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04/21/11(Thu)04:57 No.14666207 File1303376226.png-(165 KB, 1417x709, Bleed to black.png)
 Dear diary,
remember that halfling assassin we showed mercy last time? Yeah, I wish we hadn't; the bitch rallied a whole frelling syndicate of evil around her (most of them being villains we crossed and foiled along the course of our adventures), waging what would best be described as all-out war against us. Last time I ever trusted the word of a LAWFUL recurring antagonist. Sheesh.
So anyhow, the proverbial shit had hit the fan - we were grossly outnumbered, outwitted. Our fearless leader was mired in scum, our munchkin warlock was lying in a pool of his blood not 10 seconds into the fight, the rest of us trying hard to keep our sorry hides intact. And I had those voices clawing at my mind, yet again, telling me to gorge myself on the flesh of friend and foe alike. Worst. Migraine. Ever.
Well, despite all odds, we somehow managed to turn the tide of the battle. Barely. Gory details aside, we managed to subdue the assassin, and YET again she pleaded for her life. The party leader, no longer daunted by her petty attempts, gave me the courtesy of killing the bitch, she was primarily after me, after all. And then the warlock strolls in, all casual-like, having woke up from his bloodied comatose state, and guess what he does, dear diary? That's right, he melts the assassin's face off, then and there. Now, you must believe that I had kept the voices in check throughout the whole battle, keeping in mind my comrades and their well-being, but seeing his selfish munchkin behaviour, a part of me simply snapped. I really, REALLY wanted to be the one to deal the final blow. |