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05/23/11(Mon)04:35 No.15021428 File1306139719.jpg-(20 KB, 321x267, coolface_RE_Online_Gaming_Stat(...).jpg)
 I have an origin story for the Master Troll! One day while browsing 4chan, a man-child was typing away at his computer, a shit eating grin on his face. "Today," he thought, "is the day I show them all! No board can resist my bait, no mod can permaban me!" His grin grew ever wider as he checked the dozens of tabs he had open, each one open to a thread on each board; threads that he would destroy utterly. Over the next few hours, he trolled Anon anonymously, his evil thoughts deafening his ears to the cries of his mother for dinner, and the deep rollings of thunder in the distance. He trolled the /b/tards, the fa/tg/uys, the /x/enophiles and the /mu/tants. He fed upon the rage of the /v/irgins and /co/mrades, and drank deep the tears of the /sp/orties and the /lit/fags. His bans were numerous, but so was he, for where one b&-hammer fell, two more proxies appeared to foil the mods. Everywhere within the imageboard, outcries of fury and despair filled the threads as the controversy, the spamming and the fur-faggotry struck again and again unabated, causing some anons to call out for the tripfags and namefags to defend them where the mods either would not or could not, declareing that Summer and the end-times were upon them. (cont.) |