses to speak--be it inability or in shame that his brothers died while he slumbered.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:45 No.14535943
    Everything but the explicit "experiments with rubric" works. Just say that he was the only survivor, that something happened beyond normal psychic damage, and that probes by the librarians turned up no taint, but that his soul was fragmented by the experience.

    As for why he's being kept alive, it is thought that his ordeal offers insight into the restoration of Carter to the chapter, and that he regains some lucidity when facing the forces of Chaos.

    The Chapter would benefit from the return of a warrior of the caliber of the Isaac of old, and he is pure of purpose as he is now, the vengeance of the Nightmares undiluted by thought, regret, or dreams. Who, then, is more fortunate?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)17:45 No.14535946

    I thought the marines were paired up so this sort of thing wouldn't happen if one of them fell asleep in battle?

    I'm also of the opinion that Issac is a bit "too much" and would prefer to just drop the concept.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)17:50 No.14535989
    Hm. Perhaps, even just for now, we should drop Isaac. Since he seems to be getting quite firm negative feedback.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)17:50 No.14535991
    He was being pushed as a character due to people wanting at least 9 special characters.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)17:55 No.14536034

    Let's just stick to 8 for now. 8 is a nice number.

    I'm thinking. Perhaps Vassal40k would be the best way to playtest these fellas.
    >> Magi 04/09/11(Sat)18:02 No.14536088
    As much as Isaac is interesting, he seems a little "special unique snowflake" for his own good. Borderline heresy even.

    Dont forget the good ideas though. Question, does the avian influence bleed into the PDF forces?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:03 No.14536100
    Better yet, note that a Brother Issac and his strike force were wiped out to the last man by Tzeentchian renegades and their geneseed lost. Adds a sense that the Chapter's hunt is an ongoing war and not just ancient history
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)18:06 No.14536118
    >Question, does the avian influence bleed into the PDF forces?

    I don't think so. The pdf have their royal colors of purple and gold. Though the avian-shaped rebreather may be standard issue when outside of the hives.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)18:06 No.14536130
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:07 No.14536136

    All we really have to go on so far is that the PDF wears silly stuff. Apart from that, as far as I know, the bird theme can go as far as seems sensible.


    I think a good way to honour a certain Brother Isaac would be if the Secundus cleanup team found only his armour, which had been turned to stone or something by sorceries...And his remains are now a statue within the chapter keep somewhere, as a reminder of Khaliman's ebil.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:08 No.14536143

    Is the cover a composite of different drawings being redone? O_o
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:10 No.14536154

    It's 1 pre-done drawing, namely the beakie at the front, then original stuff. At least, I think so.


    Fair enough. I've just got this great image of guys with bird-like gas masks emerging from the mists, holding lasguns.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:10 No.14536163

    Sorry. I should say traced and then redone.
    I'm just a little surprised that we couldn't just get something new for the cover that isn't a trace back.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:12 No.14536175

    Yeah, I recognize the beaky in the front because I did it. Not sure about the other two in the back but one of them looked familiar. Not that I looked at the larger image.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:13 No.14536192
    That would mean the remains are considered unclean- touched by the warp, remember?

    How about having the battered, charred remains of his armour kept in the Chapter shrine as a relic? Perhaps his helmet recorder showed a valiant last stand, and he slew the favoured of the daemon prince that cursed Carter? Maybe the record led to the discovery of part of the daemon's true name, which would give them an advantage against it in battle?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:14 No.14536199

    Something like that works, yeah.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)18:17 No.14536225
    Who's Carter? The Chapter Master?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:24 No.14536300

    Jimmy Carter, obviously.

    The next time I have money I'm going to make some Secundus Operatives/Nightkin. Just...tactical marines with sniper rifles really.
    >> Comfy_Cushion 04/09/11(Sat)18:30 No.14536347
    Yeah, I'm painting the Mk. 6 Secundus from your drawing. The rest is original. It's not very far along at all right now.
    >> Comfy_Cushion 04/09/11(Sat)18:35 No.14536400
         File1302388553.png-(601 KB, 600x828, ENCodexsketch2.png)
    601 KB
    Maybe ya'll can see this one a little better.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:37 No.14536420
         File1302388642.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2904x1687, 40K Galaxy Map.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    Alright everyone, at the risk of creating a skubject, I think we need to decide where Icelus is in the galaxy. This will determine who their primary aggressors are and how close they were to the tyranid invasions. First I think we should vote on segmentum.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:39 No.14536437

    We've discussed the Segmentum, we've already ascertained Icelus is in the Segmentum Tempestus.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:39 No.14536445

    Huh. So what made you decide to go that route, if you don't mind my asking?
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)18:45 No.14536507
    It's a fairly unmentioned segmentum, and it's home to the Raven Guard. It would let them fight moderate tyranid fights as well as anything coming from Veiled Region
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:46 No.14536508
    The Star of Dreams is an ancient prometheum refinery, once used to fuel visiting starships high above Icelus. For reasons lost in the mists of time, the station became dormant- few ships docked there and the station became host to numerous gangs and assorted scum seeking a place to hide beyond planetside retribution.

    When the emperor's Nightmare chapter was founded, they saw the ancient station as a perfect foundation for anchoring their fleet. they cleaned out the scum that had been squatting in the derelict station and began the slow, arduous process of bringing the entire structure back up to habitable status and started converting it for their own needs, slowly stripping out the old refinery works and replacing them with armour plates, guns and launch bays.

    In the first few decades after the chapter's founding, the Star of Dreams bore witness to one of the Chapter's most tragic events.
    The Nightmare's small fleet was docked at the station, including their only battle barge, the Claw of Corax- a priceless gift from their progenators the Raven Guard.
    A Dark Eldar raiding force attacked without warning, falling upon the idle fleet with murderous ferocity while others landed on the hives to quickly take as many slaves as they could.
    Within moments of the attack, three strike cruisers were burning hulks and the station had taken heavy damage.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:46 No.14536512
    The Claw of Corax swiftly powered up under the command of the fleet master and slipped her moorings, weapons batteries swatting the raiders from the stars in retaliation for their previous losses.
    However, as the tide was turning to favour the Nightmares, one of the largest promethium silos on the Star of Dreams was hit and exploded. The conflagation caused crippling damage to half of the station but also engulfed the Claw of Corax, destroying her utterly.
    System defence ships swiftly arrived to drive back the raiders and within hours the Eldar were forced to retrat from the surface by the PDF and Space Marines, but the Emperor's Nightmares had suffered a deep blow that day.
    Although most of the Star of Dreas was repaired, the ruined silo still remains as a twisted, charred reminder of that fateful day and a warning to never let your guard down.
    The chapter's new Battle Barge, the Lucidity never docks at the Star of Dreams, instead remaining in the position of the Claw of Corax before its destruction, a silent grim guardian of the fallen.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)18:52 No.14536558

    I love it! A great addition to the EN's space-faring tales.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)18:54 No.14536580
    Yeah- needs proof reading and tweaking before 1d4chan though- I literally just typed it into the comment box
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)18:56 No.14536595
    I suppose I should work on the Icelus page. It just hit me that the amount of info about each hive is inversely proportional to its order, so Primus has the least fluff. This must be addressed.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:03 No.14536652
    Well, Primus is easily the biggest and home to the pdf Headquarters. It's probably also the closest to Betten-Burgen.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)19:15 No.14536771
    Being the Hive closest to Betten-Burgen, Icelus Primus is the starting point for the recruitment ritual of the Emperor's Nightmare, prospective candidates travelling from all over the planet in a desperate attempt to become one of Icelus' guardian angels. Many never make it, as travel by foot in the ash wastes is a dangerous prospect at the best of times. During the time of the recruitment the paths to the capital become rife with danger, bandits and nomadic beastmasters preying upon the pilgrims.

    Icelus is also the largest hive, with a population dwarfing the others by several billion. As such, this is also the headquarters of the Planetary Defence Force and the Adeptus Arbites maintains a moderate presence. Icelus' infamous underhive is an utter mess, its corridors and clearings choked with crumbling masonry and old works of art from some forgotten cultural rennaisance. Now, gangs and worse stalk its ruins, and decent people are few and far between.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)19:17 No.14536791
    Im back for the moment.

    Is there anything I might be able to help with?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)19:19 No.14536815

    We're just trundling on with fluff for now. I seriously think Icelus should have its own Dark Heresy splatbook, I've fallen in love with the place.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:21 No.14536834
    I know the feeling. Hive Icelus Tertius is my personal favorite. As such, a prominent resident from that hive will feature in my next story.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)19:25 No.14536871
    What other imperial forces are in the area and how well do they get along with the EM's?

    This will help establish the setting (so to speak)
    We already have the bloodravens (them thieving magpies) and jealous guard elements that are trying to put political pressure.

    What else?
    Im assuming some elements of black templar in the segmentum just because of the fact that they are everywhere.
    Any other chapters? Sisters?

    Would any of these have an effect on icelus?
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:28 No.14536900
    >Im assuming some elements of black templar in the segmentum just because of the fact that they are everywhere.

    I thought the same thing at first. But I realized as a standing army, the EN are a defensive force, something more appropriate for the region.
    What I mean is, you didn't see any Black Templars around the Maelstrom, you just had a group of chapters guarding it.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)19:30 No.14536915
    This is true.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)19:33 No.14536948

    I like the idea of an order of sisters nearby, dunno why. Not on Icelus, but in the sub/sector.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:38 No.14536988
    That's a good idea. You have Ophelia VII in the segmentum, so any of the orders at the Convent Sanctorum would work.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)19:42 No.14537018
    How would the sisters regard the EM's? Im sure the hospitalier would be imokwiththis.jpg

    Would the rest of them follow the "You sleep for months at a time, thats the sin of sloth!" route or.... ?
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:43 No.14537031
    Well, I added a date specifically to show, "This used to be a problem. It probably causes a few issues now and then even in M41, but for the most part it's been cleared it."
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)19:44 No.14537035
    cleared up*
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:48 No.14537077
    Just had a look at the Icelus dreadnought. the powerfists and thunderhammers are way too cheap. Sure you lose the I5 but for 30pts extra at the moment you could make a double chainfist ws 5, str 10 fast moving monster that could easily tear a stationary Reaver titan apart in one round of close combat. The points for powerfists/thunderhammers should be doubled at least, chainfists maybe 40pts each (You wouldn't take any other upgrades with a daul chainfist dread-just charge it towards the heaviest armour on the board so it would be reasonable).
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)19:53 No.14537122

    Thing is, even less reliable anti-tank weaponry can pop an icelus as though it was a tactical marine. That's WHY things for the Icelus aren't super expensive, you're probably going to lose them unless you're very clever, very lucky or skulk about in cover all game.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:53 No.14537126
    Durr i'm stupid. MCs roll 2D6 for armour penetration anyway, so you don't need chainfists at all with the Icelus dreadnought. Also didn't see the T4 for instant death so disregard it- if a single missile launcher can knock one out fairly easily a super expensive tank killing rusher would be stupid.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:56 No.14537150
    Yeah its not a bad idea- it forces people to use them as they were intended instead of being another derpknight
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)19:56 No.14537166

    Hehe, yeah, don't worry about it. We wrangled for ages trying to get the Icelus right.

    On a different note, I'm on my 8th Primus marine and may be able to get a picture up tonight. Don't expect artistry - I'm pretty much batch painting them, and I've never worked with bright yellows and stuff before (Long-time Dark Eldar/Dark Elf player, all dark all the time).
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:57 No.14537171
    Yeah it makes sense- forces the player to use an Icelus like it was intended instead of as a stealthy derpknight.
    >> Ingorant Bob 04/09/11(Sat)19:58 No.14537182
    good luck guys, I may be back tomorrow...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)19:58 No.14537183
    it said I mistyped the verification- no idea how I double posted there.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)20:03 No.14537210

    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)20:07 No.14537261
    See ya
    >> Magi 04/09/11(Sat)20:27 No.14537439
    Yeah so i'm gonna have a crack at the PDF
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)20:30 No.14537479

    Power to you, my good man.

    I'm on the last Primus marine, then I'm going to touch them all up (slap on ANOTHER fucking coat of yellow -_-) then take a picture of the first 10-man Emperor's Nightmare squad.
    >> THW 04/09/11(Sat)20:32 No.14537497
    I have to say I am absolutely loving the way this has evolved. It all seems such a long time ago when this chapter was first rolled up. I'll have to try and keep following again, see it I can added anything that might be good.(loss it for a while after thread 6 or so)
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)20:38 No.14537549
         File1302395919.png-(2.05 MB, 1000x1500, 40k_chart_template_by_blazbaro(...).png)
    2.05 MB
    Yeah, there was a 2-3 month hiatus after people got tired of the Nightmares.

    I'd still like to fill in a proper organization chart filled out.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)20:40 No.14537566

    Yeah. I'd do it, if I had Photoshop. We're nearly there, really...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:44 No.14537600
    More to the point, when did they become the Nightmare and not the Nightmares? I think the latter works a lot better- the Emperor's Nightmare makes it sound like they're Chaos Ponies with chainsaw-teeth chasing him through an endless field. Or something.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)20:47 No.14537628
    Technically, it was originally Nightmare

    But it's gone back and form for exactly that reason. It sounds so much better as nightmares in my opinion
    >> THW 04/09/11(Sat)20:48 No.14537633

    You could try using gimp instead. I don't know how good it would be for altering the text like that but atleast its free
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)20:55 No.14537708

    I'll give it a go. Currently taking a picture of the squad.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)20:57 No.14537727
    No, not really. Nightmares reinforces the fact they're a chapter, kind of like "Invaders" and "Blood Ravens". Also, they are the Nightmares. Of the Emperor. That doesn't work with Nightmare.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)20:58 No.14537731
    I'm downloading photoshop. I've never used it before, but I figured if I'm going to learn, it might as well be on something I'm passionate about.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)21:05 No.14537802
    >Emperor's Nightmare

    Sounds pretty heresy guys.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:06 No.14537819
         File1302397602.jpg-(55 KB, 633x434, Primus Front.jpg)
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    Photo 1, them from the front. This is the best quality you get.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)21:08 No.14537842
    And "the Emperor's Nightmares" sounds cool, if a bit 80s. (Like much of the rest of 40k)
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:10 No.14537879
         File1302397856.jpg-(56 KB, 614x433, Primus right.jpg)
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    Them facing the right side.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:13 No.14537911
         File1302398018.jpg-(63 KB, 765x446, Primus Left.jpg)
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    Aaand them looking the other way. There we go.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)21:13 No.14537912
    Glorious...simply glorious. It's all starting to pay off.

    I can see the issues that can arise with the yellow though.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:15 No.14537935

    Yeah, I need to slap about 40 coats each to stop them from being the Emperor's Greenmare, which results in a THIN YOUR PAINTS situation. When I actually buy my own rather than taking them off my friend's hands, I may undercoat the yellow half white.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)21:19 No.14537988
    oh no...I just realized...

    Look at the backpack on the primary marine picture on the wiki...
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)21:20 No.14538007
    Isn't there a glorious Imperial Fist yellow that involves Iyadden Darksun?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:20 No.14538010

    ...And then SC Guy died a little inside.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)21:21 No.14538020
    Huh...the color pattern on the main picture and the one in the gallery are reverse of each other...
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:22 No.14538029

    Hm. Maybe DoW2's quartered colour scheme is just like that.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)21:24 No.14538043
    We can chalk it up to a minor difference between primus companies if you like.

    Problem solved!
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:26 No.14538069

    Hehe, fair enough.

    And so the first modelfagging is done. Progress continues its pace. Today tactical marines, tomorrow Icelus Dreads!
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)21:36 No.14538196
    I've also downloaded Gimp, gonna give that thing a try.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:08 No.14538563

    Or not. I seem to be inept enough at Gimp that I can't seem to change the text.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)22:13 No.14538630
    I not sure this is exposited anywhere, but what are the company sizes, I now there above normal, but they'd have to be pretty massive if half their marines are asleep at anyone time and their broken into two battlegroups
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)22:18 No.14538683

    Nominal strength is 100. Effective strength can be anywhere from ~70-120. True strength is in the 130s, but the entirety of a company being awake at once is lottery-win rare. Also, the Dawn and Dusk are simply subgroupings; the EN follows the codex structuring of ten companies. Company 1 is the Dreads, Companies 2-5 are the Dawn, 6-9 are the Dusk, and 10 is the Scouts. So assume ~1300-1500 Marines, with effective strength fluctuating around the 1,000 number that gets Ultra rocks off.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:19 No.14538692

    I'm not strictly sure about Company sizes, but I seem to remember the chapter is about 1300 strong not counting sleepless.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:23 No.14538730

    The first company are the Night Owls veterans, with the dreads belonging there only nominally.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)22:24 No.14538739

    Photoshop! How does it work?

    No actually I'm making some good progress. It took some messing around with, but I managed to get the background purple and the text changed...still working on the chapter icon.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:25 No.14538752

    Lovely. Gimp is...Bizarre.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)22:31 No.14538815

    Sorry, was only around for creation thread, then lurked a few more. I'm not 100% on this stuff, just jumped at the chance to answer something I actually knew.


    I suggest a GIMP tutorial of some kind. GIMP is a little odd, but retardedly powerful, especially for freeware.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:32 No.14538824

    Heh, good on ya really.

    And yeah, I'll keep that in mind...
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)22:51 No.14538997
    Are the base tactical squads 10 marines and thus 13 squads per company, or 13 marines at 10 squads per company?
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)22:55 No.14539042

    Uuuh...Good question. I'd say 13 squads of 10, but...
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)22:58 No.14539069

    squads of 13 men would cause more of a deviance than extra squads in a company
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:00 No.14539083

    Yeah, I'm leaning towards it.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:05 No.14539132

    I'd go with, "As every EN is cross-trained to serve any role, tac squads are highly fluid. Tac squads can vary in size and composition based upon the number of wakeful Marines, but squad size will rarely dip below 10 or exceed 13."
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:14 No.14539211

    That'd make sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:23 No.14539300
         File1302405829.jpg-(52 KB, 469x350, shamans.jpg)
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    Going with the dreamcatchers, a Native American/Shamanistic theme would be pretty cool. Purity seals with beads and feathers, cloaks for librarians, and a moons/stars visual motif.
    >> Jareddm 04/09/11(Sat)23:25 No.14539317
         File1302405924.jpg-(360 KB, 1000x1500, Work_in_progress.jpg)
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    It's getting late, so for the moment here's the progress I've made.

    I should have everything figured out by tomorrow.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:28 No.14539359

    I like it. I guess we'll have to sit down at some point and just decide how much of everything everyone has.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:28 No.14539364
    Nah, we already have most of the heraldry fixed. Also, Dark Angels have the space native americans angle covered.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:40 No.14539482
    Icelus' fashion is already turning into an eerie owl carnival, which is equal part awesome and creepy.
    >> Magi 04/09/11(Sat)23:41 No.14539490
         File1302406892.jpg-(208 KB, 600x1134, PDF copy.jpg)
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    Yeah I had a go

    Silly hat, check
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:44 No.14539515

    I...really REALLY like it. It gives off a sort of almost egyptian feel, and has the uniform nature of...well...a uniform.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:45 No.14539529

    I like it. It's equal parts veneration of the chapter, Día de los Muertos mummery, totemic invocation, enemy intimidation, and bad acid trip.
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:47 No.14539547

    Indeed. Y'know what makes it even more deliciously creepy? These guys are wearing this. In gold and purple. In the middle of an ash waste.
    >> Magi 04/09/11(Sat)23:49 No.14539562
    They really dont care

    not a single fuck was given that day
    >> SC Guy 04/09/11(Sat)23:50 No.14539580

    I know, it's beautiful. Planet of the year, all years.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:51 No.14539588
    so glad that Icelus Guard regiment happened
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:55 No.14539622

    Exactly. Either the ash storms are so thick that you wouldn't be able to see a melta blast at point-blank, or you're hard enough that you WANT your enemies to see you coming.

    I'm seriously considering Icelus as my setting for the next DH/RT campaign I run. Pseudo-Swiss Guard and Marines that fall asleep at the drop of a plo-I mean HAT are too good for a GM to pass up.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/11(Sat)23:57 No.14539644
    So, just getting into the Emperor's Nightmare thing here, and was wondering if anyone has made the chapter badge at the proper resolution for DoW2?

    Would be a nice way to recognize fellow fa/tg/uys.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:02 No.14539686

    I'm pretty sure there's one kicking around SOMEWHERE, I've seen pics of it being done.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:04 No.14539709
    PDF, not guard regiment
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:07 No.14539739

    I know. I think it's great, PDF forces are usually mocked by Guard regiments for lack of skill. The Icelus PDF takes that away, and lets them laugh at something else instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:14 No.14539826
         File1302408864.png-(15 KB, 114x128, nightmarebadge.png)
    15 KB

    Here's the badge I've been using, found in a previous thread. I think the symbol has been updated since this was made, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:16 No.14539847
    I did, but I didn't save it, unfortunately. I play Retribution via a friend, so I did it up and transferred it to his computer.

    Back in the thread for the first time in hours, thanks to shitty wireless. I love hanging with my friends but it kills my ability to work on things.

    I see we nixed Isaac, at least as a character and in this current incarnation. I think it's probably for the best until we can find a direction to take it in. That said, still pretty fond of the name and epithet. Maybe we can find a place for each, Isaac of Tertius as a chapter martyr, and Watcher of Watchers for another character. That can wait, though.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:17 No.14539871

    I have a simple way to do this.

    Isaac of Tertius, head of the Reclusium.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:19 No.14539884
    Snatched and imput!
    >> Magi 04/10/11(Sun)00:19 No.14539892
         File1302409182.jpg-(196 KB, 600x1134, PDF greyed copy.jpg)
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    Just greyed it in a bit to contrast

    But yeah, i'd imagined a bunch of Imperial guards joking about the livery, then upon meeting them being scared shitless
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:19 No.14539894
    And martyr? I'm rather fond of the idea of the Chapter learning about their foe: it makes sense that they'd want to.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:22 No.14539924
    Not to mention Watcher of Watchers is a perfect moniker for someone constant on the look for those losing their minds to the sleepless
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:22 No.14539927

    ...Oh. I kinda blanked out that part for some reason. Uuuuh...Former head of the Reclusiam?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:24 No.14539951
    Guardian of the Weave, who cares for the dreamcatchers of each and every fallen son in the marines.
    In one great room they hang suspended from a domed roof. Those lost with the marine who bore them have specially-weaved honorary dreamcatchers, woven by a chaplain with the fallen marine's closest friends in his company.
    He chronicles the broken dreamcatchers of the Sleepless, as well, but those are not for their brothers to see. He keeps them in his private quarters, to reflect upon.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:26 No.14539978
    Indeed, a former hero who fell in a great dreamlands battle.
    The chief epistolary/reclusium head can have >>14539951, if you like it.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:26 No.14539982

    Excellent. Without you, Icelus wouldn't be half as vivid.


    Interesting idea, keeps with the fluff, is original.
    >> Comfy_Cushion 04/10/11(Sun)00:26 No.14539984
         File1302409609.png-(83 KB, 400x431, OwlglassFinal.png)
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    This is the most recent one.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:27 No.14539989
    He already has Fist of the Dreaming.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:29 No.14540013
    Watcher of Watchers sounds like it would be a good title for one of the secundus captains
    >> Magi 04/10/11(Sun)00:30 No.14540016
    Ok so I think i've broken the back of the people and uniform of Icelus.

    This thread should be archived with the rest as we've made quite a bit of progress in the way only /tg/ seems to be able to.

    If anyone has any requests for concepts and idea designs i'll save em' then post a few in the next thread when its made.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:30 No.14540020

    Okay, this is hot shit. But it doesn't really fit with the backstory for Isaac of Tertius, any of 'em we've come up with so far. Perhaps Isaac of Tertius started the tradition of keeping and maintaining the dreamcatchers of the fallen, the lost, and the Sleepless, and his subalterns continue it in his name as he (A) lives out his unceasing waking coma, rousing only to butcher the foes of his brethren, or (B) stands as a fallen example to his brethren, and another reason why Khaliman must burn.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:33 No.14540037
    Isaac of Tertius, onetime Master of the Reclusium, Slayer of the Four Thralls, Martyr of Kadath?

    Backstory: this guy killed four of the Tzeentch Prince's chief acolytes on the shifting plains of Kadath, wounded the manifestation of the same Prince, and managed to foil the thing's foul schemes before succumbing to his mortal injuries.

    His armour is a holy relic of the Chapter, kept in the main chapel of the Lucidity, and his sacrifice has been added to the Tomes of Dusk and Dawn, the record of the Chapter's battle histories.

    What few outside the Chapter Chaplaincy and Librarium know, however, is that Issac heard a fragment of the daemon's true name during his final charge, and that knowledge was passed on through his helmet vid recorder. With it, the Nightmares believe they have a weapon with which they can end this thing's threat for all time and restore their Chapter Master to wakefulness.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:35 No.14540060
    It feels like we've separated the name and the title from the storyline.

    I'm for changing the head of the Reclusium to something other than Isaac, and keeping the Isaac storyline a seperate entity from the Guardian of the Weave.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:35 No.14540066
    rolled 82 = 82


    I like this! Can we keep it? Pleeeeease?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:35 No.14540072
    Isaac can have begun the tradition--perhaps he can also be the first Chaplain the chapter had.
    As for the domed room with the dreamcatchers, perhaps that can be a place of utmost security. Due to their relationship with the Scholastica Psykana, they often agree to take in particularly tormented souls and give them solace. In that room, warded by the dreamcatchers of a thousand dead men, and safe behind the mental bastions of the August Dreamwalkers in Iron, they have a safety that most psykers never truly enjoy. When they walk the dreams, they are coached by librarians many centuries their elders, and in this way, the bonds between the chapter and the Scholastica remain steadfast.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:37 No.14540085

    This. So much this.


    Will do.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:38 No.14540096
    Sounds great! B) please. More of the Chapter's archenemy is always good.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:43 No.14540136
    Incidentally, this is a little late, but I think I prefer Emperor's Nightmare for the Chapter name. That said, if you refer to the people in it, it's Emperor's Nightmares

    >cité forsho
    Cite your works, fo sho!
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:44 No.14540145
    The Sanctuary of the Thousand?
    The Hall of Righteous Repose?
    The Silent Basilica?
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:45 No.14540159
    Actually, I like the idea that the Chaplains and Librarians are unusually close with one another, the tradition of the dreamcatcher being both a psychic tool and psychological aide to marines.

    The room of dreamcatchers for those marines who have died is brilliant as well.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:46 No.14540168

    I like the silent basilica, it's just one of those words which goes well with 40k.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:46 No.14540173
    The Peaceful Rest.
    The only time a Nightmare is ever truly at peace when he sleeps is when they die. They take the notion of a truly safe, secure, and satisfying rest as sacrosanct.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:48 No.14540183
    That feels more like what they would call death itself.
    I think I prefer the Silent Basilica for the name of the actual room.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:48 No.14540187

    here, I like >>14540037 and >>14540072. Both are solid, grounded fluff. Now, giving Isaac the permanent title, as the chapter seems big on ceremonial positions held by their lost and fallen?


    Nightmares plural is better nomenclature. "Emperor's Nightmares" can mean "these are the nightmares the Emperor sends against you". "Emperor's Nightmare" is pretty much entirely limited to "these are the nightmare of the Emperor", and the Emperor fearing anything is HERESY!.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:50 No.14540205

    Death itself is the True Sleep, and the hope of every Nightmare is that therein, he will Dream.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:50 No.14540206
    All in favour of the Silent Basilica?

    Also, I'm thinking that if we ever get to making a timeline for the Nightmares, we should have at least one instance of something Going Horribly Wrong, with a tainted psyker blocked from entering by the wards, revealed to have been corrupted, and purged.

    Given that the psykers going there are ones with problems, it's plausible.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:51 No.14540210
    I don't know, when I think Emperor's Nightmare, I think "this is the nightmare that belongs to the Emperor. He sends it against you."
    Plus, there's something awesome about the singular. The blood draining out of a cultist's face when he whispers "It's the Nightmare."
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)00:51 No.14540216

    Hmmm...It DOES chime in with the Nightmares' being wet for their ancestors.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)00:52 No.14540224
    Permanent title of what? Master of the Reclusium or Guardian of the Weave?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:57 No.14540274

    Second on both counts. Another reason for the Psykana to be permanently indebted - they ferreted out weakness in their midst.


    You're bringing me around to that argument, namely "this is the nightmare the Emperor sends against you".


    Both. The current lead Chaplain is his nominal second.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)00:58 No.14540279
    I do like Silent Basilica, I just think it could be applied somewhere else. Something suggesting a calm rest (The Calm Rest) would be doubly appropriate, both for Nightmares venerating their dead and for the sanctuary it gives troubled psykers who would likely have dreams addled by the warp.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:00 No.14540310
    You could apply the same argument for "Nightmares". I just think it sounds a bit strange to apply the singular to an organization of 1000 supermen. Had the same reaction to some strange phrasing in DOW Retribution: all the other games treated the Blood Ravens as plural, but Retribution went back and forth.


    So the Silent Basilica is the place's name,a nd the Calm Rest the peace its residents obtain?
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:01 No.14540316
    But all of those ancestors are still around as dreadnoughts.
    It feels like the connection would be weaker with those who have fallen.

    My stance is that Isaac was the first head of the reclusium, and working alongside Tibalt (pre-dreamwalker in iron), and the scholastica psykana, they developed the dreamcatcher tradition. Eventually Isaac fell in battle.

    That the marine who faced the Khaliman demon and was destroyed along with his squad in the dreamscape is a different individual from Isaac.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:02 No.14540326
    “Kek them! I earned this kekking thing after my tours and training. I know what I did,” Antiman snarled.

    “Oh? What’dya do? Learn to wipe your ass without leaving a mess on your hands?”

    Antiman turned to the new voice before groaning, “You?”

    “You sound so unhappy,” Sniper Yamka chirped behind her masked face. She was in full combat gear with the exception of her long-las, with only her voice able to let anyone know her real gender, considering the rather voluminous qualities of the Icelus uniform.

    “I mean, I got this little baby after I pegged one of them back home” Yamka continued as she proudly tapped a dull medal, “I don’t think whatever you did to come to this wonderful slice of paradise would compare.

    “Them? One of the Lords?” Antiman asked. He knew the tomboyish sniper in passing, but this was the first time he’d ever talked to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:02 No.14540337
    “Yep, basic training too,” Yamka asserted.

    “Bitch,” Antiman breathed in amazement.

    “Shithead,” Yamka shot back. “Well, it was really just luck. I was crawling around looking like a dumb sack of lard when I found one of the Lords looking for stragglers during a search and destroy exercise. He dodged almost right after I fired, but I still nicked a shoulder. Well, and then I got my head pounded into the ground, but you know, a hit is a hit,” she said modestly.

    “So…what’d you do that’s so special? Huh, snowflake?”

    Antiman was saved the trouble of answering when a dozen Guardsman walked up to their table.

    “Anyone tell you all you look dumber than an Ork? All these bright colors? You do realize what camouflage is, right?” one particularly cocky looking one asked before looking back at his friends with a grin.

    “Yep. I know it just makes it harder to find your dog tags after you’re been shot by a heretic,” Antiman shot back.

    As the enraged Guardsman and his crew looked ready to deck Antiman here and now, Yamka tried to defuse the situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:03 No.14540346
    “Hey hey now. We’re all Guard. We don’t need a fight. You’ll have to ignore my friend here. He’s been trained Primus, all flash and no substance if you get what I’m saying. Now me, on the other hand, well…” Yamka trailed off before leaning close, her still helmeted head sending horrific shivers down the insulted Guardsmen.

    Yamka swept the legs off the one in front, sending him to hit the metal table painfully before punching another quickly as the stunned Guardsmen began screaming in rage.

    “I thought we weren’t looking for a fight,” Honaw asked before blocking a hastily thrown straight.

    “Eh, no one keks around with the Lords’ colors. First thing I learned in basic. Well, that and ‘the Las is your best friend,’” Yamka explained.

    “I just wanted a kekking drink,” Antiman whined before shattering his mug on a particularly ugly man’s face.

    “Hey, if the Commissar doesn’t kill us, I’ll buy us rounds,” Yamka promised.

    “Bitch, I’m going to hold you to that,” Antiman swore before kicking another below the belt, watching in satisfaction as the man dropped like a stone.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:05 No.14540361
    >Both. The current lead Chaplain is his nominal second.

    This works for the Chapter Master because he's still technically around. Isaac isn't. There's no reason not to pass on the title just as if it was Epistolary, Chief Apothecary, or Master of the Forge.

    Oh! We need a Master of the Forge! (Preferably one who's strongly at odds with either the chief apothecary or Master of the Reclusium.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:07 No.14540380
    I'm figuring the Master of the Forge would be someone who sees the Sleepless as a blessing. Endless focus in exchange for fleshy sleep? Everyone wins!
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)01:08 No.14540388

    I'm not usually too fond of guard stories, but I thoroughly enjoyed that one.


    You've got a point there.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:09 No.14540401
    >I just think it sounds a bit strange to apply the singular to an organization of 1000 supermen.

    Another look at the organizational naming of SM units points toward pluralism. Emperor's Children, World Eaters, Blood Ravens, Ultramarines, Black Templars, Space Wolves, etc. Legions and chapters are pluralized.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:10 No.14540418
    Valter Fervesco, Holder of the Key.
    Keys were a bit of symbolism we gradually forgot about from early on in the threads, and they could stand to come back. Plus, it's a nice nod to the vehicles that isn't a completely serious epithet. Fits 40k.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)01:18 No.14540485

    The key motif is a good one, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:20 No.14540497
    ...I suppose we could reverse them.
    Individual is a Nightmare, not a Nightmares, envisioned by his Emperor and directed against His foes. Chapter is Nightmares. It does give an excellent image.
    "One thousand and one Nightmares did He dream! One thousand and one Nightmares do stand before you!"

    ...Shit, now I need to adjust my lexicon to using the plural, if we do that.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:21 No.14540509
    We were talking in the last thread about how Machine Cultists 'encourage' techmarines towards sleepless, missing node checks and hiding their changes in emotions. The Master of the Forge is most likely all for this practice, but individual marines may have divided loyalties on the matter.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:22 No.14540528
    >"One thousand and one Nightmares did He dream! One thousand and one Nightmares do stand before you!"

    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:23 No.14540537
    Oh, that gives me an idea for an ever better twist. He's not just encouraging sleeplessness--he IS Sleepless. And he's been holding on far longer than anyone suspects.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:25 No.14540557
    I was going to suggest it originally, but it seemed too much.
    But now that you mention it, he would be the most capable of maintaining his sanity through both willpower and augmentations.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:27 No.14540578
    It introduces a point of strife and an assurance of future problems for the chapter to contend with.

    I might write something for this. One of his new entries, a particularly bright young lad who has a lot of potential, is working with him. And realizes he's Sleepless. And, over their work, they just talk about it. There is most definitely a "the flesh is weak" to be had in there somewhere.

    Everyone okay with the name Valter Fervesco, Holder of the Key?
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)01:28 No.14540587

    >The Sabres of Reality - This ornate pair of swords was the last work of Sleepless Master of the Forge Zefirino Timeus. The blade is etched with thousands and thousands of names, which are rumoured to be the names and ranks of every member of the Imperium Timeus ever fought alongside.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:29 No.14540590

    Even wackier. Aspiring Sleepless. He's augmented himself to the teeth and pumps himself full of wake-drugs to keep going, but eventually, the cataplexy and narcolepsy take even him. He wakes from every slumber all the more frustrated, seeking true Sleeplessness and true Fluidity.

    Bonus Points: he's read Theuros treatise on Fluidity, and adheres to it religiously.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:31 No.14540614

    Thureos. I ken tyep todai.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:32 No.14540623
    That would definitely make him a Chapter eccentric--particularly because of the use of stims. Though they don't see eye to eye, his rivals are the first to defend him about it. It is how he honors them, they say.
    Though someone might deck him if it got out that he wanted to be sleepless. Hell, imagine a marine who had just been diagnosed hearing that.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)01:35 No.14540670
    On a side note, I added a pic of my tactical marines up to the tabletop thread, since I thought it looked drab and the pic is relevent.

    "Warning: This page is 47 kilobytes long; some browsers may have problems editing pages approaching or longer than 32kb. Please consider breaking the page into smaller sections."

    *Evil laughter*
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:38 No.14540700
    >Even wackier
    I'm sorry, but these are not words i want to hear in reference to possible material. I mean no offense.

    I think the problem with taking it that far is it becomes too noticeable. The Apothecaries and Chaplains are vigilent and probably end up catching a decent percentage of those techmarines trying to follow Machine Cult orders, the Apothecaries and Chaplains able to convince them of the wrongness of their path.

    Though I do have another idea for Valter Fervesco, he sees the Waking Dead as the keys to using the Sleepless to its full potential. This strains his relationship with Apothecary Eidelan even further by making Valter jealous of the time and attention Eidelan spends with the sleepless dreadnoughts.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:41 No.14540735
    More yes!
    >> Starshadow 04/10/11(Sun)01:49 No.14540822
    You guys are still at it? Amazing.

    I think the master of the forge should be a sleepless techmarine for sure. When a techmarine goes sleepless, he turns nuts just like everyone else. But the difference is that they are so steeped in the machine dogma that they see this as a good thing. In their minds they don't think "holy god I can't sleep going CRAAAAZY", they think of being sleepless as a positive thing. Bringing them closer to the machine.

    Consequently all sleepless techmarines become reclusive hermit artificers deep in the chapter keep. Still crazy, still dangerous. But as long as they have something to build, or a machine to fix they stay "sane".

    The Master of the Forge takes this to an extreme. Among all of the chapter he is the closest to the Admech and their dogma as a whole. To the point that when he turned sleepless he replaced parts of his brain with experimental implants of his own design. This upped the crazy SO FAR that he hit the limiter and crossed back over to zero.
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 04/10/11(Sun)01:52 No.14540853
    Do we have a volunteer for someone making the pdf?

    If not, then I might be able to help with it a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)01:53 No.14540857
    I don't know about the whole thing. I think the chapter quietly abides the Mechanicus' interference, but draw the line at the Master remaining in his station while becoming deranged.
    Fervesco is keeping it secret, and has been for a long time now. Thus far, he seems lucid and rational. But that can't last forever, no matter how fine his bionics or studious his work.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)01:53 No.14540863
    Got that all covered Starshadow, good to have you back.

    And good timing too. For the last two hours, I was seriously starting to understand what the Master of the Forge is saying.
    Time for me to get to bed. Stay strong brothers! I'll see you in the morning.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)01:55 No.14540878

    Later, rest easy.


    I kinda assumed that I'd do it eventually, due to my penchant for taking on stupid amounts of responsibility. Bit of a relief that others are willing to help do it.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:08 No.14541000
    I'm ju8st getting back from work.

    What are you guys working on? I'll run thru what I missed so far.

    Also, I can't stay on for to long, but I am defiantly playing 40k tomorrow. What would you like me to play test?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:10 No.14541022
    I for one want to see how Icelus dreads go.
    We're currently talking about the Master of the Forge. Working name is Valter Fervesco, title is Holder of the Key. Deciding whether or not he's Sleepless.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:13 No.14541045

    Playest anything you want. Preferably some of the new stuff, like the Icelus, a special character maybe, or the Secundus stuff.


    Because I can.

    Also, I'll be starting playtesting on Vassal40k.


    Because I can
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 04/10/11(Sun)02:13 No.14541046
    Fair enough.

    I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for when you guys start working on the page designs and such, though.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:14 No.14541071

    Please do, we need all the help we can get, aesthetic-wise. Our drawfags are skilled, but few, and we need to make this beautiful.
    >> Starshadow 04/10/11(Sun)02:17 No.14541100
    >I don't know about the whole thing. I think the chapter quietly abides the Mechanicus' interference, but draw the line at the Master remaining in his station while becoming deranged.
    Fervesco is keeping it secret, and has been for a long time now. Thus far, he seems lucid and rational. But that can't last forever, no matter how fine his bionics or studious his work.

    Yeah exactly. The ENs and the Mechanicus are bros basically. Sleepless techmarines don't have the same stigma attached to them as the regular sleepless. Technology is their crutch, its what allows them to continue functioning. But that does NOT change the fact that under the veneer of sanity (however effective) lies a crazy insomniac.

    When Fervesco implanted himself he didn't leave behind any prototypes or schematics. Short of cutting his head open, no one has any way of figuring out what exactly the implants did to him. So even though he is far more sane than your average sleepless techmarine, his place in a position of leadership is unacceptable to the rest of the chapter. Particularly the Secundus faction.

    This creates an interesting tension in that no one really knows how stable he is. He himself is afraid to find out. And everyone is worried how unstable he might become if he was removed from the position. So at present day he still holds the rank Master of the Forge, and no one is quite sure what to do.

    Sound about right?
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:18 No.14541109
         File1302416301.jpg-(151 KB, 792x764, Last Stand.jpg)
    151 KB
    On that note, might as well share this again for lack of other material.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:20 No.14541129

    Sounds good to me. Inter-chapter tensions are something not many codexes regularly go into. The Ultramarines and such are all bros all the time, for instance.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:23 No.14541154
    Hmm. I'm not sure about the bits in his head--perhaps standard logis implants, albeit master-crafted ones he produced himself, possibly minorly tweaked to account for his catalapsean failure.
    As for his position, it should be secure due to secrecy. The others may have suspicions, but nothing they can act upon. His tests all show as passes, and they can't overtly accuse him or imply suspicion by requesting further inquiries. If they knew for sure he was Sleepless, the Wake would immediately pass a motion to have him retire to a senior, but not leading, role.
    This leaves him technically 'safe,' but a time bomb. Someday something will go wrong.
    >> Ekoi !PpcsYfrVrw 04/10/11(Sun)02:27 No.14541199
    While I couldn't draw a spacemarine or mecha to save my life, I can certainly help to make the pdf look like a legit codex when the time comes.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:30 No.14541222
    How about as a safeguard, The forge master can "turn" his brain off thru some techy crap? Like only a few of the Wake have the right to use it, but he set it up with them incase he snaps. Like Superman giving Batman kryptonite incase he loses it, knowing and trusting him enough to use when right.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:34 No.14541248
    It'd still be a tacit acknowledgment of his Sleeplessness, and they'd be officially bound to strip him of rank.
    I like the idea of most Nightmares being responsible enough to come forward, but there should be a handful that think they can control it, or are afraid to step forward. Adding one in a position as important as Master of the Forge introduces a source of strife, interchapter politics, intrigue, and it also cements that not every Nightmare is a golden boy who does everything right all the time.

    That said, maybe his failsafe brainstem-separator or whatever it is has been built and lies in his quarters, should he ever snap. Maybe with instructions to his scion in the event of his loss.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:35 No.14541263
    Guess what? Ther's another thread where they're making a chapter for deathwatch!

    The Emperors Nightmare's might be getting a little brother!?
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:37 No.14541279
    nevermind. Space wolfs pissed in the gene stock, they aren't even really human anymore.
    >> Starshadow 04/10/11(Sun)02:38 No.14541286
    >Hmm. I'm not sure about the bits in his head--perhaps standard logis implants, albeit master-crafted ones he produced himself, possibly minorly tweaked to account for his catalapsean failure.

    Thinking on the mechanicus for a second. People who hold the highest ranks in the mechanicus tend to replace most of their brains. Some take this to an extreme and go full on transhuman. But most of them simply eliminate the need to sleep. In fact this is a pretty common augmetic among techpriests. An implant that rests half the brain at once.

    So the simplest explanation that makes the most sense here is that Fervesco realized that he was Sleepless and hid the fact. In secret he master/mad scientist-crafted one of these implants with the intention of subverting/replacing his damaged catalepsian node.

    Outwardly the secret procedure worked. But with no benchmark to test against, no one has any idea how well it worked. Not even Fervesco himself.

    >captcha: ssiner defined
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:38 No.14541289

    Perhaps, perhaps not. Remember the Flesh Helms?
    Neither do I.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:40 No.14541310
    Maybe he spends his time racing against the clock, trying to replace the right part of himself to stave off the insanity.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:43 No.14541334
    That is a good point. I had a buddy play a pyro happy tech priest in DH. He had a similar basis, so he was always on guard duty.

    Also, anybody around the Sussex county, NJ area tomorrow? I'll be at the Hobbytown USA in Newton. It'd be nice to playtest with someone who is familiar with this project.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:45 No.14541349
    I'd love to, but I'm way up in CT.
    That said, today I actually went out to my nearest game store, a half-hour and three towns away. I definitely don't have the cash for 40k, but I looked at the models and paints, started thinking about buying one part of the army at a time until I had 500 points.
    Also put in a bid on a raffle they have going. Winner can get a premade Chaos battleforce. If I did happen to win, they'd be agents of Khaliman in a second.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:47 No.14541364
    I hope ya get a decent opponent who won't whine about you using a fandex.

    That said, as I suggested earlier, Vassal40k may be the way to go for playtesting. Playing 40k over the web and all.
    >> Starshadow 04/10/11(Sun)02:49 No.14541385
    >It'd still be a tacit acknowledgment of his Sleeplessness, and they'd be officially bound to strip him of rank.
    Yeah, they can't prove that he is Sleepless outright because the implants still give him a "regular" sleep cycle. Sleep =/= Sleepless. But at the same time he demonstrates the most common qualities of being Sleepless which raises everyone's suspicions.

    >That said, maybe his failsafe brainstem-separator or whatever it is has been built and lies in his quarters, should he ever snap. Maybe with instructions to his scion in the event of his loss.

    HAH! Even better. I just realized that the ENs have extra personnel to fill every position. Up to and including the Master of the Forge. Who takes over when the Master is asleep for a month? Why, the next best person for the job of course!

    This is what makes the intrigue so juicy. His second in command knows exactly what is going on!

    What sanity he does have makes him responsible. He knows exactly what will happen if he goes off the deep end and wouldn't want to hurt the chapter. So he brought his successor in on the plan and made him the fail-safe.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)02:50 No.14541389
    Neighbor is throwing a loud as hell party.

    There will be no rest tonight.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:53 No.14541412

    Ouch. Welcome back, brother.


    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:54 No.14541413
    Do we have rules set for him, or are we just getting his fluff down. Also it just dawned on me that I haven't checked if the other characters we were working on got finished. (Isaac and the Libby)
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:55 No.14541433

    I think we're just putting the fluff down. Isaac is now different.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)02:55 No.14541434
    "They all think I'd be a monster. I am no fool. Committed, yes. Driven, yes. But no fool. If the day comes--when the day comes, if I am not swift enough--you have the codes. With the lockout, I can no longer change them even if I wished to."
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)02:56 No.14541442
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)02:57 No.14541455

    Isaac of Tertius, onetime Master of the Reclusium, Slayer of the Four Thralls, Martyr of Kadath?

    Backstory: this guy killed four of the Tzeentch Prince's chief acolytes on the shifting plains of Kadath, wounded the manifestation of the same Prince, and managed to foil the thing's foul schemes before succumbing to his mortal injuries.

    His armour is a holy relic of the Chapter, kept in the main chapel of the Lucidity, and his sacrifice has been added to the Tomes of Dusk and Dawn, the record of the Chapter's battle histories.

    What few outside the Chapter Chaplaincy and Librarium know, however, is that Issac heard a fragment of the daemon's true name during his final charge, and that knowledge was passed on through his helmet vid recorder. With it, the Nightmares believe they have a weapon with which they can end this thing's threat for all time and restore their Chapter Master to wakefulness.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)03:06 No.14541524
    I just found the section wher you guys talked about that. I like the change.

    And you reminded me, The number of special characters is good a 8. I thought about it today, The EN are only one chapter. Wher codices like Vanilla marines and BA incorporate multi chapters, thus more special characters. We are more like the Templars, one chapter so 8 is more then enough.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)03:07 No.14541542
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    Yes, but on the bright side, it's given me time to work out the photoshop issues. I screwed up the Chapter Icon, so that will need to be redone, but for a first try, I'd say it looks pretty good!
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)03:13 No.14541591
    Love it!

    For the Reclusium, I think 11 is a good number. Isaac would have made a dozen, one for each company, and maybe a fluffy Chap Dread.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)03:13 No.14541592

    It's looking good. Did we go with keeping Isaac as the honourary leader of the Reclusiam after all, then? My attention waned partially at that point.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)03:16 No.14541625
    How many dreads did we decide on total?
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)03:18 No.14541640

    We have 58 dreads total, 2 of which are empty.
    >> Anonymous 04/10/11(Sun)03:19 No.14541658
    Does that include Randolph?
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)03:19 No.14541659
    Do we want to pull a Vulkan or a Cypher and keep the name Isaac? I'm still not a huge fan of keeping the same name.

    I'm for having Isaac as the name of the first chaplain, and the original Guardian of the Weave, but I'd prefer a replacement name for the current Chaplain
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)03:21 No.14541678
    Then lets drop the dread listing from each company. That way we can list how many of each type we have in the 1st company. We'll leave it up to the individual to have them seconded to whatever company they want.

    Where do we want to throw these dreads to most?
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)03:23 No.14541702
    Good idea

    I would say Hellfire, considering in most of primus, besides vehichles, they're all the heavy weapons the company is gonna get.
    >> SC Guy 04/10/11(Sun)03:24 No.14541709

    Not a clue.
    >> Wing Zero 04/10/11(Sun)03:27 No.14541739
    Also, we should have a lot of apothecaries, but not phobetors.(do to the stretching of dread numbers) I think 2 should suffice.

    While I'm thinking of it, We should only have about 20 or so sleepless. That way the phobetors aren't spread across the battlefield and it shows that this isn't an epidemic, like the black rage.
    >> Jareddm 04/10/11(Sun)03:27 No.14541744
    New Thread


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