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04/24/11(Sun)08:03 No.14703043 File1303646591.jpg-(335 KB, 1200x1498, sisterstz.jpg)
 >>14702716 My Sister, your sense of loyalty is to be praised. It is sucha shame is with those who wish to see us dead. Do you not know? The Marines, The Navy, The Guard, The Admech, do you know what they whisper about you? Zealots, Madwomen, Hateridden, Idiots. "What are women doing on the battlefield?" They ask "It is a heresy towards the God Emperor of MAN."
And do you know what the worse name they call you behind your backs? Pawns. Pawns to die so as to slow down the foe. Pawns to die so that the Guard and Marines can look so much better. Pawns to die so that the men may feel sorrow.
But they never do, why should they feel pity for mere pawns?
Tell my Sister, how many worlds has the Imperium sent you to burn? How many times have you dirtied your hands for your beloved Emperor? The people you vowed to protect will turn on you, you can only burn so many. And when they do, the Marines will be sent in to end your villainy. And they people will love them. And you will die, like the pawns in the Emperor's great game.
That is why I give you this chance dear sister. You need never be a pawn again. With me dear sister, you will be Queen of this relam, never again needed to lick the boots of the Imperium. Together we can break the chains of the Imperium and bring about a new rule, our rule. Together we can save humanity! |