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!uGYNBMPzOs 04/13/11(Wed)01:16 No.14575694 File1302671807.png-(61 KB, 1748x1576, assaultday1a.png)
 You smile "In a way. If they willingly chance infection with the illness that a were-form is, survive, and are able to control their bestial form, yes. If they cannot control it, they will be used for more suicidal attacks like the one I am planning, and if they die, well, it is a kinder fate than crucifixion."
Sansa nods, understandingly, salutes and heads off to carry your message "This is a dangerous precedent your setting, Commander" Cornelius opines "tactically sound, and possibly devastating, but dangerous."
"Once the disease becomes wide-spread and well known again the trend will surely pass." you assure the man.
Jayne walks up behind you, and though she says nothing, you know she is shaking her head as you feel energy rushing through your body, and your tired limbs rejuvenated. "What did you want this list for?" she asks, curious. You relay to her your plan to release a horde of starving were-mintaurs through a sally-port in the night, to rush the enemy camp, and perhaps earn a pardon should they survive the siege. "It could work, though I doubt many will survive. I will see that the opportunity is given to the qualifying prisoners. If enough accept we may even recoup the days we lost from our food stores over the last few days." she adds optimistically, before kissing you and heading off.
By midday, the enemy is arrayed in formation, levies standing to the sides of their towers with ladders. they will begin to advance soon enough, though you have plenty of time to set your men in battle formation yet.
>>14575346 >the Northmont baby boom, because the Midnight Dragon said "love thy neighbor", and we all know how he does love... |